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5:34 PM

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JRQAKAN QA{AQAKANOUJIUNE ØSMAN:AN KA|SROUJIUNOUM "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Jourq vamanakakiz patmabann;rn ou qa[aqakan gor‘icn;re pndoum ;n% or Øsman;an souljann;re fandourvo[akan qa[aqakanoujiun ;n war;l fpatak axg;ri nkatmamb% jh qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;re c;n ;njarkou;l axga\in ou krønakan yn,man ou fala‘anqn;ri! Irakanoum mafm;takan fog;uor ;u a,.arfik w;rna.aui famar skxbounqa\in farz hr a\lafauat fpatakn;ri mafm;takanazoumn ou jrqazoume% ori irakanazman famar nranq gor‘adroum hin amhn t;saki b®noujiun! Øsman;an p;touj;an ko[miz nouayoua‘ ;rkrn;roum t;[i bnakcouj;ane mafm;takanazn;lou ;u jourqazn;lou ou[[ouj;amb .ist ;u endfanour mi=ozn;r ;n ];®narkou;l! A®a=in f;rjin auatathr;riz pafan=ou;l h fauata'o. lin;l% faka®ak dhpqoum spa®naz;l ;n b®nagrau;l nranz fo[;re! Baxmajiu 'ast;r kan% oronq wka\oum ;n auatathr;ri b®ni mafm;takanazman ;u mafm;takanazoumiz fravarouo[n;ri fo[;ri \a',takman masin! Âous patmaban A& V;l;axkowan palqan;an ;rkrn;roum b®ni mafm;matakanazman ;u jourqazman masin .øs;lis% \;nou;low jourqakan frowartakn;ri ou a\l wau;ragrakan niuj;ri wra\^ n,oum h% or no\nisk qa[aqa\in bnakcouj;an am;naza‘r .aue dim;l h fauata'o.ouj;an% na.% orphsxi axatoui ‘anr fark;riz ;u ;rkrord^ stana\ mafm;takanoujiune endouno[i famar safmanoua‘ nouhrn;rn ou dramakan bar]r parg;ue!1 Jourq patmaban F& Jiuny;ri fraparaka‘ jourqakan mi=nadar;an kanounnam;n;roum ;us parx n,uoum h% or mafm;takanoujiune endoun;lou dhpqoum qriston;an axatuoum hr mi ,arq fark;ri wyaroumiz!2 Xangoua‘a\in b®ni mafm;takanazman lauago\n ørinak karo[ h fandisanal Fam,hni bnakcouj;an fauata'o.oujiune! Fam,hnafa\;re boun Fam,hnoum% Garat;rhi ,r=anoum ;u Yorou.i fowtoum mafm;takanoujiun ;n endoun;l tasnam;akn;r t;ua‘ \ama® pa\qariz \;to\! Øsman;an ka\srouj;an qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;rin jrqazn;lou qa[aqakanoujiune .ist npastoum hr mi=nadaroum kira®ouo[ mankafauaqe (t;u,irmhn)! A\n mi katar;al patoufas hr na;u fa\ vo[owrdi famar! Ar;umt;an Fa\astani nafangn;roum mankafauaqe sks;l h kira®ou;l 1464 j&! Mankafauaqin w;rab;ro[ wau;ragrakan niuj;re fauaq;l ;u ;rkou fatorow fratarak;l h jourq patmaban I& Ouxouncar,elen!3 fraparakoua‘ a\d ar.iua\in niuj;riz imanoum ;nq% or mankafauaqe t;[i h oun;z;l iuraqanciur ;rkou kam fing tarin mhk angam! Mankafauaqi pa,tønin n,anakoua‘ w;rakazoun ,r=oum hr ir;n \atkazoua‘ wa\r;roum ;u fauaqagroum oujiz qsan tar;kan qriston;a\ t[an;rin! A\nouf;t;u% t[an;rin pafakn;ri fsko[ouj;an n;rqo\% b;roum hin Stampoul ;u \atouk granzman mat;ann;row n;rka\aznoum ;nic;rin;ri4 a[a\in! A\st;[ 'o.oum hin nranz anounn;re% kataroum mafm;takan fauate endoun;lou ;rdman araro[oujiun! A\nouf;t;u t[an;rin \atouk xøranoza\in pa\mann;roum dastiarakoum hin mol;®and mafm;takanouj;an ogow ;u dar]noum ;nicn;ri! Mankafauaqin w;rab;ro[ frowartakn;riz t;[;kanoum ;nq na;u% or xinouorakan ‘a®a\ouj;an 'o.arhn t[an;rin \aya. a,.atazr;l ;n orphs ]ri a,.atouv tarb;r gor‘;roum! Isk g;[;zik wa\;lcakaxm t[an;rin øgtagor‘;l ;n palatakan xanaxan a,.atanqn;roum!5 I& Ouxouncar,elen endounoum h% or palqan;an vo[owourdn;riz bazi fa\;rn ou wrazin;re% ;us ;njarkou;l ;n mankafauaqi! No\nisk b;roum h mi qani ørinakn;r% ort;[ zo\z h truoum% jh t;u,irmhi ;njarkoua‘ fa\ patanin;re \;taga\oum fas;l ;n bar]r pa,tønn;ri (bnakanabar jrqaza‘% A&"&)! Parxuoum h% 16-rd dari fanra\a\t yartarap;t Goya Sinane t;u,irmhow fauaqagroua‘ ;r;.an;riz h! ªFanra\a\t yartarap;t Sinane%- groum h I& Ouxouncar,elen%- souljan S;lim Af;[i (Yavuz% 1512-1520 j&) vamanak K;saria\iz a®a=in angam mankafauaqi ;njarkoua‘ ;r;.an;riz hrº!6 Saka\n I& Ouxoun-

car,elen yartarap;t Sinani masin .øs;lis^ sto\g ci n,oum nra axgoujiune! "ast;re apazouzoum ;n% or Sinane axgouj;amb ;[;l h fa\! A\d fastatuoum h Jourqia\i na.ararn;ri .orfrdi ar.iuoum pafouo[ mi wau;ragriz! A\s wau;ragri fiman wra\ fanra\a\t jourqaght Bars Jou[la=en (Bars;[ Jou[la=;ane) n,oum h f;t;u;ale& ªGoya Sinane% ore 16-rd daroum Øsman;an yartarap;takan arou;sti xargazman gor‘oum ir .ore axd;zoujiunn h oun;z;l% ‘agoumow ;[;l h fa\)!7 Ankaska‘ mankafauaqe fxør mi mi=oz hr jourq ka®awaro[n;ri ];®qin^ ir;nz fama]oulman qa[aqakanouj;an irakanazman yanaparfin! A\st;[ t;[in h \i,atak;l 16-rd dari jourq patmagir Mousja`a S;laniki H`hntii ;xrakazoujiunn;re t;u,irmhi masin! Na ir ªPatmouj;anº mh= gr;l h& ªVamanaki i,.o[n;re t[an;ri t;u,irmhi gor‘oum an.i[y ;n ;[;l ;u nouhri anouan tak ,at m;‘ ka,a®qn;r ;n w;rzr;l% incphs ga\ln h \ar]akuoum oc.ari foti wra\% a\nphs hl nranq agaførhn \ar]akou;l ;n ;rkri ra\an;ri8 wra\! Faroust ra\an;riz .l;l ;n anjiu anfamar farstoujiun% isk a[qat ra\an;riz^ nranz xauakn;rin% qand;l ;n nranz tounn ou t;[eº!9 17-rd dari patmagir Goci ph\e% go\oujiun oun;zo[ ‘anr irawiyakiz ;ln;low% katar;l h f;t;u;al ;xrakazoujiune& ªRa\an;re incph#s karo[ ;n tan;l a\s b®noujiunn;re! :rkri vo[owourdn;re incph#s karo[ ;n apr;l a\spisi pa\mann;roum&&&! A[qat ra\an;ri nkatmamb kira®ouo[ a\dpisi yn,oumn;r ou b®noujiunn;r t;[i c;n oun;z;l oc mi vamanak% oc mi t;[ ;u oc hl 'ati,afi or;uh ;rkroumº!10 Ar;umtafa\ouj;an wiyake a®au;l ;us watjarazau \atkaphs 19-rd dari w;r=in qa®ordin% ;rb fa\kakan farze endoun;z mi=axga\in bno\je! A®au;l m;‘ ca';ri fasan souljanakan ka®awarouj;an axga\in ;u krønakan fala‘anqn;re% k;anqi ;u go\qi anapafowoujiune% farka\in ‘anr gan]oumn;rn ou gaua®a\in pa,tøn;an;ri cara,afoumn;re! Tou;al vamanaka,r=anoum sksou;z bou®n k;rpow kira®ou;l na;u fa\;ri xangoua‘a\in mafm;takanazman ;u b®ni jourqazman qa[aqakanoujiune! |atkaphs 1894-1896 jj& fa\;ri fala‘anqn;ri ou kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum b®ni jourqazman ;njarkou;zin m;‘ jouow fa\;r! Mi .øsqow ar.iua\in niuj;roum kan baxmajiu 'ast;r Aptoul Famiti b®natirouj;an ,r=anoum t;[i oun;za‘ b®ni mafm;takanazman ;u jourqazman masin! A\s o[b;rgakan ;r;uo\je au;li sour bno\j endoun;z \atkaphs 1915-1916 jj& ar;umtafa\ouj;an xangoua‘a\in kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum! ªAm;nour;q sks;zin fauaq;l fa\;rin%- groum h jourq patmaban M;ulan Xath Âi`aje%- no\nisk a®anz fa,oui a®n;lou fiuandn;rin% ‘;r;rin ou ;r;.an;rin! Nranz% owq;r endounoum hin mafm;takanoujiun% vamanakauoraphs dours hin fanoum karauann;riz% isk miusn;rin .oumb a® .oumb vantarmn;ri fsko[ouj;an n;rqo\% ou[arkoum hin na.at;soua‘ yanaparfn;rowº!11 A\nouf;t;u a\d anxhn ou anpa,tpan karauann;re mardkanz t;so[oujiuniz f;®ou ama\i wa\r;roum ;njarkuoum hin fa\;ri bna=n=man npatakow st;[‘oua‘ ªJ;,qilaje Mafsoushºi (\atouk kaxmak;rpoujiun) frosaka.mb;ri \ar]akmane! Isk fra,qow axatoua‘n;re% qa[ziz ;u ‘arauiz ‘a\rastiyan fiu‘oua‘ ou oskraza‘ ourouakann;ri nman% \a\tnuoum hin Mi=ag;tqi ;u Siria\i anapatn;roum! T;[afanouj;an ;u kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum jourq;rn a,.at;l ;n mafm;takanazn;l \atkaphs Siria taragroua‘ fa\;rin! Afa jh inc h groum a\d masin jourq patmaban ~alif Âe`qe Aja\e& ªC;rqhxn;ri% qrt;ri ;u miusn;ri nman fa\;ri artaqsoume dhpi Siria\i .orq;re nøsrazn;lou hr arabn;row .it bnak;zoua‘ wa\r;re! No\nisk mi \an]navo[ow kaxmou;z% orphsxi fa\;rin ;*u toun ;*u fo[ tramadroui^ mafm;takan da®nalou pa\manowº!12 :xrakazoujiune mhk h! D;®;us mi=nadaroum sksa‘ fpatak vo[owourdn;ri jourqazman qa[aqakanoujiuniz a\s kam a\n ca'ow tou<ar& h= 13

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WARDGHS PAL:ANI Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row% srtagin bar;ma[joujiunn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r m;r]auor ;u f;®auor faraxatn;re% axgakann;re ;u bar;kamn;re

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CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION Christmas The Armenian Way Beirut - Lebanon hasn’t boxed up its Christmas decorations just yet, as the celebrations are just beginning for some. A large percentage of Lebanon’s prominent Armenian community celebrates their version of the holy day Tuesday, Jan. 6. The sixth is Epiphany for most Christians, but Armenians use the day to celebrate a culmination of the season’s events. For them, the sixth is Christmas, celebrating the nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem, but it also symbolizes Epiphany, when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. Unlike the Orthodox and Protestants who follow the historic date of Armenian Christmas, the Armenian Catholics, however, follow the Catholic Church in Rome and celebrate on Dec. 25. While large sections of the LebaneseArmenian population have moved out of Burj Hammoud over the years and integrated into other areas, the neighborhood is still strongly connected to the community through the ubiquity of Armenian restaurants, businesses, cultural centers and churches. Christmas decorations are still hung over main thoroughfares, with white lights dangling in the shape of snowflakes, illuminating the streets and spreading Christmas cheer. Shops are decorated for the holiday, with many storefronts painted with the English words “Merry Christmas.” “Geographically it is known as an Armenian neighborhood,”. “There are many Armenians but there are also Shiites and Lebanese Christians, as well as many foreigners moving into the area.” The reasons Armenians celebrate on the sixth are historical and traditional. Until the fourth century, the Catholic Church also celebrated Jesus’ birthday Jan. 6. But as Christianity spread into Europe, the day was merged with a Roman pagan holiday celebrated Dec. 25. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the birth of Christ Dec. 25 and Epiphany Jan. 6. Armenians, however, decided to stick with the traditional, historical and “correct” day for celebrating Christmas.

Congratulations to the American Armenian Rose Float Association for being awarded THE PRESIDENT'S TROPHY, "for effective floral use and presentation," at the 126th annual parade.

The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade is seen by hundreds of thousands of spectators, in person, along the 5.5 mile parade route and by millions more, on television, around the world in more than 100 countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3whaPeODoQ&list=UUFi0zEyZhtCej0dXJbjlvcA

First Armenian Float Wins Presidential Award By Keri Kaligian Pasadena (A.W .) The first Armenian American Rose Float Association (AARFA) won the 2015 New Year’s Day Tournament of Roses’ President’s Award for most effective floral use and presentation for their “Cradle of Civilization” float. The float was featured in the 126th Rose Parade along with other floats from around the area. The theme of the parade was “inspiring stories” to pay tribute to the people of the community who “loved unconditionally, persevered courageously, endured patiently and accomplished much on behalf of others.” The “Cradle of Civilization” featured different aspects of the Armenian community. The art display featured a sculpture of an Armenian woman’s head wearing a traditional Armenian headdress, as well as an apricot and a pomegranate tree. A bushel of grapes represented the earliest wine-making facility found in Armenia. The display

Yaron Weiss: No Justification For Israel’s Position On Armenian Genocide Famous pro-Armenian activist in Israel Yaron Weiss calls Armenia and Artsakh “Heaven” and claims there is no justification for Israel that has not recognized the Armenian Genocide so far. He spoke about these and other topics in an interview with press attaché of “Noyan Tapan” Armenian culture center Mendel Korsunksy. Armenian News-NEWS.am presented the full text of the interview.

Celebration Of The Holy Nativity And Theophany In The Mother See Of Holy Etchmiadzin

On January 6, on the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Mother Cathedral by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. The Divine Liturgy was attended by Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia; Mr. Galust Sahakyan , President of the Republic of Armenia National Assembly; Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia; state officials, members of the Supreme Spiritual Council, foreign diplomats, and public figures from the fields of education, science and the arts.

Feast Of The Holy Nativity And Theophany Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

also included a carpet-weaving machine, a traditional Armenian carpet, the Armenian symbol for eternity, and an arch representative of Armenian architecture from 4,500 years ago. Prominent members of the ArmenianAmerican community rode along with the float. These figures included the following: U.S. Federal Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan, the first Armenian immigrant federal judge in the U.S.; former Pasadena Chief of Police Barney Melekian; Flora Dunaians, a Pasedena resident and founder of Armenian International Womans Association of Los Angeles; and Jill Simonian, author of the popular “Fab Mom” blog.

Turkey To Lebanon Walk To Remember Armenian Genocide Vartan Melkonian is one of the conductors of Britain’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. A century ago, his ancestors lived in Mus, eastern Turkey, until the day Ottoman rulers made a decision to “deport” Armenians. Melkonian and his daughter Veronica will be in Turkey in February for their “Walking for Armenia” project — a 1,000-kilometer (621-mile) march they plan to start in Van, eastern Turkey, and complete at the Birds’ Nest Orphanage in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. The Syrian stretch of the route poses a serious risk for the Melkonians, but they are determined to walk it despite the threat of war and the Islamic State (IS).

Each year, on January 6, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the commemoration of the Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ. God was incarnated and appeared to the people. During the Baptism of Jesus God the Father said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Mt 3:17) and the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the form of dove, so God appeared to the people for the second time. So, both Theophanies revealed by means of the Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ are celebrated in the Armenian Church jointly on January 6. The feast starts on the eve, in the evening of January 5, and is continued after the midnight. On the eve a solemn Candlelight Divine Liturgy is celebrated and on January 6 a solemn Divine Liturgy is celebrated. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Blessing of the Waters Service is conducted symbolizing the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan at the commencement of His ministry. By means of His Baptism Jesus blessed water. Celebrant priest pours out the Holy Chrism drop by drop into water and blesses the water. According to the tradition people take some blessed water with them to use it as a medicinal remedy for the sick. After Blessing of the Waters Service the priests visit the houses of the faithful to proclaim the Christmastide Good News of the Birth of Jesus Christ and hence the tradition of Blessing of the Houses was formed.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 8, 2015


AMAA's "Stitched With Love" Program Provides Hats And Blankets For Newborns In Armenia Late in 2013, Betty Cherkezian and Nancy Burdman of New Jersey, came up with the idea of Stitched with Love, a program to provide newborn children in Armenia with much needed hats and blankets. The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) liked the idea and adopted the program as part of its relief efforts in Armenia. Over 40,000 babies are born in Armenia each year, yet few Armenian hospitals distribute hats and blankets to newborns and none are distributed in small towns and villages. Recognizing this need, Stitched with Love strives to provide knitted or crocheted hats and baby blankets to newborns in maternity hospitals throughout Armenia. To achieve this goal, Stitched with Love has reached out to Armenian communities in the United States and has received growing support from donors and knitters who wish to participate in this cause. Patterns and designs are also welcome. Blankets should be a minimum of 30" x 30" in size. Newborn hats should be between 9" to 14" in diameter. If needed, a basic pattern is provided on the AMAA website. It is required that only acrylic worsted weight yarn is used. The support provided from individu-

als, community organizations and church groups has been very encouraging and is making a real contribution to the infants in Armenia. A lady from North Carolina who recently participated in this Program writes: "My maternal grandmother was the sole survivor in her family of the Genocide. It is through her and my mother that I was passed the talent of sewing and handwork. I am grateful to God and to them for this gift and try to use that gift in service to others. Thanks for your work in making this dream of helping Armenian babies and children a reality." During this Christmas and New Year season, with the cooperation of the Head of the Malatya-Sebastya Administrative District of Yerevan, a special event was organized at AMAA's Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School and Community Center for all expectant teacher-mothers of the neighborhood. The expectant teacher-

mothers were welcomed in the school hall by the school principal Melanya Geghamyan, AMAA Armenian representative Harout Nersessian and the head of the Education Department of Malatia-Sebastia district. During the gathering special film was presented devoted to maternity. It was a joyous occasion at which time each expectant teacher-mother received hats, blankets and other clothing Stitched with Love for their soon to be born babies, as well as 2015 calendars, greeting cards and booklets about AMAA. The event was highlighted in the Malatya-Sebastya local press. It is the hope of the ladies of Stitched with Love program, that there will come a time, when all the newborn babies in Armenia will go home with their mothers, swaddled in a blanket and hat made by caring individuals like you! For more information on how to participate and help in this effort, please contact the AMAA office at 201-265-2607, or visit www.amaa.org and click on the Stitched with Love tab. Donations to cover the cost of yarn, transportation & freight can be mailed to the AMAA at 31 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ 07652. To make a donation by credit card, you may call the AMAA office or visit AMAA's website at www.amaa.org.

Lucky Foods For The New Year By Alice Krumian January the first is, for most people, an opportunity to forget the past and make a fresh start. To this effect, many countries have traditions to increase one's good fortune by eating certain good luck foods. And even though more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than at any other time of the year, there is a variety of foods that are considered to be lucky and therefore their consumption is believed to improve the chances that the New Year will be an excellent one. Traditions vary from culture to culture, yet there are striking similarities in different parts of the world in what is considered good luck foods. In general, the following are the major six categories: grapes and other fruits, green vegetables, legumes, fish, pork, cakes and other baked pastries. a) Grapes: In Mexico, Spain and the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies, New Year's revelers eat twelve grapes at midnight, one good luck grape for each stroke of the clock. Each grape represents a different month, so for instance, if the 5th grape is a bit sour, the month of May is believed to be a rocky one. b)Green vegetables: Cooked greens such as cabbage, collards, kale, grape leaves, and chards are consumed in different countries as good luck foods, the reason being that green leaves look like folded paper money, and therefore they are symbolic of economic prosperity. The Danish eat stewed kale; the Germans consume sauerkraut (cabbage) while in the Southern United States, collards are the green of choice. And the more greens one eats, the larger one's fortune will be in the coming year. c) Legumes: Legumes including beans, peas, and lentils are also symbolic of money. Their small, seed like appearance resembles coins and they swell when cooked, so they are consumed in order to

obtain "swollen" financial rewards. This tradition is widespread in Italy, Germany, Brazil, and Japan. d) Fish: Fish has been a popular feast food since the middle Ages. The Christian Church's policy against red meat at feast times made fish popular on New Year's. This tradition is prevalent in Europe as well as in Asia. e) Pork: The custom of eating pork on New Year's Eve is based on the idea that the rich fat content of pork symbolizing fertility and progress may bring wealth and good luck to the consumer. Pork roast is served for New Year's in Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Germany, as well as in the United States. f) Cakes and other baked pastries: These are commonly served from Christmas to New Year's all around the world. In certain countries, it is customary to hide a special trinket or coin inside the pastry. At midnight the cake or pastry is cut, and the recipient of the hidden coin is guaranteed great fortune in the New Year. In addition to lucky foods, however, there are a few unlucky ones to be avoided. For instance, eating lobsters is considered a bad idea, because lobsters move backwards, and could therefore lead the consumers to setbacks and bad luck. Chicken is also discouraged in some cultures, because the bird scratches backwards, which means dwelling in the past. Also, in some cultures there is a superstition against eating winged fowls, because people think their good luck could fly away. In Armenia, preparation for New Year and Christmas begins weeks in advance. Seeds of lentils, chickpeas, or wheat are placed in humid cotton balls to sprout so that families may be reminded of the rebirth of life. As some Christian Armenians do not consume any animal products during the week that leads up to Christmas on January the 6th, foods like braided breads,

rice pilaf, fresh vegetables, dried fruits such as raisins, different kinds of nuts, figs, and fresh fruits such as apples, pomegranates, and olive oil dishes are very popular on New Year's. The most important among the lucky pastries is the Darin, which is a big flat bread with a coin hidden in it. The person who finds the piece with the coin in it is considered the luckiest member of the family for the New Year. Another important lucky food is Anoushabour, a pudding made from wheat, berries, nuts, and dried fruits. The most remarkable meal is the Dolma or Sarma, which is prepared with rice, grape leaves and olive oil. And no New Year is celebrated without Kata, which is made of wheat flour, butter, milk and sugar. After a copious meal on New Year's Eve, everybody's wish is fulfilled when Gaghant-Baba visits the families to distribute their individual gifts. New Year's celebrations are very pleasurable indeed for children as well as for adults. However, one must always remind oneself that apart from exchanging gifts and enjoying delicious foods, this festive season is the perfect time to spread the message of love among humankind, and the best opportunity to help the poor and the needy. The purpose of life is not just to be happy, but to be useful, kind, compassionate, and make a positive difference by helping the needy and the less fortunate. There is nothing more beautiful than when people go out of their way to make life beautiful for others. While enjoying our New Year's dinner and festivities, let's make sure to share a slice of our "bread" with those who are hungry. Let's not forget that there are millions in the world who are dying for a piece of bread. After all, it is good to be blessed, yet it is much better to be a blessing to others and as Mother Theresa has said so beautifully, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one".

Richard Hovannisian Will Present New Book On The Armenian Communities Of Asia Minor Glendale, CA – RICHARD G. HOVANNISIAN will present his latest book, THE ARMENIAN COMMUNITIES OF ASIA MINOR on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. The Armenian communities of western Asia Minor were far removed from the historic Armenian territories on the great highland plateau far to the east and the fertile Cilician plain bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the south. These communities were relatively new, dating to the later centuries of the Byzantine Empire and the early centuries of the Ottoman Empire. Armenian movement into this area near the Sea of Marmara and Constantinople was prompted primarily by the turbulence in the traditional Armenian homelands by the Turkic and Mongol invasions in the eleventh through thirteenth centuries, the fall of the Armenian Cilician kingdom to the Mamluks in the fourteenth century, and the ruin and devastation caused by the Ottoman-Persian wars in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In time, scores of Armenian villages and small towns sprang up in a broad arc of about 100 miles around Constantinople. Armenians lived on both shores of the Sea of Marmara in places such as Rodosto (Tekirdagh) and Malgara in European Rumelia and in Gallipoli, Chanakkale, and the Dardanelles on the Asiatic coast. Izmid, Bardizag, and Banderma had direct outlets to the sea, whereas other centers such as Adabazar, Armash, Bursa, and Balikesir were only a short distance away. This favorable geographic position fostered a thriving economy. Armenians were engaged in all kinds of pursuits, from agriculture and handicrafts to textiles and silk production. In fact, sericulture was the most important source of income and employment in several Armenian communities, the raw silk and cloth being exported primarily to the Ottoman capital and to the commercial centers of Europe. The proximity of the Armenian communities in western Asia Minor to the capital city and the seaways to Europe also proved beneficial to the process of cultural and spiritual enlightenment. By the end of the nineteenth century, even small villages managed to maintain a school and a church, and most boasted separate boys’ and girls’ or coeducational schools. Unlike interior Armenian communities in places such as Yozghat, Kutahia, and some cities in Cilicia, most Armenians in western Asia Minor maintained the dialectical forms of their native language. Armenian newspapers and journals appeared in several of the larger communities, and the prospects were bright for further development, but all this was cut short by the outbreak of World War I. Although the Armenian inhabitants of western Asia Minor constituted a very small percentage of the region’s total population, they were not spared from the death marches during the spring and summer of 1915. Even those in very small villages were driven southward toward Konia and the Syrian desert. This volume is intended to provide glimpses into the life of these communities and the real people who lived in them.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 8, 2015


Entering 1915

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Cengiz Aktar

47 - Oktay Ozel

Who knows, all the evil haunting us, the endless mass killings and our inability to recover from afflictions may be due to a century-old curse and a century-old lie. What do you think? This is perhaps the malediction uttered by Armenians -- children, civilian women and men alike -- who died moaning and buried without a coffin. It may be the storms created in our souls by the still-agonizing specters of all our illfated citizens, including Greeks and Syriacs and later, Alevis and Kurds. Perhaps the massacres that have not been accounted for since 1915 and the “prices” that have remained unpaid are now being paid back in different venues by the grandchildren. The curses uttered in return for the lives taken, the lives stolen, the homes plundered, the churches destroyed, the schools confiscated and the property extorted... "May God make you pay for it for all your offspring to come." Are we paying back the price of all the injustices committed so far? Does repayment manifest itself in the form of the audacity of being unable to confront our past sins or in the form of indecency, which has become our habit due to our chronic indulgence in unfairness? It seems as if our society has been decaying for a century, festering all around. Despite this century-old malediction, 2015 will pass with the debate, "Was there really genocide?" remaining unanswered. We will watch how the current tenants of the state exert vast efforts to cover up this shame and postpone any move to confront it. If it were in their hands, they would just skip the year 2015. The denialist prose that consists of three wizened arguments, which amount to upheaval, collaboration with the enemy and victimization -- it is the Armenians who killed us -- will continue to be parroted in a series of conferences. And we will dance to our own tunes. On April 2425, 2015 an official ceremony will be held on the occasion of Anzac Day in Gallipoli, not in connection with the genocide. And we will hear abundant tales about heroism in the Dardanelles. But we will find none to listen to our narrative. How many more maledictions need to happen to us before we will be inclined: - To reckon with our bloody nationbuilding process? - To know and remember how an innocuous, hardworking, productive, talented and peaceful people were destroyed by the warrior people of Anatolia and to

By Hambersom Aghbashian

empathize with their grandchildren in remembrance? - To feel the gist of the tyranny that made unfortunate Armenians cry, "Ur eir Astvadz" (Where were you God?) in the summer of 1915, which was as dark and cold as death? - To realize that the population of Armenians has dwindled from millions in 1915's Ottoman Empire to virtually none today. The remaining Armenians have either concealed their true identities or were converted to Islam, after sweeping aside the puzzle, "Was it genocide or not?" or the question "Who killed whom?" and purely listening to our conscience? - To understand, as Hrant Dink put it, a full-fledged cultural genocide and the loss of a tremendous amount of civilization? - To realize that the biggest loss to this country is that non-Muslim citizens of this land no longer live here? - To comprehend why the genocide -which Armenians of those dark days would refer to as the Great Catastrophe (Meds Yeghern) -- is a disaster that befell not only Armenians, but the entire country? - To see that the loss of our non-Muslim citizens who were killed, banished or forced to flee amounts to the loss of brainpower, bourgeoisie, culture and civilization? - To calculate the curse of the goods, property and children confiscated? - To duly understand the wisdom of the author Ya!ar Kemal, who wrote: "Another bird cannot prosper in an abandoned nest; the one who destroys a nest cannot have a nest; oppression breeds oppression"? - To even realize that those who would reject all the aforementioned points would do so because of a loss wisdom deriving from the genocide. The Armenian genocide is the Great Catastrophe of Anatolia, and the mother of all taboos in this land. Its curse will continue to haunt us as long as we fail to talk about, recognize, understand and reckon with it. Its centennial anniversary actually offers us a historic opportunity to dispense with our habits, understand the Other and start with the collective therapy. !

3 Azerbaijani Soldiers Killed In Karabakh PanARMENIAN.Net - Over 320 instances of ceasefire violations by Azeri armed forces were posted on the night of Jan 6 at the line of contact with Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) armed forces. Azerbaijan fired over 5000 shots from various caliber weapons towards the positions of Karabakh defense army, with the latter retaliating to the attack. As a result, at least 3 Azerbaijani solders, including the 703 brigade officer Eldar Mammadov, were killed. The identitied of other soldiers are being verified.

Armenian Side Had Two Losses On The Border The situation on the border between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops was tensed at night. Azerbaijani side fired towards Armenian border-keepers. As the press service of Artsakh Defense Army informs, Armenian side had to make the enemy keep silent and answered the Azerbaijanis' actions. "At least three Azerbaijani soldiers are neutralized during the actions", the press release says. According to the confident information by Times.am, the enemy has at least 7 losses. Unfortunately, two contract servicemen of Artsakh Defense Army perished while protecting borders.

US Shelves Transfer Of Frigates To Turkey The United States has shelved the handover of two leftover frigates to Turkey, as Congress excluded Turkey from a bill seeking permission to transfer vessels to foreign countries, citing Mediterranean tensions, the Hurriyet Daily News reports. The U.S. approved the “Naval Transfer Act” bill in late December, approving the transfer of six naval frigates to Mexico and Taiwan, but eliminated Turkey over political concerns.

Oktay Ozel is a Turkish historian and assistant professor in the Department of History at Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey). A graduate of Hacettepe University, Dept. of History (BA -1983, and MA -1986) . He completed his post graduate studies at Manchester University, Department of Middle Eastern Studies and earned his PhD in 1993. He has taught several courses on Ottoman socio-economic history; demographic changes; and methods and problems in historical writings. He recently began working on the late-19th century history of mass migrations, immigrants, and inter-communal relations in the central Black Sea region. He has also published several articles in journals and newspapers publicly criticizing the popular and political pressure on Turkish scholars in discussing the Armenian Genocide. He is currently a visiting scholar at Harvard University.(1)(2) Dr. Oktay Ozel participated in the conference entitled "The Armenians during the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire" that was held at Istanbul's Bogazici University in September 2005, and he said that "days between the War of 93 and 1923 was a period of tension and clashes. At the end of this period, the Black Sea region was purified from non-Muslim population," (3). Propaganda Press Monitor, wrote on Feb. 7, 2009, "Friends of Hrant Dink, a new Cambridge-based nonprofit group, organized an event at MIT dedicated to the cause of human rights. Rakel Dink , Dink's widow, Oktay Ozel, a professor of Ottoman history; Peter Balakian, author of a bestselling book about the Armenian genocide; and Andrew Tarsy" where on the list of speakers(4). About the same conference levon kuyumcuyan wrote in " TURKISH ARMENIAN FRIENDSHIP " the following, " Invited by newly formed nonprofit and human rights advocate organization "Friends of Hrant Dink, Inc." Mrs. Rakel Dink, the widow of assassinated journalist Hrant Dink was in Boston to participate in the panel discussion at MIT. Oktay Ozel, a history professor at Ankara's Bilkent University working as a visiting scholar at Harvard, said Dink's writing inspired him to encourage other scholars to look more closely at the Armenian Genocide, a plea, which he said, may gain traction in the wake of Dink's death."For us historians, along with this sense of guilt, I think the

bitter legacy of Hrant's death is that historians should do better," said Ozel . They will feel much better when they do (their job) with a little decency. Then they won't need to do anything extraordinary `just do their job properly. That's the job in front of historians in Turkey."(5) In his research "1915: Righteous Muslims during the Genocide of 1915", Nov.2010, Sydney, Australia, Dr. Racho Donef mentioned that "Most sources on the genocide readily identify Turks, Kurds, Lazes and Circassians as participants to the massacres. To this the Persians who attacked Armenians and Assyrians in Salmas and Ourmiah should be added. But even this list is not definitive." An Armenian survivor he interviewed, Mr Manuel Kerkesharian, told him that" his convoy was attacked by Chechens on the way to Aleppo...". Dr. Racho Donef added " To this ever-growing list of Muslim nations participating in the massacres, the Georgian Muslims can also be added. In 2008, Turkish researcher Oktay Özel in a conference in Tbilisi said that the leader of Georgian Muslims, Ali-Pasha Tavgerizade, was involved in forming armed groupings and that Georgian muslims were also privy to mass killing of Armenians and Greeks in Ottoman Empire. It’s hard to say when Georgians were fulfilling the orders of the Ottoman government and when they were driven by their bellicose spirit but they were killing along with Cherkess [Circassians] and other muhajirs.* Most likely, they wanted to demonstrate their loyalty to the Sultan”.(6)

* Muslim immigrants from the Balkans and elsewhere 1.http://history.bilkent.edu.tr/index_fi les/OktayOzel.doc 2.http://www.armenianweekly.com/a uthor/oktay-ozel/ 3.http://www.armeniandiaspora.com/ showthread.php?37680-ANKARA-Turkish-academics-view-aspects-of-ArmenianGenocide 4.http://rockthetruth2.blogspot.com/2 009/02/armenian-reporterassassinated.html 5.https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/gro ups/TURKISHARMENIANFRIENDSHIP/conversations/topics/36160 6 . h t t p : / / w w w. a t o u r. c o m / h i s tory/1900/20101105a.html

The US Troubled By Ceasefire Violations At The Line Of Contact The US is troubled by reports of ceasefire violations at the line of contact between Nagono Karabakh and Azerbaijan, as well as casualties in recent days,” Spokesperson for the Department of State Jen Psai told the daily briefing. “These incidents do not correspond to the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents’ commitments to reach a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. As an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country, we do continue to urge both sides at the highest levels to engage in negotiations that could lead to a peace agreement and adopt measures to reduce the likelihood of such events along the line of contact and along the border. That continues to be our focus,” she stated.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 8, 2015


Human Rights Organizations To Establish ‘Foundation For The Investigation Of Mass Graves’ Human rights organizations have taken the decision to act in cooperation to establish a ‘Foundation for the Investigation of Mass Graves’ under the supervision of the Human Rights Association (!HD). The work to discover mass graves will be carried out according to periods, such as the 1915 Armenian Genocide, Kurdish rebellions after 1925, and the Kurdish War. The recent history of Turkey is also a history of massacres. Thousands of people remain buried, and unaccounted for, their identities are unknown, and in some cases, even when they were massacred. Following the 1915 Genocide, and the Kurdish War that intensified in the 1990s, many excavations have unearthed bones. Calls have been made, prosecutors have been summoned, however, the state has taken no concrete step to deal with this issue. The few inquests carried out by prosecutors have yielded no results. The reality of mass graves has been on the agenda of human rights organizations

for many years. The Diyarbakır Branch of the Human Rights Association (!HD) in particular has for a long time carried out work to determine the locations of mass graves. The association has prepared a map of the locations it has managed to determine. According to the report released on 16 December 2014, Tuesday, 348 mass graves contain the remains of 4 thousand

Inside The Mysterious Underground City That's 5,000 Years Old By Meghan Keneally The discovery of a previously unknown ancient city came as a late Christmas present for archaeologists in Turkey when they made a major find on Dec. 28. A series of ruins that contain buildings, hidden churches and water channels was found in the Turkish town of Nevsehir, which is known for 'fairy chimney' rock formations. The city was discovered beneath an old portion of Nevsihir where the state housing development agency was hoping to build a new housing project. "We stopped the construction we were planning to do on these areas when an underground city was discovered," Mehmet

Ergün Turan, the head of the state housing development agency told Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News, which reported that the new discovery is the largest that they have found in the region to date. The city is believed to date back 5,000 years, though little else is known as researchers are likely going to launch into their analysis in the coming months.

Dear friend, After considerable thought, I have decided to run for Pasadena School Board. My campaign is underway and the election is March 10, 2015. As a parent and educator for over 20 years, I understand the challenges within our schools. I am running for Pasadena School Board because I believe we need to ensure ALL of Pasadena's youth are prepared for college and the global economy. As a school board member, my priorities will be to: • Increase Enrollment and Retention Rates • Ensure Common Core is implemented efficiently • Continue and expand the Dual Language Immersion program My family, friends, students and neighbors know that I am committed to education. I am a college professor and department chair at Mt. Sierra College. I also taught high school math and economics for seven years, was a vice principal for four years and co-founded an early learning school. I'm going to be working hard these next couple months to build support for my campaign and I can use your help and support for getting elected and representing you in office. Your donation is needed so we can let the people who live within PUSD's boundaries know that they have an advocate for change on their side. I have enclosed a flyer to an upcoming fundraiser event on January 11th. Please contribute to my campaign by sending a check payable to “Roy Boulghourjian for School Board” or drop by on the 11th to hear me speak about how we can build a better future for our youth together. Any amount you can afford will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Roy Boulghourjian P.S. thus far, I have won the endorsement of Congresswoman Judy Chu, Los Angeles County Mayor Mike Antonovich, retired United States federal judge Dickran Tevrizian

201 people. The report does not include data on the 1915 Genocide. Human Rights Organization Join Forces Various human rights organizations operating in Turkey carry out work on mass graves. Human rights organizations have now taken the decision to join forces on the issue, and will establish a ‘Foundation for the Investigation of Mass Graves’. The

preparatory work for the establishment of the foundation is almost complete. Human rights organizations including the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey and the Truth Justice Memory Centre support the project. !HD Diyarbakır Branch Chair Raci Bilici stated that the foundation would be established soon, and added: “!HD has to work with restricted means. We are under both material and human resources constraints. We have only been able to focus on applications made to our association for a while now. The work on mass graves requires more material and human resources. Therefore, a separate foundation needs to be established, and a study that can also receive scientific support needs to be carried out.” Bilici explained that the work to discover mass graves would be carried out according to periods, such as the 1915 Armenian Genocide, Kurdish rebellions after 1925, and the Kurdish War.

Set The Doodle On April 24 !"#$%&'( Google Doodle-) *+,-. 24--/ A Google Doodle is a special, temporary alteration of the logo on Google's homepage. The Armenian Genocide was the Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects from their historic homeland within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. The starting date is conventionally held to be 24 April 1915, the day Ottoman authorities rounded up and arrested hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople. The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million. This is why we have the responsibility of spreading awareness about the genocide, and why Google should get involved for all humanity. https://www.change.org/p/set-armeniangenocidedoodle-on-april-24-googledoodles Vanand Mkrtchyan

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v;zin Øsman;an ka\srouj;an ‘anr l‘i tak f;‘o[ bolor fpatakn;re! Saka\n a®au;lago\n faroua‘n ou wnase kr;z taraba.t fa\ vo[owourde! Isk 1915-1916 jj& ;ritjourq;ri ka®awarouj;an kira®a‘ qa[aqakanouj;an f;t;uanqow \atkaphs ar;umtafa\oujiune kangn;z ispa® ocncazman wtangi a®=;u! Niujakan fska\akan korsti f;t mhkt;[ fa\ vo[owourde xrkou;z ir bnørraniz% Ar;umt;an Fa\astaniz% talow mhkoukhs milioniz au;li anm;[ xof;r! *** Jrqakan qa[aqakanouj;an j;man au;li manramasn troua‘ h 1999 j& FF GAA-i Ar;u;lagitouj;an Institouti gitakan .orfrdi oro,mamb fratarakoua‘ im f;t;u;al a,.atouj;an mh= ªJourqakan Wau;ragr;re Fa\astani ;u Fa\;ri Masinº (16-19-rd dar;r) 284 h=!

100-AM:A| Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE^ FRAND TINQI F:TQ:ROW (Frand Tinqi Nafatakouj;an 8-rd Tar;lizin a®ijow) X;kouzab;r^


’anøjagroujiunn;r 1& A& V;l;axkowa% Palqan;an j;rak[xou wra\ islami tara‘man mi qani gor‘ønn;ri masin% 15-18 dd&! (T;s Øsman;an ka\sroujiun% \ødoua‘n;ri vo[owa‘ou% Moskoua% 1986% h= 113-115 (®ous;rhn)! 2& H. Tuncer, Osmanli Imparatorlugunda toprak hukuku, Ankara, 1962, S. 77! 3& I.H. Uzuncarsili, Osmanli, devleti teskilatindan Kapikulu ocaklari, Ankara, c.1, 1943, c.2, 1944! 4& Ba®azi ªNor xørqº Øsman;an ka\srouj;an kanonauor f;t;uaka\in xørq! St;[‘ou;l h 1361 j& souljan Mourat I–i vamanak! 5& I& Ouxouncar,ele% n,oua‘ a,.&% fat& 1% h= 126! 6& No\n t;[oum% h= 19! 7& Basbakanlik arsivi, muhimme defterler serisi, No. 123, S. 240. Paris Tuglaci, Osmanli mimarliginda batilasma donemi, ve Balyan ailesi, Istanbul, 1981, s 1! 8& Ra\a%- 17-rd dari khs;riz jourq;re Ra\a hin anouanoum oc-mafm;takan fpatakn;rin! 9& Jourqakan a[biurn;re Fa\astani% fa\;ri ;u Andrkowkasi mius vo[owourdn;ri masin% fat& B&% kaxm;z A& >& Sa`rast;an% :r;uan% 1964% h= 137! 10& No\n t;[oum% h= 230! 11& Mevlan Zade Rifat, Turkiye inkilabinin ic yuzu. I-ci fasil, Halep, 1929, (arabata®)!

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G;[arou;stakan |a\tagir^ masnakzouj;amb FBEM W& ;u J& Manouk;an warvarani ousano[n;roun T;[i k∞oun;na\ Kiraki% 18 |ounouar 2015% vame 5!00-in Ph,khøjiur;an Srafin mh=! (1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001) Moutqe Axat


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N.O. January 8, 2015, No. 2:N.O. Blank


5:34 PM

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2014-IN FA|ASTANE NOUAY:L H 118 M:TAL 2014 jouakanin Fa\astani fauaqakan jimi marxikn;re tarb;r marxa];u;ri (12 marxa];u) a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a®a=noujiunn;roum% patan;kan Ølimpiakan .a[;roum nouay;l ;n 32 oskh% 37 ar‘ajh ;u 49 pronxh m;tal (endfanour fa,ouarkow 118 m;tal)% \a\tnoum h FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an na.ararouj;an lratouakan ‘a®a\oujiune! A\s tari FF marxakan am;nam;‘ nouayoume ;[;l h \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti a®a=noujiunoum Arshn +oul`alak;ani ;u Arjour Al;qsan;ani a.o\;anakan tit[osn;re ;u sampo\i a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum Mawrik Nasip;ani oskh m;tale!

FF MARXIKN:RI M:’AROUME ª"arauanº ya,arana\in famaliroum% tar;w;r=in% FAØK-i ko[miz m;‘arou;zin 2014 j& lauago\n marxikn;re! A\s tari lauago\n marxik Arjour Al;qsan;ane nouhr stazau bnakaran% Arshn +oul`alak;ane^ ªHyundaiº makni,i autom;q;na\% isk lauago\n tasn;aki mius marxikn;re^ ªLadaº makni,i autom;q;nan;r!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • Fa\astani 2014 j& taroua\ lauago\n `oujpolisti qouharkouj;an ardiunqoum ];uauorou;l h a\spisi ;®;ak& F;nri. M.ijar;an% Âoman B;r;xowski ;u Âob;rt Arxouman;an% F;nri. M.ijar;ane fing;rord angam ir gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqoum ;u corrord angam anendmh= dar]au Fa\astani lauago\n `oujpolist! Taroua\ lauago\n `oujpolisti mrzanake oskh gndake% 4 milion FF dram parg;ue ;u \atouk patouogire M.ijar;anin \an]n;z F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane! Âoman B;r;xowskou mrzanake^ ar‘ajh gndake ;u 2&8 milion FF dram parg;ue \an]nou;z m;r darpasapafi ;[børe! Âob;rt Arxouman;ane stazau pronxh gndak ;u 2 milion FF dram! • Fa\astani 2014 j& lauago\n marxic yanacou;z FF axga\in fauaqakani marxcakan ,tabi andam% 2014 j& FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri gl.auor marxic% a\vm FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani ;u :r;uani ª"iunikiº gl.auor marxic Sargis |owsh';ane! Sa Sargis |owsh';ani marxcakan a®a=in nouayoumn h! |owsh';ane parg;uatrou;z mrzanakow% \atouk diplomow ;u 2 milion FF dram parg;uow! :rkrord t;[oum h :r;uani ªBananziº gl.auor marxic Volt Fo®n\ake% ;rrordoum^ FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic ;u :r;uani ªAla,k;rtiº gl.auor marxic Abrafam >a,man;ane! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakºi ;u FF axga\in fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ ;n angliakan ;u g;rmanakan akoumbn;re! A\s masin \a\tarar;l h `oujpolisti gor‘akal Wal;ri |owfannis;ane% saka\n na ci ,tap;l n,;l anounn;r! • Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuiº kisapa,tpan Ar,ak Kor;ane fnarauor h ir gor‘ounhoujiune ,arounaki Folandia\oum! Ar,ake |ounouari 2-in m;kn;l h Folandia% ort;[ ;rk,abaj;a\ 'or]a,r=an k*anzni ªWit;soumº% n,;nq or fa\ `oujpolisti ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ ;n na;u ÂD-i Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº ;u Kaxani ªÂoubineº! Au;lazn;nq% or Kor;ane frauhr h staz;l




ÂD-i ;ritasardakan fauaqakani marxiciz% orphsxi masnakzi ªFamagor‘akzouj;anº gauaji f;rjakan .a[arkouj;ane! :jh Kor;ane amrapndoui folandakan jimoum% apa fnarauor ke lini nra masnakzoujiune FF fauaqakann;roum! • |ounouari 12-in ªAraratinº ke mianan 4 artasafmanzi `oujpolistn;r! ªAraratº ke t;[a'o.oui 22-am;a\ p;lgiazi kisapa,tpan Nikolas Pro;smane% ow na.kinoum fandhs h ;k;l P;lgia\i ªS;nt Jrou\d;nº ;u Foungaria\i ªOu\p;,tº jim;roum% incphs na;u P;lgia\i minc;u 18 ;u 19 tar;kan fauaqakann;ri kaxmoum! 24-am;a\ Lijouanian n;rka\azno[ kisapa,tpan :ug;ni Moroxe .a[az;l h t;[i ªW;traº% ªHkranasº% ªWiln\ousº% ªDa\nauaº% ªGranitasº ;u ª<aoul\a\º jim;roum% incphs na;u Lijouania\i minc;u 19 ;u 21 tar;kann;ri fauaqakann;roum! 22-am;a\ am;rikazi kisapa,tpan Wiqjor Garxa Garxan fandhs h ;k;l M;qsiqa\i ªTigr;sº ;u AMN-i ªÂhal Solj Lh\qº ou ªDalasº jim;roum! 23-am;a\ \ar]akouo[ Bauon J,iboubouan n;rka\aznoum h Kongon ;u na.kinoum fandhs h ;k;l P;lgia\i ªV;rminalº ou founkarakan ªOu\p;,tº jim;roum! Na mhk fandipoum h anzkazr;l na;u ir ;rkri axga\in fauaqakanoum! ªAraratiº na.agafe ªAraratiº ®mbarkou Al;qsandr Âakicin jimoum mnalou lau a®a=ark h ar;l ;u na ;rkara]g;l h jimoum mnalou pa\managire! • FF fauaqakani ;u :r;uani ªMika\iº darpasapaf Ghorg Kasparowe ke ,arounaki ir ;lo\jn;re FF pronxh mrzanakakir :r;uani ªMika\inº kaxmoum! I dhp ªMikanº krkin ousoumnamarxakan fauaq k*anzkazni Kiprosoum ";trouari 8-22-e! Fauaqi enjazqoum ke ka\ana\ 4 stougo[akan fandipoum! A®a=ine Faraua\in Qorha\i D;gou qa[aqe n;rka\azno[ no\nanoun akoumbn h% ;rkrorde^ P;lkrati ªCoukarcikº% ;rrorde Lijouania\i a®a=nouj;an 3-rd t;[oum enjazo[ ªAtlantanº h% isk \a=orde^ lijouanakan ªValgirisnº h!

S:RGH| MIQA|HL:ANI |A+O{OUJIUNE ~inlandia\i Lapinla.ti qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ dafoukawaxqi mi=axga\in warkani,a\in mrza,ari 10 qm& dasakan oyi mrzatara‘oujiunoum 8 p;toujiunn;ri 97 mrzakizn;ri mrzapa\qaroum \a[j;l h FF fauaqakani a®a=atar S;rgh\ Miqa\hl;ane! A\s \a[janake% incphs na;u ~inlandia\i mius \a=o[ mrza;lo\jn;re kar;uor na.adr;aln;r ;n 2015 j&! ";trouari 1-8-e Almaajioum ka\analiq dafoukawaxqi minc;u 22 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an \a=o[ masnakzouj;an famar!

2024 J& ØLIMPIADA|OUM BAR}R H GNAFATUOUM AM:RIK:AN QA{AQN:RI FNARAUOROUJIUNN:RE Bauakanin m;‘ h 2024 j& ka\analiq 33-rd ama®a\in ølimpiakan .a[;ri ma\raqa[aqi patouin \auakno[ qa[aqn;ri jiue!

N,uoum h% or \a\t ;n n;rka\azr;l F®ome% P;rline% Paqoun% Poudab;,te% Tofan% Qasaplanqan% Na\roupin% Stampoule% "arixe% Sankt ";t;rbourge% AMN-i qa[aqn;riz Posjene% Los Any;lese% Oua,inkjene ;u San ~ransisqøn! MØK_i na.agaf Jomas Ba.e bar]r h gnafatoum am;rik;an qa[aqn;ri fnarauoroujiunn;re! Na as;l h% or qa[aqn;riz iuraqanciurn ouni Ølimpiakan .a[;r anzkazn;lou bolor fnarauoroujiunn;re% saka\n na.apatououjiune talis h am;rik;ann;rin! |i,;zn;nq% or 2016 j& Ølimpiakan .a[;re ke ka\anan Âiø Ti Vaniro\oum% isk 2020 jouakanine^ Joqio\oum! N,uoum h% or AMN k*a®a=adri Posjeni j;kna‘oujiune!

S:R:NA OUILIAMSE :U NOWAK +AKOWICE TAROUA| LAUAGO|N J:NISISTN:R J;nisi mi=axga\in da,noujiune (IFT) anzno[ taroua\ lauago\n j;nisist h yanac;l s;rp Nowak +akowice% isk lauago\n j;nisistoufi^ am;rikoufi S;r;na Ouiliamse! N,;nq% or ;rkou j;nisistn;rn hl gl.auoroum ;n j;nisi mrza,ar;ri warkani,a\in a[iusakn;re! A\s mrzanake amhn tari ,norfuoum h a\n j;nisistn;rin% owq;r a®au;l \a=o[ ;n fandhs ;k;l ªm;‘ sa[auartiº mrza,ar;roum! T[amardkanz lauago\n xo\g ;n yanacou;l ;[ba\rn;r Pop ;u Ma\q Pra\ann;re AMN-iz% isk kananz dhpqoum^ italoufin;r Sa®a Hrani ;u Âob;rta Winci xo\ge!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r Xauhn Andrhas;ane ;u mi=axga\in warp;t Wafh Ba[dasar;ane Folandia\i Groning;n qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mi=axga\in mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 6&5-akan miauor ;u famapatas.anabar grau;zin 4-rd ;u 7-rd t;[;re! Mf;r |owfannis;ani ardiunqn h 6% Tigran Simon;anine^ 5&5 miauor! 8 miauorow mrza,ari mian]n;a\ \a[jo[ dar]au mi=axga\in warp;t Al;qsandr Donc;nkon (G;rmania)! • ÂD ,a.mati da,nouj;an na.agaf Marq Glou.owskin \a\tn;l h% or ÂD-i ,a.mati fauaqakani auag marxic :ouri Do.o\;ani pa\managri vamkhte ci ;rkara]goui! Do.o\;ane pa\managir ounhr% ore na.kinoum amhn tari ;rkara]guoum hr! A\s tari a\n ci ;rkara]gou;l! • |ounouari 9-in Folandia\i W;\k an X;h qa[aqoum m;karnkoum h Tata Sjil auandakan 'a®atøne! B& mrza,arin masnakz;lou frauhr h staz;l m;r fa\r;nakiz Samouhl S;u;ane! Nra mrzakizn;ri mh= ke lin;n masnauoraphs Nawaran% Wh\ |in% <anklande% L*A min% Potkine% Wan Kamp;ne% Jimane! A& mrza,arin ke masnakzi L;uon Aron;ane% ori mrzakizn;re ke lin;n& Ka®ls;ne% Karouanan% Girin% Son% Wa,ih-Lagraue% Din Lir;ne% Âa=abowe% Iwancouke% +obawan% <arice% Foou |i`ane% Wan W;lin!

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