ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. January 15, 2015, No. 3:N.O. Blank


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"ARIXI MH+ 1&5 MILION VO{OWOURD AU:LI QAN 40 :RKIRN:ROU AÂA+NORDN:ROU F:T MIASIN DATAPART:ZIN ª<ARLI F:PTغI DHM KATAROUA’ AFAB:KCOUJIUNE FA|AMHT S:NATORE ORO<A’ H A|L:US CAÂA+ADROUIL AMN S:NATIN Gali`ornia\hn entroua‘ fa\amht s;nator Parpara Paqsere% or am;na\a\tni d;mokrat gor‘icn;rhn mhkn h% \a\tarara‘ h% jh 2016 jouakanin piti ca®a=adrh ir j;kna‘oujiune s;natori mandati famar! KTLA f;®oustaaliqi 'o.anzmamb% an n,a‘ h% jh amhnhn ,at fpart h vamanakin Iraqi mh= pat;raxmin dhm qouhark;lou famar! 74-am;a\ s;natore t;saniuj me tara‘a‘ h% our farzaxro\z me toua‘ h ir jo®nikin ;u n,a‘ h% jh piti cdadr;znh ir a,.atanqe% parxaphs a\l;us c*oux;r a,.atil Gonkrhsin mh=! An na;u \a\tna‘ h% jh a\s oro,oume c*axd;r ir tariqin wra\! ª:s inqs no\nqan ;ritasard ke xgam% orqan a®a=in entrou;lous vamanakº! esa‘ h an% Paqserin oro,oume lour= faroua‘ k*ella\ d;mokratn;rou dirq;roun Gali`ornio\ mh=!

QAS"ERCIQI PA<TØNE :RKARA}GOU:ZAU :AFK mamlo\ ‘a®a\oujiune fa[ord;z% or ;rkara]goua‘ h :AFK gor‘o[ na.agafi an]nakan n;rka\azouzic% d;span Anyh\ Qas'erciqi pa,tønawarouj;an vamkhte! Fa[ordagrouj;an mh= n,oua‘ h% jh oro,oume pa,tønaphs piti \a\tararoui 15 |ounouarin^ :AFK mna\oun andamn;rou .orfourdi nistin! D;span Anyh\ Qas'erciq a\s pa,tøne stan]na‘ h 1997-in! L;f diuanaghte a\spisow 18-rd angam ellalow ke n,anakoui :AFK gor‘o[ na.agafi an]nakan n;rka\azouzic!

"arixi ª<arli F;ptøº ;rg i ‘ aj ;rji .mbagrouj;an wra\ kataroua‘ afab;kcakan \ar]akoumi dhpqe ke ,arounakh mnal qa[aqakan ou mi=axga\in ørakargi wra\% ,arounak .øs;zn;low ir masin! Jh;u afab;kicn;re anz;al Ourbaj ør gtnou;zan ;u spannou;zan ostikanakan \atouk gor‘o[ouj;an me enjazqin% ba\z oyragor‘ouj;an whrq;re jarm ;n ou ambo[= a,.arfi ou,adroujiune s;u;®oua‘ h :uropa\i fnago\n ;rkirn;rhn ~ransa\i wra\! Kiraki% a®auøt;an "arixi mh= sksau fama.mboumi ou mias-

nouj;an qa\lar,aue% oroun masnak z;zan 1&5 milion an];r! N a. ag a f ~ransoua Folantin ou ~ransa\i vo[ owourd i n ir;nz xørakzoujiune \a\tn;lou famar a\s qa\lar,auin% a,.arfi au;li qan 40 ;rkirn;rou a®a=nordn;rn ou bar]rastiyan pa,tønn;re% ];®q-];®qi qal;zin afab;kcouj;an dhm% ir;nz ]a\ne bar]razn;lou famar! Zo\ze sksa‘ hr Fanrap;touj;an Fraparakhn ;u w;r=azau Axga\in Fraparakin møt! @

SOURIO| ’A|RA|:{AKANN:RE PA|J:ZOUZA’ :N 13-RD DAROU |A|TNI ASTOUA’ABANI DAMBARANE ªY;pf;j hl Nousraº ‘a\ra\;[akan .mbauorman grofa\inn;re pa\j;zouza‘ ;n Imam :afia ipn <ara` al Nauauii dambarane! Incphs ke fa[ordh ªSanaº gor‘akaloujiune% ‘a\ra\;[akann;rou dvgofouj;an patya®e ;[a‘ h a\n% or 13-rd dari \a\tni mousoulman astou‘abani g;r;xmane dar]a‘ h fauataz;aln;rou ou.tagnazouj;an wa\r% ke

grh Jass gor‘akaloujiune! Øgtagor‘;low fxør pa\jouzikn;r^ grofa\inn;re ambo[=ouj;amb ocncazouza‘ ;n srbawa\re! A\s qa\low ªAl Nousra\iº ko[mnakizn;re ke nmanin ªIslamakan p;toujiunº .mbauorman andamn;roun% oronq w;r=in amisn;rou enjazqin ocncazouza‘ ;n dambarann;r Falhpi fiusise ;u Thr Xøri mh=!

INCPHS FA| :RGI’ABANE "RKOUA’ H "ARIX:AN SPANDHN ~ransafa\ \a\tni ;rgi‘aban Majiou Mat;n;ane% or anz;al taroua\ S;pt;mb;rhn i w;r ke j[jakzi `ransakan ªCharlie Hebdoº ;rgi‘akan ,abajaj;rjin% fra,qow 'rkoua‘ h .mbagratan mh= t;[i oun;za‘ spandhn! ªSoworabar% Cor;q,abji vame 10-in ke fauaqouinq noroujiunn;rou masin .øs;lou! Anika m;xi famar .m;lou a®ij h! Dhpqin øre a®auøt;an vame 9-in% ;s fa[ordagroujiun [rk;zi <arpin (,abajaj;rji ‘a[rankaricn;rhn mhkoun% or no\nphs spannoua‘ h)% es;lou famar& C;m krnar n;r-

ka\ ellal% orphsxi \a=ord ,abaj jagauorakan gajan;r b;r;m% ba\z doun anfog ;[ir% <abajKiraki ®;storan k*;rjanqº%patma‘ h Majioun Canal+-i ou[i[ ;j;row% oroun enjazqin t;[;kaza‘ h gor‘enk;rn;roun spanouj;an masin!

Wal;ri P;rm\akow

GIUMRII MH+ DAVANØRHN SPANNOUA’ H ANM:{ ENTANIQ ME Giumrii mh= Au;tis;anentaniqi spanouj;an \anzanqe endouna‘ h ÂD ®axmaka\ani vamkhta\in xin‘a®a\o[^ Wal;ri P;rm\akowe! |i,;zn;nq or |ounouar 12-in Giumrii mh= Miasnik;an 'o[ozi jiu 188 tan entaniqi w;z andamn;roun gta‘ ;n spannoua‘% isk w;z amsakan ;r;.an tarb;r wnasoua‘qn;row t;[a'o.oua‘ h fiuandanoz! Oyragor‘e xin‘a®a\o[ Wa l;ri P;rm\akowin \a\tnab;ra‘ ;n ®ous safmanapafn;re! P;rm\akowe Fa\astani i,.anouj;an piti c\an]noui% anor gor‘e piti qnn;n ;rkou ;rkirn;rh ba[kaza‘ marmin me! Au;tis;an entaniqi fog;fangst;an araro[oujiune t;[i oun;zau Cor;q,abji% |ounouar 14-in% isk ja[oume^ |ounouar 15-in!

’A{IKN:R :U MATITN:R FA|ASTANI MH+ ~RANSA|I D:SPANATAN MØT& FA|:RE KE ZAUAKZIN Tasn;ak fa\astanzin;r% lragro[n;r% |ounouar 8-in% a®auøt;an a\z;la‘ ;n Fa\astani mh= ~ransa\i d;spanatoun^ \arg;lou `ransakan ;rgi‘akan ªCharlie Hebdoº ,abajaj;rji .mbagrouj;an xof;rou \i,atake^ matitn;r% mom;r ;u ‘a[ikn;r dn;low zankapati møt! F

N.O. January 15, 2015, No. 3:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% 15 |OUNOUAR 2015


Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno) PA<TØNAJ:RJ MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:ROU ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN <R+ANI An ADL Publication >MBAGIR^

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Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an Andranik Fa\k;an >mbagroujiun

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93-AM:AK 1922-2015

2007 j& |ounouari 19-in jourq axga\namoln;re ano[oq fa,ou;\ardar t;san K& Polsoum lo\s t;sno[ ªAkøsº ,abajaj;rji .mbagirfratarakic Frand Tinqi nkatmamb! Nra ;[;®na\in korouste bou®n xa\ro\j a®a=azr;z oc mia\n Jourqia\oum ;u Fa\astanoum% a\l;u ambo[= a,.arfoum! K;anqiz f;®azau wastaka,at lragro[e% .ixa. ;u ardaramit% mardka\in irauounqn;ri pa,tpanouj;an an.on= martike! Na a®a=in fa\n hr% or Jourqia\oum y,martouj;an patnh,i wra\ kangna‘ datapart;z Fa \oz Z;[aspanoujiune! Frand Tinqe siroua‘ ;u \argoua‘ an]nauoroujiun hr na;u jourq a®a=adhm mtauorakann;ri ,r=anakoum! ªAkøsº ,abajaj;rji jourqakan bavnoum xanaxan niuj;ri f;t \aya. lo\s hr t;snoum na;u K& Polsi fa\ fama\nqi% incphs na;u fa\jourqakan \arab;roujiunn;ri f;t a®ncouo[ niuj;r! :rb;mn ,abajaj;rji jourqakan bavnoum t;[ hr gtnoum na;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune dataparto[ fa\ ;u jourq f;[inakn;ri \ødoua‘n;re! 2007 j& |ounouari 26-in% Frand Tinqi mafiz mhk ,abaj \;to\ lo\s t;sa‘ ªAkøsº ,abajaj;rji baza®ike% ambo[=ouj;amb nouiroua‘ hr Frand Tinqi anmar \i,atakin! 35 m;‘adir h=;riz ba[kaza‘ ,abajaj;rjoum endgrkoua‘ hin baxmajiu zauakzakan groujiunn;r^ a®an]in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;riz% mioujiunn;riz% ;k;[;zakan .orfourdn;riz% pa,tønatar an];riz% bar;kamn;riz ;u gor‘enk;rn;riz! Stor;u% jourq;rhniz m;r jargmanouj;amb enj;rzo[in ;nq n;rka\aznoum w;ro\i,;al w,takzakan groujiunn;riz mi qanise!

:RANI JH NRAN ASHI ªGNAº :rani jh vamazo\zn;re ;t gna\in% orphsxi nran grkhinq% 'am'ou,tn;ri a®a=e 'akhinq ;u Frandin 'rkhinq&&& M;nq git;nq nran ocncazno[ fimnarkin! A\d ariunot ];®q;ri ourouankare boloris \i,o[ouj;an mh= h! Ir;nq ir;nz Jourqia kar‘o[ a\d fiuandagin k;ntroni ow lin;le ;jh cgit;nq% apa ,at lau git;nq nranz lin;le! M;x

sougi ;u amøji mh= jo[n;low gnaz! Amacoum ;nq% orowf;t;u ckaro[azanq nran pa,tpan;l ;u thr kangn;l! <at iura\atouk mi an]nauoroujiun hr! Cfaskazanq nra arvhqe% ckaro[azanq nran apr;zn;l! M;nq korzrinq Malajia\i Frandin% Jourqia\i Frandin% A,.arfi Frandin! Jrqoujiune wirauor;lou famar nra fandhp \arouzoua‘ dati am;nadvndak ør;rn hin! F;®a.øsow kapou;zinq irar f;t! - :jh a\s datawaroujiune im dhm wyi® ar]aki% f;®analou ;m Jourqia\iz%- asaz na! :s hl i,.anakan oyow patas.an;zi& - Oc mi t;[ c;s karo[ gnal! A\s t;[e orqanow or m;rn h% a\nqan hl qo fa\r;niqn h! C;nq karo[ q;x oc mi t;[ ou[ark;l! Fima x[=oum ;m% ;rani jh asa‘ linhi ªGna Frand&&& gna% ;jh karo[ ;s f;®ou gna! M;nq c;nq karo[ q;x pa,tpan;l! M;nq a[aunin;rin hl ke spann;nqº! A\s t;sakhtiz jh& w,ti mh= ;m ;u jh* ,'ojafar! Mousja`a Gara Ali Ø[lou

FANGIST QNIR M;r ka\qh=i mh= qo bolor ;ritasard enk;rn;re% ort;[ or ;[;l ;n miab;ran as;l ;n& ªM;r ;[børe .';zinº! Irakanoum% Frande no\nphs im m;‘ ;[ba\rn hr! M;‘ ;[børs .l;zin im ];®qiz! <at lau% i#nc ,af;zin! Mijh# kar‘;zin% or fangc;lou h a\s axatouj;an krake% a\s fauasaroujiune% a\s ;[ba\roujiune% a\s d;mokratakan krake! O*c ci fangc;lou! C;nq jo[n;lou% or fangc;zn;n! Jo*[ imanan% or nra ;t;uiz fariurn;row% faxarn;row Frand h galis ;u bolorn hl Frandi nman m;‘ sirt oun;n! <ar& h= 14


SAREGAMI<I MH+ PAT:RAXMO{ FA| XINOUORN:R :U ANONZ G:R:WAROUJ:AN NAMAKN:RE {Kuðu)´ kþðkr st< wuwýzr huýsuçuz Kuztð Uüvus euðqþul aðuýuðumu, tð buý aþýu=ð=ðumuz w+endu, sg^ ndð uz mg wrbþjztð kt Ýuðgüusrbr zbuzudnð huýþðuösr gzkuj=rz auw örzndnðzþð ul mxndu, trz +isuzjr örzndnðzþðnd mnp=rz þd uznz= þdi ýuxuhu, trz Ýuðgüusrbr uptýtz!

Uwi +ðþðndz^ þðç auzeriudnð mþðhnf mg zbndr Ýuðgüusrbr st< iuxu, þd zuauýumndu, 90 auöuð +isuzþuz örzndnðzþð^ uznzj mnp=rz htý= t .nzuðarl zuþd uwz auw mus =ðriýnzþuw örzndnðzþðndz wrbuýumrz ux<þd^ nðnz= þdi mg mxndtrz nðhti +isuzþuz çuzumr örzndnð!

Kuztð Uüvus uwi çnlnðg mg arszt 1922-rz Yuðrör st< aðuýuðumndu, auwþðtz ürð=r sg fðuw^ nðndz uzndzz t {Quwz


Iuxuhþlnj´! Aþprzumz t H$ I+zuhþýþuz! Rðumuzndkþuz st< ürð=g 1915-tz fþðuhðu, auwþðnd mnpst üðndu, ýuxuhulrj zusumzþðnd audu=u,nw sgz t! Auðrdðudnð uzqþð rðþzj zusumzþðndz st< mg huýsþz kt r#zv ýuxuhuz=zþð uhðu, þz! Zusumzþðg üðndu, þz 1916-1919 kndumuzzþðnd sr<þd!

Kuztð Uüvus iuhti mg

Uwi zusumzþðndz st< rzvþð vmuz nð$$$! Anz mg muðeujndr kt rzvhti znwz ürdprz çzumrvzþðg rðþzj eðujrzþðndz mnpst ihuzer þzkuðmndu, þz! Çuwj mg huýsndr zuþd uwz çuðr suasþýumuzzþðnd suirz^ nðnz= +üzþjrz auwþðndz! Ustz rzv muw uwi zusumzþðndz st<! Çuwj uwi zusumzþðndz st< muz zuþd Ýrhþðruwtz pðmndu, zusumzþð^ nðnz= znð t< sg mg çuzuz Ýuðgüusrbr uptýr suirz! Uwi zusumzþðtz stmg üðndu, t Wnfity Ýtwriþuz uzndz stmnd sg mnpst^ nð Ýuðgüusrbr st< üþðr rzmu, t xndiþðnd mnpst þd mg zbt kt sruwz Ýrhþðrnw st< rð uhðu, bð<uzumtz zþði 129 auw örzndnðzþð üþðþfuðndu, þz rðþz hti! Kuztð Uüvus m'git kt þkt <ar& h= 14

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J:UAKO>:LOW 1915 TARIN Y:NKIX AQJAR ’na‘ h 1955-in Polso\ mh=! Bar]rago\n ousman^ tnt;sagitouj;an mh= 1982-in ke stana\ Toqjora\i wka\akan "arixi Sorponi famalsaranhn! "ro`& Y& Aqjar ke dasauandh tnt;sagitoujiun ou warcakan gitoujiunn;r Pafca,;firi ou Kalajas;ra\i famalsarann;roun mh=! 22 tarin;r ‘a®a\a‘ h MAK-i (1889-94) mh= ibr;u waric-tnørhn% incphs na;u^ :uropakan Miouj;nhn n;rs! Frataraka‘ h baxmajiu fatorn;r :uropakan Miouj;an ;u anor \arab;rouj;anz masin Jourqio\ f;t% =atagowe da®nalow a\s w;r=no\n andamakzouj;an! 1999-in ke bar;kamana\ Frand Tinqi f;t! Anor spanouj;nhn (2007) ;tq% a®a=nordn;rhn ke da®na\ ,arvoumi me% or ke \a=o[i fauaq;l 32%000 storagroujiunn;r% a®a=adr;low Jourqio\ ko[mh n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an famar! Anika amousnaza‘ h ;u ouni ;rkou doustr;r! ’anøj >mb& O#w gith% bolor cariqn;re oronq ke fala‘;n m;x% anw;r=anali bolor fauaqakan =ard;re% ou m;r ankaro[oujiune^ apaqin;lou m;x klano[ ta®apanqn;rhn% j;r;us ardiunq h dar me t;uo[ fin anh‘qi ou k;[‘iqi! I#nc ke .orfiq! Asika j;r;us artab;roua‘ nxowqn h manoukn;rou% ;rks;® qa[aqazin;rou% oronq mafazan f;‘;‘anqow ou ja[ou;zan a®anz daga[i! Anika j;r;us ardiunq h m;r fogin;roun .orqe st;[‘oua‘ 'ojorikn;rou% ibr;u f;t;uanq takauin tagnapo[ taraba.t qa[aqazin;rou% n;ra®;al^ \o\n;rou% sourianin;rou ;u au;li ;tq^ al;uin;rou ;u qiurt;rou! J;r;us =ard;re% oronq takauin c;n t;[;kagroua‘ 1915-hn iw;r% ;u anonz masin fa,ou;tououjiun al kataroua‘ cellalow minc;u a\sør% n;rka\is ke baza\a\touin jo®n;roun ko[mh tarb;*r ];uow! Troua‘ anh‘qn;re^ .loua‘ k;anq;rou% jalanoua‘ bnakarann;rou% kor‘anoua‘ ;k;[;zin;rou% grauoua‘ dprozn;rou% korxoua‘ incq;rou 'o.arhn&&& ªJo[ Astoua‘ fatouzan;l ta\ ];xi ou ];r s;roundn;rounº! Ard;øq wyar;lou wra#\ ;nq minc;u fima gor‘adroua‘ anardaroujiunn;roun famar! Ard;øq fatouzoume t;[i k*oun;na#\ famar]akouj;amb% jh ankaro[ ;nq dimauor;lou m;r anz;al m;[q;re% jh oc ke zouzab;r;nq anpark;,toujiun% or a\l;us soworouj;an w;ra‘oua‘ h% ibr;u ardiunq anardarouj;an fandhp m;r jo\ltououj;an! Ke joui jh m;r fasarakoujiune 'ta‘ouj;amb warakoua‘ h darh me iw;r% jara.ot;low ,r=apate! Faka®ak mhk darou anh‘qin% 2015-e piti anzni% ªArd;øq Z;[aspanoujiun t;[i oun;za#‘ hº mta‘o[ouj;amb% banawhye anpatas.ani ]g;low! M;nq akanat;s piti mnanq n;rka\ i,.anouj;an la\na‘ir =anq;roun% ‘a‘k;lou famar a\s amøje% \;ta]g;low or;uh na.a];®noujiun 2015-in^ dimauor;lou famar y,martoujiune! Ourazoumi a\s qa[aqakanouj;an ibr;u patya®abanoujiun \a®a= ke q,ouin jo,na‘ a®arkoujiunn;r^ embostoujiun% gor‘akzoujiun j,namiin f;t ou xofarkoujiun (victimization) fa\;rn% or spann;zin - piti ,arounakoui joujakouil ,arq me .orfrdavo[own;rou enjazqin! Ou m;nq piti krkn;nq m;r fin \ank;rgn;re! 2015 April 24-in piti kaxmak;rpoui pa,tønakan araro[oujiun me% nouiroua‘ K;li'olii An]aki (Anzac Day) Ørouan tar;dar]in% or a®ncoua‘ ch Z;[aspanouj;an! Ou piti imananq a®at a®asp;ln;r f;rosakan drouagn;rou masin Tartanhli mh=! Saka\n oc mhke piti lsh m;r patma‘e!

QANI# NOR ANH’QN:R KATAROU:LOU :N% ORPHSXI |ØVARINQ • Yancnalou ;u \i,;lou% or anwnas% vra=an% ardiunauht% ta[anda,at ou .a[a[ashr vo[owourd me incph#s k*ocncazoui Anatoloui ®axmamol bnakcouj;an ko[mh% ;u jh ,;,t;lou nman va®angouj;an me 'o.anzoume m;r jo®n;roun! • Xgalou b®nouj;an houjiune% or dvba.t fa\;roun m[a‘ h a[a[ak;lou ªO#ur hir Astoua‘º 1915-i amran% mafouan nman zourt a\d m®a\l ør;roun! • Andrada®nalou jh 1915-i Y;nkix Aqjar Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an fa\abnakcoujiune qani me milionhn i=a‘ h gr;jh ocinci! Mnaz;al fa\;re kam ga[tni pafa‘ ;n ir;nz inqnoujiune% kam krøna'o. ;[a‘ ;n islam da®nalow% ];rbaxatou;lou famar a\n fan;loukhn jh ªZ;[aspanouji#un hr jh ocº% kam^ a\n farzoumhn% jh ªO#w oroun spanna‘ hº% parxaphs ansalow m;r .[yin! • Fasknalou% incphs Frand Tinq k*eshr% afagin qa[aqa-krjouj;an me ambo[=akan m,akouja\in z;[aspanoujiune ou korouste! • Andrada®nalou m;r ;rkri m;‘ago\n koroustin% or h oc-islam qa[aqazin;rou a\l;us fos caprile! • Emb®n;lou jh inco#u Z;[aspanoujiune – or a\d s;u ør;roun famar fa\;re k*aknark;n ibr;u M;‘ :[;®n – a[ht men h% or pataf;zau oc mia\n fa\;roun% a\l^ ambo[= ;rkrin! • T;sn;lou korouste m;r oc-islam qa[aqazin;roun% oronq spannou;zan% artaqsou;zan kam b®naga[ji ;njarkou;zan% ;u or famaxør h koroustin mta\in xørouj;an% qa[q;niouj;an% m,ako\ji ou qa[aqakrjouj;an! • Fa,ouark;lou grauoua‘ apranqn;re% incq;rn ou manoukn;rou anh‘qe! • Est arvanuo\n fasknalou f;[inak :a,ar Q;mali imastoujiune% or gra‘ h& ªØtar j®coun me ci krnar april lqoua‘ bo\ni mh=& a\n or bo\n ke qandh% ci* krnar bo\n oun;nal& b®noujiune ke snouzanh b®noujiunº! • No\nisk andrada®nalou% or anonq or ke m;rv;n w;ro\i,;al matnan,oumn;re& a\dph*s ke warouin% orowf;t;u anonq korsnzouza‘ ;n Z;[aspanouj;an a®ja‘ imastoujiune! Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune M;‘ Koroustn h Anatoloui ou japoun;rou ma\re (snouzano[e) a\s ;rkrin mh=! Anor anh‘qe m;x piti fala‘h% a\nqan at;n or ke ]a.o[inq .øs;lh a\d masin% xa\n fasknalh ;u endoun;lh! Anor fariuram;ake irakanouj;an mh= ke fa\ja\jh patmakan a®ije ];rbaxatou;lou m;r soworoujiunn;rhn% fasknalow Ouri,e% ou ];®nark;lou fauaqakan bouvoumi! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (Today's Zaman% D;kt;mb;r 31% 2014)

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NOR ØR% 15 |OUNOUAR 2015

"ARIXI MH+ OSTIKANI OU{{OUJ:AMB KRAKA’ AN}E }:RBAKALOUA’ H };rbakaloua‘ h "arixi ‘a\ramasin mh= ostikanouj;an par;ki ou[[ouj;amb krak baza‘ \anzagor‘e! Est JASS gor‘akalouj;an% dhpqi wa\r vamana‘ h ~ransa\i NG na.arar P;®nar Kaxn\owe! I,.anouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;re a®a\vm c;n krza‘ parx;l% ard;øq a\s mi=adhpe kap ouni mi qani ør a®a= 12 mardou k;anq .la‘ afab;kcouj;an f;t% oroun jira.e ªCharlie Hebdoº parb;rakani .mbagroujiunn hr! News.am-e t;[;kazouza‘ h% or |ounouar 8-i a®auøt;an "arixi mh= krkin krakozn;r fnca‘ ;n ;u mhk ostikan ‘anr wirauoroua‘ h!

WANOUM 704 T:{ANOUN W:RANOUANOU:L H FA|KAKAN :U QRTAKAN ANOUNN:ROW Wani qa[aqap;tarani oro,mamb Wan nafangi 704 t;[anoun w;ranouanou;l h na.kin anounn;row! Polso\ fa\kakan ªAkøsº parb;rakani 'o.anzmamb% Wani qa[aqap;tarane pafan=;l hr a,.atanqn;r irakanazn;l ;u n;rka\azn;l giu[;ri ;u ja[amas;ri na.kin anounn;ri zanke! A,.atanqn;ri ardiunqoum Wani qa[aqap;taran h n;rka\azou;l 704 t;[anoun! Wani qa[aqap;tarani auaganin ]a\n;ri m;‘amasnouj;amb oro,oum h endoun;l Wan nafangi 704 t;[anoun w;ranouan;l na.kin^ fa\kakan ;u qrtakan anounn;row! N,uoum h% or Wani Pa,qalhi ,r=anoum w;ranouanou;l h 81% Calteranoum^ 86% <ata.oum^ 34% Artam;toum^ 18% Ary;,oum^ 105% G;ua,oum^ 37% Giur'enaroum^ 174% I';q;olowoum^ 50& Mouratihoum^ 41% Øxal'oum^ 53 ;u Sara\oum 25 giu[ kam ja[amas!

S:RV SARGS:ANE <NORFAUOR:L H Ø~:LIA FAMBAR}OUM:ANIN Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ,norfauorakan ou[;r] h \[;l FF vo[owrdakan artist Ø`;lia Fambar]oum;anin^ ‘nnd;an 90-rd tar;dar]in kapakzouj;amb! ªTasnam;akn;r ,arounak Douq ;[;l hq oc mia\n fa\ vo[owrdakan ;rgi anxougakan kataro[% a\l;u fa\ ;rgarou;ste bar]razr;l hq nor makardaki! };r ;rgow fiaz;l% og;,ncou;l ou dastiarakou;l ;n s;roundn;r^ incphs fa\r;niqoum% a\nphs hl s'iu®qoum! };r bar]r arou;stow npast;l hq fa\ ;rgi tara‘mann ou fanraf®cakmane^ wa\;l;low famavo[owrdakan m;‘ shr! Ma[joum ;m };x a®o[=oujiun% ;r=anik k;anq ;u am;na\n bariqº% asoua‘ h FF na.agafi ,norfauorakan ou[;r]oum!

NAMAKANI ¸»Ïï© 15« 2014 êÇñ»ÉÇ §Üáñ úñ¦Ç ËÙµ³·ñáõÃÇõÝ! êñï³Ýó ÏÁ ·Ý³Ñ³ï»Ù Ó»ñ ¸»Ïï»Ùµ»ñ 1-Ç ËÙµ³·ñ³Ï³ÝÁ« áõñ ÏÁ ·ñ¿ù §µ³½Ù³½³õ³Ï Ñ³Û ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñ¦áõ Ù³ëÇÝ4 áñáÝù ³ñųÝÇ »Ý ³é³õ»É Ù»Í ·Ý³Ñ³ï³ÝùÇ! ºë åÇïÇ áõ½¿Ç ѳٵáõñ»É ׳ϳïÁ ³ÛÝ ÁÝï³ÝÇùÇ Ñûñ4 áñ åÇïÇ áñ¹»·ñ¿ ³ÛÝï»Õ ·ñáõ³ÍÁ! ²Ýѳٳñ ßÝáñѳϳÉáõÃÇõÝ §Üáñ úñ¦ÇÝ ³Ûë ÝÇõÃÇ Ù³ëÇÝ Ùï³Í»ÉáõÝ »õ ·ñ»ÉáõÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ! ºÃ¿ ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ ËûëÇÝù ³Ûë Ù³ëÇÝ! г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ù¿ç ÝÙ³Ý ß³ñÅáõÙ ÙÁ Ï³Û ³ñ¹¿Ý« å¿ïù ¿ §Ù»Í³óÝ»É ³Ûë ÙÇïùÁ¦ г۳ëï³ÝÇ »õ ë÷ÇõéùÇ Ù¿ç ï³ñ³Í»Éáí! дÀØ-Á »õ ³ÛÉ Ù»Í Ï³½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñ ѳÙá½»Éáí áñ Ñáí³Ý³õáñ»Ý ³Ûë ·³Õ³÷³ñÁ µ³ñáÛ³å¿ë »õ ÝÇõóå¿ë! λóó¿ù! ØÇù³Û¿É î¿ñ»³n

DOKT& XAUHN MSERL:AN^ FA|ASTANI FANRAP:TOUJ:AN AXGA|IN AKAD:MIA|I ARTASAFMAN:AN ANDAM 27 ¸»Ïï»Ùµ»ñ 2014-ÇÝ ·áõÙ³ñ³Í Çñ ÀݹѳÝáõñ ÄáÕáíÇÝ ÁÝóóùÇÝ« г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõû³Ý ²½·³ÛÇÝ ²Ï³¹»ÙÇ³Ý ¸áÏï© ¼³õ¿Ý ØëÁñÉ»³ÝÁ ÁÝïñ³Í ¿ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛÇ ³ñï³ë³Ñٳݻ³Ý ³Ý¹³Ù! ¸áÏï© ØëÁñÉ»³ÝÇ ³½·³ÛÇÝ-ѳë³ñ³Ï³Ï³Ý »õ ·Çï³-ÏñÃ³Ï³Ý áõ ѳ۳·Çï³Ï³Ý ÝáõÇñáõÙÝ áõ ͳé³ÛáõÃÇõÝÁ Éǵ³Ý³naÑ³Û ·³ÕáõÃÇݪ Ï*»ñϳñÇÝ ³õ»ÉÇ ù³Ý ÛÇëáõÝ ï³ñÇÝ»ñáõ íñ³Û! ²½·³ÛÇÝ ûñÇݳϻÉÇ Û³ÝÓݳéáõû³Ùµ »õ Ñ»ï»õáճϳÝûñ¿Ý ÉáÛë ï»ë³Í ³Ýáñ ųٳݳϳÏÇó ѳÛáó å³ïÙáõû³Ý »õ ٳݳõ³Ý¹ Ð³Û ¸³ïÇÝ ÝáõÇñáõ³Í ËáÑáõÝ« µ³ÝÇÙ³ó »õ Ëáñ³Ã³÷³Ýó áõëáõÙݳëÇñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ ¥Ûû¹áõ³ÍÝ»ñ »õ ³é³ÝÓÇÝ Ñ³ïáñÝ»ñ¤ ϳñ»õáñ Ýå³ëï ѳݹÇë³ó³Ý гÛáó ¹¿Ù ·áñͳ¹ñáõ³Í ò»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý ׳ݳãÙ³Ý Ñ»ï³åÝ¹Ù³Ý ·Íáí ï³ñáõ³Í ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñáõÝ! 2014 ï³ñáõ³Ý ÁÝóóùÇÝ« ÎÇÉÇÏÇáÛ Ð³Ûáó γÃáÕÇÏáë ²ñ³Ù ì»Ñ³÷³é¿Ý §Ø»ëñáå سßïáó¦ ßù³Ýß³Ýáí áõ г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõû³Ý ܳ˳·³Ñ ê»ñÅ ê³ñ·ë»³Ý¿Ý §Øáíë¿ë Êáñ»Ý³óǦ ßù³Ýß³Ýáí å³ñ·»õ³ïñáõ»É¿ »ïù« г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõû³Ý ²½·³ÛÇÝ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛÇ ³ñï³ë³Ñٳݻ³Ý ³Ý¹³Ù ÁÝïñáõÃÇõÝÁ Û³õ»É»³É ׳ݳãáõÙÝ ¿ ¸áÏï© ¼³õ¿Ý ØëÁñÉ»³ÝÇ ³ñ¹Çõݳµ»ñ ·áñÍáõÝ¿áõû³Ý! гÛϳ½»³Ý г۳·Çï³Ï³Ý гݹ¿ëÇ ÊÙµ³·ñáõÃÇõÝÁ ÏÁ ßÝáñѳõáñ¿ Çñ ³Ù;ݳµ»ÕáõÝ ³ß˳ï³ÏÇóÇÝ áõ í³ëï³Ï³õáñ ·ÇïݳϳÝÇÝ ³Ûë ³ñųÝÇ ÁÝïñáõÃÇõÝÁ« ³Ýáñ ÏÁ Ù³Õÿ Çñ ·Çï³ÏñÃ³Ï³Ý ·áñÍáõÝ¿áõû³Ý Û³ñ³ï»õáõÃÇõÝ »õ ³é³ï µ»ñù³ïáõáõÃÇõݪ гÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ð³ñóÇ Çñ áõëáõÙݳëÇñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáõ ¹³ßïÇÝ Ù¿ç!

гÛϳ½»³Ý г۳·Çï³Ï³Ý гݹ¿ëÇ ÊÙµ³·ñáõÃÇõÝ

MAFAZA’ H FA|ASTAN-JOURQIA "OR}I "O>ANAKMAN ’RAGIROW :R:UAN :KA’ LRAGRO{E 7 |ounouarin :r;uani ªS& Grigor Lousauoricº bv,kakan k;dronin mh= mafaza‘ h lragro[ Ka\h Yo,ar% or 2014 jouakani 26 D;kt;mb;rin :r;uani mh= patafa‘ inqna,arvi arka‘i f;t;uanqow ‘anrørhn wirauoroua‘ hr! Ka\h Yo,ar 2014 jouakani No\;mb;rhn ªSiwilijasº fimnadramin mh= n;ra®oua‘ hr ibr;u lragro[ ;u f;taxøto[% Jourqia\hn ªFrand Tinqº fimnadrami ko[mh irakanazouo[ 'or]i 'o.anakman na.agi‘ow! Na.agi‘e :uropakan Miouj;an dramakan \atkazoumow irakanazouo[ ªA=akzoujiun Fa\astanJourqia \arab;roujiunn;rou bnakanonazman folowo\jinº ‘ragiri tarr;rhn mhkn h! Ka\h Yo,ari mafouan kapakzouj;amb ªFrand Tinqº fimnadrame fraparaka‘ h \a\tararoujiun me% our k*esoui& ªM;nq korsnzouzinq Ka\h Yo,are% or lragro[ hr% jargmanic% m;r lau enk;roufin ;u ªFrand Tinqº fimnadrami Fa\astan-Jourqia 'or]i 'o.anakman na.agi‘i ‘irin mh=% No\;mb;r amishn Ka\h Yo,ar ke bnakhr :r;uani mh= ;u ibr;u lragro[ n;ra®oua‘ hr ªSiwilijasº fimnadramin mh=! 26 D;kt;mb;r 2014-in patafa‘ inqna,arvi arka‘hn ;tq% tasn;rkou ør ,arounak Ka\hn ke gtnouhr fiuandanoz ;u f;®azau m;xmh |ounouar 7-in kanou. a®auøt;an! M;nq k*oux;nq m;r ;ra.tagitoujiune \a\tn;l ªS& Grigor Lousauoricº bv,kakan k;droni a,.atakaxmin ;u bvi,kn;roun^ Ka\hi k;anqin famar taroua‘ pa\qarin mh= masnagitakan a=akzoujiun ;u baza®ik =anq;r zouzab;r;lou famar! M;nq li ;nq wi,tow! G;[;zik vpitow m;r enk;roufin ;rb;q ci mo®zouir&&& M;nq m;r ank;[‘ zauakzoujiune ke \a\tn;nq Ka\hi entaniqin ;u anor sir;lin;rounº!

WRIPAK ªNor Ørºi |ounouar 8-i .mbagrakanin mh=% diurimazouj;amb chr n,oua‘ Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani bar;rarn;r^ Ta[l;an entaniqi andamn;roun anounn;re! K*apauininq m;r enj;rzo[n;rou n;ro[amtouj;an!

NOUIRATOUOUJIUN Alis Maxman;an ir faraxatn;roun^ Maxman;an entaniqi andamn;rou mafouan tar;lizn;roun a®ijow% 'o.an ‘a[k;psaki 100 tolar ke nouirh ªNor Ørºi bargauayman `ontin!

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Community Recognition For Mr. Nahabet Nahabetian

With Primate Kissag Mouradian Buenos Aires, Argentina - On December 18th, AGBU Buenos Aires Chapter honored one of the most dedicated member of the Armenian Community, Mr. Nahabed Nahabedian, by naming the patio of its Zoravar Antranik Center’s patio after him. Mr. Nahabetian is the founder of Tekeyan Cultural Association (previously Arhsak Chobanian Cultural Association) and ADL of South America, headquartered in Buenos Aires. He has founded also the “Sardarabad” newspaper in 1975, first published monthly and now weekly. During the last 39 years “Sardarabad” weekly has taken important political and cultural undertakings of the communities of South America. Mr. Nahabedian was born in Athens Greece in 1927 and immigrated to Argentina in 1950’s. Mr. Nahabetian maintained his Liberal Democratic ideas and put them in the service of the Armenian community of Argentina. He has dedicated 65 years of his life to community work, with the aim of keeping alive the feeling of belonging and developing the identity of Armenian culture. He has done so with a true vocation based on public service, unconditional support to Armenia (whoever is in power), faith in the mission of the Armenian Apostolic Church and his unwavering commitment to defend freedoms in all aspects of human life, thought, action and expression. All these virtues earned him a deserved place of respect in the community life, so that the tributes are just a little 'pampering' of his life, which allows this kind of human beings to live in harmony with their peers, in the constant search for the good and of the common ground, even postponing dedication to his family. Thus, with men like Nahabed Nahabedian, our community formed leaders of the new generation, all involved with Community organizations. Today all these leaders bear an obligation to find common language between institutions, community, allowing us to move forward any internal pitfalls. On behalf of the AGBU Argentina spoke AGBU Central Board member Ruben Kechichian. Then Mr. Mihran Sarafian, active member of ADL and Tekeyan referred to the work of Mr. Nahabetian in the communities of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Montevideo (Uruguay) through Sardarabad Weekly and the Tekeyan Cultural Association. Mr. Sergio Nahabedian, the son of Mr. Nahabed, now a leader himself, spoke about his father’s dedication to his late mother and all three siblings. V a r t z g u e d Gadar, enguer Nahabed. Diana Der Garabedian

Valery Permyakov Confesses To Killing Six Members Of Family In Gyumri Russian soldier Valery Permyakov confessed to killing six members of one family in the city of Gyumri, First Deputy Chief of the Armenian Police Hunan Poghosyan said. “The detained person left his position without permission. He had a rifle, service cartridges and two magazines. Permyakov said he went for a walk around the city, and entered the house where the incident occurred. He said he had no intention of crossing the border, but frontier guards saw and detained him,” Poghosyan said. The deputy police chief said that

Permyakov gave confessional evidence, according to which he acted alone. Six members of one family were found dead in their house in Gyumri on Monday morning. A six-month-old baby was hospitalized with stab wounds and underwent surgery. Valery Permyakov, a serviceman of the 102nd Russian military unit stationed in Gyumri, the main suspect in the murder, was detained by Russian border guards overnight while attempting to cross the Armenian-Turkish border near Yerazgavors village in Armenia’s Shirak province. !

Armenian president assumes personal control of Gyumri shooting case Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan held conference calls with heads of law enforcement bodies on Monday concerning the killing of a family of six members by a Russian soldier in Gyumri, a city in northwestern Armenia, according to the presidential press service. The president stressed the importance of revealing the details of the tragedy as soon as possible, finding those guilty and punishing them with the utmost rigor of the law. The commanders of the Russian mili-

tary base in Armenia are cooperating with Armenian law enforcement bodies and providing efficient assistance to the investigators. “All the necessary steps are being taken to find the criminal who committed that act of barbarism. These steps are under direct control of the Armenian president. The president expresses his deep condolences and support to relatives of the victims and shares the infinite pain and grief of the loss,” the presidential press service said.

Putin Convinced Yerevan And Moscow Will Intensify Efforts To Strengthen Russia-Armenia Partnership Russian President Vladimir Putin, congratulating his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan on Christmas and New Year holidays, expressed confidence that Yerevan and Moscow will intensify

their efforts to strengthen partnership between their countries. The Russian president was quoted by Kremlin's official website as saying that 2014 was a quite effective year for Russian-Armenian relations.

Border: Armenian Military Ordered To Step Up Preemptive Action Armenia’s Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan has called for more freedom to commanders to be ‘pro-active’ when it comes to defenses and preemption at the border with Azerbaijan that has seen an increasing number of infiltration attempts from the enemy side lately.

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry Condemns Artillery Assault On Armenian Catholic Church In Aleppo Armenian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tigran Balayan condemned terrorists' artillery attack on an Armenian catholic church in Syria's Aleppo. The word of the attack came on Saturday. In the statement, Balayan denounced the attack as barbarous action. «The international community should intensify its efforts to prevent such crimes and leave no room for offences against civilians, minorities and sacred places,» he was quoted by Novosti Armenia. The Armenian community in Syria numbers at various estimates 100,000 people. The largest community is in Aleppo (60,000). Clashes between government troops and armed opposition in Syria have forced many Armenians to flee their homes there.

Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian & The Employment Development Department Present:

Job & Career Fair Talat Pa!a Committee Fails To Hold Manifestatio Due To Efforts Of Greek-Armenian Community Athens - The Talat Pa!a Committee, a Turkish nationalist organization aiming to counter recognition of the Armenian Genocide, has been refused entry to Athens, where it had gone to issue a statement in protest at a recently approved Greek bill.

Serj Tankian: It Is Very Possible Turkey Will Recognize Armenian Genocide The group System of a Down whose members are all children of Armenian Genocide survivors, is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Genocide – in which Ottoman Turks began arresting and executing some 1.5 million Armenians, something that Turkey and several countries still refuse to recognize officially – with

an international tour named "Wake Up the Souls." This will end on April 23rd, the day before Armenia commemorates the anniversary, with the group's very first performance in the country of their ancestors. The band plans on livestreaming the concert so people all over the world can watch.

FREE Admission & Open to the Community Friday, January 23, 2015 10 AM - 2 PM Church on the Way 14800 Sherman Way Van Nuys, CA 91401 Candidates of all ages, experience levels, and industries are encouraged to attend. Please come prepared with resumes and dressed professionally. Companies will be looking to fill full-time, part-time and apprentice positions. For more information: Call the office of Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian at 818-376-4246

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 15, 2015


Rostom Sarkissian Announces Candidacy For LA City Council Asks voters to evaluate him on years of community service and leadership Los Angeles - Rostom Sarkissian has announced his candidacy for the Los Angeles City Council Fourth District, a seat long held by the retiring Councilmember Tom LaBonge. Sarkissian has said he is running for Los Angeles City Council to be the community’s voice at City Hall. If elected, he will focus on policy, not politics. Sarkissian is a dedicated family man, who is grounded in deep Los Angeles roots. As an 8-year-old boy scout growing up in Hollywood, Sarkissian attended Ramona Elementary School where he returned many years later to work on the Measure K School Bond that has repaired hundreds of schools and built dozens of new ones across Los Angeles. One of those new schools, Kingsley Elementary, replaced the corner liquor store in his neighborhood. “I never dreamed that I would come back to Hollywood and be able to do what we did. To be part of an effort that turned a liquor store into an elementary school is rewarding beyond words,” said Rostom Sarkissian. “This is the type of policies that I want to pursue, and I can’t do it without the support of our community on March 3.”

Sarkissian earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor’s degree in Diplomacy and World Affairs from Occidental College. He was twice awarded the Richter Scholarship for international research in Armenia, including his undergraduate thesis on Javakhk, which has been cited in numerous European publications about Javakhk. He was selected as a Coro Fellow from Los Angeles and was a United Nations Intern in 2001. For the past 20 years, Sarkissian has worked with many amazing individuals and organizations -- across the political spectrum -- on a range of issues affecting the Armenian community, from youth mentorship programming for at-risk youth to the political empowerment movements throughout LA County in the 2000's to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide at the state, federal and international levels. He is proudest of his part in the 2011 “Recognition and Resurrection” campaign to commemorate the Armenian Genocide, which took place on the very rare occasion of when the Eastern and Western celebrations for Easter were on April 24. This had not occurred for 150 years, and will not

occur again for the better part of this century. Millions of Christian faithful around the world remembered the victims of the Armenian Genocide during their Easter services. The Armenian community spoke with one voice, and commemorated the rebirth of the Armenian Nation from the ashes of Genocide, on the day symbolizing the resurrection of Christ -- Easter Sunday. Later that year, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a “Return of Churches Resolution” on a 43-1 vote, an unthinkable margin given the number of pro-Turkey lawmakers on that Committee. “The Resurrection and Recognition campaign shaped the discussion of the Armenian Genocide on a global scale in the Armenian Community, but it was sparked here in Los Angeles” said Sarkissian. “On April 24, 2011, our community not only mourned the souls that we lost, but also celebrated the continued rebirth of the Armenian Nation through those who survived. It was a powerful message that we will continue to thrive.” Sarkissian is a small business owner and has spent the last six years working with local nonprofits in developing and

writing grants, providing marketing consulting for small business owners, and working to elect Community focused leaders across LA County. He has worked on campaigns across the country, including the Oregon, Colorado, and Florida campaigns for Barack Obama and John Kerry for President. Sarkissian is a native speaker of Armenian, and is also proficient in Spanish. He married his wife, Lilit, in 2013. She worked as a labor and delivery nurse at Cedars Sinai until the birth of their daughter, Anush, who was born on September 11, 2014. The family lives in Sherman Oaks. City Council District 4 comprises Los Feliz, Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Silver Lake, Toluca Lake, Larchmont, Hancock Park, and Miracle Mile. The incumbent councilmember, Tom Labonge, is termed out this year. There are 14 candidates in the race, and Sarkissian is the only ArmenianAmerican candidate. The primary election will take place on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.

AGBU Nicosia Celebrates Its 100th Anniversary The Cypriot Armenian community comes together to honor the past century On Saturday, October 25, 2014, AGBU Nicosia celebrated its hundredth anniversary with an evening of speeches, tributes and performances. The event took place at the AGBU Club in Nicosia and was attended by prominent members of the Cypriot Armenian community, including Archbishop Nareg Alemezian, Vartkes Mahdessian, representative of the Armenian community in the Cyprus House of Representatives, and Benon Sevan, the former head of the United Nation’s Oil-forFood Program, along with other political and religious figures. The celebration was organized by the AGBU Club’s cultural committee and headed by Maggie Haladjian Eskidjian, who began the evening with a welcome speech and introduced the Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church Children’s Choir. The concert was followed by performances by two young musicians, saxophonist Garen Zartarian and violinist Lucy Hovhanessian. Following the performances, Hampig Mardirossian, editor of Khosnag Magazine in Beirut, delivered a speech outlining the history of AGBU both in Cyprus and internationally. In particular, he highlighted AGBU’s humanitarian aid campaign, discussing the various projects that AGBU has spearheaded to assist Syrian and Iraqi Armenians and to foster development in education and healthcare in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The celebration concluded with a ceremony to honor members who have served the AGBU Nicosia community for more than fifty years and a reception for the dozens of guests who came to celebrate the community’s milestone. The event drew people of all ages, but of the veteran members of the community, Eskidjian had a spe-

cial message: “I fondly remember all of these lovely faces who brought light to our community through with their hard work and energy. They would organize cultural programs and gatherings during which all of us—young and old—would participate.” Today’s Cypriot Armenian community numbers between 3,000 and 3,500 people and is centered in Nicosia, with smaller groups scattered across the island in Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos. Though the existence of the community dates to the Byzantine period, the majority of today’s Cypriot Armenians are descendants of Armenian genocide survivors who fled from Cilicia. In the twentieth century, Cyprus was home to the AGBU Melkonian Institute, the only Armenian boarding school in the diaspora. Before it closed in 2005, the school attracted young Armenians worldwide and produced generations of men and women who went on to lead their communities throughout the diaspora.

Armenian Student Killed In Marseille

Gyumri Massacre Survivor Still In Critical Condition

A 16-year-old Armenian boy has been murdered in the French city of Marseille. According to Nouvelles d'Arménie, the teen was stabbed to death near his college. He had an argument with a group of students and they stabbed him. The boy’s name was Michael Assaturyan. The Coordination Council of Armenian Organisations of France condemned this cruel murder and called for quick justice.

Doctors in Armenia on Tuesday fought to save the life of a 6month-old infant from Gyumri who was gravely wounded in an armed attack that left his parents, grandparents, aunt and 2-yearold sister dead. Seryozha Avetisian underwent surgery in a Gyumri hospital on Monday shortly after being found stabbed in the chest in the family’s house. The five other family members were shot and killed in their beds. The baby boy was transported to the Surp Astvatsamayr hospital in Yerevan.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 15, 2015


2014: A Year In Insane Quotes From Turkey’s President

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Controversial Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan is a shrewd politician who has not only managed to

By Hambersom Aghbashian

stay in power for more than a decade, but has also become even stronger (and stranger) over time

By Elcin Poyrazlar Turkish president and aspiring strongman Tayyip Erdogan is armed to the teeth. Not just with tanks and guns, but also with an impressive armory of bonkers vocabulary. In his time in office, Erdogan has used outlandish, conspiratorial, provocative and sexist remarks to distract attention from his many, many shortcomings and energize his conservative base. Result? Half his citizens adore him, the rest hate his guts. Whatever! The guy’s totally dominating the political landscape of the Middle East. Good job, Tayyip! In terms of bizarre quotes, though, 2014 marked the year Erdogan really came into his own, with bon mots on feminism, British mining disasters and “robot lobbies.” Given the president’s unrestrained power and Turkey’s crucial strategic role in the region, the world can ignore these nuggets of absurdity or laugh them off only at its own peril. But despite being frightening omens of things to come, they are still pretty funny. Enjoy Erdogan’s greatest hits of 2014 below. Muslims Like Totally Discovered America, You Guys "It is alleged that the American continent was discovered by Columbus in 1492. In fact, Muslim sailors reached the American continent 314 years before Columbus, in 1178. …In his memoirs, Christopher Columbus mentions the existence of a mosque atop a hill on the coast of Cuba.” Nov. 16 No joke. This bit of solid gold from a gathering of Latin-American Muslim leaders seems to be part of a general push to boost self-confidence in the Islamic world, possibly at the expense of the facts. One of Erdogan’s ministers soon chipped in with the claim that a Muslim also first discovered that the world was round. Good to know. The president himself has argued that the growing number of Turkish children at religious schools would help reveal the REAL TRUTH behind Western-centric stories such as Columbus’s place in history. Meanwhile, Turkey languishes near the bottom of most international education rankings. Your Ortho Tri-Cyclen Is Killing Turkey “One or two [children] is not enough. To make our nation stronger, we need a more dynamic and younger population. In this country, [opponents] have been engaged in the treason of birth control for years and sought to dry up our generation.” Dec. 22 Erdogan’s claim that taking the pill and using condoms amounts to sedition came during a wedding speech. For real, a wedding speech. In the past, the president he has called abortion “murder” and denounced cesarean sections as a conspiracy against Turkish fertility. Wake up, sheeple! His campaign to have Turkish women to have at least three (and preferably five) children is just one of the most prominent examples of his increasingly intrusive governing style and extremely conservative values. Suck It, NATO! “I speak openly. Foreigners love oil, gold, diamonds and the cheap labor force of the Islamic world. They like the conflicts, fights and quarrels of the Middle East. Believe me, they don’t like us. …They look like friends, but they want us dead. They like seeing our children die.” Nov. 27 The West is exploiting the Middle East. The Islamic world must unite. All problems in the region are due to an apocalyptic clash of civilizations. You’ve heard it all before. But re-

member: Turkey is a member of NATO and is supposed to be working with the U.S. against the ISIS jihadis in Syria and Iraq (with whom the nation shares borders). With friends like these, right? You Ladies Just Don’t Get Motherhood Like I Do "You cannot put women and men on an equal footing. It is against nature. They were created differently. Their nature is different. …Our religion (Islam) has defined a position for women: motherhood. …Some people can understand this, while others can't. You cannot explain this to feminists because they don't accept the concept of motherhood." Nov. 24 Erdogan actually said this in front of an audience of Turkish women. Guts? This guy’s got ‘em. Of course, women’s rights organizations were on the streets and burning up the Internet the next day. Actually, the context for Erdogan’s “women and men are not equal” statement is none too pretty: Turkey has a very low level of women in the workforce, and figures of male violence against women are both shocking and on the rise. 19th-Century British Industrial Disasters Happen All the Time “I went back in British history. Some 204 people died there after a mine collapsed in 1838. In 1866, 361 miners died in Britain. In an explosion in 1894, 290 people died there. …These are usual things.” May 14 Erdogan’s citation of the perils and privations of Dickensian Britain came after 301 miners died this May in a mining disaster in Soma, western Turkey, because of a lack of safety measures. The dubious relevance of 19th-century British industrial safety led some critics to wonder whether Turkey’s all-powerful president was increasingly out of touch with reality. The locals weren’t impressed. When Erdogan visited town, they protested, causing him to yell: “You boo the prime minister [his post at the time], you get slapped.” One of his advisers was photographed kicking a mourner pinned to the ground. The adviser kept his job. The Robot Lobby Is Out to Get Me “The robot lobby that they set up on social media hits us with tweets. They tell them to increase the number of tweets." Feb. 24 This is just one of Erdogan’s attempts to outsource the root of Turkey’s problems to various mysterious “lobbies.” There’s the “interest rate lobby,” which may or may not be a code-phrase for Jews, the “chaos lobby,” which is falsely accusing him of corruption, and the “blood lobby,” which is an awesome name for a band. Some of his supporters, angry about criticism of increasing Internet censorship, have accused a “porno lobby” of targeting Turkey, too. It’s also an ironic gem, because Erdogan was shown to have his own Twitter bot army this year. I Will Destroy Twitter With My Magic Powers! Just Watch! “We’ll eradicate Twitter. I don’t care what the international community says. Everyone will witness the power of the Turkish Republic.” March 20 Of course, mere hours after making this statement, Erdogan had his access to his Twitter account blocked. That’s how these things work. Erdogan has called Twitter a menace to society in the past. As this example shows, his words, disturbing and downright odd though they may be, undoubtedly matter.

48 - Nilüfer Göle Nilüfer Göle (born 1953) is a prominent Turkish French sociologist and a leading authority on the political movement of today's educated, urbanized, religious Muslim women. From 1986 to 2001, she was a professor at the Bo!aziçi University in Istanbul, and currently at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques (CADIS) in Paris. Through personal interviews, Göle has developed detailed case studies of young Turkish women who are turning to the tenets of fundamental Islamic gender codes. Her sociological approach has also produced a broader critique of Euro centrism (European exceptionalism) with regard to emerging Islamic identities at the close of the twentieth century. She has explored the specific topic of covering, as well as the complexities of living in a multicultural world. Göle has published many books, amongst them "Interpénétrations: L’Islam et l’Europe. (Paris: Galaade Editions, 2005)", “Islamisme et féminisme en Turquie: regards croisés,” in Le foulard islamique en questions (Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2004)", and others.(1) Under the title " Europe - an identity or a project?" Nilüfer Göle wrote on Dec.15, 2005, " ...the Armenian question still remains a major taboo for Turkish nationalism. The official view of the past is based on the suppression and denial of the 1915 genocide that created a sort of short-memory and diffused amnesia about the past for the generations of the Republic. One question is how to remember the past and the second is to develop and express points of view that are independent of the official one. The choice of words to label the events, whether it is "deportation," "ethnic cleansing," "massacres," or "genocide" is becoming a battle ground for the public debate that begins. The debate is initiated by few Turkish intellectuals, historians, including those of the Armenian community who challenged the ideological version of the events, defying the taboos of Turkish nationalism and exploring new ways of relating to the emotional trauma of Armenians and developing a new narrative on the historical past, albeit under the pressures of nationalist forces and juridical intimidation." (2) Nilüfer Göle was one of the Turkish intellectual who have signed a Petition Against Denialist Exhibition in Denmark , reminding the Denmark's authorities that by giving the Turkish government the opportunity to present an “alternative exhibit”, against the Genocide recognition ,they support their policy of suppression and intimidation. And that their

support constitutes an obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today.(3) According to "www.projetaladin.org" , Nilüfer Göle said, "Today we cannot talk about the Europeanism of Europe without historical consciousness of the Holocaust. We cannot be a citizen of Europe today without this memory, so it affects all citizens of all faiths, including immigrants who become European citizens or countries such as Turkey who want to join the European Union. This memory is part of Europe today and so it is imperative to make it one’s own as part of European historical consciousness. I feel concerned not only as a European citizen, but also due to my own experience as someone from Turkey, bringing to mind the events of 1915 and the issue of the Armenian genocide".(4) In her article entitled "A Libertarian and Unifying Movement" about Gazi protest in Turkey, Nilüfer Göle mentioned " when the taboo of the Armenian Genocide is lifted, then it becomes possible to make peace with Kurdish nationalists and when the army is withdrawn from public life, this movement announces the need for a new public culture based on recognition and bringing people together".(5) A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning the “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were exposed by Agos and Taraf newspapers, who published reports on hateful remarks targeting Armenians in the textbooks used in history classes, according to Today’s Zaman. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. Nilüfer Göle was one of the academics who have participated in releasing the statement.(6) 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nil%C3 %BCfer_G%C3%B6le 2.http://www.signandsight.com/features/514.html 3 h t t p : / / w w w. g e n o c i d e museum.am/eng/19.12.12.php 4.http://www.projetaladin.org/en/nil% C3%BCfer-g%C3%B6le-en.html 5.http://en.qantara.de/content/geziprotests-in-turkey-a-libertarian-and-unifying-movement 6.Turkish Intellectuals Condemn Anti-Armenian Textbooks. Asbarez.com.Sept. 30th, 2014

Mission Hills Calif. Ararat-Eskijian Museum Presents An Illustrated Talk “The Survivor” by Dr. Rosemary Hartounian Cohen “January 18th, 2015 4 PM Ararat-Eskijian Museum/Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills CA 91345. Rosemary H. Cohen will present The Survivor, the true story of the silent Genocide of the Armenians by Turkish Ottoman soldiers in the city of Khoy, Iran, and of Arousiak, who was born in the City of Khoy, northwest of Iran. Dr. Rosemary Hartounian Cohen is a sociologist an award winning author, a journalist, a motivational speaker, devoted wife and mother. She is an accomplished and award winning artist who uses various mediums, including oil and charcoal, while her specialty is silk painting. She was born in Iran to an Armenian family. Her mother

and grandmother were the sole survivors of the Armenian Genocide committed by Ottoman Turks in Persia- Iran in 1918. She graduated from Tehran University in Iran, taught at Tehran University and then immigrated to France where she obtained her doctorate degree, worked at the University of Paris and participated in many international conferences. In 1984 the family immigrated to the United States and since they have lived in Los Angeles, CA. ! Admission free (Donations appreciated) ! Reception following program For more information call the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at 818- 838-4862 or e-mail ararat-eskijian-museum@netzero.net


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 15, 2015

Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

“Building the ‘Model Ottoman Citizen’: Life and Death in the Region of Harput-Mamüretülaziz (1908-1915)” by Dr. Vahé Tachjian Dr. Vahé Tachjian, director of the “Houshamadyan Project” will be the guest speaker of the Armenian Studies Program with a talk entitled, “Building the ‘Model Ottoman Citizen’: Life and Death in the Region of Harput-Mamüretülaziz (19081915)” at 7:30PM on Thursday, January 29, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is the first in the Spring Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, with the support of the Leon S. Peters Foundation. Using a “microhistory” perspective, this talk analyzes Armenian daily life in the Kharpert/Harput region in the extensive Ottoman Empire from the 1908 Young Turk Revolution to the 1915 Genocide. Specifically, the focus is on the Kharpert Plain that comprises the towns of Kharpert and Mamüretülaziz (Mezire, present day Elazı!) and the surrounding Armenian villages. Tachjian examines the articles, lectures, memoirs and letters of two notable intellectuals from Kharpert, Hovhannes Bujicanian and Donabed Lulejian. He discovers a rich, minority narrative from the margins. Armenians’ understanding of being model Ottoman citizens differed vastly from the government during the decisive last years of the Empire. Vahé Tachjian is the director and chief editor of the “Houshamadyan Project.” He

was born in Lebanon and earned a Ph.D. in History and Civilization at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. His research covers the period of the French occupation of Cilicia, Syria, and Lebanon between the two World Wars, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and refugee problems in the Middle East. He is the author of La France en Cilicie et en Haute-Mésopotamie: Aux confins de la Turquie, de la Syrie et de l'Irak, 19191933 (2004); editor of Ottoman Armenians: Life, Culture, Society (2014), the co-editor of Ohannès Pacha Kouyoumdjian: Le Liban à la Veille et au Début de la Guerre: Mémoires d’un Gouverneur, 1913-1915 (2003); Les Arméniens, 1917-1939: La Quête d’un Refuge (2006); The Armenian General Benevolent Union: One Hundred Years of History (2006); Les Arméniens de Cilicie: Terroir, Mémoire et Identité (2012). Houshamadyan’s new book, Ottoman Armenians: Life, Culture, and Society, Vol. 1, will be available for purchase after the lecture. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available, with parking code 273503, after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Grandma and Grandson By Alice Krumian On one of those sunny, yet chilly and frosty mornings, Along a narrow pathway sprinkled with snow flurries, Grandma and Grandson, side by side, were walking, Holding each other's hand to avert sliding or slipping. The handsome young man, stout and sturdy, With his towering height was shielding his Nanny; Extremely watchful and alert in his vigilance, Lest she might trip and suffer the consequence. Grandma was a slim lady, slow, delicate and frail, The very miniature of her vivid youthful days, Grandson was an athletic, lively and a healthy youth, Vibrating with confidence, energy, and deep warmth. Taking only tiny steps, she would advance very slowly, Stopping from time to time, to gaze at his grown-up Baby, While the young man, lovingly, would remind her, on a clue, "Don't be scared, dear Grandma, I'm always here for you". She instantly remembered the day he was born, A chubby baby with rosy cheeks and a head bald, How proud she had felt to hold him for the first time, And kissing his tiny hands to sing him a nursery rhyme. Then she remembered him returning from school, Hungry and thirsty, craving for what she'd cooked; "Another serving, please Nanny, it's soo good and tasty", You're such an angel, Grandma, I am truly lucky". With the passage of time, the roles were transposed, She would no longer wipe dry his tearful eyes, or nose, She would no longer tend his torn or bruised skin, It was his turn now to take her under his sheltering wing. At present Grandson was there for her protection, To care and comfort her in her sorrow and affliction, To be her safe haven and her secure life insurance, In exchange for her blessings, prayers and affection. Three generations living together was the status quo, In most Armenian households, not too long ago, With the younger members, a blend of caring and nurture, Respect for the elderly being the measure of one' culture...



Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. A.G.B.U. M.D.S. Aghajanian Auditorium, 6844 Oakdale Ave., Canoga Park, CA In 1915, two Armenian families (the Bogharians and the Tavukjians) were deported from Aintab (in the Ottoman Empire), together with many other Armenian inhabitants of the town. In this lecture, based on his forthcoming book, historian Vahé Tachjian will attempt to recreate the quotidian world of deportees, ordinary lives caught in an extraordinary historical moment. Vahé Tachjian was born in Lebanon and earned a Ph.D. in History and Civilization at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. His research covers the period of the French occupation of Cilicia, Syria, and Lebanon between the two World Wars, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and refugee problems in the Middle East. Currently he is the chief editor and the project director of the Houshamadyan.org website.

!"Admission free (Donations appreciated)

!"Reception following program

For more information, contact SFV AGBU AYA office 818. 313-9449

Unique Six-Day Theater Festival In February, 2015 The series of plays to be presented by the well-known theatrical group “Hamazkayin Sos Sargsyan StateTheater of Armenia”, previously scheduled for September 30 to October 5, 2014, was postponed for unforeseen reasons and will take place February 3-8, 2015. Along with the previously announced plays, an additional one will be presented, M. Kheranyan’s “Shkhonts Mihran,” whose hero Mihran personifies the survivors of a generation subjected to systematic uprooting from its ancestral lands and genocide. Mihran, while deeply affected by heart-wrenching memories, is able to overcome his feelings of displacement and loss with the determination to survive and prevail as an Armenian. The play was written in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The Hamazkayin Western Regional Executive Board has formed a Theater Committee who has been working assiduously and spares no effort to produce this theatrical event. It therefore urges you to note the date changes as listed below. The Best Home, Tues. Feb. 3 & Wed. Feb. 4, 9:30 am (for Armenian school students) Under 44 Degrees, Thu. Feb. 5, 8 pm Shkhonts Mihran, Fri. Feb 6, 8 pm & Sat. Feb 7, 8 pm (Gala) Salvation Island (inspired by W. Saroyan’s writings), Sun. Feb 8, 2 pm & 6 pm All shows will be at El Portal Theater, 5269 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Tickets are $20, 30 and 45, available at www.itsmyseat.com/hamazkayin, (626) 869-7328 or Hamazkayin (818) 660-1207. Please visit Hamazkayin Theater Festival website for details: http://hamazkayintheatrefestival.com

N.O. January 15, 2015, No. 3:N.O. Blank


4:57 PM

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NOR ØR% 15 |OUNOUAR 2015

FRAND TINQE APROUM H M:R MH+&&& <ar& h= 2-hn

Fangist qnir Frand% a\s fo[;re qo \auit;nakan fa\r;niqn h% no\nphs ;u m;re! Fangist qnir Frand% dou ckas% ba\z m;nq kanq! Mourat Aqso\

M:’ KOROUST A<>ARFI FAMAR A\npisi mi tariqi mh= ;m gtnuoum% or t;uaphs akanat;s ;m linoum enk;rn;ris ;u axgakann;ris k;anqiz f;®analoun! A\noufand;r] oc mhki korouste a\nqan im wra\ caxd;z% orqan Frand Tinqi mafe! C;m faskanoum inco#u! Nra masin groua‘ gowasanqi groujiunn;re kardalow fongour-fongour laz ;m linoum! Frandi mafe oc mia\n fa\;ri ;u jourq;ri% a\l;u ambo[= a,.arfi famar ‘anrago\n koroustn;riz mhkn hr! Mardka\in irauounqn;ri pa,tpann;re korzrin am;naaxd;zik ]a\n oun;zo[n;riz mhkin! Nourfan P;yit;an

A|D SIRTE Møtauoraphs 10 tari a®a=% ;rb a®a=in angam ls;zi Frandin% xgazi or ‘anøjaz;l ;m mi a®an]na\atouk mtauorakani f;t! A\s a®an]na\atkoujiune b.oum hr .øs;lou enjazqoum nra biur;[;a\ ªsrtizº! Anza‘ vamanaka,r=anoum ;s nkat;zi% jh a\d sirte orqan m;‘ h% famar]ak% sirow l;zoun ;u bar;azakam! Frandi f;t ‘anøjanale ;jh m;‘ ba.tauoroujiun hr in] famar% apa korouste a®au;l zauali! Lo\si mh= pa®k;s% sir;li Frand! Nifal Inyi Ø[lou

:S KORZRI IM FARAXATN:RIZ MHKIN Mankoujiuniz i w;r im ,r=apatoum ;[;l ;n tarb;r anfatn;r% tarb;r krønn;ri patkano[ entaniqn;r! Tarin;row apr;l ;nq miasin% miat;[ fasak a®;l% far;uanouj;an mh= ;[;l! M;r ;'a‘ ya,;re kis;l ;nq irar f;t! Srtamøt bar;kamoujiun ;nq fastat;l irar f;t! >nam;l ;nq fiuandn;rin% masnakz;l ;nq irar farsaniqn;rin ;u \ou[arkauorouj;ane! M;r m;‘;rin gourgouranqow as;l ;nq føraqo\r% før;[ba\r% qo\r! Irakanoum Frand Tinqe m;r ,r=anakiz hr% m;r mh=iz ;u a\dphs hl mnalou h! Im fartaxatn;riz mhki korouste% orqan or wi,t h patya®;l in]% no\nqan hl sir;li Frand Tinqi korouste! Zauakzoum ;m! Jiurqan <ora\

W:R+ TOUHQ }:R KAMAKOROUJ:AN :rb ls;zi Frandi spanouj;an masin% mtqis mh= na. ;u a®a= ‘ag;zin f;t;u;al farz;re&

1& Inco#u ;s a\nt;[ chi% orphsxi 'rkhi nran! 2& Inco#u nran 1-2 vam jo[;zin g;tnin% mijh# sa ªpartoujiunº hr! 3& Nra mardka\in k;zoua‘qe ou gor‘;lak;rpe ci karo[ g;tnin mnal! 4& M;r patiue ,at arv;qaxrk;zin! 5& M;r patiue ,at arv;qaxrk;zin ;u d;®;us ,arounakoum ;n arv;xrk;l! 6& Sarsa'i ;u afab;kcouj;an dastiarakouj;amb bjazrin ;u bjaznoum ;n m;r endounakoujiunn;rn ou karo[oujiunn;re! A\s .orfrda‘oujiunn;riz mi qani vam \;to\% Jaqsimoum faxarauor mardik qa\l;zin! Qa\l;zin nranq% owq;r ,at lau githin% or sirouz a®a=aza‘ =;rmoujiune% k;rosini ar]aka‘ =;rmoujiuniz 'arsa[n;row a®au;l bar]r h&&& Qa\l;zin nranq% owq;r githin jh oum ;t;uiz phtq h qa\l;l ou wax;l&&&! Frandi mardka\in k;zoua‘qn ou =;rmoujiune cors ør \;to\ 100 faxar mardkanz qa\l;zr;z! Siro\ =;rmouj;an fauatazo[n;re% nran ou[;kz;zin a[aunin;row! Qa\l;zin j,namanqiz axatou;lou famar zankazo[n;re! M;r patiue arv;qaxrko[n;r%a\l;us w;r= touh*q kamakorouj;an! W;razrhq 301-i fariuriz tas arg;lqe! Dasagrq;riz w;razrhq fa\;ri dhm gor‘adrouo[ j,namanqe ;u bolor j,namoujiunn;re! Dvouar h Anatolia\i .[yin thr kangn;le! A\n ci nmanuoum fo[i tirakalouj;ane! Dvouaroujiunn;re lou‘h*q! Dvouaroujiunn;re lou‘h*q ørinakanouj;an fimounqn;row! Piu,ra Hrsanle ªNor Ørº% 2007 j&

FOG:FANGIST LOULOU (>A|:AN) ~:RMAN:AN LOULOU (>A|:AN) ~:RMAN:ANi mafouan tasncorrord tar;lizin a®ijow fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki^ 25 |ounouar% 2015-in% S& P;tros Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ mh= 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, \auart S& Pataragi Fangouz;ali \i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil! Sgakirn;r^ Thr ;u Tik& Ara ~;rman;an Wighn Gou\oumy;an


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NOR ØR% 15 |OUNOUAR 2015


FA|KAKAN ~OIJPOLI >YANKAR • FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u [axa.akan ªAktobhiz P;rmiº ªAmkarº t;[a'o.oua‘ pa,tpan Âob;rt Arxouman;ane% ow na;u FF axga\in fauaqakani 'o.auagn h ªAmkariº kaxmoum m;kn;l h Jourqia\i Bil;k qa[aq% ort;[ jimi f;t anzkazn;lou h ;r;q ousoumnamarxakan fauaq! ~A~-e (`oujpolashrn;ri akoumbe) Âob;rt Arxouman;anin ,norf;z ª~A~–i famakranqº mrzanake! 2013-in a\d mrzanake \an]nou;l hr Arax Øxbilisin! • |ounouari 10-in Fa\astani 20-rd dari lauago\n `oujpolist >orhn |owfannis;ane dar]au 60 tar;kan! <norfauoroum ;nq >orhnin! • ª"iunikiº m;qsiqazi \ar]akouo[ S;xar Âom;ron ir gor‘ounhoujiune karo[ h ,arounak;l 'orjougalakan ªWitoria Gimar;,º jimoum! |i,;zn;nq% or Âom;ron FF a®a=nouj;an a®a=in fatoua‘oum dar];l h 17 koli f;[inak ;u ;rkou angam hl acqi h enk;l gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum! • FF axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Karlhn Mkrtc;ane ir gor‘ounhoujiune ke ,arounaki [axa.akan ªToboliº kaxmoum! N,;nq% or 26-am;a\ `oujpoliste nor akoumbi f;t knq;l h mhk taroua\ pa\managir! |i,;zn;nq% or ªToboliº gl.auor marxicn h FF axga\in fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane! • |ounouari 10-in Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\oum taroua\ a®a=in marxoume anzkazr;z ª"iunikeº gl.auor marxic Sargis |owsh';ani gl.auorouj;amb! A®a=in marxmane chin masnakzoum S;xar Âom;ron ;u Dauij Mano\;ane% owq;r jimin ke mianan a®a=ika\ ør;rin! • FF axga\in fauaqakani pa,tpan L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane f;®az;l h c;.akan ªPribramizº A\s masin h \a\tnoum akoumbi pa,tønakan ka\qe! • F;nri. M.ijar;ani ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ h italakan Jourini ª:ouw;ndouseº% a\s masin \a\tnoum h Sky Sport Italian! |atkan,akan h na;u% or no\n a[biure n,oum h% jh M.ijar;ani t;[a'o.oujiune Jourin qic fauanakan h! • |ounouari 10-in ir marxoumn;re sks;z na;u ªOuliseº! Jimi kaxmoum spasuoum ;n xgali 'o'o.oujiunn;r! "o'o.oujiunn;re d;® enjazqi mh= ;n! |ounouari 20-iz minc;u ";trouari 25-e jime ousoumnamarxakan fauaq k*anzkazni Anjalia\oum! Cna\a‘ Gagik Simon;ane gl.auor marxci vamanakauor pa,tønakatarn h% nor marxci farze d;® ørakargoum h! N;rka\oums enjanoum ;n banakzoujiunn;r artasafmanzi masnaghtn;ri f;t! Nor marxci anoune \a\tni ke da®na\ |ounouari 20-in! Jimiz f;®az;l ;n Slobotan Lalice ;u ,at fauanakan h fimnakan k;ntronakan pa,tpan Hdouard Kbodon% ow 'or]a,r=an h anz;l {axa.stani a®a=atar jim;riz mhkoum! Ke lin;n na;u a\l .a[azo[n;r% owq;r ke lq;n ªOuliseº! ªOulisiº ,arq;rn ardhn famalr;l ;n ;rkou .a[azo[n;r^ Nikø Pil;ue ;u wrazi k;ntronakan pa,tpan Irakli C;vian! Pil;ue na.kinoum fandhs h ;k;l Moskoua\i BKMA-oum% isk 22-am;a\ bar]rafasak C;vian^ Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº 'o.arino[n;ri kaxmoum! Ke lin;n na;u a\l famalroumn;r! Jimi gr;jh khse 'o.ou;lou h% armfootball.com-i f;t xro\zoum n,;z jimi bavn;thr Wal;ri |owfannis;ane! :s patrastuoum ;m m;kn;l Faraua\in Am;rika% ort;[ ke lin;m Praxilia\oum% Arvanjinoum ;u Paraqoua\oum! Møt mhk ,abaj ke lin;m a\nt;[ ;u fnarauor h% or lin;n .a[azo[n;r% oronz ke frauir;m Fa\astan% asaz Fa\rap;t;ane!




• ~outxali Fa\astani fauaqakane |ounuari 13-18-e <ouhdia\oum ke masnakzi `outxali :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an orakauorman 'ouli entrakan mrza,arin! M;r jimi mrzakizn;re ke lin;n <ouhdia\i% Isra\hli ;u <otlandia\i `outxali fauaqakann;re! M;r fauaqakane |ounouari 8-11-e marxakan fauaq anzkazr;z F~D-i T;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum! |ounouari 12-in jime m;kn;z <ouhdia! FF fauaqakani marxic Âoubhn Naxarhj;ani f;t m;kn;l ;n 15 `oujpolistn;r! • FF fauaqakani j;kna‘ou Artak :digar;ane ;rkarat;u endmi=oumiz \;to\% ore kapoua‘ hr ‘nki wirafatouj;an f;t% w;rsks;l h marxoumn;re lijouanakan ªValgirisiº kaxmoum ;u gl.auor jimi kaxmoum masnakz;l ;rkko[mani fandipman! • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise ,arounakoum h w;rakangnman gor‘enjaze na.ord taroua\ |ounisin staza‘ ‘anr wnasoua‘qiz \;to\! Araxe Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº kaxmoum a\vm marxuoum h Ispania\oum! Araxe n,;l h% or marxuoum h gndakow% lau a®a=enjaz ;m granzoum!

FA|ASTANI FAUAQAKANE MNAZ:L H NO|N T:{OUM ~oujpoli FF axga\in fauaqakane ~I~A-i dasakargman a[iusakoum pafpan;l h 79-rd t;[e^ 336 miauorow! Lauago\n tasn;akoum 'o'o.oujiunn;r ckan! A®a=atarn a,.arfi a.o\;an G;rmanian h% orin \a=ordoum ;n 2& Arvanjine% 3& Qoloumpian% 4& P;lgian% 5& Folandian% 6& Praxilian% 7& "orjougalian% 8& ~ransian% 9& Ispanian% 10& Ourougoua\e! :urø-2016 j& FF fauaqakani f;t mi;uno\n .mboum endgrkoua‘ fauaqakann;ri t;[;re 30& Dania% 38& S;rpia% 58& Alpania! M;r far;uann;ri t;[;re& 20& M;qsiqa% 25& Ouqrania% 27& AMN% 31& Âousastan% 32& Isra\hl% 48& Jourqia% 51& Iran% 86& Kipros% 112& Ganata% 122& Libanan% 126& Wrastan% 136& Atrph\yan!

AÂA+NOUJIUNE KE KA|ANA| WANA}OROUM |ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amarti Fa\astani 2015 j& a®a=noujiune |ounouari 23-25-e ke ka\ana\ Wana]oroum! Gl.auor marxci jo\ltououj;amb a\d stougat;sin c;n masnakzi a,.arfi a.o\;ann;r Arshn +oul`alak;ane (75 qk&) ;u Arjour Al;qsan;ane (98 qk&)! A®a=nouj;an auartiz mhk ,abaj \;to\^ ";trouari 4-18-e k*enjana\ nor kaxmauorua‘ entranou ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe! A®a=in mi=axga\in 'or]oujiune ke lini ";trouari 18-19-e J;franoum anzkazou;liq a,.arfi jima\in gauaji .a[arkoujiune!

~ID:-I WARKANI<A|IN NOR A{IUSAKE ~ID:-n fraparak;l h |ounouari 1-i drouj;amb a,.arfi 100 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusake! T[amardkanz a[iusake na.kinin phs gl.auoroum h a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous Ka®ls;ne (2862 miauor)! L;uon Aron;ane 2797 miauorow Anandi f;t bavanoum h 5-6-rd t;[;re! Lauago\n tasn;akoum ;n na;u 2& ~abianø Karouanan (2820)% 3& Al;qsandr Gri,-

couke (2810)% 4& W;s;lin Jo'alowe (2800)% 7& Ani, Girin (2784)% 8& Wladimir Kramnike (2783)% 9& Fikarou Nakamouran (2776) ;u 10& Sø Ou;slin (2772)! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n na;u 69-rd Frand M;lqoum;ane (2673)% 78& Gabrihl Sargs;ane (2668)% 86& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% 87& Tigran L& P;tros;ane (2663-akan)% 89& Wladimir |akob;ane (2660)! Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h |oudij Polgare (2675)! Hlina Danihl;ane (19-rd% 2488)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (41-rd% 2449)% Almira Skripc;nkø-A[apap;ane (53-rd% 2421)! :ritasardn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Âicert Âapporte (2716)! M;r Karhn Grigor;ane 12-rdn h (2587)% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane (17-rd% 2560)% Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN-iz% 31-rd% 2511)% |aroujiun;an Tigrane (81-rd% 2439)% Pa®aw;an Dauije (ÂD% 86-rd% 2435)! A[=ikn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h ®ousastanzi Al;qsandra Gor\ackinan (2451)! M;r Siranou, {oukas;ane 2136 miauorow 94-rdn h! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= kan 4 atrph\yanzi a[=ikn;r! T[amardkanz 10 lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Âousastan^ 2744% 2& Cinastan^ 2697% 3& Ouqrania^ 2686% 4& AMN^ 2668% 5& ~ransia^ 2657% 6& Fndkastan^ 2655% 7& Foungaria^ 2653% 8& Fa\astan^ 2653% 9& Folandia^ 2635% 10& L;fastan^ 2631% &&&14& Atrph\yan^ 2625% &&&17& Wrastan^ 2591! Kananz lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Cinastan^ 2496% 2& Âousastan^ 2487% 3& Wrastan^ 2439% 4& Ouqrania^ 2409% 5& Fndkastan^ 2389% 6& Foungaria^ 2371% 7& Folandia^ 2366% 8& ~ransia^ 2336% 9& G;rmania^ 2329% 10& AMN^ 2328% &&&14& Atrph\yan^ 2292% &&&Fa\astan^ 2251!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR Folandia\i Wh\k an X;h qa[aqoum m;knark;z Tata Sjil 'a®atøne! A& mrza,aroum% orin masnakzoum h L;uon Aron;ane ardhn ka\az;l h 4 mrza'oul! L;uone oc-oqi h .a[az;l <arici% Girii ;u Wo\ta,;ki f;t ;u partou;l So\in! Mrza,ara\in a[iusake gl.auoroum h Iwancouke^ 3&5 miauor! B& mrza,arin masnakzoum h Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN-iz)% ori m;knarke an\a=o[ hr^ 2 partoujiun Wan Kamp;niz ;u Mi.;lsiz! Samouhle 3-rd mrza'ouloum oc-oqi .a[az Sal;fi f;t% isk 4-oum \a[j;z Potkinin! A®a=atare Wan Kamp;nn h 3 miauor! • 22-am;a\ Wafh Ba[dasar;ane Folandia\i Groning;n qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ mrza,aroum lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! • Grosma\st;r Tigran {aram;ane (~ransia) Nansoum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 54 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z ;rrord t;[e! Tigrane mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnaz mi=axga\in warp;t D;nis Wagn;riz (G;rmania) ;u grosma\st;r S;rgh\ ~;dorcoukiz (Ouqrania)! • |ounouari 12-21-e :r;uanoum anzkazuoum ;n Fa\astani t[amardkanz ;u kananz 2015 j& a®a=noujiunn;re! T[amardkanz a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum ;n Arman Miqa\hl;ane% Oob;rt |owfannis;ane% Tigran Qojan=;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane% Arman "a,ik;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane% Karhn Grigor;ane% Dauij <afin;ane% Xauhn Andrhas;ane ;u Au;tiq Grigor;ane% kananz^ Sw;tlana Mirxab;k;ane% <ou,anna Sargs;ane% Lousinh Karap;t;ane% Sousanna Gabo\;ane% Narinh Gaspar;ane% Anna Fa\rap;t;ane% Sirano\, {oukas;ane% Mariam Au;tis;ane% Maria Ghorg;ane ;u Arminh Baba\;ane!

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