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N.O. January 22, 2015, No. 4:N.O. Blank


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Former Prime Minister Of UK Will Be Forced To Reveal Their Secret Business Relations With Azerbaijan Tony Blair is to be challenged by parliament to come clean on his income and secretive financial empire amid claims he stands to earn millions of pounds advising the developers of a gas pipeline backed by the despotic regime of Azerbaijan, writes the British paper The Sunday Times. “A parliamentary motion will be tabled this week calling for greater scrutiny of prime ministers’ financial interests and work for foreign states after they leave office,” the article reads. Blair has avoided any requirement to reveal details of his international consultancy work because he is neither an MP nor a member of the House of Lords. The article reads that the former prime ministers are required to seek advice only for a period of two years after they leave office on any appointments they wish to take up.

Planned Armenian Genocide Memorial Ruffles Ankara By Siranush Ghazanchyan A proposed art project commemorating the 1915 mass slaughter by the Ottoman Turks of the empire’s Armenian subjects has sparked a tug-of-war between the Turkish government and Switzerland’s ethnic Armenian community, sharpening decades of mutual suspicion and resentment and pitting the federal government in Bern against the local government in Geneva, where the monument is to be placed, AlMonitor writes. With only months to go before the April 24 centenary of the genocide, the stakes are higher than ever — and so far, Turkey is prevailing. In early December, the Swiss Foreign Ministry declared that it opposes erecting the Armenian monument in the canton of Geneva because “it is important for federal authorities to preserve the absolute impartiality of Geneva,” where the United Nations and various other international organizations are headquartered, Turkey’s semi-official Anadolu news agency crowed. More likely, the Swiss are responding to Turkish bullying, Armenian activists and diplomatic observers say. The UN has reportedly also sided with Turkey. A UN spokeswoman in Geneva declined to comment. “It is an international scandal that Swiss diplomacy surrendered so voluntarily to Turkish pressure,” complained Vicken Cheterian, a Geneva-based ethnic Armenian academic in an interview with Al-Monitor.

Turkey PM Addresses Armenians “Everyone Believing In Turkish-Armenian Friendship To Contribute To A New Beginning” Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto!lu addressed Armenians on the eighth anniversary of the murder of Hrant Dink. In his message, Davutoglu called Dink an “Anatolian intellectual” who sought ways for both Turks and Armenians to build a common future, Hurriyet Daily News reported. In this context, he invited “everyone believing in Turkish-Armenian friendship to contribute to a new beginning”. “It’s possible for two ancient people to have the maturity to understand each other and to look to the future together. Turks and Armenians, sharing the same geography and long history, can only talk to each other about their problems and seek together ways to resolve them. It is a neces-

sity for us to develop mutual trust and cooperation, to know each other again in light of our 800 years of common history, and to engage in a humane relationship,” Davutoglu said in a written statement. “It’s our candid wish to re-establish friendships, heal wounds and share sufferings. Our vision is of friendship and peace,” he stated. Davutoglu stressed that Turkey shares the suffering of Armenians and makes efforts to once again establish sympathy between the two people with patience and commitment. “The way to leave the great tragedy that had frozen history in 1915 is to break taboos. Turkey, for its part, has moved beyond this point and left stereotypical rhetoric and generalizations in the past,” Davuto!lu stated. news.am

Turkish President’s Invitation To World Leaders Is A Challenge World leaders should make a choice between visiting Armenia and Turkey on April 24 since they have also been invited by the Turkish President to attend the events marking the centenary of the Battle of Gallipoli, chairman of the Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardyan told reporters on Monday. This move should be viewed as a chal-

lenge, according to Navasardyan. “Actually, this invitation was not unexpected as the current authorities of Turkey have been preparing for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide for several years,” he said, adding that the decisions of world leaders will be conditioned by their attitude to Armenia and Turkey as well as to the leaderships of the two countries.

Sargsyan: Armenia Law Enforcement Will Continue Gyumri Tragedy Investigation YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Sunday had a telephonic conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian President once again extended his condolences to the relatives of the victims of the Gyumri

tragedy, and the entire people of Armenia. Vladimir Putin also expressed confidence that a comprehensive and effective investigation will be conducted, and the guilty will be punished by law, informed the Press Office of the President of Armenia.

How Will Hezbollah Respond To Israeli Strike? Hezbollah announced the killing of six of its fighters in a raid Jan. 18 which it accused the Israeli air force of carrying out against a group of its members on Syrian territory. The incident has preoccupied the Lebanese political scene and was expected to resound in the coming days, for more than one reason. Speculation has arisen as to how Hezbollah will respond following the Is-

raeli raid on its location in Syrian territory, which led to the killing of six of its members. Hezbollah's statement on the death of its fighters in the raid comes as the first official acknowledgment by the party of its involvement in the ongoing military confrontations in the far south of Syria, specifically in the area adjacent to the Syrian border with Israel.

Dink Remembered While Probe Closes In On Culprits By Yusuf Ziya Durmas

Hrant Dink, the Turkish-Armenian journalist killed in 2007, has been commemorated on the eighth anniversary of his death, while a renewed inquiry closes in on police officers accused of having a role in his murder. People gathered to remember Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of Agos newspaper, who was shot dead by a teenager on January 19, 2007 outside his office. The commemoration comes at a time when the inquiry into the role played in the murder plot by police and other public officials reportedly linked to the shady Gülen Movement deepens. In Istanbul, a crowd converged in the central district of Taksim and marched to the headquarters of Agos, where a ceremony was held at the spot the 53-year-old journalist was gunned down. The slain journalist's wife, Rakel Dink, human rights activists and lawmakers joined the crowd carrying banners "We are all Hrant, we are all Armenians," "We are here ahparig [brother in Armenian]" and "We will not forget." Rakel Dink, choked with tears, laid daisies on the spot where her husband was shot and the crowd observed one minute's silence in memory of Dink. Prominent poet Murathan Mungan, made a speech there on behalf of Friends of Hrant, a group established in memory of Dink. "This country lost a valuable son and an important journalist when Hrant Dink died" he told the crowd gathered outside the Agos newspaper offices.

U.N. Saw Drones Over Syria Before Israel Strike In Breach Of Truce U.N. peacekeepers stationed in the Golan Heights along the Syrian-Israeli border observed drones coming from the Israeli side before and after an airstrike that killed Hezbollah fighters and an Iranian general, the United Nations said Monday. The flight of the drones in the airspace over the Golan Heights was a violation of the 1974 cease-fire deal between Syria and Israel, U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said. Hezbollah said Sunday that an Israeli helicopter strike in Syria killed one of its commanders and the son of the group’s late military leader Imad Mughniyeh.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 22, 2015


AUA And UCLA Announce Joint Summer Program Sayat Nova International Composition Competition Announces Winners Three international composers pay tribute to poet Daniel Varoujan with original compositions AGBU is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Sayat Nova International Composition Competition. Hovik Sardaryan, 21, of Armenia was awarded first prize; Fun Gordon Dic-lun, 26, of Hong Kong received second prize; and Richard Melkonian of the United Kingdom, 25, received third prize. As first prize winner, Sardaryan received both the AGBU Carnegie Hall Award and Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra (APO) Award. His piece, “The Flowers of Golgotha,” will premiere at a gala concert in May and will be performed at the annual AGBU Performing Artists in Concert at Carnegie Hall in December 2015. He will also be commissioned to write a 10minute piece that will be performed by the APO during its 2016-17 season. The Sayat Nova International Composition Competition is designed to introduce Armenian musical traditions to a wider audience. This year, in commemoration of centenary of the Armenian genocide, the competition asked composers to include in their submissions the poetry of Daniel Varoujan, one of the first victims of the Armenian genocide. Submissions arrived from various countries, including Russia, Switzerland and Brazil, as well as from fourteen states. Sixty percent of the composers were not of Armenian descent. The jury judging the competition was made up of renowned seven artists—conductor of APO Eduard Topchjan, composer Yakov Yakulov, so-

prano Hasmik Papian, pianist Jenny Chai, composer Paul Méfano and composer Michel Petrossian—from Armenia, Austria, France, China and the United States. Poet Lola Koundakjian served as a consultant to the jury and Hayk Arsenyan, composer and artistic director of this year’s competition, advised on the selection of the AGBU Carnegie Hall Prize winner: “This project is one of the brightest examples of what the AGBU Performing Arts department is aiming to accomplish—to introduce Armenian traditional instruments to an international audience and to strengthen cultural connections between Armenia and the rest of the world,” says Arsenyan. This year, the Sayat Nova International Composition Competition partnered with music company Vox Novus, which developed Music Avatar, a software that allowed all submissions and judging to take place online. Robert Voisey, the executive director of Vox Novus, was instrumental in the collaboration: “We are very proud to have worked with AGBU and contributed to making the competition inspirational and creative.” The works of the three prize winners, which includes music for the duduk, violin, piano and a mezzo soprano, will be showcased at the gala concert and award ceremony on May 11, 2015 at Symphony Space in New York. Ara Guzelimian, the provost and dean of the Juilliard School, will give the opening remarks at the gala. !

Syrian Armenian Relief Fund An Unprecedented Cultural Event In Support Of Syrian Armenian Refugees Remaining consistent with its initial mission of organizing popular concerts, Global Arts International, cannot ignore the dire humanitarian issues facing Armenian refugees. Thus they are attempting to draw the attention of the Armenian community in Los Angeles to support the Syrian Armenians who have become victims of the brutal Syrian civil war. In cooperation with SARF, Global Arts International is producing a concert on January 25th in Pasadena, CA. The concert will feature popular singers and entertainers from Armenia, who will be performing both popular and patriotic songs. SARF Executive Director John Titizian states “this is an ideal opportunity to hear talented performers sing such well known patriotic songs which have been instru-

mental in cultivating our national heritage in our generation and so vital for our youth”. The concert will take place at Sexson Auditorium of Pasadena City College on January 25, 2015 at 7 pm. All proceeds will benefit the Syrian Armenian refugees.

Armenian Soldier Killed By Azerbaijan STEPANAKERT. – The adversary violated the ceasefire along the entire length of the Line of Contact between the KarabakhAzerbaijani opposing forces around 220 times, on Monday and the early morning hours on Tuesday.z During this time, more than 2,000 shots were fired in the direction of Armenian milc-d altn erfiitary positions, and by way of iber rifle weaponry, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Defense Army reported.

Russian Investigative Committee To Arrive In Armenia At the invitation of the chairman of the Armenian Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan, chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrikin will arrive in Armenia today. Today the two had a phone conversation and discussed details relating to the murder of family in Gyumri. Taking into account the peculiarities of the case, Hovsepyan invited Bastrikin to Armenia.

Los Angeles, CA: In a ceremony held at UCLA on January 15, the American University of Armenia (AUA) and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) announced an AUA-UCLA Summer Intensive Program in Armenian Studies. Offered for the first time in summer 2015 at the AUA campus in Yerevan, the program will comprise language courses in Eastern Armenian at the introductory and intermediate levels, a survey course on Armenia in the context of history of civilizations, and an undergraduate research seminar-workshop. The program will start on June 15 and last for 5 weeks. Visits to historical sites, participation in cultural events, and interaction with prominent artists and scholars in and around Yerevan during the week and guided weekend excursions to other regions of the republic will add a further dimension to the summer school’s immersion experience. Each course will carry 3 to 5 quarter units (equivalent to 2 to 3 semester units) of credit. The courses are designed jointly by AUA and UCLA faculty and the units are transferrable since both universities are accredited by the same agency . Dr. Anahid Keshishian Aramouni, Lecturer in Eastern Armenian, and Prof. Gregory Areshian of UCLA, a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, together with AUA faculty will provide the instruction. The courses are open to students from any UC campus, other US universities, and institu-

tions of higher learning worldwide. For further information about this program, visit admissions.aua.am, email admissions@aua.am or contact fb.com/AUAadmissions. The summer school initiative with UCLA has been developed in the context of a wider range of collaborative projects proposed by Peter Cowe, Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies, which is planned to be incorporated within a Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities. An affiliate of the University of California (UC) since its founding in 1991, AUA is also developing relations with other UC campuses. An agreement of collaboration with the University of California at Irvine (UCI) was signed at the ceremony on January 15. It is hoped that these collaborations will lead to a rich and diverse interchange between the students and faculty of these universities. Present at the meeting were President Armen Der Kiureghian as well as President Emeriti Mihran S. Agbabian and Haroutune Armenian of AUA, Dean Georges Van Den Abbeele of UCI, Professors Peter Cowe, Gregory Areshian, Ann Karagozian and Dr. Anahid Keshishian Aramouni of UCLA, as well as other faculty, staff and students from the three universities. AUA and UCLA are both accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), 985 Atlantic Avenue, #100, Alameda, CA 94501.

Armenian Bar Association Launches Genocide Legal Journal On the occasion of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Bar Association will publish a law journal encompassing a collection of manuscripts focusing on the range of potential legal responses to the events of 1915-1923, which resulted in genocide and dispossession. A call for papers is hereby initiated on the 100th day before the 100th year and is directed exclusively to students currently enrolled in any law school in the world. The authors of the top three articles will be awarded monetary scholarships, with $3,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place. The deadline to submit manuscripts is April 24, 2015. Armen K. Hovannisian, Chairman of the Armenian Bar Association, described this important research, writing and implementation initiative as follows: “Turkey pirouetted to the vulgar dance of denialism throughout most of the first century after the Genocide. While the tricksters’ spins and swirls of indecency will reappear, probably stronger still, in the second century after the Genocide, they had better get used to having some company. A whole nation will lie in wait little longer. Though many years and several lifetimes have passed between the wrongful acts and their judgment days yet to come, we-and not time--will heal our own wounds.” Contributors are asked to concentrate their efforts on the following: Research, analyze, and write on the viability of legal claims, under the laws of the United States and/or under international law, to reparations and restitution for damages and losses resulting from the Armenian Genocide. Please discuss who (i.e., descendants of victims/survivors, the Republic of Armenia, Armenian Churches, etc.) has standing to sue, the applicable substantive law, the appropriate forum for the prosecution of claims, and any applicable judicial/tribunal precedent. Included in the discussion should be an analysis of the status of the Republic of Turkey as a successor state to the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey’s legal responsibility to pay damages and make reparations for events that occurred during the Ottoman Empire. In addition, a critical study of the anticipated defenses (i.e., statutes of limitation) and a discussion of a claimant’s potential arguments against such defenses should be made. The editorial board offers the following recommendations: the articles to be printed will analyze the given issue and suggest a solution. Such analysis usually articulates some background information to inform the reader, before turning to an existing or novel argument. Along these lines, published articles regularly follow a traditional roadmap of introduction, background, analysis/argument, and conclusion, and provide a comprehensive treatment of a particular area of law. Articles tend to be formal in both the author’s tone and in the obligation to ground information and analysis in comprehensive substantive support via consistent citation. We encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts electronically, preferably in Microsoft Word format, to info@armenianbar.com. Articles must be under 12,500 words in length—the equivalent of 25 law review pages—including text and footnotes. Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 19th edition of The Bluebook. Please also include a table of contents, a current CV, and a cover letter with the author’s name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 22, 2015


Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Call Out Armenian Genocide Denial

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Stephane Charbonnier (Charb), Bernard Verlhac (Tignous) and Renald Luzier (Luz) used their sharp wit to call out Armenian Genocide denial, as recently as last week. Editor Charb and Tignous were tragically killed during Wednesday’s deadly terrorist attack. Three of the cartoons that reference Turkey’s crimes.

- Turkish Army Kills 35 Kurdish Villagers. K u r dish Villager: That was a screw up. They must have taken us for Armenians. Charb cartoon published in 2014, when reports surfaced that Turkey had attacked Kurdish villagers instead of assisting the international campaign to help save Kobane.

- Ottoman Turkish Soldier: Are we not committing a genocide, my General? Turkish General: Today, yes. But in a century, it’ll be a Dieudonne joke. Luz cartoon, published in January, 2015, referencing recent statements by French Comedian Dieudonne, who was quoted as saying that the Armenian Genocide is as real as Santa Claus.

Hyer United When asked about the most essential feature of life, most may answer “health”. One of the most significant concerns we have for our country today is its health. When most of the citizens are in good health, the country can prosper and flourish. Let’s rewind back to the NagornoKarabakh war, when innocent civilians were forced to flee due to enemy shelling. When Armenian women and children did not have proper nutrition and water to sustain themselves. When hospitals were limited and medical supplies scarce. When doctors in Karabakh could not treat wounded soldiers due to poor sanitary stations. Twenty years have passed since the 1994 ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Nagorno-Karabakh not only encounters the constant threat of ceasefire violations from enemy gunfire, but also medical deficiencies. As hospitals are built, medical supplies are not enough to sustain the part of the population most in need. This is where the Armenian youth play a role in providing assistance. We are a new youth organization called Hyer United, recently founded in Los Angeles, that acknowledge our commitment to provide various forms of aid to our most vulnerable compatriots in Armenia. We are a youth-driven, non-profit group in the United States and a registered non-governmental organization in the Republic of Armenia. Our primary focus is to provide support to various medical professionals in the rural regions of the Republic of Artsakh. These regions lack resources available to most civilians in other parts of Armenia. Despite their resilience, they are often reliant on the aid provided by organizations such as Hyer United in order to continue their struggle and maintain an independent Artsakh. Our organization is the first to have

Recep Tayyip Erdo!an to Turkish police: ‘You can shoot. Just imagine that they are Armenians!” Cartoon penned by Tignous during the Gezi Park protests in Turkey. ! successfully sent many boxes of medical supplies, mainly to the Kovsakan region of Artsakh. This region was chosen because it is centrally located to support other towns and villages nearby with aid. Recently, a new hospital was constructed on behalf of Artsakh’s government in the area; however, it lacks any medical equipment to properly treat patients. We are currently mapping out future projects in other regions of Armenia that are short of medical equipment. There is a firm belief that everyone deserves access to the basic needs of life. The youth have a dream, and that dream is to witness a happy, healthy, and secure Armenia. Although, the Armenian nation not only requires dreamers, but those that pursue and act on their dreams wholeheartedly. Our freedom fighters died for liberty and mixed their blood with soil to confirm the vitality and strength of the Armenian nation. We cannot allow this generation to be the one to lose Armenia. “It always seems impossible until it is done” – Nelson Mandela

956 Babies Born In Yerevan On Jan. 1-15 32,310 citizens visited the outpatient medical institutions under Yerevan Municipality subordination from January 1-15. In the same period, Yerevan’s Ambulance Service received 10,974 calls and 1,946 people were hospitalized, the press service of Yerevan Municipality reported. Most of the calls were related to cardiovascular diseases, acute respiratory problems, poisonings, and different kinds of traumas. A total of 956 babies were born in Yerevan on January 1-15 - 487 boys and 469 girls.

49 - Tuba Çandar Born in 1948, Tuba Candar completed her education in the United States after secondary schooling in Austria High School in Turkey. She graduated from the International Relations Department of the Ankara University Faculty of Political Science. She lived in Germany following March 12 military coup. Returning to Turkey, she became the editor-in-chief of “Bizim Almanca” magazine under Cumhuriyet daily. She also worked as an editor at “Gergedan” magazine. At Yeni Yüzyıl daily, she wrote culture and arts and travel pieces. She had a “Portraits” column in “Gazete Pazar.” Her first book about the life of Mualla Eyubı!lu Anhegger, “Hitit Güne"i” (Hitite Sun), was in 2003. In 2007, she had “Murat Belge Bir Hayat” (Murat Belge A Life). Her latest book, “Hrant” came out on the birthday of Hrant Dink on Sept. 15 in 2010.(1). Hrant Dink was born in Malatya on September 15, 1954. A Turkish intellectuals of Armenian descent. He was shot on 19 January 2007 on the sidewalk in front of his Agos newspaper. Tuba Candar's book "Hrant" is the story of his unique life. According to www.goodreads.com , the average rating of her book "Hrant" is rated 4.8 which is almost 5 stars.(2). About Candar's "Hrant" book, "istanbulgibbs.blogspot. com" mentioned "The writers are the hundreds of friends, relatives and coworkers that loved and admired Hrant. They tell his story from birth to death. I liked Hrant Dink. He seemed like he had been a man of integrity. He reached out to all sides on the Armenian issue and became the first to speak out on taboos decades old in an effort to reconcile Armenians and Turks. And he spoke out for others as well, for all of Turkey’s downtrodden and martyred with-

out fear or compromise, regardless of race, creed, or political background. He had been branded a traitor and a hater of Turks by the media for suggesting Sabiha Gökçen, Atatürk’s adopted daughter, had been an Armenian orphan.(3) Hrant Dink biography writer Tuba Candar says, “We were all shot. It was not Hrant only who was shot. We were all shot that day.” In an interview with civilinet.am, on Jan. 12, 2012, Hrant Dink's biography writer Tuba Candar said, “We were all shot. It was not Hrant only who was shot. We were all shot that day.” It took her 3.5 years to finish the 700 pages biography, which is in Turkish and was very well in Istanbul, also in Diyarbakir, Malatya, Ankara and Izmir. The book will be translated by a london based publisher to other languages.(4) Tuba Candar is one of the Turkish intellectuals who is supporting the Armenian cause, by disclosing and revealing the fact about the Armenian Genocide. Her 700 pages book about Hrant Dink, originally wrote in Turkish is a good source for the young Turkish generation who like to now some of the fact about the Armenian Genocide.

1.http://www.recon-project.com/ index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id =27:tuba-candar&Itemid=157&lang=en 2.https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4406617.Tuba_andar 3.http://istanbulgibbs.blogspot.com/2 011/11/translation-of-hrant-by-tuba-candar.html 4.http://civilnet.am/2012/01/19/tuba -candar-qwe-were-all-shot-thatdayq/#.VGfWfMnUiqk

Armenian Genocide Recognition And Reparations: A Path To Restoring Historical Justice YEREVAN, Armenia – On December 6, 2014, the Center for Excellence in Negotiation: Yerevan (CEN Yerevan) held a conference dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, themed “Armenian Genocide Recognition and Reparations: A Path to Restoring Historical Justice.” Distinguished speakers from academia, genocide studies, and the Republic of Armenia Diplomatic Corps, including Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Ara Papian, former Ambassador to Canada and Director of Modus Vivendi Center, and Raffi Hovannisian, former Foreign Minister of Armenia, were brought together to discuss three important pillars: recognition, reparations, and Armenian foreign policy. CEN Yerevan is part of the Centers for Excellence in Negotiation program implemented by the Bridgeway Group with the financial support of the Carnegie Foundation of New York. It began as a program of the American University of Armenia (AUA)’s Legal Resource Center in 2011 until 2013. Today, it is an independent international training and research center aimed at developing the culture of negoti-

ation and social discourse in Armenia and improving the process of decision-making, policy-making, and social dialogue. AUA alum Stepan Khzrtian (2010) is Director of CEN Yerevan, and Tom Samuelian, Dean of AUA’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences, serves as Senior Fellow. CEN Yerevan continuous to be active in the development and implementation of the “Negotiations” course currently taught as part of the AUA Law Program. Live coverage of the conference proceedings can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 7j5CnTv4dCY&list=UUxPJyX0oQWmqZ5a kbuN5DTg&t=31m10s Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 22, 2015


USC Institute Of Armenian Studies

The “Half-Immigrant”: In Between California’s Generations

Of Alienation By Alice Krumian Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. Luke 17:1 How and where did you get the right and the liberty, Of desecrating our holy land and our cultural identity? Haven't you ever found out, from our past history, That foreign practices wreck great havoc to our country? When the splendid tidings of our independence, On that unforgettable day were heralded to us, Our eyes got inundated with unexpected tears of joy, Our hearts got flooded with the deluge of blossoming hope. Was the news a confirmed fact or just unfounded hearsay? Our disbeliefs, however, didn't take long to fade away, As soon as, in a dazzled state, our eyes beheld the hoisting, Of our beloved tricolor flag on top of our Parliament building. After centuries of foreign rule, subjugation and dependence, It was a majestic victory, our homeland's independence; A sweet call home for all expatriates to return to Armenia, From their lengthy forced exile throughout the Diaspora. Alas! alas! Woe to us and to our long-suffering country, Our joys, in no time, got woven with disillusion and misery. Our leading" luminaries" got disengaged from their duty, Infecting our limpid waters with evil sharks, vile and greedy. How can we ever close our eyes to our national tragedy, With corruption, swindling, fraud, injustice and infamy Getting rampant in institutions, religious, social and political, Neglectful of suffering people, toiling for their poor survival. Our "demagogues" are multiplying, dehumanizing our systems, Truth and justice getting trampled, crimes not being prosecuted; Religious strives are ruthlessly tearing our Holy Church apart, While sinful perpetrators are parading in their wealth and pomp. Our homeland is standing at a critical point in its history, Our glorious culture, at the verge of collapse and declivity; Traditions, codes of honor, our whole system of values are, Through Western alienation, on their pervasive decline Our past generations preserved our legacy with integrity, Our ancestors taught us the values of hard work and morality; We're duty-bound, nationally, to apply the brakes of wreckage, And link, with a concerted effort, our present-day national spirit, To our ancestral legacy and our most admired cultural treasury.

Richard Hovannisian, Adjunct Professor of History at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, and Professor Emeritus of Armenian and Near Eastern History at UCLA, will be the guest of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies at a lunchtime conversation to be held on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at 12 p.m. at the USC Ground Zero Coffeehouse. Entitled “The ’Half-Immigrant’: In Between California’s Generations,” Dr. Hovannisian will be speaking with Dr. William Deverell, Chair of USC Dornsife’s Department of History and Director of the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West. Hovannisian, who was born in Tulare, California, to first- and second-generation Armenian-Americans, has both observed and lived the immigrant experience. He was in effect a member of the 1.5 generation of immigrant – a ‘half-immigrant’ ! too young to have known the ‘old country’ but unable to escape its impact on parents and on memory. Raised in Central California, he studied in northern California and served as an academic in southern California, for more than half a century. Through it all, he was witness to the new waves of immigration. He joined the UCLA faculty in 1962 and was appointed its first Armenian Educational Foundation Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History in 1987. [That endowed chair now bears his name.] In 1969, he created the UCLA Armenian Genocide Oral History Project, in which his students would, over the next 40 years, interview more than 800 survivors of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. A Guggenheim Fellow who has received numerous honors for his scholarship, civic activities, and advancement of Armenian Studies, Hovannisian is an advisor to the USC Shoah Foundation and serves on the board of directors of several organizations, including Facing History

and Ourselves Foundation and the International Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide. William Deverell is a historian with a focus on the nineteenth and twentieth century American West. He has written works on political, social, ethnic, and environmental history. Author of “Whitewashed Adobe: The Rise of Los Angeles and the Remaking of its Mexican Past,” Deverell is currently at work on a book exploring the history of the post-Civil War American West. He is also co-editing the Encyclopedia of California with David Igler for UC Press. Salpi Ghazarian, the director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, says, “We invite the community to the USC campus for this program. This, like our previous lunchtime programs, is not a lecture. It’s a conversation between two people who have spent many years studying immigrant communities. Many have heard Professor Hovannisian speaking about his fields of specialty – the Republic of Armenia, Genocide – but this will be an opportunity to hear him speak personally and professionally about the immigrants and ‘half-immigrants’ who have helped make California the Golden State.” Lunch will be served. The event will be live streamed at: http://capture.usc.edu/Mediasite/Play/2 e73119b5c3d452999753a62c89e662a1d Directions and parking information: We advise guests to park in Parking Structure D, which is located on the corner of Jefferson and Figueroa (across from the Shrine). See attached map for the location of the event (USC Ground Zero Coffeehouse.) Please call 213.821.3943 if you have any questions regarding the event, including parking and directions. !

Irish Photographer Probes “Lost Landscapes” Of Armenian Diaspora Exiles By Anna Muradyan Armenian Family Stories and Lost Landscapes” is Irish documentary photographer Helen Sheehan’s second exhibition in Turkey. “In my work, I constantly cover minorities which have become marginalized and thus do not warrant attention,” she told Hetq. The exhibition displays photos taken in Diyarbakir (Digranagerd) that bridge the gap between the memories of Armenian descendants of that town and the people now living in those places. In May of last year, Sheehan showed her photographic sound pieces inside the restored Armenian Church of St. Giragos in Diyarbakir. The photographer’s interest in Armenia themes started when she was a teacher at the Mkhitarist Seminary school in Venice in the 1990s. “I was thinking about Armenian culture and was asked what it means to survive in a culture of exile, without having the possibility of going to your native places,” says Sheehan. She really got seriously engaged in Armenian affairs in 2009, when she started to narrate stories about Armenians in the diaspora, both in London and Paris.

Locating family stories is always difficult, and Sheehan points out that she doesn’t pick the story but that it’s the other way around. The stories took the photographer to Diyarbakir, but she’s also taken photos in Zeytoun and Van. “I was trying to see what it means to be the other, out of the mainstream,” she notes. It also touches me since I am an Irish person living in London.” She was warmly received in Diyarbakir, something that didn’t happen in Zeytoun.

Six-month-old Seryozha Avetisyan Dies Six-month-old Seryozha Avetisyan, the only survivor of the brutal family murder in Gyumri, has died. According to Nikolay Dallakyan, director of Surb Astvatsamayr Medical Center, the child’s health worsened sharply on Sunday. The child died on Monday. The doctors did everything possible to save his life. The Armenian Ministry of Health extends condolences over the child’s death.

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N.O. January 22, 2015, No. 4:N.O. Blank


3:39 PM

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NOR ØR% 22 |OUNOUAR 2015


FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • ªBananziº ]a. pa,tpan Gagik Da[ba,;ane pa\managir h knq;l Slowakia\i bar]rago\n .oumbe n;rka\azno[ ªÂouvomb;rokº akoumbi f;t Da[ba,;ane |ounouari skxbiz 'or]a,r=an hr anznoum ªÂouvomb;rokoumº ;u pa\managire ouvi mh= h lin;lou minc;u 2016 j& |ounise! Au;lazn;nq% or ªÂouvomb;rokeº Slowakia\i a®a=noujiunoum 19 mrzam'ouliz \;to\ 12 jim;ri pa\qaroum 16 miauorow gtnuoum h na.aw;r=in t;[oum! • :r;uani ªAraratiº na.kin darpasapaf Go® Martiros;ane |ounouari 18-iz m;kn;l h Âousastan mi qani jim;roum 'or]a,r=an anzn;lou famar% 'or];lou h fimnakanoum pa\manauoroua‘oujiun ];®q b;r;l krasnodar;an akoumbn;riz mhki f;t! |i,;z;nq% or Go® Martiros;ane D;kt;mb;ri skxbin .x;l hr pa\managir ;r;uan;an akoumbi f;t! • ªAla,k;rteº famalrou;z ;rkou nor;kn;row! Nor;kn;rn ;n 27-am;a\ k;ntronakan kisapa,tpan Stanislau Gnidkon% ow fandhs hr galis P;la®ousi bar]rago\n .mbi ªSlouzkº jimoum ;u 23 tar;kan \ar]akouo[ Dilan Wanw;lk;nfius;ne% ow P;lgia\i 2-rd diwixioni ªWolouwh-Xau;nj;mº jimiz h! • |ounouari 24-in :r;uani ªOuliseº stougo[akan .a[oum ke mrzi Moskoua\i ªLokomotiwiº f;t! |i,;zn;nq% or ÂD-i Pr;mi;r lika\i enjazik .a[arkoujiunoum ªLokomotiweº 17 mrza'ouliz \;to\ xba[;znoum h 5-rd t;[e! • :r;uani ªArarateº ,arounakoum h na.apatrastou;l mrza,r=ani ;rkrord fatoua‘in! Jime parapmounqn;r anzkazr;z `oujpoli akad;mia\i arf;stakan .ota‘a‘kow .a[ada,toum ;u ªMikaº marxafamaliroum! ªAraratiº kaxmoum marxuoum ;n darpasapaf Karhn Isra\hl;ane ;u \ar]akouo[ Ar;g Axat;ane% Soulh\man Kon;n ("[oskr;a\ A')% Gorik >acatr;ane% Wafh Martiros;ane% Ka®lø Cou;kan (";rou)% Aram Fa\rap;t;ane% Sh\it Fiush\n Fiush\nin% Amir <o;ibe% Saman A[axamanin (w;r=in ;r;qe Iraniz)% Âa`i Ka\ane! |ounouari 18-iz ªArarateº Socioum h ;u a\nt;[ ke marxoui minc;u |ounouari 31-e! • ª<irakeº |ounouari 11-iz a®a=in ousoumnamarxakan fauaq anzkazr;z Kapanoum ;u w;radar];l h Giumri ;u marxoumn;re ,arounakoum h Giumrii norabaz akad;mia\i arf;stakan .ota‘a‘kow da,toum! Jimin ardhn miaz;l ;n Milo, Stam;nkowicn ou Drisa Diarasouban! Akad;mia\oum pa\mann;re g;raxanz ;n% ,hnqa\in pa\mann;re^ ithalakan& ªSpasoum ;nq 2 a`rikazi `oujpolistn;ri% zankanoum ;m ouv;[azn;l \;nakhta\in kisapa,tpani% k;ntronakan ;u ;xra\in pa,tpann;ri dirq;re! |ounouari 25-iz ke m;kn;nq Anjalia ;u a\nt;[ ke mnanq minc;u ";trouari 22-e ;u k*anzkazn;nq enk;rakan stougo[akan fandipoumn;rº% asaz jimi gl.auor marxic Wardan Bica.c;ane! • :r;uani ª"iunikiº 25-am;a\ kisapa,tpan Arjour :ouxpa,;ane gtnuoum h Moltowa\i Tiraspol qa[aqoum% ort;[ 'or]a,r=an h anznoum t;[i famanoun jimoum! ªTiraspoleº Moltowa\i a®a=nouj;an mrza,ara\in a[iusakoum xba[;znoum h 5-rd t;[e! N,;nq% or :ouxpa,;ane 10 fandipoum h anzkazr;l FF axga\in fauaqakanoum! A\s jimoum h fandhs galis na;u FF fauaqakani j;kna‘ou^ pa,tpan Arjour >acatourowe!

~OUTXALI :UROPA|I 2016 J& ENTRAKAN MRZA<AROUM FF FAUAQAKANE DOURS :KAU |A+ORD "OUL <ouhdia\oum auartoua‘ `outxali :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an m;knarka\in .a[oum




Fa\astani fauaqakane 2-2 .a[az Isra\hli fauaqakani f;t% chxoqazn;low ;rkou gndaki a®au;loujiune ;u 'rk;l fandipoume! |a=ord fandipman vamanak m;r t[an;re 4-3 fa,ouow \a[j;zin tanthr;ri entranoun! Mius fandipoumn;roum Isra\hle 6-1 fa,ouow \a[j;l h <otlandia\i fauaqakanin% isk <ouhdian w;r=inin \a[j;l h 13-0 fa,ouow! :rkou mrza'ouliz \;to\ Fa\astani ;u Isra\hli fauaqakann;re wastak;zin 4-akan miauor! |ounouari 17-in fa\ `oujpolistn;re fandip;zin ,otlandazin;ri f;t ;u \a[j;zin 6-1 fa,ouow! <ouhdn;re 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;zin Isra\hli fauaqakanin! M;r jime grau;z a®a=in t;[e ;u irauounq stazau \a=ord^ orakauorman fimnakan 'ouloum mrz;lou >orwajia\i% Jourqia\i ;u Slowakia\i entranin;ri f;t! A\d 'ouli fandipoumn;re ka\analou ;n 2015-i Marti 17-22-e!

’A{KA}OROUM MARXUOUM :N BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RE |ounouari 9-iz Fa\astani b®nzqamartikn;re (møt 35 marxik) fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Dauij Joros;ani gl.auorouj;amb m;kn;l ;n ’a[ka]or% ort;[ k*anzkazn;n ;r;q ,abaj;a\ ousoumnamarxakan fauaq! Fauaqi vamanak ,;,te drou;lou h b®nzqamartikn;ri `ixiqakan patrastakamouj;an wra\! A\s ør;rin ’a[ka]oroum ousoumnamarxakan fauaq ;n anzkaznoum na;u Âousastani ;u P;la®ousi b®nzqamarti fauaqakann;re!

"O"O>OUJIUNN:R FF TARB:R FAUAQAKANN:RI MARXCAKAN :U DA<NOUJ:AN KAXM:ROUM • "a,ik Alau;rt;ane fastatou;l h ‘anramarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxci pa,tønoum! A\d masin \a\tn;l h FAØK-i gl.auor qartou[ar Frac;a\ Âostom;ane! Alau;rt;ane ardhn n;rka\azr;l h Âiø2016-i na.apatrastakan 'ouli ‘ragire% ore mia]a\n endounou;l h! |i,;zn;nq% or FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxci pa,tønoum na 'o.arin;l h Pø[os Pø[os;anin! • FF b®nzqamarti ;ritasardakan fauaqakani gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l Karhn A[amal;ane% Waxghn Badal;ani 'o.arhn! |ounouari 16-iz nor gl.auor marxci [;kawarouj;amb FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakane ’a[ka]oroum k*anzkazni ousoumnamarxakan fauaq! • FF f;‘anaua\in sporti da,nouj;an na.agaf Al;qsandr B;r;xowskin (darpasapaf Âoman B;r;xowskii ;[ba\re) fravarakan h tou;l! Gor‘kome vamanakauor pa,tønakatar h fastat;l f;‘anaua\in sporti ølimpiakan f;rja'o.i marxadprozi tnørhn Martin <arbaj;anin!

PASQ:JPOLI :R:UANI ªKRANT SPORTº JIME :UROLIKA|I >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM Âousastani Sankt ";t;rpourgoum qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ minc;u 2001 j& ‘noua‘ patanin;ri :urolika\i .a[arkouj;ane masnakzoum h :r;uani ªKrant Sportº akoumbi jime^ Wardan >acatr;ani gl.auorouj;amb! A®a=in øre m;r t[an;re anzkazrin ;rkou fandipoum^ ;rkousoum hl fauasar pa\qaroum xi=;zin `innakan HNMKY ;u ªBC Mukiº jim;rin! :rrord .a[oum ªKrant Sporteº 47!78 fa,ouow partou;z hsjonakan ªAoud;nt;sº

jimin% isk corrord fandipoumoum corrord anendmh= partoujiune kr;z hsjonakan Tartoui ªTartou Âoqº jimiz (38!72)! W;r=in^ 5-rd .a[oum ªKrant Sporteº 33!73 fa,ouow partou;l h lajwiakan ªBS S'arsº jimin ;u 17 jim;ri pa\qaroum xba[;zr;l 15-rd t;[e!

NA>APATRASTUOUM :N :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJ:ANE Fa\astani minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Wiqjor Ouskowe fraparak;l h fauaqakani endla\noua‘ kaxme% oroum n;ra®noua‘ ;n 18 pasq;jpolistn;r! A\s masin t;[;kaznoum h Fa\astani pasq;jpoli da,noujiune! A®a=ika\ amisn;rin marxcakan ,tabe k*entri 12 .a[azo[n;ri% owq;r |oulisin Foungaria\oum ke masnakz;n minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an B& diuixioni fandipoumn;rin! Fauaqakanoum endgrkoua‘ ;n ÂD-i tarb;r akoumbn;ri 8% AMN-i 5% Fa\astani ;u Libanani 2-akan ;u Irani 1 marxik!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ID:-i oro,man fama]a\n a,.arfi kananz anfatakan a®a=noujiune k*anzkazoui 2015-i Martin ÂD-i Soci qa[aqoum! Nokaout famakargow enjanaliq a\d mrza,ari masnakizn;ri mh= ke lin;n Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;r grosma\st;rn;r Hlina Danihl;ane ;u Lilij Mkrtc;ane! • :r;uanoum auartoua‘ Fa\astani t[amardkanz ;u kananz a®a=noujiunn;roum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6 miauor t[amardkanz a.o\;an dar]au Karhn Grigor;ane! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n Arman Miqa\hl;ane^ 5&5% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane^ 5&5-akan% Arman "a,ik;ane% Au;tiq Grigor;ane^ 4&5-akan% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane^ 4% Dauij <afin;ane^ 3&5% Tigran Qojan=;ane^ 2 miauor! 19-am;a\ Arman Miqa\hl;ane 7-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ lrazr;z grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! Na Fa\astani 39-rd grosma\st;rn h! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum a.o\;anoufi f®cakou;z Sousanna Gabo\;ane 7 miauorow! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n& Maria Ghorg;ane^ 6&5% Anna Fa\rap;t;ane% Arminh Baba\;ane^ 5&5-akan% <ou,anna Sargs;ane^ 5% Siranou, {oukas;ane^ 4&5% Narinh Gaspar;ane% Lousinh Karap;t;ane^ 3&5-akan% Mariam Au;tis;ane^ 2&5 ;u Sw;tlana Mirxab;k;ane^ 1&5 miauor! • Wh\k an X;houm ,arounakuoum h Tata Sjil 'a®atøne% orin masnakzoum ;n L;uon Aron;ane (A& mrza,ar) ;u AMN-n n;rka\azno[ Samouhl S;u;ane (B& mrza,ar)! L;uon Aron;ane 5-rd mrza'ouloum s;u;row partou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous Ka®ls;nin! |a=ord 3 fandipoumn;roum L;uone oc-oqi .a[az Wan W;lii% Karouana\i ;u Foou |i`ani f;t! 9-rd mrza'ouloum L;uone a®a=in \a[janake tøn;z \a[j;low wrazi Bafadour +obawa\in% isk 10-rdoum oc-oqi .a[az Âa=abowi f;t ;u 4&5 miauorow enjanoum h 10-rd t;[oum! A®a=atare Magnous Ka®ls;nn h 7&5 miauor! Samouhl S;u;ane 5-rd mrza'ouloum \a[j;z Gounina\in% \a=ordoum partou;z Wh\ |iin% 7-rdoum \a[j;z Qlh\nin% 8-rdoum oc-oqi .a[az L*A mii f;t% isk 9-rdoum \a[j;z Faastin! 10-rdoum oc-oqi .a[az <anklandi f;t ;u 5&5 miauorow enjanoum h 5-rd t;[oum! 8 miauorow a®a=atarn;rn ;n Ouh\ne ;u Nauaran!

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