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ªKanq% piti lin;nq ou d;® ,atananqº AU:TIS BA|RAM:AN ªKanq% piti lin;nq ou d;® ,atananqº

A\s hr a\n dasa.øsouj;an niuje or t;[i oun;zau Kiraki khsørh ;tq vame 5!00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni srafin mh=! Dasa.øsakan ;r;kon kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i Warcouj;an ko[mh% isk dasa.øsn hr Joronjo\hn fiurabar qa[aqs gtnouo[ W;rapatou;li :sa\i Sarmax;ane! Iskaphs oura.a®ij ;u qa=al;rakan ;r;uo\j hr% or m,akou-

W;rapatou;li :sa\i Sarmax;an

M:’ :{:ÂNI 100-AM:A| TAR:LIZIN ENDAÂA+ A\s tari lranoum h fa\ vo[owrdi o[b;rgakan^ M;‘ :[;®ni 100-am;a\ tar;lize! :s ;[;®niz touva‘n;ri xauak ;m! Fa\rs^ Biuxande Qilisiz hr% ma\rs^ Nouarde^ Atana\iz! Nranq =ard;ri vamanak mi k;rp yo[opr;l hin Siria^ Falhp% ort;[ ;s ‘nou;l ;m! |atkaphs ma\rakan papis ko[miz oun;z;l ;nq koroustn;r! Fa\rakan paps% ori anounn ;m kroum% ambo[= oun;zoua‘qe korzn;louz \;to\% est førs patma‘i% \aya. kangnoum hr Qilisi safmaniz a\s ko[m gtnouo[ Ax;x kocouo[ wa\roum ;u acq;re arzounqow lzoua‘ na\oum hr dhpi Qilisi ko[m;re ;u m;x anfasan;li h jh i#nc hr mta‘oum! Paps qa=% k;nsoura. mard ;u bar;rar h ;[;l! Akn\a\t h% or ;[;l h fa\r;nashr ;u fa\oz patmouj;an qa=at;[;ak% wkan% or ir cors ordin;rin knq;l h patmakan anounn;row& Biuxand% Ali,an% |owsh'% Frand! Paps mafaz;l h ;ritasard^ 41 tar;kan fasakoum! Før;[ba\rs^ Ali,ane% ori f;t ,at hi kapoua‘% anz;al tari 100 tar;kan piti linhr! Na qa\lo[ fanragitaran hr% tirap;toum hr møt 10 øtar l;xoui ;u gitouj;an ,at bnagaua®n;ri! Nra masin% 100-am;aki kapakzouj;amb% ªNor Ørºi h=;roum \ødoua‘ hr gr;l "ro`& Au;tis "a'ax;ane! M;r axge touvoua‘ axg h ;u a\d fog;banoujiuniz phtq h axatoui% anendfat sgalow ocnci c;nq fasni% phtq h pa\qar;nq m;r irauounqn;ri famar! Stor;u b;roua‘ \ødoua‘ow ouxoum ;m ;rk.øsoujiun ‘aual;l j;rji ;u enj;rzo[n;ri mi=;u! Spasoum ;m ];r ar]agangin! Mi soworoujiun oun;m! Mamouli h=;riz in] f;taqrqro[ niuj;re ktroum ;u pafoum ;m! 2012 j& ªFa\ K;anqº j;rji |oulisi 20-i famaroum tpagroua‘ 50 fa\;rn est ªArArAtºi \ødoua‘e paf;l ;m ;u ;rkar vamanak mta‘oum hi a\n dar]n;l 100% cna\a‘ \ødoua‘oum b;roua‘ mi ,arq anounn;ri f;t fama]a\n chi! Inc ca'oro,icn;row kar;li h kaxm;l 100 kam au;li anouani kam \a\tni fa\;ri zouzake! :s entr;zi f;t;u;al ];ue^ est a\bb;nakan kargi kaxm;l fanra\a\t fa\;ri zouzake% oronz mh= ke mtn;n% gitouj;an% arou;sti% m,ako\ji% qa[aqakanouj;an% ®axmakan% marxakan ;u a\l bnagaua®n;ri n;rka\azouzicn;r! :rb sks;zi fauaq;l anounn;re ªMº ta®e auart;louz \;to\ au;li qan 300 anouani mardkanz anounn;r dours b;r;zi ;u mta‘;zi a\l k;rp warou;l^ dours b;r;l tarb;r bnagaua®n;ri a®au;l fanra\a\t fa\;ri zouzake! :s fa\ ;m ;u fpart ;m dranow! Tarb;r patya®n;row ;u fimnakanoum M;‘ :[;®ni patya®ow fa\;re apastan;l ;n a,.arfi au;li qan 80 ;rkrn;roum&&&! S;uanoum ‘anøjaza\ mi mtauorakani f;t% ow Moskoua\iz hr% ba\z ‘nou;l hr Cinastanoum! Na amhn tari ir entaniqow galis

hr Fa\astan fangstanalou! M;nq lau bar;kamn;r dar]anq% \aya. hinq a\z;loum mim;anz! A\sphs% a\d im lau bar;kame% ow ‘nou;l hr >arbinoum% in] asaz% or >arbinoum ir;nz 'o[ozoum baxmajiu fa\;r hin aproum% oronq m;‘ masamb gorgi ;u a\l waya®akann;r hin! Na no\nisk jou;z mi qanisi axganounn;rn ou anounn;re% oronq iskaphs fa\;r hin! Karo[ h Cinastanoum bauakanaca' fa\;r ;n aproum% saka\n nranz jiue au;li qan 1&5 miliard cinazin;ri mh= cncin tokos h kaxmoum! F;taqrqir \atkoujiun oun;m! Srtis ]a\now xgoum ;m o;uh mhki fa\ lin;le! Øt;sa\oum hi! A\z;l;zi Øt;sa\i \a\tni ø';ra\in jatron W;rtii ªAitaº ø';ran ounkndr;lou! Mi qic ou,azoumow t;[s nst;zi ;u ;rb ;rgice kataroum hr Âadam;si arian% marmins mi ];ui ',aqa[ou;z% mi t;sak faraxat ban xgazi! Endmi=mane% ;rb ‘ragire kardazi% parxou;z or Âadam;si arian kataroum hr Fra\r >an;dan;ane% ori masin chi ls;l! Mi ouri, dhpq! Moskoua\i ªQimiakan m;q;na,inouj;anº institoutoum corsams;a\ w;rapa<ar& h= 14

ja\in \a\tagrin ke masnakzhin F&B&E& Miouj;an "asatina\i Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an ;rkrordakan warvarani a,ak;rtoufin;re% [;kawarouj;amb ir;nz fa\;rhni ;u ;rav,touj;an ousouzic Nora\r Tatour;ani! N;rka\ hr na;u so\n warvarani nor n,anakoua‘ karo[ Tnørhnoufi Dokt& Arminh Mowsis;ane! Fandisoujiune sksau asmounqow ;u ;rav,touj;amb! Sarin Bambal;an n;rka\azouz G;[am Sar;ani ªDhpi Ka®a'naranº banast;[‘oujiune% oroun sringi wra\ k∞enk;rakzhr Maral Qiurt;an% ªMartikiº ;rgow! >orfrdauor hr pafe ;u axd;zik% srafi kisamouj mjnolortin mh=% w;rapr;lou Z;[aspanouj;an arfauirqe! Fousk apa bari galousti .øsqow fandhs ;kau warcouj;an andamn;rhn Ghorg Qhø,khr;an! An ir oura.oujiune \a\tn;z m;r al;f;r banast;[‘ Vag |akob;ani n;rka\ouj;an ;u n;rka\azouz øroua\ bana.øse% W;r& :sa\i Sarmax;ane! W;rapatou;li Sarmax;an ‘na‘ h Q;sap% Souria! An ir Psakauor Arou;stiz tit[ose staza‘ h Ph\rouji Fa\kax;an Golhyhn (a\vm famalsaran)% isk Magistros Arou;stiz tit[ose Ph\rouji M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi Astoua‘abanakan Y;maranhn! Anor fowouakan ‘a®a\oujiune k∞endgrkh gr;jh khs dar% sksa‘ Falhphn% ormh ;tq Xaflh% Ph\rouj ;u apa Joronjø! A\vm an fangst;an kocoua‘ h ;u ke bnaki Joronjø! W;rapatou;li Sarmax;an 20-rd darou a®a=in Z;[aspanoujiune% mardoun anmardka\in ararqe mardou fandhp% w;rakoc;z Frand Tinqi f;tq;row% orowf;t;u a\d

ør ke xougadiphr Tinqi nafatakouj;an 8-rd tar;lizin! Ardar;u caragou,ak a\d øre% 19 |ounouar 2007-in% ªAkøsº lragri ir gras;n;aki moutqin% Frand Tinq xofe k∞;rjar 17 am;a\ anmit jourqi me gndakin&&&! W;rapatou;li Sarmax;an fandipa‘ hr Frand Tinqi% Polso\ møtaka\ Jouxla qa[aqi Armhn yambarin mh=% ;rb Tinq takauin patani hr! |arg;li bana.øse ardarørhn dit;l touau or Tinq xofe k∞;rjar Jourqio\ safmanadrouj;an 301-rd \ødoua‘in% or .størhn ke dataparthr Jourqio\ ka®awarouj;an dhm watørhn arta\a\touo[ o;uh anfat! Isk Frand Tinq ke fauatar or% n,;z W;rapatou;lin% ]ouke gl.hn ke foti ;u anfrav;,t h m;xi pochn sksil! A\sinqn% jourq jh øtar ka®awaroujiunn;rhn phtq ch \ousal or;uh lou‘oum m;r datin kapakzouj;amb% a\l phtq h m;r date vo[owourdi makardakin i=;zn;nq! Mhk .øsqow% m;r date phtq h a®a=in f;rjin ‘anøjazn;nq .ndro\ a®arka\ jourq ka®awarouj;an armatn;roun% orn h parx vo[owourde! A\sør m;nq bar;ba.tabar akanat;s ;nq a\d ;r;uo\jin% ;rb tasn;ak me mtauorakann;r arjnza‘ ir;nz .or qounhn% ke datapart;n jourq ka®awaroujiune ;u k∞arta\a\touin i npast m;r irauounqn;roun% oronz \a®a=ago\nn h Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume% ,arounak;z \arg;li bana.øse! Ta[anda,at patanoufi Maral Qiurt;an dar];al b;m bar]razau ;u a\s angam m;xi n;rka\azouz Komitasi m,aka‘ ªTlh :amanºe ;u ªK®ounkºe% diuj;low fandisat;sn;re ir m;taqsa\in <ar& h= 13

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NOR ØR% 29 |OUNOUAR 2015


A\s tari% FBEM Fa\ Kin kaxmak;rpoujiunn ;t ke na\hr ir anza‘ 20 tarin;rou yamboun% 1994-hn minc;u 2014% arv;uor;low tara‘ a,.atanqn;re ;u no\n ou au;li ja'ow% lauat;souj;amb ,arounak;lou ir w;r;lqe! A\s 20-am;akin a®ijow% oura.oujiun ;u fpartoujiun patya®o[ ];®nark men hr FBEM-i Arou;sti ;u M,ako\ji |an]na.oumbin na.a];®noujiune% or t;[i oun;zau No\;mb;r 20% 2014-in% Ar;umt;an j;mi A®a=nordarani Xøra\;an srafin mh=! };®narke nouiroua‘ hr ;rkou nor fratarakoujiunn;rou& min^ FBEM Fa\ Kin-i fimnadir ;u at;nap;toufi Sona :agoup;ani famadra‘ ªFBEM Fa\ Kinºi arvhqauor wastake% ;rkrorde^ warcouj;an andamoufin;rhn Sona Xh\jl;ani ªFa\ Kno= K;anqi Ou[iin F;tq;rowº famapar'ak ousoumnasirakan a,.atanqe% or arvanazau 2013-i M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikosouj;an Ghorg M;litin;zi Mrzanakin! Ørouan fandisawarn hr S;sil Q;,i,;an% or Siran S;xa\i Ph\rouji mh= fratarakouo[ :ritasard Fa\oufi parb;rakanin a,.atakza‘ h ;u axga\in k;anqi mh= nouiroua‘ ou gor‘oun;a\ fa\oufi h! An n;rka\azouz ;rkou bana.øsoufin;re& a®a=ine^ ir f;[inaka‘ girq;row ou ;rkrorde^ ir krjakan asparhxi wastakow! Ir .øsqin mh=% Sona Xh\jl;an ,;,t;z axga\in ou[;gi‘ y,do[ fa\oufin;roun a,.atanqn;re! Na. andradar]au A,.hn Jagoufiin ;u Trdat Jagauorin qro=e^ >osrowidou.ti xørakzouj;an Fa\astani mh= Qristonhouj;an a®a=in qaroxicn;roun f;t! Arqouni kin;re nor krøne fa\ I,.ann;re miauoro[ axga\in bariq nkat;zin ;u jh;u ir;nz f;t;uordn;roun f;t miasin fala‘ou;zan% saka\n t;[i ctouin! ªØtarn;rou partadra‘ karg ou kanonhn anka.^ axga\in nor ou[;gi‘e&&&& fa\ouj;an axga\in inqnouj;an fimnaqare dar]auº%_ wka\;z Sona Xh\jl;an ;u ørinakn;row fastat;z% jh dar;rou enjazqin% ankar;li ;[a‘ hr axga\in inqnagitakzoujiune kam axga\in mta‘;lak;rpe =n=;l! 19-rd darou axga\in Xarjønqi ,r=anin% an\;ta]g;li dar]au fa\ouj;an 75-80 tokose fa,ouo[ giu[aziouj;an \;tamnaz wiyakin darman gtn;le! Gaua® [rkoua‘ m;‘ jiuow ousouzcoufin;re t;[a\nakan mta\nouj;an a®a=qe a®n;lou famar% sksan ousman xougaf;®^ fa\oujiune

miauoro[ ga[a'arn;r tara‘;l ;u axga\in gitakzoujiune xørazn;l! A\s a,.atanqe ªaxga\in irauounqn;rou ;u partakanoujiunn;rou thr fauaqakanoujiun me ellalou gitakzoujiune armatazouz ;u axga\in inqnapa,tpanouj;an k®iun;roun famar g;tin patrast;zº! Ardar;u% dar;rh i w;r xinakir ct;sa‘ giu[;rou mh= fa\ kananz .oumb;r sksan kaxmouil% oronq xin;al dimadrouj;an masnakz;zan! Sona Xh\jl;an fastat;z&_ ªPatmoujiune ke wka\h% jh tagnapn;rou at;n fa\ kine ir ouv;re ke larh ;u fauaqakan o\v ke st;[‘h% orphsxi axge go\at;uhº! Z;[aspanouj;nhn ;tq% fa\ kine a[ht;aln;roun ;u taragirn;roun øgnouj;an fasau! Anatoloui f;®auor ,r=ann;roun mh= zroua‘ ;u ]oulou;lou datapartoua‘ kin;rou% a[=ikn;rou ;u anca'afasn;rou fa\ouj;an w;radar]e f;tapnd;z! Orbanozn;rou ko[qin dproz ou arf;stanoz fastat;z! Orb-orboufin;rou ousoum% kar ou ];u% ];®agor‘ sorw;zouz orphsxi aproustnin fogan! Au;lin% fiuandanoz% ma\ranoz ou darmanatoun;r fastat;z! Isk 'rkoua‘n;roun famar amousnoujiun% ord;groujiun kargadr;z! ªGitnalow or baxmafaxar ga[jakann;r toundar]i irauounq counhin% fa\ kno= famar anfrav;,t hr xanonq øtar ;rkirn;rou mh= t;[auor;l ;u% t;[akan pa\mann;roun \armar;low fand;r]% axga\in arvhqn;rou wra\ fimnoua‘ fasarakaz apaga\ me k;rt;lº! A\s t;sakhthn og;uoric ;[an marxakan ;u skaoutakan ,arvoumn;re% oronq jh* axga\in gitakzoujiun m,ak;zin ;u jh axga\in bnakan w;ranorogman npast;zin! M;r ;u \a=ord s'iu®qafa\ s;roundn;roun axga\in ou[;gi‘e^ t;[akan ;u anka. fa\r;niqi kananz f;t gor‘akzoujiune piti ella\º ,;,t;z Sona Xh\jl;an ;u au;lzouz% jh kaxmak;rpcakan ørinak;li na.a];®noujiun hr FBEM Fa\ Kin-i gor‘akzoujiune Kananz 13 Mioujiunn;rou f;t% Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;ake miasnabar n,;lou famar! Sona Xh\jl;an ;xrakazouz&_ ªAxga\in ou[;gi‘e fa\ k;anqe lousauoro[ m,takan 'aros h! Gor‘akzinq axga\in ou[;gi‘in f;t;uo[ a\sørouan anouani jh ananoun fa\oufin;roun f;t ou cmo®nanq anonq% oronq ir;nz partqe katara‘ ou patmouj;an anza‘ ;nº! <ar& h= 12

APRIL:AN IURØRINAK MI+OZAÂOUM^ ªM:R LO|S% M:R |O|Sº Þ³µ³Ã« 24 ÚáõÝáõ³ñÇ »ñ»ÏáÛ»³Ý« ö³ë³ïÇݳÛÇ §²Ùå³ë³ïáñ¦ ÑëÏ³Û³Ï³Ý ëñ³ÑÁ í»ñ³Íáõ³Í ¿ñ §»Ï»Õ»óÇǦ« áõñ ѳõ³ùáõ³Í ٻͳÃÇõ ѳÛáñ¹ÇÝ»ñ Ý»ñÏ³Û ·ïÝáõ»ó³Ý §Ø»ñ ÉáÛë« Ù»ñ ÛáÛë¦ Ëáñ³·ñ»³É ßáõñç »ñ»ùųٻ³Û ·»Õ³ñáõ»ëï³Ï³Ý ÇõñûñÇÝ³Ï Û³Ûï³·ñÇ ÙÁ! γ½Ù³Ï»ñåÇã Ù³ñÙÇÝÝ ¿ñ ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ Ð³Û ²õ»ï³ñ³Ýã³Ï³Ý ÀÝÏ»ñ³Ïóáõû³Ý »õ ÐÇõëÇë³ÛÇÝ ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ Ð³Û ²õ»ï³ñ³Ý³Ï³Ý ØÇáõû³Ý гÛáó ò»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý 100 ³Ù»³ÏÇ Û³ÝÓݳËáõÙµÁ! ¶»Õ³ñáõ»ëï³Ï³Ý ³ÙµáÕç Û³Ûï³·ÇñÁ Û³ÝÓÝáõ³Í ¿ñ Ù³Û¿ëÃñû ì³ã¿ ä³ñëáõÙ»³ÝÇÝ »õ ȳñù ºñ³Åßï³Ï³Ý ÀÝÏ»ñáõû³Ý! ػͳͳõ³É ³ß˳ï³ÝùÇ ÙÁ åïáõÕÝ ¿ñ4 áñ ù³Õ»óÇÝù ³Û¹ ·Çß»ñ! ºñ»õ»ÉÇ ¿ñ« áñ ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåã³Ï³Ý »ñϳñ ׳ٵ³Û Ïïñáõ³Í ¿ñ« µÍ³Ëݹñûñ¿Ý å³ïñ³ëïáõ³Í ·ñùáÛÏ-áõÕ»óáÛó¿Ý ÙÇÝã»õ »ñ·ã³ËáõÙµ»ñ ¥È³ñùÇ ·É˳õáñ« ÌÇ³Í³Ý »õ ¶»Õ³ñ¹¤ ÿ ٻݻñ·Ý»ñ« Ýáõ³·³ËáõÙµ»ñ ¥Orchestra »õ Band¤ áõ å³ñ³ËáõÙµ ¥î³õÇÕ¤« ·ñ³Ï³Ý ѳٳ¹ñáõÙÝ»ñ« áñáÝù Ù³·ÝÇë³ó³Í ¿ÇÝ »ñ³ÅÇßïËÙµ³í³ñ ì³ã¿ ä³ñëáõÙ»³ÝÇ ßáõñç! ²õ»ÉÇ ù³Ý ѳñÇõñ ÛÇëáõÝ å³ñÙ³Ý-å³ñÙ³ÝáõÑÇÝ»ñ« »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹-»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹áõÑÇÝ»ñ« »ñ¿óÝ»ñ« ³ñÑ»ëï³í³ñÅÝ»ñ« ÏÇë³-³ñÑ»ëï³í³ñÅÝ»ñ ÿ »ñ³Åßï³Ï³Ý ¹åñáóÇ ë³Ý-ë³ÝáõÑÇÝ»ñ« Ý»ñϳ۳óáõóÇÝ Çñ ï»ë³ÏÇÝ Ù¿ç Û³ïáõÏ Û³Ûï³·Çñ ÙÁ! î³Ï³õÇÝ« å¿ïù ¿ ÛÇᯐ ùáõÉÇëÇ »ïÇÝ Ù»Í³ÃÇõ ϳٳõáñÝ»ñÝ áõ »ñ»ÏáÛÇ Ï³½Ù³Ï»ñåã³Ï³Ý ½³Ý³½³Ý µ³ÅÇÝÝ»ñáõ ջϳí³ñÝ»ñÁ! гݹÇëáõÃÇõÝÁ ëÏë³õ ì»ñ© ¸áÏï© ì³Ñ³Ý ÂáõÃÇÏ»³ÝÇ áÕçáÛÝÇ Ëûëùáí« ßÝáñѳϳÉÇùáí áõ ³ÕûÃùáí! âáñë Ù³ë»ñ¿ µ³Õϳ-

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Armenia’s President Meets With Catholicos Of All Armenians And Catholicos Of The Great House Of Cilicia President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan met with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. As the Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the Structure to the Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia reports to “Armenpress”, the President of the Republic, the Supreme Patriarch and the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia dis-

Armenia-Iran Relations Can Serve As An Example For World States

YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday received Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif. Welcoming Mr. Zarif and the delegation, President Sargsyan underscored importance of high level visits that are open up a good opportunity to discuss prospects for development of Armenia-Iran cooperation. President Sargsyan recalled his visit to Iran back in 2013 and his meeting with Iranian counterpart Hasan Rouhani. He pointed out Armenia's readiness and interest in deepening friendly relations with the Islamic Republic. In turn, Minister Zarif said ArmeniaIran relations can serve as an example of peaceful co-existence between a Muslim and a Christian state. He also noted Iran's interest in developing ties in all areas.

Around the world... - Turkish police fire tear gas to stop people entering Syria’s Kobani. - Obama visits Saudi Arabia's new King Salman. - Azeri commando group destroyed in Armenian border sabotage attempt. - 3 Azerbaijani soldiers die in Karabakh retaliatory fire. - Lebanon signs deal with Norway to boost oil and gas sector. - OSCE Chairperson-in-Office voices concern over violence on Armenian-Azerbaijani border. - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Karen Mirzoyan sent a letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay Luis Leonardo Almagro Lemes.

cussed the activities of the State Commission in charge of Coordinating the Events

Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide prior to the Commission’s first session of the year, as well as the participation of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church at the international and inter-ecclesiastical levels and in the Diaspora. The interlocutors also touched upon State-Church relations and the close collaboration between the two, as well as major issues and the current challenges facing the nation and the Church.

Islamic State Burns Down Armenian Church In Mosul The Islamic State (IS) militants have burnt down one of the oldest Armenian churches in Mosul, northern Iraq, BasNews reports. Saed Mamuzini, a KDP official from the city, told BasNews, “IS insurgents continue to torch and destroy public places, people’s homes and shrines.” “They systematically destroy homes and shrines on a daily basis,” said Mamuzini. The torched church is in the Wahda neighborhood of the city. “The church belongs to the Armenian Christians and was regularly used for wor-

ship,” added Mamuzini. When insurgents took control of Mosul in June 2014, Armenians and Christians fled to the provinces of the Kurdistan Region.

Are Israel, Jabhat Al-Nusra Coordinating On Attacks In Syria? QUNEITRA, Syria — Since the start of the Syrian crisis, the Syrian regime has routinely accused Israel of playing a hidden role, from Qusair in the Homs countryside in May 2013 to the emergence and advances of the southern front in September 2014. UN reports published in December appear to vindicate the regime’s arguments that Israel is involved with the southern rebels. According to a UN report covering the period from March to May 2014, the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

(UNDOF) detected contact between rebels and the Israeli army across the Golan ceasefire line, particularly during fierce clashes between the Syrian army and the rebels. The report also confirmed that the UN forces spotted rebels transporting 89 wounded across the cease-fire line into the Israeli occupied zone, where they were handed over 19 people who had received medical treatment in addition to two dead. The UN forces also noted that the Israeli army delivered two boxes to rebels on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

F. Hollande Will Participate In An Annual Dinner Of Armenian Organizations In France On Jan. 28, French President François Hollande will participate in an annual dinner hosted by the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France. Asbarez news agency informs about this referring to the President’s press office.President Hollande will lead the annual dinner in Paris, during which the French Armenian community’s events program for the Armenian Genocide’s centenary year will be launched. The dinner will be attended by France’s political elite – ministers, members of parliament, local officials, and the Presi-

dent’s advisors and office staff. Notable French intellectuals, journalists and lawyers will also be in attendance.The event will be attended by the Minister of Interior Affairs Bernard Cazeneuve and the French Secretary of State for European Affairs Harlem Désir. Issues related to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, the recognition of the Genocide by Turkey, the French Armenian community, ArmeniaFrance relations, as well as the visit of the President of France François Hollande on April 24, 2015, will be discussed.”

Armenian Genocide Memorial Ground-Breaking Ceremony Held In Pasadena, California

PanARMENIAN.Net - Pasadena’s Armenian Genocide Memorial took a major step on the road from concept to reality Sunday, Jan 25, when officials gathered for a ground-breaking ceremony at the construction site at Memorial Park, according to Pasadena Star-News. Designer and recent Art Center College of Design graduate Catherine Menard, Pasadena Armenian Genocide Committee board members, city officials, and representatives from area Armenian churches and schools took part in the ceremony. “It’s been such a journey,” Menard said, adding that she was excited to see her design beginning to take shape. Menard unveiled her design in April 2013 after it was selected by the memorial committee over 16 other entries. Menard, who was a student at Art Center College of Design at the time, has since graduated with a degree in Environment Design. The completed monument, which will take the form of a 16-foot-tall tripod surrounded by a 26-foot wide ring of stonework with water drops dripping into a basin to represent each of the 1.5 million lives cut short by the Ottoman Turks in the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923, Menard explained. The droplets, which will be illuminated, will fall every 21 seconds, so that 1.5 million drops will fall annually. The tripod represents similarly-shaped structures which Armenian leaders were hanged from during the Armenian Genocide, Menard said. Surrounding the tripod and stonework will be 12 pomegranate trees, representing each of the 12 “lost provinces” of Armenia. A dedication ceremony is planned for April 18, ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, Pasadena Armenian Genocide Committee Board Member Levon Filian said. The project was unanimously approved by the Pasadena City Council in September of 2013. PAGMC board members and former state Assemblyman Anthony Portantino of La Cañada Flintridge, who joined in the ceremony along with Pasadena city officials and other dignitaries, said he was pleased with the progress. “The community deserves an outstanding memorial,” he said. “This is a special day.”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 29, 2015


AGBU-EUROPE European Parliament Hosts Commemoration For Assasinated Journalist Hrant dink Vice-President of the European Parliament Graf Lambsdorff honors “courageous man” who “represents European values”. Dink's widow invites EP audience to commemorate the Armenian genocide in Istanbul on April 24. On January 21 the European Parliament hosted a commemoration to honor Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist from Turkey, who was assassinated 8 years ago. Hrant Dink has become an icon of the movement for civil liberties in Turkey on account of his contribution to the struggle for freedom of expression and the defense of minorities. The event was organized jointly by Frank Engel MEP (EPP group), the Armenian organization AGBU Europe, the antiracist network EGAM and Turkish advocacy group DurDe! It followed the commemoration that gathered tens of thousands of people in Istanbul, on 19 January. Other ceremonies have also been organized in various European countries. At the event, Rakel Dink spoke emotionally of her husband and of their common struggle for a fairer society. She referred to the centenary of the Armenian genocide and quoted an article by the assassinated journalist: "the time has come for April 24 to be commemorated on this land, on which we shall collectively remember all of those people and wish peace upon their souls. It will be a day when pain shared gives rise to multitudes of joy; that day shall not only soothe the pain of the Armenian people, but will also be the very spirit of the democratization of Turkey." Rakel Dink ended with an open invitation to join in the commemorations in Istanbul on April 24. Frank Engel, MEP, recalled that the event honored "a man who defended peace between nations and freedom of speech. But he was also a model of citizenship, of civic involvement." For EP Vice-President Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, furthermore, "freedom of expression is the courage to publish things that don't please the authorities. […] He was courageous [...] Hrant Dink represents many values that are cherished by the European Union". For Yervant Zorian, member of the Central Board of AGBU,"historically, the Armenian people have endured oppression (…) It is a disseminated population all around the world that lives together with other nationalities. Armenians have learned to live in tolerance with other cultures. In that sens, particularly, Hrant Dink is Armenian and represents a symbol for this population." An idea to which Levent Sensever, Leader in the anti-racist group DurDe! added that "Hrant Dink was an example for the Turks and for the rest of the world to follow." Benjamin Abtan, President of EGAM, drew a parallel between the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo and the assassination of Dink: "What happened was horrible. How not to be afraid when terrorists are targeting you? That is a normal feeling. […] But truth is more important. Even though Hrant is not with us anymore, his message remains: go on fighting for the truth, for the Armenian heritage especially, and raise awareness of the value of the diversity of identities."

Opinion: Shared Perspectives

Las Vegas, Nevada

First of a five-part series By John Perron & Tamar Poladian Perron When two people from entirely different nations, cultures and community lifestyles meet, they can expect to have many opposing viewpoints. When they join in marriage… they expect to turn their newly shared heart and two separate views into one shared perspective. This is an approach that works regardless of the details, and in spite of the past - in spite of what others may prefer. It is also true within the community. Husband from a small town in Midwest America is a Democrat. Wife from a big city in Egypt is a Republican. Both move to Los Angeles and find each other, get happily married and are joyfully blessed with many children. The differences shrink in light of the joint responsibilities and common dreams. It is this basic notion that drives us to create a better place, a better life and a better community. We have never had even one political disagreement. How can this be possible? Simple - because we hold to the solid principles of bipartisanship. A liberal Republican and a conservative Democrat are, after all, both centrists. In the “good old days” of American politics there were liberal and conservative wings in both parties - although you would not know this by listening to the latest (and loudest) news stories or hearing others argue about who is right and who is simply trying to ruin everything (and be the loudest). Well, this husband has one deaf ear and has elected to turn the deaf ear to this fracas. This wife has chosen to continue the legacy passed on from her father, Dr. Artin Poladian, and together we bring a shared perspective from both sides of the world and from both sides of the table by speaking our mind. During a recent campaign for Los Angeles City Council, it became apparent that the members of the greater community have much in common and that most of them feel that they are not being heard by their leaders. Sometimes, it is hard to be heard when we come from such divergent beginnings and have led such different lives. But, we believe with all of our heart that common ground exists, and it is too often ignored because most of the attention is given to the fighting and the fighters. When someone looks at John and inquires, “You’re not Armenian… are you?” The answer is always the same, “My wife is Armenian. My children are Armenian. We are an Armenian family.” And he is the husband. If you check the definition of husband and husbandry, you will find it has the function of caretaking and defending. It means leading with only good intentions. Animal husbandry means to care for and shelter animals. The same is true of community. To care for and shelter members of our community, we must bring together the political parties and listen to arguments from all sides. It is important not to shut out or shut up opposing voices. If what we say has any strength and truth, no amount

of talking or written words will make it untrue, so listening to another opinion cannot hurt. In the election campaign, there were a number of issues that were raised time and again - Neighborhoods being taken over and redeveloped with residents get pushed aside and ignored; Public schools not being equal across the financially and culturally diverse districts; Charter schools with hidden agendas. In the Armenian neighborhoods, certain questions and conversations have been held over from earlier elections and arguments - Why do we seem to split our own vote so often? Who will be our voice? Why should I contribute to political campaigns if I don’t live in the district - or the city? We should have more influence in the world of local and statewide politics. We should not be fighting amongst ourselves. There are some solutions. Not every solution is perfect and certainly will not satisfy everybody. But, that is not a reason to continue fighting amongst ourselves without reaching accord. This series of articles is intended to give voice to those with mainstream and opposing viewpoints and to suggest some solutions, such as intelligent redevelopment projects in Little Armenia and East Hollywood that include Armenian property owners and business persons so that they can share in the profits. It is time to form a new stronghold for Armenian Americans in California. Perhaps the local Southern California Armenian political parties can caucus and agree to back the same candidate(s) so that we are properly represented (other qualified candidates will get their turn - when the time comes). Maybe, just maybe, we can also join together to create influence and to shape our own destiny by choosing the right leaders from inside and outside the Armenian community who will band with us and remain loyal. Our initial solution to these questions and concerns is that we are forming a bipartisan Political Action Committee (PAC). Our voice will be heard. It is certain that not all will agree because dissent is necessary for liberty. It is also certain that in order to forge greater liberty and more excellent freedom, bringing such issues to light is preferable to keeping people in the dark. John Perron is a political advisor and consultant for nonprofits and business enterprises, Real Estate sales/broker, investments and syndication. John was a candidate for Los Angeles City Council in 2014 and President East Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 2012-2014. Tamar Poladian Perron is an attorney, a member of the Glendale Community Police Partnership Advisory Council and Glendale Police Advisory Council. Tamar was a Field Representative and Armenian Community Liaison for Los Angeles City Councilman Michael Woo, 13th District, and a former member of the T.C. A. – Arshag Dickranian Armenian School.

Calling All Artists! "Ignite the Future" GYA Art Exhibit Fundraiser We are excited to announce the Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA) third Art Exhibit Fundraiser at the Glendale Forest Lawn, Hall of The Crucifixion-Resurrection on March 13 & 14, 2015. We are currently seeking submissions from artists of their work to help raise funds for local youth. We are honored to have Razmik Grigorian as the Curator of this year’s Art Exhibit. We invite all artists to join our exhibition and contribute to a great cause. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Tina Osborn at (818) 548-2714 or via email tosborn@glendaleca.gov.

We are pleased to announce that the Armenian American Cultural Society of Las Vegas (AACS) has obtained approval to build an Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument at Sunset Park, a pristine stretch of regional park space that spans 325 acres and is the most popular public park in Southern Nevada. Construction of the Armenian Genocide Monument will coincide with the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The Monument pays tribute to the 1.5 million innocent Armenian lives, who were systematically uprooted from their ancestral homeland and brutally massacred. We encourage your staunch support to participate as generously as possible and donate to this historic initiative, which unites the thriving Armenian-American community of Las Vegas in our efforts to keep the memory of our past alive and share our stories with our non-Armenian neighbors and friends in Southern Nevada. AACS is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1978 and incorporated in 1981. For further information please e-mail: AACSLV@cox.net Please make checks payable to "Armenian American Cultural Society of LV" Mailing Address: 2054 East Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169

Aleppo Residents Tested By Snowstorm, War

The snow that blanketed Aleppo brought misery to its inhabitants. It was just one more unbearable burden added to the horror and toil of the war. A freak winter storm that hit the region claimed the lives of children in refugee camps in neighboring countries, but also some inside Syria itself, including the battered city of Aleppo. The reason was quite simple: There were no means of keeping warm, and what little there were, the average person could never hope to afford. Where once children were overjoyed when the rare snow fell so that they could skip school and go out and play, they now feared that very same snow could kill them.

Victims Of The Holocaust Remembered In Armenia On the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust UN Armenia Office, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Jewish Community participated in a solemn ceremonyto pay tribute to the memory of the victims. The UN Resident Coordinator Bradley Busetto and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Manassarianplaced a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in Aragast Park followed by prayers and a candlelight vigil.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 29, 2015


The Hammer Museum To Commemorate The 100th Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Film Series, I Am Armenian, begins January 28, 2015 Hammer Forum, The Armenian Genocide, on February 11, 2015

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Above images (left to right): Mount Ararat, photo by James Gordon; Calendar (1993, Dir. A. Egoyan, 74 min); The Lark Farm (La Masseria Delle Allodole) (2010, Dir. P. & V. Taviani, 122 min.) Los Angeles - Throughout 2015, the Hammer Museum will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide with a yearlong film series, I Am Armenian: A Year of Armenian Culture and History on Film, and a Hammer Forum discussion, The Armenian Genocide: A Century of Denial. The year will be dedicated to exploring the many facets of Armenian culture, history and landscape beginning with the screening of Calendar (1993) on Wednesday, January 28, at 7:30 p.m. Attending a Hammer public program is free and tickets will be available on site at the Hammer Museum’s Billy Wilder Theater Box Office one hour before the program begins. More information about admission is below and online at hammer.ucla.edu. Announced Films: Calendar Wednesday, January 28, 7:30 p.m. A photographer traveling in Armenia for a calendar project realizes that his wife, an Armenian translator, is falling in love with their driver and unofficial tour guide. The Academy Award-nominated director, Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter), reveals the unraveling of a marriage through a series of flash-forwards. (1993, Dir. A. Egoyan, 74 min.) Q&A with Dr. Carla Garapedian and Robert Lantos, producer of Ararat, to follow. The Lark Farm (La Masseria Delle Allodole) Wednesday, February 4, 7:30 p.m. Ravished Armenia Wednesday, March 25, 7:30 p.m. Aghet - Ein Völkermord Tuesday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. Upcoming 2015 Screenings (dates and information to be announced):

- The River Ran Red - The Color of Pomegranates - Without Gorky - The Last Tightrope Dancer in Armenia - Vodka Lemon- Here - Silk Stockings A Story of People in War and Peace Hammer Forum: The Armenian Genocide: A Century of Denial Wednesday, February 11, 7:30 p.m. Armenians and human rights advocates around the world commemorate the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian genocide, in which an estimated 1.5 million people were killed between 1915 and 1923. Richard Hovannisian, a professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History at UCLA, and David L. Phillips, director of the Peace-building and Rights Program at Columbia University, offer an in-depth look at the Turkish refusal to recognize the genocide and efforts to foster dialogue and reconciliation between Turks and Armenians. Hammer Forum is moderated by Ian Masters, journalist, author, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker and host of the radio programs Background Briefing, Sundays at 11 a.m., and The Daily Briefing, Monday through Thursday at 5 p.m., on KPFK 90.7 FM. Hammer Forum is made possible in part by Bronya and Andrew Galef. 3 Hammer Presents: Honoring the Armenian Masters Sunday, April 19, 2:00 p.m. Co-presented by the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music Members of the Armenian Music Ensemble at UCLA and the VEM String Quartet present a chamber music program of masterworks by Armenian classical music in commemoration of the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

50 - Gonca Sönmez-Poole Gonca Sönmez-Poole is an American citizen of Turkish descent. She is a TV producer, filmmaker, writer, and a member of the Boston media community for the past 28 years. She has spent two decades working for WCVB-TV’s Chronicle program, followed by thirteen years managing her own nonprofit organization, Mediation Way, Inc.. She holds a BA in mass communication from Emerson College and is a graduate of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy’s mid-career MA program. After earning her master’s degree, she has worked in television both within the United States and internationally, and since 2007, she has been volunteering for a number of Armenian-Turkish dialogue projects in and around Boston. She is the founder of TAWA (Turkish-Armenian Women’s Alliance), a grassroots effort among a diverse group of Boston-based Armenian and Turkish women who met at regular intervals between September 2012 and May 2014. For the past seven years, she has dedicated her free time to Armenian-Turkish dialogue work around Boston, Massachusetts.(1)(2) In her article "Armenian genocide: Why many Turkish people have trouble accepting it" (May 4, 2012), she wrote "I now use the word genocide when speaking about the massacres of 1915 because doing otherwise would be a retreat into ignorance on two fronts, both intellectual and personal. I know I simply cannot go on denying the true depth of brutality and suffering brought upon the Ottoman Armenians, and the animosity and hatred 1915 perpetuated for nearly a century. On a more personal level, such a denial would be an affront to all of my new friends and acquaintances … not only because they happen to be Armenian, but because they are human beings whom I care about."(3) On May 4, 2012, Gonca Sönmez-Poole wrote in "Global post, " Many Turkish people, who are just starting to learn about their own history, feel that somebody is always trying to shut them up unless they start any sentence with the “G” word. Genocide is the word that encapsulates the events of 1915: large-scale deportations and massacres. To Armenians, this is known as the Armenian Genocide. Turkish people speak of the same events in the context of

other factors that occurred during the waning days of the Ottoman Empire. They don’t deny there were largescale deportations and even murders. They acknowledge the killing of women and children as a result of the deportations. But they have a hard time describing all of this as “genocide.”(4) "When they died " is Gonca Sönmez-Poole's article where she wrote "...many Turkish people, don’t disguise the elephant in the room. Whether the realization comes after a quarter of a century, as it did for me, or overnight with luck and soul-searching, I believe that all Turkish people need to know and accept one simple truth: somewhere, somehow, an ancestor of theirs may have taken the life of an innocent Armenian person just because that person was Armenian. When that bit of information is understood, genuinely accepted, digested, and settled into the hearts and minds of every Turkish person, then, and only then, can we all start a new chapter. And in that chapter, the discussion will no longer be an argument about the term genocide, the definition of intent, or the total tally of killings on either side, it will simply be a discussion about the question we want to leave for our children to ponder: how do we deal with the “other”?(5)

"Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there have chosen to avoid dealing with the looming big issue. 1.http://www.fletcherforum.org/2013 /04/15/sonmez-poole/ 2.http://goncasp.net/?page_id=27 3.http://neweasternpolitics.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/armenian-genocide 4.http://www.globalpost.com/disp a t c h e s / g l o b a l p o s t blogs/commentary/armenian-genocide-w hy-turkish-people-have-trouble-acceptingit 5- http://goncasp.net/?page_id=18

Armenian Studies Journal Now Available For Free Online Études arméniennes contemporaines becomes the first Armenian studies journal to be published online The editorial board of Études arméniennes contemporaines, a publication of AGBU Bibliothèque Nubar, is pleased to announce that the journal is now available free of charge on revues.org. With the support of CLEO [Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte] and OpenEdition, all three issues of Études arméniennes contemporaines as well as the final issue of its precursor, Revue arménienne des questions contemporaines, are now accessible in their entirety at http://eac.revues.org/. In September 2013, AGBU Bibliothèque Nubar published the first issue of Études arméniennes contemporaines, an academic and multidisciplinary journal that examines current issues facing Armenians both in Armenia and in the diaspora. Published in French and English, the journal examines political, historical, cultural and geographical challenges in Armenia, the Caucasus,

Turkey and the Middle East. With special themed issues, it also seeks to explore broader subjects involving international relations, nationalism, migrations, diaspora, heritage, memory and mass violence. The biannual journal replaces Revue arménienne des questions contemporaines, which published 15 issues between 2004 and 2012. The new name and look of the journal is intended to rebrand the magazine as more academic. To this end, a new editorial committee has been appointed to meet regularly and define the content of the journal. The committee is advised by an international team of researchers, including

Sebouh David Aslanian, Raymond Kévorkian, Vincent Duclert, Vahé Tachjian, Taner Akçam, Yves Ternon, Bernard Heyberger, U!ur Ümit Üngör, Béatrice Giblin, Sévane Garibian, Hamit Bozarslan and Michel Bruneau. The first issues of the journal are comprised of original research, including Taline Papazian’s study on political sovereignty in the South Caucasus in the twentieth century, Emmanuel Naquet’s article on the mobilization of intellectuals during the Dreyfus Affair in support of the Armenian cause and Laurence De Cock’s analysis of the inclusion of the Armenian genocide in the French secondary school curriculum. The third issue, under the direction of

Taline Papazian, was devoted to comparing Jewish and Armenian experiences of statehood and nationhood in the twentieth century. It included interviews with Israeli historian Shlomo Sand and diaspora specialist Khachig Tölölyan. The fourth issue, currently in press, is comprised of an article by Vazken Khachig Davidian that reinterprets Armenian and Turkish historiographies of Ottoman arts and an essay by Sebouh David Aslanian that argues for the necessity to study Armenian history in the broader perspective of world history, among many others. The fifth issue of the journal, under the direction of Alexandra Garbarini and Boris Adjemian, will be released in June 2015. Composed of articles from several fields of study, the issue will focus on the theme victim testimony and understanding mass violence.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 29, 2015


Armenian Studies Program, California State University, Fresno Kazan Visiting Professor Dr. Myrna Douzjian To Present Series On “The Armenian Genocide In Film: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives” Dr. Myrna Douzjian (UCLA), the 11th Henry K. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor of Armenian Studies at California State University, Fresno, will hold three illustrated public lectures on the theme “The Armenian Genocide in Film: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives” in the Spring 2015 semester.The first lecture in the series, “The Genocide as Allegory in Serge Avedikian’s Chienne d’Histoire” will take place at 7:30PM on Wednesday, February 11, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. An hors d’oeuvres reception will take place from 6:30 to 7:30PM in the University Business Center Gallery, just prior to the lecture. Chienne d’Histoire is a short animation that makes no mention of the Armenian Genocide. Instead, the film depicts the eradication of stray dogs in the city of Constantinople in 1910. Read allegorically, however, the film represents the Genocide of the Armenians. Interpreted in this way, the film highlights an important question, seldom asked, that straddles the line between history and fiction: What does it mean to read one fictionalized history as a metaphor for another moment in history? This lecture will argue that by linking two historical moments Avedikian’s film about the eradication of dogs provides a new lens

with which to view the Genocide—one that sees history as a chain of fragments that speak to, and of, one another. In doing so, the film succeeds in reminding viewers that they can never really know the Catastrophe. Lecture II in the series, on Thursday, March 19, will feature Atom Egoyan’s Ararat: Traumatic Histories and Transnational Identities. Lecture III in the series, on Wednesday, April 8, will be on “Reinventing the Genocide Documentary: Memories Without Borders and Solemnity.” History as a discipline has documented the facts of the Armenian Genocide through eyewitness and survivor accounts and archival research. The teleological grand narrative that has emerged proves the truth of the Genocide through facts and evidence. In response to the Turkish government’s denialism, Genocide survivors, their progeny, and Armenian communities in the diaspora have privileged historiographical scholarship and cultural production that demonstrates the reality of the Event. Comparatively speaking, fictional

narratives that do not belong to historically grounded subgenres, such as biography, memoir, and documentary, have garnered less scholarly and popular interest. This dynamic is a symptom of the tension between fiction and history: fiction questions history’s ability to tell the truth in its entirety and history questions the scientific validity of artistic representation. This series of lectures explores three films and an audiovisual art installation in the context of the tension between fiction and history. The lectures will demonstrate that these texts, though completely different in terms subgenre, complicate notions about narrativizing the Armenian Genocide. Through a refusal to depict the events factually, these works approach the Genocide most accurately. That is to say, because they do not attempt to represent the un- representable, they effectively gesture toward the unnaturalness and unquantifiability of the Genocide. Taken together, the lectures assert that the filmic arts have a serious role to play in our understanding of the Genocide, one that goes beyond the fetishization of history.

Myrna Douzjian earned her Ph.D. in comparative literature from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include postmodernism; the Theater of the Absurd; critical approaches to the study of world literature; and post-Soviet Armenian and Russian cultural production. Dr. Douzjian has published translations of contemporary Armenian poetry and drama, and she regularly contributes articles dealing with diaspora Armenian film and culture to the syndicated column, Critics’ Forum. Her chapter on the politics of literary publication in twentieth-century Armenia appeared in the volume Armenian Philology in the Modern Era: From Manuscript to Digital Text (2014). Dr. Douzjian has taught world literature and philosophical thought in the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University in Philadelphia, and she currently teaches comparative literature courses at UCLA. The lectures and reception are free and open to the public. Free parking is available, with a parking code available through the Armenian Studies Program office, after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

The Kingdom's Reformist Monarch: Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (1924-2015) Saudi king spearheaded unprecedented social and economic reforms, and vowed to alleviate poverty By Joseph A Kechichian Dr Joseph A Kechichian is Senior Fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and an author specialising in the Arabian/Persian Gulf region. His latest book is Legal and Political Reforms in Saudi Arabia, published by Routledge (2013). Story highlights Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz al-Saud, born on August 1, 1924, passed away after a long illness at the age of 90. Like his father, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman, and equally important, like his brother Faisal, Abdullah will long be remembered as one of the most reform-minded rulers in the history of the kingdom. Among his most important contributions to contemporary Saudi society were his efforts to revamp the country’s succession mechanism, which he revamped in 2007, when he established the Allegiance Council (Hayat al-Bayaa). His successor, Salman bin Abdilaziz al-Saud, will most likely continue in his footsteps, pursuing consistent policies both at the regional and global levels. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, born on August 1, 1924, passed away after a long illness at the age of 90. Like his father, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman, and equally important, like his brother Faisal, Abdullah will long be remembered as one of the most reform-minded rulers in the history of the kingdom.

Armenian Photographers in the Ottoman Empire Among his most important contributions to contemporary Saudi society were his efforts to revamp the country's succession mechanism, which he revamped in 2007 when he established the Allegiance Council (Hayat al-Bayah). His successor, Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, will most likely continue in his footsteps, pursuing consistent policies both at the regional and global levels.

The public is invited on Thursday, February 19, 2015, at 7 pm to a presentation by scholar Julia Grimes of photographs taken by Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the Glendale Central Library Auditorium, 222 East Harvard Street in Glendale. The discussion will be in English. Admission will be free. Library visitors receive 3 hours FREE parking across the street at The Market Place parking structure with validation at the Loan Desk. The Armenians in the

Ottoman Empire were highly educated and held high level positions. They were scholars, doctors, chemists, goldsmiths, and pharmacists, and many possessed the skills necessary for photography, in particular a thorough knowledge of the chemical processes used in development. Some of the principal studios in Constantinople, including J. Pascal Sébah and Abdullah Frères, were owned and operated by photographers of Armenian descent.

Johana Riva Garabetian Will Represent Uruguay At The Miss Universe Pageant Johana Riva Garabetian (born November 23, 1990) is an Armenian-Uruguayan model and beauty queen who was crowned Miss Uruguay 2014 and will represent her country at the Miss Universe 2014 pageant. Miss Universe 2014, will be the 63rd Miss Universe pageant, at the FIU Arena at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, USA. Eighty-eight countries and territories from all over the world will compete for the crown. Gabriela Isler of Venezuela will crown her successor at end of the event. The winner of the pageant will get to wear the new crown made by Diamonds International Corporation, a Czech based jeweler, the newest official jewelry maker of Miss Universe. !

N.O. January 29, 2015, No. 5:N.O. Blank


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TijñáÛë ²ØÜ Â³ñ·Ù© |akob Ìoulik;an

GOR’AUOR K*OUXOUI Kaloua‘a\in ,inararouj;an fastatoujiun me gor‘auor/a,.atauorn;rou kariqe ouni! F;taqrqrouo[n;re krnan f;®a]a\n;l



}a.hn^ Maral Qiurt;an ;u Sarin Bambal;an

]a\now! Fousk apa M;[;di Mano\;an asmounq;z Danihl Warouvani ªD;r;nikeº% auart;low øroua\ pat,ay g;[arou;stakan \a\tagire! "akman .øsqow fandhs ;kau "asatina\i Sb& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ fog;uor fowiu Arv& Thr Sargis A& Qfn& ";jo\;ane! An bnaban entra‘ hr Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;aki loxounge% ª|arg;l Anz;ale% Yancnal N;rkan ;u K;rt;l Apaganº! Thr Sargis dit;l touau or m;nq phtq h kar;nanq anz;ale% n;rka\in mi=ozau 'o.anz;l apaga\in% apa jh oc piti kor-

snzn;nq m;r inqnoujiune! Asor famar% an ,;,t;z% anfrav;,t h or m;nq jr‘;nq m;r nor s;rounde axga\in ogiow% orowf;t;u anonq ke fandisanan anz;alhn apaga\in kapo[ a\d ,[ja\in hakan mhk ø[ake! An apa ir gofounakoujiune \a\tn;z ousano[n;rou masnakzouj;an so\n ];®narkin! Dasa.øsouj;an auartin t;[i oun;zau pat,ay fiurasiroujiun ;u fandisat;sn;re a®ije oun;zan møthn ‘anøjanalou \arg;li bana.øsin% or gofazoum touau ir;nz xanaxan farz;roun!


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NOR ØR% 29 |OUNOUAR 2015



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Sona Tigran;an

F A | : R E <ar& h= 5-hn

trastman dasenjazqi a®a=in øre dis;rtazia\i pa,tpanoujiun kar! :lo\j hr oun;noum enddima.øsn;riz mhke% ori d;[in max;re kisow ca' spitak;l hin% isk acq;re kapo\t hin! Dar];al sirts \ou,;z% or na fa\ h! Ko[qis nsta‘in farzri% or ;lo\j oun;zo[i axganoune inc h% na patas.an;z& ªSt;'anowº! |a=ord øre no\n marde ;kau m;x dasa.øs;lou! :rb m;r axganounn;rn hr kardoum% m;x f;t ‘anøjanalou npatakow ;u ;rb im axganoune kardaz% ou,adir na\;z in]% artasan;low x;ml\ak (®ous;rhn fa\r;nakiz)! Dasenjazqn;ri ambo[= enjazqoum m;nq dar]anq lau bar;kamn;r! Na {araba[iz gnaz;l hr Ouxb;kstan% \;to\ Moskoua\oum auart;l hr institoute ;u dar];l dasa.øs! "ro`;shorin kocoum hin St;'anow Âoubhn! Mi dhpq ;us 1984-in% orphs xbøsa,r=ik ;k;l hinq Los Any;les! Før;[børs a[=ike m;x tarau ª:ouniw;rsal Sdoutiøº! Mi nkaric a[=ik kar% ori møt nst;zinq% or in] nkari! Bar;kamis asoum hi% or a\s a[=ike fa\ h% g;[;zik s;u ja.‘ot acq;r ouni! Nkarcoufin oc mi ar]agang tou;z! W;r=oum nkari tak makagr;z Grigor;an! Fa\% a\d xarmanali@% xarmanafra@, ararcago@r‘ fa\e&&&! A,.arfi bolor ‘a\r;roum% bolor forixonakann;roum fandipo[ fa\e&&&! Faxaram;akn;ri yamba\ anza‘ ;u dhpi nor faraxam;akn;r enjazo[% andadroum% anfangist% annkoun% a®a= ]gto[ fa\e&&&! Incpisi .øsq hl asoui orphs na.aban% ci karo[ bnoujagr;l fa\in%

incphs bnoujagr;l h Paro\r S;uake& ªQic ;nq ba\z fa\ ;nqº banast;[‘ouj;an mh=! M;nq qic ;nq% saka\n m;x fa\ ;n asoum% M;nq m;x o*c oqiz c;nq g;radasoum% Parxaphs m;nq hl piti endoun;nq% Or m;*nq% mia\n m;nq Ararat oun;nq&&&! &&&Parxaphs m;r ba.tn ouri, h ;[;l% Parxaphs ,at ;nq m;nq ariun \;[;l% Parxaphs m;nq m;r darauor k;anqoum% :rb ;[;l ;nq ,at Ou ;[;l kangoun% Dar];a*l c;nq yn,;l mhk ouri, axgi% O*c oq ci touv;l xarkiz m;r baxki! :jh g;r;l ;nq^ Lok m;r grq;row& :jh tir;l ;nq^ Lok m;r ]irq;row&&& Parxaphs mafn hr m;x sirafarou;l% Isk m;nq inqnakam nran c;nq trou;l! Ou ;rb yarafat m;r fo[n ;nq jo[;l^ Our hl or fas;l% ort;[ hl ;[;l% +anaz;l ;nq m;nq amhnqi famar% <in;l ;nq kamour=% Kap;l ;nq kamar% Amhn t;[ f;rk;l% Faszr;l b;rq;r&&&! (<ar& 1)

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FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • Don;zki ª<a.t\oriº gl.auor marxic Mirca Louc;skon gow;sti .øsq;r h as;l FF fauaqakani ;u Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº kisapa,tpan F;rni. M.ijar;ani faszhin! Na andradar];l h na;u 25-am;a\ F;nri. ª:ouw;ndousº t;[a'o.ou;lou lour;rin! ª<at bard hr M.ijar;anin jo\l tal t;[a'o.ou;l ªBorousiaº! A\noufand;r] pafpanoum ;nq fianali \arab;roujiunn;r! In] famar anaknkal ci lini% ;jh M.ijar;ane t;[a'o.oui ª:ouw;ndousº! Nran farkauor h shr% isk Dortmoundoum nra wra\ m;‘ h yn,oume! ª:ouw;ndousoumº na fianali ke .a[a\ Lor;nthiz ;u Qarlos T;uhsiz f;t qa,oua‘! Sn;\d;ri fam;matouj;amb M.ijar;ane kataroum h au;li m;‘ a,.atanq! Fa\ kisapa,tpane katar;al .a[azo[ h! Na wtangauor h mrzakzi darpasi møt% .loum h gndake ;u mi,t pa\qari mh= h! <at kar;uor h% or M.ijar;ane \a\tnoui lau mi=awa\roumº%- Louc;skoui .øsqe 'o.anzoum h goalcom–e! |ounouari 20-iz M.ijar;ane ardhn marxuoum h endfanour .mbi f;t% isk |ounouari 24-in 72-rd rophin 'o.arinman dours ;kau ª~ortounaº Dortmoundi ªBorousiaº fandipman vamanak% orn auartou;z 1-1 fa,ouow! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº na.kin na.agaf Andrh\ C;rwic;nkon kar‘oum h% or :oura Mowsis;ani f;®analou dhpqoum% akoumbe xgaliørhn ke joulana\% mincd;® .a[azo[i famar fnarauor t;[a'o.oujiune karo[ h qa\l a®a= lin;l arf;stawarv gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqoum! ªMowsis;ane ,at bar]r makardaki `oujpolist h% in] dour hr galis nra .a[e% ;rb na d;® .a[oum hr ªKrasnodaroumº! Fa\ \ar]akouo[e ,at kar;uor d;r h kataroum ªSpartakoumº ;u nra f;®anale xgaliørhn ke joulazni Mourat :akini jime! Inc w;rab;roum h Mowsis;anin% apa ªSpartakeº a\nqan hl \armar akoumb ch nra famar! Jimoum ckan .a[azo[n;r% owq;r karo[ ;n ir;nz wra\ w;rzn;l .a[e ;u anendfat sn;l \ar]akouo[n;rin% isk :ouran nman .a[enk;rn;ri m;‘ kariq ouniº%- as;l h C;rwic;nkon! N;rka\ pafin Mowsis;ani ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ ;n g;rmanakan% angliakan ;u mi ,arq a\l ;rkrn;ri akoumbn;r% incphs na;u am;rik;an MLS-i ª<iqakø ~a\reº% a\d masin fa[ordoum h ®ousakan ªIxw;stianº! A[biuri fa[ordman fama]a\n^ ª<iqakønº ardhn faszr;l h a®a=ark an;l Mowsis;anin ;u patrast h `oujpolisti f;t storagr;l ;rkaram;a\ pa\managir! N,uoum h% or am;rik;an akoumbe patrast h :oura Mowsis;anin tar;kan 2&1 milion ;urø wyar;l% a\sinqn a\nqan% orqan goumar h stanoum na ªSpartakoumº! Inqe^ `oujpoliste minc;u mrza,r=ani auarte ci patrastuoum lq;l ªSpartakeº% isk a®a=arke ke qnnarkoui ama®a\in 'o.anakman (trans`;ra\in) patoufani enjazqoum! N,;nq na;u% or Mowsis;ani pa\managire ªSpartakiº f;t na.at;soua‘ h minc;u 2017-i ama®e! Incphs fa[ordoum h ªSport Hqs'r;seº :oura Mowsis;ane 90 tokosow ci f;®ana\ ªSpartakizº ]m;®a\in 'o.anakman patoufani enjazqoum! |ounouari 21-in Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº vaman;l h Ispania\i Marb;lia qa[aq% ort;[ anzkazn;lou h ousoumnamarxakan fauaq! Jimin miaz;l h na;u :oura Mowsis;ane! Fauaqi enjazqoum ªSpartakeº stougo[akan .a[;r h anzkazn;lou ªXaui,a\iº ;u ªLiudogor;ziº f;t! • ªAla,k;rtº akoumbi f;t 'o.adar] fama]a\nouj;amb pa\managire .x;l ;n Hdgar ;u Go® Malaq;ann;re! ªAla,k;rtoumº h ;lo\j oun;nalou p;la®ous 25-am;a\ ;xra\in pa,t-





pan S;rgh\ Ous;nian% incphs na;u ªAla,k;rtiº na.kin kisapa,tpan Darkø Woucice! • Anjalia\oum ousoumnamarxakan fauaq anzkazno[ ªOuliseº stougo[akan a®a=in .a[oum 0-4 fa,ouow partou;z Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuinº! • FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ane D;kt;mb;riz ci masnakzoum |ounastani a®a=nouj;an .a[;rin^ .a[ada,toum \a\tnou;low mia\n gauaja\in fandipoumn;roum! |ounakan ªgazzeta.grº parb;rakani t;[;koujiunn;ri fama]a\n ªØlimpiakosiº [;kawaroujiune mtadir h {axar;anin war]awyarow a\l akoumbi \an]n;l! • Fa\astani fauaqakani ;u Sankt ";t;rpourgi ªX;nijiº kisapa,tpan Art\om Simon;ane 'or]a,r=an h anznoum ,ouh\zarakan ªZiuri.oumº! Simon;ane masnakz;l h atrph\yanakan ª{araba[º jimi dhm enk;rakan fandipmane% orn auartou;l h 1-1 fa,ouow! |i,;zn;nq% or ªZiuri.iº ;ritasardakan jimi gl.auor marxice FF fauaqakani na.kin kisapa,tpan% n;rka\ pafin B;®nar <alandi øgnakan Arjour P;tros;ann h! • Wilniusi ªValgiriseº stougo[akan .a[oum fandip;l h praxilakan ªSanja-Qrouxiº f;t ;u oc-oqi (1-1) h .a[az;l ou ;t.a[;a\ 11 m;jranozn;row 11-10 fa,ouow \a[j;l h! FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Artak :digar;ane .a[ada,t h dours ;k;l m;knarka\in kaxmoum ;u 'o.arinou;l h 45-rd rophin! • Don;zki ªM;talourgeº% ort;[ fandhs h galis FF axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Âoum;an |owsh';ane% Jourqia\oum 1-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l h [axa.akan ªIrti,inº! |owsh';ane masnakz;l h mrzawhyin 46-rd rophin! • Jourqia\oum mak;donakan ªWardareº stougo[akan .a[oum 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l h l;fakan ªWi];uinº! ªWardariº kaxmoum ;rkrord .a[akhsin ambo[=ouj;amb masnakz;l h FF fauaqakani pa,tpan |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane! ªWardariº fa\ l;g;norn;r Artak Da,;ane ;u Arjour Miran;ane c;n \a\tnou;l \a\tazouzakoum!

ARMAN :R:M:ANI |A+O{ :LO|JE AMN-OUM Fa\ j;qouanto\ist Arman :r;m;ane masnakz;l h Ørlanto\oum ka\aza‘ US open–in ;u nouay;l ar‘ajh m;tal! 80 qk& qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ fa\ marxiki famar sa ,at kar;uor stougat;s hr% qani or \a=o[ ;lo\je f;rjakan warkani,a\in miauorn;rn apafow;z! :r;m;ane pa\qaroum h 2016 j& Ølimpiakan .a[;ri ou[;gri famar!

L:UON +OUL~ALAK:ANIN BV<KAKAN ØGNOUJIUN :N ZO|Z TOU:L ’a[ka]oroum dafoukow saf;lis L;uon +oul`alak;ane wat h xgaz;l ;u nran anmi=aphs t;[a'o.;l ;n :r;uan ªHr;bouniº bv,kakan k;ntron ;u ort;[ hl anoji st;ntauorman h ;njarkou;l! ª:r;ui ,at yn,oum gor‘adr;zi ‘anrab;®noua‘oujiun tou;zi% a\d patya®ow hl wataza\! In] ardhn ,at lau ;m xgoum% zankanoum ;m dours gal% ba\z c;n jo\latroum!

Bvi,kn asoum h^ tromb h ;[;l% anojn;riz mhke .zanou;l h% baz;zin% st;nt dr;zinº% asaz \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane!


Famafa\kakan 5-rd .a[;ri pasq;jpoli mrza,ari \a[jo[ Los Any;lesi jime sks;l h patrastou;l a\s taroua\ Øgostosin ka\analiq 6-rd .a[;rin! Los Any;lesi jime krkin fandhs h galou Qarl Partaq;ani gl.auorouj;amb% ow fandisanoum h na;u FF m;‘afasakn;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxice! Qarl Partaq;ane t;[;kazr;l h% or Los Any;lese n;rka\analou h na;u kananz jimow! Famafa\kakan 6-rd .a[;rin masnakz;lou ;n na;u Gali`ornia\i ;us ;rkou qa[aqn;r^ Kl;nth\le ;u ~r;xnon! Famafa\kakan .a[;ri fama,.arfa\in komithn sks;l h endoun;l na.nakan \a\t;re% isk masnakizn;ri w;r=nakan zanke ke fraparakoui Aprilin!

AUARTOU:Z WH|K AN X:HI <A>MATA|IN "AÂATØNE Folandia\i Wh\k an X;h qa[aqoum auartou;z auandakan ,a.mata\in 'a®atøne% orin masnakzoum hin L;uon Aron;ane (A& mrza,ar) ;u AMN-n n;rka\azno[ Samouhl S;u;ane! L;uon Aron;ane 11-rd ;u 12-rd partian;roum oc-oqi .a[az Iwancouki ;u Wa,ihLagraui f;t! Auartakan partia\oum L;uone fandip;z Din Lir;ni f;t ;u partou;z! A\spisow Aron;ane fauaq;low 5&5 miauor mrza,ara\in a[iusakoum xba[;zr;z ansowor 10-rd t;[e! 9-rd miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Magnous Ka®ls;ne! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n& Wa,ih-Lagraue% Girin% Son% Din Lir;ne^ 8&5-akan% Iwancouke^ 7&5% Karouanan^ 7% Âa=abowe^ 6% Wo\ta,;k^ 5&5% Foou |i`an^ 5% <aric^ 4&5 Wan Whli^ 4% +obawa^ 3 miauor! B& mrza,aroum Samouhl S;u;ane 11-12-rd partian;roum ocoqi .a[az Th\li ;u Nauara\i f;t! :xra'akic partia\oum Samouhl S;u;ane \a[j;z :an Jimanin ;u 7&5 miauorow 14 masnakizn;ri mh= xba[;zr;z 5-rd t;[e! S;u;ani ardiunqe phtq h gnafat;l lau% qani or na a®a=in angam hr masnakzoum a\spisi n;rka\azouzcakan mrza,aroum! B& mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Wh\ |i (10&5 miauor)! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n& Nauaran^ 10% <anklande^ 9 ;ua\ln!

N.O. January 29, 2015, No. 5:N.O. Blank



2:39 PM

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NOR ØR% 29 |OUNOUAR 2015

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