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N.O. February 5, 2015, No. 6:N.O. Blank


2:52 PM

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FRAND TINQI OYIRE INCO#U ANLOU’:LI KE MNA| ØRFAN Q:MAL Y:NKIX jrqoujiune warkab;ka‘ ellaloun famar! Gith#q jh o#w a\s date bazau Frandi dhm! A\s gangate katarou;zau n,anauor 'astabani me ko[mh% or fog;banakan% ambo.awar fala‘anq ,[ja\ax;r‘a‘ hr krønakan 'oqramasnouj;anz ou mtauorakann;rou dhm! "astaban Q;mal Q;rincsix% \;taga\in ];rbakaloua‘ hr% kap oun;za‘ ellalow Hrk;n;qon kaxmak;rpouj;an f;t! A\soufand;r]% fima banthn ;la‘ h% incphs bolor Hrk;n;qoni f;t kap oun;zo[ kaska‘;lin;re! };rbakalou;lh ;tq% ;rb tarou;zau Pa\ram'aFrandi spanouj;nhn a®a=% Isjanpouli osti,a\i bante% Samasj =;rm endoun;louj;an arvakanouj;an fasa‘ ga[tni spasarkouj;an t;[;nazau! Wkan;rou fama]a\n% ostikanouj;an spakagirn;re ke \a\tnhin% jh Samasj Trapixonhn n;rn ou bantapafn;re% srafin mh= ,aroua‘% ‘aPolis yamborda‘ hr% npatak oun;nalow spann;lou 'o[=o\nn;row dimauor;zin oyragor‘e! Ørfan Q;mal Y;nkix Samasji ];rbakalouj;nhn ;tq% `oujpoli siraFrande! Oc mhk pa,tønatar nkata®ouj;an a®au farn;re sksan \ankar‘ y;rmak p;rhn;r kr;l% ir;nz famakranqe \i,;al t;[;kagroujiune! zouzab;r;lou famar fandhp oyragor‘in% or y;rmak gdak me ke krhr Ke t;snh#q& ;rb ke .øsinq Frand Tinqi oyiri masin% nkati ouninq Frande spanna‘ at;n! kar;uor niuj me! N;rgrauoua‘ ;n mardorsn;r (hitmen)% drdo[n;r |ounouar 19% 2014-in% ;rb Frand Tinqin spanouj;an w;r=in og;- (provocateurs)% mardik oronq øgn;zin oyragor‘n;roun ou qa=al;r;zin kocoume katarou;zau% po[ota\in mh= ourkh sgauorn;rou ja'øre xanonq% pa,tønatarn;r oronq oc mhk ];uow arg;lq fandisazan oyik*anznhr% karg me span;r ke krhin spitak p;rhn;r% ;rb 18 hr ødi ri me% or ke patrastouhr! Miavamanak% fa\;roun fandhp go\oujiun =;rmastiyane! ouni m,ako\j me ou mjnolort me at;louj;an% or ke snouzanoui ouraGith#q jh ow hr Jourqio\ jiu mhk w;rafskic pa,tønatare zoumowe anz;ali .vdouvouj;anz (atrocities)! (ombudsman)! Anika andam hr Oyra\in At;anin% or fastat;z Frand A\sør% Ardaroujiun ou Xargazoum Kousakzoujiune (AKP) k*ouxh Tinqin datapartoume^ jrqouj;an fa\fo\a‘ ellalou \anzanqow% saf- m;x fauastiazn;l tal% jh a\s oyire piti lou‘;n% ];rbakal;low qani manadrouj;an jiu 301 \ødoua‘i fiman wra\! |ousam ke w;r\i,hq% jh me ostikann;r% oronq a\sphs jh a\nphs a®ncoua‘ ;n Kiulhni ,arincph#s Frand Tinq datapartou;zau% s'iu®qafa\;rou groua‘ anor voumin% oroun f;t n;rka\ ka®awaroujiune m;‘ pa\qari mh= h at;nh \ødoua‘a,arqhn qani me \atouk ba®;r qa[;low! Iura\atouk b‘a- me iw;r! Anonq ;n or mh=t;[ b;ra‘ ;n a\d w;rafskice% or axat ar.ndrouj;amb xatoua‘ a\d ba®;re n;rka\azoua‘ hin ibr;u na- ]ak;z Hrk;n;qoni fa,uo\n a,.ato[ kaska‘;lin;re% ;u or Isjan.atinq Jourqio\ faszhin! A\nqan akn;r;u hin& Tinqi \i,;al nka- pouli na.kin ka®awarice N;rqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an pa,tønin ta®oumn;re or;uh kap counhin jourq;rou f;t& anonq ou[[oua‘ hin a®a=nord;z! :u aso*nq ;n or ke ,arounak;n ouranal fa\;roun patafa\;roun! fa‘e 1915-in! Tinq koc k*enhr fa\;roun^ ];rbaxatou;lou ir;nz at;louj;nhn jourOu m;xi k*oux;n fauatazn;l% jh a\s oyiri paragan piti lou‘;n q;roun fandhp! Faka®ak anor or masnaghtn;r% ou no\nisk karg me qani me n;ro[oujiunn;r \a\tn;low! data.axn;r% matnani, erin jh anor grouj;anz ba®;re oc mhk k;rpow ke na.athin jourq;re% w;raqnnic at;ane ªcemb®n;zº xanonq! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an :rb kalanauorou;zau Frand Tinqin oyragor‘e anika a\d ªs.al (Today's Zaman, |ounouar 20% 2015) faskzoua‘ ba®;rounº aknark;low% esau jh inq Frande patva‘ hr Frand Tinqe spannou;lh ;tq% ostikanouj;an span;re% Samsoni faka-afab;kcakan k;dronat;[iin mh=% ,arqi k;zan nkarafanou;lou famar oyragor‘in^ Økoun Samasji f;t! A\d .mbankarn;roun ;t;ue% pathn ka.oua‘ ørazo\zi me pasta®in jrqakan drø,akin wra\% ke kardazouhr Ajajiurqi f;t;u;al loxounge& ªKar;li ch lq;l fa\r;niqeº!

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Armenian Assembly Board Chairman Hirair Hovnanian Announces $500,000 Matching Pedge To Boost Assembly Operations in Centennial Year

Erdogan: Turkey Ready 'To Pay Price' If Found Guilty Of Armenian Massacres Istanbul - Turkey is ready to "pay the price" if found guilty of the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. In a live interview with state-run TRT channel Thursday, Erdogan said his country would take the necessary steps if historians conclude that it was at fault for the World War I-era massacres that Armenians say amounted to genocide. "If the results actually reveal that we have committed a crime, if we have a price to pay, then as Turkey we would assess it and take the required steps," Erdogan said. Turkey has vehemently rejected the genocide claim and says up to 500,000 Armenians died in fighting and of starvation after Armenians sided with invading Russian troops. It claims a comparable number of Turks were also killed. Last year, Erdogan offered an unprecedented expression of condolence for the massacres when he was prime minister but

Washington, DC - As Armenians around the globe begin to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Assembly of America will be working in various capacities in the planning, organizing, and execution of several events across the United States, as well as working to advance Armenian issues on Capitol Hill. In this context, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Assembly, Mr. Hirair Hovnanian, has pledged to match up to $500,000 on all new donations to the Armenian Assembly of America in 2015. "Hirair's dedication, commitment, and ongoing support of the Assembly's activities is truly outstanding and will help us further advance our work, especially in this critically important Centennial year," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. In 1997, it was Hirair's vision and $1 million contribution that led to the creation

of the Armenian National Institute (ANI), which established itself as a leading Armenian Genocide resource center and affirmation organization associated with the Assembly. Today, ANI is the premier go-to site for genocide documentation and research. In 2014 alone the ANI website had over 3 million hits. The generous pledge of Mr. Hovnanian was announced at the Assembly Kick-Off Reception in Boca Raton, FL and the Assembly's annual New Year Gathering in Los Angeles, CA earlier this month. Mr. Hovnanian's matching pledge applies to new members who join the Assembly and additional sums donated above a current member's contribution level. Individuals can join the Assembly online at www.aaainc.org. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues.

Pope Francis To Celebrate Liturgy On Armenian Genocide Centenary

State Commission Unveils Armenian Genocide Centenary Dedicated Events

Pope Francis will celebrate a special liturgy on Armenian Genocide centenary for Armenian-rite faithful. As reports “Armenpress,” Catholic News Herald stated about this. The Mass will be offered in St. Peter’s Basilica on April 12. Pope Francis is well-known with his statements on the Armenian Genocide. He repeatedly voiced that he recognizes the fait accompli of the Genocide and considers it one of the gravest crimes committed against the mankind. Still before being elected as Pope, during events marking the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Buenos Aires, when a cross-stone was erected in commemoration of the Genocide victims, he said that he would like to be buried near that memorial. Pope Francis repeatedly urged Turkey to recognize the fact of the Genocide and find peaceful solution for the Armenian Case.

Chief of presidential staff Vigen Sargsyan, who is coordinating a long string of events designed to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian genocide unveiled them today. He said an international media forum entitled ‘At the Foothill of Mount Ararat’ for journalists from CIS and other countries is scheduled for April 18-20. They will arrive to cover the commemoration that will run April 22-24. On April 22-23 Yerevan will host an international conference entitled ‘Against Genocidal Crimes’ with participation of executive and legislative authorities and religious leaders from many countries. On April 23 a special ceremony will be conducted by the Armenian Apostolic

Church in Etchmiadizn to sanctify 1.5 million Armenians killed by the government of Turkey in 1915-1923. On the same day the famous System of a Down music group will perform a concert under the motto ‘Wake up the Souls.’ A torchlight march to Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial is scheduled for April 23 evening. The genocide victims remembrance ceremony will be held on April 24 morning. In the evening a concert of classical music will be held featuring musicians from the countries which officially recognized the Armenian genocide. A flower called ‘forget-me-not’ was chosen as the symbol of the events. The motto of the events is "We Remember and Demand…”

French President Reconfirms His Intention To Attend Centenary Of Armenian Genocide In Yerevan French President Francois Hollande reconfirmed his intention to visit Armenia to attend a remembrance ceremony for the centenary of the Armenian genocide to be held in Yerevan on April 24. Hollande made the statement on January 28 during an event organized by the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France (CCAF), marking the start of activities in that country dedicated to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Referring to the 1915 genocide, Holland said: "The effort towards the truth must continue and I am convinced that this centenary year will see new gestures, new steps on the road to recognition."

this did little to satisfy Armenians, who want the deaths of an estimated 1.5 million people recognized as genocide. But Erdogan said in the interview: "It is impossible to accept such thing. We are not obliged to recognize the socalled Armenian genocide on someone's orders." He also reiterated that the mass killings should be studied by historians on the basis of documents and archives, and not politicians. "If you are really sincere in this matter, let us give it to the historians. Let the historians deal with the matter. We have opened our archive and presented more than a million documents," he said. "If Armenia also has an archive, then they should open it too.... Then we can sit and talk as politicians," he said. Earlier this month Erdogan said Ankara would "actively" challenge a campaign pressuring Turkey to recognize as genocide the mass killings, on the 100th anniversary of the tragedy this year. Agence France Presse

Amal Clooney Attracts Attention At Armenian Genocide Trial

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) brought a unique cast of characters together this week in a high-stakes case for Turkey and Armenia that also attracted the attention of the entertainment media. At the center of the stage was Amal Clooney, the renowned human rights lawyer in the limelight because of her marriage to actor George Clooney. The case being heard in Strasbourg, where Clooney is representing Armenia, centers on the hotly debated genocide Armenians say Ottoman Turks perpetrated a century ago against 1.5 million of their forbears. The Armenian claim, though it has significant international political and academic support, is nevertheless questioned by the Turkish judiciary in terms of the strict legal definition of genocide. Turkey officially denies the claim, although it acknowledges that hundreds of thousands of Armenians were among the millions of Ottomans killed during World War I.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 5, 2015


A Response To Azerbaijan A Jan. 21 letter from Azerbaijan’s ambassador seems to be calling on the United States to disregard the continued campaign against human rights and freedoms in his country. Instead, he suggests turning attention to the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, which remains unresolved because of Azerbaijan’s revanchist aspirations. Apparently, the recent increase in bloody attacks against Nagorno-Karabakh is how the Azeri leadership has chosen to distract attention, both domestic and international, from its suppression of liberties and dissent. The Azeri leadership must realize that by doing so it only deepens the gap with the international community, and delays a solution of the regional problems. Azerbaijan must stop using pretexts, including military provocations, to justify domestic shortcomings. Existence of the democratic Nagorno-Karabakh Republic proves that true democracy is possible, even in conditions of a permanent threat of foreign aggression. The people and democratically elected government of my country, the NagornoKarabakh Republic, are interested in peace, prosperity and democracy in all regional states, including neighboring Azerbaijan. ROBERT AVETISYAN Washington, Jan. 23, 2015 The writer is the representative of the NagornoKarabakh Republic to the United States

V. Sargsyan: I See Only Two States Denying Genocide Armenia has clearly stated its position on the Armenian Genocide: the stage of historical studies is in the distant past, and one has numerous opportunities to study history in Turkey, Vigen Sargsyan, Chief of the RA Presidential Staff, told Tert.am as he commented on Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s proposal for committee of historians. “Turkish politicians and historians know this history as well as Armenian historians do. So I think that the stage of historical studies is in the distant past,” Sargsyan said. As to whether Turkey is succeeding in deceiving the international community, Mr Sargsyan said. “I have not so far seen any international representative that would deny the Armenian Genocide or claim that crime has never been committed. I have often heard that political figures in some countries say they do not consider it advisable to recognize the Armenian Genocide for certain political reasons. I see only two states denying the Armenian Genocide – Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Third Digital Exhibit On Genocide Goes Online The exhibit includes previously unpublished photographs of Zeytun and reproduces newly released images from German sources. A third digital exhibit on the Armenian Genocide consisting of 128 images on 24 panels entitled "The First Deportation: The German Railroad, the American Hospital, and the Armenian Genocide" was released by the Armenian National Institute (ANI), Armenian Genocide Museum of America (AGMA) and Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).

The Armenian Rights Council Of America Is Pleased To Endorse Mr. Vartan Gharpetian For The Glendale City Council Vartan Gharpetian is a longtime resident, a homeowner, as well as a small business owner in the City of Glendale. He has been happily married to Dr. Armina Gharpetian, a member of Glendale Unified School District Board of Education, for 20 years. Vartan is a proud father of three amazing children, Nazeli (16), Nayra (12), and Nelin (8), all of whom attend Glendale public schools. Vartan and his family live in the Verdugo Woodlands area of Glendale and he has his office in south Glendale. Vartan prides himself on his dedication to his family and to the City which he has called home for almost two decades. For more than ten years, Vartan has proudly served on various local nonprofit boards and city commissions in Glendale including: • Commissioner - Historic Preservation Commission (2013-Present) • Glendale Police Foundation • Glendale Adventist Medical Center Foundation Civic Board (2015-Present) • Former Commissioner - Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission (2011-2013) • Former Board Member - Glendale Adventist Medical Center Foundation (2010-2011) • AYSO Advanced Coach (2005-Present) • Former Commissioner - Design Review Board (2004-2008) • Board Member - DM Educational Foundation (2004-Present) As a current commissioner serving on the Historic Preservation Commission, Vartan has been an avid and proactive advocate for preserving the integrity of Glendale’s neighborhoods. He has consistently voted for the formation of historic

districts in Glendale, including the Brockmont and Niodrara (in process) districts. While serving on the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission Vartan has been an advocate of more parks and open spaces, especially in South Glendale, as well as a proponent of providing additional recreational programs for City’s residents. As a Commissioner, Vartan has overseen the renovation and restoration of a number of parks and open spaces, including the renovation of Maple Park, as well as bringing indoor soccer program to the Civic Auditorium. Vartan’s passion for enriching the lives of the next generation has led him to be an AYSO coach for the last decade. As a father of 3 daughters all of whom are AYSO participants, Vartan has upheld the ideals of AYSO by helping his teams to develop a sense of team work and good sportsmanship. It goes without saying that coaching has been one of the most rewarding experiences for Vartan. During his ten year tenure as a Board Member of the D&M Educational Foundation, Vartan has helped to provide thousands of children and youths with educationally enriching afterschool safetynet programs. The Foundation oversees programs in Glendale, La Crescenta, La Cañada, Burbank, Tujunga, North Hollywood, and Granada Hills. !

Press Release

Ararat Home Of Los Angeles, Inc. Mission Hills, CA – On the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide (1915-2015), the Board of Trustees of Ararat Home of Los Angeles, a home for Armenian elderly, is organizing a commemoration and “Celebration of Life” to honor the Home’s centenarian residents as well as the survivors of the Genocide. Two of those residents, Mrs. Rose Garjian and Mrs. Yevnige Salibian, are survivors of the Genocide and were honored by the USC Shoah Foundation in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Two events are planned for this commemoration. The first will be a memorial service to pay tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923. It will be held on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 10:30 a.m., in Sheen Memorial Chapel on the Ararat Home Mission Hills campus. The program will include: a requiem service to be officiated by the Diocese and Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Catholic Church and the Armenian Evangelical Union in the greater Los Angeles area; a musical performance by heavenly chants flute and harp duo, Salpy and Sossy Kerkonian; the unveiling of a memorial monument; and, a tree planting ceremony in Heritage Courtyard by Ararat Home residents. The second “Celebration of Life” event will reflect on the survival of the Armenian nation by highlighting the testimonies and life stories of the Home’s centenarian residents, which will be presented by the future generation of Armenians – students from Los Angeles area Armenian day schools. It will be held on Sunday, March 15, 2015, at 3:00 p.m., in Deukmejian Grand Ballroom on the Ararat Home Mission Hills campus. Mr. Gerald S. Papazian, Chairman of the Armenian Film Foundation, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies, and Dr. Stephen D. Smith, Executive Director of the USC Shoah FoundationThe Institute for Visual History and Education, will deliver the keynote address. The program will also include a film clip presentation by Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker Bared Maronian, a performance by multifaceted artist Dr. Vatche Mankerian as well as by tenor Raffi Kerbabian. Near East Relief archival photos not seen in public for nearly a century will be on exhibit. The program will conclude with a “Celebration of Life” dance performance by Hamazkayin Nairi Dance Group. Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. commended the meticulous planning and efforts of the Co-chairs of the Ararat Home Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration Committee, Maggie Mangassarian-Goschin and Nadya Verabian, and the participation of Committee members – Debbie Avedian, Ani Dikranian, Nora Hampar, Margarita Kechichian, Varsenik Keshishyan, Rita Noravian and Kohar Mardirossian Pelter, – who have worked diligently to immortalize the memory of the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century and to celebrate the revival and resurrection of the Armenian nation. The public is cordially invited to attend both events. Admission is free. For additional info, call Ararat Home at (818) 3653000 or email info@ararathome.org.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 5, 2015

Pasadena-Based St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School Raises $30,000 At 30th Pearl Anniversary Gala Fundraiser Where Capital Cities’ Sebu Simonian, Political Dignitaries & Representatives Were Among 325 Gala Guests St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School’s 30th Pearl Anniversary Gala Fundraiser culminated on January 24, 2015, at the St. Gregory Armenian Church Geragos Hall in Pasadena, raising over $30,000 thanks to the generosity and charitable contributions of TF Educational Foundation, benefactors, sponsors and guests. Proceeds from the event allows the school the opportunity to partner with Pasadena Conservatory of Music to build a comprehensive music program and musical instruments library for the school’s preschool to eighth grade students. “Bringing Music to Our Children” gala attracted more than 325 guests to an evening of an entertainment lineup of world famous artists including Sebu Simonian of Capital Cities, the legendary Armenian singer Harout Pamboukjian as well as local Los Angeles group, Armenian Public Radio, as well as the Hovsepian School folk dancers and the Hovsepian School band. Guests enjoyed fine food, dancing, as well as silent auctions from over 25 local businesses, venues and donors. The gala fundraiser also attracted religious and political dignitaries and representatives who provided their support with commendation letters. The gala was held Under the Auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church. Political dignitaries and representatives at the gala included Assembly Member Mr. Adrin Nazarian, Mayor of Montebello Mr. Jack Hadjinian, City of Glendale City Clerk Mr. Ardashes “Ardy” Kassakhian, Senator Carol Liu’s District Director, Ms. Talin Mangioglu, Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonivich’s representative Ms. Rita Hadjimanoukian, and Assembly Member Mr. Chris Holden’s field representative Mr. Gerald Phillips. "Our 2015 event theme 'Bringing Music to Our Children' opens a new chapter in the school’s history, undertaking primary steps to introduce an engaging music program for all students, which is centered on the

Assemblymember Nazarian and the Contractors State License Board invite you to attend a free

Senior Scam Stopper Seminar:

Friday, February 13, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bernardi Senior Center 6514 Sylmar Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91401 Protect Yourself One in five seniors has been a victim of fraud. Seniors are the most targeted group. New scams are developed constantly. Join us and learn how to protect yourself. Seniors, their families, and caregivers are welcome to attend this FREE seminar. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Assemblymember Nazarian's office at 818-376-4246.

positive effects and benefits that music delivers to children starting at an early age,” said Principal Shahé Mankerian. Gala honorees included retired teacher Mrs. Kohar Sasounian, alumni parent Mr. Hartyoon Hilalian and alumna Mrs. Liza Saado who personify the motto: “Deeds, Not Words” for their impact on the school with their service and support. “As we continue to extend our reach and enhance academic programs at Hovsepian School, our financial needs also continue to grow,” said Mr. Raffy Boulgourjian, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School. “The success of our gala fundraiser and year-round fundraising is critical to making a difference in the community through more programs that are geared directly to help our students evolve, explore, engage and enlighten.” St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School relies on the generosity of foundations, benefactors, individual donors and sponsors, corporations and civic groups to financially support its academic programs, along with unwavering commitment of volunteers and the PTO. St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School is a bilingual educational institution for preschool (toddlers) to eighth grade, that fosters academic excellence, exceeds state standards, and delivers outstanding placement scores by its graduates at prestigious high schools. St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School empowers students to explore, engage and enlighten via its pillars of education: academia, nurturing environment, creative thinking, innovation, progressive philosophy and spirituality. Competitive with local private schools, St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School engages students to develop confidence, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School is located at 2215 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 . To learn more about the school or schedule a private tour, please contact us at 626578-1343 or Info@hovsepianschool.org, visit our website at www.hovsepianschool.org or follow us on FaceBook.

Spanish City Of Burjassot Officially Recognized Armenian Genocide The city council of Burjassot, a city in Spain, in on-going January session approved a petition, officially recognizing Armenian Genocide and condemning crimes against humanity committed during it. The petition was filed by “Compromis” party. The petition reads, “This year marks the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, which is considered to be the first genocide of twentieth century. Massacres and deportations of Armenians were committed in 1915-1921 on the territory of today’s Turkey, in particular, under the rule of Young Turks, resulting in killings of 1.5 million of Armenians, and almost 2 million were forced to leave their homes, forming large Armenian Diaspora.” Project is to be conveyed to “Ararat” Association of Mislata, Foreign Minister of Spain, party groups represented in Congress of Deputies, those of Parliament of Valencia, Embassy of Armenia in Spain and Burjassot’s NGOs.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

51 - Delik Kurban By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr. Delik Kurban received her bachelor's degree in political science and international relations from Bogazici University, Istanbul. She received her master's in international affairs in human rights from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, and her Jurist Doctor degree from Columbia Law School. Between 1999 and 2001, she worked as an associate political affairs officer at the Security Council Affairs Division of the UN Dept. of Political Affairs in NY. Currently, she is the program officer for the (TESEV)*, and an adjunct professor of law at the Political Science Department of Bogazici University. She is an editor for Agos, a Turkish-Armenian bilingual weekly and a founding member of the Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research. She has published in the areas of minority and human rights in Turkey, international displacement in Turkey, and on European minority and human rights law.(1) According to "aghet1915.wordpress. com", Dilek Kurban is one of the Turkish intellectuals who have recognized the Armenian genocide.(2) Dilek Kurban was criticized by " www.tallarmeniantale.com" an Anti-Genocide recognition source, which categorized her as one of the most prominent turncoats, because of her recognition of the Armenian Genocide.(3) Talia Jebejian wrote on April 25, 2001, "Approximately 140 people, primarily of Armenian and Turkish descent, gathered to participate in A Psycho-spiritual and Educational Dialogue Between People of Armenian and Turkish Descent, sponsored by the Armenian American Society for Studies on Stress and Genocide (AASSSG) and cosponsored by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) NY Chapter, The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) and Fordham University. This open dialogue was held in commemoration of the 86th Anniversary of the Ottoman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians and was met with overwhelming success. Rational and intellectual dialogue was presented and exchanged between the panelists and audience members, resulting in a positive step toward reconciliation between Turkish citizens and Armenians." She added a list of The facilitators of the program and The panelists participating in it. Dilek Kurban was mentioned as one of the participants.(4) "hakikatadalethafiza.org.", wrote under "Background, Situation Analysis": Turkey and its historic and legal predecessors have a longstanding track record of human rights violations..., Just in the last 100 years, widespread violations were committed in several different periods... The most notable ones were the Armenian genocide of 1915. An estimated 1.5 million Armenians

were killed or deported from the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and1917. The Republic of Turkey, even though it is a legal successor of the Ottoman Empire, never acknowledged the campaign of persecution of Armenians as genocide. In Dilek Kurban's book "Reparations and Displacement in Turkey, Lessons Learned from the Compensation Law, Int. Center for Transitional Justice and LSE – Brookings, July 2012 ", it is stated that "Although it can be noted that countries that have the responsibility for massive abuses effectively take on a huge financial and administrative burden by a formal recognition, this cannot be used as an argument to avoid such responsibility."(5) Under the title "JUDICIARY AND STATE BEHIND ALIENATION OF NONMUSLIMS", Today's Zaman wrote on March 16 2009 , "Turkey's non-Muslim communities have been alienated, and it was done by the state and judiciary, said the writers of a new report revealing the facts behind the real estate ownership problems of non-Muslim foundations dating from the Ottoman period." Zaman quoted Kezban Hatemi, the co-author of the report, titled "The Story of an Alien(ation): Real Estate Ownership Problems of Non-Muslim Foundations and Communities in Turkey," saying "In the 1930s, it became evident that pushing or directly forcing the few nonMuslims left in Turkey to abandon the country was an explicit state policy," the report was released as part of the (TESEV)*program. Dilek Kurban, co-author of the report, said that when Turkey became a candidate for European Union membership, it became evident that it was not possible to sustain this state policy toward non-Muslim communities. Kurban started filing lawsuits with the European Court of Human Rights after exhausting avenues within the Turkish legal system."It was no longer easy for the bureaucracy to take over the assets of non-Muslim foundations, and the government was expected to take legal action to return or pay indemnity for seized assets," Kurban said.(6) *TESEV : Democratization Program of the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation 1-http://www.archons.org/conference/bio-kurban.asp 2.http://aghet1915.wordpress.com/rec ognition/ 3.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/T URKISH-SCHOLARS.htm 4.www.atour.com/~aahgn/news/2001 0425aa.html 5.http://hakikatadalethafiza.org/sayfa .aspx?PageId=196&LngId=5 6.http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com/ 2009/03/turkeys-treatment-of-its-minorities.html

CNN About Excavations Of An Ancient Armenian City Of Tigranakert, Nagorno-Karabakh CNN television broadcasted a video about excavations of an ancient Armenian city of Tigranakert shot by Armenian Yerkir Media TV. Video about Tigranakert excavations held in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was aired for three days on the American television. Seven years ago no one even thought that a triangle shape of these stones in NagornoKarabakh could be a gate of the ancient city of Tigranakert, the video says. The archeologists assume they found the remains of a city built in the 1st century B.C. built by Tigran the Great, the king of the Armenian Empire. According to archeologists, they opened the gates of the city up to 4-5 meters. It was a huge city of about 60 hectares.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 5, 2015


A Groundbreaking Conference “The Resilient Woman: Honoring The Past, Embracing The Future” By Sona Zeitlian The first major conference in Los Angeles, which marked the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, was presented by the first ever organized Armenian Women’s Coalition of Los Angeles, the group of thirteen women’s associations. The event took place on Saturday, January 17, 20015 at Woodbury University’s Fletcher Jones Auditorium. The formation of a women’s coalition was initiated by AGBU Founder and President Sona Yacoubian as a fitting, all-inclusive tribute to the centennial celebration of the Armenian Genocide. With “the pledge to cooperate in carrying a brighter torch for the future of the Armenian people,” the concerted efforts of the coalition representatives, all consistently well-planned and efficiently executed, the result was a highly commendable, groundbreaking conference. The morning session began with the welcoming remarks of Dr. H. Eric Schockman, the University’s Chair of Organizational Leadership. He expressed his admiration for the resilient Armenian women who had remained strong in the face of adversity. He also cited the example of Aurora Mardiganian, a genocide survivor, who had her narrative filmed and actually had an acting role in Ravished Armenia. This was followed by the music of Gomidas, one of the intellectuals and prominent community figures arrested on April 24, 1915, the initial phase of the planned Genocide. The moving music was played by the Enlightenment String Quartet of Marina Manukian, Sarkis and Susanna Gyurgchyan and Garik Terzian. AGBU Hye Geen Founder and President Sona Yacoubian delivered the message of the day. She highlighted the role of Armenian women in the regeneration of the nation by closing ranks, not only to care for the needs of thousands of mostly women refugees and orphans, but also to transmit the national heritage. It was time to show that “With integrity, intelligence, maturity and dedication, the Armenian Women’s Coalition of Los Angeles silenced all doubts by recognizing unity as the cornerstone of their success.” After an interlude of spiritual support and prayer by delegates from the Diocese and the Prelacy, headed by Archpriest Rev. Zaven Arzoumanian, Alidz Aghbabian stepped to the podium. A professional story-teller, author and publisher of bilingual children’s books, she narrated a “hekiat,” or tales of her mother, with the help of the impressive black and white photography of Vartan Derounian, and with the interjection of songs and quotes repeated after her by the audience. They were all stories about the hardships of dispersal, loss and poverty, yet about an indomitable spirit to overcome and survive as a nation. The first panel discussion in Armenian, entitled “Armenian Women’s Leadership and Service in the post-Genocide Period and During Regeneration,” was moderated by Lucineh Nalbandian, a practicing physician in the earthquake zone in Armenia and now co-host of the popular AGBU Hye Geen TV program. The first discussant was Linda Kandilian, head of the Armenian Department of the Armenian Sisters’ Academy and a dedicated executive member of the Armenian Relief Society. Her topic being memories of women Genocide survivors, she centered her presentation on the inspiring narrative of Manoushag Zartarian. Exiled from Kharpert, she and some others were abducted by Arab tribesmen and had to endure forced islamization for sheer life. She was finally rescued by missionaries and re-

stored to her people. During her ordeal, she held fast to her faith and never lost hope of reunion with her own. The second discussant was Lora Kuyumjian, an award winning educator and a valued teacher at the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manougian High School. Her topic was “Integration of women and children into the Armenian community.” She described how women made use of their scant resources to protect and provide for their children and to preserve their Christian identity. With the breakdown of traditional roles, women proved to be adaptable at rebuilding their lives, looking for ways to earn a livelihood, locating dispersed family members as well as kith and kin, and sparing no efforts to restart communal life. In time women succeeded in achieving remarkable results, attaining leadership positions in personal and public domains, including the pursuit of the National Cause. The third discussant was Rita Mahdessian, a practicing lawyer and active in community affairs. Her subject was “Strategies of survival to surmount Genocide.” She recalled the determination of women to break the cycle of starvation and hardships to attain a new way of life. Trying to forge unity of ranks, they also tried to transmit their language and culture to the next generation. She contrasted these women with those who were forcibly Islamized and had to endure a life of shame and suppressed rage. After lunch break, the conference reconvened for a presentation by Bared Maronian, author of the documentary “Orphans of the Genocide,” which has won multiple awards. He is now in the process of preparing a new documentary entitled “Women of 1915.” He began by showing a clip featuring Mae Derdarian retelling the story of Vergeen, a Genocide survivor. He also emphasized the resilience of Armenian women by citing examples from early history to the battles of self defense in Western Armenia. The second panel discussion, this time in English, was entitled “New avenues of diaspora existence” and was moderated by Tamar Poladian, an experienced lawyer with a focus on domestic violence, a certified law instructor and Minors’ Counsel. Before introducing the discussants, she observed, “We have risen like the mythical phoenix from the ashes of destruction to meet the new challenges of the diaspora and to seek new avenues for survival.” The first discussant, Tina Demirdjian spoke about “Integrating youth into family life.” She is a published poet, a teacher of poetry and has directed the Armenian Dress and Textile project to bridge the past with the present, using clothing originally belonging to her family. She read from her works to elaborate the need of making con-

nections between the narratives of ancestors and their modern descendants. To that end, she made frequent references to dresses and the traditional fine needlework of her family displayed on the stage. The second discussant, Maro NajarianYacoubian, a lawyer serving as the city of Glendale’s Transportation and Parking Commissioner as well as an active participant in Armenian community organizations spoke about “Securing the Armenian heritage in the digital age.” Referring to the new generation of Armenians as adept in technological innovations, she urged to pool resources, citing the example of the AGBU Virtual College initiative of Yervant Zorian, connecting teachers and students throughout the community. She also specified the fact that securing archival materials, such as rare copies of prominent newspapers dating back to 1895-1896 and digitizing them can be useful in a social media campaign of awareness. In the same context, she mentioned the American Red Cross founder Clara Barton’s book about the Hamidian massacres to be digitized and made available on the internet. Together with the narratives of survivors of the Genocide, these can “secure and enhance our heritage.” The final discussant was Aroutin Hartounian, involved in volunteerism among Armenian youth and President of Unified Young Armenians, also serving on the Glendale Police Department’s Community partnership Advisory Committee as well as the United Armenian Council of Los Angeles. He spoke purposefully about activism in civil society as a means to pass on the torch to a new generation in pursuit of national goals. He stressed the importance of remaining relevant, of recruiting and retaining Armenian youth, maintaining the national identity, and improving the capacity of the diaspora to uphold the national well being. Having run out of the question/comment time, the conference ended with the beautifully executed solo dance of Sona Gevorkian, a professional dancer, choreographer and dance instructor. Her dance was a graceful and memorable final act of a singular and most informative conference. The audience lingered to review once again the meaningful exhibits and made sure to keep the conference booklet, compiled with utmost care, with a front cover headed by the coalition’s effective logo by Manuella, an AGBU HYE Geen member, and a back cover montage of famous women’s portraits, each with a narrative of her own. The Armenian Women’s Coalition of Los Angeles made an impressive debut. It is hoped the initiative will endure and contribute to the further advancement of Armenian women. !

AGBU Holland Partners With Dutch NGO PAX Kinderhulp Over !2500 raised for disadvantaged children from Vardenis, Armenia

On January 11, 2015, AGBU Holland held a fundraiser in Almelo, the Netherlands to benefit underprivileged Armenian children. For the past four years, AGBU Holland and the Dutch non-governmental organization (NGO) PAX Kinderhulp have collaborated in organizing a four-week program for twenty disadvantaged children from the town of Vardenis in Armenia. The program is designed to introduce the children to Dutch culture and society. In Armenia, many live in orphanages or in bunkers without heat, electricity or running water. During their stay, the children— aged eight to twelve—stay with host families in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands and participate in an array of cultural activities. “It is wonderful to see how excited the children seemed to be by what they are seeing in Holland. We try to introduce them to the educational and fun side of the country, taking them to historical sites as well as on skating and sports outings,” says Cobi Alink, the director of PAX Kinderhulp Apeldoorn. As part of the program of activities, AGBU Holland partnered with Homenetmen and the Armenian Church in Almelo to organize a fundraiser for the children. The day began by attending mass, where the children were welcomed by representatives of each of the organizations. “PAX Kinderhulp is crucial in that it gives the children and their families hope for the future,” says Harout Palanjian, AGBU Holland board member. After mass, the AGBU Holland Youth Committee organized a party for the children with a number of traditional Dutch games. “The children had a blast! The most beautiful thing was to see some of the shy, quiet children take over the dance floor and start enjoying themselves once Armenian music started playing,” said Anoush Apstok, AGBU Holland Youth Committee member. Continuing last year’s tradition, AGBU Holland honored the children’s visit by creating a painting with their handprints and names. The paintings will be exhibited at the Gulbenkian Hall in the Armenian Church in Almelo. Profits from the fundraiser—totaling ! 2836—were donated to the Armenian children from Vardenis and PAX Kinderhulp Foundation. "It is truly wonderful to work with a Dutch organization like PAX Kinderhulp, which has made it its mission to help Armenian children in need. Though their means are limited and they run largely on donations, they do everything in their power to ensure that the children have an unforgettable experience in the Netherlands," says Adis Nazareet, AGBU Holland’s PAX coordinator. To learn more about AGBU Holland, please visit http://agbuholland.nl/en/ For more information about PAX Kinderhulp, please write to info@paxkinderhulp.nl.

N.O. February 5, 2015, No. 6:N.O. Blank


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A<>ARFA|NAZOUM^ NOR L:XOUAWTANG :U KRØNA"O>OUJIUN X:NOB QFN|& NALPANT:AN Fa\astan A,.arfe xargazman nor 'oul j;uako.a‘ a\s ør;roun% 'o.anzman ,r=an (transition period) h or ke bolorh axgowin! Dar;rou go\ouj;nakan am;fi maqa®oumn;rh ou imazakan kata[i ogoroumn;rh ;tq% fa\e% w;r=aphs gta‘ h ir zankali anka.oujiune% a\vm \a®a= k*enjana\ .ixa.ørhn ou anwfatørhn! M;r fauaqakan \a®a=enjazin mh= k;nsakan h paf me kang a®n;l ;u \;tadar] fa\;azqow katar;l ªanz;ali anna.apa,ar w;ragnafatoum% a\sinqn^ fin y,martouj;anz jøja'oum ;u nor y,martouj;anz ord;groumº% incphs piti grhr Ala,k;rt gaua®i :riz giu[i patouakan% wa[am;®ik fa\ordi^ Fa\k Asatr;an! F;®auor anz;ali gnafatman a®a=in ,arqin kouga\ m;r Fing;rord Dare ir baxoum iragor‘oumn;row ou fra,ali nouayoumn;row! :& dare fa\ m,ako\ji mh= ke famaroui Fa\oz Osk;dar! Gir;rou giute m;‘ago\n astoua‘aparg;ue ;[au fa\ axgi famar! A\s pa\‘a® ,r=ane ke n,anauoroui fog;uor farstouj;amb% mtauorakanouj;an bar]ounqow%

a,.atounak fa\ mtqi ou baxouki qrtna=an fanyarow! Dar;rou ;rkounqi ou pt[auorman ,r=ann h a\s our bar]rago\n karo[oujiunn;rou fandisadroumn h or k*akanat;s;nq ou ke fiananq! Fa\in g;rago\n endounakoujiunn h or ke parxoui amhn marxi mh= ou ke 'astoui anor st;[‘agor‘akan fanyare! Fa\oz l;xoun chr krnar au;li ,q;[ørhn drs;uorouil ou pa\‘a®ouj;amb arta\a\touil! M,akouja\in farstouj;an artafanoua‘ bolor end;rqn;re a\nt;[ i mi fauaqoua‘ ;n ;u ir;nz ambo[=akan g;[;zkouj;amb ou yo.ouj;amb xirar ke g;raxanz;n! A\s 'a®auor ,r=ann hr or a®atørhn m;xi parg;u;z patmicn;r% \an]ins^ Agajang;[osi% "austos Bouxandi% Mowshs >or;nazii% :[i,hi% {axar "arp;zii! A\nouf;t;u Sourb Jargmanicn;rou m;‘ fo\l me fraparake o[o[;z ir tqna=anouj;amb ou baxmardiunauhtouj;amb% \an]ins^ M;srop Ma,tozi% Safak Parj;ui% |owsh' Pa[nazii! W;r=aphs ;u% a®a=in imastashrn;re \a\tnou;zan% \an]ins^ :xnik Ko[bazii% Dauij An\a[ji ;u a\loz! Bowandak s;roundn;r anw;r= ir;nz akna‘anqe ;u ;ra.tiqe

\a\tna‘ ;n a\s annkoun ou korowi m,akn;roun% oronq ir;nz ansakark ‘a®a\ouj;amb k;rt;zin dar me grakanoujiun^ arvani m;r sqancazoumin! Grabarow st;[‘agor‘oua‘ a\s fra,aliqn;re oc mia\n fa\in ap,anqin ou gnafatouj;an arvanaza‘ ;n% a\l;u^ øtarin! Ocfa\ fa\aghtn;r ;rkar tarin;r nouira‘ ;n fin fa\;rhni manraxnin s;rto[ouj;an ou qnnouj;an! Anonq ir;nz kar;uor louman en‘a\ab;ra‘ ;n anor ousoumnasirouj;an yanaparfin! Fa\oz l;xoui patmouj;nhn m;xi \a\tni h or Grabare^ ma\re n;rka\ fa\;rhni% incqan maqour hr ir arta\a\tcakanouj;amb% biur;[^ oyow% kokik ou faroust^ ba®apa,arow% kanonauor^ q;rakanouj;amb% kou® ou amour ir ka®ouzoua‘qow! Fa\agitouj;nhn m;xi \a\tni h or na.ama,toz;an ,r=anin% fin Fa\;rhne kam Grabare m,akoua‘ h banauor .øsqi ;u banafiusouj;an mh=! Gir;rou giuthn ;tq (,our= 405 j& |&T&)% saka\n% an m;xi auandoua‘ h grauor \ou,ar]ann;row! N;rka\ Ma,toz;an Mat;nadaranin mh= ke pafouin ,our= 16 faxar ];®agirn;r% oronq groua‘ ;n grabar!

Grabarin xougaf;® gtnoua‘ ;n barba®n;r ou ;njabarba®n;r% oronq ;ka‘ ;n famalr;lou m;r l;xoun! Ar;umtafa\;rhne xargaza‘ h Kostandnoupolso\% isk Ar;u;lafa\;rhne^ Ararat;an barba®n;rou wra\! Fa\;rhni a\s ;rkou tarb;rakn;re fa\ vo[owourdin toua‘ ;n grakan anjiu m;‘arvhq kojo[n;r! Inqnatipouj;amb 'a\lo[ ou akna®ou fa\oz l;xoun% bnakan hr% or dar;rou folowo\jin mh= cmnar qaraza‘-an,arvaza‘% a\l% ibr;u k;ndani l;xou% 'o.a®oujiunn;r katarhr ;u famalrhr ir ba®agan]e! A\spisow% fa\;rhne 'o. a®a‘ h baxmajiu l;xoun;rh% incphs latin;rhnh% \ounarhnh% asor;rhnh% ;bra\;rhnh% arab;rhnh% wraz;rhnh% `rans;rhnh% ®ous;rhnh ;u a\l l;xoun;rh! Fa\oz l;xoun% saka\n% ir mh= k*endgrkh ,our= 11%000 ba®armat% oronzmh 927 ke famarouin xout fnd;uropakan! Fa\oz l;xoun% a\nouf;t;u% nor 'oul endgrka‘ h mi=nadarin! :& dari grabare t;[i toua‘ h \;t-grabar;an fa\;rhni% apa Mi=in kam Storin Fa\;rhni% or endgrk;z bauakan øtar ba®;r% end oroum ;u^ `rans;rhn ba®;r! <ar& h= 14

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Mi=in Fa\;rhne% or gor‘a‘oua‘ h VA&-VX& dar;roun% bauakan f;®aza‘ hr grabarhn jh∞ ir q;rakanakan ka®ouzoua‘qow ;u jh* ir ba®apa,arow! A\s ,r=ani fa\;rhnow groua‘ ;n bv,kakan girq;r! A\sphs% patmoujiune par‘anqow ke \i,atakh m;‘anoun gitnakan ou bvi,k M.ijar F;raziin anoune (Vb& dar)% or hr na;u bnaght% imastashr! An gra‘ h ª+;rmanz M.ijaroujiunº bv,kakan girqe! V:& darin fandhs ;ka‘ h bv,kap;t Amirdowlaj Amasiazin or gra‘ h ªAngitaz Anphtº girqe 1459 jouakanin! :rkou girq;rn al bnakanabar groua‘ ;n Storin Fa\;rhnow ;u m;xi a®at niuj ou bv,kakan ba®;r ke fa\ja\j;n a\d ,r=anhn! M;xi fasa‘ ;n na;u mi=nadar;an ta[;rgoun;rou banast;[‘oujiunn;r% gan];r% siro\ ta[;r (~rik% Nafap;t Qoucak% Grigor A[jamarzi% |owfannhs Jlkouranzi% Grigor Nar;kazi ;un)% apa ;u patmagitakan ;rk;r ;un! M;r n;rka\ groujiune ke miti m;r l;xoun a®a=nord;l dhpi baruoqoum ;u ana[artoujiun! M;r .øsqe masnauor;low Ar;u;lafa\;rhni wra\% fark ke xganq w;rstin koc ou[[;l m;r Fa\astanabnak fa\r;nakizn;roun maqraxt;l fa\oz l;xoun^ b;®naja';low øtar au;lord 'o.a®oujiunn;re% oronq ;ka‘ ;n aratauor;lou% ‘anrab;®n;lou ou anfasknali dar]n;lou m;r darauor l;xoun! Jo\latr;li ch* warouil l;xoui f;t est kams ;u est fayo\iz! Amhnqs al fauasaraphs patas.anatou ;nq m;r l;xoui a®=;u% ;rb .øsqe anor ana[art pafpanoumn h! Dar;rou m,taka\ 'o'o.ouj;an ;njaka\ h iuraqanciur l;xou% ormh baza®oujiun ci krnar kaxm;l fa\;rhne! Incqan at;n or l;xoun ir bnakan ørinaca'oujiunn;row ke xargana\% m;nq

a®arkoujiun couninq% wasnxi bnakan ørinaz dhm kar;li ch gor‘;l! Ba\z l;xoun ouni ir m,tago\ ørhnqn;re% oronz .a.toumow ou otnako.oumow% ir patk;re ke .ajaroui! A\sør m;nq apaka\ounazouza‘ ;nq m;r l;xoun% .a.ta‘ anor k;nsakan ørhnqn;re% ;u enjazq toua‘ anor ,;[man ou ;[‘man! Nman watas;roum parxaphs jo\latr;li ch% wasnxi anor øtarazoume m;xi axgowin piti a®a=nordh dhpi w;r=nakan kor‘anoum! M;r l;xoun m;r inqnoujiunn h% m;r patk;re ou ogin! M;r nor s;roundin a®=;u baro\akan an\;ta]g;li partakanoujiun m*ouninq% ;u a\d^ m;r l;xoun 'o.anz;l h ir ambo[=akan g;[;zkouj;amb ou farstouj;amb! M;r n;rka\ drouj;amb% zauøq srti% apaga\ s;rounde piti va®angh fa\;rhn me or a[yatoua‘ h ou a\landakoua‘! Anor qa\qa\oume ‘a\r couni! A\sør% ;rb tart[na‘ ;nq ou kotorakoua‘% ;u dhm \andiman ;nq astiyanakan ou‘azman ou anf;tazman% sastik kariqe ke xganq m;r l;xouin or xm;x ø[akh ou jo\l cta\ or m;nq øtarananq ;u korsouinq! A[hte m;r acqin a®=;u h% ba\z m;nq d;®;us jmra‘ ;nq ou xga\axrkoua‘! :#rb piti arjnnanq m;r jmbirhn ;u xgastananq! A,.arfa\nazman wtange m;xi ke spa®na\ amhn wa\rk;an! Incqan or øgtakar tarr;r ke parounakh a,.arfa\nazoume fama\n axg;rou \a®a=dimouj;an gi‘ow% no\nqan al wnasab;r h^ manauand 'oqr vo[owourdn;rou famar! A\sør% ga[tniq ch or endfanour 'a'aq ka\ ou ]gtoum ou[[ou;lou dhpi a,.arfa\nazoum^ grkabaz endoun;lou anor parg;ua‘ biurauor bariqn;re% a®au;loujiunn;re% 'o'o.oujiunn;re! I#nc enh fa\oujiune ;u o#r ko[m j;qi! Fa\;rs qa= gitnalou ;nq or m;nq c;*nq krnar anmasn

NAFATAK 13 GRO{N:ROU GOR’:ROUN NOUIROUA’ ’A{KAQA{ ANGL:RHN L:XOUOW <ar& h= 11-hn ñÇ½Ç íñ³Û Ëûëù ³é³õ s÷ÇõéùÇ Ý³Ë³ñ³ñ Ðñ³ÝáÛß Ú³Ïáµ»³Ý£ Ðñ³Ý¹« µ»Ù Ññ³õÇñáõ»Éáí ïáõ³õ ³Ûë ·áñÍÇÝ ÍÝݹáóÁ »õ ë»ÕÙ ·ÇÍ»ñáõ Ù¿ç Ý»ñϳ۳óáõó ³Ýáñ ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ£ ³ñ·Ù³Ý³Ï³Ý ·ñ³Ï³Ýáõû³Ý ³ÝÑñ³Å»ßïáõÃÇõÝÁ ³õ»ÉÇ ß»ßï»Éáí Ýáñ ųٳݳÏÝ»ñáõÝ Ñ³Ýñáõû³Ý Ù³ïã»ÉÇáõû³Ý ϳñ»õáñáõÃÇõÝÁ ÷á˳Ýó»ó Ý»ñϳݻñáõÝ£ Ú³Ûï³·ñÇÝ ·»Õ³ñáõ»ëï³Ï³Ý µ³ÅÇÝÁ ÝáõÇñáõ³Í ¿ñ ÁÝûñóáõÙÝ»ñáõ« áñáÝù ³Ûë ·ÇñùÇÝ Ù¿ç ï»Õ ·ñ³õ³Í ݳѳï³Ï ϳñ· ÙÁ ·ñáÕÝ»ñ¿Ý« ³Ûë å³ñ½³å¿ë ï³Éáõ ѳٳñ ³Ý·É»ñ¿Ýáí ·ñ³Ï³Ý ׳߳ÏÁ ųٳݳϳßñç³ÝÇ ÙÁ3 19-ñ¹ ¹³ñáõ ³õ³ñïÇ ï³ëݳٻ³ÏÇÝ áõ 20-ñ¹ ¹³ñáõ ³é³çÇÝ 15 ï³ñÇÝ»ñáõ£ ºñÇï³ë³ñ¹ ѳ۳ßáõÝã ïÕ³ù3 ì»Ñ Ú³é³ç ä½ïÇÏ»³Ý« ܳóÉÇ Î³åñÇ¿É»³Ý« ²Ûï³ ¼Çɻɻ³Ý »õ ºñ³½ سñ·³ñ»³Ý ëù³Ýã»ÉÇûñ¿Ý Ù»Ïݳµ³Ý»óÇÝ Ñ»ÕÇݳÏÝ»ñáõÝ ·áñÍ»ñÁ£

mnal a,.arfi axg;rou en];®a‘ xargazoumn;rhn% wasnxi nman ararq me piti matnan,h m;r antarb;roujiune% krauorakanoujiune% ;u manauand^ k[xiazoume! Ba*u h inc Fa\astan a,.arfe m;kousaza‘ mnaz ,our= ;øj tasnam;ak! A\vm pafn h% or dours ganq m;r pat;anhn ;u dimauor;nq noroujiunn;r ;u t;[i oun;zo[ 'o'o.oujiunn;r! Yi,d fo*s h% saka\n% or fa\e piti ella\ xgo\,% .of;m% ,r=afa\;az! M;r npatake phtq ch ella\ \a',takouil% tarouil fosanqow ;u m;rouil m;r ,r=apatin f;t ou korsnzn;l m;r inqnoujiune ;u fa\ast;[‘ arvhqn;re! M;nq piti entr;nq a\n inc ];®ntou h m;xi ;u ci wnas;r m;r axga\in patkan;louj;an ou tofmik soworoujiunn;roun! Th*r phtq h kangninq m;r m,akouja\in ar-

Ðñ³õÇñáõ»ó³õ ݳ»õ Ëûë»Éáõ ÐРزÎ-Ç Ùûï ÙݳÛáõÝ Ñ³õ³ï³ñÙ³ï³ñ »õ ¹»ëå³Ý ¼ûÑñ³å Øݳó³Ï³Ý»³Ý« áñ ³Ûë ³éÇÃáí Ïáã Áñ³õ ò»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý ׳ݳãÙ³Ý »õ ѳÛáó Çñ³õáõÝùÝ»ñáõ å³Ñ³Ýç³ïÇñáõû³Ý Çñ³õáõÝùáí áõ ÙݳÛáõÝ ³ß˳ï³Ýùáí ù³É»É ¹¿åÇ Û³é³ç« ¹³ñ³¹³ñÓÇ ³Ûë ûñ»ñáõÝ« ͳÝûóóÝ»Éáí ò»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý »Õ»ÉáõÃÇõÝÁ ûï³ñ ѳÝñáõû³Ý ÿ ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ µ»Ù»ñáõÝ£ ÐáõëÏ Ëûëù ³é³õ ²õ»ïÇë г׻³Ý3 Û³ÝáõÝ Ð³Ù³½·³ÛÇÝÇ í³ñãáõû³Ý£ лÕÇݳÏÁ Çñ ·Çñù»ñÁ ٳϳ·ñ»ó »õ ¼³ñÙÇÝ¿ÇÝ ÏáãÇÝ Áݹ³é³ç »ñóÉáí4 ß³ï»ñ ³Û¹ ·Çñù»ñ¿Ý ÝáõÇñ»óÇÝ ßñç³ÝÇ ·ñ³¹³ñ³ÝÝ»ñáõÝ Ç ÛÇß³ï³Ï Çñ»Ýó ÍÝáÕ³ó áõ ݳѳï³Ï ѳñ³½³ïÝ»ñáõÝ áõ ѳÛñ»Ý³ÏÇzÝ»ñáõÝ£ Ðñ³Ý¹ \á·ÝÇÉ ã·ÇïóáÕ Çñ³*õ Ùï³õáñ³Ï³ÝÝ ¿ ÝÇõ »áñù³faÛáõû³Ý Ï»³Ýù¿Ý Ý»ñë£

vhqn;roun a®anz 'ak;lou kar;lioujiunn;roun d®n;re a,.arfa\nazman matouz;liq bariqn;roun! Jo\l piti cta*nq or m;r m,ako\je lyana\% yafyana\ ;u patmakan arv;ni,;row mia\n a,.arfin n;rka\ana\% wasnxi m;r m,ako\je kariq ouni w;ranorogman ou w;rarv;uorman! Ke krkn;nq% w;rak;rtman ou pa\‘a®azman yanaparfin% jo\l piti cta*nq or m;r m,ako\ji fimnatarr;re 'yanan% korcin% anf;tanan! :jh mhk ko[mh a,.arfa\nazoume ir aragaso\r ja'ow ke la'lixh ou k*ocncaznh 'oqr axg;rou inqnoujiune arta\a\to[ ou drs;uoro[ tarr;re% mius ko[mh% irøq dvouar h thr kangnil darauor auando\jn;roun ou pa\qaril or canf;tanan i spa®! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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GOR’AUOR K*OUXOUI Kaloua‘a\in ,inararouj;an fastatoujiun me gor‘auor/a,.atauorn;rou kariqe ouni! F;taqrqrouo[n;re krnan f;®a]a\n;l


me! Baxmajiu fa\;r Fa\astaniz% {araba[iz ;u s'iu®qiz masnakz;zin a\d srbaxan^ m;x partadroua‘ pat;raxmin! A®a= enkn;low n,;nq% or [araba[;an ,arvman ardiunqoum m;nq oun;zanq {araba[i axatagroume ;u Fa\astani maqroume atrph\yanzin;riz! ª"or]oujiunn;ri vamin fa\;ri zouzab;ra‘ arioujiune boloris famar ørinak h ‘a®a\oumº! Markrij Jajc;ri a\s mitqe liowin famapatas.anoum h [araba[;an ,arvman vamanak m;r vo[owrdi zouzab;ra‘ warqin! :s glou. ;m .onarfoum bolor xof;ri a®=;u ;u masnauoraphs ouxoum ;m n,;l Monjh M;lqon;anin% a\d s'iu®qafa\ ;ritasardin% ow ir bar;k;zik k;anqe jo[n;low ;kau Fa\astan% {araba[% xofou;z% isk oro, acqabaz fa\;r jalanow xba[ou;low farstazan ;u ,at hl c;n mta‘oum Fa\astani apaga\i masin! M;r axatamartikn;ri s.ranqn;ri masin t;[in h \i,;l Ar,ak Copan;ani \a\tni mitqe& ªKar‘;m jh ,at mo®zoua‘ h% jh a\s axge xor xof;rou føti me f;t ke ,'oj;n% patmouj;an mh= ,at angam ir pat;raxmakan \atkouj;anz 'a\loun apazo\zn;r toua‘ h&&&º! M;nq ;rb;mn m;r axge fam;matoum ;nq a\l axg;ri ;u amhniz ,at fr;an;ri f;t! M;nq oun;nq ,at lau \atkoujiunn;r! Afa jh inc kar;uor ban h as;l {;uond Ali,ane& ªAxgin pakasoujiune partak;l^ .;lazoujiun h% ba\z pakasoujiune cyancnal^ m;‘ an.;lqoujiun! Axge mi,t war xarn;l% andadar pakasoujiunn;rn \i,;l% o[bal% arfamarf;l% anonq mardoun sirte ke kotr;n% ke joulazn;n% ke \ousafat;zn;n% ke kata[;zn;n! Mi,t gow;ln ;u gow;li zouzn;ln al^ sirte k*ou®;zn;n% mitqe ke kourazn;n% snapar‘ axgashr me k*en;n% ødou mh= paro[ me% or fastatoujiun couni&&&º! A\vm m;r anka. fa\r;niqoum kan i,.anauorn;r% oronz h Grigor Øt;ani f;t;u;al mitqe& ªA\n fa\e% or ir p;takan pa,tønin en‘a\a‘ diuroujiunn;rhn øgtou;low ir ,af;roun ke xofh a\s .;[y% taraba.t axge% ani‘;al ella\% ;rizs ani‘;alº! Baxmajiu s'iu®qafa\;r fa\r;nasirakan ]gtoumn;row galis ;n Fa\astan ir;nz npaste fa\r;niqin b;r;lou famar% saka\n nranz a\nt;[ a\sphs asaz ªgzoum ;nº! Saka\n da phtq ch \ousafat;zni ;u fa\r;niqiz f;®ou pafi! A\st;[ t;[in h b;r;l L;uon Xauhn Siurmhl;ani mitq;re& ªA\n fa\e% or korznoum h axga\in gitakzoujiune&&& dadaroum h fa\ lin;louz&&& A\sør Ma\r

Fa\astann a\l;us au;rakn;ri wra\ nsta‘ w,tafar kin ch! Sa a\l;us Asia ch% sa :uropa h! A\n fa\e% ow korznoum h axga\in gitakzoujiune ;u asoum h^ ;s c;m ouxoum \i,;l% ;s fima am;rikazi ;m% `ransiazi% angliazi% .[youm ;m nran ;u 'o\j ch% ;jh na \a=o[ak h gor‘i mh=º! Isk sa s'iu®qoum ‘noua‘ fa\;rin h ou[[;l Italia\oum apro[ fa\aght Gabrihla Ouloufou=;ane& ª:s italakan krjoujiun ;m staz;l! Ba\z in] fa\azr;z fa\;rhne! :u ;s amhn inc anoum ;m ousoumnasir;lou m;r l;xoun ou m;r m,ako\je! A\spisi l;xou ;u m,ako\j oun;zo[ axge oc mi andam irauounq ouni cimanalou ir ma\r;ni l;xoun! Fa\;rhnow fa\e oc mia\n ma\r;ni l;xou h soworoum% a\l;u fa[ordakzuoum h fama,.arfa\in qa[aqakanouj;an armatn;rinº! Fa\astani anka.azoumiz \;to\% pat;raxm% ,r=a'akoum% na.qan anka.azoume^ ;rkra,arv% an,norfq [;kawaroum% a\s amhne \ang;zr;zin dran% or Fa\astane lq;zin ,at fa\;r% \atkaphs a\n mtauorakan fa\;re% oronq ªpa,aro[º chin! ªOur hl or fa\;re gnoum ;n% tarb;ruoum ;n ir;nz ];®n;rhzouj;amb% endounakoujiunn;row% .;lamtouj;amb% ;u gnafat;li \atkani,n;row! ªJourqia\oum nranq ir;nz n;rka\aznoum hin orphs ,r=apati mius ®asan;riz w;r gtnouo[ z;[! Ka®awarouj;an famar;a bolor m;‘ panq;re% ;[a‘ amhn t;saki arf;stn;re% or pafan=oum ;n \atouk fnaragitoujiun ou fmtoujiun% fastataphs gtnuoum ;n fa\;ri ];®q;roumº! F&+&Ø& Doua\ji a\s mtq;re a\sør hl a\vmhakan ;n! Wka\ ;n s'iu®qi tarb;r ga[jøya.n;roum fa\;ri \a=o[oujiunn;re! I#nc h spasuoum fa\;riz& ªDoun pafapan xinouor men ;s fa\r;niqid% an al irauounq ouni qo gitouj;and% a®aqinouj;and% xgazmand ;u bolor gor‘;roud ardiunqe wa\;l;lou! Mi farzrou% jh inc h qo partqd fa\r;niqid% sirh ;u ke sirouis&&& Xinouo#r ;s& fa\r;niqid ‘a®a\;l mta‘h% arf;stauo#r^ yartaroujiund ban;zrou fa\r;niqid xargazman famar% gito#un^ fa\r;niqid øgoute .orfh ;u ouri,in sorw;zour&&&º! Orqan a\vmhakan ;n m;‘n |akob Paron;ani mtq;re! ªFa\r;nasiroujiune axgasiroujiune amhn anfati sourb partakanoujiunn h! :u fa\r;niqi pa,tpanouj;an famar kataroua‘ pat;raxme sourb pat;raxm hº! Âa``i (<ar& 2)


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NOR ØR% 5 ":TROUAR 2015

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=atar ªOuliseº Anjalia\oum ousoumnamarxakan fauaqi enjazqoum anz h kaznoum stougo[akan fandipoumn;r! A®a=in .a[oum ªOuliseº 0-4 fa,ouow xi=;z Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuinº% isk 2-rd .a[oum ÂD-i a®a=in diwixionoum fandhs ;ko[ Astra.ani ªWolgarinº^ 0-1 fa,ouow! 2-rd .a[oum ªOuliseº da,t hr dours ;k;l a\sphs% m;knarka\in kaxmow& Arshn B;lgar;an% Konstandin Maroxow% Âadh Dougalic% L;uon Xarkawa% Andrh\ B;lomiz;u% Ghorgi >ouboua% Dauij >ourzi]h% Artak Al;qsan;an% Irakli G;p;ri]h% |owfannhs Gofar;an! Moltowakan ªMilsamiº jimiz ªOuliseº partou;z 0-3 fa,ouow! Corrord .a[oum ªOuliseº oc-oqi (0-0) .a[az [axa.akan ªKa\sariºi f;t! • Giumrii ª<irakeº 6-am;sa\ pa\managir h storagr;l Go® ;u Hdgar Malaq;ann;ri f;t! N,;nq% or Malaq;an ;[ba\rn;re% owq;r ª"iunikiº san;r ;n fandisanoum% fandhs hin galis ªAla,k;rtoumº ;u a\s taroua\ skxboum ;rkko[m fama]a\nouj;amb .x;l ;n pa\managire akoumbi f;t! |a=ord^ poulkarakan ªL;uskiº jimi f;t fandipoume% 2-1 fa,oui vamanak \øgout ªOulisiº% dadar;zou;z ;rkou jim;ri .a[azo[n;ri mi=;u ‘;‘k®touqi patya®ow! • ";trouari 3-in m;knark;z Fa\astani kananz `oujpoli 2014-15 jj& ]m;®a\in stougo[akan mrza,are! Mrza,arn anzkazuoum h ,r=ana];u famakargow mhk ,r=anow A& ;u B& .mb;roum! Iuraqanciur .mboum endgrkoua‘ h 6-akan jim! Fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan FBTF marxadafliyoum minc;u ";trouari 17-e! • S;r.iø Margar;ane karo[ h gl.auor;l |ounastani fauaqakane a\d masin h t;[;kaznoum Goal.com-e! Paragoua\i ;u ";roui fauaqakann;ri na.kin gl.auor marxic Margar;ane \a\tnou;l h |ounastani fauaqakani gl.lauor marxci ja'our pa,tøne xba[;zno[n;ri j;kna‘oun;ri juoum! Fa\axgi masnaghte ‘anøj h \ounakan `oujpolin% qani or vamanakin a,.at;l h ªPanatinaikosoumº ;u ªIraklisoumº! • Am;rik;an MLS_i ª<iqakø ~a\;rnº f;rq;l h a\n t;[;koujiunn;re% ori fama]a\n akoumbe f;taqrqroua‘ h FF axga\in fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;anow! • ªArarateº Socioum stougo[akan .a[oum 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z t;[i famanoun jimin! Sourhn Ca.al;ane .a[alou fnarauoroujiun tou;z fauaqin masnakzo[ bolor `oujpolistn;rin^ asparhx fan;low ;rkou tarb;r kaxm;r! 2-rd .a[oum ªArarateº 0-3 fa,ouow xi=;z ®ousakan ªSa.alinº jimin! ªArarateº auart;z ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe Socioum! Spasuoum h% or møt ør;rs pa\managir ke storagroui kisapa,tpan Nikolas Pro;asmani ;u 18-am;a\ qam;rounzi \ar]akouo[ Oumarou Kaina\i f;t! ªArarateº fravarou;l h kisapa,tpan :ug;ni Moroxi ;u pa,tpan +am;l Ouol;si ‘a®a\oujiunn;riz! Jime 2-rd ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe dar];al k*anzkazni Socioum ";trouari 8-20-e! Na.at;suoum h 3-4 enk;rakan fandipoum! • FF axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ane famalr;l h \ounakan ªK;rkiraº jimi kaxme! • ";trouari 5-in ka\analou h :uropa2017-i ;ritasardakan a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani f;t mi;uno\n^ 3-rd xambiu[oum ;n \a\tnou;l Austrian% Jourqian% |ounastane% <otlandian% >orwajian% Slow;nian% Monj;n;gron ;u Norw;gian! Entrakan 'ouli a®a=in fandipoumn;re ka\analou ;n Marti 23-in! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº stougo[akan .a[oum 2-3 fa,ouow partou;l h poulkarakan




ªLoudogor;zinº! :oura Mowsis;ane masnakz;z 2-rd .a[akhsin! • Bound;sliga\i 18-rd mrza'ouloum Dortmoundi ªBorousianº mrzakzi \arki tak ocoqi (0-0) .a[az ªBa\;riº f;t! F;nri. M.ijar;ane 'o.arinman mtau 62-rd rophin! Est M.ijar;ani gor‘akal Minø Âa\ola\i F;nri.e amrane zankanoum h 'o.;l akoumbe!

MARMNAMARXIKN:RE AÂA+IN ANGAM 10 TAROUA| MH+ FAUAQ :N ANZKAZNOUM ’A{KA}OROUM Sporta\in marmnamarxouj;an FF fauaqakani w;z lauago\n marxikn;re gl.auor marxic |akob S;rob;ani [;kawarouj;amb 10 taroua\ mh= a®a=in angam ousoumnamarxakan fauaq anzkazrin ’a[ka]oroum! Minc;u ørs fauaq c;nq oun;z;l^ `inansn;ri bazaka\ouj;an ;u famapatas.an dafliy coun;nalou patya®ow! Fima ;us dafliy ckar% marxuoum hinq emb,amarti dafliyoum% mi qani gor‘iq m;x f;t b;r;l! ’a[ka]oroum marmnamarxouj;an gor‘iqn;r ckan! Gl.auor marxice ªNews.am sportºin patm;l h nor mrza,r=ani ‘ragr;ri% fauaqakani% ølimpiakan ou[;gr;r nouay;lou spasliqn;ri masin! FAØK-i `inansauormamb |ounouari 10-24-e fnarauoroujiun trou;z ’a[ka]oroum ousoumnamarxakan fauaq anzkazn;l! A\s fauaqi npatake marmnamarxikn;ri endfanour `ixiqakan patrastoua‘oujiune bar]razn;ln hr! Qani or ’a[ka]oroum gor‘iqn;r counhinq% mia\n `ixiqakan orakn;ri wra\ hinq a,.atoum% a\s fauaqe anpa\man ardiunq ke ta\! Fauaqn anzkaznoum hinq m;‘afasakn;ri 6 lauago\n a®a=atar marxikn;row^ Arjour Dauj;an% |aroujiun M;rtin;an% Wafagn Dauj;an% Arjour Jowmas;an% Armhn P;tros;an ;u ;ritasard^ Wighn >acatr;an! ªA\s tari m;x famar ,at kar;uor Ølimpiakan warkani,a\in mrza,ar;ri tari h! Mrza,r=ane bazoum ;nq ªAxar;ani Gauajº mi=axga\in mrza,arow% ore ";trouari 11-20-e t;[i h oun;nalou Gali`ornia\oum! Mi=axga\in mrza,arin ke masnakz;n Armhn P;tros;ane% Arjour Dauj;ane ;u |aroujiun M;rtin;ane! A\s mrza,are kaxmak;rpoum h Alb;rt Axar;ani ordin^ Hdouard Axar;ane! Hdouarde ouni ir dafliye% m;nq 5 ør ke masnakz;nq mrzoumn;rin ;u draniz \;to\^ 12 ør ousoumnamarxakan fauaqin! Apa Fa\astanoum Marti 1-5-e t;[i k*oun;na\ Fa\astani a®a=noujiune% ori ardiunqn;row k*oro,oui :uropa\i a®a=noujiun m;kn;liq jimi kaxme! Draniz \;to\ Marti 26-30-e Qajaroum ke masnakz;nq a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;ane% orin zankoujiun oun;nq masnakz;l 4 marxikow^ a®an]in gor‘iqn;ri mrzoumn;roum! Aprilin ~ransia\oum masnakz;lou ;nq :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane% oriz \;to\ parx ke lini jh owq;r phtq h masnakz;n a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane% orin ;r;qiz au;l masnakiz c;nq karo[ oun;nal! A\s taroua\ m;r g;r.ndire ølimpiakan warkani, ];®q b;r;ln h! <at dvouar h mi qani warkani, ];®q b;r;le% fnarauoroujiunn;re qic ;n! Baxmamartoum ;jh no\nisk ;rkou kam ;r;q marxikn;r warkani, fauaq;n% mi;uno\n h jo\l ;n talou mia\n mhkin! Baxmamartoum \o\s;r oun;nq% fimnakan \auaknorde Arjour Dauj;ann h! A®an]in gor‘iqn;riz ;rkou masnakiz karo[ ;nq oun;nal% ba\z a\st;[ ,at m;‘ mrzakzoujiun ka\% ou m;‘ .ndir ka\& a®an]in gor-

‘iqn;roum ølimpiakan warkani, ];®q b;ro[ marmnamarxike phtq h lini a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an mrzanakakirº&- asaz |akob S;rob;ane!

FA| SAMBISTN:RI OSKH :U AR’AJH M:TALN:RE {axa.stani Almaji qa[aqoum auartou;z sambo\i a,.arfi gauaji 'oul;riz ªN& Naxarba;ui mrzanakn;rº mi=axga\in mrza,are! 52 qk& qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ Tigran Kirakos;ane nouay;z oskh m;tal% isk 82 qk& qa,a\in^ st;'anak;rtzi A,ot Danihl;ane partou;low ;xra'akicoum^ arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Fa\astani lauago\n ,a.matist L;uon Aron;ane Folandia\oum Tata Sjil ,a.mata\in 'a®atønoum an\a=o[ fandhs galouz anmi=aphs \;to\ ";trouari 2-9-e masnakzoum h G;rmania\i Badhn Badhnoum anzkazouo[ ªGrenke Chess Classicº g;rmrza,arin% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;rn ;n& Magnous Ka®ls;ne% Wi,wanajan Anande% ~abianø Karouanan% Ma\qel Adamse% Hj\hn Baqron% Arkadi Na\dice ;u Dauij Barami];n! A®a=in mrza'ouloum L;uone spitakn;row oc-oqi .a[az a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous Ka®ls;ni f;t% ;rkrordoum^ Dauij Barami]hi f;t% isk ;rrordoum partou;z ~abianø Karouana\iz • Aprili 18-in ’a[ka]oroum m;knark;lou h a,.arfi t[amardkanz jima\in a®a=noujiune% orin na.at;suoum h 10 axga\in fauaqakann;ri masnakzoujiun! Nranz mh= h na;u :uropa\i 2013 j& a.o\;an Atrph\yane! Atrph\yani ,a.mati fauaqakane fravarou;l h Fa\astan gal! Patya®e dvouar ch gou,ak;l! Atrph\yane amhn gnow .ousa';lou h Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki ør;rin Fa\astanoum or;uh n;rka\azouzic oun;nal cna\a‘ FF ,a.amti da,noujiune mrzakza\in fangist pa\mann;r apafow;lou npatakow oro,;l h a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn anzkazn;l oc jh :r;uanoum% a\l^ ’a[ka]oroum! A\d ;rkri entranin 3 angam masnakz;l h a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn;rin ;u oc mi angam mrzanaka\in t;[ ci grau;l! • ";trouari 24-iz Marti 8-e :rousa[hmoum ka\analou h :uropa\i t[amardkanz anfatakan a®a=noujiune% orin masnakz;lou \a\t a®a\vm n;rka\azr;l h 205 ,a.matist (107 grosma\st;r)! Fa\astaniz Isra\hloum pa\qari mh= me mtn;n Frand M;lqoum;ane% Gabrihl Sargs;ane% Wladimir |akob;ane% Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane% Karhn Grigor;ane% Arman Miqa\hl;ane ;u Wladimir Pø[os;ane ow bnakuoum h Sankt ";t;rbourgoum% saka\n m,taphs fandhs h galis FF drø,i n;rqo\! • Fa\astani arag ,a.mati a®a=nouj;ane masnakz;zin 46 ,a.matist% oriz 15-e grosma\st;r hr! 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7 miauor a.o\;ani kocoume nouay;z Tigran L& P;tros;ane! 6&5-akan miauor wastak;zin Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Dauij Qala,;ane% Gabrihl Sargs;ane ;u Arman "a,ik;ane% owq;r lrazouzic zouzani,n;row dasauor;zin no\n \a=ordakanouj;amb!

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