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APRIL 24 OU JRQAKAN MTAFOGOUJIUNN:R TO{OU HRKIL To[ou Hrkil auarta‘ h Anqara\i Fama lsarane% our tarin;row dasauanda‘ h Qa[aqakan Enk;rabanoujiun (Political Sociology)! "ro`& Hrkil n;rka\is ke dasauandh Isjanpouli ~ajif Famalsaranin ;u Oua,inkjeni Qrtakan Fimnarkin mh=! Ca'auorakan h ir t;sakhtn;roun mh=! 2013-in frataraka‘ h Fethullah Gulen and The Gulen Movement fatore! ’anøj& >mb& April 24% 1915-e a*\n jouakann h ;rb To[ou :ritasard Jourq;row (Ijjifat wh J;raqqe) [;kawaroua‘ Øsman;an P;toujiune kalanauor;z 250 anouani dhmq;r ou mtauorakann;r Isjanpouli mh=% aqsor;low xanonq Cankere ;u A\a,-Anqara\i møt;re-% a*\n ambastanouj;amb% jh anonq masnakza‘ hin p;touj;an dhm .a'anarar ararqn;rou! Anonzmh 174-e ;rb;q cw;radar]an! A\s jouakane yanczoua‘ h ibr;u skxbnauoroujiune ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;anº% ou miavamanak orphs pa,tønakan% pa,tpano[akan fakadar]oujiune jourq axga\nakanouj;an! Kar‘iqn;rou tarb;roujiunn ou patmagroujiune% oronq a\nouf;t;u f;t;u;zan% kaxmauor;zin ogin ou mitqe .ndro\ a®arka\ ;rkou axg;roun! Fa\oz famar% Øsman;an ka®awarouj;an gor‘adra‘ mafazou mi=oza®oumn;re \ang;zan fa\;rou go\ouj;an bna=n=oumin Anatoloui mh=! Anonq xrkou;zan fa\r;nakan øya.hn ;u anor patmouj;nhn! Entaniqn;r qandou;zan =ardou;low kam b®naga[jow! Manoukn;re an=atou;zan ir;nz entaniqn;rhn! Anonq or mnazin% krøna'o. ;[an% ir;nz inqnoujiune 'o.;low! Mnaz;aln;re qø[ark;zin ir;nz inqnoujiune% iurazou;low siunni-islam% qiurt kam al;ui fama\nqn;roun mh=! Fa\ bnakcouj;anz 'ojorkali korouste kocou;zau M;‘ :[;®ne kam^ ªM;‘ O[b;rgoujiunºe! Fa\oujiune ke fauata\% or ir zauali anz;ale au;li ;us antan;li dar]a‘ h% orowf;t;u jourq;re c;n endouna‘ fariur tari a®a= patafa‘ a\s ;[;loujiune% a\l endfaka®ake% f;t;uo[akanørhn k*ouranan amhn patas.anatououjiun! Anonq krna\in ghj datapart;l at;ni ka®awaroujiune% ;u anonq or masnakiz ;[an gor‘adrouj;ane mh= frafangn;rou% oronq w;r= me drin fa\;rou go\at;uman Anatoloui mh=! Fa\;rou aknkaloujiunn;re ;rb;q gofazoum cgtan pa,tønaphs! Fama,.arfa\in A& Pat;raxme dar]au a[qatazno[ qa[aqakanoujiun me% k;zn;lou famar tarba[adroume Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an vo[owourdn;roun ou nouayoua‘ ;rkirn;roun! :ritasard Jourq;rou [;kawarouj;an na.entroujiune pat;raxmin masnakz;lou% artakarg \a[janakn;r apafow;lou npatakow chr% a\l^ paf;lou inc or mnaza‘ hr Øsman;an Ka\srouj;nhn% øgnouj;ambe ou n;zoukowe g;rman 'a\loun banaki ®axmakan karo[ouj;an% ;u anor ka\s;rakan 'a®asirouj;anz Ar;u;lqi mh=! Âous;re ;u angliazin;re arg;lq hin dhpi Ar;u;lq g;rman ‘aualo[akan ‘ragirn;roun! Jrqakan t;slapa,t axga\nakanoujiune ke npatakadrhr kaxmoujiune ithalisj Famajouranakan Miouj;an! <at kar;uor ke da®nar chxoqazoume Âousio\% or arg;lq ke fan-
disanar \i,;al ‘ragri irakanazman! :ritasard Jourq;rou (Ijjifat wh J;raqqe) ;®ap;touj;an xørauor marde% Hnwhr "a,an% oro,;z anaknkal \ar]akoum me gor‘;l Âousio\ kowkas;an banakin dhm 1915 |ounouarin% yamba\ banalou famar dhpi K;dronakan Asia! A\s xinouorakan ar,aue a[itali f;t;uanq oun;zau& jrqakan banake partou;zau zourthn% sa®o\zhn ou s.al dato[ouj;an patya®ow! Ar;u;l;an yakati w;ro\i,;al o[b;rgakan partouj;an masin .størhn argil;low lratououjiune% Hnwhr "a,a ;u Hrkil ir m;[sakizn;re% ‘a‘k;lou famar ir;nz ja'afaroume (flop)% ambastan;zin fa\;re ibr;u fing;rord xørasiun^ j,namiin f;t gor‘akzouj;an ;u end\atak;a\ gor‘ounhouj;an famar! Mnaz;ale mardka\in a[ht hr! >alil "a,a% Hnwhri før;[ba\re% or Øsman;an banakin patas.anatou [;kawarn hr Parskastani mh=% a\s a®ijow esa‘ h& ªFa\ axge% xor 'or];zi bna=n=;l minc;u w;r=in marde% orowf;t;u anika 'or];z fa\r;niqs =n=;l&&& ma\r;ni ;rkris amhnhn af®;li ou zauali ør;roun&&&º! A\s mitqe ;[au Jourqio\ pa,tønakan t;sakhte% ormh m;‘aphs axdoua‘ ;n \;taga\ s;roundn;re! Jourq pa,tønatarn;re k*endounin or baxmajiu fa\;r mafaza‘ ;n Fama,.arfa\in A& Pat;raxmi at;n& a\s dvba.toujiune ke n;rka\azn;n orphs au;li endar]ak pat;raxmi me f;t;uanq% ou ke \a\tn;n% jh ;rkou ko[m;rn al =ard;r gor‘adra‘ ;n! A\s farze f;t;u;al ];uow ke n;rka\azoui! Kali'olii yakatamarte 1915-in% ke xougadipi fa\kakan qa\qa\oumin (debacle) Anatoloui mh=! Ar;umt;an ar,auanqin dimaz% øsmanzi jourq;rn ou fa\;re kr;zin pat;raxmin o[bali f;t;uanqn;re! Karg me m;knabann;r a\s o[b;rgoujiune ke koc;n ªBa[datakan zauº! A\s f;t;uo[ouj;amb% kaxmak;rpou;lou wra\ h zouzamolakan og;kocoume Kali'olii ar,auanqin% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an tar;lizin no\n øre^ April 24-in! Tarørinake a*\n h% or Kali'olii paraga\in kan ;rkou kar;uor jouakann;r& a®a=ine^ Mart 18-i ‘owa\in yakatamartn hr% our da,nakizn;rou nauatorme partouj;an matnou;zau! :rkrorde Anzaki (wa\re) zamaqafanoumn hr j;rak[xiin wra\ April 25% 1915-in! A\s \i,atakoume April 24-in katar;le bolorowin qmafay na.a];®noujiun men h% fa\kakan xof;re xougord;low (by associating) m;r ;rkrin ambo[=akan koroustn;roun f;t! Ou,adrouj;an kixakhte ellalou h mafaza‘ xinouorn;re% oronz mh= ke gtnouhin na;u jrqafpatak fa\;r! Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani ou[[oua‘ frauhre% April 24-in n;rka\ gtnou;lou famar Canaqqalh% ;rb anika no\n øre% ’i‘;®nakab;rdi |ou,afamalirin mh= patiu piti en‘a\h Fa\oz M;‘ :[;®ni xof;roun% ke zouzab;rh .ousa'oumi .ak (amateurish) møt;zoum (na.a];®noujiun) me ta®apo[ axgi me nkatmamb!
Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (Today's Zaman% 28 |ounouar% 2015)
N.O. February 26, 2015, No. 9:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% 26 ":TROUAR 2015
A=hn^ Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an% Irauaban |owsh' Kanim;an ;u Natia Wirap;an
Ararat Tan Fogabar]ouj;an at;nap;t Irauaban Prn& |owsh' Kanim;ani frauhrow% Fing,abji% |ounouar 23% 2015-in% ;r;ko\;an% Ararat Tan Fogabar]oun;rou amsakan vo[owi enjazqin% Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an masin fakiry x;ko\z oun;zau ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an andam ;u ÂAK-i <r=ana\in Warcouj;an 'o. at;nap;t Toqj& Âa`-
`i Pal;ane! Na.a];®nouj;an npatakn hr Ararat Tan ;u ga[oujis qa[aqakan ;u bar;sirakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou mi=;u kap;re amrapnd;l! A\s fandipoume ke fandisanar a®a=ine a\s ‘ragri ,arqin! Toqj& Pal;an ir x;ko\zi enjazqin n;rka\azouz ÂAK-i ‘nounde ;u \;taga\ xargazoumn;re! An andradar]au Kousakzouj;an a®aq;louj;an ;u axga\in kar;uor d;rin% s'iu®qi xanaxan ga[jøya.n;roun tara‘qin% incphs na;u n,;z miasnakan a,.atanqi kar;uoroujiune Fa\ Dati ;u pafan=atirouj;an w;rab;r;al% \atkaphs Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin ;u \a®a=ika\ tarin;roun! An ;xra'ak;z fa[ord;low% or ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiune ;rkaram;a\ xørakzoujiun zo\z toua‘ h ;u ke ,arounakh satar;l Ararat Tan!
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ªKanq% piti lin;nq ou d;® ,atananqº
ÂAXMAKAN GOR’ICN:R |atouk ouxoum ;m n,;l Laxar S;r;b\akowi ({axar Markosi Ar‘ajagor‘;an) anoune! 182829 jj& ®ous jourqakan pat;raxmoum ir goumartakow a®a=inn h y;[q;l Anapa\i amrozi pa,tpanoujiune ;u jourq 'a,a\iz endoun;l b;rdi banalin;rn ou drø,n;re! Masnakz;l h Wa®na\i (Poulkaria) graumane! ’a®a\;l h S;u‘ow;an 4 Palj;an nauatormn;roum% ;[;l h nau;ri framanatar% masnakz;l mi ,arq ‘owa\in ar,auanqn;ri! 1838-in fimnadr;l h Nowo®osi\ske! 1853-in nra gl.auora‘ nauatormi[e ®mbako‘;l h jourq;ri graua‘ S& Nikola\i amroze% Trapixoni møt .ortak;l jourqakan fing nau% g;r;l mhke! 1854-in nran ,norfou;l h ®axma‘owa\in nauatormi ‘owakali kocoum! A\l ®axmakan gor‘icn;r& Loris M;liqow Miqa\hl – p;takan% ®axmakan gor‘ic% f;‘;laxøri g;n;ral! Kana\an Drastmat (Drø) ®axmakan% qa[aqakan gor‘ic% xørawar% ;[;l h Fa\astani A®a=in Fanrap;touj;an ®axmakan na.arar! Âoustam (>acatr;an Âostom) - ®axmakan gor‘ic% Na'olhon Ponaparti jiknapaf n;riz! Sargs;an Arkadi – t;.nikakan gitoujiunn;ri doktor% gndap;t% ÂD ®axmakan akad;mia\i akad;mikos! Silik;an Mowshs – g;n;rallh\t;nant% ;[;l h Wani xøra.mbi framanatare% Sardarapati f;ros! Souworow Al;qsandr - ®ous xørawar% ma\re^ Awdotia Jadhosi Manoukowa^ fa\ h)! Nvd;f Gar;gin (Thr-|aroujiun;an) – xørawar% z;[akrøn ,arvman [;kawar% sparap;t% ®axmakan qa[aqakan gor‘ic% fraparaka.øs% 'iliso'a\! "iroum;an Danihl – B;k ®axmakan gor‘ic% fa\kakan banaki g;n;ral – ma\or% ;[;l h Sardarapati xørq;ri framanatare! "iroum;an Pø[os – B;k ®axmakan gor‘ic% g;n;ral-ma\or% Sardarapati yakatamarti masnakiz! Thr - {oukasow Ar,ak - ®ousakan banaki xørawar% g;n;ral – lh\t;nant! S;pouf (Ar,ak N;rsis;an) –
axga\in axatagrakan pa\qari martik% xørawar% gndap;t! Andranik (Øxan;an Andranik Jorosi) – am;na\a\tni fa\ vo[owrdakan f;rose% fa\ axga\in axatagrakan ,arvman gor‘ic% xørawar% Poulkaria\i vo[owrdakan f;ros% g;n;ral – ma\or! Andraniki masin baxmajiu grq;r h grou;l% ;rg;r^ fiusou;l! Naxarb;kow (Naxarb;k;an) Jowmas - ®axmakan gor‘ic% g;n;ral – lh\t;nant! 1914-18 jouakann;rin k®ou;l h Kowkas;an ®axmayakatoum! Nra diuixia\oum h gor‘;l Andraniki Fa\kakan kamauorakan 1-in =okate! Nra framanatarouj;amb ®ous xøramas;re ;u fa\ kamauorakann;re =a.=a.;l ;n >alil ph\i jourqakan korpouse! 1918-i Ma\isin nra [;kawarouj;amb fa\kakan xørq;re \a[j;l ;n Pa, Aparani ;u Sardarapati yakatamart;roum% kas;zr;l jourq xørq;ri a®a=.a[azoume {araqilisa\oum! Fa\ ®axmakan gor‘icn;re acqi ;n enk;l na;u [araba[;an inqnapa,tpanouj;an ;u ®axmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;ri vamanak% n,;nq mi qanisin& Dalibalj;an Gourghn – g;n;ral – gndap;t% FF xinoua‘ ouv;ri ,tabi p;t% pa,tpanouj;an a®a=in 'o.na.arar% an]amb [;kawar;l h >o=aloui axatagrman% <ou,ii% Lacini% mardasirakan mi=anzqi bazman% Q;lba=ari krakakht;ri wnasax;r‘man ®axmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;re! >acatourow :ouri – fa\kakan banaki g;n;ral-lh\t;nant% masnakz;l% [;kawar;l h a®an]in martakan gor‘o[oujiunn;r Tauou,i% Yambaraki% Kapani% Q;lba=ari ,r=ann;roum% 2000 jouakaniz FF pa,tpanouj;an na.arari t;[akal! Thr-Jadhos;an Arkadi (Komandos) - ®axmakan gor‘ic% g;n;ral-ma\or% [;kawar;l h <ou,ii axatagrman yakatamarte! Sargs;an Waxghn – Fa\astani pa,tpanouj;an na.arar% sparap;t% Fa\astani axga\in f;ros% xofou;l h Fa\astani G;rago\n >orfrdoum! Sargs;an Margarit – Arza.i f;rosoufi% fra]ig% ocncazr;l h j,namou 37 xinouor% pa\j;zr;l h ir;n ;us 7 j,nami! Krph\;an Jajoul – Arza.;an axatagrakan ,arvman <ar& h= 15
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Israeli Scholar Yair Auron About Genocide Recognition And Artsakh
On a three-day visit to Artsakh Israeli genocide scholar Yair Auron had meetings with officials, youth and soldiers. He met with reporters in Stepanakert to share the impressions. The scholar confesses he didn’t know much about the Artsakh war. As a genocide expert, Auron does not accept describing the events in Khojalu, as well as Sumgait and Baku as “genocide.” “Some people say the events in Khojalu constituted genocide, but they do not comply with the classical definition of genocide.” As for the events in Sumgait and Baku, the scholar said he has not conducted research on these concrete cases, but considers they should be called “massacres.”
Sam Kartoonian
US Congressmen To Present Armenian Genocide Recognition Resolution Four members of Congress in the U.S. last week invited their colleagues to become an original co-sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Recognition Resolution, which accuses the Ottoman Empire of committing genocide in 1915 and asking President Barack Obama to pressure the Turkish government to resolve the issue. Daily Sabah informs about this. A letter addressed to U.S. congressmen, penned by Robert J. Dold (Republican from Illinois), David Valado (Republican from California), Adam B. Schiff (Democrate from California) and Frank Pallone (Democrat from New Jersey), claims that the Ot-
toman Empire killed 1.5 million Armenians between April 24, 1915 and 1923. "Forty-two U.S. states have recognized the Armenian Genocide, as have 11 of our NATO allies. On this special year, it is time for the United States government to officially join with those voices standing against this genocide denial. We can help bring closure to this longstanding moral issue that continues to impact U.S. interests," the letter read. Representatives declared that they would be introducing the resolution next Tuesday, Feb. 24 and the same language as in House Resolution 227 from the 113th Congress would be used.
Turkey Has Nothing To Do In The Nagorno Karabakh Peace Process – Eduard Sharmazanov Armenian Parliament Vice-Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov delivered a speech in Armenia’s Parliament on Tuesday. Instead of rejecting its policy of denying the Armenian Genocide and setting preconditions, Turkey, on the one hand, is linking Armenian-Turkish rapprochement to a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and, on the other hand, is applying
the same standards to both the butcher and the victim instead of facing its own history. “This is inadmissible indeed. Turkey has nothing to do in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. The key to a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in the Artsakh people’s hands,” Mr Sharmazanov said. !
Judge Rules In Favor Ot Placing Nayiri Nahabedian On Ballot For Glenadale Elections Nahabedian is placed on ballot for April 7th Glendale municipal elections.
The Armenian Council of America is pleased to announce the endorsement of Sam Kartounian for Redondo Beach City Council’s 3rd district. Mr. Kartounian is a business owner, has over 20 years of civic involvement in Redondo Beach and is committed to giving back to the community which honored his family business, TicTime Trends, with the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce 2010 Business of the Year award. Mr. Kartounian has applied his business experience and know-how, to municipal issues, by serving on the Budget and Finance Commission, the Sister City Committee, as well as taking part in the official City delegation that visited China. Mr. Kartounian is also active within the Chamber of Commerce, serving on its board and its Government Relations Council. The Redondo Beach City election will be held on March 3, 2015. For more information, and to find your polling place please visit the Redondo Beach City Clerk’s website.
Glendale, CA – On Thursday, February 19th, Judge James C. Chalfant at the Los Angeles Superior Court in Downtown LA ruled in favor of placing Nayiri Nahabedian on the ballot as a candidate for Glendale Unified School Board. Upon hearing the court's decision, Nahabedian, a current Glendale School Boardmember who has been re-elected twice, had this to say: “Today, the system worked. The core values of democracy and inclusiveness beat out bureaucratic roadblocks and I am pleased to see the legal system upholding my right to be on the ballot. I want to thank all my supporters who stood strong with me throughout this ordeal. It has been an extremely humbling experience to see so many people stand by me; it has further instilled in me a desire to fight even harder for our schools, our children, and our teachers. I am eager to engage the residents of Glendale Unified about the future of our schools and I look forward to debating the issues and showing voters what we can accomplish together.”
Congressman Hardy Willing To Join Armenian Caucus
The Armenian Council of America (ACA) met with freshman Congressman Cresent Hardy to discuss Armenian-American causes and issues and provide him with an update regarding the rapidly growing Armenian-American community in Southern Nevada.
Another Abscess Decleration
U.S. Dept. Of State Calls For Release Of Azeris Jailed In Karabakh The U.S. Department of State has called for the release of two Azerbaijanis who are in prison in N a g o r n o Karabakh after being convicted on murder and sabotage charged last year. Speaking at a daily press briefing on Monday, Spokesperson Jen Psaki reiterated Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland’s earlier statement urging the relevant authorities to make a “humanitarian gesture” and hand over the “prisoners”, Dilham Askerov and Shahbaz Quliyev, to Azerbaijan. “Such humanitarian gestures have been shown to reduce tensions and build trust between the sides. So that’s what she [Nuland] was referring to,” she said.
Karabakh To U.S. State Dept.: Return Of Azeri Saboteurs Impossible The press secretary of the Nagorno Karabakh president expressed astonishment over the U.S. Department of State’s recent call for return of Azerbaijani saboteurs, Tert.am reports. “I don’t think it is possible; we have already voiced our position,” David Babayan told Tert.am, when asked to comment on the possibility of Azerbaijan’s future claims in the wake of Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki’s reiteration of Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland’s earlier call.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 26, 2015
ADL Party Representative Addresse Ararat Home Board Of Trustees
Mission Hills, CA – At its regular monthly meeting on January 23, 2015, the Ararat Home Board of Trustees was pleased to invite to the floor one of its members, Dr. Raffi Balian, as a representative of the Armenian Democratic Liberal (ADL) Party (Ramgavar Azadagan Goosagtsootioun). In an effort to forge closer bonds between Ararat Home and leaders and organizations in the Armenian community, Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. announced that this would be the first of a series of such meetings. Mr. Kanimian introduced Dr. Balian as a member of the Central Committee of the Worldwide ADL Party, the Vice Chairman of the U.S. Western District Committee of the ADLP, and Chairman of the Armenian Rights Council of America Western Region. Dr. Balian expressed his appreciation for being given the opportunity to more closely introduce Board members to the ADL Party. He spoke of the organization’s history from its inception in Van in 1885 to its growth into a national organization taking root in the Armenian Diaspora. He reviewed its activities and contributions in Armenian communities worldwide and said that its main purpose is to preserve Armenian values. Dr. Balian emphasized that the Western Region of the ADL Party has been a long-time supporter of Ararat Home’s mission of caring for Armenian elderly.
Assembly To Hold Armenian Genocide Symposium At Anual Members Meeting In Florida Symposium Will Take Place in Boca Raton on Saturday, March 14, 2015
Washington, DC – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) is pleased to announce the speakers for the Armenian Genocide Symposium that will take place during the Annual Members Meeting weekend in Boca Raton, Florida, March 1314, 2015. Entitled “A Century of Genocide: The 1915 Armenian Genocide & Its Lasting Impact," the symposium will feature Dr. Rouben Adalian, Dr. Rosanna Gatens, and Hannibal Travis. Dr. Adalian will present on the topic “The Armenian Genocide as a Prototype of 20th Century Mass Killings.” Dr. Gatens will discuss “The Impact of the Armenian Genocide on Holocaust Education,” and Hannibal Travis will present “The Armenian Genocide as a Political & Illegal Crime.” Assembly Trustee Marta Batmasian will moderate the discussion. The Symposium will take place on Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Dr. Rouben P. Adalian is the Director of the Armenian National Institute (ANI) in Washington, DC. He is the editor of The Armenian Genocide in the U.S. Archives 19151918 and its accompanying Guide and associate editor of the Encyclopedia of
Genocide. Dr. Rosanna M. Gatens is the Director of the Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education (CHHRE) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, Florida. Dr. Gatens is a specialist in the social and intellectual history of Germany, especially during the era of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. Hannibal Travis is a Professor of Law at Florida International University (FIU) College of Law in Miami, Florida. He has published widely on Ottoman Turkey’s Christian genocide, freedom of expression, religious freedom in the contemporary Middle East, and human rights in Africa. The Assembly’s Armenian Genocide Symposium will be held at the Marriott Hotel at Boca Town Center, 5150 Town Center Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33486 on Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Guests that are travelling from out of town should call (561) 392-4600 to reserve a room at the Armenian Assembly’s reduced rate of $169.00 per night. To register for the Symposium or additional information please contact Assembly South Florida Regional Council Chair Carol Norigian at southflaaa@gmail.com.
Essai Altoonian (France), Tamar Kaprelian (USA) and Vahe Tilbian (Ethiopia) Named To Represent Armenia In Eurovision 2015 Tamar Mardirossian, known by her artist name, Tamar Kaprelian, is the second artist named to represent Armenia in Eurovision 2015. She was born in Scottsdale, Arizona, and lived in Georgia, California. First nominee was Essai Altoonian from Europe. Armenia has revealed the name of the third participant of her "Genealogy" project. And he is rock techno, reggae and R & B artist Vahe Tilbian form Ethiopia. He is the representative of Africa.
Tamar Kaprelian granddaughter of past president of Iraqi AGBU and one of the pillars of the Iraqi community, late Jirayr Kaprielian and Digin Hasmig Kaprielian, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Silva Mardirosian, is going to represent Armenia in Eurovision which will be held in Vienna, Austria, on May 19, 21, 23, 2015. This contest is televised in all Europe and all participating countries. It is also televised in the USA and in Glendale on most of the Armenian local TV channels. It is really great honor and immense pleasure and pride to all the people who know this family, and for all the Armenians in Ar-
menia and in the Diaspora. Congratulations to Tamar, her parents, brother, grandparents and uncles form the Iraqi Armenian Family Association. Tamar is a renowed American Armenian singer and song writer and she is well known star in the American arena. For more details about this exceptional talented song writer and singer you can go to Youtube, Tamar Kaprelian. Our best wishes to Tamar and we wish victory and success to her and all the participants representing Armenia in this Eurovision contest. Khachig Janoyan
Knights Of Vartan Organization Launches Lecture Series On Genocide The Knights of Vartan (KoV) Ani Lodge in Washington has begun a threepart academic lecture series touching upon different aspects of the Armenian Genocide, The Armenian Weekly reports. The first lecture, “Oil, Politics, and the Genocide in Armenia: The First World War Retrospect,” featured Professor Christo-
pher Simpson, a professor of journalism at the School of Communications at American University. The event was held on Jan. 29 at American University. The second lecture will feature Prof. Simpson on the same topic on Thurs., Feb. 26, at George Mason University. The third and final lecture will feature
Dr. Gregory Stanton, a research professor in genocide studies and prevention at George Mason University, in a presentation on “Why Denial Violates the Genocide Convention: The Genocides of Armenians, Native Americans, and Tutsis in Rwanda.” The event will take place on Thurs., March 19, at the George Washington University Law School. Cont. on p.10
100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
March 8, 2015 Commemoration Events in Orange County 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 where 1.5 million innocent Armenian men, women, and children were brutally murdered in a centrally planned and systematically executed plan by the Ottoman Turkish government to exterminate the Armenian people. Every year the Armenian community of Orange County gathers to commemorate this solemn day remembering the victims and celebrating the survival of a nation. This year the Centennial Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee (CAGMC) of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church under the auspices of the Armenian Church Western Diocese and with the support from various Armenian organizations, has organized the special commemorative events on March 8, 2015 beginning with the dedication and consecration of the newly constructed Genocide Centennial Monument at St. Mary Armenian Church at 148 22nd Street in Costa Mesa at 12:30 pm by Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of Western Diocese, immediately following the Celebration of Divine Liturgy. Later that same day the l commemoration event will take place at 4:00 pm at Robert B. Moore Theater on the campus of Orange Coast Community College (OCC) 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA. The Armenian community of Orange County with all of its organizations, churches, the Armenian school, community members and friends will gather to once again honor the memory of the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century while renewing its commitment to continue the struggle for justice. His eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian will conduct the Invocation and Benediction at the centennial featuring Armenian folk music and poetry, an orchestra conducted by Maestro Mikael Avetisyan, and messages by the CAGMC, Knights of Vartan, and the ANCA. Special performances by the Armenian Folk Ensemble, Los Angeles Armenian Society Choir, Glendale Chamber Orchestra and the ISM Youth Choir will highlight the evening along with musical performances by Elina Ohannessian, Emily Simonian, Ani Keropian & Ara Dakessian, and special guest Sebu Simonian of Capital Cities. The Armenian community of Orange County having adopted the motto “unity is our strength” a few years ago continues to working together on important issues such as the Armenian Genocide, which has impacted every individual of Armenian descent many of whom cannot trace their ancestry beyond 1915. We invite all of our community members, family and friends, Armenians and non-Armenians alike to join us on March 8th to commemorate and honor, create awareness and educate, and renew our commitment and activate our peers to work towards recognition and reparations for the Armenian Genocide. Admission is free. For info, please call St. Mary Armenian Church (949)650-8367 or www.stmaryarmenianchurch.com St. Mary Armenian Church, St. Mary Parish Council, St. Mary Ladies Society, St. Mary Hovsepian Choir, St. Mary Cultural Committee, St. Mary ACYO, St. Mary Sunday School, Armenian Church Western Diocese, Forty Martyrs Armenian Church, AGM Armenian School, ANCA Orange County, Armenian Community Center of OC, ARF Armen Karo Gomideh, ARS Karni, ARS Sevan, AYF Ashod Yergat & Aghpiur Serop Junior chapters, AGBU Orange County, Knights of Vartan, Daughters of Vartan, Hamazkayin Siamanto, Homenetmen Sardarabad, UCI Armenian Students Association, OC Armenian Professional Society, OC Guild of Ararat Home, Armenian Christian Fellowship of OC
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 26, 2015
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
54 - Osman Kavala By Hambersom Aghbashian
Join GenEd & the UC Berkeley Armenian Studies Program for an evening with Dana Walrath, author of Like Water on Stone, a novel in verse for young adults. Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Vaspouragan Hall 51 Commonwealth Ave, San Francisco Like Water on Stone is a young adult novel in verse about the Armenian Genocide of 1915. This haunting novel tells the story of fourteen-year-old twins Shahen and Sosi who flee into the mountains when Ottoman pashas implement their plans to eliminate all Armenians. The orphaned twins and their younger sister hide by day and run at night, crossing mountain ridges and rivers red with blood. Lyrical language wraps the description of the Armenian genocide in a note of magical realism with Ardziv, an eagle, describing the children's escape. Dr. Walrath will speak about her experiences in Armenia as a Fulbright Scholar, her travels to Western Armenia in 1984 and how these journeys influenced the book, which is being adapted as an animated film, premiering in Armenia in April, 2015, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Dana Walrath is the granddaughter of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. She earned a PhD in anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and a BA from Barnard College, Columbia University. She completed Like Water on Stone (Delacorte/Random House, 2014), her first novel, during her year as a Fulbright Scholar in Armenia working on a project for her award-winning graphic memoir series Aliceheimer's (Harvest, 2013). When not in the mountains of Armenia, she lives in the mountains of Vermont where she is on faculty at the University of Vermont's College of Medicine. Praise for Like Water on Stone: 2015 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People & 2015 Notable Book for a Global Society "A shocking tale of a bleak moment in history, told with stunning beauty." Publisher's Weekly, starred review "I have walked through the remnants of the Armenian civilization in Palu and Chunkush; I have stood on the banks of the Euphrates. And still I was unprepared for how deeply moved I would be by Dana Walrath's poignant, unflinching evocation of the Armenian genocide. Her beautiful poetry and deft storytelling stayed with me long after I had finished this powerful novel in verse." — Chris Bohjalian, author of The Sandcastle Girls and Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands Hosted by The Genocide Education Project and the UC Berkeley Armenian Studies Program. For more information, email info@genocideeducation.org or call (415) 264-4203. Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) 1060 First Avenue, Suite 400, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Office: 610.213.3452 Fax: 610.229.5168 Email: gyacoubian@soar-us.org Web: www.soar-us.org
Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) 10th anniversary gala Saturday, March 14, 2015, 6:00PM-1:00AM Sheraton University City Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Welcoming Sister Arousiag Sajonian, Our Lady of Armenia Center Keynote Speakers Alexis Ohanian & Dr. Ronald Suny Guests of Honor Mark Geragos, Esq. & Michael Aram Performances Artsakh Band Philadelphia Hamazkayin Meghry Dance Group International Superstar Robert Chilingirian For additional information, visit http://soar-us.org/news.html#national or contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at 610.213.3452 or gyacoubian@soar-us.org. Tickets available at https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?auctionId=227056975
Osman Kavala (born in Paris in 1957), is a prominent Turkish businessman. After graduating from Robert College in Istanbul he continued his higher education and graduated from Manchester University, Department of Economics. After his father's death in 1980 , he began working as a manager for many business groups. Osman Kavala is the Chair of the Board of Anadolu Kulture which is a non-profit company based in Istanbul, and is a member of various business and social organizations Board of Directors. He is also the sponsor of many cultural organizations.(1) In its article "Armenian culture in Turkey, From the ashes" , "The Economist" wrote on Aug 24, 2013, "Around 2 million Armenians are believed to have lived in Turkey before the genocide. Now there are about 70,000. Survivors are scattered across the Middle East, Europe, America and Australia. Many more converted to Islam to carry on, but their numbers remain unknown. Osman Koker, a Turkish historian, reckons that more than half of Diyarbakir’s population used to be non-Muslim, mainly Armenian Orthodox, but also Catholic, Syrian Orthodox and Jewish. “Now”, says Mr Koker, “there is practically none.”(2) In a text released with a you tube by EGAM - European Grassroots Antiracist Movement, about Osman Kavala's Impression of the "Remember 24 April1915" , 2014 initiative, EGAM quoted Kavala, Founder of Anadolu Kültür Foundation-Turkey saying "We are getting closer to the 100th year, and this is affecting the feelings, making them heavier, of everyone involved. Having the European Delegation is important, and shows a bond of solidarity with them and the local organizations in Turkey." It added that European leaders, who are members of DurDe!, EGAM, and AGBU Europe, helped to facilitate large public commemorations of the Armenian Genocide, and helped in bringing together many people affected by it. Everyone involved was there to show their support and to help work towards stopping the continual denial of the genocide by the Turkish government.(3) Ozgun Caglar, wrote an article on October 2014 in Agos, entitled "Unresolved Trauma Reason for Violence, Suffering". He mentioned that Diyarbakir’s Ismail Besikci Foundation hosted a symposium on Oct. 25 titled “1915 Diyarbekir and the Kurds”. Sociologist Osman Kavala, one of the participants said that "Turkish civil society has to campaign for the recognition of the Genocide because there is no big Armenian community in Turkey any more. There is no genocide anymore. But this issue is not local anymore. It’s an international issue because the Genocide created the Armenian Diaspora and this Diaspora is working for the recognition of the Genocide by the parliaments in the countries where Armenians live. " He added “We are trying to explain to people that this is an internal issue to be solved in Turkey. We are trying to explain that we are not working on this issue to compensate the injustice committed against the Armenian people but to make Turkey a more civilized and democratic state.”(4) "Turks, Armenians, foreign delegation commemorate 1915 events" was "Todays Zaman"s April 24, 2013 article where it mentioned that "Turkish Armenians and Turkish civil society groups joined with a foreign delegation comprising 20 anti-racist
and Armenian representatives from 15 countries to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the tragic events of 1915 in Istanbul's Sultanahmet Square on Wednesday." It added that many of the protesters think that public opinion should be changed in such a way that when Turkey recognizes the 1915 events, there will not be strong opposition to the steps that will be taken by the government to solve the issue. Osman Kavala, who attended the commemoration, told Today's Zaman that public opinion could be changed through giving objective information to schools and via media. “Opinion may change in a short time period,” he added.(5) In his article entitled " Turks Could Gain More Than Armenians By Acknowledging the Genocide" , Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier wrote in Armenian Pundits, "It is noteworthy that prominent and sensible businessman Osman Kavala wrote in his “armworkshop” posting: “It is not possible to dismiss the issue of compensation so readily. One can find it controversial, unrealistic [and] harmful to strategic priorities, etc., but it is clear that unlike ‘land return,’ it [compensation] will remain an issue to be discussed in the course of the reconciliation process.”(6) On May 2, 2011, "Hye Media" wrote: "A current exhibition of Turkish photographer Erhan Arik in Istanbul telling about genocide survivors has moved not only local Armenians, but also many Turks visiting it. The photographer himself says with his exhibition called “Horovel” he has opened for his countrymen a new page of history – a painful one. But Erhan says “keeping silence about is a bigger and more dangerous crime”. The Exhibition was organized in the DEPO hall of the Anadolu Kultur cultural center, which is an establishment that has advocated Turkish-Armenian relations and has implemented a number of joint projects to this effect.The hall’s director Osman Kavala, despite risks, continues to provide space to Armenian artists and for various events on Armenian subjects. “We are interested in having such exhibitions, as we need to create space for dialogue, for discussion on different issues, such as human rights, social, political issues. Such an exhibition could not have been organized in Turkey only a few years ago, but now it is already normal. Unless there are certain steps by nationalists, everything goes quite well,” Kavala told ArmeniaNow."(7)
1.http://www.ensonhaber.com/is-adamiosman-kavala-biber-gazi-yedi-2011-06-27.html 2.http://www.economist.com/news/booksand-arts/21583981-turkish-armenians-are-beginning-celebrateand-commemoratetheir-past-a shes 3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHqcxY8Wc 4.http://www.keghart.com/Caglar-Suffering 5.http://www.todayszaman.com/diplomacy_turks-armenians-foreign-delegation-commemorate-1915-events_313616.html 6.https://armenianpundits.wordpress.com/ 2007/12/20/turks-could-gain-more-than-armenians 7.http://hyemedia.com/2011/05/turkishphotographer%E2%80%99s-exhibition-in-istanbul-presents-accounts-of-armenian-genocide -survivors/
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 26, 2015
A Beautiful Mind: A Powerful Interview With Seeroon Yeretzian By: Christine Soussa Edited By: Meleeneh DerHartunian Cont. from #8 Q5: What is your life philosophy? Seeroon: All my life I have been an egalitarian, humanitarian, altruist, evolutionist. I have used every second of my existence by using each minute to create, through art, music, and writing: • I have sung everything from Opera to Beatles and Freddie Mercury. • I learned 5 languages. • I have painted over 2,000 peacocks. • I would daily go to Downtown Los Angeles to meet with my “homeless friends.” I would help them by giving them food and water. I would talk to them about their alcohol and drug addictions. I would talk with them about how they became homeless? Many were war veterans. One day, when I was parking my Jeep in downtown, I noticed a woman (she resembled my mother). She was carrying garbage bag after garbage bag. I exited my car and tried to help her, and she refused. I immediately grabbed my Polaroid camera and took many photos of her. She moved around a lot so I wouldn’t get a clear image, but I was stubborn. Finally she stopped and looked at me with a gaze that said, “Here is the photo you want, now leave me alone.” I thought she was hiding from “humanimals;” she had thrown herself into the same garbage bags she was carrying. That night, when I got home, she was on my mind. After the family went to sleep, in the middle of the night, I went to my downstairs studio and did my Moonlight painting. I painted her on canvasses and in different poses. • I have painted women on crosses to defend “womanity” to help showcase the importance of equality and women’s rights. • My alphabets are composed with elements of nature. • I have painted thousands of eyes on thousands of heads. • I have painted thousands of rock carving figures. My philosophy of life is not to waste any second or even half a second of our valuable timelife; it’s too precious. Give help to needy families and in general to other beings in need, humans and animals. Question 6: How does faith influence you? Seeroon: I grew up going to church every Sunday with my mother. Sometimes I have questioned my faith: escaping the war in Lebanon I wondered WHERE is God? Growing up in a refugee camp, with so many who were Armenian Genocide survivors, I wondered WHERE is God? Was he on vacation? There continues to be so much pain, hate, and killing in the world, where is God? Now ISIS is devouring the Middle East and the world. In God’s name so many perish – WHERE is God? My father was an Atheist; he used to tell me that non-believers were more likely to be Pacifist. His only concession to the existence of God was in Love–according to him LOVE is the only pathway to God because it leads us to experience ethereal heights, which in turn become earthly Heaven and we embody God. In the past 4 years as I struggle in my prison of ALS disease, I realize God…God is Love. During my tortured last years, I re-
alize that God = Love. My family, friends, and fans who support and love me, that is God. In every good deed God is present. God is Love, and He is with us all the time, even if we question Him sometimes. I pray that each of you who read this embrace “God Love” to yourself and everyone around you. I would like to say thank you to my precious friends and family who have been dear to me during this time. Thank you, Harry Vahan Mesrobian, Lena Hartounian and my son Arno Yeretzian. Question 7: Tell me about the Rose Parade Float experience. Seeroon: I have been a big fan of the Rose Parade and had planned to apply for float design. I was going to compose my design with illuminated alphabets in different languages to showcase the multicultural beauty of Los Angeles using different colors of flowers, animals, birds, trees, and people. However, unfortunately, that dream, like many others I have, cannot be a reality because for the past four years I have been crucified with the ailment of ALS. This illness gradually killed my muscles and super healthy mind. My knowledge “bankhead” sits on top of my useless dead body. I am unable to do anything. All I can do is write with my eyes on a superb devise, Dynavox. Now, readers, do you see the absolute importance of not wasting time and embracing each and every second of existence?! Seeing the Rose Float this year was a very proud moment for me. I am delighted that my “Seeroon Darer” book inspired the designer of the Armenian Float. I dedicated 25 years of my life to that book and seeing it come to fruition on a global platform made me very happy. The designer of the Armenian Float used my “Pomegranate Tree” painting as the centerpiece and crown of the float. I had illustrated this image three years earlier for a friend, and eventually I turned it into a square greeting card, and ultimately it turned into a threedimensional tree that sat on top of the first Armenian Float. It is a delightful journey for me to see how my artwork inspires not only me but those who see it. Before interviewing Seeroon, I (Christine) saw the float firsthand with my mother, 90+ year old grandmother, toddler, and infant. Standing before the stunning float with four generations, I marveled with pride at the strength and beauty of our cultural heritage and history—what a rich culture we have! What a remarkable opportunity this was for Armenians to educate others about our Armenian language, music, arts, religion, and contributions to society in all areas because the Tournament of Roses was a true global stage with a wide broadcast reach. My (Christine) interaction with Seeroon was probably the one of most powerful ecounters I have ever had and one I will always cherish. After reading this piece, you can understand why. To learn more about AIWA, please visit www.aiwainternational.org. To get involved with the AIWA SF affiliate, please visit www.aiwasanfrancisco.com or send an email to aiwasanfrancisco@gmail.com. !
Seeroon Yeretzian's Art To Be Exhibited In New York Art Gallery New York, NY – I EXIST, an exhibition of art celebrating the work of Los Angelesbased artist SEEROON YERETZIAN, will be on display at the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ARTISTS' Art Gallery at 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1405, New York, NY 10011. The exhibit will run from MARCH 5 to MARCH 27, 2015. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The artist will be present at the opening reception on THURSDAY, MARCH 5, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. SEEROON YERETZIAN is an accomplished artist with diverse talents in painting, sculpture, and illustration. Born in 1951 at the Tiro refugee camp in Beirut , Lebanon, Seeroon was exposed to both the beauty and suffering of the world. This dichotomy has emerged in her work in what she calls her “Sunshine” and “Moonshine” art. The “Sunshine” pieces are rich in color, showcasing many life-giving earthly elements and produced during daytime. Conversely, the “Moonshine” pieces reflect themes based on personal experiences ranging from the Armenian Genocide to homelessness and self identity. Recognized for reviving the art of prehistoric Armenian petro glyphs and medieval Armenian ornamental art, her masterpieces include the elaborate “Four Seasons” and her 17 alphabets of different languages executed in the tradition and style of the Armenian ornate initials. Seeroon received her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in 1985 from the OtisParsons Art Institute and School of Design. She has authored three books, her self titled art book, Seeroon Yeretzian, her book of po-
etry, Word Weaving & Black Seat Confessions, and her best-seller, Seeroon Darer: Armenian Ornate Initials. This book recently served as the artistic inspiration for the design of the Armenian American Rose Float Association’s award winning float in the 126th Annual Rose Parade, entitled, Cradle of Civilization. In 2014, the City of Glendale, California, bestowed upon her its “Lifetime Achievement Award” for the arts. Although she was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease in 2012, Seeroon continues to create to this day. She has exhibited in numerous solo and group shows and her art is found in private collections and major institutions. The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ARTISTS (N.A.W.A.) was founded in 1889 as the Women's Art Club. Renamed in 1941, the Association fosters public awareness of, and interest in, visual art created by women in the United States . The Association promotes culture and education in the visual arts through exhibitions of its members’ works, educational programs, scholarships, awards, its historical archive, and other appropriate means. While encouraging contemporary art and emerging artists, the Association honors and continues the long and important contribution of women to the history of American culture and art. Presented by National Association of Women Artists (N.A.W.A.). CONTACT: Susan Phillips at N.A.W.A. (212) 675.1616, office@thenawa.org / Arno Yeretzian (Artist representative) (818) 7262114, noor@abrilbooks.com
Arch. Derderian Offers Prayers For ABMDR Patients At St. Peter Church Service Los Angeles – During Sunday worship at St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Van Nuys on February 15, prayers were offered for patients of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR). The ceremony was officiated by Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese. In his sermon, Archbishop Derderian had high praise for the humanitarian work of ABMDR. As the Primate prayed for the full and speedy recovery of all ABMDR patients, he strongly encouraged congregants to support the registry’s life-saving mission by joining its ranks as potential bone marrow stem cell donors. “For the past 15 years, this wonderful organization has never stopped to reach out to Armenian communities across the globe, by raising health awareness, being a source of hope for patients and families, and saving lives through donor matches and the facilitation of bone marrow transplants,” the Archbishop said. Following the church service, parishioners had the opportunity to learn more about the work of the registry as a team of ABMDR Board members and volunteers answered questions and handed out infor-
mation. “Archbishop Derderian continues to be one of ABMDR’s most dedicated advocates and supporters,” said ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan. “It is thanks to his leadership and activism that Armenian congregations across Southern California help advance our mission year after year.” About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 26,000 donors in 24 countries across four continents, identified 2,482 patients, and facilitated 20 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 6633609 or visit abmdr.am.
Knights Of Vartan... “The Knights of Vartan and the entire Washington, D.C. Armenian American community is grateful to Professor Simpson, Dr. Stanton, and these esteemed universities for advancing genocide and Holocaust education in our nation’s capital,” said Ani Lodge Commander Jake Bournazian. “Engaging the American pub-
Cont. from p.8 lic is a critical part of genocide education efforts. The Armenian community is intrinsically interested in the subject, and it is up to us to show the relevancy of studying the Armenian Genocide to issues that are important to the American public today,” he added. !
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toua‘ ;n jourq p;takanoujiune ;u m;[sakiz jourq anfatn;r ;u p;takan warcakaxmi andamn;r% oronq anzno[ fariur tarin;roun 'or]a‘ ;n a\d farzow ambo[=owin mo®azouj;an tal mardka\in enk;roujiunn;roun møt tiro[ anfatakan stazua‘qi an];®nm.;liouj;an ørinakarge ;u anor fimounqn;re! Masnaghtn;r a\n ;xrakazouj;an \anga‘ ;n% or an]nakan ;u fama\nakan ka\q;rou a\d auaxakouj;an f;t;uanqow jrqakan fanrap;toujiune ir n;rka\ tnt;sakan karo[akanouj;an fimqe ke parti a\d b®nagrauoumn;roun ;u jh a\d ;r;uo\je ,arounakoua‘ h fa\;rou ;u a\l ba.takiz 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou paraga\in Q;malakan jourq fanrap;touj;an ,r=anin al! Paron Tauoutø[lou oc mhk \i,atakoujiun k*enh grau;al fa\ axga\in ;u anfat fastatoujiunn;rou% ;k;[;zin;rou% dprozn;rou go\q;rou ;u stazoua‘qn;rou irauakan kazouj;an masin! A\s b®nagrau;al ka\q;re at;nin milia®auor tolarn;rou fasno[ arvhq me ke n;rka\aznhin ;u anonz manramasn ar]anagroujiunn;re ke gtnouin jrqakan pa,tønakan ar.iun;roun mh=! A\d b®nagrau;al incq;rou ;u kaloua‘n;rou masin bauakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;r al ;[a‘ ;n% ;jh Paron Tauoutø[loun t;[;ak ch a\d masin! Ard;øq a\d kaloua‘n;rou ;u stazoua‘qn;rou w;radar]e ir;nz irauathr;roun ;rkou vo[owourdn;rou fa,touj;an fimq ci# krnar ‘a®a\;l! - Jourqia ir n;rka\ safmann;roun mh= kaxmoua‘ h ir axga\in houj;nhn tarb;r axgoujiunn;rou patmakan fo[atara‘qn;rou grauoumow! A\d ªt;[a'o.ouj;anº f;t;uanqow a\d fo[atara‘qi patmakan thr;re irauaxrkoua‘ ;n ir;nz darauor fa\r;ni fo[;rhn% fo[;r% oronq ir;nz axga\in kaxmauoroumin ;u houj;an fimq ‘a®a\a‘ ;n! Ard;øq a\d fa\r;ni fo[atara‘qi w;radar]e ir;nz irauathr;roun ;rkou vo[owourdn;rou fa,touj;an fimq ci# krnar ‘a®a\;l! Paron Afmht Tauoutø[lou% incphs na;u ir ,our= ;[o[ masnaghtn;re% p;takan warcam;q;na\i anz;ali ;u n;rka\i bar]rastiyan pa,tønathr;re a\nqan al apou,% tght ;u ant;[;ak c;n krnar ellal% ;rb farze kou ga\ Fa\ Datin% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;nhn ‘ago[ irauakan% enk;ra\in ;u tnt;sakan f;t;uanqn;roun ;u irarou end;louxoua‘ qa[aqakan farz;roun% oronz masin a\dqan 'ojorik ka\ ir;nz ,our=! A\s pa\mann;roun tak anonq c;*n krnar a\l;us ba®a.a[;row mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqi ou,adroujiune ,;[azn;l boun niujhn% kam t;uaphs k®jnil ir;nz da,nakiz bar;kamn;rou m;[sakiz antarb;rouj;an wra\ a\d farzi qnnarkoume ;u ardaradat lou‘oume ja[;lou ir;nz qa[aqakan%
tnt;sakan kam ®axmagitakan fa,iun;roun mh=! Jourqia ci* krnar \auit;ans k;rpow na;u tnt;sakan ;u qa[aqakan bno\j oun;zo[ spa®naliqn;r t;[azn;l bolor anonz dhm% oronq mardka\in irauounqn;rou pa,tpanouj;an anounow ke 'or];n Jourqio\ \i,;zn;l% jh n;rka\ ir warqagi‘e .otor ke fam;mati ir dauana‘ mi=axga\in skxbounqn;roun ;u ord;gra‘ \an]nararouj;anz lo\sin tak! Paron Tauoutø[loui ;u jrqakan p;touj;an ord;gra‘ a\s ®axmawaroujiune o*c mhk ardiunq krna\ tal a\nqan at;n% or fa\ vo[owourde ir amhn fatoua‘n;row% fama\nqn;row% fa\r;ni ;u s'iu®q;an ba[kazouzic tarr;row ke m;rvh a\s arou;stakan møt;zoumn;re ;u ant;[itali ou miakam kamqow ke ,arounakh y,martouj;an ;u ardaradatouj;an ir pa\qare^ ‘ragroua‘ ;u gitakiz k;rpow! Jourqia mtafog h fa\ s'iu®qi ;u fa\r;niqi ];®narka‘% ‘ragra‘ ou \a®a=ika\in takauin ];®nark;li =anq;rou bno\jow ;u taro[ouj;amb% incphs na;u anonzmh b.o[ f;t;uanqn;rou f;®ankarow% ou bnakanabar w;ranorog mtas;u;®oumow kan.arg;lic mi=ozn;r ke ‘ragrh ;u i gor‘ piti dnh% anonz axd;zoujiune safmana'ak;lou% chxoqazn;lou kam =lat;lou famar! Paron Afmht Tauoutø[loui \ødoua‘e k*ar]anagroui a\d apikar 'or];rou ‘irin mh=! "o.anak gor‘nakan lou‘oumn;rou masin mta‘;lou% fa\ ;u jourq vo[owourdn;rou mi=;u bari kam;zo[ouj;an ;u fa,touj;an mjnorot me st;[‘;lou ;u xargazn;lou% an krknaki ;u apardiun =anq ke ja'h patmouj;an ;[;®nagor‘oujiunn;re w;radasauor;lou ;u patmakan nor tarb;rak me st;[‘;lou i npast Jourqio\! An ba®;rou ko\ti me mh= ;u arfamarf;li 'iliso'a\akan møt;zoumi me øgtagor‘oumow k*ouxh a\n tpauoroujiune st;[‘;l jh Jourqia 'o.oua‘ h% jh Jourqia qa[aqakirj ca'ani,;rou ke f;t;ui ;u jh Jourqia f;tamout h irarfaskazo[ouj;an yambow nor f;®ankarn;r banalou fa\ ;u jourq \arab;roujiunn;roun a®=;u! Parx h jh Paron Tauoutø[lou amhn =anq ke ja'h norago\n aypararakan ];®n;rhzouj;amb me ª.øsqow 'ilau ;';lº ;u ardiunqe framzn;l fa\ouj;an% a\n \o\sow% or fa\oujiune bar;mtørhn ke xi=i% ke mo®na\ ;[a‘e ;u k*ord;grh ir;n ou[[oua‘ ªjrqakan s'iu®qinº mas kaxm;lou frauhre! A\s mtadroujiune m;r fa\r;rou ;u anonz \a=ordo[ s;roundn;roun apra‘ patmouj;an an\arir .øsq;r ;n ;u ardaradat lou‘oumi fakotn;a\ bana];uoumn;r! Ibr patas.an fa\oujiune parxørhn k*esh! - Paro*n Tauoutø[lou& ª>øsqow 'ilau c∞;'i*rº! Oua,inkjen
<ar& h= 5-hn
masnakiz% Fa\astani axga\in f;ros (\;tmafou)! L{F-oum pat;raxmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;ri skxbin ;[;l h G;ta,hn-Martouna,hn ;nja,r=ani inqnapa,tpanouj;an framanatare! Xofou;l h G;ta,hni f;rosamartoum! M;lqon;an Monjh – fa\ axga\in-axatagrakan ,arvman gor‘ic% 'o.gndap;t% Fa\astani axga\in f;ros (\;tmafou)! :[;l h Fa\astani axatagrouj;an ga[tni banaki gl.auor xinouorakan marxice! 1990-iz xinouoragrou;l h Arza.i pa,tpanouj;ane! Masnakz;l h <afoum;ani ,r=anoum (Hrqh=% Mana,id% Bouxlou.) m[oua‘ mart;rin% nra framanatarouj;amb axatagrou;l ;n mi ,arq giu[;r% na.apatrast;l h Q;lba=ari ®axmakan gor‘o[oujiune% axatagr;l ambo[= ,r=ane% ;ua\ln! 1993-i |ounisin xofou;l h Marxili giu[i møt! Arvanaz;l h na;u Arza.i f;rosi kocmane! Monjhn mtauorakan xinouorakan hr% tirap;t;l h mi ,arq øtar l;xoun;ri!
Arza.;an go\amartoum baxmajiu fa\ marxikn;r nafatakou;zin% ,at;re fa,mandam dar]an% oun;nq ,at f;rosn;r% oronq arvani hin \i,atakou;lou a\s \ødoua‘oum% saka\n t;[i s[ouj;an patya®ow nranz candradar]a\! K;zz;n m;r f;rosn;re% nranq endmi,t mt;l ;n m;r vo[owrdi patmouj;an mh=! Ouxoum ;m a®an]naki n,;l m;r axga\in-axatagrakan pa\qari martikn;rin% m;r n,anauor `ita\in;rin& Babqhn Siuni ("ar;an P;tros)% A[biur S;rob (S;rob "a,a% Wardan;an S;rob)% Søsh Ma\rik (Wardan;an)% kinn h A[biur S;robi% Nikol Douman% S;uqar;zi Saqø (’owan;an Sargis)% "a,a\;an Karap;t% (;[;l h na;u gro[% parskakan ,afi palatakan)% "aramax (Sargis;an Majhos)% Q;®i (Ar,ak Gaua`;an)% Øri Isra\hl – famaxga\in axatagrakan ,arvman gor‘ic ;u a\ln!
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namarti enjazqoum% saka\n mrzakize m;‘ =anq;ri gnow karo[anoum hr .ousa';l nokaoutiz! 12 ®aountanoz m;namartoum mrzawarn;re mia]a\n \a[janake ,norf;zin fa\ b®nzqamartikin^ (116!112% 117!111% 117!111)! A\spisow Abrafame pa,tpan;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani ir tit[ose 46 m;namartoum ir \a[janakn;ri jiue faszn;low 42-i (42-4% 28KO)! ªIn] famar a\s \a[janake ,at kar;uor hº% asaz 35-am;a\ fa\ b®nzqamartike! A\n nouiroum ;m Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lizin!
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alandn a\s ør;rin gtnuoum h Anjalia\oum% ort;[ ousoumnamarxakan fauaq ;n anzkaznoum na;u mi ,arq fa\kakan ;u ®ousakan jim;r! <alande n;rka\ h gtnou;l ®ousakan ªOu`a\iº masnakzouj;amb .a[;riz mhkin% oriz \;to\ fandip;l h fa\axgi darpasapaf Dauij :ourc;nko\in! Qnnarkou;l h `oujpolisti^ FF fauaqakanoum fandhs galou f;®ankare! Ko[m;re pa\manauoroua‘oujiun ;n ];®q b;r;l farzin w;r=nakan lou‘oum tal amrane% ;rb auartoua‘ ke lini ÂD enjazik a®a=noujiune! N,;nq% or ÂD-oum gor‘oum h l;ghon;rn;ri safmana'akoum% ore karo[ h 'o'o.ou;l! Bazi a\d :ourc;nko\i pa\managire ªOua`a\iº f;t auartuoum h a\s taroua\ Ma\isin! • ªOuliseº Anjalia\oum fandip;l h mak;donakan ªWardariº f;t ;u \a[j;l 3-1 fa,ouow! ªWardariº kaxmoum fandipmane skxbiz masnakz;l h Arjour Miran;ane% isk Artak Da,;ann ou |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane mnaz;l ;n paf;sta\inn;ri nstaranin! Na.ord .a[oum ªOuliseº 1-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l hr ®ousakan ªSa.alininº! Miak kole .';l hr |owfannhs Gofar;ane! Qani or .øsq gnaz ªWardariº masin% n,;nq% or ªWardareº stougo[akan .a[oum kolaxourk oc-oqi h .a[az;l slowakiakan ªVilina\iº f;t! ªWardariº kaxmoum ambo[= fandipmane masnakz;l ;n Da,;ann ou Fambar]oum;ane% isk Miran;ane 'o.arinman h dours ;k;l 76-rd rophin! • Minski ªTinamønº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arjour :digar;ane 0-1 fa,ouow partou;l h Moskoua\i ªSpartakinº! ªSpartakiº kaxmoum 57-rd rophin 'o.arinman h dours ;k;l :oura Mowsis;ane! Jimi marxice kar‘iq h \a\tn;l 'or]a,r=an anzno[ `oujpolistrn;ri masin% a\d juoum :digar;ani ;u as;l h% or nranz w;rab;r;al oro,oumn;r au;li ou, ke ka\azn;nq! • ªValgiriseº ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani pa,tpan Artak :digar;ane% enk;rakan .a[oum 1-2 fa,ouow partou;l h farauqorhakan ªT;gouinº% orin :r;uani ªMikanº \a[j;l hr 2-1 fa,ouow! ";trouari 21-in irar f;t fandip;zin ªT;gouiº mrzakizn;re^ ªMikanº ;u ªValgiriseº ªMikaº-ªValgirisº^ 0-1! Minc a\d ªMikanº oc-oqi^ 1-1 h .a[az;l lijouaniakan ªAtlantasiº f;t! • {axa.akan ªAktobhiº ;u ®ousakan ªAnviiº mi=;u fandipoumn auartou;l h 2-2 fa,ouow! ªAktobhiº kaxmoum a®a=in koli f;[inak h dar];l FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Markos Pix;lin! • Anjalia\oum :r;uani ªBananzeº 3-rd stougo[akan .a[oum 1-3 fa,ouow xi=;l h ouxb;kakan ªAlmalikinº! ªBananziº kaxmoum
miak koli f;[inak h dar];l Sargis Balo\;ane! W;r=ine .';l h na;u ªBananzºªWolinº^ 1-1 fandipman patas.an kole! • P;rmi ªAmkareº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani pa,tpan Âob;rt Arxouman;ane% Jourqia\oum 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Moskoua\i ªLokomotiwinº! Arxouman;ane masnakz;l h ambo[= fandipmane! • |a\tni h dar];l FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an kisa;xra'akic 'ouli .a[azanke! A\sphs Marti 18-in ke fandip;n ªMikaºªBananzº% \a=ord øre^ ª"iunikº-ªAla,k;rtº xo\g;re! Patas.an fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Aprili 15-16-in! • :r;uani ª"iunikeº pa\managir h storagr;l kisapa,tpan Xauhn Bado\;ani f;t! |i,;zn;nq% or 25-am;a\ Xauhne w;r=in tarin;rin fandhs hr galis P;la®ousi^ BATH-i ;u ªGom;liº kaxmoum! • Giumrii ª<irakeº Anjalia\oum 2-3 fa,ouow xi=;l h l;fakan Plozk qa[aqi ªWisla\inº% isk w;r=in .a[oum^ 1-3 fa,ouow ouqraniakan ªWorskla\inº! • :r;uani ªArarateº kolaxourk oc-oqiow ;xra'ak;z Socioum auartoua‘ ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe^ .a[alow ÂD-i a®a=nouj;an a®a=in .mboum fandhs ;ko[ };rvinski ª>imikiº f;t ;u w;radar]au :r;uan! • Bound;slika\i 22-rd mrza'ouloum Dortmounti ªBorousianº fiurenkalou;lis 3-2 fa,ouow \a[j;z \;tnapaf ª<toutgartinº ;u 25 miauorow bar]razau 10-rd t;[e! M.ijar;ane .a[ada,t h mt;l 46-rd rophin! • ªAla,k;rteº 2-rd .a[oum 1-1 fa,ouow ocoqi h .a[az;l Xaparovihi ªM;talourgiº f;t!
:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM A.o\;ann;ri lika\oum ka\azan 1/8-rd ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqn;re& ª<a.t\orº-ªBauariaº^ 0-0% ª<alkhº-ªÂhalº^ 0-2% "SV-ªC;lsiº^ 1-1% ªBax;lº-ª"orjouº^ 1-1% ªManc;sjer Sijiº-ªBars;lonaº^ 1-2% ª:ouw;njousº-ªBorousiaº Dort&^ 2-1 (M.ijar;ane masnakz;z ambo[= fandipmane)% ªArs;nalº-ªMonakøº^ 1-3% ªL;u;rkoux;nº-ªAjl;tikøº^ 1-0!
:UROLIKA|OUM Ka\azan :urolika\i 1/16-rd ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqn;re& PSW-ªX;nijº^ 0-1% ªAnd;rl;.tº-ªTinamøº Moskoua^ 0-0% ªG;nkamº-ªTinamøº Qi;u^ 2-1% ªS;uiliaº-ªDortmountº Mon.;n^ 1-0% ªA\aqsºªL;giaº^ 1-0% ªWil\a®halº-ªXalzbourgº^ 2-1% ªTot;nf;mº-ª~;or;ntinaº^ 1-1% ªS;ltikº-ªInt;rnazionalº^ 3-3% ªLiw;rpoulº-ªB;,ikja,º^ 1-0% ª:ank Po\xº-ªHw;rjonº^ 1-4% ªWol`sbourgºªSportingº^ 2-0% ªJorinøº-ªAjl;tikº^ 2-2% ªAlborgº-ªBriughº^ 1-3% ªTrabxonsportºªNa'oliº^ 0-4% ªÂomaº-ª~h\nordº^ 1-1% ªDniprøº-ªØlimpiakosº^ 2-0! Patas.an fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan ";trouari 26-in!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Ziuri.oum auartou;z ªZurich Chess Challengº mrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin 6 grosma\st;rn;r% a\d juoum FF n;rka\azouzic
L;uon Aron;ane! Arag ,a.mati mrza,aroum L;uone 3 miauorow grau;z 2-rd t;[e^ \a[j;low Kar\akinin ;u Anandin% partou;low Kramnikiz ;u mius partian;re oc-oqi auart;low! |a[j;z Kramnike^ 3&5 miauor! Mrza,ari ardiunqoum 7 miauor wastaka‘ L;uon Aron;ane xba[;zr;l h 4-rd t;[e! Mrza,ari \a[jo[ h yanacou;l Fikarou Nakamouran (AMN)% ow Anandi f;t wastak;low 9-akan miauor% nran \a[j;l h ja\-brhqoum! Kramnike 8&5 miauorow xba[;zr;l h 3-rd% isk Kar\akine (ÂD) ;u Karouanan (Italia) 6 ;u 5&5 miauorow famapatas.anabar xba[;zr;l ;n 5-6-rd t;[;re! Aprili 18-29-e ’a[ka]oroum ka\analiq A,.arfi jima\in a®a=noujiunoum Atrph\yani 'o.arhn mrza,aroum fandhs ke ga\ Isra\hli entranin! A\spisow% A,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane ke masnakz;n f;t;u;al jim;re& Fa\astan% Âousastan% Cinastan% Foungaria% Fndkastan% AMN% :giptos% Ouqrania% Qoupa ;u Isra\hl! A.o\;ane k*oro,oui ,r=ana\in kargow! • Grosma\st;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane Vouan P;soua qa[aqoum auartoua‘ Praxilia\i a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u nouay;z 3-rd mrzanake! 9&5 miauorow ;rkri a.o\;an dar]au grosma\st;r Âa`a\hl Lh\taon! • Grosma\st;r S;rgh\ Kasparowe (P;la®ous)% Alviri B;ca\a qa[aqi baz a®a=noujiunoum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 5&5 miauor ;u 70 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 4-rd t;[e! |a[jo[ dar]au grosma\st;r :ourh Boris;ke (Slow;nia)! D
SIUXAN XA>AR:ANE 85 TAR:KAN ";trouari 28-in lranoum h anouani s;[ani j;ni sistoufi Siuxan Xa.ar;ani 85-am;ake! Siuxane >SFM fngaki a.o\;an h (xouga.a[;roum)% ;[;l h >SFM fauaqakani andam% :uropa\i jima\in a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir% >SFM sporti warp;t! 1962-89 jj& orphs marxic a,.at;l h Fa\astanoum% Poulkaria\oum% Islandia\oum! F>SF wastakauor marxic h! Amousine fanra\a\t marmnamarxik L;onid Xa.ar;ann h% a[=ike >SFM ouv;[ago\n s;[ani j;nisistoufin;riz mhke^ Anitan% mius a[=ike ªYerevanº angliata® parb;rakani .mbagir^ Lianan! Im ;u im enk;rn;ri anouniz =;rmørhn ,norfauoroum ;nq anouani j;nisistoufoun ;u nran zankanoum entan;kan ;r=ankoujiun% am;na\n bariq ;u qa=a®o[=oujiun! Au;tis Ba\ram;an