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THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 11 VOLUME 93, NO. 11



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NOR ØR% 12 MART 2015


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Israeli President To Attend Prayer Dedicated To Armenian Genocide Victims Memory The main event in Jerusalem, devoted to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, will take place on April 24 at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, where a liturgy of commemoration will be held. The Head of the Armenian National Committee of Israel Georgette Avagian told Armenpress that an agreement was reached and the President of Israel Reuven Rivlin promised to attend the Church on that day and commemorate the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide. “He is the friend of the Armenian people. He talked about the Armenian Genocide a lot and condemned it. Recently he has delivered a speech on the Genocide at the UN. He promised to visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem on April 24 to pay tribute to the innocent victims of the Genocide”, - said Georgette Avagian, adding that the participation of other authorities of Israel in the events is being clarified.

Small Business Of The Year Nominations due March 23 I am thrilled to announce the start of nominations for "Small Business of the Year" in the 46th Assembly District and I need your help. Please think of an exceptional small business that also helps anchor our community. Small business owners are the backbone of our economy. Nationally, over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) is employed by a small business and 65% of the net new jobs since 1995 were created by small businesses. In order to qualify; The business must have a physical location within the 46th Assembly District; Been in business for at least two years, and meet the SBA Small Business Size Standards. A business may be nominated by municipal and chamber of commerce staff, and/or by any business owner or resident within the 46th Assembly District (no selfnominations). One small business will be selected and recognized in Sacramento on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at the California Small Business Association Luncheon. Please complete and submit the nomination form by March 23, 2015. For more information contact Steven Butcher (818) 376-4246 or steven.butcher@asm.ca.gov

Armenia Preparing For New Type Of War Armenia is reviewing its military doctrine. Consultations are underway but details are not being published. It is only noted that “this is an opportunity of clarification and harmonization of the actions of all the government agencies in case of military aggression against the Republic of Armenia”. What has changed in security threats and what is Armenia getting ready for? First of all, the possibility of a hybrid war is higher, and the defense doctrine must envisage an action plan in case the “external aggression” is not a declared war but an invasion of “green people” or use of other new mechanisms. A year after the annexation of Crimea

Vladimir Putin told about this action. He confessed that it had been a clearly planned action, and Russia had not declared war on Ukraine and the troops were deployed without insignia. Georgia is expecting a similar action by Russia. A lot of experts in Tbilisi note that Russia may use the moment and get to Armenia across Georgia. As to Armenia, the Russian troops are already there, and if now, as is said, the Russian base and the border guards of the Russian Federal Security Service are “defending” the security and borders of Armenia, later they may become a springboard for the occupant regime. Naira Hayrumyan

Archbishop Aram Ateshian: ‘Women From Armenia Come To Istanbul, Marry Turks, And Cover Their Heads’ Hetq talks to Archbishop Aram Ateshian, General Vicar (Acting Patriarch) of the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. After being in Istanbul for a few months, I get the impression that the Armenian community in Turkey Armenia isn’t all that connected to Armenia. Long before Armenia gained its independence, our community members had a desire to see the homeland and to visit our compatriots there. Afterwards, singers, song and dance troupes, intellectuals and other individuals came to Turkey and, of course, people from here visited Mother Armenia as well. Armenians from Armenia living here get medical treatment in our hospitals to the degree possible and their children receive totally free treatment. We take care of the baptisms. If the deceased cannot be transferred back to Armenia, we take care of the services and bury them in our cemeteries. We also participate in the education these children receive at the Hrant Dink School. I have personally become involved in this matter in the last few months. So how can you say that the connection has

been broken? At the same time it must be said that when our compatriots from Armenia first came to Turkey our community members opened their doors to them but, unfortunately, several families were robbed. If there are mixed marriages in the Istanbul Armenian community, why such a negative reaction when Armenians from Armenia marry Turks? I didn’t use the word Turk, but rather mixed marriage in which people of all religions and faiths can be involved. If the issue is marrying Turks, I will say that our compatriots from Armenia, being born and educated there, who learnt Armenian history there and who had different ideas about them [Turks], regarding them as the enemy, in a word hating them, they came here and, besides looking for a job, married them. Why? To read full article, please follow Hetq.am

2.5 Million Muslim Armenians Live In Turkey The revival of the national identity of Armenians, who live in different Turkish cities and villages and have converted to Islam, is speeding up breaking taboos. The specialists of the field relate this to various political factors which enable these people to return to their own roots. The director of research fund “Study Center for Western Armenian Issues”, Haykazun Alvrtsyan says that the movement started long ago, and it was greatly influenced by the Kurdish armed rebellion, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Turkey’s campaign to join the European Union. The 88th article of the first Turkish constitution adopted in 1924 said that all

Turkish residents, regardless of their religious and national belonging are considered Turkish. In order to improve its chances for EU membership, Turkey had to revise some of the points in its constitution. However, even after some changes in the country’s constitution the terms Turkish citizen and Turkish national succeed each other – each Turkish citizen is considered a Turk. Alvrtsyan says that only upon the Treaty of Lausanne Armenian, Greek and Assyrian communities were recognized as religious, not ethnic. A huge amount of other ethnicities – 50 ethno-religious groups speaking 36 languages, were recognized as Turkish.

George Clooney Joins Armenian Genocide Centennial Efforts

The New York Times – Leaders in the Armenian diaspora, preparing to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, have collaborated with Hollywood celebrities and human rights advocates to create a prize to be awarded annually to those who put themselves at risk to ensure that others survive.

German Historian Discovers 2000 Pages Of Genocide Docs

Just before the world commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, well-known German historian Michael Hesemann announced the discovery of 2000 pages of hitherto unpublished documents on, what he calls “the greatest persecution of Christians in history” in the Vatican Secret Archives, ZENIT reports. In this in-depth analysis with ZENIT, the historian discusses his findings, what’s often not realized about the Armenian Genocide, and its victims, items which he discusses in his new book.

Armenia, Lebanon Discuss Defense Cooperation Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan received today the delegation of Lebanon’s Defense Ministry led by Brigadier General Manuel Kirejian. Lebanon’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Jean Makaron participated in the meeting. The parties discussed issues related to the cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense. The Armenian Defense Minister stressed the need to establish high-level military-political relations and briefed the guests on the priority directions of cooperation. The Lebanese side also reiterated the willingness to take the warm friendly relations between the two countries to a new level of cooperation.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 12, 2015


NEW BOOK ABOUT LOVE AND LOSS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE WESTERN DIOCESE OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH AND THE TEKEYAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, LOS ANGELES CHAPTER Maral Boyadjian, author of AS THE POPPIES BLOOMED, will be the guest speaker of the Tekeyan Cultural Association on Thursday, March 26 at 8:00 pm at the Zorayan Museum of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, located at 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504. Mrs. Boyadjian, who has grown up in Los Angeles, is a first-time writer whose work of historic fiction has received very favorable reviews both from readers and from professional reviewers. She will speak about the process that led to writing this book that is both a love story and a fictional account of some of the memories of the author's family. Kirkus Reviews, a respected book review journal, said this about Mrs. Boyadjian's debut novel: "Powerful and sensitive, this tragic novel helps illuminate a historical episode still too little known or acknowledged." Mrs. Boyadjian will be in conversation with her sister, Salpi Ghazarian, Director of the Institute of Armenian Studies at the University of Southern California. There will be opening remarks by Maral Voskian of the Tekeyan Cultural Association and excerpt readings by Houry Khechoumian, teacher at AGBU Manougian Demirjian School. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian will conclude the program. Appearing as it does this centennial year, AS THE POPPIES BLOOMED helps make the real-life human stories of love and loss accessible and understandable to readers, and especially young readers, today. The book is available on Amazon, Armenian bookstores, and at independent bookstores throughout California. It can also be ordered through info@salorpress.

The AGBU Performing Arts Department (PAD) Launches New Website PAD creates an online hub for Armenian artists worldwide The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is pleased to announce the launch of a website for its Performing Arts Department (PAD). PAD was founded in 2012 to oversee the organization’s culture and arts programs. Since its founding, PAD has connected young Armenian artists worldwide and introduced Armenian art to diverse audiences. It has also organized various cultural programs, including the Sayat Nova International Composition Competition and the Musical Armenia Program, as well as performances around the world. The launch of the AGBU Performing Arts Department website is the next step in spreading awareness about Armenian arts and culture. With the goal of centralizing information, the website is intended for artists, educators, art enthusiasts and students to stay up to date on all of the department’s global news, activities, programs and events. Along with a calendar of events, photo gallery, press coverage and information about PAD’s various programs, the website features a directory where visitors can browse a list of Armenian artists by region and discipline. This directory is the first of

its kind in the Armenian community and aims to serve as a database for Armenian artists of every discipline (visual artists, musicians, composers, conductors, actors, singers, songwriters, etc.) working around the world. The website also includes the “Who’s On” section, which highlights the accomplishments of outstanding Armenian artists. PAD is hopeful that the new website, especially its directory, will encourage collaboration among Armenian artists worldwide. “Our website represents the department’s most important purpose: to promote the work of Armenian artists. It serves as a portal for the artists themselves to find one another, work together and expose Armenian art to a wider audience. I’m proud of the work we’ve done in expanding our reach beyond the Armenian community and this website is another important step in this direction,” says PAD director, Hayk Arsenyan. To find out more about PAD and its many initiatives, please visit www.agbuperformingarts.org. Artists who would like to submit their information to the directory are invited to write to performingarts@ agbu.org.

Watertown Community Hosts ABMDR Lecture On Stem Cell Harvesting Center And Newly Applied Molecular Technologies Los Angeles – On February 27, Dr. Frieda Jordan, president of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), delivered a much-anticipated lecture in Watertown, Massachusetts, at the Armenian Cultural and Educational Center (ACEC). Dr. Jordan’s presentation was dedicated to the registry’s Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan and its pioneering and ongoing work in bringing cutting-edge molecular technologies to Armenia. The lecture was organized by the Armenian-American Medical Association (AAMA) and the Armenian Biotech Group of the Greater Boston Area, and sponsored by ACEC and the ABMDR New England Support Group.

The Mustapha Kemal Monument In Hyde Park On the 19th of February 2015, a monument in honour of Mustapha Kemal 'Ataturk' was erected in Hyde Park; a large park close to the center of Sydney. There is NO PLACE for monuments of genocide perpetrators anywhere in Australia, or the rest of the civilized world for that matter. Shock and outrage at the recent erection of a monument in honour of a person responsible for committing mass atrocities during the early part of the 20th century. We refer to the monument erected on the 19th of February 2015 outside the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park, in honour of Mustapha Kemal ‘Ataturk’. After the end of the First World War, Mustapha Kemal and his supporters (Kemalists), were responsible for some of the most heinous acts committed against defenceless minorities in Turkey. It included mass killings, deportations/death marches, rape of women and burning of villages and religious property to name but a few. The victims were mainly Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, but included Yezidis and also Jews. The atrocities were widely reported in the Australian print media: On the 23rd of March 1922, The Examiner of Launceston on page 5 reported:

“CONCENTRATION OF KEMALISTS – TERRIBLE MASSACRES OF CHRISTIANS”, referring to a terrible 3day massacre of Christians in Caesarea in the interior of Turkey. On the 6th of August 1921, the Mary borough Chronicle of Queensland published an article on page 7 titled “REIGN OF TERROR BY KEMALISTS – MASSACRE OF GREEK SUBJECTS” referring to the Kemalists rounding up Greeks in Trebizond, and putting them to death. 27 British subjects were also retained as prisoners, their whereabouts being unknown. On the 4th of July 1922, the Daily Telegraph of Launceston published an article on page 3 titled “ANATOLIAN ATROCITIES – THE KEMALIST PROGRAMME – EXTIRPATION OF CHRISTIANS” which tells of the ‘blood-curdling account of the Turkish atrocities’ and the ‘systematic character of these unspeakable atrocities’. We take offence to the existence of this monument and ask the Government of NSW remove it as soon as is practically possible. There is absolutely no need for a monument that publicly displays a person who committed crimes of humanity. Sincerely The Greek Genocide Resource Center

HMADS Gala Dinner Dance: A Classic Affair With A Youthful Twist Oakland Gardens, NY – In 1994, over 20 years ago, an ambitious group of Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) supporters gathered to establish an all-volunteer fundraising committee known as Friends of HMADS. Under the leadership of then school board chairman Mr. Nurhan Adarian, they strived to carry out their mission to become the financial pillar of their beloved school. Little did they realize what an impact their service to HMADS would have in the years to follow! Surpassing mandated New York State education standards, Holy Martyrs Day School supplements its curriculum with daily lessons in Armenian language, history, and culture. Class sizes are small, allowing for a more personal, nurturing environment. The overall experience at the school not only enhances students’ knowledge but also helps to develop a strong character and sound moral basis. HMADS is unique in that the members of its community are regarded as family, and its strength lies in their cooperative spirit and unified efforts to achieve a common goal. Solid core values can vouch for the longevity of the Friends fundraising committee. For those unfamiliar with Friends of HMADS, it is a dedicated group comprised of school supporters (board members, current/former parents, alumni), chaired by school board treasurer, Hovannes Malikyan. The goal of the committee is to raise funds, consequently contributing to the economic growth of the school. Year after year, the committee provides the school with a balanced budget and financial stability. Thanks to the efforts of Friends, HMADS is able to maintain an affordable tuition, thus making it possible for Armenian families to take advantage of this superior learning institution. Friends of HMADS meets semimonthly at the school to create and plan social and cultural events that will benefit the Armenian community as a whole, while

raising funds for the school. Every fall, it sponsors the Annual Telethon, one of its major fundraising events. For many years, Berj Haroutunian of Vital Transportation has offered use of his company office and equipment to Telethon volunteers who, over the course of two evenings, phone hundreds of local Armenian households to seek pledges supporting their beloved school. By far, the most anticipated Friends event of the year is the annual Gala Dinner Dance held in the spring. The 2015 Honorary Booklet Chairperson, benefactor Mr. Edward Gulbenkian, along with the energized Friends of HMADS committee, cordially invites you to a special night of celebration on Saturday, May 16th at the North Hills Country Club in Manhasset, NY. The evening’s festivities will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a lavish cocktail hour followed by a delicious multi-course dinner served at 9 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by Toronto’s talented Harout Bedrossian and his band. Your Gala Dinner Dance contribution of $130 will significantly support the efforts of the Friends committee and HMADS, thus benefiting the worthwhile cause that is the preservation of our Armenian culture through future generations. For further information about this highly anticipated event, or to find out how to become a part of the Friends of HMADS, please contact the school office (718) 2254826, Siran Saroyan (718) 224-0121 Mina Hovsepian (718) 631- 5137, or Siragan Varolian (718) 631-7131. Arpi Arukian, ‘92

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 12, 2015


At The Initiative Of The AGBU Asbeds And With The Participation Of The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide


Hüseyin Ali Nesin (born in 1957 in Istanbul) is a Turkish mathematician. After graduating from Saint Joseph Lisesi (Junior high school) in 1973, he completed his high school study at College Champittet, Lausanne - Switzerland where he finished in 1977. Then he gained his degree in mathematics at Universite Paris 7, in 1981, and earned his PhD degree in Mathematics from Yale University, New Haven, USA in 1985. He was a visiting Assistant Professor at Notre Dame University(19871988), and Assistant Professor at University of California at Irvine (1988-1991), and then Associate Professor (1991-1996). Since 1996, he is a Professor, Chair of Mathematics Department at Istanbul Bilgi University. Professor Nesin has published many Academic Books and Monographs, Undergraduate and Graduate Level Mathematics Books and others. Also has published many research articles. He is the editor in chief of (Matematik Dünyası -The World of Mathematics), Director of the Corporation of the Turkish Mathematical Society , Founder of the Nesin Mathematics Village at Sirince*, Member of the advisory board of the Hrant Dink Foundation and many others.(1) Under the title " Intellectuals Solidarize with Hrant Dink", http://www.bianet.org" wrote, " A number of leading Turkish intellectuals have launched a new civil disobedience action declaring themselves accomplices of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink whose most recent prosecution in a series launched by Turkish courts is based on opinions he expressed in an interview with the Reuters news agency. The action comes in the wake of an Amnesty International (AI) statement on Dink that said the human rights watchdog organization was dismayed at recent reports that yet another case had been opened against Dink on charges of "denigrating Turkishness" under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. The AI warned that if Dink was arrested on any of the charges leveled against him, he would be declared a 'Prisoner of Conscience' on the international arena." Professor Ali Nesin was one of the intellectuals who signed the civil disobedience action. Dink has been shot dead (January 19, 2007) in front of the offices of Agos newspaper which he founded.(2) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so

The publication of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Director Dr. Hayk Demoyan’s “Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Press” is a resounding wake-up call for the world, for people of conscience who value life and integrity. The illustrations and images revealed from the archives of various international newspapers have been amassed not only as a book, but also as an exhibition which, at the initiative of the AGBU Asbeds, will be available for public viewing from April 810, 2015, at Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles (2701 North Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049). The exhibit will be open from 11AM – 10 p.m., while the lectures begin at 7:30 p.m. The three-day exhibition and lecture series, under the heading “What the world witnessed a century ago,” is an exceptional opportunity to bring together our Armenian and non-Armenian peers alike. All events are free and open to the public. The schedule is as follows: Wednesday, April 8, 2015: EXHIBITION OPENING AND RECEPTION: Featuring greetings as well as remarks by official guests. Message by AGBU Asbeds Chairman Dr. Harout Yaghsezian and keynote speech by Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Director Dr. Hayk Demoyan from Armenia. Thursday, April 9, 2015 ECONOMICS OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: Dr. U!ur Ümit Üngör (Associate Professor of History at Utrecht University, Institute of War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) will lecture on the aforementioned topic. The lecture will be in English. Mr. Kurken Berksanlar, former Chairman of the AGBU Asbeds, will moderate. Friday, April 10, 2015: FORCIBLY ISLAMIZED ARMENIANS: Who are they, how many are there, and what should their numbers have been today. Do Armenia, Armenians, and the Armenian Apostolic Church recognize them?

Panel discussion featuring H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, and Mr. Raffi Bedrosyan, community activist and writer from Toronto, Canada. Moderated by Mr. Kurken Berksanlar former Chairman of the AGBU Asbeds. *** “Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Press” is a 260 page volume (9” x 12”) encompassing sketches, illustrations, and photographs published in a number of international newspapers from the last quarter of the 19th century to the first quarter of the 20th century, with descriptors in Armenian and English. Browse through its pages, look into the depths of each photograph, and grasp its implication. As you journey through the pages you will be transported to the past and feel yourselves in the midst of the horrors endured by our people, a journey of death or, by some miracle, escape, migration, and new life. It is a volume that awakens humanity in man, prepared in a simplistic style yet with content that stirs the soul of the reader. The book was published in Yerevan in 2014, at the threshold of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, under the patronage of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and by the sponsorship of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Asbeds Committee. Dr. Demoyan writes in the prologue, “The publications dealing with the persecution of Armenians that appeared on the front pages of European and American newspapers are especially interesting, and are indicative of the topicality of the Armenian Genocide at the time and of the intensity of the desire to know what was happening to the Armenians.” The book is presented in five headings chronologically, beginning from the mid19th century until the first quarter of the 20th century. Thus, three incredibly fascinating events await us. Let us meet at Skirball Center on Wednesday, April 8 to Friday, April 10, 2015.ball Center on Wednesday, April 8 to Friday, April 10, 2015. !

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56 - Ali Nesin By Hambersom Aghbashian openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The complete, brief text of the apology says " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Ali Nesin was one of the Turkish professors who has signed the petition. (3) On September 26, 2014, Today's Zaman wrote "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include 'open hatred and hostility' towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said 'The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Ali Nesin was one of the intellectuals who signed it.(4)

* The Nesin Mathematics Village is a small village of about 13,5 acres. It is owned by the Nesin Foundation and is a place where young and old learn, teach, and think about mathematics in peaceful remoteness. Unpretentious and unostentatious, the houses made out of rock, straw and clay give off a simple welcoming air. 1.http://www.alinesin.org/cv.html 2.http://www.bianet.org/english/politics/90480-retrospective-on-trials-againsthrant-dink 3.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catastrophe_ 4.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html

Study Grants Available For Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration In Istanbul Project 2015, a non-profit group comprised of scholars, academics, activists, and writers of Armenian and Turkish descent, is offering grants of up to $750 to students wishing to participate in the Armenian genocide commemoration events planned in Istanbul in April 2015. The organization is working closely with Turkish civil society organizations to ensure that a large contingent of Armenians be present in Istanbul for the commemoration. Nicolas Tavitian, director of AGBU Europe, is on the board of the organization and has participated in Armenian genocide commemorations in Istanbul for the past

two years. "We feel it is essential for Armenians to be in Turkey on the day of the centenary of the Armenian genocide. We will be commemorating side by side with Turks who are ready for change. This is where it started; it will be so important to be here as well on April 24, 2015,” said Tavitian. Project 2015 encourages students of all disciplines to travel to Istanbul. “University students committed to the study of genocide and human rights are the future citizen leaders of their communities, so we want to facilitate their participation in the commemoration,” said Dr. Heghnar Watenpaugh, Project 2015 board member and

professor at the University of CaliforniaDavis. Students from all countries may apply for support. Participants are expected to arrange credit from the universities where possible and participate actively in the commemoration-related events, including a concert on April 22; various events around the city on April 24, culminating with the commemoration at Taksim Square; and an academic conference on April 26 and 27 at Bilgi University in collaboration with the Richard Hovannisian Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History at the University of California-Los Angeles be-

tween April 22 and April 27. To receive credit, participants will be required to submit a written assignment after their return. Students should identify the rules for their university’s independent study credit program, where applicable, and a faculty member willing to serve as a supervisor. They will also be expected to prepare a syllabus and study plan, a sample of which is available on the Project 2015 website. To apply for a study grant from Project 2015, please submit an application to armenianproject2015@gmail.com by March 15. For more info about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit www.agbu.org.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 12, 2015


Gulf Coast Armenian American Community Announces Armenian Genocide Cenntennial Commemorations PINELLAS PARK, FL - On Friday, April 24, 2015, Gulf Coast Armenians centered in Tampa/St. Petersburg will join Armenians around the world in solemnly commemorating the Armenian Genocide. Beginning in 1915, the Ottoman Turkish government launched a premeditated campaign of genocide against their Armenian citizens. Approximately 1.5 million Armenians—75% of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire—were killed. This was the first modern example of genocide in the 20th century. Indeed, the very word genocide (denoting the destruction of an entire people) was originally coined in 1944 to describe the policy of systematic extermination used by the Young Turks regime against the Armenian people, and that the Nazis subsequently waged on European Jews. This year marks the 100th anniversary of this dark chapter in world history and a series of specially orchestrated events are taking place around the world. On the Gulf Coast of Florida Armenian Americans have planed a diverse program of religious, academic, and physical activities to commemorate the lives of those lost a century ago. Below is the listing of events in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area on and around April 24th:

Valley Town Hall Series To Discuss Armenian Genocide Fresno—On Tuesday March 18, the San Joaquin Valley Town Hall Lecture will hold a panel discussion Man’s Inhumanity to Man—the Last Hundred Years, including Taner Akçam, Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Constantine Orbelian, and Rabbi Kenneth Segel. The discussion will focus on the Armenian Genocide and issues ranging from reconciliation to Armenian contributions to American culture, arts and sciences. The lecture will take place at the Saroyan Theater and begin at 10:30am. Admission is $30. For tickets call, 559-444-2180 or go to www.valleytownhall.com. Taner Akçam is a Turkish-born historian whose courageous scholarly work on the Armenian Genocide has been readily welcomed and honored by Armenians throughout the world. Published in 2006, his history A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and The Question of Turkish Responsibility validated his status as one of the leading authorities on the subject. Because of his outspoken dissent toward the official denialist policy of the Republic of Turkey, he continually receives death threats from Turkish ultra-nationalist as well as persecution from Turkish authorities. In the mid-1970s he was arrested for his protest over Turkey’s treatment of its Kurdish minority and afterwards named as

a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. His escape from prison led him to Germany where he eventually became student of genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian, receiving his PhD from the versity of Hanover in 1995. He joined the faculty at Clark University in 2008 and has served as visiting professor at the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at University of Minnesota. Archbishop Vicken Aykazian is the Diocesan Legate and Director of the Ecumenical Office in Washington D.C. for the Armenian Church in America. He is a member of the board of the World Council of Churches. Born in Turkey, he was ordained a bishop in 1992 by His Holiness Vasken I, the late Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians. Archbishop Aykazian holds a Ph.D. in history and is working on a second Ph.D. in theology at Catholic University in Washington. Constantine Orbelian is the first American to become artistic and musical director of an ensemble in Russia, the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, and guest conductor of the Moscow Philharmonic. In 2001, he was awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, an award given to immigrants, or children of immigrants, who have made outstanding contributions to the United

States. Three years later, President Putin awarded Orbelian the coveted title "Honored Artist of Russia," a title never before bestowed on a non-Russian citizen. Rabbi Kenneth Segel is a leader in the Jewish community. For five years he was the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Israel, Fresno. Rabbi Segel is an active humanitarian and the author of several children's books. The valley Town Hall lecture is part of a series of activities promoted by the Armenian Genocide Centennial—Fresno Committee, which includes representatives from the religious, educational, social, and political organizations of the Central Valley. The group’s goals are to commemorate the 1.5 million martyrs who perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish Government; to educate others about the Armenian Genocide and historical injustice; and to inspire people to overcome adversity through the story of the survivors’ of the Armenian Genocide. For more information, visit the AGC—Fresno Committee’s website at www.agcfresno.org and on Facebook at

Genocide Centennial In Wahsington D.C. Events Proceeding At Top Speed By Florence Avakian

“Stop Genocide” 5K Commemorative Walk/Run Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 8:30AM Ft. Desoto Park 3500 Pinellas Bayway South, St. Petersburg, FL 33715 All walkers and runners are invited to participate in Tampa’s first-ever 5K dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and towards raising awareness about all genocides. Interested participants can register on Active.com. Guests can also connect with other runners on the Stop Genocide 5K Facebook event page. Orphans of the Genocide Screening & Director Q&A Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:00PM The Florida Holocaust Museum 55 5th Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Hear from South Florida film director Bared Maronian as he presents his documentary on the orphanages that housed the many orphans who lost parents and were separated from siblings during the Armenian Genocide. Orphans of the Genocide & The Armenian Genocide Airing on WEDU+ Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 8:00PM, and 9:30PM on WEDU+ Orphans of the Genocide is a documentary by South Florida film director Bared Maronian showing the orphanages that housed thousands of orphans who lost their parents and were separated from siblings during the Armenian Genocide. Film starts at 8:00 PM (90 minutes). The Armenian Genocide is the complete story of the first Genocide of the 20th century. It features interviews with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Samantha Power, and best-selling author Peter Balakian, and contains historical footage of the events. Narrated by Julianna Margulies, it also includes narrations by Ed Harris, Natalie Portman and Laura Linney, among others. Film starts at 9:30PM (60 minutes “Rising from the Ashes of Tragedy” Lecture and Student Panel Discussion Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 2:00PM

Preparations for the Genocide Centennial to take place in Washington D.C. from May 7 to 9 are proceeding with speed as details emerge daily. The unique event will present a united Armenian-American community, bolstered by dedicated supporters from the American and worldwide religious, diplomatic and governmental fields. This Commemoration is the work of the Armenian Dioceses and the Armenian Prelacies in the United States working together on all levels, including the organizational and fundraising efforts. Leading the commemoration will the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, and Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I, throughout the three-day historic event. This will be their first appearance together after the inspiring ceremony in Holy Etchmiadzin on April 23, which will anoint the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide as saints. Also attending the Commemoration will be President of the Republic of Armenia Serge Sargsyan. President Barak Obama and members of Congress have been issued special invitations by both the National Council of Churches, and the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops. APPRECIATION, UNITY, AWARENESS, REVIVAL The weekend will begin at Washington’s famed National Cathedral on Thurs-

day evening, May 7 at 7 PM., with Catholicos Karekin II and Catholicos Aram I jointly leading clergy of the Armenian Church, and heads of other faiths in prayers of remembrance, respect, unity and revival. The keynote speaker in the Cathedral will be the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Olav Fyske Tviet. On Friday evening, May 8, at 8 P.M., at the Music Center at Strathmore, a special program entitled, “A Journey through 100 Years of Armenian Music” will be presented. A group of compositions, both classical and contemporary by the beloved Komitas Vartabed, framed especially for the Genocide Centennial will be presented. A surprise grand finale awaits the presentation. Among the acclaimed musicians taking part are the renowned Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Hover Chamber Choir of Armenia. Also performing will be celebrated sopranos Isabel Bayrakdarian, and Hasmik Papian, pianists Sahan Arzruni and Serouj Khradjian, violinists Levon Chilingirian, Ara Gregorian, and Ida Kavafian, cellist Alexander Chaushian, and clarinetist Narek Arutunyan. On the morning of Saturday May 9, starting at 10 A.M., at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, which holds

3000 seats, Catholicos Karekin II and Catholicos Aram I will lead a magnificent rendering of the Holy Badarak (Divine Liturgy), sung by more than 150 members of choir representatives from Armenian churches in the United States. The choir will be conducted by New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral choir director Maestro Khoren Mekanejian, with St. Vartan Cathedral Dean the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian accompanying on the organ. MARK GERAGOS TO MC BANQUET “A Time to Give Thanks” will be the theme of the banquet taking place at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on Saturday evening, May 9 starting with a reception at 6 P.M. Those dedicated individuals and institutions which helped and supported the Armenians in the past, and the present, will be honored. Master of Ceremonies for this auspicious event will be the wellknown California lawyer Mark Geragos. Among the evening’s musical performers will be the Zulal Acapella Trio. Entertainment activities for children will be provided during the banquet. Throughout the three-day weekend, a number of related events will be taking place, including a tour, and a lecture at the Library of Congress, and a tour of the American Indian Museum. There will also be a series of workshops, films and exhibits throughout Washington D.C., and at the Marriott Marquis Hotel. Activities will also present projects for young adults. For hotel and event reservations, the website is www.armeniangenocidecentennial.org.

University of South Florida (USF) Tampa, Main Library 4th Floor Grace Allen Room The USF Libraries Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center host Armenian scholar Dr. Garabet Moumdjian for a presentation entitled "Rising from the Ashes of Tragedy – Armenia’s Triumph Over Its Genocide." A panel discussion by USF students will follow the presentation. FEATURED EVENT: An Evening of Re-

membrance Friday, April 24, 2015 at 7:00PM St. Hagop Armenian Church 7020 90th Avenue, Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Armenian heritage comes to life in gifted performances of song and prayer to remember those lost in the Armenian Genocide and to celebrate their ongoing legacy.

Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 7:00PM St. Hagop Armenian Church 7020 90th Avenue, Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Armenian scholar Dr. Garabet Moumdjian presents "Rising from the Ashes of Tragedy – Armenia’s Triumph Over Its Genocide,” followed by Q&A. For a full listing of Armenian Genocide commemorative events in Florida, please visit: http://flarmenians.com/2015-2. !

“Rising from the Ashes of Tragedy” Lecture and Q&A

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FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Marti 7-8-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 17-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAla,k;rtº-ª"iunikº^ 0-1 ªBananzº-ªAraratº^ 3-1 ª<irakº-ªMikaº^ 2-0 ªGan]asar Kapanº-ªOulisº fandipoume \;ta]gou;l h! Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Oulis 16 12 1 3 34-16 37 "iunik 16 11 3 2 34-13 36 <irak 17 9 4 4 26-17 31 Gan]& K& 15 4 6 6 20-25 19 Ala,k;rt 17 4 6 7 16-22 18 Mika 17 4 6 7 17-23 18 Bananz 17 4 5 8 24-28 17 Ararat 17 2 1 14 20-47 7

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Marti 18-21-e >orwajia\oum t;[i k*oun;na\ ~outxali :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an fimnakan 'ouli mrza,ar% ort;[ FF fauaqakane ke mrzi >orwajia\i% Slowakia\i ;u Jourqia\i entranin;ri f;t! A®a=nouj;ane patrastou;lou npatakow m;r `oujpolistn;re Moskoua\oum 2 fandipoum anzkazr;zin% t;[i ªProgr;sº jimin xi=;zin 0-2 fa,ouow% isk ª:amalº jimin 4-1 fa,ouow \a[j;lis^ a\n auart;zin oc-oqi^ 4-4! • {axa.stani a®a=nouj;an 1-in mrza'ouloum Wardan Minas;ani ªTobolº jime fiurenkalou;lis 0-4 fa,ouow xi=;l h ªKa\rajinº! FF fauaqakani \;nakhta\in kisapa,tpan Ka®lhn Mkrtc;ane ir noramoutn h n,;l ªToboliº kaxmoum! No\n a®a=noujiunoum ªAktob;nº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Markos Pix;lin 1-1 fa,ouow oc-oqi h .a[az;l ªAtiraouiº f;t! • F;nri. M.ijar;ani ªBorousianº Bound;sliga\i 24-rd mrza'ouloum fiurenkalou;lis oc-oqi^ 0-0 h .a[az;l ªFambourgiº f;t% isk G;rmania\i gauaji .a[arkouj;an Dr;xd;ni ªTinamo\inº \a[j;low dours h ;k;l gauaji .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akic! • |ounastani a®a=nouj;an 27-rd mrza'ouloum ªK;rkiranº FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ani .'a‘ miak koli ,norfiu \a[j;z ªPan;tolikosinº! • Kiprosi A\a Napa qa[aqoum auartou;z OU:~A-i Xargazman mrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin FF minc;u 15 (M_15) ;u minc;u 14 (M_14) tar;kann;ri fauaqakann;re! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum m;r fauaqakann;ri zo\z toua‘ ardiunqn;re& FF M-15-Mak;donia^ 1-2 (n,;nq% or mrzakizn;re mhk tarow m;‘ hin fa\ `oujpolistn;riz)% FF M-15-Wrastan M15^ 1-0% FF M-15- Kiprosi 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakan^ 0-8% FF M-14-Kipros^ 1-3 (mrzakizn;re 1-1&5 tarow m;‘ hin m;r `oujpolistn;re)% FF M-14-Wrastan M-14^ 2-6!

BÂNZQAMARTI ªSTRAN+Aº MI+AXGA|IN MRZA<AROUM Poulkaria\i ma\raqa[aq So`ia\oum anzkazou;z ªStran=aºi 66-rd mi=axga\in mrza,are% orin masnakzo[ 34 ;rkrn;ri 240 b®nzqamartikn;ri juoum hin na;u ka,ouh ];®nozi 10 fa\ patouirakn;r! A®a=in m;namartiz \;to\ 7 fa\ b®nzqamartikn;r ,arounak;zin pa\qare! Partoujiunn;r ;n kr;l g;r‘anr qa,a\in |akob M;liq;ane% |owfan-




nhs Bockowe (64 qk&) ;u Nar;k Manas;ane (81 qk&)! 69 qk& qa,a\in Wladimir Margar;ane 2-rd \a[janake tøn;z dar];al Poulkarian n;rka\azno[ b®nzqamartiki nkatmamb! Qa®ord ;xra'akici mart;roum \a[janakn;r tøn;zin Arjour |owfannis;ane (49 qk&) ;u Samouhl Bars;[;ane (60 qk&)! Partoujiunn;r kr;low mrzapa\qariz dours mnazin& Koriun So[omon;ane (52 qk&)% F;nri. Moqo\;ane (56 qk&)% Wladimir Margar;ane% Arman |owfik;ane (75 qk&) ;u F;nrik Sargs;ane (91 qk&)! Kisa;xra'akicoum Arjour |owfannis;ane \ama® pa\qaroum xi=;l h ouxb;k Abdoula Kouckarowin ou bauararou;l pronxh m;talow% isk Samouhl Bars;[;ane \a[j;low [axa. Vaksoulouk Il\asowin dours h ;k;l ;xra'akic% ort;[ \a[jo[i kocman famar pa\qar;lou h atrph\yanzi Hlwin Isa;ui f;t! Bars;[;ane partou;z ;u arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali! ªM;r marxikn;ri ;lo\jn;riz gof ;m% ba\z ,at dvgof ;m mrzawaroujiuniz% ou[[aki .a\ta®ak mrzawaroujiun hrº% asaz FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic^ Dauij Joros;ane! Marti 17-iz fa\ b®nzqamartikn;re ke masnakz;n Fa\astani a®a=nouj;ane!

LILIJ MKRTC:ANE :UROPA|I A>O|:AN Folandia\i A®nma qa[aqoum auartoua‘ fra]gouj;an :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum g;raxanz h fandhs ;k;l Lilij Mkrtc;ane! Waxo[ jira. (10 m&% 20+20 krakoz) a[=ikn;ri pa\qaroum Lilije fauaq;l 362 miauor ;u 2-rd t;[ow anz;l h kisa;xra'akic 'oul! A\st;[ Lilije 6!3 fa,ouow \a[j;l h ~lor;ns Louisin! :xra'akicoum fa\ marxoufin 6!4 fa,ouow \a[j;low foungaroufi W;ronika Ma\o®in yanacou;l h :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi! Xauhn Igij;ane 10 m& ødam[ic atryanakow t[an;ri pa\qaroum (60 krakoz) grau;l h 5-rd t;[e! Waxo[ jira. (10 m& 30+30) t[an;ri pa\qaroum <anj Sargs;ane 552 miauorow grau;l h 5-rd t;[e ;u ci anz;l kisa;xra'akic 'oul% Âaxmik Minas;ani ardiunqn h 527 miauor ;u 13-rd t;[% Arjour P;tros;anine^ 524 miauor! Jima\in pa\qaroum t[an;ri ;®;ake grau;l h 4-rd t;[e! Waxo[ jira. (2+20 krakoz) t[an;ri pa\qaroum Âaxmik Minas;ane grau;l h 7-rd% <anj Sargs;ane^ 8-rd% isk Arjour P;tros;ane 11-rd t;[e! T[an;ri ;®;ake jima\in pa\qaroum grau;l h 4-rd t;[e endamhne 1 miauorow xi=;low 3-rd t;[e graua‘ ÂD jimin!

FA| ’ANRORDN:RE ÂD-I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Wolgogradoum m;knarka‘ Âousastani minc;u 21 tar;kan ‘anrordn;ri a®a=noujiunn;roum fa\ marxikn;re ;[anak ;n st;[‘oum! Nranq ardhn nouay;l ;n 2 oskh m;tal! Go® |ounan;ane (62 qk&) ;rkamarti 263 qk& (120+141) ardiunqow ir;n fauasare ci oun;z;l% isk Ani Sargs;ane (69 qk&) a.o\;an h dar];l a[=ikn;ri mh=% ;rkamarti 230 qk& (100+130) ardiunqow! Mhk a\l fa\ marxik Boris >acatourowe (62 qk&)% 245 qk& ardiunqow grau;l h 4-rd t;[e!

~OUJPOLI FAMA<>ARFA|IN AST{:RE KE VAMAN:N FA|ASTAN Marti 28-in t;[i h oun;nalou Fa\astani 20-rd dari lauago\n `oujpolist^ :r;uani ªAraratiº ;u >SFM fauaqakani na.kin `oujpolist >orhn |owfannis;ani m;‘arman fandipoume >SFM na.kin ast[;ri ;u fama,.arfa\in na.kin ast[;ri jim;ri mi=;u! A\s masin \a\tnoum h poulkarakan XLMn;riz trud.bg ka\qe% ore n,oum h% or fandipmane masnakz;lou famar frauirou;l h na;u poulkarakan `oujpoli l;g;nd >ristø Stoickowe! Bazi nraniz frauirou;l ;n na;u Lotar Mat;ouse% ~rankø Bar;xin% Andrh\ <;uc;nkon% "aoulø Maldinin% Totø Skilacin% Van Mari P`a`e% Âoud Goulite% Cbign;u Bon;ke% Loui, ~igoun% ~abiø Kannawaron% Âinat Dasa;ue% Igor B;lanowe% L;onid Bour\ake% Al;qsh\ Mi.a\lic;nkon% Al;qsandr Ciwa];n ;u a\l ast[;r! A,.arfi fauaqakani marxicn h lin;lou Mi,hl Idalgon% isk >SFM fauaqakane [;kawar;lou h Anatoli Bi,ow;ze!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • :rousa[hmoum auartou;z :uropa\i t[amardkanz anfatakan a®a=noujiune% ori 250 masnakizn;ri mh= hin FF n;rka\azno[ 9 ,a.matistn;r! 11 fnarauoriz wastak;low 8&5 miauor :uropa\i a.o\;an f®cakou;z Na\=;r :ug;nin (ÂD)! Fa\ ,a.matistn;ri ardiunqn;rn ;n& Gabrihl Sargs;an (7&5 miauor% 18-rd t;[)% Âob;rt |owfannis;an (7% 36-rd)% Wladimir |akob;an (6&5% 52-rd)% Frand M;lqoum;an (6&5% 83-rd)% Samouhl Thr-Safak;an (6% 88)% Karhn Grigor;an (6% 90-rd)% Wladimir Pø[os;an (6% 110)% Arman Miqa\hl;an (5&5% 112) ;u Xauhn Andrhas;an (5&5% 119-rd)! N,;nq% or 1-23-rd t;[;re grauo[n;re irauounq stazan masnakz;lou a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;ane! • Fa\astani 2015 j& 'o.a.o\;an Arman Miqa\hl;ane :rousa[hmoum anzkazouo[ :uropa\i anfatakan a®a=noujiunoum 10 mrza'ouliz \;to\ wastak;low 5&5 miauor% 2-rd angam lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! • Grosma\st;rn;r Hlina Danihl;ane% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (Fa\astan)% Taj;u Abrafam;ane (AMN) ke masnakz;n Marti 16-iz ÂD Soci qa[aqoum nokaout famakargow anzkazou;liq a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane! Wiyakafanouj;an fama]a\n a®a=in 'ouloum Danihl;ane ke fandipi grosma\st;r :ounihj Mar;rø Lop;si (Qoupa)% Mkrtc;ane^ Al;qsandra Gor\ackina\i (ÂD)% Abrafam;ane^ Farika Dronawalii (Fndkastan) f;t! • A,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an Wladimir Kramnike ci øgni ÂD fauaqakanin Aprilin Fa\astanoum ka\analiq a,.arfi jima\in a®a=noujiunoum% Kramnike no\n ør;rin fandhs ke ga\ Wougar Fa,imowi \ou,amrza,aroum! • ~ransia\oum auartoua‘ ªQa';l lh Krantº 31-rd mi=axga\in mrza,arin masnakzo[ 500 ,a.matistn;riz corse fa\ ;n% saka\n oc Fa\astaniz% oronq ;n GrigorS;uak M.ijar;ane (Praxilia\iz)% Tigran {aram;ane (~ransia\iz)% Arjour Gabrihl;ane (ÂD-iz) ;u :wg;nia Dolou.anowan (Ouqrania\iz)! M.ijar;ane ;u Gabrihl;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 6&5-akan% {aram;ane^ 6% Dolou.anowan 5 miauor! 7&5 miauorow \a[jo[ f®cakou;z grosma\st;r Li Caon (Cinastan)!

N.O. March 12, 2015, No. 11:N.O. Blank



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NOR ØR% 12 MART 2015

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