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THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 12 VOLUME 93, NO. 12

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ANFAKAK<IÂ QNNADATOUJIUNN:R SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Faka®ak or na.agaf P& Øpama\i ;rkrord qa®am;a\ nsta,r=ane auart;lou takauin ;rkou tari mnaza‘ h% ardhn anor qa[aqakanoujiune% n;rqin jh artaqin yakatn;rou wra\% lousar]aki tak a®noua‘ h! Manauand karg me norabo\s fanrap;takann;r% .orfrdaranin mh= jh a\lour% qnnadatakan an.na\ ar,aui me ];®narka‘ ;n% sks;al A®o[=apafakan Fogatarouj;nhn – Obama Care-% qa[aqaziouj;an ,norfoumhn^ Am;rika\i mh= ‘na‘ øtaraxgin;rou% minc;u artaqin qa[aqakanoujiun! Qic me a®a= ;rjalow% nouastazn;lou npatakow na.agafe% ant;s;low 'rojoqola\in karge% a\l .øsqow a®anz t;[;ak paf;lou Spitak Toune% .orfrdarani na.agaf John Boehner% Marti a®a=in ,abaje AIPAC-i (America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) al na.a];®nouj;amb% Niu :orq frauira‘ hr Frhastani warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafoun% orphsxi Axga\in Gonkrhsin a®=;u ir patgame ta\ am;rikazi vo[owourdin ª&&&Øpama*% k;zo*ur banakzoujiunn;re Irani f;t% a\s w;r=no\n ko[mh ajomakan ouvi xargazoume ;u fiulhakan xhnqi tirap;toujiune kas;zn;lou famarº! Boehner-i fakasafmanadrakan a\s qa\le% das me talou famar na.agafin% fakadar] axd;zoujiune oun;zau! Oc mia\n Prn& Na.agafe% a\l ,at me n;rka\azouzicn;r ou gonkrhsmhnn;r n;rka\ cgtnou;zan Najaniafoui ;lo\ji at;n! Isk ;r;q m;‘ago\n fa[orda,ar enk;roujiunn;r^ NBC, CBS ;u ABC m;rv;zin s'®;l Najaniafoui ya®e! Qa[aqakan marxhn n;rs% Iraq;an n;r.ouvoume 2003-in fimnowin .angar;z Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ka\ounoujiune! Asor f;t;u;zan ªArabakan Garounº \or=or=oua‘ \;[a,r=oumn;re^ Jounouxhn% Lipia\hn% :giptoshn ;u :hmhnhn n;rs! Sourio\ mh=% faka-Pa,ar pa\qare% vo[owrdawarakan i,.anoujiun fastat;lou famar% ‘a\ra\;[ f;t;uanqn;r oun;zau! Shoutakan Arabio\ ou Qajari ko[mh `inansauoroua‘ enddimadrouj;an a®a=nordoujiune anzau ‘a\ra\;[ xin;aln;rou ];®qe% am;rik;an faroust xinamj;rqow fand;r]! :rkrin fiusis-ar;umt;an ko[me% Âaqqa\i mh= ‘nound a®au a\sphs kocoua‘ ª>ali`a\oujiunºe% kam^ ISIS_e% oroun 60%000-noz xin;aln;re – 3000-e^ islam ;uropazin;r ;u am;rikazin;r - \a=ordabar grau;zin souriakan ou manauand iraq;an nor tara‘oujiunn;r^ fiusishn-farau% Iraq-Souria safmann;rou ;rka\nqin! N;rka\is% an;li matnoua‘ ;n \atkaphs Shoutakan Arabia ;u |ordanan% oronq safmanakiz ;n ISIS_i tirap;touj;an tak anza‘ endar]ak fo[atara‘ouj;anz! An;li matnoua‘ ;n anonq% ir;nz fiusisa\in safmann;roun wra\ k;dronazn;low banaka\in xøramas;r! Miaz;al Nafangn;re% a®a\vm% ke gofanan øda\in ®mbako‘oumn;row% oronq ,ø,a';li koroustn;r patya®a‘ ;n ISIS-in% or astiyanabar qa,oua‘ h qrtabnak Qopanihn (fiusis-ar;umt;an Souria)! Fima patrastoua‘ h axatagroumi ‘ragire Jiqrij ou Mosoul qa[aqn;roun Iraqi mh=! |ar]akoumi xørq;roun korixe piti kaxm;n Pa[tati mh= t;[;ka\oua‘ am;rik;an ouv;roun ko[mh marxoua‘ iraq;an banaki miauorn;r! Asonq ke ba[kanan m;‘amasnouj;amb ,iin;rh% oronq miavamanak anmi=akan jikounqe ke wa\;l;n Irani% or \atouk =okatow ;u amhn ];uow ke satarh iraq;an ka®awarouj;an! Wa. ka\% or Jiqriji axatagroumi paraga\in% maqragor‘oum ke kataroui a\d qa[aqi (Sattam Fiush\ni ‘nndawa\re) siunni bnakicn;roun wra\! Jiqrijhn andin% iraq;an ar,auo[ banakin mas piti kaxm;n na;u qiurt ';,m;rkan;re! ISIS_i partouj;an paraga\in% Irani axd;zoujiune au;li piti xørana\ Iraqi mh=! A\spisi kazouj;an a®=;u h% or ke gtnoui Miaz;al Nafangn;rou diuanagitoujiune! A\s fangrouanin% Øpama\i artaqin qa[aqaka-

nouj;an fandhp i#nc dirqoro,oum ord;gr;lou ;n fanrap;takann;re! Ci bau;r ‘a\ra\;[ qnnadatouj;an ;njark;l i,.anoujiune% ou na.agafin framanagirn;row a®a‘ na.a];®noujiunn;re^ a®anz Gonkrhsi fauanouj;an ;njark;lou! P;toujiune ke dimagrauh ba.toro, f;t;uanqn;r oun;naliq bard kazoujiun me! Fiusisa\in A'rikhi – Jounoux% Lipia - ;u arabakan karg me ;rkirn;rou - :giptos% :hmhn – ka®awaroujiunn;re mhke miusin ;t;uhn tapal;zan% ba\z Shoutakan Arapian% Hmiroujiunn;re ;u |ordanane mnazin! Isk souriakan i,.anoujiune% 2012-hn andin% ke galaroui qa[aqaziakan qandic pat;raxmin mh=% korsnzn;low ir fo[amasin ou bnakcouj;an xgali mase! K*arvh#r ard;øq ªvo[owrdawarouj;anº anounin tak st;[‘;l a\s qaose% or ansan];li dar]a‘ h% patya®;low k;anqi% incqi ou patmakan kojo[n;rou la\natara‘ kor‘anoum% ou bnakcouj;anz xangoua‘a\in kotora‘ ou t;[a,arv! Inco#u t;moqrasiin bazaka\oujiune cf;tapndou;zau arabakan jagauoroujiunn;rou ;u hmiroujiunn;rou mh=! "a'aq;li ®amkap;toujiun kar;li# h irakanazn;l ;rkirn;rou mh=% our k;anqi fandhp møt;zoume dauananqi wra\ fimnauoroua‘ h% ;u anor enk;ra\in ou tnt;sakan m;knabanoujiunn;row k*a®a=nordoui! <at .ndrakan h% ardar;u% anor irakanazoume% ou no\nisk lauat;souj;amb^ ;rkar vamanaki ke karøti nman ba[]ali fasarakargi me iragor‘oume! :jh endoun;li h a\s fimnakan iro[oujiune% a\n at;n vo[owrdawaroujiun \a®a= b;r;lou npatake patrouak ke da®na\% irakanazn;lou famar tnt;sakan ou ®axmawarakan tirap;toujiun! Manauand Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= st;[‘oua‘ n;rka\ \;[\;[ouk kazoujiune patya® dar]a‘ h bnakcouj;anz xangoua‘a\in t;[a,arvin ou koroustin% ,r=ani ;rkou ;rkirn;rou safmana\in 'o'o.ouj;anz – takauin ellaliqhn xat-% ;u ;rkar at;n fon bnako[ 'oqramasnouj;anz - ;xiti% asori% jiurqmhn% fa\% ;ua\ln – ga[jin ou bna=n=oumin! |atkaphs Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= \a®a=aza‘ nman qaosa\in kazouj;an a®=;u% Øpama\i artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an qina.ndir ;u anfakak,i® qnnadatoujiunn;re f;®ou ;n irat;s ;u ardiunab;r ellalh! >a[in ørhnqe ke pafan=h patya®aban;al ditarkoumn;r katar;l% nor a®a=arkoujiunn;r n;rka\azn;low! <inic qnnadatoujiunn h% or k*a®a=nordh ;rkrin \a®a=dimouj;an! Ë

HLI~ <A~AQ& ªKAR:UORN ANZ:ALI WHRQ:RE BOUV:LN OU ZAU:RE FASKANALN Hº |³ÛïÝÇ Ãáõñù ·ñáÕ ¾ÉÇý Þ³ý³ùÁ ½ñáõó»É ¿ Ãáõñù³Ï³Ý §ØÇÉÉÇÛhæ å³ñµ»ñ³Ï³ÝÇ Ñ»ï« áñÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï ³Ý¹ñ³¹³ñÓ ¿ ϳï³ñ»É Çñ Ñ»ÕÇÝ³Ï³Í §êï³npáõÉÇ µÇ×Á¦ íhåÇÝ« áñÁ å³ïÙáõÙ ¿ Ñ³Û ¢ Ãáõñù ³ÕçÇÏÝ»ñÇ« Ýñ³Ýó ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñÇ å³ïÙáõÃiõÝÁ! §êï³npáõÉÇ µÇ×Á¦ ·ñùÇ Ññ³ï³ñ³ÏáõÙÇó \»ïá\ ÂáõñùdzÛáõÙ Ù»Í ³ÕÙáõÏ µ³ñÓñ³ó³u« ÇëÏ Ãáõñù³Ï³Ý ³ñ¹³ñ³¹³ïáõÃiõÝÁ Þ³ý³ùÇÝ Ù»Õ³¹ñ³Ýù ³é³ç³¹ñ»ó ÂáõñùdzÛÇ ùñh³Ï³Ý ûñhÝë·ñùÇ 301-ñ¹ \7¹ou³Íáí« áñÁ ùñh³Ï³Ý å³ïÇÅ ¿ ë³ÑÙ³ÝáõÙ §Ãáõñù³Ï³ÝáõÃiõÝÁ íÇñ³uáñ»Éáõ ѳٳñ¦! úñ»ñë ¿É \³ÛïÝÇ íhåÁ µ»Ù³¹ñou»É ¿ Æï³ÉdzÛáõÙ© ë³ íhåÇ µ»Ù³Ï³Ý³óÙ³Ý ³é³çÇÝ ¹håùÝ ¿!

N.O. March 19, 2015, No. 12:N.O. Blank


4:29 PM

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banar a\d gxrozn;re ;u piti fandiphr &&&anaknkali! :u i*nc anaknkal! Xafrati skxbnakan tarin;roun gra‘ ;u zard an‘anøj mnaza‘ a\d st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re no\nqan ;u g;[;zik% no\nqan imastali ;u frapouric^ makardak oun;zo[ gor‘;r ;n! Afauasik a\vm mhkt;[oua‘ ;n ;rkou ko[q;rou mi=;u! Xafrat ch ouxa‘ fratarak;l xanonq% ba\z Tik& Ana\is kardaza‘ h a\d gor‘;re ;u m;‘ gofounakoujiun staza‘ h! Ir fog;faraxatouj;an skxbnauoroujiune t;sn;low a\d gor‘;roun mh=^ .andawa®ouj;amb oro,a‘ h fanrouj;an n;rka\azn;l ir amousinin nor gtnoua‘ va®ange! Amisn;r tqna=an a,.ata‘ h% orphsxi kar;na\ Xafrate paf;l ir bar]rouj;an wra\! Xafrati gor‘;re fay;liørhn ;u n;rka\anali k;rpow framzoua‘ ;n a\s fatorin mh=! Dasauoroua‘ ;n jouakann;row ;u vamanakagrakan kargow sks;al 1940-akan jouakann;rhn! Apa \a=ordakan k;rpow .mboua‘ ;n banast;[‘oujiunn;re% 1950-1960-akann;re% 1963-1980akann;re% 1980-2007-akann;re% incphs na;u ªSanº parb;rakani mh= lo\s t;sa‘ gor‘;r% nmo\,n;r jargmanakan a,.atanqn;rhn ;u ar]ak groujiunn;rhn! |stak bavanoumn;r% oronq oc mia\n Xafrati anza‘ yanaparfe zo\z kou tan% a\l na;u ou manauand vamanaki ogin ke n;rka\azn;n! Omanq groua‘ ;n Angara% Samanbaxare% Oulous% Bankalji% Gnale K[xi ;u an,ou,t Polis ;u a\l wa\r;r! Oro, banast;[‘oujiunn;rou tak kan jou[jin \an]noua‘ jouakann;re ;u wa\r;re! Omanq al jh;u counin jouakan ba\z bavanoumn;rhn ke fasknanq jh o*r mhk tasnam;akin groua‘ ;n! Ir skxbnakan gor‘;roun mh= ke n,mar;nq oyi% gr;lou% arta\a\tou;lou% mta‘;lou oro, a\lax<ar& h= 14

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Spain’s Betera Recognizes Armenian Genocide

The plenary council of the City Hall of Betera, Spain, has officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry said in a Facebook post, according to Panorama.am. The decision states that massacres and deportations took place in 1915-1921 on the territory of present-day Turkey, particularly under the Young Turks rule, during which 1.5 million Armenians were killed, and another two million were forced to leave their homes and find refuge all over the world, forming the Armenian Diaspora. The City Hall of Betera officially recognizes the Armenian Genocide, and condemns the crimes against humanity that were perpetrated during that period.

Events In Mexico Commemorate Armenian Genocide Centennial

An event organized by Armenian communities of Mexico and the US West Coast marked the start of the Armenian Genocide centennial commemoration in Mexico. Mexican intellectuals, scholars, politicians and public figures, diplomats and journalists participated in the event.

During the event, Ambassador of Armenia in Mexico Gregor Hovhannisyan presented the program of events to be held from March through November, 2015, in Mexico. On March 15, holy liturgy, dedicated to the memory of innocent victims of the Armenian genocide was served at the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral by Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera. Archbishop of Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church Hovnan Derderian and Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Catholic Church in Latin America, Bishop Vardan Poghosyan attended at the liturgy.

The Armenian Genocide Truth And Justice Resolution Unveiled In Front Of The Capitol News.am - On Wednesday, the resolution unveiled by Congressmen Robert Dold, Adam Schiff, David Valadao, and Frank Pallone (D-NJ), as well as other Members of Congress and members of the Armenian community. This bipartisan resolution calls on President Obama to work toward equitable, constructive, and durable Armenian-Turkish relations based upon the Republic of Turkey's full acknowledgment of the facts and ongoing consequences of the Armenian Genocide. The resolution also establish a fair, just, and comprehensive record on this international crime against humanity.

Armenian Genocide Was Real Genocide – MEP The 4th session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Yerevan is discussing a presentation by Mr Michal Boni (EP) and Mr Victor Dolidze (Georgia), Co Rapporteurs of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy, of a draft resolution on Engaging in a stronger partnership between the EU and Eastern European partner countries through the European Neighborhood Instrument for 2014-2020. European parliament member Jaromír

!t"tina, who recently made a trip to Central Africa, visited the museums of the Jewish Holocaust and Armenian Genocide. According to him, no specific definition of “genocide” is employed there. Mr !t"tina stressed that they may approve a resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide. If people want to put an end to genocides and ethnic cleansing, things must be called by their proper names – the Armenian Genocide was genocide.

Erdogan: A Powerful Turkey Would Have Prevented Karabakh Conflict In 1990’s If Turkey had been as powerful in the 1990’s as it is today, we wouldn’t be facing the conflict over NagornoKarabakh today, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said. Anadolu News Agency quotes the Turkish leader as reasserting the country’s commitment to protect and take under responsibility not only its own citizens but also old neighbors and partners. Erdogan reportedly said that a powerful Turkish state would have been able to do much more in the previous decades to

Armenia’s president on Tuesday addressed the country’s simultaneous partnership projects with the EU and Eurasian Economic Union, considering both integration processes compatible and supplementary. In a speech at the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly’s fourth session in Yerevan, Serzh Sargsyan said that the country highly values the deepening partnership and cooperation with the EU, attaching a great role to the efforts towards securing people to people contacts and free movement.

Armenian President Hosts Euronest PA Bureau Members

rule out both the Karabakh land dispute and the developments in the Middle East Turkish Christians to visit Armenia to apologize on behalf of their nation Turkish Christians will visit Armenia from April 10-13, Hraparak reports. They are representatives of Protestant church in Istanbul and other Turkish cities. They are coming to apologize to the Armenian people on behalf of their nation for the events of 1915, assist in burning the bridges of hatred, and pray together.

German Party Leader Urges Turkey To Normalize Ties With Armenia An ethnic Turk leading a major German political party urged Turkey to unconditionally establish diplomatic relations and open its border with Armenia as he ended a visit to Yerevan on Monday. Cem Ozdemir, the cochairman of the Alliance ‘90/The Greens party, also predicted that Ankara will eventually recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire. “I think Turkey will do that sooner or later,” Ozdemir told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am) in an interview. “It’s a matter of time. I don’t know when it

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia’s Eurasian Integration Can Be Compatible With EU Agenda

will happen. But I’m sure one day it will happen.” “I don’t see a reason why Turkish leaders could not show that courage,” he said. “It’s not about the past. It’s about the future. Addressing the past opens the path towards the future.” Underlining his own recognition of the Armenian genocide, Ozdemir laid flowers at the genocide memorial in Yerevan at the start of his trip on March 12. President Serzh Sarkisian praised his stance on the issue when received the German Greens leader later on that day.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday received the members of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Bureau who have arrived in Armenia to take part in the Fourth Ordinary Plenary Session of the Euronest PA being held in Yerevan from 16 to 18 March, the presidential press service reported. The President said that the Euronest’s Yerevan session provided a good opportunity for uninhibited discussions and exchange of views, as well as for expression of opinions on issues which were of great public concern in partner country.

Euronest PA session participants pay respects to Vahan Hovhannisyan’s memory The Fourth Ordinary Session of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly is underway in the Armenian National Assembly. The CoChair of the Assembly, Boris Tarasyuk, offered to pay respects to memory of Vahan Hovhannisyan. “Vahan Hovhannisyan was a professional, charismatic, steadfast and flexible individual,” said Mr Tarasyuk. Vahan Hovhannisyan was head of the Armenian delegation to Euronest.

Europe Was On The Brink Of Nuclear War, Says Russian President Putin A year after the Russian annexation of Crimea, President Vladimir Putin confessed that he considered putting the country's nuclear forces on alert during last February's Maidan revolution in Kiev, which ended with the fall of the Russian-

backed Viktor Yanukovych government. In a near three-hour documentary called "Homeward Bound," aired on state TV in Russia on Sunday, the Russian president said he was ready to take such a move to protect Russian-speaking citizens in

Ukraine and mostly in Crimean peninsula, which he considers a historic part of Russia. Putin's statement reveals that the world may have been on the brink of potential nuclear war on February 28 2014. Daily Sabah

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 19, 2015


Armenian Bar Association On The Genocide Centennial

St. Mary’s Church Orange County

By Armen K. Hovannisian Chairman, Armenian Bar Association The two girls were born three months and three hundred miles apart in 1909, one in Kharpert’s Kessrik village and the other in Ordu’s seaside hills and dales. Soon enough, my grandmothers as girls were to have little in common and were to become, by circumstance, distant strangers in fate and future. On Saturday morning, April 24, 1915, Siroon, who had quickly come to be known as Sarah and whose Nalbandian family had immigrated to the San Joaquin Valley just a few years earlier, was skipping rope, jumping hop-scotch and picking up jacks among friends from her first grade class at Cherry Avenue Elementary School. She was to graduate from Tulare Union High School, marry early to larger-than-life Kaspar, and name her four sons John, Ralph, Richard, and Vernon into whom she cemented security, confidence, America and the English language. She took the helm as naturally in the PTA and at the Emblem Club as she did the mantle in the Armenian Relief Society and the Ladies Guild at Holy Trinity. Her sprawling ranch house with the thick wood shingle roof looked onto the Sunnyside Country Club. She drove a white four-door Fleetwood Cadillac with a soft and purry velure interior. Khnguhi Kalyonchian, betraying the wistful black-and-white photograph on the credenza projecting a thousand year-old darling little girl sporting pigtails in her hair and a tennis racket in her hands, bid adieu to most of her family beginning on that day. Although she “survived” the Genocide, Khnguhi’s smile was turned down that day, at once and forever. In the years and decades to come, in picture after picture, it was one visual dirge, one unmitigated lament after another, a funeral procession that lasted for nearly all of her 91 years. Fifty years in this country and she still spoke English in choppy sentences, misconjugated verbs and mixed-up tenses, outstretched arms and expressive eyes. She went to no schools in America, made no friends, played no games. She bent her back, swallowed her pride, and went to work in Fresno’s fields. She married the quiet and restrained strength of Hovakim and named her daughters Vartiter and Nazik. The son she lost was to be named Vrej, meaning Revenge. Maybe the boy died so that his name would live in us. Khnguhi's matchbox-sized house with the thin decaying roof was similar to the hundreds of houses which Kaspar gathered. She never drove a car. Neither did Hovakim. As we mark the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, I struggle to settle on a definition of the scope of what was lost, what was taken. Was it only the childhood of Khnguhi and the roots of Siroon? Were their sorrows and anguish really that much different from each other in the end? Were they not both disinherited of their provenance, dispossessed of their destinies, displaced even from themselves? This much I know; but for the Genocide, Siroon wouldn’t be playing hide-and-seek in Tulare and Khnguhi would have played a lot of tennis near the Black Sea. And I’d most likely be somewhere between Erzerum and Kharpert. My grandmothers and yours shared a common fundamental characteristic: they faced the darkness and insisted on a future for their families, took silent oaths to not give up, to say yes to life, to believe in the

possibility of justice. To our parents, we say thank you for living strong and for showing us the way. Because they did not give up, because they believed, then we will not give up and we will believe. With the stories of these girls embedded in my life and the stories of your families engraved in yours, we must see to it that the chronic pain and continuing effects of the Genocide are not dehumanized, that they are not examined only analytically and scientifically, that their significance is never lost or forgotten. Though it is now a hardening scab, we cannot let the bleeding wound to be forgotten. Only when it is personalized will it be real enough to play a role in the decisions we make. These memories of hardship may test our hopes and try our conscience, but memory is our sacred duty, not simply to remember, however, but to act. Let us tell the world not only how our people died, but also how they lived, how they loved, how they hoped, how they dreamed. The Armenian Bar Association is one of the places where those stories can come together to be shared and where the bleeding may finally find a way to stop. And although so much has already been written and spoken, mere words—mine and yours and others’--somehow are not enough. Awareness without action changes nothing. Remembrance without resolve is a hollow gesture. “Never again” without followthrough leads to “Wait till next time.” As we enter the second century after the Genocide, we are now poised and prepared to take care of ourselves. Perhaps it's time that we not coddle public officials so slavishly and grovel to governments with upturned palms. Maybe it’s also time that we not seek shallow solace in recognitions and splinters of victory in resolutions. We should not rely on someone else to make us whole. Because they never have and they never will. From now on, let our redemption begin and end with us.

It was a glorious Sunday on March 8, 2015. Under the auspices of our Primate, H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, and Archpriest Fr. Moushegh Tashjian, we had St. Mary Church full to capacity. It was a moving sermon by His Eminence detailing the commemoration of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The Church service was followed by sumptuous Luncheon served by the Ladies Guild of St. Mary. On this occasion a most generous donation by our benefactor Mr. Garbis Arslanian of $100,000 was delivered, in memory of his departed wife, Maryam Arslanian. The charitable donation was for the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Monument at St. Mary. The Dedication and Consecration of the monument was carried

out by H.E. the Primate with the participation of a host of Religious and civic leader and dignitaries. A commemorative event was followed at the Orange Coast Community College. The program was spearheaded by the key note speaker, Fr. Vazken Movsesian. Numerous other speeches were made by the civic and religious leaders, including Brother Steven Kradjian, Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan. Entertainment for the occasion was by Armenian Society of Los Angeles Choir, Sebu Simonian of Capital Cities, Armenian Folk Ensemble and many others. The M.C. of the event was Mark Asdourian, Esq., who was most powerful and made an articulated presentation.

Dear Colleagues, We cordially remind you about upcoming 4th International Medical Congress of Armenia to be held on July 2 - 4, 2015 in Armenia Marriott hotel of Yerevan. Abstract submission is open until March 31, 2015. Abstracts can be submitted in English, Armenian and Russian. The official languages of the Congress are Armenian and English, as for the oral presentations. The early bird registration is valid until May 31, 2015. Online banking system will be functional from April 1. You will find all details about abstract submission and registration procedure, preliminary scientific program, social program, satellite symposia and other relevant issues on the official web site of the Congress: www.4imca.am. If you need additional assistance or have any questions, please contact the Organizing Committee. Looking forwards to meeting in Yerevan in July.

Armenia Changes Eurovision Song Title To “Face The Shadow”

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group took notice of AMPTV's request to change the title of their entry for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest into Face The Shadow, after having submitted the song formally to the competition, Eurovision website reports. The EBU and the ESC Reference Group welcome AMPTV's request to change the title of the song in order to take away any suggestion of political intent behind the song and "to strengthen the concept of an anthem of peace, love and unity", according to Gohar Gasparyan, Head of Delegation on behalf of AMPTV. Armenia will take part in the first SemiFinal of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest on 19th of May.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 19, 2015

Armenian Bikers Pilgrimage To pay tribute to the innocent souls lost to world atrocities To support the vision of LA2DC.org as all Americans unite across the states to raise Genocide awareness on a global level upon the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide As descendants of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide the Armenian Brigade MC Club will join the world-wide effort to raise consciousness about man’s inhumanity to man and prevent future genocides. We would like to unite bikers across the United States of all backgrounds to join the LA2DC movement from Los Angeles to the District of Columbia. Genocide concerns all nations and all people and it is our intention to ensure that no such atrocities take place in the future by creating constant dialogue with the use of social media to end world genocide. We would like to show our appreciation to the American people for the decades of unconditional support for this humanitarian concern through the efforts of the Near East Relief. Staring on 05-01-2015 Armenian Brigade Riders Will ride 640 mils a day, equivalent of 1.5 million foot steps, on the forth day riders will join LA2DC cyclists and runners that are on a coast-to-coast

relay marathon. Join us on our pilgrimage to pay tribute to the innocent souls lost to world atrocities Time Capsule To honor the stories of each participant and their family, we will carry with us a digital time capsule on our journey across the states. During the systematic deportations, some of our predecessors managed to save their family relics, such as their prayer books and family documents, on the long and deadly walk through the desert, passing them from hand to hand to ensure their stories live on as they perished. Please complete and submit the form on ArmenianBikers.com, so that we can preserve the history of your predecessors and families as we carry it with us on our journey from LA to DC. At the end of our journey, two time capsules will be placed with identical information, one in Armenia and the other in Los Angeles. Follow us: Instagram: ArmenianBikers #ArmenianBikers Facebook: ArmenianBikers #ArmenianBikers

AMAA's Avedisian School In Yerevan Hosts TEDxYerevan Salon Event

ural Resources, Hayk Harutyunyan and Deputy Representative of UNDP in Armenia, Claire Medina as Host, with a performance by the MIHR Theater group. The AMAA was honored to have the Avedisian School host and be a part of the world famous TEDx events. All attendees

With the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Armenia, the TEDxYerevan Team organized a salon event in Armenia on March 7th in the auditorium of AMAA's new Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School and Community Center in Yerevan. As the guests walked toward the School, they immediately appreciated the modern structure and its design and layout. The Avedisian School student volunteers eagerly awaited, to help and answer questions in their well-spoken English, and gave the guests a quick tour of the “green school” and tell them of its efficiency. The solar panels outside and the grass covered roofs all made for a fine specimen. Room after room the guests were amazed at the high technology in the classes and the potential to teach the upcoming generation. Chemistry labs, smart boards, projectors, computers sat ready for the upcoming week and the students who were ready to learn. The theme of this first-time TEDx event was "Time and Space," which focused on environmental issues facing Armenia. International and local speakers included: Diana Harutyunyan, Ph.D., Karen Aghababyan, Ph.D., Vardan Urutyan, Ph.D., Deputy minister for Energy and Nat-

were encouraged to bring new or used books to donate to the Avedisian School Library. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics. TEDx is an independently run program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. To learn more about Ted programs you may visit www.tedx.com. Founded in 1918 in Worcester, MA, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) serves the religious, educational and social needs of Armenian communities around the world. AMAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For additional information, visit www.amaa.org.

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

57 - Pınar Selek By Hambersom Aghbashian Pınar Selek (born October 8, 1971) is a Turkish sociologist, feminist, and author. She attended the French-language high school Notre Dame de Sion Fransız Lisesi in Istanbul and completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in the sociology department at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies in political science at the University of Strasbourg. Pınar Selek is known for her work on the rights of vulnerable communities in Turkey, including women, the poor, street children, sexual minorities, and Kurdish communities. She is the author of several books published in Turkish, German, and French, and is one of the founding editors of Amargi, a Turkish feminist journal. She currently resides in France. Selek has been prosecuted over a 15-year period in Turkey in connection to an explosion that occurred at the Spice Bazaar*, Istanbul in 1998. Tried and acquitted of all charges on three occasions (in 2006, 2008, and 2011), her most recent acquittal was amended in November 2012 by the Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No. 12, which sentenced her to life in prison on January 24, 2013. Selek's lawyers have appealed the verdict and announced plans to bring her case before the European Court of Human Rights.(1) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The brief text of the apology is: " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Pınar Selek was one of the signatories.(2) Pinar Selek is one of the Turkish intellectuals who always tackles the Armenian genocide subject , and according to Cem Sey, who writes for the liberal newspaper Taraf, "the Turkish judiciary often cracks down on artists and writers who tackle taboo subjects like Kurdish rights and the Armenian genocide." (3) According to "www.france24.com", January 24, 2013, " Pinar Selek, cleared three

times of complicity in a 1998 explosion in Istanbul, has been sento life tenced imprisonment by a Turkish court. She told France 24 that " the authorities want to silence her research on Armenian and Kurdish issues." Pinar Selek, lives in self- imposed exile in France.(4) Pinar Selek, a political refugee in France, who is currently carrying out research into the transformation of the militant Turkish sphere and its influence on movements of the Armenian Diaspora, lunched her new book " Parce qu’ils sont arméniens" (Because They’re Armenians). On this occasion, "www.lianalevi.fr" wrote on February 5, 2015, " April 2015 will mark the centenary of the Armenian genocide—a dark chapter in Turkish history, still controversial, still taboo. What might a Turk born in the 70s make of this community and this period of history? Pinar Selek responds with this personal and engaged account woven from memories, observations, and encounters. We learn along with her, from the inside, what it means to be formed by reciting slogans at school proclaiming national superiority, studying from misleading textbooks surrounded by fearful and silent classmates, wandering through a city where Armenian names have been expunged from public signs, campaigning in extreme-left movements having accepted this denial. The sensitive and controversial testimony of a woman of conviction whose personality and writing continues to be influenced by the Armenian question."(5)

*The Spice Bazaar (Turkish: Mısır Çar!ısı, meaning Egyptian Bazaar) in Istanbul, Turkey is one of the largest bazaars in the city. Located in the Eminönü quarter of the Fatih district, it is the most famous covered shopping complex after the Grand Bazaar. 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C4 %B1nar_Selek 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_ 3.http://www.dw.de/turkish-humanrights-activist-pinar-selek-faces-thirdtrial/a-14809844 4.http://www.france24.com/en/20130 124-pinar-selek-turkey-france-pkk-kurdsarmenian-genocide-justice/ 5.http://www.lianalevi.fr/f/index.php ?sp=liv&livre_id=517

Russian Servicemen Launch Military Exercise In Armenia Russian intelligence units launched military exercise in Pambak training complex in Armenia, with the task to “learn how to survive” in different natural and climatic conditions, said the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, according to RIA Novosti. Shooting training will also be conducted. The best participants will compete in a contest in North Ossetia. Over 300 servicemen are participating in the exercise, which is conducted in mountainous regions of Armenia.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 19, 2015


Contemporary Genocide Play To Debut In New York City In April NEW YORK, NY – While the Armenian Genocide occurred a century ago, descendants of victims are still grappling with the consequences of this historic calamity and what the hundred year mark means to them and to the future of the Armenian nation and diaspora. These issues are explored in the play, “From Sacred Wrath,” which will be performed on April 18, 2015 and April 19, 2015 at The Davenport Theatre in New York City. The story centers around the Armenian-American Khatchadourian family, who shares mixed emotions as the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide approaches: a grandmother who is unable to share her story of survival, as she is still traumatized by her escape; a young woman who forges ties to a Turkish journalist much to the chagrin of her patriotic father, and brother, who vows to fight for the future of his homeland by enlisting in the Nagorno Karapagh Defense Army. This timely play, written and directed by Taleen Babayan, reflects the various outlooks and struggles facing Armenians around the world today as the centennial of the Armenian Genocide approaches. The themes of denial, nationalism, reconciliation, and human rights abuses are explored and come to life on stage through the talented cast of diverse and professional actors, including Karnig Nercessian, playing the role of Hovsep, the patriotic patriarch of the family, Constance Cooper, playing the role of Aghavni, an Armenian Genocide survivor, Ani Djirdjirian, playing the role of Areni, a history teacher who has a more modern outlook of reconciliation, Raffi Wartanian, playing the role of Soghomon, an American-born Armenian who feels a desire to return to his homeland, Cihangir Duman, playing the role of Cemal, a Turkish journalist who is unable to call the Armenian massacres a genocide, Jamie Alana, playing the role of Ayesha, a Darfur Genocide survivor, and Haig Hovnanian, playing the role of Alex, a childhood friend of the family’s. “Soghomon’s burning patriotism is something that exists within me and has evolved over the years,” said Wartanian, a New York City based performer, writer and musician who received his theater training with John Astin, Krista Smith, Upright Citizens Brigade Theater and the New York Neo Futurists. “Soghomon gives me an op-

portunity ever,” said Cooper, a native New Yorker, of staging a relevant and meaningful play to emwho holds a Ph.D. in composition from such as this. brace a Princeton University. “In addition, what “From Sacred Wrath” is a production passion draws me to “From Sacred Wrath” is its exthat has been 100 years in the making - a and cercellent writing: its sober and undeviating powerful and contemporary story of the Armenian Genocide and its continued imtainty for devotion to its topic.” something In order to prepare for her role, Cooper pact on the diaspora today,” said Stepan I question. has found herself withdrawing from conKanarian, chairman of the Armenian Youth Foundation. “Given the Armenian Youth He allows frontations with the lesser traumas of her me to stop Foundation's charter of supporting efforts private life. question“In my own attempts to flee difficuland organizations of educational, cultural, athletic and camping significance, we felt it ties, I find the verities of Aghavni’s long siing, and to believe our responsibility to help ensure that this lence and ways to use my voice and body Cihangir Duman once again story was told.” for her statements about the uselessness of communication,” said Cooper, who has inin something greater than myself in the Babayan’s recent play, “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh),” a comedic story vented improvisaform of nation and identity. Yet at the core of his struggle is a univerthat follows an Armenian-American famtion structures for sal journey of self-discovery by ily’s desire to preserve their ethnic ties groups such as the electro-acoustic trio coming to terms with love for famwhile living in the Diaspora, has been performed for enthusiastic audience members First Avenue Ensemily. Soghomon is a complicated ball of contradictions ripe for exploin six Armenian communities across the ble at Merkin Hall, and who was ration and embrace on the stage.” country since its off-Broadway debut in awarded the Gustav Wartanian, who as a musician 2013. As the centennial of the Armenian has performed throughout ArmeGenocide approached, Babayan, who as a Mahler prize for a nia and the United States as well as journalist has interviewed Armenian Genodouble concerto with improvising violinist in Beirut and Prague, spent a year cide survivors and who grew up hearing about her grandparent’s escape from the and cellist. living in Armenia as a Fulbright Scholar. He brings his own pergenocide, felt her most worthy contribution C onstance Cooper She is also worksonal experiences to the role as an to the cause would be through the arts. ing on making a surArmenian born in Baltimore to “We as Armenians know about the Armenian Genocide. It has to real video about hostages grandparents who fled the Armenian Genocide and parents who left Beirut duran extent, become our narrataking shelter in her body ing the Civil War. tive. But what is instrumenand to whom she is pitiless. “I have witnessed and chewed on a tal as we commemorate the whirlwind of political, socioeconomic, and hundredth anniversary, is to “No doubt the characexistential vantage points,” said Wartanian, ensure that in another hunterization required by this role of victimizer will help a graduate of Johns Hopkins University dred years, the genocide will me characterize, by conand Columbia University. “Central to these not become a mere footnote has been a passion for social justice. I hold in our history,” said Babayan. trast, the victimhood of strong convictions about identity, culture, “My goal was to write a Aghavni.” Babayan, who was and history and will infuse that same passtory that is thought provoking and to spur discussion awarded the Armenian sion into the content justifying Soghomon’s passions.” not just in our community, Youth Foundation grant and the Mabel Fenner Performing artist and composer/imbut beyond.” Raffi Wartanian Scholarship of Holy Cross proviser Constance Cooper plays the role “From Sacred Wrath” will be performed on Saturday, April 18 at 7:00 Armenian Church to help stage this proof Aghavni, the matriarch of the Khatchadourian family, who cannot bear to tell her pm and Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. duction, wrote the play with the intention of presenting it not only to the Armenian story of escape from the Armenian Genoat the Davenport Theatre, located at 354 community, but to a more encompassing cide in 1915, when 1.5 million Armenians West 45th Street in New York City. The play is in English with some Armenian lines, were massacred by the Young Turks, and audience. which to this day goes unacknowledged by which will be translated in the commemo“My aim is to bring the Armenian Genocide to the forefront while incorporatthe Turkish government. rative play booklet. Run time: 1 hour and ing the tragic event into the greater theme 30 minutes, including one intermission. “This play, drawing on ArmenianAmerican experiences of trauma and diasof human rights abuses that unfortunately Limited seating. For tickets and more inpora, nevertheless brings us in touch with continue to this day around the world,” formation, please visit www.fromsacredsaid Babayan, who appreciates the support international dilemmas that are with us, at wrath.ticketbud.com. of those organizations who see the vision this moment of the 21st century, more than !

Mehmet Polatel, Turkish Historian, Discusses Property Confiscation During And After The Armenian Genocide YEREVAN, Armenia – On February 4, 2015, the American University of Armenia (AUA) hosted a talk by Turkish Historian Mehmet Polatel on “Armenian Property Confiscation During and After the Genocide.” The lecture was part of AUA’s 1915 Centennial series. For many in the audience, it was a unique experience to hear from a young Turkish academic so dedicated to recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Polatel stated, “My interest in this subject developed as a student. It is academically and politically a very important subject, especially for understanding the complexity of genocide. The seizure of properties was not just a transfer of ownership; it was a crucial part of the genocide policy for the destruction of Armenians and Armenianness.” Polatel’s presentation covered the seizure of Armenian property in three main ways: transfer of ownership by the Ottoman State, extortion and abuses by civil servants and military personnel, and the seizure and looting of Armenian properties

during the massacres. Throughout the presentation, Polatel utilized historical documents and texts, including the notebooks of Talaat Pasha and other archival materials, to analyze the process and mechanisms underpinning the seizure of Armenian churches, monasteries, cemeteries, lands, and other goods during the genocide. Tom Samuelian, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, thanked Polatel for his work and for his visit to Armenia, stating, “This is a very big topic. When we talk about what kind of compensation is due, we have to always bear in mind that much more was lost than property. But it’s clear that this taking of the property was part of the plan. It was the completion of the destruction of the Armenians in their homeland.”

Mehmet Polatel is a historian focusing on late Ottoman history and the early Turkish Republic. His research interests are in the fields of power, state formation, social change, nationalism, and genocide. He has conducted research on the fate of Armenian property in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at Bo!aziçi University and a Research Assistant in the history department of Koç University in Istanbul. He is also a researcher at the International Hrant Dink Foundation.

Charles Aznavour To Meet Pope Francis Ahead Of Armenian Genocide Centennial Charles Aznavour will be at St. Peter’s Square Wednesday for the General Audience of Pope Francis. Adnkronos.com reports, citing its sources in Vatican, that the French-Armenian artist will meet the Pope at the end of the Audience. A meeting between the Pope and the world’s most popular Armenian takes even greater significance given that 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. On this occasion, Aznavour will propose Pope Francis to hold a concert in the Vatican to commemorate the centenary of the genocide. Remind that Pope Francis will celebrate a Mass at Basilica of San Pietro on April 12 to commemorate the Armenian Genocide centennial. The Catholicos of All Armenians is expected to attend the Mass. Siranush Ghazanchyan

N.O. March 19, 2015, No. 12:N.O. Blank


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:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM Marti 10-11-in ka\azan :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici patas.an fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªÂhalº M&- ª<alkhº^ 3-4% (2-0)% 5-4 ª"orjouº-ªBax;lº^ 4-0% (1-1)% 5-1 ªBauariaº-ª<a.t\orº^ 7-0% (0-0)% 7-0 ªC;lsiº-ª"SVº anzau \a=ord 'oul^ 2-2% (1-1)% 3-3% Monaqon anzau \a=ord 'oul fiurenkalou;lis au;li kol .';lou patya®ow! Marti 17-18-in ka\aza‘ fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& ªMonaqøº-ªArs;nalº^ 0-2% 3-3% (3-1) ªAjl;tikøº-ªL;u;rkoux;nº^ 1-0% (0-1)% 1-1% 11 m;jr 3-2 ªBars;lonaº-ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 1-0% (2-1)% 3-1 ªBorousiaº-ª:ouw;njousº^ 0-3% (1-2)% 1-5!

:UROLIKA|OUM Marti 12-in ka\azan ;urolika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin a\sphs& ªX;nijº-ªJorinøº^ 2-0 ªWol`sbourgº-ªInt;rº^ 3-1 ªBriughº-ªB;,iqja,º^ 2-1 ªDniprøº-ªA\aqsº^ 1-0 ªHw;rtonº-ªTinamøº Q&^ 2-1 ªWilia®halº-ªS;uiliaº^ 1-3 ªNa'oliº-ªTinamøº M&^ 3-1 ª~ior;ntinaº-ªÂomaº^ 1-1

’ANRAMARTI FF 2015-I A>O|:ANN:RE W;r=;rs :r;uani ølimpiakan f;rja'o.i p;takan marxakan qolhyoum auartou;z FF ‘anramarti 2015 j& a®a=noujiune! Kananz a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum hin 27 marxoufin;r% wnasoua‘qiz apaqinou;lou patya®ow pa\qarin chr masnakzoum M;linh Daloux;ane! Tarb;r qa,a\in karg;roum FF a.o\;anoufin;r dar]an& Hl;n Grigor;ane (48 qk& qa,% ;rkamartoum^ 110 qk&)% Anna Gow;l;ane (53 qk&% 146 qk&)% <ou,an |akob;ane (58 qk&% 140 qk&)% Ixap;la :a\l;ane (63 qk&% 192 qk&)% Sona Pø[os;ane (69 qk&% 196 qk&)% Ar;uik Papik;ane (75 qk&% 171 qk&) ;u F®i'simh >our,oud;ane (+75 qk&% 235 qk&)! |a=ord ør;rin anzkazou;z t[amardkanz a®a=noujiune! Tarb;r qa,a\in karg;roum FF a.o\;ann;r dar]an& Dauij Dauo\;ane (56 qk&% 221 qk&)% Smbat Margar;ane (62 qk&% 250 qk&)% Wanik Au;-



tis;ane (69 qk&% 300 qk&)% Vorv :[ik;ane (77 qk&% 301 qk&)% A[asi A[as;ane (85 qk&% 330 qk&)% Mkrtic Mkrtc;ane (94 qk&% 336 qk&)% Art\om P;tros;ane (105 qk&% 324 qk&) ;u Simon Martiros;ane (+105 qk&% 390 qk&)! A®a=nouj;ane wnasoua‘qi patya®ow cmasnakz;z g;r‘anr qa,a\in Âoubhn Al;qsan;ane! 77 qk& qa,a\inn;r Tigran Martiros;ani% A®aq;l Mirxo\;ani ;u Andranik Karap;t;ani famar k*anzkazoui mrza'oul% ori ardiunqoum k*oro,oui jh ow Aprilin ke n;rka\azni Fa\astane^ :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum% as;l h FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic "a,ik Alau;rt;ane! Aprili 11-18-e Ji`lisoum ka\analiq :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane Fa\astane% est FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Alau;rt;ani% npatak ouni 6 qa,a\in karg;roum fandhs gal 8 marxikn;row! Fauanakan kaxme& Smbat Margar;an (56 qk&)% Âostom Karap;t;an ;u Wanik Au;tis;an (2-n hl 69 qk&)% A®aq;l Mirxo\;an% Andranik Karap;t;an ;u Tigran Martiros;an (3-n hl 77 qk&)% A[asi A[as;an (85 qk&) ;u Simon Martiros;an (105 qk&)!

PAQOU GNA#L JH OC Marti 10-in goumarou;z FAØK-i gor‘komi niste% ori vamanak qnnarkou;l h Paquoum% |ounisi 12-28% ka\analiq ;uropakan a®a=in ama®a\in .a[;rin fa\ marxikn;ri masnakzouj;an farze! Marxa,.arfi n;rka\azouzicn;ri f;t fangamanaliz qnnarkoumn;riz \;to\% oro,oum h ka\azou;l masnakz;l Paquoum ka\analiq .a[;rin^ 6 marxa];u;roum& emb,amart% sambø% yiutø% b®nzqamart% j;qouantø ;u fra]goujiun! Mhk vam t;ua‘ qnnarkoumiz \;to\ nisti dafliyn a®a=ine lqa‘ \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane asaz& ªM;nq ardhn \a\tn;l ;nq m;r kar‘iqe Paqou m;kn;lou masin ;u ka\azr;l m;r oro,oume! M;nq dhm ;nq a\d .a[;rin masnakz;loun! Ow ko[m h% jo[ gna masnakziº! Sporti ;u ;ritasardakan farz;ri na.arar Gabrihl {axar;ane drakan h famaroum FAØK-i oro,oume .a[;rin fa\ marxikn;ri masnakzouj;an w;rab;r;al! Na.arare gtnoum h& ªor fa\ marxikn;ri cmasnakz;ln a\d .a[;rin fnarauor h wnas faszni oc mia\n nranz marxakan k;nsagrouj;ann% a\l na;u FF warkani,in^ mi=axga\in marxakan asparhxn;roumº! FF b®nzqamarti axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Dauij Joros;ane asaz& ªAtrph\yanzin;ri na`ja\in tolarn;row gna‘ \ørinoua‘ a®a=in ;uropakan .a[;re Paquoum anzkazn;le m;‘ PR h% Atrph\yani PR-e% orin Fa\astane ouxoum h masnakiz lin;l% a\sinqn m;nq gnoum ;nq dranz PR-in masnakiz l;n;lo#u! M;nq c;nq karo#[ a\d mardkanz bo\qot;l! Tarørinak h% or a\dpisi oro,oumn;r ;n ka\aznoum ;u ir;nziz ,at gof ;n a\d mardikº! Ølimpiakan a.o\;an Foks;n Mirxo\;ann hl asoum h& ª:jh marxike ci zankanoum masnakz;l Paquoum ka\analiq ;uropakan .a[;rin% wa.;noum h% jo[ cgna! Oc oq nran ci stip;lou! Ba\z Fa\astane jhkoux mhk marxikow% ba\z ke masnakzi .a[;rin! :jh ‘anramart linhr% ;s jo\l ke ta\i% or ordis masnakzhr .a[;-

rin% ;s hl f;te ke gna\iº! Dauij Joros;ane asoum h& ªFAØK-i nistoum ko[m qouharka‘n;re c;n m;kn;lou Paqou! :s xrouz;l ;m ‘no[n;ri f;t% in] \stak as;l ;n^ ke n;rhq m;r t[an Paqou ci gna! &&&Asoum ;n Atrph\yane ;ra,.auor;l h FF patouirakouj;an anwtangoujiune! :jh amhn ør safmanin xinouorn;r ;n xofuoum% gndako‘oum ;n fa\kakan ou[[aji®e% Minski .mbi f;t inc-or pa\manauoroua‘oujiunn;r ;n anoum% \a\tararoum% or ;ra,.auoroua‘ h fradadare% ba\z amhn ør safmanin fa\ xinouor h xofuoum! I#nc ;ra,.iqow ;n zankanoum fa\ marxikn;rin tan;l a\d ;rkirº! B®nzqamarti FF fauaqakane ke masnakzi Paquoum ka\analiq .a[;rin% Dauij Joros;ani 'o.arhn jime ke gl.auori FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani auag marxic^ Karhn A[amal;ane! A\s masin \a\tn;z FF b®nzqamarti da,nouj;an na.agaf^ Arjour Ghorg;ane! FF yiuto\i da,noujiune ko[m h Paqou m;kn;lou! ªA\d .a[;re yiuto\i famar lin;lou ;n na;u :uropa\i a®a=noujiun% ore ølimpiakan warkani,a\in h! Anglia\oum a\s tari ka\analiq :uropa\i a®a=noujiun% ore ølimpiakan warkani,a\in h! Anglia\oum a\s tari ka\analiq :uropa\i a®a=noujiune \;ta]gou;z ;u t;[a'o.ou;z Paqoui .a[;r! Paqou phtq h gnanq m;r am;naouv;[ marxikn;row% Paqouiz m;tali aknkaliq oun;nq |owfannhs Dauj;aniz ;u Vanna Stank;uicizº% m;knaban;z FF yiuto\i da,nouj;an na.agaf Dauij >ijar;ane! :®aki ølimpiakan a.o\;an Alb;rt Axar;ann ;us dhm h Paqou m;kn;loun% ªA\nt;[ m;r marxikn;re% orqan hl lau masnakzoujiun zouzab;r;n% lau fandhs gan% amhn inc yi,d an;n \a[janakn;r c;n oun;nalou! M;xaniz \a[janakn;re ke go[anan% miauorn;re c;n fa,oui% \a[janakn;re ke tan bolorin% ba\z oc fa\ marxikn;rinº% as;l h fanra\a\t marmnamarxike! Ølimpiakan a.o\;an Isra\hl Militos;an& ªPaquoum .ocendotn;ri ,at ke fandip;nq% isk m;x wa\;l ch a\nt;[iz w;rada®nal partoua‘º! J;qouanto\i da,noujiun& ªNpataka\armar c;nq gtnoum masnakzoujiune |ounisin Paquoum anzkazou;liq .a[;rin! Paquoum nman mi=oza®man masnakz;ln anjo\latr;li ;nq famaroum% \atkaphs Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki taroum% ;rb o[= a®a=adhm mardkouj;an ko[miz og;kocman% \i,atakman araro[oujiunn;rin Jourqian ;u ir krts;r ;[ba\r Atrph\yane jat;rakanazoua‘ k;[‘ ,ooun;r ;n fakadroum ;u a\d k;rp 'or]oum tpauoroujiun st;[‘;lº! ª:s zankanoum ;m m;kn;l Paqou% patrast ;m Paquoum a®au;lago\ns fandhs gal% nouay;l m;tal im ;rkri famarº%- as;l h FF a®a=atar j;qouantoist Arman :r;m;ane! |arg;li enj;rzo[% ;jh in] farznhq% ;s hl ;m dhm fa\ marxikn;ri masnakzouj;ane Paqoui .a[;rin! |i,;zn;m% or w;r=;rs Atrph\yani ,a.mati t[amardkanz fauaqakane fravarou;z masnakz;l Aprilin Fa\astanoum ka\analiq a,.arfi gauaji jima\in a®a=nouj;ane! Fravaroumin phtq h patas.an;nq fravaroumow!

N.O. March 19, 2015, No. 12:N.O. Blank



4:29 PM

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NOR ØR% 19 MART 2015

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