N.O. March 26, 2015, No. 13:N.O. Blank
3:17 PM
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NAJANIAFOUI ISRA|HLE% AM:RIKA|I MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:RE :U MI+IN AR:U:LQI >A{A{OUJIUNE |OWSH" M:LQON:AN Mart 3% 2015-in% Isra\hli warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafou Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Gonkrhsi miaz;al nisti me enjazqin ,at;rou ko[mh ªkar;uorº nkatoua‘ ya® me .øs;zau! Ya®in gl.auor npatakn hr Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Gonkrhsin% ;u am;rik;an fanra\in kar‘iqin% bazatr;l ;u baza\a\t;l Xouiz;rio\ Monjro\ qa[aqin mh= ka\azo[ Irani fiulhakan apaxinman ‘ragri g‘ow t;[i oun;zo[ mi=axga\in banakzoujiunn;rou ªwtangauor bnoujiune ;u fauanakan f;t;uanqn;re Isra\hli% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u a,.arfi .a[a[ouj;an famarº! Am;rik;an Gonkrhsi miaz;al nistin a®=;u .øsq a®n;le m;‘ patiu me ke nkatoui bolor a\n mi=axga\in qa[aqaghtn;roun ;u an]nauoroujiunn;roun famar% oronq a\dpisi frauhr me ke stanan Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou gor‘adir ;u ørhnsdir i,.anoujiunn;rhn! A®a=in angam a\dpisi miaz;al nist me ka\aza‘ h 1874-in% bari galoust ma[j;lou famar Faoua\ii Qalaqaoua w;fap;tin% ;rb a\d ;rkire takauin am;rik;an miouj;an chr andamakza‘ ibr;u nafang! Ankh i w;r 116 tarb;r a®ijn;row ya®;r artasanoua‘ ;n am;rik;an Gonkrhsi miaz;al nist;roun mi=axga\in qa[aqaghtn;rou ;u dhmq;rou ko[mh% incpisin hin ørinaki famar% M;‘n Britanio\ warcap;tn;r Ouinsjen Cercil% Markarhj Jacer% Hlixaphj B& jagoufin% ~ransa\i na.agaf <arl Te Kol% Âousio\ Da,nouj;an na.agaf Poris :lzin% Isra\hli warcap;t Isfak Âapin% :giptosi na.agaf Anouar Sataj ;u ouri,n;r! Anzno[ gr;jh 150 tarin;roun mia\n ;r;q p;takan [;kawarn;r mhkh au;li angamn;r frauiroua‘ ;n .øsq a®n;lou am;rik;an Gonkrhsi miaz;al nist;roun a®=;u! A\d baza®ik an]nauoroujiunn;roun ke patkani M;‘n Britanio\ warcap;t Ouinsjen Cercil% or ;r;q a®ijn;row patmakan ya®;r .øsa‘ h Gonkrhsi b;mhn! A\l n,anauor mi=axga\in dhmq me% Faraua\in A'rikhi na.agaf N;lsen Mant;la% ;rkou angam a®ij oun;za‘ h a\d b;mhn .øs;lou am;rik;an fanra\in kar‘iqin! Isk Isra\hli warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafou 3 Mart% 2015 jouakanin .øsa‘ ir ya®ow ;rrord angamn h% or a\d faxouagiut patiuin k*arvananar! Saka\n a\s angam a\d faxouagiut nkatouo[ patiui ,norfoume t;[i touau anna.enjaz diuanagitakan tagnapi me soworabar s;rt \arab;roujiunn;r m,ako[ Is-
ra\hli ;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ka®awaroujiunn;roun mi=;u! Ardar;u% ;r;uan ;kau% or Isra\hli Warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafouin ou[[oua‘ frauhre am;rik;an Gonkrhsi b;mhn ya®a.øs;lou endounoua‘ famakargin faka®ak mia\n ørhnsdir i,.anouj;anz ko[mh troua‘ frauhr men hr% a®anz gor‘adir i,.anouj;anz% a\sinqn Na.agaf Paraq Øpama\i Spitak Tan fauanouj;an kam famamtouj;an! "rojoqola\in a\s kargi .a.toume soworakan pa\mann;roun mh= kar;li k*ellar diurouj;amb lou‘;l% kam st;[‘oua‘ tarakar‘oujiune farj;l% endounoua‘ kargou];ui me fama]a\n ;jh ;rkou ko[m;re irarou f;t .orfrdakz;lou mitoum oun;na\in! Saka\n kazoujiune au;li larou;zau ;u st;[‘oua‘ tagnape au;li sr;zau% ;rb ;r;uan ;kau na;u jh Najaniafoui frauhre ];®qi gor‘n hr Oua,inkjeni møt Isra\hli d;span Ron Thrmeri% or enddimadir Fanrap;takan Kousakzouj;an N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tan [;kawarouj;an f;t a\s ‘ragire \[aza‘ hr am;rik;an qa[aqakan fasarakouj;an a®=;u ªdimakax;r‘;louº Na.agaf Paraq Øpama\i warcakargi Irani f;t ];®narka‘ Fiulhakan apaxinman banakzoujiunn;rou .orqe ;u xargazoumn;re! Miavamanak% am;rik;an qa[aqakan dht;r ke ,;,thin% jh Isra\hli d;spanin a\s ‘ragr;al na.a];®noujiune ke mithr warcap;t Najaniafouin a®ij tal mi=axga\in fanra\a\t b;mh me .øsq a®n;lou^ isra\hl;an .orfrdaranakan entroujiunn;rhn tasnfing ør;r a®a= a\n aknkalouj;amb% or a\dpisi fraparaka\in ;lo\j me Gonkrhshn n;rs krnar isra\hl;an jat;rab;min wra\ drakan ;u npastauor andradar]n;r oun;nal Najaniafoui gl.auora‘ kousakzouj;an entrakan kar;liouj;anz ;u ardiunqn;roun wra\! Saka\n a\nphs ke joui jh oc oq k*aknkalhr% or a\s na.a];®nouj;an f;t;uanqow anna.adhp 'ojorik me krnar pa\jil Isra\hli ;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou pa,tønakan \arab;rouj;anz mh=! Ardar;u% Spitak Toune bou®n k;rpow fakaxd;z a\s frauhrin% ou a® or ank h t;[;kazouz jh Øpama\i warcakargin patkano[ o;uh pa,tønakan an]nauoroujiun% ella\ Na.agaf Paraq Øpama% 'o. Na.agaf Yø Pa\ten ;u kam P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Qhri na.aphs fastatoua‘ vamanakazo\zi me pafan=nqn;roun ;u partauoroujiunn;roun patya®ow piti ckar;na\in n;rka\ gtnouil anor ya®a.øsouj;an ;u kam a®an]naki
fandipoum me oun;nal f;te! A\spisi tarakar‘ouj;anz fraparaka\in qnnarkoume jh* ka®awarakan ;u jh* fa[ordakzakan mi=ozn;rou ‘irin mh= anna.adhp diuanagitakan ;r;uo\j men hr Am;rika\i f;t oun;za‘ Isra\hli m;na,norf;al \arab;rouj;anz mh=! Jh;u anz;alin paraga\akan tarakar‘oujiunn;r ;r;uan ;ka‘ ;n ;rkou p;touj;anz \arab;roujiunn;roun mh=% saka\n asonq lou‘oua‘ hin ;rkou ko[m;rou mi=;u t;[i oun;za‘ diuanagitakan an,,ouk ,'oumn;roun ,norfiu! Warcap;t Najaniafoui ya®e am;rik;an Gonkrhsi miaz;al nistin noroujiun me cb;rau% bazi fandisanalh krknoujiune fraparaka\in a\n arta\a\toujiunn;roun% xors an tarin;rh i w;r ke framznh ir ounkndirn;roun Irani fiulhakan xhnqi j[ja‘rari kapakzouj;amb! Ardar;u% ª:tioj Afronojº Isra\hl;an f;[inakauor øraj;rje ir 6 Mart% 2015 jiuin mh= ke w;rafratarakhr Najaniafoui mhk \ødoua‘e groua‘ 1993-in% our an ke pndhr jh Iran fiulhakan xhnqi piti tiranar 1996 jouakanin&&&! ªA\d jouakanhn i w;r% Najaniafou no\n \ank;rge ke krknhº ke grhr j;rje! Ir kargin ªNiu :orq Ja\mxº am;rik;an øraj;rje ir 3 Mart 2015 famarin mh= .mbagrakan \ødoua‘i me mh= k*eshr& ªParon Najaniafoui ya®e oc mhk ,ø,a';li noroujiun me b;rau! Parxaphs an entrakan ,af;r ke f;tapndh ;u \stak h jh couxhr% or banakzoujiunn;r t;[i oun;nan Irani f;tº! Anka. a\n farzhn jh iskaphs inc npatakn;r ke f;tapndhr Najaniafou am;rik;an Gonkrhsi miaz;al nistin ir .øsa‘ ya®ow% ir;n ou[[oua‘ ørhnsdir i,.anouj;anz frauhre masnauorabar ;r;uan fan;z mi=am;rik;an n;rqin ;u ka®o\za\in ]gtoua‘oujiunn;re% i,.anouj;an wra\ gtnouo[ Vo[owrdawarakan kam D;mokrat Kousakzouj;an ;u Fanrap;takan enddimadrouj;an mi=;u ;[a‘ fimnakan tarakar‘oujiunn;re^ Irani fiulhakan apaxinman% pa[;stin;an farzi .a[a[ lou‘oumi f;®ankarn;rou ;u Isra\hli f;t \atouk \arab;roujiunn;rou n;rka\ enjazqin ,our=! A\s farz;rou qnnarkoume au;li bard bno\j me stazau am;rik;an qa[aqakan k;anqi a®an]na\atkoujiunn;roun ;u a\s farz;rou kapakzouj;amb irarmh tarb;r ;rkou ®axmawarakan emb®noumn;rou ;u dirqoro,oumn;rou patya®ow! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
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APAQINMAN MA{JANQ K*imananq% jh Enk;r Sargis Minas;an ;njarkoua‘ h gor‘o[ouj;an me ;u a\vm kaxdourman ,r=an ke bolorh! <outa'o\j ;u katar;al apaqinoum ke ma[j;nq m;r sir;li Enk;ro=! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ªNor Ørº Warcoujiun
House Takes Up New Armenian Genocide Resolution
The following information was released by the office of California Rep. Jim Costa: California lawmakers on Wednesday helped relaunch the latest, long-shot bid to put the House of Representatives on record as recognizing the Armenian genocide. A perennial effort that always faces stiff political and diplomatic headwinds, the familiar resolution was introduced Wednesday with more than 40 co-sponsors, some of them House freshmen. The intention, though, remains the same as it has been for several decades. "It's our responsibility as members of Congress . . . and as friends of the Armenians that live in our communities today, to make sure this atrocity that happened is remembered," said Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford. "We have a responsibility to make sure the president and Turkey recognize what happened." Jim Costa, the Fresno Democrat in the House, noted that the 100th anniversary of the genocide will be marked next month. "Acknowledging this atrocity would finally allow a fair, just, and comprehensive international resolution of this crime against humanity," he said. "Our detractors will always say, "Now is not the right time.' I say, "The time is now!' Congress and the president should go on record acknowledging this atrocity once and for all." Dubbed the Armenian Genocide Truth and Justice Resolution, the nonbinding measure calls on President Barack Obama to help restore Armenian-Turkish relations "based upon the Republic of Turkey's full acknowledgment of the facts and ongoing consequences of the Armenian Genocide." This year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the horrific series of events that left, in the words of the House members' joint statement Wednesday, "1.5 million Armenians dead and millions more displaced." Historians and myriad governmental bodies have characterized the events that took place between 1915 and 1923 as genocide, a term first recognized in international law in 1948 as referring to actions intended to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Turkey, a key NATO ally, vigorously disputes the accuracy of the genocide term. A spokesman for the Turkish Embassy in Washington declined to comment pending guidance from officials in Ankara. As a senator, Obama used the Cont. on p.10
Armenia's President Slams Turkey’s Denialist Policy The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan slammed the new expressions of Turkish denialism in an interview to France 24. As reports “Armenpress” citing the website of France 24, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to change this year’s Gallipoli commemoration to coincide with Armenia’s marking of the 100th anniversary of the genocide was a “cynical expression of denialism”. “Unfortunately, once again we find ourselves facing a negationist approach and I’m sorry to use this expression, but it is a particularly cynical act. The Battle of Gallipoli did not start of April 24 [1915], nor did it end on April 24, it’s self-evident. On
one hand, this is a way of injuring, of wounding the Armenian people and at the same time, it is intended to set obstacles on the path to centennial commemorations [of the Armenian Genocide],” Sargsyan said.
Serious Control Over NGOs And Mass Media Getting Money From Abroad Established Months ago the Armenian Noah’s Ark Russia-based magazine conducted an interview with the Russian ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin who said that Russia must more actively state about its presence in Armenia’s information field. “It is necessary to neutralize the NGOs acting in Armenia and trying to harm Armenian-Russian relations in other way. For instance in Russia a law has been adopted which clearly regulates the activity of the NGO. It is obvious that those who direct their activity against Russian-Armenian friendship do not want anything good to Russia and Armenia,” he said. This interview raised a big noise in Ar-
menia with a number of NGOs conducting different actions. According to Nyut.am sources corresponding services have started carrying out serious control of the NGOs and mass media getting money from abroad, like for instance SOROS Foundation getting money from the West. Supposedly, it was a ‘request’ of the Russian authorities. There is also an opposite tendency as well with the West asking to be careful with Griboyedov Club etc. Soon noisy developments just like the one which happened with Vardan Oskanian. In short, soon we will hear about the money laundering cases.
Cyprus President Confirms Participation In Armenian Genocide Centennial Events
The President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades will visit Armenia April 23-25, Press Office of Vartkes Mahdessian, Member of the Cyprus House of Representatives, informs. According to the source, “Nicos Anastasiades has accepted the official invitation of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to visit Armenia from 23 to 25 April to attend the Armenian Genocide centennial commemoration events to be held in Yerevan and confirm the support of the Government of Cyprus to the Armenian people.”
Hranush Hakobyan To Be Appointed Armenia’s Ambassador To Russia
Dersim Armenians In Search For Their True Identity Nine Mayors from Dersim have arrived in Armenia at the initiative of the “Modus Vivendi” center and with the support of the Armenian Ministry of Diaspora. The Mayors have visited Tsitsernakabersd to pay tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. They have also been at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Khor Virap, the History Museum of Armenian and Matenadaran. The Mayos met with reporters today to share their impressions. They spoke about the serach for their identity and the problems of returning to their roots. They also presented the joint programs with Zazas and Alevis. Head of Modus Vivendi Center Ara Papyan said the initiative aims to provide Dersim Armenians with an opportunity to get to know Armenia ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Ara Papyan said they have worked
with the Dersim Province for several years now. They often organize festivals featuring groups from Armenia. Many residents of Dersim now openly accept their Armenian descent and even baptize. Others, however, continue to hide their true identity out of decades-long fear. Considering all this, it’s hard to calculate today what percentage of Dersim residents is of Armenian descent. The number could be between 20 and 90. One thing is clear: people in Dersim have started to return to their Armenian roots.
Nyut.am sources report that after April 24 serious changes will take place in the Armenian government. In May-September certain spheres of the country’s government will be entrusted to other two parties. There will not be coalition government as such but other two political forces will be entrusted three ministries. More probably Diaspora Ministry will be given to ARF-D. In case of such developments Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan will be appointed Armenia’s ambassador to Russia.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 26, 2015
Gus on the Go: AGBU Introduces Armenian Language Apps for Children ABMDR Passes Now Available for iOS and Android Devices European Licensing The Armenian General Benevolent versions to inspire the next generation of Inspection With Flying Union (AGBU) is proud to announce the kids to learn Armenian,” says Alice Zhao, launch of the Western and Eastern Armenco-founder of Gus on the Go. Colors ian versions of the Gus on the Go language app for children. AGBU is partnering with toojuice, LLC—the creators of Gus on the Go—to encourage young children to discover the Armenian language through interactive vocabulary lessons and games. The app is now available for download for $3.99 USD on both iOS and Android devices. Recognized by parenting and teaching blogs as one of the best language learning apps, Gus on the Go “makes language learning enjoyable for the whole family,” according to Parents Magazine. This easy to use, colorful app features Gus, a friendly owl, and is narrated by native speakers. Guided by a country map with iconic landmarks, Gus travels through Armenia, visiting Gyumri, Sardarabad, Yerevan and Tatev. Animations enhance the user experience as children learn basic vocabulary concepts with interactive visual and listening exercises on numbers, colors, shapes, food, animals and more. Each lesson review unlocks exciting vocabulary games that reinforce the material learned in earlier sections. The fun continues offline with free Armenian language printable activities— with numbers flashcards, zoo animal fortune teller and transportation wheel printable in both Western and Eastern Armenian.
Gus on the Go was created by two parents, Yonatan Mittlefehldt of toojuice, LLC and Alice Zhao of Zhao Media, LLC, who are passionate about helping children learn languages in an immersive way. Western and Eastern Armenian now number among the 28 languages offered. “Gus on the Go
was born out of the need to instill my heritage language in my children, and we are thrilled to work with AGBU to create the Western and Eastern Armenian language
“Although they are designed for preschoolers, the Gus on the Go Armenian language apps are perfect for learners of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. Whether you are interested in teaching the younger generation, reinforcing your own knowledge of basic vocabulary or exploring a whole new language, Gus offers a fun learning experience for Armenians and non-Armenians alike,” explains Natalie Gabrelian, director of scholarships and alternative education at AGBU. “As AGBU redefines its role in Armenian education with a new focus on offering an array of elearning alternatives, we are happy to be taking this first step into the exciting world of apps with Gus on the Go.” To learn more about Gus on the Go: Eastern Armenian and to download the app for Android or iOS devices, visit: http://www.gusonthego.com/gus-on-thego-languages/gus-on-the-go-eastern-armenian-for-kids/ To learn more about Gus on the Go: Western Armenian and to download the app for Android or iOS devices, visit: http://www.gusonthego.com/gus-on-thego-languages/gus-on-the-go-western-armenian-for-kids/ To download the free printable, visit: http://www.gusonthego.com/free-armenian-language-printables/
Overwhelming Response To Genocide Centennial In Washington D.C. By Florence Avakian “There has been an overwhelming response to the May 7 to 9 Centennial of the Armenian Genocide commemoration in Washington D.C.” stated Dr. Noubar Afeyan, Chairman of the National Genocide Commemoration Committee. “It is still two months before the climactic event, and hotel reservations are almost sold out, and concert and banquet tickets are going fast.” During this past weekend, the Genocide Centennial Committee met in Washington D.C. with national committee representatives present. Also attending were Primate of the Eastern Diocese Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Primate of the Western Diocese Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, and Diocesan Legate in Washington D.C. Archbishop Vicken Aykazian. “Details of this historic commemoration at our nation’s capital were firmed up at this meeting,” reported Dr. Afeyan. “There is very serious work going on almost round the clock. The list of dignitaries attending our three-day program is growing daily.” UNITY IS THE POWERFUL THEME Following the meeting, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian commented on the importance of the Washington D.C. Centennial. “The most important aspect of this Centennial in Washington is UNITY,” he related with special emphasis. “All Armenian-American religious, cultural, benevolent and political organizations are united in this crucial effort. Already we have had, and will continue to have Centennial events throughout the year, but the Washington commemoration is the climax, and the most important,” he noted. “The Washington Centennial will show to our leadership in Washington D.C. that we are a united Armenian-American community, and this is powerful,” he declared. “Just as importantly, we are united in front
of our martyrs who will be sainted in Holy Etchmiadzin on April 23 by the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I.” This special ceremony is “spiritually uplifting, and we will be saying to the world that because of the spiritual power of our martyrs we Armenians are living, contributing to our communities, and flourishing. After the Genocide, the surviving Armenians who came to America were called the ‘starving Armenians. Now, we are in leadership roles,” he stated with pride. Thee Primate continued by pointing out this important milestone not only is to remember the tragic events of a hundred years ago, but also to commit ourselves for justice and peace. It is very important that the entire world recognize what the Armenians suffered a hundred years ago.” This Centennial commemoration is “to proclaim that these types of events should never happen to anyone in the world. It is very sad that since 1915, the same atrocities have been, and are being repeated today in different parts of the world.“ Archbishop Barsamian noted that the Washington Genocide Centennial “is not only for Armenians”, and said that the National Council of Churches, and the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops have invited President Obama, members of the U.S. Congress and other high government officials, and diplomats to the ecumenical service at the National Cathedral on May 7 at 7 P.M. In addition, several individuals and organizations have been invited, including leaders of different religious denominations. The President of the Republic of Armenia Serge Sargsyan is also expected to be present at the May 7 ecumenical service. At the banquet on Saturday evening, May 9, individuals and organizations which helped the Armenians before and
after the Genocide, as well as the ambassadors of countries who have recognized the Genocide will be thanked and honored by the two Catholicoi. Archbishop Barsamian again strongly repeated that the main purpose of the event is “to show our unity in Washington D.C., the capital of our country.”
James C. Wall retires from EH National Bank’s Board of Directors EH National Bank announced that James C. Wall has retired from the Bank’s Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2015. Mr. Wall has been on the EHNB Board of Directors since November 2011. Prior to retiring from active management in 2010, he was in the banking business for over 40 years. Mr. Wall was an organizer, founder and director of four community banks, primarily in the San Francisco Peninsula area. He was also Chief Executive Officer of three of the banks. According to Peter Aharonyan, President & CEO at EHNB, “We’re all going to miss Jim Wall very much. His insight, expertise and experience in the banking business has helped us immensely over the past three years. All of us at EH National Bank count ourselves lucky to know him. We all wish him and his family well in the future.” For all media and press inquiries, please contact: Rob Silverman mushed peas advertising + communications press@ehnbank.com 323.352.8753, 323.428.6969
Los Angeles, March 18, 2015 – For the fourth consecutive year, the European Federation of Immunogenetics (EFI) renewed the operating license of the Stem Cell Harvesting Center of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) in Yerevan. The relicensing of the ABMDR laboratory, the only facility of its type in Armenia and the entire Caucasus region, was granted by EFI after a thorough onsite inspection held on March 16. The inspection was carried out by two EFI-designated inspectors, Prof. Svetlana Vojovodic of Serbia and Prof. Zorana Grubic of Croatia. The renewal of the Stem Cell Harvesting Center’s EFI license will enable the facility to continue its collaboration with laboratories and transplant centers worldwide and help save the lives of patients struck by life-threatening blood-related illnesses. “It is immensely gratifying to be granted EFI renewal of our center’s license,” stated ABMDR president Dr. Frieda Jordan, who had traveled to Yerevan in order to be on hand during the EFI inspection process. “The approval of our work by a global and prestigious regulatory body such as EFI makes our life-saving mission all the more worthwhile.” For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit abmdr.am.
Ani Chivchyan Ani was born and raised in Glendale, California. She is a junior studying English and Theater & Performance Studies at UC Berkeley. Much of her poems are about God, family, love, loss, and her cross-cultural identity as an Armenian-American. Ani was president of Glendale Community College's Armenian Student Association during the 2013-2014 school year. Her poem, Take This Pomegranate, won "Best Poem Award" for Glendale Community College's 2014 Scholars Journal. She has recited it at various poetry readings, including one at The City of Glendale's Week of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide and at the UC Berkeley Armenian Student Association's Annual Culture Show. She wrote That Little Bird, during her first semester at UC Berkeley in Robert Hass's poetry class. When she isn't studying, Ani enjoys painting and exploring the city of San Francisco. She shares her poetry and other reflections on her blog, yourstrulyani.com
That Little Bird I almost forgot how to draw That Little Bird. The one that protects so many things, and symbolizes you. The one you taught me how to draw when I was little. I almost forgot. But when I look around and when I seek within— the places I often neglect, I find you, always there to remind me how to draw That Little Bird.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 26, 2015
NA Adopts Statement On Ottoman-era Genocide Of Greeks, Assyrians
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
The National Assembly on Tuesday, March 24 voted unanimously in favor of a statement recognizing the genocide of Greeks and Assyrians in Ottoman Turkey All 117 members of the 131seat body who were present in the chamber supported the document drafted jointly by all six factions. Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eduard Sharmazanov, who is of partly Greek heritage, said earlier that Armenian lawmakers also worked with representatives of Armenia’s Greek and Assyrian communities in drafting the statement. The vote comes a month before Armenians are due to commemorate the centenary of the Ottoman-era Genocide in which more than 1.5 million of their forebears were slaughtered.
By Hambersom Aghbashian
Turkish Military Launch Operation Targeting Kurdish Rebel Hideouts Turkish security forces have launched an operation targeting shelters and stores believed to belong to Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants in southeast Turkey, the military said in a statement Tuesday, Reuters reported.
It said five teams in the Mazidagi area of Mardin province were conducting the operations which follow a weekend call from jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan for the group to hold a congress on ending its 30year insurgency against the state.
100 Trees: Armenian Genocide Memorial Park Will Open In Marseille The Armenian Blue Cross of France organized tree planting near the monument to the Armenian Genocide victims in Marseille. The ceremony was held under the auspices of Marseille Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin and was attended by MP Valerie Boyer, Nouvelles d'Arménie reported. One hundred almond and pomegranate trees will be planted in 2015 to form a park of memory. “History, especially when it is about crime against humanity, must be never forgotten,” Bpyer said.
ARF Western Region Chairman Addresses Ararat Home Board of Trustees Mission Hills, CA – With the purpose of forging stronger bonds between Ararat Home and leading organizations in the Armenian community, the Ararat Home Board of Trustees was pleased to invite the Chairman of the Western Region of the Central Committee of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), Viken Hovsepian, Ph.D., to its regular monthly dinner and meeting on February 26, 2015. Ararat Home Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. introduced Dr. Hovsepian and noted that this was the second in a series of such meetings. Dr. Hovsepian remarked on the importance of creating this type of dialogue between entities in the Armenian community in an effort to find common goals. He spoke of the contributions the ARF makes today in the national life of Armenians throughout the world. He explained that the ARF’s activities are focused on high as well as low politics. Besides its direct and indirect membership in five national parliaments and its influence through its several print and television media companies,
the ARF is also involved in cultural and educational affairs as well as sporting events. He said that the ARF and a number of other political, public and social organizations all serve independently under the umbrella of their shared ideology. And finally, he mentioned that the ARF, like many other organizations, faces the challenge of engaging Armenian youth and functioning under financial constraints. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Kanimian presented Dr. Hovsepian several Ararat Home memorabilia, including the Home’s lapel pin. Dr. Hovsepian thanked the Board of Trustees for its warm welcome, and he expressed appreciation of Ararat Home’s long-standing mission to preserve Armenian culture and heritage and provide loving care to the Armenian elderly in our community.
58 - Mehmet Polatel Mehmet Polatel is a Turkish historian focusing on the late Ottoman history and early Turkish republic. His research interests are in the fields of power, state formation, social change, nationalism and genocide. He has conducted research on the fate of Armenian property in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. Currently he is a PhD candidate at Bogaziçi University and a research assistant at the History Department of Koç University in Istanbul. He is also a researcher at the International Hrant Dink Foundation.(1) "Confiscation and Destruction: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property" by Ugur Ungor and Mehmet Polatel is the first major study of the mass sequestration of Armenian property by the Young Turk regime during the 1915 Armenian genocide. It details the emergence of Turkish economic nationalism, offers insight into the economic ramifications of the genocidal process, and describes how the plunder was organized on the ground. The interrelated nature of property confiscation initiated by the Young Turk regime and its cooperating local elites offers new insights into the functions and beneficiaries of statesanctioned robbery. Drawing on secret files and unexamined records, the authors demonstrate that while Armenians suffered systematic plunder and destruction, ordinary Turks were assigned a range of property for their progress.(2) The Argentine capital of Buenos Aires was host to the International Congress on the Armenian Genocide, held from April 9 to 11, 2014. The event was organized by the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Argentina’s Center for Genocide Studies, and the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Foundation, with the collaboration of the Armenian National Committee of South America (CNA) and the Luisa Hairabedian Foundation (FLH) as well as the sponsorship of the Armenian Embassy in Argentina and the Archbishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Argentina. The opening day featured important speakers like Chancellor of UNTREF Anibal Jozami, Director of the National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism Pedro Mouratian, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice Eugenio Zaffaroni, President of the General Audit Office Leandro Despouy, and Director of the Center for Genocide Studies Daniel Feierstein, along with Nelida Bulgourdjian, coordinator of the Congress. Dr. Richard Hovannisian, Gabriel Sivinian, from the University of Buenos Aires, Historian Heitor Loureiro, and many others participated in the Congress. Mehmet Polatel, from Bogaziçi University in Turkey, presented a detailed report on property confiscated by the Turkish state and individuals, that was appropriated from the victims of the Armenian Genocide.(3) "A History of Destruction: The Fate of Armenian Church Properties in Adana" is Mehmet Polatel's article in which he examines the fate of religious buildings in Adana after the Armenian Genocide of 1915, in a process of destruction that aimed to erase the proof of Armenian existence in the region. According to him " The motivation behind the genocidal processes is always related to the destruction of a certain group of people. However, the idea of the community is also related to shared values, everyday routines, culture, literature, and religion. Thus, genocidal processes not only target certain groups of people, but also the symbols, buildings, and monuments that
belong to them." He added "Following the deportation decision, the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) carefully controlled the state of Armenian properties then allocated them to immigrants from the Balkans and Caucasus. The CUP aimed to de-Armenize the Adana province, which included the plain of Adana, Mersin, Sis, and Tarsus, and fill them with Muslim immigrants from the Balkans and Caucasus. Armenians were to be “deported without exception” (bilâ-istisna teb’id), and according to Talat Pasha’s own notebook, 699 buildings were confiscated in Adana province."(4) In her article entitled " What do people mean in Turkey by Armenian Genocide recognition?", Burçin Gerçek wrote on 3 November, 2014 in "REPAIR", "In spite of many initiatives to develop awareness of the Turkish society regarding what happened in 1915 and appeals to ask for official forgiveness, a deeper reflection needs to be carried out in Turkey about how to render justice a hundred years after the genocide." she continues then about "Facing 1915, the growing awareness of Turkish civil society" then about "Requesting State recognition" and finally about "Asking for justice and reparations" where she mentions that "Taner Akçam, Ümit Kurt, Mehmet Polatel, Sait Cetinoglu and Nevzat Onaran are some of the few researchers working on the subject of properties belonging to Armenians which were confiscated during and after the genocide. As for the government, its sole proposal for “reparations” has so far consisted in granting a right of return to the country and citizenship to the descendants of the genocide victims.(5) According to AUA Newsroom, "On February 4, 2015, the American University of Armenia (AUA) hosted a talk by Turkish Historian Mehmet Polatel on 'Armenian Property Confiscation During and After the Genocide.' The lecture was part of AUA’s 1915 Centennial series. Polatel’s presentation covered the seizure of Armenian property in three main ways: transfer of ownership by the Ottoman State, extortion and abuses by civil servants and military personnel, and the seizure and looting of Armenian properties during the massacres. Throughout the presentation, Polatel utilized historical documents and texts, including the notebooks of Talaat Pasha and other archival materials, to analyze the process and mechanisms underpinning the seizure of Armenian churches, monasteries, cemeteries, lands, and other goods during the genocide." Polatel also stated that " The seizure of properties was not just a transfer of ownership; it was a crucial part of the genocide policy for the destruction of Armenians and Armenianness."(6)
1.http://armenianweekly.com/author/mehm et-polatel/ 2.http://www.amazon.com/ConfiscationDestruction-Seizure-ArmenianProperty/dp/162356901 3.http://asbarez.com/121947/int.-congresson-armenian-genocide-held-in-buenos-aires/ 4.http://hyetert.blogspot.com/2011/10/history-of-destruction-fate-of-armenian.html 5.http://repairfuture.net/index.php/en/armenian-genocide-recognition-and-reparationsstandpoint6.http://newsroom.aua.am/2015/02/05/meh met-polatel-turkish-historian-discusses-property-confiscation-during-and-after-the-armenian-genocide/
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday March 26, 2015
Closing Reception For Seeroon Yeretzian's Art Exhibit, I EXIST
New York, NY – Due to a massive snow storm during the opening reception of artist SEEROON YERETZIAN's exhibit, I EXIST, a second opportunity will be given with a Closing Reception on Thursday, MARCH 26, 2015, from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ARTISTS' Art Gallery at 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1405, New York, NY 10011. The exhibit is currently on display. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Although a massive snow storm hit the East Coast during the opening reception, causing a state of emergency for New Jersey and other areas, a few prominent figures were able to attend such as actor Eric Bogosian, author Meline Toumani, and artist Kardash Onnig. What made the event even more special was the presence of the artist Seeroon Yeretzian, who suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease which has left her practically immobile and unable to speak. With the help of her son Arno Yeretzian and her best friend, Harry Mesrobian, she made the trek to the hustling, freezing city of New York. Harry Mesrobian gave a very heartfelt speech about Seeroon's remarkable talent and unique vision as an artist and her passion and diligence as an extremely hard-working human being. Many were left in tears. Her son Arno Yeretzian read her words which she had written one letter at a time using a retinareading laser device called Dynavox. Parts of this event will be presented at the closing reception. Don't miss this opportunity to view and to purchase Seeroon's art before it returns to Los Angeles. SEEROON YERETZIAN is an accomplished artist with diverse talents in paint-
ing, sculpture, and illustration. Born in 1951 at the Tiro refugee camp in Beirut , Lebanon, Seeroon was exposed to both the beauty and suffering of the world. This dichotomy has emerged in her work in what she calls her “Sunshine” and “Moonshine” art. The “Sunshine” pieces are rich in color, showcasing many life-giving earthly elements and produced during daytime. Conversely, the “Moonshine” pieces reflect themes based on personal experiences ranging from the Armenian Genocide to homelessness and self identity. Recognized for reviving the art of prehistoric Armenian petroglyphs and medieval Armenian ornamental art, her masterpieces include the elaborate “Four Seasons” and her 17 alphabets of different languages executed in the tradition and style of the Armenian ornate initials. Seeroon received her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in 1985 from the OtisParsons Art Institute and School of Design. She has authored three books, her self titled art book, Seeroon Yeretzian, her book of poetry, Word Weaving & Black Seat Confessions, and her best-seller, Seeroon Darer: Armenian Ornate Initials. This book recently served as the artistic inspiration for the design of the Armenian American Rose Float Association’s award winning float in the 126th Annual Rose Parade, entitled, Cradle of Civilization. In 2014, the City of Glendale, California, bestowed upon her its “Lifetime Achievement Award” for the arts. Although she was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease in 2012, Seeroon continues to create to this day. She has exhibited in numerous solo and group shows and her art is found in private collections and major institutions. !
Vanes Martirosyan’s Next Fight Set For March 28 At The Palms Casino Resort In Las Vegas Vanes “Nightmare” Martirosyan will face Jermell Charlo on Saturday, March 28 2015 at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, in a junior middleweight boxing match. The 10round boxing match (154 lbs. limit) will be televised on Showtime. Martirosyan, born in Abovyan, Armenia and currently residing in Glendale, CA, comes into the fight ranked the #4 junior middleweight contender by Ring Magazine with a record of 35 wins, 1 loss, 1 draw, and 21 knockouts. His opponent, Jermell Charlo of Houston, Texas, is ranked the #5 contender by Ring Magazine with a record of 25 wins, 0 losses and 11 knockouts. Mar-
tirosyan, a former welterweight member of the United States Olympic Boxing team, participated in the Summer Olympics in Greece in 2004. Martirosyan is especially eager to fight in Las Vegas, as a large delegation of fellow Armenians will be in attendance. Martirosyan stated, “On March 28th I am going to shock a lot of people, including my opponent. I am 100% focused on this victory.” !
House Takes Up New Armenian Genocide Resolution Cont. from p.7 phrase "Armenian genocide," and the adviser who became his United Nations ambassador, Samantha Power, effectively assured Armenian American voters in a campaign video that Obama would continue to do so once elected. "He's a person who can actually be trusted," Power said then, "which distinguishes him from some in the Washington community." But as president, like others before him, Obama has carefully avoided the diplomatically delicate phrase. Further underscoring the very long odds against the resolution reaching the floor, House Speaker John Boehner has previously declared that what happened "ought to be a subject for historians to sort out, not politicians here in Washington." The 10-paragraph resolution is not especially partisan. The measure's initial batch of co-sponsors includes Republicans and Democrats, a number of whom represent districts with significant Armenian American populations. "We in Congress and the president have an opportunity and an obligation to send a strong message that we will never forget those who were lost, and we will call this crime against humanity what it was: genocide," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. Costa was an early co-sponsor, as were other lawmakers from the state's Central Valley, including Valley Republican Reps. Jeff Denham, Devin Nunes, and Rep. Doug
LaMalfa, R-Redding. Over many years of trying, the House has twice passed an Armenian genocide resolution, in 1975 and again in 1984. Representatives from California's Central Valley have long led the resolution efforts, going back at least as far as 1979, when Fresno-area Republican Rep. Charles "Chip" Pashayan introduced one version. But it went nowhere. In 2000, thenRep. George Radanovich, R-Calif., was literally within minutes of getting a resolution to the House floor before thenSpeaker Dennis Hastert yanked it at the request of the Clinton administration. In 2007, a resolution had momentum before 25 co-sponsors had second thoughts and withdrew their support in the face of Bush administration concerns. "I don't want to suggest it's going to be an easy task," Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., acknowledged Wednesday. "It is tough." The Turkish government also employs a battery of lobbyists to make its case, led by former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt. Turkey is paying $1.7 million for the lobbyists between March 1 and the end of 2015, according to the most recent Justice Department filing. Among the other lobbying firms now registered to aid Turkey's cause is the one that employs Hastert, the former speaker who killed the genocide resolution in 2000 and who resigned in 2007.
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Atana\i kotora‘hn fra,qow 'rkoua‘ nora‘ine% piti bolorhr au;li qan 103 garounn;r ;u orphs ;ra.tauor piti ‘a®a\hr ir vo[owourdin ou da®nar fam;st spasarkou Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\! Auaxani anounow Magsoute% ‘na‘ hr |ounouar 6% 1909-in Atana% |akob Magsout;ani ;u Fa\kanou, Jo'al;ani fam;st \arkin tak! Nora‘in ;r;.an maxapour‘ k*axathr Atana\i korota‘hn ou ke korsnznhr fa\re% or bantarkoua‘ hr ;ritjourq;rou ko[mh! Magsout;an g;rdastani ir ;rhz xarmikn;re% ,r=apata‘ hin xinq ;u g;rdastani mnaza‘ andamn;roun f;t ou møre foga‘ouj;an gourgouranqin apauin;low% 6 tar;kan Magsoute ke t;[a'o.oui Souria% M;‘ :[;®ni t;[afanouj;an patya®au! Qani me tari ;tq% møre f;t ke w;rada®na\ ir pap;nakan toune% ou 12 tar;kanin^ 1921-in møre f;t ke t;[a'o.oui Kipros% ke \aya.h fa\ ousouzicn;row gor‘o[ italakan warvarane! :rkrordakan ousman famar% patani Magsoute ke \aya.h Kiprosi Am;rik;an Akad;mian! Ousano[ouj;an ,r=anin a,.atanqi ke mtnh tparani me møt% ‘anøjanalow at;no\ tpagrakan sarq;roun% incphs na;u angl;rhn l;xouin! 1928-in kou ga\ Anjilias% ou ke da®na\ va®angauor Anjiliasi dpr;wanqi ;rkou taroua\ ousoumnakan ,r=ane auart;low! Dpr;wanqhn n;rs na;u ke stan]nh patas.anatououjiune dpr;wanqi tpagrakan fratarakouj;anz! A\s ,r=anin ke ‘anøjana\ `rans;rhn ;u arab;rhn l;xoun;roun% ou jargmanoujiunn;row fandhs kou ga\ dpr;wanqi fratarakouj;an famar! 1930-in ke stan]nh orphs arf;st Tann Kilikio\ tparani tnørhnouj;an pa,tøne% ou ke nouiroui fasarakakan ou miouj;nakan a,.o\v gor‘ounhouj;an% manauand øgn;low Kilikia\hn t;[a'o.oua‘ entaniqn;roun% oronq kou ga\in fastatou;lou Poury Famouti^ Nor Mara, ,r=ane! Magsout;ani ke wstafoui Ph\rouji mh= ou ,r=aka\qe% kaxmoujiune Kiraknør;a\ warvarann;roun% oronq piti npasthin at;no\ patanin;roun stanalou fa\kakan krjoujiun! Libanani norakaxm ga[ouje% Ph\rouji fiurenkal arouar]ann;roun mh= sksa‘ hr axga\in au;li apafow ;®oux;® me% our t;[afan ;[a‘ fa\ entaniqn;r nor mi=awa\r me orona‘ hin! 1930-akan jouakann;roun Magsout;ani nman nouir;al gor‘icn;rou ,norfiu h% or fa\;zi krjoujiun kar;li ;[au =amb;l% Nor Mara,i ,r=ane gtnouo[ ;k;[;zuo\ Kiraknør;a\ warvarane dar]au Magsout;ani famar kar;uor krjaran me% ou ,our= 10 tari an war;z a\d Kiraknør;a\ warvarani tnørhnoujiune% npast;low na;u Libanani j;makal ;k;[;zin;rou kiz fastatoua‘ Kiraknør;a\ warvarann;rou \a®a=dimouj;an% oronz jiue Magsout;an faszouz 16-i! Axga\in ou ;k;[;zakan ir partauorouj;anz ko[qin% mhk .øsqow Magsout;an kar;uorago\n møt;zoumow me klanoua‘ hr kajo[ikosouj;an tparani a,.atanqn;roun% or a\d ør;roun fa\ata® tpagrouj;an a®aq;louj;an famar dar]a‘ hr kar;uor% Libanani norakaxm ga[oujin famar! 1936-in k;anqi enk;r k*entrh Ph\rouji mh=^ Axatoufi Gasary;ane ou anonq ke ba.tauorouin mancow me^ Grigor (\;taga\in ’a\r& Wardap;t) ;u doustrow me^ Ar'i! Fasarakakan k;anqi oronoume Magsout;ani famar ke da®na\ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ‘a®a\;l! A\d ør;roun ÂAK-i famar kar;uor ;®oux;® me dar]a‘ hr Libanani <r=ana\in Warcouj;an kaxmoujiune% incphs na;u 1937 S;pt;mb;rin^ ªXarjønqº øraj;rji fratarakoujiune Wafan
Jhqh;ani .mbagrouj;amb! Magsout;an ir anw;rapaf masnakzouj;amb bavin ke b;rh% ÂAK-i norago\n .øsa'o[in tara‘man a,.atanqn;roun! Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmi enjazqin% oro, vamanak me ke ,arounakh Anjiliasi kajo[ikosarani tparanakan gor‘;rou tnørhnouj;an pa,tøne^ minc;u 1942 jouakane% ormh ;tq ,our= taroua\ me famar pa,tøn ke stan]nh ‘a®a\;lou orphs qartou[ar% Libanan fastatoua‘ britanakan banaki xøramashn n;rs! 1943-i auartin Magsout;an ke fimnh ir s;'akan tparane% fa\ata® tpagrouj;an npast;lou Ph\rouji mh=% na;u stan]n;low ªXarjønqº øraj;rji .mbagri øgnakani pa,tøne% \a=ord ;r;q tarin;roun enjazqin! 1947-in ke frauiroui :rousa[hm% stan]n;lou Sourb qa[aqi Srboz |akoba\ wanqi ou Patriarqarani tpagrakan patas.anatou pa,tøne% or ,our= ;rkou tari ];®nfasørhn piti warhr ou 1949-in Ph\rouj w;rada®nar! 1949 D;kt;mb;r 4-in fa\ vo[owourdi ‘a®a\;lou ;rkrord fangrouan me piti oronhr Magsout;an% ‘a®a\;lou Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\^ da®nalow qafana\! Qafana\ouj;an ];®nadroujiune ke katarh G;r,& >orhn :ps& Baro\;ane (\;taga\in M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ >orhn A& Kajo[ikos) ;u Magsout;an ke da®na\ Thr Babghn Qafana\! <our= ;rkou tari Ph\rouji mh= ke warh t;[akan ;k;[;zuo\ fowououj;an pa,tøne% incphs na;u fa\kakan warvarann;rou a\z;lou ousouzic ke da®na\! 1951-i tar;w;r=hn a®a= ke n,anakoui fowiue Miaz;al Nafangn;rou^ Posjen qa[aqi Srb& :rrordoujiun Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\% j;ladrouj;amb M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ at;no\ gafakal Gar;gin Kajo[ikos |owsh';anzi! Entan;øq t;[a'o.ou;lh ;tq Libananhn% 1952 |ounouar 6-in% Magsout;an qafanan ir fowouakan a®a=in araro[oujiune ke katarh Srb& ’nnd;an tønin a®ijow! Posjeni fa\kakan ga[ouje% kary vamanaki mh= Babghn Qafana\i famar ardhn ‘anøj mi=awa\r me dar]a‘ hr% at;no\ Ar;u;l;an Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ga[ouji [;kawaroujiune% oronq a®fasarak ke gtnouhin Posjeni ,r=ane% ‘anøj hin ir fasarakakan ou ga[ouja\in gor‘ounhouj;an!
Srb& :rrordoujiun ;k;[;zin ardhn dar]a‘ hr Posjeni at;no\ fa\abo\r ga[oujin famar kar;uor fauaqawa\r me% ou møtaka\ ,r=ann;re dar]a‘ hin am;rikafa\ouj;an famar axgapafpanoum ,;'oro[ 2 fa\ata® ;u 2 angliata® fa\kakan pa,tønaj;rj;rou! Magsout;an qafanan l‘oua‘ hr a,.o\v gor‘ounhouj;an% oron;low ‘.akan nor andamn;r% oronq a®fasarak au;t;az ;rkire vamana‘ hin Mi=in Ar;u;l;an anapafow wa\r;rh! Kary vamanaki mh=% ;k;[;zuo\ andamouj;an jiue krknapatkoua‘ hr! Magsout;ani =anq;row kar;li ke da®na\ ga[oujin fanganakouj;amb% ‘ou.e øvt;l ;k;[;zuo\ nor kaloua‘ow me% 1961-in^ Posjeni arouar]ann;rhn Qhmpriyi ,r=ane! Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Ar;u;l;an J;mi at;no\ A®a=nord G;r,& Thr Mambrh Arq& Gal`a\;an% gnafat;low Magsout;an fowiuin nouir;al gor‘ounhoujiune% ’a[k;az "iloni irauounq ke ,norfh! Babghn Qafanan an,ou,t ir tarin;rou a,.o\v gor‘ounhouj;amb dar]a‘ hr fa\ pataniin ousoum =amb;lou anw;rapaf qa=al;ro[e ou a\d a®aq;louj;amb an ke stan]nh Ph\rouji Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani 10-am;akin a®ijow% kaxmoua‘ øvandak \an]na.oumbe gl.auor;lou pa,tøne! <norfiu a\s ‘ragrin% or skixb a®au Posjeni mh=% kar;li ke da®na\ Miaz;al Nafangn;rou fa\kakan ga[oujn;rhn n;rs oron;l nouiratoun;r% oronz npaste 60-akan jouakann;roun m;‘ ;[au warvarani w;r;lqin! |;taga\in a\s ‘ragire stazau f;t;uo[akan gourgouranq% ,norfiu am;rikafa\ \a\tni irauaban Tigran Smsar;ani! Babghn Qafana\ Magsout;an iskaphs l‘oua‘ hr ka®ouzo[akan w;r;lqow npast;lou fa\kakan fastatoua‘ ga[oujn;roun% Ar;u;l;an Miaz;al Nafangn;rou tara‘qin% \aya. an ke yambordhr a\z;l;low ;k;[;zakan ‘ou.;re j;makan partauoroujiun stan]n;low! Warcakan ir karo[oujiunn;re xinq dar]ouzin J;makan >orfourdi andam^ ,our= 8 \a=ordakan tarin;r% oroun at;nap;toujiunn al war;z mhk ,r=ani famar! Isk ir fa\agitouj;an fmtoujiune \aya. xinq xba[a‘ ke pafhin Ar;u;l;an J;mi qartou[arouj;an pa,tønow! Fowouakan ir stan]na‘ ;rktasnam;a\ pa,tøne% ankaska‘ argasab;r ;r;uo\j me parxa‘ hr am;rikafa\ ‘ou.;roun møt% oroun famar Waxghn A& Am;na\n Fa\oz Fa\rap;te ir;n ke ,norfh auagouj;an tit[ose ou lan=a.ac kr;lou patiue! 1974-in% 65 tar;kan fasakin% Babghn Auag Qafanan fangst;an piti kocouhr% mnalow .orfrdatou Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Ar;u;l;an J;mhn n;rs% nor fog;uorakann;r patrast;lou ‘ragrin famar! |aya. ir;n ke wstafouhr j;makal a®a=nordn;roun ko[mh masnakz;lou mi=;k;[;zakan .orfrdakzakan fandipoumn;rou! Ir vo[owrdakanoujiune Posjeni ;u ,r=aka\ ‘ou.;roun famar% xinq \a=ord 15 tarin;re paf;zin orphs patouakal fowiu% or \aya. ir a\z;loujiunow ke .ra.oushr a\d ‘ou.;re Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ fauataz;aln;re m[;low axgapafpanman a®aq;louj;an! 1986-in ke korsnznh \isoun tarin;rou ir ;rizoufi ko[akize% ba\z ir \a®a=aza‘ tariqin mnaz an.on= f;t;uo[e ar;umtafa\ mamouli h=;roun% irax;k da®nalow s'iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;rou ;u w;ranka.aza‘ fa\r;niqi irakanouj;an% ou ;rb;mn al ir storagrouj;amb j[jakz;low anonz famar! 2009-in ir 100-am;a\ tar;dar]in a®ijow ir;n ke ,norfoui ªFog;uor A®a=nordºi tit[ose! 2012 Fokt;mb;r 15-i nouir;al ;ra.tauore% orphs Babghn Auag Qfn\& \auit;an ir acq;re ke 'akh^ 103 tar;kan fasakin! I
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Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i warcouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ gin;]øne^ Nouhr Tatour;ani ªAl;ko‘º banast;[‘ouj;anz fatorin% t;[i oun;zau Ourbaj% 13 Mart 2015-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Kl;nth\li fanra\in gradarani srafin mh=! Fandisawar Ast[ik >any;an warcouj;an anounow bari galoust ma[j;z fandisat;sn;roun ;u fakiry k;rpow andradar]au f;[inaki k;nsagrakan gi‘;roun! Nouhr Silafle Tatour;an ‘na‘ h Polis% ousana‘ t;[uo\n Tat;an ;u Safak;an-Noun;an warvarann;roun mh=% isk wka\oua‘ orphs yartarap;t^ Polso\ :eltex Jhqniq famalsaranhn! Nouhr Tatour;an gr;l sksa‘ h na.akrjarani tarin;rhn ;u a®a=in banast;[‘oujiune fratarakoua‘ h 1982-in% Polso\ ªNor Marmaraº øraj;rjin mh=! An sira‘ h na;u nkarcoujiune ;u ir st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re n;rka\azoua‘ ;n anfatakan ;u fauaqakan zouzafandhsn;rou mh=! An amousnaza‘ h Nora\r Tatour;ani f;t ;u ba.tauoroua‘ ;r;q xauakn;row! Anonq a\vm k∞aprin "asatina\i mh=! Tik& >any;an apa frauir;z ga[oujis ‘anøj mtauorakan% "The Armenian Observer" angliata® ,abajaj;rji .mbagirfratarakic ;u Kl;nth\l Golhyi .orfrdatou "ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;ane% or n;rka\aznh fatore! An fangamanørhn n;rka\azouz Nouhr Tatour;ani banast;[‘oujiunn;re% jiuow 83% oronq .tazoua‘ hin 94 h=;rou mh= ;u groua‘ 1990-
"ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;an
Ast[ik >any;an
97 jouakann;roun! Ø,in Qh,i,;an m;‘ fiazmounqow andradar]au% or girqi na.abane gra‘ hr polsafa\ vamanakakiz banast;[‘n;rhn Xar;f >ra.ouni% oroun banast;[‘oujiunn;re jargmanoua‘ ;n 20 l;xoun;rou! "ro`& Qh,i,;an apa nkaragr;z Nouhri banast;[‘oujiunn;re es;low% or anonq kary
;u imastaliz ;n ou k∞ar‘ar‘;n mardasirakan a®ør;a\ ;r;uo\jn;r% n;rka\azoua‘ an]nakan ,;,tow! An apa dit;l touau% or orphs nkaric% Nouhr Tatour;ani banast;[‘oujiunn;roun mh= ke n,maroui arou;sti foure% a\s banast;[‘oujiunn;re kardazo[e piti ya,akh nor oy% nor møt;-
zoum% f®;torakan aknarkn;r% baro\a.øsoujiun ;u parx ou axat ta[aca'oujiun! Apa srti .øsqow fandhs ;kau "asatina\i Sb& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ Al`rht ;u Markarhj |owsh';an warvarani Tnørhn^ <afh Mankr;ane! An dit;l touau% or banast;[‘oujiun phtq h kardal orowf;t;u grakan a\d vanre l;xouakan ykounoujiun ke sorw;znh% isk Nouhr Tatour;ani banast;[‘oujiunn;re% ,arounak;z an% l;zoun ;n ba®a.a[;row ;u apazouzan;lou famar ir esa‘e t;[in mh=b;roum me erau ªAnkoumº banast;[‘ouj;nhn! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagrin masnakz;zan% mh= end mh=% na. "asatina\i Sb& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ Al`rht ;u Markarhj |owsh';an warvarani% apa FBEM Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an warvarani ousano[n;re! Anonq aproumow artasan;zin xanaxan banast;[‘oujiunn;r ªAl;ko‘º fatorhn% m;‘aphs tpauor;low bolor fandisat;sn;re an.tir! Fousk apa Tik& >any;an frauir;z banast;[‘oufi Nouhr Tatour;ane% or arta\a\th ir xgazoumn;re! An ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z \a\tagri bolor masnakzo[n;roun ;u an,ou,t fandisat;sn;roun% oronq ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb patoua‘ hin xinq! Fandisouj;an auartin t;[i oun;zau auandakan gin;]øne% ormh ;tq fandisat;sn;re frauirou;zan masnakz;lou pat,ay fiurasirouj;an!
.orfourdi j;kna‘ouj;an famar^
j;kna‘ouj;an famar^
.orfourdi j;kna‘ouj;an famar^
.orfourdi j;kna‘ouj;an famar^
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Page 11
FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Marti 21-22-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 19-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ª<irakº-ªGan]asar K&º^ 2-0 ªAla,k;rtº-ªOulisº^ 1-0 ªAraratº-ªMikaº^ 0-1 ªBananzº-ª"iunikº^ 1-2 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& "iunik 18 13 3 2 38-15 42 Oulis 18 12 2 4 34-17 38 <irak 19 10 4 5 29-19 34 Ala,k;rt 19 6 6 7 20-24 24 Mika 19 5 7 7 20-25 22 Gan]& K& 17 5 4 8 22-30 19 Bananz 19 4 6 9 27-32 18 Ararat 19 2 2 15 20-48 18
FF GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM Marti 18-19-in ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an kisa;xra'akic a®a=in fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªMikaº-ªBananzº^ 1-2% ª"iunikºªAla,k;rtº^ 3-1! Patas.an fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Aprili 15-16-in!
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Fa\astani minc;u 15 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l Aram Danihl;ane! Nra øgnakani partauoroujiunn;re ke katari Sargis Mowsis;ane! |i,;zn;nq% or minc a\d Aram Danihl;ane kataroum hr FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane% isk FF minc;u 15 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Mark L;l;ure stan]n;l h FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxci partakanoujiunn;re! • Marti 12-in fraparakou;l h ~I~A-i dasakargman nor a[iusake! Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane nafan=;l h 5 t;[ow ;u a\vm xba[;znoum h 79-rd t;[e! ~I~A-i warkani,a\in a[iusaki lauago\n tasn;ake& 1& G;rmania^ 1770 miauor% 2& Arvanjin^ 1577% 3& Qoloumpia^ 1499% 4& P;lyiqa^ 1471% 5& Folandia^ 1415% 6& Praxilia^ 1348% 7& "orjougalia^ 1191% 8& ~ransia^ 1180% 9& Ourougoua\^ 1164% 10& Italia^ 1146! 2016 j& :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an Fa\astani f;t ;uropakan 9-rd .mboum endgrkoua‘ jim;ri zouzani,n;re& 28& Dania^ 863% 40& S;rpia^ 709% 61& Alpania^ 557% 79& Fa\astan^ 437! • >orwajia\oum auartoua‘ `oujpoli :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an fimnakan 'ouli 6-rd .mba\in mrza,ari a®a=in .a[oum FF fauaqakane 0-8 fa,ouow xi=;z da,ti thr;ri entranoun! Mius .a[oum Slowakian 5-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z Jourqia\in! :rkrord .a[oum fa\ `oujpolistn;re 7-1 fa,ouow partou;zin slowakia\iz% isk da,ti thr;re 10-0 fa,ouow \a[j;zin jourq;rin! >mba\in 'ouli w;r=in .a[oum FF fauaqakane mrz;z Jourqia\i entranou f;t ;u partou;z 3-7 fa,ouow! >orwajian 3-2 fa,ouow \a[j;low Slowakia\in .mboum grau;z a®a=in t;[e ;u irauounq stazau .a[alou ;xra'akicoum% isk Slowakian anzouma\in .a[i ke masnakzi!
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`oujpoli akad;mia\oum ka\azau FF fauaqakani fauaqe! Gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alande fraparak;l h a\n 17 `oujpolistn;ri anounn;re% oronq fandhs ;n galis artasafman;an akoumbn;roum! Nranq ;n& Âoman B;r;xowski% |owfannhs Fambar]oum;an% Âob;rt Arxouman;an% Fra\r Mko\;an% Ka®lhn Mkrtc;an% Arjour :digar;an% Artak :digar;an% Hdgar Manoucar;an% Ghorg {axar;an% F;nri. M.ijar;an% Markos Pix;lli% Arjour Sargisow% :oura Mowsis;an% Nora\r Aslan;an% Art\om Simon;an% Ga;l Andon;an% (ªØlimpikº Mars;l% ~ransia)% Âouslan Kor;an (ªLokomotiuº Ta,q;nd% Ouxb;kstan)! Fa\astaniz FF fauaqakan ;n frauirou;l darpasapafn;r Ghorg Kasparowe (ªMikaº)% Arshn B;glar;ane (ªOulisº)% pa,tpann;r& L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane% Tarøn Oskan;ane% Wa[ar,at Faro\;ane% Kamø |owfannis;ane% kisapa,tpan Xauhn Bado\;ane (bolorn hl ª"iunikº)! FF axga\in fauaqakane Alpania ke m;kni Marti 27-in!
:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|I WIYAKAFANOUJIUNE <ouh\zarakan Nion qa[aqoum ka\azau A.o\;ann;ri lika\i enjazik .a[arkouj;an 1/4-rd ;xra'akici wiyakafanoujiune% orn ouni a\spisi t;sq& "SV (~ransia)-ªBars;lonaº (Ispania) ªAjl;tikøº (Ispania)-ªÂhalº (Ispania) ª"orjouº ("orjougalia)-ªBauariaº (G;rmania) ª:ouw;njousº (Italia)-ªMonaqøº (~ransia) Skxboum n,oua‘ jim;rn a®a=in .a[;re k*anzkazn;n s;'akan \arki tak% fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Aprili 14-15-in ;u 21-22-in!
:UROLIKA|OUM Marti 19-in ka\azan :urolika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici patas.an fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªJorinøº-ªX;nijº^ 1-0% (0-2)% 1-2 ªInt;rº-ªWol`sbourgº^ 1-2% (1-3)% 2-5 ªB;,iqja,º-ªBr\oughº^ 1-3% (1-2)% 2-5 ªA\aqsº-ªDniprøº^ 2-1% (0-1)% 2-2% ªDniprønº dours ;kau \a=ord 'oul mrzakzi da,toum .'a‘ koli ,norfiu! ªTinamøº Q&-ªHw;rtonº^ 5-2% )1-2)% 6-4 ªS;uiliaº-ªWil\a®halº^ 2-1% (3-1)% 5-2 ªÂomaº-ª~ior;ntinaº^ 0-3% (1-1)% 1-4 ªTinamøº M&-ªNa'oliº^ 0-0% (1-3)% 1-3 :urolika\i 1/4-rd ;xra'akici wiyakafanouj;an ardiunqn;re& ªS;uiliaº (Ispania)-ªX;nijº (Âousastan) ªDniprøº (Ouqrania)-ªBr\oughº (B;lgia) ªTinamøº Q& (Ouqrania)-ª~ior;ntinaº (Italia) ªWol`sbourgº (G;rmania)-ªNa'oliº (Italia) N,;nq% or OU:~A-n wiyakafanoujiune a\nphs hr kaxmak;rp;l% or ®ousakan ;u ouqraniakan akoumbn;rn irar f;t cmrz;n! Fandipoumn;rn ke ka\anan Aprili 16-in ;u 23-in!
SPORTA|IN MARMNAMARXOUJ:AN FA|ASTANI A>O|:ANN:RE :r;uani Alb;rt Axar;ani anouan marmnamarxouj;an marxadprozoum auartou;z Fa\astani sporta\in marmnamarxouj;an a®a=noujiune! Baxmamartoum Arjour Dauj;ane a®a=inn hr% Wighn >acatr;ane^ ;rkrorde% Armhn
P;tros;ane^ ;rrorde! Axat warvoujiunn;r& 1& A& Dauj;an% 2& W& >acatr;an% 3& A& P;tros;an% nvo\gaja';r& 1& |aroujiun M;rtin;an% 2& A& Dauj;an% 3& A& P;tros;an% ø[akn;r& 1& Wafagn Dauj;an% 2& Arjour Jowmas;an% 3& A& Dauj;an% \;nazatk& 1& A& Dauj;an% 2& W& >acatr;an% 3& A& P;tros;an% xouga'a\t& 1& A& Dauj;an% 2& A& P;tros;an% 3& Hdgar Igij.anow% pteta]o[& 1& A& Dauj;an% 2& A& P;tros;an% 3& W& >acatr;an! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astani baxmamarti a.o\;an h dar];l Anna Grigor;ane! A®an]in gor‘iqn;ri warvoujiunn;roum \a[jo[n;r ;n dar];l Anna {axar;ane (\;nazatk)% Anna Grigor;ane (xouga'a\t)% Ga\;anh Sirakan;ane (fauasarak,®ouj;an g;ran) ;u <ou,an Baba\;ane (axat warvoujiunn;r)! ªMarti 23-in m;kn;lou ;nq Qajar A,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;ane masnakz;lou% oriz anmi=aphs \;to\% Aprili 11-in ke m;kn;nq ~ransia^ :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane masnakz;lou famar% ori vamanak phtq h oun;nanq katar;al marxawiyak! ªM;r npatake ølimpiakan warkani,n hº% as;l h FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic |akob S;rob;ane!
G:{ASAFQI A<>ARFI :RITASARDAKAN AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Hsjonia\i ma\raqa[aq Tallinoum auartou;z g;[asafqi a,.arfi ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiune! Fa\astani n;rka\azouzic 16am;a\ Anastasia Galoust;ane m;nasafqoum grau;l h 12-rd% kary ‘ragroum^ 11-rd ;u axat ‘ragroum^ 12-rd t;[e! Galoust;ane ,ø,a';li a®a=adimoujiun h granz;l! Na anz;al mrza,r=anoum 27-rdn hr! Oskh m;tale nouay;l h :wg;nia M;dw;d;uan (ÂD)! T[amardkanz m;nasafqoum 18-am;a\ Slawik Fa\rap;t;ane lauago\n 24 marxikn;ri mh= xba[;zr;z 24-rd t;[e! Slawiki an]nakan mrzani,e 21-rd t;[n h ;[;l (2012-13 jj&)! Jina Karap;t;an (Monjrhal% Qanata) Al;qsandr Lalib;rth para\in xo\ge a®a=noujiunn auart;l h 16-rd t;[oum! :jh fa,oui a®n;nq% or sa a\s xo\gi a®a=in ;lo\jn hr a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum% apa a\n bauakanin bar]r ardiunq kar;li h famar;l!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ID:_n fastat;z Aprili 18-29-e Cinastani C;ndou qa[aqoum anzkazou;liq a,.arfi kananz jima\in a®a=nouj;an masnakiz ;rkrn;ri w;r=nakan kaxme! A.o\;ani kocoume ke wiyark;n Ouqrania\i% Âousastani% Cinastani% Wrastani% Fa\astani% {axa.stani% L;fastani% AMN-i% :giptosi ;u Fndkastani axga\in fauaqakann;re FF fauaqakanoum endgrkoua‘ ;n Hlina Danihl;ane% Lilij Mkrtc;ane% Maria Koursowan% Lilij Galo\;ane ;u FF a\s taroua\ a.o\;anoufi Sousanna Gabo\;ane! • Âousastani Soci qa[aqoum ,arounakouo[ kananz nokaout famakargow a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane masnakzo[ 3 fa\ ,a.matistoufin;rn hl a®a=in mrza'ouloum partou;low dours mnazin \;taga\ pa\qariz! Taj;u Abrafam;ane (AMN) 0-2 fa,ouow xi=;z fndkoufi Farika Dronawaliin% Hlina Danihl;ane 0&5-1&5 fa,ouow^ Mar;rø Lop;sin (Qoupa)% isk Lilij Mkrtc;ane^ 4-5 (1-1% arag^ 1-1% ka\‘akna\in^ 2-3) fa,ouow^ Al;qsandra Gor\ackina\in (ÂD)!
N.O. March 26, 2015, No. 13:N.O. Blank
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