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N.O. April 2, 2015, No. 14:N.O. Blank


5:16 PM

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THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 14 VOLUME 93, NO. 14

Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani Cinastan Katara‘ A\zi Fimnakan >ndirn;rhn Mhke Artøn;al Pa\mann;row Xhnq Gn;ln h


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NOR ØR% 2 APRIL 2015


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piti dnhr wiv;zn;lou na.agaf Øpama\i na.a];®noujiune!



18-rd darou w;r=auorouj;an am;rik;an fanrap;takan kargousarqi fastatoumhn i w;r% ørhnsdir ;u gor‘adir i,.anouj;anz mh= anw;r= ªqa,q,ouqº me go\oujiun oun;za‘ h ;u ke ,arounakoui% na.agafi ;u am;rik;an Gonkrhsi irauasouj;anz safmanoumi ;u fa\;zakhti emb®noumin t;sakhthn! A\s .ndra\aro\z farze go\oujiun oun;za‘ h no\nisk a\n jouakanin% ;rb a®a=in angam ellalow norakaxm fanrap;touj;an na.agaf entroua‘ h 1789 jouakanin axga\in f;ros ;u amhn ko[m;rhn \argoua‘ Yory Oua,inkjen! Am;rika\i na.agafn;re% anka. a\n iro[ouj;nhn jh% or kousakzouj;an patkana‘ ;n anonq% ir;nz pa,tønin tiranalou a®a=in ørhn isk m;‘ =anq ja'a‘ ;n na.agafakan pa,tøni irauasoujiunn;re an;[‘ pafpan;lou Gonkrhsi otn]goujiunn;roun dhm! Gonkrhsn al ir kargin m;‘ =anq ja'a‘ h safmana'ak;lou famar na.agafakan irauasoujiunn;re wa.nalow% or a\d i,.anouj;an anka,kand drs;uoroume ;u kirarkoume qa[aqakan ;u xinouorakan marx;rhn n;rs krnar w;fap;takan a®an]na,norfoumn;rou ;u miaf;‘an i,.anouj;an 'o.ak;rpouil^ spa®nalow am;rikazi qa[aqazin;rou axatouj;an ]gtoumn;roun! A\s paraga\in Spitak Toune Gonkrhsi andamn;roun ke \i,;znhr ;u ke ,;,thr% jh ørhnsdir i,.anouj;anz warcap;t Najaniafoui ou[[oua‘ frauhre artaqin \arab;roujiunn;rou marxin mh= na.agafi oun;za‘ irauasouj;anz dhm anendoun;li ;u pa.arak;li otn]goujiun men hr ou f;t;uabar fastatoua‘ karg ou kanonin dhm ;[a‘ m;[ancoum me! Saka\n a\s artaqo\ kargi mi=amtoujiunn;re tarb;r taraxow me ;r;uan ;kan angam me ;us! Ardar;u% 9 Mart 2015 jouakir namak me ou[[;low Irani na.agaf Fasan Âofanii% Fanrap;takan kousakzouj;an patkano[ 47 ‘;rakoutakann;r axdarar;zin anor% jh apaxinman or;uh fama]a\nagir Øpama\i Am;rika\in f;t c;[;al krnar nkatouil \a=ord na.agafi me ko[mh! A\d namakow Fanrap;takan Kousakzoujiune parxørhn fanrouj;an ke baza\a\thr% jh faka®ak am;rik;an na.agafi pa,tønakan dirqoro,oumn;roun an amhn =anq i gor‘

Na.agaf Paraq Øpama 2008 jouakanin na.agaf entrou;lhn i w;r baxmizs 'or]a‘ h pa[;stin;an farzin .a[a[ lou‘oum me gtn;lou^ ;rkou ko[m;rou mi=;u banakzouj;anz yambow! A\s enjazqe diurazn;lou famar an anzno[ w;z tarin;roun ;u xanaxan a®ijn;row% n,anaka‘ h an]nakan n;rka\azouzicn;r% incpisin hin ørinaki famar% ’;rakoutakann;rou Palati m;‘amasnouj;an na.kin [;kawar Yory Micel (2009-2011) ;u d;span Marjin Inta\q (2013-2014)% ;rkou ko[m;re fasarakaz fama]a\nouj;an me b;r;lou famar! Miavamanak% P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Qhri faxiu ir pa,tønin n,anakoua‘ 1 ";trouar 2013 jouakanin% anmi=aphs gor‘i l‘oua‘ hr banakzouj;an s;[anin ,our= i mi b;r;lou Isra\hli ;u pa[;stin;an i,.anouj;an patas.anatoun;re% w;r=nakan lou‘oum me gtn;lou tasnam;akn;rh i w;r t;uo[ qa[aqakan ;u xinouorakan yakatoumin ;u amoul kazouj;an! Ardar;u% Øpama\i warcakarge a\n ;xrakazouj;an \anga‘ hr% or tasnam;akn;rh i w;r pa[;stin;an farzi anlo\‘ mnale oc mia\n spa®naliq men hr Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u a,.arfi .a[a[ouj;an famar% a\l;u patya® ke fandisanar arabakan ;u islamakan a,.arfn;rh n;rs f;txf;th ‘aualo[ bou®n faka-am;rik;an tramadroujiunn;rou ;u b®nararqn;rou% oronq m;‘ wnas me ke fasznhin am;rik;an warkin ;u axga\in ,af;roun! Fanrap;takan Kousakzoujiune tarb;r patk;razoum me ounhr pa[;stin;an farzi nkatmamb ;u ke pa,tpanhr Isra\hli anxi=o[ k;zoua‘qe! Miavamanak% an k*a\panhr na.agaf Øpama\i warcakarge Isra\hli nkatmamb oun;za‘ j,namakan tramadroujiunn;roun famar! Saka\n Na.agaf Øpama ;u ir warcakargi bar]rastiyan patas.anatoun;re% incphs na;u :uropakan Miouj;an [;kawarn;re% ,r=anh me i w;r a\n ;xrakazouj;an \anga‘ hin% or Isra\hli ‘a\ra\;[ axga\nakan warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafou% faka®ak fraparaka\in ir .ostoumn;roun ;u fa,tarar \a\tararoujiunn;roun% ir i,.anouj;an w;z tarin;roun t;uabar arou;stakan arg;lqn;r ;u .ocendotn;r ke st;[‘hr i d;r;u fan;lou famar am;rik;an axga\in ,af;rhn b.o[

artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an =anq;re^ .a[a[ lou‘oum me gtn;lou Mi=in Ar;u;lqi tagnapin! An;rkba\ ke da®nar na;u am;rikazi patas.anatoun;roun famar% or i gor‘ dra‘ ir m;q;na\oujiunn;row warcap;t Najaniafou ou[[aki jh anou[[aki k;rpow k*anarghr am;rikazi bar]astiyan pa,tønatarn;re% ;rb anonz Isra\hli toua‘ a\z;louj;anz enjazqin a®ije ke gtnhr pa[;stin;an fo[;rhn n;rs frhakan nor ;u apørhn bnakawa\r;rou ,inoujiune artøn;lou% faka®ak am;rik;an pa,tønatarn;rou bo[oqin! Mi=axga\in ørhnqi a\s krknouo[ ørinaxanzoujiunn;re ;u a\s farzow warcap;t Najaniafoui zouzab;ra‘ ambartauan dirqoro,oumn;re tagnapaliz ;rang me k*au;lznhin mhk ko[mh Isra\hli ;u Am;rika\i nman s;rt da,nakizn;rou \arab;rouj;anz mh=% isk mius ko[mh ke jounauorhin na.agaf Øpama\i ;u warcap;t Najaniafou an]nakan \arab;roujiunn;re! A\d \arab;roujiunn;rou watjar wiyakin f;t;uanqow h% or Spitak Toune ke faka®akhr Najaniafoui ou[[oua‘ frauhrin^ qa= gitnalow or a\s w;r=ine a®ije piti øgtagor‘hr fraparakau qnnadat;lou na.agaf Øpama\i iran;an apaxinoumi ;u Mi=in Ar;u;lqi .a[a[ouj;an mito[ qa[aqakan mi=oza®oumn;re! Miavamanak Øpama\i warcakarge k*ouxhr arg;lq ellal% or Najaniafou ir a\s ;lo\jow qaroxcakan a®au;loujiun me ];®q ]ghr ir mrzakizn;roun dhm \a®a=ika\ .orfrdaranakan entroujiunn;roun! F;t;uabar% \stak ke da®nar% or Øpama\i warcakarge a\d entroujiunn;roun Najaniafoui partouj;nhn aknkaloujiunn;r ounhr% \ousalow or anor \a=orde o[=oun;li ykounoujiun me zo\z kou tar Irani fiulhakan apaxinoumi ;u pa[;stin;an farzi lou‘oumin nkatmamb! IRANI FIULHAKAN APAXINMAN BANAKZOUJIUNN:RE Gitakz;low a\n iro[ouj;an% or Iran patmakan ;u ®axmawarakan d;r me ouni Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs ;u anor n;rgrauoume mi=axga\in \arab;rouj;anz olortin mh= krna\ diurazn;l Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs t;[i oun;zo[ w;riwa\roumn;rou baruøq xargazoume% Na.agaf Paraq Øpama 2013 jouakanin na.a];®n;z Irani norentir na.agaf Fasan Âofanii f;t qa[aqakan m;r];zman a,.atanqin^ a\d ];uow safmana'ak;lou famar <ar& h= 14

N.O. April 2, 2015, No. 14:N.O. Blank


5:16 PM

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NOR ØR% 2 APRIL 2015


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Putin’s Presence At Armenian Genocide Commemoration Reaffirmed

A senior Russian official has reaffirmed President Vladimir Putin’s decision to participate in the April 24 official ceremonies in Yerevan that will mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey. “We will be mourning with Armenians on that day,” Leonid Slutsky, the pro-government chairman of a Russian State Duma state, said during a visit to Armenia. “We will be calling on the entire conscious world to mourn that pain together with us.” “And we will be urging those who have not acknowledged and condemned that terrible crime against humanity to also do that,” added Slutsky.

Armenian-Chinese Relations Rose To A New Level After Sargsyan’s Visit

Armenian-Chinese relations rose to a new level after Armenian President’s recent state visit to China.The visit can be called one of the most serious achievements of Armenian foreign policy over the past years.More than a dozen documents aimed at development and strengthening of bilateral cooperation in several areas were signed during the visit.Taking into consideration the content of the documents signed during the visit, it can be said that Serzh Sargsyan’s visit can be crucial not only for Armenia, but also for the region.The joint declaration on further development and deepening of relations of friendly cooperation between Armenia and China was signed by the Armenian and Chinese Presidents as a result of their meeting.The declaration says that “the parties attach great importance to the international efforts to prevent crimes against humanity and stand for the unacceptability of their denial, as well as for their condemnation, and preservation of historical truth.”

Pope Francis Set To Rile Turkey By Recalling The Armenian Genocide One week after Easter Sunday, Pope Francis is scheduled to celebrate a service in the Armenian Catholic rite to commemorate the 100th anniversary of a mass killing of Armenians by Turks in the early 20th century that the pontiff defined two years ago as the “first genocide of the modern era”. In a time of mounting anti-Christian violence in various corners of the Middle East, the pope’s act is likely to take on more than merely historical interest. The April 12 papal liturgy is part of a broader campaign by Armenians to keep

the memory of their suffering alive, which will feature the ringing of bells in Armenian churches around the world on April 23 at 19:15 (7:15 p.m.), the hour chosen to symbolically recall the year 1915. Bells will sound everywhere but Turkey, where the small number of churches still in operation will remain silent. Francis has long been aware of the calamity that befell Turkey’s Armenian minority, having led an ecumenical service of remembrance in Buenos Aires in 2006.

Armenian Genocide Day To Be Marked For First Time In Turkey’s Diyarbakir An Armenian Genocide remembrance ceremony will be held for the first time on April 24 in Surp (Holy) Giragos Armenian Church of Diyarbakir, Turkey. The Church Foundation, the Human Rights Association (Turkey) Diyarbakir Branch, and the Gomidas Institute (London) will be hold-

ing mourning events in the church, reported Haberdiyarbekir website of Turkey. Following the genocide commemorations in the church, Canadian-Armenian pianist Raffi Bedrosian will perform the known works of Armenian musicians.

Australia must acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, banker Michael Carapiet insists A banker with a stellar career and haunting family background insists Australia must acknowledge the Armenian genocide even if it risks Turkish retaliation over Gallipoli. Michael Carapiet had a stellar career in finance. He ran Macquarie Bank’s infrastructure division and now, in semi-retirement, he sits on a dozen of the most prestigious corporate and government boards. But we won’t be talking about any of that. I have instead invited Carapiet to lunch beside the glistening waters of Sydney Harbour because he is also one of Aus-

tralia’s most prominent Armenians. It is topical because the centenary of the Armenian genocide officially falls on April 24, just one day before Anzac Day. On that day in 1915, with the British and Australian attack on the Dardanelles imminent and the Russians invading from the east, the Turks launched a year of murder and deportations that killed about 1.5 million Christian Armenians, who were accused of disloyalty. More than half the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire perished. By Geoff Winestock

We Need To Make Karabakh Peace Priority – Warlick The US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group has unveiled his plan to discuss the recent violence along the NagornoKarabakh frontline in Vienna. “In Vienna today to report to the @OSCE Minsk Group on renewed violence and mediation efforts. We need to make #NKpeace a priority,” James Warlick tweeted Tuesday morning. The OSCE Minsk Group, composed of co-chair representing the United States, France and Russia, has been spearheading the peace talks over Nagorno-Karabakh since 1992.

Centennial Billboards To Be Placed Throughout California’s Central Valley And Coast

Fresno—Roadside billboards commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will soon be seen throughout California’s San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast. The large posters recognize the victims of all genocides and specifically honor the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians murdered at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish government during the period of 1915-1923. More than 50 billboards will be put up along Highway 99—the primary transportation corridor of the San Joaquin Valley—with most of the billboards concentrated around urban areas such as Fresno and Merced. Other locations include sites along Highway 101 in the Central Coast, and along Highways 152 and 198 near farming communities in the western and eastern areas of the Valley.

RA Minister Of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan Receives Raffi Balian

On March 28, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received member of the Central Committee of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar), ViceChairman of the U.S. West Coast Regional Committee of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) Raffi Balian. During the meeting, the sides discussed issues related to the development of Armenia-Diaspora relations, preservation of the Armenian identity, as well as the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 2, 2015


French Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem Inaugurated A Armenian Symposium On Wednesday, March 25th, the French Minister of National Education and Research, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, inaugurated at the prestigious Sorbonne University (Paris), an exceptional symposium on a 3-day cycle on the theme "The Armenian Genocide: 100 years of research." In particular, she stated that "the rigorous study of sources, survivor testimonies, documents, has established this truth that no longer debate in the scientific community about the reality of the Armenian genocide." The French Minister will attend the commemorations in Yerevan on April 24 with President Francois Hollande. Organized by the International Scientific Council CSI) and the CCAF, 70 researchers and historians from around the world will succeed for three days and report their research on the Armenian genocide and other crimes against humanity. Among them, historians Yves Ternon Stephan Astourian Erdal Kaynar, Claire Mouradian, Sait Çetinnoglu Mustafa Ak-

sakal, Richard Hovannisian, Vincent Duclert Raymond Kevorkian, KM-Ümit Kurt, Ara Sarafian, Hans-Lukas Kieser, Georges Bensoussan, David Gaunt, Sia Anagnostopoulou, Joël Kotek, Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, Hamit Borzasian, Peter Holquist, Erik-Jan Zürcher, Mikaël Nichanian, Dzovinar Kevonian, Edhem Eldem, Ayhan Aktar, Boris Adjemian, Henry Rousso, Mutafian clude Alban Perrin, Hira Kaynar , Jesn-Pierre Chretien, Dominik Schaller, Roger Smith, Christian Ingrao, Nicols Werth, Helene Dumas, Taner Akcam, etc.

FCHA To Continue Tradition Of Assisting Armenia’s Homeless Families RIVER VALE, NEW JERSEY – The Fuller Center for Housing Armenia (FCHA) to continue home building mission in Armenia. Since 2010, the FCHA’s mission in Armenia has been led by Leo and Sona Manuelian of New Jersey, together they have dedicated every summer to assisting the homeless in Armenia; they have led five teams and more than 75 volunteers from the United States. Their story of selfless devotion to their ancestral homeland is inspired by their deep Christian faith. Leo’s parents were both victims of the Armenian Genocide. His parents often told him the stories of their suffering. Leo explains, “I do this work because I never want to see Armenians forced from their lands. Homelessness is a problem we can solve, and I am committed to being a part of the solution by building homes for families who need our help. I do this work with a tremendous amount of pride. I will work with FCHA until the good Lord calls me home.” Leo’s first trip to Armenia was 11 years ago as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Armenia. He was so impressed with the work being done to give rural families decent and safe homes that he decided to become a team leader himself. In 2008, Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat, created a new organization, called the Fuller Center for Housing. Leo decided he would join the new Fuller Center affiliate in Armenia. Sona, has also embraced her husband’s deep-seeded passion. Sona has been a team leader by Leo’s side for the past five years. She didn’t join his earlier trips because of a great fear of flying. However, when Leo would return from Armenia with his emotional stories about the families and the land, she was unable to resist the strong force tugging her toward the homeland. Sona shares, “Helping my sisters and brothers in Armenia fills my heart with joy. There is no other country like Armenia. My roots are here. Working with the Fuller Center gives me such elation that my heart becomes larger than my body! We do Godpleasing work. Our team members and the homeowners all join together, hand in hand, to build a new home. Where they had nothing before, the families now have a home and hope for the future.” To become an FCHA beneficiary, prospective homeowners must complete an

application. The application first undergoes a paper audit and then a field audit to determine eligibility. To be eligible, a family must own a half-built home or a home in need of renovation; have an income which can sustain the family, but is not enough to allow them to complete construction of the house on their own or to pay off a bank loan; and, as a result of these factors, live in substandard housing (typically, a portion of the uncompleted house, a “domik”, or a borrowed home). In the more than ten years that this work has been advanced in Armenia, approximately 650 families have been provided with an affordable and decent home. The positive impact of the FCHA program extends beyond the tangible economic and social benefits. It has proven to be 100% effective in stemming emigration. NOT ONE FAMILY HELPED BY FCHA HAS EMIGRATED. From the perspective of the volunteers, this experience allows them to learn about the homeland. It’s a win-winwin situation! The Fuller Center for Housing Armenia Build trip is currently accepting applicants of all ages to volunteer for July 1 –July 13, 2015, to help build homes in Armenia for families who are in dire need of housing. Upon arriving at the airport in Yerevan, volunteers will be transported to a hotel in the city center. The following morning, there will be an introduction to the mission of FCHA, along with safety instructions and other logistical information needed to participate in the program. Volunteers will then be introduced to the family in need of a home and work will begin immediately thereafter. The cost of the trip includes transfers, food, lodging at the Congress hotel for 12 nights, and tours. Additional expenses are airfare, passport, visa (where applicable), alcohol, and souvenirs. The volunteers will also have an opportunity for sightseeing in Yerevan and touring breathtaking religious and cultural sites. For more information, contact Leo Manuelian at levonvi@yahoo.com, Sona Manuelian at moog8238@yahoo.com or call 201-746-0409. To learn about additional trip dates with FCHA, please visit www.fullercenterarmenia.org or email volunteer@fullercenterarmenia.org. !

Armenian Assembly Of America Testifies Before Congress Outlining Armenian American Priorities For FY2016 WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Executive Director Bryan Ardouny testified before the House Appropriations Committee in the U.S. Capitol building where he outlined nine key policy priorities for the Armenian American community in fiscal year (FY) 2016. The Assembly submits appropriations testimony to Congress annually and has done so for over a decade. The Armenian “Assembly urges the Subcommittee to allocate $40 million in assistance to Armenia,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny at today’s hearing. “Continued and robust assistance helps to offset the impact of the blockades imposed by Turkey and Azerbaijan. Despite these blockades, Armenia continues to make important strides often under challenging circumstances and was ranked 52nd out of 178 countries on the Wall Street Journal-Heritage Foundation’s 2015 Index of Economic Freedom,” Ardouny said. Earlier this year, the President submitted his FY2016 budget recommendation to Congress, which calls for a total of $22.36 million for Armenia, a reduction of $2.34 million from last year's request, and which maintains military assistance parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Assembly testimony offered today lays out nine, clear and objective policy goals for upcoming FY 2016, specifically: not less than $40 million in U.S. assistance to Armenia; at least $5 million in U.S. assistance to Nagorno Karabakh; assistance to Christian minorities at risk in the Middle East; strengthening Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act; the Nagorno Karabakh peace process; U.S. military assistance to Armenia; assistance to the Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia; regional energy security; and affirmation of the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide. In addition, during today’s testimony, Ardouny asked Members of Congress on the panel to travel to Armenia. “We [the Assembly] strongly encourage Members, especially on the centennial year of the Armenian Genocide, to travel to Armenia to see first-hand the realities on the ground and the ongoing impact of the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades on Armenia,” Ardouny said.

Edward Gulbenkian, Jr. Honorary Booklet Chairperson Of The HMADS Gala Dinner Dance By Jennifer Chelebi Oakland Gardens, NY – In a year that commemorates one of the most significant milestones in Armenian history, there is no better time to honor the resilience of our distinctive culture and traditions than supporting the educational centers of our youth. Education is the essential ingredient for preserving our rich traditions and heritage. We are proud to acknowledge the unparalleled services that HMADS is rendering for the past 47 years for the education of our youth. In this spirit, the Friends of HMADS invites you to join them in their efforts to raise funds for the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) by attending their Annual Gala Dinner Dance taking place on Saturday, May 16th at the North Hills Country Club in Manhasset, NY. This year, the Friends committee is proud to have benefactor Mr. Edward Gulbenkian Jr., head of the Gullabi Gulbenkian foundation, lead the most important annual fundraiser as Honorary Booklet Chairperson. Mr. Edward Gulbenkian, was also one of the founding fathers of the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School nearly 50 years ago. Over the years since, he and his family have generously contributed their time and energies to the school, as well has several other notable charities. Mr. Edward Gulbenkian Jr. and the Gulbenkian family’s benevolence encompass the establishment of a charity maternity hospital in Aleppo, Syria, to the building of St. Vartan Cathedral and the Gullabi Gulbenkian Cultural Center in New York which continues to help the fundamental pillars of life. After the 1988 Earthquake the foundation brought relief to those brushing away the rubble by providing aid to Armenia, which included building and refurbishing 36 schools, and to prevent burning books and cutting trees all around Armenia, the foundation supplied

eight tons of wood for heat, as well as clothes and other basics. The Gullabi Gulbenkian foundation, like HMADS, is devoted to bolstering the Armenian spirit through the preservation and continuation of our language, culture and traditions. Since 1967, HMADS has provided a first-rate American primary education enriched by the Armenian heritage. The school has nearly 275 alumni who have gone on to become community leaders, accomplished business people and incredible educators. Join the Gulbenkian family and the Friends Committee in supporting today’s students and those who have yet to walk the halls. This year’s festivities will begin at 7:30 p.m. with an extensive cocktail hour followed by a multi-course dinner with open bar served at 9:00 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by Toronto’s talented Harout Bedrossian and his band. Your support of the commemorative booklet and Gala Dinner Dance contribution of $130 will greatly enhance the efforts of the Friends committee and HMADS, benefiting future generations of Armenians. For further information about this highly anticipated event, or to find out how to become a part of the Friends of HMADS, please contact the school office at (718) 2254826- www.hmads.org

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 2, 2015


AGBU Aleppo’s Mardiros Sarian Academy Celebrates Its 60th Anniversary

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Students showcase their work at an exhibit entitled “Aleppo: Troublesome Days” in Yerevan

By Hambersom Aghbashian

In February 2015, AGBU Aleppo’s Mardiros Sarian Academy organized a three-day exhibition titled “Aleppo: Troublesome Days” to showcase drawings and paintings by the academy’s students. The exhibition was organized to mark the 60th anniversary of the academy’s establishment and took place at the National Center of Aesthetics in Yerevan. Organized jointly by the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia and the Syrian Armenian Relief Coordination Center, the exhibition attracted students and teachers as well as government ministers including Hranush Hakobyan, minister of diaspora. In her welcome speech, Hakobyan expressed gratitude to Hrazdan Tokmajian, the director of the Mardiros Sarian Academy who had left Armenia for Aleppo twenty years earlier. At the opening of the exhibit, Tokmajian was awarded the Ministry of Diaspora’s Arshile Gorky Medal for his work in disseminating Armenian art abroad and for his contribution to the development of Armenia-diaspora relations.

The Ministry of Diaspora also announced the forthcoming publication of a book that compiles the artwork of the Aleppo Armenian children featured in the exhibition. “These young Aleppo Armenian artists are fifth generation Armenians, who are being forced to flee like their ancestors a century ago. They are so happy to have their work displayed, and of course, to have the chance to be covered by Armenian television,” said Hakobyan. During the event, Hagop Mikayelian, chairman of AGBU Aleppo, explained the history of the academy. Founded in 1955, it has continued to hold classes despite the upheaval and social unrest in Aleppo in part to create a sense of normalcy for the children. Levon Igitian, director of the National Center of Aesthetics, sees the exhibition as a testament to the perseverance of the Aleppo Armenian community: “I don’t know of another nation that would continue to create under such difficult circumstances. It is an element that is deserving of tremendous respect.” !

AGBU Young Professionals Of Greater New York Raises $21,000 For AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund Silent auction held in support of Syrian and Iraqi Armenian communities The AGBU Young Professionals of Greater New York (YPGNY) kicked off 2015 with its 14th annual Silent Auction & Cocktail Party at 121 Fulton Street in New York. The event raised $21,000 for AGBU’s Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund in support of the Syrian and Iraqi Armenian communities and drew 225 young professionals from throughout the tristate area. It also attracted its first event sponsors: Tito’s Handmade Vodka, 90+ Cellars and Harvest Bistro. Throughout the evening, guests enjoyed music by Greg “DJ GLO” Stepanian and bid on a wide array of gifts, luxury items and services donated by leading businesses and generous individuals in the fields of fashion, sports, dining and entertainment. These included items from Michael Aram, Equinox, Khirma Eliazov, Henri Bendel and Maison Francis Kurkdjian, among many others. “I’m very proud to have had a hand in organizing this year’s silent auction. The committee came together so well and the event went off without a hitch. We are rais-

ing money for such a good cause that I’m glad so many young professionals came out to lend their support,” says YPGNY vice chairwoman Lisa Hagopian. 2015 was the second year the YPGNY committee chose to hold the annual Silent Auction & Cocktail Party in support of the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund. Together with YPGNY’s 2014 proceeds, YPGNY has raised $41,000 for Syrian and Iraqi Armenian communities in need. In past years, the event has raised money for the AGBU Children’s Centers in Armenia. To learn more about YPGNY, visit www.ypgny.org. The AGBU Young Professionals is a growing network of groups and supporters around the world who are committed to preserving and promoting the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs for young Armenians between the ages of 22 to 40. For more information, visit www.agbu.org/yp.

59 - Cem Özdemir Cem Özdemir (born 21 December 1965) is the son of a Turkish-Circassian from Tokat, Turkey; in 1983 he acquired German citizenship. After graduating from a German secondary school and a Realschule Özdemir completed an apprenticeship, becoming an early childhood educator. After qualifying for advanced technical college entrance he studied social pedagogy at the Evangelical Technical College in Reutlingen, Germany. After completing his studies in 1987, Cem Özdemir worked as an educator and a freelance journalist. Özdemir currently is a German citizen and politician. He is co-chairman of the German political party Alliance '90/The Greens, together with Simone Peter. He was a Member of the German Bundestag* between 1994 and 2002 and of the European Parliament between 2004 and 2009. Özdemir describes himself as a "secular Muslim" and is married to the Argentine journalist Pía María Castro.(1) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The following is the text of the apology : My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them. Cem Özdemir was one of the signees. (2) According to "panarmenian.net", on April 21, 2012, Armenian Genocide commemoration evening was held at St. Peter's Church in Hamburg, Germany.Over 700 guests of different nationalities attended the event, RA MFA press service reported. Cem Özdemir, leader of the German party of Alliance '90/The Greens stressed the need for the Turkish government to put an end to Armenian Genocide denial policy.“The Armenian Genocide issue must be taught at Turkish educational institutions, as this will enable the Turks to get familiarized with own past,” Mr. Özdemir said.(3). Hurriyet Daily News wrote on December/19/2012 "The Danish Royal Library has, together with the Armenian embassy, held an exhibition on “The Armenian genocide and the Scandinavian reaction” though due to protests from the Turkish embassy, the library’s director, has agreed to hold an alternative exhibition titled, “The so-called Armenian genocide.” This decision has caused widespread debate and 37 Turkish intellectuals, have in an open letter in Denmark’s leading daily Berlingske called on the library’s director to reconsider his decision. In their view, the Turkish government has followed a policy of denial for more than 90 years, culminat-

ing in the murder of Hrant Dink in 2007. To allow the Turkish government to arrange an alternative exhibition will only support this policy. Cem Özdemir was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the open letter. (4). Muriel MirakWeissbach wrote on May/21/2013 an article entitled " Armenians in Germany Commemorate Armenian Genocide " where, among the speakers, she mentioned that "The second guest speaker was Cem Oezdemir, the national chairman of the Green Party and member of the Bundestag. His speech was entitled, 'In Memory of the Victims of the Genocide against the Armenians 1915.' Oezdemir stressed how difficult it is to grasp the 'why' behind the events: why the Young Turk leaders destroyed the multiethnic, multi-religious Ottoman state with their nationalist, racist ideology, and why the Armenians, known as the loyal people, were victimized. To put the apparently inconceivable crime in perspective, he reviewed the indispensable place Armenians had occupied in Ottoman society as professionals, manufacturers, intellectuals, artists. In Istanbul, for example, where they represented a tenth of the population, there were nearly as many newspapers in Armenian as in Turkish."(5) Armenianpress.am wrote on March 12, 2015, " One of the leaders of Germany’s Greens Party of Turkish descent Cem Özdemir has demanded that Germany recognize “the genocide that was perpetrated against the Armenians on Ottoman lands 100 years ago”, as Hurriyet reports. Özdemir, who has visited Yerevan, mentioned the following: “The time has come to not hide the term in this year marking the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. I regret to state the fact that the German government does not use the right words when speaking about the crimes perpetrated in 1915-16."(6) *The Bundestag (German ) is a constitutional and legislative body in Germany. 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cem_ %C3%96zdemir 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great 3.http://panarmenian.net/eng/news/ 104343/ 4.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /a-controversial genocide.aspx?pageID= 238&nID=37144 5.http://www.mirak-weissbach.de /Publications/Archive/files/5fdda96b9f50 9a92464593c6de416 6.http://armenpress.am/eng/print/79 7467/turkish-mp-of-bundestag-calls-ongermany-to-recognize-the-armenian-genocide.htm

Armenian Children Are Offered A Free High-tech Education In Tumo Center, Yerevan Armenia's landlocked position in the South Caucasus has hampered its attempts to expand its economy, since it declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.It has led the Armenian authorities to investigate new technology and online industries as a way of creating wealth. Overseas investment means Armenian children are being offered a free high-tech education.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 2, 2015


Hrant Güzelian’s "The Youth Home Of Istanbul A Story of the Remnants’ Homecoming” In a series of activities dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide undertaken by the Armenian Evangelical Community on both Coasts, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) recently published the English version of Hrant Güzelian’s "The Youth Home of Istanbul: A Story of the Remnants’ Homecoming” (Bolso Badanegan Doun). Güzelian, who was a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, founded the Youth Home of Istanbul in the basement of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedik Pasha and dedicated his life to searching and rescuing hundreds of Islamized Armenian youth living in historic Armenia, among whom were Hrant and Rakel Dink. The launching of the English translation of Güzelian’s book, organized by the Joint Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of the AMAA and the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 7:30 PM at the Armenian Society of Los Angeles, 117 South Louise Street, Glendale, CA. The book will be presented by Edwin Minassian, Esq., Rev. Vatche Ekmekjian, the

pastor of the Immanuel Armenian Congregational Church of Downey, CA and Zaven Khanjian, the Executive Director/CEO of the AMAA. Hasmig Baran, Ed.D., will serve as the Mistress of Ceremonies. The Armenian community of Southern California is cordially invited to attend this special event to celebrate the life of Hrant Güzelian, an unsung Armenian Evangelical hero.

EURO 2016 Qualifiers: Armenia Continues At Bottom Of Group I Playing at home, Albania defeated Armenia and Portugal beat Serbia 2 -1 in last week’s EURO 2016 Group I qualifiers. Euro 2016 hosts France blanked Denmark 2- 0. Thus, all teams have played four games each. Portugal leads with 9 points, followed by Denmark and Albania with 7. Serbia and Armenia trail with 1 point apiece. Armenia has yet to win a game.

“They Lived Here”

Within a month, on April 24, 2015, the Armenian community will commemorate the Genocide of 1915 which was perpetrated by the Young Turks government of Ottoman Empire. In turn, our sons and daughters should not have to struggle to make the Turkish State recognize the ignominy of the Genocide inflicted on our people. Their future should be normal and happy within a society that has made peace with itself. This is why we are making a solemn call to the whole community so that every one of its members can witness the drama that has affected them personally on 1915. We are asking men and women from all continents to stand vigilant, as the memory of the Martyrs is decried, as unprecedented violence is being inflicted on the sons and daughters of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and as the very existence of our identity, symbolized by the vestiges of our culture, is being willfully wiped out. Today, Armenians are the target of the denial of the crime of which their parents were innocent victims. Scorned, bruised, exasperated, but nevertheless Armenian, we have to tell the world, once and for all, that the time for geopolitical procrastination has passed. We

are not claiming to be victims, but protesters for simple justice. The first of these is to allow us to pay respect to our graveless parents' remains. We will do this on April 24, as we have done every year since 1916. In the absence of burial sites, www.inhomage.com , website I created on 2005 (only online), enables every one of us to write in the names of those who lost their lives on our ancestral soil. Once this has been done, another task will be invoked: to insure the permanent recognition of the Genocide of the Armenian people and the inevitable consequences of recognition. Brought to task, the Turkish government has embarked on an unprecedented campaign of denial of strength of which Armenians would again be the victims. Therefore, on the occasion of the 100th commemoration of this human cataclysm, we call upon each of to resist falling into silent consent by visiting the website now at www.inhomage.com to see for yourselves and to help show that our dead have names. This is our duty. Jean Eckian Freelance journalist Co-organizer of the recording «For you Armenia, 1989» (Aznavour for Armenia)

TurfBusters.com Drought Tolerant Landscaping We Specialize in landscaping and designs with Drought Tolerant Plants, Bark, Gravel and Rocks. 20833 Ventura Blvd # A Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Phone: 818-266-8228 E-mail: hexlor11@yahoo.com

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FA|NRI> ~IRBIU>:R ªFA|ASTAN 1915º <ar& h= 2-hn


TAR:KAN ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN VO{OW Masnayiu[e ir 45-rd tar;,r=ane \a=o[ouj;amb auart;z% los any;lesafa\ m,akoujashr xangoua‘in framzn;low dastiarakic mi=oza®oumn;r^ 2014-15 tar;,r=ani enjazqin! Masnayiu[in ko[mh auandoujiun dar]a‘ h Mi=inqi ya,ow katar;l tar;kan endfanour vo[owe& ard% Kiraki% 15 Marti \;tmi=ørhin vo[owin masnakizn;re ke wa\;lhin Wafan ;u Maral Osk;ann;roun fiurenkaloujiune^ Norjriyi ir;nz endar]ak bnakaranin mh=! Warcouj;an frauhrin enda®a=;r hin 35 andamn;r! Ørouan Mi=inqi famadam ya,;rou ,our= katarouo[ fauaqe fay;li mjnolort me st;[‘a‘ hr vo[owi bazoumhn a®a=! Andamakan endfanour vo[owin bazoume katar;z warcouj;an ;rkaram;a\ at;nap;t Wach S;m;ry;an% or n;rka\azouz endfanour vo[owin iura\atouk imaste% iuraqanciur andamin n;rka\ouj;an anfrav;,toujiune% katarou;liq famaratououj;anz kar;uoroujiune% apa^ n;rka\azouz masnayiu[i warcakan kaxmn ou anonz kar;uor n;rdroume \a=o[ ;u ardiunauht tar;,r=an me bolor;loun mh=! *** Ørakarge enjazq a®au na.ord tar;,r=ani endfanour andamakan vo[owi at;nagrouj;an enj;rzoumow% or patrasta‘ hr vo[owi qartou[ar Fa\koufi "aja'ouj;ane! F;rjakanørhn% vo[owakann;re ls;zin tar;kan niujakan ;l;umouti manramasnoujiunn;re% .na\o[akan fa,iun;rou wiyake ;u tnt;sakan tarb;r farz;rou bazatroujiunn;re! Gan]apaf Wafan Osk;ani x;ko\zin \a=ord;z Ani

Garjal;ani masnayiu[a\in tar;kan a,.atanqin ;u ];®narkn;roun ;rkar nkaragroujiunn;re! >namqow patrastoua‘ xo\g t;[;kagirn;re arvanazan n;rka\ andamakaxmin anw;rapaf gnafatanqin! Masnayiu[i warcoujiune 2014-15 tar;,r=anin goumara‘ hr f;rjakan warcakan vo[own;r% incphs na;u .orfrdakzakan fandipoumn;r ou kaxmak;rpa‘^ tash au;li ];®narkn;r% andamakaxmin ou fama\nqin m,akoujashr fasarakouj;an famar! Øgtagor‘oua‘ ;n Ph,khøjiur;an k;drone% Perphnqi Fa\oz A®a=nordarani srafn;re% Kl;nth\li Fanra\in gradarane ;u Kl;nth\li Fa\ Kajo[ikh Gou\oumy;an srafe% incphs na;u Warcoujiune fowanauora‘ h cors fatorn;rou fratarakoujiune! A\s tari ;us nkata®;li niujakan øvandakoujiun troua‘ h JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an warvaranin! Tar;kan t;[;kagirn;rou n;rka\azoumn;rhn ;tq% at;nap;te jou;z anmi=akan nor apaga\in katarou;liq qani me ];®narkn;re! Apa^ andamakan vo[owe mia]a\nouj;amb at;nap;t w;rentr;z Wach S;m;ry;ane^ \a=ordo[ ;rkou tarin;roun famar! Katarou;zan srti .øsq;r% gnafatanqi arta\a\toujiunn;r ;u drouatanq^ S;m;ry;ani ªLousar]akin Takº ;rkfator girqin fratarakouj;an a®ijow% orou n;rka\azoume katarou;r hr |ounouar 30-in! Antarako\s% \a=o[ tar;,r=an me ;us bolora‘ ;[au Los Any;lesi JMM-i masnayiu[e% satar;low ga[oujhn n;rs miouj;nakan arvani w;r;lqin!



rin bxktoum% ktor-ktor hin anoum% ariuna,a[a. msagnd;re .'oum soursa\r va\®;rin! Dvo.a\in a\d t;saraniz ir;nz korzra‘ ma\r;rn ou kana\q ;r;.an;ri% amousinn;ri f;t;uiz n;tuoum hin mafouan .or.oratn;re% omanq \ousafat ‘ounk hin coqoum ariunot ];®q;row dafiyn;ri a®a=% .ndroum ,out spann;l ir;nz! Ka\in na;u a\npisin;re% oronq gouj hin a[;rsoum kam ir;nz ];®qow xauakn;rin g;te n;toum% ori va\®ot a';rin diakn;re ambartakn;r hin go\azr;l! Za‘ enkno[ ank;ndan marminn;riz aliqn;rn anendfat ,o['oum hin! :u a\d dvo.a\in spande molagar na.yire oc jh mi ;rkou vam% anendmh= ;r;q ør ,arounakou;z! Mardkanz ;rkar tan=oum ou morjoum hin% ar;an a®ouakn;re va\®;ri aranqow danda[ fosoum hin n;rq;u% .a®nuoum g;ti bou®n \or]anqin! (H= 45)! &&&:rxnka\oum a,.ata‘ ;rkou g;rmanazi bouvqo\r patm;l ;n& ªMi xinouor – ostikan par‘;noum hr% or ørakan tase-tasn;rkou fogi h spann;l% g;te n;t;l% ;r;.an;rin% oronq c;n karo[az;l 'a.c;l% .';l h va\®;rin% gang;re ',r;l! Kananz% yana-

parfi bolor giu[;roum% noriz ou noriz b®nabar;l ;nº! &&&|ounisi 21-in Karmir >aci a\s ;rkou a,.atakzoufin;re jo[noum ;n :rxnkan ;u ;rkou ør anz% yanaparfin% au;li afauor irawiyakn;ri akanat;s linoum! ªSa®;zno[ l®ouj;amb 'oqr ou m;‘% minc;u angam h,i jambin dvouarouj;amb nsta‘ pa®aun;re a®a= hin ,arvuoum% orphsxi qic anz bolorin kapkp;n ou Q;ma.po[axi kocouo[ ani‘;al kiryi bar]rab;r] va\®;riz :'rati aliqn;ri mh= n;t;n! Mi \o\n sa\lapan nkaragr;z% jh incphs h da aruoum! Mardou sirte qaranoum hr sarsa'iz! M;x ou[;kzo[ xinouor-ostikane patmoum hr%- au;li qan 3000 kno= ;u ;r;.a\i Mama.ajouniz Q;ma. ;s faszri%- f;' pidji% pidji (ªbolorn hl w;razan% w;razan&&&º (h= 46)! &&&1915 jouakani ;[;®nagor‘oujiune anemb®n;li h a\n astiyani% or irauamb juoum h patmouj;an am;naariunot% dvndak a®;[‘oua‘e! Soworakan% mardka\in banakanouj;an famar fa\;ri spande anendoun;li ou anm;knaban;li h^ oyir% ori f;t ci kar;li fa,tou;l (h= 47)!

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ªFay;li ør men hr dprozhn n;rs a\sør! Tiki*n% ;rani@ amhn ør a\sphs ella\º&- X& karghn a,ak;rt me a\sphs arta\a\tou;zau ";trouar 24% 2015-in% Sourb Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zuo\ A& ;u M& |owsh';an Warvaranhn n;rs% ;rb Ma\r;rou Ørouan nouirua‘ \atouk a,.atanqn;r na.a];®n;zinq!

Mi=axga\in Ma\r;rou Ør Sourb Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zuo\ A& ;u M& |owsh';an Wavaranhn N;rs

Fay;li ;u ,inic hr mi;uno\n vamanak% ;rb a,ak;rtn;re ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin ;u ;[an patgamab;rn;re a\d ørouan!

Dprozis A,ak;rtakan >orfourdi andamn;re \i,;zouzin a,ak;rtouj;an a\d ør% or Mi=axga\in Ma\r;rou Ør ellalow piti .øsin mia\n fa\;rhn% jh dasarann;rhn ;u jh .a[awa\rhn n;rs ;u jh anonq fsko[ouj;an tak piti ellan% >orfourdi Andamn;re angl;rhn .øso[n;roun piti xgou,azn;n% or cmo®nan jh fa\;rhnin trama-

droua‘ ør men hr a\d \atouk øre! Ousouzcoufin;re .andawa® mjnolort me st;[‘;zin a,ak;rtn;roun famar% jh na.aya,i ;u jh ya,i xo\g xbøsanqn;roun enjazqin% ;rb ya,asrafin mh= lsou;zau fa\kakan ;rav,toujiun ;u ousouzic ou a,ak;rt ,our=par b®n;zin miasin! Iraphs k∞;rkrord;nq m;r a,ak;rtin 'a'aqe&- ªInco#u amhn ør a\s c;nq krnar en;lº! 100 tarin;r ;tq au;liow xgali ke da®na\ Y:RMAK +ARDI wnasn;re! Oro,n;rou antarb;roujiune ma\r;rou fan-

DASA>ØSOUJIUN Kaxmak;rpouj;amb

JMM "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i Niuj

Wafan Jhqh;an Banast;[‘n ou Axga\in Gor‘ice Bana.øs^ Dokt& Jamara |owfannis;an (Garmhlhn) G;[arou;stakan |a\tagir :rav,toujiun^ Salbi ;u Søsi Qhrqiun;an Asmounq^ FBEM W& ;u J& Manouk;an :rkrordakan Warvarani Ousano[n;r T;[i k∞oun;na\ Kiraki% 19 April 2015% vame 5!00-in Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni Srafin mh= (1901 N. Allen Ave., Corner of New York Dr.) Moutqe Axat

No\n øre% dprozs a\z;l;z Armenia Tree Project-i patas.anatou Tik& Anafit {arip;ane ;u a,ak;rtn;roun n;rka\azouz ir;nz kaxmak;rpouj;an tara‘ a,.atanqn;re fa\r;ni bnouj;an pafpanman i .ndir! Apa% X&hn E& kargi a,ak;rtn;re a\d ør f;rjabar a\z;l;zin Mankaparthxhn B& kargi a,ak;rtn;roun ;u .oumb;rou bavnou;low ir;nzmh 'oqrik a,ak;rtn;roun fa\kakan mankakan girq;r kardazin^ fog;kan bauararoujiun parg;u;low ir;nz fa\;rhn l;xoui dasatoun;roun% ;rb anonq irauat;s ;[an ir;nz a,ak;rtn;roun zouzab;ra‘ lr=ouj;an ;u patas.anatououj;an ir;nz stan]na‘ gor‘in fandhp!

:oun;sqo\i ko[mhn f®cakoua‘ Mi=axga\in Ma\r;rou Øre% ";trouar 21-i 'o.arhn ";trouar 24-in n,ou;zau m;r warvaranhn n;rs!

A®a=in f;rjow F&B&E&M&i Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an :rkrordakan Warvaranhn V& karghn ;rkou a,ak;rtn;r^ Ari Hqmhqy;an ;u M;[;di Mano\;an a\z;l;zin m;r warvarane ;u m;r a,ak;rtouj;an bazatr;zin Z;[aspanouj;an 100 Am;aki Og;kocman .orfrdani,e ;[o[ Anmo®ouk ‘a[ikin imaste^ zouzadr;low power point me anor masin!

nonq 'o.anz;lou \a=ord s;roundin!


dhp au;rn;r ke gor‘h ;u fauanabar amhn ør Ma\r;rou Ør phtq h f®cak;l s'iu®qafa\ ga[jøya.n;rhn n;rs&&& F®cako[n;re ;u andradar]o[n;re mia\n krjakan m,akn;re c;n krnar ellal&&& Dvba.tabar Y;rmak +ardin t;[i toua‘ ;nq ,at;rs&&& Ba\z ;u a\nphs \arg;li ;n bolor a\n gitakiz ‘no[n;re% oronq i gin bolor xofo[oujiunn;roun ;u dvouaroujiunn;roun ka®ca‘ ke mnan ir;nz skxbounqn;roun% axga\in dimagi‘in ou auandin ;u ke xgan anfrav;,toujiune xa-

A,ak;rtakan >orfourdi andamn;rn al a\d ørouan w;r=in ;rkou dasapaf;roun enjazqin a\z;l;low G&hn :& kargi a,ak;rtn;roun% anonz zouzmounqn;r talow% oun;zan fa\;rhn grqo\kn;r gr;lou a,.atanist me! |atouk ,norfakaloujiun Ørd& Armik Majos;anin^ A,ak;rtakan >orfourdi patas.anatou ousouzcoufiin ;u Tik& Lixa Mano\;anin^ Fa\;rhn Bavanmounqi patas.anatou ousouzcoufiin% or nman fay;li ;u f;taqrqrakan ør me kaxmak;rpa‘ hin! J[jakzoujiune Warvaranhn N


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<ar& h= 3-hn

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Irani fiulhakan ouvi tiranalou mtadroujiune ;u ankh b.o[ fauanakan bardoujiunn;re! A\d jouakanhn i w;r Am;rika% ~ransa% G;rmania% Âousia% Anglia% Cinastan ;u :uropakan Mioujiun Irani f;t ke banakzin safmana'ak;lou famar a\d ;rkri fiulhakan karo[akanouj;an xargazoumi marx;re% 'o.arhn .ostanalow mi=axga\in tnt;sakan patvami=ozn;rou w;razoume ;u 'o.adar] xi=oumn;rou wra\ .ars.oua‘ apafowakan drouj;an me ord;groume! Na.agaf Øpama\i a\s na.a];®noujiune warcap;t P;nyamin Najaniafoui famar dar]a‘ h mtafogic xargazoum me% orowf;t;u an k*emb®nhr jh Irani f;t baruøq \arab;roujiunn;rou fastatoumow ke .a.touhr Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= Isra\hli \atouk d;rakatarouj;an g;raka\oujiune! Ardar;u% fanra\a\t iro[oujiun h% or Isra\hl Mi=in Aru;lqhn n;rs miak ;rkirn h% or ke tirh fiulhakan xhnqi ;u a\d a®au;louj;an m;na,norfe pafpan;lou famar an m;‘ =anq ke ja'h! Gonkrhsi miaz;al nistin a®=;u artasana‘ ir ya®ow Najaniafou ke 'or]hr Am;rika\i N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tan ;u ’;rako\ti Palati andamn;roun mi=ozow yn,oum ban;zn;l na.agaf Øpama\i wra\% orphsxi w;r= droui a\s na.a];®nouj;an ;u J;frani i,.anoujiunn;rou f;t 'o.adar] faskazo[ouj;an me go\a®oume wivi! Na.agaf Øpama ;u ir gor‘akizn;re a\spisi mi=amtoujiun me am;rik;an qa[aqakanoujiune ;u axga\in ,af;re øtar ;rkri me ;njaka\ dar]n;lou apikar mtadroujiun me ;u 'or] me nkat;zin! YON QHRI :U AM:RIK:AN QA{AQAKAN OU{{OUJ:AN NOR KO{MNORO<OUME A`[anistani ;u Iraqi ;rkarat;u pat;raxmn;rn ou xinouorakan gor‘o[oujiunn;re mardka\in% enk;ra\in% tnt;sakan ;u `inansakan ‘anr f;t;uanqn;r oun;zan Am;rika\i famar! Na.agafakan entrapa\qari jhv ør;roun% a\sinqn 2007 ;u 2008 jouakann;roun% ‘;rakoutakan Øpama .øsq toua‘ hr na.agaf entrou;lou paraga\in a\d pat;raxmn;re ir;nz auartin b;r;l ;u a\nouf;t;u øtar ;rkirn;rou 'o.-\arab;rouj;anz mh= lou‘oumi na.entr;al mi=oz endounil diuanagitakan banakzoujiunn;rou ou[in! P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Qhri no\nphs =;rm =atagow men h a\s møt;zoumin! F;t;uabar% a\s qa[aqakan mta‘;lak;rpi ardiunq phtq h nkat;l Iraqhn ;u A`[anistanhn am;rik;an xørabavinn;rou f;®azoume% Irani f;t ;rkou tarih i w;r fiulhakan apaxinoumi banakzoujiunn;re ;u i w;r=o\ Goupa\i f;t 55 tarih i w;r t;uo[ ,r=a'akoumi ;u k[xiazoumi qa[aqakanouj;an w;r= talou na.a];®noujiune! Kaska‘ cka\ jh am;rik;an qa[aqakan a\s nor ou[[ouj;an ardarazoumn;re ;u ®axmawarakan mtadroujiunn;re ‘anøj ;n mi=axga\in entaniqi andamn;roun! Xarmanali ch na;u% or ~ransa% Anglia% G;rmania% Âousakan Da,noujiune% Cinastan ;u :uropakan Mioujiune miasnabar ;u fama.orfourd k*a,.atin Irani f;t fiulhakan o\vi xargazoumi marxhn n;rs gor‘nakan lou‘oumi me \ang;lou famar! Kaska‘ cka\ na;u jh a\s fng;ake ;u :uropakan Mioujiune ke gitakzin jh pa[;stin;an farzi lou‘oume ;u Irani f;t bnakanon \arab;rouj;anz fastatoume krnan Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs qa[aqakan dvouarin kazoujiunn;rou lou‘oum me b;r;l masnauorabar Libanani% Sourio\% :mhni ;u Lipio\ paraga\in% incphs na;u fakak,®;l arabakan ;u islamakan a,.arfn;rhn n;rs ‘aualo[ ‘a\ra\;[akan ,arvoumn;re% oronq krønakan mol;®andouj;an pitakin tak miaf;‘an qa[aqakan i,.anouj;an npatakn;r ke f;tapnd;n! Ardar;u% .ndro\ a®arka\ bolor ;rkirn;re famoxoua‘ ;n% or arabakan ;u islamakan a,.arfhn n;rs ‘aualo[ ‘a\ra\;[akan ,arvoumn;re ‘nound a®a‘ ;n% sna‘ ;n ;u takauin ke snin pa[;stin;an farzi g‘ow arab ;u islam a,.arfn;rou apra‘ fauaqakan anxørouj;an xgazoumn;rhn% \ousa.aboujiunn;rhn ;u fiasja'oujiunn;rhn% oronq ‘a\ra\;[n;rou gor‘ounhouj;an parart fo[ ke patrast;n amhnour;q! F;t;uabar am;rik;an ;u mi=axga\in qa[aqakanoujiunn;re ke 'or];n a\s tagnapn;roun toun touo[ patya®n;re chxoqazn;l a\npisi qa\l;row ;u na.a];®noujiunn;row% oronq mtafogoujiun ke patya®;n Isra\hli^ anor wara‘ ‘aualapa,to[akan qa[aqakanouj;an ;u mitoumn;roun f;t;uanqow! Isra\hli Najaniafoun amhn =anq ke ja'h ir axga\nakan ørakarge pa,tpan;lou a\s nor xargazoumn;roun dhm ;u ir am;rikazi xinakizn;rou f;t amhn mi=ozi ke dimh ]a.o[;zn;lou na.agaf Øpama\i a®a=adroujiunn;re! *** Isra\hli Warcap;t Najaniafoui ya®in a®ijow st;[‘oua‘ whye ;u anor kapakzouj;amb am;rik;an n;rka\ warcakargi fakaxd;zoujiune zo\z kou tan% jh isra\hl;an ;u am;rik;an xinakzoujiune ir safmanag‘oua‘ ;xr;re ouni ;u a\d ;xr;re w;raqnnouj;an k*;njarkouin a\vm am;rik;an warcakargi ko[mh! Kaska‘ cka\ jh isra\hl;an loppin ;u anor qa[aqakan da,nakizn;re ir;nz kar;lin piti en;n kas;zn;lou famar Øpama\i warcakargi or;uh na.a];®noujiun% or krna\ qa[aqakan f;t;uanqn;r oun;nal Isra\hli famar kam xi=oumn;r partadr;l anor! Isra\hli nkatmamb o;uh kaska‘;li 'o'o.oujiun a\s loppin anmi=aphs gor‘i ke m[h! Saka\n a\d loppin korsnzouza‘ h ir na.kin axd;zikouj;an m;na,norfe!

áõÝÇÝù ѳۻñáõ Ñ»ï£ ºñÏáõùë ³É ¹³ñÓ³Í »Ýù ½áÑ 20-ñ¹ ¹³ñáõ ÁÝóóùÇÝ Z»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý4 µ³Ûó í»ñ³åñ³Í »Ýùª Ç Ñ»×áõÏë ³ÝáÝó4 áñáÝù ³ß˳ï³Í »Ý ½É³Ý³É Ù»½ Ù»ñ ·áÛáõû³Ý Çñ³õáõÝùÁ£ “²Ûë ï³ñÇ4 2001 Ãáõ³Ï³ÝÇÝ ÏÁ ÝßáõÇ Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ Ù¿ç ùñÇëïáÝ¿áõû³Ý å³ßïûÝ³Ï³Ý áñ¹»·ñÙ³Ý 1700-³Ù»³ÏÁ£ Ø»Ýù4 áñå¿ë Ññ»³Ý»ñ4 Ï°áÕçáõÝ»Ýù Ù»ñ Ñ³Û µ³ñ»Ï³ÙÝ»ñÁ ¢ ³ÝáÝó µ»ñ³Í Ýå³ëïÁ ³ñ¢Ùï»³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³Ïáõû³Ý ¢ Ùß³ÏáÛÃÇÝ°°£ öñáý1 Æëñ³ÛhÉ â»ñÝÇ4 ³Ýáõ³ÝÇ ÑáÉáùáëó·¿ï ·ÇïݳϳÝÁ4 4 سñï 2002 Ã1ÇÝ Ð³Ûáó ò»Õ³ëå³Ýáõû³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ Ðñh³ëï³ÝÇ ³ñï·áñÍ Ý³Ë³ñ³ñáõû³Ý ·ñ³Í Çñ ݳٳÏÇÝ Ù¿ç4 Ç ÙÇçÇ ³ÛÉáó Áë³Í ¿1 °°ºë áñå¿ë Ññ»³Û Ù³ñ¹ ¢ Ðñh³ëï³ÝÇ ù³Õ³ù³óÇ4 ³ÙûÃ

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320 milioni fasno[ Am;rika\i bnakcouj;an baxmaxanoujiune ;u anor ba[kazouzic tarr;rhn spana.øs ;u s;uamorj bnakcouj;an kar;uor aye% fimnakan 'o'o.oujiun me mtzouza‘ ;n auandakan safmanoumn;row yanczoua‘ entrakan bnakcouj;an kaxmhn ;u na.asiroujiunn;rhn n;rs! S;uamorj ;u spana.øs bnakcoujiunn;re miasnabar ;rkri 35-hn 40 a® fariur tokose ke kaxm;n% tnt;sakan g;tni wra\ au;li barør wiyaki mh= ke gtnouin ou anonz qa[aqakan gitakzouj;an arta\a\toujiune au;li m;‘ ouv me ke n;rka\aznh n;rka\is am;rik;an qa[aqakan k;anqhn n;rs! A\s ;rkou .mbauoroumn;re masnauor k;rpow fog;kzoujiun me c;n xgar Isra\hli fandhp% orowf;t;u ir;nz \atouk ørakarg;re ounin ;u f;t;uabar c;n xinakzir Isra\hli fama.of auandakan ouv;roun f;t! A\s t;[a,arve ir f;t;uanqn;re k*oun;na\ ardhn am;rik;an qa[aqakan fasarakargi mta‘;lak;rphn n;rs! Na.agaf Øpama\i ;u anor gor‘akizn;rou ,r=adar]oujiune a\d patk;re ke fimnauorh! Farze saka\n ka.oum ouni Isra\hlhn ;u anor f;t;ua‘ qa[aqakan ou[[ouj;nhn! "o.anak am;rik;an n;rqin farz;roun .a®nou;lou ;u ankh n;rs go\oujiun oun;zo[ bavanoumn;rhn øgtouil 'or];lou% Isra\hli [;kawaroujiune partadrabar phtq h f;t;ui ;u f;tapndh irapa,t ;u gor‘nakan lou‘oumn;r% oronq .a[a[oujiun b;r;low Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ,r=anin k*apafow;n na;u Isra\hli go\oujiune kam anor ,arounakakanoujiune ibr;u g;ri,.an p;toujiun! Dvba.tabar Isra\hli ]a.ako[m;an ;u ª>a[a[oujiun Fimaº ,arvoumi ko[mnakiz ouv;re gr;jh tas tarih i w;r t;[atououj;an mh= ;n ou Isra\hli ‘a\ra\;[akan ;u axga\nakan ouv;re irarou f;t ke mrzin g;rak,i® d;r me oun;nalou ;rkri apaga\i tnørinoumin t;sakhthn i f;youks^ Isra\hli 1&5 million arab qa[aqazin;rou irauounqn;roun ;u ga[jaka\ann;rou mh= apro[ pa[;stinzi vo[owourdin! Ir a\s warmounqow Isra\hl ke ba[datoui Farau A'rikhi z;[apa,t y;rmakn;rou warcakargin% or 'louxoumi ;njarkou;zau i w;r=o\ ,norfiu N;lsen Mant;la\i ;u ir enk;rn;rou axatagrakan pa\qarin ;u na;u a,.arfi ;rkirn;rou m;‘amasnouj;an% i baz a®;al Isra\hli% a®a‘ tnt;sakan% qa[aqakan ;u `inansakan patvami=ozn;roun! Na.agaf Øpama ;u ir fama.ofn;re minc;u \a®a=ika\ am;rik;an na.agafakan entroujiunn;re takauin møtauoraphs 20 amis ounin% Am;rika\i qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘e ;u t;slakane nor fim;rou wra\ dn;lou ;u gor‘nakan houjiun me talou ir;nz a®a=naf;rj npatakn;roun ;u ‘ragirn;roun! Jh orqanow a\s 'o'o.oujiunn;re piti satar;n Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs .a[a[ go\akzoujiun me apafow;lou =anq;roun% ka.oum ounin ankaska‘ mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqi a\n mi=oza®oumn;rhn% oronq anxi=o[akan Isra\hle ke partauor;zn;n w;r= dn;lou Mi=in Ar;u;lqi tagnapin touo[ fimnakan patya®n;roun! Kaska‘ cka\ jh mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqe m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb ;u aknkaloujiunn;row ke spash Isra\hli 17 Mart 2015 jouakani .orfrdaranakan entrouj;anz ardiunqin% \ousalow or isra\hlazi entro[n;rou m;‘amasnoujiune ir;nz oro,oumow zo\z kou tan% jh ir;nz fauaqakan apafowouj;an apagan k*anzni .a[a[ouj;an ou[ihn! Isra\hl;an .orfrdaranakan entrouj;anz ardiunqe a\d aknkaloujiunn;re i d;r;u fan;z a\n tpauoroujiune fimnauor;low% or pa[;stin;an p;touj;an go\a®oume a®a\vm Isra\hli enddimouj;an patya®ow farzakan ke mna\! Asor f;t;uanqow farzakan ke mnan na;u Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= .a[a[ouj;an f;®ankarn;re!


N.O. April 2, 2015, No. 14:N.O. Blank


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ALPANIA-FA|ASTAN^ 2-1 (0-1) Marti 29-in Alpania\i Hlbasan qa[aqi ªHlbasan Ar;na\oumº ka\azau :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouli Alpania-Fa\astan fandipoume! 12%800 nstat;[ oun;zo[ marxada,te l;' l;zoun hr! Fandipoumn sksou;z fa\ `oujpolistn;ri \ar]akoumow% F;nri. M.ijar;ane n;r.ouv;z tougana\in fraparak% 'o.anz;z k;ntron% ort;[ pa\qaroum hr :oura Mowsis;ane% nra f;t m;napa\qaroum pa,tpan Mawra\e gndakn ou[ark;z s;'akan darpase! Da fandipman 4-rd rophin hr! Da,ti thr;re anendfat grofoum ;n! Pa,tpanouj;an k;ntronoum ,at \stak ;n gor‘oum Ga;l Andon;ann ou Arxouman;ane! Fa\ `oujpolistn;re apauin;l ;n fakagrofa\in martawarouj;ane! Endmi=oumiz \;to\ da,ti thr;ri kaxmoum 2 'o'o.oujiun katarou;z! Alpanazin;re au;laznoum ;n yn,oume! 70-rd rophin mrzaware karmir qart h zo\z talis |owfannhs Fambar]oum;anin% |owfannhse a®a=in d;[in qarte staz;l hr 50-rd rophin! 77-rd rophin alpanazin;ri af®;li yn,oume tou;z ir ardiunqe% tougana\ini .a[arkoumiz \;to\ da,ti thr;re fauasar;zrin fa,iue% isk 82-rd rophin nranz yn,oume \ang;zr;z 2-rd kolin! Cna\a‘ fandipman w;r=oum Âouslan Kor;ann anca' møt hr noramoute kolow n,anauor;loun% saka\n na ckaro[azau grau;l gr;jh anpa,tpan darpase! FF fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& B;r;xowski% Fambar]oum;an% Arxouman;an% Andon;an% Fa\rap;t;an% Arjour :digar;an% (Âouslan Kor;an% 84)% Manoucar;an (Kamø |owfannis;an% 67)% {axar;an% M.ijar;an% Pix;lli% Mowsis;an! FF fauaqakaniz |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane 2-rd d;[in qarte stanalow f;®azou;z .a[ada,tiz! D;[in qart;ri arvanazan na;u Markos Pix;llin ;u Âob;rt Arxouman;ane! FF fauaqakani f;t mi;uno\n .mboum endgrkoua‘ "orjougalia-S;rpia fandipoume 2-1 fa,ouow ,af;zin 'orjougalazin;re! Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P&



"orjogalia 4 3 0 1 4-2 9 Dania 4 2 1 1 6-4 7 Alpania* 4 2 1 1 4-5 7 S;rpia 4 1 1 2 6-6 1 Fa\astan 4 0 1 3 3-6 1 * S;rpia\i fauaqakaniz 3 miauor fanoua‘ h! FF fauaqakani .mboum endgrkoua‘ ~ransia\i ;u Dania\i fauaqakann;re anzkazr;l ;n enk;rakan fandipoumn;r ~ransia-Praxilia^ 1-3% Dania-AMN^ 3-2% ~ransia-Dania^ 2-0! Alpania-Fa\astan fandipoumiz \;to\% ;rb fauaqakane w;radar]au :r;uan% FF fauaqakani marxic B;®nar <alande fravarakani dimoum h n;rka\azr;l% orn hl endounou;l h F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ani ko[miz! |a=ord fandipoume Fa\astani fauaqakane k*anzkazni |ounisi 13-in^ "orjougalia\i entranou f;t no\n øre ke ka\ana\ na;u Dania-S;rpia fandipoume! *** Marti 27-in :r;uanoum ka\azau Fa\astani ;u Lijouania\i minc;u 21 tar;kann;ri enk;rakan fandipoume% orn auartou;z ocoqi^ 2-2 fa,ouow!




:URØ-2016-I ENTRAKAN >MB:RI FANDIPOUMN:RE Marti 27-31-e :urø-2016-i ,r=anakn;roum ka\azan entrakan .mb;ri 5-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& >oumb A& {axa.stan-Islandia^ 0-3% C;.ia-Lajwia^ 1-1% Folandia-Jourqia^ 1-1! >oumb B& Isra\hl-Ouhls^ 0-3% Andora-Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina^ 0-3% P;lgia-Kipros^ 5-0% Isra\hl-P;lgia^ 0-1! >oumb G& Mak;donia-P;la®ous^ 1-2% Slowakia-Liuqs;mbourg^ 3-0% Ispania-Ouqrania^ 1-0! >oumb D& Wrastan-G;rmania^ 0-2% <otlandia-+ibraljar^ 6-1% I®landia-L;fastan^ 1-1! >oumb :& Anglia-Lijouania^ 4-0% Slow;niaSan Marinø^ 6-0% <ouh\zaria-Hsjonia^ 3-0! >oumb X& Fius& I®landia-~inlandia^ 2-1% Âouminia-~arø k[xin;r^ 1-0% Foungaria-|ounastan^ 0-0! >oumb H& Li.j;n,th\n-Austria^ 0-5% Moltowa-<ouhdia^ 0-2% Monj;n;grø-Âousastan fandipoume dadar;zou;l h! >oumb E& Atrph\yan-Malja^ 2-0% >orwajia-Norw;gia^ 5-1% Poulkaria-Italia^ 2-2!

>SFM-A<>ARF^ 3-3 (3-3) Marti 28-in :r;uani ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum ka\azau >orhn |owfannis;ani 60-am;a\in nouiroua‘^ >SFM-A,.arfi fauaqakann;ri mi=;u a,.arfi na.kin anouani `oujpolistn;ri masnakzouj;amb enk;rakan fandipoum! >orhne a®a=in .a[akhsoum fandhs ;kau a,.arfi (na 22-rd rophin .oz;z Dasa;ui pa,tpana‘ darpase)% isk ;rkrordoum^ >SFM fauaqakani kaxmoum! Fandipoumn anzau bar;kamakan mjnolortoum ;u auartou;z 3-3 fa,ouow! Fandipmane masnakz;zin anouani `oujpolistn;r Stoickowe% Ciwa];n% Xamoranon% Pap;ne% Gaxa;ue% Any;lø Di Liwian% C;rc;sowe% B;lanowe% Karpine% Bour\ake% Gab;lian% Alb;rt Sargs;ane ;u ouri,n;r!

A<OT DANIHL:ANE A<>ARFI GAUAJAKIR Moskoua\oum anzkazouo[ a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;ane (ª>a®lampi;ui mrza,arº) masnakzoum hin 35 p;touj;an ,our= 300 marxik! A,ot Danihl;ane (90 qk&) g;raxanz anzkazn;low mrza;lo\jn;re dar];l h mrza,ari \a[jo[ ou nouay;l a,.arfi gauaje! Wafh Øjar;ane (52 qk&)% Arhn Anton;ane (57 qk&) ;u Samouhl Badal;ane (62 qk&) arvanaz;l ;n pronxh m;tali!

WOLODIA ~RANGOUL:ANE :UROPA|I A>O|:AN L;fastani Walbvi. qa[aqoum auartou;z :uropa\i minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri axat oyi emb,amarti a®a=noujiune% orin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum hin 7 embi,! Emb,amarti a\s tariqa\in .mbi a®a=noujiunn anzkazuoum hr a®a=in angam! M;‘ \a=o[ouj;an fasau Wolodia ~rangoul;ane (61 qk&)% ow \a[j;low p;la®ous }ianis Maqsimaouin (5!4 fa,ouow)% atrph\yanzi Afm;tnabi Gwarxitalowin (6!0)% jourq Â;y;' Jo'alin (9!7) ;u ouqraniazi Anrh\ Swi-

ridin (8!3) nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;ani oskh m;tale! Au;lazn;nq% or Wolodia ~rangoul;ane w;r=;rs Minskoum auartoua‘ axat oyi emb,amarti ølimpiakan ;®aki a.o\;an Al;qsandr M;dw;di mrza,aroum% ore na;u Kran "rii mrza,ar hr% g;raxanz fandhs ;kau kisa;xra'akicoum ;u ;xra'akicoum \a[janakn;r tan;low ølimpiakan .a[;ri ;u a,.arfi 'o.a.o\;an >incika,wilii ;u 2013-i a,.arfi a.o\;an B;kfan Go\g;rh;ui nkatmamb! Grigor Grigor;ane (74 qk& arvanaz;l h ar‘ajh m;tali! I,.an Pø[os;ane (70 qk&) kisa;xra'akicoum partou;low irauounq hr staz;l pa\qar;l pronxh m;tali famar! A\st;[ I,.ane 10!21 fa,ouow xi=;l h p;la®ous embi,in! Nar;k Siroun;ann (65 qk&) hl pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum xi=;l h ®ousastanzi :ug;ni Virba;uin! Artak |owfannis;ane (57 qk&) ;u Wafh Jamrax;ane (84 qk&) partou;l ;n qa®ord ;xra'akicoum% isk Wiqjor Kaxi,wilin (97 qk&) partou;l h a®a=in isk mrza,aroum!

FA|KAKAN MARXAKAN >YANKAR Marti w;r=in Ja\lanti ma\raqa[aq Panqokoum ka\aza‘ ja\lantakan b®nzqamarti^ moua\ja\i a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum L{F-n n;rka\azno[ Dauij Fa\rap;t;ane (71 qk&) dar];l h patanin;ri a,.arfi a.o\;an% isk m;‘afasakn;ri mh= Armhn Grigor;ane (71 qk&) dar];l h ar‘ajh m;talakir! • Fa\kakan armatn;row ®ous j;nisist Karhn >ananowe 2-rd anendmh= tit[osn h nouay;l! 18-am;a\ j;nisiste \a[janak;l h `ransiakan Joulouxoum enjazo[ ª~\ouc;rsº mrza,aroum% ore 10 faxar mrzanaka\in fimnadram h oun;z;l! :xra'akicoum >ananowe 6!4% 6!1 fa,ouow partouj;an h matn;l `ransiazi ~ab\hn Â;boulin! N,;nq% or anza‘ ,abaj Moskoua\oum bnakouo[ j;nisite \a[j;l hr Lili mrza,aroum! A\vm Karhne ATP World Tour warkani,a\in a[iusakoum bar]raz;l h 86 astiyan 396-iz 283-e! >acanowi a®au;lago\n zouzani,e ;[;l h 282-rd t;[e!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane% Hlina Danihl;ane% S;rgh\ Grigor;ane ;u mi .oumb a\l fa\ ,a.matistn;r Marti 27-iz minc;u Aprili 4-e ke masnakz;n Moskoua\oum anzkazou;liq A;ro`loti baz mrza,arin! • Grosma\st;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane Ouxb;kstani ma\raqa[aq Ta,q;njoum auartoua‘ A[xamowi \ou,amrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 91 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 3-14-rd t;[;re (lrazouzic zouzani,n;row^ 8-rde)% 7 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au grosma\st;r Wladislau Art;m;ue (ÂD)% 2-rde^ Tkacown hr (~ransia)! • Moskoua\i t[amardkanz a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum hin 26 anouani ,a.matistn;r% oronz mh= hin na;u Dauij Pa®au;ane ;u Arman {;uond;ane! Dauije 6&5 miauorow% saka\n lrazouzic zouzani,n;row a.o\;ani kocoume xi=;z no\npisi ardiunq zo\z toua‘ grosma\st;r :ouri :lish;uin^ nouay;low Moskoua\i 'o.a.o\;ani kocoume! Arman {;uond;ane 3&5 miauorow 19-rd hr!

N.O. April 2, 2015, No. 14:N.O. Blank



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