N.O. April 16, 2015, No. 16:N.O. Blank
2:30 PM
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THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 16 VOLUME 93, NO. 16
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N.O. April 16, 2015, No. 16:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% 16 APRIL 2015
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Turkey PM Advisor: Yes, 1915 Stands For Armenian Genocide Etyen Mahcupyan, the Armenian advisor to Turkey’s PM Ahmet Davutoglu, reiterated that the 1915 events stand for the Armenian Genocide. In an interview given to the Turkish website Karar.com, Mahcupyan referred to the Pope’s declaration, saying that by recognizing the Armenian Genocide, the Vatican took a 100-year burden off its shoulders. He advised to abstain from looking for political aspects in the Pope’s declaration, saying that besides political context it also has a psychological meaning. “If we term the events occurred in Bosnia and Africa as genocide, it’s impossible to say that what happened to Armenians is not a Genocide. The most important thing here is to confront with one’s past, learn lessons from it and move forward. Without confrontation, the word ‘Genocide’ conveys no meaning,” the chief advisor said (News.am)
100th Commemoration Of The Armenian Genocide: April 26 Glendale, CA - April 24, 2015 is the 100th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. Every year, April brings about a time to reflect upon the lives of the 1.5 million Armenian people who senselessly lost their lives in an act of genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire. Glendale is home to the largest Armenian population outside of Armenia and annually remembers the victims of the Armenian Genocide and the victims of man’s inhumanity against others throughout the world. The Armenian Genocide Commemorative Event will take place at 7:00 pm on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at the Alex Theatre in Glendale. This year’s event will feature multiple traditional Armenian dance & musical performances by local students and keynote speaker Dr. Jermaine McCalpin, Ph.D. McCalpin is Political Scientist and Expert in Transitional Justice. He is also one of the authors of the Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group’s Report entitled “Resolution with Justice;” he was lead author of Part 7 of the Report. He focuses on and examines the ethical and moral dimensions and desirability of reparations for genocides. The event will also feature two short films. One titled, “America We Thank You: An Armenian Tribute to the Near East Relief.” The second film produced by Ani Hovannisian Kevorkian's film is titled “Yevnige.” Tickets to the event are free (limit 4 per person) and are now available at the following locations: Alex Theatre, Americana at Brand Concierge Services, and Glendale Community College. The program begins at 7:00 pm with doors opening at 6:30 pm. Tickets are available online at www.alextheatre.org. Tickets are not available over the phone. To learn more, please call Community Relations Coordinator Dan Bell at 818-550-4424.
Serzh Sargsyan: Only Leaders Like Pope Francis Turkey Recalls Are Able To Keep The World Free Of Genocides Ambassador Over Pope's Armenian Genocide Words
“Only those leaders are able to keep the world away from genocides that appreciate the moral values and prioritize them over geopolitical interests, as Pope Francis does. Genocide not recognized is a peril for the entire humankind,” shortly after the holy mass at the St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide President Serzh Sargsyan shared his impressions in an interview to Italian public television network RAI. The President of Armenia highly appreciated the Pope’s position of “calling things by their names” in another interview to the Associated Press, adding that “The words of the leader of a church with one billion followers cannot but have a strong impact.”
Turkey’s response to Pope’s Armenian genocide remark unjustified – Italian FM Turkey’s response to Pope Francis’ remark over the Armenian genocide is not justified, head of Italy’s foreign ministry Paolo Gentiloni said. "The toughness of the Turkish tone does not seem justified, especially when taking into account the fact that 15 years ago, John Paul II had expressed similar remarks," Gentiloni said, as cited by Novosti-Armenia referring to RIA Novosti.
On Sunday the head of the Roman Catholic Church served a landmark mass in the Armenian Catholic rite in St. Peter’s Basilica. In his speech, Pope Francis used the world genocide in describing the mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey a century ago. The Pope’s statement provoked anger in Turkey. Turkey recalled the ambassador to the Vatican, and called the Vatican ambassador to the foreign ministry for consultation.
Israeli Knesset delegation to travel to Armenia to commemorate Armenian genocide centenary An Israeli Knesset delegation will travel to Yerevan to join delegations from many other countries to commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, newsru.co.il reported. It said an initiative group of Israelis began collecting signatures under a petition calling for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Israeli. The text of the petition is in three languages: English, Hebrew and Russian. The report says the visit of the Knesset delegation does not mean a change in Israel’s official position on this issue, which is neither to recognize nor deny the Armenian Genocide. Israel appeared to move closer to officially recognizing the genocide in 2011 December when the Knesset held its first open discussion on the matter.
Armenian Assembly Of America Thanks Pope Francis For Acknowledgement, Condemnation Of Armenian Genocide WASHINGTON, DC The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) today commended and offered its gratitude toward Pope Francis, who delivered a mass marking the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and who condemned the actions which led to the killing of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. The Pope offered his comments on Divine Mercy Sunday, celebrated on the second Sunday of the Easter season. Calling the Armenian killings "the first genocide of the 20th century," Francis argued, "concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it." "The Pope's acknowledgment is of profound spiritual significance for the Armen-
ian people in recalling the victims of the Armenian Genocide. It tells the world that they have not been forgotten and that this crime against humanity cannot be denied. Pope Francis' message helps bring greater awareness to this human rights issue, which is a key element in helping to prevent future genocides," said Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. Armenia's President Serzh Sarkisian, His Holiness Karekin II, and His Holiness Aram I, led the Armenian delegation at the historic service, which included Assembly Board of Trustees Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian, Board Member Oscar Tatosian, Assembly Life Trustee Noubar Afeyan, and Assembly Maine State Chair Gerard Kiladjian.
Vatican City (AP) - Pope Francis on Sunday marked the 100th anniversary of the slaughter of Armenians by calling the massacre by Ottoman Turks "the first genocide of the 20th century" and urging the international community to recognize it as such. Turkey immediately responded by recalling its ambassador and accusing Francis of spreading hatred and "unfounded claims." Francis issued the pronouncement during a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica commemorating the centenary that was attended by Armenian Church leaders and President Serge Sarkisian, who praised the pope for calling a spade a spade and "delivering a powerful message to the international community." "The words of the leader of a church with 1 billion followers cannot but have a strong impact," he told The Associated Press. Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey, however, denies genocide took place. It has insisted that the toll has been inflated and that those killed were victims of civil war and unrest. Francis defended his words by saying it was his duty to honor the memory of the innocent men, women and children who were "senselessly" murdered by Ottoman Turks. "Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it," he said. He said similar massacres are under way today against Christians who because of their faith are "publicly and ruthlessly put to death — decapitated, crucified, burned alive — or forced to leave their homeland," a reference to the Islamic State group's assault against Christians in Iraq and Syria. Francis called on the world community, heads of state and international organizations to recognize the truth of what transpired to prevent such "horrors" from repeating themselves, and to oppose all such crimes "without ceding to ambiguity or compromise." Turkey has fiercely lobbied to prevent countries, including the Holy See, from officially recognizing the Armenian massacre as genocide and reacted strongly to Francis' declaration. "The pope's statement, which is far from historic and legal truths, is unacceptable," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu tweeted. "Religious positions are not places where unfounded claims are made and hatred is stirred." Nicole Winfield
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 16, 2015
Preliminary Results From The April 7, 2015 Glendale Municipal Election Glendale, CA - Thank you to all our residents who participated in the City of Glendale’s Municipal Election. The information below contains preliminary results pending the verification and tally of all votes cast on Election Day, Tuesday, April 27, 2015. The number of votes for candidates will change as ballots are verified and added to the running totals by the deadline of our final canvass. After Election Day, staff continues to verify Provisional ballots along with Vote-By-Mail (VBM) ballots turned in or surrendered at the polls. Additionally, with the passage of SB 29 as of January 1, 2015, the City Clerk’s Office will process VBM ballots postmarked on or before Election Day (April 7, 2015) that arrive to the City Clerk’s Office via United States Postal Service or a bona fide private mail delivery through April 10, 2015 after the election (California Election Code 4103 b. 1&2). There will be a post-Election Day count of VBM and Provisional ballots on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, at 2:00 pm in the Large Police Community Room of the Police Department, located at 131 N. Isabel Street, Glendale, CA 91206. The count is open to the public. Election results will be presented to City Council for adoption and certification on the evening of Monday, April 27, 2015. Please call (818) 548-4000 for any questions related to the Election.
Voter Turnout: Vote-By-Mail Vote at Polls
11,681 6,779
Glendale City Council (2 Seats): Devine, Paula 8,246 Gharpetian, Vartan 6,507 Yesayan, Armen Erik 4,693 Weaver, Dave 3,596 Fuentes, Edith M. 3,569 Keuroghelian, Chahe 1,819 Poghosyan, Evelyne 575
GUSD Governing Board (2 Seats): Nahabedian, Nayiri 9,195 Freemon, Jennifer 8,945 Satoorian, Vahik 4,655 Hunt, Todd 4,373 Cordova-Brookey, Kevin 3,386 Community College District (2 Seats): Tartaglia, Tony 9,059 Peroomian, Vahe 8,199 Arnall, Susan S. 7,641
Armenian Rights Council Of America congratulates all winners who were endorsed in this election.
Pandora’s Box By Khatchatur I. Pilikian I remember an assuring thought I read in an atlas-book, which had filled my heart with a distilled joy, and a feeling to share it with everyone, Here it is: “Homo sapiens has been around for at least 250,000 years. Yet war and military might have been known only in the last 5,000 – 2% at most of our history. War is neither a part of human nature nor, necessarily of civilized life.” (The Gaia Peace Atlas. Editor: Dr Frank Barnaby. Quoted in Alternative World, by Nares Craig. p. 160) Now that the entire world has become a Diaspora, the Middle East too is just another board for Brzezinsky’s Grand Chessboard, where the military industrial potentates play their genocidal games, mystified by the lure of profit-at-any-cost, disregarding the welfare of the world and of humanity at large. 1954 was the first year of the test of the Hydrogen bomb. A dignified scientist, the American zoologist, Curt Stern, felt the need to warn humanity, He declared the following: “By now everyone in the world harbours in his body small amounts of radio-activity from past H-bomb tests; “hot” strontium in bones and teeth, “hot”
iodine in thyroid glands.” (Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, pp. 303-4. Quoted in Has Man a Future? By Bertrand Russell. p 33) Six decades later than the first blast of H-bomb, It will drive us mad to visualise the effect on the human body of the tens of thousands of lethal bombs, not only tested but blasted on humanity at large, on all the boards of the Grand Chessboards, in the East and West, in the North and South of our planet. In his diligently researched scholarly study-book, titled, The Economics of Killing, the author and peace activist, Vijay Mehta, brings a fresh breeze of positive thought, despite the gruesome details of the economics of war in his main study. He says: “As the diffusion of knowledge devolves power from the elite to the masses, the grip of the military-industrial complex will finally end, not in a bang but in the peaceful murmur of prosperity.” (V. Mehta, op. cit. p. 164) With all modesty, I do confess that I treasure the benevolent potency of Art and Science for all, and my passion for history is to share the truth of human communality Cont. on p. 9
First Country Recognizing Armenian Genocide Was Ottoman Empire Even though modern Turkey continues to deny the Armenian Genocide, it is an undeniable fact that the first country that recognized the Genocide was the Ottoman Empire, said Meline Anumyan, PhD in History at the meeting with journalists, speaking about the fact of the Armenian Genocide as documented in the trials of the Young Turks.“I am talking about the trials of the Young Turks in the military tribunals in Istanbul or criminal cases brought to courts as a result of deportations and massacres of Armenians in 1919-1921; the number of such cases reaches 63. All of those trials were based on charges of deportations and massacres of Armenians,” said the historian. According to the Turkologist, in 1919-1921 the term Genocide as such didn’t exist. Genocide as a term began to be used in 1948, but the trials that took place in those years, and the verdicts of the prosecution and court rulings during those trials, explicitly demonstrate that the term Genocide can be characterized by the very facts presented at those trials, she stated.
AGBU Yerevan Building Inaugurated On April 4, 2015 The new complex incorporates the latest green technologies in its state-of-the-art facility On Saturday, April 4, the new AGBU Yerevan Building opened amid fanfare surrounding the 88th AGBU General Assembly. The event drew AGBU leadership and delegates from across the diaspora as well as Armenian dignitaries, most notably President Serzh Sargsyan, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians; Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan; United States Ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Mills, Jr.; and many cabinet members and government officials. The opening marks a milestone in the history of the organization: “[AGBU] began in 1906 in Cairo and since then, we have moved from Cairo to Alexandria, Aleppo to Damascus, to Beirut, Zahlé, Jordan, France, the Americas and Australia, but today we return to our home—Armenia,” said AGBU President Berge Setrakian. The 65,000 square-foot building is a state-of-the-art facility that incorporates the latest green technologies, such as thermal insulation and photovoltaic panels to generate electricity. Modern glass features contrast against the original façade, allowing abundant natural light to create a comfortable and inspiring work environment. The building will serve as the headquarters of AGBU Armenia’s programs and includes a large lecture hall for film screenings, readings, lectures and other public events and innovative interior design that unites traditional and contemporary elements. AGBU will share the building with various progressive institutions and non-profits, contributing to the spirit of innovation and collaboration. The building was designed by architect and AGBU Central Board member Aris Atamian assisted by architect Narek Sargsyan from Amenia. The interior was designed by Storaket, an architecture studio based in Yerevan. The collaboration has proved unique and inspired. “[Through the design of the building] we wanted to open
the early twentieth century façade like a curtain to reveal the twenty-first century behind it,” said Atamian. The façade of the building exemplifies the union of past and present. Along with the modern glass design, the stone façade of the building is the reconstruction of and pays tribute to the old Parliament building (state Duma), which once stood at a nearby location from 1906 to 2000. AGBU Yerevan Building was made possible thanks to a generous donation by AGBU benefactor and Council of Trustees member Nazar Nazarian and his wife Artemis. After the blessing ceremony presided over by H.H. Karekin II, Seta Nazarian—the daughter of the benefactors—spoke on behalf of the family: “This occasion reminds us that we have not only survived, but we now strive to thrive for excellence in all that we do as an organization and as a nation,” she noted. The AGBU Yerevan Building will allow for the expansion of the organization’s cultural, educational and humanitarian programs in Armenia. AGBU Central Board Member and Chairman of the Construction Committee, Vasken Yacoubian was responsible for the construction project management: “Having this building is very significant for our organization, especially knowing that we have always stood alongside our nation, regardless of the regime in power. We were here after independence, during Soviet times and even before that. Now finally, twenty-four years later, we have our own building which will allow our organization to strengthen our collaborative work in Armenia.”
SDH Party Representative Addresses Ararat Home Board Of Trustees Mission Hills, CA – Continuing its efforts of forging closer bonds with leading organizations in the Armenian community, the Ararat Home Board of Trustees was pleased to invite the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Hnchakian (SDH) Party, Dr. Harry Sarafian, to its regular monthly dinner and meeting on March 25, 2015. Ararat Home Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. introduced Dr. Sarafian and noted that this was the third in a series of such meetings. Dr. Sarafian thanked the Board for its warm welcome. He presented the history of the SDH Party from its establishment to its social activism to its current work and presence in multiple countries on six continents. He explained that the party is encouraged that the ideals of its founders are now being independently pursued by activist Turks in Turkey. He spoke of the challenges the party faces in the political sphere of Armenia today as well as in the Diaspora and the opportunities it shares with other political parties in assisting Armenians in the Middle East, especially Syria, in helping the development of Armenia and Artsakh, gaining recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and in strengthening the connection between the Diaspora and the homeland, particularly for Armenian youth. Dr. Sarafian expressed appreciation and support of Ararat Home’s long-standing mission and work in preserving Armenian culture and heritage and caring for Armenian elderly. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Kanimian presented Dr. Sarafian several Ararat Home memorabilia and thanked the SDH Party for its support and media coverage of the Home’s activities.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 16, 2015
Bruce Janigian To Headline Central Valley Commemoration
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
Fresno - Bruce Janigian of the American University of Armenia will be the keynote speaker for the Central Valley’s commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenia Genocide on April 24th. The event begins at 7:00pm and will take place in the sanctuary of the St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Church (3767 N. First Street, Fresno). To accommodate the large number of people attending the commemoration, viewing screens will be installed in the church’s social hall and courtyard; overflow parking will be available at the nearby Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church (3673 N. First Street, Fresno). Janigian is an international attorney whose expertise includes international trade and investment as well as government and public policy matters. He has served on the Board of Trustees of the American University of Armenia Corporation and as the university’s Vice President for Development and Government Relations. Along with marking the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, this year’s commemoration will be the first to recognize the sainthood of the 1.5 million Armenians murdered at the hands of the Ottoman Young Turk regime during the period 19151923. On April 23, the Armenian Apostolic Church will canonize the victims, who have already been acknowledged as martyrs for their faith. The ceremony will ob-
By Hambersom Aghbashian
serve a moment of silence at exactly 7:15pm, or 19:15 military time, to correspond to the year that the Turkish government began their campaign of ethnic cleansing. Dr. Matthew Jendian, Professor of Sociology at Fresno State, will serve as the evening’s emcee. Included in the program are the Mazmanian family, who will be performing traditional Armenian music, the Homenetmen Scouts, and the students of the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School. The commemoration is organized by the St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Church, the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, First Armenian Presbyterian Church, Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church, St. Gregory’s Armenian Apostolic Church (Fowler), St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church (Yettem), and Sts. SahagMesrob Armenian Apostolic Church (Reedley). As is the tradition, the site of the Genocide’s remembrance rotates each year among the valley’s Armenian churches. The commemoration is part of a yearlong series of events promoted by the Armenian Genocide Centennial—Fresno Committee, which includes representatives from the various Armenian religious, educational, social, and political organizations of the Central Valley. For more information, please visit the AGC—Fresno website at www.agcfresno.org and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/agcfresno. !
Kim Kardashian's Visit The Best Promotional Event For ‘Armenia’ Brand boosting Armenia as brand and in enhancing public awareness of Armenian Genocide”. The Armenian community treated this visit quite pragmatically. More than 70 million subscribers in social networks follow Kardashian and this is a powerful propaganda instrument. Kim Kardashian has 31 million subscribers in Twitter, 24 million in Facebook 29.9 million in Instagram.
Kim Kardashian Has Toddler Daughter Baptized In Jerusalem The visit of Kim Kardashian, an American reality show star and photo model of Armenian descent, has become the best promotional event for ‘Armenia’ brand. Kim Kardashian, accompanied by her husband Kanye West, a rapper, their daughter North and sister Chloe Kardashian, arrived in Armenia on April 8 and departed from it on April 13. In Armenia they filmed another episode for ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ reality show. “The visit of Kardashian and her husband was a good promotional event in
In a quick visit to Jerusalem, American reality TV star Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West had their toddler daughter, North West, baptized on Monday at a 12th century Armenian church in the old walled city. Dozens of fans mobbed an SUV that took the couple, their 22-month-old child and Kardashian’s sister Khloe to the church, the girl and her father decked out in holy white and Kardashian in a long crinkle pleated beige and peach colored outfit.
Pandora’s Box Cont. from p. 8 aspiring for a peaceful existence. Mythology is my leisure-time toy, which often gives me the feeling of a spontaneous joy, especially when embracing the Eureka feel. Here is an example of that feel: Notwithstanding the escape of all human malice (often claimed as human nature, albeit mostly falsified) from the Box of Pandora, HOPE alone remains securely safe
in that Box. While the escaped human malice continue their gruesome acts against humanity at large, yet always caressing the purse of Mammon and its war-monger lackeys, HOPE alone breaths Faith in the human soul to believe that another world is possible, nay even probable. And all because Pandora’s Box is the human heart par excellence.
61 - Ayhan Aktar Ayhan Aktar is a Turkish professor of sociology. He studied sociology at Bogaziçi, (Bosphorus University), and worked at the Department of Political Science and International Relations- Marmara University until his early retirement in 2006. He later worked as a Visiting Professor at the Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cyprus, Nicosia before joining the Institute of Social Sciences at the Bilgi University in 2010. Since 1991, Prof. Altar is Specialized on the state-minority relations in modern Turkey. His publications include "Capital Levy and Turkification's Policies" (2000), "Turkish Nationalism, Non - Muslims and Economic Transformation" (2006), "The Diary of George Hacidimitriadis in ASKALE / Erzurum Labour Camp, 1943" (2011) , and "Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle", London ( 2010). Professor Aktar edited and wrote an introduction to the memoirs of Captain Sarkis Toross, "From Gallipoli to the Palestine Front" in 2012. (1) In his article "The forgotten heroes of the Victory of March 18th", Or " Was Gallipoli campaign yet another ‘Crusade’?", Published in TARAF daily, Tuesday 18 March 2014, Prof. Ayhan Aktar, wrote , "The official line of March 18th points at General Mustafa Kemal as the ‘Only man, only General of Command’ whereas this official narrative contradicts with Ataturk’s own narrative." He then released lot of information about Turkish and German highly ranked army personnel who participated in Gallipoli, and about the TURKIFICATION’, THEN ‘ISLAMISATION of that part of the history. Then he mentioned " THE MAIN PROBLEM: 2015 ARMENIAN GENOCIDE" , where he wrote " It is a short while until 2015. We can figure out that the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be burdensome for our ‘stately lot’. As far as I can see, a policy of ‘alleviation of the mutual suffering’ will be adopted to resist the international pressure regarding the Armenian issue in 2015. It was only on 25th April 2011, when Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu spelled out the state policy. "We will present the year 2015 to the entire world, not as the anniversary of an alleged genocide slander, but as the anniversary of the glorious resistance of a nation, the anniversary of Gallipoli resistance. " (Yeni Safak daily). So, the intention is apparent, responding to the victimization of the Ottoman Armenians, a policy of arousing pity, expecting balancing sympathy will be pushed into circulation by saying: “Yeah, but we died in Gallipoli too”. By so doing, attempts will be made to deflate the pressure abroad and justify the causes of the Armenian massacres within the country.(2) According to Today Zaman, Sept. 26, 2014, a group of academics, journalists,
artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups, Akçam said. The statement said: “The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. This is where the path to Turkish-Armenian peace lies, at this time when we are approaching 2015.” Ayhan Aktar was one of the signatories.(3) Ayhan Aktar was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed a petition against Denialist Exhibit in Denmark, an exhibition which was planned by the Turkish embassy to support their point of view concerning the Armenian Genocide . " Don’t Stand Against Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History! " was the message to the Royal Library of Denmark who has given the Turkish government the opportunity to present an “alternative exhibit” in response to the Armenian Genocide exhibition.(4) On September 24-25, 2005, a conference entitled "Ottoman Armenians During the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and Democracy" was held at Bilgi University in Istanbul after two previous attempts which were blocked by the Turkish government. The self-avowed goal of the conference was to call into question the official Turkish account of events. The participants discussed the plight of the Armenians in the final days of the Ottoman Empire, a politically correct way in Turkey of saying the Armenian Genocide. It was the first time this subject was ever discussed so openly in Turkey. Ayhan Aktar was one of the organizers of the conference.(5) 1.http://www.ayhanaktar.com/ozgec mis.htm 2.https://www.academia.edu/649282/ 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 4.http://armenianweekly.com/2012/1 2/18/turkish-citizens-sign-petitionagainst-denialist-exhibit-in-denmark/ 5.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /Conference:_Ottoman_Armenians_During_the_Decline_of
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 16, 2015
Armenian Film Foundation Shifts Into High Gear During Centennial Year “Don’t Let Their Voices Be Forgotten” has been the slogan of the Armenian Film Foundation for many years. Thanks to the USC Shoah Foundation Institute in Los Angeles, the 400 voices of Genocide eyewitnesses filmed by AFF cofounder J. Michael Hagopian will finally be heard throughout the world. The first 60 digitized and fully indexed interviews of the 400 are being released by the USC Shoah Foundation this month to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The USC Shoah Foundation on March 30 began releasing one clip a day from Hagopian’s filmed testimonies on its website at sfi.usc.edu/clipviewer. The first five clips contain introductions by Professor Richard Hovannisian, one of the world’s leading scholars on the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian testimonies were filmed by Hagopian and the Armenian Film Foundation between 1972 and 2004 when most of the survivors were in their 70s and 80s. Hagopian, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, made 70 educational documentaries in his lifetime – 17 on Armenian culture and history, including an epic trilogy on the Armenian Genocide called “Witnesses” that is comprised of Voices from the Lake, Ger-
many and the Secret Genocide and The River Ran Red. In April 2010, the AFF and Michael and Antoinette Hagopian licensed a digital copy of the 400 eyewitness testimonies to the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History. That same year, in December, Hagopian died at age 97. Since Hagopian’s passing, Dr. Carla Garapedian has become the AFF’s filmmaker, and this year, with AFF Board Chairman Jerry Papazian, has spearheaded a number of initiatives on the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide: April 16 – Museo Memoria, Mexico City: debut of Armenian Genocide exhibition at Museo Memoria in Mexico City will feature clips from AFF interviews. April 20 – California State Capitol Genocide Commemoration – Excerpts from the AFF collection will be shown and Garapedian will speak at the reception afterwards. April 24 – Yerevan: Dr. Garapedian, Dr. Stephen Smith, director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, Prof. Hovannisian and AFF board member Michael Amerian of the George Ignatius Foundation will travel to Yerevan for the 100th anniversary commemoration. Also, the Pan-Armenian Media Group will be broadcasting the Witnesses Trilogy during the Armenian Geno-
Professor Melikyan Receives Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award
Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration Events In Norway Oslo
California State University, Northridge chemistry professor Gagik Melikyan is the 2015 Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award recipient. The annual award publicly recognizes select educators by highlighting their critical impact on the lives of students and contributions to the field of teaching. Dr. Melikyan is the first Armenian scientist receiving this national honor. It is highly symbolic that the son of the Armenian Genocide survivor receives this prestigious award just several weeks before the Genocide Centennial. “This is my personal response to those who tried to wipe us out, but did not succeed,” Melikyan said. “To be a teacher is the most exciting, most demanding and most rewarding profession,” said Melikyan. “I enjoy challenging my students, making them believe in themselves, creating life-changing opportunities and putting them on the path to a prosperous future. Every new day is as exciting as the first day on the job as an educator.” Professor Melikyan is also a recipient of the prestigious Jerome Richfield Scholar Award and Outstanding Faculty Award, the highest distinctions given by the university in recognition of excellence in faculty research. A recipient of the Polished Apple Award, he has educated and trained a whole generation of professionals working in the fields of chemistry, biology, and medicine. Melikyan’s work has been widely covered in the media (www.csun.edu/gmelikyan), and as an expert, for many years he was involved in protecting the American public from harmful chemicals and environmental pollutants.
This year marks the 100th year since the Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey of 1915-1923. The Armenian Genocide, first genocide of the 20th century, was planned and carried out by the "Young Turk" government of Ottoman Turkey in 1915 (with subsidiaries to 1922-23). One and a half million Armenians were killed on their ancestral lands. The Armenian genocide is considered one of the three archetypes of what constitutes a genocide by Norwegian and international historians. Events and initiatives marking the centennial are being held around the world throughout the year of 2015. Leaders from around the world including presidents of France, Russia, Poland, Cyprus among others, will gather in capital of Armenia, Yerevan, on April 24, to commemorate this event.
cide Centennial in Armenia. April 24/25 (TBD) – Detroit: PBS will air the newly re-mastered documentary Voices from the Lake, written and produced by J. Michael Hagopian. April 24 – Paris: The Witnesses Trilogy will be shown as part of an exhibit at Sobbering Galleries that will also travel to other parts of France and perhaps Istanbul. April 24 – Nanjing, China: The River Ran Red has been subtitled in Mandarin for possible screening in China to commemorate the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. May 1 – Wiesbaden, Germany: The second film in J. Michael Hagopian’s Witnesses Trilogy, Germany and the Secret Genocide, will be screened with three other films at the German Film Institute. May 6, 7 – Beirut, Lebanon: Premiere of the newly re-mastered Witnesses Trilogy, written, directed and produced by J. Michael Hagopian. Garapedian and Hagopian’s wife, Toni, will attend. May 7, 8, 9 – Washington, D.C.: During the National Commemoration of the Ar-
Prime minister Erna Solberg has not accepted the invitation to join the commemorations in Yerevan. Neither is she willing to send a minister or a state secretary. The Armenian Cultural Association in Norway is pleased to present various commemorative events marking the centennial in Norway. Events on such a solid scale in Norway signal that the country and the people of great explorer, scientist and humanistan outstanding advocate for the rights for the Armenian people - Fridtjof Nansen, carry on his mission and demand that justice be served, regardless of the controversial position of their government. There is a wide variety of events planned in Oslo this year, as well as events in Bergen and Stavanger. Organizations and individuals like Norsk P.E.N., Jahn
menian Genocide, the AFF’s Genocide Survivor clips will be shown at the Marriott Hotel on Saturday, May 9, at 3 pm. May 14 – Los Angeles: The River Ran Red will be screened as part of the Hammer Museum’s "I am Armenian" series. Also, the ABGU Vache and Tamar Manoukian High School in Pasadena will be the first school to use the AFF testimonies in a short film competition called “I Survived” during the spring term. Students will make a film from a sampling of AFF testimonies, which will also be officially launched this year at the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive. The Karayan Foundation will offer a cash prize to the top three films. For further information about the Armenian Film Foundation, visit armenianfilm.org.
Otto Johansen, Kirkelig KulturVerkstad, FN Sambandet (i Rogaland), the Armenian Church Society and us at the Armenian Cultural Association among others have been instrumental in keeping the memory of the 1.5 million martyred Armenians alive in this country. Over 12 successful event shave already been in organized in February and March (some of them supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the Fritt Ord Foundation) and there are over 10 different cultural events planned in the month of April, presented below. The Armenian Cultural Association in Norway presents detailed, updated information about past and upcoming events on its website at www.armenia.no/ 100.html, as well as on a special Facebook page at www.facebook.com/folkemord1915 .
WORLD PREMIER IAN KROUSE’S ARMENIAN REQUIEM UCLA, ROYCE HALL WEDNESDAY, April 22, 2015, 8:00 P.M. Pre-Concert Lecture at 7:00 P.M. 340 Royce Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Celebrated composer, Ian Krouse, dedicates his latest work to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. With the centennial of the Armenian Genocide around the corner, Lark Musical Society and UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music will premier Ian Krouse’s Armenian Requiem, on April 22, 2015 at 8PM. There will be a pre-concert lecture by the composer, Ian Krouse, and the conductor, Neal Stulberg, at 7PM. Armenian Requiem is a new work by Ian Krouse written entirely to Armenian texts featuring major liturgical selections from the Requiem Service of the Armenian Church and poems from Saint Gregory of Narek, Paruyr Sevak, Siamanto and Daniel Varoujan. Heralded conductor and head of the UCLA music department, Neal Stulberg, will lead the Lark Master Singers, the UCLA Symphonia, the “Tziatzan Children’s Choir”, and soloists Shoushik Barsoumian, Yeghishe Manucharian and Vladimir Chernov for this historic event. Lark Musical Society embarked on a journey to bring 100 events to the community in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide as a call for action to all survivors of genocide to tell their story and re-create civilized communities and become beacons for truth and justice. The Honorary Board for these major events includes HE Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, HE Archbishop Mushegh Martirosyan, HE Bishop Michael Mouradian, Reverend Ron & Renee Tovmassian, Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Meredith Khachigian, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Patricia Turpanjian, Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Joyce Stein, Drs. Nazareth & Ani Darakjian, Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Joan Terzian. For tickets and information please visit http://www.itsmyseat.com/events/336006.html Or call Lark at 818-500-9997.
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ARMAN :R:M:ANE :UROPA|I "O>A>O|:AN ªWnasoua‘qi patya®ow :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an ;xra'akic m;namartiz fravarou;ls jourq mrzakzis ko[miz enkalou;z% orphs qa[aqakan qa\l^ kapoua‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizi f;t Tatami dours cgalou dhpqoum in] spa®noum hin no\nisk orakaxrk;l% saka\n jo\l ctou;ziº! A\s masin News.am sport–i j[jakzi f;t xro\zoum \a\tn;z Lontoni Ølimpiakan .a[;roum 5-rd t;[e graua‘ Arman :r;m;ane! Âousastani Nalcik qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ j;qouanto\i :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum FF fauaqakani a®a=atar% 80 qk& qa,a\in Arman :r;m;ane nouay;l h ar‘ajh m;tal! Armane cors m;namart anzkazr;z% saka\n ‘nki wnasoua‘qi patya®ow fravarou;z ;xra'akic m;namartiz% wa.;nalow kotroua‘qiz% qani or a®=;uoum au;li kar;uor ;u patas.anatou mrza,ar;r ka\in ;u wnasoua‘qow chr karo[ dours gal pa\qari! Nra a\d oro,oume yi,d cenkalou;z ;xra'akic dours ;ka‘ jourq mrzakzi ;u nra marxicn;ri ko[miz! Nranq no\nisk \a\tarar;zin% jh Armane qa[aqakanaznoum h sporte^ fa,oui a®n;low Aprili 24-e Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lize! Nran no\nisk spa®nazin orakaxrkmamb% ba\z qani or Armane ir;n chr karo[ jo\l tal% dours ;kau tatami ;u 10 wa\rk;an \;to\ marxice% fa,oui a®n;low wnasoua‘qe ];®qe bar]razr;z ;u marte dadar;zou;z! :jh Armane orakaxrkouhr% ;uropakan .a[;rin% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane chr karo[analou masnakz;l ;u bnakanabar ølimpiakan warkani, ];®q b;r;lou fnarauoroujiuniz ke xrkouhr!
MHKAKAN AR’AJ :U PRONX M:TAL L;fastanoum auartoua‘ \ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amarti :uropa\i minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum fa\ embi,n;re nouay;zin 2 m;tal% Sargis Qocar;ane (80 qk&) ;xra'akic gøt;martoum xi=;low wrazi embi,in dar];l h :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an% Karap;t Cal;ane (75 qk&) 3-rd t;[i famar pa\qaroum \a[j;low ®ous embi,in arvanaz;l h pronxh m;tali!
FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RI M:TALN:RE ÂD-i Anapa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ Nikola\ Pawl\oukowi anouan b®nzqamarti ;ritasardakan mrza,aroum Karhn A[amal;ani gl.auora‘ FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakane nouay;z 2 m;tal! Alhn Danihl;ane (49 qk&) \a[j;low ir bolor mrzakizn;rin dours ;kau ;xra'akic% saka\n
a\nt;[ \ama® pa\qaroum partou;z {axa.stani n;rka\azouzicin! Patouo\ farjak bar]razau na;u Ararat Giulbang;ane% or arvanazau pronxh m;tali!
’ANRAMARTI :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM TIGRAN MARTIROS:ANE :UROPA|I A>O|:AN SMBAT MARGAR:ANE "O>A>O|:AN ANDRANIK KARAP:T:ANE PRONXH M:TALAKIR Jbilisioum ,arounakuoum h ‘anramarti t[amardkanz ;u kananz :uropa\i a®a=noujiune% orin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum ;n 7 ‘anrord ;u 3 ‘anrordoufi! 56 qk& qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ Smbat Margar;ane ;rkamarti 259 qk& (113+146) ardiunqow f®cakou;l h :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an! A.o\;an h dar];l moltowazi Øl;g Sirgin^ 264 qk& (113+151)! 69 qk& qa,a\in kargoum FF n;rka\aznoum hin Âostom Karap;t;ane% ow ;rkamarti 308 qk& (138+170) ardiunqow 6-rdn hr% isk Wanik Au;tis;ane^ 312 qk& (137+175) ardiunqow 4-rdn hr! A.o\;an f®cakou;z Jourqian n;rka\azno[ Daniar Isma\ilowe^ 331 qk& (156+175) ardiunqow! Kananz 53 qk& qa,a\in kargoum FF n;rka\azno[ Anna Gow;l;ane ;rkamarti 178 qk& (81+97) ardiunqow 6-rdn hr! :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi h f®cakou;l Loulia Paratowan (Ouqrania)^ 200 qk& (90+110) ardiunqow! Ixab;la :a\l;ane (58 qk&) ;rkamarti 198 qk& (89+109) ardiunqow 6-rdn hr! :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi f®cakou;z poulkaroufi Bo\anka Kostowan% ore n;rka\aznoum h Atrph\yane! Nra ;rkamarti ardiunqe 241 qk& (109+132) :uropa\i nor mrzani, h! 77 qk& qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astane n;rka\aznoum hin Tigran Martiros;ane ;u Andranik Karap;t;ane! :rkarat;u bazaka\oujiuniz \;to\ Tigrane g;raxanz fandhs ;kau ;u ;rkamarti 352 qk& (160+191) ardiunqow f®cakou;z :uropa\i a.o\;an! No\npisi ardiunq zo\z tou;z Wiqjor G;ze (ÂD)% saka\n na au;li ‘anr hr k,®oum! Pronxh m;tale 350 qk& (164+186) ;rkamarti ardiunqow bavin fasau Andranik Karap;t;anin% ore na;u 'oqr oskh m;tal nouay;z pokoum warvoujiunoum!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane Stara Loubowna qa[aqi ªAng;lousº jimi kaxmoum nouay;z Slowakia\i a.o\;ani kocoume! Apa fa\ grosma\st;re Pardoubizhi ªÂapidº jimi kaxmoum dar]au C;.ia\i 'o.a.o\;an! • ~ID:-n fraparak;l h Aprili 1-i drouj;amb a,.arfi 100 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusakn;re! T[amardkanz lauago\n tasn;ake a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& Magnous Ka®ls;n^ 2863% 2& ~abianø Karouana^ 2802% 3& Fikarou Nakamoura^ 2798% 4& W;s;lin Jo'alow^ 2798% 5& Al;qsandr Gri,couk^ 2794% 6& Wi,wanajan Anand^ 2791% 7& Ani, Giri^ 2790% 8& W;sli Sø^ 2788% 9& Wladimir Kramnik^ 2783% 10& L;uon Aron;an^ 2770! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n na;u& 67& Gabrihl Sargs;ane^ 2674% 73& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane^ 2665% 86& Tigran L& P;tros;ane^ 2660% 92& Wladimir |akob;ane^ 2656! Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Foou |i`ane^ 2686! Hlina Danihl;ane 19-rdn h 2488 miauorow% Lilij Mkrtc;ane^ 44-rde% 2442% Almira Skripc;nkon^ 56-rde% 2421!
:ritasardn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Âicert Âapporte^ 2710! M;r Karhn Grigor;ane 12-rdn h (2590)% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane (16-rde% 2568)% Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN) bar]raz;l h 21-rd t;[e (2548)% Dauij Pa®au;ane (77-rd% 2453)% Tigran |aroujiun;ane (83-rd% 2445)% Miqa\hl;an Armane (95-rd% 2437)! A[=ikn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Al;qsandra Gor\ackinan^ 2473! FF-n n;rka\azno[ Sousanna Gabo\;ane 84-rdn h (2175)! 100-i mh= kan 4 atrph\yanoufin;r! T[amardkanz 10 lauago\n ;rkrn;ri mh= Fa\astane 2651 miauorow 7-rdn h! Tasn;ake a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& Âousastan^ 2744% 2& Cinastan^ 2704% 3& Ouqrania^ 2689% 4& AMN^ 2673% 5& Fndkastan^ 2657% 6& ~ransia^ 2656% 8& Foungaria^ 2650% 9& Folandia^ 2634% 10& Anglia^ 2632! Kananz lauago\n ;rkrn;ri mh= Fa\astane 2251 miauorow 19-rdn h! Lauago\n ;®;ake a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& Cinastan^ 2500% 2& Âousastan^ 2485% 3& Wrastan^ 2439 miauor! • Moskoua\oum auartoua‘ A;ro`loti baz 'a®atøni B& mrza,aroum ;r;uanzi 22-am;a\ mi=axga\in warp;t Wafh Pa[tasar;ane nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! Wafhn 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 4-rd angam lrazr;z grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! No\npisi ardiunqow Tigran Qojan=;ane lrazouzic zouzani,;row grau;z 6-rd t;[e! G& mrza,aroum ~ID:-i warp;t Poris Ø`iz;r;ane ;u Arjour Garakhøx;ane 6&5-akan miauorow bavan;zin 1-7-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Porise 3-rdn hr% Arjoure^ 4-rde! A& mrza,aroum |owfannhs Gaboux;ane ;u Tigran L& P;tros;ane wastak;zin famapatas.anabar 5 ;u 4&5 miauor! 7 miauorow a®a=in mrzanake nouay;z |an N;pomn\a,cin (ÂD)! • Socioum auartoua‘ a,.arfi kananz a®a=noujiunoum a,.arfi 15-rd a.o\;anoufi h dar];l Ouqranian n;rka\azno[ Maria Mouxicouke! :xra'akicoum Mouxicouke 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Natalia Pogonina\in (ÂD)! • |a\tni ;n dar];l Aprili 18-29-e ’a[ka]oroum ka\analiq a,.arfi jima\in a®a=nouj;an masnakiz jim;ri kaxm;re& FA|ASTAN - L;uon Aron;an% Gabrihl Sargs;an% S;rgh\ Mowsis;an% Wladimir |akob;an% Frand M;lqoum;an% ÂOUSASTAN – Al;qsandr Gri,couk% S;rgh\ Kar\akin% :ug;ni Toma,;uski% Dmitri :akow;nkø% Nikita Wit\ougow% OUQRANIA – Wasili Iwancouk% Âouslan Ponomar\ow% Pau;l Hl;anow% Al;qsandr Mois;nkø% :ouri Kriworouckø% CINASTAN – Bou S\anci% Din Liv;n% :oul |an\i% W;li% Wan Chn% QOUPA – L;n\;r Doming;s% Lasara Brouson% K;sada P;r;s |oun;ski% Isan Â;\naltø Ørtis% :ouri Gonxal;s Widal% FOUNGARIA – P;t;r L;kø% Caba Balog% Wiqjor Hrdos% Xoljan Alma,i% Âicert Âapport% AMN – S;m <;nkl;nd% Al;qsandr Øni,couk% Danihl Narodizki% Warouvan |akob;an% Al;qsandr L;nd;rman% FNDKASTAN – S;touraman% P;ntoula Farikri,na% Widit Gou=arati% Kri,nan Saskiran% Dip S;ngoupta% :GIPTOS – Pas;m Amin% Afmht Atli% S;mi <ok;r% Hl,;ri` Mofamht% Ali ~arfat% ISRA|HL – Poris G;l`and% Maqsim% Âod,th\n% Ilia Smirin% Hmil Soudowski% :ug;ni Postni! • Grosma\str Tiana |aroujiunowan (Ouqrania) Austria\i ma\raqa[aqoum ,r=ana\in famakargow anzkazoua‘ ªWi;nna\i ,a.mata\in kana\qº mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 5&5 miauor ;u nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake!