ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 17 VOLUME 93, NO. 17






|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an Andranik Fa\k;an >mbagroujiun

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Zauow :u >ore W,tow N,oum :nq Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ Tar;lize "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Lranoum h Fa\oz M;‘ :[;®ni 100-am;ake! 100 tari a®a= t;[i ounz;au 20-rd dari a®a=in Z;[aspanoujiune Ar;umtafa\ouj;an nkatmamb! 1915-1916 jj& ;ritjourqakan ka®awarouj;an kira®a‘ z;[aspan qa[aqakanouj;an f;t;uanqow ar;umtafa\oujiune kangn;z i spa® ocncazman wtangi a®=;u! ªAmhnour;q sks;zin fauaq;l fa\;rin%- groum h jourq patmaban M;wlan Xath Âi`aje%- no\nisk a®anz fa,oui a®n;lou fiuandn;rin% ‘;r;rin ou ;r;.an;rin! Nranz% owq;r endounoum hin mafm;takanoujiun% vamanakauoraphs dours hin fanoum qarauann;riz% isk miusn;rin .mb;row% vantarmn;ri fsko[ouj;an n;rqo\ ou[arkoum hin na.at;soua‘ yanaparfn;rowº!1 A\nouf;t;u a\d anxhn ou anpa,tpan

qarauann;re mardkanz t;so[oujiuniz f;®ou% ama\i wa\r;roum ;njarkuoum hin fa\;ri bna=n=man npatakow st;[‘oua‘

ªJ;,qilaj-e Mafsoushºi (\atouk kaxmak;rpoujiun)% frosaka.mb;ri \ar]akmane! Isk fra,qow <ar& h= 38




Bravissimo Ws;ma,ouq Qafana\ap;t TOQJ& ÂA~~I PAL:AN

SARGIS |& MINAS:AN 24 April 1915-hn 1923% au;li qan mhk ou khs milion fa\;r bna=n=ou;zan Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an mh=% ª:ritasard Jourq;rou (Ijjifat wh-J;raqqe) i,.anouj;an% incphs na;u^ Mousja`a Q;mali fimnadra‘ jrqakan nor fanrap;touj;an ko[mh! A\s tari fariuram;akn h a\d anf;rq;li% la\natara‘ Z;[aspanouj;an% or yanacoum gta‘ h no\ninqn Øsman;an Xinouorakan At;anin (1919) ou mi=axga\in at;ann;rou ko[mh! Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiune ;u o[= s'iu®qafa\oujiune% est arvanuo\n% og;koc;lou wra\ ;n biurauor m;r nafatakn;roun anm;® \i,atake! A\s M;‘ A[htin f;t;uanqow% fa\ vo[owourdin m;‘ xangoua‘e dours drou;zau ir Ar;umt;an Bar]rauandhn% or ke gtnouhr mardka\in qa[aqakrjouj;an Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ørranhn n;rs% oroun finauourz =afakirn;rhn ;[a‘ h& ke bauh \i,atak;l Hr;bounii fimnadrouj;an - :r;uan qa[aqi – baxmadar;an (28 darou) ar]anagroujiune! A\o*& 'oqr mnaza‘ h m;r vo[owourdin jouaqanake% ;njarkoua‘ ellalow t;uton;an znzoumn;rou% Ar;u;lq-Ar;umoutq% ou 'o.adar]abar% vo[owourdn;rou al;ko‘a\in t;[a'o.ouj;anz ;u ar,auanqn;rou! Parb;rabar% saka\n% ariakan ir anxsp;li ogin w;raxarjna‘ ou w;rak;nsauoroua‘ h% apafow;low ir yanaparfe^ fra,ak;rt;low! W;r=in fariuram;akin% fa\r;niqe% fa\oz axga\in ;k;[;zin% m;r krjakan fastatoujiunn;re% auandakan m;r kousakzoujiunn;re% m;r a\laxan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re ir;nz drakan n;rdroume oun;za‘ ;n m;r go\at;uman mh=! Saka\n% n;rka\ darou srar,au 'o'o.ouj;anz ;u armatakan norararouj;anz f;t% fa\r;niqi ou manauand ga[ja,.arfi m;r [;kawarouj;anz mi=oza®oumn;re fnaza‘% ou gr;jh vamanakawrhp dar]a‘ ;n! Nor s;rounde no\nisk piti cnkath% or ir;n% parb;rabar% ka[aparoua‘ møt;zoumn;r ou j;ladroujiunn;r% our mnaz% ou[[oujiunn;r ke trouin! Ardhn taroua‘ h an \a®a=enjaz vamanaki fosanqhn! Gr;jh bnaxdørhn anika ke f;t;ui qa[aqakrjouj;an ;[a'o.oua‘ gnazqin! Internet-i mi=ozow% or;uh hardware-i (I pad, I phone, ;ua\ln)% kam software-i (twitter, facebook, I link, ;ua\ln) wra\ axatørhn ke jiawarh ir a®a=nakarg ;riware! Ansafman gitoujiun .tazoua‘ h a\laxan ca';rou irmh anbavan a\d fra,q gor‘iqin mh=! Tpagire fnoujiun dar]a‘ h a\l;us! W;ro\i,;al tou;aln;rou lo\sin tak% fa\ouj;an a®a=nordouj;an inqnab;rabar ke partadroui ca'axanz n;[ d;r me^ entaniqi% dprozi ;u fauatqi bnagaua®n;rhn n;rs! Tirap;touj;anz ,r=ann;re gr;jh 'o,iaza‘ ;n& .abka*nq ou ]a.o[oujiun ke n,anakh a\laphs tramadrouile! Gourgouranq taninq fa\kakan entaniqin ou dprozin wra\% oronq takauin krnan paf;l m;r patkan;lioujiune! :k;[;zin lrazouzic famakarge piti da®na\ s'iu®qi mh=! Au;li ,;,tou;lou h a\s w;r=no\n enk;ra \in d;re! M;r qa[aqakan [;kawarouj;an f;[inakoujiune s'iu®qi mh= safmana'ak h ou vamanakauor! M;r fasarakouj;an \a®a=enjaze a\d zo\z kou ta\ manauand ªqa[aqakrjoua‘º ;rkirn;rh n;rs! Axga\in ou mi=axga\in qa[aqakanoujiun tramabanørhn gor‘;lou h Fa\astani mh=! W;rada®nalow M;‘ :[;®ni Fariuram;akin% piti w;r\i,;nq ou piti pafan=;nq! Og;kocman bavinhn ;tq^ yanacoume Z;[aspanouj;an ;u fatouzoumn;rou pafan=q! Fa\ Datin yanaco[oujiune xargazn;nq a,.arfi manauand m;‘ ;rkirn;roun mh=! Kar‘r irakanoujiunn a*\n h% or a®anz anonz øvandakouj;an minouyar Fa\astani k,i®e anouanakan h! F;t;uabar% m;r nor s;rounde Fa\kakan Date piti pa,tpanh øtar farjakn;rou wra\% øtar l;xoun;row% axd;zik zouzadroujiunn;row ardiunab;roujiunn;r oun;nalou famar! M;‘ ;rkirn;rou% ;u incou ch^ Jourqio\ mh=% ‘aual;lou h

Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin% April 24-i na.ør;akin m;r biurauor nafatakn;roun \au;rvazno[ \i,atake pa,tønakan ar]agangi arvanazau Watikani Ma\r Tayarhn n;rs! A\s angam m;r fariuram;a\ srbaxan dati kapakzouj;amb ardarouj;an koce ambo[= a,.arfin k*ou[[ouhr F®omi ~ransiskos Papin ko[mh! O[= a,.arfe piti lshr% jh incphs 100 tari a®a= Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an ;u :ritjourq;rou ko[mh ‘ragroua‘ ;u iragor‘oua‘ 21-rd darou a®a=in Z;[aspanoujiune% fa\ vo[owourde ocncazn;lou anmardka\in oyragor‘oujiune takauin f;rqoua‘ ke mna\! Mi;uno\n araro[ouj;an enjazqin Ti;x;rakan Sourb;rou ,arqin ke f®cakouhr Fa\oz Fanyar Wardap;t Sourb Grigor Nar;kazin&&& incpisi@ fra,ali xougadipoujiun! M;nq n;rqoust famoxoua‘ hinq% or a\n vo[owourde or Nar;kazi ke ‘ni% N;rshs <norfali ;u St;'anos Siun;zi% chr krnar mardka\in ;u kam anmardka\in ararqn;rou ko[mh ocncazouil&&&! A\sør% au;li ,at qan ;rb;q% famoxoua‘ ;nq% or Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an famendfanour yanacoume ke da®na\ irakanoujiun! F;t;uabar au;li ;us ke ka®cinq pafan=atirouj;an ;u m;r irauounqn;roun w;ratiranalou srbaxan a®aq;louj;an! Fa\ouj;an xauakn;roun ko[qin ;n ardaroujiun pafan=o[ a\npisi f;[inakoujiunn;r% incpisin ;n F®omi arvanauor Qafana\ap;t^ ~ransiskos Pape! Kaska‘ cka\ jh Pape ke patkani a\n mi=axga\in kar;uorago\n dhmq;rou ,arqin% oronq ke =atagow;n ardaroujiune ;u oronz y,marta.øsoujiune kar;li ch v.t;l! Ws;ma,ouq Qafana\ap;tin f;t ;n a,.arfi au;li qan 1 milia® kajolik fama\nqe% Ar;umoutqi ;u a,.arfi 22 p;toujiunn;r% Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rhn 43-e% oronq ou[[a'a® mta‘o[ouj;amb ke famar]akin ardarouj;an kocow afaxang;lou a,.arfin% orphsxi ckrknouin a\l z;[aspanoujiunn;r! M;r a®aq;loujiune ke ,arounak;nq qa= gitakz;low% or pa\qare \anoun mardkouj;an ;u m;r ardar datin piti psakoui \a=o[ouj;amb% a\nphs incphs m;r sourb nafatakn;re ouxa‘ hin ;u piti ouxhin&&&! < Fa\kakan Datin irauounqn;re! Fa\ nor s;roundin miauorn;re ja'anz;lou ;n ir;nz bnaka‘ ;rkri bolor bnagaua®n;rhn n;rs^ qa[aqakan% enk;ra\in% gitakan% bv,kakan% grakan! Matnan,;al a®a=arkoujiunn;re piti sksin b;[mnauorouil ;jh lour= ousoumnasiroujiunn;row 'lanauorouin! Fa\r;niqi ;u s'iu®qi famagor‘akzouj;amb ‘ragire m,akou;lou h na;u a,.atanqi! <ø,a';li piutyhi ke karøti a\s mhke! Fa\astani i,.anauorn;re na. gitakz;lou ;n 'lanauor a,.atanqi gor‘adrouj;an! W;rakangn;lou h vo[owourdin tnt;sakan go\awiyake% kas;zn;lou famar artaga[je fa\r;niqhn! Bar;kargou;lou ;u anka.analou h ørhnsdir i,.anouj;an famakarge! Anpa\man piti vaman;n w;ro\i,;al bar;'o.oumn;re! A\laxan ;rkirn;rou mh= a\d zo\z toua‘ h patmoujiune! Fa\astane ci dimanar nman go\awiyaki ;rkara]gman! M;nq lauat;s ;nq! Ke fauatanq lousamit m;r nor s;roundin! Axata.of m;r ;ritasard-;ritasardoufin;rn ;n% oronq fa[ordakiz ellalow vamanaki norago\n xargazoumn;roun% piti kar;nan lauago\ns thr kangnil fa\kakan datin% miavamanak apafow;low fa\ vo[owourdin an.a'an ou[;uoroujiune vamanaki jaualoumin f;t!





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<ar& h= 33



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fr;a\ am;rikazi patmabann;rou m;‘ banak me! A\s patmaghtn;rou m;‘amasnoujiune akad;makan a,.atanqi ir;nz ‘irin mh= k*ousoumnasirh ;u ke n;rka\aznh am;rik;an fasarakakan k;anqi xanaxan marx;rhn n;rs fr;a\ am;rikazi anfatn;rou% kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou^ ;rkri patmakan ;r;uo\jn;roun b;ra‘ npasti masin ousoumnasiroujiunn;r! A\s Famagoumarn;rou enjazqin fr;a\ am;rikazi patmaghtn;r na;u ko[mnaki patmagitakan fandipoumn;r ke kaxmak;rp;n ir;nz pa,tønakizn;roun f;t! Asor f;t;uanqow Frhakan O[=akixoumi farz;re mi,t n;rka\ ;n patmagitakan famagoumarn;rou ørakarg;rhn ou anonz gitakan a,.atanqi ,r=agi‘hn n;rs! Mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqe lousaban;lou a\s a,.atanqin kar;uoroujiune i \a\t kou ga\ manauand ;rb ba[dat;nq ;rkou tarb;r z;[aspanoujiunn;rou nkatmamb mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqi oun;za‘ patk;razoume% ;u a\d patmagitakan patk;razoumhn b.o[ xørakzouj;an a®ka\oujiune kam bazaka\oujiune! Ardar;u% amhnous ‘anøj h jh :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi tarin;roun fijl;rakan G;rmanian incpisi yakatagir

me w;rapaf;z :uropa\i fr;a\ bnakcoujiunn;roun! Nouax ‘anøj h saka\n jh orqan davan yakatagri ;njarkou;zan na;u a\l 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou ko[qin :uropa\i gncou axgabnakcoujiunn;re% oronq ar;umt;an a,.arfin ‘anøj ;n ibr;u ªÂomaniº% ªÂomaº kam ªÂomº anounn;row! Fa\;rous ibr;u ªgncouº ‘anøj bnakcoujiunn;re tara‘oua‘ hin K;dronakan ;u Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i ;rkirn;roun% incphs na;u ~ransa\i faraue ;u Spanio\ mh=! :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi vamanak Naziakan G;rmania ;u ir;n da,nakiz .rouajiazi axga\nakann;r f;t;uo[akan k;rpow z;[aspanakan =ard;rou xof dar]ouzin ªÂomaniº axgabnakcoujiunn;re% oronq ke gtnouhin ir;nz ;njaka\ fo[amas;rou ;u ;rkirn;rou mh=! Z;[aspanakan a\s ararqn;roun xof gazin% est xanaxan masnaghtn;rou tarb;ro[ fa,ouarkoumn;roun% khs milionhn minc;u mhk ou khs milion ªÂomaniº axgabnakcouj;an patkano[ an];r% kin;r ;u manoukn;r% tar;zn;r ;u ;ritasardn;r! Fr;a\ axgabnakcoujiunn;rou w;rapafua‘ fala‘anqi ;u partadir a,.atanqi no\n mi=oza®oumn;re na;u i gor‘ drou;zan ªÂomaniºn;rou fandhp! Minc Frhakan O[=akixoumi masin la\n andradar]oumn;r kan% ou ;[a‘ ;n a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun% ,at qic;r t;[;ak ;n no\n jouakann;roun no\nqan af®;li* pa\mann;roun mh= naziakan ararqn;rou xof gaza‘ gncoun;rou z;[aspanouj;an patmouj;an masin! Patya#®e! Parxaphs anor famar or fr;a\ patmagitoujiune 1967 jouakanhn i w;r m;‘ a,.atanq tara‘ h mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqi møt lousaban;lou oyra\in ararqi a\n bolor ‘alq;re% oronq :uropa\i mh= apro[ fr;a\ bnakcouj;an o[=akixouj;an a®a=norda‘ ;n! O[=akixouj;an masin ;[a‘ ousoumnasiroujiunn;re ;u


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Serbia Parliament MPs Propose Resolution On Armenian Genocide

Austria Recognizes Armenian Genocide Vienna (A.W.) - The Austrian Parliament adopted a resolution on April 21 condemning the Armenian Genocide and calling on Turkey to face its history. According to sources, all six factions of the parliament supported the resolution, which also acknowledges the role of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in supporting the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The news comes a day after Germany announced its plan to “stand behind” a resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide, which will be voted on April 24. Germany’s Parliament is set to use the term genocide in a resolution, and the government said on April 20 that it will support the motion sponsored by the ruling parties. A draft of the German resolution notes the Armenians’ fate is “exemplary for the history of mass destruction, ethnic cleansing, expulsions and genocides by which the 20th century is marked in such a terrible way.”

Germany Agrees To Call 1915 Events “Genocide” Serbia’s Parliament MPs proposed a resolution on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, Serbian newspaper Blic.rs reports. The draft of the resolution was proposed by the MPs of the New Party, specifically ex-PM Zoran Zivkovic and Vladimir Pavicevic.

History Has Already Decided: Genocide

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German government agree to describe the 1915 events as “genocide”. The ruling coalition decided not to take into account Turkey's pressure, Die Welt reported. Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said the government would support a resolution containing a term “genocide”. The resolution says that “the fate of the Armenians during World War One serves as an example of the history of mass murders, ethnic cleansings, expulsions and, yes, the genocides during the 20th century.” He said President of Germany Joachim Gauck made his contribution to the process

Turkey has to hold many discussions on the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s apology: Reiner Morell

The chief editor of Agos Armenian bilingual weekly of Istanbul, Yetvart Danzikyan, has harshly criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his words against Armenians, and in connection with the European Parliament resolution on Armenian Genocide. Danzikyan, recalling Erdogan’s statement that, “The decision by the European Parliament enters from one of our ear and comes out from the other,” stressed that this shows that Turkey continues its denialist and racist policies. “Another time Erdogan had said, ‘Let the historians decide [whether it was genocide].’ Yes, history has already decided: Genocide. “Next, Erdogan said Armenians have fled Armenia and have come and are living in Turkey [today]. Armenians [from Armenia] have not fled, they work here [in Turkey]; Erdogan offends with this. In addition, most residents of Armenia are the descendants of those who went to Armenia from these lands. “Erdogan used the word ‘deportation’ in connection with expelling the Armenians [from Turkey]. In English, this has the meaning of ‘displacement,” Agos’ chief editor specifically said. Armenia News - NEWS.am

Germany wants to help the Turkish and Armenian societies normalize their relations. At the same time, Germany understands that this is a very personal and sentimental matter for both countries. This is the evaluation of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Armenia Reiner Morell. As “Armenpress” reports, during a short briefing held at Komitas Museum-Institute, Morell said that the main issue now is whether Turkey is ready to apologize or not.“Turkey has to hold more discussions on this issue. We see that the Turks are discussing the issue, but there have to be more discussions. Nobody can force anyone to apologize. It has to come from the inside,”Morell said.

Yerevan To Host 4 Presidents, 60 Delegations Sargsyan said delegations from over 60 countries are expected to attend the centennial events. Presidents of Cyprus, France, Russia and Serbia are expected to visit Yerevan on that day. The traditional candlelight vigil will start at 8.15 pm. An international orchestra comprising 123 musicians from 43 countries will performs a concert titled “Revival.” Works by Armenian composers of the past 100 years will be performed.

Kremlin Confirms Putin’s Visit To Yerevan On April 24 By the invitation of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will visit Armenia to participate in the events, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Armenpress reports that the press service of the Kremlin informed about it.

Obama Excludes ‘Armenian Genocide’ From His Genocide Centennial Statement President Obama's Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes confirmed to Armenian American leaders, during a White House meeting, that the President has decided not to recognize the Armenian Genocide in his April 24th statement.

April 16, 2005 President Serzh Sargsyan Republic of Armenia Mr. President: It is with deepest sympathy that we write to you on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Words fail to adequately express the magnitude of our sorrow for the loss of 1.5 million innocent Armenian men, women, and children in one of the most horrific chapters of the 20th century. We firmly believe that there can be no genuine or durable reconciliation in the region without an honest acknowledgment of the crimes of the past. Indeed, the Government of Turkey’s obstinate denial of a truth the world has long known continues to wound. In the U.S. Congress, we will continue to promote recognition and reconciliation as the most appropriate means to honor those whose lives were taken or forever altered by these atrocities. We believe this is the only way to realize a just and prosperous future that is the hope of citizens in every nation. Please accept this letter as a token of our profound respect for the Armenian people and an expression of our solidarity with them on this solemn memorial. Sincerely, ED ROYCE Chairman Committee on Foreign Affairs ELIOT ENGEL Ranking Member Committee on Foreign Affairs

Nevada Recognizes Armenian Genocide The House of Representatives and Senate of the U.S. state of Nevada have adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The document says that the crime perpetrated against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1923 was the first genocide of the 20th century. It urges the U.S. President and Congress to acknowledge this political fact, the press service of Armenian Foreign Ministry reports.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


AGBU Elects Five New Members To Its Central Board Of Directors At The 88th General Assembly In Yerevan The Armenian General pact on the global YP moveBenevolent Union (AGBU) ment by leading AGBU is pleased to announce the FOCUS from its inception in 2000 through 2007 and conaddition of five new members to its Central Board of tinuing to serve on its adviDirectors. The new memsory board. Lori Muncherian is the bers, elected during the executive vice president of AGBU 88th General AssemNew Spark Holdings, Inc. bly in Yerevan on April 4, include Arnaud Attamian of and serves on the board of directors of the TF Educathe United Kingdom, Alexis tional Foundation. Govciyan of France, Ani Arnaud Attamian Ani Manoukian Alexis Govciyan Lena Sarkissian Muncherian has an extenManoukian of the United Lori Muncherian States, Lori Muncherian of the United States and Lena Sarkissian of Canada. sive background in human resources and management. From 1986 to 2006, she served as the executive vice president and partner of Pacific Sales Kitchen and Bath Centers, Inc., a Arnaud Attamian joins the Central Board with 17 years of investment banking and eqretail chain of premium home appliance, kitchen and bath fixture showrooms in Southern uity capital markets experience in Europe. He spent the first 15 years of his career in the California. Telecoms and Media Group within Merrill Lynch (then Bank of America Merrill Lynch) and is currently managing director at TAP Advisors, a New York-based investment bankLena Sarkissian is a member of the asset management team at the real estate development company Byron Hill Corporation and the director of program development at the Zoing boutique with European offices in London. ryan Institute’s International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights. Sarkissian is also Alexis Govciyan is among the founders of the political party Union des democrates et indépendants (UDI) and director of the Institut Supérieur des Métiers in France. He was a member of the advancement committee at the Toronto French School, the co-chair of the appointed president of AGBU Europe in 2008 and served as the president of the Coordiboard of directors at the contemporary dance company Dancemakers and a member of the board of directors of AGBU Armen-Ontario. nation Council of Armenian Organizations in France (CCAF) until 2012. He is the author The new members join President Berge Setrakian, Vice Presidents Sam Simonian and of 24 Avril: Témoignage sur la reconnaissance par la France du génocide arménien de 1915 [April 24: Most recently, he assumed the role of premier deputy mayor of the ninth arSinan Sinanian, and the fifteen members of the board who will continue their tenure: Yerrondissement of Paris. vant Demirjian, Sarkis Jebejian, Nazareth Festekjian, Noubar Afeyan, Joseph Basralian, Arda Haratunian, Levon Nazarian, Yervant Zorian and M. Michael Ansour of the United Ani Manoukian is a corporate attorney who has served on the AGBU Strategic AdviStates as well as Aris Atamian, Vahé Gabrache, Joseph Oughourlian and Vasken Yacoubian sory Committee since 2010. In this capacity, she has provided consulting and project management services in corporate governance, human resources, marketing and fundraising of France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Armenia/Syria respectively. Carol Aslanian of the United States will serve as special advisor to the board. management. Manoukian has also held numerous leadership positions in AGBU, includ! ing with Camp Nubar and the Young Professionals (YP), and has made a significant im-

On The 100th Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide By Dr. John Farsakian April 24th is Remembrance Day of the Armenian Genocide. This date conjures the horrors of the beginning of the darkest, most tragic chapter in Armenia’s 3000-year history. On that notable day, in 1915, with tacit approval of her German ally, Ottoman Turkey began a premeditated, wholesale slaughter of the Armenian nation. By 1923, some 1.5 million Armenians had perished victims of brutal massacres, starvation, exposure and disease. The half-million who somehow survived were scattered to every corner of the world. This year marks the centennial of that horrific event’s commencement; a heinous episode whose pain and suffering still linger in the hearts and minds of survivors and their descendants. A fourth Armenian generation, along with its predecessors, will gather once again this month, to commemorate that fateful day, 100 years ago. The parallel Turkish progeny, meanwhile, continue to deny the Genocide’s occurrence. Their government has falsely labeled the entire episode the tragic consequence of a civil war where Turks suffered as much as the Armenians. With its cadre of hired, revisionist historians, Turkey has gone so far as to place the blame on the victims, claiming they (the Turks) were the targets of Armenian treachery – this in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary, preserved in military, missionary and diplomatic archives housed throughout the world. April 24th should hold yet another special significance for us: a cause to celebrate the indomitable Armenian spirit of survival. That our nation still exists is testament to the faith, resiliency and determination of our people who

Armenian Assembly Of America Appoints Arpi Vartanian As Regional Director In Armenia Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) is pleased to announce that Arpi Vartanian will fill the newly-created Regional Director position in Yerevan, Armenia effective immediately. Since 1994, Vartanian has been a long-time supporter of Assembly activities. She has served the Assembly in a number of capacities, both in Yerevan and in Washington, DC. Some of those positions included Country Director, Acting Executive Director (in Washington), Armenian American Action Committee (ARAMAC) & Internship Program Dir. and NGO Center Director.

continue to multiply and prosper. We should take pride in being a living link to an unbroken chain of history; of belonging to a unique people who have survived and thrived through thousands of years and against all odds. As a people, we have known tragedy and injustice in the extreme. However, we must not dwell or focus completely on the darkened past, for there, no future or hope exists. As Armenians, although we are obliged to learn from history’s lessons, we must commit ourselves completely to the present and future; to the right of life and freedom for Armenians everywhere, especially in Armenia, Artsakh and throughout the Middle East. We must become the spokesmen of the dead, the exiled, the victimized. It is our duty to testify, ever to remind the world of the Medz Yeghern. To forget is to dishonor our martyrs. To forget is to allow the perpetrators to escape the judgment of history. This places heavy responsibilities upon each of us, descendants of survivors, as we work to secure a better future for upcoming Armenian generations. Thus, through our collective strength and efforts, April 24th may, one day, not only be a date to commemorate a tragedy, but to celebrate a blessing – the birth of a strong, secure and free Armenian nation which sprang from the ashes of catastrophe in 1915 to become the envy of her neighbors who steadfastly remain committed to her demise. During this Easter season, let us give thanks to the Lord for all the blessings bestowed upon us individually and as a people. Let us strengthen our Christian faith built upon His promise, and example, of everlasting life for all who believe in Him. Our martyrs died secure in this absolute Christian truth. That faith also endures tyranny, genocide, and weapons of war. Our survivors and we, their offspring, stand as living proof of its enormous power. !

Serj Tankian Premieres "1915" Genocide Film In Moscow System of a Down American-Armenian rock band frontman Serj Tankian arrived in Moscow for a concert tour of the group, Starman24.com reports. Ahead of the major show, Tankian attended the closed premiere of the film "1915" about the Armenian Genocide, for which he composed a score. Tankian was accompanied by the co-author of the film Garin Hovannisyan. The film hits the Russian theaters on April 20. SOAD's Wake up the Souls tour commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It will wrap up with the Grammy-winning band's first-ever performance in their homeland of Armenia.

Tadem, My Tather’s Village Extinguished During The 1915 Armenian Genocide By Robert Aram Kaloosdian Drawing on more than a dozen eye-witness accounts of The Armenian Genocide, most never before published, the author recounts the life and death of an Armenian village, TADEM, from the first intimations of violence through deportations, family sepa r a t i o n s , massacres, and escapes, to the establishment of dia s p o r a l communities in the United States and elsewhere. Aram Kaloosdian has etched his name on a significant achievement, by adding a new step, a new piece of local Armenian history. Tadem was one of the thousand Armenian villages that were destroyed by the Turks, without leaving behind a trace. It is a small example of the forced removal from their homes and annihilation of the Armenians who had lived on their own land for centuries. “The example that Tadem presents, teaches us what a destructive weapon religious hatred and prejudice can be. The destruction of a people does not rely on orders coming from a central authority. Even when such a thing exists, it’s the presence of people in the local levels willing to do the bidding of these orders that’s the determinative factor. There were people who jumped at the opportunity to terrorize and murder the Armenians in TADEM. What this shows us that the origin of the “Armenian problem” was not the Sultan alone, nor was it his ministers and generals or the lack of governmental responsibility. The problem in Tadem, as in hundreds of other villages and towns that were plundered and burned, and whose inhabitants were murdered by the thousands, was the local people who were given protective cover by the Ottoman authorities to terrorize, rob and subjugate the Armenians.” (Taner Akcham). A must read book.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


Armenia Sings On In Our Hearts

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Isabella Bablumian

62 - Esra Mungan

I am what they call a transcultural child. I started my serial migrations by moving out of Armenia when I was eleven and have since lived in nine cities across three continents. Leaving my motherland behind was a difficult experience and always haunted me no matter how closely I integrated with the countries that became my new homes. Learning new languages and cultures became the remedy for dealing with this partial loss of identity in a continuous process of self-discovery within new cultures. I thrive in multi-cultural environments and am a local everywhere I go. Yet, somehow, my Armenian identity remains intact. The voice calling on me from within is strong and unmistakable. On many occasions I´ve fled back to Armenia in tears, wanting to start everything from scratch; traveled across the world just to wash myself in the millennial freshwater of our high-mountain Lake Sevan, to breathe the childhood air that filled me with memories, eat a real apricot that seemed to heal me with its nectar. It never failed, but also did not last… I was forever changed, fully true to my Armenian roots, but unable to put them down again on the lands that gave me birth. As this search continued, I came to the realization that no matter where I am (even back in Armenia), I will always feel the longing that is calling from the depth of my self to stay connected with the essence that makes up the interweaving of my being. Therefore, instead of continuing to chase my identity within a specific location, I have since tried to find and retain particles of cultural connection in new ways. One of which occurred through finding and connecting to those dispersed pieces of Armenia that I had the chance to uncover around me in the most unimaginable parts of the world; through the people that dispersed a century ago away from their ancestral lands and formed a new world-wide Armenia. Each encounter with our compatriots resonates deep on a molecular level and restores something that I lost when I left home. The first encounter is always replete with surprise; the awe of finding the Armenian oases that remain intact in the communities that our people have created with so much care and worked so hard to maintain. These places, whether they are churches, monuments, cultural centers, schools, all breathe something so inexplicably Armenian. In them, those of us that leave abroad find a fleeting connection that

serves as a link to maintaining our tie to our culture and identity. There are numerous flashbacks that revive some of these connections: the looks full of longing memories in the eyes of the St. John Garabed church members in San Diego as I sing some of the Komitas songs at an event; the uncontrollable tears flooding from my eyes as I hear Zulal sing Sareri Hovin Mernem in Washington D.C. ; the first attempt at singing an Armenian song by a Rio de Janeiro native of Armenian descent, who never understood her passion for a language she didn’t speak and music she didn’t know, but the love for which seems to have been passed to her by her great-grandmother before she perished in Adana; a poem dedicated to the victims of the genocide engraved on a glass in a busy metro-station called Armenia in Sao Paulo. The uplifting memories are endless. Receiving my grandmother from Armenia, a small tree in her hands that customs somehow allowed her to bring to the US, because she HAD to plant an Armenian tree in her daughter´s garden; a French-Armenian girl running up to me in a huge crowd of strangers, eager to meet the very first Armenian from Armenia at a social event in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the enthusiasm of the youth dancing shurj par at the cultural center in Buenos Aires; the four Armenians united by some incredible force of serendipity on a metro train en route to the Maracana Stadium, drawn by the Armenian flag I was carrying to a World Cup game in Rio de Janeiro. The stories are infinite and distinct, but all connected by something truly Armenian that our people carry with them no matter where they are. The urge to give voice to their unmistakably Armenian voices, whose individual and collective stories remain unknown to the world, inspired me to implement a project, entitled Armenia Sings on in our Hearts. The short documentary will tell the story of the Armenians a century after the genocide by capturing the common threat that persisted in the individuals that persevered, formed new communities around the world, and maintained their identity so far from home. Isabella Bablumian currently resides in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. She works in the field of International Relations and Development and is also a singer who performs classical and traditional Armenian music. She is currently working on a documentary entitled Armenia Sings on in our Hearts.

Armenian Missionary Association Of America Welcomes Roman Catholic Pontiff’s Courageous Stand On The Armenian Genocide Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, made history on Sunday, April 12th, by referring to the atrocities committed against Armenians by Ottoman Turkey at the dawn of the 20th century as “Genocide.” Speaking on Sunday at the St. Peter’s Basilica Mass in Rome to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Pontiff called the crime committed against the Armenian nation in its historic ancestral home as the “first Genocide of the 20th Century.” Referring to the century old immeasurable and unconscionable pain and suffering of the Armenian people, Pope Francis said “concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it.” The Armenian Missionary Association of America welcomes Pope Francis’ moral high ground, salutes the courage of the head of the Catholic Church and prays that all efforts toward international acknowledgement and condemnation of crimes against humanity will lead the world to a safer place and mankind to a peaceful harbor. Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of the Armenian Missionary Association of America, said that the organization “hopes that realization of responsibility in past and present human tragedies by world leaders will help extinguish flames of continued agony and pain and end continuing carnages around the world and in particular the intolerable anguish experienced by the various communities making up the ancient human mosaic characterizing the people of Syria.”

By Hambersom Aghbashian Esra Mungan, is a professor of psychology at Bo!aziçi University Department of Psychology. She received her BA degree from Bogazici University, Istanbul in 1990 , and her MA degree in 1998, and PhD degree in 2007 both from the American University, Washington DC, USA. Her Research Interests are Music Memory, Forgetting Processes, Memory Judgments and Evolutionary Psychology. Courses Taught by her are Research Methods , Statistics I + II , Seminar on Evolutionary Psychology , Music and Cognition I - II , Advanced Cognitive Psychology and Advanced Research Methods. She participated in many conferences and is the author of many books.(1) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The complete, brief text of the apology is: My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them. Professor Esra Mungan was one of the Turkish Intellectuals who signed it.(2) A group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, Members of Parliament, and mayors, have signed a petition in December 2012, against denialist exhibition in Denmark which was going to be organized by the Turkish government. It was mentioned in the petition that "The Turkish government has been suppressing historic truths and following a policy of denial for more than 90 years. In response to the many intellectuals in the nation who have urged the government to confront history honestly, this systematic suppression and

intimidation policy, which reached its zenith with the assassination of journalist Hrant Dink in 2007, continues unabated. Esra Mungan was one of the signees.(3) Esra Mungan is one of the scholars and intellectuals of France , Turkey and others countries who recommended Ragıp Zarakolu of Turkey for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. Ragıp Zarakolu is a Turkish human rights activist and publisher who has long faced legal harassment for publishing books on minorities and human rights in Turkey. After the military coup of September 12, 1980, he published more than 10 books (translations) of Greek literature, 10 books on the Armenian Question and 5 books related to the Jews in Turkey. Also a number of books dealing with the Kurds in Turkey. He also has published several books on the Armenian Genocide, which brought new criminal charges in 2005. In November 2007 he published a book about the Assyrian Genocide. His Publishing House offices were firebombed in 1995. (4) According to " http://historum.com/ middle-eastern-african-history", Esra Mungan (professor of psychology), is one of the many famous Turkish intellectuals who are supporting the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.(5)


at the hands of Turks. This genocide monument in Yerevan is dedicated to the memory of all my ancestors who perished in the first genocide of the twentieth century. This is a very painful part of our history and a human disaster, a very personal one for me because my greatgrandparents and family members from both my mother’s and father’s side were victims of this terrible crime. They lost their lives, their farmlands and their homeland. Listening to very personal stories about the genocide from my mom who heard it firsthand from her surviving great-aunt definitely makes me want to go Tsitsernakaberd to remember, pay my respect, and honor the victims by lighting a candle and laying flowers on the ground as millions of people did and will continue to do. Tamar Hovsepian

If I could go to Armenia one day, where would I go? The answer does not come easy for someone like me who never visited Armenia and would like to go and visit very badly. There are so many beautiful historical sites, sacred churches and monuments in our homeland, Armenia, that I’ve heard about and would love to see. However, the one place that stands out for me is the Armenian Genocide Memorial, Tsitsernakaberd. This Armenian Genocide Memorial is found in Yerevan and construction started in 1965 after Armenians demonstrated in Armenia on the 50th anniversary of the genocide. The construction of the monument was completed in 1968. Every year on April 24, thousands of Armenians from Armenia and around the world commemorate the anniversary of the genocide by laying flowers around the eternal flame. I have never been to Armenia, but when I do go, the first place I want to visit will be the Armenian Genocide Memorial because it will be the place where I will lay flowers and say our Lord’s Prayer Hayr Mer for the souls of my ancestors who perished away

1.http://www.psychology.boun.edu.tr/people/mungan.html 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php? title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at 3.http://www.genocide-museum.am /eng/19.12.12.php 4.http://www.gitfrance.fr/article-nouvellessignatures-inaugurales-en-faveur-de-la-nomination-de-ragip-zarakolu-au-prix-nobel-de-la-p a-111133463.html 5.http://historum.com/middle-easternafrican-history/83523-ataturks-stance-armenian-greek-assyrian-genocides-clarification-11-pr int.html

Tamar Hovsepian is an 8th grade student in Philadelphia. She attends Haigazian Armenian School on the weekends and is a member of Meghry Dance Group, where she performs and exercises her passion for Armenian dance. Tamar loves theatre, playing the piano, and painting.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


Armenian Genocide Losses An Estimate Of The Damage 100 Years Later

Genocide is a crime of such massive proportions that even a century later the destruction is hard to comprehend. Much of that destruction cannot be undone: murdered multitudes, lost generations, uprooted communities, obliterated cultural heritage, expropriated property, and plundered natural resources. This website is dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Rather than a claim for reparations, it outlines (in broad terms) the loss, in the belief that better understanding the extent of the harm will help find a way forward. Most of the harm cannot be undone. But certainly the victims and their survivors should not bear the cost alone while the perpetrators enjoy the fruits of the crime in impunity and other countries extract benefits from the delay, degrading all of humanity in the process. Compensation cannot make the victims whole, but it can help the perpetrators and beneficiaries find the redemption they need: if not for themselves, for humanity’s sake; if not for this generation, for future generations. Genocide is a crime of such massive proportions that even 100 years later the destruction is hard to comprehend. Much of that destruction cannot be undone: murdered multitudes, lost generations, uprooted communities, depredated homeland, obliterated cultural heritage, expropriated property, and plundered natural resources. This website is dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Rather than a claim for reparations, it outlines in broad terms the loss, in the belief that better understanding the extent of the harm will help find a way forward. Many countries and interests factored into the Armenian Genocide and many more have benefited over the past century from using the Armenian Question and the Armenian Genocide to advance their political and economic aims. Inaction and indifference reinforce the notion that it pays to commit genocide. This is not an option, for it lowers the bar on barbarity for all humanity. Leaving a crime half-condemned and unredeemed sows seeds of instability and discord. Neighbors need to be able to live side-by-side without being haunted by their past. The way forward is simple. Reversible harm should be reversed. Irreversible harm should be compensated. This is what the Armenian delegation proposed at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and it still may point to a way forward. In 1919 the formula under consideration was a combination of homeland restoration and compensation for the irreversible losses incurred by the Armenian people. The compensation estimates presupposed restoration of the Armenian homeland from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea to the Armenians. But as is well known, neither were the irreversible losses compensated, nor the homeland restored. The charts below provide an up-dated version of the 1919 claim. Although some losses are clearly irreversible, the line between reversible and irreversible is often a matter of political will. Thus, in the charts below various combinations of reversible and irreversible harm are presented along with rough allocations among parties that caused the harm. These estimates do not attempt to account for the lost creativity of the 20 million Armenian lives that might have been but for the Armenian Genocide.

Failing to deal with the Armenian Genocide fully and fairly at that time has cost humanity dearly. Had justice been done then, wars may have been averted, genocides prevented, and the course of history changed. Further delay causes further harm. Armenians individually have partially recovered after a century. But for humanity the unredressed Armenian Genocide is still a stumbling block to a more peaceful and civilized future. Restitutio ad integrum is the international standard for measuring victims' losses. It means to make the victims' whole or put them in the position they would have been in but for the wrong, which calls for: Reversible harm to be reversed. Irreversible harm to be compensated. • The 1919 Paris Claim was 19 billion Francs (1919 fr. franc, silver coin, currently worth $2.18/fr. = $42.5 bn.) This does not include Delay Damages • Delay Damages are calculated using present value and the time value of money and property and include deprivation of access to ancestral homeland for 100 years, interference with maintenance of cultural heritage,

and emotional distress associated with delay in justice, denial of the crime, and witnessing the depredation of one’s nation and homeland. For a benchmark, the US inflation rate since 1919 has been about 20 fold. 20 x $42.5 bn = 850 billion. This does not include opportunity cost, consequential or expectation damages. • Irreversible Harm includes the 1919 Paris Claim plus the post-1919 destruction of life, real and immovable property, injuries, disruption of livelihood, and refugee maintenance costs from 1919-1923, destroyed and desecrated cultural heritage, lost revenues from natural resources and transit rights, stolen property, not included in the 1919 Paris Claim, costs of continued discrimination, oppression and persecution of Armenians in Turkey, as well as projected revenues from known natural resources (minerals, hydrocarbons) and continued costs to

Armenia of blockade and lack of access to the sea. These are the damages proximately, foreseeably and intentionally caused to the Armenians post-1919 by the failure to fairly and promptly deal with the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide. • Reversible Harm includes restoration of homeland and other rights. In line with the approach adopted during the 1919 peace negotiations, land and the associated property were deemed in-kind compensation for monetized losses, and vice versa; thus, as reflected in the bar chart above, restoration of homeland and property reduces irreversible harm. Reversible Harm includes land, property and other rights, such as, end of denial, right to truth, apology, Genocide education in Turkey restoration of Armenian place and cultural site names restoration of Church and private property to rightful owners access to the sea transport and trade routes free ports rights of way for rail lines and highways, pipelines, electric and telecom preservation ancestral shrines and cultural heritage cultural site access and custodianship and tourism rights mineral and hydrocarbons (on and off shore) water resources (including electric generation and agricultural uses) arable lands and temperate growing zones biodiversity maintained and developed by Armenians demilitarized security zones

+++ Paris Peace Conference Armenian Homeland (February 1919) + + Paris Wilsonian Armenia (November 1920) + Republic of Armenia (June 1919) Republic of Armenia and Artsakh (NKR) (2015) • Turkey was the perpetrator of the Armenian Genocide along with the Kurds. The Turks are the chief beneficiary and main cause of delay in proper redress of the crime. • Germany, Turkey's WWI ally, was complicit in the planning and execution of the Armenian Genocide and failed to intervene. Austro-Hungary was Germany and Turkey's WWI ally and failed to intervene.

• Russia, England, France, Italy and the US, each contributed to the conditions that caused the Armenian Genocide, failed to intervene, and later traded off proper resolution of the Armenian Genocide for their own economic or geopolitical interests at the expense of continued devastation of Armenia and destruction of the Armenian people and culture. • Israel, along with England and the US, have benefited from delaying recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a facilitating factor and leverage in trade, investment, military and geopolitical deals with Turkey at the expense of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. • Although Turkey, the Kurds and Germany caused most of the direct harm and/or derived immediate benefits from the Armenian Genocide, while England, the US, France and Russia derived collateral benefits, the later delay damages were mostly due to the US, England and Israel.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


Open Letter to the New York Times Editor Erdogan Spits on The New York Times and The American Ambassador I am not an historian. However, as an Armenian-American writer and columnist, and a descendant of genocide survivors, I live the pain every day, when I see that even today, on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, ethnic cleansing is still being conducted on this earth, whether it’s in Africa or in the Middle East. It continues, because the whole world silently passed over the first genocide of the 20th century, the one committed against the Armenian People by Ottoman Turkey. Yes, there were governments which subsequently condemned the Armenian Genocide. And now, on its centennial, from St. Peter’s Basilica of Vatican City, we heard the resounding reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, by Pope Francis himself. American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, with his own eyewitness testimony, has written of the Armenian Genocide in his memoirs. Also, The New York Times had written daily about the deportation and genocide of the Armenians as it was being implemented by the Ottoman Turkish government. Today, on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan not only denies the Genocide, but derisively asks ... “Where is your documentary evidence?” Is it possible that Erdogan is unaware of Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s writings? Is it possible that Erdogan is unaware of the daily reports in the New York Times of the heart-rending crimes, of the Genocide? Is it possible that Erdogan is unaware of Arnold Toynbee’s, or of hundreds of European and American historians’, or military men’s eyewitness accounts? We don’t think so. Yet he still comes forth to publicly spit on The New York Times’s documentary evidence, and on the memoirs of the American Ambassador to Ottoman Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, which even today, 100 years later, resonate loudly. Erdogan cannot bury the truth that, like the sun, releases its rays from the pages of History. Nevertheless, by all appearances, his capabilities are limited to only spitting. Nahabed Melkonian

April 24 Declared As Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day In New York New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has signed a proclamation declaring April 24, 2015 as the Armenian Remembrance Day to honor the victims of the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian National Committee of America reported. “We honor the memories of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and pay tribute to the survivors, especially those who have established roots in New York, where new generation of Armenian Americans continues to thrive,” the document reads.

LA Mayor: In Los Angeles We Accept Armenian Genocide More than 3,000 parishioners, religious leaders and officials gathered at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels Tuesday evening for an ecumenical prayer service commemorating the Armenian Genocide Centennial. The service was hosted by Roman Catholic Archbishop Jose Gomez. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was a keynote speaker at the ceremony. “This space here in this city is a territory that is neutral where we can put down divisions and speak the truth that a genocide occurred, that 1.5 million souls were erased from this earth,” he said. “We have a responsibility to make sure that everyone on this earth recognizes that.”

Armenian Genocide Losses... Cont. from p. 20

The allocation percentages reflect some of this shift in benefits over time. • The total cost of reversing the reversible and compensating for the irreversible harm, even with minimal land restoration, is approximately $3 trillion (USD). If paid in installments over a period of years, it would not amount to more than

a miniscule fraction of the annual GDP of any of the perpetrators and beneficiaries of the Armenian Genocide and could be funded for the most part out of future cash streams. Extracted from Armeniangenocidelosses.com

New Street Photography Book Chronicles The Legacy Of Bourj Hammoud Neighborhood Became Home To Thousands of Armenian Genocide Survivors

On the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial and the 40th anniversary of the start of the Lebanese Civil War, filmmaker and documentarian Ara Madzounian is releasing a book of original photographs that chronicles Bourj Hammoud, the Beirut suburb which became home for Armenian Genocide survivors. Madzounian, who was born in Bourj Hammoud to parents who survived the Armenian Genocide, has been at the helm of scores of Armenian and non-Armenian multimedia projects around the world. His resume includes directing films, documentaries, producing popular music and telethons and performing theatrical productions. BIRD’S NEST is the culmination of Madzounian’s laborious and emotion-provoking work to capture the soul and preserve the memories of his birthplace, one of the first post-Genocide communities to be

established. For generations, Bourj Hammoud was the safe harbor that allowed broken families to get on their feet again after one of the most tragic chapters in their history. In the safety of Lebanon, the community flourished before it abruptly found itself in the middle of their host nation’s civil war. The survivors of the Armenian Genocide and their progeny were once again victimized when Lebanese brothers took up arms against one another. Many residents of the Armenian enclave of Bourj Hammoud were killed and injured; others were forced to leave their homes as they had during the Genocide. Ara’s photographs of the faces, the streets, the old buildings and the narrow alleyways of Bourj Hammoud recall all of the richness of the place, the personal histories and the grand narratives of the past hundred years.

Germany And The Genocide Witness, Accomplice or Perpetrator? By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach Berlin - While in Turkey institutions a good hundred years after the fact are still inventing ways to deny that their predecessors in the Ottoman Empire perpetrated a genocide against the Armenians, in Germany efforts are afoot to explore its role, as Turkey’s wartime ally, in the extermination campaign. Among the numerous events organized throughout the country to commemorate the centenary was an international conference March 1-3, focusing on the role of the German empire. Cosponsored by the Lepsiushaus in Potsdam and the German Historical Museum in Berlin, the gathering brought historians and academics together to examine the relationship between Imperial Germany and the Young Turk regime. Although last year the German History Museum included the Armenian Genocide in a centennial exhibition on the outbreak of World War I, and the Lepsiushaus hosted a conference on its namesake, Johannes Lepsius, as “a German exception” in 2012, this was the first time that the issue of Germany’s role has been featured in the country. Such an event would have been unthinkable 15 years ago. As Ronald G. Suny of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, noted, in the interim period serious researchers no longer deal with the question, whether or not a genocide occurred, but rather how. A key factor in this matter in Germany has been the circulation of the documents relating to the Armenian question contained in the wartime archives of the German Foreign Ministry. Martin Kröger, from the Political Archive in Berlin, presented the history of this most impor-

tant state source, which includes hierarchically ordered reports organized in folders by country name and numbers. The relevant documents here are registered under “Turkey 183” and contain 20 thick volumes relative to the years 1915-1920. Although the complete documents on the Armenian question have not been published — which represents a “gap” as Kröger put it — there does exist what Lepsius himself issued, and the edition by Wolfgang Gust, which corrects and completes the former, and includes source references. Gust’s massive work was published in book form in German in 2005, and since then has become available online on his website www.armenocide.net. The book has also appeared in English. With such valuable source material readily accessible, scholars have been thrashing out the crucial questions as to what the Germans knew and how they responded.

Eiffel Tower Lights To Switch Off For Armenian Genocide Victims Eiffel Towel lights will be turned off on April 24 in memory of the Armenian Genocide victims, Armenia’s embassy in France reports. According to the Mayor’s decision, on the Armenian Genocide Centennial Day at 22:00 (midnight Yerevan time) Eiffel Tower lights will be partly turned off, this symbolizing the tribute to the Armenian Genocide victims. news.am

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


Lost In Translation By Christopher Yemenidjian Among the first Armenians who immigrated to the United States and the succeeding generations of Armenian-Ameri cans, there have been phrases, terminologies, mannerisms, and behaviors that hold distinctly different meanings from those of non-Armenians. My non-Armenian friends have slowly learned the difference between Pacific Standard Time and Armenian time. They have seen our tables filled with food and wondered if more would be joining us. We aren’t the most straight-forward group of people, and we require a bit of conditioning to be properly understood. This series is intended to provide the necessary insight into how Armenians think, act, and operate, a means of bridging the gap between ourselves and our non-Armenian counterparts. Disclaimer: The notes below are based on real-life experiences. They are not intended to insult, disparage, or disrespect Armenians or non-Armenians in any way, shape, or form. They may not reflect the views of every Armenian, and are not intended to do so. This piece is purely written for entertainment purposes. “I will be there in 15 minutes” Ordinary Meaning: I am about 10 – 20 minutes away. Armenians: I am just now about to get in my car and should be there within an hour or two. “My dream is a small intimate wedding” Ordinary Meaning: Similar to an elopement with less than 100 people (being generous). Armenians: At least 300 people, and you just broke your mother’s heart because now she can’t invite this couple whom you have never met. However, the couple invited your parents to their daughter’s wedding 8 years ago, and are therefore obligated to send them a wedding invitation. Not to do so is considered an insult of epic proportions. How to greet distant relatives Ordinary way: With a handshake and a verbal greeting. Armenians: Calculate the age and degree of consanguinity or affinity. Then select from the following list: handshake, a nod of the head, hug, or kiss on the cheek. If it is a kiss on the cheek, you must determine who will be the first to lean in. A slight miscalculation and you are left in an awkward position, and run the risk of offending your relative. A weekend barbecue Ordinary Meaning: Hamburgers and hot dogs, and maybe a salad, properly apportioned to the number of guests. Armenians: Beef Kebab, Chicken Kebab, Hummus, Lebne, Tabouleh, Fattoush, Rice, Basterma, Baba Ghanoush, Grilled Veggies, and a few other dishes that vary from house to house. Apportioned to feed about 3 villages in a 3rd world country for multiple days. The Mother from “Everybody Loves Raymond” Ordinary Meaning: An overbearing, pain in your butt woman who does not exist. Armenians: A mellow, toned down version of our mother or mother-in-law. Christopher Yemenidjian graduated with a degree in Rhetoric from U.C. Berkeley and is currently a law student in Portland, Oregon. He spends his free time playing video games, watching movies, and driving his family crazy. He’s had vegan powers for the past four years and counting.

International Association Of Genocide Scholars To Turkish President Erdogan: We are writing you this open letter in response to your call for an “impartial study by historians” concerning the fate of the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. We represent the major body of scholars who study genocide in North America and Europe. We are concerned that in calling for an impartial study of the Armenian Genocide you may not be fully aware of the extent of the scholarly and intellectual record on the Armenian Genocide and how this event conforms to the definition of the United Nations Genocide Convention. We want to underscore that it is not just Armenians who are affirming the Armenian Genocide but it is hundreds of independent scholars, who have no affiliations with governments, and whose work spans many countries and nationalities and the course of decades. The scholarly evidence reveals the following: On April 24, 1915, under cover of World War I, the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire began a systematic genocide of its Armenian citizens – an unarmed Christian population. More than a million Armenians were exterminated through direct killing, starvation, torture, and forced death marches. Another million fled into permanent exile. Thus an ancient civilization was expunged from its homeland. The Armenian Genocide was the most well-known human rights issue of its time and was reported regularly in newspapers across the United States and Europe. The Armenian Genocide is abundantly documented by thousands of official records of the United States and nations around the world including Turkey’s wartime allies Germany, Austria and Hungary, by Ottoman courtmartial records, by eyewitness accounts of missionaries and diplomats, by the testimony of survivors, and by decades of historical scholarship. The Armenian Genocide is corroborated by the international scholarly, legal, and human rights community: 1) Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, when he coined the term genocide in 1944, cited the Turkish extermination of the Armenians and the Nazi extermination of the Jews as defining examples of what he meant by genocide. 2) The killings of the Armenians is genocide as defined by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punish-

ment of the Crime of Genocide. 3) In 1997 the International Association of Genocide Scholars, an organization of the world’s foremost experts on genocide, unanimously passed a formal resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide. 4) 126 leading scholars of the Holocaust including Elie Wiesel and Yehuda Bauer placed a statement in the New York Times in June 2000 declaring the “incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide” and urging western democracies to acknowledge it. 5) The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide (Jerusalem), the Institute for the Study of Genocide (NYC) has affirmed the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide. 6) Leading texts in the international law of genocide such as William A. Schabas’s Genocide in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2000) cite the Armenian Genocide as a precursor to the Holocaust and as a precedent for the law on crimes against humanity. We note that there may be differing interpretations of genocide - how and why the Armenian Genocide happened, but to deny its factual and moral reality as genocide is not to engage in scholarship but in propaganda and efforts to absolve the perpetrator, blame the victims, and erase the ethical meaning of this history. We would also note that scholars who advise your government and who are affiliated in other ways with your state-controlled institutions are not impartial. Such so-called “scholars” work to serve the agenda of historical and moral obfuscation when they advise you and the Turkish Parliament on how to deny the Armenian Genocide. We believe that it is clearly in the interest of the Turkish people and their future as a proud and equal participant in international, democratic discourse to acknowledge the responsibility of a previous government for the genocide of the Armenian people, just as the German government and people have done in the case of the Holocaust. Sincerely, Robert Melson Professor of Political Science President, International Association of Genocide Scholars

The Case For Self-Reconciliation We live in a time when money, opportunity and position are bestowed upon those who enter academia or careers under the rubric of “conflict resolution,” also known as “reconciliation.” A more fitting name is the “Reconciliation–Industrial Complex,” or RIC. Like the better-known term, “Military–Industrial Complex,” RIC refers to the overlapping aims and financial relationships that exist among government officials, powerful legislators, lobbyists, NGOs, think tanks, academia, media and creative fields, and the industries and corporations that support them. These parties provide funding and other support for government programs, public and private policy initiatives, salaried positions, grants, and political access that will serve their selfish interests rather than the needs of the general citizenry. Quite often, Armenians whose livelihoods depend on RIC ridicule or dismiss as “unrealistic,” “immature,” or “living in a fantasy world” those critics who advise against indiscriminately embracing so-called reconciliation initiatives without making absolutely clear that genuine Armenian goals include genocide acknowledgment, reparations and restitution from Turkey. Among the Armenian organizations that receive funding from Western interests and governments who themselves have agendas that may not agree with the Armenian national interest are the Caucasus Institute of Yerevan; the Civil Society Institute of Yerevan; the Civilitas Foundation; the Eurasia Partnership Foundation; the Golden Apricot Film Festival; the Hrant Dink Foundation; the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation; the Regional Studies Centre; and the Yerevan Press Club. The pro-RIC interests who fund these Armenian organizations include: European Union; Council of Europe; British Embassy in Yerevan; U.S. Embassy in Armenia; U.S. Embassy of Azerbaijan; Honorary Consulate of Israel to Armenia; Embassy of Germany to Armenia; Kingdom of the Netherlands; U.S. Department of State; U.S Agency for International Development (USAID); Open Society Institute; Open Society Foundation-Turkey; Eurasia Foundation; Global Dialogue Foundation; Heinrich Boll Foundation; Goethe Institute; Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom; Enka Construction Company of Turkey; Turkey-Armenian Fellowship Scheme; and Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV). How do we know that these pro-RIC Western interests are sincere if they and/or their governments will not even acknowledge the Armenian genocide, let alone approve of restitution of any

kind? For example, a top member of the American Jewish Committee -- which works against Armenian genocide recognition and backs Israeli military and political support of Azerbaijan -- sits on the honorary board of the Civilitas Foundation. Given the strategy of the West (i.e. the U.S., Europe, and NATO) to use Turkey to penetrate the Caucasus and Central Asia, and use Armenia as a doormat, their grants to Armenian organizations should be viewed with considerable skepticism. Ironically, there are Armenians who sermonize about forging friendships with, and exercising forbearance towards, Turks but who will not, in practice, extend that very same courtesy to their fellow Armenians. Given the severity of Turkish barbarism that was unleashed upon the Armenian people before, during, and after the Genocide, it is paradoxical that Armenian reconciliationists seem willing to cooperate with Turks in a way that they are not willing to do with their own compatriots. There are Armenians in the RIC camp who lack a brotherly attitude towards those Armenians who view so-called reconciliation efforts with skepticism. There is also no shortage of Armenians who hold grudges because of disagreements with fellow Armenians. And it is unfortunately common to encounter Armenians who envy, demean and hinder the efforts of, other Armenians. Such opponents could discuss their differences, empathize, agree to coexist, cooperate, or make amends. But then, should not understanding go both ways? Should not Armenian critics of so-called reconciliation try to find common ground with Armenian reconciliationists? This is difficult to accomplish if conflicts – whether intra- or inter-ethnic – are not dealt with and resolved but are instead swept under the carpet. Thus, we are left with pleas to “be nice to each other,” but not to discuss anything considered contentious. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. But, is it informed opinion? As evidenced by who funds “reconciliation” initiatives, misinformation can skew our opinions. For example, how many well-meaning reconciliationists are aware that many of the funders do not recognize the Armenian genocide and are, in fact, pro-Turkey and pro-Azerbaijan? Because the passage of years can soften people’s judgments of a heinous crime, time is on the side of the perpetrator. Thus, the perpetrating side’s stonewalling may be rewarded with forgetfulCont. on p.23

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


The Armenian Genocide-A New Way To Commemorate. The Economist economist.com: IN THE early 20th century, concern for the fate of the Armenians was often presented in the Western world as a matter of inter-Christian solidarity. If you were an American Protestant church-goers, you probably heard sermons about the suffering endured by your co-religionists in the Near and Middle East. American missionaries were by that time well-established in the Ottoman lands, tending to the education and welfare of Christian communities in far-flung places. American and other missionaries were crucial witnesses of the terrible fate that was meted out to well over a million Armenians starting in the spring of 1915: a mass "deportation" in which most did not survive, whether they died of heat, hunger, exhaustion or were killed outright. In places ranging from Syria to Transcaucasia, missionaries succored those whose did somehow live through the experience, and

LORDDARZI Like its secrets, the British Establishment holds its members close. Rarely is an outsider welcomed in. The chances of an Armenian boy from Baghdad making it are pretty much zero. Yet, this is what Ara, now Lord, Darzi has done. Darzi is the most prominent Armenian in Britain. He is an acclaimed surgeon who has pioneered keyhole surgery that has saved the lives of countless patients around the world and also spared them invasive surgery. He has also served as a government health minister and become a as a government health minister and become a member of the House of Lords. As a Privy Councilor, he is one of the Queen’s closest advisers. He is also a fellow of the Royal Society, the oldest and most prestigious scientific academy. He was knighted by the Queen for services to medicine and surgery in 2002, when he was just 42. He has not only been welcomed into the British Establishment, but he has also helped it to survive – literally, in one case. One day, while making a speech in the House of Lords in his capacity as a government health minister, a colleague peer, Lord Brennan, collapsed after suffering a heart attack. Using mouth to mouth, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and a defibrillator, Darzi saved his life on the floor of the chamber. “I remember seeing John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, who was also in the chamber that day, praying for the life of the man," Darzi recalls. "After I got his heart beating again with the defibrillator, I said to Sentamu: ‘Archbishop, I think I beat you.’ Sentamu, paused, smiled, looked up and said: ‘I think we did it together’.” Darzi learnt how to save lives in Ireland. It was there, at the Royal College of Surgeons and Trinity College, in Dublin, that he did his medical training and later a Ph.D. It was also in Dublin that he picked up his nickname. “Ara is similar to the

made sure that orphans were fed, educated and given a new life. Money for this cause was raised in American churches. In devout American households, a child who ate poorly would be told to "think of the hungry Armenians" and be more grateful. In New York today, an initiative was launched to honor the dead and celebrate survivors in ways that far transcend the bounds of any one religion or ethnic group. Two businessmen of Armenian origin, one Russian and one American, teamed up with a scholar and philanthropist, Vartan Gregorian, head of the Carnegie Corporation, to come up with a response to the dreadful events of 1915 that goes beyond lamenting the victims of genocide or demanding recompense. One aim of the 100 Lives project is to uncover stories of "survivors and saviors", in other words cases where an individual or family lived through the horrors thanks to courageous helpers. Ruben Vardanyan, a co-founder who also built up the Russian investment bank Troika Dialog, said his grandfather was saved and schooled by American missionaries; his ArmenianAmerican partner, Noubar Afeyan, a biotech entrepreneur, recalls that his grandfather was spared from execution thanks to the intervention of German

common Irish first name ‘Dara.’ Darzi is like the very common Irish surname ‘Darcy.’ So, people started calling me Dara Darcy the dark Paddy,” he laughs. The “dark” comes from his Armenian heritage and a boyhood spent in Baghdad. His family originally hails from the town of Erzrum in Turkey. His father’s grandfather, Tatyos Shiroian, and his wife, Elbiz Shiroian, had four sons and a daughter. Tatyos

officers who were building a Berlin-Baghdad railway for their Turkish allies. But in some cases, the "saviors" might turn out to be a Muslim Turkish or Kurdish family who hid an Armenian family at risk to themselves. A second part of the project will establish a prize for people in any part of the world who take risks to help others survive, from health workers braving an epidemic to human-rights campaigners in a zone of war or oppression. An Aurora prize of $1m will be awarded annually to one individual, who will then be invited to pass the money on to an organization that is doing inspiring work. Selectors will include Elie Wiesel, a Nobel prize laureate and Holocaust survivor, Mary Robinson, a former Irish president and UN human-rights commissioner, and George Clooney, an actor and human-rights campaigner. There are, of course, lots of initiatives that aim to investigate and denounce genocide; and plenty of efforts to recognize those who have courageously saved human lives, either recently or long ago. This is a proposal to serve all those purposes, with no regard for the religion or race of the savior or the saved.

that we had to move on again. The first Gulf war was looming. I remember my father saying: 'The kids need to get out of here.’" Ireland beckoned. He was just 17. His sister, Vilma, followed. Warkes and Dickie ended up in London, where they were naturalized and still live today. As a child, Darzi and his family commemorated the anniversary of the Geno-

and equipment for training. I've also run some training courses for Armenia. I've brought doctors here to London to do their research and clinical training.” Armenia will never really flourish, he argues, “Unless we develop the capacity and keep the people in Armenia. We Armenians all have a role to pay to create better governance, political stability, economic stability. That’s what we should spend the next 100 years doing.” The story is verified by the 100 LIIVESS Research Team Cont. from p.22

and his sons were executed by Ottoman forces during the Genocide. Elbiz and her daughter, Arevalous, Lord Darzi’s father’s mother, were the family’s only survivors. “They walked barefoot for weeks from Erzrum to northern Iraq and ended up in Mosul in Iraq, thanks to the help of a friend of my father’s grandfather,” Darzi recalls. “My father, Warkes, was born there in February 1930. He met and married my mother, Dickie, who was born in Baghdad, in 1935. I was born in Baghadad in 1960," he says. In Baghdad he also learnt about his homeland. “Even though I had never been to Armenia, I grew up feeling Armenian. We attended Armenian mass. I was a choirboy. I learnt Armenian. I spoke it at home. I still speak it to my parents and my sister.” After finishing his studies at Baghdad College, his father’s alma mater, he soon realized that he would have to leave his country of birth. “We were refugees. We had thrived in Iraq. But it was quite clear

cide. “We prayed in church around the time and my family and friends gathered. We talked about it.” One hundred years after the Genocide, he wonders “whether, sometimes, we overdo the past. I think we should get over the grief and look forward, rather than keep looking backwards. For Armenia as a nation and for the Diaspora, there have been a lot of success stories. We should not forget the past. We should acknowledge the past but we should also move on.” He is leading by example. Through the Institute of Global Health Innovation, which he chairs at Imperial College London, he is helping to design healthcare systems globally, including contributions he has made in Armenia. “There are big challenges to address. How to tackle the burden of disease. You know, Armenia has one of the worst life expectancies. On three occasions I preformed keyhole surgery in Yerevan. I've given hospitals there some surgical kits

ness. Meaningful Armenian action, therefore, must be taken in the present and not in some vague future. It is supremely important that Armenian reconciliationists refrain from signing away Armenian rights to reparations and the restitution of Western Armenia. They should drop their minimalist “all we want is an acknowledgment or apology” plea. There really is no such thing as TurkishArmenian “reconciliation.” The word means a resumption of intimate relations after a breach. This does not describe the relations Turks had with Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. The word better describes how we Armenians could and should unite to reach our greatest national potential. Today, the internal strangulation of our people in Armenia at the hands of corrupt government officials continues. How long will the global Armenian nation – including Diasporan organizations who silently condone the actions of the current regime - tolerate the annihilation of what is left of Armenia? If we wish to survive as a nation and see the continued moral, spiritual, and material progress of Armenia and Armenians, true reconciliation with one another on the eve of our genocide centenary must begin now. In the words of poet-activist Yeghishe Charents, “O, Armenian people, your only salvation is in the power of your unity.” From Keghart Editorial

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 23, 2015


Turkey’s Century Of Denial About An Armenian Genocide By Tim Arango

100 Years Later, a Genocide Haunts the Armenian Psyche For surviving Armenians and their descendants, the genocide by Ottoman Turks became a central marker of their identity, the psychic wounds passed through generations. CUNGUS, Turkey — The crumbling stone monastery, built into the hillside, stands as a forlorn monument to an awful past. So, too, does the decaying church on the other side of this mountain village. Farther out, a crevice is sliced into the earth, so deep that peering into it, one sees only blackness. Haunting for its history, it was there that a century ago, an untold number of Armenians were tossed to their deaths. “They threw them in that hole, all the men,” said Vahit Sahin, 78, sitting at a cafe in the center of the village, reciting the stories that have passed through generations. Mr. Sahin turned in his chair and pointed toward the monastery. “That side was Armenian.” He turned back. “This side was Muslim. At first, they were really friendly with each other.” A hundred years ago, amid the upheaval of World War I, this village and countless others across eastern Anatolia became killing fields as the desperate leadership of the Ottoman Empire, having lost the Balkans and facing the prospect of losing its Arab territories as well, saw a threat closer to home. Worried that the Christian Armenian population was planning to align with Russia, a primary enemy of the Ottoman Turks, officials embarked on what historians have called the first genocide of the 20th century: Nearly 1.5 million Armenians were killed, some in massacres like the one here, others in forced marches to the Syrian Desert that left them starved to death. The genocide was the greatest atrocity of the Great War. It also remains that conflict’s most bitterly contested legacy, having been met by the Turkish authorities with 100 years of silence and denial. For surviving Armenians and their descendants, the genocide became a central marker of their identity, the psychic wounds passed through generations. The 100th anniversary will be commemorated on April 24, the date the Ottomans rounded up a group of Armenian notables in Istanbul in 1915 as the first step in what historians now agree was a wider plan of annihilation. The Turkish government acknowledges that atrocities were committed, but says they happened in wartime, when plenty of other people were dying. Officials stoutly deny there was ever any plan to systematically wipe out the Armenian population — the commonly accepted definition of genocide. Ankara is not participating in any of the memorials, nor does it appear ready to meet Armenian demands for an apology. Instead, on the same day of the genocide anniversary, the Turkish authorities scheduled a centennial commemoration of the Battle of Gallipoli, an event that helped lay the foundation of modern Turkish identity. Yet as the anniversary has drawn near, the situation has fallen back into well-established patterns: Turkish denial, Armenian anger and little sign of reconciliation. In a country defined by its divisions, between the secular and the religious, rich and poor, liberal and conservative, the legacy of the Armenian genocide is a unifying issue for Turks. A recent poll conducted by the Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, an Istanbul research organization, found that only 9 percent of Turks thought the government should label the atrocities a

genocide and apologize for them. Turkey’s ossified position, so at odds with the historical scholarship, is a legacy of how the Turkish republic was established after World War I. Under its founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, society here underwent a process of Turkification: a feat of social engineering based on an erasure of the past and the denial of a multi-ethnic history. The Armenian massacres were wiped from the country’s history, only to emerge for ordinary Turks in the 1970s after an Armenian terrorist campaign against Turkish diplomats. Even now, Turkish textbooks describe the Armenians as traitors, call the Armenian genocide a lie and say that the Ottoman Turks took “necessary measures” to counter Armenian separatism. A room at the Istanbul Military Museum is devoted to the suffering of Muslims at the hands of Armenian militants. “There clearly were Armenian revolutionaries and rebels who were intending to side with Russia,” said Thomas de Waal, a historian with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who recently wrote a book on the genocide titled “The Great Catastrophe.” “This is a case of punishing the whole for the perceived disloyalty of a few.” Mr. de Waal described the genocide as “collective punishment on a mass scale.” Many of the leaders of the new Turkish republic were primary architects of the genocide, and some grew rich off the confiscation of Armenian properties. “It’s not easy for a nation to call its founding fathers murderers and thieves,” said Taner Akcam, a prominent Turkish historian of the genocide. The Turkish government, in the run-up to the anniversary, has reverted to the position that the matter should be subject to further study by historians, sponsoring a website called lethistorydecide.org. Armenians regard this as an insult and a diversion, because it suggests that the historical record is unsettled. The facts, though, have been documented through a century of scholarship, relying on Ottoman archives, testimony in trials that were briefly carried out in Istanbul under Allied occupation after World War I, and witness accounts from the time. “It is wrong to claim that there is a historical dispute,” Mr. de Waal said. “The historical facts are well established.” The facts were also largely known as the events were unfolding. A New York Times headline from Aug. 18, 1915, blared,

“Armenians Are Sent to Perish in Desert.” A headline from December read, “Million Armenians Killed or in Exile.” Even then, though, the Turks were setting down the language of denial. A Turk, in a letter to the editor published in The Times in October 1915, wrote of “so-called” Armenian massacres. It is the same description of the slaughter used today by pro-government newspapers in Turkey. The legacy of the genocide has also long figured in American politics, through the lobbying efforts of Armenian organizations in the United States who for decades have pushed for recognition of the genocide. Presidential candidates, including Barack Obama, have used the word “genocide” on the campaign trail. But no sitting president has uttered it, for fear of disrupting American relations with Turkey. With the coming anniversary, Mr. Obama is coming under added pressure to use the word “genocide” during his customary, annual statement April 24. That Pope Francis recently described the massacres as a Genocide adds to the pressure on Mr. Obama. Experts say Mr. Obama’s decision this year will be complicated by United States efforts to secure more cooperation from Turkey in the fight against the extremists of the Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, in Iraq and Syria. Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, who has joined with other lawmakers to introduce a resolution to recognize the genocide, said he was worried that the “fight against ISIS and the necessity of having Turkish support” would forestall attempts at genocide recognition. Here in the largely Kurdish southeast of Turkey, a different narrative — one of reconciliation, apology and an honest appraisal of a painful past — is playing out. The Kurds, said Cengiz Aktar, a Turkish writer who has challenged the official Turkish narrative on the issue, “were very much involved in the genocide.” “They were the killers,” he said. And now they are the ones intent on confronting history. In recent years, the local Kurdish authorities in Diyarbakir, in southeast Turkey, helped restore the Sourp Giragos Church, the largest Armenian church in the Middle East. It has since become a center for local Armenians, who were raised to believe they were Muslim and Kurdish and are only now rediscovering their family roots. “We are trying to pay back what we owe,” said Abdullah Demirbas, the former mayor of Diyarbakir’s old city. In the absence of a full reckoning with history, clashing narratives have defined separate collective memories. On a recent afternoon near the old monastery here, a Muslim woman spoke of “the awful things the Armenians did to the Muslims here,” and said she grew up hearing of stories about Armenians killing pregnant Muslim women in boiling vats of jam. A young schoolgirl standing nearby, Zisan Akmese, said that in class, they never hear of the Armenians. “They teach us about Gallipoli and the war of the Ottomans in Libya,” she said. At the cafe, as the men shared the stories of their community’s past that were told by their parents, one man raised an

issue that is linked to Turkey’s denial. Recognizing the genocide, he said, could lead to reparations or compensation for Armenian land taken by the Ottomans. The man told his friends not to tell a visiting reporter that “this was a non-Muslim area.” “They will come and take our land,” he said. Later, away from his friends, a 50-yearold man named Behcet Basibuyuk said that he was of Armenian descent and that his grandmother had survived the massacres and was taken in by a local Muslim family. Mr. Basibuyuk said he was proud of his heritage, even though he is often subject to slurs and insults. “One should not measure a person by his origins or religion, but by what kind of person he is,” he said. “But they don’t do that here.”

Official Presentation Of Geoffrey Roberson’s Book, “An Inconvenient Genocide. Who Now Remembers The Armenian?” In London In 2014 Geoffrey Robertson QC, a distinguished trial counsel, human rights advocate and United Nations judge, published a book entitled “An Inconvenient Genocide. Who Now Remembers the Armenians?” which in my opinion is the best book written on the legal aspect of the Armenian Genocide. On April 15 Robertson’s book was presented at the British Academy, London, to a distinguished audience. This was an important event included in the Armenian Genocide Centennial commemoration programme in the U.K. To make sure that the book was well publicised and professionally represented, Dr Armen Sarkissian had engaged the wellknown PR firm “MIDAS”. The event was attended by ambassadors, politicians, public figures, representatives of the UK Armenian organisations and journalists. Dr Armen Sarkissian introduced Geoffrey Robertson QC and stated that the author had spent many years studying the facts about the Armenian Genocide and publishing the result of his hard work in a volume entitled “An Inconvenient Genocide. Who Now Remembers the Armenians?” In his speech G. Robertson QC spoke about the circumstances and reasons that encouraged him to write about the Armenian Genocide. The aim of the book has been to prove to the world that beyond reasonable doubt the events in the 0ttoman Empire in 1915 constitute a crime against humanity and that is today known as genocide.After his speech Geoffrey Robertson answered questions.



INCO#U JOURQ KAÂAWAROUJIUNE K*OUXH PATMABANN:ROU QNNOUJ:AN |AN}N:L Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN FARZE |AKOB THR:AN Anzno[ møt 9 tarin;rh% Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune v.to[ jourq diuanagitouj;an ªgiuteº% patmakan farz;re patmabann;roun ]g;lou a®a=arkn h% or \aya. ke lsoui p;takan bar]rastiyan a\n pa,tøn;an;rou b;rnhn% oronq ;rdoua‘ ;n fauatarim mnal ir;nz \ørina‘ sout;roun ou k*a,.atin ambo[= a,.arfin al partadr;l% or endounin a\d sout;re% orphs bazar]ak y,martoujiun! Mart 18-in nman koc me era‘ h dar];al Jourqio\ na.agaf Ja\i' Hrto[an% our \i,;lh ;tq jh ªpat;raxmi tarin;roun Anatoloui fa\;re faxarauor mafm;takann;rou wnas faszouza‘ ;nº% ªoronz 'astajou[j;re ouninº ;u ªoronz famar fa\;rhn fa,iu pafan=;lou ,at ban ouninº% saka\n ir;nq ªa\d bolore orphs qa[aqakanouj;an gor‘iq c;n gor‘a‘;rº% a\l park;,tørhn k*es;n& ªM;r ar.iun;re baz ;nº% ªbolor 'astajou[j;re fos ;nº% ªdouq al bazhq ];r ar.iun;reº% ªpatmaghtn;r% irauaghtn;r pa,tøni koc;nq% jo[ anonq qnn;n ;u oro,;n irakanoujiuneº! A\s bolorhn ;tq a®anz fa\;lii mh= na\;lou% inqxinq t;sn;lou% f;gnakan arta\a\touj;amb me k*esh& ªBolor ;rkirn;rou mh= mhk a® mhk ptet;low% bolorin mh= al dram .a[zn;low% baro\akanh dours ararqn;r gor‘adr;low% Jourqio\ dhm oro,oumn;r a®n;l talow% oc mhk t;[ chq krnar fasnilº! :jh ou,adrouj;amb kardanq a\s ªcak;rtauorº parb;roujiune% piti t;sn;nq or esoua‘e orqan ba®aziørhn ,itak ;u ana®ark;li k;rpow ke famapatas.anh ir;nz^ a\sinqn jrqakan gor‘;lak;rpin% our bolor a\n ;rkirn;rou mh=% our oro,oumn;r k*a®nouin Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune fastato[% mhk a® mhk ptet;low% bolorin mh= al dram .a[zn;low% baro\akanh dours ararqn;r gor‘adr;low% :giptos ;u a\lour fa\kakan ar.iun;rn ou 'astajou[j;re 'yazn;l talow% patkan ;rkirn;rou f;t m;rj diuanagitakan \arab;roujiunn;re .x;lou \ank;rgow ;u m;rj niujakan m;‘ a®;utourn;rou fama]a\noujiunn;re =n=;lou spa®naliqn;row ;u mhk .øsqow ir;nz p;takan famak ouvi qa[aqakanoujiune i gor‘ dn;low% k*a,.atin wiv;zn;l Z;[aspanouj;an i npast iuraqanciur oro,oum ou =anq ke ja';n ir;nz ªbaro\akanh doursº ;u anmardka\in gor‘;laoyow ªt;[ fasnilº! >orqin mh= saka\n a\d bolor .orfrdarann;re mhk a® mhk kar;nal famox;lou ;u ir;nz t;sakhtin \armarzn;lou a,.atanqn;re% jh baro\akan ;u jh niujakan t;sakhth ir;nz wra\ ,at ‘anr k,®;lhn bazi% \a=o[ouj;an oro, \o\s men al c;n n;r,nc;r! Afa jh incou k*a,.atin patmabann;rou qnnarkman tanil farze% our ,at au;li diurin piti ella\ ªdram .a[zn;lowº grau;l anfat patmabann;re% qan ambo[= ;rkirn;rou .orfrdaran-

n;re% our ;rb;mn piti fandipin na;u baro\akan skxbounqi thr ou park;,t ;r;s'o.ann;roun% oronq ir;nz arvanapatououjiune dramow c;n waya®;r&&&! Afa patya®e% or famak jourq ka®awaroujiune ogi i b®in l‘oua‘ h Z;[aspanouj;an farze 'o.adr;l patmabann;rou qnnarkman! :jh kar;li ella\ a\s dauadrouj;an mh= n;rqa,;l fa\;roun% a\d ør watafambau ja,kinak ];®q a®a‘ piti par;n ir;nz npatakin fasa‘ ellalou fryouanqow! Saka\n t;sn;nq% jh inc ardiunq k*aknkal;n patmabann;rou qnnarkoumhn! Git;nq or ir;nq ardhn isk oro,a‘ ;u wy®a‘ ;n ardiunqe! Qani angamn;r lsoua‘ ;n Hrto[ani% Tauoutø[loui% Y;mil Cichqi% :ousou` Fallayø[loui ;u nmann;rou b;rnhn% ir;nz wy®akan arta\a\toujiunn;re jh ªir;nq am;n;uin Z;[aspanoujiun c;n gor‘a‘º% jh ªir;nz anz;ali patmoujiune ;[a‘ h mi,t maqourº% jh ªir;nq patya® me counin ;rb;q ir;nz anz;alhn amcnalouº% jh ªir;nz yakate mi,t baz ;[a‘ hº% jh ªa\s ªshøxthº Z;[aspanoujiun esoua‘ fa\kakan pndoumn;re bolorowin sout ;nº% ;ua\ln! :rb a\s h jourq p;takan a\r;roun wy®akan oro,oume% al inc ke mna\ patmabann;roun qnnark;lou&&&% ;rb ir;nq ardhn isk qnnarka‘ ou oro,a‘ ;n amhn ban% diurazn;low na;u patmabann;roun gor‘e&&&% oronz ke mna\ a®anz \ognouj;an wau;razn;l mia\n ir;nz (jrqakan t;sakhti) oro,oume&&& ou w;r=&&&! Hrto[ani ;rkrord a®arkoujiunn al a\n h% jh .orfrdarann;r ou anfat qa[aqakan gor‘icn;r phtq ch oro,;n jh Z;[aspanoujiun ;[a‘ h% a\l patmabann;re mia\n phtq h xba[in a\d farzow! Saka\n a\spisi a®arkoujiun eno[ Hrto[an% incphs ke famar]aki% jh inq^ ;u jh ir .orfrdarane wyi® ar]ak;l ;u es;l jh ªZ;[aspanoujiun ch ;[a‘% sout hº! Mijh inqn al qa[aqakan gor‘ic me ch#! Mijh ir .orfrdarann al .orfrdaran me ch#! Mijh ir;nq baza®ik a®an]na,norfoum oun;zo[ .orfrdaran ;u qa[aqakan gor‘i#c ;n% kar;nal oro,oumn;r ar]ak;lou&&&! Ou a\sphs .øsqow ou gor‘ow inqxinq fakaso[ na.& Hrto[an ir ambo[= yarpikoujiunn;row

k*i\na\ ir isk 'ora‘ 'osin mh=! Takauin 2009-in hr% our jourq patmouj;an kaya®i na.ord na.agaf :ousou` Fallayø[loun% .øsq;row ªAnqaran i ];®in oun;za‘ mhk milion 'astajou[j;rounº wra\ow% k*a®a=arkhr patmabann;roun \an]n;l Z;[aspanouj;an farzin qnnarkoume% orphsxi&&& ªZ;[aspanouj;an vapauhne dar];al ‘a\rhn sksi&&&º% our ;rb patmabann;rou \an]na.oumbe ckar;na\ \stak k;rpow 'ast;l% jh Z;[aspanoujiun kataroua‘ h% a\n at;n fa\kakan pndoumn;re ambo[=owin a[banoz piti n;touin&&&! Saka\n a\sphs .øsa‘ pafoun isk n;rqin wa. me k*anfangstaznhr xinq% qani or no\n at;n an ke xgou,aznhr p;toujiune% orphsxi ª\an]na.oumbi andamakzouj;an cfrauirouin a\npisi patmabann;r% oronq na.apa,aroua‘ mardik ;[a‘ ellanº! A\sinqn anxgou,ouj;amb jrqakan t;sakhtin faka®ak ;[o[ patmabann;r cfrauirouin \ankar‘&&& ;u kam kar‘ratip anfatn;r% oronq kar;li cella\ grau;l ªdram .a[zn;low&&&º% qani or a\d paraga\in krna\ stazouil yi,d faka®ake ;u ªjrqakan pndoumn;re ambo[=ouj;amb a[banoz ke n;touin&&&º! A\d wa.e ch#r mijh% or na.agaf Hrto[anin es;l piti tar% or ªM;nq ardhn oro,a‘ ;nq m;r patmabann;re&&&º! Jourqia ir bolor m;q;na\oujiunn;re i gor‘ dra‘ h Z;[aspanouj;an farze patmabann;rou qnnarkman kar;nal b;r;lou famar! Anor mh= h% or ke t;snh xinq ør ou gi,;r tan=o[ fa\kakan m[]auan=in lou‘oume! Saka\n fa\oujiune a\n astiyan miami#t h mijh% or ar;ui lo\sin phs t;san;li ou anf;rq;li Z;[aspanouj;an irakanoujiune kaska‘i tak a®nh ;u patmabann;roun f;t qnnarkman anzni% orphsxi ªZ;[aspanouj;an vapauhne dar];al ‘a\rh#n sksi&&&º! A\sør Miaz;al Nafangn;rou 43 nafangn;r ;u a,.arfi 24 ;rkirn;r a®au;l øtar ;u fa\ gro[n;r ou patmabann;r wau;razouza‘ ;n Z;[aspanouj;an irakanoujiune! Inc es;l manauand tasn;akn;row jourq patmabann;roun% gro[n;roun% mtauorakann;roun% lragro[n;roun% qa[aqakan gor‘icn;roun% oronq ar.iun;rhn fanoua‘ 'astajou[j;row ;u Z;[aspanoujiun kaxmak;rpic n;-

roun% manauand Jalaajin gra‘ ga[tni namakn;roun baza\a\toumn;row ;u Z;[aspanoujiune apra‘ faxarauor tariqauorn;rou wka\oujiunn;row ou 'ast;row% oc mia\n ke fastat;n ou k*endounin Z;[aspanouj;an irakanoujiune% a\l ke qnnadat;n ou ke m;[adr;n ir;nz jourq ka®awaroujiune% or qa=oujiunn ou park;,toujiune couni a®;r;sou;lou ir patmouj;an f;t% endoun;lou ir gor‘a‘ oyirn;re% a\l ke ,arounakh ir ourazoumi amøjali qa[aqakanoujiune! Takauin ke t;sn;nq jrqakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r ou kousakzoujiunn;r% oronq koc k*ou[[;n ir;nz ka®awarouj;an% or endouni Z;[aspanoujiune ;u n;ro[oujiun .ndrh fa\;rhn! Jrqakan ka®awaroujiune mi,t qnnadata‘ h fa\ jh øtar bolor patmabann;re% lragro[n;re% gro[n;re% qa[aqakan gor‘icn;re% ;rkirn;rou .orfrdarann;re% oronq ke datapart;n Jourqian Z;[aspanoujiune ouranaloun famar% j,namoujiun t;sn;low anonz qnnadatoujiunn;roun mh=! Saka\n l®oujiun ke pafh ir axgakizn;re ;[o[ bolor a\d jourq patmabann;roun ou gro[n;roun nkatmamb! Fos kar;li h mi=ank;al es;l% or ;jh kaska‘;li kht me ;[a‘ ellar Z;[aspanouj;an pndoumn;roun mh=% anpa\manørhn piti gtnouhin oro, fa\;r% oronq kaska‘ piti \a\tnhin Z;[aspanouj;an farzow! Saka\n kar;li# h gtn;l fa\ me% or kaska‘ \a\tna‘ ella\ Z;[aspanouj;an fandhp! Oc! Qani or iuraqanciur fa\ ir morjin wra\ h% or ke xga\ anor zaun ou f;t;uanqn;re% takauin 100 tari ;tq isk! Isk ;rb ke t;sn;nq faxarauor jourq;r% patmabann;rhn% gro[n;rhn% lragro[n;rhn minc;u vo[owrda\in .au;re% oronq 'astajou[j;row ou wka\oujiunn;row ke n;rka\azn;n Z;[aspanouj;an irakanoujiune% askh andin takauin incphs kar;li h ouranal% ;rb ardhn isk jourq;rn ;n wka\o[n;re&&&! Saka\n incou Hrto[an ;u ir arban;akn;re lou® ;n bolor a\s ªardaramitº% ba\z ir;nz famar ªdauayanº nkatouo[ a\d jourq;roun fandhp! Lou® ;n anor famar% or na. faka'astarkn;r counin anonz anf;rq;li 'ast;roun dimaz% ;rkrord^ anonz f;t l;xouak®oui mh= mtn;l c;n oux;r& qani or a\d piti n,anakhr au;li ar‘ar‘;l farze ;u a®ij tal% or au;li .orana\ Z;[aspanouj;an qnnarkoumn;re% oronq au;li piti baza\a\t;n ir;nz \anzagor‘oujiunn;re&&&! Lauago\n k;rpe piti ellar l®oujiun paf;l% a\d ªdauayanº jourq;roun fandhp ou ,arounak;l Z;[aspanouj;an farze patmabann;roun qnnarkman tan;lou ir;nz pndoume% apauin;low mia\n ou mia\n ir;nz ªOuvi qa[aqakanouj;anº! Kl;nmond% Niu :orq



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takan kar;uor ousoumnasiroujiunn;r! A\s ousoumnasiroujiunn;re a®ij k*en‘a\;n a\s farzow xba[o[ masnaghtn;roun \au;l;al a[biurn;rou øgtagor‘oumow% ;u baza\a\toumow% au;li .orazn;lou ir;nz akad;makan prptoumn;re ;u a\s ];uow nor lo\s s'®;lou mardka\in afauor o[b;rgouj;an me wra\% or axga\in% m,akouja\in% qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in baxmapisi f;t;uanqn;r oun;zau fa\ vo[owourdi k;anqin famar! Yi,d h or Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an patmagrouj;an paraga\in a\d a,.atanqe tara‘ ;n artasafmani mh= yanczoua‘ ;rhz dhmq;r% oronz wastake% prptoumn;re m;‘ ;u kar;uor auand me ke n;rka\azn;n m;r ardi patmagrouj;an mh=! Yi,d h na;u or fa\agitakan ;u patmagitakan karg me ampionn;r ouninq xanaxan famalsarann;rh n;rs% incphs na;u f;taxøtakan k;dronn;r! Saka\n Yi,d h na;u% or anonz gor‘ounhoujiune dvba.tabar .ars.oua‘ h anfat masnaghtn;rou nouiroumin ;u a,.atanqin wra\% ;u f;t;uabar ke ta®api safmana'ak niujakan mi=ozn;rou ;u masnaght mardouvi pakashn! Tarako\s cka\ jh fa\agitakan ;u patmagitakan a\d a,.atanqn;re kar;uor skixb me fandisazan anz;alin! A\d a,.atanqin l‘ou;zan s'iu®qi a®a=in s;roundi patmaghtn;re% oronq jh;u mati wra\ ke famrouin% a\soufand;r] m;‘ gitakzouj;amb ;u nouiroumow \a®a= m[;zin Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an

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me patrastouj;an i .ndir% farz ke ‘agi an,ou,t jh incpisi# ka®o\za\in møt;zoum me phtq h ord;gr;l% orphsxi \a=o[inq m;r mtadrouj;an ;u ‘ragr;al a®aq;louj;an mh=! Ardar;u% sa a®aq;loujiun men h% or kocoua‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ;u Fa\ Dati kapakzouj;amb mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqe krj;lou ;u .mor;lou^ fama\nakan ];uow enkaloua‘ ;u endounoua‘ ca'ani,;rou fiman wra\ a\n aknkalouj;amb% or nman a,.atanq me ir spasoua‘ ardiunqe kou ta\! A\d a,.atanqi a®a=atar tarr;re% fasknali k;rpow% na. ;u a®a= ‘noundow fa\ patmaghtn;re phtq h ellan% jh* artasafmani ;u jh* fa\r;niqi mh=% oronq oc mia\n m;r ma\r;ni l;xouow a\l tarb;r mi=axga\in l;xoun;row atak ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farzin patkano[ bolor ;r;sn;re ;u ;r;uo\jn;re parx;l mi=axga\in fanrouj;an! Inqnin a\s bard ou patas.anatou a,.atanq men h ou fasknali h% or fa\ patmaghtn;re ødin mh= a®an]inn ch% or k*aprin% a\l mas ke kaxm;n a\n m;‘% tara‘oun entaniqin% or patmagroujiun ke kocoui ;u or ke sni% ke farstana\ ou ke \a®a=dimh ba[kazouzic tarr;rou tara‘ a®an]naki ;u fauaqakan a, .atanqi xargazoumn;rhn! F;t;uabar% m;r nor s;roundi patmaghtn;rhn ke spasoui% or ir;nz masnagitouj;an j;ladra‘ ca'ani,;rhn ;ll;low amhn a®ijow% amhn b;m;rhn ]a\n a®n;n ;u mi=axga\in fanrouj;an parx;n Fa\ Dati ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an famamardka\in n,anakoujiune ;u taro[oujiune a\s ];uow gitakan a,.atanqe a®a= tan;lou safmanoua‘ =anqow me! Afa jh incou kar;uor ke da®na\ apaga\ fa\ patmaghtn;rou patrastouj;an farze^ axga\in mi=ozn;row! A\d axga\in mi=ozn;re krnan endgrk;l f;t;u;al qani me na.a];®noujiunn;re% ir;nz n;rka\ kam bar;lauoua‘ ];uin mh=! a& Fastat;l fa\agitouj;an ;u patmagitouj;an ‘aualoun krjajo,aki droujiun xinouoragr;lou famar famalsaranakan ousoumi fakoum oun;zo[ fa\ ;ritasardn;r ;u ;ritasardoufin;r% orphsxi anonq kar;nan a,.ar-

faf®cak or;uh famalsaranh n;rs ,arounak;l ir;nz patmagrakan ‘a[koume ;u xargazoume! b& Pa\managrouil go\oujiun oun;zo[ fa\ kam øtar f;taxøtakan fastatoujiunn;rou f;t% orphsxi anonz ka®o\zn;rhn n;rs a\d ;ritasard ouv;re a®ij oun;nan AÂANZ niujakan kam asparhxa\in mtafogoujiunn;rou% nouirou;lou ir;nz ousoumnasirouj;anz kam a,.atanqin^ bar]rago\n akad;makan gitouj;an ;u orakauoroumi fasn;lou famar! g& Øgtagor‘;l ;u xargazn;l s'iu®qi mh= go\oujiun oun;zo[ ;u fastatoua‘ ka®o\zn;rou karo[oujiunn;re% incpisin ;n% ørinaki famar% Ph\rouji Fa\kax;an Famalsarani Fa\agitakan bavine% W;n;tiki ;u Wi;nna\i M.ijar;an k;dronn;re% Fa\ Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an "arixi Noupar;an gradarane% Lontoni Komitas F;taxøtakan K;drone ;u mi=axga\in famalsarann;rh n;rs gor‘o[ fa\agitakan ampionn;re% orphsxi anonq w;ra‘ouin AKAD:MAKAN F:TAXØTOUJIUNN:ROU K:DRONN:ROU ir;nz wyarowi pa,tønhouj;amb% \atouk a,.atanqa\in ‘irow ;u ‘ragrow% incphs na;u fratarakcakan mi=ozn;row% da®nalou famar arf;stawarv mi=awa\r;r% our m;r ;ritasard patmaghtn;re a®ije ;u mi=ozn;re k*oun;nan f;taxøtoujiunn;r ;u ousoumnasiroujiunn;r en;lou% øtar l;xouow f;[inakoujiunn;r artadr;lou ;u a\s ];uow mi=axga\in f;[inakoujiun ];®q ]g;lou ir;nz masnagitouj;an marx;rhn n;rs! A\spisi ka®o\za\in lou‘oumi me npatake phtq ch ella\ mi qani an];rou ªapastanº gtn;l kam anonz an]nakan ;u asparhxa\in dvouaroujiunn;re lou‘;l% a\l phtq h a®ij ‘a®a\h% or patmagitouj;an a,.arfhn n;rs m,akouo[ fa\ =anqe fauaqakan ;u ‘ragr;al k;rpow satarh Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an mi=axga\in yanacoumi ;u Fa\ Dati lou‘man kar;uor a,.atanqin! A\spisi a,.atanq me ci* krnar siro[akan ;u anfatakan =anq;row safmana'akouil kam ardiunq tal% ;rb m;r ,r=apate ke bani arf;stawarv tramabanouj;amb ;u kargousarqow! (|apauoumn;row) Oua,inkjen











Zauow :u >ore W,tow N,oum :nq Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ Tar;lize <ar& h= 2-hn

axatoua‘n;re% qa[ziz ;u ‘arauiz ‘a\r astiyan fiu‘oua‘ ;u oskraza‘ ourouakann;ri nman \a\tnuoum hin Mi=ag;tqi ;u Siria\i anapatn;roum! Ar;umtafa\ouj;an xangoua‘a\in b®naga[ji ou gaxana\in kotora‘n;ri loure ,outow tara‘ou;z ambo[= a,.arfow mhk^ amhnour;q a®a=azn;low bou®n xa\ro\j ou bo[oq! A®a=adhm mardkouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;re% a®an]in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% datapartoum hin ;ritjourq;ri gor‘adra‘ barbarosa\in Z;[aspanouj;an qa[aqakanoujiune ;u pafan=oum an\apa[ dadar;zn;l a\n% taragroua‘ fa\;rin w;radar]n;l ir;nz bnakawa\r;re! 1915 j& Ma\isi 24-in% Anglia\i% ~ransia\i ;u Âousastani ka®awaroujiunn;re famat;[ na.axgou,azrin bar]rago\n drane% \a\tarar;low f;t;u;ale& ªAmbo[= w;r=in amsoua\ enjazqoum% Fa\astani mh= t;[i ;n oun;noum fa\kakan kotora‘n;r^ qrt;ri ou jourq;ri ko[miz% Øsman;an i,.anoujiunn;ri baza\a\t jo[tououj;amb% isk \aya. hl ou[[aki famagor‘akzouj;amb! Nor tomarow^ Aprili khs;rin% fa\kakan kotora‘n;r ;n t;[i oun;z;l Hrxroumoum% D;r=anoum% Pijlisoum% Mou,oum% Sasounoum% Xh\jounoum ;u ambo[= Kilikia\oum! Wani ,r=aka\ fariurauor giu[;ri bnakicn;r morjou;l ;n minc;u w;r=in marde! Boun Wanoum% fa\kakan ja[e pa,arman mh= ;n a®;l qrt;re! Mi;uno\n vamanak% K& Polsi jourqakan ka®awaroujiune ];rbakaloum ;u an;r;uaka\;li yn,oumn;ri h ;njarkoum fa\ axgabnakcouj;ane! Mardkouj;an ;u qa[aqakrjouj;an dhm Jourqia\i katara‘ a\s nor \anzagor‘oujiunn;re nkati oun;nalow% Âousastani% ~ransia\i ;u Anglia\i da,nakiz ka®awaroujiunn;re a\sou fraparakau \a\tararoum ;n Bar]rago\n Drane% or ir;nq a\d \anzagor‘oujiunn;ri famar an]nakan patas.anatououjiune dnoum ;n jourqakan ka®awarouj;an bolor andamn;ri%

incphs na;u nra^ t;[akan a\n i,.anoujiunn;ri wra\% owq;r masnakiz ;n dar];l nman kotora‘inº!2 :ritjourq;ri ka®awaroujiune saka\n% ano[oq davanouj;amb ,arounak;z irakanazn;l ir ord;gra‘ qa[aqakanoujiune% ori xofe dar]an au;li qan mhkoukhs milion fa\;r! A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi auartiz \;to\% fama,.arfa\in fasarakoujiune pafan=;z patas.anatououj;an ;njark;l ar;umtafa\ouj;an spande kaxmak;rpo[ jourq oyragor‘n;rin! A\dpisi pafan=ow fandhs ;kan n,anauor ar;u;laghtn;r! Dataparto[ sour \ødoua‘n;row ;u a,.atoujiunn;row bo[oqi ]a\n bar]razrin tarb;r axgoujiunn;ri qa[aqakan% gitouj;an ;u m,akouja\in akanauor gor‘icn;r! Jourq gor‘icn;ri ;u pa,tøn;an;ri mh= ;us gtnou;zin a®an]in ardaramit mardik% oronq oc mia\n ko[mnakiz c;n ;[;l fa\;rin kotor;lou frh,a\in ‘ragri irakanazmane% a\l gor‘nakanaphs fravarou;l ;n katar;lou ka®awarouj;an fa\aspanouj;an framann;re! :xrakazn;low n,;nq% or 100 ;rkara]ig tarin;r anzan 20-rd dari skxbin ;ritjourq;ri ka®awarouj;an paraglou.n;ri ko[miz mta\[azoua‘ ;u gor‘adroua‘ a\d afauor ararqiz% ba\z pa\qare ,arounakuoum h! Fa\ vo[owourde t;uaphs pa\qar;l h ;u pa\qar;lou h% orphsxi mi=axga\in ca'ani,ow pa,tønaphs yanacoui ;u datapartoui Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;u ardar fatouzoum stana\ nra fo[a\in% ar;an ;u niujakan pafan=atiroujiune!

1& Mevlin Zade Rifat, Türkiye Inkilabinin iç yüzü, 1-ci fasil, Halep, 1929, S. 119 (arabata® jourq;rhn)! 2& :ouri Bars;[ow% Fa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune \anzagor‘oujiun h mardkouj;an dhm% (Lrab;r FF GA% :r;uan% 1987% jiu 4% h= 34)! K


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FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR Aprili 15-16-in ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an kisa;xra'akic patas.an fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& • ªBananzº-ªMikaº^ 1-3% ªAla,k;rtº-ª"iunikº^ 1-0! A\d jim;ri a®a=in fandipoumn;rn auartou;l hin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªMikaº-ªBananzº^ 1-2% ª"iunikº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 3-1! A\spisow ;rkou fandipoumn;ri ardiunqow ;xra'akic dours ;kan ªMikanº ou ª"iunikeº! • {axa.stani ªToboleº pa,tønakan ka\qoum fastat;l h FF axga\in fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic ;u ªToboliº gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ani pa,tønankoujiune! ªAktobhizº kra‘ partoujiuniz \;to\ `oujpoli marxa\in da,noujiune ;u ªTobolº akoumbe oro,oum ;n ka\azr;l Minas;ani pa,tønankouj;an masin! Dra patya®n h fa\ masnaghti ko[miz zouzadra‘ anbauarar ardiunqn;re! Pa\managire c;[;al famar;lou irauabanakan farz;re ke lou‘ou;n a®a=ika\ vamanakn;roum! Ci baza®uoum% or Minas;ane karo[ h krkin gl.auor;l FF axga\in fauaqakane! • ªOulisiº gl.auor marxic ~\odor <c;rbac;nkon f;®az;l h ªOulisizº! Akoumbi [;kawarouj;an ou ®ous masnaghti ;rkko[mani fama]a\nouj;amb .xou;l h gor‘o[ pa\managire! • 85 tar;kan fasakoum mafaz;l h >SFM sporti wastakauor warp;t |aroujiun Q;fh\;ane! Q;fh\;ane 1949-iz minc;u 1971 j& fandhs h ;k;l :r;uani ªTinamøº% ªSpartakº apa ªAraratº jim;roum! |;taga\oum ;[;l h ªAraratiº marxcakan ,taboum! W;r=in tarin;rin Q;fh\;ane ªFraxdanº marxada,ti tnørhnn hr! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane F~D-i t;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum ;rkou enk;rakan fandipoum anzkazr;z P;la®ousi ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t! A®a=inoum tanthr;re \a[j;zin 2-1 fa,ouow% isk ;rkrordoum no\n fa,ouow partou;zin! N,;nq% or 2-rd .a[oum FF entranou fimnakan kaxmi mi qani `oujpolistn;r cmasnakz;zin .a[in! • Katalonakan ªBars;lonanº mtadir h ];®q b;r;l italakan ªJorino\iº fa\axgi pa,tpan Majiou Darmianin! Darmiani ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqruoum ;n baxmajiu akoumbn;r ;u na dour h galis ªBars;lona\iº marxakan tnørhn Ari;dø Bra\da\in! Katalonakan akoumbe stipoua‘ h nor ;xra\in pa,tpan 'nt®;l% qani or praxilazi Dani Alw;se fravarou;l h ;rkara]g;l pa\managire ªBars;lona\iº f;t! • ªAraratiº an\a=o[ ;lo\jn;riz \;to\ jimi gl.auor marxic Sourhn Ca.al;ane n;rka\azr;l h ir fravarakane! ªAraratiº [;kawaroujiune endoun;l h Ca.al;ani fravarakane! Akoumbe ,norfakaloujiun h \a\tn;l Sourhn Ca.al;anin^ katara‘ a,.atanqi famar ;u \a=o[oujiun h ma[j;l nran \;taga\ marxcakan a,.atanqi enjazqoum! Møt ør;rs \a\tni ke da®na\ ªAraratiº nor gl.auor marxci anoune! • ~I~A-n fraparak;l h April amsoua\ warkani,a\in a[iusake% ore a®a=oua\ phs gl.auoroum h G;rmania\i fauaqakane (1687 miauor)! Lauago\n tasn;akoum \a=ord t;[;roum ;n& 2& Arvanjine^ 1490% 3& B;lgian^ 1457% 4& Goloumpian^ 1412% 5& Praxilian^ 1354% 6& Folandian^ 1301% 7& "orjougalian^ 1221% 8& Ourougoua\e^ 1176% 9& <ouh\zarian^ 1135% 10& Ispanian^ 1132! Fa\astani fauaqakane 449 miauorow 2 t;[ bar]razr;l h ;u a\vm gtnuoum h 77-rd t;[oum! FF-i f;t :urø-2016-i entrakan .mboum gtnouo[ mius jim;ri warkani,n;re& 28& Dania^ 808% 44& S;rpia^ 664% 57& Alpania^ 575! • Arvanjin;an ªD;portiuø Arm;niøº





jimn a®a=ika\ fandipoumn;roum fandhs ke ga\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin nouiroua‘ s;u marxa,apikow% ori wra\ ke lini anmo®ouki n,ane ;u ª|i,oum ;m ;u Pafan=oumº groujiune! 1962-iz fa\ fama\nqi st;[‘a‘ jimn a\vm fandhs h galis Arvanjini a®a=nouj;an 3-rd diwixionoum!

:UROGAUAJN:RI >A{ARKOUJIUNN:ROUM Aprili 14-15-in ka\azan :uropa\i A.o\;ann;ri lika\i qa®ord ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAjl;tikøº Matrit-ªÂhalº Matrit^ 0-0 ª:ouw;njousº-ªMonaqøº^ 1-0 "SV-ªBars;lonaº^ 1-3 ªPortouº-ªBauariaº^ 3-1 Aprili 21-in ka\azau ªBauariaº-ªPortouº ;u ªBars;lonaº-"SV% isk Aprili 22-in^ ªMonaqøº-ª:ouw;njousº ;u Matriti ªÂhalº ;u ªAjl;tikøº jim;ri mi=;u patas.an fandipoumn;re! Aprili 16-in ka\azan :urolika\i qa®ord ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªS;uiliaº-ªX;nijº^ 2-1 ªBr\ougghº-ªDniprøº^ 0-0 ªWol`sbourgº-ªNa'oliº^ 1-4 ªTinamøº Qi;u-ª~ior;ntinosº^ 1-1 Patas.an fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan Aprili 23-in!

ARJOUR ABRAFAMI :U ÂOB:RT <TIGLIZI CORRORD M:NAMARTE^ |OULISIN Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti soub;rmi=in qa,a\in kargoum WBO warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;an Arjour Abrafami ;u a\d tit[osi na.kin tirakal Âob;rt <tiglizi mi=;u corrord m;namarte ke ka\ana\ a\s taroua\ |oulisi 18-in! M;namarti anzkazman wa\re d;® ci oro,ou;l! A\n karo[ h anzkazou;l Miun.;noum% Lh\psiqoum% <toutgartoum kam Falhoum!

FA|ASTANI FAUAQAKANE PA|QAR:LOU H 5-8-RD T:{:RI FAMAR Monj;n;gro\oum enjazo[ j;nisi `;d;razian;ri gauaji :uropa/A`rika gøtou ;rrord .mboum FF kananz j;nisi fauaqakane partouj;an h matn;l mrza,arn endouno[ ;rkri jimin! A®a=in .a[oum Lousinh Coban;ane 1!6% 4!6 fa,ouow xi=;l h Qristina Samarvicin! :rkrord mrzawhyoum FF a®a=in j;nisistoufi Ani Amira[;ane% ow |ounastani entranou dhm .a[oum wat xgalou patya®ow chr karo[az;l ,arounak;l .a[e% a\s angam 6!4% 6!1 fa,ouow \a[j;z Jamara Bo\anicin! Oro,ic^ xouga.a[oum Ani Amira[;an-Mil;na Au;tis;an xo\ge 6!1% 6!3 fa,ouow \a[janak tøn;z! Zauøq a\s \a[janake jo\l ctou;z .mboum xba[;zn;l a®a=in t;[e ;u pa\qar;l \a=ord tari warkani,a\in ;rkrord .mboum fandhs galou famar! A\d ou[;grin tirazau |ounastani entranin% ore 3!0 fa,ouow \a[janakn;r h tøn;l Fa\astani ;u Monj;n;gro\i jim;ri nkatmamb!

FF fauaqakane pa\qar;lou h 5-8-rd t;[;ri famar% oroum nra mrzakizn;re \a\tni ke da®nan au;li ou,!

MRZOUM :N SAMBISTN:RE Aprili 17-in S;rpia\i Nowi-Sad qa[aqoum m;knark;z sambo\i patan;kan ;u ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiune ;u m;r marxikn;riz 4-n ardhn m;x oura.azrin! Patanin;riz Danihl Gabrihl;ane (60 qk&)% ;ritasardn;riz Arman Niax;ane (48 qk&) arvanazan pronxh m;taln;ri% isk Wolodia Sargs;ane (62 qk&) ;u Mi,a Naxar;ane (82 qk&) fasan ;xra'akic! Mi,a\i mrzakize ®ous h% Wolodia\ine^ atrph\yanzi!

’ANRAMARTI :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Jbilisioum auartoua‘ ‘anramarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum 85 qk& qa,a\inn;ri pa\qarin masnakza‘ A[asi A[as;ane ]a.o[;l h ;rkrord warvoujiune^ ckaro[analow bar]razn;l patouiroua‘ 185 qk&-oz ‘anra]o[e! Pokoum warvoujiunoum A[as;ane bar]razr;l hr 153 qk&^ zo\z talow 9-rd ardiunqe! :rkamarti 367 qk& ardiunqow a.o\;ani tit[ose nouay;l h `ransiazi P;nyamin Hn;kine!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r Warouvan |akob;ane ;u Samouhl S;u;ane S;nj Louisoum auartoua‘ AMN_i a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 5&5-akan miauor ;u bavan;zin 5-7-rd t;[;re! (|akob;ane^ 5-rd% Kata Kamskin^ 6-rd% S;u;ane^ 7-rd)! S;u;ane ir warkani,e bar]razr;z 18 khtow (a\vm^ 2566)! 8 miauorow a.o\;an dar]au Fikarou Nakamouran! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum grosma\st;r Taj;u Abrafam;ane 5&5 miauorow bavan;z 7-8-rd t;[;re (lrazouzic zouzani,n;row^ 7-rde)! 8&5 miauorow a.o\;anoufi dar]au Irina Kra,e! • Aprili 19-28-e Cinastani C;ndou qa[aqoum anzkazou;lou h ,a.mati a,.arfi kananz jima\in a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum ;n a,.arfi 10 ouv;[ago\n ;rkrn;ri axga\in fauaqakann;re! Nranz juoum h na;u Fa\astane! M;r entranou kaxmoum ;n& Hlina Danihl;ane% Lilij Mkrtc;ane% Maria Koursowan% Lilij Galo\;ane ;u Sousanna Gabo\;ane! Fa\astani fauaqakani mrzakizn;re lin;lou ;n Âousastane% Ouqranian% Cinastane% Fndkastane% Wrastane% L;fastane% {axa.stane% AMN-n ;u :giptose! AMN-i kananz fauaqakani kaxmoum fandhs ke ga\ m;r fa\r;nakiz grosma\st;r Taj;u Abrafam;ane% isk jimi marxice M;liqs;j >aci\;ann h! • AMH-i Toupa\ qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ kananz baz mrza,aroum \a=o[ fandhs ;kan Fa\astani ;rkou n;rka\azouzicn;r^ Arminh Baba\;ane ;u ~ID:-i warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane! Baba\;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 100 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-3-rd t;[;re ;u lrazouzic zouzani,n;row arvanazau ;rrord mrzanakin! Ghorg;ane khs miauorow ;t mnalow \a[jo[n;riz xba[;zr;z corrord t;[e ;u lrazr;z mi=axga\in warp;ti zouzani,e!





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