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N.O. April 30, 2015, No. 18:N.O. Blank


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THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 18 VOLUME 93, NO. 18


Los Any;lesi fa\ouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;re Monj;p;llo\i |ou,ar]anin a®=;u

A<>ARFE ZNZOU:ZAU APRIL 24-IN Am;rika\i mh= apro[ fa\;rou bo[oqi koc;re a\nqan bar]r hin% or anonz miaza‘ ;n na;u a\l axgi mardik! Foliwout ;u Ou;sjern 'o[ozn;rou .acm;roukin

bazoua‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakin nouiroua‘ pourak! Am;rikafa\;rou patmouj;an mh= a®a=in angam anna.adhp

jiuow^ au;li qan 130 faxar mard qala‘ h dhpi Jourqio\ fiupatosaran! :rje lousabana‘ ;n Am;rika\i bolor f;®oustaenk;roujiunn;re!

Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman anfrav;,touj;an masin Oua,inkjeni Gonkrhsin mh= bar]ra]a\na‘ h jourq gitnakan Jan;r Aqcame!

N.O. April 30, 2015, No. 18:N.O. Blank


9:41 AM

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NOR ØR% 30 APRIL 2015



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Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

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N.O. April 30, 2015, No. 18:N.O. Blank


9:41 AM

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Ferperd Htemx Kipenx Vamanakakiz Patmouj;an S;uago\n H=e

A\s girqe ba[kaza‘ h n;ra‘oujiuniz% 4 glou.n;riz ;u ;xrakazoujiuniz&

Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an w;rab;ro[ ;u 'astagrakan niuj;row faroust .ist kar;uor h angliazi patmaban ;u fraparaka.øs Ferperd Htemx Kipenx 1913-1916 jj& ;[;l h Jourqia\oum% orphs ªNew York Heraldº am;rik;an j;rji j[jakiz% incphs na;u dasauand;l h Tarsoni am;rik;an golhyoum! Jourqia\oum gtnou;lou tarin;rin Dokt& Kipenxe baxmizs akanat;s h ;[;l souljanakan ;u ;ritjourqakan i,.anoujiunn;ri kaxmak;rpa‘ fa\;ri =ard;rin! Nra grcin ;n patkanoum baxmajiu fraparaka.øsakan \ødoua‘n;r ;u ousoumnasiroujiunn;r! 1916 j& skxbin (The Blackest page of Modern History, New YorkLondon) ªVamanakakiz patmouj;an s;uago\n h=eº .oragrow angl;rhn lo\s t;sa‘ nra girqe Fa\oz M;‘ :[;®ni masin% anmi=aphs jargmanou;z ;u fratarakou;z ®ous;rhn (San ";t;rbourg) ;u fa\;rhn (Niu :orq) l;xoun;row! Nra kar;uor a,.atoujiunn;riz kar;li h \i,atak;l no\nphs angl;rhn fratarakoua‘ ªØsman;an ka\srouj;an kaxmauoroumeº stouara‘aual a,.atoujiune% ore jargmanou;l ;u fratarakou;l h na;u øsman;rhn% arabata® jourq;rhnow (t;*s H.A. Gibbons, Osmanli Imparatorlugunun Kurulusu, Istanbul, 1928)! ªVamanakakiz patmouj;an s;uago\n h=eº grqoum Dokt& Kipenxe fimnakanoum .øsoum h 1915 j& t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri t;[afanouj;an ;u kotora‘n;ri masin! A\noufand;r]% orphs akanat;s na kang h a®;l na;u Atana\i 1909 jouakanin t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri kotora‘n;ri o[b;rgakan dhpq;ri ,our=!

Glou. A& A\st;[ .øsuoum h 1915 j& ;ritjourq;ri gor‘adra‘ fa\;ri b®ni t;[afanouj;an ;u kotora‘n;ri masin% a\n bnoujagr;low orphs f;t;uo[akan ;u .namqow na.apatrastoua‘ mi ‘ragir bna=n=;lou famar fa\ axge Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum! Kipenxe wka\oum h& ªW;z amsoua\ enjazqoum spannou;l h mhk milion fa\! Xørq;ri qanake ;u nranz =ard;lou mi=ozn;rn anørinak ;n norago\n patmouj;an mh=º! Glou. B& Fa\;re ;rb;q c;n spa®naz;l Jourqia\i anwtangouj;ane! Apstambouj;an warka‘e ou[[aki patrouak hr fa\;rin t;[afan;lou ;u kotor;lou famar! Glou. G& Dar;ri enjazqoum fa\;re .ist kar;uor d;r ;n .a[az;l Øsman;an ka\srouj;an barørouj;an ;u bargauayman .ndroum! Apazouzoua‘ h% or qriston;an ;u mafm;takane karo[ ;n apr;l .a[a[ ;u fam;ra,. Jourqia\oum! Glou. D& G;rmanakan ka®awaroujiune karo[ hr argil;l ;ritjourq;ri fa\a=in= qa[aqakanoujiune% ba\z a\n oro,;l hr oc mi mi=oz ];®nark;l! Lour= 'ast;r kan fauatalou% or g;rmanakan ka®awaroujiune% ;jh ch qa=al;ra‘% apafowabar ‘a'o[=ouna‘ h fa\;ri anf;tazoume "oqr Asia\iz% orphsxi G;rmania\i qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan ‘ragire diurouj;amb gor‘adroui Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum! Ferperd Kipenxe \;taga\oum% 1921 j& fraparaka‘ ir fraparaka.øsa\in \ødoua‘n;roum <ar& h= 14

ªSardarapatº <abajaj;rji Gl.auor >mbagir^ Tiana Thr Karap;t;anin |an]nou;z Gl.auor Mrzanak

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NOR ØR% 30 APRIL 2015



F&B&E&M&-F&:&E& Los Any;les – San ~;rnantø Fowiti Andranik Skaoutakan >orfourdi Kaxmak;rpouj;amb^



|ownan Arq& Thrthr;an

Maral Pø\ay;an

Salbi |aroujiun;an-{axar;an Maral Osk;an

Fing,abji 26 Marti ;r;ko\;an% Fa\oz A®a=nordarani Xøra\;an jangarane vamadrawa\rn hr grashr ou m,akoujashr .ou®n;ram fasarakouj;an me% or ;ka‘ hr Maral Pø\ay;ani w;r=;rs frataraka‘ "As The Poppies Bloomed" - ª:rb farsna‘a[ikn;re ‘a[k;zanº - a®a=n;k fatorin fraparaka\in n;rka\azoume ounkndr;lou! };®narke kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Los Any;lesi Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an ko[mh ou ke wa\;lhr J;mis Bar;.nam A®a=nord Thr |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani bar]r fowanauoroujiune! |a\tagire enjazq a®au warcakan vra=an andam% fa\;rhn l;xoui dasatou Maral Osk;ani bazman .øsqow! Osk;an fangamanørhn n;rka\azouz angl;rhn l;xouow fratarakoua‘ fatorin f;[inake% or ;rkou tarb;r a®ijn;row ir amousinin^ <afh Pø\ay;ani f;t a\z;la‘ h Ar;umt;an Fa\astani Sasouni ,r=ane% masnauorabar an]naphs xgalou famar^ orphs ga[jakan ou :[;®nhn w;rapra‘ ou Falhp apastana‘ m;‘ møre fog;banoujiunn ou ‘nndawa\rin \atouk ;r;uo\jn;re! Fatorin bowandakoujiune% fratarakouj;an drdapatya®n;re ;u n;rka\azouza‘ manramasnoujiunn;re n;rkan;roun framzou;zan bolorowin inqnouro\n ];uow! "o.anak mhk dasa.øsi kam a®an]in m;knabani patrastouj;amb n;rka\azou;lou% f;[inakn ou qo\re^ Salbi |aroujiun;an-{axar;an t;[ grau;zin farjakin wra\ ;u f;taqrqrakan xro\z me ‘aual;zin bolor a\n farz;roun masin% oronq piti f;taqrqrhin ounkndir me kam grashr me! Farzaxro\z-dasa.øsoujiune tpauoric ;u iura-

\atouk hr a\d gi,;r! Salbin or w;r=;rs Fa\astani mh= ir stan]na‘ pa,tønhn fravar;low fos fastatoua‘ h% a\vm ke warh Faraua\in Gali`ornio\ Famalsarani Fa\kakan Ampioni warici pa,tøne! Farzaxro\ze f;taqrqrakan da®nal sksau Salbiin n;rka\azouza‘ farzoumn;row! An andradar]au ir;nz m;‘ mør xro\zn;roun% oronzmh t;[;ak ke pafouhin jo®n;re |aroujiun;an entaniqin ;rkaram;a\ j,oua®ouj;an masin! F;[inake% ir kargin% la\nørhn arta\a\tou;zau ir parmanoufii mtqin ou \i,o[ouj;an mh= dro,moua‘ dhpq;roun masin% manauand ‘anøjanalh ;tq m;‘ mør anza‘ ou[iin! Fay;li enjazq me a®a‘ farzaxro\ze^ Maralin ;u Salbiin mi=;u% n;rkan;roun famar a®ij ke da®nar ambo[=ouj;amb enkal;lou fatorin mh= t;[ gta‘ tarb;r tpauoroujiunn;re^ manauand Maralin Ar;umtafa\astan katara‘ a\z;loujiunn;roun enjazqin! Fandisaware frauir;z FBEM Manouk;an-T;miry;an warvarani angl;rhn l;xoui dasatou Fouri >;coum;ane% or fatorhn bavini me enj;rzoume katarh% orou ,norfiu ounkndirn;rou møt au;li .orazau groua‘qin tpauoroujiune! "akman .øsqi frauirou;zau ];®narkin fowanauor A®a=nord Srbaxan Fa\re% or drouat;z Maral Pø\ay;ani a®a=in a\s \a=o[ 'or]e^ grakanouj;nhn n;rs mtn;lou% no\n at;n ,norfauor;z kaxmak;rpicn;re a\s ];®narkin% or ke xougadiphr M;‘ :[;®ni 100-am;akin! F;[inake m;‘ og;uorouj;amb makagr;z waya®oua‘ fatorn;re! };®narke auart;zau auandakan dar]a‘ fiurasirouj;amb!

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100th Anniversary Of Armenian Genocide Renews Calls For Justice In Montebello

Montebello - While most of those who commemorated the centennial of the Armenian Genocide at a ceremony in Montebello on Saturday had to strain to imagine the horrors visited upon the Armenian people 100 years ago, one woman sitting in the audience didn’t have to. At 101, Yevnige Salibian of Mission Hills is an eyewitness to the crimes against humanity. Her great-grandson, Oshagan Merjanian, 25, of Northridge, explained some of the hardships Salibian has endured. “My great-grandmother has been through four wars in three countries before arriving in America,” he said. “She witnessed the atrocities of the genocide. “But I am here today,” Salibian proclaimed, to a roar of cheers and applause from the crowd of about 1,000 people. Through all her turmoils, beginning in her hometown of Aintab, Merjanian said his great-grandmother remains filled with joy and peace due to her strong Christian faith. “I feel privileged the be a descendant of a woman like her, who has been through unspeakable tragedies, but lives on with joy in her heart and her soul because of her faith in Jesus Christ,” Merjanian said. Saturday’s commemoration ceremony, hosted by the United Armenian Council for the Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide of Los Angeles at the Montebello Armenian Genocide Martyrs Memorial, attracted members of the Armenian community from all over the Southland to reflect on their shared loss and demand acknowl-


edgment and justice with a unified voice. Numerous speakers expressed disappointment that the governments of Turkey and the Unites States have not formally recognized the genocide. “Our goal is to have the world recognize this evil, so that we may be able to prevent it from happening to any other people,” Merjanian said. Saturday’s rally in Montebello followed a march of more than 100,000 people Friday in downtown Los Angeles on the 100th anniversary of the genocide. Congressman Adam Schiff, D-Los Angeles, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, DCerritos, and Congresswoman Judy Chu, D-Pasadena, were among those who spoke in support of official recognition of the genocide. Despite the lack of recognition by some governments, the world is increasingly aware of the Armenian Genocide, Schiff said. “Apart from those years between 1915 and 1923, when the New York Times reported in its pages the effort to annihilate the Armenian race, there has perhaps not been any time in the intervening 100 years where there has been greater attention devoted to the Armenian Genocide,” Schiff said. Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian, the first Armenian-American to sit on the council, agreed. Brian Day San Gabriel Valley Tribune


World Marks 100th Anniversary Of Genocide Of 1.5 Million Armenians, One Of The Largest Christian Genocides In History

World and faith leaders are marking on Friday the 100th year anniversary of the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, one of the largest Christian massacres in history. "I am grateful to all those who are here to once again confirm your commitment to human values, to say that nothing is forgotten, that after 100 years we remember," Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at a flower-laying ceremony in Yerevan. BBC News reported that French President Francois Hollande and Russian President Vladimir Putin also attended the same ceremony, and paid their respects to those that were killed. Hollande said: "I bow down in memory of the victims and I come to tell my Armenian friends that we will never forget the tragedies that your people have endured." He added that "recognition of the Armenian genocide is an act of peace," and denounced the repression of ethnic minorities and religiously motivated killings anywhere in the world. Putin insisted that "there cannot be any justification for mass murder of people." The Russian President added: "We sincerely sympathize with the Armenian people who suffered one of the most awful tragedies in the history of mankind."

Bulgaria's Parliament Recognizes The Armenian Genocide On April 24 the Bulgarian Parliament recognized the mass extermination of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the period 1915 - 1922 and declared April 24 a day of remembrance of the victims. The decision was adopted by the 43rd National Assembly with 157 votes "for", 37 against and no abstentions, after several hours of debates. The Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects inside their historic homeland, which lies within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 800,000 to 1.5 million. The starting date is conventionally held to be 24 April 1915, the day Ottoman authorities rounded up and arrested, subse-


quently executing, some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople. The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labour, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 30, 2015


Glenn Beck On the Eve of the 100th anniversary of the #ArmenianGenocide I crawl into my warm bed. Well fed, with my children asleep upstairs and my wife safe by my side. ...my mind begins to drift to the news of the day and the history that I now know and history that is being made overseas tonight. Christians are being crucified and their children, girls as young as five taken and chained. Used as sex toys by the depraved monsters who call themselves soldiers of Isis. It has all happened before and the world took little notice. Just as they are now. I refuse to be silent. Those 'elected representatives' do not represent me. We all have the power to publish the truth and let our voice be heard. Tomorrow, after over two months of research and filming we air on The Blaze tv "The Root: the Christian Holocaust". It is the true horror story of the Armenian Genocide. My prayer tonight is not only for those who's families were effected 100 years ago, but also the families that were effected when Hitler used it as his model and now those families that are currently experiencing the extermination of 'followers of the cross'. In the latest grizzly video from Isis, one of the masked psychopaths said in perfect American English, "we will bring this to you and we will haunt even your dreams until every follower of Christ is dead or converted. (His actual language included an end to Polytheism which Islam claims Christianity is) I said earlier this week, "when will we wake up?" The good news is, I believe we are. But will it be soon enough? This IS the time to be who you were send here to be. A great and noble spirit. A valiant and righteous man or woman. These ARE the times that will either make our grandchildren proud or ashamed of us. I choose to make them proud. I choose to make a stand. I claim Christ as my Lord and redeemer. I claim Christ as my sword and shield. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is my hiding place. The Turks killed two million people in the Armenian Genocide. Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks were systematically rounded up, raped, butchered, starved or burned to death by the Government of Turkey. The facts are clear. I demand that my name is written down in the book of life as one who stood. Come what may. The truth will set us free and The Lord is my Sheppard and I will only answer to His voice. May God comfort those who grieve and seek justice. Rest well. Justice will come.

Bennett Kayser Carries 100-Year Rememberacnce Of Armenian Genocide Motion At LAUSD School Board

Nansen’s Family Joins The Armenian Genocide Recognition March In Oslo Oslo – Norwegian activists and Armenians of Norway gathered on April 24, in the heart of Oslo to march for recognition for the Armenian Genocide. Nansen’s granddaughter Marit Greve and great granddaughter Anne Greve were among the gathered, to demand justice and recognition. The gathered marched from Youngstorget towards the parliament building. In front of the Parliament the organizers read three speeches. The first speech was by Anne Greve the great granddaughter of Norwegian humanist, diplomat, politician and explorer, a great

advocate and friend of the Armenian people, Fridtjof Nansen. “To prevent genocides and major crimes against humanity, we have to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide” she proclaimed. “We stand here today in solidarity with the Armenian people, and all the people that continue to be subjected to suppression and violence today” Greve continued. Mrs. Greve concluded her speech with a paragraph from a thematic, well-known Norwegian poem Du må ikke sove (One Must not Sleep) by Ar-

nulf Øverland. A speech by the coordinator of the march, Airazat Kazarian, on behalf of the organizers, the Armenian Cultural Association in Norway and the Armenian Apostolic Church Society followed. Mr. Kazarian named the names and deeds of the great Norwegians who dedicated their lives to helping orphaned and paperless survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The concluding speech by the head of the Antirassistisk Senter, Rune Berglund Steen centered on the importance of a solid moral stance on the issue by politicians, leaders, educations, journalists and activists, noting that the unpunished crime of the Armenian Genocide led to other genocides and major crimes against humanity. Before the organizers would announce the march dismissed, one Kurdish youngster asked for a word. His speech was short, but heart-felt and very strong, he simply said “I want to apologize to the Armenian People, we share your pain and stand with you today!”

Richard Hovannisian To Appear On Zocalo Public Square Program In Los Angeles Los Angeles - Professor Richard Hovannisian will join three other scholars in a discussion on “Why Can’t We Stop Genocide?” on Monday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. The event, sponsored by The Zocalo Public Square/UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations, will be held at the Goethe-Institut, 5750 Wilshire Blvd on the “Miracle Mile” near Hancock Park in Los Angeles. The public is invited without charge. A reception and discussion with participants will follow. Parking on Wilshire Blvd at Courtyard Place, one block east of Curson, between Fairfax and La Brea Avenues. Further details on the program are on the following link: "Why Can't We Stop Genocide?"

MER DOON HOSTS 1ST ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT IN HONOR OF CO-FOUNDER, JULIE ASHEKIAN; MAY 15TH IN POSTSMOUTH, RI San Clemente, CA - Mer Doon, Inc. will hold its 1st Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on May 15, 2015 in honor of its beloved founder, Julie Ashekian. The golf tournament will be held at the Carnegie Abbey Club in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m., with shot gun starting at 1:00 p.m. The cost is $200/golfer, and includes 18 holes, a cart, lunch, dinner, and prizes. The net proceeds from this event will benefit Mer Doon, Our Home, in honor of Julie Ashekian. For registration, contact Mer Doon Chairman Stephen Ashekian at 617901-2271 or Mer Doon President Dr. Jane L. Mahakian at 949 212-4105. Donations to Mer Doon can be made by going to www.Mer-Doon.com and clicking on “Donate”. Mer Doon is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the U.S. and a registered non-governmental organization in the Republic of Armenia. CONTACT: Beth Broussalian (858) 248-2656, merdoonarmenia@gmail.com

Los Angeles – On April 14, 2015, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board member Bennett Kayser authored and carried legislation at the school board recognizing the one hundred year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It was passed was 7-0. “As a man of Jewish heritage, I must speak up on behalf of the Armenian community and those I represent. Just as there are Holocaust deny-ers, there are Armenian Genocide deny-ers. I am saddened that this nation has failed to accurately acknowledge the terrible, in-humane event that occurred one hundred years ago. As a school board member, I will continue the struggle to educate our children so the past is not repeated.” Board member Kayser will join Armenian American community leaders and Council member Mitch O’Farrell and Mayor Eric Garcetti at Remembrance events later this week.

Announcement On Sunday May 3, after the celebration of mass at St. Leon Armenian Cathedral (3325 N.Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505), AGBU Hye Geen member Sona Zeitlian will be awarded the pontifical roll or “gontag” of His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians and the medal of St. Sahag and Mesrob, in recognition of her educational work, community service and intellectual output. After mass, the Western Diocese in coordination with AGBU Hye Geen will hold a reception in the adjacent church hall. Sona Simonian-Zeitlian, Brief biographical notes; Born in Egypt, Sona Zeitlian is a graduate of the American University in Cairo and has taught in Armenian schools in Egypt and Lebanon. She married Sarkis Zeitlian, a colleague, later editor of Armenian daily and weekly publications. During the Lebanese civil war, he was abducted in March 28, 1885 for his staunch nationalism. The Zeitlians have four children. Sona Zeitlian has won the Melidinetsi Prize in 1968 and 2013 for her comprehensive studies of the role of women during the Armenian self-defense and the status of Armenian women from ancient to modern times. In 1973, appeared the Folktales of Musa Dagh based on their oral tradition. In 1980, she published four volumes about the heroes of Armenian legendary history. In 2004 and 2006 appeared the Armenian and English versions of Armenians in Egypt – Contribution to Medieval and Modern Egypt. Beside her educational and intellectual work, Sona Zeitlian is known for her community service in Egypt, Lebanon and Los Angeles.

“My firmly held conviction that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact, supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. The facts are undeniable. As president, I will recognize the Armenian Genocide.”

“These leftovers from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the Republican rule.”

Barack Obama, 2008

Mustafa “Ataturk” Kemal, 1926

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 30, 2015


Unique Athletic Event Boosts Washington DC Genocide Centennial

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Florence Avakian

By Hambersom Aghbashian

“In the past 100 years, over 100 million lives have been lost in genocides and mass atrocities,” said Gary Mekikian, one of the leaders of the extraordinary LA2DC race which started with over 100 cyclists on April 24 from the Turkish Consulate in West Los Angeles, and will end on May 7, around 5 P.M. in Washington, D.C., near Capitol Hill. More than 117 runners and cyclers are participating in this non-stop relay. The first leg of the race started with three marathoners (ages 20 to 55), and more than 100 cyclists (ages 18 to 83) who will go through 15 states, climbing 38,273 feet during the journey which will cover 3000 miles.

Ümit Kıvanç (born in 1956), is a Turkish writer , documentary filmmaker and journalist. He is a columnist of the daily Radikal. He has worked in the New Agenda weekly news magazine and also wrote for Taraf. Ümit Kıvanç published more than 12 books, translated may others, wrote scenarios and made more than six films and has two musical albums. His father Halit Kıvanç is a Turkish television and radio presenter, humorist, sports journalist, writer and the best known sports commentator in Turkey.(1)(2) Ümit Kıvanç is one of the Turkish notable intellectuals who signed "I Apologize Campaign" which was launched in December 2008 in Turkey by 200 journalists, writers, politicians, and professors that called for an apology for what they considered as the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915". The campaign was launched by Prof. Ahmet Insel, politician Baskin Oran, Dr. Cengiz Aktar, and journalist Ali Bayramo!lu. The campaign emphasizes regret on behalf of Turkey that Armenian requests for recognition of the 1915 genocide has been actively suppressed within Turkey (3) According to http://setasarmenian. blogspot.com, under the title "24 April, the anniversary of the 1915 events, will be remembered this year in Turkey, too.", Taraf Newspaper of 20th April 2010 wrote " A group of intellectuals, among them Ali Bayramo!lu, Ferhat Kentel, Ne"e Düzel, Perihan Ma!den and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, for the first time in Turkey, will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915, under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group. The commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The group will be dressing in black and carry photos of massacred Armenian intellectuals who were deported from that station." the following abstracts are from the text of the commemoration activity, “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, 1,5 to 2 million Armenians were living in these lands.... In April 24, 1915 it was started "to send them". We lost them. They are no longer available. They have not even graves. But the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster” , with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our pain". Ümit Kıvanç was one of the intellectuals who signed the text.(4) Ümit Kıvanç is one of the 37 Turkish intellectuals who, in 2012, signed a Petition Against Denialist Exhibit in Denmark. " Don’t Stand Against Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History! " was the message to the Royal Library of Denmark who has given the Turkish government the opportunity to present an “al-

A Day Of Armenian Remembrance For Yale Basketball Team Captain Sarah Halejian On Friday night, Yale women's basketball captain Sarah Halejian will be in mourning. Halejian, along with fellow students of Armenian descent at Yale and millions around the globe, will hold a vigil to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of what many historians call the Armenian genocide in Turkey.

AGBU Melbourne Introduces Armenian History And Culture To An Australian Public ArmeniaFest “honors the fallen and celebrates the survival of the Armenian people” On April 4, ABGU Melbourne welcomed nearly one thousand people to ArmeniaFest, a community festival in Melbourne, Australia dedicated to spreading awareness about Armenian history and culture. The festival—the first organized by the AGBU chapter—was held in honor of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. “It took the ArmeniaFest committee ten months of dedication, planning and hard work to successfully complete this project. We recognized that with the centenary of the Armenian Genocide fast approaching, it was important to have an event that would not only respectfully recognize the horrors of our past, but also celebrate the survival of the Armenian people. It was heartening to hear the Armenian national anthem, the poetry of Barouyr Sevag and Armenian music in such a public space,” said Maral Tchorbadjian, chairperson of the AGBU Melbourne chapter. The event was launched jointly by AGBU Melbourne Executive Committee member Berdj Tchakerian and Monash City Councilor Robert Davies, a longtime friend of the Australian Armenian community. After Tchakerian’s opening address, one hundred white balloons were released into the air to signify one hundred years since the beginning of the Armenian Genocide. Throughout the day, guests at ArmeniaFest enjoyed numerous cultural performances, including a concert by the children of the

Aginian Armenian Saturday School and a performance by the Azad Gharibian Dance Group. ArmeniaFest also included an exhibit at the AGBU Heritage Centre, which showcased rare Armenian artifacts and historical items as well as photographs and videos highlighting the history of the Armenian people. The festival also included cooking demonstrations, dance classes and signposts around the festival grounds that acquainted guests with significant events in Armenian history. “The event was a great success,” said ArmeniaFest coordinator Gloria Hotakorzian. “In addition to the large turnout, there was overwhelmingly positive feedback from both the Armenian community and the wider Australian public. The festival captured the very essence of everything Armenian. It not only showcased our story, but was a testament to our tenacity to survive and our spirit to soldier on.”

Turkish Embassy In Mexico Censor A Film Festival About Armenian Genocide The Turkish Embassy in Mexico managed to suspend a film festival at Museo Nacional de las Culturas in Mexico City through strong pressures on various state and government areas. The film festival was going to show movies like "Grandma's Tattoos", "The Lark Farm", "The Cut", "Screamers" and "Ararat" among others. "After one hundred years of the Armenian Genocide, they once again seek to silence the word. The current Turkish government tries by all means to prevent the use of the word genocide," said Professor Carlos Antaramian at the opening of the exhibition "Armenia, an open wound" held in the Memory and Tolerance Museum (photo). According to sources in that country, the Mexican Foreign Ministry tried to prevent the use of the word "genocide" in other activities, such as a concert dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Bellas Artes, after the pressure from the Turkish diplomacy. "The Mexican government not only does not recognize the Armenian Genocide, but in recent days a very powerful hand inside the government has shown a particular interest in silencing the commemoration of the Genocide which was organized by the Armenian community in Mexico. The word remains muted in this 2015," said Antaramian.

63 - Ümit Kıvanç ternative exhibit” in response to the Armenian Genocide exhibition.(5) According to "Today's Zaman", September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include 'open hatred and hostility' towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said 'The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students." The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Ümit Kıvançwas is one of the many most respected Turkish intellectuals who signed it.(6) In his article "Papa'ya yakı"mamı", ama size yakı"ıyor", " It does not fit the Pope, but it fits you", "Radikal, April 14, 2015", Umit Kavanc responded stiffly the criticisms, especially done by PM Davoutoglu, concerning Pope Francis' declaration of 1915 Armenian massacre in the Ottoman empire as a Genocide and accusing Turkey of committing “the first genocide of the 20th century” against the Armenian people. He mentioned also that sometimes he likes to put himself in the place of those shameless denials, and said "I fell a horrible exasperation, insomuch, I can't explain, how hard it is to excuse a crime and live with so many lies." hinting to the Armenian Genocide and the Turkish forged official history and anti Genocide recognition policy.(7)

1.http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3% 9Cmit_K%C4%B1van%C3%A7 2.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halit_ K%C4%B1van%C3%A7 3.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Apo logize_campaign 4.http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com/ 2010/04/good-thoughtful-and-ugly-fromturks-on.html 5.http://www.aga-online.org/signature/detail.php?locale=am&alertId=6 6.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 7.http://www.radikal.com.tr/yazarlar /umit_kivanc/papaya_yakismamis_ama_s ize_yakisiyor-1334951

“The Armenian massacre was the greatest crime of the war, and the failure to act against Turkey is to condone it; because the failure to deal radically with the Turkish horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the world is mischievous nonsense; and because now when we refuse to war with Turkey we show that our announcement that we want ‘to make the world safe for democracy’ was insincere claptrap.” Theodore Roosevelt 1918

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 30, 2015


Armenian Genocide: To Continue To Deny The Truth Of This Mass Human Cruelty Is Close To A Criminal Lie

Turkey Is Shooting Itself In The Foot: DW

I dug the bones and skulls of massacred Armenians out of the Syrian desert with my own hands in 1992

By Robert Fisk At seven o’clock on Thursday evening, a group of very brave men and women will gather in Taksim Square, in the centre of Istanbul, to stage an unprecedented and moving commemoration. The men and women will be both Turkish and Armenian, and they will be gathering together to remember the 1.5 million Christian Armenian men, women and children slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks in the 1915 genocide. That Armenian Holocaust – the direct precursor of the Jewish Holocaust – began 100 years ago this Thursday, only half a mile from Taksim, when the government of the time rounded up hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and writers from their homes and prepared them for death and the annihilation of their people. The Pope has already annoyed the Turks by calling this wicked act – the most terrible massacre of the First World War – a genocide, which it was: the deliberate and planned attempt to liquidate a race of people. The Turkish government – but, thank God, not all the Turkish people – have maintained their petulant and childish denial of this fact of history on the grounds that the Armenians were not killed according to a plan (the old “chaos of war” nonsense), and that the word “genocide” was anyway coined only after the Second World War and thus cannot apply to them. On that basis, the First World War wasn’t the First World War because it wasn’t called the First World War at the time! Two thoughts come to mind, then, on this centenary of the butchery, mass rape and child killing of 1915. The first is that for a powerful government of a strong – and courageous – European and Nato nation such as Turkey to continue to deny the truth of this mass human cruelty is close to a criminal lie. More than 100,000 Turks have discovered that they have Armenian grandmothers or great-grandmothers – the very women kidnapped, enslaved, raped or converted on the death marches from Anatolia into the northern Syrian desert – and Turkish historians themselves (alas, not enough of them) are now producing the most detailed documentary evidence of the sinister Talat Pasha’s extermination orders issued from what was then Constantinople.

Yet anyone who opposes the government’s denial of genocide is still vilified. For almost a quarter of a century, I have been receiving mail from Turks about my own writing on the genocide. It started when I dug the bones and skulls of massacred Armenians out of the Syrian desert with my own hands in 1992. A few correspondents wanted to express their support. Most letters were little short of pernicious. And I rather fear that the continued denial by the Turkish government could be as dangerous to Turkey as it is outrageous for the Armenian descendants of the dead. I remember an elderly Armenian lady describing to me how she saw Turkish militiamen piling living babies on top of each other and setting fire to them. Her mother told her that their cries were the sound of their souls going up to heaven. Isn’t this – and the enslavement of women – exactly what Isis is perpetrating against its ethnic enemies just across the Turkish border today? Denial is fraught with peril. And let’s ask ourselves what would happen if the present German government was to claim that any demand to recognize the “events” of 1939-1945 – in which six million Jews were murdered – as a genocide was “Jewish propaganda” and “mutilating history and law”. Yet that was pretty much what the Turkish government said when the EU last week asked it to recognize the Armenian genocide. The EU, the foreign ministry said in Ankara, had succumbed to “Armenian propaganda” about the “events” of 1915, and was “mutilating history and law”. If Germany had adopted such unforgivable words about the Jewish Holocaust, you would not have been able to see through the Berlin exhaust fumes as the world’s ambassadors headed for the

airport. Yet the very day after the brave little commemoration scheduled for Taksim Square this week, the great and the good of the Western world will be gathering with Turkish leaders a few miles to the west of Istanbul to honour the dead of Gallipoli, Mustafa Kemal’s extraordinary – and brilliant – 1915 victory over the Allies in the First World War. How many of them will remember that among the Turkish heroes fighting for Turkey at Gallipoli was a certain Armenian Captain Torossian – whose own sister would soon die in the genocide? I plan to report on the commemoration next week in the company of Turkish friends. But the second thought that comes to mind – and Armenian friends must forgive me – is that I’m not terribly interested in what the Armenians say and do on this 100th anniversary. I want to know what they plan to do on the day after the day of the 100th anniversary. The Armenian survivors – those who could remember – are now all dead. In about 30 years, Jews around the world will suffer the same deep sadness as their own last survivors disappear from the world of living testimony. But the dead live on, especially when their victimhood is denied – a curse that forces them to die again and again. Armenians must surely now compile a list of the brave Turks who saved their lives during their people’s persecution. There is at least one provincial governor, and individual named Turkish soldiers and policemen, who risked their own lives to save Armenians at this gruesome moment in Turkish history. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s triumphalist prime minister, has spoken of his sorrow for the Armenians, while continuing to deny the genocide. Would he dare to refuse to sign an Armenian genocide book of commemoration listing the brave Turks who tried to save their nation’s honor at its darkest hour? I’ve been banging on about this idea to Armenians for years. I said the same to Armenians in Detroit last week. Honour the good Turks. Alas, everyone claps. And does nothing.

Prince Charles joins his son Harry and world leaders to mark the 100th anniversary of the disastrous Gallipoli landings which claimed 140,000 lives during World War One Two days of ceremonies planned on Gallipoli peninsula to honour victims of British-led invasion on April 25, 1915 Attended by leaders of World War I allies including Australia PM, New Zealand Premier, Prince Charles and Harry Fallen from both the Ottoman and Allied sides lie close together in separate cemeteries on western edge of Turkey Around 58,000 Allied troops and 87,000 Turks died during botched attempt to knock Ottoman Empire out of the war. And “those world leaders” came to mark their shameful defeat by Turkey with a smile on their faces. Where is their “human rights acts”? That they claim. Shame on them.

Turkey has badly hurt its international ties by threatening Germany and other partner nations over their assessment of the Armenian Genocide a century ago, Deutsche Welle says. Turkey has rarely launched rhetorical attacks on so many different international players in such a short time. The pope came in for his share, as did the European Parliament. Then it was Austria's turn, before Germany, France, Russia and the USA were also all verbally assaulted - in a series of foreign office statements issued at the rate of almost one a minute - for the positions they have taken in the debate on the correct word to give to the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman authorities one hundred years ago.

Vienna City Council Recognizes Armenian Genocide Following the joint statement adopted by the Austrian Parliament on April 22, the community council of Vienna adopted a similar statement on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire on April 24

Times Of Israel: Rivlin Used Term ‘Armenian Genocide’ Two Weeks Ago Israeli President took flak for avoiding contested word to describe killing of 1.5 million at meeting with community leaders, but did make use of officially verboten language at earlier press briefing, The Times of Israel reminds. Local Armenian leaders were disappointed that President Reuven Rivlin carefully avoided speaking of “genocide” when he officially marked the centennial of the killing of nearly 1.5 million Armenians, but he did in fact call it a “genocide” earlier this month.

Azerbaijani MP Urges Turkish Government To Expel All Armenians Why does Turkey still tolerate the Armenians on its land? For what reason does it hold them? Let Turkey be a country without Armenians, member of Azerbaijani Parliament Elman Mammadov told the newspaper Hurriyet, according to Moderator.az. He said Turkey and Azerbaijan could together wipe Armenia off the face of the Earth at a blow, and the Armenians should beware of that thought. “Why does Turkey create favorable conditions for the Armenians’ enrichment? Turkey, exile them at last from your territory, and let them draw conclusions from that,” the Azerbaijani MP called on Turkey demanding to take up urgent and cruel measures against the Armenians.

N.O. April 30, 2015, No. 18:N.O. Blank


9:41 AM

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A®a=in øre Shn Tihkø

N;ra®;al^ Ya, (Sufi Mediterranean Restaurant) Enjriq (Bouzouki Greek Restaurant) ;u pandok (Sheraton Hotel, Mission Valley)

:rkrord øre Pala Casino kam Temecula City N;ra®;al na.aya, pandokin mh= An] glou. $200 double occupancy Wyaroumn;rou vamkht 13 April% 2015 T;[;re ke n,anakouin wyaroumn;rou f;rjakanouj;amb (First come, first served) T;[;re apafow;lou ;u wyaroum katar;lou famar ke .ndroui f;®a]a\n;l

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NOR ØR% 30 APRIL 2015


m;[adr;z ;u datapart;z na;u ~ransa\i jourqamht qa[aqakanoujiune Kilikian jourq;rin \an]n;lou kapakzouj;amb! A\s grqi fa\;rhn fratarakouj;an a®jiu \a®a=aban h gr;l Dokt& |& Jir;aq;ane (Øgostos 1% 1916)% our est arvanuo\n bar]r h gnafat;l Kipenxi girqe% incphs na;u fa\;rhn jargmanoujiune katara‘ ;rkou fa\ ;ritasard ousano[n;rin^ A& Sa[ajhl;anin ;u :& Mørl;anin! Stor;u Kipenxi w;ro\i,;al grqiz oro, kryatoumn;row enj;rzo[i ou,adrouj;ann ;nq n;rka\aznoum 1915 j& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an w;rab;ro[ A& gl.iz niuj;r! *** 1915 Aprilin% Polshn framann;r [rkou;zan "oqr Asio\ t;[akan i,.anoujiunn;roun% i gor‘ dn;l kar;li ;u \armar amhn mi=oz% kan.au andamalou‘;lou fa\;rou ko[mh 'or]ou;liq apstambakan or;uh ];®nark! T;[akan i,.anouj;anz ,;,toua‘ hr jh^ fa\;r ka\srouj;an apafowouj;an ‘a\ra\;[ wtang ke spa®na\in% ;u axga\in pa,tpanoujiune ke pafan=hr frama \akanørhn kan.axgou,akan .stoujiun% fa\;re anwnas dar]n;lou! Karg me wa\r;rou t;[akan i,.anoujiunn;r patas.an;zin jh^ ir;nq n,mara‘ chin o*r;uh kaska‘;li gor‘ounhoujiun fa\;rou ko[mh ;u \i,;zouzin ka®awarouj;an jh% fa\;re o*c mhk wnas krna\in faszn;l% qani or xhnq chin kr;r% ;u ardhn am;nhn korowi arakan tarre banakin mh= ke gtnouhr! Kan jourq;r% oronq amøji ;u gjouj;an t;sak me xgazoum ounin! Ba\z jourq pa,tøn;an;rou m;‘ago\n mase^ patrastakam ;u ;®andagin^ Polshn ;ka‘ j;ladroujiune katar;z! Ansasto[n;r 'o.ou;zan! :u fa\kakan =ard;rou nor jouakan me sksau&&&! Na.% a\s ];®narke kar;li am;naqic dvouaroujiunow gor‘adr;lou famar% d;® ;us qa[aqn;rou ;u giu[;rou mh= mnaza‘ fa\ bnakcouj;an ouv;[ t[amardike axdararoujiun stazan fauaqouil \armarago\n wa\r me% endfanraphs qa[aqhn dours! Vantarmn;r ;u ostikann;r a\s framanin gor‘adrouj;an .stiu fsk;zin! Oc oq acqh wrip;zau! Xanonq vo[ou;lh w;r=% bolorn al sourh anzouzin! Gor‘adrouj;an a\s m;jote fnarauor hr 'oqr t;[;rou mh=% a®fasarak! M;‘ qa[aqn;rou mh= saka\n% Polso\ framann;re% a\sqan yi,d ou parx k;rpow katar;li kar;li chr mi,t! Fa\ ;r;u;lin;r% 'o[ozn;rou wra\ kam ir;nz toun;roun mh=% spannou;zan! N;rqin qa-

[aqn;rou a\r;r fsko[ouj;amb ªouri, qa[aqº [rkou;zan! Qani me vamhn w;radar]an pafapann;re^ a®anz ir;nz bantark;aln;roun&&&! ’ow;x;r;a\ qa[aqn;rou fa\;r nauakn;row ªouri, nauafangistº me tarou;zan! Nauakn;re xarmanaliørhn ,out w;radar]an^ parpoua@‘ ir;nz yambordn;rhn! |;to\% orphsxi ;rkajou[ii ;u yamban;rou ,inouj;an famar gor‘a‘ouo[ fa\ xinouorn;r karo[ cellan or;uh fauanakan dvouaroujiun \arouzan;l^ k*a,.atzouhin irarmh m[onn;row f;®ou kht;rou wra\% 300-hn 500 fogi parounako[ .mbakn;rou bavnoua‘! Jourq kanonauor banaki xøragound;r [rkou;zan ,outow ªfa\ \;[a'o.oujiune nouay;louº! |ankar‘aki \ar]akoum kr;zin banouorakan a\d 'oqrik .mbakn;re% oronq caracar k*a,.athin ji;row% l‘akn;row ;u ';tatn;row! A\s ªapstambn;rºe ‘ak‘kou;zan gndakn;row^ gitnalh a®a= jh i*nc ke patafhr&&&! Mhk qanin% or \a=o[;zan 'a.cil^ f;tapndou;zan f;‘;aln;rh kam jratou;zan&&&! Ma\ishn minc;u Øgostos^ Øsman;an ka®awaroujiune m;jotik k;rpow f;tapnd;z ‘ragir me^ au;li dvo.a\in qan fnarauor \o®;go\n =arde! "oqr Asio\ iuraqanciur nafang f;®agrou;zau^ bowandak fa\oujiune Mi=ag;tq t;[afan en;l! Framane oro*, hr ;u manramasn! Mo®azouj;an matnou;lou ca' ann,an giu[ak me ckar! Moun;tikn;r axdarar;zin jh amhn fa\% a\sinc oro, at;nin% phtq h patrast ella\ m;kn;lou an‘anøj wa\r me! ’;r;r% fiuandn;r ;u \[i kin;r baza®oujiun chin kaxm;r! Mia\n faroust waya®akann;r% dramathrn;r ;u g;[adhm kin;r ou a[=ikn;r artønoua‘ hin axat mnal^ mafm;takan krønqe endoun;lou pa\manau! Saka\n% \auit;nakan \arga@nq ir;nz% fat fat an];r mia\n øgtou;zan 'a.ousti a\s mi=ozhn! :rkou ørhn minc;u w;z vam troua‘ hr patrastouj;an famar! Tnakan a®arkan;r% anasoun kam au;lord xg;st argiloua‘ hr tanil! Anko[ini kaxma‘ ;u k;rakouri pa,ar^ ouve n;ra‘in ca' kar;li hr w;rzn;l% ousin wra\ dra‘! :u piti qa,hin f;tiotn^ kixic ar;uin tak% an=rdi ]or;rhn ;u ]iunapat l;®n;rou kiry;rhn! Ou fark hr toka@l yambordouj;an me^ ;r;qhn minc;u ouj ,abaj&&&! T;[afanouj;an framane takauin cstazoua‘ qriston;a\ giu[;rh anzn;lou paraga\in% karauane artønoua‘ chr endounil k;rakour ;u kam or;uh foga‘oujiun! ’;r;r% fiuandn;r ;u 'oqr manoukn;r inka@n yamban;roun ;x;rqe% angam men al c;ll;lou pa\manau&&&! :rkounqi mh=

;[o[ kin;r souinn;row ;u .araxann;row a®a= ke q,ouhin% minc;u or mafe axathr xir;nq! Siroun a[=ikn;r ke .louhin far;mn;roun famar% kam% pafapann;rou ko[mh ke b®nabarouhin amhn ør^ spas;low mafouan% ibr gja®at axatarari! Anonq or krna\in% an]naspan ;[an! Ma\r;r% .;lagar^ g;te n;t;zin ir;nz xauakn;re% anonz ta®apanqin w;r= talou! Anøjoujiun% ‘arau% lqoum ;u amøj fariur faxarn;row kin;r mafouan girke tarin! Na. ørh ør% \;to\ vam a® vam nøsrazau .[yali karauane! Amhn oq \ousafat^ mia\n mafouan 'a'aq;zau% qanxi fna#r h% or \o\se apri yambordouj;an me mh=% or wa.yan couni! No\nisk am;nhn xørauorin qow ouv mnal kar;li# h! Dvo.q a®a=nordo[ a\d yambhn a= kam ]a. .otoro[n;r frazanaxark kam souinafar ;[an! Anonq or 'a.c;low% \a=o[;zan axatouil pafapann;rou ];®qhn% qiurt;rhn ;u f;‘;al giu[azin;rh f;tapind^ g;tin '®ou;za@n&&&! Ou ;ritasard jourq;r d;® ke ,arounak;n oroyal fa\ \;[a'o.oujiune fo*n% "oqr Asio\ mh=! W;ri parb;roujiune faxiu auarta‘ hi% ;rb touns ;kau angliazi kin me% xor tarin;rh i w;r ke yancnam! An mhk amis a®a= jo[a‘ h Atanan! Ir patmoujiune \ar;unman h ouri,n;rou patma‘in! :s ounim no\nørinak 'ast;r^ am;rik;an% angliakan% g;rmanakan ;u xouiz;riakan akanat;sn;rh% oronz wka\oujiunn;re xirar ke fastat;n!

Angloufin in‘i a\sphs patm;z& ªT;[afanoujiune takauin ke ,arounakoui! N;rqin nafangn;rhn sksa‘ minc;u Pa[tati ;rkajou[ii ;rka\nqin^ anzn;low Atana\i mh=hn^ anonq ke [rkouin dhpi mafoua@n ou[;uoroujiun! :rkajou[in% amhnour or go\oujiun ouni% bna=n=oumi gor‘e 'oujazn;lou ke ‘a®a\h^ au;li arag qan a\n wa\r;re% our karauann;re ke \a®a=anan otqow! A@f% ;rani@ jh mia\n =ardhin w;r=aznhin% incphs famit;an ør;roun! Atana\i ;rkajou[ii ka\aranhn dit;zi fa\ kin;r% oronq% mankikn;re j;u;rnoun wra\ bar]razouza‘% ª=o@urº ke .ndrhin! Fazi a.orvak chr mnaza‘ a\l;us anonz mh=! ªMia*\n =o@ur% po*ut me =o@urº k*a[;rshin&&&! +rfan me kar! ’ounki ;ka‘^ .ndr;zi pafapanhn jo\latr;l in‘i kajil me =our tal! Ka®a.oumbe ,arv;za@u isko\n! :u w;r=in lsa‘s korous;aln;rou a[io[orm fa®acn hr&&&! Asika mhk angam ch patafa‘! Gr;jh amhn ør no\n ;r;uo\je ke krknouhr! Lort Pra\s 800%000 xof;#r k*;njadrh! La*u% a\vm a\d jiue mhk milioni fasa‘ ellalou h! Krna#q ;r;uaka\;l mardka\in arara‘n;r% or no\nisk wa\r;ni anasounn;re a\spisi mafow me mafazn;n&&&º! Ba\z Oua,inkjeni jourq d;spane takauin ke \a\tararh jh% a\s patmoujiunn;re ª,in‘ouº ;n ;u jh ªkin;r ;u pxtikn;r c;n spannoua‘&&&º! (T;*s h= 1637)!

N.O. April 30, 2015, No. 18:N.O. Blank


9:41 AM

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9:41 AM

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NOR ØR% 30 APRIL 2015





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YORYIØ P:TROS:ANI F:RJAKAN |A{JANAKE W;r=;rs Italia\oum ka\az;l h .a®e mart;ri Oktagon 2015 auandakan mrza,are! Gl.auor m;namartoum fandip;l hin Italian n;rka\azno[ fa\ martik Yoryiø P;tros;ane ;u g;rmanazi Hnrikh K;le! :r;q ®aountiz \;to\ mrzawarn;re \a[janake ,norf;l ;n P;tros;anin! Âing h dours ;k;l na;u nra ;[ba\re^ Armhn P;tros;ane ow \a[j;l h ya'onazi Kido\in! Yoryiø P;tros;ane enk;roujiun h anoum angliakan ªLiw;rpouliº italazi \ar]akouo[ Mariø Balot;lii f;t% ow ,norfauor;l h nran sozialakan ka\q;riz mhkoum!

MARGARITA GASPAR:ANE^ ITF MRZA<ARI |A{JO{ ~ransia\i Krouasi Bobouroum ka\aza‘ ITF (j;nisi mi=axga\in da,noujiun) mrza,ari (mrzanaka\in fimnadrame 50 faxar tolar) \a[jo[i kocoume nouay;l h Âousastane n;rka\azno[ Margarita Gaspar;ane! :xra'akicoum 20-am;a\ Gaspar;ane 6!3% 6!4 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an h fas;l `ransiazi Matilda :oufansoni nkatmamb! Fandipoume t;u;l h 1 vam 23 roph! Fama,.arfa\in dasakargman 168-rd t;[oum enjazo[ Gaspar;ane a\s tari \a[j;l h ITF ,arqi ;us ;rkou mrza,aroum!

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