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N.O. May 28, 2015, No. 22:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% 28 MA|IS 2015

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 22 VOLUME 93, NO. 22

Na.agafe Endouna‘ H ªJo,ipa M;tiqal Sisj;mxº Enk;rouj;an Na.agaf :u Gor‘adir Tnørhn^ Sato,i Zounakaua\in

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NOR ØR% 28 MA|IS 2015


TAR:W:R+ H ARDHN Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno) PA<TØNAJ:RJ MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:ROU ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN <R+ANI An ADL Publication >MBAGIR^

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93-AM:AK 1922-2015


TOQJ& <AUAR< QRIS:AN |atkaphs ou,agrau h 1915 April 24-i ,our=% m;‘amasnouj;amb polsabnak akanauor møt 250 fa\;rou ana[mouk an\a\tazoume! Est m;xi fasa‘ anpa,tøn t;[;kouj;anz% anonq jrqakan p;touj;an ko[mh ];rbakalou;zan% 'o.adrou;zan a\laxan bant;r% ;njarkou;zan anmardka\in .o,tangoumn;rou% apa m;‘amasnabar spannou;zan% mnazin anw;radar]! Anonz g;r;xmann;re zard ke mnan an‘anøj! Anonz mafe an,ou,t jh soworakan pat;raxmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;rou f;t;uanq chr% qani anonq bolorn al ma\raqa[aq Isjanpouli (Polis) mh= bnako[ ou gor‘o[ fanra‘anøj grakan% lragrakan% irauabanakan dhmq;r hin% oronzmh ;rkouqe^ no\nisk

;r;s'o.ann;r jrqakan p;touj;an! O*c jh omn dhmq;r baxmafaxar gaua®abnak baxmoujiunn;roun mh=! F;t;uabar ;u anfrav;,tørhn% jrqakan p;takan ar.iun;roun mh= gtnou;lou ;n no\ninqn p;touj;an apafowouj;an spasarkouj;anz ko[mh a\s masin fauaqoua‘ t;[;kouj;anz lriu ar]anagroujiunn;r! Ardar;u% Øsman;an ka\sroujiune mafazou pat;raxmi mh= hr! Baxmadar;an 'or]a®oujiun oun;zo[ a\dpisi m;‘ p;toujiune an,ou,t jh acalour= wiyaki mh= hr% ;u antarb;r% an,arv ou krauorakan chr karo[ mnaza‘ ellal nman xangoua‘a\in an\a\tazman me paraga\in! :jh p;toujiune iskaphs anm;[ hr ou mat counhr a\d anw;-

radar] an\a\tazmanz mh=% anpa\man ];®narka‘ piti ellar la\na‘aual lour= qnnarkouj;anz ou prptoumn;rou% pafa‘ piti ellar j[ja‘rarn;r^ 'nt®touqn;roun enjazqin% apa% ;u ;xrakazouj;anz masin pa,tønakan ar]anagrouj;anz! A\laphs% ;jh p;toujiune i*nqn hr ];rbakalo[e% a\d paraga\in al anfrav;,tabar ounhr j[ja‘rarn;r a\d 250-i møt an];rou xanaxan \anzagor‘ouj;anz% m;[q;roun kam no\nisk dauayanakan ararqn;roun w;rab;r;al% oronz fiman wra\ datarann;rh n;rs anonz \anzauor ellale 'asta‘ ou xanonq mafouan dataparta‘ piti ellar! A\s paraga\in ;us% ambo[=akan ar]anagroujiunn;r ou 'astajou[j;r <ar& h= 12

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THURSDAY, MAY 28% 2015


FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE ØTARAXGI AKANAT:SN:RI WKA|OUJIUNN:ROUM (100-Am;a\ Tar;lizi A®ijow) "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Lrazau fa\ vo[owrdi nkatmamb 20-rd daraskxboum gor‘adroua‘ M;‘ :[;®ni o[b;rgouj;an 100-rd tar;lize! 1915 j& ;ritjourq;ri ka®awarouj;an kira®a‘ z;[aspan qa[aqakanouj;an f;t;uanqow Ar;umtafa\oujiune kangn;z ispa® ocncazman wtangi a®=;u! Niujakan fska\akan korsti f;t mhkt;[ fa\ vo[owourde xrkou;z ir bnørraniz^ Ar;umt;an Fa\astaniz% talow mhkoukhs milioniz au;li anm;[ xof;r! A\o*% Souljan Aptoul Famiti b®natirouj;an ,r=anoum fa \;ri bna=n=man w;rab;ro[ n;ng ararqn;re no\nouj;amb ord;gr;zin na;u 1908 j& i,.anouj;an glou. ;ka‘ ;ritjourqakan ka®awaroujiunn ou ªIjjifat wh J;raqiº (Mioujiun ;u A®a=adimoujiun) kousakzouj;an paraglou.n;re! Nranq ir;nz fa\a=in= ‘ragr;re iragor‘;zin A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi enjazqoum% kan.amta‘oua‘ ‘ragrow ;u a\d npataki famar st;[‘oua‘ ªj;,qilaje mafsoushºi (\atouk kaxmak;rpoujiun) ariunarbou frosaka.mb;ri mi=ozow! :u a\dphs fa\kakan farze lou‘;lou famar ;ritjourq;rn entr;zin Ar;umtafa\ouj;ane ispa® bna=n=;lou yanaparfe! A\sør 2015 jouakann h ;u April 24-in lrazau fa\ vo[owrdi nkatmamb gor‘adroua‘ a\d ‘anrago\n o[b;rgouj;an 100-rd tar;lize! Anza‘ tarin;ri enjazqoum mi ,arq ;rkrn;ri .orfrdarann;r yanac;zin ou datapart;zin Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune! A\d bolorow fand;r] a® a\sør Jourqian ci yanac;l fa\;ri nkatmamb kataroua‘ Z;[aspanoujiune! Endfaka®ake% ardi jourqakan patmagroujiune% ka®awaroujiunn ou p;takan gor‘icn;re pa,tønaphs f;rqoum ;u ouranoum ;n A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi enjazqoum t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri fala‘anqn;rn ou kotora‘n;re! Irakanoum 1915-1923 jj& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an w;rab;ro[ kan baxmajiu 'astagrakan niuj;r% akanat;si wka\oujiunn;r% oronq bolorn hl fauasti ;n ;u y,grit patk;razoum ;n ta lis fa\ vo[owrdi m;‘ago\n o[b;rgouj;an masin! Stor;u truoum ;n a®an]in fatoua‘n;r øtar gor‘icn;ri wka\oujiunn;riz! A\n hl n,;nq% or 'astaj[j;ri jiue ,at-,at h% a\nphs or mi \ødoua‘i safmann;roum fnarauor ch kang a®n;l bolori wra\! F;nri Morkenjaou% (AMN-i d;span Jourqia\oum 1913-1916 jj&)&_ :s wstaf ;m% or ambo[= mardkouj;an mh= ckan a\npisi sarsa';li 'ast;r% incphs a\s kotora‘n hr! Juoum hr% or anz;aloum ;[a‘ m;‘ kotora‘n;rn ou fala‘anqn;re 1915 j& fa\ axgi tan=anqn;ri f;t fam;mata‘ ann,an ;n! (Henry Morgenthau, ambassador Morgenthau's Story, Garden City, New York, 1918, p. 324)! Ekasja P;rnø% Niu :orqi ªVacum Oilº enk;rouj;an n;rka\azouzic& 1915-1916 jj& Jourqia\oum akanat;s h ;[;l ambo[= :'rat g;ti ;rka\nqow t;[afanoua‘ fa\;ri o[b;rgakan wiyakin%- ªka®awaroujiune% ore \an]narar;l hr t;[a'o.;l a\s vo[owrdin anapati mi=ow bolorowin mtadroujiun counhr kirark;lou nranz% no\nisk akn\a\t hr% or ka®awarouj;an ‘ragrow nranq phtq h mafana\in sowiz&&&! A\s bolore% or ;s t;sa\ ou ls;zi% w;r hr amhn ;r;uaka\oujiuniz! Orphs Tanjhi dvo.qi yambari moutqi wra\& ªDou% or mtar a\st;[ mo®azi*r bolor \o\s;rdº! Fatoua‘e b;roua‘ h 1916 j& S;pt;mb;ri 21-in Falhpoum AMN-i fiupatos Y&B& Y;qsenin ou[[oua‘ x;kouzagriz! T;*s (Stanley E. Kerr, The Lions of Marash, New York, 1973, h= 273)! Mofammht Ali Yamalxath% parsik grakanaght%- ª:s akanat;s ;[a\ mi ,arq davanabaro\ tan=anqn;ri ou .o,tangoumn;ri% oronq gor‘adroum hin jourq xinouorn;re fa\;ri gl.in A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi tarin;rin ;u ori f;t;uanqe% incphs git;nq% ;[au milionauor fa\;ri =arde&&&! Fariurauor fa\ t[amardkanz% kananz ou ;r;.an;ri% oronq ardhn anxør hin qa\l;lou% mtraki ;u xhnqi ouvow f;tiotn ou anxør% an.na\ q,oum hin a®a=! T[amardkanz mh= ;ritasardn;r cka\in! Nranz ou[ark;l hin ®axmayakat kam kaska-

‘;low% or karo[ ;n mianal ®ousakan banakin% kotor;l hin! :s xarfour;li ør;r anzkazri% ør;r% oronq af®;li m[]auan=i phs ‘anraz;l ;n fogous wra\! M[]auan=% or ;rb;mn tarb;r a®ijn;row yn,oum h o[= houjiuns% anfangstaznoum ou tan=oum h in]º! (Jargmanoujiune katar;l h parskaght Fra\r Mowsis;ane% t;*s ªPatma-banasirakan fandhseº% :r;uan% 1987% No\;mb;r 2% h= 232! Anri Parpi% `ransiazi lragro[% akanat;s%- ªNranq jalanoum ou frd;foum ;n fa\;ri tn;re% spannoum t[amardkanz% diakn;re jo[noum 'o[ozn;roum enka‘% ir;nz f;t tanoum g;[;zik a[=ikn;rin ou ba.ti qmafayo\qin jo[noum faziz ou bnakaraniz xourk kananz ou ;r;.an;rin! (Anri Parpi% ªSarsa'i :rkroumº% ªTa®ap;al Fa\astanº% Ji`lis% 1919% h= 131% ®ous;rhn jargmanoujiun)! W&A& Gortl;uski% ar;u;laght% jourqaght& :s t;sa\% jh incphs 1916 j& ama®e jourq;re fa\;ri ambo.in q,;zin Pijlis&&& Sarsa';li% o[orm;li wiyakoum hin fa\;re^ pata®otoua‘% fiu‘oua‘! Nranz dhmq;rin arta\a\tuoum hin sarsa'n;re% or f;nz nor apr;l hin nranq&&&! Fariur faxarauor anm;[ fa\;r Jourqia\oum dar]an gaxanoujiunn;ri xof! (W&A& Gortl;uski% ªEntir :rk;rº% Moskoua% 1962% fator 3% h= 130% ®ous;rhn)! <o\bn;r Âi.t;r% Hrxroumoum g;rmanakan fiupatos (1915 j& |ounisi 2-in x;kouzagriz)%- Im banakzoujiunn;re gl.auor framanatari f;t fa\;ri t;[afanouj;an w;rab;r;al drakan ardiunqi cfang;zrin! Fa\ axga\in bnakcoujiune da,ta\in bolor ,r=ann;riz% fauanakan h ;u Hrxroumiz% phtq h artaqsoui Thr Xøri ko[m;re! M;‘ ‘auali a\s t;[afanoujiune fauasaraxør h xangoua‘a\in ocncazman% qani or 'o.adrakan lriu mi=ozn;ri bazaka\ouj;an patya®ow t;[afanoua‘n;ri faxiu khse o[= ke fasni n,anakoua‘ wa\r;re% ;u fauanakan h a\s t;[afanoujiune ir f;t ke b;ri o*c mia\n fa\;ri% a\l;u ambo[= ;rkri qa\qa\oum! (Dr. Jofannes Lepsius, Deutschland und Armenien 1914-1918, Potsdam, 1919, s. 80)! ~a\hx hl {osh\n% arab 'astaban% akanat;s& ªOur`a\iz m;kn;louz \;to\ fandip;zinq znzotin;ri mh= kora‘% sowiz ou fiu‘oua‘oujiuniz m;®no[ kananz .mb;ri% t;sanq yanaparfi ;xr;rin enka‘ baxmajiu diakn;r! M;nq dadar a®anq {ara Yourn giu[in møtik mi wa\roum^ Our`a\iz w;z vamoua\ f;®auorouj;an wra\! :s 'oqr inc f;®aza\ a[biuri ko[me ;u a\st;[ mi sarsa';li ou no[kali t;saran bazou;z acq;ris a®=;u% g;tnin pa®ka‘ hr mi kisam;® kin^ kapkpoua‘ arnajaja. ,apikow% kr‘qiz cors 'am'ou,tow gndakafar ;[a‘! :s a\nphs hi znzoua‘ a\d t;saraniz% or sks;zi f;k;kal! (Fatoua‘e qa[oua‘ h ªFa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune Øsman;an Ka\sroujiunoumº grqiz% M&G& N;rsis;ani .mbagrouj;amb% :r;uan% 1991% h= 484)! F;nri Farison Âiga% >arb;rdi am;rik;an ª:'ratº golhyi na.agaf% akanat;s& ªTarb;r a[biurn;riz m;nq t;[;kazanq% or aqsorakann;re kotora‘i ;n ;njarkuoum >arb;rdi farau ar;u;l;an yanaparfi ambo[= ;rka\nqow! :u a\s fa[ordman y,martoujiune stoug;lou ;u ir;nz acq;row t;sn;lou famar n,anakou;zin ;rkou am;rikazin;r^ f;t;u;lou aqsorakann;ri ja'ørin! A\s ;rkou am;rikazin;re% oronq ]i;row f;t;u;l hin ja'ørin asazin in]% or mi ør nranq t;s;l hin oc pakas qan 10%000 mardka\in anja[ diakn;r! Nranq nkat;l hin na;u% or mhk kam ;rkou wa\r;roum 'or];r ;n ;[;l diakn;ri ko\t;re wa®;lou% orphsxi w;razoui tou;al ,r=ani mjnolorti antan;li apakanoume&&&! (Fatoua‘e b;roua‘ h ªO[b;rgakan ør;r Fa\astanoumº grqiz! Days of Tragedy in Armenia)! Mardin Nipakh% g;rmanazi ousouzic% akanat;s& ªT;[afanouj;an npatake ambo[= fa\ vo[owourdin gl.owin ocncazn;ln h! A\d mtadroujiune baza\a\t ;r;uoum h a\n 'astiz% or ka®awaroujiune kanonauor k;rpow fakaxdoum hr a\n misionarn;rin% gjouj;an qo\r;rin ;u a\l ;uropazin;rin% oronq gtnou;low ;rkroum ]gtoum ;n øgn;l fa\;rin! (Quelques documents sur le sors Armeniens en 1915. Fasicul 111, Geneva, 1916, p. 161)!

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NOR ØR% 28 MA|IS 2015


Ouojerjaoun&- Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcoujiune |ounouar 30% 2015-in% Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvaranin mh= goumara‘ vo[owin enjazqin oro,a‘ hr N;rka \azouzcakan Gras;n;ak me fastat;l :r;uani mh=% ir krjakan ;u m,akouja\in ‘ragirn;re irakanazn;lou famar {araba[i ;u Fa\astani mh=! JMMiouj;an 'o. na.agaf Prn& :rouand Axat;an% :[;®ni fariur am;akin a®jiu Fa\astan a\z;louj;an enjazqin fandipoumn;r oun;zau patkan marminn;roun f;t ;u ørinakan dimoumn;row karo[azau fimnadr;l Miouj;an n;rka\azouzcakan gras;n;ake! Ga\anh Mourat;ane n,anakou;zau Miouj;an N;rka\azouzice Fa\astani mh=! Ga\anh Mourat;ane 2000 jouakanhn i w;r ke warh Miouj;an “Ousouzic me Fowanauorh” ‘ragire Fa\astani ;u {araba[i mh=! JMMiouj;an gras;n;ake ke gtnoui 20 :xnik Ko[bazi po[ota\in wra\% Fanrap;touj;an Fraparakhn mi qani 'o[oz andin! JMMIOUJ:AN K:DRONAKAN WARCOUJIUN Ma\is 22% 2015

Qnnarkou;l :n Fa\-M;qsiqakan |arab;roujiunn;ri Xargazman Ou[[oua‘ Farz;r

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Ast[ik Tatour;an

Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuram;aki og;kocman% Fa\astani i,.anoujiune ;u s'iu®qafa\ iuraqanciur kaxmak;rpoujiun kam fama.mboum b;rin ir;nz masnakzoujiune% bnakanabar amhn miauor ir kar;liouj;anz ou karo[ouj;an fama]a\n! Kar;uore fauaqakan% =;rm;®and ;u anmnazord matouzoumn hr% oroun arvanazan biurauor m;r nafatakn;re! Na;u% a\s ankiunadar]a\in fangrouanin% \o\v npastauor ;u armatakan b;koum ar]anagr;z M;‘ :[;®ni fama,.arfa\in yanacoume% znz;low ou ,ouaroumi matn;low jourq p;takanoujiune! Afauasik% famendfanour a\s \arganqin ir fam;st bavine b;rau na;u F&B&E&Miouj;an San ~;rnantø Fowiti W;j;rann;rou Warcoujiune! Ardar;u% Bar;gor‘akani Manouk;an-T;miry;an Warvarani A[ayan;an srafin mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ ];®narke ounhr ambo[=owin g;[arou;stakan \a\tagir me% oroun korixe kaxm;zin asmounqe^ ‘anøj fa\ f;[inakn;rou st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;rhn% ambo[=azoua‘ ø';ra\i ;rgcoufi Anafit N;rsis;ani a®inqno[ kataroumn;row! Ørouan \a\tagire enjazq a®au fay;li fandisawarouj;amb Prn& |arouj Thr Dauij;ani! G;[arou;stakan ];®narkin ast[e fandisazau na.kin libananafa\ gor‘øn enk;ra\in tarr Tik& Ast[ik Tatour;an! A®a=in bavnin mh=% anika \a=ordabar n;rka\azouz S& Kapoutik;ani ªMtoroumn;r Yanaparfi Khsinº% G& Hmini ª:rg K®ounki Masinº - a\s mhke nax;lay;m pari m;nakatarouj;amb Ørd& Anafis Auanis;ani-% ou dar];al G& Hmini ªSasounzin;ri Pareº ou Siamanjo\i ª|o\sin Famarº banast;[‘oujiunn;re! |atouk n,anakoujiun oun;zau nor s;roundin masnakzoujiune ;us g;[arou;stakan a\s ;r;ko\in! Ardar;u% Bar;gor‘akani Manouk;an-T;miry;an san;rhn Wa\q Osk;an% =oujaki wra\ \a=ordabar nouag;z ªGaroun Aº ou ª<o[;r +anº^ Komitashn% ;u ªIs Qou {i\maje Cim Gitiº^ Sa\aj Nowa\hn% isk qanoni wra\ nouag;zin Lilia ;u Al;qsantra :aral;ann;re^ ªHlhkiaº^ A®nø

Anafit N;rsis;an

|arouj Thr Dauij;an

Papa=an;anhn! Ø';ra\i fanra‘anøj ;rgcoufi Anafit N;rsis;ani m;nakataroumn;re \atouk 'a\l me touin fandisouj;an% ir;ra\a=ord ;r;q m;n;rgn;row ª:s Plpoul :mº (Â& M;liq;anhn)% ªAraqs G;tº (m,akoum Dolou.an;ani) ou ª’i‘;®nakº (Komitashn)! |a\tagire ,arounakou;zau a®anz endmi=oumi banast;[‘ouj;anz nor 'oun=ow me& ª:k;[;zin Fa\kakanº (W& Jhqh;an)% ªMat;an Go\ouj;anº (F;nrik Jouman;an)% ªFa\ Vo[owourdinº (W& Dauj;an)% ªKtakº (|owfannhs <irax) ;u ª:s Im Anou, Fa\astaniº (:& Car;nz)! Ast[ik Tatour;ani ,our= vam me t;uo[ ;lo\jn;re \atkan,ou;zan \stak a®oganouj;amb% ansa\jaq artasanouj;amb% aproumow ;u \a=o[ m;knabanouj;amb% ,norfali k;zoua‘qow ou b;makan tirap;touj;amb% ounkndirn;roun parg;u;low asmounqi embo,.man \atouk ;r;ko\ me! B;mi ;rkou ko[m;roun% ormadrouagn;rou (panels) wra\ k*;r;uhin arou;staght Wafh Tatour;ani ko[mh ca'axanz \a=o[ouj;amb g‘agroua‘ banast;[‘n;roun dimankarn;re% oronq paf me kar‘hq k;ndanoujiun k*a®nhin% ;rb k*artasanouhin ir;nz st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re! |atouk ,norfakaloujiunn;r gowaxdi% toms;rou ;u \a\tagri gra,arouj;an ou n;rka\anali <ar& h= 13


European Commission, Armenia Launch New Cooperation Format Talks

European Commission launched negotiations with Armenia on a new legal format of cooperation, the head of the EU delegation to Armenia said. As Traian Hristea stressed at the international conference Caucasus 2014, the Eastern Partnership remains the format that allows to share values and help member states in implementation of reforms. "During the recently completed Eastern partnership summit in Riga, approaches to cooperation with the partners and their involvement into integration processes were reviewed on all levels," Novosti-Armenia quoted Hristea as saying.

Syrian Army Raid Kills 140 ISIS Fighters: State Media BEIRUT. The Syrian air force hit an ISIS-controlled air base in Raqqa province Tuesday, killing more than 140 militants, state media said, striking the jihadi group in its Syrian stronghold a week after it seized Palmyra from the government. The city of Raqqa is seen as the de facto capital of the "caliphate" ISIS has declared in Syria and Iraq. The group has made notable gains in both countries this month, capturing both Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria. Reuters

Iraqi Lack Of Will To Fight ISIS Has Been 'A Problem': White House WASHINGTON. The White House said on Tuesday that Iraqi troops' lack of will to fight ISIS militants, an issue cited by the Pentagon chief over the weekend, has been a concern. "That certainly has been a problem that we have seen in the past," White House spokesman Josh Earnest acknowledged when asked about Defense Secretary Ash Carter's comments on Sunday. Carter said Iraqi forces showed no will to fight against ISIS militants during the fall of Ramadi a week ago, and U.S. forces were trying to encourage them to engage more directly.

Armenian Genocide Centenary Events To Continue – Hayk Demoyan Events marking the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be continued in the latter half of 2015, Director of the Institute Museum of the Armenian Genocide Hayk Demoyan told reporters on Tuesday. He mentioned the cities that hosted exhibitions dedicated to the Armenian Genocide centenary, which were organized with

the sponsorship of diplomatic missions and local Armenian communities. Four major exhibitions are expected to be organized, with one of them timed to the Pan-Armenian Games. Mr Demoyan highlighted the 12th conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, with the participation of 250-300 scholars from different states.

Armenia’s Minister Of Economy Receives Delegation Of Microsoft Corporation On May 25, RA Minister of Economy met with a delegation of "Microsoft" Corporation at the Ministry of Economy of RA, the press service of Armenia’s Ministry of Economy reports. The delegation composed of Don Grantham, President at Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe region, Pilar Torres, General Manager at Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe region, Daniel Grabski, Chief Security Officer at Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe region and Yeva Hyusyan, Country Manager at Microsoft. During the meeting RA Minister of Economy Karen Chshmaritian expressed gratitude to the representatives of Microsoft Corporation for the company's activities in past 10 years in Armenia, expressing hope that fruitful cooperation with Microsoft will

be continuous. Don Grantham, in his turn, expressed gratitude to the Government of Armenia for its readiness to cooperate with the corporation and assistance for the programs, implemented by Microsoft in Armenia. He informed that the company intends to carry out a number of prospective projects by confirming with RA Government a longterm cooperation in the sectors of education, security, protection of intellectual property rights, innovation.

Russia’s Lavrov Views Karabakh Issue “With Cautious Optimism” PanARMENIAN.Net - The Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement is among Moscow’s foreign policy priorities, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after negotiations with his Azeri counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov, TASS reports. “It’s undeniable that the solution of the conflict has been dragged out for quite a while. Still there’s an actual basis for decision-making. What we need now is for understanding of that basis to be formulated,” the official said. He further confirmed Russia’s readiness in helping the conflicting sides find a solution. “Yesterday, we took several hours to discuss approaches to the Karabakh settlement taking into consideration many year’s of work conducted in that area, fist of all, in the framework of the OSCE Minks Group,” Lavrov said, adding that he views the situation “with cautious optimism.”

Santa Margarida Recognizes Armenian Genocide Santa Margarida, municipality in Spain, has joined the Spanish cities that have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. The municipality decided to support recognition of the Armenian Genocide as well as restitution demands. The municipality demands recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Spain, taking into account the resolution adopted by the European Parliament.

Azerbaijan Quake Felt In Karabakh YEREVAN. – The seismological network of the “Survey for Seismic Protection” Agency of Armenia recorded a 4.5-magnitude earthquake in Azerbaijan on Tuesday at 5:40am. The tremor measured magnitude 6 at the epicenter, and its hypocenter was 10 km beneath the surface. The seismic activity was felt in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, too. The

DM: Armenia Committed To Peaceful Resolution Of Karabakh Conflict

Armenia is committed to a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which will create an equal dialogue and an atmosphere of mutual confidence, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan told reporters at the National Assembly on Monday.

Armenia, Iran Clarify Agenda Of Defense Cooperation The delegation led by Armenia’s First Deputy Defense Minister David Tonoyan was in Iran on a working visit on May 2425, the press service of Armenian Defense Ministry reports. The aim of the visit was to clarify the agenda of defense cooperation between Armenia and Iran and outline the upcoming events. During the visit, Mr Tonoyan met with Iran’s Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan and his deputy. They discussed issues related to international and regional security as well as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. David Tonoyan conveyed to the Iranian Minister an invitation from Armenia’s Defense Minister to visit Armenia. Dehghan accepted the invitation and promised to visit Armenia this year.

Minister Nalbandian Leaves For Lebanon On May 26 Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian pays visit to Lebanon on the invitation of his Lebanese counterpart Jebran Bassil. Press and information department of the RA Foreign Ministry informs about this. In frame of the visit Edward Nalbandian will meet the Lebanese authorities and also will have meetings with the representatives of Armenian community in Beirut.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 28, 2015


A Unique Initiative To Commemorate The Armenian Genocide Centennial:

AGBU France’s International Concert In Paris In Honor Of The Armenian Genocide Krikor K. Jabourian And Dikran A. Tchablakian Now Online Presented The Newly Created Erebouni Pens To The Armenian World Orchestra, directed by renowned conductor Alain Altinoglu, performs pieces by Pope Francis And Charles Aznavour Aram Khachaturian, Komitas, Petrossian and Mozart

On April 12, 2015, Entrepreneur and Benefactor M.Sc. Krikor K. Jabourian presented the Erebouni pen to Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican, accompanied by a copy of the Rebirth Towards Eternity memorial book. The gift was presented on the day the pontiff celebrated a divine liturgy on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial and proclaimed Saint Gregor of Narek Doctor of the Universal Church. Two days later, on April 14, as previously agreed upon, entrepreneurs Krikor K. Jabourian and Dikran A. Tchablakian met with the world-famous artist and ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland Charles Aznavour and presented the same pen and edition to him. The latter highly estimated the initiative, which, a unique homage to Armenian artists, serves the purpose of introducing and propagating the Armenian culture worldwide. The gold-carved Erebouni pen, designed by painter Koko Garabet Sakayan, is a product of the renowned Montegrappa Company. 3 types of the pen – Hokevor (Spiritual), Haverj (Eternal) and Kragan (Literary), were presented at the Basel 2015 International Exhibition (Switzerland) on

March 18-20, 2015, gaining much interest. The initiators of the project, Krikor K. Jabourian and Dikran A. Tchablakian, Armenian businessmen residing in Dubai, UAE, sponsored the publication of the Rebirth Towards Eternity octolingual memorial book, encompassing the biographies of 61 outstanding Armenians who have played a major and decisive role in Armenia’s politics, culture and religious life throughout centuries. The book is authored by Rev. Fr. Mesrop Topalian. Decorated with Armenian national and religious motifs and carrying the most typical symbols of Armenian religious and secular culture and history, the Erebouni pen is a unique tribute to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and an oath of commitment to stay true to the legacy of the 1.5 million martyrs and continue to nurture the Armenian culture. The Rebirth Towards Eternity memorial book, in its turn, is a brief but clear testimony of the values that the Armenians created during millennia and for the protection and preservation of which they voluntarily bore the harshest ordeals ever seen by humanity. !

On April 21, 2015, AGBU France held an international concert entitled “Génocide arménien, 100 ans de mémoire : un concert pour la vie” [Armenian Genocide 100 Years of Memory: A Concert for Life] in honor of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. The concert took place at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris and featured pieces by Aram Khachaturian, Komitas, Michel Petrossian and Mozart. It was performed by the Armenian World Orchestra, an ensemble of musicians of all ages from Armenia and throughout the Armenian diaspora, and led by renowned French Armenian conductor Alain Altinoglu. Held under the patronage of French President François Hollande and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, the concert drew more than 1900 members of the French Armenian and wider Parisian community and was a testament to the strong relationship among France, Armenia and the Armenian diaspora: “The concert commemorates the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, which France officially recognized in a law passed on January 29, 2001. Denial is intolerable, because it represents a double insult: one toward the victims and another toward truth. As long as this historical reality continues to be denied, the struggle for recognition will remain. France will always be at your side to continue this effort in the spirit of dialogue and peace,” wrote Hollande in his concert message. Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo echoed President Hollande’s commitment to nurturing close ties: “The support that the city of Paris brings to this benefit concert is proof [of France’s engagement in the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide]. At the same time, it is a way to recognize the great organization that is the AGBU. I would like to thank the president of AGBU France Philippe Panossian for his work to honor the memory of all victims of genocide. Know that you can count on my unwavering support throughout my term as mayor.” AGBU President Berge Setrakian also sent his well wishes for the concert: “A Concert for Life is a magnificent project in that it illustrates the Armenian people’s will to survive and its love for culture, music and creativity. It solidifies the historic mission of the organization, which succeeds in preserving Armenian culture and identity in a spirit of renaissance, faith and hope in the future of its people.” The program began with opening remarks by AGBU France President Philippe Panossian, who explained the organiza-

tion’s goals in organizing the concert: “Through the universal language of music, AGBU France pays homage to the victims of the genocide, honors their memory and raises awareness in younger generations about the history and legacy that their ancestors left them, teaching them to see it as precious for the future. Tonight, we are the bearers of a message of exchange, brotherhood and hope—a message conveyed through music, which has always had a special place in Armenian culture. 100 years after the event that diverted the course of Armenian history, the Armenian World Orchestra is proof that the Armenian people continue and will continue to assert their creative identity in France, Armenia and throughout the world.” The concert featured Aram Khachaturian’s Masquarade, the traditional folk pieces Groung and Akh Maral Djan by Komitas arranged for the duduk and Ciel à vif, an original piece composed especially for the concert by French Armenian classical composer Michel Petrossian. Ciel à vif— written for choir, orchestra and trio concertant (violin, violoncello and piano)—“seeks to question the apparent absence of God during the Armenian Genocide” by incorporating religious and secular texts and motifs in Armenian, English, French, Greek, Hebrew and Latin. After an intermission, the concert continued with Mozart’s Requiem en Ré mineur, KV 626. The pieces were performed by soprano Hasmik Papian, mezzo-soprano Nora Gubisch, tenor Liparit Avetisyan, basso Tigran Martirossian, pianist Vahan Mardirossian, cellist Xavier Phillips, and violinist JeanMarc Phillips-Varjabédian along with members of the Armenian World Orchestra and the Coro Gulbenkian, a symphonic choir based in Portugal. The concert’s live broadcast at the Yerevan State Opera House and on Armenia TV, a satellite station serving Europe and Russia, was made possible by the French Embassy in Yerevan and the Orange Foundation Armenia. It was also streamed live online at culturebox.francetvinfo.fr, where it is now available to watch in its entirety at http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/ live/musique/musique-classique/genocide-armenien-100-ans-de-memoire-soireemusicale-216129 For more information about the Armenian World Orchestra, please visit http://awo2015.com For more information about AGBU France, please visit http://ugabfrance.org/ !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 28, 2015


Awaken The Passion For Learning The “last bell” regular ceremony was held yesterday. The graduates, as expected, were expressing their gratitude to the teachers. I would not say that their words are untrue, but from my personal experience, I can argue that during the years of teenage and youth, we do not understand to the end about which teacher taught us what at school or at university. At that age, it seems to us that we are very clever while the elders and particularly, the teachers bother us with their backwardness, prejudices, and unsubstantiated claims. I, at least, thought so, and only when I turned 40 years old I realized that my teachers and professors did everything within their capabilities for me to obtain knowledge. It’s another matter that if it were depending on me I would radically change the whole education system, today’s the way of educating is outdated not only in Armenia but in the whole world. In my understanding, it does not meet the requirements of the post-industrial period. What is an industry? A production line, which should give a large number of standard products, and it requires people who would stand at various workstations of the production line and would do all necessary actions. This is not true about the economy of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. It develops by selling not the product of the production line, but the creativity though and the knowledge of the specialists. By teaching “in the way of a production line,” we squander human resources, which, indeed, is unacceptable for a small country like us. We fit in the outdated molds – a “strong, hard-working and promising students – weak, lazy, hopeless students”, “necessary part – unnecessary part.” Promising what by our extreme subjective standards is unnecessary we lose a very important potential. Education now looks like a plant, an industrial facility, whereas many foreign specialists believe that it should look like an agricultural, a farmer’s practice watching the plant growing from the seed, which later would give fruits. Education, in short, should not give the list of knowledge but how to awaken a passion of lifetime studying and improving. It exists in any human being, and the teacher’s task is to understand how and what the student wants to learn. This “ecological” approach requires skill and patience. But applying the “industrial” method today, it seems to me, is just wasting time. Aram Abrahamyan

Back To Its Owners: Camp Armen In Turkey To Be Returned To Armenians After Protests The owner of a historic Armenian orphanage in Istanbul has decided to return it to the Armenian community after days of protests over its planned demolition, Turkey’s Daily Sabah newspaper reports. Businessman Fatih Ulusoy issued a written statement announcing his decision to donate the place to the Gedikpasa Armenian Protestant Church Foundation that built the orphanage in 1962. The decision comes nearly three weeks after ethnic Armenians launched protests over the site located in Istanbul’s Tuzla district. Known as Camp Armen the place symbolizes the long saga of the deportation and massacres Armenians suffered on Anatolian soil in the wake of the Ottoman-era Armenian Genocide. It was once home to 1,500 children, including assassinated Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink and his widow Rakel. The Turkish state seized the orphanage in 1987 based on a 1936 law preventing minority foundations from owning property. The property has since changed hands several times before being bought by its current owner, who decided to build on the lot this year. In his statement Ulusoy said Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had asked Istanbul Mayor Kadir Topbas to help resolve

the dispute, and he decided to donate it “to contribute to social peace and unity at a time of speculations over the 1915 incidents.” Activists reportedly welcomed Ulusoy’s decision to halt the demolition and donate the land. Alexis Kalk, spokesman for Nor Zartonk (New Renaissance), an Armenian nongovernmental organization whose members staged the sit-in strike for 18 days at the orphanage, announced the decision to the applause of activists. Kalk said they would continue their “struggle” until the formal process for the donation of the title deed to the foundation is completed. !

Vahe Yacoubian To Compete In CIF Tennis Sectionals AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School Junior Vahe Yacoubian has qualified for the Boys’ 2015 CIF Southern Section Ford Individual Tennis Sectionals and Finals. Vahe, a three-time CIF participant, will once again compete against other high school tennis players from all around southern California. As AGBU Manoukian is still in the process of forming a school team, Vahe has been competing in sanctioned individual tournaments throughout the year. His record was reviewed by the CIF committee which chose only 4 freelance tennis players to compete in this year’s event. Vahe will be representing AGBU Manoukian High School on Thursday, May 28th at the Whittier Narrows Tennis Club. Vahe is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Stephan Yacoubian. He is the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Vartkes Najarian and Dr. and Mrs. Vahe Yacoubian.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

66 - Ahmet Abakay By Hambersom Aghbashian Ahmet Abakay was born in Sivas Province on April 3, 1950, in the village of Divri!i. He received his early education from a high school in Erzincan, then continued his education at Ankara University where he ultimately graduated. He was a correspondent to many Turkish newspapers including "sta Haber, Vatan, Anka, and Özgür Gündem. Ahmet Abakay then became involved in the establishment of the Progressive Journalists' Association of Turkey. The association was established in 23 February 1978 and whose founding member was Alaatin Orhan. Ahmet Abakay became the chairman in 1982 until 1989. By the end of his chairmanship in 1989, the organization had 1,100 members throughout the country. He then became an advisor to the Minister of the Press in 1992–2002. Abakay became the chairman once again in 2005 and continues to serve the position till today. As a critic of the treatment of journalists in Turkish society, he has stated that "Those who are not close to the government can't survive in the media. Media members are living in fear." He is also the author of many other books. Under the title "How Turkey Marked the 96th Anniversary of the Genocide", it was mentioned " ... a conference was organized on April 19, 2011, by the Surp Khach School and titled “They were journalists, too,” dedicated to the Armenian journalists who were killed in 1915. The chief editor of Agos newspaper, Rober Koptas, along with journalist Bullent Tellan, publisher Ragip Zarakolu, and Bayramoglu were among the speakers who demanded adding the names of those journalists killed in 1915 to the list of “Killed Journalists” in Turkey. The president of the Modern Journalists Association of Turkey, Ahmet Abakay, said they were very late to organize such an event because they were unaware and ignorant of the facts. He said he hoped this would serve as an example for other professional associations.(1) According to "Hürriyet Daily News", March 8, 2011, "Ten journalists of Armenian origin who were killed in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire will be added to a list of slain journalists in Turkey by the Ankara-based Contemporary Journalists Association. The newly added names include Krikor Zohrab, a lawyer, author and three-time deputy in the Ottoman Parliament; Taniel Varujan, a renowned Armenian writer; Rupen Zartaryan, Siamento (Atom Yarjanian) and six others, all also pioneers of western Armenian literature. Association head Ahmet Abakay said: “I wish we had the information before and has taken this radical step earlier. He added " It is a crime to hide from the people those names that have made contributions to the Turkish press. They are all people of this country."(2) This was a good step toward the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and unveiling the victims, specially the first group

of intellectuals, but those victims were intellectuals more than being journalist as Hürriyet mentioned and were killed to pave the way for the next step, the whole Genocide. http://asbarez.com/ responded to above and wrote " To bundle these first victims of the Genocide, along with other journalists who were killed as part of Turkey’s intolerant attitude toward journalists is an affront to their legacy. They were not killed for being “journalists,” but rather were part of the first wave of murders of intellectuals, writers and leaders, which was part of the systematic plan to eliminate the Armenians’ leaders in order to gain easy access to the rest of the Armenian population and carry out Genocide." Ahmet Abakay wrote a book in 2013 entitled "The Last Words of Ho#ana" (Turkish: Ho#ana'nın Son Sözü) which describes the life of his mother who was named Ho#ana. In the book, Abakay revealed that his mother had told him of her Armenian identity weeks before her death. She had kept her identity a secret for 82 years, which Abakay believes was because "she lived in fear." Abakay was told by his mother not to tell the secret to anybody. Abakay states his mother was saved from the Armenian Genocide because she was dropped off in front of a door of an Alevi Turk. Due to his revelations, Abakay received threats from his family and particularly his uncle's children who said, "how dare you call our aunt Armenian and insult our family's honor. You will remove the Armenian part from your book, otherwise we will pull it off the shelves." On October 12, 2013, "www.panarmenian.net" wrote, " The head of a journalists’ association in Turkey (Ahmet Abakay), has revealed that his mother was an Armenian, who was left in front of an Alevi family’s door by Armenians during the 1915 Armenian Genocide in his recently published book, Hürriyet Daily News reported." He added “My mother told me about her story 13 years ago and soon after, she died. I could write this only 10 years later, because I hesitated. My mother made me promise not to tell her story to my wife, daughter or her sisters, as long as she was alive. I told this issue to my inner circle after I lost my mother, to learn whether there are other secrets that we are not told. But my sister told me not to reveal this on the grounds that I am a journalist and she recalled what happened to Hrant Dink [Armenian-Turkish journalist murdered by a gunman in broad daylight in 2007 in Istanbul]. A majority of my relatives could not accept their [new] identity. Some relatives denied the story, while others claimed that she was too old to be aware of what she was saying." 1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide_Commemorations_in_Turkey 2.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=armenian-origin-ottoman-journalists-enter-the-list-of-the-slain-201103-08

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 28, 2015


Commemorations For The Centenary Of The Armenian Genocide Held Worldwide The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) collaborates with the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee to organize commemorative events In April and May, people worldwide came together to remember the victims of the Armenian Genocide, to pay tribute to those who helped survivors and to recommit to the future of the Armenian people. AGBU and its local chapters, districts and members participated in the planning and co-sponsoring of the worldwide commemorations. In the United States, commemorative events in Washington included a May 7 ecumenical service at the National Cathedral that was presided over by His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, as well as senior clergy from twenty congregations. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, other government officials and members of Congress were among the more than 2,200 people in attendance. In his address, President Sargsyan highlighted the key role that the American government and American humanitarians played in relief efforts in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide. Twenty-nine individuals and organizations that offered humanitarian assistance to Armenians and honored the legacy of the genocide through research and recognition were presented with Hero Awards at a special ceremony in Washington on May 9. Among the recipients were representatives of the governments that have officially recognized the genocide: Ronald

Reagan Presidential Foundation, Near East Foundation, Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial and Museum, the Shoah Foundation, Facing History and Ourselves, human rights lawyer Fethiye Çetin and historian Taner Akçam. “If not for the actions of these men, women, groups and governments, the Armenian community as it is today would not exist,” noted Noubar Afeyan, chair of the National Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centennial steering committee and AGBU Central Board member. The award ceremony featured remarks by former Secretary of the Navy Paul Ignatius, former United States Ambassador Edward Djerejian and journalist Lara Setrakian. More than 160,000 marched in Los Angeles on April 24 as part of the March for Justice, an estimated 15,000 rallied for the annual event in New York’s Times Square held on April 26 and numerous other commemorations took place throughout the country. During the March for Justice, AGBU Western District Committee chairperson Talin Yacoubian addressed the crowd, recalling the historical significance of the day’s march and commending the support of the City of Los Angeles: “40 years ago, my grandfather led a similar march of 60,000 people in Beirut. Today, I march with my children and there is no doubt in my mind that our children will not fail to honor the memory of our mar-

The Farmer… All The Way From Los Angeles

Snake Is The Totem Of The Armenians

Pedro Zarokian, who moved to Armenia from Los Angeles, never thought he’d be working with the earth in the homeland. At first, he wanted to start a small enterprise and he brought some experimental materials with him. After dealing with Armenian customs officials Pedro changed his mind. A friend advised him to invest in agriculture. Pedro immediately decided to buy a piece of this rocky land. He says that the soil springs up. Pedro, who knew nothing about farming, set about starting a garden some 90 kilometers from Yerevan in the Armavir village of Bagaran close to the border with Turkey. He started to learn how to farm. He attended classes, read books, met with local farmers and vintners, and studied the experience of other countries. On the way to his land he talks about his fruit trees – apples, walnuts – and his grapevines. An economist by profession, Pedro has now become an agronomist. He’s making a study of trees and tells me the different benefits of his land for growing grapes. He’s convinced that in Armenia the prospects for developing agriculture and tourism exist in tandem. Pedro tells me that once he starts producing his own wine, a section of the vineyard will be turned into a taste testing center for tourists. Edik Baghdasaryan, David Banuchyan

tyrs. Today, we are grateful that we live in a country that has truly embraced us and helped us in our time of need. Each of us lives not only as Armenians, but as proud citizens of this country. We are thankful that we have not only survived, but that we have thrived. Today, that is our justice.” In Canada, people marched in Montréal on May 3 to remember victims of all genocides, joined by Canadian and Armenian officials. “This march in commemoration of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide was a huge success as 10,000 people marched in remembrance of so many who were forced to endure different genocides. The goal was to also create awareness that never again should the world accept such crimes against humanity,” said Chahe Tanachian, chairman of AGBU Montréal and vice chairman of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Canada. On April 19, thousands turned out for a commemorative march in Toronto and on April 24, the Canadian parliament adopted motion 587 declaring the date Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Commemorations of the genocide were

For modern Armenians snake is a symbol of evil. But few people know that it was not like that in pagan times. Ancient Armenians worshiped snakes.«According to a legend, each Armenian house had its invisible guardians. Snake brings happiness at home, they were insculped on the doors, on pillars and furniture of houses. Women wore ornaments in the form of a snake because snake was also a symbol of fertility. Snake cult explains such geographical names as Odzun (Odz – in Armenian snake) Odzaberd (snake fortress), Odzi get (Snake river), Odzi Kaghak ( Snaketown) etc. Also an Armenian word Kapa had two meaning: snake skin and people clothes. Moreover, Armenians worshiped harmless Snake (Lord), calling him an Armenian – hay». But everything was forgotten after Christianity. Ancient peoples had an ambiguous attitude to the snakes. For example: «Sumerian god of wisdom was “Haya ” in the form of a snake. And more interesting fact is that when Bedouins say “Haya” – they mean snake. It’s interesting to know whether modern Bedouins know that «Hay» means an Armenian? Of course not, but their ancient ancestors knew it. Then they were afraid of Armenians more than snakes today. Ceres wrote: “The Bedouins hate snakes as any other animals. They are afraid of them and always kill with a loud cry – haya, haya !!! “» (Arman Revazyan “Makaratc”)Another interesting fact is that the Jews considered the Armenians Amaleks, their enemies. Most likely that is why Jews hated snakes the most of all. That is why in the Bible the snake was represented as an antipode of God, the enemy of all people. According to the research done by Nvard Sureni

also organized in Turkey, where the Patriarchate of the Armenian Church held a memorial service for the genocide, and thousands of people joined a public demonstration in Istanbul’s Taksim Square and other events in Ankara and Diyarbekir. In Syria, where many survivors took refuge one hundred years ago, genocide commemorations took place in Aleppo and Qamishli and a new genocide memorial was inaugurated in Damascus. Other commemorative events were held in diasporan communities in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America. On April 24, the presidents of France, Cyprus, Russia and Serbia, along with more than sixty other delegations paid their respects at the Dzidzernagapert Genocide Memorial in Yerevan. The United States delegation was led by Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and included four congressmen. The day before, the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide were canonized in a special ceremony in Etchmiadzin. In the weeks before and after April 24, a number of foreign leaders and legislatures addressed the legacy of the genocide. In the Vatican, Pope Francis held a joint liturgy for the victims with His Holiness Karekin II. The European Parliament adopted another resolution urging Turkey to recognize the genocide and German President Joachim Gauck noted his country’s responsibility in the genocide as Turkey’s World War I ally.

I’d Never Felt So At Home: Kim Kardashian About Armenia Trip

Reality star Kim Kardashian spoke about the recent trip to Armenia and Kanye West’s concert in Yerevan as she appeared on the May 25 episode of ‘Live! With Kelly & Michael.’ The family was in Armenia, the Kardashians’ ancestral homeland, and the visit had a profound effect on Kim. ‘That’s my heritage,’ she said. ‘I’ve never felt so at home.’ As for Kanye’s concert, she said it was a last minute decision and they were surprised to see about 5,000 people gathered at the Swan Lake. Kim said Kanye West had never had a free concert before.

Sweden Wins 2015 Eurovision Song Contest Mans Zemerlow from Sweden won the 2015 edition of Eurovision Song Contest, beating Russia and Italy in the big international talent show which will be held in his home country next year. Zelmerlow won with his upbeat pop track Heroes, which was accompanied by innovative animated visuals. A record 27 countries took part, including Australia, which was invited to compete for the first

time to mark the event’s 60th anniversary. Mans Zelmerlow was the bookmakers’ favourite throughout the build-up to this year’s contest. Armenia was represented at the contest by the Genealogy band. The final outcome was decided by a 50:50 split between professional juries and televoting from all 40 participants. The jury votes were decided during the Jury Final

last night and the televotes decided during tonight’s show. The 27 finalists were made up of 20 qualifiers from the first and second Semi-Finals held on the 19th and 21st of May and seven automatic qualifiers including the Big 5 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), host country Austria and Australia. Siranush Ghazanchyan

N.O. May 28, 2015, No. 22:N.O. Blank


4:47 PM

Page 7

THURSDAY, MAY 28% 2015

A\s tari m;r yambordoujiune t;[i oun;zau Tanoup g;ti ;rka\nqin% Pou.arhsjhn minc;u Poutab;,t! A\s f;taqrqrakan yambordouj;an enjazqin m;nq a\z;l;zinq Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i mas kaxmo[ fing ;rkirn;r% oronzmh ;rkouqe ke patkanhin na.kin :oukoslauio\ fanrap;touj;an! Tanoup g;te ke fosi K;dronakan ;u Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i tara‘qin! An :uromiouj;an am;na;rkar g;tn h! Isk ;jh nkati oun;naq ;uropakan zamaqamase% Tanoupe ke da®na\ ;rkrord ;rkar g;te% Wølka\hn ;tq% or ke gtnoui Âousio\ tara‘qin mh=! Tanoupe ‘agoum k∞a®nh G;rmanio\ ªS;u Anta®º kocoua‘ ,r=anhn ;u fos;low na. dhpi farau ;u apa dhpi ar;u;lq% ke ja'i S;u ‘owoun mh=! Anor ;rkaroujiunn h 1%777 m[on% a\sinqn 2%860 qilom;jr! Ir fosanqi enjazqin% an k∞anzni tase ;rkirn;rh& G;rmania% Austria% Slowaqia% Foungaria% >rouajia% S;rpia% Poulkaria% Âoumania% Moltowa ;u Ouqrania! A® i gitoujiun% Tanoupi 29 tokose ke fosi Âoumanio\ zamaqamasin xougaf;®! W;ro\i,;al m;r yambordoujiune sksau April 20-in ;u auart;zau Ma\is 1-in! Omanq a\pan;zin m;x jh incou Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin m;nq fos piti cgtnouhinq! Ba\z ;s inqxinqs famox;zi% or ardarazi hr im yambordoujiuns a\d jouakanin% orowf;t;u 100-am;akin nouiroua‘ ;rkou ];®narkn;rou n;rka\ gtnoua‘ hi ardhn! Anonzmh min fraparaka\in a\d krønakan% mi=\aranouanakan \ou,afandhsn hr% or t;[i oun;zau Los Any;lesi Kajo[ikh Ma\r Tayarin mh=% (Our Lady of Angels Cathedral) :r;q,abji% 14 April 2015-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7!00-in! Isk ;rkrordn hr Z;[aspanouj;an nouiroua‘ \ou,akojo[i bazman fandisoujiune% or t;[i oun;zau "asatina\i |i,ataki Xbøsa\giin mh=% (Memorial Park) <abaj% 19 April 2015-i ;r;ko\;an vame 20!15-in! Our;mn .i[ys fangist hr ;u ;s bauararoua‘ xgazi! A®au;l .orf;za\% or April 24-in% our or al gtnouim% krnam a\d fasarakouj;an n;rka\azn;l Fa\oz daram;a\ Z;[aspanoujiune ;u bar;ba.tabar a\dphs al ;[au! Ardar;u% April 24-i ;r;ko\;an% ;rb Poulkaria\hn dhpi S;rpia k∞ou[[ouhinq% .ndr;zi pto\tn;rou patas.anatou tnørhnhn% or ir ;lo\ji vamanak \i,;znh yambordn;roun% or Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akn hr a\d ør! Sira\øvar endoun;low im fam;st a®a=arke% an dit;l touau or dar me a®a= a\d øre jourq;re 250 fa\ mtauorakann;r fauaq;low ir;nz bnakarann;rhn% aqsora‘ ;u apa spanna‘ hin xanonq% orphs na.aban qsan;rrord darou a®a=in Z;[aspanouj;an% or auart;zau 1&5 milion anm;[ nafatakn;rou xofab;rouj;amb! W;ro\i,;al jiue inq ousoumnasira‘ ;u famazanzhn gta‘ hr! An ®oumanazi hr ;u ir;nz


Yambordakan Tpauoroujiunn;r GHORG QHØ<KHR:AN

P;lkrati noraka®o\z tayare

Nauou fa\kakan s;[ane

drazi poulkarazin;rou ;u s;rp;rou nman% anonq al carcaroua‘ hin øsmanzin;rou ];®qow% ;rb ir;nz ;rkirn;re vamanakin ke gtnouhin Øsman;an ka\srouj;an tirap;touj;an n;rq;u&&&! Fima anzninq m;r pto\ti fay;li ;u f;taqrqrakan øragrouj;an! Our;mn m;r naue ke patkanhr Wa\qink yambordakan enk;rouj;an ;u ke kocouhr Hmpla (Embla)% or est Norw;k;an dizabanouj;an% st;[‘oua‘ a®a=in kinn h! ªHmplaº ke .orfrdan,h ;ritasardoujiune% dit;l touau \a\tagirn;rou patas.anatou m;r tnørhne% faka®ak or yambordn;roun 90 tokose 80-e anz fogiow mia\n ;ritasardn;r hin! Isk nauoun yambordn;roun jiue 188-n hr% oroun mh= ka\in ;r;q fa\ xo\g;r! Âoumania A®a=in øre gi,;r;zinq Âoumanio\ ma\raqa[aq Pou.arhsji Intercontinental pandokin mh=! |a=ord øre m;xi w;rapafoua‘ hr ma\raqa[aqi t;sarvan wa\r;rou pto\te% ormh ;tq piti ;rja\inq nau! Fama\nawarakan ,r=anhn mnaza‘ fnama, ;u ant;soua‘ bnakarana\in ,hnq;rou ko[qin% ka\in nor;re% oronq ke n;rka\aznhin 21-rd darou w;r=in bariqn;row øvtoua‘ sarqauoroumn;r! Pto\ti f;taqrqrakan mas;rhn min hr p;takan na.kin ,hnq;re% incphs na.agafakan

nstawa\rn ou .orfrdarane% oronq ke gtnouhin fin qa[aqi k;drone! Isk qa[aqhn qic me f;®ou bar]rawandaki me wra\ baxma‘ hr na.kin b®nathr na.agaf Niqola\ Caouchsqo\i ,ina‘ g;[at;sil palate! Inq jh;u ;rb;q ch bnaka‘ fon% saka\n a\d ‘a®a\a‘ h øtar [;kawarn;rou p;takan pa,tønakan endoun;louj;anz! A\vm% a\d palati mhk mase ke gor‘a‘oui orphs .orfrdarani nstawa\r% isk fandisouj;anz ,q;[ srafe war]ou h! Irikoua\ møt fasanq nau% our m;xi ke spashr pat,ay endoun;loujiun ;u ‘anøjazoum patkan marminn;rou! Poulkaria |a=ord øre m;nq ardhn Poulkaria ;nq! A\d ør m;nq a\z;l;zinq Whliqø Jarnowø qa[aqe% or mi=nadar;an zarakan Poulkario\ ;rkrord ka\srouj;an ma\raqa[aqe ;[a‘ h! Bnakan g;[;zkouj;amb øvtoua‘ a\s qa[aqi bar]ounqin wra\ baxma‘ h fnadar;an }araw;nz b;rde% or kor‘anoua‘ h jourq;roun ko[mh% 1393 jouakanin! A\sør% anor au;rakn;re tirap;to[ n;rka\ouj;amb me mas ke kaxm;n qa[aqi t;sarvan wa\r;roun! Khsørin% m;nq frauirou;zanq bazøj;a\ ya,aran me% our m;xi framzou;zau t;[akan famadam ya,;r! I patiu m;xi kaxmak;r-

poua‘ para.oumbi ;lo\jhn w;r=% m;nq ,arounak;zinq m;r ,r=apto\te ;u a\z;l;zinq 17-rd daroun ka®ouzoua‘ ;k;[;zi me ª’noundº (Nativity) anouanoua‘% or ouni a\r;rou ;u kin;rou xatxat% a®an]na\atouk bavinn;r! Naua\in m;r pto\ti \a=ord øroua\ ;rkrord fangrouane dar];al Poulkaria h! A\s angam m;r vamadrawa\rn hr Witin qa[aqn ou P;lokratciq b;rde! Witine f;taqrqrakan patmoujiun me ouni! 1794-1807 an nstawa\re dar]a‘ h jourq xinouorakan framanatar Øsman Baxwajønkliui% or inqxinq f®caka‘ h a\d ,r=ani m;nathre! Galow P;lokratciq b;rdi mogakan a®asp;lin% kiri ba[adroujiun oun;za‘ a\d va\®;re% oronq 45 milion tarin;rou patmoujiun me ounin ir;nz ;tin% mardanman ;n! A\sphs% anonq ;njadroua‘ ;n ellal ªAdamn ou :uanº% ªA,ak;rtoufinº% ªAr=eº% ª}iauoreº% ªWanakann;reº% ªTirama\reº ;u a\ln! Ke patmoui jh ªTirama\reº ke sirafari y;rmak ª}iauorinº ;u ke \[iana\! Anonq anmi=aphs k∞artaqsouin ªWanakann;rounº ko[mh% saka\n qa[aqhn dours c;ka‘% bolorn al ke qaranan&&&! |a=ord øre% m;nq piti nauarkhinq Tanoupi ;rka\nqin% qani S;rpia cmta‘ m;nq phtq h anznhinq ª:rkajh Dou®hnº (The Iron Gate)! Sa a\n =rambartakn h% or S;rpio\ ;u Âoumanio\ g;t;x;r;a\ a\d ,r=ann;roun ;l;qtrakanoujiun ke fa\ja\jh! Ke nmani Banama\i n;[ouzi k[panqn;roun (Locks)% our naue ke spash% or =ourin makardake bar]rana\% i=nh ;u apa anzni! A\s gor‘o[oujiune t;u;z ;rkou vam% saka\n ,at fay;li hr dit;le! S;rpia |a=ord a®auøt m;nq ardhn fasa‘ ;nq P;lkrat% S;rpio\ ma\raqa[aqe! P;lkrat ke n,anakh ªY;rmak Qa[aqº! S;rpiazi n,anauor dhmq;rhn kar;li h \i,;l a,.arfaf®cak j;nisi a.o\an Nowaq Yaqowice% d;rasanoufi Milla Yowonice% fangouz;al d;rasan Qarl Maltenn ou gitnakan Niqola J;slan% or fnara‘ h 'o'o.akan fosanqe (Alternating Current)! P;lkrat ke gtnoui Sawa ;u Tanoup g;t;rou mi=;u! Anor t;sarvan wa\r;rn ;n Fanrap;touj;an fraparake% p;takan ø';ra\i fandipaka‘ ko[me% 18-rd darhn mnaza‘ Qalhmhktan b;rdn ou kisauart tayare% or zard ka®ouzoua‘ h artasafman apro[ m;‘afaroust s;rp;rou niujakan øvandakouj;amb! |aranouanouj;amb s;rp;re m;‘au masamb ou[[a'a® ;n% Âoumanio\ ;u Poulkario\ bnakicn;rou m;‘amasnouj;anz nman! Kisauart tayarin mh= krønakan ‘isakataroum t;[i chr oun;nar% faka®ak or m;r a\z;la‘ øre Kiraki hr! Anor ko[qe saka\n kar ;k;[;zi me% our patarag ke matouzouhr ;u .ou®n;ram baxmoujiun me =;rm;®andørhn ke f;t;uhr araro[ouj;an! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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pafoua‘ piti ella\in Jourqio\ p;takan ar.iun;roun mh=% n;ra®;al^ anonz ja[man gonh endfanour wa\re y,do[! :rkou fnarauor tarb;rakn;rou paraga\in al% Jourqia a\vm karo[ phtq h ella\ banalou ;u lo\s a,.arf b;r;lou tou;al ‘rarn;rn ou ar.iun;re% tramadr;lou xanonq patmaf;taxøtakan patkan an];rou kam pa,tønakan anka. kaxmak;rpouj;anz xnnouj;an! An,ou,t ;jh ouni nman j[ja‘rarn;r ou kam \øvar h xanonq banalou! :jh oc% Jourqia incph#s karo[ piti ella\ ,arounak frauir;lou fa\;rs ou ªpatmabann;rº% \atkaphs qnn;lou 1915 April 24-i ;u anor f;t;uo[ bolor iradar]ouj;anz masin oun;za‘ ir \auakna‘ ar.iun;re% orphsxi a\d ªpatmabann;rºou wyi®in wstafoui Z;[aspanouj;an wau;rakanoujiune kam oc! Jourqia sowor h \ank;rg;l a\d ªfrauhrºe mi=axga\in bolor qa[aqakan kam a\l b;m;rhn% farze ;u qnnarkoumn;re anw;r= ;rkara]g;lou ja'anzik npatakow% wstaf;low aknkaloua‘ m;r m;rvoumin! A\dpisow an na;u ke fagni ardaramit% tramabanakan ;u ir warka‘in wstaf ko[min patmouyane! Mi;uno\n at;n ,at me anskxbounq mi=axga\in qa[aqakan ;u fasarakakan [;kawarn;r ou marminn;r wyi® me talou b;®hn ke ];rbaxath! Ørinakn;re qanizs t;sanq na;u Fariuram;akin a®jiu! A\d wau;rajou[j;rou ‘rarn;re qnnark;lou artønouj;an pa[ariun .ndranqe Jourqio\ phtq h an\apa[ ou[arkoui% p;takan% gitakan kam m;‘ gitaf;taxøtakan am;nabar]r makardakh me^ pa,tønaphs ou grauor% paf;low mi=axga\in ca'ani,;re! Fa\astani artaqin gor‘oz na.araroujiune% :r;uani Famalsarani Patmagitakan Ampione% Gitouj;an Akad;mian kam Z;[aspanouj;an Jangarane kar;li h oun;nal orphs ørinakn;r nman makardaki! Incphs aknkal;li h% krknaki kam ;®aki .ndranqe anpatas.an mnalou paraga\in^ .ndranqe% a\l;us orphs pafan=% ke krknoui bolor mi=axga\in amhn kargi b;m;rhn% anpa\manørh*n na.qan m;r niujakan pafan=qn;re i møto\ mi=axga\in datakan w;rin marminn;roun \an]n;le! No\nisk \o®;go\n ;u anspas;li paraga\in% ;rb Jourqia i lo\s ke b;rh wau;rakan ;u gofazouzic j[ja‘rarn;r a\d 250 dhmq;roun w;rab;r;al% atika ke da®na\ patmagrakan nor ;u m;‘ \au;l;al ,af me m;xi^ a®anz or;uh k;rp wnas;lou Z;[aspanouj;an masin m;r ardhn oun;za‘ =a.=a.ic ou ‘ow 'astarkouj;anz!

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NOR ØR% 28 MA|IS 2015


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM ªOULISEº^ AR’AJH% ª<IRAKEº^ PRONXH M:TALAKIR Ma\isi 20-in ka\azau 16-rd mrza'ouliz \;ta]goua‘ ª"iunikº–ªGan]asar K&º fandipoume! ª"iunikºe a.o\;ani kargawiyakoum 3-1 fa,ouow tøn;z ir a®a=in \a[janake! Isk Ma\isi 23-24-in ka\azan a®a=nouj;an na.aw;r=in^ 27-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ª"iunikº^ 2-2 ªMikaº-ªOulisº^ 1-2 ªBananzº-ªGan]asar K&º^ 2-0 ª<irakº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 0-2 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& "iunik 27 18 4 5 55-24 58 Oulis 27 15 5 7 43-28 50 <irak 27 13 7 7 47-32 46 Mika 27 9 10 8 31-31 37 Ala,k;rt 27 9 8 10 29-34 35 Bananz 27 8 8 11 41-43 32 Gan]asar K& 27 7 8 12 31-41 29 Ararat 27 2 4 21 25-69 10

FA|ASTANI ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF Fauaqakani ;r;q j;kna‘ou^ |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane% Artak Da,;ane ;u Arjour Miran;ane ªWardariº kaxmoum dar];l ;n Mak;donia\i a.o\;an! • ªWit;siº 19-am;a\ kisapa,tpan Ar,ak Kor;ane ;rkara]g;l h akoumbi f;t pa\managire ;u a\n na.at;soua‘ h minc;u 2016-i ama®e! |i,;zn;nq% or w;r=;rs Kor;ane ªWit;siº ;ritasardakan jimi kaxmoum dar];l h Folandia\i ;ritasardakan a®a=nouj;an a.o\;an! • Ma\isi 21-in% OU:~A-i na.agaf Mi,;l Platinin mhkør;a\ oc-pa,tønakan a\zow vaman;l hr :r;uan! Platinin F~D na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ani ou[;kzouj;amb a\z;l;l h Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘in% Ma\r Tayar ;u Ma\r Tayari jangaran! A\nouf;t;u Platinin a\z;l;l h `oujpoli akad;mia% ort;[ f;t;u;l h Fa\astani minc;u 14 ;u 15 tar;kann;ri fauaqakann;ri% incphs na;u `oujpoli akad;mia\oum marxouo[ mankapatan;kan jim;ri marxoumn;rin! Øroua\ w;r=oum OU:~A-i na.agafe fandipoum oun;zau lragro[n;ri f;t ;u patas.an;z nranz \ouxo[ farz;rin! • FF fauaqakani ;u :kat;rinbourgi ªOuraliº \ar]akouo[ Hdgar Manoucar;ane ,arqiz dours h mnaz;l minc;u enjazik .a[a,r=ani auarte! Manoucar;ane baz ke jo[ni a®a=nouj;an w;r=in ;rkou 'oul;ri fandipoumn;re% incphs na;u :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouli ,r=anakoum "orjougalia\i f;t ka\analiq FF fauaqakani tna\in mrzawhye! • "orjougalia\i axga\in fauaqakane :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouli ,r=anakn;roum FF axga\in fauaqakani dhm ka\analiq ;r;uan;an .a[in |ounisi 8-12 patrastou;lou h Wrastani ma\raqa[aq Jbilisioum! |i,;zn;nq% or Fa\astan-"orjougalia .a[e ka\analou h |ounisi 13-in ªFanrap;takan marxada,toumº! • FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ane møt h ir gor‘ounhoujiune Âousastani Pr;mi;r lika\oum ,arounak;lou! N,uoum h% or 27-am;a\ `oujpolisti gor‘akaln;re banakzoum ;n% incphs ®ousakan% a\nphs hl mi qani [axa.akan akoumbn;ri f;t! • Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane Bound;slika\i w;r=in mrza'ouloum Br;m;ni ªW;rd;riº dhm \a[jakan .a[oum 3-1 kol .';z ;u jime nouay;z :urolika\i ou[;gir!




M.ijar;ane a®a=noujiunoum masnakz;z 28 .a[i ;u dar]au 3 koli f;[inak!

MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR Mi ,arq ;rkrn;roum auartou;l ;n axga\in a®a=noujiunn;re ;u \a\tni ;n a\d ;rkrn;ri a.o\;ann;re! • Anglia\i a®a=noujiunoum a.o\;an h f®cakou;l Lontoni ªC;lsinº! • G;rmania\i a®a=noujiunoum^ Miun.;ni ªBauarianº! • Ispania\i a®a=noujiunoum^ ªBars;lonanº! • Italia\i a®a=noujiunoum^ ª:ouw;njouseº! • ~ransia\i a®a=noujiunoum^ "SV-n! • "orjougalia\i a®a=noujiunoum^ ªB;n`ikanº! • Âousastani a®a=noujiunoum^ SanktP;t;r'ourgi ªX;nijeº! • Ouqrania\i a®a=noujiunoum^ Qi;ui ªTinamønº! • ~ransia\i minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;ani tit[ose! Poulkaria\oum ka\aza‘ ;xra'akic .a[oum `ransiazin;re 4-1 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasan g;rmanazin;ri nkatmamb! • Âousastani gauaji .a[arkouj;an ;xra'akicoum Moskoua\i ªLokomotiueº% ori marxicn;riz mhke FF fauaqakani na.kin pa,tpan Sargis |owfannis;ann h% kama\in \a[janak tøn;z Krasnodari ªKoubaniº nkatmamb% lrazouzic vamanakoum 2 kol .';low! Fandipman fa,iun h^ 3-1!

FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RE W:RADAR}AN FING M:TAL WASTAKA’ ÂD-i >abarowsk qa[aqoum auartoua‘ Konstantin Karatkowi anouan b®nzqamarti mi=axga\in mrza,aroum% orin masnakzoum hin 16 ;rkrn;ri n;rka\azouzicn;r% Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ h b®nzqamartikn;re ir;nz fianali ;n drs;uor;l ;u fa\r;niq ke w;rada®nan m;taln;row% end oroum a\d 5 marxikn;riz 3-e dours ;kan ;xra'akic ;u pa\qar;zin \a[jo[i tit[osi famar! :xra'akicoum \a[j;low oskh m;tali ;n arvanaz;l Go® :riz;ane (64 qk&) ;u g;r‘anr qa,a\in A[asi M;frab;ane! |atkaphs oura.azno[ h g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum m;r nouayoume% qanxi a\s qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astane ;rkar vamanak oskh m;tal chr nouay;l! :xra'akicoum partou;low ar‘ajh m;tali arvanazau Wladimir Margar;ane (69 qk&)! Pronxh m;taln;row w;radar]an Arjour |owfannis;ane (49 qk&) ;u |aroujiun Au;tis;ane (81 qk&)!

PAQUOUM FA|ASTANE KE N:RKA|AZNI :R:Q YIUTO|IST Paquoum ka\analiq ;uropakan .a[;roum FF ke n;rka\azn;n& |owfannhs Dauj;ane (60 qk&)% Dauij Niko[os;ane (73 qk&) ;u Vanna Stank;uice (52 qk&)!

MARGARITA GASPAR:ANE DOURS H :K:L ÂOLAN GAROSI FIMNAKAN XAMBIU{ Âousastane n;rka\azno[ Margarita Gaspar;ane dours h ;k;l ~ransia\i baz a®a=nouj;an fimnakan xambiu[! Orakauor-

man 'ouli wy®oro, .a[oum na \a[j;l h ouqranioufi Marina Xan;uska\a\in 6!3% 6!7 (5!7)% 6!4 fa,ouow! Gaspar;ani^ ªÂolan Garosiº a®a=in ,r=anoum mrzakize \a\tni ke da®na\ au;li ou,! Mrza,are ke m;knarki Ma\isi 24-in!

FA|ASTANI PATOUIRAKOUJIUNE PAQOU KE M:KNI AXAT OYI 6 EMBI<N:ROW Paquoum ka\analiq ;uropakan 1-in .a[;rin FF axat oyi emb,amarti fauaqakane n;rka\azoua‘ h lin;lou 6 marxikow% oronq ;n Garik Bars;[;ane (57 qk&)% Wolodia ~rangoul;ane (61 qk&)% a,.arfi 2013 j& a.o\;an Dauij Sa`ar;ane (66 qk&)% Grigor Grigor;ane (74 qk&)% Mousa Mourjaxali;ue (85 qk&) ;u L;uan B;riani];n (125 qk&)! |i,;zn;nq% or .a[;re ka\analou ;n |ounisi 12-28-e!

FF |OUNAFÂOMHAKAN OYI EMBI<N:RE PAQOU KE M:KN:N IR:NZ MARXICN:RI F:T M;nq m;r marxikn;rin Paquoum mia\nak c;nq jo[ni% m;nq marxicn;rs hl ;nq m;r t[an;ri f;t Paqou gnalou! A\s masin asaz ølimpiakan a.o\;an \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane! Paqou ke m;kn;n Âoman Amo\;ane (59 qk&)% Mifran |aroujiun;ane (66 qk&)% Karap;t Cal;ane (75 qk&) ;u Maqsim Manouk;ane (85 qk&)!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • G;rmania\i ,a.mati fauaqakani a®a=atar 29-am;a\ Arkadi Na\dice mtadir h .a[al Atrph\yani fauaqakanoum! Fa[orduoum h% or Na\dici t;[a'o.ouj;an dhpqoum Atrph\yani ,a.mati da,noujiune 50 faxar ;urø h wyar;lou G;rmania\i da,nouj;ane! • ~ID:_i warp;t Irina Ghorg;ane Ta,q;ndoum anzkazoua‘ Ouxb;kstani kananz a®a=noujiunoum ckr;z oc mi partoujiun ;u 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor% bavan;z 1-2-rd t;[;re mi=axga\in warp;t Sarwinox Kourbonbo;ua\i f;t! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Ghorg;anin ,norfou;z ar‘ajh m;tal! • Wana]orzi 21-am;a\ ,a.matist Dauij <afin;ane Irani Sowm;sara qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ baz mi=axga\in mrza,aroum lrazr;l h mi=axga\in warp;ti zouzani,e! Sa <afin;ani ;rrord nman \a=o[oujiunn h! >a[azoua‘ 8 mrza'ouliz \;to\ Danihl;ane ouni 5&5% Mkrtc;ane ;u Galo\;ane^ 5-akan% Ghorg;ane^ 4&5% Gabo\;ane% Koursowan ;u Fa\rap;t;ane^ 3&5-akan% {oukas;ane^ 3 miauor! Masnakizn;ri jiue^ 98 • Grosma\st;r Frand M;lqoum;ane Foungaria\i +alakaros qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 5&5 miauor ;u 80 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 16-rd t;[e! 7 miauorow a®a=in mrzanake nouay;z grosma\st;r Igor Kowal;nkon (Lajwia)! • Grosma\st;r Samouhl S;u;ane <iqakø qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz a®a=noujiunoum ckr;z oc mi partoujiun ;u% 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor% 119 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 2-9-rd t;[;re% mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnalow \a[jo[iz^ +;`ri Qsioniz (AMN)!

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