N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
2:49 PM
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THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 23 VOLUME 93, NO. 23
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N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
2:49 PM
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N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
2:49 PM
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NOR ØR% 4 |OUNIS 2015
April amise fa\ vo[owourdin famar \atkan,akan amis men h% manauand^ April 24-e! A\d øre amhn tari% axgowin ke sganq m;r nafatakn;re ;u k∞og;koc;nq anonz anmar \i,atake% isk a\s tari 100 am;akn h a\d m;‘ ;[;®nin! April amsouan a®a=in øre% 95 tari a®a=% sksa‘ h a\njapzin;rou f;rosakan inqnapa,tpanoujiune! A\s \i,atakouj;an nouiroua‘ fandisoujiun me% Los Any;lesi A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Mioujiune kaxmak;rp;z fog;fangist ;u fog;ya,% miat;[ og;koc;lou M;‘ :[;®ni 100 am;ake ;u f;rosamarti 95 am;ake! Fog;fangisti araro[oujiune t;[i oun;zau Kiraki% April 12-in% S& {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayarin mh=! J;mis Bar;=an A®a=nord |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an^ ir qaroxin mh= andradar]au fa\ vo[owourdi nafatakouj;an masin% ,;,t;low or nafatakoujiune Qristonhakan fauatqi anbavan mhk masnike ;[a‘ h% oroun famar dar;rou enjazqin xofoua‘ ;n biur nafatakn;r! An .øs;zau na;u fa\ vo[owourdi m[a‘ inqnapa,tpanakan k®iun;roun masin% ,;,te dn;low A\njapi f;rosamartin wra\% ir \arganqe \a\tn;low anor f;rosn;roun ;u nafatakn;roun \i,atakin! |auart Pataragi% Ma\r Tayari kiz Gala\y;an Srafin mh= t;[i oun;zau fog;ya, - fandisoujiune! A&M&Miouj;an at;nap;t Prn& Au;tis T;miry;an barigaloust ma[j;z n;rkan;roun% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z% or ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb \arganqi tourqe ke matouz;n m;r nafatakn;roun% apa n;rkan;roun ‘anøjazouz ørouan fandisawaroufin^ ga[oujis fanra‘anøj dhmq;rhn% ªMa\r;ni D;spanº kocoumin arvanaza‘^ Tik& Jagoufi Arxouman;ane! Fandisou-
jiune sksau Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u Fa\astani ørfn;rgn;row kataro[ouj;amb ,norfali ;rgcoufi^ mi=axga\in ;rgi mrzo\jn;rou da'n;kir^ Anafit N;rsis;ani! N;rkan;re otnka\s l®ouj;amb \arg;zin m;r nafatkn;roun \i,atake! Bazman .øsqow fandhs ;kau ørouan fandisawaroufin^ Tik& Jagoufi Arxouman;ane% \a\tn;z or ;ka‘ ;nq \arg;lou m;r nafatakn;rou sourb \i,atake! An .øs;zau 100 tari a®a= jourq;rou ko[mh ‘ragroua‘ ;u gor‘adroua‘ fa\ vo[owourdin Z;[aspanouj;an masin% or sksau fa\ mtauorakann;roun gl.atoumow! Apa .øs;zau A\njapi f;rosamarti (1920 j&) masin% ore famavo[owrdakan inqnabou. po®jkoum men hr z;[aspan jourqi b®nouj;an dhm% ;u fianali ørinak me fa\ vo[owourdi miasnakanouj;an! An ir \arganqe matouz;z A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Miouj;an na.kin na.agaf% mankawarv fog;ban^ fangouz;al :rouand Papa\;ani \i,atakin% es;low or an mi,t k∞apri m;xi f;t! Apa frauir;z j;mis A®a=nord^ |ownan Srbaxane% or ir srti .øsqe ou[[h ;u katarh s;[anørfnhqe! Srbaxan Fa\re arta\a\tou;zau nafatakouj;an .orfourdi masin% isk fa\ nafatakn;roun masin esau& ªanonq ir;nz k;anqe nouir;zin fa\r;niqin% axgin ;u qristonhakan fauatqinº! An t;[;kazouz% or April 23-in% S& H=mia‘ni mh= t;[i oun;zau m;r bolor nafatakn;roun srbazman araro[oujiune! Srbaxane .øsqin auartin^ n;rkan;re frauir;z% orphsxi miasin artasan;n Throunakan A[øjqe% apa katar;z s;[anørfnhqe! Fandisouj;an enjazqin t;[i oun;zau g;[arou;stakan yo. \a\tagir% Larq ;rav,tanozi ªTaui[º pari famo\je ([;kawa<ar& h= 14
FA|OZ A|BOUB:NE^ ªGO|N:ROU WARP:TºI WR}INOW PA|’IK GALA|Y:AN гÛÏ³Ï³Ý ·»Õ³Ýϳñãáõû³Ý ³ß˳ñÑÇÝ ³Ù»Ý³ï³ñµ»ñ ßÝáñѳÉÇ ³Ýѳï³Ï³ÝáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáõ ó³ÝÏÇÝ Ù¿ç« Çñ ÇÝùݳïÇåáõû³Ùµ ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ ³é³ÝÓݳóÝ»É ·»Õ³ÝϳñÇã ¶ñÇ·áñ ²Ïáµ»³ÝÁ« áñ ³ñáõ»ëï³ë¿ñ ѳë³ñ³ÏáõÃÇõÝÁ ³Ýí³ñ³Ý ÏñÝ³Û Çñ»Ý ßÝáñÑ»É §·áÛÝ»ñáõ í³ñå»ï¦ ³Ýáõ³ÝáõÙÁ! ²Ý ¹ÇïáÕÇÝ ÏÁ Ý»ñÏ³Û³Ý³Û µ³ó³éÇÏ áõųϳÝáõû³Ùµ É»óáõÝ Çñ ³ñáõ»ëïáí« ÇõñûñÇÝ³Ï Ùï³Í»É³Ï»ñåáí áõ Çõñ³Û³ïáõÏ Ýϳñ»É³Ó»õÇ á×áí! ¶ñÇ·áñ ²Ïáµ»³ÝÇ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý Å³é³Ý·áõÃÇõÝÁ ѳñëï³óáõó ë÷Çõéù³Ñ³Û ³ñáõ»ëïÇ å³ïÙáõÃÇõÝÁ Çñ ³ÝÏñÏÝ»ÉÇ ·áñÍ»ñáí« áñáÝù ¹³ñÓ³Ý ×ßÙ³ñÇï ³ñáõ»ëïÇ ã³÷³ÝÇß »õ íϳÛáõÃÇõÝ! Èǵ³Ý³Ý»³Ý« ³Ù»ñÇÏ»³Ý« Ødzó»³É ¾ÙÇñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáõ »õ ·³Ý³ï³Ï³Ý Ù³ÙáõÉÁ Û³×³Ë ÑdzóÙáõÝùáí »õ Ëáñ ³ÏݳͳÝùáí ³ñÓ³·³Ý·³Í ¿ ²Ïáµ»³ÝÇ ³ñáõ»ëïÇÝ Ù³ëÇÝ« ½³ÛÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ»Éáí ³Ýݳ˳¹¿å« ³½·³ÛÇÝ« ѳٳٳñ¹Ï³ÛÇÝ »õ í»ñç³å¿ë Ñ³Û ·»Õ³Ýϳñãáõû³Ý ³ß˳ñÑÇÝ Ù¿ç ѳ½áõ³·Çõï »ñ»õáÛÃÝ»ñ¿Ý ÙÇÝ! Ø»Í Ñå³ñïáõû³Ùµ ϳñ»ÉÇ ¿ ²Ïáµ»³ÝÇ ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ½»ï»Õ»É4 ÇÝãå¿ë ѳÛϳϳݫ ³ÛÝå¿ë ³É »õñáå³Ï³Ý ß³ï ³Ýáõ³ÝÇ ·»Õ³ÝϳñÇãÝ»ñáõ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáõ ÏáÕùÇÝ! ²Ûëûñ« Ñ³Û Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃ»Ý¿Ý Ý»ñë »õ ÿ ³Ýáñ ë³ÑÙ³ÝÝ»ñ¿Ý ¹áõñë« ³Ý ÏÁ ¹³ëáõÇ Ñ³Ýñ³Û³Ûï ·»Õ³ÝϳñÇãÝ»ñ¿Ý Ù¿ÏÁ« áñáõÝ ³ñáõ»ëïÇÝ Ù³ëÇÝ ·ñáõ³Í »Ý µ³½Ù³ÃÇõ Ûû¹áõ³ÍÝ»ñ áõ å³ïñ³ëïáõ³Í »Ý ·ñùáÛÏÝ»ñ! ²Ýáñ ·áñÍ»ñÁ ³ñųÝÇûñ¿Ý ï»Õ ·ï³Í »Ý ³ß˳ñÑÇ ½³Ý³½³Ý å³ïÏ»ñ³ëñ³ÑÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç« ÇÝãå¿ë Noah’s Ark Gallery, Aida Cherfan Fine Arts Gallery Gallerie Richellieu Montreal Beirut Exhibition Center гٳ½·³ÛÇÝÇ ÈÇõëÇ ÂÇõÃÇõÝ×»³Ý å³ïÏ»ñ³ëñ³Ñ »õ ³ñáõ»ëï ·Ý³Ñ³ïáÕ µ³½Ù³ÃÇõ ³ÝѳïÝ»ñáõ áõ ѳõ³ù³ÍáÝ»ñáõ Ù¿ç! ²Ûë ï³ñÇ« 100 ³Ù»³ÏÇ á·»ÏáãÙ³Ý Ó»éݳñÏÝ»ñáõ ÍÇñ¿Ý Ý»ñë« AÏáµ»³Ý ÝϳñÇãÇÝ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý µáõéÝ ·áñÍáõÝ¿áõÃÇõÝÁ åë³Ïáõ»ó³õ áã ÙdzÛÝ ³Ýѳï³Ï³Ý« ³ÛÉ»õ ËÙµ³ÛÇÝ µ³½Ù³ÃÇõ óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹¿ëÝ»ñáíª ÇÝãå¿ë 100 ³Ù»³ÏÇ Èǵ³Ý³ÝÇ Ú³ÝÓݳËáõÙµÇÝ ÏáÕÙ¿ Ñáí³Ý³õáñáõ³Í« Noah’s Ark-Ç Ï³½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ« Ù³ëݳÏó»Éáí §²½·Ç MÁ W»ñ³ÍÝáõݹÁ¦ óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹¿ëÇÝ ä¿Ûñáõà ä³ïÏ»ñ³ëñ³ÑÇ »õ §ü³ññ³¦ ϳɻñÇÇÝ Ù¿ç« áõñ Éǵ³Ý³Ý³Ñ³Û ѳÝñ³Û³Ûï ³ñáõ»ëï³·¿ïÝ»ñ Çñ»Ýó ɳõ³·áÛÝ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáí ѳݹ¿ë »Ï³Ý!
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Belgian Parliament May Pass Resolution On Armenian Genocide
Belgian MP from New Flemish Alliance party Peter De Roover announced preparing draft resolution on the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. He has already submitted the document for approval of all political parties, La Libre reported. Nevertheless, representatives of the Greens offered to make amendments to the text, since the draft resolution contains an open call to the government of Belgium to recognize the Armenian Genocide, L'Avenir reported.
Anti-Armenian’ PACE Rapporteur Gets Turkish Citizenship
A former British lawmaker who was tasked by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) last year with drafting a report on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has reportedly become a Turkish citizen. According to the Istanbul-based daily “Sabah,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu personally handed a Turkish ID card to the Conservative MP, Robert Walter, at the Turkish Embassy in London last week. Walter, who is married to a Turkish woman, expressed delight at the award, reported the paper. It also posted a photograph of the ceremony on its website. Walter was named by the PACE leadership to launch a fact-finding mission to the Karabakh conflict zone and prepare the report titled “Escalation of Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan.” This wording prompted vehement protests from Armenian members of the Strasbourg-based assembly and the government in Yerevan. They said that it predetermines Walter’s findings and runs counter to statements made by U.S., Russian and French mediators trying to broker a Karabakh settlement. The Armenian side has also accused Walter of having close ties with Azerbaijan’s government, saying that the British parliamentarian has repeatedly defended Baku’s dismal human rights record criticized by Western human rights groups.
Genocide Memorial Groundbreaking Ceremony In Las Vegas PanARMENIAN.Net - More than 1,200 people gathered for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument at Sunset Park which is the largest area park and centrally located in Las Vegas. Armenian-American Cultural Society of Las Vegas (AACS) is leading this project with the support of all Las Vegas Armenian churches and organizations. The project was initiated in 2006. Since then, AACS Board Members had several meetings with Las Vegas city authorities and Sunset Park was selected as the future location for the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument.
Armenia Defense Minister To Head For Kyrgyzstan And Tajikistan YEREVAN. – An Armenian delegation, led by Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan, on Wednesday will attend, in Kyrgyzstan, a regular meeting of the Defense Ministers’ Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member countries. From Kyrgyzstan, Ohanyan will next travel to Tajikistan to participate in the meeting—scheduled for Thursday in Dushanbe—of the Defense Ministers’ Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states, reported the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia.
Construction Of Old Yerevan District Will start This Fall YEREVAN. – The construction of Old Yerevan district will start this fall, Minister of Urban Development Narek Sargsyan said. The “Old Yerevan” complex will be built on the territory between the central streets of Yerevan. The buildings will have two underground floors, three floors above ground and an attic. A hotel will be built near the complex. As stated by Armenian PM Hovik Abrahamyan, investments in the project may reach $120-130 million.
Egypt To Join EEU In 2016 – Ambassador
Egypt intends to establish a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), comprising Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia, by the end of 2016, the Egyptian ambassador to Russia told Sputnik. A free trade zone deal between the sides was discussed in February during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Cairo. Egypt sent an official request to establish a free trade zone with the EEU last year. "There is a kick-off already in the negotiation process and we estimate that it is going to take from 12-18 months," Mohamed Elbadri told Sputnik.
Kerry Injury Will Not Slow Iran Talks, US Officials Say
Mr Kerry often brings his bicycle along to diplomatic summits Negotiations with Iran about its nuclear programme will continue despite US Secretary of State John Kerry's recent injury, US officials say. Mr Kerry, 71, was cycling in France when he hit kerb and broke his leg. He arrived back in the US late on Monday and will be treated at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. It remains unclear how his injury will affect his work as the top diplomat for the US. He is due to have surgery later on Tuesday.
Children's Day 2015 Mothers And Children Carousels, balloons, concerts, ice cream – that’s right, it’s Children’s Day; or to be specific, the International Day for Protection of Children. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the occasion of Children’s Day said: Here’s his holiday wish to Yerevan’s children: All grownups wish their children to have a safe childhood, live a carefree life and fulfill their dreams. The Yerevan Municipality, for its part, does everything possible for your everyday life to be interesting, and your yard, environment and the whole city to be beautiful and comfortable for you. Be healthy and happy and justify our hopes. And we, grownups, will do everything possible for you to be protected and happy. I wish you carefree childhood, my little friends.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 4, 2015
Mayor Ara Najarian Declares Candidacy For L.A. County Supervisor
Glendale Mayor Ara Najarian has announced that he is a candidate for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The Fifth district seat is currently held by Michael Antonovich who is “termed out” and cannot seek another term. Najarian has served over 11 years on the Glendale City Council and is now serving in his third term as Mayor. Prior to serving on the city council, Ara was elected to the Glendale Community College Board of Trustees in 2003. Ara graduated from Occidental College with a degree in Economics and then went on to U.S.C. where he earned his law degree. Ara has been in the private practice of law for 30 years. Over the past 11 years while serving the City of Glendale, Ara has worked to create new parks for our youth, including a new municipal swimming pool, focused efforts on pedestrian and vehicular safety, and imposed strict ethics and campaign rules to ensure the public’s trust in the city council. He has partnered with the police and fire departments to ensure that Glendale remains one the safest cities in America and one of the best prepared for emergencies. In 2006 Ara was elected to represent the north cities of L.A. County on the Los Angeles Metro (MTA) Board of Directors and served as the Chairman of Metro in 2009 and 2010. In addition he has served on the Metrolink board of Directors from 2006 to 2012 and from 2013 to present. With his presence on these two important transportation Boards, Ara has led efforts to reduce traffic congestion and improve transit throughout the district and the region. He has brought hundreds of millions of dollars to the district by way of improvements to the I-5, I-210, 134, and 14 freeways. He is a staunch supporter of the Foothill Gold Line light rail extension along the foothill communities, and continues to fight for its completion eastward to Claremont. Ara was the driving force behind the soon to open BRT connector which will link the San Fernando Valley with the San Gabriel Valley , through North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena. While serving as Chairman of the Metro Board, Ara’s leadership brought consensus to the Board by passing the Los Angeles County Long Range Transportation Plan with a unanimous vote. Ara served two consecutive years as the chairman of the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments. “I look forward to representing the great Fifth District at the Board of Supervisors and will work hard to bring my skills, honed as Mayor of Glendale, to improve the quality of life for all of our residents. I Cont. on p. 10
AGBU Alex Manoogian School In Montréal Celebrates Its 45th Anniversary The celebration raised $300,000 in support of the school
On May 2, 2015, the Armenian community of Montréal marked the 45th anniversary of the AGBU Alex Manoogian School. The event was attended by AGBU President Berge Setrakian, Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranush Hakobyan and over 500 guests, including Primate of the Diocese of Canada Bishop Abgar Hovakimian, Armenian Ambassador to Canada Armen Yeganian, Vice President of the City of Montréal’s Executive Committee Harout Chitilian, AGBU Central Board member Lena Sarkissian, current and former teachers, and alumni from each graduating class. The celebration raised a total of $300,000, $200,000 of which was donated by grand benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Arden and Christine Dervishian. The evening’s program included performances by notable school alumni, among them soprano Sasha Djihanian and
musician Arden Arapyan, and testimonials by alumni who consider their alma mater an integral part of their success. “The school has played a major role in who I am and who I have become in my life,” said Harry Dikranian, member of the school’s first graduating class in 1979. “Today I am a lawyer with the prestigious firm Sternthal Katznelson Montigny. But far more importantly, it was here that I met my wife Norma Alepian whom I am proud to say is a graduate of the class of 1984. Norma today is a certified accountant with Deloitte Canada, one of the biggest audit and accounting firms in Canada.” The evening concluded with remarks by AGBU President Setrakian, who congratulated the Montréal Armenian community on strengthening Armenian identity and helping Armenian culture flourish in the younger generation: “I’m
happy to see so many young alumni here tonight. This means that the torch had been successfully passed to the new generation, who will now take on the leadership of the community,” said Setrakian. In her speech, Minister Hakobyan also praised the AGBU Alex Manoogian School and highlighted its importance in providing the younger generation with an Armenian education. On the occasion, Hakobyan granted the Gold Medal of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia to the chairman and vice chairman of the school’s board of trustees, Armen Bechakjian and Aram Yacoubian, respectively, in honor of their work in preserving Armenian identity in the diaspora. “Tonight’s celebration shows that students of the AGBU Alex Manoogian School have the drive and motivation that can only come from people raised in a nurturing and stimulating environment. The school is a living member of the Canadian Armenian community. Like its current students and alumni, it is an example of creativity, resilience, empathy and leadership,” said Chahé Tanachian, chairman of AGBU Montréal and principal of AGBU Alex Manoogian School. For more information on the AGBU Alex Manoogian School, please visit http://web.alexmanoogian.qc.ca/wordpress/web/
AGBU Sayat Nova International Composition Competition Holds Gala Concert In New York Original compositions premiered by an international ensemble of musicians On May 11, 2015, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Sayat Nova International Composition Competition held its biannual gala concert and award ceremony at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater at Symphony Space in New York. The gala concert premiered compositions by the three winners of the 2014 Sayat Nova International Composition Competition, performed by an international ensemble of musicians from Armenia, France, Finland, Macedonia and the United States. The concert also featured songs by eighteenth-century Armenian bard Sayat Nova on the kamancha and poems by Armenian poet Daniel Varoujan, recited by poet Lola Koundakjian. Opening remarks were given by Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, the permanent representative of Armenia to the United Nations, and Ara Guzelimian, the dean and provost of the Juilliard School, who both commented on the importance of the occasion: “2015 is laced with symbolism for the Armenian people. For us, it symbolizes 100 years of grief, tragedy and injustice, but I think it also very strongly symbolizes our pride, dignity, revival and confidence. Tonight is not an exception in symbols. First, Daniel Varoujan: a man who perished in the tragic days of the Armenian Genocide. Though he disappeared physically, his strength and love of art and beauty traveled through generations and is here tonight,” said Mnatsakanyan. Guzelimian also remarked on the legacy of Daniel Varoujan in the continuity of Armenian art: “When wars are fought and histories
are written, often the most precious thing that remains of a people is its voice as expressed in its cultural creative spirit, so it is extremely appropriate that we stake our claim to the future in celebrating these commissions tonight. I was thinking about the fact that the terrible death of Daniel Varoujan was meant to silence his voice, and not only was his voice not silenced, but his poetry is treasured and remembered. The joy in these works tonight is that his poetry is a generative force. It sparks creation yet again and sparks new life and new voices. That is an extraordinary metaphor for the power of this commemoration and all of us as a people,” said Guzelimian. The Sayat Nova International Composition Competition is designed to introduce Armenian musical traditions to a wider audience by inviting composers of all heritages to submit original compositions for an ensemble of Armenian traditional and Western classical instruments. This year, in commemoration of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, the competition asked composers to include in their compositions the poetry of Daniel Varoujan, one of the first victims of the Armenian Genocide. The
winners of this year’s competition were Hovik Sardaryan of Armenia/NagornoKarabakh, Dic-lun Fung of Hong Kong and Richard Melkonian of the United Kingdom. “I am very happy to have participated in the AGBU Sayat Nova International Composition Competition. I really enjoyed the experience, particularly working with Western Armenian poetry and the duduk. I have never worked with such an organic composition of instruments before and I’m grateful to the organizers of the competition for this opportunity,” said Sardaryan. “We would like to express our gratitude to the distinguished jury who offered its expertise in judging the competition and to VoxNovus for creating the online submission and evaluation software used this year as well as to the AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC) for making the gala concert possible,” said Hayk Arsenyan, director of the AGBU Performing Arts Department. For more information about the AGBU Sayat Nova International Composition Competition, please visit http://www.agbuperformingarts.org/
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 4, 2015
Ararat Home Board of Trustees Elects its Executive Committee for 2015-2016
Ararat Home Board of Trustees Executive Committee: Nazar Ashjian (past chairman), Debbie Avedian, Armen Hampar (past chairman), Ron Nazeley, Joseph Kanimian, Michael Surmeian, Nadya Verabian, Vahe Vartan; Nora Hampar (not pictured) Mission Hills, CA – The Ararat Home Board of Trustees elected its Executive Committee on April 16, 2015. The officers who are entrusted with guiding the organization through another successful year of growth include: Joseph Kanimian, Esq. (Chairman), Ron Nazeley (1st Vice Chair), Nora Hampar (2nd Vice Chair), Michael Surmeian, CPA (Treasurer), Vahe Vartanian (Assistant Treasurer), Nadya Verabian (Secretary), and Debbie Avedian (Assistant Secretary). On March 1st, Ararat Home held its Annual Membership Meeting, when members and supporters came together to receive updates on the Home’s past accomplishments and future goals as well as to elect members to the Board of Trustees for three-year terms. Trustees, administrators and the Chief Operating Officer reported on the state of the organization; and, supporting bodies presented an overview of their activities as well as their yearly contributions to the Home. Chairman Kanimian expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the Executive Committee and newly re-elected trustees: Raffi Balian, M.D., Peter Darakjian, Armen Hampar, Richard Jebejian, Rafi Mardirosian, Roy Martinian, D.D.S., Harout Mesrobian, M.D., Berj Shahbazian, and Nadya Verabian. And, acknowledging the remaining trustees who are continuing their terms – Nazar Ashjian, CPA, Vatche Bardakjian, M.D., Shahe Boyadjian, Gary Kaloostian, Maggie Mangassarian-Goschin, Edvin Minassian, Esq., Joseph Ouzounian, M.D., Kohar Pelter, MSN, Sinan Sinanian, and Arthur Zabounian, – he noted: “At Ararat Home, we are committed to our elders’ welfare and will do our utmost to maintain the Home as a premier facility of its kind. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I extend my gratitude to all our supporters, members, volunteers and auxiliary groups for their dedication and commitment to the objective of our beloved Home.” Ararat Home of Los Angeles has continuously been recognized for the exemplary service and care it provides to over 350 residents. The Assisted Living Facility has received zero-deficiency ratings for eight consecutive years from the California Department of Social Services for meeting all standards and having no violations. Similarly, Ararat Skilled Nursing Facility and Ararat Convalescent Hospital in Eagle Rock continue to hold five-star ratings from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is the highest rating given to such facilities.
UCLA is offering a summer Armenian class for high school students who are exposed to Armenian at home and want to learn to read and write or to develop their speaking, listening, and literacy skills. Dr. Shushan Karapetian is our Program Director and Armenian Instructor. Dr. Karapetian earned a PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures from UCLA in 2014, where she has taught Armenian language courses over the past five years. Currently she is teaching a first-of-its-kind course, which she developed based on her dissertation research, on Armenian as an immigrant/heritage language in the U.S. As the title of her dissertation “‘How Do I Teach My Kids My Broken Armenian?’: A Study of Eastern Armenian Heritage Language Speakers in Los Angeles” reveals, her research interests focus on heritage language education, particularly on the case of heritage speakers in the Los Angeles community, on which she has presented and lectured widely. She was an adjunct faculty member of the Language Arts Department at Glendale Community College as an Armenian instructor between 2005-2011, where she taught courses on Armenian language and literature. Through her involvement with CWL/NHLRC at UCLA, she has developed the curriculum and instructed an Armenian Heritage Course for high-school age Armenian students between 2010-2013. Dr. Karapetian is currently serving and consulting on multiple committees in the Los Angeles Armenian community aimed at reforming Armenian language instruction and promoting the use and preservation of the Armenian language.
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
67 - Kemal Yalcin By Hambersom Aghbashian Kemal Yalçın (born 1952 in Turkey's southwestern Denizil province), is a bilingual German-Turkish writer who has won several awards. After earning degrees in education and philosophy, Mr.Yalcin went on to become a journalist and was the editor of the Halkin Yolu (The way of the people) newspaper in Turkey until he was forced to flee in 1981 for political reasons to Germany. Currently he works as a teacher in Bochum. He was also for some time a lecturer in the Department of Turkish Studies at the University of Essen. He is the author of many book, including books for children. Kemal Yalcin is the author of “You Rejoice My Heart”. This book is based on a quest made by the author to find Turkey's hidden Armenians, those who survived the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and remained in Turkey. Yalcin is a very sympathetic observer, which make his account all the more powerful. His account finds cryptoArmenians and donmes, people who survived discrimination and anti-Armenian riots in Istanbul, as well as others who eloped with Muslim Turks.(1) The translation of “You Rejoice My Heart”, was published by the Tekeyan Cultural Association, and according to "http://agbu.org/news", The Tekeyan Cultural Assn. welcomed Turkish author Kemal Yalcin back to the AGBU Chicago Center in collaboration with a host of other Armenian organizations and churches, in celebration of the release of the English edition of his book, "You Rejoice My Heart", which was produced by Tekeyan." On March 16, Kemal Yalcin, in the Glendale Public Library auditorium, explained how he embarked on a project to seek out Armenians living in Turkey as Muslims or Turks, and wrote his book "You Rejoice My Heart". His journey took him on a trajectory that started with his native Honaz and included Amasya, Erzurum, Askale, Kars, and ended in the ancient city of Ani. Through the story of a woman called Safiye (her Armenian name was Zaruhi), he reflected the lives of other Armenians living in Amasya after 1915. Amasya once had a thriving Armenian population. The community, along with its churches and schools, was utterly devastated during the Genocide. After 1915, only about 60 Armenian families remained. All they knew was that they were Armenians and their religion was different. "We didn't let a lot of people know about it," Madame Safiye says". "Even so, we were so afraid!" Armenians tried their best to marry within their tiny community. They prayed in secret and adopted Armenian orphans who had survived the massacres. While some Armenians eventually fled, most of those who
remained stopped speaking their native tongue and denied ever being Armenian. "There is big work to do," Mr. Yalcin added. "As humans we have to address and expose this inhumanity." You Rejoice My Heart has been published in English, Italian, Armenian, Spanish, French, in addition to Turkish.(2) According to www.news.am, April 4, 2011, "In his speech delivered at a conference in Brussels, Turkish writer Kemal Yalcin addressed the participants in Armenian, Assyrian and Turkish. He said if there was no Genocide, non-Muslims population could have been 15 million today." History will never forgive the crimes against humanity. Let our grief become basis for peace and justice. As a Turkish writer I apologize to Armenians and Assyrians. I wish that Silk bridge on the border between Armenia and Turkey [the historical bridge in Ani] was renovated and became a symbol of brotherhood between the Armenian and Turkish nations,". (3) "A Century of Silence: Terror and the Armenian Genocide" was published in Volume 79, Number 3, September 2010 of The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, where the author Jack Danielian wrote " If rape, torture, sex slavery, massacre, and ethnic cleansing are on a continuum of major human rights violations, then genocidal impulse occupies the extreme pole of that continuum. Crimes of genocide involve psychogenic and psychodynamic underpinnings that can be terrifying to contemplate." Many specialists, historians and others were quoted or interviewed and the following is an abstract from the research, " The fear and terror such linkages can bring to an already traumatized people is obvious. It was with great difficulty that Kemal Yalçin got Armenian interviewees to speak to a hugely sympathetic Turkish chronicler like himself. He describes a conscious or unconscious drive amongst Armenian survivors to hide their past, above all in any contact with a Turk, the survivors bury their secret. Historic memory tells them that those who stood out in any way were the first to be selected for torture and liquidation." (4)
1.http://www.amazon.com/You-Rejoice-Heart-Kemal-Yalcin/dp/1903656729 2.http://armgenocide.blogspot.com/2 008/03/kemal-yalcin-speaks-in-glendale.html 3.http://www.aina.org/news/2011041 1205940.htm 4.http://araratmagazine.org/2010/10/ terror-and-armenian-genocide/
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 4, 2015
Grand Opening Of Seeroon Yeretzian “I Exist” Exhibit Huge Success Glendale, CA --It was a night to remember when on the evening of May 21, the Los Angeles Affiliate of the Armenian International Association hosted the:"I EXIST" solo exhibition showcasing the incredible talent of artist and poet Seeroon Yeretzian. A capacity crowd attended the Opening Wine and Cheese Reception and Exhibit at the new Roslin Art Gallery, located at 415 East Broadway in Glendale to pay tribute not only to an incredibly talented artist, writer and poet, but to recognize her humanitarian efforts and dedicated service to those less fortunate. Silva Katchiguian, President of LAAIWA, in her welcoming remarks stated: “Seeroon’s observational skills as a poet and artist come alive in scenes of crucifixion, in self-portraits, in nature, in the human body, in inanimate objects, in multiform sculpture and in bold, blunt, naked words of poetry and prose. Her soul seems to live with paintings and art that depict national pride and identity; she pays homage to our ancestry through the SPLENDOR OF THE AYPUPEN (Armenian alphabet) that seems to draw its breath with an aviary of proud peacocks and birds, a forest of animals and a sea of fish. The fruits of her labor and her pride in her-
itage spreads through the branches and fruits of the pomegranate tree that adorned the first Armenian Float this past January at the 2015 Tournament of Rose Parade. Her indignation toward human suffering, the ugly side of nature, and the Godlessness of humanity often creep into her work, but her love of humanity, her love of ancestry and beauty of soul that cries for social justice seeps through the paint on canvas and ink on paper. The evening also included remarks by her 27 year partner, Harry Mesrobian, who reflected on their years together, starting with his apprenticeship under her husband Harout in their print shop. Working alongside her set an indelible mark on his life and rewarded him with two life long
“From Sacred Wrath” Performs To Full Houses In New York City “From Sacred Wrath,” a play about an Armenian-American family grappling with the legacy of 1915, performed two soldout shows at the Davenport Theatre in New York City last April during the month of genocide awareness. The timely play, written and directed by Taleen Babayan, reflects the various outlooks and struggles facing Armenians around the world in this centennial year of the Armenian Genocide. The story was brought to life on stage through the cast of diverse and professional actors including Karnig Nercessian, playing the role of Hovsep, the patriotic patriarch of the family; Constance Cooper as Aghavni, an Armenian Genocide survivor; Ani Djirdjirian as Areni, a history teacher who has a modern outlook of reconciliation; Raffi Wartanian as Soghomon, an American-born Armenian who feels a desire to return to his homeland; Cihangir Duman as Cemal, a Turkish journalist who is unable to call the Armenian massacres a genocide; Jamie Alana as Ayesha, a Darfur Genocide survivor; and Haig Hovnanian as Alex, a childhood friend of the family’s. "Sharing the stage with so many gifted performers was beyond rewarding, as was working on a script that allowed us to question the identity paradigms that have come to define modern Armenian life,” said Wartanian, who is a performer, writer and musician. Babayan was the recipient of three grants to stage the production, including awards from the Dadourian Foundation, the Mabel Fenner Scholarship and the Armenian Youth Foundation. "From Sacred Wrath" has started a cross cultural dialogue that has the potential to be the starting point for great change in society,” said Alana, a graduate of The Actors Studio Drama School. “There are no villains in this play, only people. People have the power to create unity even when nations, cultures and ethnic groups cannot.
With this play we were able to create unity on stage and unity in the audience.” The two performances appealed to audiences beyond the Armenian community, and drew people of diverse age groups and backgrounds. “It was an amazing feat to manage to combine and present the ever prevalent Diasporan issues in such a moving and visceral way all in one package,” said audience member Karén Tonoyan. “I hope this play gets staged many more times because it deserves to be seen by many more audiences.” “From Sacred Wrath” is Babayan’s second play. Her debut work, “Where is Your Groom?” (Pesad Oor Eh)—a comedic story that follows an Armenian-American family’s desire to preserve their ties while living in the Diaspora—has performed for seven Armenian communities across the country. Upcoming performances are scheduled in New York and Florida. "Taleen Babayan's insightful writing has captured a 'slice of life' from the Armenian Diaspora reality with its players, points of view, and issues all rolled very successfully into one entertaining and informative stage production,” said Armani, actress and artistic founder of the SR Socially Relevant Film Festival. “Taleen not only has a deep understanding of Armenian issues, but knows how to contextualize them within a larger universal paradigm. I feel honored to have been part of this production and shared the stage with a talented cast."
SAVE THIS DATE NOV. 7, 2015-Saturday, St. Peter Church Ladies Society 57th Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon, One Hundred Years and Flourishing, at Four Seasons, Westlake Village, CA
friends. Seeroon Yeretzian’s son Arno, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Armenian International Women’s Association for hosting the opening and recognizing his mother’s work. He recalled that since his youth his mother was never idle, creating her artistic style, running an art gallery and attending to household chores non-stop. Arno stated “She calls her paintings lovers; she doesn’t love money, artists print money for others.” Arno Yeretzian then read remarks from his mother in which she also thanked AIWA for organizing this event. In her message, she stated “I loved and lived each second of my life which is constantly changing and renewing itself. I have lived
for about 200 years by recreation and now that I am in a wheelchair because of this disease called ALS, I have not stopped being creative. I am writing with my eyes, on a superb invention called Dynavox, that enables me to communicate and write with my eyes, not hands. … I’ve always thought that sleep is a waste of time of life. I call my nighttime art ‘Moonshine Art.’ This art was done at night. My paintings that show homeless people are a reflection of the first 18 years of my life in refugee camp in Lebanon….I call my daytime art my ‘Sunshine Art.’ These are my daytime best friends. Painting Armenian Illuminations served as a type of Mental Yoga for me. An escape from reality, taking me to a different Time and Life. Art for me is a Honeymoon and a Moonymoon and a Sunnymoon.” On behalf of Seeroon Yeretzian and her son Arno, each guest was presented with the book, “The Intrepid Pigeon” by Berj Vasilian, Seeroon’s brother. Each guest also received Seeroon Yeretzian’s Calendar or her Glory of Aypupen poster. The exhibit "I EXIST" remained open for viewing till Saturday, May 30th. Gallery hours are from 10am - 7pm, Monday to Saturday.
TUMO x AGBU Partnership Takes Off In Gyumri
On May 25, Tumo Center for Creative Technologies expanded its reach and opened in Gyumri. Inaugurated by the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the center is the result of a partnership between the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Simonian Educational Foundation. Upon the initiative of President Sargsyan, a telethon to raise funds for the launch of the center was implemented by Shant TV president Arthur Yezekyan last fall. During the opening event, Armenian youth toured the center along with the other guests and became familiar with Tumo's educational program. They also had an opportunity to enroll in the program making them official Tumo members. For many excited young guests, it was an emotional moment. ''This is the realization of our dreams'' said 14-year-old Nareh as she first set foot in Gyumri during the center's opening. Together with over 50 other teenagers, she was part of the center’s first official visitors. 14-year-old Gevorg has plans to become "a world-shaking musician and DJ" while 13-year-old Angin mused about becoming "President... no, also a French linguist and translator... okay, let’s just say the President of France." The future possibilities are limitless with the opening of the center bringing hope to the youth of this region. The TUMO x AGBU Gyumri Center opened its doors at its initial location in the Gyumri Technopark. It will launch a free after-school program in September, promoting 21st century skills, focusing on Animation, Game Development, Web Design
and Filmmaking. Starting in June, local youth and their parents will be able to visit the center and acquaint themselves with its curriculum. Students will be able to register for membership during this time. The Gyumri program will be available to 500 to 1000 students. Students will participate twice a week for two hours per session. The partnership between the Simonian Educational Foundation and AGBU will also launch a second TUMO x AGBU center in Stepanakert later this year. This initiative is part of AGBU’s commitment to education and innovation in Armenia. To learn more about the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, please visit: http://www.tumo.org/en/
Mayor Ara Najarian Declares Candidacy... Cont. from p. 8 intend to respond to every request that I receive from a resident concerning county government”, says Mayor Ara Najarian. Ara is married to Palmira Perez-Najarian, an award winning journalist who is currently a news anchor in Los Angeles. Ara has two college age children, Alexander and Christopher. Ara has spent much of his time assisting his parents, Dr. Vartkes and Mary Najarian in providing medical and humanitarian aid to Armenia for the past 30 years. Those interested in learning more about the campaign may call 818-549-0808 or go to aranajarian2016.com
N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
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(<ar& na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)
Yambordakan Tpauoroujiunn;r
>rouajia |a=ord a®auøt m;r naue kang a®au >rouajio\ Wouqowar qa[aqin a'e! >rouajn;re \aranouanouj;amb Kajo[ikh ;n% oroun famar ,afa‘ ;n s;rp;rou at;loujiunn ou minc;u isk j,namoujiune! Qic ;tq piti bazatr;m jh inc es;l k∞oux;m! M;r ,r=apto\te k∞endgrkhr Øsiciq qa[aqe% orou ;k;[;ziin mh= m;nq ounkndr;zinq ªAwh Mariaºn% kataro[ouj;amb parmanoufii me ;u da,naki m;nanouag me% kataro[ouj;amb patani manci me! :rav,takan a\s mi=oza®oumhn ;tq m;r inqna,arvi yambordn;re bavnou;zan cors .oumb;rou% oronzmh iuraqanciure fiurasirou;zau t;[akan entaniqi me ko[mh! >øsakzouj;an enjazqin% m;r fiurenkal tikine m;x w;rafasou dar]ouz ir dimagraua‘ dvouarouj;anz masin% :oukoslauio\ 'louxoumhn i w;r! An bazatr;z jh incphs paragan;rou b;roumow farkadroua‘ hr april ir enk;roufiin f;t! I w;r=o\ an dit;l touau% or ir;nz far;uanoufin s;rp;rou ko[mh artaqsoua‘ hr ir bnakaranhn% orowf;t;u anor qo\re amousnaza‘ hr kajo[ikhi me f;t! Fos phtq h n,;l or >rouajia anka.oujiun stazau 1991-in! :xrakazoujiun% s;rp;re axga\namol vo[owourd ;n% oronq no\n at;louj;amb l;zoua‘ ;n islamn;rou (Posnia ;u Qosowø) ;u kajo[ikh .rouajn;rou dhm! A\s bazatroujiunn h w;ro\i,;al aknarkouj;ans% or ke bazatrh s;rp;rou at;lawar w;rab;rmounqe% fandhp .rouajzin;roun!
Foungaria M;r naua\in yambordouj;an w;z;rord øre m;nq fasanq Foungario\ Qaløsqa qa[aqi a'e! A\s qa[aqe n,anauor h ir a,.arfaf®cak karmir p[p;[i (Paprika) artadrouj;amb! F;taqrqrakan h gitnal jh Foungario\ gitnakann;rhn Dokt& <hnj Khorki \a\tnab;ra‘ h% or a\s p[p;[e ke parounakh ;øjn angam au;li ªWijamin Siº qan narin=e! A\d \a\tnab;rouj;an famar an arvanaza‘ h 1937 jouakani Nop;l;an mrzanakin! A\s qa[aqe n,anauor h na;u ir ]iawarn;row% oronq est patmakan tou;aln;rou% ke patkanhin ,r=oun Maya® z;[a.oumbin! Anonq% f;®auor Asio\ ta'astann;rhn ar,au;low fasa‘ ou fastatoua‘ ;n Foungario\ a\s qa[aqe! M;nq a®ije oun;zanq wa\;l;lou a\d ]iawarn;rou .ist tpauoric ;lo\je% ormh ;tq \atouk ka®q;row m;nq ,r=aga\;zanq ir;nz gom;rn ou endar]ak% la\natara‘ arøtawa\re% our takauin go\oujiun ounin ;u ke gor‘a‘ouin m;r gitza‘ =rforn;re! Naua\in yambordouj;an m;r w;r=in øre m;nq fasanq Foungario\ ma\raqa[aq Poutab;,ti a'e! Tanoup g;te qa[aqe ke
B;,te ditoua‘ Pouta\i bar]rounqhn
Pou.arhsji palate
bavnh ;rkouqi% Pouta ;u B;,t! Pouta ke gtnoui bar]rawandaki me wra\ ;u l;®na\in h% isk B;,te ke gtnoui Pouta\i fandipaka‘ da,tawa\ri tara‘qin! M;nq fon piti mna\inq ;rkou gi,;r% ormh ;tq piti w;rada®na\inq toun! Pandok cgaza‘% m;nq a\z;l;zinq qa[aqi t;sarvan wa\r;re% incpisin ;n Tanoupi ;x;rqn i w;r ;rkara‘ .orfrdarane% ªF;rosn;rou Fraparakeº% p;takan ø';ra\i ,hnqe ;u ;rk\arkani goz ,oukan% our kar;li h gtn;l amhn inc or t;[akan artadroujiun h! Foungarakan as;[nagor‘n ou ];®arou;st go\nxgo\n fagoustn;re ,at n,anauor ;n! Poutab;,ti ;rkou ko[m;re irar miazno[ tase kamour=n;r kan% oronzmh ;rkou fate ke gor‘a‘oui mia\n ,oq;ka®q;rou famar! Mnaz;al oujin mh=hn n,anauorn;rn ;n a®ka.;al (Chain Bridge) kamour=n ou Hlixaphj kamour=e% or kocoua‘ h ir;nz na.kin jagoufiin anounow! A\d ør m;nq a\z;l;zinq na;u Pouta\i bar]rounqin ka®ouzoua‘ f®cakauor Majfias tayare (Matthias Church)! |a=ord øre m;nq a\z;l;zinq Koutolio\ arqa\akan palatn ou parthxn;re% oronq ke gtnouin Poutab;,thn 18 m[on f;®auorouj;an wra\! Anor ,inoujiune auarta‘ h 1760-in% Ka\sroufi Maria J;r;xa\i ørow! Isk 1867 jouakanin% ;rb kaxmou;zau Austria-Foungarakan ka\sroujiune% an endar]akou;zau ;u
dar]au ~ranz Yoxh` Ka\sri ama®anoze! Fon hr or Hlixaphj jagoufin m,takan bnakoujiun fastat;z ;u apr;zau ir krts;rago\n a[=kan f;t! Dvba.tabar a\s palate w;ra‘oua‘ hr xinouorakan xøranozi% ;rb sow;takan banake grau;z Foungarian! Anonq 40 tari mnazin fon ;u qar ou qand erin xa\n% an.na\ gor‘a‘ouj;an patya®au! Anonq% ]mran zourt ør;roun% palati kaf karasin;re wa®;low ke taqna\in! Fima saka\n a\d palate w;ranorogoua‘ h ou dar]a‘ xbøsa,r=ikn;rou na.entra‘ vamadrawa\re! Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i Palqan;an ;rkirn;rou m;r a\s a\z;louj;nhn krnam ;xrakazn;l ;rkou ;r;uo\j! Na. or anonq b®nagrauoua‘ ;n Øsman;an ka\srouj;an ko[mh% oronq a\ra‘ ou qanda‘ ;n ;k;[;zin;r ;u m,akouja\in k;dronn;r! A®au;l% or ci xarmazn;r xis% øsmanzi jourq;re carcara‘ ;n a\d ;rkirn;rou bnakicn;re% graua‘ anonz bnakarann;rn ou \a',taka‘ anonz incq;rn ou arvhqauor ir;re! :rkrord% a\d ;rkirn;re% ellalow Sow;takan arban;ak ;rkirn;r% takauin ke [;kawarouin na.kin fama\nawarn;rou ko[mh% oronz møt a®ka\ h ka,a®ak;roujiunn ou an'oujoujiune fasaraka‘ ,af;rou nkatmamb! Xxoua‘ tiro[ ani,.anouj;nhn% mardik k∞oux;n ]g;l ir;nz ;rkirn;re ;u ga[j;l a\lour% apr;lou au;li npastauor pa\mann;r oron;lou \o\sow% ir;nz entaniqn;roun famar!
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NOR ØR% 4 |OUNIS 2015
Fandipoum gonkr;sakan Atam <i`i f;t
Gor‘^ Wighn Lh'hy;ani
Wighn Lh'hy;an ;u ir gor‘e
ªMaf ;u W;ra‘noundºe .;z;gor‘akan arou;sti oyow \[azoua‘ artazoloumn h Fa\ vo[owourdi ‘noundin^ sksa‘ No\an Tapani Ararat l;ran wra\ katara‘ h=qhn minc;u n;rka\ ør;re! :rousa[hmafa\ \a\tni arou;staght Wighn Lh'hy;ani ;r;q m;jrow mhk m;jr .;zasalikn;rou \[azqe ke sksi Ararci fa\;azqow% oroun fowaniin tak '®oua‘ ;n fa\ vo[owourdi .orfrdani, M;‘ ;u "oqr Masisn;re% oronz 'h,;roun fa\ axge k;rta‘ h ir fauatqe^ 'a®;low y,marit krønqin% m[a‘ h ir f;rosakan pa\qarn;re Auara\ri ;u Sardarapati yakatamartn;rou mh=% k;rta‘ h ir axga\in ouro\n m,ako\je% girn ou grakanoujiune% faroust ;u inqnatip yartarap;toujiune! |atouk .namqow ou axga\in .orfrdan,ann;row ,;,toua‘ h fa\ vo[owourdi .a[a[asiroujiune% axga\in ou mardka\in arvhqn;rou fandhp ir gourgouranqe% axatasiroujiune% oronz fandhp j,namin l;zoua‘ h wa® at;louj;amb^ endfoup minc;u isk a,.arfi ;r;shn =n=;lou yiua[a\in barbarosakan ‘ragrow% ba\z fa\e krkin i lour a,.arfin esa‘ h& ªKa*nq% piti lin;*nq ou d;® ,atananqº! F;[inake^ Wighn Lh'hy;an fanra‘anøj gitouj;an mh=! An auarta‘ h :rousa[hmi Srboz Jargmancaz warvarane isk masnagitakan krjoujiune staza‘ :r;uani G;[arou;stakan Akad;mia\hn^ 1969-1975! An ouni ir s;'akan arou;stanoz-waya®atoune :rousa[hmi Fa\kakan ja[in mh=% qa[aqin am;nhn banouk 'o[ozn;rhn mhkoun wra\% ir gor‘;re n;rka\azoua‘ ;n fama,.arfa\in zouzafandhsn;rou mh= ;u tara‘oua‘ ;n a,.arfow mhk! ªMaf ;u W;ra‘noundºe W& Lh'hy;ani \arganqi tourqn h nouiroua‘ ;rkou milion nafatakn;rou anm;® \i,atakin!
ªMaf ;u W;ra‘noundºi K;rparn;rn ou Tarr;re (}a.hn a= ;u dhpi war)! K;dronakan acqe&- Astou‘o\ fowanauor acqe% or ke fskh a,.arfi wra\! Masisn;re&- Fa\ vo[owourdi \au;rvoujiune .orfrdan,o[ Astoua‘a,ncakan srbaxan l;®e% or =rf;[;[i .auarin mh=hn w;r .o\azau ;u anor wra\ fangc;zau No\an Tapane! H=mia‘ni Ma\r Tayare (303 j&)&- Tiro= Orduo\n^ m;r "rkicin zouzmounqow ka®ouzoua‘ Tayare& fa\ fauatqi m,tarjoun k;drone! Mat;nadarane&- Fa\ gir ou grakanoujiune% patmoujiune% gitoujiunn ou manrankarcakan arou;ste ambara‘ ,our= 14 faxar ];®agirn;rou grapafoze! M;srop Ma,toz (a=in)&- Fa\oz a\boub;ni st;[‘ice% a®a=in ousouzice ;u fa\ inqnouj;an pafpanman ®afwiran% (404 j& Q&:&)! Xouarjnozi tayare (641-646 jj&)&- Fa\ yartarap;touj;an inqnatip ka®o\zn;rhn min^ ,inoua‘ N;rshs G& <ino[ Kajo[ikosi framanow ;u mta\[azmamb! S& F®i'simh :k;[;zin (618 j&)&- Nafatak F®i'sim;anz ko\s;rou (G& darou w;r=) nafatakouj;an wa\rin wra\ ka®ouzoua‘ ;k;[;zin& fa\ ;k;[;zakan yartarap;touj;an glou.-gor‘ozn;rhn min! Sparap;t Wardan Mamikon;an (]a.in)&- Fa\ inqnouj;an ou fauatqi pa,tpanouj;an famar martnca‘ ou nafatakoua‘ qa= xøraware (451 j&% Q&:&)! :®ago\n paroufin;r&- Fa\ m,ako\je^ ;rgn ou pare^ ,r=apatoua‘ axga\in .orfrdan,an famarouo[ orjatounkow ;u nou®ow! Ma\r Fa\astan&- Ir arjoun fa\;azqow ou fska\ jourow ke fskh fa\ vo[owourdin wra\! An patrast h ir joure pat;anhn fan;l i pa,tpanoujiun ir M;‘ Entaniqin! |a[janaki Xbøsa\gi^ An\a[j Xinouori \ou,ar]an% :r;uan! Fa\kakan >ace&- Fa\ inqnouj;an ;r;q .orfrdan,ann;r^ >ace% K;naz ’a®e ;u |au;rvouj;an .orfrdan,ane! S& G;[ardi wanqe (4-rd dar 1215)&- A\st;[ pafoua‘ h a\n g;[arde% orow ‘aka‘ ;n m;r "rkci ko[e .aca'a\tin wra\! >or Wirap (G& dar - 17-rd dar)&- Gl.auor ;k;[;zin ka®ouzoua‘ Fa\oz S& Grigor Lousauorci storg;tn;a\ bantin wra\! Sourbe 13 tari dimaza‘ ;u o[= mnaza‘ h% apa Trdat G& jagauori framanow fa\oz arqouniqn ou vo[owourde dar]i b;ra‘ qristonhouj;an! Axga\in Ø';ra\i ;u ~ilfamoniqi ka®o\ze&- W;ra‘na‘ fa\r;niqi m,ako\ji k;drone! 1988-hn sks;al fa\ pafan=atirouj;an ªAxatouj;anº fraparake! Ko[qe Ma\r Fa\astane }ij;n;az yiu[ow^ n,an .a[a<ar& h= 14
A,.atanqa\in a\zow% ‘anøj am;rikafa\ fasarakakan gor‘ic ;u `inansakan ‘ragro[ (Financial Planner) Ara Afaron;an% Cor;q,abji% Ma\is 20-in% fandipa‘ h Gonkrhsi Palati endoun;louj;an vo[owasrafhn n;rs% Gali`ornio\ 28-rd entra,r=ani Gonkrhsakan Atam <i`i f;t! Afaron;an mas ke kaxmh Miaz;al Nafangn;rou tara‘qin gor‘o[ `inansakan ‘ragro[n;rou patouirakouj;an! Anonq vamana‘ hin ma\raqa[aq% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou 50 nafangn;rhn! Afaron;an miak am;rikafa\ n;rka\azouzicn hr patouirakouj;an! K∞imananq or patouirakouj;an andamn;re% a,.atanqa\in a\zow ke gtnouhin ma\raqa[aq Oua,inkjen% ar‘ar‘;lou famar farka\in bar;'o.ouj;an npastauor pa\mann;r% n;ra®ua‘^ Gonkrhsi enjazik ørakargin mh=% oronq a®fa-
sarak ke w;rab;rin am;rikazi vo[owourdin fangst;an jo,aki ‘ragirn;roun! Ì
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1924-in fimnoua‘ h a\njapzin;rou ko[mh% orou a,ak;rtouj;an xgali mase a\njapzi ‘no[n;rou xauakn;r hin)! M;‘ ;ra.tagitouj;amb \i,;z ir ousouzicn;re% \atkaphs% wastaka,at tnørhn^ Grigor Pø[ar;ane% or .or tpauoroujiun jo[a‘ hr ir wra\! An ,;,t;z or Krjasiraz warvaranhn n;rs a,ak;rtn;re ke dastiarakouhin a®o[= fa\r;nasirouj;amb% our tirakan ir miasnakanouj;an ogin! |a\tn;z or A\njapi f;rosamarte m;‘aphs n;r,nca‘ hr xinq! "ro`& Partagy;an ir ;lo\jin mh= .øs;zau fa\ouj;an go\at;uman spa®nazo[ wtangn;roun masin ;u pafan=q drau% or s'iu®qe phtq h baxmapatkh ir =anq;re \a[jafar;lou xanonq! A®a=ark;z or niujakan mi=ozn;r apafow;l fa\ kam øtar fa\aghtn;roun% or ,arounak;n ousoumnasir;l fa\ vo[owourdi m,akouja\in va®ange! Andradar]au a\njapzin;rou katara‘ a,.atanqn;roun% ir;nz ‘nndawa\rin \i,atake wa® paf;lou famar tara‘ a,.atanqn;roun% ørinak talow w;r=;rs :r;uani mh= lo\s t;sa‘ A\njapi as;[nagor‘ouj;an nouiroua‘ ;rkou fatorn;re! |arg;li bana.øse ir ;lo\jin mh= andradar]au na;u fa\jourq \arab;roujiunn;rou masin% \a\tn;z incphs jourq \a=ordakan i,.anoujiunn;r^ .;[ajiura‘ ;n patmoujiune% safmana'akoumn;r dra‘ ;n fa\kakan dprozn;rh n;rs fa\;rhn l;xoui dasauandman% ;u jrq;rhn dasagirq;rou mh= anfandourvo[akanoujiun k*ousouzan;n fa\;rou dhm% no\nisk at;loujiun! :lo\jin w;r=auorouj;an a®a=ark;z% or ;ritasardn;r phtq h n;rgrau;l m;r mioujiunn;rhn n;rs% orphsxi go\at;uh fa\ k;anqi pa\qare! B;m frauirou;zau fandisouj;an fiurabar n;rka\ gtnouo[ Tik& Filta Sapouny;an-Cøpo\;ane! An ‘na‘ h Falhp a\njapzi ‘no[n;rou \arkhn n;rs% ;rkrordakan ousoume Falhpi mh= stanalh ;tq% 60-akan jouakann;rou skixbe ~ransa m;kna‘ h% our ;rkar tarin;r ];®nfasørhn [;kawara‘ h :uropa\i Fa\ Dati gras;n;ake! An oura.oujiun \a\tn;z% or a\njapzin;re ir;nz mioujiune ounin Los Any;lesi mh=% zau \a\tn;z or :uropa\i mh= a\spisi mioujiun go\oujiun couni! An 'oqr tariqhn lsa‘ h Am;rika\i A\njapzin;rou Miouj;an masin& inqxinq a\njapzin;rou va®angordn;rhn mhke nkat;low! An ,;,t;z or fa\r;nakzakan mioujiunn;re katar;liq m;‘ a,.atanq ounin% or pa,tpan;n fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqe mi=axga\in datarann;rhn n;rs! >øs;zau ir [;kawarouj;an ,r=anin Fa\ Dati gras;n;akin ka-
MAF :U W:RA’NOUND <ar& h= 12-hn
[ashr vo[owourdi! Xørawar Andranik Øxan;an (1865-1927 jj&)&- 19-20-rd dar;rou fa\ axatagrakan pa\qari annkoun f;rosn;rou ;u axatamartikn;rou ang;raxanz;li f;rosn ou a®a=norde! - Xør& Andraniki a=in ou ]a.in^ Axga\in axatagrakan pa\qari ;u f;rosakan inqnapa,tpanoujiunn;rou axatamartikn;r! S;u ,[ja\&- B®nagrauoua‘ Patm& Fa\astane S;u% Kaspiz ;u Mi=;rkrakan ‘ow;rou mi=;u! Sardarapati yakatamarti \ou,arfamalir&- 24-26 Ma\is 1918 j& fa\ vo[owourdi mafou ;u k;naz m;‘ago\n yakatamart;rhn min enddhm Øsman;an ka\srouj;an! Fa\ a,.arfaxøra\inn;rn ou xinouorn;re krzan kas;zn;l jrqakan ar,auanqe ;u 'rk;l Fa\astanhn mas me ;u fa\ouj;an mnazordaze! Komitas Wrd& (1869-1926 jj&)&- Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rhn mhke& ;[a‘ h fa\ vo[owrdakan ;rg;rou m;‘ago\n fauaqo[e ;u xanonq m,ako[e^ 'rk;low korousth! An ;[a‘ h na;u fog;uor ;rg;rou m,ako[ ou miavamanak tara‘ a,.atanqn;roun masin! |o\s \a\tn;z% or Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou ,a®aui[n;re møt apaga\in piti krnan ir;nz irauounqn;re pa,tpan;l mi=axga\in datarann;rh n;rs% zo\z talow s;'akanouj;an anfrav;,t 'astajou[j;r% \a\tn;z or Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume mi=axga\in fasarakouj;an ko[mh fska\ \a®a=dimoujiun ar]anagra‘ h% wka\akoc;low^ no\n øre Watikani mh=% F®omi Pape ir qaroxin mh= fangamanørhn andradar]a‘ hr 20-rd darou a®a=in Z;[aspanouj;an! Fandisouj;an a®au;l f;taqrqrakan mase ;[au% ;rb n;rkan;re ‘anøjazan Tik& :unikh Salip;anin% or 101 tari a®a= A\njap ‘na‘ h baxmandam entaniqi me mh= ;u a\n sakauajiu w;rapro[n;rhn h% or ir patan;kouj;an akanat;s ;[a‘ h A\njapi f;rosamartin! An k;ndani wkan h m;r anz;alin ;u kape m;r faraxat ‘nndawa\rin! Tikin Salip;an ir tariqin fam;mat ansowor ;®andow patm;z A\njaphn t;[afanouj;an enjazqin patafa‘ dhpqi me masin% our an fra,qow 'rkoua‘ hr! |aya. Astou‘o\ 'a®q talow% or ir;n k;anq ,norfa‘ h! |;taga\in an amousnaza‘ h
kataro[! Karmir Gound;r&- Patmakan Fa\astani ;u a\l fa\abnak ,r=ann;rou mh= bna=n=oumi ;njarkoua‘ gl.auor wa\r;re! Qandoua‘ fa\ qa[aqn;rou fog;uor k;dronn;r&- Ani ma\raqa[aqn ou anor ;k;[;zin;re nmo\,n;rn ;n a\d qandoumn;rou! Z;[aspanouj;an |ou,afamalir&- Kangn;zoua‘ :r;uani mh=^ nouiroua‘ 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;an xof;roun! J;qoua‘ siun;re ke n;rka\azn;n Patmakan Fa\astani grau;al 12 nafangn;re! ªMaf ;u W;ra‘noundºi pa,tønakan bazoume katarou;zau Fing,abji% April 23-in% Va®angauoraz En‘a\arani M;‘ Srafin mh=% \;t Srbazman araro[ouj;an ditoumin! Bazoume katarou;zau ];®amb Lousararap;t T& S;uan Arq& {arip;ani% i n;rka\ouj;an fa\ ;u øtar fasarakouj;an ;u fog;uorakann;rou! ’ragrua‘ h so\n a,.atanqe zouzadr;l a,.arfi tarb;r ma\raqa[aqn;rou mh=% n;ra®;al ma\raqa[aq Oua,inkjeni mh=!
patou;li Wafram Salip;ani f;t ;u 6 xauaki ma\r ;[a‘ h (xauakn;rhn mhke korsnzouza‘ h 1960 j& inqna,arvi arka‘ow% our ir xaukin f;t xof gazin baxmajiu a,ak;rtn;r^ Ph\rouji Fa\ Au;taranakan Bar]rago\n Warvaranhn)! |;taga\in Salip;an entaniqe ba.tauoroua‘ h 12 jo®n;row ;u 28 ‘o®;row! Apr;low ir vo[owourdi go[gojan% \;taga\in Tik& Salip;ani k;anqe ;[au famak nouiroum ir axgakizn;roun! A&M& Miouj;an at;nap;t^ Prn& Au;tis T;miry;an \atouk \ou,ata.takow me patou;z Tik& Salip;ane% orphs w;rapro[! Fandisouj;an auartin% ørouan fandisawaroufin ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z bolor anonz% oronq ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin a\s \ob;linakan fandisouj;an! |atouk ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z Tik& ~ransis T;miry;anin% or an]nouirabar patrasta‘ hr s;[ann;rou g;[;zik ‘a[k;'oun=;re! Thr Si'an Qfn\& M.s;an ªPafpanicºow 'akoume katar;z fandisouj;an% fousk apa% n;rkan;re \otnka\s ;rg;zin auandoujiun dar]a‘ A\njapi f;rosamarti qa\l;rge!
N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
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OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&
N.O. June 4, 2015, No. 23:N.O. Blank
2:49 PM
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NOR ØR% 4 |OUNIS 2015
FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Ma\isi 30-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an^ w;r=in 28-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªOulisº-ª<irakº^ 0-4 ªAla,k;rtº-ªBananzº^ 3-1 ªGan]asarº-ªAraratº^ 0-3 ª"iunikº-ªMikaº^ 3-2 A\s fandipoumn;riz \;to\ mrza,ara\in am'o'ic a[iusakn ouni a\spisi t;sq& >& |& F& P& G& M& "iunik 28 19 4 5 58-26 61 Oulis 28 15 5 8 43-32 50 <irak 28 14 7 7 51-32 49 Ala,k;rt 28 10 8 10 32-35 38 Mika 28 9 10 9 33-34 37 Bananz 28 8 8 12 42-46 32 Gan]asar K& 28 7 8 13 31-44 29 Ararat 28 3 4 21 28-69 13 Âmbarkoun;ri zouzake& S;sar Âom;rø ("iunik) ;u Van Vaq Bougoufi (<irak)^ 21-akan% Kamø |owfannis;an ("iunik) ;u Al;qsandr Âakitic (Ararat)^ 10-akan% Artak Al;qsan;an% |owfannhs Gofar;an (2-n hl Oulis)% Xauhn B\ado\;an ("iunik) ;u Mifran Manas;an (Ala,k;rt)^ 9-akan&&&!
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Ma\isi 26-in Fa\astani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane (FFM 19) Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\i da,toum enk;rakan fandipoum oun;zau Lijouania\i ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t! Fandipoumn auartou;z kolaxourk^ 0-0 oc-oqiow! :rkou ør \;to\ FFM 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Hdgar Mowsis;ani .'a‘ miak koli ,norfiu \a[j;z fiur;ri entranoun! • Dortmounti ªBorousianº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane G;rmania\i gauaji ;xra'akicoum 1-3 fa,ouow xi=;l h ªWolsbourginº! A\s fandipoume w;r=inn hr :ourg;n Klopi famar% orphs ªBorousia\iº gl.auor marxic! • :r;uani ª"iunikeº ke masnakzi :uropa\i A.o\;ann;ri lika\i orakauorman mrza'oulin% isk ªOuliseº% ª<irakeº ;u ªAla,k;rteº^ :urolika\i mrza,arin! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº auag marxic Mourad :akine jimi anbauarar ardiunqi famar f;®anoum h akoumbiz! Isk Arax Øsbilise masnakz;l h ªSpartakiº w;r=in .a[in% P;rmi ªAmkariº f;t (3-3)! Øsbilise a\s ,r=anoum a®a=in angam 'o.arinman h mt;l 73-rd rophin% isk ªAmkariº pa,tpan Âob;rt Arxouman;ane .a[az;l h 90 roph!
ªS:UILIANº :UROLIKA|I |A{JO{ Ma\isi 27-in War,aua\oum ªS;uilianº 3-2 fa,ouow \a[j;low ouqraniakan ªDnipro\inº dar]au :urolika\i \a[jo[!
ORAKAXRKOU:L :N JBILISIOUM BA>MAN MASNAKIZ WIRAFA| :U ATRPH|YANZI MARXICN:RE <otokan qarathi fama,.arfa\in mioujiune (WSKU) orakaxrk;l h Wrastane n;rka\azno[ marxic Maqsim Arxouman;anin ;u atrph\yanzi marxic Wougar Q;rimowin Jbilisioum ka\aza‘ mrzman vamanak Wrastani fauaqakani andam =aua.afa\ ;u atrph\yanzi marxikn;ri masnakzouj;amb ‘;‘k®touqi patya®ow!
Ma\isi 8-10-e Minsqoum Fa\r;nakan pat;raxmoum tøna‘ \a[janaki 70-am;akin nouiroua‘ ª|a[janaki gauajº \ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amarti ;ritasardakan mi=axga\in mrza,aroum FF jime xba[;zr;l h 3-rd t;[e! Mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 8 jim;ri 62 embi,n;r! Jima\in pa\qaroum \a[j;zin Wrastani embi,n;re! FF entranin karo[az;l h arvananal 1 ar‘ajh ;u 2 pronxh m;tali!
|ounisi 6-in Los Any;lesoum 2-rd j;j;uago\n qa,a\in kargi a,.arfi na.kin bazar]ak a.o\;an Wig Darcin;ane f;rjakan a.o\;anakan m;namartoum ke fandipi arvanjinazi >;sous Kou;lari f;t!
FA|ASTANE N:RKA|AZOUA’ HR 9 EMBI<N:ROW So`ia\oum auartoua‘ ªDan Kolow ;u Nikola P;trowº mi=axga\in mrza,arin Fa\astane n;rka\azoua‘ hr \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,n;row! Mrza,ari \a[jo[n;r ;n dar];l Arshn +oul`alak;ane (75 qk&) ;u Arjour Al;qsan;ane (98 qk&)! 71 qk& qa,a\in Âa`a\hl Al;qsan;ane ;xra'akicoum partou;low grau;l h 2-rd t;[e! 2-rd t;[ h grau;l na;u Maqsim Manouk;ane (85 qk&)% ow ;xra'akicoum 3-2 fa,ouow a®a= h ;[;l Irane n;rka\azno[ Akla=i Fabibola\i f;t m;namartoum% saka\n partoujiun h kr;l! Arjour <afin;ane (85 qk&) 3-rd t;[i famar pa\qaroum xi=;l h Basar M;j;fanin (Jourqia)!
8 M:TAL S:RPIA|IZ Fa\ sambistn;re 8 m;talow ;n w;radar];l w;r=;rs S;rpia\i Nowi Sad qa[aqoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i patan;kan ;u ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiuniz! Hdik P;tros;ane (90 qk&) dar];l h ;ritasardn;ri :uropa\i a.o\;an! Patanin;ri mrza,aroum Danihl Gabrihl;ane (60 qk&) ;u ;ritasardn;ri mrza,aroum Arman Niax;ane (48 qk&) nouay;l ;n pronxh m;tal% isk Dauij Nalpant;ane (81 qk&)% Wolodia Sargs;ane (62 qk&) dar]an ;ritasardakan% isk Mi,a Naxar;ane (82 qk&) patan;kan a®a=nouj;an ar‘ajh m;talakir! Pronxh m;tali arvanazan ;ritasardn;riz^ |aroujiun Sargs;ane (52 qk&) ;u Grigor Safak;ane! A\spisow m;r sambistn;re fa\r;niq w;radar]an 1 oskh% 3 ar‘ajh ;u 4 pronxh m;tal nouaya‘!
FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RE M:TALN:R :N NOUAYOUM Fa\astani b®nzqamartikn;rn a\s ør;rin fandhs ;n galis mi=axga\in tarb;r ®ing;roum! Lwowoum auartoua‘ auag tariqa\in .mbi patanin;ri :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum fa\astanzi marxikn;r Arman Anton;ane (57 qk&) ;u Koriun Asjo\;ane (60 qk&) arvanaz;l ;n pronxh m;tali! No\n vamanakafatoua‘oum Lajwia\oum auartoua‘ mi=axga\in mrza,aroum FF axga\in fauaqakani andamn;r Koriun So[omon;ane (52 qk&) ;u Ga®nik |aroujiun;ane (56 qk&)% nouay;l ;n ar‘ajh% isk |owfannhs Backowe (64 qk&) ;u F;nrik Sargs;ane (91 qk&)% arvanaz;l ;n pronxh m;taln;ri!
PAQUOUM FA|ASTANE KE MASNAKZI 25 MARXIKOW ª|ounisi 12-28-e Paquoum ka\analiq ;uropakan .a[;rin Fa\astane w;z marxa];u;riz ke masnakzi 25 marxikowº%- as;l h FAØK-i gl.auor qartou[ar Frac;a Âostom;ane! Cna\a‘ Atrph\yane \a\tarar;l h% or fowanauoroum h marxikn;ri ‘a.s;re% saka\n FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ane fravarou;l h Atrph\yani ªøgnoujiunizº ;u \a\tarar;l h% or fravaruoum h draniz ;u inqe karo[ h fogal a\d ‘a.s;re! Bazi a\d G& ’a®ouk;ane safman;l h dramakan mrzanakn;r fa\astanzi marxikn;ri famar^ 1-in t;[i famar 50 faxar tolar% 2-rdin^ 30 faxar% 3-rdin^ 20 faxar!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;rn;r Hlina Danihl;ane% Lilij Mkrtc;ane% Lilij Galo\;ane% Maria Koursowan% mi=axga\in warp;t Anna Fa\rap;t;ane% ~ID:_i warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane% Sousanna Gabo\;ane ;u Siranou, {oukas;ane Ma\isi 19-30-e masnakz;zin Wrastani Cakwi qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ :uropa\i kananz anfatakan a®a=nouj;ane! 11 mrza'ouloum wastak;low 7&5 miauor Danihl;ane bavan;z 4-9-rd t;[;re% lrazouzic zouzani,n;row^ 4-rde! Lilij Mkrtc;ane wastak;z 7 miauor (17-rd t;[)% Lilij Galo\;ane^ 6 (27-rd)% Maria Koursowan^ 6 (28-rd)% Maria Ghorg;ane^ 5 (56-rd)% Anna Fa\rap;t;ane^ 5 (64-rd)% Sousanna Gabo\;ane^ 4&5 (74-rd) ;u Siranou, {oukas;ane^ 3&5 (89-rd)! A®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum hin 98 ,a.matistoufin;r! :uropa\i a.o\;an f®cakou;z Natalia Voukowan^ 9&5 miauor% 2-rde^ Ninø Batsia,wilin hr^ 9% 3-rde^ Alina Ka,linska\an^ 8 miauor% Danihl;ane ;u Mkrtc;ane wastak;zin a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;an ou[[;gr;r! • Mi=axga\in warp;t Miqa\hl |akobowe ~inlandia\i Kala\oki qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ;rkri a®a=noujiunoum 10 fnarauoriz wastak;z 9 miauor ;u nouay;z ;rkri 2015 j& a.o\;ani kocoume! • Grosma\st;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane Ourougoua\i ma\raqa[aq Monj;witio\oum auartoua‘ Am;rika a,.arfamasi a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u 153 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 27-rd t;[e! 8&5 miauorow a.o\;an f®cakou;z grosma\st;r Sandrø Mar;kon (Arvanjin)!
OU<ADROUJIUN Incphs ardhn m;r j;rjow fa[ord;l ;nq% :r;uanoum patrastuoum h A& Ba\ram;ani ªFa\kakan Marxadaranº grqi jarmazoua‘ tarb;raki fratarakoujiune^ FAØK-i fowanauorouj;amb! Ousti .ndruoum h marxakan fasarakouj;ane% nranq owq;r c;n endgrkoua‘ grqoum% kapou;l A& Ba\ram;ani f;t (818)281-6549!