N.O. June 11, 2015, No. 24:N.O. Blank
1:21 PM
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THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 24 VOLUME 93, NO. 24
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Lower House Of The Belgian Parliament Intends To Recognize Armenian Genocide
The majority of the Lower House of Belgium intends to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Denis Ducarme, the leader of the Reformist Movement (MR) faction of the House of Representatives of the Belgian parliament, announced this in the interview with RTBF and RT TV channels.
Turkey Recalls Envoy To Brazil Over Armenian Genocide Recognition PanARMENIAN.Net - In a statement issued on Monday, June 8, the Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that it recalled its ambassador to Brazil after the country's Federal Senate recognized the Armenian Genocide, Prensa Armenia reports. "We condemn the Resolution of the Brazilian Senate on the events of 1915, which distorts the historical truths and ignores the law, and consider it as an example of irresponsibility," the ministry said. "Political decisions of this nature, taken under the influence of the Armenian lobbies can neither change the historical facts nor the legal norms. In this context, our views have been conveyed to the ambassador of Brazil in Ankara who was summoned to the Ministry on June 3, 2015," it added. The Turkish ambassador in Brasilia, Hüseyin Diriöz, has also been recalled to Ankara for consultations."
Turkish Government Resigns, Erdogan Seeks To Armenian Delegation Form 1st Coalition After 12 Years Majority Rule Participates In NATO Turkish President Conference In Tbilisi Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accepted the government’s resignation on Tuesday, asking Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to stay on in his post until a new Cabinet is formed. The prime minister’s resignation is a standard procedure after Sunday’s parliamentary election before the new government starts operating, the Turkish president’s office said. “The president thanked the government for its work to date. [The acting] Cabinet will continue working until the new government is put together,” Erdogan’s of-
China Forbids Its Construction Workers From Building Israeli Settlements Israel’s talks on migrant workers with China are deadlocked due to Beijing refusing to allow its citizens to participate in the construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank, a high-ranked Israeli official told AFP. “We are negotiating with China for an agreement on the arrival of thousands of additional workers," an unnamed government official said. According to the source, there are several stumbling blocks to the talks at the moment, including “the employment of these immigrants in settlements in Judea and Samaria [in the West Bank].” “Beijing is demanding that we ensure there are no workers in this region,” he added.
Hovhannes Tumanyan’s House In Tbilisi Handed Over To Armenian Diocese
fice said in a statement, Tass reported. After a swearing-in ceremony on June 25, the new Turkish parliament members will have 45 days to agree on the composition of the cabinet. If they fail to form a government by that deadline, Erdogan has the power to call a new parliamentary election.
Armenian Defense Minister: Situation On Border Is Calm
The situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and the Line of Contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijani armed forces is calm, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan told reporters at the National Assembly. According to him, the Armenian armed forces are in full control of the situation. Commenting on the shelling of the Armenian village of Baghanis by Azerbaijani forces, the Minister said that we must be more consistent, make cool-headed decisions and be ready for any developments. “The Armenian armed forces do everything to maintain the ceasefire,” said the Minister. “The Armenian soldier is a soldier of peace and he will do his utmost for the creation of control mechanisms and for peace on the border. The creation of confidence is the most important for progress in the negotiation process.
An Armenian delegation led by Chief of the Joint Staff, Armed Forces of Armenia, Colonel General Yuri Khachaturov is participating on Tuesday in an annual Strategic Military Partner Conference, NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), in Tbilisi, Georgia, June 8-10. After participating in the conference the Armenian delegation will start its official visit to Georgia.
Russian President Likely To Meet Erdogan On Baku Trip
During his upcoming visit to Baku, Russian President Vladimir Putin is also likely to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said a Russian presidential aide. Putin will be in the Azerbaijan capital on Friday and Saturday for the purpose of attending the opening of the first-ever European Games to be held there. As quoted by RBK, Yury Ushakov said that on June 13 Putin will have a conversation with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. According to him, the two leaders are likely to discuss trade and economic cooperation, politics, and the NagornoKarabakh conflict.
Vorotan Hydro Cascade Deal Signed
Hovhannes Tumanyan’s house in Tbilisi has been handed over to the Georgian Armenian Diocese, Hayartun Cultural Center informed on its Facebook page. On this occasion an Armenian delegation headed by Edward Militonyan, President of the Union of Writers, visited Tbilisi on June 8.
YEREVAN – An amended agreement for ContourGlobal to purchase the Vorotan Hydro Cascade was signed at the Armenian government on Monday. The agreement was signed by Armenia’s Energy Minister Yervand Zakharyan, Joseph C. Brandt, ContourGlobal’s President and Chief Executive Officer, representative of ContourGlobal Hydrocascade and ContourGlobal Terra Holdings and Director General of Vorotan Hydro Cascade Sasun Khachatryan.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 11, 2015
Father's Day In theological discourses, writings, and books, people have resorted to speculative attempts to name the mystery that is God. It seems experts, theologians, were not at all satisfied with the answer Moses heard in the proximity of the “burning bush.” I am who I am, tell them all (including the Pharaoh) that “I am” sent you. They, the experts, kept on searching for a more contemporaneous, more modern, description through which they hoped to promote a better understanding and a better way to call Him. For some, He was the “Unmoved Mover” or “Prime mover” or “The First Cause,” the “Ground of Being.” The New Testament has referred to Him frequently – as have the Apostles and the early church fathers – as God is “Love.” But Jesus, it appears to me, swept all that aside, including “Love,” and simply, through the prayer we are familiar with, addressed Him as “Our Father, who art in heaven.” As if that wasn't enough, later He amplified His thought in the parable of the “Prodigal Son.” Because we have put this “Prodigal Son” on the center state, quite often we forget to shine the light on upon the Father. This parable should be analyzed, dissected, and mined again and again for the wealth of insights into God's way with his children. We are now in the season of celebrating “Father's Day,” which truly and primarily should be marked as “God's Day.” The point Jesus is making in the parable is that our Heavenly Father is like the earthly father as it is manifested in the parable. The important fact to remember is that He loved His sons and waits eagerly for each one to return home, to the Father's house, for peace and reconciliation with the Father as well as with each other. There is only one conclusion that we can arrive at, and that is: God is our ultimate role model for how to be a father and act accordingly. If a son shall ask bread, will he give him a stone? (Luke 11:11-13) Jesus did not elaborate on the obvious answer to his rhetorical question. His audience knew the answer. At the end of the day, a father brings to the table: 1. His share of responsibilities, contributions to the welfare of the family. 2. His personal ability, talents, natural inclinations and personal disposition.
Mandatory Sentencing 3. His personal commitment to his faith, spirituality, and morality. 4. And, of course, the bread! All of these put together mean that a father's influence is immeasurable and indispensable, such as cultivating diligence, integrity, creativity, witnessing, morality, etc. All of these accompanied with the power of example. I would like to share some Father's Day thoughts that I have collected over the years: • A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child. • By the time a man realizes that perhaps his father was right, he usually has a son who things he's wrong. • My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person – he believe in me. And here are some more to think about: • At 4 years: My Daddy can do anything. • At 7 years: My Daddy knows a lot – a whole lot. • At 8 years: My Daddy does not know quite everything. • At 12 years: Oh well, naturally father does not know that either. • At 14 years: Oh father? He is hopelessly old fashioned. • At 21 years: Oh, that man is out of date. • At 25 years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much. • At 30 years: I must find out what dad thinks about it. • At 35 years: Before we decide, we will get Dad's idea first. • At 50 years: What would Dad have thought about that? • At 60 years: My Dad knew literally everything! • At 65 years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more. One night, a father overheard his son pray: “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is.” Later that night, the Father prayed, “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.” And finally, “Train up a child in the way which he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Happy Father's Day to you all!
Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian, Archpriest Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary Armenian Church Washington D.C.
Primate Honors 3 Servants ON THE FEAST OF PENTECOST May 24, 2015, the Diocesan Primate Abp. Hovnan Derderian honors, left to right, Deacon Steve Adams, Deacon Yeghia Allan Jendian, and organist Ben Krikorian for their valuable services rendered to St. Paul Armenian Church of Fresno and the Western Diocese alike. Collectively the honorees have served the Armenian Church for over 150 years. The Primate congratulated the honorees conveying to them his pastoral blessings.
In the U.S. Court system there is such a thing called “mandatory sentencing.” Putting aside the bigger issue of resorting to a death penalty or giving the convicted criminal a life sentence in prison with no provision for parole, mandatory sentencing makes the judge's task easier by removing the element of discretion. All the judge does is open the book, consult the provision of the law and act accordingly. It does not leave room for human elements such as leniency, compassion, one's inclination to give a second chance, etc. On the other hand, such laws prevent judges from indulging in creative corruption, bribes, etc. Then what's a judge to do? He may declare the defendant guilty of a lesser offense and sentence her/him to five year probation with a required community service and counseling. At the end, you are either a “rubber stamp” judge, or have a sense of justice with compassion and mercy. Jesus, I suppose, had a similar dilemma on the cross. Either send these buggers, the criminals, bloodhounds, one and all to hell, or, suddenly he remembered saying to audiences time and again that: “I have come so you may have life and have it abundantly.” That's why on the cross at the height of his physical pain and with great spiritual agony he uttered the magic words: “Father, forgive them for they known not what they are doing.” That is the mystery or the miracle, if you will, of the cross. There, at that moment, with the Lord's sanctifying words the cross became the symbol of and the instrument of our salvation erected on the Jerusalem hill called Golgotha, and from there spread the rays of salvation, the message of hope beyond Jerusalem to the four corners of the world, very much like the image of one raised upon a pole, and the people wandering for forty years in the desert, wavering from their faith and trust in God were instructed to look up to it and be saved. For the Jews, it was not any help. They missed the analogy of direct reference of the cross to the one erected in the middle of
the wandering in the desert. The Cross became a stumbling block for them. For the rest of the world, the non-Jewish heathens immersed in the philosophical mindset, it was nonsensical, they saw no logic in redemption in suffering and humiliating death. But the mystery of the Cross, the suffering savior was predicated long ago by the prophets, it was preached by the Apostles, it became an article of faith and the foundation for the theological understanding of our church fathers. Redemption was essential for survival of the human soul. It needed to be redeemed from the shadows of hopelessness, corruption and alienation. God and man needed to get together in spiritual union. Redemption needed a Redeemer and some ransom had to be paid to secure man's salvation, save him from the claws of sin. All that was accomplished right there, on the cross. He forgave them all because they knew not what they were doing. He did not use his power of mandatory sentencing. He followed his all-loving nature to see them as they were, standing with diminished capacity and clueless about what they had just done. From the height of the cross he pronounced a general amnesty, a pardon. Even the thief on his left had a chance for repentance and redemption if only he knew how to use the gift that Christ had so generously offered to all. Several years ago, my four year old son had figured it all out. Having thought in his little heart how God would deal with the evil and Satan, he came up with a solution that he shared with his mom. “Mom,” he said, “I think Satan is still around, because God wants to give him a second chance.” So, you see, even the evil Satan has been put on probation. No mandatory sentencing!
Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian, Archpriest Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary Armenian Church Washington D.C.
HYER UNITED For the first time HyerUnited will be hosting a car show that will be sure to impress. All proceeds will go directly towards shipping medical supplies to Armenia (Artsakh). Set your calendar for June 14th because this will be an event you won't want to miss. Everyones welcome to come enjoy great raffle give-aways, cars, and some fun under the sun while also helping supply clinics with much needed medical supplies. When: Sunday, June 14, 2015 11am to 3pm Where: 11676 Sheldon St. Sun Valley CA 91352 HyerUnited members going through and packaging just some of the donations we received on May 22nd. These boxes will be showcased at our car show event on June 14th, and will be sent to Artsakh soon after. We are currently selling pre order tickets for our car show event on June 14, 2015. We’re so lucky to have the support of so many individuals, hospitals, and businesses for without them none of the work we do would be possible. Thank You!
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 11, 2015
Popular Armenian Comedy, “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh)” New York City Finale Performance June 20
The highly praised Armenian comedy, “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh),” a play by writer/director Taleen Babayan, will mark its New York City finale performance on Saturday, June 20, at the SVA Theatre. Since its debut at Greenwich Village’s The Players Theatre almost two years ago, the group has performed to Armenian communities across the country, including in New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This performance will be the group’s third in New York City. The play and its cultural message, veiled in humor, has struck a chord with Armenians in the Diaspora of all generations. The story follows the life of an Armenian family living in the United States, whose older generation is preoccupied with finding suitable Armenian partners for their children. From the choreg baking mother, Siroun, who creates a “hars” list for her son – even attempting to fly someone in from overseas – to a funny opening scene of an “odar” who wants to take the daughter of the family out on a date but has to go through her parents’ questioning first, the play delivers many laughs. The cast and crew have performed to over 2,000 audience members to date, bringing both laughter and a touching story that shows the lengths this tight-knit Armenian family will go to in order to preserve their culture while living in the Diaspora. “Audience members have had a great positive attitude toward these performances because they are authentic,” said Roy Shant Tuncarslan, a New Jersey native who plays the role of a seminarian who is set up to date the daughter. Tuncarslan, who is a Senior Associate at Crédit Agricole Bank, adds that, “it feels so good to know that the writer/director has paid close attention to the Armenian trends, both past and present.” Over the course of its productions, over 30 Diasporan Armenians have participated in the play both on stage and behind the scenes, including natives of Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and the United States. “My experience with ‘Where is your Groom?’ has been extremely rewarding,” said Jack Jamgochian, a Long Island native studying engineering, who plays the role of Jiro the Jeweler. “Not only have I connected with fellow Armenians but I have also felt a connection to the audience. As members of the Armenian Diaspora, I feel it is our duty to further our cultural awareness.” “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh)” is Babayan’s debut play. She has since written and directed “From Sacred Wrath,” a play about an Armenian-American family grappling with the legacy of 1915, which performed two sold-out shows at the Davenport Theatre in New York City last April. A New Jersey native, Babayan is a graduate of Tufts University and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism. “The experience of being in ‘Pesad Oor Eh’ has been nothing short of epic,” said Tuncarslan “As a group, we enjoy each other's company, and have built friendships throughout this journey.” The finale performance of “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh)” will take place on Saturday, June 20 at 7 p.m. at SVA Theatre, located at 333 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011. For tickets please visit https://whereisyourgroom.ticketbud.com. For more information about the play, please visit www.whereisyourgroom.com and facebook.com/whereisyourgroom.
Artsakh’s Shoushi: Trying To Regain Its Prominence As A Center Of Learning By Vahe Sarukhanyan The Artsakh town of Shoushi is gearing up to accept students from Armenia’s National Agrarian University to its new branch that up till now has been located in Stepanakert, the capital of Artsakh. The new branch consists of four buildings that will accommodate 1,700 students and employees. A student dormitory will soon open its doors as well. To spur the development of agriculture in the country, the long-term plan is to build a learning/experimental unit of the Agrarian University in the southern region of Hadrout in the Arax River valley. Next to the university branch in Shoushi a vocational trades school named after its French-Armenian benefactor Yeznig Mozian is being built. Shoushi Mayor Artzvik Sargsyan says construction
of the school is already four months behind schedule. The former contractor was cited for various contract violations and had accumulated debts. He was thus removed. The mayor says that the contractor has promised to get the vocational school ready for the fall semester but confesses that much remains to be done. This reporter saw evidence of this at the site. There are three schools operating in Shoushi today (a senior, primary and high school), two kindergartens, a music school, and one teachers’ college. With financial assistance from a benefactor, there are plans to build another kindergarten for 100 children. It seems that Shoushi, a town once known for its schools, is trying to regain its position as a center of learning.
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
68 - Aydın Engin By Hambersom Aghbashian Aydın Engin (born in 1941 in Ödemi!, district of "zmir Province of Turkey) is a Turkish journalist, playwright, writer and politician. He completed his High School in 1957, then studied at Istanbul University, Faculty of Law. He spent many years of exile in Frankfurt, Germany, and since August 1992 he lives in Istanbul. From 1992 to 2004 he worked as a columnist for the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet, and in 2005 he was a co-founder of Birgün newspaper. After 2006 Engin worked as a freelance journalist, and since February 2009, he writes a daily column in a newly released Internet Turkish newspaper (tempo24.com.tr). His humorous and ironic play "Oh God, we integrate ourselves" is well known and often played. He wrote also " Beware the Turks are coming!", " Greet God Memet " and many other pieces. His published books are "Ben Frankfurt'ta !öförken" (I was chauffeur in Frankfurt), and "Tırmı#a tırmık" (Rake to rake ), both in Turkish. According to "http://eski.bianet.org", March 26, 2007, $i!li 2nd Court of First Instance dropped three cases filed against Hrant Dink, Turkish-Armenian journalist who had been murdered by a nationalist gunman on January 19 in front of the offices of his newspaper Agos in Istanbul. One of the cases, where Dink was tried with the infamous article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code concerning his statements about the Armenian genocide claims during an interview with the Reuters news agency has been postponed to June 14. Talking to bianet about the trials, lawyer Fethiye Çetin said the trial which involves writers and administrators of the Agos newspaper Aydın Engin, Sarkis Seropyan and Arat Dink would continue as planned. All three will also face court on allegations of influencing the due judicial process via press. They face 4.5 years imprisonment if convicted. (1) In response to the official statement that the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed “to balance” an Armenian Genocide exhibition by allowing the Turkish government to mount its own “alternative” exhibition, a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors, have signed an open letter to the Royal Library on November 6, 2012, mentioning " .....What exists today is nothing other than the blatant denial of this reality by the Turkish government. An honest reckoning with history is the non-negotiable precondition of a true democracy. The Turkish government has been sup-
pressing historic truths and following a policy of denial for more than 90 years". They added, " We, citizens fighting for a democratic Turkey, urge you to reconsider your decision to grant the Turkish government the opportunity to present an “alternative exhibition” and withdraw the offer immediately, and we invite you to join and support the democratic civil initiatives demanding that Turkey confront its history honestly”. Aydın Engin was one of the Turkish individuals who signed the petition.(2) "Today's Zaman", wrote on September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. The two newspapers recently published reports on hateful remarks targeting Armenians in the textbooks used in history classes. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Aydın Engin is one of the intellectuals who signed the statement."(3) According to "Armenpress", September 30, 2014, the "Turkish Haberler.com" stated that, " Turkish intellectual Murat Belge and Aydin Engin, who signed under the statement on eliminating history text books disseminating hatred and discrimination against Armenians, have received death threats. A note, which was thrown in front of the Turkish T-24 editorial office, stated that certain individuals have already been ordered to kill the journalists."(4)
1.http://eski.bianet.org/2006/11/01_e ng/news93832.html 2 . h t t p : / / w w w. g e n o c i d e museum.am/eng/19.12.12.php 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 4.http://armenpress.am/eng/news/7 78267/turkish-intellectuals-receive-threatsfor-signing-pro-armenian-statement.html
The Armenian American Medical Society is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2015-2016 academic year *** Scholarship Criteria *** Armenian Descent or Special Interest in Armenian Medical Causes, Armenian Community Service Completed Application Package (Postmarked by October 15, 2015) $1,000 will be awarded to students enrolled in an American accredited medical, pharmacy, dental, physician assistant, nursing or other professional healthcare schools For applications visit www.aamsc.com Phone (818) 980-7777
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 11, 2015
Turkey’s Armenians Rediscover Their Identity By Gayane Abrahamyan A family of Muslim Armenians gather in their home in the Turkish village of Norshen, where 2,150 Armenians used to live in 1914. The family’s oldest members converted to Islam after the 1915 massacre by the Ottoman Empire. Many Islamized Armenians in Turkey are discovering their pre-1915 roots, getting baptized as Christians, and no longer concealing their Armenian identity. Five years ago, 53-year-old freelance columnist Miran Pirgiç, a resident of the eastern Turkish region of Tunceli, decided to disclose a tightly held secret — his Armenian ethnicity. Increasingly, scores of ethnic Armenians whose ancestors survived the 1915 massacre and were raised as Turks, Kurds or Alevis are choosing to do the same. For decades, fearing repercussions, many of Turkey’s ethnic Armenians have kept themselves concealed; observing religious rituals and Armenian customs such as coloring eggs for Easter privately, if at all. But the 2007 assassination of ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, an outspoken, Istanbul-based advocate for reconciliation between Turks and Armenians, proved a catalyst for change. “Hiding was no longer an option. The sense of injustice was choking me,” said Pirgiç, who traveled to Armenia recently as part of a group from Tunceli, known to Armenians as Dersim. After an Istanbul court authorized his name-change from the Turkish Selahattin Gultekin, Pirgiç, whose name means “savior” in Armenian, converted to Christianity and went on to found the Union of Dersim Armenians, a regional group for raising awareness about Turkey’s Armenian community. Within several months it had enrolled a few hundred members. But despite growing tolerance within Turkish society for its tiny remaining Armenian minority, such choices are not simple. Ironically, many of the obstacles come from an unexpected source — the Istanbul patriarchate of the Armenian Apostolic
Church. In 301, Armenia became the first country in the world to adopt Christianity as a state religion. To this day, Armenian communities usually view membership in the Armenian Apostolic Church, part of the so-called Oriental Orthodox branch of Christianity, as synonymous with a person’s Armenian heritage. But for those ethnic Armenians who were raised as Muslim Alevis, Kurds or Turks, and had no previous knowledge of their background or kept it hidden, the change is not straightforward. Faith alone is not enough to join the Armenian Apostolic Church. To perform baptisms, the Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate, which represents the Church in Turkey, requires that non-Church-members take part in a six-month-long training course in Istanbul on Christianity, be able to speak Armenian and present “proof of Armenian identity,” noted Erol Saltik, an ethnic Armenian who heads the Union of 38 Mayors of Dersim, a group of local Alevi mayors. Finding documents that would prove these individuals’ ethnic identity is challenging, and, in some cases, impossible. Researchers claim that period-documents about the killings and deportations of ethnic Armenians in southeastern Turkey indicate that local Turkish, Kurdish and Alevi families took in thousands of ethnic Armenian children, but raised them without any reference to their background. “There are many Armenians in Dersim who are unaware of their ethnicity,” claimed Pirgiç. Apart from graves, oral narratives passed down from older generations are often the strongest proof of an Armenian family-history.
New England Patriots Schedule Standings Stats Roster Video Live Blog Odds Patriots Exec Asked President Obama To Recognize Armenian Genocide Those with a keen eye noticed Bill Belichick sporting an Armenian flag pin on his suit during the New England Patriots’ visit to the White House to celebrate their Super Bowl victory. His wardrobe choice came one day before the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Belichick isn’t of Armenian descent, but it appears he had good reason to wear the pin. According to the Armenian Mirror-Spectator, Belichick donned the pin at the request of Patriots director of football/head coach administration Berj Najarian, whose grandfather survived the genocide. “It was a no-brainer,” Najarian said during an appearance at St. James Men’s Club in Watertown about asking Belichick to wear the pin. “He knew the pin, and recognized it. I’ve told him about my grandfather, and my history here in Watertown, Camp Hayastan and all.” But Najarian didn’t stop there. When Belichick’s right-hand man met Barack Obama in the receiving line, he expressed hope the president would recognize the genocide when making an official statement on its anniversary. The White House had said earlier that week Obama would commemorate the atrocity but avoid calling it a “genocide.” “That’s a tough one,” Obama reportedly responded. “I am trying to prevent future genocides.” Najarian made one final push. “What about the Pope?” he asked Obama, a reference to Pope Francis recognizing the event as genocide earlier that week. “Well, the Pope doesn’t have a government to run like I do,” Obama reportedly answered. It’s clear Najarian is passionate about the issue, and he used his unique platform and a little help from his head coach to courageously make his voice heard. At the very least, Najarian admitted, it was a moment he’ll never forget.
Language is another obstacle. Many of Turkey’s ethnic Armenians have had no exposure to Armenian before, and speak only Turkish, or Turkish and Kurdish. As do other Armenians, Ara Papian, a former Armenian ambassador to Canada now active in promoting awareness of the events of 1915, questions the rationale behind the Patriarchate’s requirements. “The requirement of proof of identity and knowledge of the Armenian language make no sense,” scoffed Papian, whose organization, Modus Vivendi, has conducted Armenian-language lessons in Tunceli. “Children born in half of the Armenian families in Russia do not speak Armenian, yet nobody requires a language test for them to be baptized in church.” The Patriarchate refused to comment to EurasiaNet.org by phone and did not respond to a written request for elaboration about its requirements for Muslim Armenians who wish to convert to Christianity. In a March 20 interview with the news site Hetq.am, however, Archbishop Aram Ateshian, the acting head of the Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate, objected that Muslim Armenians in Turkey “want to become a member of the Armenian Church but, on the other hand, to show that they are Muslim. They want the flexibility to use both variants.” Many Turkey-born Armenians cannot accept this explanation. “The Patriarchate
is simply trying to justify its actions,” charged Pirgiç. “It’s not easy for people living very far from Istanbul, from rural areas, to leave their job, farms, gardens for six months” to take part in the Patriarchate’s training course. A representative of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s central press office commented, however, that the Church in Armenia only requires an identity card for baptisms of ethnic Armenians from Turkey. Within Armenia itself, Armenians generally welcome such conversions. But conversions to Christianity are not the only obstacle Muslim-born Armenians from Turkey face. “It is very difficult to change a name in Turkey,” commented Ali Sunar, a man of Armenian descent from the Tunceli village of Mazgirt. “The court must deliberate [for a long time] and decide what reason would be sufficient to allow a change of name.” In Pirgiç’s case, documents from his grandfathers proved that he was an ethnic Armenian. Yet despite the difficulties, those ethnic Armenians who have gone public about their background are determined to persevere. After his own baptism a few months ago, 42-year-old Zeki-Armenak Sarijan began working with his friends on a project to restore Tunceli region’s Armenian churches, most of which are half-ruined. “This is an important step for us. We were unable to preserve either our identity or our heritage, and now is the time for that,” said Sarijan, who was baptized with the Armenian name Armenak. Nonetheless, the desire for broader acceptance within the Armenian Apostolic Church lives on. “We have made our identity public. And now Istanbul’s Armenian Patriarchate and Etchmiadzin’s Catholicos [Karekin II] need to accept us as Armenians,” said Pirgiç. !
After Switching Positions, Gephardt And His Lobbying Firm Have Taken $8 Million From Turkish Government WASHINGTON - As a member of Congress, Dick Gephardt often spoke passionately about the need for the United States to recognize as genocide the mass deaths of as many as 1.5 million Armenians under the Turkish government that began one century ago. But as a lobbyist for Turkey since leaving Congress in 2005, Gephardt, a Democrat, has taken the opposite side. His behind-thescenes work has been cited as a factor in the annual failure of Congress to recognize the Armenian genocide. Justice Department records show that Gephardt’s lobbying firm has been paid more than $8 million since 2008 to fight the declaration and represent Turkey on other contentious issues, including repatriation of Christian holy sites seized over the last century in that Muslim nation. Now, in the 100th-anniversary year of what Armenians refer to as Meds Yeghern — “great calamity” — two Armenian-American groups are pressuring Gephardt’s lobbying firm to drop Turkey as a client, and for companies to drop Gephardt as their lobbyist. Gephardt, who declined to respond to repeated interview requests, has ignored the Armenian groups’ letters. Three companies have ended contracts with the Gephardt Group since the two Armenian-American groups launched a letter-writing campaign in January, although none publicly tied the decision to the letters. Critics of the former congressman from St. Louis say he is just another example of the revolving door between electoral office and the lucrative lobbying business, where policy positions seem to change based on who’s paying the bill.
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NOR ØR% 11 |OUNIS 2015
FA|ASTAN-"ORJOUGALIA |ounisi 13-in Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane k*anzkazni :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouli f;rjakan fandipoume^ ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum fiurenkal;low "orjougalia\i entranoun! A\d fandipmane na.apatrastou;lou famar FF axga\in fauaqakane |ounisi 5-13-e k*anzkazni marxakan fauaq F~D T;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum! FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxci vamanakauor pa,tønakatar Sargis |owsh';ane ardhn fraparak;l h a\n `oujpolistn;ri anounn;re% owq;r staz;l ;n marxakan fauaqin masnakz;lou frauhr% oronq ;n& darpasapafn;r& Âoman B;r;xowski% Ghorg Kasparow% Arshn B;glar;an% pa,tpann;r& Âob;rt Arxouman;an% Fra\r Mko\;an% Ga;l Andon;an% L;uon Fa\rap;t;an% Tarøn Oskan;an% Waraxdat Faro\;an% Kamø |owfannis;an% Arjour Auag;an% kisapa,tpann;r& F;nri. M.ijar;an% Ghorg {axar;an% Markos Pix;lli% Arax Øxbilis% Âoumian |owsh';an% Nora\r Aslan;an% Art\om Simon;an% Xauhn Bado\;an% Ka®lhn Mkrtc;an% Arjour :ouxpa,;an% \ar]akouo[n;r& :oura Mowsis;an% Arjour Sarkisow% Âouslan Kor;an ;u Arjour Miran;an! Incphs ];x \a\tn;l ;nq :oura Mowsis;ane baz hr jo[;l ir akoumbi w;r=in .a[;re^ wnasoua‘qi patya®ow ;u a\s ør;rin marxou;l h anfatakan ‘ragrow! incphs parx dar]au :ouran f;®az;l h fauaqakani yambariz^ wnasoua‘qi capaqinman patya®ow! FF fauaqakani |ounisi 6-i marxmane cmasnakz;z darpasapaf Arshn B;glar;ane! Arshn B;glar;ane cna\a‘ frauiroua‘ lin;low FF fauaqakani marxakan fauaqin% a\nouam;na\niu ci lini fauaqakani yambaroum! Patya®e^ na mi qani vam ou,azoumow h n;rka\az;l fauaqin% ori famar Sargis |owsh';ane nran ;njark;l h kargapafakan tou\vi! Nra 'o.arhn fauaqi h frauirou;l ªBananziº darpasapaf Arjour Joro\;ane! |ar]akouo[ Âouslan Kor;ani masnakzoujiune "orjougalia\i dhm fandipmane kaska‘i tak h% qani or Ouxb;kstani a®a=nouj;an 12-rd mrza'ouloum Kor;ane ]a. otqi wnasoua‘q h staz;l! Na .a[iz \;to\ vaman;l h :r;uan ou miaz;l FF fauaqakanin! A\st;[ bvi,kn;re ke xnn;n nra otqe% oriz \;to\ parx ke lini na ke karo[ana\ masnakz;l fandipmane% jh oc!
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • FF minc;u 21 tar;kann;ri (FF M-21) fauaqakani gl.auor maxic h n,anakou;l Artak Øs;ane! Nran k*øgn;n Karhn Simon;ane ;u darpasapafn;ri marxic Wladimir Wardan;ane! |ounisi 8-14-e FF M-21 fauaqakane F~D t;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum marxakan fauaq h anzkazn;lou^ na.apatrastou;low |ounisi 16-in ka\analiq :uropa\i M-21 tar;kann;ri a®a=nouj;an Âouminia-Fa\astan entrakan fandipmane! • FF M-17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l Tigran P;tros;ane% nran k*øgn;n Tigran A®aq;l;ane ;u darpasapafn;ri marxic Go® :digarowe! |ounisi 6-in FF M-17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane fandip;z ªBananz-98º% isk |ounisi 10-in^ ª"iunik-98ºi f;t! • ªWardariº ;u FF fauaqakani pa,tpan |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane yanacou;l h Mak;donia\i a®a=nouj;an lauago\n `oujpolist! • :r;uani ªMikanº galiq mrza,r=anoum mtadir h fandhs gal FF a®a=nouj;an 1-in .mboum ir marxadprozi kadr;row!
• Don;zki ªM;talourgeº% ort;[ fandhs hr galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Âoum;an |owsh';ane% isk akoumbi gl.auor bavn;thr;riz mhke fa\ gor‘arar Øl;g Mkrtc;ann h% dadar;znoum h ir gor‘ounhoujiune! • Est ®ousakan lratouami=ozn;ri Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº gl.auor;lou h Dmitri Al;nic;ue! |i,;zn;nq% or ªSpartakoumº fandhs galis FF fauaqakani `oujpolistn;r :oura Mowsis;ane ;u Arax Øxbilise! • ªOu`a\iº darpasapaf Dauij :ourc;nko\i Fa\astani fauaqakani frauhrin w;r=nakan patas.an ctale kapoua‘ h ÂDi pr;mi;r lika\oum l;gionakann;ri qanaki safmana'akman ckargauoroua‘ lin;lou f;t! Na endgrkou;l h ÂD-i auartoua‘ .orfrdan,akan fauaqakanoum ;u \o\s ouni endgrkou;l ÂD-i fauaqakanoum!
FF AXGA|IN FAUAQAKANE 84-RDN H ~I~A-n fraparak;l h axga\in fauaqakann;ri |ounis amsoua\ warkani,a\in dasakargman a[iusake! FF entranin nafan=;l h 7 t;[ow ;u fangrouan;l h 84-rd forixonakanoum! :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,ari m;r mrzakizn;re xba[;znoum ;n a\spisi t;[;r& "orjougalia^ 7% Dania^ 29% S;rpia^ 45% Alpania^ 51! Isk a®a=atarn;ri tasn;akn a\spisi t;sq ouni& G;rmania% P;lgia% Arvanjin% Qoloumpia% Praxilia% Folandia% "orjougalia% ~ransia% Ispania!
MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • ªBars;lonanº a.o\;ann;ri lika\i ;xra'akic .a[oum% |ounisi 6-in P;®linoum% 3-1 fa,ouow \a[j;low ª:ouw;njousinº dar]au iurørinak ªf;t-trikiº f;[inak^ da®nalow Ispania\i a.o\;an% gauajakir ;u A.o\;ann;ri lika\i gauajakir (5-rd angam)! Nranq% owq;r dit;l ;n a\d .a[e karo[ ;n fastat;l% or P;®linoum iskaphs `oujpola\in tønakataroujiun hr! ªS;uilia\izº (:urolika\i \a[jo[) \;to\ ªBars;lonanº 2-rd ispanakan jimn h% ore nouayoum h :uropa\i patouauor gauaje! • Ka\azan mi ,arq enk;rakan fandipoumn;r! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum dranz ardiunqn;re& Âousastan-P;la®ous^ 4-2% FF fauaqakani mrzakiz S;rpian 4-1 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Atrph\yanin% Goloumpia-Qosja Âiqa^ 1-0% Folandia-AMN^ 3-4% <otlandia-Qajar^ 1-0% Foungaria-Lijouania^ 4-0% I®landia-Anglia^ 0-0% Arvanjin-Poliwia^ 5-0! • ~I~A-i na.agaf X;p Blat;re dar];al na.agaf w;rentrou;louz \;to\% oro, vamanak anz fravarou;l h a\d pa,tøniz! Nor na.agafi entrouj;an anzkazoume na.at;soua‘ h D;kt;mb;rin! ~I~A-i \a=ord na.agafi am;nafauanakan j;kna‘oun ke lini OU:~A-i na.agaf Platinin!
WIG DARCIN:ANE PARTOU:Z Arf;stakan b®nzqamarti ;rkrord j;j;uago\n qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi na.kin bazar]ak a.o\;an Wig Darcin;ane |ounisi 6-in ka\aza‘ m;namartoum t;.nikakan nokaoutow partou;l h arvanjinzi >;sous Kou;l;arin% ow 11-rd anendmh= \a[janakn h
tøn;l! M;namarte kisaj;j;u qa,a\in kargoum WBA (Regular) warka‘ow a.o\;anakan gøtou famar auartou;l h 8-rd ®aountoum% ;rb mrzaware dadar;zr;l h marte!
|OWFANNHS DAUJ:ANE AN|A+O{ H FANDHS :K:L A,.arfi ouv;[ago\n yiuto\istn;ri masnakzouj;amb ªMasj;rsº mrza,aroum% orn anzkazou;z Ma\isi 23-in Maroqo\i ma\raqa[aq Âapajoum an\a=o[ fandhs ;kau |owfannhs Dauj;ane% ow a®a=in martoum xi=;l h ouxb;k <ara`outdin Lout`ila;uin ;u dours h mnaz;l \;taga\ pa\qariz!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Spartak Grigor;ane Wiling;noum auartoua‘ G;rmania\i M-18 patanin;ri a®a=noujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor nouay;z ;rkri a.o\;ani kocoume! • Grosma\st;r S;rgh\ Galdounze (Fa\astan) Austria\i Br;g;nz qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 122 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 5-rd t;[e! Grosma\st;r S;rgh\ Kasparowe (P;la®ous) 6 miauorow 12-rdn hr! 7&5 miauorow \a[jo[ yanacou;z grosma\st;r S;bastian Bogn;re (<ouh\zaria)! • Wrastanoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i kananz anfatakan a®a=noujiunoum ~ID:-i warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! Isk a®a\vm ~ID:-n S;pt;mb;rin ka\analiq ir gonkr;soum Ghorg;anin phtq h ,norfi mi=axga\in warp;ti kocoum! • Grosma\st;r :ug;nia Dolou.anowan Ilic;usk qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ Ouqrania\i jima\in a®a=noujiunoum >arkowi Irawabanakan akad;mia\i kaxmoum dar]au ;rkri a.o\;an! >a[alow mia\n t[amardkanz dhm Dolou.anowan 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6 miauor! • FF Grosma\st;rn;r Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Karina Fambar]oum;ane% ~ID:-i warp;t Dauij <afin;ane masnakz;zin |ounisi 1-9-e ÂD-i Kaxan qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ N;vm;rtinowi 17-rd \oumamrza,arin! 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor Xauhn Andrhas;ane grau;l h 5-rd t;[e% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane ouni 6 miauor (8-rd)% Dauij <afin;ane^ 5 (32-rd)% Karina Fambar]oum;ane^ 2&5 (87-rd)! 7 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au grosma\st;r D;nis >ismatouline (ÂD)! • Âousastani Dagomis qa[aqoum ÂD-i% Fa\astani% P;la®ousi% {e[xstani% Moltowa\i% Isra\hli ;u Mon[olia\i 12 jim;ri masnakzouj;amb auartoua‘ dprozakann;ri ªSpitak Nauakº mrza,are auartou;z :r;uani C;.owi anouan jiu 55 dprozi jimi 'a\loun \a[janakow% ore 82 jim;ri mh= nouay;z gl.auor mrzanake! M;r patanin;re (Arjour Dauj;an% Dauij Mirxo\;an% Samouhl >acatr;an ;u Ar'inh Grigor;an kaxmow 36 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 25 miauor ;u mian]n;a\ grau;zin a®a=in t;[e!