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N.O. June 18, 2015, No. 25:N.O. Blank


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THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 25 VOLUME 93, NO. 25

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N.O. June 18, 2015, No. 25:N.O. Blank


5:00 PM

Page 6


NOR ØR% 18 |OUNIS 2015

Ou.ta®oujiun Fa\astani Norast;[‘ Banaki Xørakocikn;roun

Gal Tari^ Wan


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1988-i ;rkra,arvin \a=ord;zin irarou ;t;uh patmakan n,anakoujiun oun;zo[ iradar]oujiunn;r! A\d patmakan dhpq;rou kargin ke das;m fauat qristonhakan na.a];®noujiune Am;rika\i Fa\oz Ar;u;l;an J;mi ko[mh! Fauat% ir a®;r;uo\j n,anakouj;an ;tin% ke n,anakhr fa\ ;k;[;zuo\ wardap;touj;an tara‘oum! A\d fauat na.a];®nouj;an npatakn hr Ar;u;l;an J;mi ko[mh b;r;l gor‘øn masnakzoujiun a\n bolor martafrauhrn;roun% oronz dhm ke gtnouhr ;k;[;zin^ S& H=mia‘ni [;kawarouj;amb! Kamauor ;k;[;zakann;rou ko[qin gtnou;zan na;u a,.arfakann;r% oronz npatakn hr est kar;luo\n tanil ;u bavn;l niujakan øgnoujiun ;u masnauorabar fog;kan m.ijaroujiun% fog;uor qaroxcoujiun ;u baxmako[mani ];®q ;rkar;l a\d ør;rou ygnavama\in kariqn;roun! M;nq bolors al qa= t;[;ak hinq% or a\d bolore m;r karo[oujiunn;rhn ;u kar;lioujiunn;rhn g;riw;r martafrauhr men hr% oroun ;k;[;zin patrast chr dimagrau;lou! Ba\z m;nq t;[h me phtq h skshinq! Afa jh ince m;x m[;z \a=ordakan 4-5 ama®n;re \atkazn;lou a®aq;lakan a\d an\;ta]g;li gor‘in! S& H=mia‘ni% masnauorabar fog;lo\s Waxghn W;fa'a®i artønouj;amb m;r a®a=in ka\ann hr S& H=mia‘ni wanatoune! A\nt;[ kamauorn;rou m;r .oumbe k*ambo[=anar Y;marani ousano[-sarkauag kamauorn;row! :u m;nq gor‘i ke l‘ouhinq ;rkou ou[[ouj;amb% mhk .oumbe a®aq;lakan-fowouakan gor‘ow k*ou[[ouhr dhpi safmanam;r] giu[;re% isk mius .oumbe a,.atanqe k;ndronazouza‘ hr masnauorabar ;r;.an;rou phtq;roun foga‘ouj;an wra\ ;u gor‘ounhouj;an wa\r entra‘ hinq Dili=ani M;[;di Mankakan A®o[=arane! :s a*\s .oumbin f;t hi! A,.atanqa\in gor‘ou[oumhn anmi=aphs a®a= frauhr ;kau Dili=ani xøramashn% jh xørakocikn;rou a®a=in foun]qe piti stanar orakauorman ir;nz wka\akann;re% ;u norakoc xinouorn;re piti a®nhin ir;nz ou.te fa\r;niqi ‘a®a\ouj;an famar! Na.ørøq oro,oua‘ bar]rastiyan ;k;[;zakane% or piti ørfnhr patani xinakocikn;rou ;rje% bazaka\ hr ;u a\d farzow xba[o[ mardik møt;zan m;xi% or m;nq tramadr;nq anfrav;,t fog;uorakane^ a\d ørouan

ørfnoujiune ;u fakiry fog;uor qa=al;ranqe talou! >oumbi miak fog;uorakane ;s hi% ;u a\dphs m;nq ou[[ou;zanq Dili=an^ a\d srbaxan partqe katar;lou! Phtq h qic me ;r;uaka\oujiun gor‘ dn;l^ lriu fasknalou famar fog;.®ow a\n wiyake% oroun mh= gta\ inqxinqs minc;u Dili=an fasn;le! A\nt;[ an.ou sa';liørhn mitqs gnaz Auara\ri na.ør;akin% ;u mtqis akan=n;row ke lshi Wardanin ;u {;uond :rhzi fra,ounc ;u fog;,ounc ;lo\jn;re! Piti kar;na\i# gonh mhk fariur;rord tokosow nmanil anonz a\s pafe kar;uor;lou famar! Inc;uizh% afauasik a\n% inc or jojow ,rjn;rhs dours ;lau bar]r b;mhn ;u im dimazs kargapaf kangna‘ nor ør;rou Wardananz xørakocikn;roun! ªThr Astoua‘ am;nakal% endounh ;u ørfnh ou.te ;ritasard a\s xauakn;roun fa\oz% oronq xinouoragroua‘ ;n Fa\r;niqi pa,tpanouj;an sourb gor‘in! Pafi*r nranz apafow ;u anwtang% to*ur nranz fogii ;u marmni a®o[=oujiun ;u qa=oujiun% orphsxi q;xniz n;r,ncua‘ nranq ellan .a[a[ouj;an pa,tpann;r ;u oc jh mafouan ;u kor‘anoumi gor‘iqn;r! To*ur nranz% Th*r% or nranq axnouørhn ;u asp;takan ogiow paf;n ir;nz enjazqe! To*ur% Th*r Astoua‘ m;r% .a[a[oujiun am;na\n a,.arfi% Fa\astani ;u Arza.;an ;rkramasi! To*ur Th*r Astoua‘ m;r% imastoujiun a,.arfi [;kawarn;rin% orphsxi nranq imastouj;amb ;u .a[a[ouj;an yambow lou‘;n fakamartoujiunn;re! To*ur Th*r Astoua‘ m;r% qa=akorow imastoujiun m;r fa\r;ni p;takan warcakan [;kawarn;rin ;u na.agaf L;uon Thr P;tros;anin! To*ur Th*r Astoua‘ m;r% fa\r;ni p;takanoujiune m;r axatoujiune ;u anka.oujiune! Fastatoun pafh% Th*r% Qo isk fimna‘ ;k;[;zin Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan ;u nra an]nouhr qafana\ap;t Waxghn A®a=in Am;na\n Fa\oz Fa\rap;tin^ talow Nran a®o[=oujiun ;u ar;u,atoujiun! Pafir ;u xørazo*ur% Th*r Astua‘ m;r% Dili=ani a\s fa\r;nanouhr xøramase ;u nra xinouor;al an]nakaxme ;u nra framanatar kapitan Al;q B;niamini >acatr;ane! Th*r Astoua‘% m;nq git;nq ;u ke fauatanq% or Dou ke ls;s Qo fauataz;aln;ri a[øjqe ;u a\d <ar& h= 14


Donald Trump Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign: 'We Are Going Make our Country Great Again'

OSCE And UN Condemn Azerbaijan For Violating Human Rights And Freedom Of Speech Among the countries jeopardizing freedom of speech, OSCE points out Azerbaijan, Russian and Ukraine, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovi! said speaking at a two-day conference “Journalists’ safety, Media Freedom and Pluralism in Times of Conflict” in OSCE’s Vienna headquarters, according to the Azerbaijani information agency Turan.

She said the governments of various countries must put an end to media manipulations. The world situation is characterized by the attack of corrupt regimes on freedom of expression, she added. Mijatovic called propaganda "a scar on the face of journalism," stressing the importance of countering it in modern terms. !

Pope Francis: Armenia Not To Be Forgotten When Lending Support

Donald Trump Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign: 'We Are Going Make our Country Great Again' (ABC News) Donald Trump, the real estate mogul, reality television star and hair icon, today announced he is taking his first run at the White House. From the iconic Trump Tower in New York City, the Donald told his supporters he is "officially running for president of the United States." "We are going to make our country great again," Trump, who turned 69 on Saturday, declared. He added, "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.

Kurds In Full Control Of Syria's Tal Abyad (AFP) - Kurdish militia, backed by Syrian rebel forces, seized full control of a key border town from Islamic State group jihadists early on Tuesday, a monitoring group said. "Since dawn this morning, not a single bullet has been fired in Tal Abyad," said Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman. "The Kurdish fighters now have full control of Tal Abyad," which was used by IS as a gateway from Turkey to its de facto capital Raqa to the south, he said. Militiamen of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and their Syrian rebel allies were combing through the town to clear mines and booby-trapped cars left behind by IS fighters. "There are mines and car bombs everywhere, and bodies of IS fighters lying in the streets," said Sherfan Darwish, a spokesman for the Burkan al-Furat rebel group fighting alongside the YPG. He said the anti-IS alliance was clearing the town before civilians could begin to return. The town's fall is a heavy blow to IS, which had used the adjacent border crossing with Turkey to bring in fighters and ammunition, and smuggle out black market oil, analysts say.

It’s necessary to lend support to Ethiopia and Eritrea, and not forget about Armenia, the cradle of Christianity, Pope Francis said during the Plenary Assembly of Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches (ROACO) in the Vatican. During the Assembly, the Pope urged the international community to open their eyes to the unspeakable sufferings of the Christians in the Middle East, Vatican Radio reports. He also said that oil and weapons seem to weigh more than the lives of thousands of Christians. Pope Francis reiterated the horrible conduct of those who proclaim peace in

Billionaire Financier Kirk Kerkorian Dies

words, but sow death in deeds. “A further effort should be made to erase seemingly tacit agreements according to which “the lives of thousands and thousands of families - women, men, children, and elderly people – seem to weigh less than oil and weapons on the scale of interests. So that while proclaiming peace and justice, it is tolerated that traffickers of death continue to operate those lands” he said. Pope Francis also noted that during the Assembly particular attention with be devoted to the situation in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Armenia.

Billionaire financier Kirk Kerkorian, one of the founders of modern Las Vegas whose name is synonymous with some of the Strip’s best known hotel-casinos, died Monday night Los Angeles after a brief illness, the Las Vegas Review Journal has reported. Kerkorian, who tuned 98 on June 6, was the largest shareholder in MGM Resorts International, which he founded in the early 1990s.

Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Libya In Phone Call

Key ISIS Commander Killed In Lebanon-Syria Border Clash BEIRUT: Hezbollah and the Syrian army clashed with ISIS Tuesday in northern Qalamoun and on the eastern outskirts of a Lebanese border town, killing the group's leader for the region, Al-Manar said. The Hezbollah-run station said in a

news flash that Abu Balqis al-Baghdadi, ISIS's "emir" for Qalamoun, was killed in shelling that targeted the area of Wadi Hmayed, on the outskirts of Lebanon's Arsal. Further east, Hezbollah and the Syrian army captured fresh territory from ISIS outside a northern Qalamoun town.

ISIS: This Is How Much It Costs The US To Fight The Terror Group Every Day So far, the American military campaign against ISIS has cost $2.74 billion. That's an average daily cost of $9.1 million. ISIS: Trail of Terror The military campaign began 10 months ago, on August 8, 2014, when the first airstrikes were conducted in Iraq. Airstrikes in Syria began a month later. New figures released by the Defense Department provide the first detailed breakdown of costs associated with what has mainly been an air war against ISIS. Daily flight operations have cost $1.501 billion -- or 55 percent of the total amount of $2.74 billion. Both the Air Force and Navy conduct airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, but Air Force

costs make up 67 percent of the $2.74 billion spent so far, according to the figures released. A similar percentage is reflected in the average daily cost, where Air Force costs make up $6.1 million of the $9.1 million spent daily. The figures also show that $646 million has been spent on the munitions used against ISIS. The American strategy against ISIS also includes missions to train the Iraqi military and moderate Syrian rebels. !

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the crisis in Ukraine in a phone call on Monday as well as developments in the Middle East and North Africa and prospects for resolving Iran’s nuclear problem, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, TASS reports. Speaking about Ukraine, the two foreign ministers noted the necessity for all sides to implement ceasefire agreements signed in Minsk, Belarus, in February and supported plans to convene a meeting between representatives of working subgroups formed as part of the Contact Group on the Ukraine crisis, the ministry said, adding that the meeting was expected "to establish sustainable direct dialogue between Kiev and Donetsk and Luhansk." Lavrov and Kerry "emphasized the need for more efforts to stop ceasefire violations, particularly shelling of settlements," the statement said.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 18, 2015


The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Has Been Enriched With New Valuable Items Any testimony, letter, picture, postcard that has reached us from the years of the Armenian Genocide is of great importance for the study of that period. Over the course of years the collection of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute has been enriched with numerous valuable items owing to the financial support and donations of individuals. As the Marketing and Communication Department of the K-Telecom CJSC (VivaCell-MTS) informs, in this regard, the VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian’s cooperation with the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute has already become traditional. With direct support from Ralph Yirikian within the last years the museum collection was enhanced with unique items, particularly a collection of postcards with images of the Western Armenia and Armenian themes, literature that is considered a source of high academic value, historical documents on humanitarian support that was provided to survivors of the Armenian Genocide, original photo footage of Armenian refugees, items, letters, stamps referring to the life of Western Armenians before the genocide, photos of renowned Armenian families, as

well as old newspapers of great exhibition importance. A considerable part of the exhibition items was obtained by the support of two ArmenianAmerican citizens from Los Angeles, father and son, Ohannes and Hratch Hannessian of Shirak Publishing House. The Hannessian family has compiled years of research into valuable books and documents that are today available to every Armenian. This time, too, owing to the support from Ralph Yirikian and Hratch Hannessian, valuable items have been obtained and donated to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. “Knowing the truth is not enough. To obtain justice one should pass that knowledge to others and prove it with undeniable facts and evidence. Every Armenian bears the bitter consequences of the Genocide, and every Armenian should contribute to the cause of the recognition of the Genocide and the elimination of its consequences. In this regard we highly appreciate the committed work of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and we are ready to support its initiatives,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian noted.

Turpanjians Host AUA President, Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian, AUA Trustees, And Friends CALIFORNIA – On May 15, 2015, Jerry and Pat Turpanjian graciously hosted a lovely dinner at their new home in Rolling Hills Estates, CA to introduce the new president of the American University of Armenia (AUA), Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian. Seventy-two guests, including the entire Tu r p a n j i a n family and AUA Board of Trustees, were there to greet Dr. Der Kiureghian. After an elegant cocktail party and dinner, Larry Pitts, chairman of the Board of Trustees, welcomed guests and thanked everyone for attending before introducing Dr. Der Kiureghian, who talked about the tremendous growth occurring at AUA. “We have 1200 students,” Der Kiureghian said, “and in a few years, that number will double. We are building a new technology center along with a new student center, faculty center and outdoor amphitheater. In addition, we have begun the strategic acquisition of adjacent properties in anticipation of the university’s future needs. AUA is the best investment one can make because we are making a difference by providing quality education to the future leaders of our country.” President Der Kiureghian then presented Pat and Jerry Turpanjian with commendations from California Senior Senator, Diane Feinstein, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Armenia and AUA. Later, Albert Boyajian was awarded the Feinstein Senatorial Commendation for his many years of philanthropy to Armenian causes, including AUA. Adam Kablanian, newly elected chair of the AUA Development Committee, spoke about AUA’s campaign and intro-

duced Vice President for Development and External Relations, Lorraine Alexander. VP Alexander talked about the importance of the diaspora supporting AUA and the impact AUA has on the Armenian economy

“The Armenian Community In Iraq Has Been Collapsed; Now, It Is The Turn For Aleppo.”

Now, it is the turn for Aleppo.” Expert Deputy Director of the Public Institute of Political and Social Research of Black SeaCaspian region (PIPSRBCR), Gagik Poghosyan, is concerned about the events occurring in the Arab world. According to him, these events have a direct impact on Armenia as we have enormous Armenian communities there. In the interview with Aravot.am, Mr. Poghosyan was surprised these events seem do not bother Armenia while it should be the contrary because what is happening in the Arab world can sharply cause big losses to Armenians. “Not the collapse of the Arab countries is terrible, but the fact that we have large Armenian communities there that are disappearing before our eyes, and, unfortunately, we are unable to do anything. We have already lost the Armenian community in Iraq, so to speak, it is ruined, now, the same thing is happening in Syria, especially in Aleppo. Kesab was perished several times, now, it is the turn for Beirut, where there is a big Armenian community too.” He noticed that one and a half months ago, the explosion of the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Deir ez-Zor did not bother everybody, because many believed that the explosion has happened in a desert. “No, this memorial was in the center of the city and it was exploded. It was a clear message directed specifically against us, it was committed against the most valuable building of our sanctities. Surprisingly, nothing was said about it during the Centennial. But this

was the kind of a slap across the Armenians, I am astonished.” The expert considers the assaults on Aleppo as result of the Turkish policy. To our question of whether thus Turkey is executing the second genocide, Mr. Poghosyan continued, “Of course, there are certain forces backing Turkey. Whether it is a genocide or not, I have difficulty in saying it as it is not directed specifically against us, although they also use it against us. The matter is in the wording. This is a matter of a very delicate wording, which the scientists should have.” To our question of whether there is a problem of evacuation of Armenians from the Armenian communities in the Arab countries, and why Armenia is not trying to make steps on this issue, our interlocutor replied, “Certainly, there is a need for evacuation, but I am sure that Armenia would not go for such steps. And I am astonished that our republic does not apply for such steps. They had to do it still from the first steps of Iraq.” To the question of perhaps Armenia has set a task to maintain the Armenian colonial communities in Arab countries, therefore they do not commence an organized evacuations, the expert disagreed, “It is impossible to maintain a colonial community when an annihilation is going on.” As said by the Deputy Director of the Public Institute of Political and Social Research of Black Sea-Caspian region (PIPSRBCR), they have initiated to hold regular discussions and researches on the events occurred in the Arab countries and their impact on the region, jointly with the scientists and politicians. Yesterday, the first meeting was held. “We would seek organizing international conferences in Armenia, with the participation of professionals invited from outside,” added the Deputy Director of the Institute. Arpine Simonyan

Meet Jeb Bush: Everything You Need To Know (And Probably Didn't Know) About The 2016 and civil society. “The mission of AUA”, she said, “is to provide quality education based on an American model emphasizing technical excellence, objective standards of performance and emphasis on independent thinking. Our challenge at AUA is to keep pace with Armenia’s future and that means every single Armenian in the diaspora needs to understand the importance of supporting AUA.” At the close of the evening, Chairman Pitts and President Der Kiureghian presented the Turpanjians with an exquisite painting by Gagik Ghazanchyan. Jerry humbly accepted, saying, “Pat and I are very grateful to all of you who attended this evening’s event. My congratulations to Dr. Der Kiureghian and everyone at AUA for all their accomplishments. We love the painting and hope all of you have enjoyed the evening.” Dr. Der Kuireghian is one of the original founders of AUA along with Dr. Mihran Agbabian and the late Stepan Karamardian. He is the fourth president of AUA and will be leading its 25th anniversary $50 million campaign to build AUA’s endowment and secure the future of the university. Photo by Nina Turpanjian

Name: John Ellis “Jeb” Bush Meet the Candidate: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush The Wall Street Journal Jeb Bush: 'Jeb Is Different Than George' Huffington Post Jeb Bush to announce White House bid on June 15: campaign website Reuters Jeb Bush strikes softer tone at start of White House run Reuters Jeb Bush: 'I will run to win' AFP Party: Republican What he does now: Self-described businessman What he used to do: Former two-term governor of Florida, from 1998-2007. He’s also had in hand in over 20 businesses and foundations, starting an education nonprofit called Foundation for Florida’s Future, and his own business consulting firm, Jeb Bush & Associates. Declared as a candidate: June 15, 2015 in Miami. In his own words: "I would describe myself as a practicing, reform-minded conservative."

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 18, 2015


Armenia To Present Scenographic Installation On Armenian Genocide At Prague Quadrennial

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

By Hambersom Aghbashian

From June 18-28 Armenia will present a scenographic installation on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide titled “Red Hail” at the 13th international Prague Quadrennial. The project is implemented at the initiative of the “Eiva” Arts Foundation with the support of the Armenian Ministry of Culture, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund and the Commission Coordinating the Armenian Genocide Centennial Events. The photographs Armenia presents were taken in 1910 in the town of Mush in western Armenia by the Norwegian missionary worker Bodil Katharine Biørn (also known as Mother Katharine), who was doing humanitarian work there. They depict Armenian day-school children who, according to Biørn’s memoirs, received new Norwegian dolls as gifts. They look at the camera with their happy faces, impatient for the picture to be taken so they can continue playing with the dolls… These children were among the victims of the Armenian Genocide organized by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. The exposition consists of nets full of toys hanging from the ceiling, resembling

!smail Be"ikçi (born in 1939 in !skilip, district of Çorum Province of Turkey) is a Turkish scholar. He studied at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University, and graduated in 1962. After his military duty he became an assistant professor at Atatürk University in Erzurum. He prepared his first anthropological study, an investigation of one of the last nomadic Kurdish tribes, the Alikan, which he submitted in 1967 to the Ankara Faculty of Political Sciences. His book "The order of East Anatolia", first published in 1969, made him a public enemy because of his way of analysis, and it led to a trial after the 1971 coup. He was detained and put on trial and was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for violating the indivisibility of the Turkish nation. He was then sentenced many times for imprisonment, totally 100 years, and has spent 17 years in and out of jail. After his first imprisonment, he never found academic employment again and was henceforth to do his research as an independent scholar. He has become a powerful and important symbol for the Kurds and for the human rights movement of Turkey. In 1987 he was a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Be"ikçi is a PEN* Honorary Member and Turkey's best-known dissident. He has published 36 books and 32 of them have been banned in Turkey. According to bianet.org, "A day after journalist Hrant Dink’s murder on 19 January 2007, writer Temel Demirer read a press statement in central Ankara, saying that the journalist had not only been killed for being Armenian, but also because he had spoken of an “Armenian genocide.” He continued saying "There is a genocide in our history, it is called the Armenian genocide......". The statement was signed by Fikret Ba"kaya, !smail Be"ikçi, Yüksel Akkaya, Mehmet Özer, Necmettin Salaz, Ahmet Telli and more than forty other Turkish intellectuals. On April 24, 2010, as genocide commemoration events were being held one after the other in different locations in Istanbul, a groundbreaking two-day conference on the Armenian Genocide began at the Princess Hotel in Ankara. The conference, organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative, was held under tight security measures. The conference attracted around 200 attendees, mostly activists and intellectuals who support genocide recognition. Among the prominent names from Turkey were Ismail Besikci, Baskin Oran, Ragip Zarakolu, Temel Demirer, and Sait Cetinoglu and many others. According to "http://www.mirakweissbach.de", "The 2012 International Hrant Dink Award was presented to laureates !smail Be"ikçi from Turkey and “Memorial” from Russia, on September 15, 2012. The Chair of the Award Committee Ali Bayramo#lu stated that on his 58th birthday, the name of Hrant Dink, and the awards given in his name were once again to meet with people who work for a world free of discrimination, racism, and violence, and take personal risks for their ideals. And added that the Laureates are determined by an international jury and a two-round system of voting, after an open nomination process. On November 6, 2012, the temporary exhibition titled “Armenian Genocide and Scandinavian Response” was opened in the Humanitarian Research Library which is a part of the Copenhagen Royal Library. The Turkish government demanded the Royal Library of Denmark to open “an alternative” exhibition about “SoCalled Armenian Genocide” and that was

hail. The nets are static, except for one that is moving. A video dedicated to the children’s games is projected onto the moving net. Sometimes the toys, which are scattered all around, are set into motion as well, swinging and making noises. The music, which symbolizes the children’s unfinished games, is turned on and off unexpectedly. Visitors will notice certain movements and hear voices within the seemingly static and unmoving space. Through their movement, breathing and voices, all those entering the space become a part of the children’s unfinished games. The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space is the largest scenography event in the world that explores a wide range of scenographic practices – from stage design and costume design to lighting design, sound design and new scenographic practices such as sitespecific, applied scenography, urban performance, costume as performance, and much more.

Why Armenians Are A “Living Fossil” To Geneticists?!

A number of genetic studies have recently investigated Armenian DNA from different perspectives revealing some fascinating and consistent results. For example in 2014 Hellenthal et. al. in a paper published in Science have investigated worldwide human admixture history over the past 4000 years and created a Genetic Atlas of human admixture. Oddly enough they could not identify the Armenian admixture for the past 4000 years and placed Armenians into the “no admixture, uncertain” category . Another recent study by Haber et. al. (2015) has shed more light in this regard by specifically focusing on Armenian genetics. They found that Armenians show a signatures of an origin from mixture of diverse populations occurring 3,000 to 2,000 BCE which incidentally coincides with the legendary founding of Armenia by the patriarch Hayk in 2492 BCE. This revelation was even picked up by the New York Times. Haber et. al. also found that Armenian admixture after the late bronze age seized, showing no significant traces of further admixture for some three and a half thousand years. It appears that Armenians have stopped mixing from that time on showing genetic isolation to a great extent. The authors describe: “Our tests suggest that Armenians had no significant mixture with other populations in their recent history and have thus been genetically isolated since the end of the Bronze Age.” This makes Armenian genetics very unique in the region marked by great diversity and admixture. As such Armenians above all seem to better represent the ancient populations of the Near East. Haber et. al. have shown that the genetic landscape in most of the Middle East appears to have been continuously changing and that: “the position of the Armenians within the global genetic diversity is unique and appears to mirror the geographical location of Anatolia… Armenians’ adoption of a distinctive culture early in their history resulted in their genetic isolation from their surroundings. Their genetic resemblance today to other genetic isolates in the Near East, but not to most other Near Easterners, suggests that recent admixture has changed the genetic landscape in most populations in the region.” Moreover they found that modern Armenians show a great genetic affinity to ancient Europeans, meaning that Armenians of today because of their isolation have retained the genetic makeup of the ancient people of the Near East who have spread into Europe during various migration waves. (People of Ar)

69 - !smail Be"ikçi agreed by the Library authorities. In response to that a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors, have signed an open letter to the Royal Library saying "The support that you are extending to a regime that has made opposition to confronting history and denial of the truth a fundamental principle is equivalent to supporting a regime of apartheid. We want to remind you that your support constitutes an obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today." !smail Be"ikçi was one of the prominent intellectuals who signed it. (1) On October 29, 2014, armenianow.com wrote " The Western Armenian National Congress granted prominent Turkish scholar, journalist, sociologist Ismail Besikci with a medal of “Gevorg Surenyants Catholicos” for his well-known theory of the Armenian Genocide as a part of the Turkish national project of ethnic cleansing of all Middle Eastern local peoples. Through his studies about the Armenian Genocide Besikci fixed two realities, one of them is that from the very beginning KurdTurkish political competition was based on the clash of interests for the Armenian property and land. Besikci published numerous article in the Turkish media where he emphasized that the base of the wealth of the Turkish bourgeoisie is the Armenian wealth. Besikci said, any nation can commit a genocide, in 1915, Ottoman Turkey, in 1945, Germany, these two are big states, but unfortunately nowadays even the small states do it. To prevent this, the young generation must be informed and aware of all this."(2) During their visit to Armenia in October 2014, Turkish and Kurdish public and intellectual figures met with students at Yerevan State University. During the meeting, renowned Turkish scholar Ismail Besikci spoke on genocides being committed in the world including the Armenian Genocide.(3) On April 19, 2015, in Bitlis, Turkey’s most prominent human-rights advocate, Ismail Be"ikçi, participated in a public commemoration titled, “What Happened to Bitlis Armenians?” Among the 200 or so people present were the co-mayors of Bitlis, Hüseyin Olan and Nevin Da"demir Da#kıran, who recently renamed one of the city’s streets after William Saroyan; the Fresno-born writer’s parents had been driven from Bitlis.. The event was organized by The Turkish Human Rights Association (Bitlis branch), Bitlis Bar Association and the Gomidas Institute (London). The main speakers were Enis Gül (Head of Bitlis Bar Association), Barzan Serefhanoglu (Journalist), Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute) and Ismail Besikci (Sociologist and veteran human rights’ activist). This was the first public commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in Bitlis.(4) * PEN International is a worldwide association of writers, founded in London in 1921 to promote friendship and intellectual co-operation among writers everywhere. The association has autonomous International PEN centers in over 100 countries. 1.http://www.genocidemuseum.am/eng/19.12.12.php 2 . h t t p : / / a r m e n i a n o w. c o m / g e n o cide/58056/armenia_turkey_ismail_besikci_me dal 3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je2Y Wm2aQVs 4.http://www.hyebiz.com/2015/04/29/officials-and-society-in-eastern-turkey-confrontlegacy-of-the-armenian-genocide/

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 18, 2015


Armenian Superstitions By Alice Krumian The word superstition has been defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as "any belief or attitude that is inconsistent with the known laws of science". In other words, it is an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear, not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, that some future events may be influenced by one's behavior in certain mysterious ways. It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by apparently unrelated prior events, such as the coming of a future misfortune by the breaking of a mirror or the hooting of an owl, etc. It is true that in our present-day scientific world superstitions don't have much of a place; however, for most of history, they have played a huge role in shaping cultures and societies. Whether they are old wives tales, legends, or just scary stories, every community around the world has had its share of them. Some superstitions may be just for fun, such as the reading of coffee cups, while others may actually affect one's choices in life, such as nor travelling on a Tuesday, etc. They can work sometimes because believing in something can modify one's performance on a task. For instance, there have been politicians who have resorted to astrological predictions to see what's in store for them. Such beliefs are also rampant in sports, including players putting their right foot when entering the fields, or wearing a specificnumbered jersey, etc..The fact is that the followers of these beliefs are not just restricted to illiterate people, but also include engineers, teachers, doctors, actors, dancers, music performers, and others. We Armenians, whether in the homeland or the Diaspora, we have had our

share of superstitions for centuries throughout our history. We have hundreds of them, some for new-born babies, christenings, birthdays, and others for weddings, travels, and even for everyday life. Here are some of the most practiced ones: When a child is born, most Armenian parents make sure to place on him or her a blue eye stone with a Christian medallion to keep the "evil eye" away from the child. Likewise, in order to protect a new-born child, a mother in Armenia collects flour from seven families, bakes lavash bread in the shape of a human being, puts it under the pillow of the child, and on a certain day, buries the bread. Many people, old and young, hang a blue eye from their necks to keep the “evil eye" away, and blue eyes are everywhere: in the car, in the rooms, in workshops, in one's pocket, etc. Also, to counter an "evil eye", one must melt silver or lead in special iron cups, then throw it out the front door. Once it's cooled, the shapes are read for the person who felt the bad eye on him or her. In Armenia, if you have a bad dream, you need to tell the dream to the running water from the faucet in your sink. If you spill salt on the table, you should make a cross on the spilled salt. If you see a black cat, you must turn around three times, and then spit to the right and to the left. When the crescent moon is out, you should look at the moon and then face a kind person, or look at something made of gold. Never start a new project on a Tuesday, because it will never turn out to be a successful one. The groom is not allowed to see the bride in her full dress before the wedding. A single girl will have her name written on the bottom of the bride's shoe on the

wedding day so that she may get engaged soon. No cutting of nails at night. Cutting nails at night will shorten your life. Never hand a knife directly to someone; always set it down for the person to pick it up; otherwise it may cause a fight between the two of you. If someone enters through a front door, he or she must leave from the same door. If a bird enters your house, it is good luck. After receiving a container of food, the container should never be returned empty. When your palm itches, you will come into some money. When your ear begins to ring, someone is talking about you. Bad luck comes in three. If a couple of things go wrong, then the third one will soon follow. In order to bring good luck and to keep the evil eye away, you must hang a horseshoe on a door knob or above the door with its ends pointing upwards. The belief stems from the fact that a horseshoe has seven holes, which is a lucky number, and is made of iron, so it will ward off evil spirits from your house. Opening an umbrella indoors may bring bad luck. Knocking on wood after making a hopeful statement comes from an ancient belief that good spirits lived in trees, so by knocking on something wooden, a person is calling on the spirits for protection. These are just a few of hundreds of other superstitions that we, Armenians, have for keeping bad luck away and asking for good luck. They have rooted themselves so firmly in our society that it is almost impossible for people to ignore them even if they do not believe in them. For instance,

every time you sneeze, someone has to utter "bless you" or the equivalent of it, no matter which part of the world you are from. They are part of our culture, and this is why we have believed in them for so many centuries. Thus, superstitions have the potential to affect everything from government, politics, business, travel, public life, family life, social conduct, etc..Understanding them can prove advantageous for what foreigners might expect in Armenia or among Armenians, and therefore one can get educated about what people are doing and the reasons why they are doing them. Belief in superstitions may provide for some people a sense of protection and comfort. However, the Church considers belief in them sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine Providence of God, and as such, it is a deviation of religious feeling. In fact, it means that we are actually attributing some importance to certain magical practices rather than to the efficacy of prayers for blessings or for God's protection of us from evil. It is our need to be in control of things that makes us rely on these baseless beliefs. Even the etymology of the word in Armenian "avelortabashdutyoon", literally meaning the worship of superfluous or useless things, denotes the irrational and unhealthy belief in them. Instead of trusting these absurd practices and wearing blue beads or magical amulets for good luck or the avoidance of evil, we should ask God for His protection or for answers to our questions. His Providence is always there to help us get rid of our fears and uncertainties. Only He knows what is best for us, and therefore let's have full confidence that as our prayers go up to Him, His holy blessings will come down upon us. !

Unrecognized Republic Nagorno-Karabakh Stakes Its Future On Babies Businessman pays couples thousands to be fruitful and multiply in territory captured by Armenians in a war with Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh's $20-million (U.S.) airport in the capital, Stepanakert, boasts the latest technology and 120 full-time staff — but sits idle due to threats by Azerbaijan to shoot down aircraft. By: Mary Boland Special to the Star, Published on Wed Jun 10 2015 STEPANAKERT, NAGORNOKARABAKH—When Gayaneh and Avanes Grigoryan said “I do,” they were declaring far more than their love for each other. By taking their vows simultaneously with some 1,300 fellow citizens of Nagorno-Karabakh, they were also making a strong statement of devotion and fidelity to their homeland. “I’m a great patriot. I adore my homeland,” says Gayaneh, 29, as she flicks through a magazine published to commemorate the day in October 2008. “The worst thing in the world will be if we will be made to leave Karabakh. . . . And having children means that feeling is getting even 100 times more strong.” Nagorno-Karabakh’s “big wedding” — involving 673 couples — was organized to encourage ethnic Armenians to settle down and multiply in this self-declared but unrecognized republic. Sandwiched between the former Soviet states of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the de facto autonomous statelet is run by ethnic Armenians, who captured the territory 21 years ago in a war with Azerbaijan. A shaky ceasefire is in place; clashes are common along the eastern limits of the enclave. Azerbaijan maintains its claim to the

mountainous territory, which lies inside its official borders. The Russian foreign minister said last month that resolving the conflict is a priority for Moscow. On Friday, President Vladimir Putin is to begin a visit to the Azeri capital Baku, where he is expected to discuss the disputed enclave with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev. Almost seven years after the wedding, Gayaneh, now a mother of two, personifies the enclave’s nation-building strategy. Sitting in her living room in the capital, Stepanakert, she shows her 5-year-old son, Valerie, the magazine photographs of his parents as bride and groom. She works in a government ministry and is on leave following the birth of Tigran, now 17 months old. Avanes, 30, is too shy to feature in a newspaper, and has disappeared for the afternoon. “It was magic. . . . Everyone wore the dress she wanted,” Gayaneh reminisces. “All of the wedding dress shops were cleaned out — you had to order months in advance, or go to (Armenian capital) Yerevan. It was the same for hairdressers, nail and beauty salons . . . people were working through the night.” In the photos, rows of smiling couples

are seated at long tables in Stepanakert’s sports stadium, destroyed during the 1991-94 war and rebuilt for the occasion. There are shots of white lace, taffeta and chiffon cascading down the steps into the arena, and of beaming newlyweds posing with Levon Hayrapetyan, the Russia-based Armenian businessman behind the event and other projects aimed at helping the region’s struggling economy. With monthly salaries then averaging around $50 (U.S.), Hayrapetyan — who is under house arrest in Moscow since last year following allegations of corruption — offered $2,000 (U.S.) to each pair to marry. (The current monthly salary averages $280, according to the enclave’s statistics office.) Hayrapetyan paid a further $2,000 to each of the 700 couples on the birth of their first child and $3,000 for a second. The scale increases right up to $100,000 for child number seven, and locals say couples who have twins will get an apartment. Those living in rural areas received a cow. The payments are in addition to lower grants from the government, available to everyone, to marry and have children. Unsurprisingly, Hayrapetyan is possibly the most popular man in the enclave. “I think that Levon is a person who really loves his country,” says Gayaneh. “I don’t know anybody in Karabakh who will say they don’t love him.” The population has since risen — from

139,000 in 2008 to some 147,000 today — but is still short of its pre-war 200,000. As a member of the Commonwealth of Unrecognized States, Nagorno-Karabakh shares a bond of mutual recognition with the small club’s three other similarly troubled adherents: South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. It holds elections and has a national flag, a government with a full complement of ministries, universities and public institutions. It also has a $20-million (U.S.) airport that boasts the latest technology and 120 full-time staff — but sits idle due to threats by Azerbaijan to shoot down aircraft. “Our primary goal is to be integrated into the civilized and international community,” says de facto president, Bako Sahakyan, in his presidential palace in downtown Stepanakert. “Being unrecognized always forms the basis of our policies.” Whether Gayaneh and Avanes would like to continue to have children, and perhaps even hit the $100,000 jackpot, is complicated by the conflict with Azerbaijan. “This problem is so close to me. My uncle was killed in the war,” she says. “When you have children in such a territory as Karabakh, where you don’t know is it peace or war, you worry for them. “So my lottery prize is my husband and my family life,” she smiles. “Some people say maybe, in some part of the world, there are places where life is easy and there is no danger of war. It doesn’t matter. The best place to be is Karabakh.”

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NOR ØR% 18 |OUNIS 2015

Fa\kakan Barq;r


Tfay :r;uo\j Me Ghorg Qhø,khr;an :r;q,abji% Ma\is 12-i ;r;kon \a[janaki ør me fandisazau M;‘n Los Any;lesi fa\kakan ga[oujin famar! Ardar;u% Los Any;les qa[aqi k;drone gtnouo[ ;u Tixni anoune kro[ Fam;rgasrafe% or ouni 2265 nstaran% gr;jh ambo[=ouj;amb l;zoun hr fa\;row! Anonq ;ka‘ hin ounkndr;lou Fa\astani ~ilfarmoniq Nouaga.oumbi ;lo\je% or a®a=in angam ellalow t;[i k∞oun;nar 2003-in fandisauoraphs bazoume kataroua‘ a\d ardiakan ;u ir t;sakin mh= ;xaki fandisasrafin mh=! Fa\astani ~ilfarmoniq Nouaga.oumbe m;xi kou gar ir \a[janaki ;lo\jhn w;r=% or t;[i oun;zau ma\raqa[aq Oua,inkjeni mh=% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin nouiroua‘ ,arq me mi=oza®oumn;rou enjazqin! A\d mi=oza®oumn;roun n;rka\ gtnou;zan m;r xo\g fa\rap;tn;re% Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ;u Miaz;al Nafangn;rou 'o. na.agaf Yø Pa\tene% i mi=i a\l patka®;li an]nauorouj;anz! A\d ;r;ko\i \a\tagire .oragroua‘ hr ª|i,o[ouj;an Nouagafandhsº (A Concert of Remembrance)% fauanabar f;t;u;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki ª|i,oum ;m ;u Pafan=oumº loxoungin! Nouaga.oumbi [;kawarn hr Htouart Jo'y;an! |a\tagri a®a=in mase ke ba[kanar fatoua‘h me >acatour;ani ªS'arjaqosº palhhn ;u Mansour;ani =oujaki famar groua‘ fatoua‘h me (Violin

Concerto), m;nakatarouj;amb Anou, Niko[os;ani! Isk :rkrord mase nouiroua‘ hr <a,jaqowici 5-rd Sim`oniin! A\s bolore ,at lau ;u drakan% ba\z inco#u w;rnagirs koc;zi ªTfay :r;uo\j meº! Tfay ;r;uo\j me% orowf;t;u est moutqi tomsin% nouagafandhse piti skshr vame 7!30-in% saka\n \a\tagire sksau vame 8!00-in! :rb farz touinq patkan marminn;roun jh inco#u% anonq patas.an;zin or tomsin wra\ s.almamb 7!30 groua‘ h&&& (A Misprint) orak;low xa\n! S.almo#unq% c;m .orfir! Ba\z w;r=e w;rafasou dar]anq% or anonq al ,at lau githin ªFa\kakan Vamadroujiuneº ;u orphsxi yi,d ir;nz soworakan vamoun skshin% stipoua‘ khs vamow kan.a‘ hin \a\tagri bazman \a\tararoujiune! Iskaphs al vame 7!30-in% srafe gr;jh datark hr% isk vame 8!00-in^ srafe gr;jh ambo[=ouj;amb l;zoun hr! :xrakazoujiun^ our;mn dvba.tabar m;r ªFa\kakan Vamadroujiunº kocoua‘ t.raf®cak fambaue m;x kan.a‘ ou fasa‘ hr ªa® or ank hº% oronq farkadrabar a®a‘ hin phtq ;[a‘ mi=ozn;re% orphsxi \a\tagire soworakan vamoun skshr ;u safoun enjanar! M;nq ;#rb piti sorwinq vamadroujiune \arg;low m;r ];®narkn;re sksil yi,d oro,oua‘ vamoun! :jh mi qani angam yi,d vamanakin sksinq% ;s ke .orfim or vo[owourde i w;r=o\ ke sorwi^ i gin ou,azo[n;roun% oronq phtq h dourse spas;n minc;u \armar endmi=oum!

Fog;lo\s Koriun Arq& Pap;ani wa.yanman qa®asounqin a®ijow% fogfangst;an \atouk araro[oujiun piti kataroui Kiraki% |ounis 28% 2015-in% Hnsino\i Srboz Nafatakaz ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 5300 White Oak Ave., \auart S& Pataragi! Sgakirn;r^ Thr ;u Tik& Galoust ;u |asmik Pap;an ;u xauakounq Thr ;u Tik& Grigor ;u Marø Qhlh,;an ;u xauakounq Toqj& ;u Tik& Mf;r ;u Nina Pap;an ;u xauakounq ;u fama\n Pap;an% Parsoum;an% Qhlh,;an% Momy;an% Auag;an% S;rob;an% Nikos;an ;u Sjani, entaniqn;re% faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re! *** Fog;fangst;an pa,tønhn ;tq% fog;ya, piti matouzoui no\n ;k;[;zuo\ Tigran;an srafin mh=!

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NOR ØR% 18 |OUNIS 2015


kir Andranik Karap;t;ane! 19-am;a\ Andranike g;raxanz fandhs ;kau ;u ;rkamarti 335 qk& (155+180) ardiunqow f®cakou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an! Na na;u 2012 j& patanin;ri a,.arfi a.o\;ann h ;[;l% ou fima hl nran ;n patkanoum pokoum warvouj;an (151 qk&) ;u ;rkamarti (331 qk&) a,.arfi patan;kan mrzani,n;re! N,;nq% or Andranike Jbilisioum ka\aza‘ :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum ;rkamartoum zo\z hr tou;l 350 (164+196) qk& ardiunq! Nora\r Au;tis;ane (85 qk&)% ;rkamarti^ 333 qk& (145+188) ardiunqow grau;l h 6-rd t;[e! A\s qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi a.o\;an h dar];l cinazi Vø :angcaon% ;rkamarti^ 353 qk& (156+197) ardiunqow! Fa\ marxashrn;re ,at m;‘ spas;liqn;r ounhin Simon Martiros;aniz (g;r‘anr qa,)% ow famaruoum hr a.o\;ani gl.auor \auaknorde! Saka\n m;r marxikn ou marxicn;rn oro,;zin pokoum warvoujiunn sks;l 177 qilokramiz! 2 'or]n an\a=o[ hr% 3-rdoum mhk qilokramow bar]razou;z ‘anra]o[i qa,e ;u dar];al^ an\a=o[ froum warvoujiunoum hl Simone 3 angam ckaro[azau bar]razn;l 215 qk&oz ‘anra]o[e!

FA|ASTANE :UROPAKAN AÂA+IN >A{:ROUM |ounisi 12-in Atrph\yani ma\raqa[aq Paquoum m;knark;z :uropakan a®a=in marxakan .a[;re! FF patouirakoujiune ;us masnakz;z .a[;ri bazman araro[ouj;ane^ 7 fogianoz .mbow% fimnakanoum^ patouirakouj;an [;kawar andamn;re! Fa\astani drø,akakirn hr patouirakouj;an [;kawar FAØK-i gl.auor qartou[ar Frac;a\ Âostom;ane! |i,;zn;nq% or .a[;rin masnakzoum ;n fa\astanzi 25 marxikn;r! |ounisi 13-in m;r marxikn;riz a®a=ine pa\qari mh= mtau Âoman Amo\;ane (59 qk&)% ow 3-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z 'orjougalazi Voaou Karwal\ouin! Âomani \a=ord mrzakize St;'an Mar\an;ann hr (ÂD)! ÂD_n n;rka\azno[ St;'an Mar\an;ane ;xra'akicoum \a[j;low P;la®ouse n;rka\azno[ Soslan Daourowin dar];l h .a[;ri oskh m;talakir% isk Âoman Amo\;ane% ow qa®ord ;xra'akicoum xi=;l hr Mar\an;anin ;u qani or w;r=ine fas;l hr ;xra'akic fnarauoroujiun hr staz;l pa\qar;lou pronxh m;tali famar% saka\n wy®oro, martoum Amo\;ane partoujiun h kr;l atrph\yanzi Hlman Mou.torowiz% ore atrph\yanakan f;®oustat;souj;amb zouzadrou;z baxmajiu angamn;r! |ounisi 14-in pa\qari mh= mtan \ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amarti m;r mius ;r;q embi,n;re^ Mifran |aroujiun;ane (66 qk&)% Karap;t Cal;ane (75 qk&) ;u Maqsim Manouk;ane (85 qk&)! Mifran |aroujiun;ane ;xra'akicoum 0!2 fa,ouow partou;z Art;m Sourkowin (ÂD) da®nalow ar‘ajh m;talakir! Da Fa\astani a®a=in m;taln hr :uropakan 1-in .a[;roum! :xra'akici yanaparfin Mifrane \a[j;l hr Sanc;s Nauaro\in (Ispania)% Konstandin Stasin (P;la®ous)% Al;qsandr Maqsimowicin (S;rpia) ;u Fasan Ali;uin (Atrph\yan)! Maqsim Manouk;ane pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum partou;l h jourq Mata.an Ba,arin! Minc a\d orakauorman 'ouloum Maqsime \a[j;l hr Arjour Ømarowin (C;.ia)% 1/8-rd ;xra'akicoum Manouk;ane 9!0 fa,ouow =a.=a.;l hr atrph\yanzi Saman Jafmas;b;iin% 1/4-oum Al;qsandr Kaxak;uicin (Lijouania)% isk kisa;xra'akicoum xi=;l hr Van B;l;n\oukin (Ouqrania)! F;taqrqir h% or 3 fa\ embi,n;rn% oronq \a[j;l hin atrph\yanzin;rin% oc mi angam zouzadrou;zin atrph\yanakan f;®oustaaliqow!




Karap;t Cal;ane a®a=in martoum partou;l h daniazi Mark Mads;nin!

FA|ASTAN-"ORJOUGALIA^ 2-3 (1-1) N,;nq or minc a\s fandipoume mrzakizn;re fandip;l hin 5 angam% oronq pa,tønakan bno\j hin kr;l! "orjougalazin;re s;'akan \arki tak anzkazra‘ 3 .a[;roum hl \a[j;l hin% isk afa :r;uanoum ka\aza‘ 2 .a[;rn hl auartou;l hin oc-oqi% gndakn;re^ 2-6-i! ªFanrap;takanº marxada,te l;' l;zoun hr |ounisi 13-i a\s fandipman vamanak! Fandipoume sksou;z 'o.adar] grofn;row! Fandipman 14-rd rophin Markos Pix;llin møt 30 m;jr f;®auoroujiuniz^ tougana\in fo\akap faroua‘ow baz;z fandipman fa,iue! 28-rd rophin s;'akan tougana\in fraparakoum Mooutinio\i nkatmamb .a[i kanonn;ri .a.tman famar mrzaware n,anak;z 11 m;jranoz tougana\in faroua‘% orn \stakørhn irazr;z Âonaldoun! A®a=in .a[akhsn auartou;z 1-1 fa,ouow! 55-rd rophin parx irawiyakoum anfama]a\n;zoua‘ gor‘;zin Arxouman;ann ou B;r;xowskin ;u draniz øgtou;low Âonaldoun fandipman fa,iue dar]r;z 1-2! 58-rd rophin Âonaldoun øgtou;low Andon;ani s.aliz tir;z gndakin ;u f;®ou tara‘oujiuniz grau;z darpase (1-3)% da®nalow f;j-triki f;[inak! 62-rd rophin M.ijar;ani a®a=.a[azoume mitoumnauor kas;zn;lou famar T\agø M;nd;,e 2-rd d;[in qarte stazau (karmir) ;u f;®azou;z .a[ada,tiz! Joua\in a®au;loujiun stanalow FF fauaqakane tir;z tara‘qa\in a®au;louj;ane! 72-rd rophin ankiuna\ini .a[arkoumiz \;to\ Fra\r Mko\;ane tougana\in mato\zn;roum a®a=aza‘ .a®na,'ojoum arag ko[mnoro,ou;z ;u fa,iue dar]r;z 2-3! Fandipman w;r=namasoum fiur;re amhn k;rp vamanake ª]goumº hin% ori famar d;[in qart stazau Âoui Patrisioun! Fimnakan vamanakin au;lazou;z 3 roph% saka\n 2-3 fa,ouow hl .a[n auartou;z! M;r fauaqakane korzr;z \a=ord 'oul dours galou fnarauoroujiunn;re! FF fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& B;r;xowski% Mko\;an% Arouxman;an% Andon;an% Fa\rap;t;an% Mkrtc;an (Âoum;an |owsh';an% 30)% M.ijar;an% |owfannis;an (Øxbilis% 61)% {axar;an% Pix;lli% Sarkisow (Âouslan Kor;an% 73)! M;r jimiz d;[in qart stazau Âoum;an |owsh';ane! FF fauaqakane \a=ord fandipoume k*anzkazni S;pt;mb;ri 4-in S;rpia\i f;t nra da,toum^ datark tribounan;ri a®ka\ouj;amb! M;r .mbi Dania-S;rpia fandipoumn auartou;z 2-0 fa,ouow daniazin;ri øgtin! M;r .mboum endgrkoua‘ ~ransia\i fauaqakane enk;rakan .a[oum 0-1 fa,ouow xi=;l h Alpania\in! Fandipoumiz \;to\ fiur;ri marxci øgnakan Ilidø Wal;n (gl.auor marxic ~;rnandø Sandou,e orakaxrkoua‘ hr) mamlo\ asoulisi vamanak asaz& ªFa\astani fauaqakanin m;nq ,at lau ;nq yanacoum% bauakanin lau `oujpolistn;r oun;zo[ jim h ;u bauakanin bard mrzakiz hº! Isk FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxci pa,tønakatar Sargis |owsh';ann asaz& ªM;r jimi ko[miz m;‘ nouiroum kar ;u am;nakar;uore^ orak! M;x ou,adroujiune cbauakanazr;z! Baxmizs as;l ;m% or g;rast[;ri dhm phtq h au;li ou,adir lin;nq! Amhn dhpqoum endfanour .a[iz gof ;mº! Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& "orjougalia 5 4 0 1 7-4 12

Dania 5 3 1 1 7-4 10 Alpania 4 2 1 1 4-5 7 S;rpia* 5 1 1 3 6-8 1 Fa\astan 5 0 1 4 5-9 1 * S;rpia\i fauaqakaniz fanoua‘ h 3 miauor (Alpania\i dhm .a[i famar)! *** Fa\astan-"orjougalia fandipman vamanak qa[aqakan gor‘ic^ <anj |aroujiun;ani ordin før lousankare ,apikin n;r.ouv;z .a[ada,t% orin ostikann;re karo[azan f;®azn;l da,tiz!

:URØ-2016-I >MBA|IN MRZA<AR:RI FANDIPOUMN:RI ARDIUNQN:RE |ounisi 12-14-e ka\aza‘ fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& >oumb A& {axa.stan-Jourqia^ 0-1% Islandia-C;.ia^ 2-1% Lajwia-Folandia^ 0-2! >oumb B& Andorra-Kipros^ 1-3% Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina-Isra\hl^ 3-1% Ouhls-P;lgia^ 1-0! >oumb G& Ouqrania-Liuqs;mbourg^ 3-0% P;la®ous-Ispania^ 0-1% Slowakia-Mak;donia^ 2-1! >oumb D& L;fastan-Wrastan^ 4-0% I®landia<otlandia^ 1-1% +ibraljar-G;rmania^ 0-7! >oumb :& Hsjonia-San Marinø^ 3-0% Lijouania-<ouh\zaria^ 1-2% Slow;nia-Anglia^ 2-3! >oumb X& ~inlandia-Foungaria^ 0-1% Fius& I®landia-Âouminia^ 0-0% ~arø K[xin;r-|ounastan^ 2-1! >oumb H& Li.j;n,th\n-Moltowa^ 1-1% Âousastan-Austria^ 0-1% <ouhdia-Monj;n;krø^ 3-1! >oumb E& >orwajia-Italia^ 1-1% Malja-Poulkaria^ 0-1% Norw;gia-Atrph\yan^ 0-0!

ENK:RAKAN FANDIPOUMN:R G;rmania-AMN^ 1-2% <ouh\zaria-Li.j;n,th\n^ 3-0% Wrastan-Ouqrania^ 1-2% ~inlandia-Hsjonia^ 0-2!

FA| EMBI<E PRAXILIA|I A>O|:AN Hdouard So[omon;ane dar];l h \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum Praxilia\i a.o\;an! So[omon;anin ]mrann hr ,norfou;l Praxilia\i qa[aqazioujiun ;u mi=axga\in mrza,ar;roum ke n;rka\azni Praxilian! Hdouard So[omon;ane (‘nou;l h 1989 j& :r;uanoum) k*endgrkoui Praxilia\i fauaqakanoum ;u ke patrastoui 2016 j& Âio\i Ølimpiakan .a[;rin! :r;uanzi embi,e 2011-in ‘anøjaz;l hr 5-rd famafa\kakan marxakan .a[;rin masnakz;lou famar :r;uan vamana‘ San "aoulø qa[aqi patouirakn;ri f;t ;u Âikartø Miqa\hl;ani frauhrow m;kn;l hr Praxilia^ \a=o[ouj;amb masnakz;low mrza,ar;ri!

G:RMANAFA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RI |A{JANAKN:RE W;r=;rs arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti ;r;ko\i enjazqoum \a[janakn;r ;n tøn;l G;rmania\oum bnakouo[ fa\ b®nzqamartikn;re! 24-am;a\ Nohl G;uore 8 ®aountanoz m;namarti 5-rd ®aountoum nokaouti h ;njark;l alvirzi Mofammht Axauin% isk Karø Mourate^ 12 ®aountanoz m;namarti 7-rd ®aountoum^ g;rmanazi B;nvamin Simonin!

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