N.O. June 25, 2015, No. 26:N.O. Blank
3:15 PM
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THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 26 VOLUME 93, NO. 26
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NOR ØR% 25 |OUNIS 2015
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Emails To Hillary Contradict French Tale On Libya War French spies secretly organized and funded the Libyan rebels who defeated Moammar Gadhafi, according to confidential emails to Hillary Clinton that were made public on June 22. The memos from Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal contradict the popular French narrative about its intervention in Libya, raising fresh questions about a war that toppled a dictator but left chaos and radicalism in his stead. They were allegedly written by retired CIA operative Tyler Drumheller and released by a special congressional panel investigating the 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi. Cont, on p. 9
Number Of Foreign Tourists To Nagorno Karabakh Grows 20%
Sit-in To Protest Electricity Hike Underway In Yerevan PanARMENIAN.Net - A sit-in is underway at Yerevan’s Liberty Square to protest the rise of power tariffs in Armenia. Fewer activists are participating today (June 20): many went home after spending the night here. The protesters hope that today activists from Gyumri and other cities will join their ranks. “No to Robbery” civic initiative and several political forces staged a rally in Yerevan yesterday to protest the rise in tariffs. The activists then decided to hold a three-day sit-in. Deputy Chief of Yerevan police Valery Osipyan declared that all actions of protesters were illegal as they were allowed to stage a protest until 11 pm. Yet given the fact that it was a peaceful action, the police
decided to allow participants to stay in Liberty Square, he added. Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) Company earlier submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission about a rise in electricity tariffs. The parliamentary opposition considers the move unfounded and initiated to serve the interests of ENA. The current night-time tariff for the population is AMD 31.85 per KWH, the daytime tariff is AMD 41.85. The bid of ENA proposed raising the tariffs to AMD 48 and 58 respectively. Yet the Commission satisfied the bid only partially on June 17, with the increase set at AMD 6.93 instead of AMD 17. The Commission’s decision will take force on August 1, 2015.
Newly Elected Lawmakers Sworn In, Kick Off New Term In Turkey's Parliament
The number of foreign tourists visiting Nagorno Karabakh grew 20% in the five months of 2015 as compared with the same period of last year, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Armenian service. In response to an appeal of ‘Artsakh’ Association of Compatriots , cars with 200 families from Russia and Armenia recently came to Karabakh. They were met by Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan. He told reporters: “The action aims to boost tourism. In our tourism development policy, we attach special importance to tourists of Karabakh descent who come and stay here and do something for Artsakh".
The 25th term of Parliament convened on Tuesday for newly-elected deputies to take their oaths and officially begin their duties, chaired by 77-year-old former Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Deniz Baykal, who is the interim speaker of Parliament being the oldest member of the chamber. The plenary session will also commence the process of selecting the speaker of Parliament. The first tour of the election is expected to take place on Sunday after a five-day-long period of determining the candidates. The first session began at around 3:00 p.m. after a two-month break that included the June 7 general election. It featured an oath-taking ceremony of the newly-elected deputies and was chaired by Baykal, who reportedly will be a candidate to run for the seat of Parliament speaker on behalf of the CHP.
Islamic State Conflict: Kurds 'Capture Syrian Town North Of Raqqa'
Australia Prepares New Citizenship Laws Australia says it will reveal new laws stripping citizenship from dual nationals engaged in terrorism. The government said it wanted to ensure that militants with dual nationality who were fighting overseas could not return to Australia. The laws would also strip citizenship from dual nationals who engaged in terrorism inside Australia. The government said changes to the Australian Citizenship Act would be introduced to parliament on Wednesday. The new laws could be applied to up to half of the 120 Australians fighting in the Middle East with Islamic State (IS), said Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Kurdish fighters in northern Syria say they have captured a key town from Islamic State, just 50km (30 miles) from the group's headquarters at Raqqa. A spokesman for the Popular Protection Units (YPG) said Ain Issa and its surrounding villages were now under the militia's "total control". It follows the capture on Monday night of a military base outside the town. The YPG captured the town of Tal Abyad on the Turkish border last week, cutting a major supply line for IS. The jihadist group has suffered a string of defeats to Kurdish forces since being forced to withdraw from the town of Kobane in January after a four-month battle. IS defenses 'pushed back' The Kurds' rapid advance through Raqqa province continued on Monday with the fall of Brigade 93, a base which IS captured from the Syrian military last year.
Armenia Reiterates Committment To Democracy And Protection Of Human Rights
Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian has commented on the statements of some foreign Embassies accredited to Armenia and international organizations regarding Tuesday events in Yerevan. “We view these reactions as a proof of the interest of our partners to see democracy reinforcing in Armenia,” Minister Nalbandian said in comments to Public TV. “We once again reiterate Armenia’s committment to democracy and protection of basic freedoms and human rights,” Edward Nalbandian added. “Competent bodies are carrying out investigation and taking necessary steps to correct the mistakes pointed out by the Police, and our partners will be informed about the results,” the Minister concluded.
Artsakh Has New Defense Minister
President Bako Sahakyan signed a decree on releasing lieutenant-general Movses Hakobyan from the position of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic defense minister, commander of the Defense Army. Central Information Department of the Office of Artsakh Republic President informs about this. According to another Presidential decree lieutenant-general Levon Mnatsakanyan was appointed the defense minister, commander of the NKR Defense Army. President Sahakyan also signed a decree awarding Movses Hakobyan with the Grigor Lousavorich Order for exclusive services rendered to the Artsakh Republic.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 25, 2015
Death Of A Historical Figure Of The Armenian Press Of France
On Friday 18 June, Arpik Missakian, editor of the historical newspaper “Haratch”, died at 89 years old. She had succeeded her late father Shavarsh Missakian in 1957, the founder in 1925 of the famous daily newspaper in Armenian.
Arpik Missakian said "I will remain faithful to my father's vocation. I will continue publishing the newspaper in Armenian for as long as I am alive. I will not change it into a French-language Armenian newspaper." In 2009, because of a constant drop in readership, she decided to stop publication of "community lighthouse" in France. Her death marks the end of the era of the pioneers of the Armenian press. Jean Eckian / Paris Freelance journalist
Armenian General Benevolent Union President Berge Setrakian Visits The Armenian Community Of Toronto On Saturday, June 13, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) President Berge Setrakian visited the Armenian community of Toronto. The luncheon held in his honor brought together nearly 100 guests to the AGBU Toronto Centre and was held in the presence of the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Canada Bishop Abgar Hovakimian, AGBU Central Board members Ani Manoukian and Lena Sarkissian, AGBU Toronto board and committee members, representatives of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Armenian cultural organizations as well as donors and chapter members. During the luncheon, Berge Papazian was recognized by Mr. Setrakian for his years of service and leadership as AGBU
Central Board member and secretary. Elected in 2006 at the 84th AGBU General Assembly in Paris, Papazian is stepping down from his position this year. “I’m proud to have served the AGBU Central Board and look forward to seeing a younger generation take on leadership roles in the Armenian community.” Mr. Papazian's dedication to the community remains steadfast and he will continue to
serve as president of AGBU Armen-Ontario, the holding company of the AGBU Alex Manoogian Cultural Centre in Toronto, as well as secretary of AGBU Armen-Quebec. During the visit, Setrakian toured the AGBU Toronto Centre and met with members of the Young Professionals of Toronto (YPTO), the Sports and Youth Committee (SYC) and the AGBU Toronto Executive Board. He also attended part of the St. Sahag St. Mesrob Saturday School year-end ceremonies at the Holy Trinity Armenian Church. AGBU Toronto Chair Knar Basmadjian presented Setrakian with a gift to thank him for his remarkable vision and dedication and for being a source of pride and inspiration. !
AGBU Hye Geen Hosts Lecture With Sarah Leah Whitson Of Human Rights Watch Whitson discusses contemporary human rights in the Middle East On May 19, 2015, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Hye Geen held a lecture at the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School in Pasadena, California, with Sarah Leah Whitson. Whitson is the executive director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch, an international non-governmental organization committed to human rights advocacy and research. The lecture focused on an overview of human rights issues in the Middle East. Whitson, an attorney, has worked in her role since 2004 and has written extensively on conflict zones and violations of international humanitarian law. In her presentation, Whitson explained that resistance, rather than repression, is the reason for the struggle in the Middle East. While opposition against ruling regimes was the impetus for the conflict in countries such as Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Syria, the situation has escalated since then to the proportions seen today. She expressed her regret in the government’s lack of account-
ability and the atrocities that both the government and rebel forces have carried out as a result. Whitson looked specifically at the example of Syria where people had been repressed by the current regime for decades and various opposition groups have emerged. She detailed how resistance groups have not only failed to succeed in political liberation, but have also destroyed cities, towns and cultural monuments. Whitson also explained the failure of the United States State Department, responsible for foreign policy, in creating a
clear policy to address the worsening conditions in the region, particularly an immigration policy pertaining to refugees. The conflict has resulted in millions of refugees who now live in refugee camps in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. AGBU Hye Geen is a non-governmental organization committed to preserving and honoring the achievements of Armenian women and promoting their role in family and society through research, education and advocacy. All proceeds from the event went to benefit the AGBU Pregnant Women’s Centers in Armenia. !
Glendale, CA – Haigazian University is celebrating its 60th Anniversary on October 3rd with a black-tie Gala fundraiser and a performance by Grammy awardwinning tenor and conductor Plácido Domingo in the title role of Woody Allen’s production of Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi.”
The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles will play host to the evening’s celebration which will be co-chaired by Harry Nadjarian and Tina Segel. Speaking of the upcoming celebration, Mr. Domingo expressed words of welcome and nostalgia. “My mother, who was a wonderful singer, studied with an Armenian vocal teacher, so I have had a lifelong admiration for the Armenian Community’s rich tradition of music and performing arts. I am proud to welcome you to [the] LA Opera and I look forward to a wonderful celebration with you in our home.” The evening will begin with a champagne and Lebanese mezze pre-reception for Haigazian guests, followed by two stunning performances by the incomparable Domingo—first, on stage, to sing the title role in Woody Allen’s production of the near-century old opera, “Gianni Schicchi” after which he will take to the podium and conduct Franco Zeffirelli’s production of Leoncavallo’s “Pagliacci.” Following the performances, the evening will continue in the prestigious Grand Hall where guests of the Anniversary Celebration will dine and mingle dur-
ing the Gala Supper. Honorary Committee members include Governor George Deukmejian, Baroness Caroline Cox, Vartan Grigorian, and Joyce Philibosian Stein. More special guests to be announced. Haigazian University may be half a world away in Beirut, Lebanon, but its influence and purpose is felt globally. With many of its founding roots planted in the
United States, the University has been preserving Armenian culture and preparing future educators in the Diaspora for nearly 60 years. This upcoming Anniversary is a celebration of both the School and all for which it stands. Ticket information will be announced soon. All proceeds to benefit Haigazian University. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 25, 2015
June 17, 2015 Los Angeles, CA: Dear Supporters. Today we call on you to accept our call to action by joining the #ALEPPOSTONG CHALLENGE. #ALEPPOSTONG is a grassroots fundraising campaign where individuals volunteer to raise donations, helping make a direct impact on the lives of our brothers and sisters in war-torn Syria. SARF calls on You, your family, your children, your friends to each take on the challenge of raising $1,000 IN 100 DAYS. That’s only $10 a day!! Whether it’s a Facebook campaign, emails, a call to friends and family, or a simple cake-bake fundraiser – all are aimed to raise much-needed funds for our community facing the daily struggle of survival in Aleppo, Kessab, and the many regions throughout Syria! VOLUNTEER TODAY! JOIN the #ALEPPOSTRONG campaign to help our communities in Syria endure the misery of constant shelling, lack of basic living necessities, and most importantly their struggle to survive! ARE YOU UP TO THE #ALEPPOSTRONG CHALLENGE! CALL OR TEXT TODAY at 818-859-0822, EMAIL us at info@syrianarmenianrelieffund.org or visit us at www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org to find out more and to sign up.
Armenian Jewellers Association Representatives Visit Ararat Home
Mission Hills, CA – On June 12, 2015, three members of the Armenian Jewellers Association visited Ararat Home: Gagik Gevorkyan, President of AJA International; Shant Haytayan, Secretary of AJA International and Advisor to AJA Western USA chapter; Simon Ghanimian, Chairman of AJA Western USA; and, Garo Kalfayan. Accompanied by Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq., Board Assistant Treasurer Vahe Vartanian, Chief Operating Officer Derik Ghookasian, Resident Care Director Vicky Tumikyan, and Director of Clinical Services Susan Yeranian, the group toured the Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities. Mr. Kanimian welcomed the visitors and expressed appreciation of the association’s support of Ararat Home. In return,
Mr. Gevorkyan commended the work done at the Home and its mission of caring for the elderly in the community. He introduced the work AJA International does, especially its current project of establishing a free economic zone in Armenia. The group also toured Sheen Memorial Chapel and Ararat-Eskijian Museum. Director Maggie Mangassarian-Goschin greeted the guests and explained the museum’s mission of preserving Armenian culture and heritage. She showed some of the highlights of the collection, including the White House sister rug currently on loan from the Kunzler family. At the conclusion of their visit, the AJA representatives remarked on their very positive impressions of Ararat Home. !
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
70 - I!tar Gözaydın By Hambersom Aghbashian I!tar Gözaydın (born April 5, 1959) is a well-known professor of law and politics. She is currently teaching at Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey. Gözaydın has studied at the Georgetown University International Law Institute and New York University School of Law (MCJ: Master of Comparative Jurisprudence), and holds an LLD* degree from the Istanbul University. Professor Gözaydın focuses on the relations between religion and state with reference to modern Turkey, although her research interests also include human rights with special focus on religious discrimination, social theory, nationalism, and modernization discourses.(1) She also produces and presents radio programs in Istanbul since 1995. She produced and performed “Our Rights” radio show aired at Açik Radyo – Istanbul from November 1995 to May 1998, and “Music in Space and Time”, November 1999 to April 2003; also was a Co-producer and co-performer of “Men, Women and Rock’n’Roll” from May 1996 to November 1998. Since April 2003, she is the producer and performer of the weekly radio show titled “Sound in Space and Time” focusing on Johann Sebastian Bach. (2) Professor Gözaydın has also many published books and articles. On December 19, 2012, Hurriyet Daily News wrote " The Danish Royal Library has, together with the Armenian embassy, held an exhibition on “The Armenian genocide and the Scandinavian reaction” though due to protests from the Turkish embassy, the library’s director, Erland Kolding Nielsen, has agreed to hold an alternative exhibition titled, “The so-called Armenian genocide.” This decision has caused widespread debate and 37 Turkish intellectuals, including Taner Akçam, Cengiz Aktar, Murat Belge, Baskın Oran "pek Çalı!lar and Oral Çalı!lar, have in an open letter in Denmark’s leading daily Berlingske called on the library’s director to reconsider his decision. In their view, the Turkish government has followed a policy of denial for more than 90 years, culminating in the murder of Hrant Dink in 2007. To allow the Turkish government to arrange an alternative exhibition will only support this policy. The letter was headlined “Don’t Stand Before Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History!". Professor I!tar Gözaydın was one of the signees.(3) On September 26, 2014, Today's Zaman wrote "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include 'open hatred and hostility' towards
Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said 'The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Professor I!tar Gözaydın was one of the many most respected Turkish writers, journalists and intellectuals who signed it.(4) On April 27, 2015, before the Constitutional Court of Turkey, a potentially groundbreaking lawsuit has been filed by the Catholicosate of Cilicia who is seeking the return of its ancient religious center in Kozan (historical Armenian Sis) in southeast Turkey. The Armenian Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia dates back to 1293. Turkey’s Ottoman rulers seized the Catholicosate’s property in 1915, and as a result of that it has been headquartered in Antelias, Lebanon. It is, along with Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia, one of the two centers of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the world’s first national Christian institution. Professor I!tar Gozaydin has been a legal consultant to the Catholicosate on the case.(5)
Thanks to Prof. I!tar Gözaydın for reviewing and enhancing this article (H.A.). *LLD: Legum Doctor (Doctor of Laws in English) is a doctorate-level academic degree in law, or an honorary doctorate, depending on the jurisdiction. The double L in the abbreviation refers to the early practice in the University of Cambridge to teach both Canon Law and Civil Law, the double L indicating the plural, Doctor of both laws. 1.http://ceftus.org/2013/07/19/professor-istar-gozaydin/#.VLqnVC6Al20 2.http://istargozaydin.com/ 3.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /a-controversial genocide. aspx?pageID =238&nID =37144&News CatID 4.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 5.http://www.armenianorthodoxchurch.org/en/archives/12279
Emails To Hillary Contradict French Tale On Libya War Cont. from p. 7 The oft-repeated media tale in France holds that then-President Nicolas Sarkozy was outraged by Gadhafi’s crackdown on protesters in February 2011 but had no clear idea who to support. Enter a swash-buckling “intellectual,” Bernard Henri-Levy, who met with Transitional National Coun-
cil leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil on March 4, immediately called Sarkozy, and had the French president invite Jalil to the Elysee Palace — and recognize the council as the country’s official government by March 10. The emails to Clinton tell a distinctly less heroic story.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 25, 2015
Billionaire Financier Kirk Kerkorian By Howard Stutz Las Vegas Review-Journal Billionaire financier Kirk Kerkorian, one of the founders of modern Las Vegas whose name is synonymous with some of the Strip’s best known hotel-casinos, died Monday night Los Angeles after a brief illness. Kerkorian, who turned 98 on June 6, was the largest shareholder in MGM Resorts International, which he founded in the early 1990s. Three times in his career, he built and opened what were considered the world’s largest hotel-casinos — the International (now the Westgate Las Vegas) in 1969, the original MGM Grand (now Bally’s Las Vegas) in 1973 and the current MGM Grand Las Vegas in 1993. Kerkorian invested in and operated numerous industries, including airlines, carmakers and film studios. In the 1940s, he operated a small airline that shuttled gamblers into then-remote Las Vegas from a Los les-area airport. No business held his interest as much as gaming. Kerkorian owned, operated and sold a handful of historic Strip resorts, playing a paramount role in shaping the landscape of the Strip and Las Vegas. Publications and historians cited Kerkorian as one of the central figures in helping Las Vegas grow into one of the world’s premier tourist destinations. Much of what Kerkorian accomplished was without fanfare. When the $8.5 billion City Center development opened in 2009, Kerkorian, who had an influential role in getting the development off the ground, celebrated the event quietly and away from the spotlight. “Of all the wonderful Las Vegas properties with which I’ve been associated, CityCenter is simply the most amazing,” Kerkorian said in prepared remarks. “I’m extremely excited to see the public’s reaction and look forward to seeing how it changes Las Vegas.” MGM Resort Chairman Jim Murren said Tuesday the company was “honoring the memory of a great man, a great business leader, a great community leader, an innovator, and one of our country’s greatest generation.” “Mr. Kerkorian combined brilliant business insight with steadfast integrity to become one of the most reputable and influential financiers of our time,” Murren said. “Personally, he was a friend and coach, who taught me the importance in looking forward, and to look back only to understand how things could be done better.” Kerkorian is survived by two daughters, Tracy Kerkorian and Linda Ross Hilton Kemper, and three grandchildren. Funeral services are pending. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Kerkorian was born in Fresno, Calif., in 1917 to Armenian-born parents. The family moved to Los Angeles in 1922 and at age 9, Kerkorian sold newspapers on street corners. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade and became an amateur boxer. From his humble beginnings, Kerkorian became one of the world’s richest men. At the time of his death, Forbes Magazine ranked Kerkorian No. 393 among the world’s billionaires and No. 130 in the U.S. with a net worth of $4 billion. Tracinda Corp., Kerkorian’s privately held investment company named for his daughters, Tracy and Linda, is MGM’s largest shareholder with an 18.6 percent stake. Over the years, he reduced his once ma-
jority stake in the company and retired from the board in 2011. He became a senior advisor to the company and an emeritus member of the board. “I just didn’t care to keep going back to meetings,” Kerkorian told Bloomberg News at the time. “(The board meetings) got to be very lengthy. I do stay busy. I like new challenges.” But Kerkorian’s presence was still felt in the MGM Resorts board room. Tracinda has two representatives on the panel and in April he threw his support behind the company’s management, which helped end a contentious proxy fight. Up until his illness, he spoke weekly with Murren. Kerkorian held a similar close relationship with the late Terry Lanni, Murren’s predecessor who was the company’s chairman and CEO for 14 years. “It’s great to be the CEO of his company because he is always looking toward the future,” Lanni told the Review-Journal in 2007. “Kirk is a very humble person. I’ve seen a lot of people who own 2 percent of something who call it their company. Never once in my 12 years with Kirk have I heard him refer to MGM Mirage as ‘my company.’ “Whenever we propose something, he wants to know how it will affect the other shareholders. He has majority control, but he’s very cognizant of all the other shareholders.” BUILDING AN EMPIRE Kerkorian bought and sold a Las Vegas portfolio over his career that reads like a Strip historical document. Beginning in the 1960s, Kerkorian bought and sold several of the Strip’s bestknown resorts. He also sold the land on which Caesars Palace now stands. With his proceeds from that sale, Kerkorian purchased 82 acres on Paradise Road in 1967. The site would eventually be home of the International, dubbed the world’s largest hotel-casino at the time with 1,512 rooms. Before that resort opened, Kerkorian bought the Flamingo as a way to train the International’s staff. By the end of 1971, he had sold both properties to Hilton Hotels Corp. Less than a year after the sale, Kerkorian, who had taken majority ownership of MGM Studios, decided to put the studio’s name on a new hotel-casino, the MGM Grand, which opened in 1973 at a cost of $107 million. With 2,084 rooms, the MGM Grand surpassed the International as the world’s largest hotel-casino. In 1986, he sold the MGM Grand and a sister resort in Reno to Bally Manufacturing of Chicago for $594 million. At the time, gaming analysts said it was the largest single hotel sale ever. Kerkorian didn’t stay sidelined for long. In 1987, he bought both the Desert Inn and the Sands for $167 million from the Summa Corp., which was the legacy of the Howard Hughes casino empire. Summa was exiting the gaming industry. A year later, Kerkorian sold the Sands to then trade-show magnate Sheldon Adelson for $110 million. (The Sands was eventually demolished and became the site of The Venetian). In 1989, while remodeling the Desert Inn, Kerkorian announced he was acquiring the troubled Marina and the adjacent Tropicana Country Club. He said the 115 acres at the corner of Tropicana Boulevard and the Strip would be the site of the $700 million MGM Grand hotel and theme park,
which opened in 1993 with 5,000 rooms and became — at the time — the world’s largest and most expensive hotel-casino. THE ART OF HIS DEAL Kerkorian was traditionally media-shy. He was profiled by the Los Angeles Times in 2005 and he sat for a lengthy discussion with the late K.J. Evans in 1999 for the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s “The First 100,” which chronicled 100 people who had major impacts on Las Vegas over the city’s first century. In February 2005, Kerkorian attended gaming regulatory hearings for then-MGM Mirage’s $7.9 buyout of the Mandalay Resort Group. He told the Review-Journal in a brief post-meeting interview that concerns about Las Vegas being overbuilt have been aired since the 1960s, but the city had always prospered. “I always felt, going way back, that the future of Vegas was unlimited,” Kerkorian said. “In the last four years, Nevada has grown rapidly and there has been more interest worldwide. I have to believe the same thing will happen again.” When he turned 90 in 2007, Kerkorian was still refining the art of the deal. The word retirement remained absent from his vocabulary. Friends at the time said Kerkorian had an agile mind and a keen business acumen. He never wavered in the way he negotiated transactions and struck financial agreements. Friends and rivals said Kerkorian was like a seer, gazing 10 years to 20 years into the future when viewing how a potential investment opportunity could affect the gaming industry. In 2007, the late Burton Cohen who knew Kerkorian for more than half a century and spent a good part of his career operating some of the businessman’s Las Vegas hotel-casinos, said his friend “absolutely loves making the deal. That’s what drives him.” Kerkorian engineered two buyouts that grew MGM Grand into one the gaming industry’s largest companies. In 2000, he negotiated the $6.4 billion purchase of Steve Wynn’s Mirage Resorts, and in 2005, helped seal the Mandalay Resort Group acquisition. “He loves the game, pure and simple, and he knows how to make money for himself and his stockholders,” South Point owner Michael Gaughan said in 2007. UNLV history professor Michael Green once humorously likened Kerkorian to Zelig and Forrest Gump, fictional literary and cinematic characters who miraculously pop up in world-changing events. Kerkorian appears to have played a role in many of Las Vegas’ historical moments. “It seems like he’s been involved in everything that has gone on here,” Green said.
MORE THAN GAMING As a businessman, Kerkorian touched industries besides gaming. He dabbled in airlines, once owning about 17 percent of now defunct Western Airlines in the 1970s. In 1991, he made a failed bid for Trans World Airlines. Hollywood also held his interest. Three times, Kerkorian bought and sold the film studio MGM/United Artists. Three times, he made a profit. The U.S. auto industry also captivated Kerkorian. In the 1990s, he bought a large chunk of the Chrysler Corp., but sold the stock after launching a failed hostile tender offer. In 2005 and 2006, Kerkorian made moves on General Motors Corp., becoming the automaker’s largest shareholder before cashing out altogether. In April 2007, Kerkorian made one last stab at Chrysler Corp., offering $4.5 billion. The bid failed. Gaming, however, remained his passion.
Parliament Of Armenia Ratifies North-South Highway Construction Funding Agreement
At the extraordinary session, on June 23, the Armenian parliament ratified the agreement of April 14, 2015 between Armenia and the Eurasian Development Bank on the provision of an investment credit by EURASEC Anti-Crisis Fund for funding the North-South Road Corridor construction project (tranche 4). Under the agreement Armenia will receive a credit equivalent to $150 million. The document was signed by Armenian Minister of Transport and Communications Gagik Beglaryan and Chairman of the Eurasian Development Bank’s Board Dmitry Pankin. Prior to the vote, MP of the opposition faction ‘Prosperous Armenia’ Mikael Melkumyan said he backs the agreement’s ratification as the construction of NorthSouth Road Corridor is a must. “However, efficient control should be exercised,” he said.
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Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune Fastatoua‘ H Mi=axga\in Gitakan% Irauakan :u Mardou Irauounqn;ri Fanrouj;an Ko[miz <ar& h= 5-hn
m;ntakan bana];u% 2004 j&% ørhnq! 3& Kipros – 1982 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u! 4& Fa\astani >orfrda\in Sozialistakan Fanrap;toujiun^ G;rago\n >orfrdi ª1915 j&% Øsman;an Jourqia\oum Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune dataparto[ ørhnqº% endounoua‘ 30 No\;mb;ri% 1988 j&! 5& Arg;ntina – 1993 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% 2004 j&% ørhnq! 6& Âousastan – 1995 j&% P;takan Touma! 7& |ounastan – 1996 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% isk 2014 j&% Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume qrhakanazno[ ørhnq! 8& Qanata - Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% endounoua‘ 1996% 2002 ;u 2004 jj&! 9& Libanan – 1997 j&% D;poutatn;ri palati bana];ue! 10& B;lgia – 1998 j&% S;nati bana];u! 11& ~ransia - Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% endounoua‘ 1998 ;u 2000 jj&% ørhnq^ 2001 j&! 12& Watikan – 2000 j&!
13& Italia – 2000 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u! 14& <ouh\zaria – 2003 j& Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% apa na;u Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume qrhakanazno[ ørhnq! 15& Slowakia – 2004 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u% apa na;u Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume qrhakanazno[ ørhnq! 16& Nid;rlandn;r – 2004 j&% Pa®lam;ntakan bana];u! 17& L;fastan – 2004 j&% Sh\mi bana];u! 18& W;n;xou;lla – 2005 j&% Pa®lam;nti bana];u! 19& G;rmania – 2005 j&% Bound;stagi bana];u! 20& Lajwia – 2005 j&% Pa®lam;nti bana];u! 21& Cili – 2007 j&% Pa®lam;nti bana];u! 22& <ouhdia – 2010 j&% Âikstagi bana];u! 23& Poliwia – 2014 j& Pa®lam;nti ;u S;nati bana];u! 24& Austria – 2015 j& April 21% >orfrdarani bana];u! 25& Poulkaria – 2015 j&% April 24% >orfrdarani bana];u!
N.O. June 25, 2015, No. 26:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% 25 |OUNIS 2015
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:URØ-2016-I >MBA|IN MRZA<AR:RI A{IUSAKN:RE >& |& F& P& >oumb A& Italia C;.ia Folandia Jourqia Lajwia {axa.stan >oumb B& Ouhls P;lgia Isra\hl Kipros Posnia F;rz& Andorra >oumb G& Slowakia Ispania Ouqrania P;la®ous Mak;donia Liuqs;mbourg >oumb D& L;fastan G;rmania <otlandia I®landia Wrastan +ibraljar >oumb :& Anglia <ouh\zaria Slow;nia Hsjonia Lijouania San Marinø >oumb X& Âouminia Fius& I®landia Foungaria ~arø K[xin;r ~inlandia |ounastan >oumb H& Austria
M& 15 13 10 8 3 1
6 6 6 6 6 6
5 4 3 2 0 0
0 1 1 2 3 1
1 1 2 2 3 5
14-3 12-8 13-6 7-8 2-13 4-14
6 6 6 6 6 6
4 3 3 3 2 0
2 2 0 0 2 0
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8-2 14 13-2 11 10-9 9 12-11 9 8-7 8 3-23 0
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6 5 4 1 1 0
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18 15 12 4 3 1
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4 4 3 2 1 0
2 1 2 3 0 0
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6 4 3 2 2 0
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0 2 3 3 4 5
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18 12 9 7 6 1
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4 4 3 2 1 0
2 1 2 0 1 2
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7-1 8-4 5-3 4-8 5-8 2-7
14 13 11 6 4 2
<ouhdia 6 Âousastan 6 Monj;n;grø 6 Li.j;n,th\n 6 Moltowa 6 >oumb E& >orwajia 6 Italia 6 Norw;gia 6 Poulkaria 6 Atrph\yan 6 Malja 6 >oumb V& "orjougalia 5 Dania 5 Alpania 4 S;rpia* 5 Fa\astan 5 * S;rpia\iz fanoua‘
3 2 1 1 0
3 2 2 2 2
0 2 3 3 4
10-4 9-4 4-8 2-12 3-9
4 3 3 2 1 0
2 3 1 2 1 1
0 0 2 2 4 5
16-3 14 9-5 12 13-8 10 7-7 8 4-11 4 1-10 1
4 3 2 1 0 h 3
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 miauor!
7-4 8-4 4-5 6-8 5-9
12 8 5 5 2
12 10 7 1 1
:UROPAKAN AÂA+IN >A{:ROUM Paquoum enjazo[ ;uropakan .a[;ri ,r=anakoum ka\azau fra]gouj;an frazan mrza];ui 10 m;jr pa\qari ;xra'akice! W;r=in 'ouloum 8 fra]ign;ri pa\qaroum Fracik Baba\;ane% ow cna\a‘ a®a=in 8 krakozn;riz \;to\ a®a=inn hr% w;r=nakan ardiunqoum wastak;z 143&3 miauor ;u xba[;zr;z 5-rd t;[e! N,;nq% or 18-am;a\ Fracike am;napatani masnakize lin;low^ orakauorman 'ouloum wastak;l h 629&3 miauor% ore :uropa\i ;ritasardakan mrzani, h! |au;l;nq% or Fracik Baba\;ane% ;xra'akic dours galow% ir famar apafow;z Ølimpiakan .a[;ri ou[;gir! A\s mrza];uoum \a[jo[ yanacou;z Witali Boubnowice (P;la®ous)! :uropakan .a[;roum FF fauaqakani b®nzqamartikn;re an\a=o[ masnakzoujiun ;n oun;noum! Nikol Aroujiunowe (81 qk&) xi=;l h l;f :ordan Koulinskoun% Art\om Al;qsan;ane (49 qk&)^ Dauij Al;qsan;anin (Isra\hl)% Aram Auag;ane (56 qk&)^ St;`an Iwanowin (Poulkaria)% Samouhl Bars;[;ane (60 qk&)^ Hlian Dimitrowin (Poulkaria)% |owfannhs Backowe (64 qk&)^ Wiqjor P;trowin (Ouqrania)% mia\n Nar;k Abgar;ane (52 qk&) 2-1 tarb;rouj;amb \a[j;z foungarazi Nandor Zoka\in! <at an\a=o[ ;n fandhs galis axat oya\in embi,n;re! Partou;low m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz dours ;n mnaz;l Garik Bars;[;ane (57 qk&)% Dauij Sa`ar;ane (65 qk&)% Grigor Grigor;ane (74 qk&)% Walodia ~rangoul;ane (61 qk&)! L;uon B;riani];n (125 qk&) ;u Mousa Mourjaxali;ue (86 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum partou;zin wrazin;r (\a=ordabar) G;nø P;tria,wiliin ;u Sandrø Amina,wiliin! J;qouandoist Arman :r;m;ane (80 qk&) a®a=in martoum \a[j;z jourq :ounous Sariin% isk \a=ord 'ouloum xi=;z daniazi Âicert Ørd;manin! Fra]ig Nora\r A®aq;l;ane atryanakow 50 m;jriz mrza];uoum 31 fra]ign;ri mh= grau;z 28-rd t;[e! :xra'akici ou[;gr;r nouay;zin a®a=in 6 t;[;re xba[;zra‘ fra]ign;re! Fracik Baba\;ane 50 m& ødamou[ frazanow ;®amartoum^ 40-akan krakoz ‘nka‘% pa®ka‘ ;u kangna‘ dirq;roum wastak;z 1131 miauor ;u xba[;zr;z
29-rd t;[e! Âousastane n;rka\azno[ S;da Jouj.al;ane sprota\in marmnamarxouj;an \;nazatkoum nouay;z :uropa\i .a[;ri 'o.a.o\;ani tit[ose! S;dan ÂD-i fauaqakani kaxmoum nouay;l h na;u .a[;ri a.o\;ani kocoume! 15-am;a\ S;da Jouj.al;ane sambo\i g‘ow a,.arfi ;u >SFM-i ;®aki a.o\;an Gourghn Jouj.al;ani doustrn h ;u 7 tar;kaniz Moskoua\oum sks;l h marxou;l marmnamarxouj;amb! +ragndaki ;xra'akic .a[oum ÂD-i kananz fauaqakane 17!16 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Ispania\i jimin! ÂD-i fauaqakani kaxmoum fandhs h ;k;l na;u fa\axgi :l;na Qojan=;ane! Sambo\i mrza,aroum pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum Tigran Kirakos;ane (57 qk&) partou;l h Wladislau Bour]in (P;la®ous)% A,ot Danihl;ane (90 qk&)^ Âadwilas Matoukasin (Lijouania)% kananz pa\qaroum Søsh Balasan;ane (52 qk&)^ Magdal;na Warbanowa\in (Poulkaria)! |ounisi 25-26-in pa\qari mh= ke mtn;n yiuto\istn;re!
WAXGHN SO{O|:ANE AMN-I A>O|:AN Las W;kasoum ka\az;l h AMN-i baxkamarti a®a=noujiune% orin masnakz;l h na;u Los Any;lesoum bnakouo[ Waxghn So[o\;ane! Na fandhs h ;k;l minc;u 70 qk& qa,a\in kargoum ;u a= ];®qi mrzmane grau;l h a®a=in t;[e! So[o\;ane endgrkou;l h AMN-i fauaqakanoum ;u S;pt;mb;rin Kouala Loumpouroum ke masnakzi a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane! |i,;zn;nq% or Waxghn So[o\;ane a,.arfi ;®aki a.o\;an h ;u baxmajiu mrza,ar;ri \a[jo[! Minc;u a,.arfi a®a=noujiune na |oulisi 12-in Las W;kasi ªHard Rock Hotelºoum ªArm Wrestling League Championºi kocman famar 6 ®aountiz ba[kaza‘ fandipoum k*oun;na\ Qanatan n;rka\azno[ Qris Gobii f;t!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r |owfannhs Gaboux;ane Poulkaria\i Oskh Auaxn;r a®o[=aranoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u 1-2-rd t;[;re bavan;z grosma\st;r Witali B;rnadskou (Ouqrania) f;t! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row nran ,norfou;z 2-rd mrzanake! Grosma\st;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane mrza,arn auart;z 6 miauorow! • |ounisi 16-24-e +;rmoukoum anzkazuoum h Karhn Asr;ani \ou,amrza,are! • L;uon Aron;ane |ounisi 15-26-e Norw;gia\i Stawang;r qa[aqoum masnakzoum h ªNorw;gakan ,a.mat-2015º g;rmrza,arin% nra masnakizn;rn ;n& Ka®ls;ne% Karouanan% Anande% Nakamouran% Jo'alowe% Gri,couke% Girin% Wa,ih-Lagraue% Fam;re! Ka\‘akna\in mrza,aroum Aron;ane 5 miauorow grau;l h 6-rd t;[e! |a[jo[ h yanacou;l Wa,ih-Lagraue^ 6&5 miauorow! Fimnakan mrza,aroum 8 mrza'ouliz \;to\ Aron;ane ouni 3 miauor! A®a=atare Jo'alown h% ow ouni 6 miauor!