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N.O. July 2, 2015 No. 27:N.O. Blank


3:11 PM

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THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 27 VOLUME 93, NO. 27

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INCPHS KARG ME FA|:R KE W:RADAÂNAN IR:NZ QRISTONHAKAN FAUATQIN SIPHL FOURJA< Siphl Fourja, mrzanakakir lragro[ men h% or \atkaphs k*andrada®na\ mardka\in irauounqn;roun% ar‘ar‘;low datakan ;u ørinakan farz;r! 15 tarin;rh iw;r ke j[jakzi ªHwrhnshlº% ªJara`º% ªSapafº% ªFaphr-Jourqº j;rj;roun% ;u ANQA gor‘akalouj;an! Anika 2004-in arvanaza‘ h ªM;jin Khøqj;'hº ou ªMousa Anj;rº t;[;katouakan mrzanakn;roun% incphs na;u 2005-in^ Lragro[n;rou Miouj;an ªWastakauorº ,qan,anin! 2013-in lo\s en‘a\a‘ h fator me% Jourqio\ mh= qriston;an;rou =ard;rou masin! Anor \ødoua‘n;re% 'oqramasnouj;anz ;u a®;[‘oua‘a\in spanouj;anz masin% kar;li h kardal Faili Baili ka\qh=in mh=! Jourqio\ a\n fa\;re% oronq islam dar]a‘ hin gh, w;rab;roumh .ousa';lou famar% ke w;ragtn;n ir;nz inqnoujiune fauaqakan mkrtoujiunn;row! W;r=;rs% Ma\isin% nman mkrtoujiun endoun;zin T;rsimhn (Jiuny;li) 12 fa\;r! Fa\;rou a\s farkadroujiune% ibr;u islam apr;lou% k*;rja\ minc;u 1915-i =ard;re! Fa\ manoukn;re ord;groua‘ hin islam entaniqn;rou ko[mh% \atkaphs T;rsimhn ;[o[n;re% ;u oc jh^ Isjanpoulhn! Mifran "rkic Kiulj;qine anonzmh mhkn h! Kiulj;qin ªMonijerº j;rjin bazatr;z% jh incphs ir entaniqin andamn;re 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;nhn inqxinqnin axat;zin% ord;gr;low Al;ui inqnoujiunn;r! Ba\z oc ;rkar at;n! Anonq b®nou;zan T;rsimi 1937-i embostouj;an at;n! Anor entaniqi andamn;roun mhk mase spannou;zau% isk mnaz;aln;re aqsorou;zan! W;rapro[n;rhn anonq or tase tarin;r ;tq w;radar]an% islamakan anounn;r ounhin! Abrafame ;[a‘ hr Iprafim! Ar]anagroujiunn;r cgtnou;low% anonq stazan anzagirn;r% nor anounn;r ord;gr;low! Endfanraphs% apr;low m;‘amasnouj;amb Al;ui ,r=ann;rou mh=% yanczou;zan ibr;u Al;uin;r! Saka\n anonq qristonhakan m,ako\je wa® paf;zin ir;nz toun;roun mh=! ª:rbor na.akrjaran ke \aya.hi% githi or fa\ hi% a®anz gitnalou jh anika inc n,anakoujiun ounhr% jh m;nq ounhinq iura\atouk m,ako\j ou krønq! Xatikin% ma\rs m;xi kou tar n;rkoua‘ faukijn;r% a®anz \a\tn;lou jh asika qristonhakan ‘hs men h! Bolors al islam anounn;r ke krhinq! Entaniqs soworoujiun ounhr mtik en;lou ®atiø :r;uane! Saka\n karg me mardik% t;[;ak ellalow a\s masin% gangat;zan! Inqxinqs fa\ nkat;zi ;rb 18 tar;kan ;[a\! Fa\ enk;rn;r ounhi% saka\n oc mhk ban kardaza‘ hi vo[owourdis masin! Ant;[;ak hi 1915-i masin! Lragro[ Frand Tinqi spanoujiune axd;z wras% ou 48 tar;kanin oro,;zi w;rada®nal armatn;rous% inc or ankh a®a= ankar;li hr& yn,oum ou wa. kar! 70 tarou an;r førs% t[ous ;u axgakani me f;t gazinq mkrtou;lou! Makanouns S;laf;ttinhn 'o.;zi Mifran "rkiciº! Anatoloui ,at me fa\;r w;ragta‘ ;n ir;nz wau;rakan inqnoujiune fauaqakan mkrtoujiunn;row! Nman araro[oujiun w;r=;rs

t;[i oun;zau Ma\is 9-in% Isjanpoul :,ilqhø\i Sb& St;'anos ;k;[;ziin mh=! T;rsimhn ;rkotasn;ak me fa\;r% krønakan dastiarakoujiun (6 amis) stanalh ;tq% mkrtou;zan! ªAkøsº j;rji j[jakizn;rhn Mifran Manouk;an% or a\s masin piti grhr% ªHlMonijerº j;rjin fa[ord;z% jh \i,;al araro[oujiune tarb;r hr mius ‘isakataroujiunn;rhn! An,ou,t% endfanraphs manoukn;rn hin% or ke mkrtouhin% a\s angam saka\n mkrtoujiune ca'afasn;rou famar hr% anonz oronq chin krza‘ dauanil ir;nz krønqe! Minc;u w;r=;rs% islamaza‘ fa\;rou farze japou hr Jourqio\ mh=! Mardik parxaphs chin oux;r .øsil a\s masin! Frand Tinq Fimnarkouj;an ;u a\l mioujiunn;rou ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ x;kouzoumn;r \aya. k*andrada®na\in a\s masin% j;j;uzn;low japoui tirap;toujiune a\s farzin nkatmamb! Islamaza‘ fa\;rou xauakn;re ;us m;‘ d;r oun;zan \i,;al arg;lqe w;razn;lou kapakzouj;amb! A\,h N;win :eltex Jafinyiø[lou% Fayhjj;'h famalsarani dasa.øs me% x;kouzoumi me enjazqin% \a\tn;z jh incphs mard me ta[a‘ hr ir tikno= .acan,ane taq ;rkajow% orphsxi islam mnar! ªTikno= wra\ nman wa\ragoujiun me gor‘adrou;zau ir entaniqin mh=º! Fandisoujiune xarmaza‘ hr nman \a\tararouj;an famar! N,anauor a\l lragro[ me^ Afmht Apaqa\% ir lo\s en‘a\a‘ ªFo,ana\i (Owsanna\i) W;r=in >øsq;reº fatorin mh= ir mør masin gr;low% ke \a\tnh jh minc;u 82 tariqe% anika chr \a\tna‘ ir fa\ ellale! Mafouenh ør me a®a=% ir møt kanc;low xinq% anor \a\tna‘ h jh fa\ h inq! Apaqa\i axgakann;re kat[;r hin ir dhm% ir;nz ga[tniqe \a\tna‘ ellaloun famar lo\s en‘a\a‘ fatorin mh=! Ke f;t;ui jh Anatoloui fa\;re kaxmak;rpou;lou wra\ ;n% ou baxmajiu ouri,n;r fauanakanørhn piti w;ragtnhin ir;nz boun inqnoujiune! Nman ,arvoum me ke fowanauorh T;rsimi Fa\;rou Enk;rakzoujiune% or fimnoua‘ h Kiulj;qini ko[mh! Malajio\% Mou,i% Pajmani (Sasoun)% Swaxi ;u Faja\i fa\;re ;us kaxma‘ ;n Enk;rakzoujiunn;r% oronz piti f;t;uin Atiamani ou Tiarp;qiri fa\;re! Anonq piti øgn;n% or Anatoloui fa\;re% oronq ke yanczouin ibr;u Al;uin;r% Qiurt;r% Arabn;r ;u Islamn;r% w;ragtn;n ir;nz inqnoujiune! Anonq fa[ordakzouj;an mh= mtn;low Fa\astani ;u oc-p;takan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou f;t (NGO) Jourqio\ a\laxan nafangn;rou mh=% ke npatakadr;n fa\ ;ritasardn;rou ambo[=oujiun me kaxm;l% anonz ousouzan;lou famar ir;nz m,ako\je! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an ªHl-Monijerº% |ounis 6% 2015

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Na.akrjarani bavine ªFauatoum ;m q;*x% im fa\ vo[owourd&&&º

man .øsqe katar;z Tnørhnoufi^ Tik& Lina Arslan;ane!

Wafagn Dauj;an

Kiraki% 14 |ounis% 2015-in% khsørh ;tq vame 3!00-in% dar];al warvarani fandisasrafin mh=% t;[i oun;zau M;rtin;ani na.akrjarani ;u mi=nakargi bavinn;roun auartakan fandhse!

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“No To Plunder” Halts Nighttime Energy Hike Protests Coordinators of the civil movement “No to Plunder” made a decision to stop the nighttime sit-in campaign at Freedom Square in Yerevan. “We’ll detail our further steps at a press conference tomorrow,” coordinating group member Maksim Sargsyan told reporters on June 29. However, he did not rule out the possibility of joining the demonstrators on Baghramyan Avenue. Two campaigns are currently being held in Yerevan: one at Baghramyan Avenue and another at Free-

Hovik Abrahamyan: I Don’t Know Better Way To Gain Public Confidence Than A Dialog There have recently been two tendencies in the assessment of activities of the Armenian government and the economic policy implemented in the country: pessimism, the fueling of negative sentiments; and the tendency to attribute all problems to the foreign policy situation, oil prices and other circumstances beyond our control, Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said at Economic Agenda-2015 forum today, on June 30. “Both approaches are equally unacceptable to me. No economy was revived by pessimism and whimpering. I can’t really share a common path with people who are constantly doing it in their offices, on media pages and in cafes from morning till night. I have no common field of work with them,” the PM stressed. “On the other hand I also consider as unacceptable the attempts to justify own omissions and failure to work by international tendencies. Regional processes, unstable international prices of oil and raw materials and many other factors are objective circumstances, but cannot be a means for justification,” H. Abrahamyan said.

Putin Extends Deal On Duty-Free Gas, Oil Product And Diamond Exports To Armenia Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the law on the ratification of the protocol to the agreement extending duty-free exports of gas, oil products, and diamonds to Armenia until the end of 2015, RIA Novosti reports. In December 2013 Russia and Armenia signed an agreement on the organization of duty-free supplies of Russian natural gas, oil products and uncut diamonds to Armenia until December 31, 2014, the Russian news agency reminds readers.

dom Square. Following the lead of members of the coordinating group, some of the

protesters left the scene to continue the campaign at Freedom Square, with the majority of picketers still remaining at the avenue. Those leaving declared that those who stayed at Baghramyan Street are instigators and exacerbate the already tense situation. Unwilling to leave the avenue, people accused "No to Plunder" movement of treason and declared their intention to continue the struggle against electricity price hike.

Human Rights Watch: Armenia Police Used Violence Against Protesters, Journalists Police in Armenia used force to disperse a largely peaceful protest on June 23, 2015, raising concerns about potential human rights violations, Human Rights Watch said in a statement on Wednesday. The authorities should immediately open a thorough and impartial investigation to determine whether the force used was lawful and proportionate, and if not, ensure accountability for those responsible for use of excessive force. They should investigate all allegations of beatings, unlawful destruction of journalists’ equipment, and arbitrary detention of journalists covering the protests. The investigation should also examine the circumstances in which water cannons were deployed, such as what warnings were given to protesters and operational instructions on targeting of water jets. “Even if the Yerevan demonstration was unauthorized, nothing can justify physical attacks on largely peaceful demonstrators and journalists covering the protests,” said Giorgi Gogia, senior South Caucasus researcher at Human Right Watch. “Police responsible for beating pro-

testers and interfering with the work of journalists should be held to account.” H u m a n Rights Watch received a number of reports of police interfering with demonstrators’ access to a lawyer. Robert Revazyan, a lawyer from Armenian Helsinki Committee, said that officials at the Shengavit district police station denied him access to his client for more than an hour, during which they questioned the client. Police continued the questioning in Revazyan’s presence, but then forcibly pushed Revazyan out of the station and then conducted alcohol and drug testing on his client. Another lawyer from the Armenian Helsinki Association had similar problems in the same police station, waiting for two hours to see his client. “With the renewed protests, Armenian authorities have a chance to show respect for peaceful assemblies and refrain from repeating the violence against demonstrators,” Gogia said. “The authorities should make clear at the highest levels that aggressive and illegal police actions will absolutely not be tolerated.” NEWS.am

Kurdish MP Gives Stunning Response To ‘Accusations’ Over His Armenian Roots

Dollar Continues To Fall In Armenia

Turkish Parliament MP, Kurd Mehmet Ali Aslan commented on the statements regarding his Armenia roots. According to the Turkish TV Channel SkyTv, Mehmet Ali Aslan from the Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) stated that he was called grandson of Armenian when during an MP oath he uttered “peoples of Turkey” instead of “the Turkish people.” He also stresses, that with these words they tried to humiliate Armenians and him. “I don’t have any connection with Armenians. If I had, I would be proud of it,” Mehmet Ali Aslan said. NEWS.am

Yerevan. – The American national currency (USD) exchange rate against the Armenian dram (AMD) was AMD 472.53/$1 in Armenia on Tuesday; this is down by AMD 0.53 from Monday. The exchange rate for one euro was AMD 528.48 (up by AMD 3.48), that of one British pound was AMD 743.20 (up by AMD 0.54), and the rate of one Russian ruble was AMD 8.51 (down by AMD 0.02), informed the press service of the Central Bank of Armenia. One gram of silver, gold and platinum amounted to AMD 240.49, AMD 17,850.82 and AMD 16,422.76, respectively Tuesday’s trading totaled USD 9,080,000 at NASDAQ OMX Armenia stock exchange. The transactions were conducted at an average exchange rate of AMD 471.98/$1, and the trading session closed at AMD 472/$1.

Russian Owner Denies Talks On Sale Of Armenian Electric Utility

A Russian energy company on Monday denied reports that it is holding negotiations on the sale of Armenia’s troubled power distribution network owned by it amid continuing protests in Yerevan sparked by a controversial rise in electricity prices. “Right now we are holding no negotiations on the sale of the Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA),” a spokesman for the Inter RAO group told the Interfax news agency.

Armenia PM Visits US Embassy In Armenia Yerevan. – Armenia’s PM Hovik Abrahamyan visited the US Embassy in Armenia on occasion of the US Independence Day. Abrahamyan congratulated Ambassador Richard Mills, the Embassy employees and the friendly people of the Unites States on the 239th anniversary of the US independence. In his congratulatory message, the PM specifically said: “On behalf of the government of the Republic of Armenia and personally myself, I congratulate you, Mr. Ambassador, the Embassy workers and all the people of the Unites States on occasion of the Independence Day.” Abrahamyan said Armenia highly appreciates the friendship with US, stressing that due to the joint efforts bilateral partnership has risen to a qualitatively new level. He also noted that Armenian government attaches great importance to the deepening of the Armenian-American multi-sector cooperation and support aimed at the strengthening of the ongoing reforms and democracy in Armenia. “We are grateful to the US government and people for the invaluable philanthropic and technical support provided to Armenia since its independence. Currently US continue to implement technical and financial support projects in Armenia,” Abrahamyan said. The PM also touched on the recent important events in Armenian-American relations, namely visa facilitation between the two countries, signing of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) and the transaction of purchasing Armenia’s “Vorotan HPP Complex” by the US ContourGlobal company. Referring to the Karabakh conflict, the PM underscored the importance of the United States’ involvement as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing country in the Karabakh conflict normalization process. “We expect to continue active mediating actions for the stable and long-lasting peace in the South Caucasus,” he said. NEWS.am

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 2, 2015


PAN ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY This column of Nor Or is dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and is sponsored by the Armenian Rights Council of America (ARCA). Pan Armenian Ideology is an all Armenian ideology that reflects the aspirations of the global Armenian nation to unite, recover western Armenian lands currently under occupation, and ultimately establish a united Armenian homeland. Additionally, the following main objectives are pursued. 1. Protect and defend Armenian national interests. 2. Create strong spiritual bonds between citizens of Armenia and diaspora Armenians. 3. Strive towards making the Armenian nation self-sufficient and in charge of their future without becoming subservient to the interests of foreign powers. 4. Become the strong motivational force for the Armenian youth to unite around Armenian ideals, and Armenian cause and fight against the grave injustices committed by the Turkish government. 5. Reverse mass immigration out of Armenia through mass repatriation. 6. Counter anti-Armenia and false propaganda and protect the Armenian youth against harmful ideologies. 7. Unite and bring all Armenian organizations under one umbrella. Implementation of the ideology will mainly require full participation of the Armenian government as well as all diaspora organizations and is expected to impact the lives of all Armenians. Hopefully, the ideology will change and reshape the way in which we resolve national problems, treat each other and accept responsibilities. As a starting point present conditions of the Armenian nation is considered for implementation and modifications are expected as the political and economic conditions change. In the future, Nor Or publications of this column issues related to the following topics will be discussed: Stable Statehood, Defense of the Homeland, Strengthening Relations with Neighboring Countries, Repatriation, Education, Fostering and Preserving Cultural Values, Defining Armenian Self Identity and Homeland-Diaspora Unity.

Hagop Nazarian

Karabakh President Congratulates His Armenian Counterpart On Birthday Nagorno-Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan, congratulating Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on his birthday, pointed out the latter's contribution to creation of the two Armenian states and the Armenian army. «Also today you continue your efforts for ensuring security and welfare to his people and for solving national problems and achieving our centuries-old goals,» Sahakyan is quoted by the presidential press office as saying in his message. «I am convinced that all your patriotic programs aimed at enhancement of Armenia and Artsakh's prosperity will be successfully implemented and our people will enjoy new victories.»

AGBU Toronto Recognizes Executive Director Salpi Der Ghazarian For Her Service On June 13, AGBU Toronto honored the chapter’s executive director Salpi Der Ghazarian for her more than 25 years of service to the chapter. An inscribed Michael Aram vase was presented to Der Ghazarian at a luncheon organized for AGBU President Berge Setrakian’s visit to the chapter, which brought together nearly 100 guests to the AGBU Toronto Centre. Among the guests were the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Canada Bishop Abgar Hovakimian, AGBU Central Board members Ani Manoukian and Lena Sarkissian, AGBU Toronto board and committee members, representatives of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church and Armenian cultural organizations as well as donors and chapter members. “I am completely surprised by this award. Serving AGBU for the past quarter of a century has been a great honor. The organization has been a big part of my life and it will continue to be,” said Der Ghazarian. Archpriest Der Zareh Zargarian, K.M. Greg Sarkissian of the Zoryan Institute and Ara Boyajian, former chair of the Diocesan Council, also expressed their gratitude for her contributions to the Armenian community of Toronto. Der Ghazarian began volunteering for AGBU Toronto in 1981, served as a board member for the chapter from 1987 to 1989 and took on the role of executive director in

1989. Under her leadership, AGBU Toronto has organized major cultural events, including concerts with world-renowned musicians and lectures and book talks with prominent writers and historians. She has also been instrumental in showcasing the musical talents of the community’s youth with AGBU Toronto’s Annual Musical Talent Show. AGBU Toronto was founded in 1923. In the following years, membership grew rapidly with young Armenians orphaned during the genocide. In the 1950s and 1960s, new Armenian immigrants arrived to Canada, predominantly from the Middle East, due to political and economic upheavals in the region. In 1979, land was purchased for the AGBU Toronto Centre in Scarborough, northeast of Toronto. Today, the Centre hosts a variety of cultural, sports, youth and social programs for Toronto’s growing Armenian community. AGBU Toronto’s mission is to preserve and promote the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs. Its executive board supports AGBU’s mission and programs in Armenia and the diaspora and oversees AGBU Toronto’s youth, sports, cultural, educational and social programs. The board is also committed to AGBU’s humanitarian projects in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and its relief efforts in Syria and Iraq.

AGBU Co-Sponsors Lecture On The Armenians Of Bourj Hammoud Photographer Ariane Ateshian Delacampagne showcases images from her new book On June 9, 2015, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), along with the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center and the Department of Armenian Studies of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), held a lecture with Ariane Ateshian Delacampagne titled “Portraits of Survival: The Armenians of Bourj Hammoud.” Her recent book of the same name is a collection of photographs that highlights the shopkeepers, craftspeople and artists of Bourj Hammoud in northeast Beirut. The evening began with remarks by Gilda Buchakjian Kupelian of the Department of Armenian Studies of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), who welcomed Delacampagne and described her professional life. Delacampagne was born and raised in Beirut. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree from the American University of Beirut and studied at the International Center for Photography after settling in New York in the 1980s. Delacampagne is interested in the vibrancy of street life and has photographed cities around the world, including Tokyo, Shanghai, Hanoi, Fez and Cairo. In 2004, she undertook a major photography project that explored flamenco as a state of mind. Delacampagne’s interest in her Armenian origins took her back to Lebanon for her latest project, which represents her most intensive to date. Delacampagne began her lecture with a

history of the Armenian community of Bourj Hammoud. In the early 1920s, after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the French evacuation of Cilicia, thousands of Armenian refugees arrived in Beirut and settled in refugee camps on the outskirts of the city. In 1925, the French High Commissioner in control of Lebanon at the time sought to encourage the eventual integration of the refugees by granting them Lebanese citizenship and transferring their camp to a marshy area along the Beirut River. The marsh became the small municipality of Bourj Hammoud and became home to 25,000 people, mostly tradespeople and artisans working in shoemaking, ironwork and manufacturing. “What began as a tent camp in the 1920s soon turned into an urban center that rose from the ashes of the Armenian genocide,” said Delacampagne. During her lecture, Delacampagne showcased ten portraits of today’s artisans from different walks of life, whose trades and crafts have often been passed down through the generations. “The book project began as an effort to photograph survivors of the Armenian Genocide. But I wanted to see the image of successful integration in Lebanon, shunning sadness and focusing on inspiring people, especially craftspeople, to show the resilience of the Armenian spirit and pay tribute to it in the year of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide.” !

AGBU FOCUS 2015 Comes to Toronto Eighth FOCUS Weekend to Raise Funds for AGBU Education Innovation Projects Summer has arrived and with preparations well underway, young Armenians worldwide are buzzing about AGBU FOCUS weekend, as the world class event comes to Toronto this July. Now in its eighth year, the four-day affair will take guests through Toronto’s rich culture, neighborhoods and nightlife, offering visitors and locals alike a FOCUS experience like never before. Since premiering in New York City in 2001, AGBU FOCUS has distinguished itself as a unique networking experience for global Armenian young professionals (YPs). What began as a signature anniversary celebration is now a sensational tradition, offering YPs an opportunity to connect with hundreds of international peers while highlighting the direct and positive impact of AGBU’s programs on generations of Armenians. Over the past 14 years, AGBU FOCUS has united over 2,500 YPs in six different cities: New York City (2001, 2007), Montreal (2003), Miami (2005), Chicago (2009), Paris (2011) and San Francisco (2013). “As representatives of one of Canada’s most vibrant Armenian communities, we feel privileged to be hosting this one-of-akind global initiative. FOCUS 2015 coincides with the centennial of the Armenian Genocide and we feel there is stronger sense of unity and cooperation amongst all Armenians. We have no doubt that this very spirit will guide our discussions and help us find novel, effective ways for preserving our heritage and promoting our identity,” said AGBU FOCUS 2015 Chair Mihran Egavian. Perspectives kicks off AGBU FOCUS on Thursday, July 23 with an engaging panel discussion and networking reception for guests to share viewpoints on a hot topic. The excitement continues day and night on Friday, July 24 where guests will explore the city through their palates during the first-ever FOCUS food crawl—Taste of Toronto—then later enjoy Club Night at Maison Mercer, one of Toronto’s hottest venues. Saturday, July 25 features FOCUS on Art at the Walnut Contemporary with an afternoon of art and photography, then a formal Gala in the evening at ARD with dinner and dancing. Brunch on Sunday brings the memorable weekend to close, giving YPs the perfect opportunity to bid farewell to their new friends. This year, AGBU FOCUS is raising funds for AGBU Education Innovation projects and has pledged to fund the creation of e-learning apps supporting the mission to make learning Armenian in the diaspora fun and exciting. Having identified a gap in quality Armenian e-products for children, parents and teachers, AGBU is actively working with experts and reputable institutions and organizations to make educational apps, e-books, and online language courses readily available for all. AGBU FOCUS is also dedicated to AGBU's mission to expand the reach of the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies. With partnership TUMOxAGBU locations opening in Gyumri and Stepankert, thousands of youth can take advantage of the unique after-school learning experience which has yielded many success stories in Yerevan. Guided by skilled teachers and advisors, students ages 12-18 receive unparalleled hands-on exploration of technology. To date, 10,000 students have attended classes at the flagship Yerevan center, with 100 children requesting enrollment each week. Determined not to turn a single eager learner away, TUMOxAGBU started registration this May for fall classes at the Gyumri location and plans to open a location in Stepanakert are in the works.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 2, 2015


Alex And Marie Manoogian School Graduating Class Of 2015

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

71 - Asaf Sava! Akat By Hambersom Aghbashian

Twenty five AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School seniors were honored at the commencement ceremony at St. John Armenian Church Cultural Hall in Southfield, MI on June 1, 2015. Judith Kadri, High School Head Teacher served as master of ceremonies. Dr. Hosep Torossian, Principal of the High School, presided. In his opening remarks he noted that 11 of the 25 graduates had been together since pre-school or early elementary. He also commented on the increasing number of Ukrainian students who have joined our school, mentioning their many positive contributions to the school culture and their determination to excel academically. Dr. Torossian paid tribute to all the faculty members who give extra effort to help our ESL students, and he especially acknowledged the work of Mrs. Lilit Babloumian, the ESL teacher, who takes students from all countries, with no or only a few words of English, and helps them become functioning students in an amazingly short time. Dr. Torossian then introduced the keynote speaker, Oakland County Judge Lisa Asadoorian, acknowledging her many accomplishments and honors and stressing the many ways in which Judge Asadoorian gives back to her community. In her address, which many listeners said was one of the most moving graduation speeches they had ever heard, Judge Asadoorian urged the students to remember the Armenian Genocide and other crimes against humanity and to work for peace, understanding, human rights, and truth. As the attention turned to the graduates, Mariya Nakonechna, the valedictorian, and Michelle Hami, the salutatorian, addressed the audience in both English and Armenian. During the ceremony, as Mrs. Kadri read comments from the students about their time in school, the trip to Armenia in 2014 recurred as the highlight of their school years. As a class, the students were offered a million dollars in grants and scholarships. Three graduates: Nikole Davtyan, Mariya Nakonechna, and Elleanna Saco, received full, four-year scholarships to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Other students have been accepted to universities throughout Michigan and one will attend Glendale Community College in California. Throughout the ceremony, the students’ attachment to their alma mater was clear. We know they have gained a great deal through their years here, and we look forward to hearing from them as they go on to build their lives. Good luck to them all!

Three Graces For HMADS 33rd Graduation Oakland Gardens, NY - On the evening of Friday, June 19th 2015, Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School of Oakland Gardens, Queens, NY, held its 33rd commencement exercises. What a meaningful evening being held in the year of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and being especially graced with the presence of Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian, as well as members of the board, education committee, benefactors, volunteers, teachers, friends, and family. Not only was it a meaningful evening for the Sixth Grade graduating class, Michelle Ashbahian, Emma Galstian, and Haig Piramzadian, and their families and loved ones, their teachers Mrs. Claire Asadorian, Mrs. Houri Ghougassian, and teachers throughout the years, principal Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian, but also for Fourth Grade teacher Miss Kristen Reed. Fifteen years ago, I myself graduated Sixth Grade from HMADS, and now fifteen years later, my first class being as official teacher after graduating with my teaching degree and certification, graduated themselves, the same year as I graduated from Queens College with a Master’s Degree in the field of Special Education. What a surreal feeling. Special congratulations to the three of you and woo-hoo, class of 2015! The presentation by the class of 2015 along with the fifth graders consisted of a

potpourri of Armenian and English recitations and songs dedicated to the remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the April 24th, 1915 genocide and recently canonized 1.5 million Saints. The English poems recited were: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, The Victor by C.W. Longenecker, and Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The English songs were: My Wish, The Rose and God Bless America. The Armenian portion of the program included a poem: Silence & Rebirth by Gosdan Zarian dedicated to Gomidas and Karoon a – song by Gomidas. The Armenian songs were: Dsidsernag, Ko Hayreniku, and Sardarabad. Special thanks to Choirmaster, Anahit Boghossian and Pianist, Nevart Z. Dadourian. The evening also consisted of the invocation given by Rev. Fr. Abraham Malkhasyan, an address to the graduated from HMADS alumna Arin Piramzadian, M.D. – Class of 1995, a special guest appearance by Renowned Pianist Kariné Poghosyan was truly a very special gift to the graduating class. A very special photo

Professor Asaf Sava! Akat (born 3 February 1943) is a Turkish economist and academic. He served as Rector of Istanbul Bilgi University from 1996 to 1998, where he remains a Professor. He earned his (BS and PhD) degrees from Istanbul University and his (MA) in Economics, from University of East Anglia . He also spent time as a research student at the London School of Economics. Professor Akat began his academic career in 1966 at Istanbul University’s Faculty of Economics, where he became first an associate professor in 1973, then a professor in1980. In 1989 he lectured in Economics at the Marmara University, Istanbul, and in 1993 he was Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Istanbul. In 1994 he Founded Academic Board, Istanbul School of International Studies. He is the author of many publications and three books on economic issues. His latest, Iktisadi Analiz (Economic Analysis), was published in 2009. Until 2009 Akat was one of the faces of Ekodiyalog, a popular television program in Turkey on economics. He is married to Professor Dr. Nilüfer Göle* a university professor and an authority on Muslim women’s issues. (1) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The text of the apology is: "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Professor Asaf Sava! Akat was one of the signatories. (2) According to "Today Zaman", September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expresexhibition by Robert Karapetian presented a visual feast to al in attendance. Armenian Language teacher Mrs. Houri Ghougassian invited the three graduates of the year: Michelle Ashbahian, Emma Galstian, Haig Piramzadian to receive their diplomas from their homeroom teacher and the principal. An inspiring message touched the hearts of the audience as Surpazan Gizirian addressed the audience with his God given voice and riches of the Armenian Language stressing the importance of Armenian Education wherever we choose to live. On behalf of the class of 2015 HMADS and their parents, Mrs. Boghosian took this opportunity to thank all the Teachers, ACEF Donors, Benefactors, Volunteers, members of the Friends of HMADS for

sions that include 'open hatred and hostility' towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Akçam further wrote: Standing with integrity in the face of history is the prerequisite for establishing the future on the foundations of friendship and peace. I do hope that this signature campaign will be taken as a scream from all of us for the publication of textbooks that we would like to see." Professor Asaf Sava! Akat was one of the intellectuals who signed the statement. (3) The conference "Sealed Gate: Prospects of the Turkey-Armenia Border" organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation and Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Economics was held in Ankara on November 22-23, 2014. The two-day conference featured 9 panel sessions and 27 presentations and was live streamed in English, Turkish and Armenian on the Foundation’s website www.hrantdink.org. The panel “Beyond Open Borders” chaired by Asaf Sava! Akat discussed the prospects of civil society dialogue and track two diplomacy between Turkey and Armenia in the context of the sealed border (4) * See our article No.48," Nor Or " Jan. 15, 2015, page 9. 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asaf_ Sava%C5%9F_Akat 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_ 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 4.http://www.hrantdink.org/?Detail=933&Lang=&Home&Lang=en their love and support throughout the years. The evening came to its closing as H. E. Arch. Yeghishe Gizirian delivered his closing prayers. A beautiful reception table was awaiting the guests, graduates and their families set up by the parents of the 5th and 6th grades for all to enjoy. Very encouraging generous donors presented their donation to HMADS at the reception hall, thus showing their full support for HMADS. We would like to wish our graduates an endless amount of success in their future endeavors. May they never forget their HMADS family, their Armenian culture, pride, and values. Kristen Reed HMADS Fourth Grade Teacher

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 2, 2015


Abril Bookstore To Present Summertime Literary Evenings Dedicated To Children And Youth Glendale, CA – ABRIL BOOKSTORE dedicates July to children and youth by presenting three Sunday evenings celebrating Armenian authors who write in Armenian or in English. Presentations will take place at Abril Bookstore - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. On Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 4:00pm, author ALINE BEZDIKIAN-SHIRAJIAN will present her newly released children's book in Armenian, !"#$$ %& '(#%)$ *+,"-"&). (Lory and Nareg's Forget-Me-Not). At 5:00pm, author and artist ROSEMARY HARTOUNIAN COHEN will present her children's fairy tale, Anoush: The Daugher of King Shen: This will include an art workshop, "Learn How to Paint on Silk Circles" for children ages 3 to 99. On Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 4:00pm, New York based author, who is the granddaughter of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, DANA WALRATH will present her newly released book geared to youth and young adults, Like Water on Stone. This will follow at 5:00pm with a celebration of author FIRA AKYAN's children's fairy tales in Armenian, which will come to life through song, art, dance and readings by children, puppets, and the author. On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 4:00pm, author and artist JENNIFER SALMASSIAN will present her children's book written in Armenian and in English, !"&/$+0+ %#)+1$+ ,%2 (Lucineh in the Sky). At 5:00pm, young adult author VARAK KALOUSDIAN will present the first volume of his exciting new series written in English, The Legend of V: Book 1: The Solar System's Prophecies. !

AMAA Welcomes UCC's Genocide Resolution Every two years the United Church of Christ (UCC) brings together thousands of faithful members for the General Synod. The UCC has more than 5,100 churches and 1.1 million members across the United States. Many Armenian Evangelical Churches within the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) are members of the UCC. This year, General Synod 30 is currently being held (June 26-30th) in Cleveland, OH --the birthplace of the United Church of Christ. Dr. Peter Makari, Area Executive for Middle East/Europe of the UCC, announced that this morning [June 29th] the Synod adopted the resolution of witness submitted by Wider Church Ministries "Commemorating 100 Years Since the Armenian Genocide."

During the General Synod, Rev. Dr. James Moos, Executive Minister of Wider Church Ministries, UCC, read the statements of Rev. L. Nishan Bakalian, Pastor of Armenian Martyrs' Congregational Church, Havertown, PA and Rev. Michelle Torigian, Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ (UCC) in Cincinnati, OH. The Armenian Missionary Association of America would like to take this opportunity to thank Wider Church Ministries for their continued support of the Armenians from 1890s to present as well as of human rights causes, including the presentation of the passage of this resolution to the General Synod of UCC for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and for calling on the U.S. and Turkish governments to recognize it as well.

Armenian Pianist Tigran Hamasyan Performs At Ani Ruins Aw a r d winning Armenian jazz pianist Tigran Hamasyan performed a concert on June 21 in the historic ruins of Ani, the medieval Armenian capital, the Hurriyet Daily News reports. Within the scope of his project titled “Luys i Luso,” Hamasyan will perform in various Turkish provinces until June 30. He will also give concerts at 100 churches in Armenia, Georgia, Lebanon, France, Belgium, Switzerland,Czech Republic, England, Germany, Luxembourg, Russia and the U.S. Hamasyan, 27, who started playing piano at the age of three and won the Mon-

treux Jazz Festival in 2003 and the Thelonious Monk Institute piano contest at the age of 18, performs traditional Arm e n i a n music in his concerts. The 90-minute event at the ancient ruins drew great interest from the audience. The master pianist was accompanied by the Yerevan State Chamber Music Choir under the baton of Harutyun Topikyan. Tamar Nalci, the project coordinator at Anadolu Kültür, which organized Hamasyan’s concerts in Turkey, said the first concert of the program was performed in Ani, and continued. !

Iran DoesNot Tolerate Baku’s Policy Of Azerbaijanizing Iranian History Anymore A 20-volume book “General History of Iran” has been published in Iran. It presents Iran’s concise history since pre-Aryan era to the fall of Qajar dynasty, according to the Iranian information agency IRIB. Since the Islamic revolution in Iran, the authorities have not paid proper attention to the pre-Islamic history of the country, to put it mildly. Instead, the appreciation of the history of the post-Islamic era was emphasized. Engaged in creating national identity and its own history, the Azerbaijani Republic could not remain indifferent to this fact. Taking advantage of the occasion, it started to zealously “Azerbaijanize” the Iranian cultural and historic values. After making the Persian-language poet and one of the greatest classics of the

Iranian literature of the 12th century, Nizami Ganjavi, and Nader Shah “Azerbaijanis”, Azerbaijan was also able to register the musical instrument tar under its name in UNESCO. Now it is working diligently on appropriating the Iranian sport of polo, the Caspian horse and the festival Shab-e Yalda (Night of Yalda). During his recent visit to the historical site Takht-e Jamshid (Persepolis), Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said the people of Iran must preserve their Islamic and Iranian civilization. If a few years ago Azerbaijan’s policy of appropriating the Iranian cultural values was carried out by the media, over the recent years it has been done at the highest level by the chief of the Azerbaijani Presidential administration.

The fact of publishing the above-mentioned book, as well as the statement Rouhani made in Persepolis show that the authorities in Iran have begun to appreciate their pre-Islamic history and to stand up for their own history. The Iranian authorities presumably have begun to realize that Azerbaijan’s policy of “Azerbaijanizing” the Iranian cultural values should not be tolerated anymore. As regards Iran’s steps against the Azerbaijani falsifications, Iranian Minister of Culture Ali Jannati’s rather vivid description is worth mentioning, “The smallminded elements who attempt to eliminate Iran’s cultural values, the Persian language and literature, will not achieve their goal.” Armen Israyelyan Iranian studies expert




Commemorating 100 Years Since The Armenian Genocide The Board of Directors has recommended this resolution be sent directly to a Plenary Session of the General Synod. Submitted by Wider Church Ministries (A Covenanted Ministry of the United Church of Christ) A Resolution of Witness 2015 marks the 100-year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). With this resolution, the United Church of Christ, which has active current relationships with the Armenian community, seeks to mark this anniversary by reiterating its acknowledgement of the events and reasserting its concern for people and communities that are victims of violence, particularly when based on race, ethnicity, creed, or any other aspect of identity. BIBLICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL GROUNDING Matthew 2:16-18 describes the massacre of all the first born males, ordered by Herod, after the Magi ignored his direction to report to him about the place of Jesus’ birth: When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had learned from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah: ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.’ Rachel’s weeping and lamentation was a recognition that her children had perished, and those whom Herod ordered killed would never have the chance to thrive. Even so, Jesus “came that they have life, and have it abundantly,” with justice and with peace. The victimization of innocents by those in power was not new in the 20th century; indeed history is replete with such tragedy. In the context of World War I, 1.5 million Armenians, and people of other ethnic and religious backgrounds, were killed, and another million were displaced, during the “deportations” that the Ottoman army carried out following arrests on April 24, 1915 of Armenian intellectual leaders in Constantinople. These deportations and massacres lasted eight years, from 1915 to 1923. Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish man who introduced the term “genocide” in his 1944 book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, had in mind the tragedy that befell the Armenians in 1915 and following, as well as the Holocaust of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s. Missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions—a predecessor body of Wider Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ—already working primarily among the Armenian community in Anatolia for a century, witnessed, documented, and advocated for an end to the massacres with local and international officials. They also raised funds for relief of those who were suffering, and who managed to resettle, many in northern Syria.

N.O. July 2, 2015 No. 27:N.O. Blank


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Sourb Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zuo\ A& ;u M& |owsh';an Warvarani ,r=anauartiz fandisoujiune t;[i oun;zau <abaj% Ma\is 30% 2015-in Sourb Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zuo\ mh=! :k;[;zin l;zoua‘ hr ‘no[n;row% axgakann;row% bar;kamn;row ;u a,ak;rtn;row% oronq n;rka\ hin akanat;s ellalou ,r=anauartn;rou ousoumnakan k;anqi a®a=in fangrouanin auartin! Fandisouj;an bazoume katarou;zau ,r=anauartn;rou \a[jakan moutqow ;u ;rkou qa\l;rgn;rou ;rg;zo[ouj;amb! Apa% :& kargi a,ak;rtn;rhn^ <anj A[ayan;ann ou Al;q Isa.an;ane fa\;rhnow ir;nz bari galousti .øsqe esin% isk Ma\qel Kiur;[;ane bari galousti ma[janqe 'o.anz;z angl;rhnow! Apa% \a\tagiri bazoume katar;zin :& kargi a,ak;rt-a,ak;rtoufin;re% .mba\in artasan;low Danihl Warouvani ªD;r;nikeº! A,ak;rtn;roun frav;,ti .øsqe esau ir;nz dastiarak ousouzcoufin Qlhr {axar;ane% ormh ;tq tnørhn <afh Mankr;anin f;t wka\akann;rou ba,.oume katar;zin! Apa% b;m frauirou;zan E& kargi a,ak;rtn;re! A\s tar;,r=anin baza®ik karo[oujiunn;row faroust foun]q me ounhinq% 18 a,ak;rtn;rhn 4 a,ak;rt apafowa‘ hr bar]rago\n mi=ine ;u arvanazan frav;,ta.øsoujiunn;re kardalou! Bar]rago\n mi=in staza‘ a,ak;rtn;rhn^ Nar;k Tatour;an ir frav;,ti .øsqin mh= gnafat;z tarin;rou enjazqin ousouzicn;roun nouiroumn ou anonz zouzab;ra‘ ‘a®a\asiroujiune% isk Qajia >anl;an ir frav;,ti .øsqin mh= ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z ir dasenk;r-dasenk;roufin;roun% oronz f;t tarin;rou enjazqin m,aka‘ ;n lau bar;kamoujiunn;r ;u dar]a‘ ;n mhk entaniqi andamn;roun nman faraxat! Ir kargin% |owik Mano\;an frav;,ti .øsqin mh= gnafat;z bolor ‘no[n;roun katara‘ xofo[oujiunn;re ir;nz ambo[= ousoumnakan k;anqin enjazqin% n,;low% or anonz ke partin ir;nz ar]anagra‘ bolor \a=o[oujiunn;re% ;u apa :jan Qh,i,;an ir frav;,ti .øsqin mh=% ir dasenk;r-dasenk;roufin;roun

,norfauor;lh ;tq% \an]narar;z xir;nq anwa.ørhn dimagrau;lou ;rkrordakan warvaranhn n;rs ir;nz dimagrau;liq martafrauhrn;re! Apa% E& kargi a,ak;rtn;re .mba\in artasan;zin Ghorg Hmini^ ªM;nqº otanauore! G;ra,norf a®a=nord |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an% E& kargi dastiarak ;u angl;rhn l;xoui ousouzic^ <afh Mankr;an katar;zin wka\akann;rou ;u mrzanakn;rou ba,.oume! Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nordarane \a=ordakan ;r;q tarin;rou wra\ ];®narka‘ h ,aradrakan mrzanqi me E& kargi a,ak;rtn;roun famar ;u a\s tar;,r=anin m;r E& kargi a,ak;rtoufin;rhn^ Kalin A[hk;an stazau mrzanake% ibr;u lauago\n ,aradroujiun gro[ a,ak;rtoufin! Kaline na;u stazau Arou;sti mrzanake! Nar;k Tatour;ane stazau fa\;rhn l;xoui mrzanake% Qajia >anl;ane stazau Gitouj;an mrzanake% |owik Mano\;ane stazau Jouabanouj;an mrzanake% isk :jan Qh,i,;ane stazau Angl;rhn L;xoui ;u A®a=nordarani ko[mh troua‘ tipar a,ak;rti mrzanakn;re! Apa b;m frauirou;zau Wardani Asp;tn;rou n;rka\azouzic Ma\q Majos;ane% gnafat;z warvaranis ar]anagra‘ \a=o[oujiunn;re% apa w;ro\i,;al cors a,ak;rtn;roun ,norf;z Tarouan A,ak;rte mrzanakn;re% incphs na;u niujakan \atkazoum me katar;z warvaranis! Fay;li soworoujiun me dar]a‘ h mi qani tarin;rou wra\% gnafat;l m;r warvarani ,r=anauartn;rhn anonq% oronq w;rada®nalow ir;nz warvarane øgtakar ke fandisanan anor ir;nz nouiroumow ;u a,.atanqow! A® a\d% a\s tar;,r=anin \atouk gnafatagir stazau m;r na.kin a,ak;rtn;rhn |akob Gala\y;ane% arvananalow |owsh';anin Fogin n;rka\azno[ mrzanake! B;m frauirou;zau warvaranis Ousoumnakan >orfourdi at;nap;s Irauaban Ra``i Poul[oury;ane% or ,at imastaliz patgam me 'o.anz;z ,r=ana<ar& h= 15

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Mi=nakargi bavine

Mankaparthxi bavine

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(1921-2015) Srti .or kski‘ow ke gouv;nq mafe m;r sir;z;al mør% m;‘ mør% qro=% møraqro= ;u axgakanin^ Mari Qhø,khr;ani% or pataf;zau Fing,abji% 25 |ounis 2015-i a®auøt;an% \;t ;rkarat;u fiuandouj;an! Fangouz;ali ja[oume t;[i piti oun;na\ Ourbaj% 3 |oulis% 2015-in khsørh ;tq vame 12!30-in% Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills g;r;xmanatan Y;rmak matou®in mh=! Sgakirn;rn ;n& xauakn;re^ Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Silwa Qhø,khr;an ;u xauakounq Tik& Ast[ik Arey;an ;u xauakounq Tiar Sargis Qhø,khr;an Qo\re^ Tik& F;rmin M;ryan;an ;u xauakounq Qro= xauakn;re ir;nz entaniqn;row% incphs na;u fama\n Ti,o\;an% :sa\;an ;u Taghs;an entaniqn;re ir;nz paragan;row! *** "o.an ‘a[k;psaki nouiratououjiunn;re ke .ndroui katar;l ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin kam Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an!

ZAUAKZAKAN Fangouz;al Mari Qhø,khr;ani mafouan t.our a®ijow% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq o[baz;ali xauakin^ Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg Qhø,khr;ann;roun% incphs na;u entan;kan bolor paragan;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ÂAK G;rsam Afaron;an Akoumb ªNor Ørºi Warcoujiun

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NOR ØR% 2 |OULIS 2015



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NOR ØR% 2 |OULIS 2015

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Fa\astani a®a=nouj;an 4 n;rka\azouzicn;r a,.ouvørhn na.apatrastuoum ;n :urogauajn;ri .a[;rin! ª"iunikeº% ªOuliseº% ª<irakeº ;u ªAla,k;rteº bazi ousoumnamarxakan fauaqn;riz famalruoum ;n na;u nor `oujpolistn;row! Nranziz ;t c;n mnoum a®a=nouj;an mius masnakizn;re% baza®ouj;amb ªMika\iº! ªMikanº am;na\n fauanakanouj;amb \a=ord mrza,r=anoum fandhs ke ga\ a®a=in .mboum ;u a\d patya®ow ci ;rkarazr;l fimnakan kaxmi gr;jh bolor `oujpolistn;ri pa\managr;ri vamkhtn;re! Jimi s;'akanathr Mi.a\il Ba[dasarowe \a\tarar;l h% or a\l;us c;nq karo[ jime paf;l! ª"iunikeº famalr;l ;n Âoumian |owsh';ane% Wardghs Sajoum;ane% Âoman B;r;xowskin% cna\a‘ Âomanin a®a=ark;l ;n endgrk;l Moskoua\i ªTinamo\iº marxcakan kaxmoum% ;u mi ,arq l;ghonakann;r! ª<irakeº lq;l ;n 3 `oujpolistn;r ;u famalrou;l h ;rkousow^ Arman |owfannis;an (ªAla,k;rtiz) ;u Ws;uolod :rmakow (ªKrasnodar-2º! ªAla,k;rteº famalr;l h darpasapaf Ghorg Kasparowe (ªMika\izº)! Ghorge \a\tarar;l h% or ;urogauaji fandipoumn;riz \;to\ fnarauor h t;[a'o.oui or;uh a\l ;rkir! Mius nor;kn;rn ;n& Ghorg Karap;t;an% Artak Grigor;an% Ghorg Pø[os;an% Âa`a\hl {axar;an% Andranik Oskan;an (bolorn hl ªMika\izº)% Al;qsandr Wolckow (ªAraratº)% >orhn W;ran;an% Samouhl M;lqon;an (ªGan]asarº)! Fama]a\n ª~oujpol +º ,abajaj;rji ªMikanº% a\nouam;na\niu karo[ h ,arounak;l fandhs gal bar]rago\n .mboum! Akoumbi s;'akanathr Pa[tasarowe n;rka\ pafin banakzoujiunn;r h waroum n;rdno[n;ri f;t% ou møt ør;rs irawiyake ke parxoui! N,;nq% or ªMikanº |ounisi 23-iz sks;l h marxoumn;re |akob Mkr;ani gl.auorouj;amb! Marxmane masnakz;l ;n 2-rd ;u mankapatan;kan jim;riz! • :urogauajn;ri masnakiz fa\kakan jim;re anz ;n kazr;l stougo[akan fandipoumn;r wrazakan jim;ri f;t% afa dranz ardiunqn;re& ª"iunikº-ªZ.inwaliº^ 0-1% ªDilaº-ª<irakº^ 2-0% ªTinamøº Bajoumi-ªOulisº^ 4-5% ªAraratº-ªBananzº^ 2-0! Kapani ªGan]asareº famalrou;l h ªMika\iº .a[azo[n;r Armhn P;tros;anow ;u Tigran Bars;[;anow! ªBananziº gl.auor marxic Volt Forn;ake ;rkko[mani fama]a\nouj;amb lq;l h jime% isk jimi nor gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l ªMika\iº na.kin gl.auor marxic Aram Oskan;ane% nra f;t ªBananzº h 'o.adrou;l na;u Wardan Mowsis;ane! • Fa\astani ;ritasardakan fauaqakane :urø-2017-i entrakan 'ouli m;knarkoum fiurenkalou;lis 0-3 fa,ouow xi=;l h Âouminia\i entranoun! • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane AMN-oum f;taxøtou;louz \;to\ w;radar];l h Moskoua ;u jimoum anz;l h bv,kakan qnnoujiun ;u \a\tarar;l h% or ªSpartakiº f;t zankanoum h or;uh tit[os nouay;l! FF fauaqakani mhk a\l spartakzi^ Arax Øxbilise fangstanoum hr K\ourasao\oum ;u jimin miazau |ounisi 24-in! • :oura Mowsis;ane facebook sozialakan zanzi ir h=oum gr;l h& ªFangcir .a[a[ouj;amb% Prn& Qerq Qerqor;an! :ritasard fa\;ris m;‘ mase \arganqow h w;rab;rou;l a\s fra,ali mardoun% ow mi,t \i,;l h ir fa\r;niqi masin ;u zouzadr;l h m;‘ shr ou a=akzoujiun Fa\astanin! };r gor‘e ,arounakuoum hº! • Miun.ani ªBauarianº fama]a\n;zr;l h ªJouriniº fa\axgi pa,tpan Darmiani 'o.adrouj;an farz;re! • FF fauaqakani ;u ªMarshliº pa,tpan 20-am;a\^ Gahl Andon;ane 3-am;a\ a®a=in arf;stawarv pa\managire knq;z ªMarshliº f;t!




:UROPAKAN AÂA+IN >A{:ROUM Paquoum auartoua‘ :uropakan .a[;roum b®nzqamarti mrza,aroum Fa\astani w;r=in n;rka\azouzic Nar;k Abgar;ane (52 qk) ;us lq;z m;tali famar pa\qare! Qa®ord ;xra'akicoum Nar;ke 1-2 fa,ouow xi=;z slowak Ouil;em Tanko\in! A®a=in ®aountoum \a[j;z slowak b®nzqamartike% 2-rdoum^ Nar;ke! W;r=in ®aountoum mrzawarn;re miauorn;r tou;zin Tanko\in% or dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic! Sambo\i kananz mrza,aroum Søsh Balasan;ane (52 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar gøt;martoum ouvgin faroua‘ stazau gl.i ;u paranozi fatoua‘oum% gzoum fnarqi vamanak enkau gl.i wra\ ;u znzoum stazau! Ouvgin faroua‘iz srta.a®noz% gl.apto\t oun;zau ;u t;[a'o.ou;z fiuandanoz% bouvxnnoum anzkazrin! Lour= kotroua‘q couni% ardhn w;rakanguoum h! ªPaqoui fiuandanozoum m;x f;t ,at lau w;rab;rou;zin% no\nisk pndoum hin% or ;r;q ør pa®ki% m;nq ou[[aki chinq karo[ mnal% qani or \a=ord øre w;rada®noum hinq :r;uanº% a\d masin asaz FF sambo\i da,nouj;an na.agaf L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane! Yiuto\istn;ri mrzapa\qarow Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;re auart;zin mrza;lo\jn;re! |owfannhs Dauj;ane (60 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum partou;z ;u dours mnaz pa\qariz! Dauj;ane staz;l h ølimpiakan warkani,a\in 64 miauor! FF n;rka\azno[ Vanna Stank;uice (52 qk&) a®a=in gøt;martoum partou;z britanoufi Q;li Hdouardsin! |ounisi 26-in m;r w;r=in n;rka\azouzice Dauij Niko[os;ane (73 qk&) a®a=in isk martoum partou;z isra\hlazi Sagi Moukin! Ouqrania\i jimoum fandhs ;ko[ G;[am Manouk;ane (91 qk&) nouay;l h ar‘ajh m;tal% b®nzqamarti mrzoumn;roum! Na ];®qi wnasoua‘qi patya®ow fravarou;l h atrph\yanzi Abdoulqatir Abdoula;ui f;t ;xra'akic martin masnakz;louz! A\spisow :uropakan a®a=in .a[;roum FF jime ;lo\jn auart;z mhk ar‘ajh m;talow% ore nouay;l hr Mifran |aroujiun;ane! Jima\in fa,ouarkoum :uropakan a®a=in .a[;roum m;taln;ri fa,ouarkow a®a=in t;[e grau;z ÂD-i fauaqakane^ endamhne 164 m;tal (79 oskh% 40 ar‘ajh% 45 pronxh)% isk 2-rde Atrph\yane^ 56 m;tal (21% 15% 20)% 3& M;‘n Britania^ 47 (18% 10% 19)! Endfanraphs m;taln;r wastak;zin 40 ;rkrn;ri fauaqakann;r! Fa\astane 1 ar‘ajh m;talow Kiprosi f;t kis;z 36-37-rd t;[;re!

S:RGH| ASATOUROWE A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJ:AN PRONXH M:TALAKIR Fa\astani ouva\in ;®amarti (paou;rli`jing) da,nouj;an jime masnakz;l h ~inlandia\i Salø qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane! S;rgh\ Asatourowe (83 qk&) s;[moum pa®ka‘ warvoujiunoum granz;l h 180 qk& ardiunq ;u nouay;l pronxh m;tal!

ÂAXMIK MISAK:ANE^ :UROPA|I "O>A>O|:AN Isjanpouloum enjazo[ axat oyi emb,amarti :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum FF-n n;rka\azno[ Âaxmik Minas-

;ane (50 qk&) ;xra'akic gøt;martoum 2!5 fa,ouow xi=;low Isma\il Ga=i;uin (ÂD) dar]au :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an! Sourhn >acatr;ane (74 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum 3!7 fa,ouow xi=;z atrph\yanzi Mourat Soulh\manowin! Wardghs Karap;t;ane (60 qk&) ;u |owfannhs M.ijar;ane (96 qk&) partou;low dours mnazin \;taga\ pa\qariz!

TH|WIT L:MION IBF_I WARKA’OW A<>ARFI A>O|:AN Qanatafa\ Th\wit L;mion mi=in qa,a\in kargoum IBF-i ja'our mnaza‘ a.o\;ani tit[osi famar pa\qaroum nokaoutow \a[j;z ~ransian n;rka\azno[ Fasan N*Tame ;u arvanazau a.o\;ani tit[osin! L;mio\in fa\re `ransiazi h% ma\re^ fa\ libananzi% axganoune >aulouy;an!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • +;rmoukoum auartoua‘ Karhn Asr;ani 8-rd \ou,amrza,arin masnakzoum hin tarb;r ;rkrn;riz vamana‘ 92 ,a.matistn;r! 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7-akan miauor 1-3-rd t;[;re bavan;zin grosma\st;rn;r Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane% Mi.a\lø Øl;ksi;nkon ;u Anton Korobowe! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row ThrSafak;anin bavin fasau ;rrord mrzanake! Mrza,ari \a[jo[ yanacou;z Øl;ksi;nkon! |a[jo[iz khsakan miauor ;t mnazin Âob;rt |owfannis;ane ;u Arman "a,ik;ane% oronq hl% famapatas.anabar grau;zin 4-rd ;u 7-rd t;[;re! Norw;kia\i Stauang;r qa[aqoum auartou;z g;rmrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin 10 ouv;[ago\n ,a.matistn;r! L;uon Aron;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 3 miauor ;u grau;z 9-rd t;[e! L;uone \a[j;z Karouana\in% partou;z Wa,ih-Lagrauiz% Jo'alowiz% Ka®ls;niz% Nakamoura\iz ;u oc-oqi .a[az Gri,couki% Fam;ri% Girii% Anandi f;t! 6&5 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Jo'alowe! • |ounisi 17-in Stauang;r qa[aqoum 68 tar;kan fasakoum srti kajoua‘i patya®ow mafaz;l h Fa\astani ,a.mati da,nouj;an gl.auor qartou[ar ª<a.mata\in Fa\astanº fandhsi fimnadir ;u gl.auor .mbagir Gagik |owfannis;ane!

LHONID XA>AR:ANE 85 TAR:KAN |oulisi 5-in anuani marmnamarxik >SFM sporti warp;t% F>SF wastakauor marxic Lhonid Xa.ar;ane ke da®na\ 85 tar;kan! Los Any;lesoum gtnouo[ nra enk;rn;re Lhonid Xa.ar;anin zankanoum ;n qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u am;na\n bariq! Enk;rn;ri anouniz Au;tis Ba\ram;an

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