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N.O. July 9, 2015, No. 28:N.O. Blank


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THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 28 VOLUME 93, NO. 28

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QIURT:RE KE NPATAKADR:N NRBANZQ ME BANAL DHPI MI+:RKRAKAN ’OW ~:FIM JA<J:QIN A\s \ødoua‘e fasknali dar]n;lou famar% ba[]ali hr or karg me tou;aln;r fa\ja\jouhin% Fiusisa\in Sourio\ mh=% jrqakan safmann;rou ;rka\nqin% inqnawarouj;an famar martnco[ qrtakan T;moqraj Kousakzouj;an (PYD=Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat)% ;u anor xinakiz .mbauoroumn;roun masin! Ardar;u% 2014 No \;mb;rhn asdin% so\n kaxmak;rpoujiune ke ]gti t;[abnak 'oqramasnouj;anz – qriston;an;r (asorin;r% sourianin;r)% arabn;r% al;uin;r% jiurqmhnn;r% c;chnn;r – f;t% 82 n;rka\azouzicn;row vamanakauor .orfrdaran me kaxm;l! <our= 3 milion qiurt;r fa,ouo[ Fiusisa\in Sourio\ Ar;umt;an Qiurtistani a\s inqnawar ,r=ane (kam^ Âoyowan) piti endgrkh Y;xirhi% Qopanii (A\n-hl-Arap) ;u A`rini qandonn;re (Xouiz;rio\ qandonn;rou imastow – gaua®ak)% oronq ke wa\;l;n am;rik;an p;touj;an n;zouke (?)! Dvba.tabar% saka\n% Iraqi qrtakan i,.anoujiune% ou Jourqio\ mh= Qrtakan Xin;al Kaxmak;rpoujiune (PKK) tarakar‘iq ;n (fa,t c;n) w;ro\i,;al Souriakan Qiurtistani f;t% ;u f;t;uabar n;zouk c;n kangnir anor pa\qarin! Bnakanabar% Jourqia al dhm h anor& endfaka®ake% a\laxan qø[arkoua‘ mi=ozn;row% k*øvandakh ISIS-i ouv;roun! :rb Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) kaxmak;rpoujiune% Jhl Apiathn wtar;z ISIS-e% Jourqio\ na.agaf Â;yh' Hrto[ane% Ardaroujiun ou Xargazoum Kousakzouj;an (PKP) [;kawarn;re ou ka®awarouj;an ko[mnakiz lratou gor‘akaloujiunn;re fauar 'rzouzin% katar;low a\laxan ambastanoujiunn;r% oronzmh amhnhn \atkan,akann;rn hin& ªQrtakan P;toujiun Fiusisa\in Sourio\ mh=º% ªNrbanzq ke bazoui Fiusisa\in Iraqi qariu[e Mi=;rkrakan ’ow faszn;lou famarº% ªPYD-n ISIS-hn au;li wtangauor hº! W;ri ca'axanz;al orakoumn;rou 'o.arhn% paf me qnn;nq% jh& 1& Jhl-Apiathn sks;al% Qopanihn anzno[% ou minc;u Y;xirh ;rkaro[ qrtakan a\s ,arvoume piti anzni# :'rat g;ti ar;umt;an a'e% ISIS-e Yaraploushn dours wtar;lou famar! 2& :jh a\s ar,aue \a=o[ouj;amb psakoui% anor \a®a=.a[azqe dhpi Ar;umoutq piti ,arounakoui#% nrbanzq me banalou famar Axhxhn dhpi A`rini qandone! YPG-n% am;rik;an ødouvi n;zoukow ;u arab xinakizn;row (Pourqhn hl-~iraj) n;rka\is ke fakak,®h 180 qilom;jr ;rkarouj;amb fo[atara‘oujiun me^ Âas-el-A\nhn minc;u Yaraplous! A\pisow% anor fakak,i®in tak ke gtnoui ,r=an me^ Fiusisa\in Qiurtistanhn minc;u :'rat g;te Yaraplousi mh= - 400 qilom;jr! |a=ord fauanakan jira.e A`rinhn Yaraplous ;rkaro[ (110 qlm&) marxn h! Y;xirhi gaua®akin mh= ke bnakin qiurt;r% arabn;r – 30 a® fariur – sourianin;r% qa[dhazin;r% fa\;r ou c;chnn;r! Qopanii ;u A`rini bnakcoujiune m;‘ masamb qiurt;r ;n% Jhl-Apiati mh=^ 40-45 a® fariure! Isk Yaraplousi mh= m;‘amasnoujiune arabn;r ou jiurqmhnn;r ;n! Bnakanabar% qiurt;rou ;raxn h oun;nal Ar;umt;an Miaz;al Qiurtistan me^ Y;xirhhn A`rin! Nman fa\r;niqi me (Âoyowa) irakanazoume ouni a,.arfagrakan ou z;[agrakan .ocendotn;r! Qiurt;re irapa,t ellalow% fama]a\n ;n or a\l t;[abnakn;r n;rka\azouin i,.anouj;an mh=! Ir;nz nora-

go\n \a=o[oujiunn;re ke partin a\d gor‘akzouj;an a\laxan z;[;rou f;t! Qiurt;roun fimnakan mtafogoujiune ellalow ISIS-i wtangin chxoqazoume ;u apafowoume A`rini% or |oulis 11% 2012-hn iw;r Damaskosi i,.anouj;nhn ir;nz 'o.anzoua‘ h% a\s w;r=ins korsnzouza‘ ellalow ir fakak,i®e a\d ,r=anin wra\! A\s ];uow% 2013 |oulis 7-hn sks;al% qiurt;re anzq me baza‘ hin dhpi Jhl Âi`aaj! A`rini qrtakan bnakcoujiune bar]raza‘ hr 700%000-i% Falhphn 'a.oust toua‘ qiurt;rou f;t;uanqow! N;rka\is% A`rin ,r=a'akoua‘ h Islamakan Yakati ou V;pf;j-Hl-Nousra\i xin;aln;row! Fama]a\n Qopanii artaqin gor‘oz 'o.-na.arar Itris Nassani% karg me pa\mann;r lrazou;lou ;n% orphsxi YPG-i ouv;re \ar]ako[akani dim;n% anzn;low :'rat g;ti ar;umt;an a'e& gor‘akzoujiun ,r=ani enddimadir ouv;roun f;t% t;[akan z;[a.oumb;rou pafan=ow% ou mi=axga\in da,nakizn;rou øvandakouj;amb! YPG-i npatake fo[atara‘q grau;l ch! Anika na.entra‘ h apafow;l ,r=ani .a[a[oujiune% vo[owrdawarakan ka®o\z me st;[‘;low% fon apro[ t;[abnakn;rou f;t! Jhl-Apiati grauoume k*amrapndhr a\d apafowoujiune! A\nphs al% dhpi A`rin nrbanzqi me st;[‘oume k;nsakan ke nkatoui ,r=ani apafowouj;an famar!

ANKA|OUN GOR’AKZOUJIUN ISLAMISJN:ROU F:T Jh;u kar;lioujiun h gor‘akzoujiun st;[‘;l enddimadir ouv;rou f;t ISIS-i dhm% saka\n nrbanzqi me st;[‘oume Yaraploushn A`rin diurin piti cella\! Fos ke gor‘h ISIS-e% ;u apa ,r=ane ke gtnoui Islamakan Yakati tirap;touj;an tak! ISIS ke tirap;th .ndro\ a®arka\ a\s ,r=ani Php% M;npiq% Âa\ ou Yaraplous giu[aqa[aqn;roun kam auann;roun% Âaqqa\hn minc;u Faraua\in Jourqia! Dhpi ar;umoutq% Falhpi ;u Faraua\in Jourqio\ safmanin mi=;u% Axhxe% Jhl Apiate ou Marhanii mh= k*i,.h Islamakan Yakate! Ka\ na;u V;pf;j-hl-Nousran% or Jourqio\ a=akzoujiune wa\;l;low% no\nphs 'or]a‘ hr mtn;l A`rin% ba\z ]a.o[a‘ hr! Ga[a'arakan patnh,n;r kan YPG-in ;u Islamakan Yakatin mi=;u% incphs or pataf;zau Pourqan-hl-~iraj xin;aln;roun f;t Qopanii ou Jhl-Apiati mh=! Islamakan Yakate ke m;rvh gor‘akzil PYG-i (Qrtakan T;moqraj Kousakzoujiun) ou YPG-i (Vo[owrda\in Miouj;an Kousakzouj;an) f;t% anonz xin;aln;roun ]a.ako[m;an ga[a'arakanin patya®ow! Saka\n ISIS-i mafazou faroua‘n;re krnan partauor;l Islamakan Yakate gor‘akz;lou YPG-in f;t! A\s w;r=in ,abajn;roun% grau;lou famar Sorane% ;u ankh ou[[ou;lou famar Mirha% ISIS-e faroua‘;z Islamakan Yakati dirq;re% Jhl-Apiati korouste darman;lou famar% ou miavamanak \ousalow grau;l Php-hl-Salami anzqe% or k;nsakan h Falhpi ,r=ann;roun% oronq enddimadirn;roun fakak,®in tak ke gtnouin! Islamakan Yakate ;u anor da,nakiz ouv;re patrast ;n dimadr;lou ISIS-i ‘ragirn;roun! Gor‘akzoujiune an-

Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an ªHl-Monijerº% |ounis 23% 2015 <ar& h= 15

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NOR ØR% 9 |OULIS 2015

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OC :US H ENK& |AKOB "IANTAR:AN Srti .or kski‘ow ke gouv;nq mafe fauatauor enk;r ;u w;j;ran jhqh;anakan^ |akob "iantar;ani% or pataf;zau :r;q,abji% |oulis 7% 2015% a®auøt;an% \;t karyat;u fiuandouj;an! O[baz;ale ;rkar tarin;rou wastaka,at ‘a®a\oujiun b;ra‘ h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Ar,ak Tigran;an warvaranin ;u JMM Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni >namakal Mamnin% orphs fa,ouapaf! M;r srtagin zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq fangouz;ali ;[bør^ P;trosin ;u ir entan;kan paragan;roun!

ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ÂAK G;rsam Afaron;an Akoumb JMM "asatina-Klhnth\l Masnayiu[ JMM Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni >namakal Marmin ªNor Ørºi Warcoujiun

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fiur;rn ;n ;[;l na;u Al;qsh\ Qacalowe% Ølka Qni'';r C;.owan! A\nt;[ ;rg;l h na;u ~;tor <al;a'ine! A\dpisi ør;roum patani Âoubhne ,at h sir;l ls;l m;‘afasakn;ri .øsakzoujiune! A\nphs or 'oqrouj;an tarin;rin nra møt a®a=anoum h f;taqrqroujiun arou;sti% jatroni w;rab;r;al! Na fianali nkar;l h% ,at lau nouag;l =oujaki wra\! :rb ®ousakan zare a\z;l;l h Wrastan% nra patouin kaxmak;rpou;l h fo\akap fam;rg! Patani Âoubhne masnakz;low a\d fam;rgin% nouag;l h =oujaki wra\&&& (h= 23)! Fasounaza‘ tariqoum ousan;l h Moskoua\i ;u Lontoni famalsarann;ri irauabanakan bavinn;roum% a\nouf;t;u Moskoua\i m;‘ ;®andow \aya.;l h :& Wa.jankowi jat;rakan arou;sti ousoumnarane! 1920 j& sksa‘ ;[;l h Lontoni% "arixi% Niu :orqi jatronn;roum ;u b;madr;l mi ,arq n;rka\azoumn;r! Mi;uno\n vamanak m.ryou;l h ,arvankarn;ri nkarafanman arou;stin ;u fas;l fanyar;[ 'a®qi kinoarou;sti asparhxoum! Stor;u f;rjakanouj;amb b;roum ;m Âoubhn Mamoul;ani nkarafana‘ ,arvankarn;ri w;rnagr;re ;u nkarafanoumn;ri tar;jou;re (h= 312-315)! 1& ’a'afaroujiunn;r% 1929 j& 2& Qa[aqi 'o[ozn;re% 1930 j& 3& Dokt& Y;qil ;u M&"& >a\t% 1931 j& 4& Sirir in] a\s gi,;r% 1932 j& 5& :rg-;rgoz% 1933 j& 6& Qristinh jagoufin% 1933 j& 7& M;nq d;®;us aproum ;nq% 1934 j& 8& P;qqi <arb% 1934 j& 9& |ousafat t[an% 1936 j& 10& Bar]r% la\n ;u g;[;zik% 1937 j& 11& Oskh ;r;.an% 1939 j& 12& Xøro\i n,ane% 1940 j& 13& Ariun ;u Auax%3 1940 j& 14& Nra matn;ri matanin;re% 1941 j& 15& Ama®a\in ar]akourdn;re% 1947 j& <ar& h= 15

N.O. July 9, 2015, No. 28:N.O. Blank


3:50 PM

Page 6


NOR ØR% 9 |OULIS 2015

Gal Tari^ Wan

Fa\kakan Barq;r


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Lragro[ Jam Qouran-i \ødoua‘hn qa[oua‘ h f;t;u;al drouage! Na. k∞oux;m xro\zin toun touo[ n;ra‘akane n;rka\azn;l enj;rzo[in! Am;rik;an `oujpoli 2014-15 taroua\ a.o\;ane fandisazau Posjeni Patriots .oumbe! Soworoujiun dar]a‘ h% or `oujpoli% pasqhjpoli ;u kam ph\spoli taroua\ a.o\;an .oumb;re Spitak Toun frauirouin% our na.agafe an]amb ke ,norfauorh .oumbi andamn;re% marxicn ou warcakan kaxme! Patriots (Fa\r;nashr) .oumbi gl.auor marxicn h Pil Pilichqe% isk warcakan tnørhne^ fa\axgi P;ry Nayar;ane! Anonq oronq s;rt bar;kamn;r ;[a‘ ;n% 2002 jouakanin Niu :orqhn vaman;low miasnabar miazan Patriots .oumbin! Our;mn Spitak Tan w;ro\i,;al fandisoujiune t;[i oun;zau April amsoua\ 23-in% a\sinqn Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki na.ør;akin! I@nc xougadipoujiun% or yarpikørhn piti ,afagor‘hr m;r .ixa. fa\e! Fima jo\l touhq bazatr;m! P;ry Nayar;an^ gl.auor marxici f;t ir bar;kamoujiune øgtagor‘;low% ke famoxh xinq or a\d ør ir kour‘qe xardarh Fa\astani p;takan drø,aki gndas;[ow! P;ry Pilin bazatroujiun toua‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin ;u esa‘ hr% or a\s tari fa\;re piti \i,ata-

khin Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;ake! Isk ;rb pa,tønakan endoun;louj;an enjazqin% Na.agaf Øpama kargow ke ];®nouhr .oumbi andamn;roun f;t% P;ry ke \andgnhr f;t;u;al kary saka\n øgta,at xro\ze 'o.anak;l Na.agafin f;t! P;ry&- Ke \ousam or wa[e% ];r pa,tønakan \a\tararouj;an mh=% ªZ;[aspanoujiunº ba®e ke gor‘a‘hq! Na.agaf&- A\d mhke dvouar h% ;s a,.atanq ke tanim% or apaga\i z;[aspanouj;anz a®a=qe a®n;m! P;ry&- Saka\n ~ransis Srbaxan Qafana\ap;te April 12-in gor‘a‘;z a\d ba®e! Na.agaf&- A\o% ba\z An in‘i nman ka®awaroujiun couni [;kawar;lou! 45-am;a\ P;ry Nayar;an a\s bolore ke \a\tnab;rhr Ouojerjaouni Sb& |akob ;k;[;zuo\ a\r;rou \atouk (Men’s Forum) ];®narki me enjazqin ;u k∞au;lznhr% jh ir mør;nakan m;‘ fa\re^ Babghn Qhcic;an% ;[a‘ h Z;[aspanouj;an w;rapro[n;rhn&&& Our;mn% srti partq famara‘ hr m;‘ før \i,atake anmafazn;l! Apris% ,at apris^ Am;rika ‘na‘% saka\n ir fa\ou armatn;re cmo®za‘ irau fa\^ sir;li P;ry! M;xi ke mna\ das a®n;l P;ryhn ;u nman a®ijn;r øgtagor‘;low% wa® paf;l m;r datn ou pafan=atiroujiune% a,.arfow mhk!


Austrian Embassy Provides New Military Attaché To Armenia

YEREVAN. - Armenia’s Deputy Minister of Defense David Tonoyan today received General Helmut Felner, military attaché of the Austrian Embassy in Armenia on occasion of the completion of his mission, as well as the new military attaché Coronel Christian Smutek. The Deputy Minister thanked General Felner for his work and congratulated Coronel Smutek on his appointment, Armenia’s Ministry of Defense press service reports. The sides expressed readiness to make efforts for deepening and strengthening of Armenian-Austrian ties in the sphere of defense.

ElectricYerevan Gets New Impetus: Rally To Be Held July 9 PanARMENIAN.Net - Coordinators of the movement against energy tariff hike held a rally at Freedom Square in Yerevan on Monday, July 6 evening, and decided to spend the night at the venue to outline further steps. The picketers also said another demonstration will be held Thursday, RFE/RL Armenian service reports. Besides, coordinating group member Davit Sanasaryan declared he was going on a hunger strike, calling on all the citizens to join their struggle. Armenian police dispersed the protesters in Baghramyan Avenue and cleared the roadway from barricades constructed of garbage cans. 46 people, including 6 minors were detained as a result of the measures taken by the police. The minors were immediately set free, with the remaining 40 citizens being also eventually released.

Greece - What You Are Not Being Told By The Media

Belgian Parliament's Commission Adopts Armenian Genocide Resolution

Commission for foreign relations of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies has adopted resolution on the Armenian Genocide. This was reported by the European Armenian Federation for Justice Democracy. The draft resolution presented by parliamentary majority has been adopted. The parliamentary majority has introduced a draft bill for an urgent debate to adopt it at the plenary session before the recess. The draft bills were also introduced by Humanist Democratic Centre, Socialist Party and “Flemish Interest”. Last month Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel on behalf of his government recognized the Armenian Genocide that occurred in the Ottoman Empire one hundred years ago. The Belgian PM said he believes the 1915-1917 events should be “considered genocide".

According to mainstream media, the current economic crisis in Greece is due to the government spending too much money on its people that it went broke. This claim however, is a lie. It was the banks that wrecked the country so oligarchs and international corporations could benefit. Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis

Obama: Campaign Against IS Militants 'Will Not Be Quick' President Barack Obama says there has been progress in the campaign against Islamic State militants, but has emphasised ''it will not be quick'', according to BBC.com. Speaking at a Pentagon briefing, the US president said that the task was largely up to local forces on the ground - but that losses in Syria and Iraq proved that the militants could be defeated. ''Our coalition has now hit Isil [Islamic State] with more than 5,000 airstrikes, we've taken out thousands of fighting positions, tanks, vehicles, bomb factories and training camps,'' he said.

in Greece: the government spent too much money and went broke; the generous banks gave them money, but Greece still can’t pay the bills because it mismanaged the money that was given. It sounds quite reasonable, right? Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity. It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades. Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail. Chris Kanthan

Russian Base In Armenia Harbors Danger For Georgia, Defense Minister Stated Defense Minister of Georgia Tinatin Khidasheli said she believes the Russian military base in Armenia poses a threat to her country. “Any Russian base at our borders harbors danger,” said the Minister in an interview published on the website of “Russia in Global Affairs” magazine. Mediamax recalls that former Defense Minister of Georgia Irakli Alasania used to adhere to a different position. “We know that Armenia does its best so as not a single threat is posed to Georgia’s interests by the Russian military base stationed there,” said Irakli Alasania during his visit to Yerevan in March, 2014.

No Alternative To Peaceful Settlement Of Karabakh Conflict Armenian FM Meets EU Special Representative Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan met today, on July 7 Special Representative of the EU for South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Herbert Salber, Armenian Foreign Ministry said. The foreign minister informed H. Salber of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The interlocutors addressed efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Cochairing states towards progress in the negotiating process on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. E. Nalbandyan and H. Salber discussed the efforts of OSCE Minsk Group co-chair states on the Karabakh conflict settlement that found reflection in the final declaration of the Eastern Partnership’s Riga summit, as well as support expressed by the cochairs since 2009.

Provision On 3 Fundamental Principles Remains Unchanged In OSCE PA Resolution

Yerevan – The provision on three fundamental principles of the Helsinki Act remained unchanged in the resolution of OSCE PA General Committee on Political Affairs and Security, head of Armenian delegation to OSCE PA Artashes Geghamyan said. The resolution was adopted during the plenary session on Tuesday, Artashes Geghamyan told Armenian NewsNEWS.am. According to him, the most important was provision on three fundamental principles of the Helsinki Act based on which the Karabakh conflict must be resolved. “These are principles of non-use of force, territorial integrity and nations' right to self-determination,” he said, adding that the final declaration will be adopted on July 9. The summer session of the OSCE PA dedicated to the 40th anniversary of signing of the Helsinki Final Act is underway in Helsinki.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 9, 2015



Serzh Sargsyan Meets With American Armenian Family Of Patrons

1.0 STABLE STATEHOOD The ideal stable statehood can be created under peaceful conditions where there are no external threats nor major internal issues for Armenia. Unfortunately, such an environment does not exist because of the blockade of its eastern and western borders as well as many internal issues related to the Armenian government and lack of major national resources. PAI believes that there are certain steps that the government can take to improve the internal stability of the country. Since the country is still in a nation building process, and to better serve the needs of the Armenian people, the authorities should strive to remove all sources of corruption, monopolies, and special privileges. Elected officials should follow through on their commitment of service to their constituents by applying the laws equally to all citizens and by conducting a foreign policy that meets the national interest of the homeland. In order to reinvigorate the Armenian economy, the government should pass laws that encourage and support the initiation of small and mediumsized businesses, which manufacture products for both local consumption and export purposes. By producing items locally instead of importing similar goods from neighboring countries, many new manufacturing and serviceoriented jobs could be created, thus providing employment for citizens who might otherwise immigrate to foreign countries in search of stable jobs. Another benefit of this strategy would be the creation of a larger and active middle class, which would become the backbone of the new country. Foreign investment in the Armenian economy should be encouraged as long as investments provide benefits to the host country, and refrain from violating environmental and labor laws. In turn, the Armenian government must provide assurances and respect laws, in order to protect investments by diaspora-based Armenians, who tend to invest in homeland not simply for the sake of making a profit, but rather due to patriotic duty. Further, the Armenian government should facilitate and encourage diaspora-based Armenians to become citizens of the Republic of Armenia. As part of government policy, and in line with efforts to increase the size of the Armenian population, new laws should be enacted, in order to incentivize young couples to have large families. With respect to the pursuit of the Armenian Cause, the Armenian government should consider it as part of its national policy, in order to proactively pursue justice for the Armenian people both in the homeland and diaspora, as well as provide for the security of the Republic of Armenia. By denying the Armenian Genocide, the present-day Turkish government is becoming an accessory to the crime. It is the PAI’s intention to pursue the Armenian Cause to its satisfactory conclusion for the benefit of the Armenian nation. We are inaterested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

YEREVAN. – The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Wednesday received members of the American Armenian Najarian family of benefactors. In addition, the President awarded Vartkes and Mary Najarian with the 2nd Degree Order for Service to the Motherland, and in recognition of their significant contribution to the strengthening of Motherland-Diaspora ties and longstanding charitable and humanitarian activities. Sargsyan also congratulated them for

their benevolent activities in the US, Armenia, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. He stressed that the Armenian people highly appreciate the patriotic activities of American Armenian patrons. The Najarian family members, for their part, thanked the President of Armenia for bestowing upon them the high award of the Motherland. They also assured that they will continue to keep the bond with the Motherland strong, and be useful for Armenia and the Armenian nation.

Armenia’s Matenadaran To Restore 11 Large Manuscripts In 2015 The Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (the Matenadaran) after Mesrop Mashtots continues the restoration works of the large manuscripts. In 2015 it is intended to complete the restoration of 11 manuscripts. The Head of the Restoration Department of the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Gayane Eliazyan told Armenpress that more than 1000 large manuscripts are kept in the Matenadaran. And the restoration works have been carried out for already two years. “By now we did not implement any restoration, as we did not have the necessary materials for that. The administration, considering the preservation of the manuscripts to be very important, has purchased the necessary Japanese paper, which is quite expensive. In 2014 9 large manuscripts were restored. This year we will restore 11”, - stated Gayane Eliazyan.

The Second Of Abril Bookstore's Summertime Literary Evenings For Children And Youth Glendale, CA – ABRIL BOOKSTORE dedicates July to children and youth by presenting three Sunday evenings celebrating Armenian authors who write in Armenian or in English. The second of these events will take place on Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 4:00pm at Abril Bookstore - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. The event will begin with New York author DANA WALRATH, who will be in town to present her newly released book for young adults, Like Water on Stone. At 5:00pm, the literary work of children's author FIRA AKYAN will come to life through song, dance, art and readings in Armenian by the author, puppets and children. DANA WALRATH is the granddaughter of Armenian Genocide survivors. She holds a PhD in anthropology and an MFA in Writing. She completed Like Water on Stone as a Fulbright Scholar in Armenia . Dana is currently on faculty at the University of Vermont . She has spoken extensively about the role of comics in healing including talks at TEDx Yerevan. LIKE WATER ON STONE is set in 1914, as the Ottoman Empire crumbles into violence. Shahen Donabedian dreams of going to New York . His sister Sosi doesn’t want to leave, now that she is in love. After a horrifying attack leaves them orphaned, they flee into the mountains and face death and starvation with courage and imagination in this journey of strength, self-knowledge, and forgiveness. FIRA AKYAN was born in Yerevan. Trained as a teacher, Akyan has produced countless musical and dance numbers to accompany her songs. She has authored poems and fairy tales, and has created puppets of the characters. All of these plus her riddles and games are perfect for Armenian children, parents, teachers, and musicians in Armenian and abroad.

AGBU Sofia Holds A Series Of Performances In Honor Of The Centenary Of The Armenian Genocide Concerts, dance recitals and poetry readings pay tribute to a thriving community Throughout the month of April, AGBU Sofia commemorated the centenary of the Armenian Genocide with a series of artistic programs to highlight the survival of the Armenian community in Bulgaria. The chapter collaborated with Armenian and non-Armenian organizations to hold concerts, dance recitals and poetry readings and welcomed Gagik Agopyan, Ethery Hovanesyan and Diana Vardanyan, three young musicians from Armenia, to participate in the series. On April 16, AGBU Sofia, the AGBU Sofia Arev Dance Group and the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia, on the invitation of His Excellency Ehiyazar Uzunyan, honorary consul of the Republic of Armenia in Plovdiv, gave a commemorative concert entitled “New Names of Armenia” to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the Ethnographic Museum in Plovdiv. The performance featured classical Armenian music with Agopyan on the duduk, Hovanesyan on the kanun and Vardanyan on the oud and the kanun. The musicians performed works by Gomidas, Khachaturian, Hovhannesian and Babajanian and were led by Dzovinar Hovanisyan, a professor of the

kanun at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. On April 19, AGBU Sofia partnered with the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Sofia and a coalition of Bulgarian Armenian organizations for a commemorative concert by the AGBU Sofia Chamber Orchestra in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The orchestra was conducted by Maestro Bedros Papazyan and performed pieces by both Armenian and Bulgarian composers. The orchestra was joined by guest musicians Agopyan, Hovanesyan and Vardanyan who embodied the hopeful tone of the concert: “The atmosphere of the evening was saturated with positivity and proof that life is always strongest. Once again the participants showed that music is a wonderful art that speaks all languages and overcomes all barriers. It allows people to communicate freely despite the differences among them,” said Papazyan. The week of performances continued on April 20 with an evening of Armenian poetry, music and dance at the Modern Theater in Sofia. Held under the auspices of AGBU Sofia and His Excellency Arsen Shoyan, ambassador of the Republic of Ar-

menia to Bulgaria, the event featured poetry by Baruyr Sevag, Hovhannes Shiraz, Yeghishe Charents, Vahan Tekeyan, Kevork Emin and Silva Kaputikyan read by professional reciter Ani Yepremian of Lebanon. “Today, Armenian music and poetry resounds on the world stage,” said Anahid Azhderyan, editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian Armenian newspaper Yerevan. The poetry was accompanied by music from composers such as Gomidas, Khachaturian, Hovhannesian and Babajanian and dance performances by the AGBU Sofia Arev Dance Group and ballet dancer Maria Todorova-Tateosyan. The final event of the week was held at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University in Veliko Turnovo during which AGBU Sofia presented a selection of music and poetry at a concert entitled “Waft of Armenia.” Agopyan, Hovanesyan and Vardanyan, along with Yepremian, performed for faculty, students and guests, exposing them to various aspects of Armenian culture. “The sounds carried us to the region of Ararat through the Caucasus to Lake Van and to the deserts of Der Zor,” said Ivaylo Djilianov, vice president of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Student Organization.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 9, 2015


This morning, SARF held a conference call with its counterpart in Aleppo, “SHDAB”, and confirmed reports of the displacement of the entire Armenian population of Hasakeh, a city in northeastern Syria which came under attack from IS during the past weeks. Sources confirmed that the remaining 35 families (about 200 residents) have fled further north to Qamishli where they have found temporary refuge among relatives and in local centers. We have been informed that “SHDAB”, which receives the bulk of its emergency funding from SARF, has immediately dedicated resources to aid the fleeing refugees, securing food, personal items and shelter in some situations. At this point, many face uncertainty regarding their immediate fate, let alone any chances of returning to their homes and belongings. The war in Syria continues to range on and spreads like wildfire from one region to another. We call upon our community members to once again heed to our call to action by donating generously to help our sisters and brothers who today, more than ever, need our immediate response. WHAT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSE! Donate Now! Online: www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org or by mailing a check to: SARF, P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209.

Russia Billionaire To Be Put On Azerbaijan “Blacklist” Of Karabakh Visitors


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

72 - Murat Paker By Hambersom Aghbashian Murat Paker (born in 1962), is a Turkish Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist (Ph.D.-1999) and a Medical doctor (M.D.1992). Currently he is Assistant Professor at the Psychology Department of Istanbul, Bilgi University on a full-time basis, the director of the graduate program in clinical psychology at the same university; also a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor on a part-time basis.(1)(2) In December 2008, 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The brief text of the apology is " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Murat Paker was one of the Signatories.(3) According to a press release by the "Armenian American Society for Studies on Stress and Genocide" (AASSSG), ".... Approximately 140 people, primarily of Armenian and Turkish descent, gathered to participate in A Psychospiritual and Educational Dialogue Between People of Armenian and Turkish Descent, sponsored by (AASSSG) and co-sponsored by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) NY Chapter, The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) and Fordham University. This open dialogue was held in commemoration of the 86th Anniversary of the Ottoman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians. The facilitators were Dr. Anie Kalayjian, a Psychology Professor at Fordham University, NY, and Dr. Murat Paker, a Clinical Psychologist practicing in NY. Dr. Murat Paker reminded the audience that no one on the panel was a noted historian or established scholar on the issue in question; rather they were all "concerned individuals" seeking reconciliation, friendship, solidarity and reparation for what happened in 1915 and afterward. Dr. Paker added that unlike other massacres, this was pre-designed, whole scale destruction campaign, determined by a government. Ottoman government was first-degree responsible of this deliberate mass destruction of its Armenian citizens. On all accounts, this act of destruction is totally indefensible and inexcusable. And it should be recognized as such." (4) According to "www.tallarmeniantale. com" , Murat Paker and many other Turkish intellectuals, historians, scholars, Human Rights activists, writers, physicians, etc. where criticized for being friendly to the Armenians Genocide issue and recognizing it, and as Turkish scholars they agree with the Armenians that what happened in 1915 to the Armenian is a Genocide. (5) Under the title "Recognition of the Ar-

menianGenocide","aghet1915.wordpress.co m" wrote the following "The fact of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman government has been documented, recognized, and affirmed in the form of media and eyewitness reports, laws, resolutions, and statements by many historians, states and international organizations." It listed the names of the Turkish intellectuals ( historians, academicians, writers, journalists, human rights activists) and others who have recognized the Armenian Genocide. Halil Berktay , Taner Akçam, Murat Belge, Ahmet Insel, Ercin Kursat Ahler, Ali Ertem, Engin Akarli, Koray Caliskan, Dilek Kurban, Yunus Tuncel, Ugur Ümit Üngör, Murat Paker and many others are mentioned in the list. (6) Dr. Paker has been writing a (psychopolitical) columns for a leading web-based newspaper, T24, for a year now. The title of his article published on April 19, 2005 was "Why is it difficult, but important, to confront Armenian Genocide?" (7) On May 14, 2015, a large academic panel titled "Talking about the Armenian Genocide in its centennial anniversary" was organized at Istanbul Bilgi University by a group of Turkish intellectual including Dr. Murat Paker. Dr.Paker was the moderator and one of the 12 presenters in the panel. (8)

Thanks to Dr. Murat Paker for reviewing this article. (H.A.) 1.http://www.muratpaker.com/hello.htm 2.www.bilgi.edu.tr/site_media/uploads/staff /murat-paker/ 3.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php? title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_ 4.http://www.atour.com/~aahgn/news/200 10425aa.html 5.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/TURKISH-SCHOLARS.htm 6.https://aghet1915.wordpress.com/recognition/ 7.http://t24.com.tr/yazarlar/muratpaker/1915-ermeni-soykirimi-ile-yuzlesmekneden-zor-ama-onemli,11709 8.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUZCbuDa5E&feature=youtu.be

Azerbaijan Adds Kazarnovskaya In “Blacklist” For NKR Visit Russian billionaire German Sterligov also will be put on the “blacklist” of the Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). It was reported earlier that the prominent Russian businessman has decided to move to Nagorno-Karabakh with his wife and children. This information has infuriated Azerbaijan. The representative of this country’s MFA, Hikmet Hajiyev, stated that Sterligov has been put on this “blacklist.” The “blacklist” of the Azerbaijan MFA comprises all those foreigners that visited Nagorno-Karabakh without the knowledge of the Azerbaijani authorities. This “list” is getting bigger, and it includes the names of several hundred well-known people, counting world-renowned personalities such as Spanish operatic soprano Montserrat Caballé.

The spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, Hikmet Hajiyev, said that the Russian opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya’s name will be included in a list of undesirable people because of her recent visit to Nagorno Karabakh. However, the opera singer is not worried for being declared persona non grata in Azerbaijan. She told the Russian News Service that she is glad to be in the same black list as Montserrat Caballé.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 9, 2015


Transportation Modes In Armenia By Areg Gharabegian Being a landlocked country, Armenia has an economy that depends on transport and crossborder access. Armenia has a few railway lines and an extensive road network. While rate of car ownership has been growing steadily in recent years, it is still relatively low. Public transport plays a critical role, especially in cities. The transportation network capacity is adequate for accommodating estimated demand up to 2020, but the infrastructure has deteriorated due to lack of funds. In recent years, government has given priority to rehabilitation and reconstruction of the infrastructure. A major issue that hinders transportation in Armenia is severe climate where low temperatures and heavy snowfall in winter limit economic activity. Roadway System Roads provide access to employment, markets, education, and health services, and thus are crucial for economic development. Since 1990, road networks have expanded in all developing countries in Asia except Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Tajikistan. China and India account for almost two-thirds of the roads in Asia. Armenia has slightly less than 8,000 kilometers of roads where about 94% are paved; however, some of the paved roads need major rehabilitation. The number of vehicles has surged in developing Asian countries. In 1990, only two countries recorded 100 or more motor vehicles per 1,000 people. In 2010, 19 countries had more than 100 vehicles per 1,000 people. Armenia has 92 registered vehicles per every 1,000 people. In comparison Azerbaijan has 110 and Georgia has 170 per every 1,000 people. In developed countries this number is typically more than 700. Number of Registered Vehicles in 2010 Number of Registered Vehicles in 2010 Country Total Number of Vehicles Number of Vehicles per 1,000 people Armenia 300,100 92.3 Azerbaijan 982,600 108.5 Georgia 736,500 166.0 Kazakhstan 3,250,000 199.2 Kyrgyz Republic 430,300 79.4 Tajikistan 357,900 47.0 The primary type of vehicle in each country - whether cars and other fourwheeled vehicles, or two- and threewheeled vehicles - depends on a mix of factors such as an economy’s level of development and population density, as well as subregional characteristics. Distribution of registered vehicles by type in Armenia is as follows: cars, SUVs, vans, and light four wheeled trucks 83%, buses 12%, heavy trucks 5%. The increase in number of registered motor vehicles in developing countries has been accompanied by a relatively high incidence of fatal road accidents. The relatively high fatality rates are the result of underdeveloped road networks; mixed traffic; limited availability of traffic engineering expertise; governance issues; and rapid growth of the vehicle fleet. Death rate per 100,000 of population is about 18 in Armenia which is three times higher than developed countries with good roadway networks. Azerbaijan and Georgia have about the same rate.Measures including safer road construction, better protection for pedestrians, stricterenforcement of traffic regulations, and road safety education typically reduce road deaths. Rehabilitation of the road network is a top priority for Armenia. Improving roads will increase trade, investment flows, and jobs. Better connectivity aids regional co-

operation and integration as well as increases the country's competitiveness. North-South Road Corridor in Armenia Government of Armenia initiated North-South Road Corridor project, which will be starting from Bavra (a neighboring area of Georgia) continuing to Gyumri, Talin, Yerevan, Goris, Kapan, and ending in Meghri (next to the border of Iran). The North-South Road Corridor once is completed will be 556 km. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to support the government of Armenia in this initiative with initial financing of $500 million. The estimated cost for the entire project is $1.5 billion. The North-South Road will link to the East-West Highway in Georgia that leads to ports of Poti and Batumi on the Black Sea, two key shipment points for Armenia. The following map shows North-South Road Corridor. The following are expected socio-economic improvement in Armenia as a result of the construction of North-South Corridor: ! Double Armenian exports and imports ! Increase in cross-border traffic from existing 5 up to 10 billion ton ! Reduce travel time through the corridor from 3 to 4 days down to 2 days ! Double average daily traffic from 3,000 to 6,000 vehicles ! New jobs and higher incomes ! Reduced number of accidents as well as lower road transport and maintenance costs Presently the first two segments of North-South roadway from Artashat to Ashtarak and from Ashtarak to Talin are under construction and the 31-kilometer Artashat to Ashtarak segment is due to open this year. It is estimated that the entire project will be completed by 2019 depending on the availability of funds. Rail Station in Yerevan Average Annual Percentage Increase in Air Carrier Departures, 1990–2012 Country Percentage change Kazakhstan 9.7%. Armenia 4.7%. Georgia 4.6%. Tajikistan 3.5% Uzbekistan 2.0%. Azerbaijan -1.3%. Kyrgyz Republic -1.3%. Turkmenistan 9.4%. Rail Transportation Armenia’s railway network plays a crucial role in providing mobility for people and freight. The network includes the metro system that serves commuters in Yerevan. The metro has limited coverage and in recent years it has lost some of its market share to minibuses. Most of Armenia’s railways were built during the Soviet era, as such central planning dictated that rail would be the primary mode of transport, so little emphasis was placed on costs and market needs. The system was designed to handle large traffic volumes and in some cases it served remote areas. The former Soviet Union rarely updated railway technology after the 1960s. About 370 km of the 732 km network are fully operational. Armenia relies on its railway system for about 70% of imports and exports, but there used to be a lot more passengers and freight. The railway system has seen its operations shrink 10-fold since independence,

primarily due to the closing of Armenia’s borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey. The growing mining industry in southern Armenia has become a major market for freight service, as the mine output needs to be transported to ports on the Black Sea. Since June 2008, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, the South Caucasus Railway has been operating the Armenian rail system. They have invested more than $250 million in upgrading the infrastructure and modernizing the system. In 2012 a contract was awarded to Dubai-based Rasia FZE (a Rasia Group investment company) for the feasibility, design, financing, construction, and operation of a new railway link between Armenia and Iran. The Armenia-Iran railway is called the Southern Armenia Railway project. The feasibility study results indicated that the route will be 305 km long and it would cost approximately $3.5 billion to build. As the key missing link in the International North-South Transport Corridor, the Southern Armenia Railway would create the shortest transportation route from the ports of the Black Sea to the ports of the Persian Gulf. Air traffic has increased significantly in much of East, South, and Southeast Asia since 1990. There were smaller increases, and even some declines, in air traffic in Central and West Asia and the Pacific. Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Turkmenistan had lower levels of air traffic in 2012 than in 1990. However, Armenia had a 20% growth of air passenger flow in 2014. Armenia has three main airports: Zvartnots, Shirak, and Erebuni. Zvartnots Airport is the principal gateway to Armenia. The new private two story terminal building which was built by a private developer for $173 million is able to handle about 3.2 million passengers a year, which should be able to accommodate the evergrowing demand until 2030. In October of 2013 Armenia passed the "open skies" policy for the air transportation. According to this policy the civil aviation in the country is now open to all the airlines that are meeting international standards. It was expected that this policy would spur economic development and reduction of the airfares. However, the latest data indicates that the number of operating air carriers in Armenia has decreased from 35 to 27 since the launch of the "open skies" policy. Czech Airlines and Al Italia are two of major airlines that stop flying to Armenia and Etihad Airlines is planning to discontinue its operation in September of 2015 and LOT Polish Airlines is suspending its regular flights from Yerevan starting July 1, 2015. Moscow airports are become the main air hub for Armenian passengers as a result of three Russian airlines, Aeroflot, Transavia, and S7 providing regular daily flights. Approximately 50% of flights from Zvartnots airport land in the Russian capital.

Key Challenges Globalization presents both challenges and opportunities. The challenges include an increasing demand for more timely transport services and the need to reduce transport costs. Other major challenges for the transport sector of Armenia are: 1. completing road network rehabilitation; 2. upgrading international railway and road infrastructure; 3. overcoming urban transport problems, particularly achieving a sustainable balance between private and public transport; 4. successfully implementing the railway concession; 5. further developing air services; 6. reducing the negative impact of increased transport demand; and 7. achieving long-term sustainability in transport asset management, particularly in the road network. The Global Competitiveness Index 2014 ranked Armenia’s infrastructure at 78 out of 144 countries, with the score of 3.83 in a range of 1 (very bad-quality infrastructure) to 7 (very goodquality infrastructure).

The US Defense Secretary Just Gave A Very Telling Answer To A Question About Obama And Assad

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey testify during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on "Counter-ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) Strategy" on Capitol Hill in Washington, At a Senate Arms Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate and US Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) asked Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Who will leave office first, Syrian President Bashar Assad or US President Barack Obama? The Pentagon chief reportedly answered, "I hope Assad, but I don't think so." REUTERS

N.O. July 9, 2015, No. 28:N.O. Blank


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Mi=nakargi bavine

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Z:{A>OUMB:RE N:ZOUK KE KANGNIN ISLAMAKAN KAXMAK:RPOUJ:ANZ Z;[a.oumb;roun dirqoro,oume no\nqan kar;uor h! Jh;u Qrtakan Yakate Axhxi mh= YPG-in da,nakiz h% saka\n% miavamanak% anor fandhp lour= w;rapafoujiunn;r ouni! Yaraplousi mh= m;‘amasnouj;amb arabn;r ou jiurqmhnn;r ;n& asonz z;[a.oumb;re ke \arin V;pf;j-hl-Nousra\in% axat souriakan banakin ;u ISIS-in! :rb a\s w;r=ine grau;z qa[aqe 2014 |ounouarin% bnakcouj;an 80 a® fariure Jourqia apastan;zau! ISIS-i ko[mh tirap;toua‘ Phpn ou M;npiqe gr;jh ambo[=ouj;amb arab ;n! Jiurqmhn z;[a.oumb;re% oronq fastatoua‘ ;n Axhxi% Phpi% M;npiqi ou Yaraplousi ,our= 150 giu[;roun ou m;r]aka\ l;®n;roun mh=% arabn;rhn au;li f;®ou ke k;nan YPG-hn! Krna\ patafil or YPG stipoui anznil :'rat g;te% ;jh A`rine \ar]akman ;njarkoui! Saka\n A`rine grau;lou famar% ISIS-e phtq h chxoqaznh Islamakan Yakate Marha\hn Jhl-Âi`aaj! Yaraplousi wra\ qal;lou famar YPG-n anfrav;,tørhn ke karøti am;rik;an ødouvi n;zoukin% or xgaliørhn au;lza‘ hr Jhl-Apiati gor‘o[ouj;anz enjazqin! Am;rika k*øvandakh na;u ,r=anin mh= akanoua‘ ®oumb;rou chxoqazoumin! Am;rik;an a\s gor‘akzoujiune kar;li ch ;[a‘ irakanazn;l enddimadir a\l ouv;rou f;t! Jourqio\ bou®n bo[oqn;roun wra\% \a\tni ch M& Nafangn;rou \au;l;al a=akzoujiune! YPG-i yanaparfe dhpi A`rin ka.;al h arabn;rou ou jiurqmhnn;rou yakatagrhn! Qa[aqa\in ;u apafowagrakan kargawiyak me ;jh cgofaznh arabn;rn ou jiurqmhnn;re Jhl-Apiati mh=% Yaraplousi ‘ragr;al ar,auanqe ;u \;taga\ ‘ragirn;r .ndrakan ke da®nan! Qiurt;re c;n 'a'aqir qiurt-arab kam qiurt-jiurqmhn yakatoum^ dhpi A`rin ar,auanqi ‘ragrin iragor‘man famar! Anonq c;n oux;r ,r=anin tirap;t;l arabn;rou ;u jiurqmhnn;rou kamqin faka®ak! Z;[a\in maqragor‘oumn;r krnan a®a=nord;l qiurt-arab yakatoumi! F;t;uabar% aknkal;li ch% or qiurt;re a®n;n na.a];®noujiunn;r% oronq .ndrakan krnan dar]n;l 2012-hn iw;r ir;nz g;tin ,afa‘ tara‘oujiunn;re% anonq piti ,arounak;n ir;nz gor‘akzoujiune t;[abnak .mbauoroumn;roun f;t!

MAMOUL:ANI N<ANE <ar& h= 5-hn

16& M;taqsh goulpan;r% 1957 j& A\s ,arvapatk;rn;rin w;rab;ro[ baxmajiu nkarn;r b;roua‘ ;n grqoum! *** Fark h n,;l na;u% or d;®;us 1997 j& Sw;tlana Goul;ani na.a];®nouj;amb :r;uanoum pat,ay makardakow n,ou;z Âoubhn Mamoul;ani ‘nnd;an 100-am;ake! Ifarkh a\d farzoum kar;uor d;r ;n .a[az;l na;u ~r;xno\i famalsarani "ro`& Tigran Gou\oumy;ane% :r;uani Am;rik;an Famalsarane% \atkaphs Âoubhn Mamoul;ani `ilm;re Fa\astan b;r;lou ;u zouzadr;lou farzoum! Mi .øsqow \ob;l;ane ;u `ilm;ri 'a®atøne anz;l hin bar]r makardakow! N,;nq na;u% or a\s .ndroum gor‘oun masnakzoujiun hin oun;z;l ªFa\astani kinoghtn;ri ;u kinolragro[n;ri enk;roujiuneº% kinomatogra`istn;ri mioujiune% incphs na;u Fa\astani M,ako\ji ;u S'iu®qi Na.araroujiunn;re! A\d ør;rin fraparakou;z \atouk dro,mani, nra dimankarow! A\n hl n,;m% or Los Any;lesoum ,at;re git;n% or Âoubhn Mamoul;ani katara‘ fanyar;[ gor‘ounhouj;an ªAst[eº gtnuoum h Foliwouti Wa\n 'o[ozoum (jiu 1709)! :xrakazn;low n,;nq% or Sw;tlana Goul;ani a\s a,.atoujiune n;rka\oums jargmanuoum h

fa\;rhni ;u møt apaga\oum lo\s ke t;sni :r;uanoum! ’anøjagroujiunn;r 1& Fakiry t;[;koujiun talow f;[inaki k;nsagrouj;an masin% n,;nq% or ousan;l ;u auart;l h Moskoua\i Miouj;nakan Kinoarou;sti Institoute ;u a\nouf;t;u aspirantoura\in dasenjazqn;rin ;u bar;\a=o[ auart;louz \;to\ (1971 j&) a,.atanqi anz;l Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Gitoujiunn;ri Axga\in Akad;mia\i Arou;sti Institoutoum! Fimnakanoum xba[ou;l h kinoarou;sti ;u f;®oustat;souj;an patmouj;an ousoumnasirouj;amb! Arou;sti w;rab;r;al ouni baxoum \ødoua‘n;r fraparakoua‘ mamouloum! Arvanaz;l h mi ,arq gnafatagr;ri ;u patouogr;ri! 2& "ro`& Nikola\ |owfannis;ane ;rkar tarin;r ;[;l h im a,.atanqa\in gor‘enk;re! Inqe Arabagitouj;an bavni waricn hr! A\nouf;t;u 19952006 j& stan]n;z Ar;u;lagitouj;an Institouti tnørhni bar]r pa,tøne! 3& Patani fasakoum m;‘ ;[børs na.a];®nouj;amb im t;sa‘ a®a=in ,arvankarn h a\s% Libanani Ph\rouj qa[aqoum! I


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N.O. July 9, 2015, No. 28:N.O. Blank


3:50 PM

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NOR ØR% 9 |OULIS 2015


FA|KAKAN AKOUMBN:RE :URØGAUAJN:ROUM ª"IUNIKº-ª~OLGORHº^ 2-1 (1-0) A.o\;ann;ri lika\i a®a=in .a[oum :r;uani ª"iunikeº 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z San Marino\i a.o\;an ª~olgorhinº! ª"iunikizº kol;re .';zin Sajoum;ane (45+2) ;u S;sar Âom;ron (47)! Patas.an fandipoume ke ka\ana\ |oulisi 7-in patas.an .a[oum ª"iunikeº \a[j;z no\n fa,ouow! :urolika\oum fandhs ;ka‘ jim;ri fandipoumn;re


ªALA<K:RTº-ªS:NJYONSJONº^ 1-0 (0-0) Fandipman miak kole 59-rd rophin .';z 'o.arinman mta‘ Mifran Manas;ane! Patas.an fandipoume ke ka\ana\ |oulisi 9-in!

ª<IRAKº-ªXRINSKIº^ 2-0 (1-0) ª<irakeº Giumrioum endoun;l hr Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina\i ªXrinskiinº! <irakzi VanVaq Boukoufii 17-rd ;u 67-rd rophn;rin .'a‘ kol;re \a[janak parg;u;zin ,irakzin;rin! Patas.an fandipoume ke ka\ana\ |oulisi 9-in Mostar qa[aqoum!

ªBIRKIRKARAº-ªOULISº^ 0-0 Fa\kakan 4-rd jime mrz;z Malja\i ªBirkirkaraº jimi f;t! Fandipoumn auartou;z kolaxourk oc-oqiow! Patas.an fandipoume ke ka\ana\ :r;uani ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum |oulisi 9-in!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Fa\astani 2015-16 jj& bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;ane% ore k*anzkazoui 4 ,r=anow% ke masnakzi 8 jim& a\d jim;rn ;n& ª"iunikeº% ªOuliseº% ª<irakeº% ªAla,k;rteº% ªMikanº% ªGan]asar-Kapaneº% ªBananzeº ;u ªArarate! A®a=noujiune ke m;knarki Øgostosi 1-in! • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane n;rka\ pafin apaqinuoum h% na minc;u fima zau;r h xgoum ;u w;r=;rs m;kn;l hr F®om bouvxnnoum anzn;lou! N,;nq% or Mowsis;ane <ouh\zaria\oum ardhn miaz;l h jimin! • FF axga\in fauaqakani darpasapaf Âoman B;r;xowskin ªSport Hqspr;sinº \a\tn;l h% or ci patrastuoum auart;l kari;ran& ªW;r=nakan ;s oc mi \a\tararoujiun c;m ar;l! Oro,oum ci ka\azou;l! :jh lin;m lau marxawiyakoum% apa karo[ h 1-2 fandipoum k*anzkazn;m fauaqakani kaxmoum% ,at ban ka.oua‘ h FF fauaqakani marxci dirqoro,oumiz! N,;nq% or ªN;usko\h Wr;miaº parb;rakane mhk ør a®a= \a\tn;l hr% or B;r;xowskin auart;l h kari;ran! • |oulisi 7-9-e `outxali FF axga\in fauaqakane marxakan fauaq k*anzkazni F~D T;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum! FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Âoubhn Naxarhj;ane fauaqin masnakz;lou famar frauir;l h 17 `oujpolisti! • <ouh\zarakan Nion qa[aqoum ka\azau `outxali a,.arfi gauaji ;uropakan gøtou orakauorman 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF fauaqakane endgrkou;l h D .mboum% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Hsjonia\i% Kiprosi ;u Lajwia\i fauaqakann;re!

MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOL • Ganata\oum auartou;z kananz `oujpoli a,.arfi a®a=noujiune! Kisa;xra'akicn;roum Ya'onia\i fauaqakane 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z angliazin;rin% isk AMN-i fauaqakane 2-0 fa,ouow^ g;rmanazin;rin!




|oulisi 4-in ka\azau 3-rd t;[i famar G;rmania-Anglia fandipoume! Lrazouzic vamanakoum Anglian \a[j;z 1-0 fa,ouow ;u tirazau pronxh m;taln;ri! |oulisi 5-in ;xra'akicoum fandip;zin AMN_i ;u Ya'onia\i entranin;re! 5-2 fa,ouow \a[j;low AMNi fauaqakane f®cakou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an! • Cilioum auartou;z Am;rika\i gauaji ªCopa Americaº .a[arkoujiune! :xra'akicoum fandip;zin Cilii ;u Arvanjini fauaqakann;re! Fimnakan ;u lrazouzic vamanakn;roum fandipoumn auartou;l h oc-oqi^ 0-0! 11 m;jranoz faroua‘a,aroum Cilii entranin \a[j;l h 4-1 fa,ouow ;u nouay;l Am;rika\i gauaje! 3-rd t;[i famar pa\qaroum ";roui fauaqakane 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Paragoua\i entranoun! • Nor X;landia\oum auartou;z minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiune! :xra'akicoum S;rpia\i entranin 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;low praxilazin;rin nouay;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose! :rrord t;[e nouay;z Malii% 4-rde^ S;n;kali `oujpolistn;re!

M:KNARK:L H OUNIW:RSIADA-2015-E Farauqorhakan Gouan=oou qa[aqoum m;knark;l h Ouniw;rsiada-2015^ ousano[akan .a[;re! Minc;u |oulisi 14-e ,arounakou;liq .a[;roum ke wiyarkoui 21 marxa];ui 272 tit[os! Fa\astane ke n;rka\azn;n 12 marxik% oronq fandhs ke gan sous;ramartoum% yiuto\oum% j;qouanto\oum% lo[oum% j;nisoum ;u sporta\in marmnamarxoujiunoum!

FA|ASTANI MINC:U 20 TAR:KANN:RI PASQ:JPOLI FAUAQAKANE NA>APATRASTUOUM H :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJ:ANE Fa\astani entranin |oulisi 9-19-e Foungaria\oum ke masnakzi :uropa\i B& diuixiani a®a=nouj;an fandipoumn;rin! |ounisi 4-i m;r t[an;re (marxic Wiqjor Ouskow) Moskoua\oum f;rjakan stougo[akan fandipoumn anzkazrin ªÂousn;`t Ø.ransaº jimi f;t ;u partou;zin 65-76 fa,ouow! Minc a\d fandipoume Wiqjor Ouskowi san;re 91!80 fa,ouow \a[j;l hin ÂD-i ousano[akan lika\i \a[jo[ MGOU-in ;u 75!83 fa,ouow% Toula\oum% xi=;l hin ªToula Ars;nalº jimin! M;r pasq;jpolistn;re w;radar];l ;n :r;uan! |oulisi 7-in FF minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Moskoua\iz ke m;kni Foungaria!

ARJOUR ABRAFAM& ªPHTQ H WYÂAKAN |A{JANAK TAN:Mº WBO warka‘ow 2-rd mi=in qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi a.o\;an Arjour Abrafame (42-4% 28 nokaout) Ma\isi 21-in G;rmania\i Fallh qa[aqoum mamouli asoulisi vamanak fandip;l h a®a=ika\ mrzakiz Âob;rt <tiglizi (47-4% 127 nokaout) f;t! ªCors m;namart <tiglizi f;t ardhn ,at h in] famar! Phtq h wy®akan \a[janak tan;m% orphsxi a\l;us farz;r ca®a=anan! Phtq h w;r=nakan apazouz;m% or ;s ;m ouv;[ago\neº%- as;l h Arjour Abrafame! Âob;rt <tiglize ir .øsqoum ,;,t;l h% or manramasn ousoumnasir;l h na.ord ;r;q m;namart;re ;u ci kaska‘oum a\s angam

inqn h \a[j;lou! Arjour Abrafami ;u Âob;rt <tiglizi mi=;u jouow ardhn 4-rd fandipoume ka\analou h g;rmanakan Fallh qa[aqoum |oulisi 18-in% b®nzqamartikn;re pa\qar;lou ;n WBO warka‘ow a.o\;anakan gøtou famar% ore patkanoum h Arjour Abrafamin!

FAMAFA|KAKAN AMAÂA|IN 6-RD >A{:RIN ENDAÂA+ Famafa\kakan ama®a\in 6-rd .a[;re k*anzkazou;n Øgostosi 2-13-e! A\s .a[;re anna.adhp ke lin;n oc mia\n masnakizn;ri qanakow% a\l na;u qa[aqn;ri a,.arfagrouj;amb! ª>a[;re k*azkazou;n FF ma\raqa[aq :r;uanoum% L{F ma\raqa[aq St;'anak;rtoum% Giumrioum% Wana]oroum% Abow;anoum% Arta,atoumº%- asaz Famafa\kakan .a[;ri na.agaf I,.an Xaqar;ane! Nra .øsqow^ ;jh na.ord .a[;rin masnakizn;ri qanake ;[;l h 3200% apa a\sør ardhn mia\n s'iu®qiz ka\ 4000 masnakzi \a\t! Endfanour a®mamb est komithi na.agafi^ na.at;suoum h% or ama®a\in 6-rd .a[;rin ke masnakz;n ,our= 5000 marxik-marxoufi! N,;nq% or .a[;ri ørakargoum endgrkoua‘ na.kin marxa];u;rin^ `oujpol% mini `oujpol% pasq;jpol% wolipol% j;j;u ajl;tika% j;nis% s;[ani j;nis% ,a.mat% badminton% lo[% au;laz;l ;n ;us 7-e^ lo[a'n;a\ wolipol% sporta\in par;r% kol`% fantpol% baxkamart% f;‘anuasport ;u fra]goujiun! Famafa\kakan ama®a\in 6-rd .a[;ri =afe Ma\isi 8-in wa®ou;z <ou,ioum ;u a\ln% Arza.i ;u Fa\astani qa[aqn;row k*ou[;uoroui :r;uani! :rkrord =afe wa®ou;z s'iu®qi am;nafa\a,at ga[oujn;riz mhkoum^ Libanani Anjilias ma\r tayaroum! S'iu®qi =afn sks;l h yanaparfe dhpi :r;uan! A\n k*anzni s'iu®qi fa\a,at qa[aqn;row% ke ktri owkianose ;u ke fasni minc;u Am;rika ma\rzamaq! +afi \a=ord kanga®e :giptosi ma\raqa[aq Gafirhn h! ªM;r n,anabann h miasnoujiun sportow ;u a\s tramabanouj;amb m;nq ;r;q =af ;nq wa®;lou ;u a\d ;r;q wa®oua‘ =af;re Famafa\kakan .a[;ri øre moutq ke gor‘;n ªFanrap;takanº marxada,t% ort;[ ke wa®oui Famafa\kakan .a[;ri .orfrdani, =afeº% asaz I,.an Xaqar;ane!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |oulisi 11-21-e Martounioum ka\analou h ªS;uana\ liyº auandakan mi=axga\in mrza,are! Am;rikafa\ grosma\st;r Samouhl S;u;ane% orin ,at masnaghtn;r t;snoum ;n oc f;®ou apaga\oum a,.arfi a.o\;ani =afin% no\nphs masnakz;lou h mrza,arin^ FF ,a.mata\in akad;mia\i frauhrow! • FF a.o\;an grosma\st;r Karhn Grigor;ane Ispania\i Monkada Â;,akh qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ 'a®atønoum 6&5 miauorow bavan;z 3-8-rd t;[;re! • 22-am;a\ italazi grosma\st;r ~abianø Karouanan a\souf;t;u ke n;rka\azni AMN-i ,a.mata\in da,oujiune! Karouanan ‘nou;l h AMN-oum ;u ouni ;rkqa[aqazioujiun! Na.ord 10 tarin;rin na n;rka\aznoum hr Italian! W;r=in ,r=anoum AMN-i ,a.matistn;ri kaxme famalr;l ;n na;u `ili'inzi Ou;sli Son ;u na.kin ouqraniazi :aroslau V;r;bou.e! A\s famalroumn;row AMn-i fauaqakane \a=ord taroua\ Fama,.arfa\in ølimpiada\oum ke lini \a[jo[i gl.auor \auaknordn;riz mhke!

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