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N.O. July 16, 2015, No. 29:N.O. Blank


5:22 PM

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THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 29 VOLUME 93, NO. 29

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N.O. July 16, 2015, No. 29:N.O. Blank


5:22 PM

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Page 3



JOURQIA^ AÂANZ HRTO{ANI KAÂAWAROUJIUN^ AÂANZ AKP-I POUL:NJ Q:NH< Anz;al |ounis 7-i .orfrdaranakan entrouj;anz% Â;yh' Ja\\ip Hrto[ann hr% or lour= partoujiun kr;z! A\s iro[oujiune amhn mard k*endouni! Jh;u an o*c mhk kap oun;nalou hr entrouj;anz f;t% soworakan pa\mann;rou tak! Endfaka®ake% Hrto[an minc;u ‘ounk;re m.ryou;zau entrapa\qarin mh=% da®nalow yartarap;te i,.o[ kousakzouj;an 'a®af;[ partouj;an! :®andagin xørawig kangn;low ko[mnakal entrakan pa\qarin% anika bar]r grauow ba[da.a[i mh= mtau ou ‘anr korousti ;njarkou;zau! |arakar‘ørhn (paradoxically)% Hrto[an ,afagor‘;z .orfrdaranakan entroujiune% tapal;lou famar .orfrdaranakan irauakarge! Anor andrago\n npatakn hr yamban farj;l mhk an]ow miaf;‘an m;natirouj;an^ na.agafakan drouj;amb! A\s f;®ankarow al% kousakzakan .mbauoroumn;rhn au;li* ;®andoun pa\qar me tarau! Na.agafi me famar anwa\;l% ‘a\ra\;[akan ya®;row% anouanarkoumn;row ou sout;row% entrapa\qare k;dronazau i*r wra\! Partouo[e ;[au Hrto[an% 'o.anak^ kousakzoujiune! Øgostos 2014-in% Hrto[an na.agaf entroua‘ hr endfanour qouhn;roun 52 a® fariure apafow;low! Incphs or k*aknkalouhr% dvba.tabar anika ]a.o[;zau warou;lou orphs irau na.agaf& 'o.anak oro, f;®auoroujiun paf;lou qa[aqakanouj;nh% otnako.;z anko[mnakalouj;an bolor skxbounqn;re! W;r=auorouj;an% |ounisin anika krzau apafow;l mia\n 40 a® fariure qouhn;roun& 10 amsouan mh= (na.ord entrouj;nhn \;to\)% korsnzouza‘ hr endfanour ]a\n;roun au;li qan 10 a® fariure! Hrto[ani farze au;li fratap dar]au qan Jourqio\ mnaz;al mtafogoujiunn;re! Fanroujiune \stak ªocº me esau Hrto[ani 'a®amol ou miaf;‘an b®natirouj;an Jourqio\ mh=% øvandakouj;amb AKP kousakzouj;an% or dar]a‘ h \ogna‘% a\las;ra‘% ka,a®ak;r% anbartauan ;u anørhn% 13 tarin;rou ir gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqin! :rkrin qa[aqazin;re% 60 a® fariur fam;matouj;amb% tarb;r patya®n;row% \stakørhn baza\a\t;zin% or c;n oux;r april Hrto[ani tirap;touj;an tak& kar;uor fam;matouj;amb% takauin% no\nisk ir;n qouharko[n;re% oronz kamqe ke paksi anor ouvin w;r= talou% no\n kar‘iqe ounin Hrto[ani masin! :rkar at;n Hrto[ane Jourqio\ \o\s n;r,nc;z! Saka\n a\s w;r=in tarin;roun% anika oc mia\n \auaknot% ka,a®ak;r ou qmafay hr% a\l^ m;‘ b;® me dar]a‘ bolorin famar! A\o*% Hrto[ane korsnzouz% ba\z takauin t;[i ch toua‘! Warcap;t Piulhnt Arinci fama]a\n% ª:jh AKP i,.anouj;an glou. piti mna\% Hrto[a*ne au;li datapartoua‘ h [;kawar;lou! Troua‘ ellalow or Hrto[an gl.auor patas.anatoun h karg me oyirn;rou ;u apørhn gor‘arqn;rou% incphs na;u^ gor‘akzouj;an afab;kcakan .mbauoroumn;rou f;t anzno[ 13 tarin;roun% fasknali h or inco#u anika k*ouxh paf;l irauasou a\d liaxøroujiune! Anika stipoua‘ h amhn gnow mnal i,.anouj;an wra\! Saka\n incph#s! Bnakanabar qa[aqakan xartou[i m;q;na\oujiunn;row&&&!

:jh mnaz;al ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;re – CHP, MHP ;u HDP – ckar;nan andrada®nal% jh qouharko[n;roun ,our= 60 a® fariure k*ouxh Jourqia me a®anz Hrto[ani% ka®awaroujiun me^ a®anz AKP-i% ;rkire piti ckar;na\ ];rbaxatouil hrto[an;an m[]auan=hn! AKP-n na.agafin ];®qin mh= grau me da®nalou 'o.arhn% stip;lou h xinq ;u anor manklauikn;re patas.anatou b®n;l ir;nz anz;ali ararqn;roun famar! :jh^ oc% anonq piti ;njarkouin ‘anr partouj;an \a®a=ika\ entrouj;anz! F;t;uabar% akn\a\t h jh inc phtq h en;l! Na.% phtq h arg;lq ellal% or Hrto[an yartarørhn qa[aqakan .arda.oujiunn;r enh% incphs or 'or];z |ounis 10-in% fandip;low CHP-i ;r;s'o.an T;nix Pa\qali f;t! Anika arg;la'akou;lou h ir pa,tønin ørinakan irauasouj;anz fama]a\n! Apa% a\d d;rhn f;®azn;low% datou;lou h an\ag 'a®asiroujiunn;row safmanadrakan angouj oyirn;rou famar% gofazoum talow ir an\ag 'a®asirouj;anz! Hrto[an warp;t qa[aqaght men h& Pa\qal m;‘ s.al me gor‘;z endoun;low w;ro\i,;al fandipoume% ore jh;u na.agafakan aparanqin mh= t;[i coun;zau% faka®ak na.agafin pndoumn;roun! A\s ];uow% Pa\qal dar]au Hrto[ani 'a®asirouj;anz gor‘iq% anor \;taga\ ‘ragirn;rou irakanazman yamboun wra\! CHP, MHP ;u HDP kousakzouj;anz famar amhnhn an\;ta]g;li ou k;nsakan partakanoujiune piti ella\ arg;lq fandisanal% or Hrto[an na.a];®no[e da®na\ ‘ragrou;liq nor qa[aqakanouj;an& a*\s h or k*aknkal;n qouharko[n;re! |i,;al ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;re .ousa';lou ;n AKP-i da,nakiz da®nalh% imastoun dirqoro,oum ord;gr;low% orphsxi Hrto[ane xrk;n ;rkire kan.afasørhn a®a=nord;lou nor entrouj;anz ka\azoumhn! N;rka\is% ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;re kar;lioujiunn ounin na;u w;rafastat;lou vo[owrdawaroujiune ;u ørhnqin tirap;toujiune! :jh anonq na.apatououjiune tan ir;nz mi=;u go\oujiun oun;zo[ fin tarakar‘oujiunn;roun% anonq kornszouza‘ piti ellan patmakan a®ije% sou[ wyar;low \a=ord entrouj;anz at;n! Fauatalou h% or .ndro\ a®arka\ ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;re – CHP, MHP ;u HDP – krnan gor‘akzil vamanakauor k;rpow% ørakargi wra\ oun;nalow vo[owrdawarouj;an ;u ørhnqi w;rafastatoume% ];rbaxatou;lou famar Hrto[an kocoua‘ m[]auan=hn! Anonq anfrav;,t mi=ozn;rn ou .;lqe ounin irakanazn;lou famar nman qa\l me! Qa[aqaghtn;re% ;jh c;n oux;r w;r=in entrouj;anz f;t;uanqow na.agafakan palatin au;rakn;roun f;t ja[ouil% xgou,analou ;n g;ri da®nalh no\n na.agafakan palatin ko[mh sarqou;liq sadranqn;roun! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (Today's Zaman% |ounis 11% 2015)

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NOR ØR% 16 |OULIS 2015

S;rv Sargs;ann Endoun;l H Irani M,ako\ji :u Islamakan A®a=nordman Na.ararin ܳ˳·³Ñ ê»ñÅ ê³ñ·ë;³ÝÝ ÁݹáõÝ»É ¿ Æñ³ÝÇ ÆëÉ³Ù³Ï³Ý Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõÃ;³Ý Ùß³ÏáÛÃÇ ¢ ÇëÉ³Ù³Ï³Ý ³é³çÝáñ¹Ù³Ý ݳ˳ñ³ñ ²ÉÇ Y³Ý³ÃÇÇÝ« áõÙ ·É˳uáñ³Í å³ïouÇñ³ÏáõÃiõÝÝ ³Ûë ûñ»ñÇÝ ºñ¢³ÝáõÙ Ù³ëݳÏóáõÙ ¿ :àôܺêÎú-Ç §Øß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ ù³Õ³ù³Ï³ÝáõÃiõÝ« ù³Õ³ù³Ï³ÝáõÃiõÝ Ùß³ÏáÛÃÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ¦ Ëáñ³·ñáí ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ famagoumarÇÝ! Àݹ·Í»Éáí« áñ Ñ³Û ¢ Çñ³ÝóÇ µ³ñ»Ï³Ù ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Ý»ñÝ Çñ»Ýó ¹³ñ³uáñ å³ïÙáõÃ;³Ý ÁÝóóùáõÙ ³ß˳ñÑÇÝ µ³ñÓñ³ñÅhù ѳñáõëï Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Å³é³Ý·áõÃiõÝ »Ý ³u³Ý¹»É« ;u »ñÏáõ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Ý»ñÁ µ³½áõÙ ÁݹѳÝñáõÃiõÝÝ»ñ áõݻݫ ܳ˳·³ÑÁ Ýᯐ ¿« áñ ³Û¹ ÁݹѳÝñáõÃiõÝÝ»ñáõÙ« ³Ýϳëϳͫ Ý߳ݳϳÉÇ ï»Õ ¿ ½µ³Õ»óÝáõÙ Ùß³ÏáÛÃÁ! ¼ñáõó³ÏÇóÝ»ñÁ »ñÏáõëï»ù ·áÑáõݳÏáõÃ;³Ùµ »Ý Áݹ·Í»É« áñ Ùß³ÏáÛÃÇ áÉáñïáõÙ Ó¢³uáñou³Í »ñÏÏáÕ٠ϳå»ñÁ ³Ùáõñ ÑÇÙù »Ý ëï»ÕÍáõ٠ѳÛ-Çñ³Ý³Ï³Ý ÙÇçå»ï³Ï³Ý \³ñ³µ»ñáõÃiõÝÝ»ñÁ ù³Õ³ù³Ï³Ý« ïÝï»ë³Ï³Ý ¢ ³ÛÉ áÉáñïÝ»ñáõÙ ½³ñ·³óÝ»Éáõ ¢ Ëáñ³óÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ!

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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 6 and 13, 2015. Publication will resume with issue No 32 dated August 20, 2015. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

ªNOR ØRº-I TAR:KAN AR}AKOURD ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji tar;kan ar]akourdi a®ijow j;rje lo\s piti ct;snh Øgostos 6-in ;u 13-in! Jiu 32-e lo\s piti t;snh Øgostos 20% 2015-in!

F:B& ª:uropakan >orfrdarani Endouna‘ "astajou[je Koc H Anoum Fa\astani :u L{F-i Au;li La\n N;rgrauoumº

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Cinastani Ou Âousastani Na.agafn;re O[=oun;l :n <FK-i A,.atanqn;rin Fa\astani Ou Atrph\yani Mianale èáõë³Ï³Ý "Ria Novosti" Éñ³ïou³Ï³Ý ·áñͳϳÉáõÃ;³Ý ÷á˳Ýóٳٵª èáõë³ëï³ÝÇ Ý³Ë³·³Ñ ìɳtÇÙÇñ "áõjÇÝÁ \³Ûï³ñ³ñ»É ¿« áñ г۳ëï³ÝÁ« ²tñph\y³ÝÁ« Q³Ùpáti³Ý áõ Ü»0³ÉÁ ÙdzÝáõÙ »Ý ÞÐÎ-Ç ÁÝï³ÝÇùÇݪ áñåhë »ñÏË7ëáõÃ;³Ý ·Íáí ·áñÍÁÝÏ»ñ£ "áõjÇÝÝ ³Û¹ \³Ûï³ñ³ñáõÃiõÝÝ ³ñ»É ¿ ÞÐÎ-Ç »ñÏñÝ»ñÇ Õ»Ï³í³ñÝ»ñÇ ËáñÑñ¹Ç ÁݹɳÛÝou³Í ÝÇëïáõÙ£ "áõjÇÝÇ Ë7ëùáíª Ï³Ý Ý³¢ ³ÛÉ »ñÏñÝ»ñ« áñáÝù ó³ÝϳÝáõÙ »Ý Ù³ëݳÏó»É ÞÐÎ-Ç ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñÇÝ ¢ Çñ»Ýù áõß³¹Çñ ¹Çï³ñÏ»Éáõ »Ý Ýñ³Ýó \³Ûï»ñÁ£ âÇݳëï³ÝÇ Ý³Ë³·³Ñ êÇ ÌÇÝ÷ÇÝÝ Çñ Ñ»ñÃÇÝ ÝáÛÝ ÝÇëïáõÙ áÕçáõÝ»É ¿ ÞÐÎ-Ç ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñÇÝ Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ« ²tñph\y³Ýi« P»É³éáõëÇ« Q³Ùpáti³ÛÇ áõ Ü»0³ÉÇ Ù³ëݳÏó»ÉÁ£

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Iran, Major World Powers Reach Nuclear Deal

Iran and six major world powers reached a nuclear deal on Tuesday, July 14, capping more than a decade of negotiations with an agreement that could transform the Middle East, and which Israel called an "historic surrender", Reuters reports. Under the deal, sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union and United Nations would be lifted in return for Iran agreeing long-term curbs on a nuclear program that the West has suspected was aimed at creating a nuclear bomb. "All the hard work has paid off and we sealed a deal. God bless our people," an Iranian diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity ahead of the official announcement.

Armenia Welcomes Agreement On Iran’s Nuclear Program

Knesset Speaker Expects Coalition And Opposition To Come Together To Recognize The Armenian Genocide


Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein has said he expects the coalition and opposition to come together to recognize the Armenian genocide, which he hopes to have the Knesset do officially soon, the Jerusalem Post reports. He denied that the Knesset recognition of the Armenian Genocide has anything to do with flexing muscles at Turkey, the perpetrators of the genocide and the main reason the government has not yet recognized it. The move is not coordinated with the government, Edelstein added, citing separation of powers. “The Armenians are not our greatest friends. They never vote with us in the UN. I don’t expect anything in return; this is not a political decision,” he explained.

President Obama Says Iran Nuclear Deal Makes World ‘Safer And More Secure’ President Barack Obama declared Tuesday that the landmark nuclear deal with Iran is built on verification, not trust alone, and he threatened to veto any attempt by Congress to stop it. "This deal demonstrates that American diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change, change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure," he said in an early-morning statement from the White House. He said that the United States had "ne-

gotiated from a position of strength and principle" and "stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region." Walking away from the deal, he said, could touch off a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region in the world, NBC News reported. "Put simply," the president said, "no deal means the chance of more war in the Middle East."

"The Armenian Rights Council of America supports Ardashes Kassakhian in his election efforts for California State Assembly District 43, which includes Burbank, Glendale, La Canada, Flintridge, La Crescenta, Montrose, Atwater, Hollywood Hills, East Hollywood, Silverlake and Los Feliz. Ardy Kassakhian has been a devoted American-Armenian member of our community who has been running the city clerk position of Glendale since 2005. His goals are to strengthen our community relations, reinforce educational needs for the youth,empower economic resources for the state of California and encourage citizens to be more actively involved in the process of electing their members for political leadership."

Armenia’s Minister Of Culture Receives Syrian Counterpart

President Serzh Sargsyan Visits The American University Of Armenia

Armenia has welcomed the agreement reached on Iran’s nuclear program. “Armenia welcomes the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached as a result of consistent, constructive efforts of Iran and the international mediators,” Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said in a statement. “This long-expected agreement is an important achievement for the benefit of international and regional stability and reinforcement of cooperation,” Minister Nalbandian said. “We are hopeful that this will serve an impetus for the expansion of trade-economic cooperation between Armenia and friendly Iran and implementation of joint programs,” the Armenian Foreign Minister stated.

On Wednesday, July 8, President Serzh Sargsyan made his first official visit to the American University of Armenia. This visit was on the occasion of the 12th Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, a four-day event attended by over 200 scholars from around the world, which is cosponsored by AUA. Mr. Sargsyan toured the university accompanied by AUA President, Armen Der Kiureghian, and Vice President of Operations, Ashot Ghazaryan. Armenian Minister of Education and Science, Armen Ashotyan, also accompanied him on this visit. They visited the AGBU Papazian Library and Mr. Sargsyan was particularly impressed by the fact that its vast collection is open to the public. Indeed, the Papazian Library is a valuable resource for students and faculty from universities across Yerevan. While AUA Cont. on p.10

Armenia’s Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan received on Tuesday her Syrian counterpart Issam Khalil. Ms Poghosyan highlighted his report at a roundtable discussion on cultural heritage as a factor of human unification and spiritual communication. Ms Poghosyan proposed expanding bilateral cooperation within UNESCO conventions. Armenia is concerned over the destruction of cultural heritage by the Islamic State in Syria. Not taking timely preventive measures could set a precedent. Ms Poghosyan assured Mr Issam Khalil that Armenia is taking all necessary measures to prevent illegal import and export of cultural values during military clashes. For his part, Mr Issam Khalil voiced his concern over the destruction of cultural values in Syria.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 16, 2015





In order to achieve the objectives of PAI, it is necessary to maintain a peaceful environment in the Republic of Armenia, and craft government policies that will provide security to the homeland. The supreme guarantor of internal and external security for the homeland is a strong national army. Such a force would also act as a deterrent lest enemy states plan acts of aggression against the homeland. The requirement and necessary steps to provide security and maintain a strong national army include the following: Compulsory military service; high quality training and patriotic education; procuring the latest advanced missiles and armaments; establishing military industrial complexes; methods to obtain reliable and superior intelligence; civil defense training and a pool of military reservists; and capability to conduct psychological warfare. Contributions of the Armenian diaspora, in defense of the homeland, should be provided in several areas. One option would involve volunteering one’s services to the Armenian national army. Providing technical support or supplying high tech equipment are additional options. Other means of contribution include lobbying various world governments in support of issues impacting the security of Armenian homeland. Considering the current turmoil throughout the Middle East, across North Africa, and in Ukraine, and each conflict zone’s potential impact on the Republic of Armenia’s national security and territorial integrity, the creation of an emergency plan addressing both projected and unforeseen situations is critical. The Armenian government must plan for the protection of strategic sites, such as the Medzamor Nuclear Power Plant, and hydroelectric and thermal power plants, lest there be a targeted attack, or one involving chemical or biological weapons, by those who wish to harm Armenia. With respect to potential propaganda and media war, the Armenian government must take advantage of the national aspirations of minorities within Turkey, including those of the Kurds, Alevis, Zazas, Circassians, and the Laz well as Minorities within Azerbaijan including the Talysh, Lezgins, Tats, Avars, and Kurds, by promoting their unique cultures and identities, empowering each minority with platforms advocating self-determination, and by regularly broadcasting radio and television programming in the aforementioned minorities’ respective languages. We are inaterested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

A Vote Of Witness And Solidarity From The UCC AEUNA, Glendale, CA. On June 29 at its Thirtieth General Synod in Cleveland, Ohio, the United Church of Christ unanimously passed a Resolution of Witness recognizing the Armenian Genocide. It joins other denominations, such as the Presbyterian Church (USA), which have passed similar resolutions in observance of this centennial year. The UCC’s Resolution, called “Commemorating 100 Years Since the Armenian Genocide”, reiterates its previous statements on the Genocide, and calls for vigilance against similar crimes perpetrated against any people group. Submitted by the UCC’s Wider Church Ministries office, it reaffirms the denomination’s partnership with the Armenian community, spanning over a century and a half, and calls attention to the eyewitness accounts of its own missionaries in the Ottoman Empire who gave shelter and relief to the survivors of the massacres and deportations, and in some cases gave their lives alongside Armenians. The resolution also lifts up the 1.1 million member denomination’s connections

with partner bodies such as the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. As well, nine of the 34 member churches of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) are also members of the United Church of Christ. In presenting this Resolution to the 1,500 delegates and guests in attendance, the Executive Minister of UCC’s Wider Church Ministries, the Rev. Dr. James Moos, read a statement by the Rev. Nishan

Bakalian, representing the AEUNA, as well as one by Rev. Michelle Torigian, pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Cincinnati. In his statement, Rev. Bakalian stressed the need not just for recognition, but also for continuing beyond that toward actions that would lay the groundwork for justice to be done. Bakalian stated that because countries like Turkey are able to deny their responsibility without being penalized, “the very same arc of violence [continues to be] the daily bread of Muslims, Christians, Yezidis and others in Syria and Iraq, in the same regions where one and a half million of my ancestors were condemned to death.” The officers of the United Church of Christ will use this Resolution to join with Armenians worldwide to continue their struggle for justice and peace as Jesus himself taught, and will strengthen the calls to countries like the United States and Turkey to end their equivocation and denial of these historically proven events. The full text of the Resolution may be read at http://tinyurl.com/armgenresolucc.

Joseph Kanimian Re-elected To The Board Of Directors Of American Red Cross Los Angeles Region The chairman of the Diocesan Council of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, Mr. Joseph Kanimian, Esq., who has served for the last nine years on the Board of Directors of the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region (ARCLAR), was re-elected to serve on the Board of ARCLAR for another three-year term during the organization's 99th annual meeting held at the California Endowment in Los Angeles on June 19, 2015. The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement. Its mission is to provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. The Los Angeles chapter is one of more than 750 American Red Cross chapters nationwide helping fulfill this mission. It is the second largest chapter in the nation and serves a population of more than 10 million people in Los Angeles County (an area of

Mr. Joseph Kanimian, Esq. with former ARCLAR Board Chairman Jeff Sakaguchi 1,600 square miles), in 88 cities within Los Angeles County. Southland cities served by the Chapter are: Agoura Hills, Bell, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Calabasas, Carson, City of Commerce, Compton, Cudahy, Culver City, El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Hidden Hills, Huntington Park, Inglewood, Lawndale, Lomita, Los Angeles, Lynwood, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Maywood, Pacific Palisades, Palos Verdes Es-

tates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, San Fernando, Santa Clarita, South Gate, Torrance, Vernon, West Hollywood and Westlake Village. Mr. Kanimian, who serves on the Financial Development Committee of the Board and Prepare Southern California, is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ararat Home of Los Angeles, Inc. His Eminence, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese issued the following statement on this occasion, "Joseph Kanimian is one of the outstanding leaders of the Western Diocese who has shown a unique kind of leadership in our community life. His passion of Christian Faith, the Church and the Armenian traditions, but above all his vision for well being of the community at large has been reflected through his humanitarian services. May God continue to grace him and his colleagues at the Red Cross with wisdom necessary to most effectively execute their God-pleasing mission."

Ararat Convalescent Hospital Celebrates 35 Years Of Care, Receives A Prestigious Award Eagle Rock, CA - Ararat Home proudly announces that Ararat Convalescent Hospital has been recognized as a 2015 recipient of the Bronze - Commitment to Quality Award for its dedication to improving the lives of residents through quality care and performance excellence. This national award is presented annually by the American Health Care Association, which represents more than 12,000 non-profit and proprietary long-term and postacute care facilities. Ararat Convalescent Hospital was among only 19 Bronze Award recipients in California. Implemented in 1996, the National Quality Award Program has three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The awards recognize those facilities that are committed to and are progressing in their quality efforts by delivering ever-improving value to residents and families and by improving overall organizational capabilities and performance.

Administrator Varsenik Keshishyan said, “We could not have celebrated our 35th year milestone under better circumstances. Ararat Convalescent Hospital is honored by this Bronze Award recognition. We have long been committed to making the delivery of quality, compassionate care our primary focus. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Ararat Convalescent Hospital’s success, we have now laid a strong foundation to continue our quality journey by striving for the Silver and Gold levels.”

This year, Ararat Convalescent Hospital celebrates its 35th anniversary. On that occasion, a celebratory luncheon was held at the facility for trustees, administration and staff. Several employees received recognition and special lapel pins for their years of service to Ararat Home. Mayor Ara Najarian sent the Convalescent Hospital a certificate of commendation on behalf of the City of Glendale. “We wholeheartedly congratulate our Administrator and the entire Ararat Convalescent Hospital staff for their outstanding recent accomplishment as well as their achievements over the last 35 years,” stated Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. “Ararat Home is that unique center, where our precious elders receive the best care in an Armenian environment. The Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to our staff, volunteers and donors for their unparalleled devotion to Ararat Home’s mission.”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 16, 2015


AUA Corporation Board Of Trustees Gather For Quarterly Meeting In California

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

73 - Nedim Gürsel By Hambersom Aghbashian

Bottom row, left to right: Mr. Sinan Sinanian, Mr. Berge Setrakian, Dr. Lawrence Pitts AUAC Chair, Dr. William Frazer, Dr. Haroutune Armenian, Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian AUA President, Dr. Mihran Agbabian, Dr. C. Judson King, Mr. Edward Avedisian Top row, left to right: Mr. Adam Kablanian, Mr. Sam Simonian, Dr. Ann Karagozian, Dr. Yervant Zorian, Ms. Suzy Missirian Antounian, Mr. Dan Sampson, Ms. Carol Aslanian, Dr. Karl Pister, Mr. Zaven Akian San Pedro, California – The American University of Armenia (AUA) Corporation Board of Trustees quarterly meeting took place in San Pedro, California on May 15-16, 2015. The majority of the Trustees were present and several participated remotely by phone. The two-day meeting included AUA academic and operational updates from President Der Kiureghian, a report on the very positive American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) visit to AUA, consideration and approval of the 2015-2016 AUA budget, a strategic planning discussion, upcoming development initiatives, and the appointment of a new Trustee, Veronika Zonabend. Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values.

14th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium In Armenian Studies University of California, Los Angeles, Friday, February 12, 2016 We enthusiastically invite graduate students and recent post-docs (Ph.D., within the last two years) in fields associated with Armenian Studies (broadly defined) to present their recent research. Work in progress is encouraged. Research papers are accepted on all aspects of Armenian studies, including, but not limited to: literature, history, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, art history, and much more. We encourage comparative themes and interdisciplinary approaches. Panel submissions are also welcome. This year we are pleased to announce that thanks to a generous donation a $500 prize will be awarded for the best paper presented on an aspect of the history and culture of the Armenian community of Salmast, Iran. Applicants should e-mail presentation abstracts of no more than 250 words and their curriculum vitae by September 30, 2015. Abstracts should provide a brief description of the work, clearly outlining the theoretical perspectives and methodology to be applied in the paper. Please attach the required documents in the form of a Word document. Please

note that a 20-minute time limit for presentations will be strictly enforced (roughly 810 pages double-spaced). Invited participants will be required to submit a draft version of their full presentation by December 21, 2015. A reception will be held on the Wednesday evening prior to the event to welcome the colloquium speakers. Students will have an opportunity to meet with faculty and students on campus, tour Armenian Studies resources, and visit Armenian Studies classes. The colloquium will conclude with a reception. Priority of acceptance will be given to those who have not presented at the colloquium before. Limited travel grants will be available to assist those who would otherwise be unable to attend. Travel grant applications will be sent to all invited participants. To submit abstracts or for more information please contact the UCLA Armenian Graduate Students Association Colloquium Committee at: colloquium.agsa@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu. Please address the subject line of your email in the following manner: 'Submission, [NAME], 2016 AGSCinAS.

Hamazkayin’s Choir And Dance Company To Perform For SARF Hamazkayin’s Sayat Nova Choir and the Ani Dance Company will hold a benefit performance for SARF (Syrian Armenian Relief Fund) on October 18, 2015. The event will take place in Glendale High School’s Auditorium, featuring patriotic, as well as folk songs and dances. There will be several performances combining traditional Armenian songs with regional dances.The Sayat-Nova Choir, led by the talented pianist, Nora RoumianBairamian, was founded 5 years ago. Other than its annual concerts, the choir has performed on numerous occasions in the community. The Ani Dance Company has been in existence for the past 41 years. The artistic directors are the well- known choreographers, Suzy Barseghian-Tarpinian and Yeghia

Hasholian. The group has been a constant presence on the cultural scene of the Armenian community in the Southland. “I’m thrilled and thankful to learn that the prestigious Sayat Nova Choir and the Ani Dance Company of Hamazkayin Cultural Association have decided to present a joint performance, the proceeds of which shall benefit the Armenians who are victims of the brutal civil war in Syria. I appeal to our supporters once more to attend this cultural event, not only for the financial support it will provide, but also to ease their pain through solidarity,” said John Titizian, chairman of SARF. “We must show the perpetrators of these brutal acts that Syrian Armenians have support abroad,” he added.

Dr. Nedim Gürsel (born April 5, 1951, in Gaziantep) is a Turkish writer. After graduating from Galatasaray High School in 1970, he studied at the Sorbonne. In 1974, he graduated from the Sorbonne's Department of Modern French Literature. In 1979, he received his doctorate in comparative literature after completing his dissertation on Louis Aragon and Nazim Hikmet. He returned to Turkey but the unrest there in 1980 persuaded him to go back to France. In 1976, Gürsel published "A Summer without End", a collection of stories. For that received the Prize of the Turkish Language Academy. After the 1980 Turkish coup d'état, a military tribunal charged that Gürsel's collection had slandered the Turkish army. In 1983, the Turkish military censored Gürsel's novel "The First Woman". Both books were unavailable in Turkey for several years. In 2008, Gürsel published "The Daughters of Allah". The book prompted the Turkish authorities to charge him with insulting religion. In June 2009, a court in Istanbul acquitted him of the charge. Dr.Gürsel is a founding member of the International Parliament of Writers. Today, a citizen of France, he teaches contemporary Turkish literature at the Sorbonne, and works as the research director on Turkish Literature at the International French Science Research Center (CNRS). He pub-

lished a long list of books, most of them available on Amazon. 50 of his books are on Goodreads with 766 ratings, and his most popular book is Allah'ın Kızları. Dr.Gürsel received many awards. In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. This is the complete, brief text of the apology: My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them. Dr.Gürsel was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (1) On May 24, 2009, Armenian Genocide Resource Center published Dr.Nedim Gürsel's interview with Euronews, where he made a very important statement concerning the recognition of the Armenian genocide saying that "I think that Turkey should make a real work of memory. As regards the petition which I signed, I think it's a good thing, the Armenian issue remains taboo in the collective memory of Turks.". Also according to " rehmat1.com " during the same interview Dr.Nedim Gürsel "suggested to over 99% Turkish Muslim population to forget their Islamic past and accept their past mistakes, such as, the Armenian genocide,..... (2)

Thanks to Dr. Nedim Gürsel for reviewing this article. 1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_catastrophe 2.http://rehmat1.com/2009/05/31/th e-daughters-of-allah-book-review/

AMAA Facilitates Donation of Medical Equipment and Hospital Beds to the Central Military Hospital of the Republic of Armenia On June 20th, AMAA Life Member, Dr. Chris Tashjian, joined by Harout Nercessian, AMAA's Representative in Armenia, fellow philanthropists Dr. Vartkes and Mary Najarian; Davit Tonoyan, Deputy Minister of the Republic of Armenia's Defense Ministry; A. Abreamov, First Deputy Chief of General Staff Lieutenant-General; Colonel A. Asadouryan the Chief of the Clinic of the Central Military Hospital; and Ruzanna Khatchaturyan, President of the Armenian Association of Military Doctors and wife of the Republic of Armenia's (RA) Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, visited the Central Military Hospital of the RA. The group viewed various departments in the Hospital, checked the newly donated electronically controlled beds and medical equipment, and spoke with military patients who are undergoing treatment in the Hospital. Through the creative and tireless efforts of Dr. Tashjian, who secured and handled the transport of the beds and medical equipment (valued at $300,000) to Armenia, the AMAA undertook the feat of having the beds and equipment received and delivered to the Hospital.

The Central Military Hospital of the RA, located in Yerevan, provides advanced healthcare to servicemen and their families. All guests promised that donations of medical equipment to the Military Hospital will be continuous.

Armenia's Justice Minister resigns Yerevan – Armenia's Justice Minister Hovhannes Manukyan has handed over his resignation. Minister Manukyan is presently on vacation abroad, his spokesperson Tsovinar Khachatryan told Armenian NewsNEWS.am. There are no reports about candidates for his seat. The resignation has to be approved by the President. News.am

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 16, 2015


Senate Appropriators Adopt U.S. Aid Priorities For Armenia And The Region

Golden Apricot: International Festival Brings New Famous “Guests Of Honor” To Armenia

Cont. from p.7

Outlines Assistance to Artsakh WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee adopted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations bill, which covers U.S. economic, humanitarian, and military assistance to the South Caucasus, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). The committee's action mirrored the President's request with respect to military funding to Armenia and Azerbaijan and maintained parity, allocating $1.7 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and $600,000 in International Military Education Training (IMET) for each nation. The Assembly, however, remains deeply concerned by Azerbaijan's ongoing cease-fire violations. In terms of non-military assistance, the committee recommended $20.1 million for Armenia; $8.8 million for Azerbaijan; and $54 million for Georgia. The committee report also highlighted Nagorno Karabakh as a U.S. aid priority, recommending "assistance for victims of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in amounts consistent with prior years, and for ongoing needs related to the conflict. The Committee urges a peaceful resolution of the conflict." This year's report language was also expanded to ensure that demining activities continue. "The Committee recognizes that Nagorno-Karabakh has a per capita landmine accident rate among the highest in the world, and that mine clearance programs have been effective where implemented. The Committee is concerned with territorial restrictions placed on demining activities in the region and recommends continued funding for, and the geographical expansion of, such programs." "We appreciate the bipartisan work of Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (D-VT) for negotiating a package that clearly calls for increased U.S. engagement with Armenia, NagornoKarabakh, and the region," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We also thank Vice Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (DMD) for ensuring Armenian American aid priorities in these turbulent times, as well as Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) who continues to advocate for critical funding for Artsakh," Ardouny said. Senator Kirk previously told the Assembly that "continued assistance for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh remains an important priority." As the appropriations process was underway, Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny testified before Congress outlining nine key aid priorities of the Armenian American community. The Assembly's approach was reinforced by Assembly Board Member Annie Totah, a resident of Maryland, who wrote Senator Mikulski urging increased U.S. attention to Nagorno Karabakh, and expressed concerns "about the gaps in the deliver and distribution of such assistance to those in need in Syria as well as ensuring adequate funding to help refugees taking refuge in Armenia." Like its house counterpart, the Senate appropriations bill maintained Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, restating the six customary exemptions for humanitarian and other assistance to Azerbaijan. Section 907 was enacted in 1992 and requires the Government of Azerbaijan to take "demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force" against Armenia and Artsakh. Now that the SFOPS bill has passed both chambers of Congress, the next step in the legislative process involves the creation of a conference committee. Committee members will work out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill before sending it to the President for him to sign into law.

President Serzh Sargsyan Visits AUA

On Sunday the honorable guests of the festival Italian and German actresses Ornella Muti and Nastassja Kinski as well as other guests and famous artists walked the red carpet before the opening ceremony held at the National Opera and Ballet Theater in Yerevan. The opening ceremony was marked by two special awards, Parajanov Thaler Award (honoring a Soviet filmmaker of Armenian origin Sergey Parajanov – 1924-1990) granted by the festival to two of this year’s guests of honor Muti and Kinski. French-Armenian actor and filmmaker Serge Avedikian noted at the opening ceremony that 2015 was unique since Golden Apricot organized film screenings commemorating of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

Turkish Director Haci Orman ’s Film Boycotted In Istanbul, But To Be Screened At Golden Apricot Film Festival In Yerevan ‘Homo Politicus’, a short film by Turkish director Haci Orman, will be screened out of competition at Golden Apricot 12th International Film Festival being held in Yerevan. The film depicts the events during the Armenian Genocide committed in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. It tells the story of German Protestant missionary Johannes Lepsius who attempted to draw the attention of the international community to Armenian massacres in Western Armenia. J. Lepsius wrote the book “Bericht über die Lage des armenischen Volkes in der Türkei”, in which he condemned the Armenian Genocide.

Speaking at a press conference in Yerevan, Haci Orman said he is glad to participate in the Golden Apricot Festival. The director said it is his first film and he was motivated by a desire to tell other people about the events that took place a hundred years ago. “I am going to address political problems again in my new works. I have long been engaged in opposition political activity and I am not afraid of pressure,’ he noted. According to H. Orman, the film was expected to be demonstrated at Istanbul Festival but Turkish film directors boycotted it so ‘Homo Politicus’ will be screened for the first time at Golden Apricot Film Festival.

has roughly 1,200 students, the Papazian Library has 14,000 patrons. He also took great interest in a presentation on the university’s solar energy system, made by AUA engineering graduate and energy efficiency expert, Armen Gharibyan. The president went on to visit the Akian Gallery, which is currently showcasing an exhibition of watercolors by AUA president, Armen Der Kiureghian. These works are being sold to benefit the Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund. Mr. Sargsyan was given a painting of Haghartsin Monastery as a gift, but opted to buy it instead to support the Fund. The exhibit has raised close to $9,000 so far. Mr. Sargsyan spoke to several key faculty members, including Dean of the School of Public Health, Varduhi Petrosyan, who introduced research projects and collaborations with the Ministry of Health. Alen Amirkhanian, Director of the Acopian Center for the Environment, spoke about a number of projects on environmental protection and monitoring, including collaborations with the Ministry of Nature Protection. Aram Hajian, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering, highlighted the rapid growth in the number of computer science students and discussed projects that the college is undertaking with several major companies, including Samsung and Mentor Graphics. Mr. Sargsyan asked a number of questions, focusing on the impact that the research taking place at AUA is having on the country. He was pleased to know that AUA attracts local and diasporan Armenians with advanced degrees from top universities in the West to come and work in Armenia. The president took great interest in AUA’s plans to start a hospitality management program, which would be well aligned with the government policy to expand the tourism sector. He came away with positive impressions not only of the university’s state-of-the-art facilities, but of the faculty, staff and students who teach and learn within its walls, collaborating on projects that aim to create a brighter future for Armenia.

AGBU London Hosts Cultural Event In Honor Of The Centenary Of The Armenian Genocide “Living Memory” celebrates the rebirth of the Armenian nation On June 26, 2015, AGBU London organized an evening of Armenian culture titled “Living Memory” in honor of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide and the rebirth of the Armenian nation at the Chelsea Old Town Hall in London. The first part of the evening included an exhibition comprised of both paintings and sculptures titled “The Memory Is Still Alive,” dedicated to the work of artist Nairi Afrikyan. The second part of the evening began with a speech by Assadour Guzelian, who welcomed the audience and read the letter he received from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in response to his open letter to Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama and President Netanyahu about recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The letter confirmed that the British government had not changed its position: “Powerful governments like the United States and Great Britain can bury justice, but they should always remember that truth has never had a grave in history. One can-

not bury the truth.” Guzelian was followed by Ara Sarafian, the founder and director of the Gomidas Institute and a historian specializing in late Ottoman and modern Armenian history. Sarafian delivered a lecture titled “Let Us Remember the Armenians Living in Turkey Today,” in which he referred to his meetings with Turkish and Kurdish intellectuals, representatives of various organizations, public figures and ordinary citizens in different provinces in Turkey. He said that the political climate has improved considerably in present-day Turkey; many issues that were considered taboo and could not be publically voiced, including the Armenian Genocide, can now be openly discussed. As a result, many hidden Islamized Armenians are returning to their roots. “For the pursuit and peaceful solution to the Armenian question, we must ensure the cooperation of Turkish and Kurdish intellectuals, public figures and organizations,” said Sarafian.

Baroness Caroline Cox then gave a presentation titled “The Spirit of Armenia: Beauty from the Ashes of Destruction” in which she spoke about the atrocities perpetrated by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh and told stories from her 82 visits to Armenia and NagornoKarabakh. She ended her speech with the English translation of a poem written by Gegham, a ten-year-old Armenian boy from Nagorno-Karabakh: “I subsequently met Gegham as an adult. He had returned to his village as a teacher. What commitment. What an inspiration!” said Cox. After a reception, the artistic program began with a series of concerts, dance performances and poetry readings. The evening concluded with remarks by the artistic director of the program, dancer and choreographer Shake Major-Chilingirian, who invited the audience to join a circle dance symbolizing unity and everlasting life. !

N.O. July 16, 2015, No. 29:N.O. Blank


5:22 PM

Page 7



Fa\kakan Barq;r


F;‘;lar,au% Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin A®jiu Ghorg Qhø,khr;an

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NOR ØR% 16 |OULIS 2015


:UROGAUAJN:ROUM :R:Q FA|KAKAN JIM:R |A+ORD "OUL ANZAN FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=in cors t;[;re graua‘ jim;re ª"iunikeº% ªOuliseº% ª<irakeº ;u ªAla,k;rteº masnakzoum ;n :urogauajn;ri .a[arkoujiunn;rin! :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\oum ª"iunikeº |oulisi 7-in ka\aza‘ patas.an .a[oum ;us 2-1 fa,ouow \a[janak tøn;z San Marino\i ª~olgorhiº nkatmamb ;u nouay;z orakauorman ;rkrord 'ouli ou[;gir! ª"iunikiº kaxmoum kol;ri f;[inakn;r dar]an Kamø |owfannis;ane ;u Wardghs Sajoum;ane! |a=ord 'ouloum ª"iunikeº mrz;z Norw;gia\i ªMoldhiº f;t! A®a=in fandipoume ka\azau Norw;gia\oum |oulisi 14-in! ªMold;nº \a[j;z 5-0 fa,ouow! Patas.an .a[e ka\analou h :r;uanoum% |oulisi 21-in! :urolika\oum Giumrii ª<irakeº Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina\i Mostar qa[aqoum patas.an .a[oum |oulisi 9-in 1-2 fa,ouow partou;z t;[i ªXrinskiº jimi f;t mrzawhyoum% ba\z dours ;kau \a=ord mrza'oul% mrzakzi da,toum .'a‘ koli ,norfiu! |i,;zn;nq% or Giumrioum ª<irakeº \a[j;l hr 2-0 fa,ouow! N,;nq% or ª<irakiº bolor 3 kol;ri f;[inakn hl VanVaq Bougoufin hr! |a=ord 'ouloum ª<irakiº mrzakize lin;lou h ,ouhdakan AIK-e! A®a=in fandipoume ke ka\ana\ mrzakzi da,toum |oulisi 16-in! ªAla,k;rteº mrzakzi \arki tak mrz;z ,otlandakan ªS;nj +onsjoniº f;t! A®a=in .a[n auartou;l hr ªAla,k;rtiº \a[janakow 1-0 fa,ouow! Patas.an .a[i a®a=in khsoum da,ti thr;re w;rakangn;zin fauasarak,®oujiune! Fandipman 65-rd rophin 2-rd d;[in qarte stazau ;u da,tiz f;®azou;z Karhn Mourat;ane! 10 `oujpolistn;row mnaza‘ ªAla,k;rteº 74-rd rophin karo[azau .';l patas.an gndake% acqi enkau Nora\r Giuxal;ane! 87-rd rophin da,ti thr;re krkin a®a= anzan fa,oui mh=! 2-1 fa,ouow hl auartou;z a\d fandipoume! Mrzakzi \arki tak .'a‘ koli ,norfiu \a=ord 'oul anzau Abrafam >a,an;ani jime! |a=ord 'ouloum ªAla,k;rteº ke .a[a\ [axa.akan ªKa\rajiº dhm! A®a=in fandipoume ke ka\ana\ |oulisi 16-in% isk patas.an fandipoume :r;uanoum% |oulisi 23-in! Fa\kakan 4-rd jime^ ªOuliseº :r;uanoum 1-3 fa,ouow xi=;z Malja\i ªBilkirkaraº jimin ;u dours mnaz .a[arkoujiuniz!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakani marxci pa,tønakatar Sargis |owsh';ane \a\tn;l h^ ;jh Âoman B;r;xowskin A.o\;ann;ri lika\i 2-rd 'ouliz miana\ :r;uani ª"iunikinº% apa ke ,arounaki fandhs gal FF fauaqakanoum! Faka®ak dhpqoum 41-am;a\ darpasapafe k*auarti ir kari;ran! Spasoum ;nq B;r;xowskii patas.anin! |a\tni dar]au% or B;r;xowskin endgrkou;l h ªTinmo\iº marxcakan kaxmoum! • :urolika\i orakauorman a®a=in 'ouloum partoujiun kr;louz \;to\ ªOulisiº kaxmoum armatakan 'o'o.oujiunn;r ;n spasuoum! Jimi kaxmiz ;rkko[mani fama]a\nouj;amb dours ;n ;k;l& C;vian% G;';ri];n% +arkauan% Mama.anowe% +ana,ian% Dougalice% Moroxowe% >ourzi]hn% Pili;ue ;u Artak Al;qsan;ane% oronq t;[a'o.ou;l ;n Armauiri ªTorpidøº! Sa ci nkanakoum% or ªOuliseº fandhs ci galou FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=noujiunoum! A\vm akoumbi [;kawaroujiune a,.o\v entrakan a,.atanq h tanoum jime nor .a[azo[n;row famalr;lou famar!




• :oura Mowsis;ane ªSpartakiº kaxmoum .a[az;l h ,ouh\zarakan ªS;n Galhniº f;t! ªSpartakeº \a[j;l h 3-1 fa,ouow% isk :ouran .';l h 1-in kole ;u 'o.arinou;l h 60-rd rophin! Fandipmane masnakz;l h na;u Arax Øxbilise% ore 'o.arinman h mt;l 79-rd rophin!

FF PASQ:JPOLI FAUAQAKANE :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Fa\astani minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane \a[janakow m;knark;z Foungaria\oum anzkazouo[ :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an B& diuixioni mrza,aroum! A®a=in 'ouloum Wiqjor Ouskowi gl.auora‘ jime 71!57 (23!16% 14!11% 18!17% 16!23) fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasau ,ouh\zariazin;ri nkatmamb! :rkrord .a[oum fa\ pasq;jpolistn;re 45!81 fa,ouow xi=;l ;n Mak;donia\i entranoun! :rrord fandipman vamanak FF fauaqakane 49!88 fa,ouow xi=;z P;la®ousi entranoun ;u ke pa\qari 9-18-rd t;[;ri famar! FF fauaqakani \a=ord mrzakize ke lini Moltowan!

FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RE ªOSKH }:ÂNOZº MI+AXGA|IN MRZA<AROUM NOUAY:L :N 2 OSKH :U 1 PRONXH M:TAL S;rpia\oum auartoua‘ ªOskh };®nozº mi=axga\in f;[inakauor mrza,arin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum ;n 6 marxikn;r! Masnakizn;ri juoum hin 29 ;rkrn;ri 236 b®nzqamartikn;r! M;knarka\in m;namartoum wstaf \a[janakn;r ;n tøn;l ;ritasardn;ri a,.arfi a.o\;anoufi Anou, Grigor;ane (51 qk&)% Ani |owsh';ane (60 qk&) ore 15 wa\rk;anoum nokaoutow \a[j;z ;u Dauij Calo\;ane (91 qk&)! Arshn Abgar;ane (49 qk&) partou;l h! :rkrord mrzamart;roum \a[j;low ;xra'akic ;n dours ;k;l Anou, Grigor;ane ;u Ani |owsh';ane% oronq a®nouaxn apafow;l ;n ar‘ajh m;taln;r% isk Dauij Cal;ane kisa;xra'akic dours galow a®nouaxn apafow;l h pronxh m;tal! Anou, Grigor;ane ;u Ani |owsh';ane ;xra'akicoum \a[j;low nouay;l ;n oskh m;taln;r% isk Dauij Calo\;ane kisa;xra'akicoum partou;l h ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Art\om Miqa\hl;anin ;u bauararou;l h pronxh m;talow!

S:R:NA OUILIAMS& ªMARGARITA GASPAR:ANN% ISKAPHS% LAU HR >A{OUMº A,.arfi a®a=in ®aq;t S;r;na Ouiliamse Ouimbldoni mrza,ari a®a=in ,r=anoum Âousastane n;rka\azno[ 20-am;a\ Margarita Gaspar;ani nkatmamb tara‘ \a[janakiz \;to\ as;l h w;ron,;ale! N,;nq% or S;r;nan \a[j;l hr 6!4% 6!1 fa,ouow! Au;lazn;nq% or S;r;nan kisa;xra'akicoum 6!2% 6!4 fa,ouow \a[j;low 4-rd ®aqht% ®ousastanzi Maria <ara'owa\in dours h ;k;l ;xra'akic ;u 6!4% 6!4 fa,ouow \a[j;low 21-am;a\ Garbin Mougourousi tirazau gl.auor mrzanakin!

FA| MARXIKN:RE OUSANO{AKAN >A{:ROUM Faraua\in Qorha\i Gwanvou qa[aqoum |oulisi 14-in auartou;zin 28-rd ama®a\in .a[;re% orin incphs ardhn \a\tn;l hinq FFiz masnakzoum ;n 6 marxa];u;riz 12 n;rka\azouzicn;r! Fa\astaniz a®a=ine pa\qarin n;rgrauou;z sous;ramartik Lilij Hwo\;ane% ow 1/64rd ;xra'akicoum 7!15 fa,ouow partou;z italoufi Yoryiø Pom;tiin! Yiuto\ist Andranik Ca'ar;ane (81 qk&) 1/16-rd ;xra'akicoum partou;z qorhazi Kicoun Wanin% ow mt;l hr ;xra'akic ;u Andranike pronxh m;tali famar pa\qar;lou irauounq hr staz;l! A®a=in 2 m;namartoum m;‘ a®au;louj;amb \a[j;low mrzakizn;rin na ;rrordoum xi=;z ya'onazoun ;u 37 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 7-rd t;[e! 2014 j& ;ritasardn;ri :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an {axar;ane (66 qk&) 1/8-rd ;xra'akicoum xi=;low praxiliazi Mars;lø ~ouxita\in dours mnaz \;taga\ pa\qariz! No\n qa,a\in kargoum P;la®ousi fauaqakanoum fandhs hr galis Wafh Jouj.al;ane (sambist% a,.arfi ;®aki a.o\;an Gourghn Jouj.al;ani ordin)! Wafhn pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum partou;z ya'onazoun ;u xrkou;z m;taliz! FF-n n;rka\azno[ mius yiuto\iste^ Dauij Niko[os;ane (73 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum 2 \a[janakiz \;to\% 3-rd ,r=anoum partou;z ;u xrkou;z pronxh m;tali famar pa\qar;lou fnarauoroujiuniz ;u bauararou;z 7-rd t;[ow! Ouqranian n;rka\azno[ <ou,anna {;uond;ane (57 qk&) ;us pa\qar;lou h pronxh m;tali famar! Marmnamarxikn;ri mrzoujiunoum FF-i n;rka\azouzic Arjour Jowmas;ane ø[akn;ri wra\ g;raxanz fandhs ;kau ;u 15&5 miauorow nouay;z ouniw;rsiada\i a.o\;ani kocoume! Arjourn ir;niz ;t jo[;z :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r ouqranazi Igor Âadiwilowin ;u Øl;g W;rnia;uin! Sa Fa\astani a®a=in m;taln hr! ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Kiril Grigor;ane oskh m;tali h arvanaz;l fra]gouj;an mrza,aroum! Na a®a=in t;[n h grau;l 50 m;jriz frazani warvoujiunoum! 50 m;jriz 3 dirqiz mrza];uoum Kiril Grigor;ane grau;l h 2-rd t;[e! J;qouanto\iz mrzasparhx hin dours ;k;l FF 2 marxik! Fa\kax Samouhl;ane (58 qk&)% kis;l h 5-8-rd t;[;re^ tøn;low 2 \a[janak ;u kr;low mhk partoujiun! Dauij Wardoum;ane (80 qk&) mhk \a[janakiz \;to\ partou;l h ;u bavan;l h 9-16-rd t;[;re! J;qouanto\i jima\in mrza,aroum FF fauaqakane (Fa\kax Samouhl;an (58 qk&)% S;rgh\ Wardaxar;an (68 qk&)% Dauij Wardoum;an (80 qk&) ;u Dauij {;uond;an (87 qk&) kaxmow% marxic^ Ghorg Danihl;an) grau;l h 5-rd t;[e! M;r jime 45!33 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an h fas;l W;n;xou;llazi% 27!16 fa,ouow^ M;qsiqa\i jim;ri nkatmamb! Qa®ord ;xra'akicoum fa\ marxikn;re 14!16 fa,ouow xi=;l ;n Kiprosi jimin ;u bauararou;l ;n 5-rd t;[ow!

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