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N.O. July 30, 2015, No. 31:N.O. Blank


3:08 PM

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THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 31 VOLUME 93, NO. 31


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NOR ØR% 30 |OULIS 2015


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zakam w;rab;roum ke zouzab;rh m;r fa\r;niqin ou ka®awarouj;an fandhp% qan jh qriston;a\ Wrastane! Kaska‘ cka\% or m;nq ;u – ka®awaroujiun ou vo[owourd – ke 'o.adar];nq ;u ph*tq h 'o.adar];nq bar;kamakan \arab;roujiunn;re! A®a=in farzoume% or a\s pafoun m;r mitqe kou ga\ f;t;u;aln h& i#nc ke mta‘oui Irani masin% a\l .øsqow^ a\vm endfanour tpauoroujiunn;re i#nc ;n iranzi vo[owourdin ;u anor [;kawarn;roun fandhp! Omanq lau k*arta\a\touin% ouri,n;r^ oc-lau% inc or fasknali h! Xarmanalin a\n h% or oro, jiuow an];r dvouarouj;an ke matnouin arta\a\tou;lou famar&&&! A\sphs% ibr;u ørinak \i,;nq anoune axga\in f;ros Xørawar Arqati Thr Jad;uos;ani% oroun f;t farzaxro\z me oun;za‘ h s'iu®qafa\ouj;an ,q;[ ou tpa-

uoric amsaj;rj ªNouvelles d'Arménieº% Mart 2015-i jiuow ;u oroun enjazqin f;t;u;al farzoume ;[a‘ h& ªIsk Ira#ne% Fa\astani bnakan da,nakiz me ch#! Axga\in f;ros Xøraware toua‘ h fama®øt a\l famapar'ak patas.an me& ªIrane wa[n=akan ;rkir men h fianali m,ako\jow% ba\z an ,at bard h! Oc oq krna\ gitnal jh^ iranzin;re irakanouj;an mh= i#nc ke mta‘;nº! A\s \atkan,akan lousabanouj;amb% a\souf;t;u m;r \a\tn;liq kar‘iqn;re diurau fasknali ke da®nan isko\n! Ardar;u% Wi;nna\i fama]a\noujiune m;x ke dnh tarørinak kazouj;an me a®=;u! Fama]a\noujiun go\aza‘ h% ba\z oc oq bolorowin gof h& ke ,;,t;nq% ;rkou ko[m;rn al dvgofouj;an <ar& h= 14

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PATMAKAN FAMA}A|NOUJIUN IRANI AJOMAKAN OUVE FAKAK<Â:LOU OU{{OUJ:AMB SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Parskastan ajomakan ouvi patrastouj;an ];®narka‘ h 1957-hn sks;al% gl.auorabar ir ;rkou o.;rim j,namin;roun^ Shoutakan Arabio\ - kam^ siunni a,.arfin - ;u \;taga\in^ Isra\hli p;touj;an dhm ir mna\oun pa\qarin mh=! Finauourz ir m,ako\jow% ir ;rkrin tara‘ouj;amb – 639%859 qa®& m[on – ir bnakcouj;amb – 80%840 milion-% a,.arfagrakan banali dirqow Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u Faraua\in Asio\ mh=% incphs na;u^ qariu[i – a,.arfi corrorde – ou bnakan kaxi – a,.arfi ;rkrorde – la\n pa,arn;row% Irani warkn ou .øsqe k,i® ounin mi=axga\in g;tni wra\! A\ajollan;rou i,.anouj;an dhm Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u anor ar;umoutqi da,nakizn;roun tnørina‘ tnt;sakan ‘anr patvami=ozn;re (sanctions) manauand 2009-hn sks;al% m[;zin Irane banakzoujiunn;row w;r= me talou ir ;rkrin partadroua‘ tnt;sakan ,r=a'akoumin! MAK-i Apafowouj;an >orfourdi mna\oun fing andamn;roun% incphs na;u G;rmanio\ f;t% banakzoujiunn;rou ,arqe w;r=aphs fama]a\nouj;an me \ang;zau 2015 |oulis 13-in% Wi;nna\i Qopourk pandokin mh=% ;rkou patouirakouj;anz mi=;u! Knqoua‘ fama]a\nagrin gl.auor \ødoua‘n;re f;t;u;aln;rn hin&1& >ist fakak,®i tak% Irani faroust iuranioumi artadroujiune 90 a® fariurhn piti i=nhr minc;u 3&67 a® fariuri! 2& Arg;lqn;re xinamj;rqi artadrouj;an wra\ astiyanabar piti nouaxhin 5 tarihn% isk frji®n;rou wra\^ 8 tarihn! 3& Furlow-i mh= fiulhakan masnikn;rou artadrouj;an g;tnama‘ k;drone% \a®a=ika\ 15 tarin;rou enjazqin% piti w;ra‘ouhr f;taxøtakan k;droni! A\l .øsqow% Iran ke \øvarhr iuranioumi ir pa,are paks;zn;l khsi^ fiulhakan ®oumb me kaxm;lou anfrav;,t qanakhn% \a®a=ika\ 15 tarin;rou enjazqin! 4& W;ro\i,;al gl.auor pa\mann;rou gor‘adrouj;an dimaz% Irani sa®;zoua‘ dramaglou.n;roun wra\ droua‘ arg;lqn;re piti w;razouhin% au;li qan 100 pilien tolari dramaglou.n;re w;radar]ou;low Parskastani ka®awarouj;an!

W;ro\i,;al pa\mann;rou .a.toumi paraga\in tnt;sakan patvami=ozn;re piti w;rafastatouhin! Bnakanabar% wa\nasoun 'rzouzin Frhastann ou Shoutakan Arabian! Anmi=akan ;[au P& Najaniafouin \ousafatakan yice% ªpatmakan s.alº orak;low fama]a\noujiune! |a®a=ika\ 60 ør;rou enjazqin% Qonkrhsin mh= ]a\n;rou ;rkou ;rrord m;‘amasnouj;nhn pakas enddimoujiun me piti ;njarkoui Paraq Øpama\i w;jo\in! :rkou ;rrordhn au;lin al ardhn fauanakan ch! Isra\hl;an ka®awaroujiune ];®na‘al piti cnsti! Anika bnakanabar piti krknapatkh lobbying-i g;raxd;zik ir l‘akn;re ];®q ]goua‘ fama]a\nouj;an dhm Miaz;al Nafangn;rhn n;rs! A®a=in v.takan andradar]n;re ardhn ke lsouin% \atkaphs fanrap;takan karg me j;kna‘oun;rou \a\tararouj;anz mh=! Piti cxarmanaq ;jh Atrph\yan ;us qnnadatakan dirq b®nh kataroua‘ fama]a\nouj;an dhm! Shoutakan Arabia% ir manklauik hmiroujiunn;row piti ambo[=aznh dvgofn;rou .mbake! Ke mna\ Jourqio\ banakin w;r=nakan dirqoro,oume% or kar;uor h% ou ke ,arounakh mnal a®;[‘oua‘a\in – gonh ;r;uo\jow – minc;u fima! Mi=axga\in qa[aqakanouj;an n;rqnako[min wra\% qaosa\in \;[\;[ouk go\awiyake% or st;[‘oua‘ hr 2013-hn iw;r Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=% ISIS-i la\na‘ir ar,auanqn;row% a\souf;t;u piti ,arounakh au;li ardiunauor k;rpow patnh,ouil Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ødouvin ;u Irani zamaqa\in ouv;rou lrazouzic øvandakouj;amb% \atkaphs Iraqi ou Sourio\ mh=! Isk Miaz;al Axg;rou ko[mh 1970-in storagroua‘ Non-prolifiration Act-e ];uow me w;ranorogoua‘ ke nkatoui% xørajoumb kangn;low fiulhakan ®oumbi tirazman nor ;rkirn;rou ko[mh! A®a\vm% Wi;nna\i 2015 |oulis 13-i fama]a\nagrow% kazoujiune skxbounqow ka\ounazoua‘ ke nkatoui% ,r=ani vo[owourdn;re ir;nz a®a=in axat ,ounce a®a‘ ellalow! |;taga\ amisn;re \[i piti mnan nor xargazoumn;row!

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NOR ØR% 30 |OULIS 2015

Jourqia Ke N;rqa,oui Dhpi N;rqin Qaosa\in Kargawiyak Sourouci Mh= Patafa‘ Afab;kcakan Afauor Pa\joume Pat;raxmi Nor Axdan,a#n Men H Çnlnğ uöeuzbuzzşğg jnwj mnd ıuz mus uwz fu.g mg zşğbzvşz^ kt Kndğ=ru ustz +ğ =uwl ux =uwl mg s+ışzuw =uniuwrz uwz muğüufroumrz^ nğndz st< rzmu, t eğujr İndğruz! Kndğ=rnw Uğşdşlşuz nd Auğud-Uğşdşlşuz zuauzüzşğg^ suzuduze İndğrnw iuasuzusşğq fuwğşğg uwlşdi mg üızndrz vwuwıuğuğndu, huışğuösr sg mğumrz st<! Uwz uaudnğ huwkndsg^ nğ huıuaşjud Ndğ)uwr {İndğndv´ üuduxumrz st<^ jnwj mnd ıuw nğ huışğuösg uğetz İndğruwtz uzju, t ethr Kndğ=rnw mnpsg! İndğndvr huıuauğg n_v sruwz iuğiuyuöend nd sıuanürv t^ uwl zuşd t_ suğeuirğumuz ub.uıuz=r ışiumtıt vuyuöuzj wndörv şd <luırv huıuauğ^ nğnfaşışd uwi huwkndsrz krğu.zşğz trz uwz üupuyuğuhubı şd gzmşğfuğumuz muösumşğhndkşuz uzeusumjnp şğrıuiuğezşğg^ nğnz= Rikuzhndltz^ Rösrğtz nd Kndğ=rnw Uğşdsışuz zuauzüzşğnd öuzuöuz =upu=zşğtz üulnf Ünhuzrr ausuğ +üzndkşuz uğbud sg muösumşğhu, trz nd Ünhuzr m'ndppndtrz udşğumşul Ünhuzrz fşğubrzşlnd nd anz çzumnpzşğndz +üzşlnd suğeuirğumuz sıueğndkşusç! Uğetz hzendşjud^ nğ huwkndsg huıuau, tğ uzqzuihuzndkşuz wuğqumndsnf nd huwkndsr aşışduz=nf 31 anür sşxu, tğ^ udşlr =uz auğrdğ anür ul frğudnğndu,! Frğudnğşulzşğndz st< muz ,uzğ froum ndzşjnpzşğ! Hzendşjud nğ uzqzuihuzndkşusç huwkndsg muösumşğhndu, tğ ISIS-r mnpst^ çuwj n#f auğrdğ ınmni mğzuw fiıua gllul^ nğ hzendsg orbe t^ kt ndğrb sndk nd ku=ndz zhuıumzşğ vmuz uwi uaudnğ nd uzsuğemuwrz wuğqumndsrz st<! Ustz huğuüuwr^ huwkndsrz muösumşğhrvzşğg lud aubndu, trz rğşzj muösumşğhu, wuğqumndsrz ıuğnpndkrdzg! İndğndv üuduxumr Usuğu uzndz sbumndkuwrz mşeğnzr ux<şdz t^ nğ huıuaşjud huwkndsg orbe uwz fuwğmşuzrz^ şğç şğrıuiuğezşğg suslnw uindlri sg muösumşğhu, trz nd çujuığndkrdzzşğ mnd ıuwrz rğşzj suğeuirğumuz uğbudrz suirz! S+ıudnğuhti 150 şğrıuiuğezşğ muwrz anz% Usuğu Sbumnwkr Mşeğnzr ux<şdr ktwuğuz-huğıtörz st<! Umuzuışizşğg^ nğnz= mğjuz yğmndrl uwi öuğandğşlr wuğqumndstz^ mg huısşz nğ ecn.uwrz ışiuğuz iışp,ndu, tğ nd usşzndğş= lşjndz tğ erumzşğnf! Kndğ= =upu=uütızşğ uzsr<uhti hu.uğumşjrz eth=g nd wuwızşjrz^ nğ muz zu.uzbuzzşğ^ nğnz= jnwj mnd ıuz kt uwi wuğqumndsg ISIS-r mnpst muösumşğhndu, t! Kndğ=ru^ nğ srbı m'usçuiıuzndtğ ISIS-r zmuısusç sşps^ znwzrim ünğ,umjumuz fşğuçşğnds jnwj ıulnd sşpueğuz=nf^ arsu hrır iırhndr# udşlr muğ,ğ sr<njzşğ qşx= uxzşl ISIS-r ets!

?uzr =uzr =upu=uütızşğ^ nğhti uxu<rz .+i=% hu.uğumşjrz wuğqumndsg! Çuwj cnpnfndğeg mg auğjzt kt r#zv mg buaşjzt hu.uğumndsg skznlnğır sg st<^ ndğ suğenj suag uzmuğşdnğ mg zmuındr uwlşdi! Hu.uğumnpzşğg hu.uğumşlt uxu< r#zv m'gzşz^ nğhtiör muz.uğürlşz zsuz+ğrzum npçşğündkrdzzşğg^ nğhtiör şğmğrz st< mus endğig b+buyşlr zhuiı sg çşğşz .upupndkşuz nd aubındkşuz auiıuısuz! Nğ=uz erdğrz t hu.uğumşlg^ çuwj uznzj uwe hu.uğumndsg nğ=u#z mg çuduğuğt uwz gzıuzr=zşğg^ nğnz= rğşzj öudumzşğg mnğizjndju, şz uwihrir wuğqumndszşğnd gzkuj=rz! ªMarmaraº

VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 6 and 13, 2015. Publication will resume with issue No 32 dated August 20, 2015. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

ªNOR ØRº-I TAR:KAN AR}AKOURD ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji tar;kan ar]akourdi a®ijow j;rje lo\s piti ct;snh Øgostos 6-in ;u 13-in! Jiu 32-e lo\s piti t;snh Øgostos 20% 2015-in!


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N.O. July 30, 2015, No. 31:N.O. Blank


3:08 PM

Page 5



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Azerbaijani Authorities Declare Sterligov Internationally Wanted

Azerbaijani authorities declared Russian businessman German Sterligov internationally wanted, Vesti.az reported quoting Prosecutor General's Office. As reported earlier, Azerbaijani prosecutor’s office has filed criminal charges against businessman who decided to settle in Karabakh. The reason for the interest of Azerbaijani investigators is Sterligov's decision to move to Nagorno-Karabakh and openly attitude towards the actions by Azerbaijani authorities.

Armenian Genocide Monument At Fresno State Vandalized

Kurdish Peace 'Impossible' - Erdogan

Three months after the unveiling of the Armenian genocide monument at Fresno State, the structure has been vandalized, the Fresno Bee reports. “The souls of the victims are disturbed,” said Berj Apkarian, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Fresno. Someone yanked one of the panel from the monument Friday, Apkarian said. Fresno State said they’re investigating the tampering of the plaque. It was unbolted but not taken, and they said it will be re-installed this week. “The panel had a lot of history,” Apkar-

The Turkish president has said his country cannot continue the peace process with the Kurds amid attacks by Kurdish militants on Turkish targets. There has been a recent series of clashes between Turkish forces and Kurdish PKK militants. Turkey has also been hit by attacks by by Islamic State-linked militants - including one that left 32 dead in the town of Suruc last week. Turkey considers both the PKK and IS terrorist organizations. Over the past week, analysts say, Turkey has turned its approach to the USled coalition against IS on its head. Previously a reluctant partner, it is now flying combat missions and making its airbases available to US jets.

Armenian-Populated Nor Gyugh District In Aleppo Hit By Rocket

Armenia PM Is Determined To Combat Corruption

This is a platform where the strength and track-record can be combined and centered, and decisive steps can be taken. The Prime Minister of Armenia, Hovik Abrahamyan, stated the aforementioned Tuesday at the first session of the government-affiliated Anti-Corruption Council. Abrahamyan assured that the Government of Armenia realizes the importance and necessity of future courses of action, and it will be consistent in continuing the anti-corruption reforms. “Our work will be transparent, and we will do everything so that the result will be accessible to the public,” said the PM. Hovik Abrahamyan expressed the hope that the opposition parliamentary factions and the NGOs also will collaborate with them, and this will contribute to the fight against corruption in Armenia.

Water and electricity supplies have improved in Aleppo as compared with recent days. Residents receive only 6 hours of electricity a day, but mains water returned to many parts of the city. The Internet is still cut off. The situation remains tense in the city. A rocket fired by militants yesterday in Naylal district killed one person and wounded several others. Armenian-populated Nor Gyugh district of Aleppo also came under rocket fire that caused damage.

ian said. “It’s very heartbreaking and I’m so disappointed.” “I am saddened by the recent vandalism attempt at our beautiful Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument,” said Joseph Castro, President of Fresno State. “I ask the campus and community to join together in protecting our historic monument.”

CEO Of Franck Muller To Invest $150,000,000 In Old Yerevan Project Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received today Swiss businessman, philanthropist, President and CEO of Franck Muller Vartan Sirmakes. Praising Mr Sirmakes’s personal contribution to Armenia’s economic development, the Prime Minister noted that all the projects implemented in Armenia promote the country’s economic development and create new jobs. In this context, the Premier highlighted the Old Yerevan project, which as funded by the Swiss philanthropist will cost around USD150 million in investments. Vartan Sirmakes thanked the Premier, stressing that the Government’s priorities appear to be convincing, and he is confident that Armenia has a great future. The Swiss businessman said to be prepared to contribute to the development of both the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic through various programs, creating new jobs and ensuring economic activity. Prime Minister Abrahamyan stressed the importance of the projects implemented in Artsakh. Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the businessman for consistency, assuring that all of his projects will have a great economic impact. The interlocutors took the opportunity to discuss a number of investment programs to be implemented in Armenia and Artsakh.

THE ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA IS HIRING New Positions Available in Washington, D.C. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America, a non-profit advocacy group with offices in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, CA and Yerevan, Armenia, is currently searching for qualified candidates to fill new openings in its headquarters office in Washington, DC. The following positions are available: Development Director; Development Associate; Public Affairs Associate; Congressional/Grassroots Associate; and Administrative Assistant. The Development Director is responsible for overseeing and implementing the Assembly's membership and development activities. The Development Associate assists the Development Director and requires excellent writing, strong communication skills, as well as familiarity with database management. The Public Affairs Associate assists the Communications Director in drafting press releases, manages the Assembly's News Blog, and requires some social and digital media experience. The Congressional/Grassroots Associate is responsible for coordinating grass-tops advocacy & grass-roots outreach and requires excellent writing, research, and public speaking skills. The Administrative Assistant reports to the Executive Director and requires excellent organizational and writing skills. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their resume, cover letter, and a brief writing sample to armenianassemblyjobs@gmail.com and include the position for which you are applying in the subject line. No phone calls or dropby's. The Armenian Assembly of America is an equal opportunity employer. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 30, 2015



Stepan Partamian Launches Knowledge Truck Project

4.0 REPATRIATION One of the main problems facing the homeland is the high rate of emigration from the Republic of Armenia, which poses challenges to the country’s security and defense capabilities. In order to implement the PAI ideology, the hemorrhaging trend of migration from Armenia must be stopped first. With respect to repatriation, the PAI’s objective is to initiate a special program, whereby thousands of diaspora Armenians would be afforded an opportunity to settle in the Republics of Armenia or Artsakh. Presently, as we witness the uprooting of Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Yazidis, Kurds and other displaced minorities throughout Syria and Iraq, it is clear that the lives of those who have remained in both countries are in grave danger. The PAI advises Armenians, who are planning to immigrate to a relatively safer country from Syria or Iraq, consider the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh as their first choice. The benefits of repatriation include the technological advances in different spheres of the economy, possible new investments, and additional human and technological resources dedicated to the defense of the Republic of Armenia. As a matter of state policy, the Armenian government should incorporate a comprehensive repatriation program. Such a policy should include provisions that would allow any diaspora Armenian to settle in the homeland, if he or she desires to do so. Further, this policy should include provisions for serious repatriation programs aimed at addressing the latest wave of Armenian and Yazidi refugees throughout the Middle East. Since repatriation is a complex undertaking, the first step must be taken by the Armenian government, with the goal of developing a comprehensive plan for repatriation. The plan should include methods of financing the costs of transportation, housing, employment, and other humanitarian needs of repatriates. Further, previous repatriation experiences and best practices should be utilized in developing Armenia’s new repatriation policy. In the future, if and when the Turkish government accepts the crime of genocide committed by its Ottoman-era ancestors against its Armenian minority, and provides financial compensation to the descendants of the victims of the genocide, potential restitution funds could also be used to repatriate large numbers of Armenians to the homeland. Finally, there are humanitarian funds available specifically for refugees via the United Nations. We are interested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

Los Angeles, July 27, 2015 - On Saturday, August 8, Stepan Partamian will kick off the much-anticipated Knowledge Truck project, a nationwide, month-long publicawareness campaign that will celebrate American-Armenian contributions to the United States of America and humanity. At the heart of the initiative is the Knowledge Truck, a 12-passenger van whose interior has been minimally modified to make room for a mattress. Partamian will travel in the Knowledge Truck throughout the 48 states of the Contiguous US, making stops at hundreds of popular venues such as monuments, festival sites, public parks, and promenades, where the Knowledge Truck will serve as a mobile information center. At each of these stops, Partamian will set up a large television screen on the vehicle to show continuous loops of short videos about outstanding American-Armenians and their works. The Knowledge Truck will attract spontaneous audiences, Partamian explained. The videos he will show, each a mini documentary, will present the rich tapestry of American-Armenian contributions to American civilization and humanity as a whole, encompassing numerous fields of endeavor such as art, literature, science, technology, diplomacy, academia, politics, medicine, journalism, cuisine, and sports, among others. Partamian will also be on hand to answer questions from visitors. Additionally, he will hand out copies of a booklet published specially for the project, containing additional material about American-Armenian achievements. Partamian will use the Knowledge Truck as a home away from home, sleeping in the vehicle at night, to keep project costs to a minimum, he said. “Now that commemorations of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide are over, I’m launching the Knowledge Truck project as an unconventional, but highly effective, conduit for raising grassroots awareness of American-Armenian contributions to American civilization and humanity,” Partamian said. “I think this project is entirely relevant to the Genocide

centenary because most of the individuals featured in my videos have been Genocide survivors or are children of survivors. Collectively, they represent the Armenian people’s extraordinary capacity for renewal. “Many of our non-Armenian fellow Americans know very little about Armenians,” Partamian continued. “The Knowledge Truck project is designed to help fill that gap, by educating regular Americans — through a fun, dynamic, and visually engaging medium — about the wonderful role that American-Armenians have had and continue to have in the greatness of America,.” The information that will be disseminated through the Knowledge Truck has been painstakingly researched and compiled by Partamian in the course of the past decade. The material is published in Partamian’s Yes, We Have series of books. It’s also available on the April 24 App, which can be downloaded to mobile devices free of charge. “The April 24 App, as well as the Knowledge Truck project, are my gifts to the Armenian people,” Partamian said. “I think Genocide-centennial commemorations have their proper place, but ultimately mean little if we don’t take innovative actions that produce tangible results. It’s why I’ve been working so hard on the Knowledge Truck project, and why I actually worked on April 24 this year to donate my earnings of the day to Armenia Fund, in support of their pioneering program to boost the economies of rural communities in Armenia’s Tavush Region. Finally, I think it’s important to remember that my projects are implemented without any institutional backing, therefore relying on grassroots support. The down payment on the Knowledge Truck, for instance, was made possible by small donations, and I’m hoping there will be additional assistance to offset the cost of the project.” To facilitate community support of the Knowledge Truck initiative, Partamian has established a nonprofit organization, Knowledge Truck, Inc., to which tax-deductible donations can be mailed at Knowledge Truck, Inc., P. O. Box 287, Glendale, CA 91209 Partamian announced that following his month-long road trip across the 48 states, he will take the Knowledge Truck on a more extensive tour of California.

Vartan Tashjian Gets Awarded

On June 23 the Embassy of Armenia to Greece hosted the awarding ceremony of Vartan Tashdjian, head of the Armenian Nareg Schools Committee of Cyprus, honouring the latter with the highest award of the Ministry of Diaspora “Gold Medal” for his remarkable contributions to the preservation of Armenian identity. In his opening remarks Ambassador Galatchian stated that every Armenian preserving national identity outside the Motherland is a hero, and those Armenians who dedicate their careers to this aim, are double heroes. In briefly presenting the rich biography of the awarded, Ambassador Galatchian stressed that the highest award of the Ministry of Diaspora found its rightful owner in the person of Mr Tashdjian. Following the awarding ceremony Mr Tashdjian delivered a speech extending words of gratitude to the Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, Armenian Representative in the Cyprus Parliament Vartkes Mahdessian, Ambassador Galatchian, to his friends, colleagues and family. The merited teacher stated that his pledge to preserve the Armenian identity and to live and work as an Armenian is a tribute to his parents, survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and added that during his whole career he spared no effort to pass this commitment from generation to generation at the Melkonian Educational Instituion and Nareg Armenian Schools of Cyprus, as well as at several schools of Lebanon. Defining himself as “a humble worker of art and education” Mr Tashdjian noted that the award will encourage him to carry out his activities with multiplied zeal and commitment for the benefit of the Armenian nation and the Motherland. Vartan Tashdjian is a renowned Cypriot-Armenian artist and a merited teacher. For ten years he worked as a teacher at the Melkonian Educational Institute, and for 27 years he was the Headmaster of the Nareg Armenian Schools of Cyprus. From 2009 up to day Mr Tashdjian heads the Armenian Nareg Schools Committee of Cyprus. He has held over 100 Solo and Group Exhibitions worldwide, participated to international conferences on behalf of Cyprus and as a delegate represented the Armenian Church Catholicosate of Cilicia at the Middle East Council of Churches.

14th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium In Armenian Studies University of California, Los Angeles, Friday, February 12, 2016 We enthusiastically invite graduate students and recent post-docs (Ph.D., within the last two years) in fields associated with Armenian Studies (broadly defined) to present their recent research. Work in progress is encouraged. Research papers are accepted on all aspects of Armenian studies, including, but not limited to: literature, history, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, art history, and much more. We encourage comparative themes and interdisciplinary approaches. Panel submissions are also welcome. This year we are pleased to announce that thanks to a generous donation a $500 prize will be awarded for the best paper presented on an aspect of the history and culture of the Armenian community of Salmast, Iran.

Applicants should e-mail presentation abstracts of no more than 250 words and their curriculum vitae by September 30, 2015. Abstracts should provide a brief description of the work, clearly outlining the theoretical perspectives and methodology to be applied in the paper. Please attach the required documents in the form of a Word document. Please note that a 20-minute time limit for presentations will be strictly enforced (roughly 8-10 pages double-spaced). Invited participants will be required to submit a draft version of their full presentation by December 21, 2015. A reception will be held on the Wednesday evening prior to the event to welcome the colloquium speakers. Students will have an opportunity to meet with faculty and

students on campus, tour Armenian Studies resources, and visit Armenian Studies classes. The colloquium will conclude with a reception. Priority of acceptance will be given to those who have not presented at the colloquium before. Limited travel grants will be available to assist those who would otherwise be unable to attend. Travel grant applications will be sent to all invited participants. To submit abstracts or for more information please contact the UCLA Armenian Graduate Students Association Colloquium Committee at: colloquium.agsa@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu. Please address the subject line of your email in the following manner: 'Submission, [NAME], 2016 AGSCinAS.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 30, 2015


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

75 - Bejan Matur By Hambersom Aghbashian

GenEd Seeks Administrator The Genocide Education Project (GenEd) is seeking a 20-hr/week, part-time administrator. The administrator is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day office management, communications and record-keeping of the organization. Primary responsibilities include responding to inquiries for educational materials and services, distributing organizational news through digital mass mailings, social media and other venues, updating the organization's website and databases, managing logistics associated with events and presentations, and assisting with basic bookkeeping. GenEd is a nonprofit organization that assists educators in teaching about human rights and genocide, with particular focus on the Armenian Genocide and parallels with other genocides that followed. GenEd develops and distributes instructional materials, conducts professional development workshops, and consults on genocide education. Administrator Duties: · Respond to telephone and email inquiries · Fulfill orders for educational materials · Maintain database and website · Manage digital news distribution and social media · Assist in event logistics · Basic bookkeeping Qualifications: · Interest in human rights and genocide education · Effective, accurate, and concise written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills · Strong computer skills, including database management · Working knowledge of Word, Excel, Photoshop Preferred Skills · Proficiency with Wordpress · Proficiency with various social media platforms · Familiarity with online banking Salary: $20/hr To apply, please send a résumé and cover letter to roxannem@genocideeducation.org The Genocide Education Project is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that assists educators in teaching about human rights and genocide, particularly the Armenian Genocide, by developing and distributing instructional materials, providing access to teaching resources and organizing educational workshops.

Mer Doon Introduces Job & Internship Program For Young Orphaned Women San Clemente, CA – Mer Doon is pleased to announce the creation of a Job & Internship Program to provide its residents - young orphaned women (ages 18-24) - significant experience in a professional environment to teach them skills for permanent employment. Most of the residents at Mer Doon are either enrolled in university courses or have already received their university diplomas. The positions may be either part-time or full-time. Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the scope of work. Mer Doon will strive to place each resident in a job or internship that offers meaningful experience in her field of study or interest. According to Stephen Ashekian, Chairman of the USA Board of Directors, “Mer Doon will interface with businesses and nongovernmental organizations in Armenia and the Diaspora.” Dr. Jane Mahakian, President of Mer Doon, Inc. and the USA Board of Directors, stated, “The program will include mentoring and training, including workshops on resume writing, interview simulations, and coaching on proper work attire, behavior, and ethics.” The Mer Doon staff will actively monitor and evaluate the program to be sure that both the participant and employer are satisfied with the arrangement. Eventually, a former Mer Doon resident will be appointed to oversee the daily operation of this program. Monitoring and evaluation components will be put in place to measure the program’s outcomes and success. The Job and Internship Program promise numerous benefits to Armenian society. First, it will introduce into the workforce a new pool of well-educated, experienced employees. It will also promote new partnerships between Mer Doon and the organizations, businesses, and companies that operate in Armenia and abroad. Perhaps most importantly, it will give young Armenian women, who have grown up in the orphanage system, hope for the future, the skills and confidence to support themselves, and options for gainful employment. Mer Doon provides young orphaned women (ages 18-24) a loving and nurturing place to call “home.” Our mission is to educate and empower these girls with skills that will enable them to live independently. The organization’s Co-Founder and Executive Director, Tigranuhi Karapetyan, manages the day-to-day operations of the program. Mer Doon is located in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. It is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the U.S. and a registered nongovernmental organization in the Republic of Armenia. Donations can be made by going to www.Mer-Doon.com and clicking on “Donate”. For information, email merdoonarmenia@gmail.com. Beth Broussalian (858) 248-2656, merdoonarmenia@gmail.com

Bejan Matur (born 14 September 1968 in MarashTurkey) is a Kurdish author, poet and columnist. She studied Law at Ankara University, but has never practiced. In her university years, she was published in several literary periodicals and her poetry "dark and mystic" attracted much attention. Since 2005, she writes regular articles for the Op-Ed of daily Zaman as a columnist. Sometimes she also writes for Today’s Zaman. Mainly, she writes about Kurdish politics, Armenian issues, daily politics, minority problems, prison literature, and women issues. Bejan Matur also runs a cultural foundation called DKSV (Diyarbakır Cultural Art Foundation) which is located in Diyarbakır, also, she is conducting social projects with children, women and the younger population who were removed from their villages. Bejan Matur is making a TV program which called ATLAS and it is about culture, art and politics. Her first book, Rüzgar Dolu Konaklar (Winds Howl Through the Mansions-1996), won several literary prizes, and it was followed by Tanrı Görmesin Harflerimi (God Must Not See The Letter of My Script - 1999) and two other books in 2002. In May 2009, she published an album-book titled as Do!unun Kapısı: Diyarbakır (The Gate of East: Diyarbakır). She also went to the steeps of Kandil (Qandil) Mountain, where the PKK is based, and made interviews with the guerillas, then published her book Da!ın Ardına Bakmak (Looking Behind the Mountain) in February 2011. She has many other published books including "brahim’in Beni Terketmesi (How Abraham Abandoned Me- March 2008), which was considered by the critics to be her best book ever. Her poems have been translated up to 24 languages including Chinese and her books were translated into many languages. She created a personal ontology and a personal mythology inspired by the thousands of years of Sufi Tradition.

In December 2008, 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The text of the apology was "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Bejan Matur was one of the signees.(1) On April 29, 2015 "P24: PLATFORM FOR INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM" published a Letter To The Armenians on the centenary of the Armenian genocide, where eight writers from Turkey posted this letter to their fellow Armenians. "It has been a hundred years since hundreds of thousands of Armenians of this land have fallen under the systematic massacre of the Ottoman State. In 1915, women and men, young and old, they lost their lives, their families and their homes. We at P24 (Independent Journalism Platform) humbly pay our respect to the fallen and present this letter from eight writers. This short film* produced by P24 and directed by Enis Rıza carries the messages of Adalet A!ao!lu, Ahmet Altan, Oya Baydar, Murat Belge, Hasan Cemal, Cengiz Çandar, Perihan Ma!den and Bejan Matur." (2)

Thanks to Ms. Bejan Matur for reviewing and enhancing this article. * A short film (6.17 minute) was lunched with the letter. see source (2) bellow. 1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_ 2.http://www.platform24.org/en/articles/270/a-letter-to-the-armenians

Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) Sponsorships Needed at Mer Doon SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. This week we highlight the residents of Mer Doon. Mer Doon offers a home in Echmiadzin for orphaned Armenian females (18 and over) who have outgrown the traditional orphanage. Mer Doon offers education and a loving and compassionate family environment, easing the transition from orphanage life to mainstream society and independent living. Please visit the residents of Mer Doon through our Sponsorship Enrollment. If you have any questions about SOAR or our sponsorship opportunities, contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@ soar-us.org or 610.213.3452. Thank you in advance for your support! The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or-

ganization dedicated to providing humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children and adults. Working with a loyal donor base and a trusted network of partners, SOAR distributes clothing, educational supplies, medicine, and other essential resources to orphaned Armenians throughout the world. SOAR Launches Chapter in Bogota! We are pleased to announce the creation of our 94th Chapter, in Bogota. "Armenia" is a medium-sized city located between Bogota, Medellin, and Cali, the three largest cities in Colombia. The city was founded on October 14, 1889, by Jesus Maria Ocampo, also knows as "Tigrero" (translates to "tiger killer") due to his love of hunting tigers. The city was originally called Villa Holguin, in honor of Carlos Holguin Mallarino, the then President of the country. The name was changed to Armenia in memory of the Armenian people murdered in the Ottoman Turkish Hamidian Massacres of 1894-1897 and later the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23. Approximately 100 Armenians live in Armenia and Bogota today.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday July 30, 2015


“100 - 1915-2015” The above is the title of the book comprising over 500 pages of photographs (30X25 cm) authored by the famous Armenian photographer Hrair Hawk Khacherian and dedicated to the memory of his grandparents Bedros Babian Babikian, Gulizar Cholakian, Nerses Khacherian and Sultan Mamigonian. At the end of his preface the author mentions that the “book is a gift to the memory of the victims of the Genocide, and a gift of our rich cultural heritage to you.”

ian Ornamental Art with Armen Kyurkchian” (2010), “Armenian Ornamental Scrips” (2012), “One Church, One Nation” (2013) etc. Hrair also gave lectures, organised exhibitions and conferences all over the world. The introduction of the book is written by Claude Mutafian, famous mathematician and historian, a member of the National Academy of Armenia, who, since 1980 has dedicated himself to the study of the history of the Armenians and Armenia, as well as neighbouring countries. Mutafian has noted in his introduction; “A century ago a Genocide took place over the course of two years, effectively eradicating a people that had, for several millennia inhabited Eastern Anatolia. These were the Armenians of Western Armenia. Considering the persistent efforts made by the Turkish government to erase every last trace of the Armenian presence, one can say that the Genocide effectively lasted decades, up to and including, the present day.”

Fortress at Sis The first publication of the book has been financed by the author himself. The second edition is sponsored by Haig and Elza Didizian, who have expressed their appreciation to the author with the following words; “Our heartfelt gratitude to Hrair Hawk Khacherian for his years of unparalleled dedication and perseverance that culminated in the publication of this exceptional historical work that will, for generations to come, be greatly appreciated by Armenians and non-Armenians alike. May humanity always remember those men, women and children who lost their lives during the Genocide of the Armenian people, with the hope that history will not repeat itself and that human beings will learn to live together in peace and harmony, respect each other and overcome religious, ethnic and cultural differences.” Hrair Hawk Khacherian was born in 1961. His grandfather, who was born in Zaytoun, survived the Genocide and settled in his grandson’s birth place, Beirut, Lebanon. Hawk left Lebanon in 1984 and settled in Canada. His first visit to Armenia was in 1992, when he witnessed the heroic struggle of the Artsakh Armenians for the independence of their fatherland. In 1993, before leaving Artsakh, he assured his friends that he would soon be back and continue his work there. On his return to Canada the doctors discovered cancer in his lungs and gave him 10 days to live! Hrair swore on the cross and made a vow that if God helped him overcome his illness, he would dedicated his entire life to photographing Armenian churches worldwide! Khacherian fought and defeated the cancer, astonishing the medical world. In keeping with his vow, he visited, besides Armenia and Cilicia, more than 40 countries from U.S.A. to Australia, photographing Armenian churches. He has published his works in 12 books such as “Artsakh: A photographic Journey” 1997), “Karabagh: 100 Photos for Independence” (2002), “Yergir” (2005, “Armen-

Some 424,000 Tons Of Vegetables And Fruits Gathered In Armenia This Year

Some 263,000 metric tons of vegetables and 161,000 metric tons of fruits have been gathered this year in Armenia, the press service of the ministry of agriculture said today. According to the ministry, some 68,000 tons of tomatoes, 70,000 tons of melons and watermelons as well as 76,000 tons of potato have been gathered so far. To date, about 103,000 tons of apricot have been gathered.

I could write much more about the captivating pictures exhibited in the book, but to correctly depict this unique publication, I must confess even a rich language like the Armenian does not possess the necessary vocabulary! It is essential to see, to feel and enjoy each and every one of those mesmerising pictures, which reflect not only the Armenian history, but also the spirit of our forefathers! In looking at the ruins of Rome one reconstructs the temples and palaces in one’s imagination, in the same manner viewing Hrair Khacherian’s photos one recreates the past glory of our churches, monasteries, fortresses, villages and cities! Armenian history and the soul of our people is reflected in Hrair Hawk’s pictures!

Ararat by H. H. Khacherian Included in the book are also articles by Gabriella Uluhogian (“Armenian Language and the Armenians”) a famous author and professor of Armenian Studies, a member of the National Academy of Armenia since 2008, Dikran Kouymjian, (“Reliquaries of the Armenian Church”) a wellknown writer, publisher, editor and professor, and Prof. Hamlet L. Petrosyan (“Armenian Cross-Stones”) Head of the Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University. The book “100-1915-2015” contains photographs of cultural monuments, churches, monasteries, fortresses, coins, needlework, handicrafts, church vestments, carpets, artistic objects created by Armenian silversmiths and goldsmiths, frescos, carvings, manuscripts, cross-stones, cities, villages and many more, taken by Hrair Hawk Khacherian during the last 17 years all over the world. Relevant information is given about the photographs in English, Armenian and French. The following cities of Armenia and Cilicia are listed on the cover of the book, indicating that the author has seen and photographed them; ADANA. VAN. SIS. TOKAT. MALATYA. ANI. KUTAHYA. AGN. MOUSH. PALU. KARS. ARDAHAN. SASOUN. KHIZAN. ERZURUM. TRABIZON. SIVAS. ARARAT. KAYSERLI. TOMARZA. BITLIS. AITAB. MARASH. KHARPERT. OLTU. URFA. ZAYTOUN.

Van Let us give the last words to the author; “In this book, I have captured images collected over more than 30 trips. These are images of towns, villages, monasteries, manuscripts, house-hold items and other artefacts of various styles and colours made by skilled masters. Here, I share with you that which has interested and inspired me, with the hope and belief that it will interest and inspire you too.” “The tree is known from the fruit it bears” says the Bible. I bow to you with gratitude for the magnificent book of unique historical value you have produced with dedication, hard work and perseverance. Assadour Guzelian London

PM Hovik Abrahamyan, Franck Muller Chairman Discuss Investment Projects In Armenia And Karabakh

Proportionate Response To Offensive Actions Of Azerbaijani Troops

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received today Swiss Armenian businessman Vardan Sirmakes, chairman and co-owner of luxury watch brand Franck Muller, the press office of government said. The prime minister highly appreciated the contribution of V. Sirmakes to the development of the Armenian economy, stressing that all programs carried out by Mr Sirmakes promote economic development and help create new jobs. H. Abrahamyan attached importance to the Swiss benefactor’s $150 million backing of the “Hin Yerevan” (Old Yerevan) construction project in downtown Yerevan. The Armenian prime minister thanked V. Sirmakes for his investment projects in Artsakh, noting that he is convinced of their successful implementation. The interlocutors also discussed issues related to investment projects to be implemented in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

On the night of 27-28 July, Azerbaijani troops continued violating the ceasefire along the line of contact between the armed forces of Karabakh and Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani side violated the ceasefire about 210 times over the indicated period, according to the press service of Defense Ministry of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR). Azerbaijani frontline units fired over 2700 shots from small arms and artillery weapons at Armenian positions over that period, including 98 shells from 60 mm mortars, 29, 23 and 6 grenades from RPG-7, AGS-17 and SPG-9 grenade launchers respectively, and over 140 shots were fired from large caliber machine guns. The frontline units of NKR Defense Army gave a proportionate response to offensive actions of the enemy and carry out confidently their combat duties.

N.O. July 30, 2015, No. 31:N.O. Blank


3:08 PM

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130-AM:AK ARM:NAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN ARA AFARON:AN W;r=;rs \aya.akiørhn ke fandipinq tarakar‘iq anfatn;rou% oronz oun;za‘ pa,are ;rb;mn al patmakan farzadroumn;rou dou®e ke bana\^ fa\ axga\in axatagrakan pa\qari ga[a'ara.øsouj;an vo[owrdakan skxbounqn;rou =atagow^ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an kaxmouj;an fimq;roun% ;rb;mn al a\d kousakzouj;an kaxmauorman armatn;roun kar;uorago\nin^ Arm;nakan Kousakzouj;an ,our=% or ‘nound a®au 1885-i Øgostosin Waspourakani srtin^ Wani mh= ou gor‘;z xanaxan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs% k;dron oun;nalow Wan qa[aqe! Kousakzouj;an kanonagrouj;an fama]a\n Wane ke kocouhr A& <r=anak! Orphs iro[oujiun angam me ;us k*oux;nq fastat;l% or Arm;nakan Kousakzoujiune ;[au ou gor‘;z orphs fa\ irakanouj;an mh= andranike^ qa[aqakan fosanqn;roun% ou miake% or ‘nound a®au fa\ vo[owrdi patmakan fo[in^ Ar;umtafa\astani srtin mh=% Øsman;an ka\srouj;an dvouar ør;roun^ patrast;lou famar ar;umtafa\oujiune ir pap;nakan fo[i pafan=atirouj;an! J;r;us kary t;u;z arm;nakann;rou kaxmak;rpcakan k;anqe% ba\z orphs fastatoum% phtq h es;l or Arm;nakan Kousakzouj;an .orfrdani,e mnaz ªAxatoujiun kam mafº loxounge! Dvba.tabar fatoua‘akan warki ou ,afa.ndrouj;an moun;tikn;re =anazin storagnafat;l ou \aya. arfamarf;l arm;nakann;rou ouvn ou d;re% xa\n an‘ragir miouj;an me makardakin i=;zn;l 'or];low! Patmakan y,martoujiune ke \ou,h m;xi% jh fa\ axga\in w;raxarjnoumi a\d davan ,r=anin% arm;nakan ‘ragire ke \a\tararhr kousakzouj;an npatake^ baza\a\t ou \stak xørouj;amb! ªArm;nakan kaxmak;rpouj;an npatakn h \;[a'o.ouj;amb fa\ vo[owourdin famar irauounq ];®q b;r;l inqxinq axatørhn ka®awar;lou% orow mia\n karo[ ke lini ibr;u mard apr;lou mi=ozn;r gtn;l ;u xanonq gor‘adr;l vamanaki pafan=az fam;matº! No\nqan axatakan ;u \andougn hin na;u arm;nakann;rou qa[aqakan% enk;ra\in emb®noumn;re! Anonq gaua®a\in \;tamnaz% pafpano[akan ou na.apa,aroumn;rh ka,kandoua‘ mtq;row mardik chin% incphs ke 'or];n xanonq patk;razn;l patmouj;an .;[ajiuro[n;re! Au;li qan 110 tarin;r a®a= ®ous Sozial D;mokratn;rou 1905-i \;[a'o.ouj;an wa[orda\nin% arm;nakan ,r=ab;rakan me ke par-

xabanhr kousakzouj;an t;sakhte a\d masin! ªEnk;ra\in% sozialistakan \;[a'o.oujiune m;r irakanouj;an f;t kap oun;zo[ f;®auor ga[a'arn h% orin phtq h ]gtinq apaga\in% ;rb or qa[aqakan karg;ri ;u tnt;sakan pa\mann;ri ,norfiu a®a= kou ga\ m;r mh= nor fasarakoujiun^ nman ;uropakan fasarakouj;an% a\sinqn ;rb sksi a,.atanqi ;u kapitali pa\qare m;r mh=º! Arm;nakann;rou 1885-i fimnadir kaxmi andam Grigor Ay;m;ane (fa\re fa\r;ni akanauor wipasan Gourghn Mafarii)% 1907-i Endfanour Vo[owin dar]au A& <r=anaki gor‘adir warcouj;an w;r=in at;nap;te! Kousakzouj;an gor‘ounhoujiune ‘auala‘ hr xanaxan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs^ Salmast% Ourmia% Ba[h,% Ji`lis ;u Blowtiu (Poulkaria)! 1908-in arm;nakan akanauor gor‘ic S;poufi spanouj;nhn ;tq h% or kousakzoujiune au;li ;us sksa‘ hr f;tapndoumi a®arka\ da®nal ou tkaranal Wani mh=! No\n taroua\ Fokt;mb;r 31-in% 1908% A[hqsandrio\ mh= ‘nound k*a®nhr Fa\ Safmanadrakan Âamkawar Kousakzoujiune% or apaga\in piti mia]oulhr Arm;nakan Kousakzoujiunn ou Lontoni mh= 1898-in ‘nound a®a‘ W;rakaxm;al Fncak;an Kousakzoujiune^ mhk anouan tak! W;rakaxm;aln;re gl.auorouj;amb Mifran Tamat;anin% Ar'iar Ar'iar;anin% Mifran Swaxl;anin ou Wafan Jhqh;anin ke gor‘hin% orphs ,r=anak oun;nalow :giptose% |ounastane% ~ransan% Anglian ;u Miaz;al Nafangn;re! Oro, ,r=anakn;rh n;rs w;rakaxm;aln;re skixbe mas ckaxm;zin Fa\ Safmanadrakan Âamkawar Kousakzouj;an% anonq gor‘;zin orphs Axga\in Axatakan Kousakzoujiun minc;u 1 Fokt;mb;r% 1921 ou anonz miazoumow go\oujiun a®au Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiune^ Polso\ Gnale k[xiin wra\! Fos k*arvh au;lzn;l% or Axga\in Axatakan Kousakzouj;an [;kawarn;rn hin Ar,ak Copan;ann ou Frac :rouande! W;r;ue n,oua‘ patmakan iro[ouj;anz% dvba.tabar% \a=ord;z mtafogic ;r;uo\j me% or wtangauor phtq h nkat;l Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ord;gra‘ a®aq;louj;an ou anor fangrouana\in \a=o[ouj;anz% oronq mia\n npatak oun;zan ‘a®a\;lou fa\ vo[owourdin ou anor \au;rvakan M;‘ :raxi yambou wra\ martnco[ fa\r;nasirouj;an! Fa\astani :rrord Fanrap;-

touj;an f®cakoumhn ;tq^ 1991-in% na.agaf Thr P;tros;ani i,.anouj;an ,r=anin% ;rb Ktriy Sardar;ani ko[mh patrastoua‘ ªKousakzoujiunn;rou Famarº ørhnqe ord;grou;zau% \aya. ls;zinq ou krknou;zau fa\ auandakan kousakzoujiunn;rou w;radar]e Ma\r Fa\r;niq laroua‘ ]a\napnake! Fa\astani .orfrda\nazoumhn ;tq fimnoua‘ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiune 70 tari gor‘;z s'iu®qi mh=% orphs s'iu®qa‘in iro[oujiun% ba\z phtq ch mo®nal% or safmanadrakann;re Fa\astani A®a=in Fanrap;touj;an ,r=anin gor‘;zin% orphs Fa\astani Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiun (FÂAK)! A\s kousakzouj;an ,arq;roun mh= hin baxmafaxar wan;zin;r% oronq arm;nakan ir;nz ,a®aui[ow dar];r hin a\l;us ª®amkawarn;rº! Fa\astani Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiune Fanrap;touj;an .orfrdaranhn n;rs gor‘o[ 80 ;r;s'o.ann;rou ,arqin ounhr 11 ajo®! Isk Fa\astani ,r=ana\in warcouj;an at;nap;tn hr wan;zi ;ra.tauor ou Wani na.kin qa[aqap;t Artak Darbin;ane% or ];rbakalou;zau 1920 jouakani Fokt;mb;rin% >atis;ani gl.auora‘ i,.anouj;an ko[mh% ir;n f;t hr na;u wan;zi ®amkawar^ W;rapatou;li Arshn Khørkiux;ane% ;rkouqn al a\d ør;roun aqsorou;zan Polis! Mnazin a\l wan;zi ®amkawarn;r^ {;uond >any;an% Grigor Ay;m;an ;u ouri,n;r% oronq 1922-in o[=oun;zin Artak Darbin;ane^ a\s angam orphs patouirak ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an% ;rb an ;ka‘ hr fandip;lou Al;qsandr Miasnik;anin! Fa\r;nadar]ouj;an tarin;roun (1946-48) s'iu®qafa\ Âamkawar Axatakann;r paf;zin ir;nz ou.te mi,t ‘a®a\;lou ma\r fa\r;niqin! Tasnam;akn;r ;tq% Fa\astan vamana‘ Âamkawar Axatakan ousano[n;r% fa\r;niqhn n;rs gor‘;zin fauatarim ir;nz ou.tin^ ªFa\r;niqi f;t ou fa\r;niqi famarº loxoungi skxbounqow! Au;lin% anonq kaxm;zin :r;uani ÂAK-i Ar,ak Copan;an akoumbe% or fpartouj;amb gor‘;z fa\-

r;niqi mh=! A\l .øsqow ÂAK-e fa\r;niqi mh= hr ardhn ou w;rada®nalou phtqe counhr! ÂAK-i faraxat ,a®aui[e kaxmo[ arm;nakanoujiunn al ir patouandanin wra\ mnaz% ;rb ÂAK-i Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i ,r=anakhn n;rs kousakzouj;an ;ritasardakan miauore anouanou;zau Arm;nakan :ritasardakan <arvoum^ 1982-in! Amrazn;low ir t;[e a\d patouandanin wra\% ørouan ÂAK-i K;dronakan Warcoujiune o[=oun;low a\d iro[oujiune% 1985-in Arm;nakan kaxmak;rpouj;an fimnadrouj;an 100-am;akin% tarb;r ,r=anakn;rou mh= al kirark;z Arm;nakan :ritasardakan <arvoumi ‘ragire! W;ranka.aza‘ fa\r;niqhn n;rs arm;nakann;rou fimnadrouj;an 120-am;akin a®ijow% 2005 jouakanin% orphs fasarakakan-;ritasardakan kaxmak;rpoujiun granzou;zau Arm;nakan anoune! Afa jh incphs kar;li ;[au s;roundh s;round wa® paf;l Arm;nakan anoune orphs ‘nounde ®amkawarouj;an ou anor an,;[ ga[a'ara.øsouj;an! Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an miauorman a,.atanqin mas kaxm;z na;u anor mia]o\l ‘ragire% ou vo[owrdawaroujiun tara‘o[ kanonagire! Fa\r;niqi f;t ou fa\r;niqi famar gor‘o[ vo[owrdawarakan ga[a'ara.øsoujiune mia]o\l ;r;uo\j phtq h a®nh ou mna\ orphs ÂAK^ ir Arm;nakan% W;rakaxm;al ou Safmanadrakan anz;ali ,a®aui[n;row! W;ranka.aza‘ fa\r;niqhn n;rs ou a,.arfazriu ÂAK-i ,arq;roun famar hakan h ka®cil fa\ vo[owourdin g;rago\n ,af;roun ;u jo\l ctal% or qa\qa\ic ararqn;row qandoui fa\ vo[owourdi ‘a®a\ouj;an g;rago\n npatake! |au;rvakan fa\r;niqi ;raxow gor‘o[ ;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an w;r;lqe zankazo[ qa[aqakan ou auandakan kaxmak;rpouj;an famar t;[atououjiun cka\& manauand% ;rb endouninq or ;rkrin ord;gra‘ ;rkqa[aqaziouj;an ørhnqn al krna\ npast;l Fa\r;niq-S'iu®q mia]o\l ou mianpatak srbaxan a®aq;louj;an!

N.O. July 30, 2015, No. 31:N.O. Blank


3:08 PM

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NOR ØR% 30 |OULIS 2015

Èáõñ»ñ ÜÇõ ºáñù¿Ý

Fa\kakan Barq;r

̲Üú²òÜºÈ äàôðÖ Ð²ØàôîÆ Ð²ÚÎ²Î²Ü ØÂÜàÈàðîÀ

A,.arfi 100 Am;naaxd;zik Mardike Ghorg Qhø,khr;an A,.arfaf®cak ªJa\mº "Time" <abajaj;rji April 27 ;u Ma\is 4% 2015 jouakann;re kro[ :rk,abaj;a\ baza®ike nouiroua‘ hr a,.arfi 100 am;naaxdik mardoz (100 Most Influential People)! M;x f;taqrqro[e a\n baza®ik ;r;uo\jn h% or a,.arfi a\d 100 am;naaxd;zik mardoz ;rkouqe fa\;r ;n! A\d ;rkou fa\;roun inqnoujiune piti baza\a\t;m au;li ou,! A,.arfi 100 am;naaxd;zik mardike bavnoua‘ hin fing dasakarg;rou% f;t;u;al ];uow! 1& A®a=nordn;r (Leaders) A\s masin mh= \i,oua‘ ;n ;rkirn;rou na.agafn;r% warcap;tn;r ;u [;kawarn;r! Ørinaki famar na.agafn;r Paraq Øpama% Âaoul Qasjrø% Wlatimir "oujin% Al;qsis Zibras ;u Xa\ Yinkbink! Warcap;tn;rhn \i,oua‘ ;n Any;la M;rqeln ou P;nyamin Najaniafoun! Kan na;u jagauor Salman Pen Aptel Axix Al Saoutn ou m;nathr Qim Yank Oune! 2& Arou;staghtn;r (Artists) Fos t;[ gta‘ ;n ;ravi,t d;rasan Jim Mqkrøn% d;rasan Prhtli Qoubere% d;rasanoufi ;rgcoufi Øtra Meq Tanelte% d;rasanoufi Youliana Markolixe% Youliana Mørn ou ;rgi‘aban Yan Øliwere! 3& Srbapatk;rn;r (Icons) A\s bavnin mh= \i,oua‘ ;n an];r% oronq m;‘ n;rdroum oun;za‘ ;n a,.arfi qa[aqakan jh enk;ra\in marx;rhn n;rs! Ørinaki famar kajo[ikh a,.arfi Srbaxan Qafana\ap;t ~ransis Pape% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou G;rago\n At;ani datauor Âouj Kinxperke% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou `oujpoli kin;rou fauaqakani .mbap;t Hapi Ouamphqe% Gali`ornio\ ka®awaric Yhri Praoune% a,.arfaf®cak ;rgcoufi Jh\ler Soui`jn ou 'aqistanzi Nop;l;an >a[a[ouj;an mrzanakakir Malala :ousou`xa\e% or =atagowe fandisazau ;ritasard parmanoufin;rou ousman ;u oroun famar jira.e dar]au afab;kici me gndakin&&&! 4& Âafwiran;r (Pioneers) A\s bavine nouiroua‘ h a\n gitnakann;roun% j[jakizn;roun ;u bar;sirakan npatakn;rou nouiroua‘ gor‘øn mardoz% oronq =atagowe fandisaza‘ ;n a,.arfi bnakcouj;an a®o[=apafakan .namqin ou mardka\in famafauasar irauounqn;rou

iragor‘man ou xargazman! |i,oua‘ an];rhn ;n ast[anauord Sqaj Q;li% bvi,k% gitnakan Bartis Sap;ji% lragro[ Ca\ Yink% krjakan m,ak Salman >an% yartarap;t Xafa Fatit% Fonk Qonki qa[aqakan tiro[ kazouj;an dhm bo[oqo[ m;‘afaroust Yimi La\ ;u m;r fa\axgi Anija Sargis;ane! Feminist Anija Sargis;ane ke gl.auorh s;®;rou fauasarouj;an =atagowo[ ,arvoume! Anor \a.ou®n pa\qari jira.e fandisaza‘ ;n video-i .a[;re% oronz f;rosn;re zard a\r mard;r ;n mia\n! Ir masin gro[ d;rasan% f;[inak Ouil Ouijene f;t;u;al ];uow k∞arta\a\toui Anija\i nkatmamb% ªAn ir pa\qare piti ckas;znh minc;u or fasni ir npatakin% or ,at f;®ou chº! 5& Titann;r (Titans) A\s bavine \atkazoua‘ h a\n an]nauorouj;anz% oronq ouri,n;rhn qic me au;li lau gor‘ \a®a= tara‘ ;n ir;nz asparhxin mh=! Fos \i,oua‘ ;n famakargicn;rou n,anauor Apple enk;rouj;an gl.auor waric qartou[ar (CEO) Jim Qouqe% ICICI dramatan gl.auor waric qartou[ar <anta Qocare% a,.arfaf®cak Disney enk;rouj;an gl.auor waric qartou[ar Pap Ikere% famakargicn;rou Microsoft enk;rouj;an gl.auor waric qartou[ar Sajia Nat;llan% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Da,nakza\in Paf;sti Drouj;an (Federal Reserve System) ka®awaricn;rou .orfourdi at;nap;toufi Vanhj |;lenn ou m;r fa\axgi d;rasanoufi Qim Qarta,;ane! Qim Qarta,;ani masin wka\;low% f;®at;sili ast[ ;u girq;rou f;[inak Marja Sjiwourj f;t;u;al ];uow arta\a\toua‘ h! ªAn g;[;zik h% a,.o\v% wy®akam% a,.atounak ;u am;nakar;uore^ entaniqin kapoua‘ an] me! An a\nqan vo[owrdakan h% or ouni 30 milion f;t;uord f;®at;sili ir ‘ragirn;roun! Cmo®nanq au;lzn;lou% or Qim Qarta,;an ir amousno\n% dst;r ;u qro= f;t a\z;l;low Fa\astan ;u :rousa[hm% anz;al April amsoua\ enjazqin% fa\oujiunn ou Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune niuj dar]ouz% a,.arfi kar;uor bolor j;rj;roun a®a=in h=;roun wra\! M;nq inqxinqnis iskaphs fpart phtq h xganq% or a,.arfi fing zamaqamas;rhn entroua‘ 100 am;naaxd;zik mardoz ;rkouqe^ fa\;r ;n! :r;uaka\;zhq or no\nisk ~ransa\i na.agafn ou M;‘n Britanio\ warcap;te t;[ c;n krza‘ gtn;l a\d bar;ba.t zankin mh=&&&! I

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NOR ØR% 30 |OULIS 2015


FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • :urolika\i patas.an .a[;roum ªAla,k;rteº :r;uanoum 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z {axa.stani ªKa\rajinº% ba\z qani or a®a=in .a[oum xi=;l hr 0-3 fa,ouow% ;rkou .a[;ri ardiunqoum dours mnaz .a[arkoujiuniz! • Giumrii ª<irakeº ,ouhdakan AIK-in ir da,toum no\n^ 0-2 fa,ouow xi=;z ;u ;us dours mnaz .a[arkoujiuniz! A\spisow ª"iunikeº% ªOuliseº% ª<irakeº ;u ªAla,k;rteº auart;zin ir;nz ;lo\jn;re :urogauajn;ri .a[arkoujiunn;roum! • FF fauaqakane 2018 j& A,.arfi a®a=nouj;an (AA-2018) orakauorman 'ouli ;uropakan gøtoum endgrkou;l h :& .mboum% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;re ke lin;n& Âouminia\i% Dania\i% L;fastani% Monj;n;gro\i ;u {axa.stani fauaqakann;re! 2016 j& S;pt;mb;ri 4-in ke ka\ana\ Dania-Fa\astan a®a=in fandipoume! • Øgostosi 1-in m;knarkoum h Fa\astani bar]rago\n .mbi 2015-16 jj& a®a=noujiune% orin ke masnakzi 8 jim!

AA-2018 FA|ASTANI FAUAQAKANE :& >MBOUM H Sankt-P;t;rbourgoum ka\azau A,.arfi 2018 j& a®a=nouj;an orakauorman 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum :uropakan gøtou .mb;ri kaxm;re& A& .oumb& Folandia% ~ransia% <ouhdia% Poulkaria% P;la®ous% Liuqs;mbourg! B& .oumb& "orjougalia% Xouiz;ria% Foungaria% ~ar;r;an k[xin;r% Lajwia% Andorra! G& .oumb& G;rmania% C;.ia% Fius& I®landia% Norw;gia% Atrph\yan% San Marinø! D& .oumb& Ouhls% Austria% S;rpia% Islandia% Moltowa% Wrastan! :& .oumb& Âouminia% Dania% L;fastan% Monj;n;grø% Fa\astan% {axa.stan! X& .oumb& Anglia% Slowakia% <otlandia% Slow;nia% Lijouania% Malja! H& .oumb& Ispania% Italia% Alpania% Isra\hl% Mak;donia% Li.t;n,th\n! E& .oumb& P;lgia% Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina% |ounastan% Hsjonia% Kipros! J& .oumb& >orwajia% Islandia% Ouqrania% Jourqia% ~inlandia! :uropakan gøtou 9 .mb;ri \a[jo[n;re miangamiz wastak;lou ;n ;xra'akic 'ouli ou[;gir% isk ;rkrord t;[;roum gtnouo[ ouj lauago\n fauaqakann;re pa\qare ,arounak;lou ;n anzouma\in .a[;roum mnaza‘ 4 ou[;gr;ri famar! AA-2018-i orakauorman 'ouli .a[;re sksou;lou ;n 2016-i S;pt;mb;rin ;u auartou;lou ;n 2017-i Fokt;mb;rin! >a[azanke \a\tni dar]au |oulisi 26-in! Âousastani fauaqakane orphs tanthr orakauorman 'oulin ci masnakzi% ba\z endgrkoua‘ ke lini or;uh .mboum (fauanabar E& kam J& .mboum)% end oroum fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re fa,oui ci a®noui% .a[;re ke kr;n enk;rakan bno\j!

PASQ:JPOLI A{+IKN:RI :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Andorra\oum auartoua‘ pasq;jpoli Fa\astani minc;u 16 tar;kan a[=ikn;ri fauaqakane m;knarkoum +ibraljari jimi nkatmamb 63!29 fa,ouow \a[janak tøn;z :uropa\i G& diuixioni A& .mbi mrza,aroum! :rkrord .a[oum m;r a[=ikn;re 55!33 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasan Ou;lsi nkatmamb ;u dours




;kan kisa;xra'akic% ort;[ 36!28 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an ;n fas;l Malja\i entranou nkatmamb! M;r fauaqakani \a=ord mrzakize Islandia\i jimn hr! M;r a[=ikn;re xi=;zin 39!76 fa,ouow ;u grau;zin 2-rd t;[e!

AUARTOU:Z ST:"AN SARGS:ANI ANOUAN AXAT OYI EMB<AMARTI MRZA<ARE |oulisi 18-19-e :r;uani ªMikaº marxadafliyoum anzkazou;z Shouli Ølimpiakan .a[;ri ar‘ajh m;talakir% a,.arfi ;®aki gauajakir St;'an Sargs;ani anouan 20-rd \ob;l;anakan mrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin 14 ;rkrn;ri 140 anouani embi,n;r! 57 qk& qa,a\in kargoum \a[jo[ dar]au Lontoni Ølimpiakan .a[;ri ar‘ajh m;talakir% wrazi Wladimir >inc;ga,wilin! FF n;rka\azno[ Garik Bars;[;ane grau;z 3-rd t;[e! 65 qk& qa,oum \a[jo[ dar]au 2013-i a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an Dauij Sa`ar;ane% ore ;xra'akicoum 6!3 fa,ouow \a[j;z M;ngi Mortou\olin! Mrza,arn anzkazuoum hr FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ani fowanou n;rqo\! Mrzanaka\in fimnadrame kaxmoum hr 88 faxar tolar! A®a=in t;[e xba[;zra‘ embi,e parg;uatrou;z 5000% 2-rde^ 3000% isk 3-rde^ 1000 AMN-i tolarow! 65 qk& qa,a\in kargoum% ort;[ fandhs h ;k;l St;'an Sargs;ane% .a[arkuoum hr na;u \atouk mrzanak^ autom;q;na\% orin arvanazau Dauij Sa`ar;ane! 74 qk& qa,oum \a[j;z Th\wit Jhlere (AMN)! Grigor Grigor;ane (FF) dar]au pronxh m;talakir! 97 qk& qa,oum oskh m;tal nouay;z Mofamati Mofamadiane (Iran)! 61 qk& qa,a\inn;ri ;xra'akicoum :uropa\i M-23 tar;kann;ri a.o\;an Woladia ~rangoul;ane 5!3 fa,ouow \a[j;z Ghorg Thrthr;anin (ÂD)! A\s qa,a\in kargoum pronxh m;talakir dar]au mrza,ari am;na;ritasard embi,n;riz mhke^ 19-am;a\ Go® Joros;ane! 70 qk& qa,a\in kargoum \a[j;z :ug;ni V;rba\;ue (ÂD)% isk Tigran Mnazakan;ane (FF) grau;z 3-rd t;[e! 86 qk& qa,a\in kargoum \a[j;z Irane n;rka\azno[ Ali®;xa Qarimin! Mousa Mourjaxali;ue (FF)^ 3-rdn hr! Fa\astanin 3-rd oskh m;tale b;r;z 125 qk& qa,a\in L;uan B;riani]hn% ore ;xra'akicoum a®au;louj;an fasau Lontoni Ølimpiakan .a[;ri 'o. a.o\;an% wrazi Dauij Mod]mani,wilii nkatmamb! A\s mrza,ari ardiunqn;ri fiman wra\ ke ];uauoroui axat oyi emb,amarti FF m;‘afasakn;ri fauaqakane% ore ke masnakzi S;pt;mb;rin Las W;kasoum ka\analiq a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane!

:UROPAKAN :RITASARDAKAN ØLIMPIAKAN "AÂATØNE |oulisi 26-iz Øgostosi 1-e Wrastanoum anzkazuoum h ;uropakan ;ritasardakan ølimpiakan 'a®atøne% orin masnakzoum ;n 49 ;rkrn;ri patouirakoujiunn;r! N;rka\azoua‘ 9 marxa];u;riz FF masnakzoum h 6-in% 6 marxik masnakzoum h yiuto\i% 3-akan marmnamarxouj;an% ajl;tika\i% lo[i% f;‘anaua\in sporti ;u 4-e^ j;nisi! Endfanour a®mamb FF n;rka\aznoum h 22 marxik!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ID:-i na.agaf Kirsan Il\oumvinowe \a\tarar;l h% or 2018 j& Faraua\in Qorha\oum ka\analiq ]m;®a\in ølimpiakan .a[;roum ,a.mate n;rka\azou;lou h% orphs zouzadrakan marxa];u! Orphs liarvhq marxa];u ølimpiakan .a[;ri ‘ragir endgrk;lou w;r=nakan oro,oum ke ka\azoui au;li ou,! Draniz anmi=aphs \;to\ MØK-e Monjh Qarlo\oum enjazo[ famavo[owoum oro,;l h% or ]m;®a\in ølimpiakan .a[;ri ‘ragri karo[ ;n endgrkou;l mia\n a\n marxa];u;re% oronq anzkazuoum ;n ]ian ;u sa®o\zi wra\! A\spisow ,a.mate ]m;®a\in .a[;ri ‘ragir endgrk;lou ørhnsdrakan oc mi fimq cka\! • Auartou;z ,a.mati ªPajoumi gauaj 2015º mi=axga\in mrza,are! Grosma\st;r |owik Fa\rap;t;ane ;u Waraxdat Fa\rap;t;ane 6-akan miauorow fangrouan;zin famapatas.anabar 2-rd ;u 7-rd t;[;re! 6&5 miauorow patouauor mrzanakin tirazau mi=axga\in warp;t Øl;qsandr Bortnike (Ouqrania)! • Bars;lona\i mh= auartoua‘ mrza,aroum 'a\loun ardiunqi fasau FF a.o\;an grosma\st;r Karhn Grigor;ane% ow 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u dar]au mrza,ari \a[jo[! Mi=axga\in warp;tn;r Tigran |aroujiun;ann ou Tigran S& P;tros;ane 6&5 ;u 6 miauorow famapatas.anabar grau;zin 5-rd ;u 8-rd t;[;re! • "ojioum auartou;z Nana Al;qsandria\i mrzanakn;ri famar 10-rd mi=axga\in 'a®atøne FF ,a.matistn;re fandhs ;kan bolor .mb;roum! A& .mboum \a[jo[ yanacou;z mi=axga\in warp;t Wafh Pa[tasar;ane ow 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u bavan;z 1-3-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row na yanacou;z \a[jo[! Lauago\n tasn;akoum t;[ xba[;zrin ;us ;r;q fa\astanzin;r^ Dauij <afin;ane% Ghorg |aroujiun;ane ;u |owik Fa\rap;t;ane! B& .mboum Mamikon Martiros;ane% Garik Martiros;ane ;u Fa\k >acik;ane no\nphs 10 lauago\nn;ri mh= hin! Fa\kakan stazou;z G& .mbi mrza,are! |akob Miko\;ane% Âob;rt Mkrtoum;ane ;u Komisar P;tros;ane no\n \a=ordakanouj;amb xba[;zrin patouo\ patouandane% isk Arshn Dauj;ane ;u Sourhn {axar;ane ouj a®a=atarn;ri mh= hin! • Martounioum auartoua‘ ªS;uana\ liy2015º mi=axga\in mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 7 ;rkrn;ri 10 ;ritasard grosma\st;rn;r! 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6 miauor mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au l;f Q,i,to` Doudan! Dauij Anton Goui=aron (Ispania) 5&5 miauorow ;rkrordn hr% isk fndik Widij Santo, Gou=raje 5 miauorow^ 3-rde! W;r=ini f;t fauasar miauorn;r wastak;zin Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane ;u Wladislau Art;m;ue (ÂD)! |a=ord ;r;q t;[;re xba[;zrin Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane ;u Tigran L& P;tros;ane! Anspas;li wat hr am;rikafa\ Samouhl S;u;ani ;lo\je% ow 3 miauorow na.aw;r=inn hr% isk mrza,ara\in a[iusakn ;xra'ak;z Sal;m Sal;fe (AMH)! O

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