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N.O. August 27, 2015, No. 32-33:N.O. Blank


5:06 PM

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 32-33 VOLUME 93, NO. 32-33

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93-AM:AK 1922-2015


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FA|:RI Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE EST :RITJOURQ:RI DATAWAROUJ:AN "ASTAJ{J:RI "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;a\ tar;lizi ør;rin :r;uanoum ªÂamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an Fanrap;takan Warcouj;anº na.a];®nouj;amb ;u ªBar;pa,t S;roundº fimnadrami na.agaf^ Prn& Bars;[ B;glar;ani fowanauorouj;amb lo\s t;sau w;ro\i,;al .oragrow fatore! :rrord angam fratarakouo[ a\s grqoum% øsman;rhniz (fin arabata® jourq;rhn) fa\;rhn jargmanouj;amb troua‘ ;n 1919 j& K& Polsoum t;[i oun;za‘ ;ritjourqakan kousakzouj;an [;kawar gor‘icn;ri datawarouj;an a\n 'astajou[j;re% oronq a®ncuoum ;n ar;umtafa\;ri xangoua‘a\in t;[afanouj;an ou =ard;ri f;t! Niuj;re w;rzoua‘ ;n 1919-1920 jj& K& Polsoum fratarakouo[ ªJaqwim-i W;qa\iº (iradar]oujiunn;ri ørazo\z) jourqakan pa,tønaj;rjiz! "astaj[j;ri a\s ambo[=oujiune% i jius a\l wau;ragr;ri an-

f;rq;liørhn wka\oum ;n ;ritjourqakan kousakzouj;an k;ntronakan komithi ou ka®awarouj;an ko[miz ‘ragroua‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 'aste% orn a\sør 'or]oum ;n v.t;l jourq p;takan gor‘icn;rn ou patma-

bann;re! Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;rb;q sakarkouj;an farz ci karo[ lin;l! Y,martoujiune a\n h% or 20-rd dari skxbin mardkouj;an dhm ou[[oua‘ a\d ‘anrago\n o[b;rgoujiune apazouza‘ h baxmajiu 'astagrakan niuj;row% a\d juoum^ fauasti wau;ragr;row% namakn;row% bar]rastiyan diuanaghtn;ri x;ko\zn;row% akanat;sn;ri wka\oujiunn;row% w;rapro[n;ri \ou,agroujiunn;row% anko[mnakal patmabann;ri ousoumnasiroujiunn;row% p;takan bar]rastiyan gor‘icn;ri fastatoumn;row% a,.arfi mi ,arq .orfrdarann;ri% nafanga\in .orfourdn;ri ;u qa[aqap;tarann;ri endouna‘ bana];u;row ;u oro,oumn;row! A\nphs or 1915-1923 jj& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an patmakan y,martoujiune fastato[ a\d bolor 'ast;re wy®akanørhn f;rqoum ;n vamanakakiz jourq <ar& h= 13

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INCPH#S AXRPH|YAN KE }:ÂNARKH FANRA|IN KAR’IQE AM:RIKA|I MH+ JIL PROUQNER Fasknalou famar jh incphs øtar ,af;rh m[;al% ke .;[ajiuroui irakanoujiune% endfanraphs qa[aqakanoujiun war;lou% ;u \atkaphs^ am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an wra\ axd;lou famar% f;®ou ;rjalou ch! Ke bauh nkati a®n;l D;kt;mb;r 5% 2012-i fandipoume am;rik;an Qonkrhsin mh=% oroun ke na.agafhr a\n vamanak% fanrap;takan Thn Perjen% Intiana nafanghn! Fandipoume :uropa\i ou :uro-Asio\ masin N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tan vo[own;rhn mhkn hr! Ørouan gl.auor x;kouzab;re Dokt& Pr;nta <h\`ern hr% kowkasaght% ;u Farwerti Kaspiz ’owi Git;liqn;rou F;taxøtakan Fimnarki tnørhne! Thn Perjen xinq n;rka\azn;lh ;tq% <h\`er fon fauaqoua‘ irauaghtn;re xgou,azouz% or Iran anka\oun ke dar]nhr ,r=ani ar;umtashr ;rkirn;re% \atkaphs qariu[afanq;row faroust ir 'oqr far;uane^ Axrph\yane! N;rkan;re saka\n ant;[;ak hin Perjeni ou <h\`eri oun;za‘ ga[tni kap;rou masin Axrph\yani f;t! |i,;al fandipoumhn kary vamanak me ;tq% Perjen fravar;zau N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tan ir fangamanqhn% ;u stan]n;z fogabar]ouj;an at;nap;toujiune M& Nafangn;r-Axrph\yan Ou.tin% or ke ‘a®a\hr ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u kap;rou s;rtazman% ;u oroun piutyhn \a\tnaphs ke fa\ja\jhr Axrph\yani na.agafin møtik faroust entaniq me! A\s w;r=in fangamanqow% <h\`er ,arounak;z gowasanqe en;l Axrph\yanin% .orfrdaranakan a\l famagoumarn;rou enjazqin% baxmajiu .mbagrakann;row ;u \ødoua‘n;row ;us% incphs na;u^ ir gor‘ounhouj;anz enjazqin qa[aqaght .orfrdatoun;rou (think-tanks) f;t! "ro'akanti fastatoujiun me (lobbying firm)% or pa\managrouj;amb ke gor‘hr \øgout Axrph\yani d;spanatan% Oua,inkjeni mh=% ir;n t;[;koujiunn;r ke fa\ja\jhr! Øtar Fastatouj;anz Ar]anagrouj;an Ørhnqin tak (FARA=Foreign Agents Registration Act)% Ardarouj;an na.ararouj;an møt gtnouo[ wau;rajou[j;r ke fasatt;n% jh qaroxcakan DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) enk;roujiune% or pa\managroujiun knqa‘ hr Oua,inkjeni axrph\yanakan d;spanatan f;t% 2012-in t;[;koujiunn;r fa\ja\ja‘ hr <h\`eri% anor x;kouzoumhn a®a=% Qonkrhsi mhk \an]na.oumbin a®=;u! >ndro\ a®arka\ w;ro\i,;al enk;roujiune patgamn;r (messages) ke 'o.anzhr chxoq kam anka. kar‘;z;al an];rou mi=ozow% ªaxd;lou famar pa,tønatarn;rou wra\% oronq d;r ounin qa[aqakanoujiun oro,;lou mh=º! A\s nourb møt;zoume% axd;lou famar ørinagirn;roun (lawmakers) wra\% k*øgtagor‘h auandakan dar]a‘ mi=oza®oumn;r% incphs ørinak% 2013-in% 10 qonkrhsmhnn;rou – 32 an]nakaxmi andamn;row patouirakouj;an me – dhpi Paqou yanaparfa‘a.si wyaroume% or \a\tnab;rou;zau at;nin Washington Post-in ko[mh! Ørinaki famar% DCI Enk;roujiune amsakan 20%000 tolari 'o.arhn% krna\ Axrph\yani ®axmawarouj;an i npast na.a];®noujiunn;r a®n;l tal – a\l .øsqow^ ga[a'ari laundering en;l-% qonkrhsakan patouirakouj;anz kam diuanaghtn;rou møt!

<H|~ERI KAP:RE AXRPH|YANI :U ISRA|HLI F:T ªNa.a];®noujiunn;r Axd;lou Famar Am;rik;an Qa[aqakanouj;anz Wra\% I Npast Axrph\yani Fanrap;touj;an D;spanatanº .oragrin tak% DCI enk;roujiune f;t;u;ale ke fa[ordh&- ªEmail Fokt;mb;r 10% 2012-in Dokt& Pr;nta <h\`eri% dasa.øs Fa\`a\i ou Yoryjaoun famalsarann;roun mh= - t;[;kagrouj;an (white paper) me masin% or ke w;rab;ri Irani gor‘ounhouj;anz Faraua\in Kowkasi mh=% ;u a\d ;rkri kap;roun^ Fa\astani f;t% incphs na;u^ Axrph\yani kar;uorouj;an! D;kt;mb;r 5% 2012-in% fandipoum oun;zanq anor f;t xinq n;rka\azn;lou famar mamoulin% na;u ";trouar 5% 2013-in% orphsxi \ødoua‘n;r grh axrph\yanakan farz;rou masin! Ardar;u% anika Perjeni 'o.anz;z t;[;kagir me^ Iran;an Axd;zoujiune

Faraua\in Kowkasi ou <r=aka\ :rkirn;roun Wra\º! Xougaf;®abar% nmanørinak wka\agroujiun men al \an]n;z Qonkrhsi mhk fandipoumin% parap (blank) ]g;low ir t;[;kagrin kz;al farzaranin mh= ªkaxmak;rpoujiun kam kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r xors ke n;rka\aznhqº bavine! Fastatoua‘ h na;u% or <h\`er ;[a‘ h .orfrdatou SOCAR (State Owned Company of Azerbaijan)% or p;takan qariu[i enk;roujiunn h Axrph\yani! W;ro\i,;al fanrap;touj;an ka,a®ak;r enk;rouj;an fa,uo\n <h\`eri ‘a®a\oujiune fraparakau baza\a\tou;zau mamoulin mh= S;pt;mb;r 2014-in! <h\`er .orfrdatoun ;[a‘ h na;u isra\hl;an p;takan marminn;rou% \atkaphs bnakan kaxi ;u ouva\in (energy) qa[aqakanouj;an ou[[ouj;amb! Axrph\yanakan ;u frhakan ,af;re a\nqan xødoua‘ ;n irarou% or ;rkou ;rkirn;rou diuanaghtn;rou patouirakoujiun me w;r=;rs a\z;l;z M& Nafangn;rou frhakan fama\nqn;re! A\s ,r=apto\ti enjazqin% Frhastani d;spane Paqoui møt gow;rg;z Axrph\yane ibr;u la\na.ofouj;an tipar ;rkir% orowf;t;u ka®awaroujiune chr fala‘;r t;[uo\n fr;a\ 'oqramasnakan fama\nqe! |oulis 2014-in% <h\`er wka\oujiun touau am;rik;an qonkrhsi \an]na.oumbi me mhk fandipoumin% 'o.anz;low grauor \a\tararoujiun men al% our \o\v ke j;ladrouhr n;zouk kangnil bnakan kaxi .o[owaka,ari fastatman% or piti wiv;znhr ®ousakan ‘ragir me% apafow;low :uropa\i ouva\in matakararoume% miavamanak faxarauorn;rou gor‘ fa\ja\j;low!

J:J:U FAKAK<IÂ LOBBYST-N:ROU WRA| Qali`ornia\hn n;rka\azouzic Jackie Speier w;r=;rs a®a=ark;z ørhnq me% or qonkrhsakan \an]na.oumb;rou a®=;u wka\oujiun touo[n;rhn pafan=oui ir;nz staza‘ ;kamoute øtar p;toujiunn;rh! Anika patya®aban;z jh am;rikazi vo[owourde tramabanørhn k*aknkalh gitnal% jh i#nc ;n ;njakan;roun kap;re øtar p;touj;anz f;t% t;sn;lou famar jh ,af;rou fakasoujiun ka#\% ;u jh anonq i#nc goumar ke stanan ir;nz ‘a®a\ouj;anz 'o.arhn! F;t;uabar% k*aknkaloui or <h\`er baza\a\th ir ;kamoute SOCAR–hn% or ke patkani Axrph\yani p;touj;an! <h\`er ar]anagroua‘ ch FARA-i% ;u ;jh .orfrdatoun;rhn h SOCAR–i! Mincd;® fa\kakan lobby-n ar]anagroua‘ h FARA-i møt! Ardar;u% AIPAC-e (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) ;us ch ar]anagroua‘ FARA-i møt! Wiryinio\ n;rka\azouzic Frank R. Wolf Ardarouj;an Na.ararouj;nhn pafan=a‘ h FARA-hn ir ørhnqn;roun gor‘adroujiune w;rat;souj;an ;njark;l a\s tari% karg me 'o'o.oujiunn;r n;rmou‘;low% 'ak;low ørhnqhn 'a.ousti yamban;re (loopholes)!

>ORFOURDATOUN:RE GOR’IQ ØTAR AXD:ZOUJ:ANZ |atkaphs am;rik;an diuanagitouj;an kam qa[aqakanouj;an mh= .orfrdatoun;re kar;uor d;r me oun;nalow% Axrph\yani paraga\in ir;nz gor‘akiz ounin na;u irauabann;rn ou .mbagirn;re! Axrph\yane% lobbying-i famar ;rkar at;nh iw;r dramakan m;‘ago\n n;rdroumn;r kataro[ ;rkirn;rhn mhkn h Oua,inkjeni mh=! A\s ou[[ouj;amb% ke gor‘h patrastoua‘% xargaz;al nor s;round me Paqoui mh=! Anonq famoxoua‘ ;n% or akad;makann;r ou qa[aqakan .orfrdatoun;r kar;uor d;r me ke katar;n a\d ou[[ouj;amb! Bnakanabar% lobbying-e ke karøti ;rkara,ounc ;u f;t;uo[akan f;tapndoumi qa[aqakanouj;an mh=! Fauanabar <h\`er kam DCI .mbake oro, axd;zoujiun oun;za‘ ;n a\s ou[[ouj;amb! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an |ounis 27% 2015

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Page 6



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|AKOB WARDIWAÂ:ANI NORAGO|N FATORE^ ªM:’ :RAXI YAMBOUN OU{:UORN:RE :U&&&º WACH S:M:RY:AN <q;[ørhn faroust% artaqinow tpauoric ;u baxmabowandak fator me ;us^ an.on= f;[inak |akob Wardiwa®;anhn% ke droui ®amkawar axatakan grashr ;u fpart kousakzakanin tramadrouj;an tak! <arqa\inn;rou s;[m ,r=anakhn dours gtnouo[ patmabann;roun% axga\in patmouj;amb f;taqrqrouo[ entr;al stouar .oumbin% enj;rzashrn;roun ;u manauand s'iu®qi k;anqi patmouj;an masnaghtn;roun famar% Wardiwa®;ani ªM:’ :{:ÂNI YAMBOUN OU{:UORN:RE :U FAMAPAR"AK PATMOUJIUN ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:ANº a®a=in fatore fianali a[biur men h^ endfanraphs a\vm;an s'iu®qow xba[o[ masnaghtn;roun% ba\z manauand 19-rd darou gor‘øn kousakzoujiunn;rou patmoujiune ousoumnasiro[n;roun famar! Arf;stawarvørhn manramasnoua‘ ou qnnarkoua‘ patmagirq me% oroun a®a=in fatore \atkaphs tramadroua‘ h Arm;nakan Kaxmak;rpouj;an ;u Fa\ Vo[owrdakan Kousakzouj;an fimnadroujiunn;roun% xargazoumn;roun% gor‘a‘ axd;zoujiunn;roun ;u anonz k;anqi ou[in;roun patmouj;an! Au;li a®a= ;rjalow% endouninq or fa\kakan kousakzoujiunn;rou k;anqin \atouk patmoujiune ke w;ra‘oui na;u 19-rd darou auartin aproua‘ fa\ vo[owourdi patmouj;an! *** Wardiwa®;ani a\s fatore ;rkou fimnakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou patmouj;an k*a®ncoui& a®a=in^ Arm;nakan Kaxmak;rpouj;an st;[‘oumin ;u gor‘ounhouj;an^ 1885 jouakanhn sksa‘% apa^ au;li am'o'% Fa\astani mh= gor‘a‘ Fa\ Vo[owrdakan Kousakzouj;an gor‘ounhouj;an^ 1917-hn sksa‘% ;u ,arounakoua‘ Fa\astani A®a=in Fanrap;touj;an kary tarin;roun enjazqin! Anfrav;,t h \i,;zn;l% or Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an kaxmauoroumin i w;r=o\ npasta‘ ;n \i,;al ;rkou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rhn w;rapra‘ andamn;roun a®enj;r% xgali jiuow qa[aqakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% oronz gor‘ounhoujiune j;qoua‘ h dhpi t;[akan qa[aqakan k;anqe^ Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an fa\abnak ,r=ann;roun mh=! A\s ;u tarb;r anounn;row ‘anøj kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% oronzmh kar;li chr qa[aqakan kousakzouj;an me arvani ;u ambo[=akan gor‘ounhoujiun aknkal;l% piti miana\in kaxm;lou famar minc;u ørs gor‘o[ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiune! 1921-i Fokt;mb;rin ba[kazouzic kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rn hin W;rakaxm;al Fncak;an%

Ga[a'arakzakan% Axatakan% Fa\ Safmanadrakan ;u Fa\ Axga\in Axatakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rn ou mioujiunn;re% oronz ambo[=akan patmoujiune |akob Wardiwa®;ani patrast;liq fska\ gor‘in ;rkrord kam ;rrord fatorn;roun fimnakan ata[]e piti da®na\! A®a=in tpauoroujiune% or k*oun;na\ enj;rzo[e \;t fatori enj;rzoumin% |akob Wardiwa®;ani angnafat;li ;u an.on= a,.atanqin afagnoujiunn h ;u mhkt;[a‘ manramasn;al gitoujiune% or enj;rzo[in ke 'o.anzoui a\s ];uow! Arm;nakan kaxmak;rpouj;an st;[‘oumin anmi=akan kam f;®aka\ axdakn;roun m;knabanoujiunn ou xargazoume ke trouin sks;al 1461 jouakanhn^ Polso\ Fa\oz Patriarqouj;an fimnadroumhn% fasn;lou famar minc;u 1895 jouakane^ ma\is;an bar;norogoumn;rou tarin% anzn;low an,ou,t Arm;nakan kaxmak;rpouj;an ‘nnd;an tarihn^ 1885-hn& a\sphsow^ Wardiwa®;an Øsman;an p;touj;an safmann;rhn n;rs fa\oujiune ,afagrg®o[ ;u fa\ouj;an f;t a®ncouo[ gr;jh bolor xargazoumn;roun a®arka\akanørhn k*andrada®na\! Anfrav;,toujiun me% or endfanraphs ant;soua‘ h tarb;r patmagirn;rou ko[mh% ;rb 19-rd darou yakatagrakan ankiunadar]n;r ke n;rka\azouin! Patmagitakan nrboujiun me gofazouza‘ h f;[inake% oroun orphs f;t;uanq patmakan iuraqanciur iragor‘oumin ;njafo[e% patya®n ou xargazoume n;rka\azoua‘ h! :rb k*aknark;nq Wardiwa®;ani tramadra‘ a,.atanqi fska\ouj;an ;u ambo[=akanouj;an% nkati ouninq kousakzouj;an me nman kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou st;[‘oumin tramabanakan axdakn;roun a®ka\oujiune% ban me or fianaliørhn \a=o[a‘ h n;rka\azn;l f;[inake! Bnakanørhn m;x .oraphs ke tpauorh Arm;nakan kaxmak;rpouj;an ªAkanauor arm;nakann;rºou \atouk 78 h=;re% oronz mh= manramasnoua‘ k;rpow n;rka\azoua‘ ;n 31 an]nauoroujiunn;r^ \i,;al kaxmak;rpouj;an fimnadrouj;an ou gor‘ounhouj;an f;t s;rtørhn a®ncoua‘! A®au;l% ªOuri, arm;nakann;rº ;nja.oragirow ke trouin 180 ,arqa\inn;rou \arab;rabar kary k;nsagirn;rn ou gor‘ounhouj;anz nøj;re! A\s endar]akouj;amb ;u manramasnouj;an \;tamout gor‘i ,at qic angam ke fandipinq kousakzakan patmagirqi me mh=! *** A®a=in fatorin ;rkrord kar;uor bavine \atkazoua‘ h Fa\astani a®a=in fanrap;tou<ar& h= 14


Artillerymen Of The Russian Military Base In Armenia Performing Combat Firing In Mountains Artillerymen of the Russian military base in Armenia are training at the Alagyaz high mountain range, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports. More than 300 servicemen and about 100 pieces of military hardware and armament, including Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers, Grad MLRS, Podnos mortars and Konkurs antitank missile complexes, are involved in the training. Artillery crews are practicing engaging different targets detected by Granat and Zastava UAVs at the altitude of 2,000 metres above sea. The servicemen are to engage about 300 group and individual targets in the course of the combat training held at the Alagyaz range.

Newly Published Book

“Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Reality Of The Armenian Genocide” By Hambersom Aghbashian This book is a study of a very important issue which s h e d s light on Armenian and Tu r k i s h h i s t o r y. Many Turkish intellectuals (50 Turkish historians, physicians, artist, human rights activists, journalists and others ) who support justice to Armenians and justice to the world, and have recognized the reality of the Armenian Genocide, blamed the Ottoman Empire for the perpetrated atrocities, and asked the Turkish government to admit the Armenian Genocide and apologize for that, and even to make reparations to the victims ancestors, are researched and comprehensively presented by the author. It includes a work, which puts history in the right perspective and proves the veracity of the Genocide. This is part (1) and part (2) will follow. The book is published by A.D.L.(RAG) Nor Or Weekly Newspaper. and printed in USA. For copies contact the publisher: "Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc." (Email: Nor-Or@sbcglobal.net), Or The Author ( Email: hampomg@yahoo.com).

The Mystery Man Who Tackled AK-47 Assault Rifle From Train Gunman Traveller who intervened to disarm gunman Ayoub El-Khazzani is a Franco-American academic named Mark Moogalian The mystery identity of the first heroic passenger to wrestle a weapon from the high-speed train gunman can be disclosed for the first time by The Telegraph. Mark Moogalian, a 51-year-old professor at the Sorbonne, tackled Ayoub ElKhazzani during Friday’s bloody incident aboard an Amsterdam-Paris international service. Francois Hollande, the French President, has announced he will award Mr Moogalian the Legion d'Honneur, the country's highest decoration, as soon as he is well enough. Mr Moogalian, who lives in Paris but is originally from Midlothian, Virginia, US, is the previously unnamed man who came to the aid of “Damien A”, 28, a French banker who confronted El-Khazzani. The academic acted instinctively to protect his wife Isabella Risacher, who was also aboard the Thalys train.

US Embassy: We Are Ready To Help Armenia Government Fight Corruption YEREVAN. – The US stands ready to work with the Government of Armenia in the fight against corruption. US Ambassador Richard Mills told the

He tackled the Kalashnikov assault rifle off El-Khazzani, who then drew a sidearm and shot him in the neck before taking back the rifle, his sister has revealed. Three other US citizens including two military personnel, and Chris Norman, a British businessman then stepped in to disarm and overpower the assailant. By David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent aforementioned to reporters during Tuesday’s event devoted to results of the threeyear activities of the 114 social hotline call center in the country. In the ambassador’s words, this “call center will built trust among Armenian citizens, their social services providers, their ministry and government.” Ambassador Mills added that this system enables Armenian citizens to not only get informed of their rights, but to inform about abuses and violations.

Syrian Rebels: Turkey Tipped Al Qaida Group To U.S.-Trained Fighters Defense Secretary Ash Carter recently called for Turkey to do more to contribute to the international fight against the Islamic State. On Monday, Pentagon officials did not respond immediately to claims Turkey had tipped an al Qaida affiliate to plans for U.S.-trained fighters to enter Syria. The fighters were kidnapped. The kidnapping of a group of U.S.trained moderate Syrians moments after they entered Syria last month to confront the Islamic State was orchestrated by Turkish intelligence, multiple rebel sources have told McClatchy. The rebels say that the tipoff to al Qaida’s Nusra Front enabled Nusra to snatch many of the 54 graduates of the $500 million program on July 29 as soon as they entered Syria, dealing a humiliating blow to the Obama administration’s plans for confronting the Islamic State. Rebels familiar with the events said they believe the arrival plans were leaked because Turkish officials were worried that while the group’s intended target was the Islamic State, the U.S.-trained Syrians would form a vanguard for attacking Islamist fighters that Turkey is close to, including Nusra and another major Islamist force, Ahrar al Sham.

A senior official at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity, declined to respond to questions about the incident, saying any discussion of Turkey’s relationship with Nusra was off limits. Mitchell Prothero Gaziantep, Turkey

President Submits Draft Amendments To Constitution To Parliament

PanARMENIAN.Net - President Serzh Sargsyan submitted yesterday, on August 21 draft amendments to the Constitution of Armenia to the National Assembly, the presidential press service said. The draft amendments had been developed by the Commission on Constitutional Reforms under Armenian President, Panorama.am reports. Vardan Poghosyan, a member of the Commission, has been appointed as representative of Armenian President for presentation of the draft amendments to the Constitution in the National Assembly of Armenia. Starting next week, President Sargsyan plans to begin consultations with representatives of political parties regarding the approaches stated in the draft. The head of state also instructed the Commission on Constitutional Reforms under Armenian President to continue the dialog with the Venice Commission (VC) over those issues indicated in the VC’s preliminary opinion, around which no agreed solutions have been found so far.

Azerbaijani Side Used 107mm Rocket Launchers

Syria conflict: New 'IS chemical attack' Islamic State (IS) militants may have used chemical weapons in an attack on a town in northern Syria on Friday. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Tuesday it had treated four members of a family who suffered from breathing difficulties and developed blisters after a mortar hit their home in Marea. The Syrian American Medical Society has also reported receiving 50 patients showing symptoms of chemical exposure. Local rebels say the shells were fired from an IS-held village to the east. A spokesman for one group, the Shami Front, told the New York Times that half of the 50 mortars and artillery rounds which hit Marea contained sulphur mustard.

STEPANAKERT. – Azerbaijani side continued to violate ceasefire from different types of weapons between the Karabakh-Azerbaijani opposing forces late night hours of August 24 and early morning hours of August 25. In addition to mine throwers, Azerbaijani side used 107mm rocket launchers. Vanguard units of the NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR) Defense Army took retaliatory actions to quell this “activeness” by the Azerbaijani side and confidently carry out their military task.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday August 27, 2015




Another component of the PAI is the necessity to properly educate current and future generations of Armenians. The educational foundations of the Republic of Armenia should be based on a value system, which emphasizes, hard work, civil responsibility, and respect for the rule of law. It would be incumbent upon the Armenian government to initiate a major program, which incorporates basic responsibilities and duties expected of its citizens, thus instilling young Armenians with a sense of patriotism and pride for their heritage. With respect to higher education, universities should be equipped with the latest computers, handheld devices and gadgets, as well as technical instruments and equipment necessary for conducting research and keeping pace with recent technological innovations. In order to be able to communicate with research and scientific institutions of other countries, it is important to develop basic skills in Russian and English. Moreover, in order to prepare future leaders of Armenia’s public, diplomatic, and military services, special partnership and training programs should continue to be developed between Armenian and foreign higher educational institutions In the case of the PAI, new national and collective psychological characteristics should be developed and incorporated into the educational field, in order to prepare future generations of Armenians to be freethinking, disciplined, patriotic, and responsible citizens of the homeland. For the education of the younger generations, Armenia’s Education Ministry should embark on a new program that emphasizes patriotic and spiritual values versus material rewards. The program should be galvanized using new textbooks, interactive media, video documentaries, and modern means of communication, in order to emphasize Armenians’ pride in traditional characteristics, such as honesty, hard work, quality workmanship, initiative and drive, patriotism, honor, and military and civil service for the security and betterment of the homeland. The end goal of the program should be to motivate citizens to help shape Armenia as a strong, responsible, and modern nation. In addition, encouraging younger generations to stay and work in Armenia, while simultaneously forming large families, will ultimately help Armenia become relatively more self-sufficient with respect to providing security and prosperity to its citizens. We are interested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

Tumo Time: Gyumri Students Get Orientation For Beginning Of Hi-Tech Training The new Tumo Center for Creative Technologies in Armenia’s second largest city of Gyumri will open its doors to students aged 12-18 in September, enabling them to learn skills that they will need in pursuing their future career goals. Six orientation sessions have been held and about 800 students from Gyumri and surrounding villages have enrolled so far.

AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School News We are delighted to announce that this year's recipient for the 2015 Junior Achievement of Southern California's (JASoCal) Educator of the Year Award went to our very own, Mrs. Roxanne Bedrossian. Mrs. Bedrossian was recognized on July 30, 2015, in Century City, Los Angeles, California. Awards presenter, Frank Baldino, noted her as someone who has “truly shown herself as an amazing teacher, mentor and friend of JA.” Frank added that “Roxanne is truly a champion for her kids and wants to see them thrive in any way possible.”

The Educator of the Year Award is presented to teachers who have shown outstanding leadership in helping their students excel in Junior Achievement's three pillars: entrepreneurship, financial literacy and workforce readiness. Mrs. Bedrossian has been an incredible cham-

pion for Junior Achievement programs and our students. We are very proud of her continued passion and great work within our community! Mrs. Roxanne Bedrossian is the chairperson for the high school's Social Studies Department at A.G.B.U. ManoogianDemirdjian School. She also teachers debate and introduction to business. Mrs. Bedrossian has been with AGBU MDS for 22 years. Dr. Raymond Ellyin (class of '96), A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian School's high school physics teacher, is the recipient of the 2015 NASA Achievement Award. Dr. John Grunsfeld, NASA’s associate administrator for the science mission directorate and Dr. Charles Elachi, JPL’s director, recognized Dr. Ellyin for his contribution as the mission assurance manager of the first JPL CubeSat Mission scheduled for deployment off of the International Space Station. Recognizing his substantial responsibilities and commitments with JPL, we are especially fortunate to have Dr. Ellyin on staff as an educator and mentor for our students who wish to pursue careers in the science and technology fields. Dr. Ellyin has been a part of the AGBU MDS teaching staff for five years.

AGBU And Teach For Armenia Partner To Bring Quality Education To Armenia Teach For Armenia Fellows prepare for the start of their first school year Through its partnership with the AGBU and the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, Teach For Armenia (TFA) strives to improve the quality of education in Armenia. This September will mark the beginning of the first school year for TFA Fellows: 15 men and women, selected from over 200 applicants, will teach in the underprivileged regions of Tavush, Lori, Armavir and Gegharkunik. TFA has recruited men and women of varying socio-economic and regional backgrounds from Armenia’s top universities. Among the Fellows are mathematicians, chess champions, computer scientists, foreign language specialists, psychologists, economists and teachers. “Armenia must prioritize education. We simply have no other choice,” says 2015 TFA Fellow Vagarshak Matikyan. TFA is premised on the idea that every child deserves access to excellent education. Last fall, AGBU held a series of lectures with founder and CEO Larisa Ryan in cities across the United States to inform the community about the state of education in Armenia and TFA’s role in its development. Driven by a belief in pursuing innovative solutions to social problems, TFA recruits the best and the brightest from Armenia and the Armenian diaspora to teach in the Armenian educational system and increase the quality of education in Armenia. With the continued financial and strategic support of the AGBU and Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, TFA will expand its program in the coming years by recruiting, training and placing Fellows in underserved schools throughout Armenia to ensure that all students can realize their full potential. “One of our biggest goals this year is to increase our number of diaspora recruits. For the 2016 Fellowship, we are specifically targeting participants from the United States and Russia. We anticipate to receive anywhere between 250-300 applications and select our second cohort of 25-30 Fellows for the 2016 Fellowship. We work through volunteers, campus representatives and brand ambassadors to help us identify the best candidates to join our movement in Armenia,” said Ryan. From July 1 to July 31, TFA held its Summer Institute at the United World College Dilijan School. The course is designed to both train Fellows for their two-year teaching commitment and encourage students from rural communities to develop a love of learning. The training consists of two main parts: teaching at a summer school and attending seminars, workshops, and individual sessions with the TFA team. TFA mentors prepare the Fellows to be effective teachers and guide them to overcome the obstacles they may face in the classroom. During their teaching commitment, each Fellow will reach approximately 100 students. For more information about Teach For Armenia, please visit http://teachforarmenia.org/.

AGBU Buenos Aires Publishes New Issue Of Generación 3

The magazine focuses on Armenia and the Armenian communities of South America In April 2015, AGBU Buenos Aires’ Liga de Jóvenes [Youth Group] published the latest issue of Generación 3, a biannual Spanish-language magazine relating to Armenia and the Armenian diaspora, focusing specifically on the Armenian communities of South America. The April issue focused on the Armenian Genocide, including a report on the current atmosphere in Turkey regarding the rights of minorities, an article on films about the Armenian Genocide from 1902 to the present and a list of projects, websites and cultural events launched in honor of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. The issue was also comprised of an exclusive interview with chess champion Levon Aronian, an overview of the growing IT industry in Armenia and highlights from TEDxYerevan events. “This issue turned out to be an interesting mix of past, present and future: while it is our duty as Armenians to be aware of our history, at the same time we are witnessing the rise of a new generation of Armenian citizens who are leaders in their fields. This fills us with pride and hope for the future,” says Lusiné Sarafian, one of the newest members of the editorial staff. Three thousand copies of each issue of Generación 3 are distributed free of charge to Armenians in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza and Mar del Plata, among other cities in Argentina, as well as in Montevideo, Uruguay and Santiago, Chile. The volunteer editorial team is composed entirely of alumni of the AGBU Marie Manoogian Institute in Buenos Aires, who invite special contributors to share their expertise and opinions on the fields of architecture, history, culture and science. “We are all third generation Armenians and our aim is to reach our generation not only with fascinating stories about our country and our identity, but also with an appealing design,” says Sirún Balian, one of the magazine’s designers. Previous issues of Generación 3 have featured stories on volunteerism in Armenia, gender inequality, youth-oriented initiatives such as the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies in Yerevan and Armenian communities in Portugal, India, and Poland as well as news about AGBU Buenos Aires and Argentinean Armenians. The most recent issues of Generación 3 are available online at http://www.ugab.org.ar/revista-generacion-3/. For more information on Generación 3, please write to generacion3@ugab.org.ar or visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/generacion3 for daily updates.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday August 27, 2015

AGBU Partners With MIT, The Ayb Educational Foundation And The Luys Foundation For Educational Program In Armenia MIT Global Teaching Labs strive to create a culture of learning in Armenia On July 17, 2015, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the Ayb Educational Foundation and the Luys Foundation held a joint press conference at the Ayb School in Yerevan to discuss the MIT Global Teaching Lab program. Global Teaching Labs is a pilot summer program designed to shape a new culture of learning in Armenia by introducing a different method of instruction. The press conference was part of MIT’s International Science & Technology Initiatives (MISTI) program, a bridge between centers of excellence in Armenia and around the world. Speakers included Fr. Mesrop Aramian, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ayb School, advisor to the President of the Republic of Armenia and member of the Luys Education Board; Dr. Jacek Brant, senior lecturer in business and economics education at University College London; Gayane Ghumashyan, senior operations manager at the Luys Foundation; Serenella Sferza, MISTI program director; and Vasken Yacoubian, member of the AGBU Central Board of Directors. “MISTI is designed to expose MIT faculty and students to excellence worldwide. We started with MIT Japan and now we have 15 country-based programs. We also have programs that cut across countries and the Global Teaching Labs and our collaboration with Armenia is one of these programs,” said Sferza. The Global Teaching Lab course began on June 22 and will end on July 31. The classes—held at the Ayb School—have introduced 110 students from across Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh to emerging disciplines, such as neurocomputing, machine learning, and electricity and magnetism,

and encouraged hand-on learning to bring theory into practice. “Our methods are a bit different,” said MIT student and program lecturer Armen Samurkashian. “We lead the class in a more interactive way. We approach the issues deeply, like specialists.” During the course, 32 students from outside Yerevan have been hosted by AGBU at the AGBU Vahe Karapetian Center where extracurricular activities are organized each day. Through the Global Teaching Labs, MIT students are matched with foreign high schools and prepare tailored courses on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects that complement the school's curriculum and highlight MIT's hands-on approach to education. MISTI operates through country programs that create opportunities for students and faculty to work with partners abroad. The 19 country programs cover most of the world’s large economies as well as smaller countries with particularly dynamic technology sectors and administer several innovative cross-regional programs that enable MIT students to learn through teaching STEM and entrepreneurship. “We must gather our resources around the best programs. Ayb, Luys, the American University of Armenia, TUMO and UWC Dilijan all have their own directions, but all of them are working towards enriching education in Armenia and turning Armenia into an international center of excellence in education,” said AGBU Central Board member Vasken Yacoubian.

26 Students Graduate From The AGBU Tarouhy-Hovagimian Secondary School In Lebanon On July 5, 2015, the AGBU Tarouhy-Hovagimian Secondary School held a graduation ceremony for 26 students at the AGBU Demirdjian Center in Beirut. The ceremony was attended by dignitaries and special guests, including Shant Chinchinian, Lebanese Member of Parliament; Hovig Vartanian, AGBU Lebanon District committee member; Silva Libaridian, AGBU Lebanon Education Committee co-chair and district secretary; Vicken Tchertchian, AGBUAYA Central Committee chair; as well as AGBU members, parents and teachers. After the speeches, the graduates walked across the stage to receive their diplomas and awards. The event closed with a cake cutting ceremony, a school tradition. In the fall, graduates will attend the American University of Beirut, the Lebanese American University and Haigazian University, among many others. In 2000, the Tarouhy Hagopian School for Girls and the Hovagimian-Manougian School for Boys merged to form the AGBU Tarouhy-Hovagimian Secondary School, wellknown in the Armenian community for its high quality of education. The school seeks to provide youth with lifelong skills that help them achieve success in work and life and gives high importance to the Armenian language and heritage.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

76 - Nuray Mert By Hambersom Aghbashian Nuray Mert (born in 1960 in Trabzon, Turkey) is a Turkish journalist and political scientist. She is a columnist for Hurriyet Daily News. After graduating from Fevziye Mektepleri I!ık College, she studied political science and history at Bo"aziçi University, Istanbul, where she obtained the master's degree on a thesis entitled "Prens Sabahaddin ve Terakki Mecmuası ", "Prens Sabahaddin and Terakki Magazine", and the doctorate on a thesis entitled "Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Laik Dü!ünce", "Secular Thought in the Early Republican Period". She worked for some time as a research assistant at Bo"aziçi University, after which she became lecturer at the Department of Economics of Istanbul University. In 2012-3 she was an International Scholar in Residence at the Stanford Humanities Center. She used to host a TV show, but this was dropped after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo"an publicly criticized her, and she was also fired on February 19, 2012 from her job as a columnist for the daily newspaper Milliyet for the same reason. Mert has said that she now fears for her personal safety and the Turkish Journalists' Association has denounced the attacks on Nuray Mert by Recep Tayyip Erdo"an. According to a post on March 26, 2013 by" exeterhumanrightsupdate ", cases of journalists being fired for criticizing the government are a recurrent problem in Turkey. In 2012, Nuray Mert, a journalist from the Milliyet newspaper, was fired after being publically criticized by the Prime Minister for her articles." (1) In her article " Turkey, Syria and Armenians in context" (Hurriyet Daily News April 07,2014), Nuray Mert wrote: " Now, the Turkish government is complaining about the campaigns of the Armenian Diaspora, who have started to accuse Turkey of supporting ISIL (who crossed the border and attacked Kasab), and Armenians who lived on their way in Kasab had to flee to Latakia and Beirut. In the eyes of the Armenians, it has become a symbolic act against them, since it reminds them of the tragedy that befell Armenians who had to flee Turkey because of the deportations and massacres during WWI. She added " Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto"lu said “ Turkey conveyed to the Armenian community and to the UN its willingness to help in the evacuation of Armenians in Kasab.” Well, but one first has to answer this question; “Why evacuate Armenians from Kasab?” There are many other questions which should follow: Why do they want to flee to Latakia or Beirut? Why are the Christians of the Middle East the first victims of the changing Middle East.(2) Nuray Mert wrote an article in Hurriyet Daily News - April/20/2015, here are some abstracts: " The pope’s use of the Gword and then the European Parliament’s vote to urge Turkey to recognize the “Armenian Genocide” angered not only the president and the government, but also the nationalist opposition and a majority of Turks. Although we leftist/democrat intel-

lectuals are inclined to recognize the Armenian massacre as a “genocide,” and many of us have been using the Gword for some time, we should admit that the nationalists of Turkey have a point. The point is that international condemnations of genocides are indeed politically motivated in most of the cases. On one hand, these objections should be taken into consideration. On the other, however, minor powers like Turkey never seem to comprehend the importance of self-criticism concerning their past; that is why they miss all chances to acknowledge their share of responsibility in the terrible events and moments of human history. Turkey and the Armenian massacre is one of the best examples. Turkey’s denial of genocide or of even the true extent of the Armenian massacres is always based on the accusation of treason – that Ottoman Armenians sided with the imperial powers, implying that they deserved what they got. Nevertheless, Turks never think that, in the end, Ottomans allied with other (German) imperialists in World War I to save their own empire. Besides, Turkey does not want to admit that it was not only the Armenians who revolted and/or joined the Russian army, but the whole civil (Armenian) population suffered from deportations and massacres. By the way, the Arabs also allied with the “imperialists” and staged the Arab revolt against the Ottomans, but Turks never considered collectively punishing their Arab co-religionists (Thank God). (3) In her article 'Still here, still bleeding’, Hurriyet Daily News- April 27, 2015, Nuray Mert mentioned, " I happened to be in Beirut last week. It was a good chance to catch up with Lebanese and regional politics and see friends. Besides, I could follow the Armenian Genocide commemoration." She added, " Beirut is home to a considerable Armenian population and most of them are the grandchildren of those who took refuge in Lebanon after fleeing Turkey in 1915. Besides, many Christians and Muslims recognize the Armenian Genocide, so the commemoration march was very crowded this year, which is the centenary of that terrible event. Moreover, the minister of education declared April 24 a national holiday for schools. The title of a serial of cultural events to commemorate the genocide in Beirut was, “Still here, still bleeding.” Despite the bad omens, I need to hope the past tragedies of not only Armenians but also of Lebanon in general will not be here anymore, and will not bleed anymore. " (4)

1.http://exeterhumanrightsupdate.wo rdpress.com/tag/turkey/ 2.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /turkey-syria-and-armenians-in context. aspx? 3.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /to-use-or-not-use-the-g-word.aspx?page ID=449&n 4.http://www.qoshe.com/hurriyetdaily-news/nuray-mert/still-here-stillbleeding/289998

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday August 27, 2015


Armenian Assembly Of America Appoints Regional Analyst Alin Ozinian Yerevan. The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) welcomes Alin Ozinian to the Assembly's Yerevan office. Ozinian, who is fluent in several languages and reads Ottoman, brings years of experience, both in Armenia and in Turkey, to the newly-created position of Regional Analyst. "I am excited that Alin has joined the Assembly and am confident that her professionalism, experience, and knowledge will help further the Assembly's work for the betterment of all Armenians," stated Assembly Regional Director Arpi Vartanian. A long-time analyst on regional issues, Ozinian has published numerous reports, research studies, and newspapers articles. She has a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and Diplomacy, and a Master's

degree in Turkish Studies, both from Yerevan State University (YSU). She is currently a Ph.D. Researcher at YSU's Faculty of Political Sciences. After her internship at Armenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Middle East Desk in Turkey, Ozinian worked at the Permanent Representation of Armenia to the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Organization. In Yerevan, she has worked at Civilitas Foundation. "Alin's experience and skill set in several key areas will provide us with greater analytical tools as we look ahead to the future and critically important needs for Armenia and Artsakh," stated Assembly Board Co-Chairmen Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian. !

Decades After Genocide: Is Justice Possible? The Ottoman government’s systematic annihilation of its Armenian population took place 10 decades ago. The Khmer Rouge’s Killing Fields allowed for the massacre of nearly 2 million people four decades ago in Cambodia. These cases of state violence continue to test the international justice system as jurists, activists and politicians attempt to arrive at some definition of implementable justice. These and other cases will be the topic of discussion as the USC Institute of Armenian Studies welcomes international criminal prosecutor Nicholas Koumjian to its series of lunchtime talks at the USC Ground Zero Coffeehouse. Koumjian will be in conversation with USC Professor Hannah Garry. Their topic: Decades After Genocide – Is Justice Possible?

Local SOAR Chapter Adds InternationallyFamed Actress And Filmmaker To Its Leadership Ranks SOAR-La Cañada is proud and humbled to welcome actress and filmmaker Angela Bassett Vance as the Honorary Chairperson for the La Cañada Chapter. Gifted and charismatic, Angela has captivated audiences around the world with her extensive career in film and theatre. Angela has earned numerous Academy Award nominations, Emmy award nominations, and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress. She is well known for her biographical film roles portraying real-life women, including Tina Turner in What’s Love Got to Do With It, Rosa Parksin The Rosa Parks Story, and Katherine Jackson in The Jacksons: An American Dream. She has earned nominations for her roles in The Score, Akeelah and the Bee, Meet the Browns, and Jumping the Broom. Angela has won awards for her performance in How Stella Got her Groove Back and Music of the Heart. Currently, she is working on American Horror Story. But her claim to fame doesn't end there. She has committed to bettering the world for children who struggle to have a voice in this world. Please join Angela Bassett Vance as well as many other celebrities and community leaders on Friday, October 2, 2015 for "An Evening of Hope" at the beautiful and historic Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. Cocktails and silent auction begin at 7:30 p.m. and include an extensive selection of art pieces from world renowned artists. Dinner reception to follow with live entertainment, music and dancing. Your attendance and support will make all the difference. Sponsorship packages and individual donation opportunities are available. Exclusive recognition opportunity is available in the program book as well as pre and post event coverage. Customized packages expand to day-of event signage as well as national exposure on the SOAR website. All proceeds from the event will benefit Armenian orphans around the world. The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian

children. Working with a loyal donor base and a trusted network of partners, SOAR distributes clothing, educational supplies, medicine, and other essential resources to orphaned Armenian children throughout the world. For additional details about the gala, sponsorships and tickets, please contact 818-395-8188 or email soar-lacanada@soarus.org Tickets are also available on http://www.itsmyseat.com/events/44481 1.html Armenian Language Program SOCIETY FOR ORPHANED ARMENIAN RELIEF (SOAR) Email: gyacoubian@soar-us.org Web: www.soar-us.org During the past decade, hundreds of children have been adopted from Armenia, some of which to non-Armenian parents and many who do not live in close proximity to an Armenian school or an Armenian Church. Given the importance of the Armenian language to these children's ethnic identity, SOAR's Armenian Language Program (ALP) was developed to provide elementary and intermediate Armenian instruction to children adopted from Armenia who are now living in the Diaspora. The Program offers live, virtual instruction, in both Eastern and Western Armenian, to anyone in the global community interested in gaining an appreciation for the Armenian language. The ALP is overseen by SOAR-Yerevan, with proceeds benefiting SOAR's Orphan Transitional Program. Please go to the Armenian Language Program to enroll. Classes forming now!

Biennial Event Celebrates AGBU Education Innovation

From July 23 to 26, 2015, AGBU FOCUS brought nearly 500 young Armenian professionals from around the world to Toronto where they shared ideas, expanded their networks and spotlighted AGBU Education Innovation, a new initiative to create e-learning apps to support the mission to make learning Armenian in the diaspora fun and exciting. The eighth biennial AGBU FOCUS weekend was one of the most diverse to date, with guests flying to Toronto from 160 cities in 14 countries: Armenia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. For the first time, AGBU FOCUS had an active online presence with a live feed of Perspectives and posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram throughout the weekend, using the hashtag #agbufocus to help those far away are part of the action.

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|akob "iantar;ani koroustow% m;xmh \auht ke bavnoui ‘no[ashr nouir;al me% ;[ba\r me% enk;r me% faraxat me% oroun k;anqe famak ;[au partayanacoujiun% xofab;roujiun ;u ansakark nouiroum! Inq incphs mi,t ana[mouk% kar‘;s oux;z na;u or ir \auit;nakan bavanoumn al ella\ ana[mouk! K;anqis pasta®in wra\ ,at kanou. tarin;rhn sks;al k*ouruag‘oui |akobin pa\‘a® dhmqe A[;qsandrio\ akoumbn;roun mh=% na. S:UAN minc;u 1946-i fa\r;nadar]e% apa Tigran :rkaj Fa\ M,akouja\in Miouj;an ;u Bar;gor‘akani FMEM Noupar akoumbn;roun mh=% ourkh anzanq m;r axga\in dimagi‘i% inqnak;rtoumi baxoum das;re ou tarin;re ,alaka‘! |akobin masin arta\a\touo[n;r w;r piti a®n;n AMN-i mh= ir tara‘ a,.atanqn;roun masin% ba\z in‘i famar k;nsagrakan gi‘;re% oronz akan=alour ;[anq% vlat ;n ir iskakan auandin f;t ba[data‘! Fa\z& :k;[;zin% Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiun% Bar;gor‘akann ou Jhqh;ane ;[an ir dauananqe! Mnaz mi,t a®a=nordo[n ou sataro[e% a®anz or;uh aknkalouj;an% fam;størhn (a\s ba®e ke gor‘a‘;m ir liirau safmanoumow)% a®anz ;rkwa\rk;an me isk gowasanq kam a\l ];ui gnafatanq aknkal;lou% .ousa';low a\d tipi ;lo\jn;rh! K;nsagrakan gi‘;roun mh= ou,adroujiuns grau;z ;rkou kar;uor kht;r% oronz masin akanat;si wka\oujiuns k*oux;m mh=b;r;l! 1956-i Anjiliasi tagnapali ou t.our ør;roun% ;rb W;fa'a® Waxghn A& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikos% ;piskoposakan vo[owe ckar;nalow goumar;l Libanani mh=% ;kau :giptos ou fon goumar;z a\d patmakan vo[owe! M;‘;roun ko[qin^ Høvhn Babax;an% Fambar]oum Gara\;an% Ønnik Al;qsan;an% Al;qsantr Sarou.an% M;jr Noupar Phrphr;an% Miqa\hl Jorik;an% Karap;t ;u :rouand T;miry;an% Xar;f Oskan;an% Gafirhi mh= isk A[;qsandria^ Mifran Joqajel;an% B;niamin ;u |owsh' Ma-

mour;an% Tiran Osk;an% Biuxand Tiulhr;an (au;li ou, Wardan Auag Qfn\& Tiulhr;an% |akobin% P;trosin ;u fo\l me t[oz f;t% oronz mh= hin Wafan Al;qsan;ane% Ar,auir Khøny;ane% Misaq Fa\k;nze% Parg;u Maxlem;ane% Andranik Catry;ane ;u Bars;[ Garjal;ane% n,;lou famar mhk qanin xinouoragr;aln;rou a\d fo\lhn% entrapa\qar ,af;low :giptosi mh=% ;giptafa\ fama\nqi% ;jowpafa\ouj;an ;u soutanafa\ouj;an dimagi‘e paf;zin fastat H=mia‘ni fowaniin n;rq;u% ankar;li nkatoua‘e irakanoujiun dar]n;low! Afa a\d patk;rin mh= phtq h dit;l |akobin tara‘ fska\akan a,.atanqe tiu ;u gi,;r! |ognoujiun inc h chinq git;r% ;rb qouharkoujiun phtq hr ,afou;r wix wixi enjazo[ bou®n entrapa\qarow% a®anz ariunaf;[ouj;an% ;rb |akob mius fosanqin patkano[ yarpik qafana\i me ke xgou,aznhr ir sq;min mh= pafa‘ fakah=mia‘in sout qouhn;re dours b;r;l&&& |akobe w;rafskic acqn hr% ormh ocinc ke 'a.hr! Entroujiunn;re ,afou;zan ;u mnaz;ale patouab;r patmoujiunn h ;giptafa\ fama\nqin ou j;min! Afa a\d parounakin mh= phtq h dit;l |akobin tara‘ a,.atanqin patmakan taro[oujiune! :rkrord khte `ransakan Lishhn (m;xmh ,at;rous masnagitakan krjarane) ir fo[agor‘akan yartaraghti g;raxanz ardiunqow wka\oua‘ ellaln h! |akob% ir masnagitouj;amb ;u nouiroumow% argasab;r dar]ouza‘ hr ir;n wstafoua‘ zanqafo[;re! Ba\z au;li in‘i f;taqrqro[e A[;qsandrio\ m;r mt;rimn;rhn% Wafh Gaxany;ani fastatoumn h% or ,norfiu |akobin zouzmounqn;roun% {araba[i mh= karo[aza‘ hin faszn;l zor;ni baza®ik t;sak me% or ir t;sakow ou orakow% bar;rar n,anakoujiun oun;za‘ h {araba[i fo[agor‘ouj;an famar! A\sphs hr |akobe! Mi,t no\n nouir;ale% m;r mt;rim enk;re! Saka\n entan;kan m;r s;[m ,r=anakin mh= |akobin srtin mh= \atouk% taqouk t;[ ounhr ;rkar tarin;rou ir s;rt enk;re% F;nri Xauhn A,y;ane% oroun f;t k;anq me ambo[= apr;zau gr;jh a®ør;a\ fandipoumn;row ;u ga[a'arn;rou 'o.anakouj;amb! No\nisk F;nriin mafouenh ;tq% |akob xanaxan ];u;row ;u a®ijn;r st;[‘;low% \arg;z ir baza®ik enk;ro= \i,atake! |akob mnaz A,y;ann;roun% Wardan;ann;roun% Gaxany;ann;roun ;u Garjal;ann;roun xauakn;roun famar mi,t Anqel |akobe% pa\‘a® ou vptoun dhmqow! :u fima an w;rhn ke na\i ou gofounak vpitow frav;,t kou ta\ m;xi! Ørfn;al ella\ \i,atake! Fo[e j;j;u!

Fangouz;al |akob (Vaq) "iantar;ani mafouan qa®asounqin a®ijow% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki% Øgostos 30% 2015-in% "asatina\i S& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 2015 E. Colorado Blvd., \auart S& Pataragi! Sgakirn;r^ :[ba\re^ P;tros ;u Ann "iantar;an ;u doustre^ Alisen Axat Qo\re^ Anafit "iantar;an :[bør xauake^ Lix Ani ;u Pra\n (amousine) <iq Qro= xauake^ Frand Manash Cinnox;an (A[hqsandria) ;u fama\n faraxatn;re% bar;kamn;rn ou ga[a'ari enk;rn;re! *** Fog;fangst;an pa,tønhn ;tq fog;soury piti matouzoui ;k;[;zuo\ Kirakos srafin mh=!

KA{NI ME :US INKAU Annman ;[børs^ |akobin anmo®anali \i,atakin Sir;li |akobs% w;r=in angam% Ma\is 15% 2015-in% ;rb krkin angam k*o[=agourouhinq% na.qan ødaka\an m;knils% ;rb;q chi ;r;uaka\;r jh cors ,abajn;r \;to\% anaknkalørhn staza‘ a®o[=akan irara\a=ord ano[orm faroua‘n;rou f;t;uanqow% a\l;us piti xrkouhi q;x krkin o[=oun;lou b;rkranqhn! A\s girows npataka\armar nkat;zi% orphs ,arounakoujiun q;x f;t oun;za‘ f;rjakan f;®a]a\na\in .øsakzouj;ans% incphs doun amhn a®ijow ke sirhir krkn;l^ ªpatmhºn;roud% t;[;kazn;l jh inc;@r pataf;zau Øgostos 13% 2015-in% Rose Hills g;r;xmanatan jiu 1210 \atouk matran mh=% a®auøt;an vame 11-in! Minc Lousinh Xaqar;ani% ]a\nagroua‘ srta®ou= m;[;din;re ;rkiu[a‘ouj;amb k*ounkndrhin sgakir entaniqhd^ P;trosn ou Anne% Lix Anin ;u Brian-e% incphs na;u \i,atakd \argo[ møraqro=d xauakn;re% ÂAK-i ga[a'ari enk;rn;rd% FBEM-i% JMM-i ;u Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ patas.anatoun;re% q;xi srtakiz bar;kamouj;amb kapoua‘% ‘anøj entaniqn;rou paragan;re ou ;giptafa\ enk;rn;rhd kaxmoua‘ baxmoujiune% Wardananz Asp;tn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re katar;zin ir;nz tpauoric frav;,ti araro[oujiune% ormh ;tq% T& Ar,ak Auag Qfn\& >acatour;an% sksau fandisauoraphs katar;l Ja[man Kargi \atouk araro[oujiune! Arv& T& Fa\re enj;rz;z A®a=nord Srb& før ou[[a‘ zauakzakan dipouk gire ;u S& N;rshs <norfali <qan,ani toucouj;and a®ijow% Fokt& 3% 2010-in% Am;na\n Fa\oz Fa\rap;t Gar;gin B&i S& Kondakhn ;rkou parb;roujiunn;r% oronq ke zolaznhin qou Fa\astan;a\z :k;[;zuo\ matouza‘ ansakark ‘a®a\ouj;anz% axga\in fasarakakan k;anqid mh= iragor‘a‘ ;u H=mia‘ni ansasanouj;an pafpanman i gin zouzab;ra‘ nouiragor‘ouj;and argasiqe! Lix Anin% \anoun "iantar;an entaniqi faraxatn;roud ou

amousno\n Brian-in% ir xgazoua‘ ou arzounqa.a®n ;lo\jow drouat;z% na. ir ;u qro=e^ Alis-Axatin ta‘a‘ \atouk shre q;xi fandhp% orphs ir;nz miak før;[ba\re% or amhn a®ijow ke xgaznhir jh orqan =;rmouj;amb kapoua‘ hir ir;nz! FBEM-i Na.agaf^ P;ry S;drak;ani zauakzakan namake% Kaxmak;rpouj;an kra‘ m;‘ koroustin kapakzouj;amb% ou[[oua‘ Miouj;an Ar;umt;an a'i <r=& Warcouj;an% enj;rz;z "asatina-Kl;nth\li warcouj;an ;ritasard At;nap;t^ Frand War]p;t;ane! Yory Mantos;ane% Jhqh;ani K;dronakan Warcouj;an 'o.At;nap;t ;u Ar;umt;an ,r=ani patas.anatoun;rhn% arta\a\tu;zau ;rkar tarin;rou enjazqin% orphs gor‘akizn;r qou fam;stouj;amb% an]naxofouj;amb ;u kargapafouj;amb katara‘ nouir;al a,.atanqid masin! Angin ;[ba\rs% ;rani jh wa\rk;ani me famar glou.d bar]raznhir% acq;rd bana\ir embo,.n;lou famar parxoua‘ a\s anna.enjaz t;sarane% manauand ;rb Enk& Ara Afaron;an% k;nsagrakan-gor‘ounhoujiun n;roud am'o' enj;rzoumhn \;to\% :®ago\ni ko[qin tara‘;z ÂAK-i drø,e! Sir;li ;[ba\rs% Gali`ornia\i kixic ar;uin tak% n;rka\ cors faraxatn;rd% fandisauoraphs m;r a';row w;rzoua‘ fo[ow% .acaknq;zinq daga[d% bari ;rj ma[j;low q;xi dhpi and;nakan! "asatina\i Âa``i ya,aranin mh= spasarkoua‘ fog;ya,i enjazqin% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;zi bolor anonz% oronq a\s t.our a®ijow ir;nz \[a‘ zauakzakan gir;roun famar% matran mh= ;lo\j oun;zo[n;oun% incphs na;u% ;giptafa\ enk;rn;roud ou møraqro=d Naya®;an entaniqin! Bari ;rj dhpi anmafoujiun sir;li ;[ba\rs% ke .ostanam a\s patma‘is ,arounakoujiune q;xi patm;l% ;rb Am;nakalin tnørinouj;amb xirar krkin o[=oun;nq! Sirow ;[ba\rd^ P;tros

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Banast;[‘ |aroujiun P;qmhxy;an Maj;an mafazau Kiraki% |oulis 26-in Perphnqi S;nj Yoxh` fiuandanozin mh= ;u ja[man araro[oujiune kataru;zau Kl;nth\li S& Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% Øgostos 7-in! Marmine am'o'ou;zau Foliwout Filx G;r;xmanatan mh=! Jambanakann;r .øs;zan Sargis Wafagne ;u Ø,in Qh,i,;ane! Maj;an (p;qmhxin fa\;rhne) ‘na‘ hr April 30% 1930-in Libanani Yiuni qa[aqin mh=^ andranik xauake Grigor ;u Jagoufi P;qmhxy;ann;roun! Ir;n \a=orda‘ ;n ;[ba\rn;re - Ghorge% Parg;ue ;u :[ian! Maj;an 'oqr tariqhn \atouk shr ;u f;taqrqroujiun zo\z toua‘ h arou;sti ou grakanouj;an fandhp! Ir na.nakan ousoume staza‘ h Abgar;an warvaranin mh=% apa auarta‘ h Safak;an Bar]rago\n Warvarane ou \aya.a‘ h Shn Yoxh` famalsarani Fa\agitakan dasenjazqn;roun^ ousouzic oun;nalow fa\;rhnaght Fa\r |owfannhs Mserl;ane! F;t;ua‘ h na;u FBEM-i Fiusis;an Fimnarkouj;an Fa\agitakan dasen-


jazqn;roun^ ousouzic oun;nalow Wafh-Waf;ane! Asparhxow Maj;an ;[a‘ h ;rkraca'akan g‘ankaric a,.at;low Libanani <inararakan Bavinin mh=! Amousnaza‘ hr F®i'simh "a'ax;ani f;t^ ba.tauorou;low ;r;q manc xauakn;row - Grigor% Âa``i ;u Waxghn% or amousnaza‘ h Anhjin f;t! Libanani mh= a,.atakza‘ h grakan xanaxan fandhsn;rou ªAniº% ªBaginº% ªNa\iriº ;u ouri,n;rou! Libanani ;rkarat;u pat;raxmin patya®ow entaniqow 'o.adrou;zau Los Any;les% Gali`ornia% our ;us Maj;an ,arounak;z ir grakan gor‘ounhoujiune a,.atakz;low masnauorabar ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin ;u Ganata\i ªG;[ardºin! 2011-in dvba.tabar korsnzouz tarin;rou ir;n xørawig kangno[ anbavan ko[akize F®i'simhn% .or sougi matn;low |aroujiunin% xauakn;roun ;u entan;kan paragan;roun! Oun;za‘ h baxmajiu graght enk;rn;r Libanan ;u Los Any;les - Wafh-Waf;an% Andranik ’a®ouk;an% Xar;f M;lqon;an% Andranik Sar;an% Sargis Wafagn ;u ouri,n;r! Frataraka‘ h banast;[‘oujiunn;rou ;r;q fatorn;r& ª:s Ke Sir;m K;anqeº% or arvanaza‘ h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;an grakan mrzanakin% Ph\rouj! ªMi=narº 1996% Ph\rouj! ªGi,;r ;u Z;r;kº 1998% Ph\rouj! Møt at;nhn lo\s piti t;snh^ \;t mafou% corrord girqe! I

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j;an mh= arvhqauor gor‘ounhoujiun ‘auala‘ Fa\ Vo[owrdakan Kousakzouj;an kary ba\z bowandakali patmouj;an! >orfrda\in karg;rou fastatoumow% bolor kousakzoujiunn;rou gor‘ounhoujiune oc mia\n kas;zau nor karg;roun tak% a\l pafoua‘ grakanoujiunn al 'yazou;zau anmi=aphs& fousk^ safmana'ak patmoujiune Fa\ Vo[owrdakan Kousakzouj;an! Faka®ak a\s iro[ouj;an Wardiwa®;an \a=o[a‘ h manramasn;al t;[;koujiunn;r qa[;l a®a=in anka.ouj;an k;anqin f;t a®ncoua‘ Fa\astani Apafowouj;an >orfourdin% Fa\oz Axga\in >orfourdin% Pajoumi Pa\managirin% Al;qsandrapoli Pa\managirin ou endfanraphs ;rkrin apra‘ qa[aqakan dvouar pa\mann;roun masin! Faroust t;[;koujiunn;r ;u anonz m;knabanoujiunn;re patmagitakan arvhqauor n;rdroumn;r ;n m;r patmouj;an \arab;rabar mouj ,r=ann;roun nouiroua‘! Arm;nakan anfatn;rou masin ;jh stouar t;[;koujiunn;r \a=o[a‘ h apafow;l f;[inake% mius ko[mh saka\n% Wardiwa®;ani patrasta‘ ªAkanauor vo[owrdakann;rº bavine ke w;rab;ri mia*\n 19 vo[owrdawar [;kawarn;rou! *** Anfrav;,t h kar;uorouj;amb \i,;l% or Wardiwa®;an \a=o[a‘ h ªArm;nakan Mamouleº ;u ªVo[owrdakan mamouleº kar;uor bavinn;row% lo\s a,.arfin b;r;l tasn;ak me j;rj;rou anounn;r% anonz bowandakouj;an bno\jn ou j;rj;rou masin anfrav;,t manramasnoujiunn;r talow m;xi! A\sphs% fing arm;nakan j;rj;r lo\s t;sa‘ ;n ar;umt;an Fa\astani mh= minc;u 19-rd darou auarte! ªAr‘oui Waspourakanº% ªAr‘oui Tarøno\º% ªAsiaº% ªKa\‘º ;u ªArmhniaº fa\ mamouli andamn;rn ;n! Faka®ak or ªArm;niaºn Marsh\l fratarakoua‘ h 1895-1925 tarin;roun% "orjougal;ani .mbagrouj;amb% yi,d h na;u or "orjougal;an anfandourvo[ gtnoua‘ h Arm;nakan Kaxmak;rpouj;an go\a®oumin fandhp% saka\n patmakanørhn Wani ;u Waspourakani mh= k;anqi kocoua‘ qa[aqakan ,arvoume a®a=in tasnam;akin% n;r,ncoua‘ h Marsh\l fratarakouo[ j;rjhn! >ist f;taqrqrakan h Fa\astani mh= fratarakoua‘ Vo[owrdakan j;rj;rou go\oujiune& jiuow^ w;z% ;rkou tarouan k;anqh me ;tq bolorn al dadra‘ ;n fratarakou;lh! ªVo[owourdº% ªVo[owrdi }a\nº% ªVo[owrdakan J;rjº% ªNor K;anqº% ªQa\l;rº ;u ª:rkirº anounn;row% ba\z karyat;u k;anqow faroust ;[a‘ h Fa\astani mamoule! Vo[owrdakann;rou famakir j;rj;re kar;uor n;rdroum katara‘ ;n fasarakakan mamouli k;anqhn

n;rs! Arvhqauor j;rj me dar]a‘ h 1872-hn 1921 Ji`lis fratarakoua‘ ªM,akº qa[aqakangrakan j;rje% orou .mbagirn;re ;[a‘ ;n Grigor Ar‘rouni% Qalanjar% A®aq;l;an ;u Lhø patmabane! Vo[owrdakann;rou famakir ªM,akºi ko[qin ªAr]agangº% ªArørº ;u Wafan Jojow;nzi .mbagra‘ ªFa\astanº j;rj;re% ir;nz orakauor bowandakoujiunn;row npasta‘ ;n endfanraphs mamouli a®aq;louj;an ;u vo[owrda\in lousabanouj;an! *** Kar;uor ;rkrord gnafatakan me phtq h troui masnauorabar Wardiwa®;ani f;[inaka\in park;,touj;an% anko[mnakalouj;an ;u&&& kousakzagarouj;an bazaka\ouj;an! W;r=in fangamanqe ;s ke nkat;m a®aqinoujiun me^ manauand ou[[oua‘ Wardiwa®;anin nman krqot kousakzakanin! An akna®ou k;rpow park;,t k;zoua‘q me \a=o[a‘ h paf;l% ;rb ir patoumin enjazqin ke n;rka\aznh enddimadir kousakzoujiunn;rou kam .mbauoroumn;rou kar‘iqn;re% anonz gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun m;knabanoujiune% kataroua‘ mh=b;roumn;re kam a®fasarak gor‘oua‘ s.aln;rou \i,atakoume! Phtq h ,;,t;l% or endfanraphs kousakzakan m;r grakanouj;an mh=% mi,t tirakan ;[a‘ h anfandourvo[oujiune ;u anor dvba.t n;rka\oujiune! T.our iro[oujiun men h n;rka\azouo[e% saka\n srbagr;li^ ;rb girqi me% \ødoua‘i me kam ousoumnasirouj;an me f;[inake ke \a=o[i \a[jafar;l 'or]ouj;an ;u ke san]h bnaxdakan xgazoumn;rou ant;[i ;u wnasakar arta\a\toujiune% or m;r møt bnakan jouo[ k®ouaxanouj;an famaxør h! A\d h or fianaliørhn \a=o[a‘ h en;l |akob Wardiwa®;an% a\n al^ enddimadir kousakzoujiunn;rou patmouj;an ,arafiusouj;an enjazqin&&&! Lou® phtq ch anznil a\s bar;masnouj;an \i,atakouj;nhn! <;,toua‘ \a=o[oujiun men h antarako\s&&&! Fatorin m;‘ago\n ;u arvani \a=o[oujiunn;rhn mhkn h \i,atakoua‘e! *** M;‘adir 396 h=;row a\s girqe a®a=in fatorn h Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an patmagirqin% fratarakoua‘^ Niu Yerxii mh=% 2015 jouakanin! +;rmørhn ,norfauor;li h |akob Wardiwar;an f;[inake% oroun a,.atanqi shre% nouiroua‘oujiune fandhp i*r kousakzouj;an% incphs na;u zouzab;ra‘ .or \arganqe mius bolo*r kousakzoujiunn;roun fandhp% ‘nound kou ta\ ,q;[ a\s fatorin! Kl;nth\l

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FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Øgostosi 1-in m;knark;z FF bar]rago\n .mbi 2015-16 jj& a®a=noujiune! Minc;u a\vm ka\az;l h 4 mrza'oul! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum ka\aza‘ fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& ªBananzº-ªMikaº^ 1-1 ª"iunikº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 1-2 ª<irakº-ªGan]asarº^ 2-1 ªAraratº-ªOulisº^ 2-0 ªAla,k;rtº-ªGan]asar K&º^ 0-0 ª"iunikº-ªBananzº^ 5-1 ª<irakº-ªOulisº^ 3-2 ªMikaº-ªAraratº^ 0-1 ªGan]asarº-ªOulisº^ 3-0 ª<irakº-ªMikaº^ 2-0 ªBananzº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 2-2 ªAraratº-ª"iunikº^ 1-1 ªAla,k;rtº-ªOulisº^ 4-0 ªMikaº-ªGan]asar K&º^ 2-3 ªBananzº-ªAraratº^ 3-0 ª"iunikº-ª<irakº^ 3-0 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& <irak 4 3 0 1 7-6 9 Ala,k;rt 4 2 2 0 8-3 8 "iunik 4 2 1 1 10-4 7 Gan]asar K& 4 2 1 1 7-4 7 Ararat 4 2 1 1 4-4 7 Bananz 4 1 2 1 7-8 5 Mika 4 0 1 3 3-7 1 Oulis 4 0 0 4 2-12 0

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • :r;uani ªMika\iº gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l Armhn Adam;ane! • J;l Awiwoum Fa\astani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane ;rkou enk;rakan fandipoum oun;zau Isra\hli ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t! A®a=in .a[oum fa\ `oujpolistn;re partou;zin 0-4 fa,ouow% isk 2-rd fandipman vamanak minc;u 60-rd rophn partuoum hin 0-3 fa,ouow% saka\n drs;uor;low kama\in \atkoujiunn;r fandipoumn auart;l ;n 3-3 fa,ouow! FF M_19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane `oujpoli akad;mia\i marxada,toum 2 enk;rakan fandipoum oun;zau Slowakia\i ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t ;u cna\a‘ 2 .a[oum hl oun;za‘ a®au;louj;ane 2-oum hl partou;z mi;uno\n 0-1 fa,ouow! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Lijouania\i Palanga qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ ªAmb;rº anoune kro[ mi=axga\in mrza,ari m;knarkoum 0-2 fa,ouow xi=;z tanthr;ri^ Lijouania\i ir;nz fasakakizn;rin! |a=ord .a[oum m;r t[an;re 0-3 fa,ouow partou;zin p;la®ousn;riz! 3-rd fandipman vamanak m;r patanin;re 1-2 fa,ouow xi=;zin Lijouania\i M-16 tar;kann;ri entranoun! • ~I~A-n fraparak;l h axga\in fauaqakann;ri Øgostos amsoua\ warkani,a\in a[iusake! FF entranin na.ord amsoua\ fam;mat bar]raz;l h 1 astiyanow ;u a\vm xba[;znoum h 88-rd t;[e! :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouloum FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;re f;t;u;al t;[;rn ;n xba[;znoum& "orjougalia^ 6-rd t;[% Alpania^ 22% Dania^ 25% S;rpia^ 66! Warkani,a\in a[iusake gl.auoroum h Arvanjini entranin% orin f;t;uoum ;n P;lgia\i ;u G;rmania\i fauaqakann;re! • L;fastani Poxnan qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ `outxali :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astani tnt;sagitakan famalsarani (FBTF) jime \a[jafar;l h .mba\in 'ouli arg;lqe! FBTF-n endgrkou;l hr E .mboum% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;rn hin Lioni famalsarane% Broun;li (Anglia) famalsarane ;u Isra\hli t;.nologiakan famalsarane! Fa\ `oujpolistn;rn ;rkou .a[ auart;zin oc-oqi ;u tøn;zin mhk \a[janak ;u 5 miauorow gl.auor;zin mrza,ara\in a[iusake ;u ,arounak;lou




;n a.o\;anouj;an famar pa\qare! Øgostosi 25-30-e FPTF-n% ore a\s taroua\ FF a.o\;ann h ke masnakzi OU:~A-i `outxali mrza,arin!

FA| PATANI ’ANRORDN:RE :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM NOIAY:ZIN 6 OSKH% 3 AR’AJH :U 1 PRONXH M:TAL Øgostosi 3-8-e <ouhdia\i Landskrona qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ :uropa\i minc;u 15 ;u 17 tar;kann;ri a®a=nouj;ane Fa\astaniz masnakz;z 13 ‘anrord% oronq anna.adhp \a=o[ouj;an fasan nouay;low 6 oskh% 3 ar‘ajh ;u 1 pronxh m;tal! Endfanour a®mamb% bazi 9 m;taln;riz% m;r patouirakn;re nouay;zin na;u 17 'oqr m;taln;r a®an]in mrza];u;roum (6 oskh% 8 ar‘ajh ;u 3 pronxh)! Minc;u 15 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum Armhn Grigor;ane (56 qk&)% Aita Manouk;ane (69 qk&) f®cakou;zin :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r% Âa`ik |aroujiun;ane (56 qk&)% Karhn Margar;ane (69 qk&)^ 'o.a.o\;an% Liana Giur=;ane grau;z 4-rd t;[e! Minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum Faml;t Mnazakan;ane (50 qk&)% L;uon Manouk;ane (62 qk&)% Dalal;an Ar'inh (+69 qk&) ;u Sargis Kirakos;ane (94 qk&) f®cakou;zin :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r% isk Sona Pø[os;ane (69 qk&) dar]au ar‘ajh% Arshn Martiros;ane (85 qk&)^ pronxh m;talakirn;r! N,;nq% or Aita Manouk;ane ;rkou angam (78 qk& ;u 81 qk&) jarmazr;z pokoum warvouj;an :uropa\i mrzani,e% ore patkanoum hr no\nphs FF n;rka\azouzic Ar'inh Dalal;anin ;u a\n safmanou;l hr anz;al tari!

FA| PATANI EMBI<N:RI NOUAYOUME Øgostosi 8-in S;rpia\i Soubotiza qa[aqoum auartou;z emb,amarti :uropa\i patan;kan a®a=noujiune% orin FF-iz masnakzoum hin 19 embi,! Axat oyi a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astane n;rka\azoua‘ hr 10 qa,a\in karg;roum! :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r f®cakou;zin masiszi Arshn |aroujiun;ane (46 qk&) ;u arta,atzi Waxghn J;uan;ane (58 qk&)% oronq ;xra'akicoum famapatas.anabar \a[j;zin Ghorgi >aci]hin (Wrastan) ;u Sabar Dou\oumin (Jourqia)! Wana]orzi |owfannhs Ma[aq;ane (100 qk&) ;xra'akicoum xi=;z Ali Mofam;t Ali.ma;uin ;u arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali! Isk \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,n;r A,ot M.ijar;ane (42 qk&)% Hdgar Jamax;ane (58 qk&) ;u Oskan |akob;ane (69 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum xi=;zin mrzakizn;rin! Mia\n Tigran Minas;ane (54 qk&) arvanazau pronxh m;tali!

HDGAR ST:"AN:ANE^ F:’ANWAFRAPARAKI :RITASARDN:RI A<>ARFI "O>A>O|:AN Øgostosi 23-in {axa.stani ma\raqa[aq Astana\oum auartou;z f;‘anwafraparaki ;ritasardn;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiune! Dar];al m;‘ \a=o[ouj;an fasau Hdgar St;'an;ane (an]nakan marxic Karhn Sarkisow)% ow 'a\loun fandhs galow 100 ,r=an 25 qm& .mbaka\in mrzawaxqoum% dar]au ar‘ajh m;talakir!

FA|KAKAN MARXAKAN >YANKAR Paquoum auartoua‘ WTA-i International kargi j;nisi mrza,ari ;xra'akicoum ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Margarita Gaspar;ane 6!3% 5!7% 6!0 fa,ouow \a[j;l h ®ouminazi Maria Tigin ;u dar];l mrza,ari \a[jo[! N,;nq% or 20-am;a\ fa\ j;nisistoufou famar sa WTA-oum nouaya‘ a®a=in tit[osn h! Xouga.a[oum ;us Gaspar;ane Al;qsandra Panowa\i f;t dar]au mrza,ari \a[jo[! Xouga.a[oum ;us Margaritan a®a=in angam h \a[joum WTA-i mrza,aroum! A\s \a[janakn;ri ,norfiu Margarita Gaspar;ane yanacou;l h WTA-i amsoua\ 3-rd lauago\n j;nisistoufin ;u 36 t;[ow bar;lau;l h dirqe bar]ranalow 71-rd t;[e! • Kaxanoum auartoua‘ =ra\in marxa];u;ri a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an lo[i mrzoumn;ri 50 m& axat oyoum FF n;rka\azno[ Wafan M.ijar;ane 23&36 wrk& ardiunqow 113 lo[ordn;ri mh= xba[;zr;l h 44-rd t;[e! A.o\;an h f®cakou;l ~loran Manadoun (~ransia)^ 21&71 wrk& ardiunqow! 50 m& paj;r`la\ (jij;®nik) lo[aoyoum 80 masnakizn;ri mh= M.ijar;ane 26!19 wrk& ardiunqow 54-rdn hr! Lauago\ne dar];al ~loran Manadoun hr^ 23!15 wrk& ardiunqow! • Poulkaria\i Samokow qa[aqoum auarta‘ b®nzqamarti t[amardkanz :uropa\i a®a=nouj;ane masnakz;z na;u Fa\astani fauaqakane! Na.nakan mrza'ouli arg;lqe \a[jafar;zin |owfannhs Backowe (64 qk&)% Arman |owfik;ane (75 qk&)% Koriun So[omon;ane (72 qk&)% Aram Auag;ane (56 qk&)! Zauøq m;r F;nrik Sargs;ane (91 qk&)% Âa`a\hl Simon;ane (g;r‘anr qa,) ;u Samouhl Bars;[;ane (60 qk&) partou;low dours mnazin \;taga\ pa\qariz% cna\a‘ mrzawarn;ri .ist kaska‘;li oro,mamb Samouhlin partoujiun granz;zin Majiu Komadina\i (>orwajia) f;t m;namartoum 1!2 fa,ouow! A\l ;rkrn;ri jim;roum fandhs hin galis 60 qk& qa,a\inn;r& Øjar :ranos;ane (Wrastan)% ore nouay;z :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;ani tit[ose% Âob;rt |aroujiun;ane (G;rmania)% Marshl Thrthr;ane (Dania) ;u Waxghn Sa`ar;anze (P;la®ous)! |owfannhs Backowe% Arman |owfik;ane% Aram Auag;ane ;u Koriun So[omon;ane tøn;low 2-rd \a[janake dours ;kan qa®ord ;xra'akic! A\s arg;lqe \a[jafar;z mia\n Aram Auag;ane% ow \a[j;z ®ouminazi Nikola\ Andr;.ana\in! Arame kisa;xra'akicoum 1!2 fa,ouow xi=;z britanazi A,`agin ;u arvanazau pronxh m;tali% na 2 tari a®a= no\npisi ardiunqi hr fas;l! FF jime nouay;z na;u Fokt;mb;rin Qajari ma\raqa[aq Tofa\oum ka\analiq a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an 2 ou[;gir^ Aram Auag;ann ou Koriun So[omon;ane! • Praxilia\oum auartou;z emb,amarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% ort;[ ;rkou oy;roum FF fauaqakann;ri 12 marxikn;re (6-akan \ounaf®omhakan ;u axat) nouay;zin endamhne mhk pronxh m;tal! A\n bavin fasau 120 qk& qa,a\in \ounaf®omhakan embi, Hdgar >acatr;anin!

ANOU< GRIGOR:ANE :RITASARDN:RI :UROPA|I A>O|:ANOUFI Foungaria\oum auartoua‘ b®nzqamarti a[=ikn;ri :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum g;raxanz fandhs ;kau Anou, Grigor;ane (51 qk&)% ore ;xra'akicoum \a[j;low \o\n Pl;a ~onthin% f®cakou;z :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi!

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