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Azerbaijani Side Bombs Armenia’s Aygepar And Chinari Villages, 2 Soldiers Wounded Azerbaijani side has been bombing Aygepar and Chinari villages bordering Armenia’s Tavush province for already several hours, as reported by the source of Armenian News – NEWS.am. According to our information, 2 soldiers have been wounded. They were first taken to Berd hospital, being late transported to military hospital. Armenia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan confirmed the information received by Armenian News – NEWS.am, saying that the wounded were the contract soldiers Vladimir Aram Gevorgyan (year of birth: 1996) and Gor Hambardzum Gevorgyan (year of birth: 1993). According to Hovhannisyan, their condition is normal; no threat is posed to their life. He also said that the situation on the border is under control.
Karabakh Kicks Off Independence Celebrations The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will mark twenty four years since its independence proclamation from Azerbaijan on Wednesday, September 2, known as the Day of Artsakh, and Stepanakert has marked the milestone with a series of events and ceremonies in honor of those who have contributed to the development of Artsakh.
Italy's Eni Discovers Huge Gas Field Off Egyptian Coast Italian energy group Eni says it has found one of the world's largest natural gas fields off Egypt's coast. The company said the area was 1,450m (4,757 feet) beneath the surface and covered 100 sq km (39 sq miles). It could hold as much as 30 trillion cubic feet of gas, or 5.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent, Eni said. The company says that the Zohr field "could become one of the world's largest natural-gas finds" and help meet Egypt's gas needs for decades. "This historic discovery will be able to transform the energy scenario of Egypt," said Claudio Descalzi, chief executive of Eni. Eni, which has full concession rights to the area, is the biggest foreign energy firm in Africa. In June, it signed an energy exploration deal with Egypt's oil ministry worth $2bn (£1.5bn) allowing the company to explore in Sinai, the Gulf of Suez, the Mediterranean and areas in the Nile Delta.
Turkey’s New EU Minister Admits To Armenian Genocide Ankara - Turkey’s newly appointed minister overseeing European affairs said Tuesday that Genocide was committed against Armenians in Turkey during the First World War, reported the Rudaw news agency. Ali Haydar Konca, a parliamentarian with the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), was recently appointed as Minister of European Union Affairs in the interim Turkish government. His comments contradict the long-held position of the Turkish government. “The fact that massacres happened is explicit and clear and everybody accepts that. Right now, the issue is what it should be called. We will make a decision in our party about that,” Konca told the press, becoming the Turkish official to admit that, in fact, a Genocide had occurred. While Konca did not use the word Genocide, he did go beyond the usual Turkish government line, which asserts that killings occurred throughout the Ottoman Empire as a result of World War I. HDP co-chairman Salaheddin Demirtas did recognize the Armenian Genocide in April ahead of the Genocide Centennial.
OSCE MG To Arrange Meeting Between Armenian, Azeri FMs OSCE Minsk Group plans to organize a meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in September, the group’s U.S. Cochair said. In an interview with Azerbaijani news agency APA, James Warlick stated that the Co-chairs plan to travel to the region, but failed to mention certain dates. He also noted that it is highly necessary to reaffirm the sides’ commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Warlick had earlier told reporters in Yerevan that no comprehensive solution can be found to the conflict unless Artsakh’s status is clarified.
Azerbaijan: Mosque Declares Wi-Fi “haram” An announcement was hang on the wall of a Baku mosque stating that connecting to the Wi-Fi network of the mosque by people other than the mosque staff is haram, Azerbaijani news website Oxu.az reports. According to the report, the Mullah of the mosque said that Wi-Fi is “halal” in itself. “But is it forbidden to access the Internet via Wi-Fi and spread abusive language and gossip,” Mullah said, as cited by Oxu.az. Earlier, the head of fatwa Department of CMO Haji Miraziz Seyidzade confessed that former drivers, accountants and people of other professions learn a surah from the Quran and want to become Mollahs aiming to get profit. There were also media reports about practically all the Mullahs in Azerbaijan gaining huge sums of money with witchcraft despite Islam ban on fortune-telling and sorcery. There was also a case, when a Mullah reportedly read the funeral prayer from an iPhone.
Australia Tells Europe: Join ISIS Strikes & You’ll Solve Your Migrant Problems Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has called for more European countries to join airstrikes against Islamic State, claiming that bombing will relieve the refugee crisis. Australia has not agreed to an US request to expand its own operations against jihadists into Syria, however. Bishop said that 40 percent of refugees trying to enter Europe are coming from Syria, suggesting that additional strikes would help reduce that number. “There's more countries can do in terms of supporting the airstrikes which are proving effective in stopping Daesh (Islamic State) from claiming territory off sovereign governments,” Bishop said. “The crisis that is unfolding in Europe will focus their attention. This humanitarian crisis is unprecedented,” she added, referring to the number of asylum seekers from the Middle East. “It will focus their attention on trying to resolve the situation at its source and that will include a military and political solution in both Syria and Iraq.”
Diaspora Armenian Philanthropist Vahakn Hovnanian Dies
Diaspora Armenian businessman, public activist, and benefactor Vahakn Hovnanian has passed away Monday in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. Hovnanian was born on February 16, 1932 in Iraq. His charitable projects have targeted the preservation and development of Armenian culture as well as tourism development in Armenia. Vahakn Hovnanian was also member of the America-Israel Friendship Council.
Armenia Citizens Can Already Visit Brazil Without Visa
Yerevan - Armenia’s Government today adopted a decision according to which Armenian citizens can from now on visit Brazil without a visa. According to Armenia’s FM Edward Nalbandian, the decision is bilateral, i.e. Brazil citizens will also need no visa for visiting Armenia. Currently Armenia has visa-free regime with two Latin American countries – Argentina and Uruguay – where the largest Armenian communities in the Southern America live.
LOT Polish Airlines Returns To Armenian Market LOT Polish Airlines shall resume Warsaw-Yerevan-Warsaw flights, Armenia International Airports CJSC reports. In January 2016, LOT shall operate three flights a week. The aircraft will arrive from Warsaw on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and depart from Yerevan Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. An agreement was reached to increase the flight frequencies in high season. LOT Polish Airlines suspended flights to Yerevan on July 1, 2015 for purposes of restructuring its schedule.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 3, 2015
American Armenian Rose Float Association Releases The Second Armenian Rose Float Titled DISCOVER ARMENIA
6. FOSTERING AND PRESERVING CULTURAL VALUES Fostering and preserving Armenian cultural values and traditions are an integral part of PAI, as well as an important factor uniting Armenians throughout the world. Additionally, PAI advocates the introduction of certain refinements to Armenian cultural traditions, in order to make more compatible with the global environment of the 21st century. Significant features of Armenian culture are reflected in its prehistoric and early Christian era monuments, cross-stones, needle work, carvings, and manuscript designs. The adoption of Christianity as Armenia’s state religion in 301 A.D., and the invention of the Armenian alphabet in 405 A.D., helped preserve unique Armenian cultural traditions. Today, as a matter of policy, the Republic of Armenia rightly promotes tourism by welcoming potential pilgrims to visit Armenia and experience life in an open-air museum. In addition to the Republic of Armenia, other samples of Armenian architecture are readily found throughout modern-day Turkey, the Republic of Georgia, and Azerbaijan specifically Nakhichevan). Unfortunately, despite surviving earthquakes and erosion, starting with the First World War and continuing in the wake of the Armenian Genocide, both Ottoman and Kemalist Turkish governments adopted, as state policy, the removal of all indicators of Armenian presence in western Armenia. Modern architectural monuments are found throughout the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh. Examples of Armenian art include miniature paintings, sculptures, frescoes, mosaic and ceramic art, while literature has always played a vital role in Armenians’ cultural and national identity. The Armenian Apostolic Church has contributed substantially towards the preservation of Armenian culture, literature and liturgical music. Other Armenian cultural traditions passed from generation include staunch religious beliefs, strong family values and structures, the sanctity of marriage, the honoring of elders, and readiness to help the underprivileged, in addition to national hospitality and generosity. PAI strongly supports all efforts to preserve and perpetuate our culturally rich Armenian milieus, and transfer our heritage to future generations. We are interested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian
On January 1, 2015, a global audience in 115 countries watched in awe as the first-ever Armenian Rose Float paraded in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. Conceived by the nonprofit American Armenian Rose Float Association (AARFA), the Armenianfloat project was made possible by the enthusiastic support of the Armenian community. Without their generosity, it would not have been possible for the float to exist and achieve the recognition it deserved, winning the Presidential Award for “most effective floral use & presentations” as first time participants of the Tournament of Roses Parade. The first Armenian float in history not only brought a unique flair to the Tournament of Roses, but promoted Armenian culture and identity in USA and across the world. It’s success, which has inspired generations of Armenians with a renewed sense of cultural pride, prompted the AARFA at once to plan the next Armenian float. It’s now official; the second Armenian float will participate in the Tournament of Roses on January 1, 2016. With this year’s theme being “Find Your Adventure”, we embark on a journey for the second time representing our beloved Armenia, proudly encouraging tourism and the audience of the world
to “Discover Armenia”. In celebration of the unveiling of our new float design, enclosed please find a sentimental token from our organization to you, the official design for the 2nd Annual American Armenian Rose Float. Today, as we gear toward the completion of the float with hundreds of volunteers anxiously waiting to begin, the Armenian Community’s continual involvement is imperative to AARFA’s success in once again creating a positive image of Armenia worldwide. AARFA relies on the generosity of donors such as yourself and would appreciate your commitment in making this a continued yearly tradition. As “Friends Of The Float”, we are looking forward to establishing an ongoing relationship with all patrons involved. All donations are tax-deductible; please feel free to utilize our donation card with return envelope or donate more economically online at www.aarfa.org/fundraising/ send your tax-deductible check to: American Armenian Rose Float Association, Inc. P.O. Box 60005 Pasadena, California 91116
Musical Luminary Vatche Barsoumian Reflects On His Haigazian University Experience Maestro Vatche Barsoumian, Founder and Director of the highly acclaimed Lark Musical Society in Glendale, California, welcome over 200 students each year to the world of music. As stated in their mission statement, “ LARK serves as the musical and cultural brain trust for the Armenian community in Los Angeles – at LARK, music is studied, researched, created, published, felt, and performed by young and old. Through the beauty of music we will win the hearts and minds of our children and our community and this will strengthen our roots and preserve the Armenian identity in Los Angeles.” Barsoumian is a proud graduate of Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon. "I had the opportunity to experience Haigazian both as a student and later as a member of its faculty, giving me a unique and inti-
mate perspective on what makes it such a fine institution,” says Maestro Barsoumian. “As a young man, Haigazian immersed me in cultural and intellectual academics –all international in scope, while deeply rooted in the Armenian perspective." Established in 1955, the only Armenian University in the Diaspora, Haigazian offers a broad liberal-arts curriculum with a strong emphasis on diversity, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees as well as a teaching diploma. Over the decades,
thousands of bright students have graduated from Haigazian University, many of whom have become the leaders of the Armenian and non-Armenian Communities both in the Diaspora and in our Motherland, Armenia. On October 3, 2015, the greater Los Angeles Armenian community will be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Haigazian with a Black Tie Gala Event at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Grammy award-winning tenor and conductor Plácido Domingo will sing the title role of Woody Allen’s production of Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi” then take to the podium to conduct the stunning “Pagliacci.” An elegant Gala Supper will be held in the iconic Grand Hall following the performance. For more information and to purchase tickets, call toll-free on 1-844-809-4860 or visit us online www.haigazian.org
Rocket Program Launches Haigazian University Into The History Books As Haigazian University celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2015, it also commemorates 52 years since the height of its rocketry program founded by an innovative first-year math and physics instructor, Manoug Manougian, and a group of bright and determined undergrad students. Enthusiastically, they launched a series of rockets as part of their science, technology, engineering and mathematics program. Manougian, a native of Jerusalem, joined the faculty at Haigazian College, now Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon. During the 1960's when the Americans and Soviets were spending billions to send rockets into space the Haigazian student science club on a shoestring budget, under the tutelage of Manougian, began finding success with their fledgling
rocket program. Manougian had been interested in science and rocketry since his youth. His intentions were never political or military, strictly scientific. His students concentrated on physics and math and used the open spaces of Lebanon for their first test sites. When authorities, including the president, learned of the rocket program they offered better launch sites and funding. The Manougian-inspired team spent approximately $300,000 during its six active years. A dozen rockets were launched, each increasingly larger and more powerful than the previous. The most successful, the Cedar 4 three-stage rocket, launched in 1963, and was pictured on several Lebanese national postage stamps. A replica of that rocket is now on display in a courtyard at
Haigazian University. A half century has passed, but the walls of Mathematics Professor Manougian's office at the University of South Florida where he teaches today, proclaim the success of the Haigazian rocket program with framed photos, articles, and artifacts. Three years ago a long overdue 95-minute awardwinning documentary titled "The Lebanese Rocket Society," directed by filmmakers Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and told the story of Manougian and Haigazian's student rockets. Corresponding with the rockets of the 60's, which were launched high into the atmosphere, this year Haigazian is launching a $6 million scholarship endowment expansion fund. A Gala Opera Celebration is
being held October 3rd, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. Plácido Domingo will sing the title role of Woody Allen’s production of Gianni Schicci , then take the podium to conduct the magnificent Pagliacci! Domingo will welcome Haigazian supporters at the Black Tie Gala Supper following the performance. Ticket information is available by calling the toll free number 1-844-809-4860 or by logging onto www.haigazian.org. Phyllis Hamo
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 3, 2015
Rev. Berdj Djambazian Appointed Minister To The Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide 77 - Koray Caliskan Armenian Evangelical Union Of North America By Hambersom Aghbashian Rev. Dr. Ron Tovmassian, Moderator of the Board of Directors of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA), announced the unanimous appointment of Rev. Berdj Djambazian as the new Minister to the Union of AEUNA. This interim appointment made by the AEUNA Board is scheduled to be confirmed at the AEUNA Biennial General Assembly in Chicago, IL in June of 2016.
Two Students From Jerusalem’s St. Tarkmanchatz School Visit St. Nersess Seminary By Florence Avakian In the bucolic and serene setting of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in New Rochelle, NY, two outstanding students from Jerusalem’s Sts. Tarkmanchatz School joined two dozen American-Armenian students for the annual high school summer conferences. Nayiry Shahanian and Simon Khatchadourian, both 18 years old and born in Jerusalem’s Armenian convent, sat in the picturesque garden for a conversation with this writer. “We were thrilled to make the journey to New York and take part in this rich and interesting program of Bible study, worship services, lectures, face-to-face communication and fun activities with the American-Armenian students,” they gushed. The two Sts. Tarkmanchatz students who both grew up in the convent of the Armenian Patriarchate in a “loving Armenian environment”, spoke glowingly about their educational life in which they have excelled. They had high praise for the school principal, the Very Rev. Fr. Norayr Kazazian. This outstanding annual program was begun ten years ago to bring students from Sts. Tarkmanchatz School by the Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, the Dean of St. Nersess Seminary. Along with generous donors, he made it possible for young Armenian students to come to America to interact, learn about each others experiences, and strengthen their Armenian Christian faith. The Sts. Tarkmanchatz School which was established in 1929, and further tirelessly developed during Bishop Guregh Kapikian’s devoted service as its principal, has been rated as one of the highest ranking schools in Israel, they revealed proudly. “Father Norayr is the guardian of the school, and is continuing the sacred vigilance of Bishop Guregh whose statue has been placed in the auditorium. The school is not only very high in educational training, but the atmosphere is like a family, a protected and safe environment.”
“Anatolian Story” New Film About The Armenian Genocide Director Artak Igityan preparing to shoot a new film about the Armenian Genocide, titled "Anatolian Story". This new production will be made from the month of November 2015 in Armenia, Turkey, France and Germany, is based on the story of an aging Turk who hates Armenians. One day he learns that he is Armenian. The story tells how the past sometimes encroaches heavily into the present. Faced with its past, the hero must rethink his life. The main role (Ghazi Mustafa) is interpreted by the French actor Gérard Darmon (Le Grand pardon 2), and the second by Samy Naceri (Taxi), the son of Mustafa. It's the great composer Michel Legrand composed the soundtrack. Artak Igityan is known for his film Sunrise over Lake Van (2011). He also directed shorts spots for the former Armavia airline with Gérard Depardieu. Jean Eckian Paris
Koray Caliskan is a Turkish political scientist and assistant professor of political science teaching at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Department of Political Science and International Relations. He is also a columnist at the liberal newspaper, Radikal, and works on the anthropology of capitalism. He has a book on global markets published by Princeton University Press in October 2010. He developed the idea of a TV series on honor crimes, "Menekse and Halil," screened at a Turkish national channel in 2007-2008. (1) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The text of the apology was: "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Koray Caliskan was one of the intellectuals who signed the apology. (2) According to "www.atour.com," on April 25, 2001, Armenian and Turkish Panelists came together in Ground Breaking Dialogue on Genocide at Fordham University" where many intellectuals, historians, scholars, Human Right activists and others participated in it. Koray Caliskan also participated and had his input where he eloquently discussed his own educational history and how there was no mention of the massacres in his elementary and secondary teachings. It was only during his university years that he discovered "curious tensions about what happened in our historical past. "as he described it. And despite Turkey's constant denial of such a horrific event ever taking place, he believed that "the unbearable silence is produced in
such a noisy milieu" and that breaking this silence should be of utmost importance for those who truly want to say that they are Turkish. (3) Under the head line "Recognition of the Armenian Genocide", "aghet 1915. wordpress.com" wrote, "The fact of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman government has been documented, recognized, and affirmed in the form of media and eyewitness reports, laws, resolutions, and statements by many historians, states and international organizations. The complete catalogue of all documents categorizing the 1915 massacre of the Armenian population in Ottoman Empire as a premeditated and thoroughly executed act of genocide, is extensive". Then added a list of Turkish historian who have recognized the Armenian Genocide. It includes Halil Berktay , Taner Akçam , Murat Belge, Ahmet Insel , Bulent Peker , Salim Deringil, Ali Ertem, Fatma Muge Gocek , Koray Caliskan and many others. (4) Koray Caliskan and many other Turkish intellectuals, historians, scholars, Human Rights activists, writers and others, where criticized for being friendly to the Armenians Genocide issue and recognizing it, and as Turkish scholars they agree with the Armenians that what happened in 1915 to the Armenians is a Genocide. (5)
1.http://www.altcine.com/person.php?id=8 213 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php? title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_ 3.http://www.atour.com/~aahgn/news/200 10425aa.html 4.https://aghet1915.wordpress.com/recognition/ 5.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/TURKISH-SCHOLARS.htm
Keyan School Tours Homeland CLOVIS/FRESNO—Students and families of the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School have been making the trek to the Republic of Armenia since the early 2000s when the school began offering its students their first chance to see the many familiar historical sites that had been known only from books and photos hung from the walls of their classroom. Lead by CKACS Principal Zar Der Mugrdechian, this year’s trip was a bit different, as many of the families were traveling back to their native country to catch-up with relatives and old friends, yet the journey left a lasting impression on all of the 29 members of the group. The itinerary covered the must-see sites in and around Yerevan—including the Madenataran manuscript repository, the monument at Sartarabad, the National Museum, the Genocide Memorial and Museum at Dzidzernagapert, the veteran’s cemetery Yeraplur, the Sassoontzi Tavit Statue, and the Urartian fortress Erepuni— but also Etchmiadzin, Khor Virap, Keghart, and the many other monasteries located in the countryside around Armenia’s capitol. As in years past, one of the favorite stops was the Noravank monastery, surrounded
by the steep, iron-red cliffs of the Amaghu River gorge. Along with the Soorp Garabed church and Soorp Krikor chapel, the monastery contains the Soorp Asdvadzadzin church, with its distinctive stone-staircase set above the sanctuary’s entrance. The group additionally ventured farther south to the republic’s Syunik Province where they rode the world-famous Wings of Tatev. This 3.5 mile aerial tramway climbs over 1000 feet, from the village of Halidzor to the mountain-perched monastery of Tatev, offering spectacular views of the surrounding cliffs and valley below. Like previous trips, the 14-day long visit made a point to get to know Armenia’s people and land, making stops at the Armenia Tree Project’s nursery in Karin as well as Yerevan’s School No. 40 in the city’s Arabkir district and the Dzovinar village school where the CKACS exchanged greetings with local staff and students. As the
tour bus drove through the nation’s agricultural areas and along its numerous vineyards, many were reminded of the farmland of the San Joaquin Valley. With longtime school supporter Gary Agajanian of Agajanian Vineyards accompanying the group, parents and staff even got a chance to sample local vintages from Armenia’s wineries. Upon returning to school, the students and staff who participated in the trip shared photos depicting their favorite places in Armenia at an assembly. The CKACS looks forward to 2017 when the school will make its next voyage to the homeland.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 3, 2015
An Armenian Carpet And The “Wonders Of Tekeyan Center Fund News Armenia” Book Presented To Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali Of The Kingdom Of Thailand On the 14th of August 2015, Mrs. Sirin Artinian who is the spouse the Honorary Consul in the Republic of Armenia to the Kingdom of Thailand; Mr. Arto Artinian, presented the Armenian Carpet and the “Wonders of Armenia” book as a donation on behalf of YMCA Bangkok, thanking Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali for her continued support towards the YMCA Bangkok Charity Bazaar Initiatives. The presentation which took place at the Rose Garden Palace, was within the context of appreciation of HRH Princess Soamsawali’s support of YMCA Bangkok and to convey the heartfelt donation in support of HRH Princess Soamsawali’s Charitable work to "Reduce the AIDS infection from Mother to the New-Born Baby" Program. The YWCA International Bazaar is an event, which is organized annually in Bangkok with the help of the spouses of Ambassadors, Consuls and Honorary Consuls from 40 countries, with the aim to raise funds to help children in many different parts of Thailand. The 62nd edition of the YMCA Charity Bazaar is also planned ahead for additional details are provided on the YMCA Bangkok website. Consulate of the Republic of Armenia, Kingdom of Thailand
Armenia Official: Over 40,000 Children Will Go To School For The First Time In 2015 Yerevan – More than 40,000 children will attend school in Armenia for the first time this year. Head of the Public Education Department at the Ministry of Education and Science, Narine Hovhannisyan, stated the above-said at a press conference on Monday. She noted that the number of first-graders in the country has increased in 2015, as compared to the year past.
Tumo Center For Creative Technologies To Open In Stepanakert
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Simonian Educational Foundation has partnered with the Armenian General Benevolent Union to open a Tumo Center for Creative Technologies in the capital of the Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic on Sept 2. AGBU will cover all operational costs of the center as well as startup costs in the framework of theTUMOxAGBU partnership, while the NKR government is providing a historic building in the city center for the purpose. The renovation of the premises is made possible through a donation by Karabakh Telecom.
Thanks to Tekeyan Centre Fund 72 schoolchildren and their teachers from Armenia and Karabagh spent their summer vacation in the camp “Aragats” located in picturesque Hankavan. It is the sixth year that the Fund has sponsored the project “Summer Camp” which mainly involves needy and excellent students. The project enables schoolchildren to explore the beauty of Armenia and to visit its landmarks, to form friendship with other youth. The project “Summer Camp” also furthers our teenagers’ physical, moral and cultural development. It is an opportunity to educate the new generation and strengthen their young bodies, souls and minds. The natural beauty of the area and the warm welcome of the camp staff made an unforgettable summer experience for Tekeyan schoolchildren from Gyumri, Stepanavan, Karbi and Berdzor. They successfully integrated into the camp life with its morning exercises, line-up, sounds of the trumpet and marching that were a part of daily drills. Due to the efforts of the Tekeyan teachers and the camp staff, the eight-day program included a variety of
educational, cultural and fun activities. The children actively participated in sports competitions and Camp Olympiad, in intellectual quizzes and contests of knowledge, and in national song and dance festival. The best performers were awarded certificates and prizes. The campers also enjoyed walking tours and hiking to the mountains and caves and had an excursion to Trdatavank monastery built in the 13th century. The last day in the camp was also active and joyful; all the four Tekeyan Schools arranged a farewell party presenting the history of their towns and schools with poetry reading, songs, dances and jokes. All this was followed with a traditional campfire, words of thanks and best wishes though it was difficult for the children to leave their friends from the camp “Aragats” where they lived in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere of a family. Hopefully, the TCF’s project “Summer Camp” which provides schoolchildren with deep knowledge, unforgettable memories and enjoyable vacation, will be realized in future as well.
NATO Kicks Off Naval Drills In Black Sea With Ukraine Ukraine is hosting naval military exercise in the Black Sea with NATO forces, involving 2,500 troops and some 150 military vehicles, from warships and helicopters to armored cars. The host nation of Sea Breeze 2015 has deployed 1,000 troops, nine warships and eight aircraft for the drill. The US has sent 1,000 troops as well as five warships, two submarines and six aircraft. The remaining 500 troops, six warships, three submarines and 6six aircraft were provided by Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Turkey, the UK and the non-NATO nations Moldova and Sweden. “The exercise is meant to boost trust and security in the region, [and to increase] the compatibility between the Ukrainian Navy and the navies of NATO members and partner countries,” the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
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NOR ØR% 3 S:PT:MB:R 2015
AU:TIS BA|RAM:AN Øgostosi 29-30-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi 5-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 1-2 ª<irakº-ªBananzº^ 1-1 ªGan]asar K&º-ª"iunikº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ªMikaº^ 1-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ala,k;rt 5 3 2 0 10-4 11 <irak 5 3 1 1 8-7 10 "iunik 5 2 2 1 11-5 8 Gan]asar K& 5 2 2 1 8-5 8 Ararat 5 2 1 2 5-6 7 Bananz 5 1 3 1 8-9 6 Mika 5 1 1 3 5-7 4 Oulis 5 0 0 5 2-14 0
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • S;pt;mb;ri 4-in FF axga\in fauaqakane :urø-2016-i ,r=anakn;roum^ S;rpia\oum^ datark tribounan;row marxada,toum fandip;lou h S;rpia\i entranou f;t! A\d .a[e m;r ;u S;rpia\i fauaqakann;ri famar hakan n,anakoujiun couni% qani or ;rkou jim;rn hl korzr;l ;n :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum pa\qare ,arounak;lou fnarauoroujiune! Oura.ali h% or FF fauaqakani .a[azo[n;r F;nri. M.ijar;ane ;u :oura Mowsis;ane gt;l ;n ir;nz .a[e ;u acqi ;n enknoum ardiunauhtouj;amb! FF axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxci vamanakauor pa,tønakatar Sargis |owsh';ane fraparak;l h art;rkroum fandhs ;ko[ 14 `oujpolistn;ri anounn;re% oronq frauirou;l ;n fauaqakan! |owsh';ane n,;l h% or t;[azi `oujpolistn;riz lauago\n marxawiyakoum gtnouo[n;re no\nphs ke frauirou;n fauaqakan! • Angliakan ªLiw;rpouleº 15 milion `ount st;rling h a®a=ark;l Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ani famar! ªBorousianº endoun;l h a®a=arke% isk w;r=in .øsqi irauounqe 26-am;a\ `oujpolistn h% ow patas.an;l h oc% na ci ouxoum f;®anal ªBorousia\izº! Nor mrza,r=ani 6 fandipoumn;roum 7 gndak .'a‘ ;u 4 kola\in 'o.anzoum katara‘ M.ijar;anin gn;lou zankoujiun ouni na;u Jourini ª:ouw;njouseº% ore patrast h møt 20 milion ;urø wyar;l nran ];®q b;r;lou famar! Dortmoundi ªBorousianº anz;l h :urolika\i .mba\in 'oul% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;riz mhkn atrph\yanakan ªGabalaº akoumbn h! F;nri. M.ijar;anin% orphs FF qa[aqazi wixa c;n talis% or masnakzi Atrph\yanoum ka\analiq .a[in! |;taga\in Atrph\yani AGN-n M.ijar;anin jo\l kou ta\ vaman;l Paqou! • Ispanakan Matriti ªÂa\ø Wal;kanonº patrast h 500 faxar ;uro\ow war]awyari fimounqn;row frauir;l FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº `oujpolist Arax Øxbilisin! Moskow;an akoumbe ir f;rjin pafan=;l h mhk milion ;urø! Ispanazin;re mtadir ;n Øxbilisin war]akal;l mhk tari vamkhtow% n,;nq% or Øxbilise P;rmi ªAmkariº f;t .a[oum w;r=aphs da,t mtau ('o.arinman)! • Nivni Nowgorodi ªWolga\iº ;u FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Arjour Sarkisowe ];®qi kotroua‘qi \a=o[ wirafatouj;an h ;njarkou;l Moskoua\oum ;u møt mhk amis ci karo[ .a[al! • Fa\astani FPTF `outxali jime Moltowa\oum anzkazouo[ OU:~A-i G .mbi oraka-
uorman 'ouli ;r;q jim;ri pa\qaroum 0-6 fa,ouow xi=;l h ªFal;go\kº (P;lgia) ;u 1-4 fa,ouow^ ªProgr;sº (Qi,in;u% Moltowa) jim;rin ;u dours h mnaz;l \;taga\ pa\qariz!
3X3 FF PASQ:JPOLI FAUAQAKANE :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM FF minc;u 18 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouloum fay;li anaknkal matouz;z! Lajwia\i ma\raqa[aq Âiga\oum% qa®ord ;xra'akicoum m;r t[an;re 13!10 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasan foungarazin;ri nkatmamb ;u dours ;kan kisa;xra'akic! A\s \a[janaki ,norfiu FF M-18 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane apafow;z ir t;[e :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an ;xra'akic 'ouloum% ore ka\azau P;la®ousi ma\raqa[aq Minskoum Øgostosi 22-23-e! Âiga\oum fa\ marxikn;re m;knarka\in .a[oum 11!16 fa,ouow xi=;zin daniazin;rin% apa 18!14 fa,ouow \a[j;zin Âouminia\i entranoun ;u partou;zin Isra\hli (8!21) ;u ~ransia\i (8!14) fauaqakann;rin! N,;nq% or Âiga\oum^ entrakan 'oulin masnakzoum hin 9 fauaqakann;r% oronz f;t pa\qaroum 5 lauago\nn;rn anzan ;xra'akic 'oul! :xra'akicoum m;r t[an;re 13!15 fa,ouow xi=;zin Lajwia\i% 18!21 fa,ouow^ P;lgia\i ;u 12!21 fa,ouow Italia\i jim;rin! N,;nq% or FF M-18 tar;kann;ri jime ~I~A-i warkani,a\in a[iusakoum 15-rdn h!
FA|KAKAN MARXAKAN >YANKAR • ÂD-i m;namarti a®a=noujiunoum 105 qk& qa,a\in kargoum ÂD-i a.o\;an h f®cakou;l Dauij B;=an;ane% ore ;rkamartoum zo\z h tou;l 427 qk& ardiunq! Froum warvoujiunoum B;=an;ane safman;l h Âousastani nor mrzani,^ 242 qk&! • S;pt;mb;ri 12-in Las W;kasi MGM Grand marxafamaliroum a®a=in mi=in qa,a\in Wan;s Martiros;ane (35-2% 1% 21 ko) ke m;namarti 37-am;a\ am;rikazi^ a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an I,h Smiji (27-7% 12 ko) f;t! A\n ke na.ordi ~lod Mh\whx;r krts;r ;u Andrh B;rtoni mrzamartin! • Øgostosi 24-31-e {axa.stani ma\raqa[aq Astana\oum anzkazou;z yiuto\i m;‘afasakn;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% orin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum hin 5 marxik^ marxicn;r Tigran Baba\;ani ;u Karhn Simon;ani [;kawarouj;amb! A®a=in gøt;martoum m;r a®a=atar yiuto\ist |owfannhs Dauj;ane (60 qk&) partou;z `ransiazi W;ns;nt Limarin ;u dours mnaz m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz! Arshn {axar;ane (66 qk&) ;u Vanna Stank;uice mhkakan \a[janak tøn;louz \;to\ a\nouf;t;u partou;zin ou xrkou;zin m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz! No\n yakatagrin arvanazan na;u 81 qk& qa,a\inn;r Âa`a\hl Dauj;ann ou Andranik Ca'ar;ane% cna\a‘ Andranike gonh mhk \a[janak tøn;z!
FAMAFA|KAKAN 6-RD >A{:RE Øgostosi 2-13-e Fa\astanoum anzkazou;zin 6-rd Famafa\kakan marxakan .a[;re (FFM>)! >a[;re famenkan Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lizin!
>a[;rin masnakzoum hin a,.arfi 36 ;rkrn;ri 165 qa[aqn;riz vamana‘ 6352 marxikn;r% oronq 17 marxa];u;roum pa\qar m[;zin .a[;ri m;taln;ri ;u mrzanakn;ri famar! >a[;ri tarb;r mrza];u;re fiurenkal;zin :r;uane% Giumrin% Wana]ore% St;'anak;rte% Arta,ate% H=mia‘ine ;u Abow;ane! >a[;ri fandisauor bazoume ka\azau :r;uani ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum! >a[;roum \atkaphs acqi enkau Kiprose n;rka\azno[ 14-am;a\ Maria Somak;ane% ore nouay;z 6 m;tal^ 2 oski% 3 ar‘aj ;u 1 pronx! Marian parg;uatrou;l h .orfrdan,akan nouhrn;row! FFM>_i komithi na.agaf I,.an Xaqar;ane \o\s \a\tn;z% or \;taga\oum Marian ke famalri Fa\astani lo[i fauaqakane! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum mi ,arq mrzanakakirn;ri& ];®qi gndak^ 1& Marshl% 2& Wana]or% pasq;jpol& t[amardik& 1& Soci% 2& Moskoua% 3& Kl;nth\l! Kana\q& 1& Los Any;les% 2& Kl;nth\l% 3& :r;uan! ~oujpol& 1& St;'anak;rt% 2& Ba®naoul% 3& Pilar! Lo[a'n;a\ wolipol kana\q& 1& Sisian% 2& :r;uan% 3& Jbilisi% t[amardik& 1-3 :r;uani 3 jim;re! <a.mat& kana\q& 1& Mariam Au;tis;an (:r;uan)% 2& Sona Asatr;an (A,tarak)% 3& Ani Iwan;an (Giumri)% t[amardik& 1& Hdouard Mkrtc;an (Abow;an)% 2& Dauij Tiratour;an (Giumri)% Sargis A& Manouk;an (:r;uan)! Baxkamart% 70 qk& 1& Hmil Amir,at;an% 2& Axat Srap;an% 3& Waspourak Mkrtc;an! 90 qk& 1& Dauij Dadik;an% 2& Karhn {ou\ou\c;an% 3& D;r;nik St;'an;an% +90 qk& 1& Dauij Mado\;an% 2& Arshn Ma.soud;an% 3& Dauij :[iaxar;an! Fra]goujiun% ødam[ic frazan^ 60 krakoz& 1& Fracik Baba\;an% 2& Sourhn B;r;an% 3& Fa\k Baba\;an% bolorn hl :r;uaniz! :r;uani jime nouay;z 140 m;tal (51 oski% 42 ar‘aj% 47 pronx)% 2-e Giumri^ 46 (15 oski% 12 ar‘aj% 19 pronx)% 3-e Wana]or^ 18 (6% 8% 4)! >a[;ri g;[;zkoufi yanacou;z Tiana Joumanowan (Wrastan)% \a=ord t;[;roum ;n& Mari |aroujiun;ane (:giptos) ;u Lilij Arwafin (AMN)! Masnakizn;rn axat vamanak% a\z;l;zin Fa\astani ;u Arza.i t;sarvan wa\r;roum ;[an ;u :[;®ni \ou,afamaliroum!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Ispania\i Badalona qa[aqoum auartoua‘ mi=axga\in mrza,aroum g;raxanz ardiunqi h fas;l ;r;uanzi mi=axga\in warp;t Tigran |aroujiun;ane% ow 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u grau;z 2-rd t;[e! Karhn Grigor;ane 6&5 miauorow 9-rdn hr% mi=axga\in warp;t Tigran S& P;tros;ane^ 6 miauor (11-rd t;[)! |a[jo[ h yanacou;l P;talta ~;rnanton (Arvanjin)^ 7&5 miauorow! Tigran S& P;tros;ane 2-rd angam lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! • Âiga\oum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum g;raxanz ardiunq h granz;l Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% ore 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 7&5 miauor ;u Al;qsh\ <irowi f;t bavan;l h 12-rd t;[;re% lrazouzic zouzani,n;row arvanaz;l h 2-rd mrzanakin! Frand M;lqoum;ane 6&5 miauorow 5-rdn hr! • W:R+IN VAM L;uon Aron;ane dar];l h S;nj Louisi g;rmrza,ari \a[jo[!