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Xougaf;®abar% angliata® The Guardian j;rjn al ir kargin% ;uropakan .a[;rou vamanak% enjazik tarouan Ma\is-|ounisin% 40 warkab;kic \ødoua‘n;r fraparak;z Axrph\yani masin! Fakadar];low% \atkaphs w;ro\i,;al ;rkou j;rj;rou qaroxar,auin% Axrph\yan ke matnan,hr% M& Nafangn;rou ;u Anglio\ mh= t;[i oun;zo[ amøjafar dhpq;re! Asonzmh \atkaphs ke \i,atakouhin Niu :orqi ;u 5 a\l qa[aqn;rou mh= Occupy Wall Street-i zo\z;re (2011)% zouzararn;rou ;u lragro[n;rou bantarkoujiune! Ke \i,atakouhin% no\nphs% ostikann;rou ko[mh spanoujiunn;re Sjh\jen A\lhnti mh=% |oulis 17-in% 43 tarou Hriq Karneri% ~erkeseni mh=^ 18 tar;kan Ma\qel Praouni% isk April 15% 2015-in Paljimori mh= ~rhti Krh\i% ou bolor paragan;roun al^ bo[oqo[ zouzararn;rou ;u lrago[n;rou bantarkoujiune! A\sphs% 2014 tarouan enjazqin 458 an];r spannoua‘ hin M& Nafangn;rou mh=! :u takauin% Sjoqfolmi famalsarani "ro`& Qriscen Qrisj;nsen% Hl-Y;xirhi f;®at;sili ka\anhn% \a\tna‘ hr% jh ostikanakan b®noujiune ou z;[a\in .trakanoujiune tara‘oua‘ ;n M& Nafangn;rou mh=! Na;u% MAK_i Mardka\in Irauounqn;rou Komithn M& Nafangn;re k*ambastanhr Mi=axga\in Da,inqin ørhnqn;re b;kan;lou \anzanqow! Isk Anglio\ ka®awaroujiune ke qa=al;rhr maqsan;ngn;re ou money – launderer-n;re! Ke matnan,ouhin na;u mardka\in irauounqn;rou .a.toumn;r ;u v.takan a\l ;r;uo\jn;r% oronq 'oqr mhk mase ke kaxmhin endfanour apørinouj;anz! Inco#u famar hin our;mn Amos Hochstein-i ou Donald Tusk-i a\z;loujiunn;re Axrph\yan% ;jh oc^ m;[m;lou 'o.adar] z;.ar]akoumn;re ªda,nakizºn;rou mi=;u! *** :rb ke kardanq ar;umt;an ;rkou fanra‘anøj w;ro\i,;al j;rj;roun m;rkazoumn;re Ali;ui b®natirakan warcakargin% ou mius ko[mh Axrph\yani fakadar]oujiunn;re^ .stiu pa.arakouj;amb Am;rika\i ;u Anglio\% ke fasninq a\n ;xrakazouj;an% jh kataroua‘e b;madroujiun h% fama,.arfa\in kar‘iqe ,'oji matn;low! Tramabanørhn% a\d j;rj;rou sour qnnadatouj;anz f;t;u;lou hr ir;nz ;rkirn;roun ko[mh gauaxani gor‘a‘oujiune& endfaka®ake% Axrph\yani f;t gor‘akzakan møt;zoumn;r t;[i k*oun;nan ouvaniuji ;u apafowakan marx;rhn n;rs! Au;lin ellalow% ‘;rakoutakan Carlx <oumer Ali;ui b®natiroujiune k*orakh ªm;‘ vo[owrdawaroujiunº% isk J;qsasi qonkrhsmhn Jht "ø Axrph\yane ke t;snh orphs ª®amkap;touj;an wa® 'arosº! Isk .orfrdarani banb;r% John Boehner, Oua,inkjeni mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ kala\i me% ke nkaroui Axrph\yani 'o.adrouj;an na.arar Xia Mamatowi t[oun f;t% or pixnhsi a,.arfin ‘anøj h ibr;u amhnhn auaxakabaron! Xougaf;®abar% :uropakan Mioujiunn al% oc mia\n ke fandourvh Axrph\yani andamakzoujiune% a\l;u anor k*en‘a\h n;rka\ ,r=ani at;nap;toujiune! A\s tou;aln;rou lo\sin tak% enj;rzo[in ke mna\ fan;l tramabanakan ;xrakazoujiune! Axat jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an


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Anqaran "or]oum H Bar;lau;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Bana];ui Endounoumiz |;to\ Liuqs;mbourgi F;t Wataza‘ |arab;roujiunn;re

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Explosion Damages Armenian Church In Turkey

PanARMENIAN.Net - Unrest continues in eastern parts of Turkey. A homemade bomb exploded near Saint Giragos historic Armenian church in Diyarbakir’s Sur district, breaking the church glasses. The bomb was installed by PKK militants, Ermenihaber.am reports, citing Turkish news agency Aktifhaber. Besides, bullet marks were found on the church signboard. Mortars were found in a number of streets around Hasirli neighborhood in Sur. An investigation into the case is currently underway.

Pope Francis: Armenians Were Persecuted Just For Being Christians

Armenians were the first nation to convert to Christianity and were persecuted just for being Christians, Pope Francis said after Mass on Monday morning celebrated with Patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians, His Beatitude Gregory Peter XX Ghabroyan. “The Armenian people were persecuted, chased away from their homeland, helpless, in the desert.” This story - he observed - began with Jesus: what people did, “to Jesus, has during the course of history been done to His body, which is the Church,” His Holiness said, the Vatican Radio reported. “I would like, on this day of our first Eucharist, as brother Bishops, dear brother Bishops and Patriarch and all of you Armenian faithful and priests, to embrace you and remember this persecution that you have suffered, and to remember your holy ones, your many saints who died of hunger, in the cold, under torture, [cast] into the wilderness only for being Christians.” Pope Francis remembered the broader persecution of Christians in the present day that continues amid “the complicit silence of many powerful worlds.”

G. Minasyan: Unlike Effective Constitution, New Draft Bans Same-Sex Marriage The draft new Constitution of Armenia bans same-sex marriage, and any talk on this subject is incomprehensible and perplexing because the draft says the opposite, MP of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia’s faction, the chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on financial, credit and budget affairs Gagik Minasyan said during a press conference today when commenting on heated discussion on social media and mass media outlets regarding Article 89 of the draft new Constitution of Armenia. According to Minasyan, it is the wording of an article of the Constitution currently in force that can provide such an opportunity in case of malicious interpretation , while the draft Constitution definitely bans same-sex marriage. The MP quoted Article 35 of the effective Constitution saying: “The family is the natural and fundamental cell of the society. Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and found a family according to their free will”. The deputy then

stressed that the article does not contain a key wording about the right to marry “each other”, noting that Article 95 of the draft contains these words. “The draft clearly says that a man and a woman can marry only each other,” Minasyan said. To remind, President Serzh Sargsyan submitted on August 21 the draft amendments in the Constitution of Armenia to the National Assembly. The draft amendments had been developed by the Commission on Constitutional Reforms under Armenian President.

Armenian FM To Visit Paris

Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian is starting a visit to Paris on Tuesday, September 8. The Ministry’s press service reports that he is to take part in an international conference dedocated to the prevention of violence against ethnic and religious minorities in Middle East.

Lebanon's Capital Drowning In An Ocean Of Trash Residents are burning garbage in the streets as politicians fail to find a solution for mountains of uncollected trash.

Islamic State ‘Takes Syrian State's Last Oilfield' Reuters - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) fighters have seized the last major oilfield under Syrian government control during battles over a vast central desert zone, a group monitoring the conflict said on Monday. The Jazal field was now shut down and clashes were ongoing east of Homs, with casualties reported on both sides, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, without giving dates or more details. Syria's army said it had repulsed an attack in the same area but did not mention Jazal or comment on how much of the

country's battered energy infrastructure remained under its sway. It said it killed 25 fighters, including non-Syrian jihadists. "The regime has lost the last oilfield in Syria," said the Observatory, which tracks violence through a network of sources on the ground.

The stench of uncollected garbage has permeated the streets of Beirut, compounded as some residents have opted to burn the trash [Reuters] Beirut - Hundreds of protesters showed up in the sweltering summer heat on Saturday evening in downtown Beirut to demonstrate against the sea of garbage taking over the capital's streets, as Lebanon's politicians have failed to find a solution. Using the slogan "You Stink!", and amid a significant security presence, the protesters called for the government to fall. They chanted about moving the garbage - uncollected for a week now - from the streets to the homes of Lebanon's parliament members. Piles of garbage in some areas of the city have risen to several metres in height, as political bickering has stymied any resolution. "I'm angry, not just at this, but at the general dysfunction of the country," local entrepreneur Nasri Atallah told Al Jazeera at the protest. "Our 'political class' has consistently shown complete disregard for our health, our wellbeing, and our rights as citizens of this country." Still, some protesters expressed pessimism about the outcome of their demonstration. "This won't make a difference," said Karim, a 30-year-old resident of Gemayze. "It needs to be bigger and angrier."

Nour Samaha


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 10, 2015

PAN-ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY (PAI) 7. DEFINING ARMENIAN SELF-IDENTITY Since PAI is applicable to the Armenian nation spread throughout the world, clarification becomes necessary as to who could consider oneself an Armenian. In accordance with PAI’s definition, an Armenian is a person, who regards himself or herself to be part of the Armenian nation, and works toward the success of PanArmenian national goals. Therefore, with this description, many types of Armenians could be brought under one large umbrella. A more specific definition of those who qualify as an Armenian is provided by Dr. Armen Ayvazyan, as follows: A person who accepts that his/her motherland is Armenia. 1. Personally he/she shares responsibility for the destiny of Armenia. 2. He/she has a strong spiritual attachment to the country, as well as its culture and language. 3. As a diaspora Armenian, he/she is seriously thinking and planning to immigrate to and become a citizen of the Republic of Armenia. 4. He/she already uses or endeavors to learn the Armenian language and culture. In addition, he/she strives to educate their children and future generations about the Armenian language and culture. PAI’s definition for an Armenian is fairly general, and intended to accept as many individuals who consider themselves Armenian to be identified as Armenian. In recent memory, some Islamized (or secret) Armenians – the Hemshen people included – are openly declaring their Armenian roots and heritage, as well as their desire to be considered Armenian. It is important to note that such secret Armenians, who were forced to renounce their Christian faith and ethnic background, are the original inhabitants of lands in western Armenia upon which they reside. Therefore, they have inherent rights to request the return of these lands to their rightful owners: the Armenian nation. Considering the aforementioned facts, the government of the Republic of Armenia should develop a special policy towards these secret Armenians. In order to ensure the perpetuation of the Armenian identity throughout the global diaspora and combat increasing assimilation, innovative new projects must be formulated and implemented with the assistance of the government of the Republic of Armenia. Short of repatriation to Armenia, diaspora communities will inevitably lose their Armenian identity unless a concerted effort is made to address and forestall assimilation.

We are interested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

From Aintab To Ararat, 101 Year Old Genocide Survivor, Yevnige Salibian Passes Away After 101 full years of life here on earth, Yevnige Aposhian Salibian was coronated with her heavenly crown on August 29th, 2015. Born in Aintab, Turkey on January 14th, 1914, Yevnige was one the few remaining survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

AGBU Education Innovation Introduces New Travel App And E-Book Im Armenia and Exploring Yerevan make the city fun for all ages

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is proud to announce the launch of Im Armenia [My Armenia], a new travel app that takes children on a virtual journey through Yerevan and its surroundings. Im Armenia is the first travel guide to introduce children to the sites of Armenia in a fun and interactive way. Im Armenia teaches basic vocabulary words in Eastern Armenian, offers easy-tonavigate maps and colorful graphics of some of the country’s most popular tourist attractions, including Holy Etchmiadzin, Matenadaran, Sardarapat, Cascade and many more. Users can take their own pictures, select photos from the gallery and write their thoughts in a journal at each location. The app can be used by children of all ages to prepare them for their trip to Armenia, to keep them engaged on their trip and to spark curiosity about the country. “We just took our kids to Armenia for the first time and they loved using Im Armenia! They loved setting up their profile and reading about each site before getting there. It was fun and exciting for them to find some of the hidden symbols at each site,” said Maria Stepanian, a mother of children ages 11 and 14. Designed for both iPhone and iPad, Im Armenia is available for download through the App Store for Apple devices and

Google Play for Android devices. The app is currently available in English and plans are in the works to develop versions in French, Spanish and other languages of the diaspora. “This beautifully illustrated app offers many ways to learn about Yerevan. We have plans to expand outside of the city and into the diverse regions of Armenia with future versions,” said Natalie Gabrelian, Director of Scholarships and Alternative Education at AGBU. Im Armenia is part of AGBU Education Innovation, a series of quality Armenian eproducts for children, parents and teachers that strives to make educational apps, ebooks and online language courses readily available to all. Earlier this year, AGBU Education Innovation released Exploring Yerevan: A Look Inside the City’s Past & Present, the second in its series of interactive e-books by the Armenian Virtual College (AVC). The English version of the e-book will be accompanied by Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, Russian, French, Spanish and Turkish translations. Exploring Yerevan is preceded by the first AGBU AVC e-book, The Armenian Highland, released in 2014. Both books are available for free download and online browsing on computers and mobile devices through the Apple iBook store, the AVC website and AGBU online bookstore.

ABMDR’s Life-Saving Mission Celebrated At Sweet 16 Gala Los Angeles, September 1, 2015 – Close to 400 supporters, including community leaders, elected officials, and representatives of health organizations, joined together to celebrate the Sweet 16 of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR). Match for Life, the 16th annual Gala of the registry, took place on the evening of August 23, at the Glendale Hilton, in Glendale, California. In addition to functioning as a jubilant testament to the worldwide Armenian community’s support of ABMDR’s lifesaving mission, the Gala served as an occasion to mark the registry’s latest accomplishments. These include ABMDR’s hosting of the prestigious EFI Educational Conference in Yerevan, for the second time since 2011; the recruitment of over 2,500 potential bone marrow donors in the past year; and the ongoing growth and medical advances of ABMDR’s Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan, through pioneering technologies and programs such as cord-blood banking. The Gala was made possible by the major sponsorship of Glendale Adventist Medical Center and the Histogenetics company. Following a cocktail hour and silent auction in the foyer and terrace of the Hilton’s Glendale Ballroom, the evening’s main program began inside the hall, with welcoming remarks delivered in Armenian and English by Gala Committee co-chairs Salpi Mankerian and Amy Boyadjian, respectively. “This year has profound significance for our registry, as it marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,” Boyadjian said. “As an organization dedicated to a singular vision of saving lives, ABMDR embodies the Armenian nation’s will to endure, beat the odds and survive, and thrive once again.”

Western Diocese Celebrates 35th Anniversary Of Primate’s Ordination Burbank, CA – Plans and p re p a r a t i o n s have been underway at the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian’s ordination as a priest as well as the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination as a Bishop of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church. The Diocese will host a celebratory banquet following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at the Kalaydjian Hall of the Dickranian Complex of the Western Diocese. A Champagne Reception will be held at the Galleria prior to the luncheon. For further information, including reservations and sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Western Diocese at (818) 558-7474.

AMAA To Hold 96th Annual Meeting And Banquet In San Francisco, CA The 96thAnnual Meeting of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will be held on Saturday, October 17 at 9:30 a.m. at the Calvary Armenian Congregational Church, 725 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco, CA 94132. Participants in the meeting will review the activities and the financial reports of the Association. The 96th Annual Meeting Banquet will be held on the same day, Saturday, October 17, in the evening, at 6:00 p.m. at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront, 1800 Old Bayshore Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010. The theme of the Banquet is "100 Years: The Miracle of Survival." The Keynote Speaker will be Rev. Haroutune Selimian, President of the Armenian Evangelical Community in Syria. Rev. Selimian will also share an audiovisual eyewitness account about the recent situation in Syria, and in particular of Aleppo, highlighting the urgent needs of the people and the relief work rendered there by the Armenian Evangelical Community on behalf of the AMAA. The Master of Ceremonies of the Banquet will be Dr. Jerry Manoukian, current President of the Armenian Medical International Committee, who has chaired the 9th Armenian Medical World Congress, held in San Francisco in 2005. Dr. Manoukian is a graduate of Hahnemann University School of Medicine and works in Mountain View, CA specializing in Internal Medicine. He is affiliated with El Camino Hospital and Stanford Hospital & Clinics. The Banquet will also feature Composer and Pianist Tatev Amiryan and Vocalist Seda Kizirian. Ms. Amiryan is a native of Armenia. She has given performances extensively in Armenia and in the United States Those who are interested in attending the AMAA Banquet may contact Valina Agbabian at 415.831.6202, Margo Gulesserian at 408.395.0738, Aline Gulesserian Richards at 925.362.1438 or AMAA Headquarters at 201.265.2607.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 10, 2015

Confronting Challenges: To Be an Armenian Feminist in Turkey An Interview with Lerna Ekmekcioglu By Hrant Galstyan Lerna Ekmekcioglu is McMillan-Stewart Associate Professor of History and Women and Gender Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She earned her bachelor’s degree at Bo!aziçi University in Turkey and master’s and PhD degrees from New York University. Lerna has authored a range of articles about ethnic and religious minorities, genocide, Armenian community in post-genocide Turkey, concentrating on the gendered perspective. In 2006, she co-edited “A Cry for Justice: Five Armenian Feminist Writers from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic (1862-1933)” in Turkish, with Melissa Bilal. At the end of this year her second book, “Recovering Armenia: Limits of Belonging in Post-Genocide Turkey” will be published.In August, during her stay in Yerevan, Lerna participated in a panel organized by the AUA and presented her work on the Ottoman Turkish policies of transferring women and children from Armenian to Muslim contexts and the post-war Armenian policies in Constantinople towards retrieving the kidnapped women and their children born of rape. Hetq spoke with L. Ekmekcioglu about her work on genocides and feminism. To read full article, please follow hetq.am

AGBU Hye Geen Presents Globalization & The Challenges To Armenian Women By Sona Zeitlian

On Saturday August 22, AGBU Hye Geen presented a discussion on globalization and the challenges to Armenian women. The event took place at AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center, in the presence of a capacity audience, curious about the cultural and social effects of a technological innovation of out time. In her opening remarks, Sona Yacoubian, founder and chairperson of AGBU Hye Geen, acknowledged the inevitability of globalization prompting one generation to focus on preserving our distinctive language and identity, whereas a younger generation is engulfed in the rapid pace of technological development and of instant communication. In these circumstances, Armenian women face the challenges of globalization by seeking new tools to adjust to changes and in the meantime, steadfastly maintaining our cultural heritage. The first speaker was Mary Terzian, who has served in the Foreign Service, is the award-winning author of a first novel and has newly published Politically Homeless, a five-year odyssey across three continents. She referred to such aspects of globalization as speeded up telecommunications, reducing the significance of barriers between nations and, in a spirit of interdependence, the ease of transference of goods, services and ideas. The second speaker was Nelly TitizianKazman, winner of the 2013 Administrator

of the Year award at the University of La Verne. She is also an adjunct professor at the same institution, writing and lecturing on leadership, culture and gender issues in management, and power politics in organizations. Nelly Kazman began by the adage that “the world is a global village,” then stressed the need to develop both personally and professionally to meet the challenges of a globalized world. Concluding remarks were delivered by Prof. Osheen Keshishian, publisher/editor of the Armenian Observer newspaper. He welcomed the enrichment and expansion aspects of globalization but warned against economic corruption and loss of jobs due to automation. He also dwelt on the fading of our identity, endangered language or even commitment to our national Church. On the other hand, he stressed the importance of higher education for girls as key to the revival of national consciousness and as a means to conquer the challenges of modern times. As a tribute to that mission, Elena Semerdjian, the public relations coordinator of California Assemblyman Mike Gatto, presented a signed and sealed certificate of recognition, congratulating AGBU Hye Geen for “dedicated leadership to preserve and promote Armenian women and their history.” By all accounts, AGBU Hye Geen’s August 22 event was a most fulfilling experience.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

78 - Engin Akarli By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr.Engin Akarli, is a professor of modern Middle East studies at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA. He is one of the Turkish scholars who publicly acknowledge the Turkish extermination campaign against the Armenians. Especially in light of recent events, he cautions against interpreting genocide itself in racist terms. Professor Akarli studied economics at Robert College, Turkey, (BA degree in 68), Southeast European history at University of Wisconsin (MA degree in 72), and Middle East history at Princeton (MA degree in 73, and Ph.D degree 76). He taught at Bosphorus University in Istanbul (1976-83), Yarmouk University in Jordan (1983-89), and Washington University in St. Louis (1989-96) before joining Brown University. He held research fellowships at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (1985-86), and at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2003-04), then at the Islamic Legal Studies Program of Harvard Law School (2005-06). He taught courses in economic history of the world and the Middle East and wrote on Ottoman demographic, fiscal and political history earlier in his career. His later works explore the history of geographical Syria under Ottoman rule. His book on Ottoman Lebanon in 1860-1920 won the Best History Book Prize of the Missouri Historical Society. Currently, he works on themes related to the legal history of the region. (1)(2) A PBS program hosted Dr.Engin Akarli. He was asked about the Armenian Genocide and his answer was : "We have to put things in their appropriate historical context; yes, these things happened..., " and as an answer to (off- screen filmmaker's question): What are these things? He said: "Genocide, okay? The genocide, in the sense, that attacks against a distinctive, specific part of the population. In this sense, that's what I understood of genocide. It happened. We need to face it, to understand why it happened, under what circumstances it happened, and what are its moral implications, what does this event tell us about the times, what does this event tell us about great power politics, problems of nationalism in this part of the world, there are many issues that this particular sheds light on." (3) "aghet1915.wordpress.com" wrote the following under the title "Recognition of the Armenian Genocide": "The fact of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman government has been documented, recognized,

and affirmed in the form of media and eyewitness reports, laws, resolutions, and statements by many historians, states and international organizations." It listed the names of the Turkish historians who have recognized the Armenian Genocide. Halil Berktay, Taner Akçam, Murat Belge, Ahmet Insel, Ercin Kursat Ahler, Ali Ertem, Engin Akarli, Koray Caliskan, Dilek Kurban, Yunus Tuncel, Ugur Ümit Üngör and many others are mentioned in the list. (4) In response to Michael Gunter's review of " The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey: A Disputed Genocide " book by Guenter Lewy, Joseph Kechichian wrote: "the book and the reviewer pose serious problems." Among those points he mentioned that "Guenter Lewy has placed himself in the forefront of a parallel campaign to promote directly and indirectly and with remarkable zeal, the 'official' Turkish line of denial of the Armenian Genocide. This is more significant when one consider that a host of Turkish historians, free from the shackles of the official line, are not only refusing to deny the Genocide, but in one way or another are also recognizing the occurrence." Then he mentions Fatima Muge Gocek, Hilal Berktay , Engin Akarli, Selim Deringil and Taner Akcam as examples with quotations. As for Engin Akarli he mentioned that Akarli concludes that the relevant facts " invite the term Genocide". (5)

*PBS : The Public Broadcasting Service is an American public broadcaster and television program distributor. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, PBS is an independently operated non-profit organization and is the most prominent provider of television programs to public television stations in US, distributing series such as NOVA, Sesame Street, PBS NewsHour, Masterpiece, Nature, American Masters, Frontline, and Antiques Roadshow. 1.http://www.zoominfo.com/p/EnginAkarli/207445638 2.http://www.brown.edu/Departments//Mo dern_Greek_Studies/people/facultypage.php?id =10074 3.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/PBSArmenian-survival.htm 4.https://aghet1915.wordpress.com/recognition/ 5.http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307 /30069560?uid=3739920&uid=2&uid=4&uid =3739256&sid

Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

“Memory, Memorialization & Bearing Witness: Contested Memories of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey Today” By Dr. Armen T. Marsoobian Dr. Armen T. Marsoobian (Southern Connecticut State University) will speak on “Memory, Memorialization & Bearing Witness: Contested Memories of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey Today” at 7:30PM on Tuesday, September 15, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is part of the Armenian Studies Program Fall 2015 Lecture Series, with the support of the Leon S. Peters Foundation. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available, using a coupon code #273605, in parking kiosks in Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 10, 2015

10 The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word “Mother,” and the most beautiful call is the call of “My mother.” It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything – she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness…. Everything in nature bespeaks the mother. The sun is the mother of earth and gives it its nourishment of heart; it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn of birds and brooks. And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers. It produces them, nurses them, and weans them. The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds. And the mother, the prototype of all existence, is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love. - Khalil Gibran When I first decided to read something today, the thought of it was completely overwhelming. Where do I begin? How could I possibly get up here and do justice to the amazing woman we all knew and admired? To say that Mom’s death is an enormous loss for our family and our community is an understatement, at best. Mom was a remarkable woman in every possible way. She loved the arts-- music, theater, film, dance, journalism. She was a voracious reader. The library in our home houses hundreds of books—the majority of which she has read. She nurtured her friendships and was fiercely loyal to each and every one. She was devoted to the Armenian community and cause, as evidenced throughout her career including working at the AGBU ManoogianDemirdjian School for 28 years. She loved her Armenian heritage. She loved coffee, great conversations, intellectual stimulation, friends who enriched her as a person. She loved to travel all over the world, and was always so happy that she had had the opportunity to do so in the early days of her marriage. She loved the Holidays, especially Christmas. My parent’s home was always immaculately and thoughtfully decorated from Thanksgiving Weekend through Armenian Christmas—no exceptions. Mom’s enthusiasm for life was infectious and addictive. She was the ultimate supermom who did it all. Despite working over 50 hours a week at the School, she still made she that we sat down to a home cooked

Russia Cuts Gas Price For Armenia By $24 To $165 “Today, we signed an agreement with the energy ministry, under which the gas price will be lowered by $24 to $165,” Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said on Monday during talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two protocols in the gas sector were prepared for signing during Sargsyan’s visit to Moscow. They are a protocol on amendments to the agreement on purchase and sale of shares and further activities of ArmRosgazprom Co, and a protocol on the pricing procedure for Russian natural gas sold to Armenia. “These documents are based on earlier agreement on lowering prices on Russian gas from January 2015 after Armenia’s joining the Eurasian Economic Union,” according to the documents prepared for Sargsyan’s visit to Russia. The Russian Energy Ministry and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia signed a protocol amending the agreement on the formation of prices for the supply of natural gas to Armenia. The document establishes the legal reduction of the base price for the supplies of Russian gas to Armenia from $189 to $165 per 1,000 cubic meters, the Russian Energy Ministry said Monday.

Vartouhy Kojayan 1947, Beirut - 2015, Los Angeles meal as a family, every single night. Being a working mother now, I am in awe at how she did it, and understand the sacrifice that it took. Many of you, as her friends, family and colleagues, already know most of this. So what can I share with you today to give you more insight into this beautiful woman? A few nights ago, I admittedly decided to rummage through my mother’s nightstand hoping that I could find something that would provide me with some solace. My mother had lost her final battle with cancer, and while I knew that this fateful end was coming, nothing prepared me for it. I found a book of quotes about Mothers that my brother and I had given her for Mother’s Day almost 20 years ago. It was then, I knew that I needed to share with you Vartouhy Kojayan as a family woman. The same dedication and passion that you’ve all seen in your friendships and relationships with her, was multiplied 10 fold in her dedication as the matriarch of our family. Vartouhy, as a wife: Still very in love with her husband of 39 years. My parents had a beautiful marriage with a friendship as its foundation. They exemplified for us what a marriage should be—a united front through all of life’s ups and downs. And through it all, they remained loving and respectful towards one another. They weathered so many of life’s unpredictable storms, but you’d never know it. Their focus never shifted off of each other and their children. My brother and I always thanked them for being such amazing role models for us and felt fortunate to be a part of a family with so much love at its core.

Vartouhy, as a Mother: The pillar of our family and a beam of light that guided us all. Mom was a consummate lady—fierce yet feminine, bold yet compassionate. Thinking about it now, mom was the ultimate modern woman. She was our biggest champion and selflessly gave herself so that we can have the opportunities that she didn't get to have. She instilled in us a deep love for our heritage and culture. As a working mother for most of our lives, she exemplified discipline and dedication to her work—values that we carried on to our own careers as adults. She was a wealth of knowledge, and the first person we turned to when we had a question. “Mom, what’s the Armenian word for rhinoceros?” “Mom, what’s the significance of a pomegranate in Armenian culture?”—my mom knew it ALL. Who we are today, is so largely shaped by her influence in our lives. For her daughter: She was the ultimate best friend. The person I can call at any time of day or night. We had so much fun together. Whether it was coffee dates, brunch dates, shopping, ruminating… I had the privilege to get to know her as a FRIEND. I credit my mother for helping me become the woman I am today—in my professional and personal life. I hope I have the privilege to do what she did for me, for my own daughters. For her son: She was an endless fountain of love and support. Ara was her baby, her first born. She championed every move and every success. With each graduation, promotion, award that Ara received, Mom’s happiness was unparalleled. For her Son in Law: She was more of a mother than a mother in law. She loved

Hratch as her own son. After all, we believe that it was her will that ultimately brought us together so serendipitously. Through the years, Hratch became one of the biggest advocates for mom’s health and gave her the gift of the best medical treatment at City of Hope. Through the years, he attended meetings, was at her side during treatments and followed up with her Doctors to ensure that she was properly cared for. She was always comforted by his presence during those difficult days… As a Grandmother: Anyone who knew my mom, knew that Sevana and Vivienne were the center of her universe. She was there for them and our family, every step of the way. From their births, to my mom’s very last days on this Earth, Sevana, Vivi and Mima were always together. Even during her worst days battling cancer, her granddaughters gave her the strength to keep pushing through. I can never forget the day that Vivienne was born. Mom had just been released from her Bone Marrow Transplant procedure at City of Hope and had orders to stay home for a while. But she still came to the hospital to see her much-anticipated granddaughter—Vivienne Vartouhy. The girls loved their Mima and will always remember her smiling, dancing, and playing with them. It hurts seeing them look for her and asking for her now…but I’m so grateful they had the opportunity to even know her. And most importantly, that mom had the chance to experience the love of her grandchildren. So, today, we bid a final farewell to her. But her spirit lives on around us, and in the hearts of those whose lives she touched. When I close my eyes, I see her beautiful smile, and hear her infectious laughter. When I see the sparkle in my daughter’s eyes, I know that’s Mima, and that she lives on in them as well. If my mom wanted us to remember one thing, it’s to seize every opportunity to celebrate, travel, love, contribute, enjoy and live our lives to the fullest. Mom, we will honor your memory and legacy the best we can. We love you and know that you’re finally at peace with the Lord and your loved ones that you missed so much. As Sevana says, you’re “cured” now, and knowing that you’re finally pain free is a great comfort to us all. We’ll all be joining you one day, but until then, we know you will be our Guardian Angel in heaven.

Maral Kojayan St. Peter church, Van Nuys August 14, 2015



BAR:GOR’OUJIUNE ASTOUA’A|IN M:’ <NORF H :jh am;nakaro[ Ast‘o\ ko[miz mard arara‘in troua‘ yakatagire bar;fay h nra nkatmamb ;u zankanoum h nran parg;u;l m;‘ago\n ;r=ankoujiun% apa nran talis h baxoum arvaniqn;r% oronq ir;nz arta\a\toujiune gtnoum ;n mardka\in 'o. \arab;roujiunn;roun% ,r=apatoum% fasarakakan mi=awa\roum% a®au;l ;us bar;rarouj;an mh=% our drs;uoruoum ;n anfati karo[oujiunn;rn ou bnauoroujiune! Nra apra‘ k;anqe oc jh tarin;ri ano[oq goumarn h da®noum% a\l nra k;anqi jo[a‘ f;tqe% ararqn;ri ca'ani,e! Qani or ar;un ir k;nsatou yaraga\jn;row =;rmaznoum h ;rkire% apa mardn hl ir ,r=apat ª;rkriº ªar;unº h ouri,i nkatmamb oun;za‘ srtazau w;rab;rmounqow% ªm;r]auorid sirir an]id phsº Ast‘o\ patgamow% ouri,in fasn;lou øgn;lou anmi=akan patrastakamouj;amb! Afa taqouk =;rmouj;amb mi ªar;uº St;'an Goumrik;an anounow mi fa\ordi ir;niz ya®aga‘ ,o[;row gguoum h fa\astanabnak ,at ou ,at mardkanz% \atkaphs axatamartikn;ri karøt;al entaniqn;rin% =;rmazn;low nranz wfat fogin;re ;u oura.oujiun patya®;low amhn ams;a\ ir øgnoujiunn;row! A\sør m;nq fpartanoum ;nq ,at ou ,at bar;rarn;row% oronq ir;nz ansakarg ];®qn ;n m;knoum m;r fa\r;nakizn;rin% nranz ko[qin m;nq oun;nq ir fam;stouj;amb ;u .onarfouj;amb ;rb;q ir;n bar;rar cn;rka\azno[ St;'an Goumrik;anin% orn ir glou.e ka.% sirte baz% fogin \an]na‘ Am;nakaro[in lou® ou moun= tarin;r ,arounak øgn;l h ;u øgnoum h! <at;rn ;n yanacoum St;'anin! Na ir øgnoujiunn iragor‘oum h Kl;nth\labnak fa\;ri øgnouj;amb% oronq nran apafowoum ;n fagoust;[hnow ;u a\l ir;row! Los Any;lesoum apra‘ ir tarin;ri enjazqoum St;'ane Fa\astan h ou[ark;l faxarn;ri fasno[ tou';row mardasirakan øgnoujiun wirauor ;u karøt;al axatamartikn;ri entaniqn;rin! Faxarn;ri fasno[ af®;li mi jiu&&& A\s jiue .øsoum h a\n masin% or St;'ane arfamarf;low amhn mi arg;lq% anas;li dvouarouj;amb% m;nak% a®anz mhki øvandakouj;an iragor‘;l h mardasirakan fska\akan øgnoujiun! Incpisi xofo[oujiun% ore qc;rin h droua‘! An,ou,t entaniqi andamn;re antarb;r chin karo[ mnal ir;nz faraxati inqnakam stan]na‘ partauoroujiunn;ri gor‘oum! Sir;li kine ;u ;r;q doustr;re gnafat;low ir;nz før ;u amousnou fa\r;nasirakan xgazoumn;re `ixiqaphs ;u baro\aphs nra ko[qin! W;r=in tarin;ri enjazqoum St;'ane fimn;l h ªPATIUº Âaxmafa\r;nasirakan FK_E% ore na;u oc ,afoujab;r kaxmak;rpoujiun h% goumarouo[ vo[own;roum qnnarkuoum ;n mardasirakan øgnoujiunn;ri kar;uorago\n farz;re% kaxmak;rpouj;an andamn;re am;rikabnak na.kin axatamartikn;r ;n% ir;nz k;anqe xofas;[anin dno[ ®ax-

mikn;r^ fogow ari kamqow tokoun% fa\r;niqin ou vo[owrdin anmnazord nouir;aln;r! Ararati ,r=ani Aral;x giu[oum ‘noua‘ :r;uani apakou g;[arou;stakan m,akman bavinn auarta‘ ;u hr;bounou \a.yapakou gor‘aranoum orphs ];uauoro[ a,.ato[ apafow k;anqow apro[ St;'anin cga\jak[;z% oc amousnakan a®agase (nor hr amousnaz;l) oc hl k;anqi \armarauht wiyake% oc hl .ostoumnaliz apagan% ousti 198891 jj& fa\r;niqi ørfasakan pafin% ;tin jo[n;low i[];ri irakanazman bolor fnarauoroujiunn;re% miazau giu[oum nor kaxmauoroua‘ kamauorakan =okatin ;u masnakz;z :ras.auani inqnapa,tpanouj;ane% apauin;low ir k;anqe orsordakan frazanin! An,ou,t sow;takan banakoum ‘a®a\;le nran tou;l hr martounakoujiun ;u ®axmakan 'or]a®oujiun! >ortakoua‘ \o\s;r% anoro, apaga\% maf ou sarsa'% saka\n fa\r;niqi shre an]nouhr nouiroum axgin ou ma\r ;rkrin oro,oua‘ hr% an]nakane xof;l \anoun fa\r;niqi! Na.nin;re ;[;®n t;sa‘ q;sapzin;r hin% St;'ani fa\r;nasirakan xgazoumn;re borboqou;l hin% vamanakn hr wrhv lou‘;lou! 1991 j& bnakoujiun fastat;z Kl;nth\l qa[aqoum% saka\n ];®q;re ‘ala‘ chr karo[ spas;l fra,qn;r% ousti 1994 j& w;radar]au fa\r;niq% mianalow enk;rn;rin% saka\n ;r;q amis anz krkin w;radar]au Los Any;les ;u mhkendmi,t ];®namou. ;[au mardasirakan øgnouj;an% øgn;low xofoua‘% wirauor ;u anapafow axatamartikn;ri entaniqn;rin% ore ,arounakuoum h minc;u ørs! St;'an Goumrik;ane ;rb;q ci korznoum ‘owaza‘ fogou arioujiune% ;rb;q cwfatou;low% a®a=norduoum h Astoua‘a\in fauatqow ;u sirow% oronz s;rm;re a®atørhn ,a[ h talis mardkanz fogoum% orphsxi ‘lar]akou;n ;u Astoua‘a\in ørfnouj;amb lzou;n ;u oura.oujiun parg;u;n ouri,n;rin! Ir fogou lo\sn anmar h% or wanoum mardkanz t.our ;u wfat .auare ;u o[o[oum ,o[,o[oun ou pa\‘a® lo\sow ;u da®noum lo\si mi ,o[ .auari fogin;roum! K;anqe teruoum h mardoun mhk angam% phtq h apr;l a\nphs% or ;rb;q cx[=as ara‘d ou cara‘d gor‘;ri famar% apra‘ ou capra‘ tarin;ri famar! St;'anin ci troua‘ apro[ k;anqi capra‘ tarin;ri fa,ou;jiue! Søsi Aljoun;an (Mankawarv)

Gali`ornia\i <abajør;a\ Dprozn;ri Ousouzicn;ri Fauaqe

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NOR ØR% 10 S:PT:MB:R 2015


S:RPIA-FA|ASTAN^ 2-0 (1-0) S;pt;mb;ri 4-in S;rpia\i Nowi Sad qa[aqi ªKara=or=hº marxada,toum ka\azau :urø-2016-i entrakan mrza,ari S;rpiaFa\astan fandipoume! FF fauaqakane partou;z 0-2 fa,ouow! A®a=in .a[akhsoum fa,iue baz;z L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane% ow gndakn ou[ark;z s;'akan darpase! :rkrord khsoum acqi enkau Ad;m L\alice! Fa\astani fauaqakane fandhs ;kau f;t;u;al kaxmow& Ghorg Kasparow% Fra\r Mko\;an% Gahl Andon;an% Âob;rt Arxouman;an% L;uon Fa\rap;t;an% Ka®lhn Mkrtc;an% F;nri. M.ijar;an (auag)% Ghorg {axar;an% (Art\om Simon;an% 82)% Arax Øxbilis% (Kamø |owfannis;an% 58)% Markos Pix;li% :oura Mowsis;an% 89-rd rophin wnasoua‘q stazau L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane ckaro[analow ,arounak;l fandipoume! M;r .mboum endgrkoua‘ Danian ;u Alpanian kolaxourk oc-owi ;n .a[az;l% isk "orjougalia-~ransia enk;rakan fandipoume 1-0 faouow ,af;l ;n `ransazin;re!

FA|ASTAN-DANIA^ 0-0 S;pt;mb;ri 7-in :r;uani ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum ka\azau entrakan mrza,ari na.aw;r=in fandipoume^ Dania\i fauaqakani dhm! Fandipoumn anzau anxi=oum \ama® pa\qaroum% ko[m;rin c\a=o[ou;z grau;l mim;anz darpasn;re! FF fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& Kasparow% Mko\;an% Arxouman;an% Andon;an% Mkrtc;an% M.ijar;an% |owfannis;an (Art\om Simon;an% 87)% {axar;an% Pix;li (Âouslan Kor;an% 63)% Mowsis;an (Arax Øxbilisi% 83)! M;r jimiz d;[in qart;ri arvanazan Ka®lhn Mkrtc;ane% Ghorg {axar;ane ;u :oura Mowsis;ane! M;r .mboum ka\azan na;u Alpania-"orjougalia^ 0-1 ;u ~ransia-S;rpia^ 2-1 enk;rakan fandipoumn;re Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& "orjougalia 6 5 0 1 8-4 15 Dania 7 3 3 1 8-4 12 Alpania 6 3 2 1 7-3 11 Fa\astan 7 0 2 5 5-11 2 S;rpia 6 1 1 4 5-11 1 * S;rpia\iz Alpania\in f;t .a[i famar fanou;l h 3 miauor!




Fius& I®landia-Foungaria^ 1-1% Âouminia|ounastan^ 0-0! >oumb H& Âousastan-<ouhdia^ 1-0% Austria-Moltowa^ 1-0% Monj;n;krø-Li.j;n,th\n^ 2-0% Li.j;n,th\n-Âousastan^ 0-7% MoltowaMonj;n;krø^ 0-2% <ouhdia-Austria^ 1-4! >oumb E& Atrph\yan->orwajia^ 0-0% Poulkaria-Norw;kia^ 0-1% Italia-Malja^ 1-0% Malja-Atrph\yan^ 2-2% Norw;kia->orwajia^ 2-0% Italia-Poulkaria^ 1-0! Ardhn \a\tni ;n :urø-2016-i ;xra'akici masnakiz f;t;u;al ;rkrn;re& ~ransia (tanthr)% Anglia% Islandia% C;.ia% Austria!

CBS SPORT NETWORK-E ZOUZADR:L H WAXGHN SO{O|:ANI M:NAMARTE W;r=;rs Las W;kasoum ka\azau arf;stawarv baxkamarti lika\i a\sphs kocoua‘ ªar;an wrhvº 6 ®aountanoz m;namart% a,.arfi ;®aki a.o\;an Waxghn So[o\;ani ;u Qanata\i baxmaki a.o\;an^ mi ,arq mi=axga\in mrza,ar;ri \a[jo[ Qris Gobii mi=;u (70 qk&)! M;namarte 5-1 fa,ouow ir øgtin granz;z fa\axgi marxike! So[o\;ane S;pt;mb;ri 24-in AMN-n ke n;rka\azni a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum% ore ka\analou h Malaxia\oum!

MHKAKAN OSKH% AR’AJH :U CORS PRONXH M:TALN:R MI+AXGA|IN MRZA<ARIZ FF b®nzqamarti ;ritasardakan fauaqakani 8 andamn;riz 6-e Ouqrania\oum auartoua‘ Klickø ;[ba\rn;ri mi=axga\in mrza,aroum bar]raz;l ;n patouo\ patouandanin! Oskh m;tal h nouay;l Fra\r <afw;rd;ane (56 qk&)% ar‘ajh m;tali h arvanaz;l Al;n Danihl;ane (49 qk&)% isk Wafh Badal;ane (52 qk&)% Spartak Jamar;ane (60 qk&)% Ararat Kiulbang;ane (64 qk&) ;u Dauij Calo\;ane (91 qk&) bauararou;l ;n pronxh m;talow!



S;pt;mb;ri 3-5-e ;u 6-8 ka\azan :uropa\i 2016 j& .mba\in mrza,ar;ri fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& >oumb A& Folandia-Islandia^ 0-1% Jourqia-Lajwia^ 1-1% C;.ia-{axa.stan^ 2-1% Lajwia-C;.ia^ 1-2% Jourqia-Folandia^ 3-0% Islandia-{axa.stan^ 0-0! >oumb B& P;lgia-Posnia ;u F;rz& 3-1% Isra\hl-Andorra^ 4-0% Kipros-Ouhls^ 0-1% OuhlsIsra\hl^ 0-0% Kipros-P;lgia^ 0-1% Posnia ;u F;rz&-Andorra^ 3-0! >oumb G& Liuqs;mbourg-Mak;donia^ 1-0% Ouqrania-P;la®ous^ 3-1% Ispania-Slowakia^ 2-0% P;la®ous-Liuqs;mbourg^ 2-0% Mak;doniaIspania^ 0-1% Slowakia-Ouqrania^ 0-0! >oumb D& Wrastan-<otlandia^ 1-0% G;rmania-L;fastan^ 3-1% +ibraljar-I®landia^ 04% L;fastan-+ibraljar^ 8-1! >oumb :& Hsjonia-Lijouania^ 1-0% San Marinø-Anglia^ 0-6% <ouh\zaria-Slow;nia^ 3-2% Anglia-<ouh\zaria^ 2-0% Lijouania-San Marinø^ 2-1% Slow;nia-Hsjonia^ 1-0! >oumb X& |ounastan-~inlandia^ 0-1% Foungaria-Âouminia^ 0-0% ~arø k[xin;r-Fius& I®landia^ 1-3% ~inlandia-~arø k[xin;r^ 1-0%

Posnia ;u F;rz;kowina\i ma\raqa[aq Sara\;uo\oum auartoua‘ \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum FF fauaqakane masnakzoum hr 6 marxikow% auag marxic Gagik >acatr;ani [;kawarouj;amb! Tigran Minas;ane (54 qk&)% Hdgar Jamax;ane (58 qk&) ;u Mal.as Amo\;ane (63 qk&% (Mal.ase Âoman Amo\;ani krts;r ;[ba\rn h) arvanazan pronxh m;taln;ri! A,ot M.ijar;ane (42 qk&)% S;rgh\ Simon;ane (46 qk&) ;u |aroujiun Al;qsan;ane (69 qk&)% mhk-;rkou \a[janakiz \;to\ partou;zin ;u dours mnazin \;taga\ pa\qariz! |atkaphs møt hr pronxh m;tali^ |aroujiun Al;qsan;ane! Axat oyi embi,n;riz |aroujiun Manouk;ane (42 qk&)% Waxghn J;uan;ane (54 qk&)% Go® Grigor;ane (58 qk&)% Ga®nik {axar;ane (63 qk&) partou;zin a®a=in isk mrzamartoum% isk Arshn |aroujiun;ane (46 qk&) \a[j;z ya'onazi ;u jourq embi,n;rin ;u qa®ord ;xra'akicoum xi=;z Al;qsh\ Kopil\owin (ÂD)% |owfannhs Ma[aq;ane (100 qk&)% \a[j;z p;la®ous Asip;nga\in% \a=ord martoum xi=;z jourq :arlika\a\in!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ransia\i S;n-Kat;n qa[aqoum auartou;z ~ransia\i t[amardkanz 90-rd a®a=noujiune! M;r fa\r;nakiz Tigran {aram;ane 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor% a\nqan orqan Qristian Baou;re% saka\n lrazouzic gor‘akizn;row arvanazau ~ransia\i 'o.a.o\;ani tit[osin! 7&5 miauorow 3-rde Hjihn Baqron hr! • Øgostosi 22-iz minc;u S;pt;mb;ri 3-e L;uon Aron;ane masnakzoum hr AMN-i S;nj Louis qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ Singuefield Cup g;rmrza,arin! Nra mrzakizn;rn hin a,.arfi a.o\;an^ Ka®ls;ne% a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;ann;r^ Jo'alown ou Anande% incphs na;u Karouanan% Nakamouran% Gri,couke% Girin% Wa,i\h-Lagraue ;u Son! L;uone g;raxanz fandhs ;kau ;u w;r=in vamanakn;ri an\a=o[oujiunn;riz \;to\% 'a\loun anzkazr;z mrza,are ;u mian]n;a\ nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! Aron;ane tøn;z 3 \a[janak^ am;rikazin;r Karouana\i% Son ;u Nakamoura\i nkatmamb (n,;nq% or ;r;qn hl L;uoni famar mi,t ;[;l ;n dvouarin mrzakizn;r)% mius fandipoumn;rn% a®anz partouj;an anzkazn;low 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&0 miauor! |a=ord t;[;roum hin& Ka®ls;ne% Nakamouran% Wa,i\h-Lagraue% Girin^ 5&0-akan% Gri,couke ;u Jo'alowe^ 4&5-akan% Karouanan ;u Anande^ 3&5-akan ;u Ou;stli Son^ 3&0 miauor! • S;pt;mb;ri 10-in Paquoum m;knark;z a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiune% orin 40 ;rkrn;ri 128 masnakizn;ri mh= ;n na;u 6 fa\ordin;r& L;uon Aron;ane ke m;namarti Ma\qel W;d;nk;l;ri (Liuqs;mbourg)% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane^ Nikita Wit\ougowi (ÂD)% Gabrihl Sargs;ane^ l;f Maj\ous Bart;li% Frand M;lqoum;ane^ Gata Kamskou (AMN) f;t! AMN_i n;rka\azouzicn;r Samouhl S;u;ani mrzakize^ atrph\yanzi Jh\mour Âa=abown h% isk Warouvan |akob;ane^ c;. Wiqjor Laxnikan! • ~ID:-i fraparaka‘ w;r=in lauago\n 100 ,a.matistn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusakoum L;uon Aron;ane (2765) xba[;znoum h 11-rd dirqe% ort;[ fa,oui ci a®nou;l S;nj Louisoum Aron;ani ;lo\je! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= kan ;us 3 fa\;r^ Gabrihl Sargs;an (2679% 61-rd t;[)% S;rgh\ Mowsis;an (2658% 89-rd)% Tigran {aram;an (~ransia% 2660% 81-rd)! A[iusake gl.auoroum h Magnous Ka®ls;ne (2853)! Kananz zouzakoum Hlina Danihl;ane (2474% 27-rde)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (2440% 40-rde)! 100 lauago\n ;ritasardn;ri mh=% ore gl.auoroum h cinazi Ouh\ |in (2734) kan 5 fa\;r& Karhn Grigor;ane (2609% 12-rd)% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane (2593% 15-rd)% Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN% 2556% 25-rd)% Dauij Pa®au;ane (ÂD% 2486% 60-rd) ;u Tigran |aroujiun;ane (2476% 64)! 100 lauago\n a[=ikn;ri zankoum oc mi fa\oufi cka\% isk Atrph\yann ouni 5 n;rka\azouzic! 100 lauago\n ;rkrn;ri mh= (t[amardkanz) Fa\astane Atrph\yani f;t bavanoum h 7-8-rd t;[;re (2645)! A®a=atare Âousastann h (2740)% orin f;t;uoum ;n Cinastane (2716)% AMN-n (2698)% Ouqranian (2684)% Fndkastane (2668)% ~ransian (2654)% Foungarian (2639)% L;fastane (2634)% Isra\hle ;u Anglian (2633-akan)!

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