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N.O. September 17, 2015, No. 36:N.O. Blank


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ou Xargazoumº kousakzoujiune ckrzau |ounis 7-i .orfrdaranakan entroujiunn;roun orak;al m;‘amasnoujiun ];®q b;r;l% a\d anouranali iro[oujiune taknouwra\ erau ;rkrin m;‘amit ;u fiuandaginørhn 'a®ashr na.agafe! A\s anspas;li ]a.o[ouj;nhn anmi=aphs ;tq% m;nq dvouaroujiun coun;zanq f;t;uzn;lou \a=ordakan bazoro, qa\l;re% xors na.agafe piti a®nhr nor .orfrdaranakan entroujiunn;rou ka\azman oro,oum talow ;u a\sph*s al ;[au! Jrqakan Safmanadroujiunn a® a\d pa\manavam al y,da‘ hr ardhn&&&! A\s ør;roun^ Jourqio\ bar;kam

jh j,nami bolor p;touj;anz imastoun [;kawarn;re miavamanak k*endounin or^ Hrto[ane baza®ik k;rpow yarpik ou .oramank an] men h% or karo[azau% incphs ir mhk na.ararn esa‘ hr% tarin;row \a=o[oujiunn;r ];®q ]g;le masnauorabar bar;lau;l kar;nalow ;rkrin tnt;sakan wiyake vamanakouan me enjazqin% ;rb baxmajiu m;‘ ou pxtik ;rkirn;r ke toua\thin% ;rkara]gouo[ tnt;sakan tagnapi ;njarkoua‘ ellalow! |ounis 7-hn ;tq% Hrto[an% fasknali karyat;u at;nh me ;tq% an\;ta]g;li gor‘ me ounhr katar;liq! An% a®a=in ørhn coux;z <ar& h= 14

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ANQA{AQAWAR MARDIK Âoupl;owø-Ousphnsko\hn na.entr;li a\s po[otan h% or Wlatimir "oujin ke gor‘a‘h% tounhn Qr;mlini ir gras;n;ake ;rjalou famar! A*\d pafoun% wa®ordn;re danda[;zn;lou ;n ir;nz gnazqe% minc;u or anzni anor ,qa.oumbe% ,r=apatoua‘ enk;razo[ apafowouj;an ostikann;row! A\s yamboun wra\% j[jakiz me arvanaza‘ hr warkab;kic loutanqn;rou m;[mago\n;re ellalow ª\imar - .;njº ;u ªk;[totº!

BA{}ALI C:S FOS Ma\hntor`i Parthxn;re go\ouj;an kocoua‘ ;n Sow;takan ,r=ani Parwi.a fangstawa\row% or p;touj;an s;'akanouj;an mh= mnaz minc;u 2001 jouakane! Anika øvtoua‘ h liy;row% blourn;row ;u Alp;an t;sarann;row! Ma\hntor`i w;ranorogoua‘ d[;ake "oujin ke sirhr øgtagor‘;l pa,tønakan a®ijn;row! Ir

bnakarane^ Nowø-Økariowon qani me wa\rk;an h Ma\hntor`i d[;akhn! >orfrda\in karg;rou vamanak% incphs or Parwi.a\i ,r=ane vo[owrdakan wa\r men hr sowihj ªaxnouakanº dasakargin famar% n;rka\ daroun skixbn;rn al% ‘a[k;zau nor a®an]na,r=an me^ Âoupl;owkan% Âoupl;owø-Ousphnsko\h po[ota\i ;rka\nqin! Irakanouj;an mh=% mhkh au;li aparanqn;r kan% incphs Voukowkan% Korqin% ;ua\ln&&& Asonzmh mhke gnafatoua‘ hr ibr;u a,.arfi amhnhn sou[ war]ou kaloua‘n;rhn mhke! Âous qa[aqaziin famar Âoupl;owkan dar]a‘ hr .orfrdani, farstouj;an ou g;rentrouj;an (elitism)% saka\n^ t;sa*k me axnouakanouj;an! Ardhn% ca'axanz sou[ nman kaloua‘n;r ;rb;q fasan;li c;n park;,t ;kamoutow mafkanazoun;roun& ;r;q m;jr bar]rouj;amb anonz zankapatn;re ke fastat;n a\s emb®noume!

CA"AXANZOUJIUNE KE |A+O{I Skixbn;re% mi=in qa[aqazin ke 'or]hr dit;l zankapatn;rou takhn% ou Âoupl;owka\i masin girq;r ou vapauhnn;r vo[owrdakan hin! Saka\n% vamanaki enjazqin% fanroujiune warvou;zau a\d p;ryanqn;roun% ou n;rka\is% qic;r mia\n xarmaza‘ ke jouin ellal% jh nman d[;akn;r baxmamilion gin;r ounin! Krna\ ellal na;u% or Âoupl;owkan qic me korsnzouza‘ ella\ ir graucouj;nhn% qani faroust mardik kaloua‘n;r al ounin Qoj T*A xiri ou Ma\amii mh=! A\nphs or% bauakan me toun;r parap mnaza‘ ke mnan tarin;row% karg me kaloua‘athr;r amousnalou‘oua‘ ;n% isk ouri,n;r^ m;kna‘ ;rkrhn! W;r=;rs toun;re chin ‘a.ou;r Âoupl;owka\i mh=! Saka\n ,hnq;roun sak;re c;n i=a‘ takauin!

AXD:ZIK DRAZIN:RE Ph\sarowhn xat% Ali;ua\i fanra‘anøj drazin;rhn \i,atak;nq Al;qsh\ Poktanciqowe% ®ousakan qariu[i m;‘ago\n enk;rouj;an Âoxn;`ji na.ord tnørhnin xauake^ Wlatimir Lisine% ;rkaji .o,or a®;utrakan enk;rouj;an s;'akanathre% or Forbes-i milionathrn;rou zankin mh= 8-rd t;[e ke grauh% incphs na;u Ølka P;liawz;uan% ;rkrord m;‘atoune Forbes-i kin;rou zankin mh=% ou takauin Touma\i baxmajiu ;r;s'o.ann;r! Ouqranio\ ,norfaxrkoua‘ ou 'a.stakan na.kin na.agaf Wiqjor :anouqowic 2014-in kaloua‘ me gna‘ h Ma\;ntor`i Parthxn;rhn! Saka\n% est OCCRP-i% oc anor ;u oc al ir enk;rn;roun anounn;re ar]anagroua‘ ;n orphs s;'akanathr;r! A\soufand;r]% karg me s;'akanathr;r kar;lin ke 'or];n% mjagn;lou famar ir;nz anounn;re! Fos% baxmajiu fo[a,;rt;r ar]anagroua‘ ;n anounin artasafman;an enk;rouj;anz% oronz k;dronat;[in Priji, Weryin A\l;n‘i kam "anama\i mh= h! Axat jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an

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Ar'inh |owfannis;an^ FF Datakan Na.arar

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Armenia Parliament Vice Speaker: Karabakh People Are Creators Of Their Own Fate

Yerevan. - Nagorno Karabakh people are the creators of their own fate, Armenian parliament Vice Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov said in the parliament today. During the summer of 2015, Azerbaijan kept destabilizing the situation on the border and the line of contact, ignoring the statements of the international community. During the CSTO summit in Dushanbe, Armenia’s President described the situation rather clearly: the actions on the part of Azerbaijan are fraught with destabilization of the entire region in the absence of an adequate response from the international community. “Nevertheless, through the recent elections of the local self-governance authorities, Artsakh people once again proved they are the creators of their own fate,” Sharmazanov said.

Armenia Attractive Partner For Iran – Experts Geographically, Armenia is the shortest way that could connect the Gulf with the Black Sea, and this is the best way for Iran, expert in Iranian studies Vardan Voskanyan told reporters on Tuesday. He mentioned an ambitious project recently announced by Georgia – construction of a new port, which is expected to connect the gulf with the Black Sea in the future. “Although China seems to be interested in a railway construction project in Armenia. However, it requires huge investments and an Armenian delegation should be expected to go to China to negotiate the issue,” Mr Voskanyan said. Armenia is an attractive partner for Iran because it connects Iran with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and could be a free trade zone bridging the EEU and Iran. Iranians have a positive attitude to Armenia, with a similar attitude to Iran in Armenia. Expert in Iranian studies Gohar Iskandaryan stressed that the sanctions against Iran have not yet been completely lifted, and much has yet to be done. If Georgia does not get involved in the game Armenia can hardly expect any successful cooperation between the EEU and Iran.

Astralia’s New PM A Strong And Vocal Supporter Of Armenian Genocide Recognition Turnbull challenged sitting Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, for their party’s (LIB) leadership in a spill that took place on Monday night in Parliament House. By winning the Liberal Party leadership, Turnbull immediately became Prime Minister-elect, and will be sworn in on Tuesday. Turnbull, a long time friend of the Armenian-Australian community, has been a strong and vocal supporter of Armenian Genocide recognition by the Parliament of Australia. On 23 November 2013, in this capacity as Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband, he addressed the House of Representatives in an impassioned speech calling for the formal recognition of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides.

We are assembled here, to lament what was one of the great crimes against humanity, not simply a crime against the Greeks, the Assyrians and the Armenians but a crime against humanity—the elimination, the execution, the murder of hundreds of thousands of millions of people for no reason other than that they were different. This type of crime, this sort of genocidal crime, is something that sadly is not unique in our experience,” Turnbull said. He added: “We must own up to it. We must recognise it for what it is.” He also called on the Republic of Turkey to acknowledge the genocidal crimes of their predecessors, the Ottoman Empire, to pave the way for reconciliation into the future, and live up to their multicultural past.

Serzh Sargsyan: Escalation Attempts By Azerbaijan Fraught With Destabilization Of Regional Situation In his speech at the Dushanbe session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan informed the heads of CSTO member states about the situation in the South Caucasus. President Sargsyan said that the heads of CSTO states held a meeting to discuss burning issues, and ‘by tradition, it was of a trustful nature”. “I informed the heads of CSTO states about the situation in the South Caucasus, with special attention paid to the significant threat of an increase in tensions along Armenian-Azerbaijani border and Azerbaijan-

Karabakh line of contact. I will not dwell on that issue again, but just say that attempts of the Azerbaijani side to escalate the situation in the absence of appropriate reaction from the international community are fraught with destabilization of the situation in the whole region,” S. Sargsyan said.

President Of France Awards Mark Moogalian For Foiling Terror Attack

Armenian-American Mark Moogalian (R) and his wife Isabelle Risacher-Moogalian (L) meet President of France Francois Hollande (C) PARIS—Armenian-American professor Mark Moogalian received France’s highest honor for preventing a terrorist attack on a Paris-Amsterdam train last month. Moogalian received an award from President of France Francois Hollande, 100 Lives reports. Earlier, French President Francois Hollande awarded the Legion d’Honneur to four other heroes, Americans Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler, and Briton Chris Norman. He said that he would award Moogalian too as soon as possible after ecovering from injuries sustained during the failed attack. Moogalian, 51, was shot in the back after trying to apprehend the attacker who had just emerged armed with an assault rifle from the aforesaid train’s toilet. Moogalian is a member of a family of Armenian descent from Virginia, U.S.

Putin Vows To Maintain Military Support For Assad

Armenia Takes Over CSTO Presidency Armenia became the next country to lead the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in the rotating presidency system requiring the chairing state’s replacement every year. The presidency was handed over to the country at the Organization’s ministerial session in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The meeting, which opened Tuesday morning, is attended by ministers of foreign affairs and defense, and top security officials representing the CSTO member states. According to an official statement on the Foreign Ministry’s website, Armenia’s National Security Council is represented by Aram Tananyan, the acting head of the agency. The ministers attending the event have discussed the implementation of the decisions made at the previous meeting in December. Also, around three dozen bills, included

in the CSTO Council session’s agenda (set to take place later today), received the participants’ approval. The meeting also focused on foreign policy, military and technical-military cooperation issues, information security, and joint efforts in the fight against terrorism. CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bodyuzha briefed the participants on the organization’s current activities and the cooperation outcomes. Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan later introduced the country’s priorities as a presiding country. Several cooperation agreements were signed on the sidelines of the meeting.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday pledged to continue military support for Syrian leader Bashar Assad after Washington sounded the alarm over an alleged military build-up by Moscow in the war-torn country. “We support the government of Syria in its fight against terrorist aggression, we provide and will go on providing it with all necessary military assistance,” Putin said at a regional security conference in ex-Soviet Tajikistan.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 17, 2015


PAN-ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY (PAI) 8. HOMELAND AND DIASPORA UNITY Homeland and Diaspora Unity is also an important aspect of PAI. Benefits of such unity include the political and cultural strengthening of Armenian communities throughout the world, and of the Republic of Armenia. In order to achieve such unity, the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian diaspora should strive to resolve all outstanding issues, amid an atmosphere of cooperative spirit, mutual patience and understanding, and political maturity. Although diaspora Armenian communities have some cultural differences, as well as variations in their outlooks and traditions, a number of unifying factors, including the primacy of the Armenian language, common cultural values and aspirations, and common historical experiences outweigh the brunt of the differences. The application of the PAI to the subject of unity requires a special approach, due to the fact that each Armenian community in the diaspora has unique conditions and realities, which should be taken into consideration. The Republic of Armenia should focus on eliminating psychological and emotional barriers that are prone to divide Armenians. PAI endeavors to assist in the removal of obstacles, strengthen Armenian cultural and educational institutions in Armenia and throughout the diaspora, and introduce special programs that will foster Armenian unity. Diaspora Armenians should be encouraged to forge closer ties with the homeland by visiting and volunteering there as often as possible, and ultimately considering repatriation, which is the only effective way to fight assimilation. By following PAI’s action plan, emigration from Armenia can be controlled. An improved economic and security situation in Armenia will also improve homeland-diaspora relations and lead to greater unity in purpose. In order to strengthen homeland-diaspora unity, PAI envisions the creation of an ad-hoc committee comprised of experts in various fields, including politics, military sciences, economics, psychology, and other disciplines, who would be tasked to list and delineate all outstanding issues between the homeland and the diaspora, and propose commensurate solutions. Additionally, PAI envisages the formation of a more centralized structure for Armenian diaspora communities, in addition to incorporating representatives of the diaspora within Armenian governmental structures. Of course, the aforementioned idea has been considered and addressed in the past. We are interested in your comments. Please send your comments to: PAI/ARCA 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Atten: Hagop Nazarian

Implementation Programs & Tasks A. PAI Programs and Tasks to be Implemented by the Armenian Government 1. Introduce changes to the Armenian government structure to make it more responsive to the needs of all citizens of Armenia as well as diaspora Armenians. 2. Develop a comprehensive policy and programs for repatriation. 3. Develop a master plan for the resolution of the Armenian cause. Include the diaspora Armenian demands. 4. Develop incentive for young families to remain in Armenia and form large families. 5. Encourage and develop plans to produce and manufacture products in Armenia for local consumption as well as for export. Cont. on p.9

Written On Women’s Bodies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Gender And Genocide Yerevan, Armenia – On August 12, 2015, the American University of Armenia (AUA) hosted a public lecture entitled, “Written on Women’s Bodies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender and Genocide,” with scholars Hourig Attarian, Lerna Ekmekcioglu, and Melissa Bilal. The talk focused on gendered consequences of genocide, dispersal, and denial, with each speaker presenting her research from the unique perspective of her field of work. The speakers approached the topic through three main lenses: Lerna from the lens of Ottoman Turkish policies and postwar Armenian policies in Constantinople towards retrieving kidnapped women and their children born of rape, Hourig from the lens of oral histories and storytelling as a method of piecing together the narratives of the women of the genocide, and Melissa through the lullabies of Armenian grandmothers in Turkey and how they transmit the knowledge of the genocide and its silencing. Melissa and Lerna are Armenians from Turkey, while Hourig is an Armenian from Beirut. Despite their varied life paths and academic concentrations, the speakers felt personally connected to each topic, and also to each other, “As Armenian feminist academics, all three of us have similar concerns in life. We come from different disciplines, we work on both similar and different time periods and geographies, and we employ various different methodologies, but at the same time our works are intertwined in multiple points,” said Melissa. Deciding to tell the story of the collec-

tive experience, memory, and consequence of being a woman during the genocide had much to do with the speakers’ own personal backgrounds. For Melissa, whose dissertation focused on the historical and ethnographic study of the Armenian lullaby in Turkey, she found that her own history was woven into her research. “As a great grand child of genocide survivors, every interview I conducted for my research was also a step towards understanding the silences and gaps in the narratives circulated within my own family,” she said. Hourig, whose work focuses on storytelling, comments that stories are intrinsic to our lives as humans: “We live our lives narratively, so it makes sense to also tell stories to understand our lives better – who we are, where we come from, why we do what we do. In other words, I consider that we consciously refine and redefine our identities through “storying” ourselves, since it is an essential way of understanding ourselves, our actions, and our reactions within a historical and social context.” Throughout the lecture, the speakers used songs, photographs, and primary resources to highlight the narratives of the women of the Armenian Genocide and the consequences they faced as a result of their gender.

Dr. Shemmasian Releases Book On Musa Dagh

The Haigazian University Press in Beirut has published Dr. Vahram L. Shemmassian’s book, titled The Musa Dagh Armenians: A Socioeconomic and Cultural History, 1919-1939. The author writes: “The Musa Dagh resistance to the Armenian Genocide in 1915 has been immortalized by Franz Werfel’s novel, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. Yet, despite the novel’s fame and impact, to date the story of the Musa Dagh Armenians, both before and after World War I, has not been studied and recounted in a historical form.” This new publication, therefore, is a pioneering effort that deals with the social, economic, and cultural life in Musa Dagh between the two World Wars. A separate tome will cover religion, education, and politics. The study is the culmination of extensive research spanning nearly four decades. That investigation has been conducted in numerous governmental, institutional, and organizational archives, and through private papers, interviews, correspondence, unpublished memoirs and manuscripts, newspapers and periodicals, books, articles, online sources, etc. The book includes the following eight chapters: Trying Times after Repatriation; The Social Canvas; Agriculture and Animal Husbandry; Trades, Businesses, and Industries; Migrants in the Middle East and in Ethiopia; The American Experience; Vacationing and Tourism; Cultural Manifestations. An epilogue deals with the exodus of Musadaghtsis from their native mountain to Anjar in Lebanon in 1939. The volume also contains a map, statistical tables, and appendixes. It is richly illustrated. For inquiries, contact the author at shemmassian@yahoo.com.

Concerts On Armenian Genocide Centennial Held In Tokyo Aram Khachaturyan Trio gave concerts in Tokyo on September 7-11 as part of the events commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The events were sponsored by the Armenian embassy in Japan and Culture Ministry of Armenia, according to the press service of Armenian Foreign Ministry. On September 8 the trio performed in Lutheran Ichigaya Center, followed by a concert in Tokyo’s famous Suntory Hall on September 11. Hundreds of Japanese citizens, Japanbased diplomats and representatives of the Armenian community attended the concerts, during which works by Aram Khachaturyan, Arno Babajanyan, and Pyotr Tchaikovsky were performed.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 17, 2015

A Luncheon Honoring The President Of Armenia


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

79 - Fikret Baskaya By Hambersom Aghbashian

Sponsorship Needed For Vardan Botoyan At Gyumri Social Childcare Center (GSCC) SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. This week we highlight Vardan Botoyan at GSCC. Name: Vardan Botoyan Institution: Gymuri Social Childcare Center Date of Birth: October 3, 2001 Family History The father of the family left for a seasonal job in Russia and never returned, leaving the burden of the family on Siranush - the mother of 5 children. The family has no source of income, except a small pension given by the state for Vardan. The mother can't afford to buy enough food, clothes, stationery for school, and wood for the winter. The family for the moment lives in a house with poor conditions that is not their property. People of good will have allowed them to live there until they find a permanent place to live. The house has no heating system or indoor plumbing and during winter time the family cannot heat the house. Medical history Vardan has cerebral palsy, tetraplegia, and a face-jaw system defect that creates difficulties in chewing and swallowing food and an inability to communicate verbally. He does not walk, moves by sitting on the floor or going down on hands and knees. Rehabilitation therapies were held at "Aregak" center and Rehabilitation Centre of Yerevan. Special interests, talents, hobbies, and future aspirations: Vardan 'speaks' with his expressive eyes and with gestures. He likes playing with car toys and enjoys drawing and listening to music. If you would like to sponsorship Vardan, please select him through our Sponsorship Enrollment. If you have any questions about SOAR or our sponsorship opportunities, contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@soar-us.org or 610.213.3452.

Handwritten Gospel Goes On Exhibit In Cyprus Stolen relics from Turkish-occupied north Cyprus were displayed today at the Byzantine Museum. Among them was a 14th century Armenian Gospel which was stolen in 1963 from Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia, e-magazine of the Cypriot Armeninans Gibrahayer writes on its Facebook page. After the exhibition, the manuscript will be restored.

The treasures, including fragments of church wall paintings, icons, a manuscript of an Armenian gospel and 40 prehistoric antiquities were found in 1997 in the flat of a Turkish dealer in Munich. The relics were returned after a German Court of Appeals issued its final decision on the treasures stolen by a Turkish art smuggler from the areas of Cyprus occupied by Turkey.

Fikret Baskaya, is a Professor of Economic Development and International Relations and the founder and chairman of the "Turkey and Middle East Forum Foundation". He is the author of several books and articles on development economics. He also wrote a regular newspaper opinion column. Dr. Baskaya was imprisoned from March 1994 to July 1995 under Article 8 of Turkey´s Anti-Terror Law for writing a book titled “The Bankruptcy of [the] Paradigm”. On June 1, 1999, Prof. Fikret Baskaya published an article entitled “A Question of History?” in the daily newspaper Özgür Bakis, in which he questioned the viability of the Turkish state’s approach towards the Kurdish problem following the arrest of Abdullah Öcalan. As a result, he was indicted under the same article of the Anti-Terror Law for “disseminating separatist propaganda through the press”, and was sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment and a fine on 13 June 2000. He was released from prison in June 2002 after serving one year. He was finally acquitted in 2005. (1) A day after journalist Hrant Dink’s murder on 19 January 2007, writer Temel Demirer read a press statement in central Ankara, saying that the journalist had not only been killed for being Armenian, but also because he had spoken of an “Armenian genocide.” He continued saying "There is a genocide in our history, it is called the Armenian genocide......". The statement was signed by Fikret Ba!kaya, "smail Be!ikçi, Yüksel Akkaya, Mehmet Özer, Necmettin Salaz, Ahmet Telli and more than forty other Turkish intellectuals. (2) Writer Dr. Fikret Baskaya, journalists Barcin Yinanc, Ahmet Altan of Radikal Newspaper, Ali Bayramoglu of Yeni Safak newspaper, Orhan Kemal Cengiz, Mustafa Aykol, Cengiz Candar, Ismail Besickci, Baskin Oran, Yavuz Baydar, Ayse Gunaysu, Zeunep Tozduman, and many others , criticized the government for not dealing with the Armenian Genocide. (3) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The text of the apology was "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catas-

trophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Fikret Baskaya was one of the prominent Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (4) According to "http://armenians-1915.blogspot.com", On April 24, 2010, as genocide commemoration events were being held one after the other in different locations in Istanbul, a groundbreaking twoday symposium on the Armenian Genocide began at the Princess Hotel in Ankara. The conference did not simply deal with the historical aspect of 1915; for the first time in Turkey, a substantial part of the proceedings was dedicated to topics such as confiscated Armenian property, reparations, and the challenges of moving forward and confronting the past in Turkey, etc . . Sait Cetinoglu, Mahmut Konuk, Fikret Baskaya, Baskin Oran, Ismail Besikci, Ragip Zarakolu and many others participated and had expressed their ideas. (5) According to "The Armenian Observer" editorial, "As We See It", June 9, 2013, by Prof. Osheen Keshishian, "After almost a century of silence, dying the past few decades, some Turkish historians, writers and journalists have seen the light and have become much more vocal and have come out to correct Turkish history, some cautiously and other more abrasively, starting a movement to write unwittingly the facts, the truth of their history, which was altered and disoriented, and to seek justice for the Armenians, the Kurds, and Assyrians." Fikret Baskaya is listed as one those intellectuals who had the courage to write about those issues. (6)

1.http://www.englishpen.org/campaigns/drfikret-baskaya/ 2.http://bianet.org/english/minorities/105355writer-demirer-on-trial-for-armenian-genocide 3.www.thearmenianobserver.com, 6/9/2013 4.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title =200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great 5.http://armenians-1915.blogspot.com /2010/05/3068-minutes-of-ankara-symposiumon.html 6 . h t t p : / / w w w. t h e a r m e n i a n o b s e r v e r. com/?p=1822

PAN-ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY 6. Maintain a strong and active army together with a large pool of reservists and formidable deterrents to discourage aggressive plans of enemy nations. 7. Establish compulsory military service for both male and female young age citizens. Develop also a plan for diaspora Armenian recruits. 8. Establish military industrial capabilities and complexes. 9. Develop and plan foreign relations and domestic policies to serve national interests and be based on self-reliance. 10. Modify the educational system to emphasize hard work, pride in workmanship, civic responsibility, patriotism, a just value system, respect for the rule of law, and pride in the Armenian heritage, higher education in pioneering technologies, sciences and engineering. 11. Develop a new nationalist ideological characteristics. 12. Develop programs for all Armenian citizens to encourage and foster Armenian traditions and cultural values. 13. Participate in fighting assimilation of diaspora Armenians and provide incen-

Cont. from p.8 tives for Islamized Armenians to return to their roots. 14. Encourage Diaspora Armenians to become citizens of Armenia and participate in political life of the country. B. PAI Programs and Tasks to be Implemented by the Diaspora Organizations and Institutions. 1. Form a task force composed of Diaspora and Armenian government representatives to identify all outstanding issues between the two segments of Armenian people and recommend solutions. 2. Participate in developing and implementing a master plan for the resolution of the Armenian cause. 3. Provide assistance for the defense of Armenia and Artsakh. 4. Develop an obligatory Armenian national taxing system for all Diaspora Armenians. 5. Fight assimilation by the use of the Armenian language and culture in all aspects of daily life. 6. Develop mechanisms for technology transfer. The Emd

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 17, 2015


It’s a privilege to work in the Arts. I can speak louder through the Arts. Adrineh Gregorian, traced her roots “Back to Gürün” and won! It is well known how Armenia was the major source for all Armenians in support of culture and maintaining the Armenian Identity. The nostalgia and the belonging to helped in making the interaction possible. Both Armenia and the Diaspora kept supporting each other within their abilities. The cultural support was more often from Armenia. However, in Adrineh’s case, she chose to support the motherland with all means by investing her talents and abilities there. Yet still she has a lot to give and say through her creativity, loud voice and advocacy. Adrineh is not an ordinary woman who enjoys the luxury or the pleasures people have in the US. On the contrary, the life she chose, despite many difficulties, made her a distinguished young Armenian American with a meaningful goal in her life; and gave her the opportunity to use her talents and abilities to participate in the development of the new Republic of Armenia. Since she was 18, her vision was focused on Armenia, which became the factory where Adrineh made her name and career. She has connected with her motherland and became a resident of Yerevan “to live a quality life,” as she put it. According to her, “quality” is to live simple and appreciate life and people around her. To experience what is truth? Beauty? Pride? Disappointment? Bitterness? Basically, the normal ups and downs of a society full of stories, but these stories are our own. They carry our signature, our flavor, the Armenian flavor, the Armenian “Tsav.” When I heard about Adrineh’s film, “Back to Gürün,” winning in the Golden Apricot International Film Festival Special Jury Prize, I decided to find out more about her, and her goal to highlight important people and causes. Although we were 7000 miles apart I decided to talk to her. Technology made it easy, but what made it easier was how down to earth she was, how little she wanted to dwell on accomplishments and drill right down to the issues and matters that must be put under the microscope or voiced out loud. It’s impossible to introduce Adrineh in a glimpse. Between documentary films, photography and painting, her accomplishments deserved to be known for their impact on building and promoting a productive and healthy society in Armenia.

Back to Armenia Adrineh was born in Los Angeles, USA. She has graduated from AGBU Manoogian Demirjian Armenian High School, UCLA, and the Fletcher School at Tufts University. She was first introduced to the idea of working in Armenia when she participated in Land and Culture Organization’s volunteer campaigns in Datev and Artsakh. In 2008, Adrineh was awarded a United States Fulbright Grant and moved to Armenia to research reproductive healthcare and to make documentary films. Documentary films are a vehicle for Adrineh to express herself and be heard. Her first film “Bavakan” is about sex-selection abortion in Armenia where in 2012 the

birth of boys out weighed girls 114-116 to 100 when the natural rate is 105 to 100, because couples chose to have boys. Armenia has one of the highest rates of sex-selective abortion in the world. “Bavakan” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival Short Corner in 2012, then Golden Apricot, then across Europe and CIS, recently winning best film at “One Shot” Short Film Festival in Yerevan 2015. The film was also screened at locations throughout Armenia and the Caucasus. There were many obstacles making this film because it was such a delicate topic that needed to be delivered very carefully. After five years of thorough interviews throughout Armenia, Adrineh stated her frustration about some Armenian mentalities. “We are still very matriarchal, that’s the hypocrisy in Armenian culture. We are matriarchal but we mask ourselves with hyper-patriarchy, which is something unclear, yet I feel it.” “Bavakan” is also part of an educational outreach campaign for her non profit organization in Goris, in southern Armenia, called Sose’s Women. The founder is her friend Liana Sahakyan, from Datev. This or-

ganization focuses on running social media and educational outreach campaigns about essential subjects like health and the environment. Because women now make up a majority of most communities, they need to be empowered. Especially in Syunik, where the men are migrating to Russia, where job opportunities exist. Adrineh’s filmmaking is part of this process of education and information. It is advocacy at it’s best.

Back to Gürün I knew that Adrineh is a Persian Armenian from the way her last name is spelled in English. I wondered how come she was from Gürün? It turned out that she is of diverse heritage: her maternal grandfather is from Gürün, and survived the Genocide, went to Beirut and then on to Iran to work, where he married her grandmother. Her dad’s side has 500 years of history in Isfahan. After a successful crowd funding campaign and hundreds of supporters, the documentary film “Back to Gürün” is finally being released. Going back to Gürün is not only a journey to explore the land and the roots. It also hints the Armenian and Turkish readiness to create a dialogue between the two nations. That dialogue will not be possible without the “freedom of speech and belief.” Moreover, it tells the world about the efforts done by the Turkish government to change history. It is an emotional journey, opens some wounds and awakens your mind to realize that the Genocide is still going on, erasing and covering the truth about what happened to the “Armenian Millet.” In Gürün, Adrineh meets with “Hidden Armenians”. The old lady, “Nourhan’s sister” whose grandmother was Armenian, remains silent in the movie, but her silence tells a lot, a silenced scream. A mixture of sadness, bitterness and hope is reflected through her eyes. Although there is a slight smile on her face, that smile is choking her. That lady is helpless, and neglected, waiting for salvation. She stuck into my mind and heart as she represents our lands. Our “Western Armenia” waiting in silence, sadness, and bitterness because the helping hand is not there yet. Did Adrineh’s visit help? Did that hope vanish? Is it too late? Adrineh’s major concern, and it shows in her works, is the fact that Armenian art was victimized as a result of the Genocide.

Inspirations From Birthright Armenia Our participant, Talar Kakilian, 23, volunteered in Armenia January to May 2015. Below she shares her reflections on the value of her work and overall experience in Armenia. Talar is a resident of Los Angeles. My time here at Birthright Armenia has been eye-opening to say the least. I've found out multiple things about my homeland that I had no idea about, especially when I came here as a tourist. I learned about work ethic in this country and what is and is not expected from work placements. I learned how to conduct myself in an Armenian professional setting. Most of all, I feel like I learned about so many of the differences between Armenia and America; differences that were obvious, like language, attitude, and cultural differences and differences that were not as obvious, like how developed and hardworking many of these businesses are. Prior to coming here, I had this preconceived notion that most, if not all, of the native-run or-

ganizations were poorly executed and that I would not learn as much as I hoped. But I don't think I've ever been as wrong before in my life. Instead, I came to the realization that, although many of these organizations do need help and that extra push, they are fully functioning without that "American touch." Since the beginning of my Birthright Armenia experience, I have continuously said that this program is a test of whether or not I can make my dream a reality and eventually move to Armenia permanently to work here. By the end of the program, I consider Birthright a stepping stone for my move here. It has taught me about all the things this country needs from me in order to build it and make it more prosperous.

People who were destined to write literature, compose music, produce operas, dramas, films, and draw paintings, even teachers who would pass on information, were lost. “It is painful that we have not only experienced the loss of people, but the loss of a great amount of art, and the potential for building new art on top of what we had before,” says Adrineh. Adrineh appeals to prioritize the arts. Collectively, she sees a huge problem in terms of values: priorities and values. Supporting the arts in Armenia should be done immediately to save the cultural foundations in the republic and the diaspora. Art should be considered a priority in general. This is an inevitable necessity for a civilized and a sophisticated society. “We now have so much potential. However, the arts need patrons. We need to value the Arts in order to succeed at it, too.” For many of us, Armenia is still an undiscovered country where young souls and professionals must continue to explore and invest. She understood the potential of our new country as a most incredible place, especially for Armenians who come to Armenia and see something completely different than what they were taught at home. It’s a living history in its own way. For Adrineh, the biggest problem in the country is the fact that every month, roughly, at least 10000 people leave this country as migrant workers. Doing the math, in 40 years this country will be without Armenians and it’s very scary phenomenon. I had the honor and the privilege to hear and learn from her personal experience. Our nation will thrive with healthy minds like Adrineh’s. I hope that my own children and our community’s young generations will take her as a role model and edify our society‘s concerns with similar solutions and projects.

Sevan Boghos DerBedrossian

Mass Poisoning In Armenia Village The cause has been determined for the recent poisoning of several schoolchildren in Baghramyan village in the Ararat Province of Armenia. The village hall staff informed Armenian News-NEWS.am that an employee of the individual entrepreneur, who supplies food to these schoolchildren, had put sugar instead of salt in the breads. “Thank God! The kids are fine, now,” added the village hall staff. “All of them were discharged [from hospital] and have gone home.. On September 10, a mass poisoning had occurred in the Ararat Province. Accordingly, 38 and 8 schoolchildren from Baghramyan and Aygezard villages, respectively, were taken to the Artashat town medical center.

N.O. September 17, 2015, No. 36:N.O. Blank


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S;#u% Jh Y;rmak&&& Âh\cel Tolexal anounow kin me Oua,inkjen nafangi Sbogh\n qa[aqi s;uamorj am;rikazin;rou kaxmak;rpouj;an (National Association of American Colored People, NAACP) At;nap;toufin hr! An w;r=;rs akama\ ir fravarakane n;rka\azouz! Inco#u% orowf;t;u \a\tnab;rou;zau or inq iskouj;an mh= y;rmakamorj am;rikazi men hr! A\s irakanoujiune \a\tnab;ro[n;re ;[an ir y;rmakamorj am;rikazi ‘no[n;re% a\nphs or Âh\cel chr krnar a\l;us sta.øsouj;an qø[in ;t;u pafouetil Ba\z inco#u y;rmakamorj am;rikazi me inqxinq piti n;rka\aznh% orphs s;uamorj am;rikazi&&& An no\nisk ir bnakan kapo\t acq;re s;uzn;l toua‘ hr ou morjn al jou. dar]ouza‘% orphsxi au;li famoxic ellar ir k;[‘iqe! <at me s;uamorj am;rikazin;r piti ouxhin y;rmakamorj ellal% orphsxi kar;na\in au;li diurin gor‘ gtn;l ;u enk;ra\in k;anqi mh= f;,tørhn moutq gor‘;l! Isk a\s mhke% mi omn Âh\cel Tolexal% yi,d faka®ake k∞ouxhr \a®a= m[;l i@nc% i@nc patya®-

soda) piti øgtagor‘h% 20 tolare piti cbauh&&&! Inco#u a\sqan dram ‘a.s;l gitakan a®asp;lakan (science fiction) ,arvapatk;ri me famar% or kout-korkot couni% c;m fasknar&&&!

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36 tarin;r anzan ;u dar];al f;c;z dprozis w;ramouti a®a=in xange Øgostos 17% 2015-i a®auøt;an% Safak-M;srop Warvaranhn n;rs! D®n;re bazoua‘ hin 2015-2016 ousoumnakan tar;,r=ani! Xgali hr ødin kixic =;rmoujiune ;u na;u ‘no[n;roun% ousouzicn;roun ;u a,ak;rtouj;an =;rmagin o[=o\nn;re% oronq karøtagin xirar ke bar;uhin ;u ke xrouzhin amran ar]akourdi masin! Akn;r;u hr% or bolorn al karøtza‘ hin dproze% das;re ;u manauand ir;nz sir;li enk;rn;re! Mankaparthxi 'oqrikn;rhn sks;al minc;u 8-rd kargi a,ak;rtn;re% dasarana\in ,arqow ,aroua‘ hin dprozi ,r=a'akin mh=% gl.auorouj;amb ir;nz ousouzicn;roun! A®a=in a®ijow dprozi Tnørhn^ Prn& |& Inyhyiq;an% o[=oun;z n;rkan;re% bar;galoust ma[j;low bolorin ;u frauir;z Tik& S& Patal;ane% orphsxi a®a=nordh am;rik;an ;u fa\kakan ou.t;re! A,ak;rtn;re m;‘ og;uorouj;amb ;u a,.ouvouj;amb artasan;zin Am;rik;an ;u Fa\kakan ou.t;re ;u miab;ran ;rg;zin fa\kakan qa\l;rge! Apa W;r& W& Hqmhqy;an 'o.anz;z ir patgame% \ordor;low% or a,ak;rtn;re ellan Astoua-

‘awa. ;u lau qriston;an;r! Fogabar]ou^ Prn& A& Falhpl;an o[=oun;z n;rkan;re% fauastiazn;low or Safak-M;srop Warvarane ørinak;li darbnoz men h% our 'oqrikn;re fogouow ;u mtqow ke xarganan! :xra'akic .øsqe trou;zau Thr P& Qfn\& Palja\;ani% or imastoujiun% ,norfq ;u \a=o[oujiun ma[j;z% ørfn;low bolor n;rkan;re ;u Thr Før pafpanicow auart;zau a\s tar;,r=ani bazman araro[oujiune! A\spisow a,ak;rtn;re ir;nz ousouzicn;roun a®a=nordouj;amb ba]razan dprozi matou®e% our a[øjqe katar;z fogabar]akan kaxmhn Pr& Asp;t P;tik;an% ;u apa fog;uor ;rg;rou 'oun= me framzou;zau% a®a=nordouj;amb Tik& L& Apay;ani! A\vm% kargn hr% or a,ak;rtn;re ou[[ouin ir;nz patkana‘ dasarann;re m;‘ fayo\qow ;u nor ja'ow sks;lou dprozi a®a=in øre! };xi wstaf;zn;nq% or ];r xauakn;re fangist ;u oura. mjnolorti mh= piti xarganan% fa\;zi krjouj;amb ;u qristonhakan mi=awa\ri mh=% ellalou famar lau qa[aqazin;r ;u tipar fa\;r! |a=o[oujiun ;u bar;b;r tari ke ma[j;nq bolorin! Sona Patal;an

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|owsh' Asatr;ani mafouan tar;lizi kapakzouj;amb% oro, kryatoumn;row% n;rka\aznoum ;nq \a\tni `oujpola\in% m;knaban ª~oujpolº ,abajaj;rji fimnadir .mbagir Sourhn Ba[dasar;ani \ødoua‘e% nouiroua‘ |& Asatr;ani 90-am;akin! Lrazau fa\kakan `oujpoli ;ra.tauorn;riz mhki^ |owsh' Asatr;ani 90-am;ake! Na Fa\astani 1950-akann;ri a®a=in khsi lauago\n `oujpolistn;riz mhkn hr! :s ba.t c;m oun;z;l t;sn;lou Asatr;ani .a[e% f;t;uabar nran c;m karo[ bnoujagr;l orphs `oujpolist! Na ir `oujpola\in gor‘ounhoujiune arta®oz irawiyakoum auart;l h 1955-in! |owsh' Asatr;anin lau git;m orphs `oujpola\in gor‘ci! 1983-in% ;rb Asatr;ane n,anakou;z >SFM bar]rago\n .mboum fandhs ;ko[ :r;uani ªAraratiº p;t% au;li møtikiz yanac;zi nran^ ,norfiu baxmajiu famat;[ ou[;uoroujiunn;ri! A\n vamanak ªAraratiº gl.auor marxicn hr Arkadi Andrhas;ane! |owsh' Asatr;ane sowor;l h Kiprosi ªM;lgon;anº fastatoujiunoum% apa endounou;l Libanani Am;rik;an Famalsaran! 1946 j& n;rga[j;low Fa\astan% ousoume ,arounak;l h :r;uani P;takan Famalsaranoum% a\nouf;t;u auart;l h na;u øtar l;xoun;ri ;u `ixkoultoura\i institoutn;re! |owsh' Asatr;ane patmoum hr% or no\n karauanow ;k;l ;n na;u |akob Thr P;tros;ani entaniqn ou mhk tar;kan L;uone% ore phtq h da®nar anka. Fa\astani a®a=in na.agafe! |& Asatr;ane .a[oum ;u marxoum hr Ph\rouji ªBa[ram;anº jime! :r;uan vaman;louz \;to\ anmi=aphs endgrkou;z :r;uani ªTinamøº! Oro, vamanak anz Fa\astan n;rga[j;zin ªBa[ram;anº akoumbi ;us mi ,arq `oujpolistn;r^ Qa=a\r "olat;ane% Fa\k Karmir;ane% P;tros Gaulaq;ane% incphs na;u |aroujiun Q;fh\;ane ;u Manouk S;m;ry;ane% oronq no\nphs endgrkou;zin ªTinamøº! Nranq mianalow t;[i .a[azo[n;rin m;‘ ja' fa[ord;zin fa\kakan `oujpolin! 1949 j& fa\kakan `oujpoli patmou-

j;an mh= a®a=in angam ªTinamøºn sks;z fandhs gal >SFM bar]rago\n .mboum% isk 1950-in zauøq dours mnaz ouv;[ago\nn;ri mrza,ariz! |owsh'e 2 taroua\ enjazqoum masnakz;z 50 fandipman ;u jimi a®a=atarn;riz mhkn hr ou ,arvic ouve! 1973-in ªArarateº >SFM gauaji .a[arkouj;an ;xra'akicoum 2-1 fa,ouow ®;ua,i fasau qi;uzin;ri nkatmamb% 1954 j& no\n jimiz 1-2 fa,ouow partouj;an dimaz! 1955 j& fa\kakan `oujpoli patmouj;an mh= anmo®anali mi mi=adhp pataf;z% ori m;[qn ambo[=owin bard;zin |owsh' Asatr;ani wra\ ;u na f;®azou;z gor‘nakan `oujpoliz! >øsqe w;rab;roum h >SFM ªB&º .mbi a®a=nouj;an w;r=in mrza'ouloum Sw;rdlowski (n;rka\is :kat;rinbourg) banaka\inn;ri f;t :r;uani ªSpartakiº fandipmane% ore m;r jimi gl.auor mrzakizn hr bar]rago\n .mbi ou[;gri famar pa\qaroum! >a[e t;[i h oun;noum :r;uanoum! Fiur;re mhk miauorow g;raxanzoum hin ªSpartakinº% orin mia\n \a[janak hr farkauor! Yakatagrakan a\d fandipman gl.auor mrzawar hr n,anakoua‘ ®ostowzi Samolaxowe% saka\n .a[i ørn anspas;liørhn nran 'o.arin;z anfam;mat za‘r orakauoroum oun;zo[ <;uzowe% asoum ;n% or na :r;uan hr ;k;l \atouk a®a=adranqow! :rb fa,iue 2-2 hr% ou fandipoume møt;noum hr auartin% |owsh' Asatr;ani 'o.anzoumiz \;to\ |aroujiun Qara=;ann a®a= m[;z m;r jimin! ~oujpolistn;rn anna.adhp zn‘oujiun hin aproum! Ba\z <;uzowe maqour .'a‘ kole car]anagr;z! I n,an ardarouj;an dhm bo[oqi^ ;rkrpagoun;re n;r.ouv;zin .a[ada,t! Fandipoumn endfatou;z! Mrzaware faxiu 'rkou;z datastaniz! Dvgofouj;an aliqe t;[a'o.ou;z na;u qa[aqi 'o[ozn;re% ;[an baxmajiu ];rbakaloujiunn;r! A,.atanqiz axatou;zin mi ,arq pa,tøn;an;r% a\d juoum na;u ostikanakan [;kawarn;r! M;‘aphs touv;z na;u |& Asatr;ane% orphs jimi auag! Asatr;ane f;®azou;z jimiz ;u jo[;z gor‘nakan `oujpole% ba\z cf;®azau `oujpoliz! Na anzau marxcakan a,.atanqi! Marx;l h :r;uani ªSpartakeº% ªNa\irinº% Fokt;mb;r;ani (n;rka\is Armauir) ªS;uaneº! Marxcakan a,.atanq h katar;l Siria\oum (1966-67 jj&) ;u Libananoum (1974-76 jj&)! 1977-83 jj& dasa.øs;l h A`[anistani `ixkoultoura\i institoutoum ;u nra marxa‘ jime dar];l h ;rkri a.o\;an! A,.at;l h Fa\astani sportkomithoum% orphs axgabnakcouj;an `ixiqakan dastiarakouj;an p;t% isk 1970-akann;rin fa\kakan `oujpoli 'a®af;[ \a[janakn;ri tarin;rin na Fa\astani `oujpoli p;takan marxicn hr!


WARDOUFI GOYA|:AN O[b& Wardoufi Goya\;ani mafouan qa®asounqin a®ijow% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui S& P;tros ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% Kiraki% 20 S;ptmb;r% 2015-in% \auart S& Pataragi% (17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406)! >ndro[n;rn ;n^ ²ÙáõëÇÝÁª ¶³éÝÇÏ ¶á׳ۻ³Ý àñ¹Çݪ ²ñ³ ¶á׳ۻ³Ý ¸áõëïñÁª سñ³É »õ Ðñ³ã ä¿ÛÉ¿ñ»³Ý »õ ¹áõëïñ»ñÁª ê»õ³Ý³ »õ ìÇíÇ³Ý ºÕµ³ÛñÝ»ñÁª سÝáõ¿É »õ èá½ÇÝ ø¿ßÇß»³Ý Ðñ³ã »õ êÇÉí³ ø¿ßÇß»³Ý ÚáíѳÝÝ¿ë »õ ²ñ÷Ç ø¿ßÇß»³Ý ºÕµûñ ½³õ³ÏÝ»ñÁª Ü»ñë¿ë »õ ¶Éáïdz ²õ»ïÇù»³Ý »õ ½³õ³ÏÝ»ñÁ ÚáíÇÏ »õ ³ٳñ ²ËáÛ»³Ý »õ ½³õ³ÏÝ»ñÁ Ê³Å³Ï »õ ³ÉÇÝ ø¿ßÇß»³Ý »õ ½³õ³ÏÁ òáÉ»ñ ø¿ßÇß»³Ý ºõ ѳٳÛÝ ¶á׳ۻ³Ý4 ø¿ßÇß»³Ý4 úѳݻ³Ý4 ²Û³ñ»³Ý4 Þ³³ñ4 ÆëÏ»Ýï¿ñ»³Ý4 ¶³É³Û×»³Ý4 ØáñáÛ»³Ý »õ Ö»Ù×»Ù»³Ý ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñÁ£

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5 3 0 11-5 18 5 1 2 10-8 16 4 3 1 16-5 15 2 2 4 7-9 8 1 3 4 6-13 6 0 2 6 3-13 2 ka\ana\ Fokt;mb;ri

EMB<AMARTI A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Las W;kasoum auartou;z emb,amarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% ort;[ .a[arkuoum hin na;u 2016 j& ølimpiakan .a[;ri ou[;gr;r! A®a=ine pa\qari mh= mtan \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,n;re! M;nq ];x ardhn fa[ord;l hinq% or Arjour Al;qsan;ane 98 qk& qa,oum dar]au a,.arfi a.o\;an! Arjoure 1/16-rdoum \a[j;z ya'onazi |asouirø |anouira\in (8-0)% 1/8-rdoum^ norw;kazi Nils;nin (4-0)% qa®ord ;xra'akicoum^ ouqranazi Dmitri Timc;nko\in (10-1)% kisa;xra'akicoum^ ®ouminazi Al;qsous Xiourarouin (9-0) ;u ;xra'akicoum iranzi {as;m Â;xa\in (3-0)! M;tal nouay;loun ,at møt hr na;u Mifran |aroujiun;ane% ow \a[j;z fondouraszi +;`rin B;nicin% 1/16-rdoum^ \o\n Marios Wladimirasin (9-0) 1/8-rd^ foungarazi Lorincin (4-1)% qa®ord ;xra'akicoum^ wrazi Bolkwa]hin (10-1)! Kisa;xra'akicoum Mifrane 4-0 fa,ouow \a[joum hr qorhazi Fansou Âouin% saka\n mrzawarn;ri ko[mnakalouj;an ,norfiu partou;z (4-4)! |a[janake ,norfou;z qorhazoun% qani or na hr wastak;l w;r=in miauore! Pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum Mifrane 6-2 fa,ouow xi=;z Art;m Sourkowin (ÂD)% orin xi=;l hr na;u :uropakan .a[;ri ;xra'akicoum! Mifrane nouay;z% incphs ;u Arjour Al;qsan;ane ølimpiada\i ou[;gir! FF fauaqakani marxic Samouhl Ghorg;ane asaz% or Mifran |aroujiun;aniz go[azan m;tale! |a\tn;nq% or Mifrani gøt;mart;re spasarka‘ fing mrzawarn;r ;u mhk viurii andam orakaxrkou;l ;n ko[mnakal mrzawarouj;an famar! Arshn +oul`alak;ane (75 qk&) a®a=in m;namartoum partou;z Âoman Wlasowin (ÂD)% dranow wa\r dn;low a,.arfi a.o\;ani liaxøroujiunn;re! Wlasowe dours ;kau ;xra'akic ;u Arshne irauounq stazau pa\qar;lou pronxh m;tali famar! Saka\n ir øgtin granz;low a®a=in ;rkou s'o'ic gøt;mart;re% na ;rrordoum xi=;z [axa. Dosvan Kartikowin ;u dours mnaz m;tali famar pa\qariz! M;r jimi mius embi,n;r Âoman Amo\;ane (59 qk&)% War,am Boran;ane (71 qk&)% Hdouard Sargs;ane (80 qk&)% Maqsim Manouk;ane (85 qk&) ;u Hdgar >acatr;ane (130 qk&) dours mnazin m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz! A®a=in ;r;qe mhkakan \a[janakiz \;to\ partou;zin% isk w;r=in ;rkouse partou;zin f;nz a®a=in gøt;martoum% end oroum Hdgare xi=;z Praxilian n;rka\azno[ Hdouard So[omon;anin! Axat oyi a®a=noujiunoum 2013 j& a,.arfi a.o\;an Dauij Sa`ar;ane (65 qk&)% a®a=in \a[janakiz \;to\% ;rkrordoum xi=;z atrph\yanzi Jorgoul Ask;rowin! Mousa

Mourjaxa\;ue (86 qk&)% orakauorman 'ouloum xi=;z `inn embi,in! Hdgar :noq;ane (97 qk&) no\nphs partou;l h a®a=in gøt;martoum! Wolodia ~rangoul;ane (61 qk&) a®a=in gøt;martoum \a[j;louz \;to\ qa®ord ;xra'akicoum xi=;z poulkarazi Wladimir Doubowin! N,;nq% or a\s qa,a\in karge ølimpiakan ch! FF-n n;rka\azno[ L;uan B;riani];n (125 qk&)% 1/16-rdoum \a[j;z G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ Nik Mout\oufinin% isk Grigor Grigor;ane (74 qk&)^ faraua`rikazi embi,in! Garik Bars;[;ane (57 qk&) partou;z jourq S;xar Aqg\oulin! 1/8-rdoum B;riani];n 2!4 fa,ouow xi=;z jourq Tafa Aqg\oulin% isk Grigor Grigor;ane^ 0-6 fa,ouow xi=;z qoupazi Liwan Lop;sin! Qani or Tafa Aqg\oule \;taga\oum a.o\;an dar]au% L;uane pronxh m;tali famar s'o'ic gøt;mart;rin masnakz;lou irauounq stazau! L;uane na. 3!2 fa,ouow \a[j;z [axa. Daoul;r <abanba\in% apa pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum 0!11 fa,ouow xi=;z Pilial Ma.owin (ÂD) ;u ølimpiakan .a[;ri ou[;gir nouay;z!

WAN:S MARTIROS:ANE |A{J:L H I<H SMIJIN A®a=in kisami=in qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi a.o\;ani na.kin j;kna‘ou Wan;s Martiros;ane Las W;kasoum m;namart;l h tou;al qa,a\in kargi na.kin a.o\;an 37-am;a\ I,h Smiji f;t! M;namarti 3-rd ;u 8-rd ®aountn;roum Smije \a\tnou;l h ®ingi \atakin! 9 ®aountanoz m;namartiz \;to\ mrzawarn;re 97!91% 97!91% 95!95 fa,ouow \a[janake ,norf;l ;n Wan;sin% ore 29-am;a\ Wan;si famar 36-rd \a[janakn hr arf;stawarv ®ingoum!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Auartou;z Apou Tapii gauaji .a[arkoujiune! FF n;rka\azouzicn;riz a®au;l \a=o[ fandhs ;kan Wladimir |akob;ane ;u Tigran L& P;tros;ane% oronq wastak;zin 6&0-akan miauor ;u xba[;zrin 13-rd ;u 14-rd t;[;re! |owfannhs Gaboux;ane t;[ xba[;zr;z 4-rd tasn;akoum! 7-akan miauorow 1-5-rd t;[;re bavan;zin Grand;liouse% Krawtsiue% +obauan% Ar;,c;nkon ;u Âapporte! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row a®a=in mrzanake stazau Nils Grand;liouse! • Paquoum ,arounakuoum h a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiune! L;uon Aron;ane 1/64-rd ;xra'akicoum 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z liuqs;mbourgzi Miqa\hl Wid;nk;l;rin! :rkrord mrza'ouloum L;uone ke mrzi Al;qsandr Ar;,c;nko\i (Ouqrania) f;t! |a=ord mrza'oul h anz;l na;u Frand M;lqoum;ane% ow 1&5-0&5 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Gata Kamskoun (AMN)! M;lqoum;ani \a=ord mrzakize ke lini Lh\n;r Doming;se (Qoupa)! • Gabrihl Sargs;an-Maj;ou, Bart;l (L;fastan ;u Samouhl Thr-Safak;an-Nikita Wit\agow (ÂD) dimaka\oujiunn;roum \a[jo[e ci oro,ou;l! Lrazouzic .a[;riz \;to\ Gabrihle \a[j;l h ;u ke mrzi Wa,\h-Lagraui (~ransia) f;t% isk Samouhle partou;l h! Lrazouzic partian;roum partou;l h na;u AMN-n n;rka\azno[ Samouhl S;u;ane% ow xi=;l h Jh\mour Âa=abowin! AMN-n n;rka\azno[ m;r mius fa\r;nakiz Warouvan |akob;ane 0&5-1&5 fa,ouow xi=;l h Wiqjor Laxnika\in (C;.ia)!

W;r=in vam Fa\astanzi ,a.matizn;re frav;,t ;n galis Paqouiz!

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