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N.O. September 24, 2015, No. 37:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% 24 S:PT:MB:R 2015


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NOR ØR% 24 S:PT:MB:R 2015



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SOURIO| VO{OWOURDIN ODISAKANE SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Pa,ar-hl Asat ir ;ritasard tariqin - 35 tar;kanin - ªakama\º na.agaf b;rou;lh ;tq (2000-in)% astiyanabar sksau bargauay;l ir ;rkire% arvananalow miangama\n ar;umt;an a,.arfin al drouatiqn;roun! Sourio\ m;‘ago\n ostane Falhpe% bnakcouj;amb oc mia\n anzau 2 milione% a\l dar]au manauand ;uropazin;roun na.entra‘ xbøsa,r=ikouj;an vamadrawa\r;rhn mhke! ªArabakan Garounºe% Fiusisa\in A'rikhi mh= - Jounoux% :giptos% Lipia% :mhn – 'ojorkali ;u ariunot ªA,ounºi w;ra‘ou;zau% aknkaloua‘ ardiunauhtoujiune cb;r;low! Vo[owrdawarouj;an anounow ªdvgofouj;anº b;madroujiune 'o.adrou;zau Souria& nouaxago\n 40 tarin;rh iw;r go\at;uo[ .trakanoujiunn hr zo\z troua‘ drdapatya®e! A\l .øsqow% ;rkrin ,our= 12 a® fariure n;rka\azno[ al;ui (,ii) fama\nqi tirap;toujiunn hr% bnakcouj;an ,our= 77 a® fariure n;rka\azno[ siunni dauananqin f;t;uordn;roun wra\! A\s iro[oujiune ,afagor‘ou;zau ar;umoutqin% ou xougaf;®abar Shoutakan Arabio\ ;u Hmiroujiunn;roun ko[mh^ .acakrouj;an w;ra‘ou;low! |atkaphs Lipia\hn% Somalia\hn% Soutanhn% :giptoshn% Iraqhn% "aqistanhn% A`[anistanhn% Chchnia\hn% :uropa\hn xin;aln;r war]ou;zan% ªAxat Sourio\º banaka\inn;rou ko[qin k®ou;low% tapal;lou npatakow Asat Pa,ari i,.anoujiune! <at canza‘% pa®aktoum \a®a=azau Asati faka®akordn;roun mi=;u% lour= endfaroumn;rou al t;[i talow! Iraqi mh=% dvgof siunni auatap;tn;r% a®a=nordouj;amb Sattam Fiush\ni banakhn o[= mnaza‘ span;rou% embostouj;an drø, parx;zin ,ii tirap;touj;amb ka®awarouj;an dhm% ou kary vamanakouan mh= grau;zin Iraqi ar;umt;an karg me nafangn;re% Mousoulhn minc;u ~alouya% ir;nz ª.ali`a\ouj;anº ma\raqa[aqe f®cak;low Souria\hn al grauoua‘ ªÂaqqaº qa[aqe! ’aual;low ir;nz tirap;toujiune na;u Sourio\ mh= - mhk ;rrorde grau;low - ariunali ba.oumn;r oun;zan Pa,ari banakin dhm k®ouo[ ;rkou ‘a\ra\;[ xinakiz .oumb;rou f;t% oronzmh mhk mase miazau a\sphs kocoua‘ ISIS-in (Islamic State of Iraq & Syria)! Baxmajiu yakatamart;r t;[i oun;zan Sourio\ mh=% a\laxan t;[atououjiunn;row% ba\z kar;li c;[au tapal;l Damaskosi ka®awaroujiune! Asor jikounq kangna‘ hin dauanakiz Parskastann ou Âousakan Da,noujiune% a®a=ine^ \atkaphs xin;al =okatn;row ;u a\l øvandakoujiunn;row% isk ;rkrorde^ ødanau;rou ;u frasa\l;rou fa\ja\jmamb% xinamj;rqow ou manauand qa[aqakan fowanauorouj;amb! 2012-hn iw;r go\at;uo[ ariunali ba.oumn;re% fr;tana\in ;u ødanaua\in ®mbako‘oumn;re au;r;zin ;rkire% n;ra®;al^ fnadar;an kojo[n;re^ "almire% Qraq Th <ewalihn% patmakan fin Falhpe% mxkijn;re% Thr Xøri fa\oz ;k;[;zin! Qa\qa\ou;zau ;rkrin tnt;soujiune% \a®a=azn;low famatara‘ angor‘oujiun ou j,oua®oujiun! 2015 Aprilin mafazanke anza‘ hr ardhn 310%000-e! 1971-in ,our= 23 milion fa,ouo[ Sourio\ bnakcouj;nhn 7&8 milione t;[a'o.oua‘ hr! Est Time Magazine-i S;pt;mb;r 21% 2015 jouakir ,abajaj;rjin% Souria\hn artaga[je dhpi xanaxan ;rkirn;r f;t;u;al patk;re ke parxhr&- Jourqia^ 1%900%000% Libanan^ 1%100%000% |ordanan^ 629%000% Iraq^ 249%000% :giptos^ 132%000% G;rmania^ 99%000% <ouht^ 65%000% S;rpia ou Qosowø^ 49%000% Fiusisa\in A'rikh^ 24%000% Austria ;u Foungaria^ 19%000-akan% Poulkaria^ 15%000% famagoumar^ 4%300%000! F;taqrqrakan h or M& Nafangn;rou ;u Qanata\i mh= ,ø,a';li jiuow ga[jakann;r ckan% a\l mia\n aknarkoujiun ka\ or 10%000 fogi piti endounouin a\souf;t;u! Isk Âousastani mh= ke \i,atakoui 10-hn 20%000 fogi% oronq mna\oun k;zoujiun counin! ªArabakan Garounºi w;ra‘oume ]m;®na\in sounamii% ou mius ko[mh ISIS-i ª.ali`a\ouj;anº st;[‘oume ar;umt;an Iraqi ;u

Fiusis-Ar;umt;an Sourio\ fo[atara‘ouj;amb% 2011 |ounouarhn iw;r% takauin anfakak,®;li iradroujiun me st;[‘oua‘ h! Asor f;t;uanqn;rhn amhnhn o[balin Sourio\ vo[owourdin kazoujiunn h! Xgaliørhn nouaxa‘ h anor bnakcouj;an jiue! 7&8 milione t;[a'o.oua‘ h% ,our= 4%300%000-e artaga[ja‘ h ,r=aka\ ;rkirn;r% :uropa% Am;rika ou Qanata! Mnaz;al ;rkou ;rrorde j,oua®ouj;an mh= ke toua\ti! Angor‘oujiune 50 a® fariurhn au;li h! Qa[aqaziakan pat;raxme .la‘ h zard au;li qan 310%000 mardka\in k;anq;r! Falhpi ;rb;mni fa\afo‘ ga[oujhn n;rka\is mnaza‘ h ,our= 10%000 fogi(?)! Isk mia\n 6000 fogi al fangrouana‘ h Fa\astan! *** Jourqio\ |ounis 2014-i entrouj;anz% na.agaf Hrto[ani ª>a[a[oujiun ou Xargazoumº Kousakzoujiune (AKP)% korsnzouza‘ ellalow .orfrdaranin bazar]ak m;‘amasnoujiune% minc;u ørs kar;li ch ;[a‘ .a®n dafliy me kaxm;l mnaz;al 3 kousakzoujiunn;row! A\nphs or% w;ramoutin nor entroujiunn;r piti ka\anan! Minc a\d% ir;n famar ;rkrin mh= npastauor kazoujiun me st;[‘;lou npatakow% na.agaf Hrto[an yn,oumi qa[aqakanoujiun me ord;gra‘ h qiurt;roun dhm% an.na\ ®mbako‘;low ;rkrin farau-ar;u;l;an% no\nisk^ Iraqhn n;rs% qrtakan xin;al k;dronazoumn;r% ou na;u^ Sourio\ f;t faraua\in safmanakiz tara‘oujiunn;re% our t;[auoroua‘ hin souriazi ga[jakann;r% incphs na;u^ qiurt xin;al =okatn;r! |atkaphs PKK-i f;t ariunali ba.oumn;re ke ,arounakouin ;rkrhn n;rs! Jourqia apastana‘ m;‘ jiuow souriazi ga[jakann;r% partauorouj;an tak ;u a\laxan ];u;row% qa=al;rou;zan artaga[j;lou Jourqia\hn dhpi Poulkaria% ;u \atkaphs al^ Potroumi nauafangisthn dhpi |ounastan ;u ankh andin! Qa[aqakan a\s .angaric mjnolorti st;[‘oumow% Hrto[an ke grg®h jrqakan axga\nakanoujiune% orphsxi vo[owourde boloroui ir ko[mh a®a=nordou;liq p;touj;an ,our=! :uropakan karg me ;rkirn;r% G;rmanio\ gl.auorouj;amb% ;rb patrast ;[an bar;azakamouj;amb endoun;lou ga[jakann;rou \au;l;al oro, jiu;r% ;rb;q xarmanalou ch% or a\s w;r=inn;re qa=al;rou;low% Faraua\in Asia\hn% A'rikhhn% ou manauand Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn% faxarn;row .ouv;zin dhpi :uropa! Karg me ;rkirn;rou ko[mh safmana'akoumn;re kam arg;lqn;re% klima\akan annpast pa\mann;re% dvouarazouzin manoukn;rou% ‘;r;rou ;u ankarn;rou t;[a'o.oujiune ;u anpatspar wiyake! T;sak me go[goja\i w;ra‘ou;zau yanaparfordoujiune! Takauin c;nq .øsir a\d ga[jakann;roun nor pa\mann;rou masin ir;nz ord;gra‘ ;rkirn;roun mh=% our ;rkara]gouo[ dvouaroujiunn;r dou® baza‘ ;n amhn ];ui v.takan ;r;uo\jn;rou ;u ‘a\ra\;[ ararqn;rou! Âaxmawarakan ou tnt;sakan ,af;rh m[oua‘% matnan,oua‘ ;rkirn;re kam ,r=ann;re .angaro[ m;‘ p;toujiunn;re a®a=in f;rjin a\panou;lou ;n ir;nz birt qa[aqakanouj;an famar! Anonq .angara‘ ;n vo[owourdn;rou k;anqe% st;[‘;low n;rqin .®owoujiunn;r% ørinaxanzoumn;r ou xangoua‘a\in ga[jakanoujiun! Sourio\ vo[owourdin dv.;m odisakane lauago\n ørinake ke fandisana\ \a®a=aza‘ mardka\in nman o[b;rgouj;anz% oronq f;t;uanq ;n øtar ;rkirn;rou kopit mi=amtouj;anz anor fauasarakarghn n;rs! I

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US Secretary Of State Acting Together: A New Attempt To Build John Kerry Has Issued Bridges Between Armenia And Turkey The Bundestag may education, journalism, The Following consider an Armenian oral history and art. Genocide resolution this As part of the project Statement On The fall, but the concrete timtwenty young people and two writers from ArOccasion Of Armenia’s ing is yet to be confirmed, German menia and Turkey are Independence Day Ambassador Extraorditaking in a joint road trip nary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Matthias Kiesler told reporters today. Ambassador Kiesler said hearings on an Armenian Genocide bill pending at the Bundestag are under way. “I cannot say, however, when the measure will be discussed and be put on a vote.” The Ambassador participated today in the discussion of the results of the “Acting Together” initiative, a program funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, which aims at building bridges between the people of Turkey and Armenia through adult On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I send my best wishes to the people of Armenia as you celebrate your independence day this September 21. The United States values our relationship with Armenia, which remains as strong as ever, as evidenced by the historic level of American investment in Armenia’s economy today. We are grateful for the dedication and sacrifice of Armenian troops serving in international peacekeeping missions and celebrate the many achievements of Armenians who have enriched the cultural fabric of both our nations. As you celebrate 24 years of independence, know that the United States is a partner and friend and that we fully support the security, prosperity, and democratic development of Armenia. Congratulations and best wishes to all Armenians around the world for a peaceful and prosperous year to come.

EU Approves Refugee Quota Plan Despite Eastern European Opposition

from Armenia to Turkey, retracing the routes of 1915. Next year in Turkey they will look for signs of former Armenian life and its extinction in the collective memories of peoples with different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. Amng other places the participants will visit Istanbul and Haydarpasha station from where Armenian intellectuals were deported on April 24th, 1915, and Aydash, a former concentration camp near Ankara.

Germans Understood That It Is Not Easy To Tell Truth – Stephan Dorgerloh Currently works are going on in Germany to present a text-book where all genocides will be presented, Co-chairman of the foundation council Stephan Dorgerloh, minister of cultural affairs of SaxonyAnhalt said today. The delegation headed by him is in Armenia September 22-27 at the invitation of Armenian Ministry of Culture. Today the members of the delegation visited the memorial complex Tsitsernakaberd and put flowers at the Eternal

Fire, visited the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. “Germany is guilty in commitment of Genocide that is why we have passed the painful phase of discussion of this dark oage of our history and today after 20 years since the collapse of Berlin Wall we are in process of reconciliation with Israel and its people,” the minister said, adding that the Germans have understood that it is not easy to tell the truth but it is the only way to bright future.

Russian Jets In Syria Mean No-Fly Zone Is 'Out Of The Question' Vladimir Putin is carrying out Russia's biggest military intervention outside the old Soviet Union for almost 30 years Russia’s deployment of jet fighters in Syria has effectively destroyed the West’s option of imposing a “no-fly zone” over the country, experts warned on Tuesday. The Kremlin’s operation in Syria amounts to the biggest deployment of Russian forces outside the former Soviet Union since the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989. So far, President Vladimir Putin has dispatched about 500

troops to the city of Latakia and the adjacent port of Tartous on Syria’s Mediterranean coast. He has also deployed 28 warplanes, 15 military helicopters – including MI-24 gunships – and at least two batteries of SA-22 surface-to-air missiles. Four of the warplanes are SU-27 Flanker fighters, which are designed for air-to-air combat .

We Should Put Principle Of Justice At Core Of Our State: President Sargsyan Presents Awards On Independence Day EU interior ministers have approved a relocation plan on distributing 120,000 refugees among member states. The Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary, voted against it, while Finland abstained. Under the plan, refugees will be relocated from Italy, Greece, and Hungary to other countries in the EU. Prague's decision did not come as a surprise, as Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said hours before the meeting began that the country would reject any quota system.

On the 24th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Armenia, President Serzh Sargsyan has signed decrees awarding high state decorations to a number of workers of science, education, sports, arts and culture, as well as to representatives of healthcare, economy, army and law enforcement bodies. In addition, honorary and highest titles, as well as ranks have also been conferred, according to the presidential press service. Serzh Sargsyan decorated the aforementioned representatives for their achievements in different spheres during the solemn awards ceremony held in the Presidential Residence on September 21. The Armenian President congratulated all the awardees on the occasion of the holiday and on being awarded the high state decorations and wished them success. In his speech delivered during the Independence Day Awards Ceremony.

Getty Museum And Armenian Church Reach Agreement Over 13th century manuscript

The Getty Museum will keep eight brilliantly illustrated table of contents pages from a 750-year-old Armenian Bible after settling a long-running lawsuit brought by an American branch of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Los Angeles Times reports. The church contended they had been illegally separated from the rest of the book amid the Armenian genocide during World War I. The Getty and the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America jointly announced the settlement Monday. Both sides said they were happy with the outcome, but for very different reasons. The Getty gets to keep the art, and the church gets recognition that all along it has been the rightful owner of the pages, which were separated about 100 years ago from a complete Bible called the Zeyt’un gospels. The rest of the book is at the Matenadaran, a museum and library for manuscripts in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. The Getty bought its pages in 1994 from an Armenian American family for $1.5 million in today’s dollars. Under the settlement, attorneys said, the church will donate the eight pages, known as a “canon table” that prefaces the rest of the Bible, to the Getty on Jan. 1, 2016. The Getty will pay all legal expenses from the suit the church had brought in 2010 – a sum attorneys for the two sides declined to disclose.

Armenian Serviceman Wounded In Azeri Shelling PanARMENIAN.Net - The Azerbaijani armed forces have been shelling Armenian border areas on the night of September 22. As Armenian Defense Ministry press office told PanARMENIAN.net, contract servicemen Ruslan Mkrtchyan, born in 1986, received a gunfire shrapnel wound in the chest. Mkrtchyan was hospitalized; his condition is deemed satisfactory.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 24, 2015


The Economic Motives Behind The Armenian Genocide

The Presence Of Absence: Photographing Loss And Violence

By Alyissa Gevorkyan

Armen Marsoobian, Chairman of the Philosophy Department at Southern Connecticut State University and author of FRAGMENTS OF A LOST HOMELAND – REMEMBERING ARMENIA, was the guest at a lunchtime conversation organized by the USC Institute of Armenian Studies. The event took place on September 16 at USC Ground Zero Coffeehouse. Marsoobian was In Conversation with Varun Soni, Dean of Religious Life at USC. The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Studies cosponsored the event. Marsoobian, a grandchild of genocide survivors, has devoted the past few years of his life to presenting exhibitions in Turkey of a photograph archive collected by his extended family, who were all photographers and thus saved by the Ottoman governors because they were needed. Whereas most Armenian families don’t have a single picture of their families, Marsoobian has hundreds. “These photographs are a form of bearing witness to the identities of Armenians in the most difficult times of the Armenian Genocide. They document a life and culture that was erased, and about which little is known by the new generation in Turkey,” said Marsoobian. Once Marsoobian began the process of archiving and exhibiting what was left to him by his family of photographers, it became a personal and emotional journey in addition to an academic one. He spoke about his trips to Anatolia and the importance of walking on the ground, and seeing the exact places that was the birthplace of Armenian culture.

“The motives behind the Armenian Genocide were primarily economic, not religious. The material loss caused to Armenians as a result of the Genocide was four times larger than Turkey’s foreign debt at the time,” lawyer, political scientist Izabella Muradyan says. He research of Turkey’s legal documents reveals facts that often skip the attention of historians. When planning the mass killing of Armenians in 1915, the Young Turk Government first announced Jihad. All Armenian living on the territory of Turkey were announced enemies and according to the Sunni law, the first one to kill the enemy would receive the latter’s wealth. Five percent of the Armenian property was thus to be transferred to the budget of the Young Turks, the rest would go to the murderer. Izabella Muradyan believes that with this very law the authorities involved a great number of Muslims in the mass killing of Armenians. After the massacre, Turkey adopted a law, making it legal to seize the property of Armenians. It applied to both movable property and real estate, and the bank accounts. “Turkey’s alley Germany simply copied some of the laws later and applied it against Jews,” the lawyer says. She’s assured that the main motive behind the Armenian Genocide was economic, not religious. She reminded the 1915 massacre of Hamshen Armenians, who had been following Islam since the 16th century. The bankrupt Ottoman Empire stole the property of Armenians, but the land and its bowels where the most precious. “If we

look closely at the geologic map, we’ll see that the first killings took place in areas rich in natural resources,” Muradyan says. The lawyer is assured, that the Armenian Genocide has not been fully recognized and condemned not only because of Turkey’s ‘denialism’, but also due to the economic interests of the superpowers. “Turkey’s foreign partners have accumulated huge wealth on the areas previously belonging to Armenians, and refusing from it would be very difficult.” Researcher at Matenadaran Institute Anahit Astoyan says the burden of plunder of the Armenian property lies not only with the Young Turks, but also the Kemalists, i.e. the modern-day Turkey. “By exterminating the Western Armenians the Young Turks and Kemalists got rid of a powerful competitor from the economic arena and created a huge capital by appropriating their property. According to her, even some Turkish historians declare today that the economy of modern-day Turkey is almost completely based on the property grabbed from Armenians. Despite the severe war conditions, the Ottoman budget had an unprecedented rise between 1914 and 1918. According to the data of the British intelligence, the Turkish authorities used the Armenian funds to cover the huge war expenses and pay off a considerable part of the foreign debt. The Kemalist Movement, which resulted in the creation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, also succeeded thanks to the Armenian wealth. “Therefore, the Turkish Republic cannot escape material responsibility,” Astoyan concludes.

AMAA Partners In Job Opportunities To The New Graduates Of Armenia, Mostly Displaced From Syria And Ukraine Around 60 fresh graduates, mostly displaced youth from Syria and Ukraine, will be offered sixmonth paid internships in private companies in Armenia as a result of a tripartite partnership between the UNDP and UNHCR Representations in Armenia, and the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). UNDP’s Youth Career Trail initiative is a paid internship program, which offers fresh graduates an opportunity to be involved for the first time in employment relevant to their education, and to gain the necessary work experience and practical knowledge for future job opportunities. During the period of 2007-2014, UNDP implemented five phases of the YCT initiative. In total, 240 fresh graduates have completed the paid internships in Yerevan and 6 regions of Armenia and around 60 percent of them were offered permanent employment by the host organizations and companies at the end of their internship. "Syrian Armenians are industrious, creative, spirited and productive" said Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of AMAA. "Employers in Armenia are in need of a qualified, experienced and knowl-

Marsoobian’s family story is one of prosperity, vibrant culture, and sudden loss. During the conversation, he recounted an argument between his grandparents in the summer of 1915. After they lost police protection, the family was forced to choose between joining the death marches with the rest of the exiled or convert and live as Islamized Armenians. They chose the latter, changed their names, and became hidden Armenians. “As the generation that somehow survived by either voluntarily or involuntarily converting passes on, they are sharing their life secrets with their families. Suddenly, tens of thousands of citizens of Turkey are discovering their Armenian roots. This, in a country, where being Armenian has been reviled. We are headed for a very interesting and difficult period in Armenian-Turkish relations, and Armen Marsoobian’s family treasure helps everyone better understand the past, and perhaps the future,” said Salpi Ghazarian, the director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies. Marsoobian will continue to present his exhibitions in Turkey and around the world. He is certain that sharing such photos is important for the small Armenian community remaining in Istanbul and the rest of the Armenians – whether rediscovered, or still hidden. !

Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee Western US “AGCC-WUS” Unanimously Establishes Museum Governing Board BURBANK, CA - The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee-Western US “AGCC-WUS” is pleased to announce the formation of the Museum Governing Board. On August 26, 2015, Board Members of AGCC-WUS who were present unanimously voted in favor of establishing the Museum Governing Board which will continue to carry on the affairs of the Museum Project established by AGCC-WUS. This new Museum Governing Board will consist of the following 9 organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy; Armenian Cultural Foundation; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian General Benevolent Union, Western District; Armenian Relief Society, Western

USA; Nor Serount Cultural Association; Nor Or Charitable Foundation; Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America; and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The AGCC-WUS was established on August 9, 2012 to steer and coordinate the multifaceted commemorative activities in the Western United States in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2015, as well, as for the purpose of promoting public understanding and awareness by building a Museum and Educational/Cultural Center in Southern California, and a Memorial Monument to fallen victims of the Armenian Genocide in the City of Glendale.

Volunteer At Any Age! edgeable workforce. This program delivers the need resulting in a win-win situation for the homeland. The AMAA will continue to partner and sponsor similar productive programs." The AMAA was founded in Worcester, MA in 1918 and incorporated in New York in 1920 with the purpose of strengthening and supporting the Armenian people in their Christian faith and to encourage religious education as well as literary and philanthropic work. Since its founding, the AMAA has expanded its programs of educational, evangelistic, relief, social services, church, and child care ministries to 24 countries around the world. For more information about the AMAA ministries, visit www.amaa.org or call the AMAA headquarters at (201) 265-2607.

Join Birthright Armenia's sister organization AVC, offering a 'Birthright' experience to all generations

"For me, volunteering in Armenia in 2014 turned out to be a truly memorable and life enriching experience. So much so, that I plan to return this fall. The idea of volunteering in Armenia, to take on a commitment to make a difference in others'

lives, came in the middle of a major upheaval and challenges I was facing in my life. I was going through much emotional turmoil, as well as facing many overwhelming challenges. My beloved husband Ronald had passed away earlier in the year, I was preparing to relocate from my present residence, was in the middle of renovations of a new residence. However, the prospect of being able to shift away from the focus on my own internal feelings, as well as the vision of the positive impact I was capable of making on others, picked me up, lifted me, recharged, Cont. on p.9

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 24, 2015


Foundation Grant Helps Update “Armenian Jerusalem” Project Sydney, July 27 - The Gulbenkian Foundation, one of the world's leading philanthropic organizations, has provided the "Armenian Jerusalem" heritage preservation website project with a new grant, enabling organizers to carry out necessary hardware upgrades and software updates. The grant reaffirms the Foundation's keen interest in the project and cements its support for what is hoped will help preserve the history, culture and traditions of the Armenians of Jerusalem, rescuing their saga from oblivion. The project, launched in 2007, is the brainchild of Arthur Hagopian, former Press Officer of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and involves the creation of a website that will host a compendium of archival material chronicling the story of a community that has its roots in the city even before the advent of the Christian era. The website was originally located at http://www.kaghakatzi.org, but has now moved to a permanent address at http://armenian-jerusalem.org. One of its primary objectives was the creation of an all-in-one family tree that highlights the inter-relationship and inter-connectivity of the "kaghakatsi" residents of the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The "kaghakatsi" are a unique genealogical entity: every member of the sprawling clan is related either closely or distantly, to another. As distinguished from the "vanketsi" survivors of the Armenian genocide who found refuge in the Patriarchate's convent of St James, the "kaghakatsi" are natives who first settled in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago, their ancestors arriving in the region in the wake of the conquering armies of emperor Tigranes II, "arkayitz arka," (king of kings). The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem has given its blessing to the project, granting it access to genealogical archives dating back over a century and a half. And in their turn, expatriate "kaghakatsi" have been providing the project with detailed genealogical information helping it create and populate the all-in-one family tree. This is the second time the august Gulbenkian Foundation has bankrolled the project. Eight years ago, the Foundation, which is based in Lisbon, Portugal, pitched in with funds to purchase a desktop PC package and various web design and graphics software packages, but with the exponential leap in IT, upgrades and updates have become mandatory. Necessarily, the staple workhorse, FrontPage has had to bow out making way for Expression Web and Dreamweaver, and Windows XP has

graduated into Windows 8.1 (and, within days, Windows 10). The Foundation, a legacy of philanthropist Calouste Gulbenkian (Mr Five Percent), was established in 1956 entrusted with a mandate for "the whole of humanity", its "original purpose focused on fostering knowledge and raising the quality of life of persons throughout the fields of the arts, charity, science and education. Jerusalem occupies a perpetually beloved niche in the core of the Foundation, the factor behind its interest in the "Armenian Jerusalem" heritage preservation website project. The Foundation is a principal donor of the Armenian Patriarchate whose St James convent houses two edifices whose construction it funded some 90 years ago: the Gulbenkian library and the Holy Translators' (Tarkmanchatz) high school. In announcing the new grant, Razmik Panossian, director of the Foundation's Armenian Communities Department, noted it "supports projects that can have a positive impact on Armenian communities around the world, taking into consideration current realities and needs." The Department works to create a viable future for the Armenian people in which its culture and language are preserved and valued, and "we hope that by supporting initiatives like the 'Armenian Jerusalem' website project we can contribute to the preservation of the rich Armenian cultural and historical heritage in the Holy City," he stated Organizing the website has entailed a diverse range of research efforts, some resulting in unknown and intriguing tidbits about one of the world's most vibrant communities, whose creativity and enterprising spirit has helped place the city firmly in the centre of the world map. It was the Armenians who gave Jerusalem its first printing press and its first photographic studio - among other firsts. Their mellifluously decorated ceramic tiles adorn the walls of some of the world's most magnificent edifices, among them, the Dome of the Rock. And it is the Armenians who continue to give Jerusalem its hue and sheen of gold.

Arthur Hagopian

Volunteer At Any Age! Cont. from p.8

Pictured here, Ani Gooshian, from Philadelphia, PA, who volunteered as a teacher at Macsedan School in Yerevan. revitalized my spirit and inspiration. I was also reminded of the moral obligation and

social responsibility my husband Ronald and I always felt towards doing our best to help improve the lives of others. It was at this same time that I also got an invitation from a close family member from New York, to attend her wedding in, of all the places, Armenia. Wow! Commitment to volunteer to make a difference, and a chance to experience a multi-national gathering of guests from many countries to such a remarkable and memorable event, was totally uplifting. At that point, in my mind, Armenia instantly became the place where positive developments were waiting for anyone who wanted to participate and make their contribution."

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

80 - Osman Baydemir By Hambersom Aghbashian Osman Baydemir (born 1971 in DiyarbakirTurkey) is a Kurdish politician, lawyer and human rights activist, a former Mayor of the Turkish city of Diyarbeki ( elected in 2004). He is a member of the Peace and democracy Party (BDP). He graduated from the Law Faculty at Dicle University in Diyarbakir. In 1995 he became the chair of the Diyarbakır branch of the independent Human Rights Association. In 2001 he became a founding member of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey. At the general election in 2002, he was the candidate of the Democtratic People's Party, but the party failed to reach the 10% election threshold.. As a human rights activist and as a politician, he has been subjected to persecution on various levels. According to a report of Amnesty International of 12 February 2004 there were 200 court cases against him for his human rights activities. The daily Radikal reported on July 11, 2006 that during the last two years a total of 129 investigations against him had been conducted. After the assassination of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in January 2007 Osman Baydemir was among several people who received death threats. In June 2015 Turkish general elections, Osman Baydemir was one of the 80 politician representing HDP who were elected to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. According to "https://uk.news. yahoo.com", April 23, 2015, Uzay Bulut of IB Times mentioned in his article "Armenian genocide: Kurdish leaders set moral example to Turkey by facing their crimes," that Selahattin Demirtas, the Kurdish cochairperson of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), said in televised comments that "without hesitation, I recognize the Armenian Genocide." Then added "Another Kurdish leader who has spoken out about the genocide is Osman Baydemir, the former mayor of Diyarbakir, under whose leadership Surp Giragos, the biggest Armenian Church in the Middle East, was restored and opened for worship, and an Armenian private language schools was established in the province." Speaking to an Armenian delegation in Diyarbakir in 2012, Baydemir invited Armenians to the province and said: "I am banned from going abroad but if this ban is removed one day, I would love to go to Yerevan and lay flowers on the Armenian Genocide Memorial there." Baydemir's dream came true in October 2014, when he visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan and placed a wreath in front of it in the memory of genocide victims. He was also awarded a gold medal by the Yerevan State University for his efforts as a human rights lawyer in raising awareness of the Armenian genocide and of protecting the Armenian cultural heritage in Diyarbakir during his tenure as mayor. (1) According to “Public Radio of Armenia”, Nov 1, 2014, Former Mayor of the Turkish city of Diyarbekir, Osman Baydemir, fulfilled his dream by visiting Armenia, Armenian Genocide Memorial and the Museum-Institute, as well as Public Radio of Armenia. He confessed that the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide is the center of the human conscience. Bay-

demir, who was too excited, could hardly hide his emotions: “How can one kill a person, a pregnant woman or a child? It is impossible to understand how the state can turn murder into an ideology.” Baydemir mentioned that a century old history repeated today regarding the Kurds in Kobani where the ISIS militants spread death and sorrow. (2) In his long article "A Century of Silence", (The New Yorker, January 5, 2015), Raffi Khatchadourian wrote about his family's survival after the Armenian Genocide and its long aftermath, and how his grandfather guided his family safely out of Diyarbakir.Then mentioned Sourp Giragos Armenian Church in Diyarbakir and how it was rehabilitated as a functioning church, and about the reconsecration ceremony. He mentioned that "Several hundred people turned up for the reconsecration, nearly all of them having flown in, mostly from Istanbul, or from abroad. Diyarbakir’s mayor, Osman Baydemir, told the Armenian visitors, “You are not our guests. We are your guests.” (3) Under the title "Diyarbakir Mayor Places Flowers at Genocide Memorial in Providence", The Armenian Weekly wrote in October 11, 2013, "On Oct. 10, the mayor of the Diyarbakir Sur Municipality in Turkey, Abdullah Demirba!, placed flowers at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Providence, Rhode Island." Also mentioned that "Demirba! and the metropolitan mayor of Diyarbakir, Osman Baydemir, have adopted a policy of reviving the multiculturalism of the city in recent years, embarking on a series of initiatives that include renovating of the Sourp Giragos Church, offering Armenian and Assyrian language courses, returning confiscated Armenian property, and opening the memorial. Diyarbakir is the only city in Turkey with a sign that greets visitors in Turkish, Kurdish, and Armenian." (4) "Kurdish Daily" wrote in June 11, 2011, "Osman Baydemir, one of Turkey's most popular Kurdish politicians and the mayor of Diyarbakir stated that he would not oppose a monument for so called Armenian genocide in the city, Turkish Star newspaper reported quoting Armenews." "Kurdish Daily" also quoted Baydemir saying “First of all, everybody, every state should face with its own history. What would happen if this monument would be erected in Ankara or Diyarbakir?,” (5)

1.https://uk.news.yahoo.com/armenian-genocide-kurdish-leaders-set-moral-example-turkey-171127935.html#veSOOlU 2.www.armradio.am/.../osman-baydemir 3.http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/01/05/century-silence 4.http://armenianweekly.com/2013/1 0/11/diyarbakir-mayor-places-wreaths-atarmenian-genocide-memorial-in-providence/ 5.http://ekurd.net/mismas/articles/misc2011/6/turkey3247.htm

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 24, 2015


Join Team Seeroon At The Walk To Defeat ALS

Glendale, CA – Join Team SEEROON at this year's Walk to Defeat ALS on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015 at 11:00am at EXPOSITION PARK, South Lawn - 900 Exposition Park Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90037. Check-in begins at 9:00am. Distance will be 2 miles. Admission is free. Sign up or donate by going to http://web.alsa.org/goto/seeroon At the end of 2011, Seeroon Yeretzian began experiencing symptoms of the early stages of ALS. Being immediately after her husband passing, everybody assumed that it was grief. However, over the months, the symptoms progressed to affect her speech and her walk. Ultimately, over the years, she lost her ability to talk and to walk and was diagnosed with ALS. It has been an extremely difficult few years for her family. They have tried all types of methods to help her but, as you all know, there is no treatment or cure. That is why it is so important to raise funds to help the research in understanding this disease and to hopefully find a cure or treatment. Although it has had a devastating effect on Seeroon physically, Seeroon continues to create to this day using her eyes and she is creating amazing works of poetry and literature which will be published shortly. Artist Seeroon Yeretzian is well known among Armenians for her unique interpretations inspired by the Armenian illuminated arts, especially for her famous alphabets using the ornate initials. She is the founder of Roslin Art Gallery, which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, and the widow of late founder of Abril Bookstore, Harout Yeretzian. Walk with Seeroon to help raise funds and awareness about ALS. Often referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of an ALS patient averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. This crippling disease can strike anyone. Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. Presently there is no known cause of the disease yet it still costs loved ones an average of $200,000 a year to provide the care ALS patients need. Help make a difference and donate or join the walk today. Those who officially join and come to the walk will receive a special Walk with Seeroon T-shirt inspired by her art! Please contact Arno Yeretzian for the size you would like. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Presented by the ALS Assocation. Team Seeroon is organized by Arno Yeretzian.

Dr. Bruce Boghosian: The Dynamics Of Wealth: Understanding The Origins Of Inequality, From Poverty To Oligarchy In 2010, there were 388 billionaires in the world whose combined wealth was equal to that of half the human race (about 3.6 billion people). In the five years since, the number of billionaires necessary to match the wealth of half the human race has dropped from 388 to 86. It is projected that by 2016, the top 1% of wealth holders worldwide will have as much wealth as the bottom 99%. In addition to presenting the starkness of existing wealth disparities, these statistics make it clear that the situation is very dynamic, and the need to understand this dynamic has never been greater. Is there a simple way to understand how wealth distributes itself in a population, and exactly how that distribution changes in time? Recent work on a class of economic models called “asset-exchange models” indicates that there is. Motivated by ideas in statistical mechanics, asset-exchange models are remarkably simple statistical models of transacting economic agents that have already explained certain empirical features of wealth distributions that have resisted fundamental understanding for over a century. This talk will give an elementary

(mostly non-mathematical) description of asset-exchange models, along with some of their more controversial predictions. One of these predictions is the idea that, without redistribution and regulation, market economies would not be stable. Another is the observation that oligarchies are characterized by sharp structural differences in wealth distribution, which can be precipitated by advantages favoring wealthier agents at the transaction level. Dr. Bruce Boghosian is Professor of Mathematics at Tufts University, where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Physics. He is a recipient of Tufts University’s Distinguished Scholar Award, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Dr. Boghosian was appointed president of AUA in 2010 as the university’s first resident president. Under his leadership, the university underwent very rapid expansion and became more integrated into the landscape of Armenian higher education. Most notably, the university successfully launched the undergraduate program in 2013, doubling student enrollment and set-

ting it on a course to double again by 2016. During Dr. Boghosian’s tenure, the university’s Extension program also underwent rapid expansion, including the opening of new and modern classroom facilities in Gyumri, Dilijan, and Stepanakert. In recognition of his role as AUA president, Dr. Boghosian is a recipient of the “Order of the Republic of Armenia,” presented by the Prime Minister, and the “Gold Medal,” presented by the Minister of Education and Science. Dr. Boghosian received his bachelor’s degree in physics, and master’s degree in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his doctorate in applied science from the University of California, Davis. He has taught as a visiting professor in many universities around the globe, including Peking University in Beijing, China; the École Normale Supérieure in Paris; and the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. He is a member of numerous editorial boards. Dr. Boghosian’s lecture was postponed for a near future date.

Special Screening Of Elia Kazan's "America, America" Glendale, CA – ABRIL BOOKSTORE presents the the second meeting of THE ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY with a film screening of ELIA KAZAN's AMERICA, AMERICA, with a special introduction by ERIC NAZARIAN on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. AMERICA, AMERICA, released in 1963, presents the story of Stavros Topouzoglou, a young Greek man living in an area under Turkish oppression, who wants nothing more than to go to America. Stavros has been awakened to the plight of the Christian minorities in Turkey through the violent treatment of the Armenians including his best friend and symbolic big brother—Vartan Damadian. Stavros travels to Constantinople, enduring difficulties along the way that lead to the loss of all his family's funds.

Rejecting any possibility for money, work or marriage that doesn't involve sailing to America, he defiantly hangs on to the dream, but his extreme determination may cost him his life. ELIA KAZAN was an American director, producer, writer and actor, described by The New York Times as "one of the most honored and influential directors in Broadway and Hollywood history". He was born in Istanbul, to Cappadocian Greek parents. THE ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY is a

monthly event that will meet on the first Friday of each month at Abril Bookstore. Lead by Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, the evenings will be composed predominantly of film screenings and discussions, with occasional lectures, workshops, classes, and other types of activities relating to film with an element of Armenian culture and/or involvement. The purpose of the film society is to bring together people of all backgrounds and expose them to the rich cinema of Armenia, as well as talented filmmakers with an Armenian background. Upcoming screenings include Gikor, Sideways, Ravished Armenia, A Piece of Sky, The River Ran Red... Also look forward to special lectures and presentations by filmmakers such as Erik Nazarian, Carla Garabedian, Roger Kupelian and many more. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore.

N.O. September 24, 2015, No. 37:N.O. Blank


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:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM S;pt;mb;ri 15-16-in ka\azan :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in a®a=in fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& >oumb A& "SV-ªMalm\øº^ 2-0% ªÂhalº M&ª<a.t\orº^ 4-0 >oumb B& ªWolsbourgº-BKMA^ 1-0% PSWªManc;sjer :ouna\jetº^ 2-1 >oumb G& ªGalajasara\º-ªAjl;tikøº^ 0-2% ªB;n`ikaº-ªAstanaº^ 2-0 >oumb D& ªMancesjer Sijiº-ª:ouw;njousº^ 1-2% ªS;uliaº-ªMon.;ngladba.º^ 3-0 >oumb :& ªL;u;rkoux;nº-BAD:% 4-1% ªÂomaºªBars;lonaº^ 1-1 >oumb X& ªTinamøºX&-ªArs;nalº^ 2-1% ªØlimpiakosº-ªBauariaº^ 0-3 >oumb H& ªTinamøºK&-ªPortouº^ 2-2% ªC;lsiºªMaqqabiºJ&A&^ 4-0 >oumb E& ªWal;nsiaº-ªX;nijº^ 2-3% ªG;njºªLionº^ 1-1! |a=ord mrza'oule S;pt;mb;ri 29-30-in!

:UROLIKA|OUM S;pt;mb;ri







.mba\in a®a=in fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& >oumb A& ª~;n;rpaf=hº-ªMoldhº^ 1-3% ªA\aqsºªS;ltikº^ 2-2 >oumb B& ªBordøº-ªLiw;rpoulº^ 1-1% ªSionºªÂoubinº^ 2-1 >oumb G& ªGabalaº-PAØK^ 0-0% ªBorousiaºªKrasnodarº^ 2-1 >oumb D& ªMidtiulandº-ªL;giaº^ 1-0% ªNa'oliº-ªBr\ougghº^ 5-0 >oumb :& ªÂapidº-ªWilia®halº^ 2-1% ªPlx;nº-ªTinamøºMn&^ 2-0 >oumb X& ªLib;r;zº-ªBragaº^ 0-1% ªGroning;nº-ªMars;lº^ 0-3 >oumb H& ªDniprøº-ªLaziøº^ 1-1% ªSanj Hj\hnº-ªÂox;nbourgº^ 2-2 >oumb E& ªSportingº-ªLokomotiuºM&^ 1-3% ªSk;nd;rb;ouº-ªB;,iqja,º^ 0-1 >oumb J& ª~ior;njinaº-ªBax;lº^ 1-2% ªL;.º-ªB;l;n;ns;sº^ 0-0 >oumb V& ªAnd;rl;.jº-ªMonaqøº^ 1-1% ªTot;nf;mº-ª{araba[º^ 3-1 >oumb I& ªAstrasº-ªSpartaº Pr&^ 1-1% APØ:L-ª<alkhº^ 0-3 >oumb L& ªPartixanº-ªAX Alkmarº^ 3-2% ªAjl;tikºB&-ªAougabourgº^ 3-1 |a=ord mrza'oule Fokt;mb;ri 1-in!

:URØ-2016-I MRZAKARGE Auartin h møt;noum :urø-2016-i .mba\in mrza,ar;re! <at;rin ke f;taqrqri jh% o#r jim;rn ;n anznoum ;xra'akic! Patas.an;nq! >mb;roum 1-in ;u 2-rd t;[;re xba[;zra‘ fauaqakann;re% incphs na;u 3-rd t;[ xba[;zra‘ fauaqakann;ri mh= lauago\n ardiunqi fasa‘ entranin :uropa\i ;xra'akic 'ouli ou[;girn;r ke nouay;n! Mius 4 ou[;gr;re anzouma\in .a[;roum ke wiyark;n 3-rd t;[;re graua‘ mnaza‘ 8 fauaqakann;re% oronq wiyakafanouj;amb xo\g;r ke kaxm;n! Xo\g;ri \a[jo[n;re no\nphs ;xra'akici ou[;gr;r ke nouay;n! A®a=nouj;an kaxmak;rpic ~ransia\i fauaqakann a®anz entrakan mrza,ari masnakz;lou irauounq ouni masnakz;lou ;xra'akic 'oulin! A\spisow 1+9x2+1+4=24 jim;r! A®a\vm ;xra'akici masnakizn;r ;n ~ransian% Anglian% Islandian% C;.ian ;u Austrian!

EMB<AMARTI A<>ARFI A>O|:ANN:RE Las W;kasoum auartoua‘ emb,amarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum a.o\;ann;r dar]an! |ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amartoum& Isma\il Molinan (Qoupa% 59 qk&)% ~ranq Stabl;re (G;rmania% 66 qk&)% Âasoul Couna;ue (Atrph\yan% 71 qk&)% a\s qa,a\in kargoum Ouqranian n;rka\azno[ Armhn Wardan;ane dar]au ar‘ajh m;talakir% Âoman Wlasowe (ÂD% 75 qk&)% S;l=ouk |;bin (Jourqia% 80 qk&)% Van B;l;n\ouke (Ouqrania% 85 qk&)% Arjour Al;qsan;ane (FF 98 qk&) ;u Âixa Ka\alpe (Jourqia% (Jourqia% 130 qk&)! Axat oyi emb,amartoum& |ang K\ønge (Qorha% 57 qk&)% Al;qsandr Bogomowe (ÂD% 61 qk&)% Sa\it Afm;t Mofamm;tin (Iran% 65 qk&)% Magom;d Âasoul Gaximagom;dowe (ÂD% 70 qk&)% +ordan Bourtougfse (AMN% 74 qk&)% Abdou®a,it Sadoula;ue (ÂD% 86 qk&)% >;tag Gaxoumowe (Atrph\yan% 97 qk&) ;u Tafa Aqg\oule (Jourqia% 125 qk&)!

• Las W;kasi a,.arfi a®a=noujiuniz \;to\ Fa\astani patmouj;an mh= lauago\n embi,n;riz mhke^ Âoman Amo\;ane ir marxakan kari;ran auart;lou oro,oum h ka\azr;l!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Paquoum ,arounakouo[ a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum pa\qariz dours mnaz FF ,a.matistn;ri a®a=atar L;uon Aron;ane% ow dasakan ;rkou partian;rn oc-oqi auart;louz \;to\% \a[jo[in oro,;lou famar arag ,a.mati ;rkou partian;rn hl tanoul tou;z! A\spisow Aron;ane baz jo[;z 2016-i \auaknordn;ri mrza,ari ou[;gir nouay;lou fnarauoroujiune! Gabrihl Sargs;ane 1/32-rd ;xra'akicoum 0&5-1&5 fa,ouow partou;z `ransiazi Wa,\h Lagrauin ;u no\nphs dours mnaz \;taga\ pa\qariz! Pa\qariz dours h mnaz;l na;u Frand M;lqoum;ane% ow 0&5-1&5 fa,ouow xi=;l h qoupazi Lh\ni;r Doming;sin! A\spisow% bolor fa\ ,a.matistn;re lq;zin Paqoun! 1/16-rd ;xra'akic ;n dours ;k;l Nakamoura-N;pomn\a,ci% Adams-Doming;s% Gri,couk-Hlianow% :akow;nkø-Iwancouk% Karouana-Kowal\ow% S;touraman-Mam;diarow% Kramnik-Andrh\kin% Kar\akin-Wangi :ou% W;s;lin Jo'alow-<anglh\ Liu% P;t;r Swidl;r-Jh\mour Âa=abow% Al;qsandr Ar;,c;nkø-|i Ouh\% Ani, Giri% P;t;r L;kø% +ouriø Xouniga-Âadoslau Wo\t;c;k% Ou;sli SøL;gouang Li;m% :ug;ni Toma,nski-Maqsim Wa,\h-Lagrau% Ding Lir;n-Gadir Fiush\now xo\g;re! 1/8-rd ;xra'akic ;n dours ;k;l Ding Lir;n-|i Ouh\% Ani,-Giri-Âadoslau Wo\t;c;k% Pau;l Hlianow-Dmitri :akow;nkø% ~abianø Karouana-<afri\ar Mam;diarow% S;rgh\ Kar\akin-Dmitri Andr;\kin% W;s;lin Jo'alow-";jer Slidl;r% Ou;sjli Sø-Maqsim Wa,\h-Lagrau% Fikarou Nakamoura-Ma\qel Adams xo\g;re! Qa®ord ;xra'akic ;n dours ;k;l P;t;r Swidl;r-|i Ouh\% Fikarou Nakamoura-Pau;l Hlianow% Ani, Giri-Maqsim Wa,\h-Lagrau ;u <afri\ar Mam;diarow-S;rgh\ Kar\akin xo\g;re! • S;pt;mb;ri 1-16-e >anti Mans;i\skoum anz hr kazuoum minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% orin 40 ;rkrn;ri 106 ouv;[ago\nn;ri mh= hin na;u FF n;rka\azouzicn;r^ a\s taroua\ Fa\astani a.o\;ann;r Karhn Grigor;ane ;u Sousanna Gabo\;ane! Sousanna Gabo\;ane 13 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 48 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 10-rd t;[e% lrazn;low kananz mi=axga\in warp;ti zouzani,e! A[=ikn;ri mh= 10 miauorow a.o\;an dar]au ouqranazi Pouksa Natalian! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n Biwol Alinan (ÂD)^ ;u Abdoumalik Vansa\an ({axa.stan)^ 9&5-akan miauor! T[an;ri mrzapa\qaroum Karhn Grigor;ane no\nphs ir anouan dimaz granz;z 7&5 miauor% saka\n mrza,ara\in a[iusakoum 15-rdn hr! N,;nq% or 5-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ Karhne 4&5 miauorow mian]n;a\ gl.auoroum hr a[iusake% saka\n \a=ord mrza'ouloum 2 anendmh= partoujiun kr;z! T[an;ri mh= 10-akan miauorow 1-2-rd t;[;re kis;zin Mi.a\il Antipowe (ÂD) ;u l;f Van Krxisto` Doudan! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row a.o\;an f®cakou;z Antipowe! :rrord t;[e 9 miauorow grau;z Majias Blou;baoume (G;rmania)!

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