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N.O.October 1, 2015, No. 38:N.O. Blank


9:24 AM

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Rep. Schiff Statement On Armenian Independence Day Washington, DC – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the following statement on the 24th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia: “Today, I join with my Armenian-American constituents and the vibrant Armenian community across the world in saying ‘Oorakh Angakhootyan Or,’ as we celebrate the 24th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia. And while their path to independence has never been easy, Armenians persevered through foreign domination, outside threats and the first genocide of the 20th century. There’s no doubt that the Armenian community is an invaluable asset to our society, breaking new ground socially, economically and politically across the nation, and enriching our customs, traditions and quality of life. “On this important day, I wish to say congratulations to the people of Armenia, to Armenians in America, and to all Armenians around the world.”

Obama Urges World Leaders To Hold Course Against ISIL US president says the US-led coalition has grown to 60 nations and has beaten ISIL back from terrain it has held. Obama said the US-led coalition had grown to 60 nations with the addition of new members Nigeria, Tunisia and Malaysia [EPA] New York - US President Barack Obama has urged members of a US-led coalition to hold course in its fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against a backdrop of growing Russian military deployments to bolster Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.

Obama said the US-led coalition had grown to 60 nations with the addition of new members Nigeria, Tunisia and Malaysia and had beaten back ISIL from a third of the terrain it once controlled in Iraq. “We’ve seen that ISIL can be defeated on the battlefield where there is sound organisation and a government and military that is coordinating with this coalition and with our diplomatic efforts,” Obama told leaders at a summit of an anti-ISIL coalition. “It will require diligence, focus and sustained effort by all of us.”

Russia, US Agree To Continue Talks Between Foreign, Defense Ministers — Lavrov Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Barack Obama at talks on Monday reached no accord on any "specific steps," but agreed to continue cooperation and talks between the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. "This was a very constructive discussion, we failed to agree on any specific steps, but we agreed to continue cooperation and the talks between the foreign and defence ministers to achieve our common goal," Lavrov said in an interview with RT.

Putin said that the 90-minute meeting with Obama on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Monday was frank and showed that the two sides can work together on common problems. "Today's discussion, as I have already said, was very meaningful, formal and surprisingly very frank," the Russian leader told reporters. "We found a lot in common, but there are differences," Putin said, adding that these differences are well known. "But in my opinion it is necessary to have the opportunity to work together on common problems," Putin concluded.

Rep. Schiff Circulating Letter Among Colleagues To Nominate Pope Francis For 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced that he is circulating a letter among his colleagues addressed to the Nobel Committee to nominate Pope Francis as the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. The letter, which will be distributed to both Democratic and Republican Members of Congress before His Holiness’ address to Congress on Thursday, highlights the Pope’s commitment to peace, his leadership in taking on the challenges facing our planet, and his courageous stand for human rights, his pleas on behalf of refugees, and his condemnation of all genocides.

Armenia President: Armenia To Take Necessary Legal And Political-Military Steps Against Azerbaijan President Serzh Sargsyan, who has arrived in the United States of America to take part in the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, participated in the UN Summit on Peacekeeping Operations on 28 September in New York, where he made an address. Azerbaijan completely disdains 5 joint Statement issued by the Presidents of the U.S., Russia and France, and the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group. Shall it continue its such an aggressive policy, it will not leave Armenia any other choice but to take necessary legal and political-military steps to provide the Republic of Armenia and NagornoKarabakh Republic with the opportunity to develop in security and peace, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said in his speech at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. news.am

U.S. Concerned About Escalation At Karabakh-Azeri Contact Line PanARMENIAN.Net - The United States is concerned about the escalation along the line of contact between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan, the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan said. According to Robert Cekuta, the sides should embark on more negotiations for a lasting settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Panorama.am reports citing 1news.az. “Violence contradicts to whatever is being done for the conflict resolution,” Cekuta noted. The Ambassador stressed the necessity of staying committed to the OSCE principles for the settlement of the Nagorno karabakh conflict.

Davutoglu Slams Belgium's Recognition Of Armenian Genocide

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with his Belgian counterpart, Charles Michel in New York. The parties discussed various issues, with a special focus on Belgium's recognition of the Armenian Genocide, TRThaber.com reports. Michel assured Davutoglu that the resolution is of exclusively political significance with no legal consequences. Davutoglu, in turn, expressed dissatisfaction over sanctions applied against MPs who voted against the resolution (referring to Mahinur Ozdemir, a Belgian MP of Turkish origin). According to Davutoglu, the Turkish side is ready to discuss all issues, including the question of the MP's expulsion, Ermenihaber.am reports. Belgian Senate recognized the Genocide in 1988, while the Prime Minister reiterated the country's stance on the issue on June 18 of this year.

Armenian President Meets With OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs In New York

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday held a meeting with Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group (Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian Federation, James Warlick of the United States of America, and Pierre Andrieu of France), and Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk, in New York, USA. The sides discussed the NagornoKarabakh peace process within the OSCE Minsk Group, and the current concerns, particularly the latest tension caused by ceasefire violations.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 1, 2015


Join Us For Our Annual Walk Of Life And Help Us Raise Funds For The Armenian Bone Marrow Registry The Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Ayb Educational Foundation Are pleased to invite you to

Armenia: Spirit of Knowledge and Excellence An event devoted to ideas that impact and drive new directions for the country. Insights will be shared on a number of projects that are changing the landscape of Armenia and opening up new opportunities for meaningful engagement of the Diaspora In the nation’s future.

The National Program for Educational Excellence The Ten-Year Experience of the Ayb Foundation Significant Developments in the Field of Education in Armenia New Initiatives for Armenia-Diaspora Educational Cooperation

Sign up today with your team or as an individual to participate! Once registered, you can login to your account to customize your Personal & Team donation pages; send emails; manage offline pledges; and view the status of your Personal & Team fundraising efforts. Walk of Life promotes public awareness of life-threatening blood-related illnesses and raises funds for the life-saving mission of ABMDR, which now operates in 17 countries in four continents. Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians worldwide survive lifethreatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those

HMADS Celebrates Armenia’s 24th Birthday Sept. 21, 2015 - Oakland Gardens, NYOn the bright and crisp morning of Monday, September 21, the entire HMADS student body, and faculty gathered with great pride and enthusiasm outside the school

Please save the date:

October 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm Arrival and registration at 6:30 pm Wallis Annenberg Building, California Science Center 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90037 A reception will be held at the end of the event.

RSVP by October 1, 2015 to AGBUforAyb@agbu.org Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

Dr. Ronald Marchese To Speak At Fresno State On “Treasures Of Faith: Reflections On Armenian Society And Culture” Dr. Ronald Marchese will discuss his recently published book with a talk on “Treasures of Faith: Reflections on Armenian Society and Culture” at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Dr. Marchese and colleague Dr. Marlene Breu are the authors of the just published “Treasures of Faith: Sacred Relics and Artifacts from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul” (Istanbul: Çitlembik Ltd., 2015). This Leon S. Peters Foundation Lecture will be held in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus and is part of the Armenian Studies Program Fall 2015 Lecture Series. Dr. Marchese is professor emeritus of ancient history and archaeology at the University of Minnesota, Duluth and has spent the last several years documenting the rich cultural history of the Armenians in Constantinople, by studying the works of arts that the Armenians produced. He will accompany his talk with slides of some of the artwork that he has catalogued from the Armenian Orthodox churches. By the beginning of the 20th century, Ottoman Armenians constituted a significant part of the population of Constantinople. The Armenians had developed a vibrant artistic tradition in music, art (painting and metal work), and in literature. The contributions of the Armenians

shed light on their own concept of identity and place within the Ottoman Empire. This talk will examine various forms of art in which Armenians excelled, and the relationship between that art, and the broader society in which Armenians lived. The presentation will illustrate the continuation of Armenian traditions in art through the early twentieth century. Dr. Marchese received his Ph.D. from New York University and has a distinguished career in archaeology, having conducted research at the Plataiai Archaeological Excavation in Greece and at Tel Dor in Israel. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters in the field. He is an alumnus of California State University, Fresno. He is the author, together with Marlene Breu, of Splendor and Spectacle: The Armenian Orthodox Church Textile Collections of Istanbul (Istanbul: Çitlembik Ltd., 2010). The lecture is free and open to the public. Dr. Marchese’s “Treasures of Faith” will be on sale at the lecture. Free parking is available in Lots P5 or P6 on campus, adjacent to the University Business Center, only if a parking pass is obtained by using code 273611 in any of the campus kiosks. For more information on the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669.

requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 22,000 donors in 17 countries across four continents, identified 2,135 patients, and facilitated 16 bone marrow transplants. Students and Kids registration fees are only $10.00. Students receive 8 hours of community service for walking. Adult registration Fee $25 Registration at event $30 Date & Time: October 3rd, 2015 6K Walk-Run: 10:00 am Registration: 9:00 am – 10:00 am Location: Glendale Memorial Hospital 222 Eulalia St Glendale, CA 91204

building to begin their day and celebrate Armenia's Independence. A beautiful sea of Armenian and American flags were waved in the air as students walked around the block chanting "Getseh Azad, Angakh Hayastan- , – Oorakh Daretarts Hayasdan". The voices of the children were heartwarming and touched all those who were present. As the children arrived to the front of the church they were greeted by Father Abraham who awaited them in raising the Armenian & American Flags in front of the church. We all were gazing up to the skies as our beautiful flag took its place and were

led into the singing of Mer Hayrenik. The students each received yellow and purple balloons in honor of the 100th commemoration of the Genocide which they released and sent flying high. Everyone then gathered in Kalustyan Hall where a short program of song and recitation were performed eloquently by the students. Fifth grade students presented facts about Armenia-listing the name of the President and ambassadors to UN and Washington DC, as well as the US Ambassador to Armenia. On behalf of the class of 2016 Anahid Indzhigulyan recited Yes im Anoush Hayasdani - by: Yeghishe Charents, dedicated to Armenia, and Davit Hovahnnisyan recited Daniel Varooujan’s Antasdan- honoring the memory of Saint Intellectuals of 1915 and wishing PEACE to the world. Mrs. Boghosian, principal of HMADS, along with the faculty and PTO organized and led this beautiful and memorable event. Their dedication to our community, cultural awareness and traditions helps strengthen our children's Armenian roots.

Seta T. Megherian Class of 1989

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 1, 2015

“Spectacular Armenia” 2016 Calendar Hot off Press Many individuals participate in each year’s production of the Cosmic Ray Division (CRD) “Spectacular Armenia” calendar. Foremost among them is Narine Khachatryan, the graphic designer who also edits the scientific reports and publications of the CRD. But the calendar would come to naught were it not for the photographs donated to CRD by many of CRD’s staff, visiting scientists, students conducting their research at the CRD, and supporters of CRD both in Armenia and from the Diaspora, They share their photographs to help make the Spectacular Armenia calendar a success. This years photographs include the Tukh Manuk celebration in the village of Lusagyugh (near Aparan), the commemoration of 1st Independence Day at the Bash Aparan memorial, and the solemn commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the Genocide memorial at Tsitsernagapert. From elsewhere in Armenia are two winter photographs taken from CRD’s Aragats research station atop Mt. Aragats, a distant view of the Ambert Fortress, an autumn view at sunset from Mt. Aragats, sheep grazing on Mets Ishkhanasar mountain, and a spectacular color photograph of the night sky taken from CRD’s Nor Ambert research station. Though many people contribute photographs, as there are unfortunately only 12 months per year, not all donated photographs can be used. This years published photographers, are:

Hayk Avdishyan – Experimental Physicist at the Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan Dr. Suren Chilingarian – Computer scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Dik Dagavarian – Accountant, avid mountain climber, and CRD supporter, NH Joseph Dagdigian – Retired software engineer and co-founder of the Support Committee for Armenia’s Cosmic Ray Division (SCACRD) with Anahid Yeremian, MA Evgeniya Ivanova – Graduate of the Russian-Armenian Slavonic University, worked at the Yerevan Social Institute, Yerevan Narine Khachatryan – Art historian and Computer Graphics Specialist at the Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan Pavel Minaev – PhD student at the Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia The calendar is in English and Armenian with American, Canadian, Armenian, and Artsakh holidays. It is available on-line at www.crdfriends.org for $20 which includes shipping and handling. It is also available at many events in MA and CA for $15 as well as from ALMA, NAASR, and Armenian Vendor. It can be ordered by phone from Joseph Dagdigian (978) 7729417. In Yerevan the calendar is available from the Artbridge Café and Bookstore on Abovian St. All proceeds support the students and scientists at Armenia’s Cosmic Ray Division.

Book Presentation About Komitas Vartabed, From A Psychological Angle

Russian Servicemen In Armenia For Military Drills

Servicemen from Russia’s Central Military District have arrived in Armenia for the military exercise “Unbreakable Brotherhood”. Citing an official statement by the District’s press service, RIA Novosti reports that the servicemen are for now taking part in cultural-entertaining events. The joint drills will run from September 30 through October 4.

Glendale, CA – Meet MELINE KARAKASHIAN, author of the new book, KOMITAS (1869-1935): Victim of the Great Crime on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Book will be available in English and in Armenian. KOMITAS (1869-1935): Victim of the Great Crime is the researched story of Komitas Vartabed’s development, his immense contribution to the preservation of Armenian religious and folk music, and his psychiatric hospitalizations following the Great Crime of 1915, written by a psychologist. This small volume encapsulates the story of the Great Crime and its psychological consequences, Komitas Vartabed being a prime example of a victim-survivor-sufferer.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

81 - Betül Tanbay By Hambersom Aghbashian Betül Tanbay (born 1960) is a Turkish professor of mathematics at Bogaziçi University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Mathematics-Istanbul, Turkey. She holds a B.S. in Mathematics, from Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, (1982), M.S. (1984) and Ph.D.(1989) degrees in Mathematics, both from University of California, Berkeley. Her areas of interest are Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras and Set Theory and has published books in mathematics.(1) Betül Tanbay is member of the Raising Public Awareness Committee and of the Ethics Committee of the European Mathematical Society. She is also the president of the Turkish Mathematical Society (founded in 1948). As well as her active scientific career, she is also married with children. (2) On December 15, 2008, Associated Press Writer Suzan Fraser wrote from Ankara that a group of about 200 Turkish intellectuals issued an apology for the World War I-era massacres of Armenians in Turkey."My conscience does not accept that (we) remain insensitive toward and deny the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected in 1915," read the apology. "I reject this injustice, share in the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers, and apologize to them." The apology is a sign that many in Turkey are ready to break a long-held taboo against acknowledging Turkish culpability for the deaths. Historians estimate that, in the last days of the Ottoman Empire, up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks in what is widely regarded as the first genocide of the 20th century. Armenians have long pushed for the deaths to be recognized as genocide. Betül Tanbay was one of the intellectuals who signed the apology. (3) The temporary exhibition titled “Armenian Genocide and Scandinavian Response” was opened on November 6, 2012, in Copenhagen Royal Library. The Turkish government demanded the Royal Library to open “an alternative” exhibition. And in response to the official statements that it was agreed, a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors–have signed an open letter to the Royal Library, in which they have mentioned" By giving the Turkish government the opportunity to present an'alternative exhibition' you sup-

port their policy of suppression and intimidation. The support that you are extending to a regime that has made opposition to confronting history and denial of the truth a fundamental principle is equivalent to supporting a regime of apartheid. We want to remind you that your support constitutes an obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today." Betül Tanbay was one of the signees. (4) On September 30, 2014, The Armenian Weekly wrote "Turkish scholars, artists, and writers harshly condemned primary and middle school textbooks that are replete with anti-Armenian rhetoric in Turkey, and demanded that the books be pulled from circulation." the signatories wrote, “After immediately pulling the ‘History’ and ‘History of the Turkish Revolution’ textbooks from circulation, apologies should be issued to all students, particularly to Armenian ones. As we approach 2015, the road to Turkish-Armenian peace that we long for passes through here.” The textbooks portray Armenians as traitors who plotted with foreign enemies to tear apart the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, and as mass murderers of innocent Turkish and Muslim women and children while Muslim men were waging a war of survival. The textbooks, all published over the past few years and approved by a special commission of Turkey’s Ministry of Education, are also mandatory in Armenian schools in Turkey. Two newspapers in Turkey, Agos and Taraf, had published a series of articles by Taner Akçam on the anti-Armenian hate-filled rhetoric in Turkish textbooks earlier in September. Betül Tanbay was one of the signees of the statement. (5)

1.http://www.math.boun.edu.tr/index .php?option=com_content&task=section&id=26&Itemid=321 2.http://www.europeanwomeninm a t h s . o r g / w o m e n - i n math/portrait/betul-tanbay 3.http://www.foxnews.com/printer_fr iendly_wires/2008Dec15/0,4675,EUTurkeyArmenians,00.html 4 . h t t p : / / w w w. g e n o c i d e museum.am/eng/19.12.12.php 5.http://armenianweekly.com/2014/0 9/30/textbooks-vilifying-armenians/

ABMDR And COAF Join Forces To Mark First World Marrow Donor Day With Recruitments In Armenia Over 400, including supporters in Tehran, join the ranks of ABMDR The Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) and the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) participated in the world’s first-ever World Marrow Donor Day by jointly organizing donor-recruitment drives in Armenia. The recruitment events took place on September 17 and 19, in the Armavir Region and Yerevan. The drives were sponsored by COAF, the Cafesjian Center for the Arts, and the Gourmet Dourme company of Armenia. The recruitment drives raised public awareness of the vital importance of expanding bone marrow donor ranks and sought to help foster a culture of grassroots volunteerism. The World Marrow Donor Day was established by Bone Marrow Donors World-

wide, the World Marrow Donor Association, and the European society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. On September 17, ABMDR and COAF kicked off their recruitment drives with an event at the Myasnikyan Health Center, in the Armavir Region town of Myasnikyan.

The September 19 recruitment was held at the Cafesjian Sculpture Garden in Yerevan, adjacent to the landmark Cafesjian Center for the Arts. As with the previous ABMDRCOAF drives, the September 19 drive received strong public support, with a large number of Yerevan residents and guests in attendance and several music stars and activists joining the event to inspire attendees to register as bone marrow donors. ABMDR also held a recruitment drive during the Pan-Armenian Games at Tehran’s Ararat Sports Complex, between September 10 and 17. One hundred four supporters joined ABMDR, bringing the total of new recruits in September to 412. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 1, 2015


TWO-FOUR YEARS AND COUNTING One Armenia Last Monday, September 21st, witnessed the 24th celebration of Armenia's coveted independence. The city was bustling, everywhere you went. Even the serenity normally found in Yerevan's underground metro station--where photography of any kind is usually strictly prohibited--was alive with the vibrant melodies of Armenia's most beloved national instruments and live dancers forming line dances with bystanders longer than the length of an entire train. The night time included fireworks, musical performances by some of Yerevan's greatest musical talents, and an overall sense of camaraderie and achievement amongst Yerevan's residents. The festivities also had a digital presence, however, as Armenians all over the world pitched in their two cents about the day on social media. While most expressed

statements of pride, joyful emoticons, and exclamation points, others conveyed skepticism about how far Armenia as an Independent State has come over the last 24 years. We celebrate these individual voices, because they represent opinions and independent thought, which are so important for progress and future change. We wanted to reflect on what took place on Monday because we experience these differing voices and opinions, on a micro level. The value of these conversations should not be underestimated because what they represent is the fact that, regardless of stance, people care enough to speak up. Ultimately, it's not governments or factories or technologies, but people that make change possible and we believe in us. No one can predict exactly what the future holds for this small, but strong-willed na-

tion, but if each of us continues to play our part, one thing is certain--change can and will take place, for the better. So here is to

24 years and many more great ones to come! Cheers Armenia.

Armenia And Iran Customs Authorities To Cooperate

Armenia’s Finance Ministry delegation headed by Deputy Minister Armen Gevorgyan visited Iran’s capital Tehran from September 24 through 28. During the talkss with Iran’s Finance and Economy Minister and President of Customs Masoud Karbasian, issues on the cooperation development and expansion between Iran and Armenian customs services were discussed. Specifically, reference was made to the electronic exchange of customs data, as well as financial and joint investment projects.Agreement was reached on the exchange of preliminary information regarding the means of transportation

Candle Lighting Held In Yerevan In Memory Of Armenian Soldiers Killed In Azerbaijani Shelling Special funeral service and candle lighting took place in Yerevan’s newly-constructed St. Anna Church and its courtyard in memory of the four Armenian soldiers killed in Azerbaijani shelling on September 25. The service was carried out by the Pastor of St. Anna Church Priest Danielyan. Following the funeral service, the young men held a candle lighting in the church courtyard, writing “Eternal glory” by the lit candles. The event was attended by several dozens of young men. The Azerbaijani Armed Forces shelled at one of the northeastern protection areas of the NKR Defense Army unit on Septemner 25 at about 5:30 p.m. The fire was opened from Turkish-made TR-107 reactive rocket propelled howitzers. Consequently, NKR Defense Army soldiers Norayr Mikayel Khacatryan (b. 1995), Robert Suren Mkrtchyan (b. 1995), Harut Maxim Hakobyan (b. 1997) and Karen Gevorg Shahinyan (b. 1997) died from shrapnel wounds. Besides, 16 solders were wounded. news.am

crossing the border through IT. The corresponding agreement will be edited and prepared for signature in the near future. The parties noted the importance of facilitating the border crossing procedures of the means of transportation belonging to the citizens of both countries, as well as accelerating the flow of cargo and passengers at the Iran-Armenian border crossing point with the view of developing tourism.During the talks with Mohammad Khaza'ie, Iran's Finance and Economy Deputy Minister, Head of Organisation for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI) , new opportunities of Iran-Armenian cooperation in the context of lifting the sanctions against Iran, as well as issues on fostering mutual investments after Armenia’s accession to the EEU were discussed. Armenia’s Finance Ministry delegation visited Tehran’s Western Customs and the customs point in the city of Isfahan, familiarizing themselves with their activity.

Armenia Fund and the Glendale Adventist Medical Center are partnering to help the Noyemberyan Hospital in northeast Armenia - located only 2 miles from the hostile border with Azerbaijan. The joint effort focuses on establishing a sister hospital relationship between Glendale Adventist Medical Center and the Noyemberyan Hospital. The purpose is to bring the two hospitals together with the aim of boosting Armenia’s rural medical care. The Noyemberyan Hospital was completely refurbished by Armenia Fund in 2010 and continues to provide critically needed medical care for Noyemberyan and the surrounding 30 villages in the region. The hospital has 60 beds with 30 doctors and 160 nurses and support staff. This partnership will focus on enhancing the medical and surgical services of the hospital, as well as provide critically needed equipment and pharmaceuticals. Surgeons and doctors from Glendale Adventist Medical Center will travel to Noyemberyan and provide free care and surgical interventions. It is estimated that up to 90% of heart attack and stroke patients in the Noyemberyan sub-region currently must travel 3 hours to Yerevan for advanced lifesaving care. This loss of critical treatment time results in an almost 100% death toll. Our joint efforts will address this problem by introducing innovative cardiac and neurological care at the hospital. The children and adults need and deserve a chance to survive and thrive. Please join us in supporting this important mission to help the people living in the borderline areas.

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Page 11




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FA|ASTANI GAUAJI 1/4 :XRA"AKICI XO|G:RE F~D gras;n;akoum S;pt;mb;ri 23-in ka\azau `oujpoli Fa\astani gauaji 20152016 jj& .a[arkouj;an wiyakafanoujiune! Mrza,arin ke masnakz;n FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 8 jim;re! Gor‘o[ gauajakir ª"iunikeº ke m;knarki ªGan]asar Kapaniº f;t dimaka\oujiunow! Pa\qare ke sksoui 1/4 ;xra'akiciz% ort;[ ke fandip;n f;t;u;al xo\g;re& ª"iunikº-ªGan]asar Kapanº ªOulisº-ªBananzº ªMikaº-ª<irakº ªAla,k;rtº-ªAraratº Xo\g;roum a®a=ine n,oua‘ jim;re a®a=in fandipoumn;re k*anzkazn;n ir;nz da,toum! Kisa;xra'akicoum ke fandip;n ªMikaºª<irakº% ª"iunikº-ªGan]asarº ;u ªOulisºªBananzº% ªAla,k;rtº-ªAraratº xo\g;ri \a[jo[n;re!

FA|KAKAN ~OIJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • ÂD-i gauaji .a[arkouj;an 1/16-rd ;xra'akici .a[oum Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº fiurenkalou;z Nivni Nowgorodi ªWolga\inº ;u \a[j;z 7-0 fa,ouow! FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilisn a\s mrza,r=anoum a®a=in angam endgrkou;l hr Dmitri Al;nic;ui gl.auora‘ jimi m;knarka\in kaxmoum ;u na na. dar]au 2 kola\in 'o.anzman f;[inak% isk 70-rd rophin g;[;zik farua‘ow w;r=akht dr;z .a[in! Wnasoua‘qiz w;rakangouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane chr \a\tnauorou;l fandipmane! ªWolga\iº kaxmoum 'o.arinman dours ;kau FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Arjour Sarkisowe% ore wnasoua‘qiz \;to\ anzkazr;z a®a=in fandipoume! • Âousakan ªLouc Hn;rgia\iº ;u Fa\astani fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Âouslan Kor;ane wnasoua‘q h staz;l^ wnas;l h ‘ounke! Apaqinman famar anfrav;,t ke lini 2-3 ,abaj! A\spisow `oujpoliste karo[ h baz jo[n;l FF fauaqakani a®a=ika\^ ~ransia\i (Fokt;mb;ri 8-in)% ;u Albania\i (Fokt;mb;ri 11-in) .a[;re! • S;pt;mb;ri 29-iz Fokt;mb;ri 4-e "orjougalia\oum ke ka\ana\ :uropa\i minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an entrakan 9-rd .mbi mrza,ar% ort;[ m;r patanin;re S;pt;mb;ri 29-in ke mrz;n "orjougalia\i% Fokt;mb;ri 1-in^ Anglia\i ;u Fokt;mb;ri 4-in^ San Marino\i fauaqakann;ri f;t! • :r;uani ª"iunikeº FF g;rgauaji (sou-




b;rgauaj) .a[oum mrz;z ªMika\iº f;t ;u \a[j;z 3-0 fa,ouow! A\spisow ª"iunikeº tir;z 3 mrzanakn;rin hl (a.o\;an% gauajakir ;u g;rgauajakir)!

:RKOU PRONXH M:TALAKIR :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNIZ Austria\i Øb;rward qa[aqoum auartoua‘ yiuto\i :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiuniz FF marxikn;re w;radar]an 2 pronxh m;tal nouaya‘! Minc;u 55 qk& qa,a\in kargoum a\d parg;uin arvanazan <afan Aba[;ann ;u Wafagn |owsh';ane% oronq ir;nz mrzakizn;rin xi=;zin mia\n kisa;xra'akicoum! Arshn {axar;ann ou |aroujiun D;rmi,;ane (2-n hl 66 qk&) ;u Alb;rt Mkrtc;ane (73 qk&) an\a=o[ fandhs ;kan ;u dours mnazin m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz! Jima\in fa,ouarkow FF fauaqakane 33 ;rkrn;ri mh= 20-rd t;[e grau;z! Jima\inoum a®a=ine Folandian hr% \a=ord t;[;roum^ Wrastane ;u ~ransian!

FF NA>AGAFE PARG:UATR:L H ARJOUR AL:QSAN:ANIN :U MIFRAN |AROUJIUN:ANIN FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an 24-rd tar;dar]i kapakzouj;amb^ gitouj;an% krjouj;an% sporti% arou;sti ;u m,ako\ji ou a\l bnagaua®n;ri n;rka\azouzicn;rin parg;uatr;l h p;takan bar]rago\n parg;un;row% ,norfou;l ;n patouauor% incphs na;u a\l bar]rago\n kocoumn;r! Parg;uatrman araro[ouj;ane n;rka\ ;n ;[;l na;u a,.arfi krknaki a.o\;an Arjour Al;qsan;ann ou Paquoum ka\aza‘ ;uropakan .a[;ri 'o.a.o\;an Mifran |aroujiun;ane% oronq parg;uatrou;l ;n p;takan bar]r ,qan,ann;row!

BÂNZQAMARTI >YANKAR • Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti g;rmi=in qa,a\in kargoum WBO warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;an Arjour Abrafame \a=ord m;namarte k*anzkazni No\;mb;ri 21-in G;rmania\i Fanower qa[aqi TUI marxada,toum! Abrafami \a=ord mrzakzi anoune d;® \a\tni ch% qnnarkuoum h angliazi 35-am;a\ Martin Marh\i j;kna‘oujiune! ªMarh\e lau ardiunqn;r h granzoum w;r=in ,r=anoum ;u nra anoune ;us j;kna‘oun;ri zouzakoum h! M;nq mi,t ]gtoum ;nq lauago\n m;namart;r kaxmak;rp;l ;rkrpagoun;ri famar! Ifarkh% a\d m;namarte ;us ditarvan ke liniº%- as;l h Marh\i a=akzo[ Kalh Caou;rlande! • Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti ;rkou qa,a\in karg;roum a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an Wig Darcin;ane endgrkou;l h Australia\i bolor vamanakn;ri lauago\n b®nzqamart;ri tasn;akoum! 2000 jouakanin Sitnii Ølimpiakan .a[;roum Fa\astane n;rka\azra‘% 2004-iz Australia\i qa[aqazioujiun staza‘% a\vm AMN-oum bnakouo[ 39-am;a\ wana]orzi Wig Darcin;ane (40-8-1% 29 KO) 8-rd t;[oum h! A®a=in t;[oum ;us Austria\oum c‘noua‘% na.kin ®ousastanzi Konstantin Ziun h!

J:NISI >YANKAR • Âousastanzi Karhn >;canowe nouay;l h Isjanpouloum ka\aza‘ j;nisi ªc;l;ny;rº ,arqi mrza,ari \a[jo[i tit[ose! :xra'akicoum moskouazi 19-am;a\ marxike 3 s;joum partouj;an h matn;l ouqraniazi S;rgh\ Sta.owskoun! 1 vam 59 roph t;ua‘ mrza.a[oum granzou;l h 4!6% 6!4% 6!3 fa,iue! Sa Karhni a®a=in \a[janakn h ATP ,arqi mrza,ar;roum! • Fa\astani ouv;[ago\n j;nisistoufi Ani Amira[;ane ;rkrord t;[n h grau;l Wrastani J;lawi qa[aqoum auartoua‘ j;nisi kananz ªTelavi Open-2015º mi=axga\in mrza,ari m;na.a[i pa\qaroum! :xra'akicoum 21-am;a\ Amira[;ane 3 s;joum partou;l h wrazoufi :kat;rina Gorga]hin! A®a=in s;joum Anin \a[j;l h 7!5 fa,ouow% saka\n \a=ord 2 s;j;roum au;li ouv;[ h gtnou;l wrazoufin^ 6!2% 6!2! J;l Awiwoum Ani Amira[;ane ;u ®ous Amina A,ban 6!1% 6!1 fa,ouow \a[j;l ;n ÂDn n;rka\azno[ Polina Goloubowska\a – Alina Kislizka\a xo\gin!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Jbilisioum auartoua‘ ,a.mati kananz a.o\;an Nona Gabrinda,wilou gauaji auandakan .a[arkoujiunoum nor \a=o[ouj;an fasau FF n;rka\azouzic Tigran |aroujiun;ane% ow w;r=in mrza'ouloum s;u;row oc-oqi ar;z tanthr;riz^ grosma\st;r To®nikh Sani]hi f;t! :rkou ,a.matistn;rn hl 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 7&0-akan miauor! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row ouv;[ago\nn;ri .mboum \a[jo[ yanacou;z |aroujiun;ane! • >orwajia\i Por;c qa[aqoum ,arounakuoum h :uropa\i 8-iz 18 tar;kan t[an;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri 25-rd a®a=noujiune! A®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum ;n 41 ;rkrn;ri 843 patani ,a.matistn;r! Fa\astane >orwajia\oum n;rka\azoua‘ h 24 ,a.matistn;row& 16 t[a\ ;u 8 a[=ik! 5 mrza'ouliz \;to\ 8 ;u 12 tar;kan t[an;ri pa\qaroum Âob;rt "ili'os;ane ;u Mamikon {arib;ane \a[j;l ;n bolor partian;roum! Endamhne khs miauor h korzr;l Aram |akob;ane (14 tar;kan)% isk Manouhl P;tros;ane (18 tar;kan) wastak;l h 4 miauor ;u n,oua‘ ,a.matistn;re mrza,ara\in a[iusakn;roum a®a=in t;[;roum ;n! • Libananoum auartou;z ª8-th Beirut International Openº mrza,are% orin masnakzo[ fa\astanzi miak grosma\st;r Tigran Qojan=;ane \a=o[ hr m;knark;l tøn;low 3 anendmh= \a[janak! Tigrane minc;u na.aw;r=in mrza'oule \auaknoum hr mrzanaka\in t;[i! :xra'akic mrza'ouloum spitakn;row xi=;low S;rgh\ Wolkowin (ÂD)% 6 miauorow xba[;zr;z 8-rd t;[e! • Paquoum ,arounakuoum h a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiune! Qa®ord ;xra'akicoum Swidl;re \a[j;z Ouh\ |iin% Kariakine^ Mam;diarowin% Girin^ Wa,\h-Lagrauin% Hlianowe^ Nakamoura\in! Kisa;xra'akicoum ke fandip;n Swidl;r-Giri ;u Kariakin-Hlianow xo\g;re! A®a=ine ;xra'akic h dours ;k;l Swidl;re% ow \a[j;l h 1&5-0&5 fa,ouow% ;xra'akici mius masnakize Kariakinn h% ow Hlianowin \a[j;z lrazouzic partian;row^ 3&5-2&5! :xra'akice ba[kaza‘ h 4 dasakan partian;riz! |a[jo[e \a\tni ke da®na\ Fokt;mb;ri 5-in! :xra'akici masnakizn;re ke nouay;n a,.arfi a.o\;ani \auaknordn;ri mrza,ari ou[;gir!

N.O.October 1, 2015, No. 38:N.O. Blank


9:24 AM

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