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N.O.October 8, 2015, No. 39:N.O. Blank


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MARDKA|IN IRAUANZ :UROPAKAN >ORFOURDI MHK WYIÂE {ARABA{I FARZOW JOURKOUJ Q:R:M JOUNYHL Anz;al |ounis 16-in% Mardka\in Irauanz :uropakan >orfourdi – European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) - Bar]r At;ane touau ir wyi®e dati me mh=% bazoua‘ 6 axrph\yanzin;rou ko[mh% oronq b®ni dours fanoua‘ hin Lacinhn& anonq chin krza‘ w;rada®nal ir;nz bnakarane% thr kangn;lou famar ir;nz kaloua‘in ou go\q;roun! Datarane \anzauor nkata‘ h Fa\astane% dati dimo[n;roun karg me irauounqn;re b®nabara‘ ellaloun famar! Fa\astane partauor hr fatouzan;l minc;u 8&2 milion ;ourø! Asika a®a=in datn h& asor nman faxar anka. paragan;r krnan f;t;uil Fa\astani ;u Axrph\yani dhm! A\s mhke na.enjaz me piti st;[‘h apaga\ dat;rou! Fatouzoume m;‘ b;® me piti fandisana\ Fa\astani safmana'ak tnt;souj;an famar% ;rbor dat;re w;r=nakananan! Na;u% :uropakan dataranin wyi®e% ga[jakann;rou farzow% piti oun;na\ qa[aqakan n,anakaliz f;t;uanqn;r! Fakamartouj;an lou‘oumi enjazqin% ga[jakann;rou farze anbavan mase piti kaxmh banakzouj;anz! A\s ];uow% w;ro\i,;al wyi®e k*akanafarh Fa\astani dirqoro,oume% or ke pndh jh a\s farze \;ta]goui% minc;u or fakamartouj;an w;r=nakan lou‘oum me troui! Miavamanak% Fa\astan fastatørhn ke m;rvh axrph\yanzi ga[jakann;rou w;radar]i kar;lioujiune a\n ,r=ann;re% oronq n;rka\is gtnouin Fa\astani fakak,®in tak! W;ro\i,;al datawyi®e ouni f;t;uakan (consequential) andradar]n;r% oronq ke fastat;n jh fakamart ko[m;re Axrph\yann ou Fa\astann ;n% minc fa\kakan ko[me ke \auakni% jh pa\qari ko[m;re Axrph\yann ou kataroua‘ iro[ouj;amb Nakornø-{araba[i Fanrap;toujiunn h! Fa\astan ke wiyarkh% jh {araba[i axatagroume ardiunq h Arza.i fa\ouj;an axga\in pa\qarin^ ];rbaxatou;lou famar tirakalouj;nhn% axg;rou inqnoro,man skxbounqin wra\% ;u f;t;uabar Fa\astan ke m;rvh endounil or \a\tnaphs mas ke kaxmh fakamartouj;an! Axrph\yan% ir kargin% ke pndh or fakamartoujiune Axrph\yani ;u Fa\astani mi=;u h% ;u ir ;rkrin mhk fing;rorde Fa\astani grauman tak ke gtnoui! Anika ke pndh% or .ndro\ a®arka\ axrph\yanakan fo[;roun grauoume b®nbaroum h ;rkirn;rou safmann;rou an];®nm.;liouj;an skxbounqin! Oc mhk p;toujiun zard yancza‘ h kataroua‘ iro[oujiune L;®na\in {araba[i i,.anouj;an ibr;u anka. p;toujiun! Saka\n Fa\astan ke pndh% jh ir ;rkire ;u Arza. ;rkou tarb;r p;toujiunn;r ;n% ;u jh a\s w;r=ine phtq h masnakzi .a[a[ouj;an banakzouj;anz! A\s pndoumin npatakn h endounil tal kataroua‘ iro[oujiune% orphsxi inqnab;rabar anor f;t;ui irauaphs (de jure) ;us yanacoume mi=axga\in fanrouj;an ko[mh! A\s ];uow =n=oua‘ al k*ella\ axrph\yanakan a®arkoujiune L;®na\in {araba[i grauman Fa\astani ko[mh! Axrph\yan wy®aphs ke m;rvh a\s w;r=no\n masnakzoujiune banakzouj;anz! Mardka\in Irauanz :uropakan >orfourdi (ECHR) fama]a\n% fakamartouj;an a®a=in isk ørhn Fa\astan ko[m h% ;u anor xinouorakan% qa[aqakan ou `inansakan n;zouke Arza.i w;raproumin famar k;nsakan h! Ke f;t;ui% jh Fa\astan axd;zik fakak,i® ouni Nakornø-{araba[i wra\! F;t;uabar% 1902-i Hague-i kanonagrouj;an fiman wra\% Fa\astan fimnowin fakak,®;low {araba[e% graua‘ k*ella\ j,nami fo[atara‘qe% or inqnin =ra‘ k*ella\ na;u axg;rou inqnoro,man irauounqi skxbounqe& endfaka®ake% .ndro\ a®arka\ {araba[i fo[atara‘qe oc jh ªaxatagroua‘º% a\l ªb®nagrauoua‘º ke nkatoui! Bnoujagr;low a\sph*s Axrph\yani fo[amasin mhk ,r=anin% kam a\laphs^ Nakornø-{araba[in b®nagrauoume% a\s fiman wra\ h% or

ørinauor lou‘oum me piti troui {araba[i fakamartouj;an! F;t;uabar% a\l ;rkirn;r oronq baza\a\tørhn% kam^ anou[[aki k;rpow% jikounq ke kangnin Fa\astanin% kam^ kataroua‘ iro[ouj;amb (de facto) st;[‘oua‘^ Arza.i i,.anouj;an% w;rat;souj;an ;njark;lou ;n ir;nz qa[aqakanoujiune! *** Xinadoulhn 21 tari ;tq% Mardka\in Irauanz :uropakan Datarane ir ambo[= jhxe fimna‘ h a*\n warka‘in wra\% jh L;®na\in {araba[e axrph\yanakan fo[amas h% or b®nagrauoua‘ h Fa\astani ko[mh% ;u oroun ambo[=akan tirap;touj;an tak h Arza.i n;rka\ i,.anoujiune! A\s tramabanouj;amb% inqnab;rabar =n=oua‘ k*ella\ na;u axg;rou inqnoro,man irauounqi skxboun qe% oroun fiman wra\ ];®q b;roua‘ h a\d anka.oujiune! Anmi=aphs matnan,;nq% jh m;knakhte^ a\sinqn axrph\yanakan tara‘qi mhk masin^ Nakornø-{araba[i b®nagrauoume anfimn% patmakan oc mhk ,ø,a';li iro[oujiun ouni! Endfaka®ake% krknouj;an gnow% angam me ;us fastat;nq% or Arza.e baxmadar;an fa\kakan patkan;lioujiun ouni% ªA®an,afikº farstouj;an ør;rhn! Anika yanczoua‘ h na;u orphs Siuniq% ellalow M;‘ Fa\qi tasn;rord nafange^ 12 gaua®n;row! Ke \i,atakoui na;u :rouandounin;rou jagauorouj;an at;n (Q&a& VI-II dar)! Mi=nadaroun al ke yanczoui orphs ª>achnº! Isk XV darhn sks;al anouanakocoume ke 'o.oui ª{araba[ºi% da®nalow fa\ axatagrakan pa\qari ørrane! Qronikagir Mirxa Yamal Yawan,ir (1740-1801) aknarka‘ h parskakan ou ®ousakan wiyakagrouj;anz% oronq ke fastat;n% jh fa\;re Arza.i mh=% dar;rou enjazqin% endfanraphs m;‘amasnoujiun kaxma‘ ;n% \atkaphs Jiurqm;nca\i Da,inqhn (1828) ;tq! Al;qsh\ ";jrowic Hrmolowi frafangow (1822) patrastoua‘ wiyakagrouj;an fama]a\n% {araba[i axgabnakcouj;an 81 a® fariure fa\;r hin% ;u 18 a® fariure^ axrph\yanzin;r! Dar;rou enjazqin% t;[uo\n fa\abnakcouj;an go\at;uman ;u anka.ouj;an pa\qare 1918-in \ang;zau L;®na\in {araba[i inqnawar i,.anouj;an^ >orfrdaranow% Axga\in >orfourdow ou Ka®awarouj;amb! D;kt;mb;r 10% 1991-in% L;®na\in {araba[i mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ fanraqouhi fiman wra\ w;rafastatou;zau Nakornø-{araba[i fanrap;touj;an anka.oujiune! D;kt;mb;r 28% 1991-in t;[i oun;zan .orfrdaranakan entroujiunn;r! S;pt;mb;r 20% 1992-in% norentir .orfrdarane dim;z MAK-in ;u Anka. :rkirn;rou Da,nakzouj;an^ yanacoumi famar ibr;u norentir p;toujiun! 1994-in Arza. entr;z ir na.agafe! Minsqi |an]na.oumbin ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ ;u a\l banakzoujiunn;rou auartin lo\s en‘a\oua‘ ,arq me wau;rajou[j;r ke kr;n Nakornø-{araba[i n;rka\azouzicn;roun storagroujiunn;re ibr;u masnakzo[ a®an]in ko[m! W;ro\i,;al wau;rajou[j;rhn \i,atak;nq&V;l;xnowotsqii mh= storagroua‘ S;pt;mb;r 23% 1991-i fa[ordagroujiune! b) |ounis 14% 1993-in Minsqi >oumbin ko[mh a®a=arkoua‘ kam a®nou;liq stipo[akan na.aqa\l;rou vamanakazo\ze! g) ";trouar 18% 1994-in Moskoua\i fa[ordagroujiune% storagroua‘ 3 ko[m;rou pa,tpanouj;an na.ararn;roun ko[mh! d) Ma\is 9% 1994-i Pi,qhqi 'rojoqole! ;) Âousio\ mi=nordouj;amb% Ma\is 12% 1994-i xinadoule% storagrouj;amb na;u

S&|&M& Axat jargmanoujiun^ m;knabanouj;amb <ar& h= 16

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GA{OUJA|IN LOUR:R Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiun – Los Any;les


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Armenian Parliament Approves Constitutional Referendum Bill

Armenia’s National Assembly approved on Monday the plan for putting the revised draft constitutional amendments to a referendum. The bill was adopted with 104 votes for and 10 votes against. Three MPs abstained from voting.

CSTO Secretary General: Armenian Army Is Fully Capable To Ensure Security Of Armenia

AGBU President Berge Setrakian Receives Second Degree Medal Of The Republic Of Armenia Medal awarded for “services to the homeland” during the past year’s commemorative events On September 26, AGBU President Berge Setrakian was awarded the Second Degree Medal of the Republic of Armenia by President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. Mr. Setrakian received the award during the sixth session of the State Commission on Coordination of the Events for the Commemoration of the Genocide Centenary for “services to the homeland” and in honor of his contribution in organizing and implementing commemorative events over the last year, particularly the AGBU-sponsored Canonization of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide and its worldwide broadcast.

Mr. Setrakian was one in a group of Armenian and diaspora-based benefactors and businessmen to be awarded the high

Obama: Putin's Intervention In Syria Is 'A Recipe For Disaster' US president calls Russian strategy 'self-defeating', vows there will be no proxy war; US said to be rethinking strategy against ISIS in Syria. Russia's military intervention in the Syrian Civil War is "a recipe for disaster", US President Barack Obama said Friday, and less than a week after Moscow began airstrikes to support Syrian President Bashar Assad. Obama vehemently rejected Russia's military actions in Syria as self-defeating

and dismissed the idea that Moscow was strengthening its hand in the region. He vowed not to let the conflict become a US-Russia "proxy war." At a White House news conference on Friday, Obama pledged to stay the course with his strategy of supporting moderate rebels who oppose Syrian President Bashar Assad, but he dodged questions about whether the US would protect them if they came under Russian attack.

Russia Inflicts More Damage On ISIS In 1 Day Than The US Did In 1 Year Armed Forces of Armenia are fully capable to ensure the security of their country and territorial integrity. “Armenpress” reports that CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha told the journalists about this at “Baghramyan” military training center in answer to the question “Why does not the CSTO interfere in border situation?”

Defense Ministry Of NKR: Defense Army Halted Offensive Actions Of Azerbaijan Azerbaijani troops continue to violate the ceasefire, the press service of Defense Ministry of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) reported. According to the source, on October 5 and the night of October 6 the Azerbaijani side violated the ceasefire over 100 times on the line of contact between the armed forces of Karabakh and Azerbaijan. During that period over 2,000 shots were fired at Armenian positions by Azerbaijani frontline units using small arms of various calibers and 82mm mortars (2 shells). Offensive actions of Azerbaijani troops were halted as a result of prompt actions taken by frontline units of NKR Defense Army.

The ambassador of Syria in Moscow thanked Russia for the decision to launch operations against ISIL. The US coalition, according to the diplomat, achieved no significant results in the fight against terrorists. The Syrian ambassador also said that Russia is attacking only the radical group “Islamic state”. Today the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that many countries and media outlets are providing false information about Syria. For example, yes-

terday it was reported that as a result of the strikes civilians were killed, but it turned out that the information about their death appeared before the Russian planes even took off. Note that the Russian aviation in one day destroyed five strongholds of the”Islamic state”. In the end, Russian aircraft in a day managed to do more against ISIL than American aviation coalition was able to do in a year. !

Robert M. Morgenthau: Armenians Firm In Quest For Self-Determination PanARMENIAN.Net - A luncheon in honor of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan took place on September 30, at the Capitol Visitor Center, Washington DC, where the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation posthumously bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg medal to Henry Morgenthau Sr. into the hands of his grandson Robert M. Morgenthau. As Morgenthau further noted in his speech, “I am honored in more ways than I can recount to be asked to accept the Wallenberg Medal on behalf of my grandfather. The legacy of Raoul Wallenberg holds a very personal significance for my family. My father, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., was Secretary of the Treasury during the Holocaust. At a time when as many as 12,000 Hungarian Jews were being deported to certain death every day, he established the War Refugee Board to resettle the refugees and save their lives. It was Raoul Wallenberg who ultimately would run the Board, and it was his courage and tireless effort that saved 200,000 lives – and provided a model for the kind of humanitarian sacrifice that the world so needs today.

state decoration and receive letters of acknowledgement for providing active support to the works of organizing and holding the events to mark the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. President Sargsyan distributed decorations to the awardees, congratulated them and wished them success: “I would like to thank everyone who was involved in this crucial mission. My own impression is that no Armenian in the world remained indifferent to these events, be he a benefactor or an artist, a donor and a journalists, a demonstrator or a diplomat, a volunteer or an official, a scientist or a clergyman.”

Relations With Iran Are Of Vital Importance For Armenia, President

Relations with Iran are of vital importance for Yerevan, president Serzh Sargsyan said on Monday during a farewell meeting with outgoing Iranian aambassador Mohammad Reisi, Sargsyan's press service reported. It said president Sargsyan thanked the ambassador for his efforts to help boost Armenian-Iranian relations during his tenure. Sargsyan was also quoted as saying that close relationships between the two neighbor countries are based on historical and cultural similarities, mutual economic interests, geopolitical peculiarities, as well as common approaches towards regional problems.

Secretary Of State For European Affairs Of France To Visit Armenia Harlem Désir, Secretary of State for European Affairs of France, will visit Armenia October 8-11 to represent the French Government in the 31st session of the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). “Armenpress” was informed by Embassy of the French Republic in Armenia that the Secretary will have bilateral meetings with the authorities of the Republic of Armenia, will visit the Armenian Genocide memorial complex as well as French University in Armenia. Harlem Désir will also meet the French community in Armenia and the businessmen in particular.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 8, 2015


The Nazarian Family Donates MRI Unit To Heratsi Hospital In Yerevan

PAN ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY PAI Follow-up Article The series of articles related to the PAI that appeared in the English Section of Nor Or newspaper, generated special interest towards the main mission of PAI as well as questions regarding the implementation of the ideology. Some readers were curious to know about the benefits that PAI may provide to the diaspora Armenians as well as Armenians in the motherland. There were also questions about the necessity and reasons for creating the PAI at this time. To respond to these questions and inquiries we have to go back to the beginning of 2014, on the eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It was then that ARCA (Armenian Rights Council 0f America) identified major roadblocks and lack of planning in the nation building process carried out in Armenia. After further discussions on this subject, it was decided to adopt PAI as the major ARCA project for the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. As the project progressed, it became apparent that four major areas of concern needed investigation and special attention. These were (1) Uncertainty about the survivability of the State of Armenia, (2) Armenia’s immediate security concerns because of its two hostile neighbors. (3) Assimilation of Armenians in the diaspora and (4) the lack of serious planning for the resolution of the Armenian cause. ARCA was also aware that all these subjects were directly or indirectly interconnected. In the following paragraph these areas of concern are discussed. (1) The uncertainty generated about the future survivability of the Armenian State included: Large scale immigration out of Armenia, changing Armenia’s demographic characteristics, growth potential, brain drain and reducing the pool of candidates to serve in the military; The lack of effective measures and responsibilities shown by the government officials regarding these matters, as well as basic needs of under privileged citizens; The rampant corruption and monopolies and their negative effects on the economy; The loss of faith and trust in the government, and as a result, some citizens feeling helpless and hopeless and deciding to leave Armenia to save the future of their children. (2) The security concerns relate to the hostile attitudes of Azerbaijan and Turkey towards Armenian people as well as the state of Armenia. Azerbaijan with its massive armament purchases with petrodollars and daily threats against Karabagh, Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide and its continued anti-Armenian propaganda constitute potential threats to Armenia’s security. Unfortunately, these facts also indicate that Turkey’s genocidal plans against Armenians have not been changed. If we add to this equation Russia’s overtures to Azerbaijan and Turkey, we can conclude that these are real concerns and threats to Armenia’s security and existence. (3) In the diaspora communities assimilation takes place continuously affecting the loss of Armenian identity especially in the young generation. Usually, second and third generations of Armenians do not speak Armenian and become indifferent to their Armenian heritage. (4) The word opportunity refers to situations resulting from regional conflicts where the political settlements of these conflicts may create opportunities to address and try to resolve other regional frozen conflicts. In our case it may include Western Armenian Territories under occupation by Turkey. To take advantage of these opportunities, we must be ready by collecting all the facts and documentation, and perform-

ing all the necessary preparations and planning . PAI is a strong advocate to this approach. In response to the question relating to the implementation to PAI we can inform our leaders that the program is in its preliminary stages. To date the Armenian and English versions of the report have been distributed locally and in Armenia. Articles about PAI have appeared in Rag Mamoul, Nor Or and Keghart.com. Future plans include the distribution of the report to major diaspora organizations and institutions as well as to specific Armenian government agencies and public institutions. Following this step, a series of workshops will be organized to discuss and develop further detailed implementation plans, as well as public forums to expose the public to the PAI objectives. As part of the implementation, consideration is being given to the creation of an administrative body as well as a board of directors to manage the application of PAI guidelines for all Armenian organizations and institutions. Hopefully, the board of directors will be able to raise large funds to assist refugees and help underprivileged Armenians in the diaspora and in Armenia. Some of the financial resources are planned for be used for lobbying purposes in various countries. It is hoped that with a successful implementation of PAI, major national problems will be addressed and solutions found, immigration out of Armenia minimized and a major repatriation program initiated. In conclusion, by supporting the PAI aims and becoming an activist Armenians we will contribute to the realization of our national dreams and aspirations. By becoming self- reliant we will be able to achieve true independence, becoming members of free and independent Armenian nation worldwide. As the offsprings of genocide survivors, let’s send a strong message to the Turkish government and the people reminding them that they are responsible for the genocide committed against Armenians by their ancestors and that they must apologize and agree to provide restitution, restoration and retribution to the Armenian people. We must also develop strong deterrents to discourage Azerbaijan and Turkey from organizing military adventures against Armenia. Lastly, let’s encourage Islamized Armenians to return to their Armenian roots without requiring them to denounce their religion and accept Christianity.

Hagop Nazarian

Armenia To Host International Potato Seminar Next August H r a c h y a Berberyan, head of an Armenian farmers union, said today that Yerevan will host an international potato seminar in 2016 August. He said Armenia's natural and climatic conditions are very favorable for potato growing. According to him, the decision to organize the seminar was taken during a recent meeting of Armenian and Georgian farmers, specializing in potato growing. It was the first such meeting where the sides looked into the prospects for export of Armenian potato seeds to Georgia.

The collaboration continues between AGBU and the Yerevan State Medical University On September 23, a new MRI unit was inaugurated at the Heratsi Hospital in Yerevan thanks to a $1.4 million donation by AGBU Board of Trustees Member Nazar Nazarian, his wife Artemis and their son, AGBU Central Board Member Dr. Levon Nazarian. The ceremony was attended by AGBU President Berge Setrakian, Minister of Education of the Republic of Armenia Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia Armen Muradyan and Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) Rector Mikayel Narimanyan. The MRI unit is an addition to the AGBU-YSMU Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology Center, founded in 2010, and will allow the center to perform medical tests unavailable at other hospitals in Armenia. The new device provides high quality images that enable accurate diagnoses. Narimanyan said that, due to the new MRI unit, doctors will be able to see cardiovascular pathologies at an earlier stage, observing changes, without endovascular interventions, that may lead to heart attack and stroke. “The machine is a 1.5 Tesla ‘high-field’ unit, and therefore, expands the range of

MRI services that the hospital can offer patients,” said Dr. Levon Nazarian, a radiologist and vice chairman of the Department of Radiology at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. “State-of-the-art imaging is essential if Armenia is to be seen as a center of medical excellence.” During the inauguration, Muradyan highlighted the importance of introducing modern equipment at YSMU, which enables young doctors to work with new technologies used by the world’s best hospitals early in their careers: “These technologies also allow specialists to send digital images to reference hospitals, which means that [Armenians] will be saved the trouble of traveling to other countries for the purpose of diagnosis and will be able to receive the highest quality medical care in their home country, in particular at the diagnosis stage.” He added that in the coming months YSMU expects to receive two more similar devices that will meet the needs of Armenia’s healthcare sector. Before the start of the ceremony, Setrakian and Narimanyan signed a cooperation agreement to continue the partnership between AGBU and YSMU.

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA APPOINTS PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSOCIATE DANIELLE SAROYAN WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) welcomes Danielle Saroyan as the Assembly's Public Affairs Associate, effective immediately. “Danielle’s background and experience will further advance the Assembly’s mission using the latest communications techniques and digital tools necessary for effective advocacy in today’s world,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. During the summer of 2014, Saroyan interned for the United Nations Department of Public Information in Armenia as part of the Assembly’s Yerevan Summer Internship Program, where she engaged with the general public, particularly Armenian youth, and met with many public officials. A recent graduate from the University of Southern California, Saroyan earned a Master’s Degree in Public Diplomacy. During her studies, she focused on the use of culture and technology to increase awareness of important issues and public diplomacy. Previously, Danielle received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of San Francisco with an International Studies major, a Global Politics & Societies concentration, and French Studies, European Studies, and Legal Studies minors. A native of California, she has prior experience as an editor of Public Diplomacy Magazine, with the Los Angeles Consular Corps, and with the district office of Congresswoman Janice Hahn (D-CA).

New Agriculture Projects Underway In Artsakh This summer, the Foundation began to cultivate 20 hectares of land near Mijnavan village, NKR Kashatagh Region. Long covered with weeds, bushes and overgrowth, the area nonetheless contains rich, fertile soil and available water. With proper care, this land should become arable within months. The cleaning works are now in progress. Our goal is commercial cultivation of barley, wheat, and Indian corn, primarily as fodder for livestock. To this end, we are collaborating with livestock farmers in nearby Ghapan, who have expressed high demand for these crops. In pursuing this collaboration, we hope to forge durable connections with southern Armenia, thereby fostering Kashatagh’s integration into the larger regional economy. For other news, please follow us on info@tcf.am

Glendale Adventist Medical Center First in California to Receive New Quality-Based Accreditation from DNV GL for Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification LOS ANGELES, CA. DNV GL Healthcare USA, Inc., recently awarded (Aug. 14) certification to Glendale Adventist Medical Center as a Comprehensive Stroke Center, reflecting the highest level of competence for treatment of the most serious stroke events. The hospital is the first in California to receive this certification. By earning this prestigious accreditation, Glendale Adventist Medical Center has demonstrated it exceeds patient safety standards set forth by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Brain Attack Coalition and the American Stroke Association.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 8, 2015


Did Charlie Hebdo Really Take Satire Too Far? The sinister day of March 15, 2011 marked the beginning of a seemingly never-ending human exodus, also known as the Syrian civil war. In fact, four years on since its start, over nine million Syrians have become displaced, three million of which have been forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries beyond the Mediterranean. Over the past two weeks, the French satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo” became obsessed with Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian toddler who became a symbol of Europe’s refugee crisis. In one of its issues, “Charlie Hebdo” (see photo 1) featured a caricature of Aylan Kurdi lying dead on the coast of Bodrum, Turkey. The caption on the front page read “So close to making it…” and the sign on the beach read “Promotion! Two children’s menus for the price of one”; the second caricature read (see photo 2) “Christians walk on water, Muslim children sink”. On the one hand, one might think of the these caricatures as appalling, for human loss is being mocked in these pictures. On the other hand, and as Hundel wrote earlier last week in “The Independent”, “it would be ridiculous to read the [“Charlie Hebdo”] take on the refugee crisis at face value.” Nevertheless, the following questions surely arise: Is this freedom of speech or inhuman mockery? Is it ethical to discuss such a sensitive issue openly through satire? Is this taking freedom of speech too far, or are journalists and caricaturists only rightfully expressing their opinion? Or better yet, should we question the pillars on which freedom of speech was built, such as tolerance, equality, diversity and acceptance? “I see humans, but no Humanity,” says Jason Donohue. Have we, as a community,

lost what makes us humans? Did little Aylan deserve to be not only a victim of war and corruption, but also of satire? As humans living in one society, aren’t we responsible for respecting and understanding one another? Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Aylan died before he could even have dreams. Because of injustice and greed, Aylan was deprived of his basic human right: life. Isn’t freedom of expression, as aforementioned, a human right as well? Why deprive ourselves of another basic right, which happens to be a powerful tool we have in our hands? Freedom of speech signifies diversity, knowledge, and new opinions. All these are factors of development. Our goal as humanity should be to strengthen what makes us special, which is our human existence. The world we live in today would have been much different without Socrates or Voltaire. Although at first these caricatures might shock the general public, one should look beyond their literal meaning and see what the caricaturists really want to denounce and mock, which is not Aylan’s death, but the disgusting state of the world we live in. Still, it was one of the greatest and most influential people of the past century, Mahatma Gandhi, who once said: “You must not lose faith in humanity.” OutlookThe American University of Beirut

Alik Jébéjian

The Evening Dedicated To The Armenian Anniversaries 2015 On 26 September in St. Petersburg in the A. S. Griboedov Library of national literatures was held a cultural evening dedicated to anniversaries and significant events of the Armenian world in 2015. At the beginning of the event, The Chairman of the Regional public organization "The Armenians of St. Petersburg" Alexander Nazarov presented the audience's attention the report about the outstanding personalThe Herald of Armenians in Petersburg (Vestnik ities of science, art, sports, military and Armyan Peterburga). Photo by Lilith O’riordan state figures. culture in St. Petersburg, anniversaries: Then there was a review of significant teacher Arshak Mkrtumyan, public figure events of the year and the story about the Galina Barkhudarova and artist Yura Tuongoing work of the Public Organization masyan. "The Armenians of St. Petersburg". The event is organized by The Regional At the end of the evening, The Board of Public Organization "The Armenians of St. Regional Public Organization "The ArmePetersburg" in partnership with the A. S. nians of St. Petersburg" awarded thanksGriboedov Library of national literatures. giving certificates for retaining Armenian

Sponsorships Needed At Mer Doon SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. This week we highlight five residents of Mer Doon: Margarita Grigoryan, Marieta Grigoryan, Syuzanna Hasratyan, Gohar Mov-

sisyan, and Liana Zakaryan. Mer Doon offers a home in Echmiadzin for orphaned Armenian females who have outgrown the traditional orphanage, offering a loving and compassionate family environment and easing the transition from institutionalization to independent living. Please visit the residents of Mer Doon through our Sponsorship Enrollment. If you have any questions about SOAR or our sponsorship opportunities, contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@soar-us.org or 610.213.3452. Thank you in advance for your support!

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

82 - Dogan Akhanli By Hambersom Aghbashian Do!an Akhanlı was born in "av#at*,Turkey in 1957. He moved to Istanbul at the age of twelve. In the wake of the 1980 military coup d’etat, he went underground then was political prisoner from 1985 to 1987. He managed to fled to Germany in 1991, where he was granted political refugee status. In 1998, Turkey stripped him of his Turkish citizenship, but he became a German citizen in 2001. Akhanlı, in his novels, essays, interviews, and also in his projects in Germany, has consistently displayed an honest approach to historical violence. He initiated the Raphael Lemkin Library in Cologne, where he lives since 1990. He is committed to memorializing the genocides of the twentieth century, including the Armenian genocide, and to promoting cross-cultural dialogue with a view to reconciliation. Many institutions has sponsored Akhanlı’s projects and some of his projects were distinguished with awards. His novel Madonna'nin Son Hayali was singled out as one of the most important works in Turkey in 2005. In 2009, the Turkish daily Hürriyet awarded him its Literary Prize. Akhanlı has committed himself to exposing the truth about the murder of Hrant Dink and to perpetuating the memory of this Armenian journalist and publisher, who was dedicated to bringing about reconciliation between Armenians and Turks. Akhanlı is a staff member of the nonprofit organization 'Research International', which is principally concerned with developing educational curricula on genocidal violence. In addition Akhanlı is involved in a dialogue project on German, Kurdish and Turkish history and mutual understanding since 2010.(1) According to "http://en.gariwo.net", Dec. 21, 2010, "Dogan Akhanli, has been jailed in Istanbul since August, when he entered Turkey to visit his father. Akhanli wrote two novels on the Armenian Genocide, 'The Judges of the last Judgment' and 'The Last Dream of the Madonna'. In 2009 he won the literary prize of the Turkish paper Hurriyet. Furthermore the writer has founded an organization which educates Armenians, Turks, Kurds and Germans to the memory of the 1915 genocide. In 2007 Akhanli stepped in to call for an independent investigation into the murder of Hrant Dink.(2) "Turkish Intellectual Commemorates Armenian Genocide" was the title of an article posted by "www.mirak-weissbach.de" on May 16, 2011, where it stated " On April 24, the guest speaker at the annual commemoration ceremony for the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the historic Paulskirche, in Frankfurt, Germany, was Turkish intellectual and author Dogan Akhanli. It was the first time that the Armenian community had invited someone of Turkish descent to hold the main address. Akhanli had been jailed in Turkey under the military regime, and later emigrated to Germany in 1992, where he lives. He is the author of several novels in Turkish, translated into Germans, one of which takes up the theme of the Armenian genocide, a topic forbidden by Turkish law. In August 2010, he returned to Turkey to visit his dying father, but was arrested at the airport and thrown into prison for four months. Thanks to a campaign in his defense, organized by civil rights activists and Turkish and German intellectuals, he managed to leave Turkey and return to Germany.(3) "The Mirror-Spectator " wrote on September 25, 2014 from Cologne, Germany "If post-war Germany was able to ac-

knowledge the Holocaust and work through its implications, politically and psychologically, why cannot the present Turkish establishment do the same regarding the 1915 Genocide? It is not only Armenians in and outside Germany who raise this question, but also Germans of Turkish descent, first among them Dogan Akhanli, who received the Georg Fritze Memorial Award in Cologne, Germany on September 19." (4) Carolina Figini, Gariwo Editorial Staff , interviewed Dogan Akhanli on February 10, 2015. He was introduced as " a writer and activist symbol of the fight for Turkish and Armenian reconciliation. A message of hope comes from this figure of civil courage, who fought for the memory of the Armenian genocide and the truth about Hrant Dink’s murder." Amog many other things, Akhanli mentioned in the interview that " A lot has changed in Turkey since Hrant Dink’s murder. Since then, civil society has risen up. After 2007, it came to light in the public debate that there were lots of journalists and scholars who investigated on Armenian genocide and wrote books on the matter." And about "Reconciliation” which he believes in, he said "it is a huge word. In this moment, I don’t know if the two populations are in the condition of reconciling, but dialogue has already been resumed." And about his book " “Die Richter desjüngsten Gerichts” he said, I was born in a place in the Georgia borders, where many thing were told about Armenian massacre. Before, this zone was Russian territory, it became Armenian and, in the end, there were massacres , and now it is Turkish. Massacres were carried out during Atatürk's government, who killed 60 thousands of Armenians in this place.(5) According to "www.worldwide-reading.com" A worldwide reading on April 21st 2015 is going to be held in commemorating the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. In the appeal it was mentioned that "The international literature festival Berlin (ilb) and the Lepsiushaus Potsdam are calling for a worldwide reading on 21 April 2015, the day that marks 100 years since the beginning of the Armenian Genocide. Several hundred Armenian intellectuals, poets, musicians, parliamentary representatives and members of the clergy, were arrested in Istanbul on 24 April 1915, and deported to the Turkish interior where most of them were murdered. It was the start of a crime against humanity. The extermination of the Armenians during WWI was the first systematically planned and executed genocide of modern times. More than a million Armenians in the Ottoman empire died during this genocidal campaign. Do!an Akhanlı was one of the intellectuals who signed the appeal.(6)

*!av"at is a town and district of Artvin Province in the Black Sea region, between the cities of Artvin and Kars on the border with Georgia at the far eastern end of Turkey 1.dogan-akhanli.de/media//DIR_32401 /1fc29bed1212dc14ffff... 2.http://en.gariwo.net/pagina.php?id=6738 3.http://www.mirak-weissbach.de/NewsArchive/files/tag-hrant-dink.html 4.http://www.mirrorspectator.com/2014/09/ 25/creating-a-transnational-memory-spacedogan5.http://en.gariwo.net/pagina.php?id=1219 8 6.www.worldwide-reading.com/archiven/24-april-2015...

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 8, 2015


SARF Will Hold Telethon In February

Republic Of Armenian 24th Independence Day Celebration In Las Vegas

The Executive committee of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) will hold a fundraising telethon in late February 2016 to provide financial assistance to Syrian Armenians who are victims of the ravaging civil war. A special task force was formed and preliminary activities have started. The telethon will be broadcast in Southern California on cable TV channels. It will also be webcast worldwide on www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org. More details will be provided to our community in the days to come. Pre-telethon fund raising has already started and representatives of SARF will soon contact individuals and various organizations to secure their support. We are confident that once again our community will rise to the occasion and do its utmost to give generously and help our suffering people. SARF was established 3 years ago in Los Angeles and is comprised of 10 major organizations of the Armenian community in the Southland: Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North America, The Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Social Democratic Hunchagian Party, The Armenian Relief Society, Armenian General Benevolent Union, The Armenian Missionary Association of America.

On Friday, September 25, the 24th anniversary of Armenia’s independence was celebrated in Las Vegas. The cultural program followed by a reception was organized by St. Garabed Church Parish Council and Ladies Auxiliary under the auspices of Las Vegas Honorary Consul Adroushan Andy Armenian. Mr. Gvidon Stambultsyan, master of the ceremony acknowledged participating organizations and after a brief introduction invited the audience to stand for the National Anthems followed by flags presentation by Homenetmen Artsakh Chapter scouts. Mr. Valery Mkrtoumian, Republic of Armenia Deputy Consul General from Los Angeles during his opening remarks congratulated the growing Las Vegas Armenian-American community and underscored the importance of having a strong and developing Armenian, a strong and developing Artsakh and vibrant Armenian diaspora communities. As part of the cultural program Mrs. Asdghig Dadourian recited poems by Silva Kaputikyan, Kevork Emin, Vahan Tekeyan and others which were greatly appreciated by the audience. Additionally there were several young performers who played the piano and recited Armenian poems and sang patriotic songs. Armenian Evangelical Church choir also participated and brought the performance to a standing ovation by the Yerevan Erepouni, Edgar Havanessian song.

Closing remarks were delivered by Honorary Consul Adroushan Andy Armenian who thanked all the participants and the organizers and underlined the importance of the day’s cultural event where so many young performers and adults participated demonstrating that the Armenian culture and heritage is alive and will pass on from one generation to another and will continue to strengthen within diaspora communities. Mr. Armenian invited Board Members of Armenian-American Cultural Society of Las Vegas for sealing the “Time Capsule” that will be placed in the foundation of the Las Vegas Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument being built at Sunset Park. Participating organizations placed memorabilia items and the capsule was ceremonially sealed. The monument construction is expected to be complete by end October with inauguration planned for mid-November 2015. In appreciation of Mrs. Asdghig Dadourian’s commitment to promote the Armenian culture a certificate of recognition was presented to her by Deputy Consul General Mkrtoumian and Honororary Consul Andy Armenian. Additionally St. Garabed Church Parish Pastor Der Arsen Kassabian and Parish Council President Mr. Garabed Bedirian presented Mrs. Dadourian with an Armenian Holy Bible. The festivities continued till late in the evening with dinner followed by songs and dances in the church courtyard.

One Big Step Forward... Did you know that thousands of hiking trails exist in Armenia, but only a handful are actually marked? Did you know that the communities living in these remote regions have, for decades, suffered the consequences of poor exposure to the international community? Did you know that Armenia's highest altitude actually exceeds that of Switzerland, a country widely known for its impressive hiking networks? The potential for change is here. This was the idea for our current project, which we launched yesterday, called HIKEArmenia. We think Armenia's potential for a developed and healthy hiking and ecotourism industry is immense. We want to mark trails on the ground here in Armenia and develop a mobile app that will bring Armenia's to your fingertips, benefitting local economies outside Yerevan. Our goal is to raise $25,500 and make Armenia's countryside available to be explored, discovered and respected by all. Will you take ONE big step with us? Be one of the first to contribute to the project!

Married Couples Can Volunteer Too! Join Birthright Armenia's sister organization AVC, offering a 'Birthright' experience to all generations

Meet Linda Shahinian and Herbert Schiff from the USA. They were tourists in Armenia last year; they decided that this time they wanted to spend a little longer here and be useful at the same time. Linda, 71, who has worn many different hats throughout her career, is volunteering at American University of Armenia's Acopian Center for the Environment where she is assisting with the development of an eco-tourism project. Meanwhile, Herb, 73, who has had a longstanding passion for history and paleontology, is doing field research at the Shengavit archeological site as part of current excavations overseen by the Scientific Research Center for Historical and Cultural Heritage. "After seeing firsthand the exciting work happening in Armenia, we decided that now was the time to be a part of it. Partly to support my wife, but also because of my very strong feeling that Armenia is coming into its own, it was important to me that I apply to AVC to volunteer my time. I would like to be, in whatever way I can, part of helping Armenia achieve its enormous potential," says Herb. Birthright Armenia's sister organization Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC) offers immersion, non-tourist experiences similar to those offered by Birthright Armenia (BR) to anyone who is not BR-eligible; i.e. to individuals of all backgrounds and ethnicities from across the globe, age 21 and up. Service terms are as short as two weeks and up to one year. To date, AVC has placed over 600 volunteers from 40 countries!

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Ara Afaron;an orphs s;rt bar;kame 2012-in mafaza‘ |AKOB ALJOUN:ANIN% manramasn;al k;nsagroujiun me n;rka\azouz% Aljoun;ani m,akouja\in% ;k;[;zakan ou fasarakakan la\na‘aual ou nouir;al gor‘ounhoujiune parx;low boloris! Fos k*arvh au;lzn;l% or iuraqanciur wastakauor tarb;r a®ijn;row arvanaza‘ h Miou-

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NOR ØR% 8 FOKT:MB:R 2015


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Fokt;mb;ri 3-5-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 9-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªBananzº-ª"iunikº^ 0-1 ªGan]asar K&º-ªAla,k;rtº^ 2-2 ªOulisº-ª<irakº^ 0-1 ªAraratº-ªMikaº^ 2-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ala,k;rt 9 5 3 1 17-11 18 "iunik 9 5 2 2 18-7 17 <irak 9 5 2 2 13-10 17 Gan]asar 9 4 4 1 13-8 16 Ararat 9 4 1 4 9-11 13 Mika 9 3 1 5 8-11 10 Bananz 9 1 4 4 10-14 7 Oulis 9 0 1 8 5-21 1

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • 9-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ a®a=noujiunoum dadar h lin;lou FF axga\in fauaqakani .a[;ri patya®ow! |i,;zn;nq% or Fokt;mb;ri 8-in Nisoum FF fauaqakane enk;rakan .a[oum ke mrzi ~ransia\i% isk Fokt;mb;ri 11-in :urø-2016-i ,r=anakoum ir w;r=in fandipoume k*anzkazni Alpania\i entranou f;t^ :r;uanoum! • Fokt;mb;ri 4-in% 68 tar;kan fasakoum% ;rkarat;u ;u ‘anr fiuandoujiuniz \;to\ k;anqiz anvamanak f;®az;l h ªArarat73º-i l;g;ndar auag |owfannhs Xanaxan;ane! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane "orjougalia\oum masnakz;z :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an 9-rd .mbi mrza,arin% ort;[ a®a=in ;rkou .a[;roum xi=;z^ "orjougalia\i (0-7) ;u Anglia\i (0-5) fauaqakann;rin! :rrord .a[oum% ore ka\azau Fokt;mb;ri 4-in FF fauaqakane mrz;z San Marino\i f;t! Fandipoumn auartou;z 1-1 fa,ouow! • Fokt;mb;ri 9-in Poulkaria\i Stara Xagora qa[aqoum ke ka\ana\ :uropa\i minc;u 21 tar;kann;ri 2017 j& a®a=nouj;an




Poulkaria-Fa\astan fandipoume% ori famar fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Artak Øs;ane fauaqakan h frauir;l 23 `oujpolisti! • Fa\astani fauaqakane ~I~A-i dasakargman nor a[iusakoum nafan=;l h 8-e t;[ow ;u a\vm gtnuoum h 91-rd t;[oum! A[iusake gl.auoroum ;n Arvanjine% G;rmanian ;u P;lgian! :urø-2016-i FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;re f;t;u;al t;[;roum ;n& "orjougalia^ 4-rd% Dania^ 28-rd% Alpania^ 32-rd% S;rpia^ 63-rd!

FA|KAKAN BÂNZQAMARTI >YANKAR • A,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an^ 39-am;a\ Wiq Darcin;ane Australia\oum anzkazoua‘ m;namarti 2-rd ®aountoum t;.nikakan nokaoutow \a[j;z ja\lantzi^ Mongkolca\ Loukmouangkancin! Fa\astani drø,i n;rqo\ fandhs ;ko[ ªKata[i Zouleº \a=o[ w;radar]au ®ing |ounisin arvanjinzi >;sous Qou;l\ariz kra‘ partoujiuniz \;to\! • Kananz j;j;uago\n qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi arf;stawarv a.o\;an Siuxi Q;ntik;ane% au;li qan mhk taroua\ endmi=oumiz \;to\% Fambourgi ®ingoum% 10 ®aountanoz m;namartoum miauorn;row \a[j;z m;qsikoufi Sousanna Kroux P;r;sin ;u pafpan;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose! Da m;r fa\r;nakzi 35-rd \a[janakn hr arf;stawarv ®ingoum!

MHKAKAN OSKI% AR’AJ :U PRONX M:TAL Lijouanoua\i Kla\p;da qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ :uropa\i ‘anramarti minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum Smbat Margar;ane (56 qk&)% ;rkamarti 241 qk& (102+139)


ardiunqow dar];l h :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an! Minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum Marxp;t Minas;ane (56 qk&) arvanazau pronxh m;tali ;rkamarti 227(107+120)! Nraniz 7 qk&ow ;t mnaz Dauij Dauh\;ane% ow froum warvoujiunoum nouay;l h pronxh m;tal! 20 tar;kan a[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunoum Ixap;lla :a\l;ane (58 qk&) ;rkamarti 194 qk& (88+106) ardiunqow f®cakou;z :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • >orouajia\i Por;c qa[aqoum auartou;z 8-18 tar;kann;ri :uropa\i patan;kan a®a=noujiune! Mrza,ari ambo[= enjazqoum FF cors ,a.matistn;r ir;nz tariqa\in .mb;roum \auaknoum hin a.o\;ani kocmane% saka\n i w;r=o\% m;nq oun;zanq t[an;ri mhkakan 'o.a.o\;an ;u pronxh m;talakir! M-18 tar;kann;ri mrzapa\qaroum Manouhl P;tros;ane 6&5 miauorow arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali% isk Aram |akob;ane M-14 mh=^ 7 miauorow grau;z ;rrord t;[e! |a=o[ mrza;lo\jn;r oun;zan na;u Âob;rt "ilipos;ane (M-8) ;u Mamikon {arib;ane (M-12)% oronq famapatas.anabar grau;zin 4-rd ;u 6-rd t;[;re! A[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunoum |asmik Qocin;ane (M-10) grau;z 5-rd ;u Mariam Mkrtc;ane (M-12)^ 8-rd t;[;re% oronq wastak;zin 6&5-akan miauor! Folandian n;rka\azno[ Anna-Ma\a {axar;ane M-16 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7&5 miauor nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;anoufou kocoume! • Paquoum auartou;z a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiune% ori ;xra'akice ®ousakan hr^ P;t;r Swidl;r-S;rgh\ Kariakin! Dasakan ;u arag partian;riz \;to\ fa,iue 4-4 hr! Ka\‘akna\inoum Kariakine \a[j;z 2-0 fa,ouow ;u nouay;z a,.arfi gauaje!

G;rmania\i D;span& ªA\sør Oc Mhke Ci Karo[ V.t;l 1915-in T;[i Oun;za‘ Patmakan "asteº

<ar& h= 3-hn <ar& h= 4-hn

{araba[i xin;al ouv;rou framanatarin! Arza.i inqnapa,tpanouj;an pat;raxme (1988-94) auart;zau fa\;rou 'a®apan‘ \a[janakow% amrapnd;low de facto ;u de jure anor anka.oujiune! Ma\is 12% 1994-in knqoua‘ xinadoule ke go\at;uh minc;u a\sør% krakoza\in ;u safmana\in baxmat;sak .a.toumn;row! <ou,ii mh= =ardoua‘ ;u ankh aqsoroua‘ faxarauor fa\;rou va®angordn;re dat banalow% baxmapatik% milionauor fatouzoum stanalou ;n Axrph\yanhn! Ke joui% jh .ndro\ a®arka\ datawaroujiune kataroua‘ h bazaka\ouj;ane n;rka\azouzicin Fa\astani% oroun dhm bazoua‘ h date& a\s kapakzouj;amb oc mhk aknarkoujiun katara‘ h \ødoua‘agire! Kar;li# h f;t;uzn;l% jh Fa\astan anendoun;li gta‘ h% kam^ m;rva‘ date! Axrph\yani qariu[a\in ou bnakan kaxi ;kamoutn;row mna\oun yn,oumi tak piti pafouin oc mia\n Ar;umoutqi p;toujiunn;re% a\l na;u% a\s paraga\in^ :uropakan Miouj;an datakan ,r=anakn;re% ka,a®ak;rouj;amb ou masamb norin! Auaxi wra\ fimnoua‘% mak;r;sa\in% ;u ir bno\jow n;rka\azoua‘ kama\akan a\s jhxe datapartoua‘ h ]a.o[ouj;an! I farkh% bazoua‘ datin fakadar];lou h famapatas.an kou® 'astarkoumn;row! :uropakan Mioujiune% kam Minsqi Marmni ar;umt;an n;rka \azouzicn;re piti ,arounak;n fakamart ko[m;roun ou[[oua‘ ir;nz koc;re^ fama]a\nouj;an me galou% \aya. Axrph\yani fa,uo\n npastauor \a\tararoujiunn;r al katar;low! Fa\astann ou Arza.e% wa\;l;low miavamanak a,.arfatara‘ s'iu®qafa\ouj;an anw;rapaf n;zouke% ant;[itali korowow piti pa,tpan;n kataroua‘ ørinakan iro[oujiune!

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|oulis 13% 2015


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