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N.O. October 15, 2015, No. 40:N.O. Blank


1:42 PM

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 40 VOLUME 93, NO. 40


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"OUJIN^ BAR:KAM JH J<NAMI SOURIO| MH+ ":JRIQ Y& PIUQ:NEN ’na‘ h 1938-in Oua,inkjen Ti&Si&-i mh=! >mbagir ou siunakagirn;rhn h \atkaphs ªThe American Conservative Magazineºi! :[a‘ h pafpano[akan fanra‘anøj qa[aqaght me% .orfrdatoun;rhn da®nalow na.agafn;r Âicert Niqseni% Y;relt ~orti ou Âanelt Â;keni! Na.agafakan j;kna‘ou n;rka\azoua‘ h 1992-in ;u 1996-in! Yartasan m;knaban hr MSNBC-hn% ;u k*arta\a\toui na;u parb;rabar Fox News-hn! frataraka‘ h 10 fatorn;r% oronzmh \i,atak;li h "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War"e^ Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmi masin! Wlatimir "oujini qa[aqakanoujiune Sourio\ mh= au;li .;lqi ke pa®ki% qan Paraq Øpama\i kam Yon Q;rii zard n;rka\azouza‘ patya®abanoujiunn;re kam dirqoro,oumn;re souriakan farzin kapakzouj;amb! Âous;re ke 'o.adr;n frasa\l;r ou xinouorn;r ‘ow;x;r;a\ Lajaqio\ møtik ødanauaka\an me% souriakan banakin mna\oun k;rpow fa\ja\j;lou famar ødanau ou xinamj;rqi t;sakn;r! Sourio\ na.agaf Pa,ar hl-Asat% Âousastani da,nakiz me% korsnzouza‘ h ir ;rkrin khse ISIS_in ou ªNousraºin& a\s w;r=ine hlQai ta\i mhk yiu[n h! "oujini mtafogoujiune a\n h% or ;jh Asati i,.anoujiune tapali% Âousakan Da,nouj;an \;narane (toe hold) Sourio\ ou Mi=;rkrakani mh= piti korsoui! ISIS_e ;u Hl-Qaitan piti grau;n Damaskose% ;u islamakan afab;kcoujiune piti iragor‘a‘ ella\ ir m;‘ago\n \a[janake! Ke s.ali# ard;øq "oujine! N,anauor h Ouinsjen Cercili 1939-in arta\a\ta‘ mhk mitqe& ªC;m krnar na.at;s;l Âousio\ warmounqe! Anika ‘raroua‘ ou .orfrdauor fan;louk men h& ba\z% j;r;us% banali me ouni& a\d banalin Âousio\ axga\in ,afn hº! Yi,d a\dphs! "oujin f;tamout h Âousakan Da,nouj;an axga\in ,af;roun! Isk i#nc ke mta‘;n am;rikazin;re& o#w piti gtn;n Damaskosi mh=% ;rb Asati i,.anoujiune tapali! Anor ka®awarouj;an ankoume anfauanakan ch% ;u a\n at;n afab;kcoujiune piti tirap;th% ;u faxarauor al;ui ,iin;r ou qriston;a\ souriazin;r piti =ardouin% milionauor nor ga[jakann;r 'a.ousti piti dim;n dhpi |ordanan% Libanan ou Jourqia - ;u ankh^ :uropa! "oujin k*ouxh kas;zn;l kazouj;an a\d watjarazoume! M;r al ouxa‘e a#\d ch! A\n at;n inco#u k*arfamarf;nq anor a®a=arkoujiune miasin gor‘;lou! Inco#u ke dvgofinq% ;rb øgn;zinq Qi;ui ®ousamht i,.anouj;an tapaloumin% oroun ibr;u fakadar]oujiun% "oujin >rime grau;low kz;z Âousastanin! Endoun;zhq kataroua‘ iro[oujiune! Fasknali h% or ]gtoua‘oujiun piti \a®a=ana\ ;rkou xin;al m;‘ago\n throuj;anz mi=;u! A\soufand;r]% ;rkouqin al k;nsakan ,af;re ke pafan=;n .ousa'il pat;raxmh% ;u ISIS_e ns;maza‘ ou partoua‘ t;sn;l! F;t;uabar% f;tamout ellalou h a\d fimnakan ,af;rou f;tapndman! F;t;u;lou h pa\‘a®at;s gor‘akzouj;an me Sourio\ mh=% qan jh^ enda®a=;lou fiuandagin faka®ous mta‘o[ouj;an! Ardar;u% Sourio\ mh=% farze ®ous;roun% Irani kam Fexpalla\in f;t ch& asonq au;li y,dørh*n ke gnafat;n Sourio\ qa[aqaziakan

k®iue% orphs w;r=nakan pa\qar yifatisjn;rou dhm! Farze a*\n h% or jo\latra‘ ;nq orphsxi m;r bar;kamn;re – jourq;re% isra\hlazin;re% shoutzin;re ou ’ozi arabn;re – m;x famox;n% or ISIS_i dhm \a[janak kar;li ch irakanazn;l a®anz P& Asati ankoumin! Angam me or ];rbaxatouinq Asathn% M& Nafangn;rou a®a=nordouj;amb ou da,nakzouj;amb kar;li piti ella\ chxoqazn;l ISIS_e! Asika nhoqonn;rou anf;j;j mta‘o[oujiunn h! Nman .orfourd me at;nin m;xi framzou;zau% \a\tn;low jh Iraq piti da®na\ vo[owrdawar% tipar ;rkir me Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=% angam me or Sattam Fiush\ni i,.anoujiune tapalhr% kam^ ;jh Mouammar Kaxxa`i wa® a®nouhr% ar;umtashr Lipia me go\ouj;an piti kocouhr! A\s mardike yi,d ;[a#‘ ;n ;rb;uizh! I#nc h cor irakanoujiune% ;rb Sourio\ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin 250%000 fogi mafaza‘ ;n ardhn% ou bnakcouj;an 50 a® fariure t;[a'o.oua‘ h% ou 4 milionn al^ artaga[ja‘! Cors tarouan a[andakan ou z;[a\in =ard;rhn ;tq% fauanakanørhn kar;li piti cella\ w;rakangn;l dar me a®a= na.ag‘oua‘ Sourian% Sa\qs-"iqo\i fama]a\nouj;an safmann;row! Jh;u P& Asati i,.anoujiune krna\ w;rapril vamanaki me famar% anor entaniqin i,.anouj;an ør;re w;r= piti gtn;n! A\soufand;r]% Am;rika\i ,af;re ke pafan=;n% or Asat ci\na\% ;jh anor ankoume piti a®a=nordh souriakan banaki baro\alqoumin ou tarba[adroumin% xinouorakan oc mhk ouv ]g;low Damaskosi ;u ISIS_i mi=;u! Ardar;u% ;jh Asati ka®awaroujiune fima tapali% øgtouo[e piti cellan 'roam;rik;an embost xinouorn;re% oronq dasaliq dar]a‘ ;n% kam^ partoua‘% amhn angam or k®oua‘ ;n% ou n;rka\is% gr;jh go\oujiun counin! |a[jakan piti da®nan ISIS_e ou Nousran% oronq ke fakak,®;n Sourio\ fo[amasin m;‘ mase% qiurt xin;aln;rou^ ;rkrin fiusis-ar;u;lqe% ;u Asati i,.anouj;an mi=;u^ farau-ar;umoutqe! A\n at;n Souria ,outow piti da®na\ ®axmawarakan .aris. me ou srbawa\r me ªIslamakan >ali`a\ouj;anº% ourkh pa\qare piti ,arounakoui Pa[tati yakatamartin famar! A\nouf;t;u faroua‘n;r piti ‘ragrouin M& Nafangn;rou dhm% incphs na;u^ sarsa';li faroua‘n;r sarqouin ,r=anin ;u a,.arfi mh=! Margarhabar% ;jh Asati i,.anoujiune i\na\% ;u ISIS xinq 'o.arinh Damaskosi mh=% a[mka\aro\z a[a[akn;r piti bar]ranan ;u oc mia\n Lintxi Kr;fhm ou Yon Meq Qh\n – am;rik;an xinouorn;r [rk;lou% orphsxi grau;n ou wtar;n ISIS_e% ou nhoqonn;re f;tamout piti ellan gtn;lou souriazi Afmht Chlhpi me fiusisa\in Wiryinio\ mh=! :u am;rik;an axge piti =[a]goui (convulsed) pat;raxmakan banawhyi mh=^ am;rik;an banake Souria [rk;lou farzin ,our=% ISIS_e kor‘an;lou famar! Minc a\d% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u :uropa\i m;r da,nakizn;re ko[mnaki nsta‘% piti o[=oun;n am;rik;an mi=amtoujiune! A\n at;n% m;r ;rkire piti dimagrauh fakapat;raxm ,arvoum me% oroun nmane ch t;snoua‘ Xør& Lintperki kochn iw;r^ ªAm;rika amhn banh a®a=º! ISIS_e% ;u o*c^ Asate% vo[owourdi jiu mhk j,namin nkat;lou mh= "oujin irauounq ouni! N;rka\is% am;rikazin;rs ;nq% oronq .orfrdauor ke mnanq% fan;louki me mh= parouroua‘! S;pt;mb;r 18% 2015 Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an

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Turkish Nobel Prize Laureate Blames Erdogan For Bringing Country To Brink

Turkey's Nobel laureate has warned the country could collapse into sectarian conflict and blamed President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an for the climate of insecurity brutally illustrated by October 10 deadly attacks in Ankara, Hurriyet Daily News reported. Orhan Pamuk, the 2006 winner of the Nobel prize for literature, told Italian daily La Repubblica that Turkey's increasing instability was linked to Erdogan's Justice and Development Party's (AKP) failure to retain a parliamentary majority in June. "The electoral defeat enraged Erdogan," Orhan told the daily, arguing that the setback, which resulted in new elections being scheduled for November 1, was also behind the recent resumption of hostilities between the army and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants.

EU Authorized Commission To Open Negotiations On New Agreement With Armenia The EU Foreign Affairs Council authorized the European Commission and the High Representative to open negotiations on a new, legally binding and overarching agreement with Armenia. The decision has been adopted during the EU ministers during their meeting on Monday. This agreement will replace the current EU-Armenia partnership and cooperation, Virginie Battu-Henriksson, press officer for foreign affairs and development cooperation, said in a response to inquiry by Armenian News-NEWS.am. The EU is committed to further develop and strengthen comprehensive cooperation with Armenia in all areas of mutual interest within the Eastern Partnership framework. The official launching of negotiations is envisaged to take place before the end of the year.

Serzh Sargsyan: Union Of Armenians Of Russia Plays Key Role To Preserve Our Identity President Serzh Sargsyan has issued his congratulatory address to the Union of Armenians of Russia (UAR), which is celebrating its 15th anniversary today. According to a press release by the Presidential Administration, the Armenian leader has highly praised the organization’s efforts towards preserving the Armenian

national identity in Russia. He also extended a special word of gratitude to UAR President Ara Abrahamyan for his contribution to that patriotic mission and active work towards building and strengthening bridges of friendship between Armenia and Russia. !

Mother Teresa’s Real Name Was Agnessa Boyajian

Combat Report: Russian Jets Strike 53 ISIS Targets In Last 24 Hours

Minsk Group May Hold Talk This Autumn On Karabakh Conflict Settlement The OSCE Minsk Group may hold negotiations this autumn regarding a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, and a meeting of Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan is likely, Secretary General of the OSCE Laberto Zannier said addressing a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Moscow, according to RIA Novosti. According to Zannier, he and Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Nikolai Bordyuzha discussed the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Zannier said that they are concerned over the escalation of violence in the region and on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and that work should be done with the political leaders. “We met with the foreign ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York, and there were meetings of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs. Another meeting is likely in the autumn,” L. Zannier said adding that they also hope for a possible meeting of the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan .

Mother Teresa… Very few know that this woman’s real name was Agnessa Boyajian. She was an Armenian. She told about it to Catholicos of All Armenians Vazgen I during her visit to Armenia in 1988 after the disastrous earthquake. Speaking to Nyut.am Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Church said, “Yes, it is really so. Mother Teresa is an Armenian. Surname of her father who escaped from Western Armenia to Albania is Boyajian. Her mother is Albanian Christian. She told it to Vazgen I during their meeting in 1988.” The information was written by Hrachuhi Palanduzian and was immediately confirmed in the USA by our compatriot Nazik Hakobyan who is living there for already 20 years. In her letter she told that 15 years ago when she was living on Seattle an Albanian woman told her that Mother Teresa was Armenian.

The Russian Air Force has carried out 55 sorties in the last 24 hours, hitting 53 Islamic State targets in four Syrian provinces and destroying command posts, terrorist training camps and a transfer point, among others. Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 bombers, together with Su-25SM ground support aircraft, bombed ISIS positions in the provinces of Idlib, Latakia, Homs and Hama, the Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman, Igor Konashenkov, told journalists. The airstrikes destroyed seven command points, six training camps, six arms depots and a stronghold near the village of Salma in Latakia province. Russian aircraft have also attacked 24 of the terrorists’ fortified strongpoints, along with weapons and vehicles stored there. “Over the last day, Russian warplanes have also eliminated a convoy of terrorist vehicles, a mobile mortar gunnery team and three underground bunker systems," Konashenkov reported.

Turkey Mourns Ankara Attacks, Said To Be Work Of Two Suicide Bombers Thousands across Turkey have paid tribute to the victims of the deadliest terror attack in the country’s history. One male, one female bomber? Euronews correspondent Bora Bayraktar is on the ground in Turkey. He reports the twin blasts are the work of two suicide bombers: one male; one female. The police are said to be suspicious of a male body found with half the torso missing. There is also suspicion surrounding a woman whose body completely disintegrated. Bora reports there is no crater at the site of the explosions. Focus on Islamic State? Reuters, citing two senior security sources, says “initial indications suggest Islamic State was responsible,” adding “investigations are focusing on the radical Islamist group.” One of the sources reportedly told the news agency the bombings “bore striking similarities to a suicide bombing in July in the town of Suruc, near the Syrian border, also blamed on Islamic State.”

US Air Drop For AntiIS Forces In Hassakeh The US military has delivered more than 45 tonnes of ammunition to rebels fighting the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in north-eastern Syria. C-17 transport aircraft, accompanied by fighter escorts, dropped pallets of supplies overnight in Hassakeh province, a Pentagon spokesman said. The consignment reportedly comprised small arms, ammunition and grenades. It comes days after the US abandoned a $500m (£326m) plan to train thousands of "moderate" rebels to fight IS. The money will instead be used to provide much-needed ammunition and some weapons to commanders of rebel groups already established on the ground.

Report From The Frontline Where Syrian Troops Are Fighting ISIS RT's Murad Gazdiev has been to the area of Hama where heavy fighting is taking place between ISIS and Syrian troops. The large-scale offensive against the terrorists' strongholds started after air support from Russian bomber jets.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 15, 2015


Western Diocese To Hold 12th Annual Christmas Ball On December 5 Burbank, CA - It’s never too early to start planning for the Holiday Season and to mark your calendars for special Christmas events. A highly anticipated event is the Annual Christmas Ball held under the auspices of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. For the 12th year, this festive occasion will be held on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall of the Arshag Dickranian Complex, 3325 North Glenoaks Boulevard, in Burbank.

Communique! by the Tekeyan Cultural Association

Arshag Dickranian School in LA Concludes Its Mission It is a sign of the times that any project or mission in the diaspora tasked to preserve the Armenian heritage gradually will face harder challenges, the school mission being perhaps the most taxing one among them. In 1981, encouraged by the leadership and the generosity of the late benefactor Arshag Dickranian, the Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) embarked on an educational mission by laying the foundations of the Arshag Dickranian School in Hollywood, Calif. Over time, the school expanded to become a K-12 educational institution, eminently serving generations of students by offering a solid academic program along with a core curriculum of Armenian Studies. Today, over 500 graduates look back with pride to the instruction, care and inspiration which the school provided to them. It also helped them to become responsible and productive citizens and members of our community. The combination of the efforts of the farsighted school board and the dedicated professional faculty and administration, compounded with the care and love of the families, turned the saga of the school into a successful educational mission. However, during recent years, demographic changes in the area where the school is located, combined with the increasingly alarming scarcity of funding resources, negatively impacted the mission of the school. Community-wide appeals by the school’s Board of Trustees and good faith efforts by the TCA Central Board proved to be insufficient to continue the operation of the school at the level of academic performance which the parents had come to expect from the school. In consultation with the School Board and prominent community leaders, the TCA Central Board realized that it had no other choice but to terminate the operation of the school. On June 30, 2015, the TCA closed the school with a heavy heart. The closure of the Dickranian School is not a unique phenomenon under diasporan conditions, which have imposed the same fate on several other schools already. With the utmost sense of its fiduciary responsibility, the Central Board was dutybound to judiciously preserve its decades-long investment. Consequently, with the advice and the participation of competent real estate experts, the property on 1200 Cahuenga Blvd. in Hollywood, California was disposed of at the highest possible market value. The closure of the Dickranian School does not terminate the educational mission of our organization. Soon a task force will be charged with conducting a feasibility study and coming up with a series of recommendations for investments in educational projects with viable and sustainable potentials in various Southern Californian communities. In the meantime, the TCA Central Board, continuing to act within the framework of its mission, will maintain its sponsorship of Tekeyan schools in Lebanon, Armenia and Artsakh, as well as pursue its other educational and cultural programs.

Grateful Acknowledgements Whereas the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the US and Canada, for the past 34 years, has dedicated a very large proportion of its human and financial resources to the founding, development and maintenance of the Arshag Dickranian School in Hollywood, Calif., at this critical juncture of our educational mission, we feel duty-bound to gratefully acknowledge and express our heartfelt appreciation to the individuals and institutions which supported the operation of the TCA Arshag Dickranian School over the past 34 years. Our thanks and appreciation particularly go to: - The members of the School Board of Trustees, who shouldered the heaviest burden in steering the day-to-day operations of the school for 34 years. - The past and present members of the administration and faculty for maintaining the high academic level of the school’s programs and for inspiring the students with pride in their Armenian heritage. - The parents, for entrusting their children to the school, and supporting it unconditionally throughout its history. - The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, under the leadership of Archbishops Vatche Hovsepian and Hovnan Derderian, for lending their unwavering support and for conferring the auspices of the Diocese to the school. - A long list of individual benefactors for providing the resources and support without which the school could not have existed. The TCA Central Board, families, graduates and students will bear in their minds and hearts the contributions and the memory of the late benefactor Arshag Dickranian, whose family continued the tradition of giving until the last day the school was in operation - The Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Gulbenkian Foundation, the Lincy Foundation, and the George Ignatius Foundation for their continued annual contributions through the years. All the above mentioned individuals, organizations and foundations made history through their conscientious contributions to the school and they all deserve our commendation and sincere gratitude. Tekeyan Cultural Association Central Board of Directors October 8, 2015 Boston, Mass.

Exhibition Of Acclaimed Artist Richard Tashjian At Zorayan Museum Burbank, CA - The Zorayan Museum Committee of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church are presenting a special art exhibition featuring the paintings of world renowned artist Richard Tashjian. The art exhibition of his works will be held on Tuesday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the Zorayan Museum, located in the Western Diocesan Complex of the Armenian Church of North America, 3325 North Glenoaks Boulevard in Burbank, CA. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, reports that this exhibition of the paintings of Richard Tashjian is in keeping with the mission of the Zorayan Museum to organize exhibitions to promote understanding and appreciation of Armenian ethnic, religious and cultural diversity by exposing the beauty of our heritage, and preserving and sharing the experiences with the people of the world. The exhibition is open to the public and admission is free. For further information contact Zorayan Museum at the Western Diocese Office: (818) 558-7474.

Hovsepian School News Pasadena - Each academic year, St. Gregory A. & M. Hovsepian School community witnesses researched-based, educational enhancements spearheaded by its dynamic administration and faculty. This academic year, Hovsepian School proudly established a partnership with the Pasadena Conservatory of Music (PCM). With this collaborative effort, students are being exposed to quality musical education through the time-tested theories of two major European pedagogues: Zoltan Kodaly and Carl Orff. Since 1984, Hovsepian School has been the hub of creativity and progressive thinking in the Pasadena community. Coincidentally, since 1984, Pasadena Conservatory of Music has also advocated and inspired similar progressive approaches in performance and music appreciations particularly among the young. Therefore, the partnership was inevitable. With their unique approach to music, the conservatory will implement nationally accredited curriculum which will directly inspire Hovsepian students in the performing arts; thus, our young scholars will have the tools to enhance their musical talents. This will surely foster a deep appreciation of musical art amongst our students and add to the list of their many accomplishments. The curriculum at the Pasadena Con-

servatory of Music ranges from toddler, whose instrumental and musical education has newly begun, to high school students, who are being prepared for competitive college auditions while simultaneously winning national competitions. Both Hovsepian School and PCM administrations have agreed to start this exciting program with the Preschool and Kindergarten classes. Dr. Anita Collin, an expert in Neuroscience and Music Education, claims: "When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout." Mr. Shahé Mankerian, the Bravo Award winning Principal of Hovsepian School, vouches to explore the four branches of the Arts (Dance, Music, Theater, and the Visual Arts) with major Pasadena establishments like the PCM. This partnership will be a source of pride and accomplishment for our school family for many years to come.

New England Community Joins Forces In Support Of ABMDR Walkathon Fourth annual Walk of Life mobilizes youth, numerous organizations Watertown, Massachusetts – Close to 250 New Englanders took part in the walkathon of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), in a strong show of grassroots support for the organization’s life-saving mission. The fourth annual New England Walk of Life, which drew the participation of numerous community organizations and an unprecedented number of young people, including students from local schools and universities, took place on September 26 in Watertown. Once again this year, Walk of Life received major corporate sponsorship from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Other sponsors and supporters included the Armenian-American Pharmacists’ Associa-

tion, PROMETRIKA LLC, Watertown Savings Bank, several other local businesses, the Armenian Tree Project, and the Armenian Cultural and Educational Center (ACEC). The Armenian Business Network team, led by Alex Antounian, served as marshals of the walk. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 15, 2015


Professor Richard Hovannisian Inducted Into Accademia Ambrosiana Of Milan Milano

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

UCLA - Professor Richard Hovannisian of UCLA and the Shoah Foundation at USC has been elected to the prestigious Accademia Ambrosiana of Milan for his contributions to the study of Armenian and Near Eastern history. The Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which houses an enormous collection of books and more than 30,000 manuscripts in many languages, together with the renowned art gallery, the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, and the Accademia Ambrosiana were established in the early seventeenth century by Cardinal Federico Borroeo in honor of the patron saint of Milan, St. Ambrosius. Richard Hovannisian will be inducted into the academy during its Annual Assembly, November 9-11, 2015, in Milan. His inaugural lecture, to be delivered in the Sezione Armena, is titled “Evolution of the Historiography of the Armenian Genocide from 1920 to 2015.” Several other specialists in various fields of Armenian studies will make presentations in the Near Eastern division of the Accademia. The U.S. and Canada Prior to traveling to Italy, Richard Hovannisian will be at Chapman University on October 13 to serve as a discussant in a symposium on “Looted Art: Stealing Cultural Heritage.” On October 18, he will deliver the keynote address at Marquette University in Milwaukee, with joint sponsorship of the United Armenian Commemorative Committee and Armenian churches of Wisconsin; on October 19, he will make a presentation for the AGBU in Chicago on the Armenians of Gesaria/Kayseri and Asia Minor; on October 20, he will speak to the Armenian church community of Nashville, Tennessee; on October 21, he is the keynote speaker at Middle Tennessee State College’s Holocaust Center in a threeday conference on the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust; and on October 23, he will participate in a panel at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, on the continuing impact of the Armenian Genocide. He will join Professors Alan Whitehorn, Ervin Staub, and Khatchig Mooradian, under the auspices of the United Armenian Commemorative Committee and with the assistance of the Armenian university students of Toronto.

Ahmet Hakan Co!kun, mostly known as Ahmet Hakan (born 11 August 1967, Yozgat- Turkey) is a Turkish writer and columnist, currently working at Hürriyet and CNN TURK. He used to be anchorman for the television channel 7. After completing his high school education in Imam Hatip high school, he spent few years studying at Uludag University, Faculty of Theology. He served at 'TGRT' Tv channel, 1993 - 1994; Tv 'Channel 7', 1994 - 2004; and 'CNN Turk' since 2005. In response to racist online comments against Armenians, well-known Turkish journalist and host of CNN Turk television's "Neutral Zone" program, Ahmet Hakan, said "I am Armenian, do you have anything to say?" on live broadcast on January 19, 2012." The Turkish journalist noted he is shocked that people are still making online criticisms that Turkish youth are being tried for the murder of Hrant Dink, the founder and former chief editor of Istanbul's Agos Armenian weekly, who was killed in 2007. "In those discussions I said the 'We are all Armenians' slogan, and I was astonished by the gross reactions. I saw that people still consider that being Armenian is a profanity and an insult. I told them I will say I am Armenian on live air. They asked me whether I could say I am a Turk in [Armenia's capital] Yerevan. If I cannot say I am a Turk in Yerevan, this would be Yerevan's shame, but if I [can] say I am Armenian in Istanbul, this would be Istanbul's honor," Ahmet Hakan stated. (1) According to (Today’s Zaman), September 2014, A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. The two newspapers published reports on hateful remarks targeting Armenians in the textbooks used in history classes. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups, Akçam said. Ahmet Hakan was one of the prominent intellectuals who signed the statement. (2) On May 4, 2015, Ahmet Hakan presented in Hurriyet his article titled “Seven thesis on Armenian Question” dwelling upon the main theory of Turkish denialism, proving that the Armenian Genocide is undeniable. He said "We keep mentioning the Armenian’s armed attacks. Was it a reason enough to deport and massacre all the Armenians? Why was the whole nation made

AUA Global Outreach Expands As University Signs MoU With ChinaHay To Bring Chinese Students To Armenia Yerevan – On September 29, 2015, the American University of Armenia (AUA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ChinaHay, the Armenian community of China, to provide scholarships for Chinese students to study at AUA. Henri Arslanian, President of ChinaHay, and AUA President Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian met in Akian Gallery on Tuesday morning to sign the MoU and solidify the collaboration. The joint effort puts AUA on the higher education map in China, promotes the university’s global outreach, and creates a

precedent for international recruitment from Eastern Asia. Beginning fall 2016, ChinaHay will commit to covering the living costs, healthcare, and air travel of at least one Chinese student. AUA will then provide a Merit Scholarship to aid in the payment of the student’s international tuition fees. AUA and ChinaHay are jointly drafting scholarship marketing documents and designing a social media marketing campaign for their target audience in China. The first initiative will be specific to the recruitment of students for AUA’s graduate programs.

The Evening Dedicated To The Armenian Anniversaries 2015 On 26 September in St. Petersburg in the A. S. Griboedov Library of national literatures was held a cultural evening dedicated to anniversaries and significant events of the Armenian world in 2015. At the beginning of the event, The Chairman of the Regional public organizaThe Herald of Armenians in Petersburg (Vestnik Armyan Petion "The Armenians of St. terburga). Photo by Lilith O’riordan Petersburg" Alexander thanksgiving certificates for retaining ArNazarov presented the audience's attention menian culture in St. Petersburg, anniverthe report about the outstanding personalsaries: teacher Arshak Mkrtumyan, public ities of science, art, sports, military and figure Galina Barkhudarova and artist Yura state figures. Tumasyan. Then there was a review of signifiThe event is organized by The Recant events of the year and the story about gional Public Organization "The Armenithe ongoing work of the Public Organizaans of St. Petersburg" in partnership with tion "The Armenians of St. Petersburg". the A. S. Griboedov Library of national litAt the end of the evening, The Board eratures. of Regional Public Organization "The Ar! menians of St. Petersburg" awarded

83 - Ahmet Hakan By Hambersom Aghbashian responsible for the actions of a group of people?, then added " Why do pronounce we genocidal leaders of the Young Turks movement our ancestors, instead of Rashid Bay, Mehmet Bay and Faik Ali Bey who protected Armenians?". He also said "Whoever is calling the Genocide a lie – could they tell what happened to the Armenians – the most ancient nation inhabiting those lands? Where did they all go? What happened to their property? Who took it from them?". Hakan continued his thesis saying " We’re offended at the word ‘Armenian,’ we even apologize before pronouncing it. On April 24, we lay a black wreath outside the Agos office to commemorate the assassinated journalist Hrant Dink. How on earth are we going to persuade the world we’re so humane we wouldn’t hurt a fly?" and added " Would the refusal to recognize the Genocide save us from facing our past? Will it wash away our sins and the blood we shed?" Ahmet Hakan was injured in an organized assault" (Hürriyet Daily News, Oct. 1, 2015). He has been targeted with politically-motivated threats, and has been injured after an assault in front of his home. Four men attacked him in Istanbul’s Ni!anta!ı neighborhood, as he was returning home after hosting his program on private broadcaster CNNTürk. While one of the assailants targeted Hakan’s bodyguard, others attacked him. After the attack, perpetrators left the scene. Police detained three suspects after the attack. Another suspect was detained early Oct. 1.In their initial testimonies, the assailants claimed that the attack was the result of a heated dispute with Hakan after they quarreled with him in the traffic. The testimonies contradict video footage from the night, which shows the perpetrators starting to follow Hakan’s car as he left the CNN Türk studios after his program on the private broadcaster. Ahmet Hakan, who was hospitalized with broken bones in his nose and ribs, was discharged from hospital early Oct. 1. “Such attacks will never intimidate us. We are not afraid. We will continue walking on the path that we know is right,” Hakan said in a message conveyed to the public by Hürriyet Editorin-Chief Sedat Ergin. “According to the information we have, the assailants followed Hakan after he left the television building. We see that it was an organized, planned attack,” Ergin told journalists in front of the hospital. (3)

1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =r8oaC0Rg04Q 2.http://www.horizonweekly.ca/news /details/49681 3.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /hurriyet-columnist-ahmet-hakan-injuredin-organized

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 15, 2015


Vahe Berberian To Present Latest Book At Abril Bookstore Glendale, CA – Local author VAHE BERBERIAN will present his latest novel, In the Name of the Father and the Son on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. The event will be moderated by LEON FERMANIAN. In the Name of the Father and the Son is an intricately woven, cinematic novel in which the worlds of Hrayr, an Armenian teacher, and his inflexible father collide in 1980's Hollywood, when an on the run

prostitute finds refuge in their apartment. Hrayr falls helplessly in love with the American prostitute, alienating all around him. Tensions rise as the clash of cultures and morals takes a haunting turn, fundamentally changing the three protagonists. Berberian's heartfelt novel unravels a sexy and brutally honest world that seethes under the veneer of respectability and traditional values. VAHE BERBERIAN is an Armenian painter, author, playwright and actor. Born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1955 and relocated to Los Angeles in 1976. Vahé has studied art

Armenia’s IT Sector Progressing Armenia’s Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan delivered a speech at the 8th Global Armenian High Tech Business Conference ‘ArmTechCongress 2015’. Armenia’s IT companies are turning from one executing orders into ones proposing solution, the premier said. “Armenian companies that executed orders are turning into research and development ones. Their competitive products are sold on both domestic and foreign markets. Armenia is a small country with powerful people, to make many jealous,” Mr Abrahamyan said.

in both Lebanon and the United States, receiving a degree in journalism with honors in 1980. Berberian has always painted as a complement to writing and acting, never able to forfeit one form of art for another. Vahe Berberian’s literal work includes the novels, Hanoun Hor Yev Vortvo and Namagner Zaataren and the plays, Pink Elephant, Baron Garbis, and Gyank.

In Loving Memory of Artine Kayayan !"#$%&'%( )"*"*+"(

Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

!ahan Arzruni to Perform in Lorenz Keyboard Concert Series October 25 at Fresno State Concert on Komitas: A Portrait of the Musician as a Young Priest Acclaimed pianist !ahan Arzruni will perform a Concert dedicated to “Komitas: A Portrait of the Musician as a Young Priest,” at 3:00PM on Sunday, October 25. The Concert is a Special Event in the Lorenz Keyboard Concert Series and will take place at the Fresno State Concert Hall located in the University’s Music Building. The event is co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State and supported by the Thomas A. Kooyumjian Family Foundation. General admission is $25, $18 for seniors, and $5 for students. For tickets, please call 559-278-2337 or go to www.keyboardconcerts.com/specialevents.aspx. Motivated by ethnic awareness in the United States, Arzruni continuously researches the musical roots of his Armenian heritage. He recorded a three-record anthology of Armenian piano music, and co-produced an eight-disc set of instrumental and vocal Armenian music. The Fresno State Armenian Studies Program (www. fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies) offers courses on Armenian history, Armenian language and literature, art and architecture, film, William Saroyan, the Genocide, and contemporary issues. Free public parking is available at Fresno State Lot P1, at the northeast corner of Maple and Shaw Aves. For more information about the Concert you may also contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 or visit our website.

March 1, 1929 – October 5, 2015 It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of Artine (Harout) Kayayan (formerly of Toronto, ON) at LHSC London, ON at the age of 86. Loving husband to Loussia (Lucy) for 54 years. Dear brother-in-law to Garabet, and Mariam. Much loved uncle to a number of nieces and nephews including Maro Kayayan of Glendale, CA, Salpi (Coco) Asdurian of Montreal, QC, Manoug of Beirut, Lebanon, Abraham, and Aleen Kelledjian of London, ON. Artine was the dear son of the late Mariam and Manoug Kayayan and also predeceased by his siblings Toros (Josephine), Anna (Toros), Yeghsah (Panos), and Bedros. Artine’s kindhearted, gentle disposition, and warm nature will be greatly missed by all of his friends and family. A traditional Armenian funeral service will be held at Forest Lawn Funeral Home, 1997 Dundas St. E, (at Wavell) London, ON on Friday, October 9, 2015 at 11am with visitation beginning at 10am. Interment immediately after the ceremony at St. Peter's Cemetery, 806 Victoria Street, London. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Parkinson Society Canada.

Funeral Service Forest Lawn Funeral Home 1997 Dundas Street East London, Ontario Friday, October 9, 2015 11:00 a.m. Interment St. Peter’s Cemetery 806 Victoria Avenue London, Ontario Friday, October 9, 2015 12:15pm Reception Forest Lawn Funeral Home 1:00pm

Knights Of Vartan News

Etchmizdzin, Armenia.-His Holiness Karekin II received here in Saint Etchmiazin the Knights of Vartan delegation headed by Grand Commander Steve Kradjian. During the meeting Grand Commander Kradjian presented to His Holiness the vast cultural, fraternal and humanitarian activities of the brotherhood in the US and Armenia for the last one hundred years. His Holiness expressed his gratitude for the national work done and stressedthat the Knights of Vartan has been a pillar of theArmenian Church in theUnited States. At the end, HisHoliness blessed the organization and its members and wished them successfulhundred more years.

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Atrou,an Armhn;an

Las W;kasi fiupatosoujiune% gor‘akzouj;amb S& Karap;t :k;[;zuo\ fogabar]ouj;an ou Tiknanz Øvandakin% arvanawa\;l k;rpow n,;z Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an anka.ouj;an 24-rd tar;dar]e% incphs na;u^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuram;a\ tar;lize% t;[uo\n S& Karap;t :k;[;zuo\ mh=% S;pt;mb;r 25% Ourbaj ;r;ko\;an vame 7!00-in! >andawa®oua‘ Tik& Ast[ik Tatour;ani asmounqi \a=o[ ;r;ko\hn% or anz;al Ma\is 14-in kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Los Any;lesi San ~;rnantø Fowiti W;j;rann;rou Warcouj;an ko[mh% fiupatosoujiunn al% ir kargin% ];®narka‘ hr tønakatarouj;ane Fa\astani anka.ouj;an tar;dar]in% w;z fa\ banast;[‘n;rou st;[‘agor‘ouj;anz asmounqe kaxm;low ørouan \a\tagrin korixe% ambo[=azoua‘ g;[arou;stakan yo. \a\tagrow! Famakr;li ;ritasard fandisawar K& Sjampoulz;an \a=o[ k;rpow war;z \a\tagrin gor‘adroujiune! Axga\in ;u am;rik;an qa\l;rgn;rou kataroumhn% ou drø,aki araro[ouj;nhn ;tq^ F&M&E&M&-i skaoutn;roun ko[mh% fandisoujiune enjazq a®au sringow (Q& Gh\l;an)% g;[afncakow (K& Fawany;an) ou bar]ranouagow (F& Gh\l;an)! Bazman .øsqow fandhs ;kau artakarg d;span ou liaxør na.arar W& Mkrtoum;an! Apa ;rkou ktor artasan;z A& Pø[os;an ª:s Im Ano\, Fa\astaniº^ :& Car;nzhn ;u ªFa\astan As;lisº^ F& Saf;anhn)! Da,naki wra\ nouag;zin L& Fawany;an (ªKilikiaº) ;u A& |aroujiun;an (ªHmi Picº)! |a=ordakan ;r;q banast;[‘oujiunn;re^ ªMtoroumn;r Yanaparfiº (S& Kapoutik;an)% ªSasounzin;rou Pareº (G& Hmin)% ª:k;[;zin Fa\kakanº (W& Jhqh;an) .or aproumow matouzou;-

zan Tik& Ast[ik Tatour;ani ko[mh! Apa da,naki wra\ nouag;z L& Wardan;an ~& Pourkmoleri ªAustrian Parºe! "oqrikn Q& Sjampoulz;an artasan;z F& Saf;anhn ªA.r :s Incphs W;r K;nam Gnamºe! K& Sjampoulz;an ®ous;rhn m;n;rg;z Jaja Simon;ani ;u Anajoli Tn;prowi ªArm;nia Mo\aºn! Dar];al Tik& A& Tatour;ani bar]rarou;st asmounqi m;nakataroumn h ;r;q f;[inakn;rh& ªMat;an Go\ouj;anº (|& Jouman;an)% ªFa\ Vo[owourdinº (W& Dauj;an) ou ªKtakº (|owf& <irax)! Fa\ Au;taranakan :k;[;zuo\ ;rgca.oumbe% [;kawarouj;amb |owf& Garaman;ani ou da,nakafar Marihj |akob;ani% bar]r makardakow matouz;z ªSourb% Sourbºe (|owf& Garaman;an)% ª:r;uan Dar]a‘º (H& |owfannhs;an) ou ªKilikiaº (M& :kmal;an)! |i,ataki a\laxan ir;r drou;zan m;ta[;a\ parounakin mh= time capsule-i me% or piti t;[auoroui Las W;kasi Sanshj "arqin mh=% \a®a=ika\ No\;mb;rin x;t;[ou;liq Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune og;koco[ \ou,ar]ani me \atakin! Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Las W;kasi patouo\ fiupatos Tiar Atrou,an Armhn;an% fangamanørhn katar;z 'akman .øsqe! Anika \atkaphs ,;,t;z% jh fa\oz m,akouja\in va®angoujiune k;ndani h% ;u jh anika piti 'o.anzoui s;roundh s;round% xøranalow s'iu®qafa\ fama\nqn;rh n;rs! Anika ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z ørouan fandisouj;an bolor masnakizn;roun! Patouakal fiupatos A& Armhn;an ou 'o.anord W& Mkrtoum;an patouo\ gnafatagir \an]n;zin Tik& A& Tatour;ani% isk ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu Arv& Thr A& Gaspar;an ou Fogabar]ouj;an at;nap;t Prn& K& P;tir;an fa\;rhnow astoua‘a,ounce! Fandisouj;an anmi=aphs \a=ord;z ya,k;ro\j% ;k;[;zuo\ kiz ªGouyaq;anº fauaqat;[iin mh=% our fog;uor fowiue og;koc;z Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an mhk ou khs milion xof;rou anmo®az \i,atake% ,;,t;low fa\ vo[owourdin w;rapr;lou annkoun kamqe! War]qe katar ;k;[;zuo\ Tiknanz Øvandak Warcouj;an% or .namqow patrasta‘ hr a\d gi,;rouan matouzoua‘ famadam ya,e! Las W;kasi fa\oz fiupatosoujiune a\s ];®narkow oc mia\n arv;uora‘ ;[au ir go\oujiunn ou d;re% a\l;u satara‘ ;[au fa\apafpanouj;an srbaxan gor‘in! S&|&M&

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FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • :uropa\i 2017 j& ;ritasardakan a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouloum FF minc;u 21 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Poulkaria\oum 0-2 fa,ouow 3-rd anendmh= partoujiune kr;z da,ti thr;riz! Fokt;mb;ri 13-in m;r faua-




qakane :r;uanoum mrz;z Liuqs;mbourgi entranou f;t! Fandipoumn auartou;z 1-1 fa,ouow% cna\a‘ 19-rd rophiz fiur;re .a[oum hin 10 fogow! • Fa\astani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Hsjonia\oum anzkazouo[ :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,ari C;.ia\i f;t .a[oum partoujiun kr;z 0-4 fa,ouow! Fokt;mb;ri 10-in m;r `oujpolistn;re mrz;zin S;rpia\i ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t ;u noriz partou;zin 0-4 fa,ouow% isk Fokt;mb;ri 13-in da,ti thr;ri f;t ;u noriz partou;zin% a\s angam 0-2 fa,ouow!

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