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N.O. October 29, 2015, No. 42:N.O. Blank


2:49 PM

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 42 VOLUME 93, NO. 42

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QUO VADIS ARABIA FELIX? |O# :RJAS BARGAUAY ARABIA |OWSH" M:LQON:AN F®owmhazin;re m;r jouakanhn møtauoraphs qsanmhk dar;r a®a=% Øgostos ka\sri framanow xinouorakan ar,aua.oumb me [rk;zin dhpi Arabakan j;rak[xin! A\d ar,aua.oumbe ]a.o[;zau ir a®aq;louj;an mh=% orowf;t;u t;[azi f;ta.o\xi dauayan mhk ararqi f;t;uanqow f®owmhakan l;ghone embostaza‘ arab z;[a.oumb;rou lara‘ ‘ou[ake inkau ou anor andamn;re m;‘ wnasn;r kr;lh ;tq% stipou;zan mhk masow dhpi fiusis ;u mius masn al :giptosi yambow nafan=;l^ 'rkou;lou famar i spa® bna=n=oumh! A\s ar,aua.oumbe ir \a®a=.a[azqi enjazqin ir f;ta.ouxa‘ Arabakan j;rak[xii ;u anor \arakiz a,.arfagrakan ,r=ann;re bavna‘ hr ;r;q masi! Sourio\ faraue ;[o[ ,r=ane% or a\sør k*endgrkh Pa[;stine% |ordanane ;u Sina\i j;rak[xin koca‘ hr Bhjra\akan Arabia (Arabia Petraea)% ;rkrord mase Anapata\in Arabia (Arabia Deserta) ;u a\søroua\ :mhni \arakiz ,r=ann;re Bargauay Arabia (Arabia Felix)! A\d ªbargauayº a‘akane a\d ør;roun :mhni ke trouhr i masnauori n,;lou famar anor tnt;sakan barør wiyake% or ardiunq hr a\d ;rkri Fndkastani f;t m,aka‘ a,.o\v waya®akanakan ;u a®;utrakan kap;rou bno\jin% masnauorabar fam;mn;rou n;ra‘oumi ;u arta‘oumi mh= ir graua‘ m;na,norf;al dirqin patya®ow! :jh a\d f®owmhazin;re patafmamb kam fra,qow ;t a,.arf ga\in a\sør% xarfouranqow piti t;snhin jh incphs ir;nz ªbargauayº koca‘ :mhne masnauorabar ;u Arabakan a,.arfe endfanraphs% qa[aqakan taknouwra\ouj;an me ;njarkoua‘ ;n ;u jh anor f;t;uanqow ,r=ani ,at me ;rkirn;re tnt;sakan qa\qa\oun ;u tagnapaliz wiyaki mh= ke gtnouin! F;t;uabar% nkati a®n;low a\s ‘anrak,i® kazoujiune% ;u i t;s tiro[ a\s endfanour taknouwra\ouj;an% anonq n,anauor 'o.a®oujiun me en;low mi=axga\in grakanouj;nhn^ xarmaza‘ farz piti ta\in! QUO VADIS ARABIA FELIX? (|o# ;rjas Bargauay Arabia)! Ardar;u% o#ur k*;rjas Arabia kam arabakan a,.arf! Patmouj;an mh= 'a\loun h=;r k;rt;lh ;tq% fin a,.arfe dar;r ,arounak ir i,.anouj;an tak paf;lh% mardka\in gitoujiune ;u arou;ste nor

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AMN-i ’anr Xint;.nika\i <arasiune Fas;l H Hsjonia

Âousastane Mhk Taroum 65 Jank :u 118 Miauor Fr;tani H Waya®;l Atrph\yanin

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|O# :RJAS BARGAUAY ARABIA <ar& h= 2-hn

na;u m;‘ jiuow bna‘in oc-arab ;u kam oc-islam 'oqramasnoujiunn;r% incpisin ;n ørinaki famar qiurt;re% asorin;re% [eptin;re% maronin;re% fa\;re ;u z;[a\in a\l \atkani, oun;zo[ tarr;r% oronq a\s ,r=anin f;t patmakan .or kap;r ounin! Isk o#w h ªarabºe a\s paraga\in! Arabakan Likan ir fimnadrouj;an patmagrakan 'astajou[jin mh= f;t;u;al ];uow ke safmanh Arabe! ªArabe a\n an]n h% oroun l;xoun arab;rhn h% k*apri arabakan ;rkri me mh= ;u ke bavnh araba.øs vo[owourdn;rou fasarakaz t;ncanqn;reº! A\s pa\mann;roun mh= farz h our;mn jh i@nc ;n ªArabakan A,.arfºi fasarakaz t;ncanqn;re% oronq safmanoua‘ ;n irarou miazn;lou a\d 22 ;rkirn;rou araba.øs bnakcoujiunn;re! A\s t;ncanqn;re anz;al me ouni#n a,.arfagrakan a\d ,r=anin mh= apro[ vo[owourdn;roun famar% jh parxaphs xgazakan x;[oumn;rou% ga[a'ara.øsakan ;u qa[aqakan loxoungn;rou ;u fa,iun;rou ardiunqn ;n lok ou \stak patmakan ;njafo[ me c;n oun;za‘ ;u counin takauin! Iro[oujiun h a\sør or :giptosi bnakice^ :giptosi% Iraqzin^ Iraqi% Jounixzin^ Jounixi% Lipiazin^ Lipio\% Souriazin^ Sourio\ ;u amhn arab ir ;rkri n;rqin farz;row klanoua‘ h ou anor a®ør;a\ .øsakzouj;an mh= bazaka\ h arabakanouj;an a\n gitakzoujiune% xor :giptosi na.kin na.agaf Kamal Apthl Nashr ke ,;'orhr a,.arfin^ wajsounakan jouakann;rou enjazqin! A\sør mafaza‘ ;u anf;t kora‘ h a\d fama-arabakan patkan;liouj;an xgazoume ªArabakan A,.arfºi tara‘qin! Anor 'o.arhn a\sør fasarakaz zau me ;u tagnap me ke tara‘oui Atlantian Owkianoshn minc;u Arabakan j;rak[xii .or;re! Ardar;u% a,.arfagrakan a\d fska\ tara‘a,r=anin mh= arab qa[aqazin AM:NOUR:Q ke ta®api no\n ka®o\za\in farz;rhn ;u anonzmh ‘nound a®a‘ tagnapn;rhn!

- B®nathr ;u kama\akan kargousarqi fauatazo[ arab i,.anauorn;r ke tir;n a\d 22 ;rkirn;rou m;‘amasnouj;an ;u ke tnørin;n anonz yakatagire! Oc oq entra‘ h xanonq ou ir;nz entan;kan ,r=anakhn ;u fastatoua‘ xinakzoujiunn;rhn dours ;njaka\ c;n or;uh kargousarqa\in tramadrouj;an! - Farstouj;an mh= \['azo[ arab p;toujiunn;rou waricn;r antarb;r acqow ke dit;n angor‘ouj;an ;u tnt;sakan ankarouj;an mh= toua\to[ bnakcoujiun me% or m;‘amasnouj;amb ba[kaza‘ h ;ritasardn;rh! Est Ven;ui mh= fastatoua‘ Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an (MAK) patkano[ A,.atanqi Mi=axga\in Gras;n;aki (ILO) 2014 jouakani t;[;kagrin arab bnakcouj;an 23&2 a® fariure ke ta®api angor‘ouj;nh! - Enk;ra\in farz;re lou‘;lou ankaro[ tiro[ dasakarg me ko\r ;u .oul ke ];uana\ amhn ør enk;ra\in ardaroujiun pafan=o[ arab qa[aqazii an\;ta]g;li phtq;roun nkatmamb! - Arab [;kawarn;r ir;nz ankarouj;an 'aste zo\z kou tan na;u amhn ør% ;rb faka®ak ir;nz oun;za‘ niujakan fska\ pa\mann;roun oc mia\n i wiyaki c;n w;r= talou pa[;stinzi vo[owourdi g;r;al wiyakin% a\l sksa‘ ;n w;r=;rs mi=axga\in mamouli mh= ;r;uzo[ fauasti a[biurn;rou fama]a\n qoulisn;rou ;tin dauadir \arab;roujiunn;r m,ak;lou a\n ;rkrin f;t% oroun dhm fraparaka\in j,nakan ya®;r ke .øsin amhn a®ijn;row! Tasnam;akn;rh i w;r qariu[ artadro[ ;u faroust arab throujiunn;re 'o.anak ir;nz kar;uor ;u ba.toro, niujakan karo[oujiunn;re ;u a[biurn;re gor‘a‘;lou arabakan a,.arfhn n;rs tnt;sakan xargazoum \a®a= b;r;lou% ir;nz ambo[= karo[oujiune ke spa®;n ir;nz dasakargi m;na,norf;al kazoujiune pafpan;lou i gin am;naxan arka‘a.ndroujiunn;rou ;u ‘i‘a[;li bno\j oun;zo[ ,inararakan ‘ragirn;rou% oronzmh mia\n øgtouo[e ke fandisanan Ar;umoutqi ,afatirakan ,r=anakn;re ;u anonz gor‘akal enk;roujiunn;re! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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Polsafa\ fratarakic-.mbagroufin;rou a\s bavine 'ak;lh a®a= anfrav;,t h andrada®nal Skiutar ‘na‘ ;u i w;r=o\ Libanan fastatoua‘ Siran Xari`;an-Qiu'hl;ani% grakan anounow S;xa\i wastakin! Minc 1932-in Polso\ mh= Fa\ Kini fratarakoujiune ke dadrhr% Ph\rouji mh= S;xa fime ke dnhr ,r=ani a®a=in ;u miak kananz mamoulin^ :ritasard Fa\oufi ,abajaj;rjin! :rkou tari lo\s t;sn;lh ;tq% 13 tari ke dadrhr ;u ke w;rskshr fratarakouil |ounis 1947-in! Mart 1951-in% :ritasard Fa\oufi amsagir ke da®nar% D;kt;mb;r 1957-hn minc;u April 1961 dar];al k*endfatouhr ;u w;r=in jiue lo\s ke t;snhr D;kt;mb;r 1968-in! Ir;n \atouk inqnawstafouj;amb% S;xa ke fauatar% or :ritasard Fa\oufi piti .oraznhr fa\ kno= gitakzoujiune axga\in% enk;ra\in% krønakan% qa[aqaziakan ;u fa\r;nakan ir partauoroujiunn;roun fandhp! Au;lin% ke fauatar% or axga\in fimnafarz;re lousar]aki tak a®n;low^ anonz qnnarkoume stipo[oujiun piti dar]nhr! Gnafat;low s'iu®q;an mamoulin d;re% manauand ;rb ]oulman wtange ‘anr ke k,®hr% (ªma,oua‘ m;taqsi nman ‘ouhn-‘ouhn ja';lou wra\ h m;xmh fa\oujiuneº)! S;xa ke ,arounakhr& ªPafan= men h a\sør oun;nal j;rj me% our fa\ kine kar;na\ w;r=aphs ;r;unal oro, dimag‘ow! ~;minixm ch sa% a\l \a®a=.a[azoume minc;u fima moujin mnaza‘ ouvi me% or ir d;re ;u ir kamqe ouniº! (T;s >mbagrakan% :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% Fokt;mb;r 1932% jiu 1)! Bar]rørhn gnafat;low fand;r] fa\ kno= auandakan nouiroume ir tan ;u entaniqin fandhp% ke pafan=hr% or karo[oujiunn;re xargaznhr ;u ibr;u liarvhq an]% thr kangnhr ir anfatakan% axga\in jh qa[aqaziakan irauounqn;roun! A\s ou[[ouj;amb% ir .mbagrakann;row ;u \ødoua‘n;row% S;xa k*endg‘hr ousman anfrav;,toujiune^ gitakiz% ];®n;rhz% a,.atanqe siro[ ;u patas.anatououjiun stan]no[ fa\oufin;r patrast;lou famar! Au;lin% ousoume kno= me dato[oujiune ke xøraznhr ;u lyaza‘ famoxoumn;rou 'o.arhn^ entroujiun katar;lou ke warv;znhr% a,.atanqi kar;lioujiunn;re ke baxmapatkhr ;u anonz makardake ke bar]raznhr! :ritasard Fa\oufi kin;rou irauounqn;re enk;ra\in ardarouj;an mhk arta\a\toujiune ke nkathr! ªAcq ‘ako[ anirauoujiunº ke nkathr fa\ kno= fandhp antarb;roujiune ªfauaqakan a,.atanqi a\s 20-rd darounº! F;t;uabar% koc k*ou[[hr kin;roun kaxmak;rpouil ;u inqnarv;uoroumi pa\qarin ];®nark;l ªkamqi ouvow% a,.atanqi \ama®ouj;amb ;u nouiroumi m;‘ouj;ambº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% S;pt;mb;r 1948% jiu 4)! Mhk ko[mh^ S;xa kno= anfa-

NOR ØR% 29 FOKT:MB:R 2015


ªFa\ kno= k;anqi ou[iin f;tq;rowº Anjilias% 2013 takan xargazoume .a'ano[ enk;ra\in jh entan;kan pa\mann;roun dhm ke pa\qarhr% mius ko[mh al kine axgin% fa\r;niqin% n;rka\ ;u galiq s;roundn;roun ma\r ke kochr! ªIr krønqin% ir z;[in% ir axgin% ir fa\r;niqin ‘a®a\;lou famar h% or kine ke da®na\ ma\rº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% 15 |ounis% 1947% jiu 2)! Ouri, a®jiu me ke manramasnhr& ªMa\r ;[o[ a[=ike .oraphs gitakiz piti ella\ ir axga\in arvhqn;roun% ir ma\r;ni l;xouin kar;uorouj;an% ir tofmik barq;roun% ir krønakan partakanoujiunn;roun% orphsxi kar;na\ xauakn;r m;‘zn;l axgin famarº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% Ma\is 1961% jiu 2)! A\l .mbagrakani me mh= ma\rouj;an baro\akan f;[inakouj;an aknark;low ke fastathr& ªOr;uh axgi o[nasiune ma\r;rn ;n! Orqan enti*r% axnouakan .morh ellan ma\r;re% a\nqan tokounoujiun k*oun;na\ a\d axgeº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% No\;mb;r-D;kt;mb;r 1953% jiu 11-12)! Vamanakin f;t qa\l paf;lou mtafogouj;amb% S;xa enk;ra\in ‘a®a\oujiune ªkanazioujiune ir bar]rago\n dirqin mh= pafo[ asparhxº ke kochr ;u ke fauatar% or fimnakan n,anakoujiun ounhr axga\in-enk;ra\in makardake bar]razn;lou t;sakhthn! Mius ko[mh% enk;ra\in ‘a®a\ouj;an ‘ragr;al ;u f;t;uo[akan a,.atanqin bazaka\oujiune \ousa.aboujiun ke patya®hr& ªQani me bar;sirakan mioujiunn;r ouninq% oronz ambo[= gor‘ounhoujiune ke ka\ana\ vo[ow goumar;lou% fakaya®;lou% tomsak ‘a.;lou% dram fauaq;lou% npast ba,.;lou mh=! &&&Kin;re c;n oux;r% c;n 'or];r kaxmak;rpouil% krauorakan ;n axga\in an'a®ounak ;r;uo\jn;roun dhmº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% S;pt;mb;r 1948% jiu 4)! Axga\in ou enk;ra\in bard farz;rou% ]ouloumi ;u ar;umtakanazoumi \arayoun wtangi% incphs na;u n;rqin znzoumn;rou .®owa\o\x vamanaka,r=ani me% ;rb ªamhn yig phtq h ja';nq au;lzn;lou famar m;r ,our=inn;roun \arganqn ou gnafatanqe m;r axgin fandhpº% S;xa k*apauinhr qa[aqaziakan dastiarakouj;an bariqin! A\s masin ke grhr& ª:rb m;r bnaka‘ ;rkirn;roun mh= m;nq ke patrast;nq axniu% .a[a[% la\na.of% a,.atashr% ir ;u dimazinin arvana-

patououjiune \argo[% ir axatouj;amb ouri,in axatoujiune ;ra,.auoro[% ir xofab;roujiunn;rou ørinakow dimazinn al xofab;rouj;an m[o[% ørhnqi irauounqow% arvaniqi g n a f a t o u j ; a mb [ ; k a war o u ji u n stan]no[ qa[aqazin;r% fa*\ ma\r% a\n vamanak o*c oq ke famar]aki kaska‘i ;njark;l m;r ardar irauounqe ANKA>OUJ:ANº! (T;s :ritasard Fa\oufi% Ph\rouj% 1 Øgostos 1949% jiu 17)!

Fa\ k;anqi mh= a®a=in angam ellalow S;xan hr% or fa\ kno= qa[aqaziakan irauounqn;rou ;u partauoroujiunn;rou farze lousar]aki tak k*a®nhr ;u fa\ kine axga\in mta‘o[ouj;an ,a[a.e nkat;low^ ke pafan=hr% or kin;re a\r;rou f;t fauasarh-fauasar masnakiz da®nan axga\in-fasarakakan k;anqin! S;xa Ar;umoutqi bana];uoumow `;minist me chr! |;tz;[aspanouj;an armata.il s;roundin \atouk xga\nouj;amb% ke dimagrauhr s'iu®q;an anoro,oujiunn;re% ]ouloumi wtangn ou axgawnas bavanoumn;re! A\s pa\mann;roun mh= fa\ kno= anfatakan irauounqn;rhn au;li^ enk;ra\in partauoroujiunn;re ke ,;,thr% fauatalow or fa\ kine axga\in k;anqi .aris.n h^ 'o.anzo[e axga\in arvhqn;roun% oronq fa\ouj;an n;rkan k*imastauorhin ;u apaga\in ou[[oujiune ke y,dhin! <ar& h= 15


George Clooney: There Was Armenian Genocide, No Argument About It Famous actor George Clooney said there was genocide in Armenia in 1915, and there is no argument about it. “Now, history has changed and the Turks don't want to talk about it anymore. And because we have military bases in [Turkey], suddenly those same politicians who before could say, 'Yes, there was a genocide,' can't talk about it now,” Clooney said in an interview with The Frame on Southern California Public Radio. Clooney said the actor cannot make policy, but can really “make moments louder that matter to you”.

Syria’s Presidency Aims To Fight Terrorism Before Change Initiatives PanARMENIAN.Net - The Syrian presidency said on Tuesday, October 27, political initiatives could not work in Syria before terrorism had been wiped out, sticking by its long-held position on how to end the war after its Russian allies called for new elections, Reuters reports. The presidency said in a statement it was clarifying reports that President Bashar al-Assad had told a Russian delegation on Sunday he would be ready to hold early parliamentary and presidential elections called for by his allies in Moscow.

Armenia President to attend Armenian Genocide Commemoration Service in UK President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan will pay a working visit to the UK today. There Sargsyan will attend the ecumenical Service of Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Martyrs to be held at Westminster Abbey Wednesday, Armenian President press-service reports. The service, organized at the initiative and under the auspices of Armen Sarkissian, Ambassador of Armenia to the United Kingdom, will be presided over by Bishop of London Richard Chartres and the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II.

Minsk Group: We Are Concerned Over Use Of Heavy Weapons Preparation for the meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents was discussed during the meeting of OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan. “We talked about the meeting between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, which we are going to organize. We also spoke about humanitarian problems, and in this context, about possibility of the organi-

zation of meetings between representatives of the Armenian and Azerbaijani societies. However, the main issue of discussion was the current situation on the Line of Contact between the armed forces of NagornoKarabakh and Azerbaijan. We are concerned over the tension on the Line of Contact, particularly over the use of heavy weapons. We will meet and discuss this issue with representatives of the army,” Popov explained.

New Constitution To Ensue More Solid Basis For Human Rights Protection – E. Sharmazanov Armenian Parliament Vice-Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov stated on Tuesday that system reforms remains one of the priorities on the political agenda. Both Armenia’s opposition political forces and a larger part of civil society have for a long period pointed out a need for such reforms, which will promote democratic freedoms, competitive politics and independent judiciary in Armenia. “Considering all the factors, the authori-

ties launched an initiative of constitutional reforms. If the referendum scheduled for December 6 approves constitutional reforms, we will have an improved system of balance of powers, greater institutional role for the political opposition and more solid grounds for human rights protection. Of course, like any other document, this one may meet objections. Most of the opponents claim it is a way to a one-party system, which is not actually the case,” Mr Sharmazanov said.

The Armenian (Metsamor) Nuclear Power Plant is absolutely safe. By the level of its safety, it is not inferior to other nuclear plants of this kind, Adolf Birkhofer – President of Nuclear Energy Safety Council adjunct to Armenian President – told reporters in Yerevan today. In his words, it has taken many years for Armenian NPP to reach such a high level of safety. For his part, Director of the Armenian Research Institute for Nuclear Plant Operation, Executive Secretary of the Council Vahram Petrosyan said when speaking about the life service and safety of Armenian Nuclear Power Plant that international experience suggests it is possible to extend the service life of such plants by 15 years and over. “We have undertaken to extend its service life by 10 years,” he noted. In his words, those 10 years will give an opportunity to decide what kind of power unit to build.

Russia After Terror Groups In Syria, Only Hitting Confirmed Targets’ – MoD To RT

Migrant Crisis: Emergency Talks On Balkans Under Way

Two Turkish Lawmakers Say Ankara Tied To Use Of Sarin In Syria Two Turkish lawmakers from the Republican People’s Party (CHP) have provided documents showing that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) was linked to the use of chemical agents by militants operating in Syria, Press TV reports. In a recent press conference in the Turkish capital, Ankara, CHP’s Ali Seker said sarin, a deadly type of gas used in chemical weapons, has been produced in Turkey and transferred into Syria. He said it is impossible that Turkish intelligence officials had been unaware of the production and transfer of the prohibited materials into Syria. The comments came after six men were arrested during an operation in which chemical substances were seized from a truck heading from the southeastern Turkish city of Adana to Syrian borders.

Armenian Nuclear Power Plant Is Absolutely safe: Adolf Birkhofer

Leaders from several European countries are holding an emergency meeting to try to find a common position on the migrant crisis in the Balkans. A draft statement calls on countries to stop waving through migrants without the agreement of their neighbours. Slovenian PM Miro Cerar warned that the EU would "start falling apart" without concrete action on the crisis. Ten EU and three non-EU states are taking part but the absence of Turkey at the summit has been questioned. "Today the discussion will be among the countries along the corridor of the refugee flows," said Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. "But everybody knows at the end of the corridor there is an entrance." The draft leaked ahead of the meeting calls for the "gradual and controlled" movement of people through the migration route.

Hundreds of terror targets have been eliminated in Syria after almost a month of Russia’s military campaign. A Ministry of Defense spokesman told RT that Moscow only wants to eliminate extremist groups and is only hitting confirmed targets. “The [Russian] planes hit targets which have been confirmed to be the terrorist objects using several intelligence sources,” Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense told RT. He also mentioned that the Russians have been using aerial reconnaissance, as well as intelligence from space. According to the Defense Ministry spokesman, a special role is given to the data, which Moscow obtains from the information enter in Baghdad, Iraq, where Russia collaborates with its partners from Syria, Iraq and Iran. He added that the airstrikes have been hitting terrorist targets such as command and control centers, bunkers, ammunition depots and factories where the weapons used by suicide bombers are produced.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 29, 2015


The AGBU Vahe Karapetian Center Officially Opens In Yerevan The center is designed to foster closer ties between diasporan youth and Armenia

On September 24, the AGBU Vahe Karapetian Center was officially inaugurated in Yerevan. In attendance at the ceremony was the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranush Hakobyan, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, AGBU President Berge Setrakian, Armenian American philanthropist Vahe Karapetian, AGBU Council of Trustees member Karnig Yacoubian and AGBU Central Board members Sinan Sinanian, Vasken Yacoubian and Yervant Zorian, as well as more than 200 guests.In 2014, Karapetian donated a 5500square-meter building at 1 Zakaria Kanakertsi Street to AGBU. The center is a residence hall designed to foster closer ties between Armenia and diasporan youth from around the world, who stay at the center while participating in AGBU summer programs, such as Discover Armenia, the Yerevan Summer Internship Program (YSIP) and the Musical Armenia Program (MAP). The center also provides a venue for cultural and educational programs along with conferences and meetings. “This center will serve to strengthen ties between the youth of Armenia and the diaspora. Our main purpose is to bring students from various communities of the diaspora to their homeland, show them what it is like to live in Armenia and ensure their future communication and friendship with their Armenia-based peers. To serve this purpose, we intend to hold various educational, cultural and networking initiatives inside the walls of this center,” said Mr. Setrakian. Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, primate of the Tavush Diocese, opened the event by delivering a blessing by His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians. Mr. Setrakian then bestowed on Vahe Karapetian the title of AGBU Benefactor Member and presented him with an AGBU Gold Medal in appreciation of his benevolence: “I have never been an AGBU member, but the organization has always been very close to my heart. For years, in the United States, whether on TV or elsewhere, I have always followed the activities carried out by AGBU, as an organization with a distinct policy and mechanism of national unity. I am familiar with the biography and activities of Boghos Nubar Pasha. We didn’t intend to build this into such a center. We worked very hard and I was very meticulous about this building. And then, when everything was ready, we just realized we didn't want to use it, nor did we want to rent it or sell it. And I thought that I can only give it to AGBU: the organization that has always thought about the unity of our nation,” said Karapetian. Accompanied by Mr. Setrakian, Mr. Karapetian, Mr. Yacoubian and others, President Sargsyan toured the center, became acquainted with the facilities as well as the programs to be implemented at the center. Sargsyan also visited the office of the SyrianArmenian Relief Coordination Center, which already operates in the AGBU Vahe Karapetian Center.

Berge And Vera Setrakian Host Reception For American University Of Armenia (AUA) President Armen Der Kiureghian Guests learn about the only US-accredited University in all of the former Soviet republics On October 10, 2015, AGBU President Berge Setrakian and his wife Vera hosted a luncheon in honor of AUA President Armen Der Kiureghian at the Waterside Restaurant in North Bergen, New Jersey. The event provided an opportunity to meet Dr. Der Kiureghian and learn about the university. Among the guests were members of the AGBU Central Board and Council of Trustees, AUA Board of Trustees and alumni along with members of the Greater New York Armenian community. In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Setrakian emphasized the partnership between AGBU and AUA: “From its inception, AGBU believed that AUA could be in the best interest of Armenia to bring a Western-oriented educational institution to a country that was coming out of the Soviet era. It’s an institution that needs our continued support.” At the luncheon, Der Kiureghian spoke at length about the university and its impact on the Republic of Armenia: “AUA is the only US-accredited University in all of the former Soviet republics. 90% of our students are citizens of Armenia…but we have students from more than 20 different countries.” Lorraine Alexander, AUA vice president of development and external relations, and Dr. Larry Pitts, chairman of the AUA Board of Directors, also addressed the audience: “Education is investment. When you invest in education, you are moving things forward for the future to take care of the overall needs of society,” said Dr. Pitts. Der Kiureghian is one of the founding members of AUA, founding dean of AUA’s College of Science and Engineering, former interim provost and currently the president of the university. He is also a noted scholar

of international fame and is the Taisei Chair in Civil Engineering Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. Der Kiureghian is an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, the highest honor for an American engineer and an elected foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. He has served as Visiting Professor in universities in Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Japan and Slovenia. As one of the founding organizations of AUA, AGBU has been involved in the university since its establishment in 1991. AGBU has proven to be a champion for AUA through financial assistance in the launch of academic programs and scholarships, the establishment of the AGBU Papazian Library and the start of the AUA Extension-AGBU NKR Program to help reignite the workforce in the NagornoKarabakh Republic through various training courses. AUA is a private, independent university in Yerevan, Armenia established through a partnership with the government of Armenia, AGBU and the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement and promoting public service and democratic values. For more information about AUA, please visit www.agbu.am.

Saudi Arabia Could Be The Cost Of Replacing Bankrupt By 2020 – Trident Is Really IMF £167bn, New Figures Suggest The Middle East’s biggest economy, Saudi Arabia may run out of financial assets within the next five years if the government maintains its current policies, warns the International Monetary Fund. Saudi Arabia is expected to run a budget deficit of 21.6 percent in 2015 and 19.4 percent in 2016, according the IMF’s latest regional economic outlook. The country needs to adjust spending, the IMF urged. The IMF outlined two key factors shaping the region’s outlook. They are spreading and deepening regional conflicts and slumping oil prices. The conflicts have given rise to large numbers of displaced people and refugees, on a scale not seen since the early 1990s, according to the report. According to the research, many experts suggest low oil prices will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

A Trident Va n g u a r d class submarine PA The overall cost of rep l a c i n g Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system would be £167bn, double previous credible estimates, according to new calculations based on official figures. The Reuters news agency reports that a replacement would cost nearly double the proportion the defense budget as its predecessor. The revelation comes shortly after the anti-Trident SNP swept nearly every Scottish seat at the Scottish general election and Labor elected anti-Trident leader Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Opposition.

The Cotsen Institute Of Archaeology At UCLA Announces The 2nd Hampartzoum and Ovsanna Chitjian Conference in Armenian studies: “Armeno-Persian Relations and the Persarmenian Community Throughout the Ages”. Saturday, November 14th, 2015. 11:00 AM – 5 PM. Featured speakers: Dr. Marco Brambilla: “The Architecture of the Houses of the Armenians in New Julfa.” (University of Rome) Prof. Touraj Daryee “Reflections on the History and Society Arshakuni Armenia and Arsacid Iran.” (UC Irvine) Ms. Kristine Martirosyan-Olshansky: “Prehistoric Connections between the Inhabitants of the Armenian Highlands and the Iranian Plateau." (UCLA). Prof. Bert Vaux “The Armenian Dialect of Salmast.” (University of Cambridge) To be held on UCLA campus in Royce Hall, Room 314. Free Admission. Paid parking available in Structure 4 or 5. $12. RSVP required for luncheon: <RSVP@ioa.ucla.edu> This Conference is dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Gorun Babian (1941-2015), Prelate of New Julfa (1978-2002).

Wikimedia Vs. NSA Lawsuit Dismissed In US Over Lack Of Surveillance Proof A lawsuit brought by Wikimedia against the NSA for spying did not see the light of day, as a US federal judge dismissed the case, stating there was no way to know whether the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia, was actually under surveillance. US District Judge Richard D. Bennett ruled in favor of the National Security Agency (NSA), concluding that there was not enough evidence to “plausibly establish that the NSA is using upstream surveillance.” In the 30-page ruling, Bennett stressed that Wikimedia and the other plaintiffs could not prove that they were being watched. © Dado Ruvic / Reuters

Exhibition dedicated to Armenian cultural heritage of Van and Vaspurakan opens in Russian Ethnography Museum The collection of the material cultural heritage of Armenians of Van and Vaspurakan gathered in 1916 by Russian ethnographer Alexander Miller has become part of “World of Traditional Armenian Culture” exposition in Ethnography Museum of Russia. The collection is presented in the “Cultural Heritage of Western Armenia” the presentation of which took place in Meridian Gallery on October 26. Armenian Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan said that the catalogue has become a passport of Armenian cultural values of Van and Vaspurakan. “Samples of Armenian cultural heritage exist in different countries and we not always succeed in presenting them by catalogues,” Poghosyan said.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 29, 2015


If you ever thought of doing something like Habitat for Humanity in Armenia, there is now another option to make your visit more meaningful - whether this is your first trip or your 50th! The AVC "Voluntourism" program bundles both volunteering and tourism into an 11-day trip, enabling you to discover the country and work side-by-side with local citizens. Feedback on the pilot "Southern Discovery 2015" trip was so overwhelmingly positive that AVC is running the successful program again in 2016. This uniquely customized tour is scheduled for June 18-29, 2016, and is limited to the first 12 registrants, thereby keeping the experience personalized. In addition to historic sites and adventure, the Voluntourism trip into the heart and soul of Armenia's south includes four days of physical labor and lots of satisfaction. "The journey was a huge success in every way," says AVC executive director Tania Chichmanian. "For anyone looking to experience Armenia via adventure, community service-giveback plus sightseeing, at approximately $100 per day all in-country expenses included, this is the trip to do!" she added. The soul of the journey will be our four days in Gomk, a 200-inhabitant village in the Vayots Dzor region, located at 1800 meters' altitude close to the Nakhichevan border. Working side-by-side with the villagers

- most of whom are refugees from Azerbaijan-living with them, learning about their lives, their challenges, hopes, and plans to develop the village to ensure it remains a solid sentinel of our border region, will most certainly be the highlight of the trip, as it was for all of this year's participants, not least because they left with a deeper understanding of life overall in Armenia, beyond the superficial. The work can be strenuous, but there will be something for everyone's capabilities. And in addition to the designated work, there is still time for adventure, including a half-day on horseback exploring the scenic, ancient wonders of the area; and each day is capped off with a wonderful meal and lively conversation with our native counterparts and homestay families. This year, our diverse voluntourists ranged in age from 14 to 65. All were seeking a unique way to experience Armenia that would offer them more immersion than the usual package tour. One participant summed it up for everyone: "It was an amazing, wonderful opportunity to visit my ancestral homeland and get to meet, work with and truly get to know some of the people who live there. A really beautiful and memorable trip." We look forward to another enriching and memorable journey in 2016. Join us. Space is limited, so register now. Deadline: March 15, 2016.

Government: Theater Founded By Sos Sargsyan To Bear His Name The Hamazgayin (Pan-National) Theatre will henceforth bear the name of its founder – prominent actor, People’s Artist of Armenia and the USSR Sos Sargsyan. This decision was made at the weekly session of the Armenian government on Thursday. Hamazgayin was established in 1991 by Sos Sargsyan who headed the theatre until his death, at age 84, in September 2013. Incidentally, the inauguration of a memorial plaque for Sos Sargsyan in 65 Teryan Street in Yerevan where the artist lived is scheduled for Saturday October 24. Also, it became known on Thursday that by the government’s decision the Goy national experimental center of drama arts founded by actor and director Armen Mazmanyan will now bear the name of the artist. Mazmanyan died in January 2014, aged 53.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

85 - Ayse oktem By Hambersom Aghbashian Ayse oktem, the General manager of DVV International in Turkey*, is a Turkish intellectual born in Istanbul to an !stanbulian family with a very mixed ethnic background. Her maternal grandfather was a Sabbatean Jew from Salonika. Her maternal grandmother was of Bogumilian origin – a Christian sect, from mother's side and the grandfather's father was a member of Ottoman military. Maybe this was her first impulse concerning the Armenian genocide as she says. Her grand-grandfather, Ethem Pasha, was a miralay, a colonel, in the Ottoman Army. He knew Enver and Talat Pashas and was against them and Young Turks' policies. He joined the battle of Sarıkamı" in 1914, and was killed just at the beginning of the battle and after his death, he was promoted to Pasha, a higher rank in ottoman empire. His wife believed that he was killed because he was against the young Turks policies. Ayse Oktem had born in very bourgeois and wealthy family, but her parents, were leftists, and left Turkey for political reasons. She spent most of her life in Germany, where she learned to be a migrant, to be a member of an inferior group “the Turks”. On the other hand, as the granddaughter of a Jew, she was part of the Holocaust suffered nation in the land of the murderers. She studied first German Language and Linguistics, than Sociology and earned her Master of Philosophy degree in Sociology. She is currently the Turkey - coordinator of the project “Acting Together”**, financed by German Foreign Office, and implemented by the Germany based Adult Education Organization DVV International, married to a German and lives with her husband in Istanbul. On April 19, 2014, (EGAM, AGBU Europe and DurDe)***, announced in a press release that for the second year in a row and 99 years after the genocide of 1915, a European delegation composed of twenty antiracist and Armenian leaders from 15 countries will be present in Turkey for the commemoration of the genocide against the Armenians, held in that city for the fifth consecutive year. It was a response to the call of EGAM partners in Turkey DürDe! (Say Stop to Racism!) and the Human Rights Association – IHD. EGAM invited AGBU Europe to support the Turkish civil society working for the recognition of the Armenian genocide. The initiative was supported by numerous personalities (including Charles Aznavour, Serge Klarsfeld, Bernard Kouchner, Dario Fo, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Adam Michnik, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Ahmet Insel, Olivero Toscani, Jovan Divjak, and others) and representatives of European civil society, who have signed an appeal published in several prominent European newspapers and was signed by Paul Morin, Executive Director of EGAM (Europe), Cengiz Algan & Levent Sensever, Spokespeople for Durde! (Turkey), Alexis Govciyan, President & Nicolas Tavitian, Director of AGBU (Europe), Ayse Öktem, Platform for “Confronting a Century of Denial” (Turkey),Charles Aznavour, Bernard Henri Lévy, Abdullah Demirbas, Ara Toranian, Serge Klarsfeld, Öztürk Türkdo#an, Head of the Human Rights Association (IHD) (Turkey), Bernard Kouchner, former French Minister of Foreign and many others. (1) According to Armenia News-

NEWS.am, Sept. 22, 2015, Ayse Oktem, the Turkish representative of DVV International, who participated in a media conference dedicated to the first stage of program of Armenia-Turkey reconciliation entitled “Acting Together”, said "If civil society in Turkey is strong enough and recognizes the Armenian Genocide, any government will be forced to retract." She added, Turkish and Kurdish participants are involved in the project and expressed hope that Germany would recognize the Armenian Genocide, too. “I hope that recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey will not be a result of external pressure, but will come from within, from the people of Turkey,” Oktem added. (2) About 25 years ago Ayse Oktem began a research about muslimized Armenians, where nobody believed, that there might be muslimized Armenians, expect her mother and her aunt, who – as daughters of Sabbatean Jewish father knew very well, that it can lived with a false identity. After a while she ended her researches and began to work at NGOs in Germany in the field of Migration, Discrimination, Anti-Racism, Empowerment of Migrants. For more than twenty years she worked at several NGOs in Hamburg/ Germany, and became a manager of social work and adult education, in the field of Migration, Education and Empowerment for Migrants, Anti-Discrimination. She managed projects for the education of young migrants, two of the projects with a bilingual, culture sensitive approach esp. for young refugees won important awards. She returned to Turkey about 4 years ago and continued to work in NGOs in the field of Adult Education, also she is democratization, peace and genocide recognition actvist. She was among the organizers of the commemorations of the genocide in 2014 and 2015. Remembering her grand-grandfather Ethem Pasa who was killed in Sarıkamı", Ayse Oktwm always asked herself, what would have happened if he , Ethem Pasa , had survived the Sarıkamı" battle. Would she have been the granddaughter of the murderer Ethem Pasha or would have been the granddaughter of a real hero, who saved lives and/or refused an order to kill innocent people. Thanks to Ayse Oktem for providing information, reviewing and enhancing this article (H.A.). *DVV International: Is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. **Acting Together: Is a joint initiative of DVV International and its partners, the History Foundation (Turkey) and the Armenian Centre for Ethnological Studies “Hazarashen” (Armenia) and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. A century after the Genocide, they aim at building bridges between the people of Turkey and Armenia through adult education, journalism, oral history and art. ***EGAM : The European Grassroots Antiracist Movement. AGBU : Armenian General Benevolent Union. DurDe : is one of Turkey’s leading civil and human rights organizations 1- www.egam.eu 2- http://news.am/eng/news/287301.html.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 29, 2015


SARF Will Hold Telethon In February

The Society For Armenian Studies To Hold Its 41st Annual Meeting In Denver, Colorado

The Executive committee of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) will hold a fundraising telethon in late February 2016 to provide financial assistance to Syrian Armenians who are victims of the ravaging civil war. A special task force was formed and preliminary activities have started. The telethon will be broadcast in Southern California on cable TV channels. It will also be webcast worldwide on www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org. More details will be provided to our community in the days to come. Pre-telethon fund raising has already started and representatives of SARF will soon contact individuals and various organizations to secure their support. We are confident that once again our community will rise to the occasion and do its utmost to give generously and help our suffering people. SARF was established 3 years ago in Los Angeles and is comprised of 10 major organizations of the Armenian community in the Southland: Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North America, The Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Social Democratic Hunchagian Party, The Armenian Relief Society, Armenian General Benevolent Union, The Armenian Missionary Association of America.

Major Conference to be held on “The Impact of the Armenian Genocide” To mark the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) is planning an international conference, “The Impact of the Armenian Genocide,” to take place on Saturday, November 21, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. The SAS is the international association of Armenian Studies scholars and teachers and is holding its 41st Annual Meeting on the same day in Denver. The conference and meeting will be held in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, which bring hundreds of scholars in a variety of disciplines together annually to present papers and to participate in panels. The SAS organized conference on “The Impact of the Armenian Genocide,” will have two panels, beginning at 10:00AM. The conference will be held in PL-Director’s Row I of the Denver Downtown Sheraton Hotel and is open to the public. In the first panel on “The Impact on Society,” three participants will present papers: Lerna Ekmekcioglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “When History Became Destiny: Armenians in Post-Genocide Turkey”; Sossie Kasbarian (University of Lancaster, United Kingdom), “The Politics of Memory and Activism: The Armenian Diaspora Facing 2015”; and Hratch Tchilingirian (University of Oxford), “Armenians in Turkey: The Impact of post-Genocide Isolation and (dis)Integration.” In the second panel on “The Impact on Culture,” the presenters will be: Talar Chahinian (California State University, Long Beach), “Post-1915 Dispersion Literature and the Figure of the Failed Witness”; Myrna Douzjian (UCLA), “The Ethics of Self-Reflexive Filmmaking; Or, Deconstructing the Genocide Documentary” and Ramela Abbamontian (Los Angeles Pierce

Victoria’s Secret Supermodel Stella Maxwell Poses For Vogue In Armenia

Sponsorship Needed For Gohar Movsisyan At Mer Doon The famous supermodel and ‘Victoria’s Secret Angel’ Stella Maxwell was photographed in Armenia for the cover of Vogue Russia’s October 2015 issue. Maxwell’s outfits and accessories were inspired by traditional Armenian Taraz (national costume). The American photographer with Armenian roots David Mushegain photographed Stella Maxwell with colorful backgrounds of Armenian cultural symbols like dried fruits and carpets, as evidenced by the photos posted of the model on Instagram. Both the photographer David Mushegain, who has never before visited Armenia, and his friend Stella Maxwell were amazed by the beauty of the country. David Mushegain first announced the project on his Instagram: Judging by the smilies and hearts Maxwell used to sign her Armenian photoshoot pictures on the Instagram, we can safely assume that she was quite satisfied with them. Her fans too seemed very pleased and intrigued with her pictures. According to reports on the way to the airport, Stella asked to stop the car so she could gather a bouquet of red poppies. In Armenia, the color red is a symbol of femininity. Armenian photographer David Galstyan has also collaborated with David Mushegain for the photoshoot.

SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. Today we highlight Gohar Movsisyan, of Mer Doon. Name: Gohar Movsisyan Facility: Mer Doon (MD) Gender: Female DOB: March 27, 1991 Health history and current medical conditions: Gohar is generally healthy, but suffers from recurrent back problems. Special interests, talents, and future aspirations: Gohar loves to sing, read books, and likes to learn languages. She attended culinary arts school and wants to travel to the US and Spain to cultivate her love of foreign languages. If you would like to sponsor Gohar, please contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@soar-us.org or select her (under Mer Doon) through our Sponsorship Enrollment page. Thank you in advance for your support!

College), “The Diasporic Witness: Reconstruction of Testimony by Contemporary Los Angeles Artists.” The SAS is also sponsoring a panel during the regular MESA sessions at 2:00PM on Sunday, November 22, entitled “Towards an Understanding of Identity,” chaired by SAS President Barlow Der Mugrdechian (California State University, Fresno), with the participation of Jirair Christianian (Independent scholar) “Orphaned Armenian Objects in Istanbul: The Patriarchate Museum Collection”; Nora Lessersohn (Harvard), “Armenian Self and Ottoman Society: Christopher Oscanyan’s Oriental and Turkish Museum in London (1853-54)”; and Ron Marchese (University of Minnesota-Duluth), “Sociological Implications in Armenian Religious Art in the Late Ottoman Period: Data from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople during the Second Armenian Renaissance-post 1700.” More than twelve other Armenianthemed papers will be given by scholars during the course of the MESA conference, November 22-24. For a full program of MESA sessions, please visit their website at: https://mesana.org/mymesa/meeting_pr ogram.php. The SAS is administered by a seven member Executive Council: President, Barlow Der Mugrdechian; Vice-President, Bedross Der Matossian (Univ. of NebraskaLincoln); Secretary, Lilit Keshishyan (UCLA); Treasurer, Sergio La Porta (California State University, Fresno); and advisors Tamar Boyadjian (Michigan State University); Marc Mamigonian (NAASR), and Jean Murachanian. The Society for Armenian Studies is headquartered at the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno and its website is at societyforarmenianstudies.com. The SAS can be reached by email at barlowd@csufresno.edu or by phone at 559-278-2669.

“Visit Armenia, It Is Beautiful” Announces Essay Contest #4

The “Visit Armenia, It Is Beautiful” project has organized an Essay Contest #4 open to 9th to 12th grades high school level students in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Participants should write an essay in Armenian or English about “Why I want to visit Armenia” The deadline to register is March 01, 2016. The deadline to submit the essays is March 18, 2016Winners to be announced APRIL 28, 2016 For full details, application forms and questions, please visit http://www.visitarmenia.org/html/pr omotional.html or e-mail ara@visitarmenia.org We anticipate an overwhelming response and a very large number of participants, so please do not delay your registration.

Special Halloween Screening Of Rouben Mamoulian's "Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" Glendale, CA – ABRIL BOOKSTORE's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a special Halloween screening of ROUBEN MAMOULIAN's classic 1931 film DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE with an introduction by ARNO YERETZIAN and a special talk about Mamoulian's use of make-up by MIKAEL SHARAFYAN on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. ROUBEN MAMOULIAN was born in 1897 in Tiflis, Georgia, to Armenian parents and died in 1987 in Los Angeles. A noted director of several famous Broadway productions, Rouben Mamoulian translated his sense for the theatrical to film and quickly became known for his innovative use of the camera, sound and color even in an age when black-and-white film was the standard. Guided by a strong creative instinct, informed intelligence, and a staunch independence that often clashed with the staid Hollywood studio system, Mamoulian emphasized stylization over naturalism in such early works as "City Streets" (1931) and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1931), perhaps his greatest film. Though many of his titles were not always the most widely remembered, Mamoulian directed some of the biggest stars of the day - Marlene Dietrich in "Song of Songs" (1933), Garbo in "Queen Christina" (1933), William Holden in "Golden Boy" (1939) and Tyrone Power in "The Mark of Zorro" (1940) - the last widely considered to be the best of the Zorro films. Mamoulian left behind a mark as a fierce innovator who brought a sense of theatricality to every film. THE ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY is a monthly event that will meet on the first Friday of each month at Abril Bookstore. Lead by Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, the evenings will be composed predominantly of film screenings and discussions, with occasional lectures, workshops, classes, and other types of activities relating to film with an element of Armenian culture and/or involvement. The purpose of the film society is to bring together people of all backgrounds and expose them to the rich cinema of Armenia, as well as talented filmmakers with an Armenian background. Upcoming screenings include Gikor, Sideways, Ravished Armenia, A Piece of Sky, The River Ran Red... Also look forward to special lectures and presentations by filmmakers such as Erik Nazarian, Carla Garabedian, Roger Kupelian and many more. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore

The Concerts Of KOHAR Choir’s The concerts of KOHAR choir which will be held on Tursday 29, Friday 30, Saturday 31 October and Sunday, November 1, 2015 in Beirut, Lebanon, will be transmitted live from H1 (!-1) TV of Armenia during four concert days, at 8:30 PM Beirut times, 10:30 AM Los Angeles times). The concertë of of Saturday, October 31, and Sunday, November 1 will be also transmited by internet (Live streaming). In order to watch the concerts directly you cnan visit the KOHAR Blog http://kohar blog.com/kohar-live-concerts-near-you or you can visiy directly the following link: www.live.koharconcert. com

N.O. October 29, 2015, No. 42:N.O. Blank


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SIRAN S:XA|I MASIN <ar& h= 6-hn

Polso\ mtauorakan fa\oufin;rou groujiunn;roun ko[qin S;xa ke qa=al;rhr na;u ir ,our= ‘a[ko[ nor;rou masnakzoujiune& asonzmh ke \i,;nq B;rkroufi Nayar;an-Sway;an% :olant Ayhm;an% W;rvin Naxik;an% <amounh Gou\oumy;an% Ast[ik Goya\;an% Axatoufi Simon;an-Gala\y;an% Vanhj Qasouni (grakan anounow Fouri)% Shsil Qh,i,;an% Âija Pal;an% Arsinh Dar;an% Mhri Darbin;an ;u d;® ouri,n;r! W;r=in 7 a,.atakizn;re .mbagrakan a,.atanq al katar;zin amsagrin fratarakouj;an w;r=in 5 tarin;rou enjazqin! Polso\ kananz mamoule fimnakan d;r katar;z gl.auorabar f;t;u;al marx;rou mh=& 1& Ar;umoutqhn ;ko[ a®a=adhm ga[a'arn;re axga\in arvhqn;rou ‘irin mh= t;[auor;z ;u a\s ];uow 'or];z fa\ kno= axga\in inqnoujiune ];uauor;l^ w;r= dn;low kin;rou partadroua‘ m;kousazman% ;njaka\ouj;an ;u arv;xrkman! 2& Fa\ kno= an]nakan irauounqn;rhn andin^ entan;kan ;u axga\in partauoroujiunn;re ,;,t;z! 3& Fa\ kno= ousman ;u a,.atanqin a®au;loujiunn;re endg‘;z ;u amousinin gor‘akizn ou l‘akize ellalou fangamanqe qa=al;r;z! 4& Fa\ kno= axga\in-enk;ra\in \an]na®ouj;an drø,akire ;[au% pafan=;low or fanra\in k;anqi

mh= gor‘øn d;r stan]nh ;u axga\in k;anqe waro[n;rou ,r=anakin mh= ir t;[e oun;na\ ;u ]a\ne ls;li da®na\! 5& Fa\ kno= grakan ]irq;re qa=al;r;z ;u ma\r;ni l;xouin fandhp b‘a.ndroujiun a®a=azouz! 1926-in% gl.auorabar kananz j;rj;roun m[a‘ ar,aue ardiunauorou;zau ;u Polso\ Axga\in K;dronakan Warcouj;an Ousoumnakan >orfourde a®a=in angam ellalow ;rkou andamoufi oun;zau% ;rkou \arganq partadro[ axga\in dhmq;r^ Xaphl Asatour ;u Fa\kano\, Ma®q! Fark h n,;l% jh Axga\in Safmanadrouj;an (1863) ,r=anin >rim;an Fa\rik \atouk ,r=ab;rakanow kin;rou qouhark;lou ;u axga\in warcakan vo[own;roun entr;lou ;u entrou;lou irauounqe fastata‘ hr! Ir kargin% Ghorg :& Kajo[ikos 1917 April 7-i kondakow w;rafastata‘ hr ªkananz s;®i entrakan irauounqe a\r mardkanz fauasarº% saka\n fark ;[au% or fa\ kine a\d irauounqe ,afi ;u ir wastakow arv;uorh! Ir kargin polsafa\ kananz w;r=in xinouoragr;ale^ S;xan% 1967-in% ir grakan wastaki 40-am;akin a®ijow% parg;uatrou;zau Libanani Krjakan Na.ararouj;an bar]rago\n gnafatanqi ,qan,anow! B

N.O. October 29, 2015, No. 42:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% 29 FOKT:MB:R 2015


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Fokt;mb;ri 24-25-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 11-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªBananzº^ 0-0 ª<irakº-ª"iunikº^ 0-2 ªOulisº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 0-3 ªGan]asar K&º-ªMikaº^ 2-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ala,k;rt 11 7 3 1 23-11 24 "iunik 11 6 2 3 20-8 20 <irak 11 6 2 3 14-12 20 11 5 5 1 15-9 20 Gan]asar Ararat 11 5 2 4 10-11 17 Mika 11 3 1 7 9-14 10 Bananz 11 1 5 5 10-17 8 Oulis 11 0 2 9 5-24 2

FF GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM Fokt;mb;ri 21-in ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akici f;t;u;al fandipoumn;re& ª"iunikº-ªGan]asar K&º^ 1-3 ªMikaº-ª<irakº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ªBananzº^ 0-3 ªAla,k;rtº-ªAraratº^ 1-0!

FF FAUAQAKANE ~OUTXALI A<>ARFI GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM Kiprosoum auartou;z `outxali a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;an entrakan 'oule! FF fauaqakane a®a=in .a[oum 2-3 fa,ouow xi=;z Kiprosi entranoun% 2-rdoum 3-4 fa,ouow^ Lajwia\i fauaqakanin% cna\a‘ m;r `oujpolistn;rn ;rkou angam fa,oui mh= a®a= ;n ;[;l! Fokt;mb;ri 25-in m;r `oujpolistn;re mrz;l ;n hsjoniazin;ri f;t ;u dar];al 1-2 fa,ouow partou;l ;n!

FA|KAKAN MARXAKAN >YANKAR • Fokt;mb;ri 17-in Niu :orqi ªM;tisen



Sqou;r Kartenº ar;na\oum 33-am;a\ [axa.stanzi G;nnadi Golowkine \a[j;z qanatafa\ Dauij Lam\hin 8-rd ®aountoum^ t;.nikakan nokaoutow! A\spisow Golowkine pa,tpan;z WBA (soup;r)% IBO ;u WBC a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[osn;re mi=in qa,oum% incphs na;u IBF-i tit[ose% ore patkanoum hr Lam\hin! Golowkine parg;uatrou;z na;u 2 mln&% isk Lam\hn 1&5 mln& am;rik;an tolarow! • |ounastani ma\raqa[aq Ajhnqoum auartoua‘ warp;tn;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum L;uon Asatr;ane (76 qk&) vamkhtiz ,out \a[j;low `ransiazi% jourq% iranzi embi,n;rin ;xra'akicoum \a[j;l h Jourqia\i mhk a\l embi,^ M;l;q Aptoul Moujalipin ;u f®cakou;l h a,.arfi warp;tn;ri a.o\;an! 54-am;a\ Vora |owfannis;ane (58 qk&) 14-rd angam f®cakou;l h a.o\;an! • Faraua\in Qorha\i Moung\ong qa[aqoum auartoua‘ Famabanaka\inn;ri 6-rd .a[;rin FF marxikn;re masnakzoum hin a®a=in angam! >a[;rin masnakzoum hin 110 ;rkrn;ri 8700 marxik! M;r fauaqakane Qorha hr m;kn;l 15 marxikow! |ounaf®omhakan oyi embi, Sargis Qocar;ane (80 qk&) nouay;z pronxh m;tal% isk Karhn Aslan;ane (66 qk&)^ ar‘ajh m;tal! • ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ j;nisistoufi Margarita Gaspar;ane Al;qsandra Panowa\i enk;rakzouj;amb dar];l h Ta,q;ndi baz a®a=nouj;an xouga.a[i \a[jo[! Nranq ;xra'akicoum \a[j;l ;n Dou,;uina-Sin\arkowa xo\gin! No\n mrza,ari 1/8-rd ;xra'akicoum Gaspar;ane 2 s;joum xi=;l h g;rmanoufi Anna-L;na ~ridmanin^ 3!6% 4!6! Isk a\nouf;t;u Gaspar;ane ªKr;mli gauaj-2015º mi=axga\in mrza,ari qa®ord ;xra'akicoum 1!6% 3!6 fa,ouow xi=;l h ir fa\r;nakzoufi Anastasia Pawl\ou,hnko\in ;u dours mnaz;l mrza,ariz! • Fokt;mb;ri 23-iz No\;mb;ri 1-e <otlandia\i ma\raqa[aq Glaxgo\oum k*anzkazoui

Dokt& |owfannhs Afmaran;ani&&& <ar& h= 13-hn

uorakann;rou Go[gojan! Afauasik a\s ;r;uo\je n;rka\azn;lou npatakow h% or m;r ;k;[;zuo\ m,akouja\in \an]na.oumbe kaxmak;rp;z a\s ;r;ko\je% oroun ir fowanauoroujiune ,norf;z m;r j;min a®a=norde^ Arfi& Miqa\hl ;pisk& Mourat;anº% ;xra'ak;z Fa\r Anton ir fakiry patgame! Troua‘ ellalow or girqe angl;rhn groua‘ hr% ørouan ;lo\jn;re m;‘ masamb ;[an angl;rhnow! |atkaphs fatorin n;rka\azoume arf;stawarvørhn katar;z^ irauaban^ Tik& Naris >alaj;anP;j;l% or safikn;rou ;u qarthsn;rou zouzadrouj;amb% manramasnørhn xnn;z girqin glou.n;re ;u au;li \stak dar]ouz Z;[aspanouj;an xof% a\s paraga\in Fa\ Kajo[ikh k[;rin Z;[aspanouj;an toua‘ xof;roun patk;re! Bana.øse ;xra'ak;z ir ;lo\je% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low A®a=nord Srbaxan før% ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Anton Noratounk;anin% ;u ;k;[;zuo\ m,akouja\in


\an]na.oumbin% ir;n wstaf;lou famar a\s ;r;ko\in bana.øsouj;an patiue! No\nphs ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z Tiknanz Miouj;an vra=an tikinn;roun% oronq \an]n a®a‘ hin ;r;ko\jin fiurasirouj;an bavine! Apa fandisaware b;m frauir;z “The Golgotha of the Armenian Catholic Clergy” girqin f;[inak^ Dokt& |owfannhs Afmaran;ane% or \ouxoua‘ b;m bar]razau ;u ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z na. A®a=nord Srbaxan Før Arfi& Miqa\hl ;psk& Mourat;anin% incphs na;u ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Anton Noratounk;anin% ørouan bana.øsoufiin^ Tik& Naris >alaj;anin% M,akouja\in \an]na.oumbi andamn;roun% tiknanz miouj;an% ;u ir kno=^ S;da Afmaran;anin% or jikounq kangna‘ hr ;u ørinak;li famb;rouj;amb satara‘ hr girqin tpagrouj;an! No\nphs an ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z n;rkan;roun% oronq ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb qa=al;ra‘ hin xinq! Fousk banqe erau Arfi& Miqa\hl :ps Mourat;an% or am'o'

marmnamarxouj;an a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% ore warkani,a\in h 2016 j& ølimpiakan .a[;ri famar! FF-n n;rka\aznoum ;n Wafagn Dauj;ane% |aroujiun M;rtin;ane% Arjour Dauj;ane ;u Fouri G;b;,;ane (AMN-iz)! T[an;re lau marxawiyakoum ;n! ªArjoure% ow w;r=;rs a®o[=akan .ndirn;r ouni ;u nra masnakzoujiune a®a=nouj;ane farzakani tak hr% a\vm ir;n au;li lau h xgoumº% FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic |akob S;rob;ani .øsqe mh=b;roum h FAØK-i pa,tønakan ka\qe! Fa\ marmnamarxikn;ri \a=o[oujiunn;ri masin \a=ord famaroum!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • M;n k[xoum auartoua‘ mrza,aroum P;ntola Farakri,nan (Fndkastan)% Loran ~r;sin;n (~ransia) ;u Gabrihl Sargs;ane (Fa\astan) 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 7-akan miauor ;u no\n f;rjakanouj;amb kaxm;zin lauago\n ;®;ake! S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane 6 miauorow 9-rdn hr! • P;®linoum auartou;z arag ;u ka\‘akna\in ,a.mati a,.arfi a®a=noujiune! Aragoum a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[osin 2-rd tarin anendmh= tirazau Magnous Ka®ls;ne^ 11&5 miauorow! 158 masnakizn;ri mh= 10&5 miauorow 2-3-rd t;[;re bavan;zin :an N;pomn\a,cin ;u Jh\mour Âa=abowe! Wladimir |akob;ane 9 miauorow 35-rdn hr L;uon Aron;ane (8&5% 43-rd)% Tigran L& P;tros;ane (8% 56-rde)! Ka\‘akna\in mrza,aroum a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose nouay;l h Al;qsandr Gri,couke (ÂD)% ow fauaq;l h 15&5 miauor! FF n;rka\azouzicn;r L;uon Aron;ane 13&5 miauorow 11-rdn hr% Tigran L& P;tros;ane 12&5 (27-rde)% Frand M;lqoum;ane (12&5% 31rde)% S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane (12% 46-rde)% Wladimir |akob;ane (10&5% 93-rde)!

;u imastaliz \auour pat,ayi ir patgame \[;z n;rkan;roun! ªSir;li qo\r;r ;u ;[ba\rn;r% A\sqan cariqi dimaz mard arara‘e anban ke mna\% saka\n fimnou;low Sourb Groz Makaba\;zuoz .øsqin wra\ ªJh \i,;sziq gor‘qn farzn ];roz ;u va®ang;sziq anoun \auit;nakanº% no\nphs al m;nq% ;rb ke \i,;nq m;r nafatakn;roun anw;f;r k;zoua‘qe mafouan dimaz% m;nq ke xørananq m;r fauatqin mh= ;u m;xmow k∞anmafanan anonz lousapsak yakatn;re! :jh m;nq^ Fa\ Kajo[ikh fama\nqe% or ke kaxm;nq fa\ouj;an 10-11 a® fariure% a\sqan m;‘ koroust toua‘ ;nq m;r k[;rakann;rou bna=n=oumow% ;k;[;zin;rou% dprozn;rou ;u wanq;rou qandoumow% apa orqan au;li m;‘ h ;u afarkou^ korouste qo\r ;k;[;zin;roun% manauand^ Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\% or ke kaxmh 80-85 a® fariure fa\ouj;an! M;xi famar fpartaliz oura.oujiun ;u m.ijaroujiun h% or w;r=;rs Fa\astan;a\z A®aq& :k;[;zin srbadasouj;an arvanazouz Z;[aspanouj;an xof 1&5 milion fa\ nafatakn;re! Fima

git;nq or m;r a,.arfazriu fa\ entaniqn;rhn amhn mhke ir pafapan sourbe ouni ;rkinqin mh= ;u anonq ke bar;.øs;n m;xi famar! M;nq w;r=;rs oun;zanq koroust me! M;r ;ritasard wardap;tn;rhn^ Fa\r Miqa\hl Qa\;al% or faxiu ];®nadroua‘ noraø‘ wardap;t hr% 3 tari a®a= a®;uangou;zau Sourio\ mh=% ;u takauin irmh or;uh t;[;koujiun couninqº! Apa ;piskopos fa\re ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z ;k;[;zuo\ fowiun;roun% ørouan bana.øsoufi^ Tik& Naris >alaj;an-P;j;lin% M,akouja\in \an]na.oumbin% Tiknanz Miouj;an ;u bolor n;rkan;roun! Masnauoraphs gnafat;z arou;stakan bavni ª:rkna\in :raxn;rº arou;stagitoufin;r^ ma\r ou a[=ik Søsi ;u Salbi Q;rqonn;ann;re% oronq minc;u fiurasirouj;an auarte ir;nz m;[m nouagow fay;li mjnolort st;[‘;zin srafhn n;rs! Apa t;[i oun;zau gin;]øni araro[oujiune% oroun ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin n;rka\ fog;uorakann;re!

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