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ªKl;nth\l Atw;njistº Bvi,k Masnaghtn;re 5 Ør <arounak Bv,kakan Øgnoujiun Zouzab;ra‘ :n No\;mb;r;ani Bnakicn;roun ªFa\astanº famafa\kakan fimnadrami Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an ,r=ani t;[akan marmini ;u GABK-i na.a];®nouj;amb% Fokt;mb;r 18-22 bv,kakan tarb;r ‘a®a\oujiunn;r matouzouza‘ ;n No\;mb;r;an qa[aqi ;u \arakiz 30 fama\nqn;rou møtauoraphs 900 bnakicn;rou! Miaz;al Nafangn;rhn 35 bar]rakarg bvi,kn;rh ba[kaza‘ .oumbe% No\;mb;r;ani fiuandanozin mh= irakanazouza‘ ;n møtauoraphs 40 bard wirafatoujiun! Am;rikazi gor‘enk;rn;re No\;mb;r;ani fiuandanozin nouira‘ ;n ,tap øgnouj;an 2 m;q;na\^ famalroua‘ a®a=in bouvøgnouj;an sarq;row% ardi bouvic j;qniqn;row ;u m;‘ qanakouj;amb d;[ora\q! N,;nq% or srtabann;r Ar'i Nafap;t;an% |arouj M;srop;an
;u joqaban Arin Aboul;an 'rka‘ ;n ‘a\ra\;[ ‘anr wiyaki mh= gtnouo[ 63-am;a\ S;da\i ;u 80-am;a\ C;nicka\i k;anq;re! };®narke bar]r gnafata‘ h
;rkri na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane% or endouna‘ h GABK-i bar]rakarg masnaghtn;re ;u ;ra.tiqi .øsq \a\tna‘ h a\s angnafat;li a=akzouj;an famar!
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SARGIS |& MINAS:AN |o\v g;[atip^ matouzoua‘ ];uow% ou ‘anra.of^ ir bowandakouj;amb% w;r=;rs angl;rhnow lo\s en‘a\oua‘ h P;ry Colaq;ani 32 ªM:NA>ØSOUJIUNN:REº% fariur h=noz banast;[‘ouj;anz fatore% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuram;a\ Tar;lizin a®ijow! Fa\;rhno*w al no\nqan \a=o[ouj;amb krnar arta\a\touil f;[inake! Angl;rhnow fatore% gor‘nakanørhn% matc;li piti da®na\ ,at au;li endar]ak grashr fasarakouj;an! Bolorowin axat ta[aca'ouj;amb% f;[inake k*arta\a\th baxmabno\j ir xgazoumn;re% k;anqi ir 'iliso'a\oujiune^ entroua‘ banali ba®;rou m;knabanouj;amb! Fon ka\ .or ja.i‘% wa® fiazoum bnouj;an fandhp^ \aya.aki aknarkoujiunn;row anm;knaban;li ;r;uo\jn;rou&&&! K*ar‘ar‘ouin and;nakani ;u a\l 'iliso'a\akan farz;r^ j;ladrakan mitq;row! |ounouar 1977-hn April 2015 vamanakami=ozin st;[‘agor‘oua‘ m;na.øsoujiunn;re ke k;dronanan mardou k;anqi ou mafouan% ti;x;rqi st;[‘agor‘ouj;an% Astou‘o\% krønqi% fauatqi% bnouj;an% ar;ui ou siro\ wra\! Ar‘ar‘oua‘ amhn niuji masin farzadroumn;r ;n% no\nisk^ fastatoumn;rou paraga\in! Saka\n% a\d ci n,anak;r or na.entroujiunn;r ou dirqoro,oumn;r couni f;[inake% ørinak^ ar;ui% bnouj;an% siro\ ou krønqi nkatmamb! Mitqi .or ja'anzoumn;row% imastasirakan iura\atouk fa\;azqn;row mtoroumn;r ;n% k;anqi ou ti;x;rqi a\laxan ;r;uo\jn;rou ;u irakanouj;anz masin! P;ry Colaq;an anfandart wiyaki mh= h% ;rb ke .ouxarkh ti;x;rakan st;[‘agor‘ouj;an% k;anqi ou mafouan .orfourdn;re% fimnakan farzoumn;rou la\n ,arqow me! Bauararoujiun c;n tar ir;n endfanraza‘ kar‘iqn;re% oronq k*auartin farzakann;row ou ka.man kht;row! I#nc h shre% t;sak me qma\q% or k*a\rh morjd% t;sak me f;gnanq% or ke .®owh houjiund! I#nc h k;anqe ;jh oc anfounhn masnik me% anptou[ ];uak;rpoujiun me% kam^ qa\qa\o[ 'iliso'a\oujiun me&&&! Ør me piti ct;sn;nq ;rkinqe% ‘own ou ‘owa'e! ’no[q% axgakann;r% bar;kamn;r piti gan% ‘a[ikn;r dn;n m;r dambanin% our m;nq \auit;naphs ke nn=;nq% k;r da®nalow ord;roun! :u anfa,iu tarin;r ;tq% baxmacarcar m;r k;anqe% m;r dambane piti an\;ti a®\auht! F;t;uinq bowandakouj;an% ga[a'ar me talou famar f;[inaki møt;zoumn;roun ;u arta\a\touj;an ];uak;rpouj;an masin!
Oblivions Existence
An‘a\ra‘ir a\s an=rp;tin mh=% marde piti da®na\ lok \i,atak% or ir kargin bolorowin piti an\;ti&&& I@nc 'o\j .orfrda‘;l siro\ ou k;anqi masin% orqa@n at;n&&& ªMo®azkot Go\oujiun&&&º!
K;anqe fan;louk men h! Ke t;sn;nq% ke xganq% ke mta‘;nq% ou w;ranzakan (transcendent) ke da®nanq% ke 'o.ouinq& shre at;loujiun ke da®na\% k;anqe^ maf% lo\se^ .auar% ;u apa dar];al% j;r;us \o\s% artasouq% a[;rs% vpit&&& k;anqe fnarauor irakanouji#un men h% jh arjoun katak me% jh oc^ patranq me! Bolors al k*aprinq% ke ta®apinq% ke qa\qa\ouinq&&& Our al or gtnouinq piti k;nsagor‘;nq% ou w;r=auorouj;an piti an\;t w;rana#nq&&& A®;[‘oua#‘ h&&&!
Toua\tanq&&& A[øta‘ ;raxn;r% mjin ør;rou anvamanak paf;r! K;anqe aragenjaz h% anfrav;,t galiq^ anzno[ ør;rou famar! Anfam
k;anq^ x;r‘ maqa®oumh ou dato[ouj;nh! Lqoua‘ shrh#! I#nc shr% arta®oz qma\q me% patouakan .orfrdapatk;#r me% kam^ jaqoun f;gna#nq me! Anvamanak n;rka\oujiun me parapouj;an ;u fandartouj;an mh=! Sna'a®ouj;an iro[oujiune y,martoujiun h! Inco#u h phtq f;tapndoume and;nakani% ;rhkouan% kam^ galiq wa[ouan! :u orqa#n at;n embo,.n;l k;anqe! ª:ka\ =ouri phs% ou ke m;knim fowi phs&&&º! :u a\sphs% .or siro\ (Sacred Love)% ti;x;rqi ajomakan .a[a[ouj;nhn (Pax Atomica) ;tq% April;an Mard;[oujiunn h (April of Reincarnation)!
Moloraka\in k;anq go\oujiun ouni#% ;rb mardik parxamtørhn ke fauatan ;rkinqi ou dvo.qi dizabanouj;an! Krna\ gal vamanake% or fam;størhn% n;rgitakzouj;amb kar;nam gou,ak;l% or go\oujiun ouni artamoloraka\in k;anqe ti;x;rqi anfounouj;an mh=! :rb;q an]natour ellalou ch ;raxanqi&&&! Isk vamanaki mtapatk;re (The Concept of time) k*irakanana\ m;r gitakzouj;amb% orowf;t;u mafouenh ;tq ªvamanakeº anarvhq ke da®na\&&&!
The "Fire" Within
Mardik øvtoua‘ c;#n mijh py;[ me .;lagarouj;amb% orphsxi a\d n;rqin krake wa® paf;n% a\nqan at;n or ke bargauayin&&&!
Am I A Dreamer...?
:raxo#[ men ;m! Amhnhn g;[;zik ban;re k;anqi mh= ke xgazouin m;r fogin;roun .ore! Bnouj;an Go\n;re (Colors of Nature)^ a\d .orfrdauor bn;r;uo\jn;re% fra,agor‘ ];uow me kaxdour;n xinq% isk Ti;x;rqi (Universe) anwa.yan an=rp;thn ke soska\! };r k;anqi enjazqin (The Time of Your <ar& h= 14
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James Warlick: Karabakh Conflict Parties Lack Political Will
Yerevan – The biggest obstacle to peace [in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict] is the lack of political will in Armenia and Azerbaijan to reach a just and lasting settlement at the negotiation table. The US Co-Chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, James Warlick, told the aforementioned to Armenpress news agency. Warlick, respondig to the query on which are the problems that create obstacles for a productive result in achieving a peaceful settlement of the conflict and signing a respective agreement, added as follows: “We have said numerous times that a negotiated settlement would bring peace and prosperity to a region that has suffered from this conflict for far too long. The [Minsk Group] Co-Chairs will continue our efforts to mediate a resolution as long as the sides consider our role necessary, but ultimately it is up to the [Armenian and Azerbaijani] Presidents to reach a settlement.”
The Indictment Against The Public Officials Is Returned
The indictment against the public officials that was prepared by investigating prosecutor Gökalp Kökçü as a part of Hrant Dink case is returned to the prosecution by Public Prosecutor of Istanbul. In the returned indictment, it is demanded 25 public officials, including Security General Directorate Intelligence Branch Chief Engin Dinç, stand trial. Prosecutor Gökalp Kökçü sent the indictment to Public Prosecutor of Istanbul on October 25, 2015 with the request of adding it to Hrant Dink case that is tried by Istanbul 5th High Penal Court. Uygar Gültekin
Russia FM: We Support Yerevan's Commitment To Peaceful Settlement Of Karabakh Conflict YEREVAN. - We support Yerevan's commitment to the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov stated at a joint pressconference with his Armenian counterpart in Yerevan. Mr Lavrov expressed conviction that the parties must proceed with the attempts aimed at drawing out mutually beneficial consensual grounds. He stressed that as an OSCE
Minsk Group Co-Chair and participant of the Troika, Russia will continue to actively take part in the achievement of a positive result. For his part, Mr Nalbandian stressed that official Yerevan highly appreciates the efforts of the Russian side and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in the issue of the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict, and will continue working with the same spirit.
Russia To Deliver S-300 Missile Defense Systems To Iran Russia has signed a contract with Iran on the delivery of S-300 missile defense systems and as soon as the first part of the contract is fulfilled, Tehran will rescind ts court case against Russia for non-delivery, the head of Russia’s state technologies corporation Rostec said Monday, Sputnik News reports. “The contract on delivery of S-300 to Iran has not only been signed by the sides but has already entered into force,” Sergei Chemezov said at the Dubai Airshow-2015.He added
that as soon as the first part of the contract is fulfilled, Iran would rescind its court case against Russia for the non-delivery of the system, basically due to economic sanctions that were in place against Tehran. Chemezov didn’t elaborate exactly which variations of the S-300 missile defense systems will be supplied to Iran.
Refugee Crisis: Angela Merkel Set To Curb Germany’s Open-Door Policy Senior members of Merkel's ruling Christian Democrats endorsed plans to drastically curb the rights of Syrian migrants. Chancellor Angela Merkel was set to back down from her controversial open-door refugee policy today after senior members of her ruling Christian Democrats endorsed plans to drastically curb the rights of Syrian migrants in Germany and ban relatives from joining them. Under proposals announced by the Ger-
man Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière, S y r i a n refugees would be allowed to stay in Germany for just one year as opposed to the current three years. Relatives who are currently allowed to join them would be banned from doing so. It was not clear whether the policy would be applied retroactively to refugees who have already been granted temporary residency.
How A Syrian Mountain Village Was Liberated – But ISIS Fighters Are Only 1km Away RT's Murad Gazdiev traveled to the remote, picturesque Syrian village of Ghmam, in Latakia province, which had just been liberated from jihadists by Syrian troops. Their tanks are hidden to avoid the jihadists’ rockets, only 1km away in a nearby village.
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Blesses Stela Erected In Lebanon To Commemorate Armenian Genocide
“Our mission in the Middle East is to be servants and not masters. Christians and Muslims in the region must work for peace “, was the focus of the message that Ignatius Ephrem II, new Syrian Orthodox patriarch, launched on his first official visit to Lebanon, AsiaNews reports. He concluded his visit with a solemn Mass in the Church of St. Ephrem in Beirut in the presence of Lebanese authorities and figures. “The region of the Middle East – he said – is dear to our hearts. Here is where we have taken root and where we grew, and we will stay until the end of time. ”
Catalonia's Government Backs Resolution To Split From Spain
PanARMENIAN.Net - Catalonia's regional government on Monday, November 9 voted in favor of a resolution to split from Spain, launching a so-called roadmap towards independence which the central government in Madrid has vowed to block, according to Reuters. The declaration on secession, the first step which pro-independence parties hope will lead to the northeastern region splitting from Spain within 18 months, was backed by a majority in the regional parliament. Parties favoring independence from Spain won a majority of seats in the Catalan regional election in September. The Spanish constitution does not allow any region to break away, however, and the centerright government of Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy, facing a general election in December, has said it will immediately seek to block the resolution in the courts.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 12, 2015
Las Vegas Armenian Genocide Memorial Unveiling Scheduled For Saturday, November 14, 2015
Las Vegas, Nevada: The construction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Monument at Sunset Park is coming to conclusion and the unveiling is scheduled for 10:00 am on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Sunset Park is the largest park in the City of Las Vegas, centrally located and close to the McCarran international airport. The park has over 4 million annual visitors. The monument project is the initiative of the Armenian-American Cultural Society (AACS) of Las Vegas, with the participation of all Las Vegas Armenian churches and organizations. The memorial monument will be a gift to the people of southern Nevada from the Armenian-American community. H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of Western Diocese and H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of Western Prelacy, officials from Republic of Armenia and Republic of Lebanon as well as local city officials and State of Nevada Congressional Representatives, and the Nevada Consular Corps will participate in the unveiling. The park is located at 2601 East Sunset Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120. The monument is located at the entrance on Sunset Road across from Enterprise Car Rental. AACS is the first Armenian-American organization established in Nevada, founded in 1978 and incorporated in 1981 as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. AACS actively supports issues and concerns of the Armenian-American community in Nevada with a mission of preserving the history, culture and traditions of the Armenian people.
Roslin Art Gallery To Celebrate Its 20th Anniversary Glendale, CA – ROSLIN ART GALLERY, the longest running local Armenian art gallery, will celebrate its Twentieth Anniversary and Grand Opening of it's new location on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, from 5:00pm to 10:00pm with a presentation at 7:30pm at 415 E. Broadway, Suite 100, Glendale, CA. Music by the Verdugo Quartet. Admission is free. Reception included. Featured artists include Vartan Assadryan, Laura Ashkenazi Avetissian, Vahe Berberian, Robert Elibekian, Hagop Hagopian, Minas Halaj, Sarkis Hamalbashian, Emil Kazaz, Vasken Matyan, Razmik Samvelts, Vachag Tersarkissian, Aram Vartanov, and Seeroon Yeretzian.
Celebratory DHAP Concert At Carnegie Hall Features Famed Composer Robert Amirkhanyan By Florence Avakian WEILL HALL AT CARNEGIE HALL, NY - It was a DHAP concert like no other. The annual Direct Help for Armenian People (DHAP) concert which has taken place at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall annually, was unique this year. The October 10th event was in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and it presented legendary composer from Armenia, Robert Amirkhanyan. With the recital hall filled to capacity, the attendees were in for an evening that will soon not be forgotten. Robert Amirkhanyan, President of the Union of Composers and Musicologists in Armenia, and a Knight of the Order of St. Mesrob Mashdots, strode out onto the stage
to thunderous applause and cheering, and drank in the acclaim for several minutes. Then, the afternoon evolved into part family-like celebration, part joyous memories, part humorous commentary, and ALL heart
and beloved Amirkhanyan songs. It was an eruption of passion through the Amirkhanyan legacy of music. The composer’s down-toearth and warm personality was fused into every commentary and musical presentation, as he sat at the piano, conversing with the audience, and playing throughout the three-hour concert, (though he was suffering from a hurt shoulder). Among the generous benefactors of this year’s Direct Help for Armenian People (DHAP) concert were Nazar and Artemis Nazarian, Ed and Carmen Gulbenkian, and Nairi and Sevag Balian. !
Reverend Dr. Movses Janbazian, Man Of Vision With A Mission A Night of Remembrance A commemoration event honoring the late Reverend Dr. Movses Janbazian’s memory, former Executive Director of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (1987-2000), was held at the Armenian Evangelical Church of Toronto on Saturday, October 10, 2015. The event, organized by the Armenian Evangelical Church of Toronto, was held in honor of Rev. Janbazian’s 70th birth and 15th death anniversaries. Clergy representing the Armenian churches of Toronto, members of Rev. Janbazian’s immediate and extended family, as well as several members of the TorontoArmenian community, took part in the commemoration event. In his opening remarks, the evening’s Master of Ceremonies Mr. Mihran Jizmejian noted Rev. Janbazian’s countless contributions to Armenian Evangelical Churches worldwide, his work within the Armenian Missionary Associations, and highlighted their close personal relationship and their experiences working together. A heartfelt video about Rev. Janbazian’s life and work was presented, after which Zela Kakousian (Sarmazian) and Lori Sarkisian
(Janbazian) introduced the two keynote speakers, Rev. Hovhannes Sarmazian and Rev. Dr. Rene Levonian respectfully. The two reverends spoke eloquently about Rev. Janbazian’s commitment to the Armenian Church, the Armenian people, Armenia and Artsakh, and to humanity at large. The Very Reverend Fathers Hayr Yeghia Kirejian, Pastor of the St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church of Toronto; Der Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Toronto; and Hayr Stepanos Pashayan of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church then delivered their remarks, in which they highlighted Rev. Janbazian’s years of active service and commitment to the importance of interdenominational respect and comradery in the Armenian church. Remarks on behalf of the family were delivered by Rev. Janbazian’s sister Ani Hasserjian (Janbazian), son Vahak Janbazian, and Brother Hagop Janbazian. Lori Janbazian Sarkisian
Armenia Hosts Thunderstorms And Elementary Particle Acceleration Conference (TEPA)
Yerevan - Understanding how lightning is initiated within thunderclouds is probably one of the biggest mysteries in atmospheric science. The relationship between thundercloud electrification, lightning activity, and the generation of radio waves is not completely understood. A promising window into this area of research is the study of the interaction of thunderstorms, lightning, and cosmic radiation (so-called Thunderstorm ground enhancements – TGEs). To discuss these high-energy atmospheric phenomena, a conference on Thunderstorms and Elementary Particle Acceleration (TEPA) was held at the Nor Amberd International Conference Center of the Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI) in Armenia. The Cosmic Ray Division (CRD) of YerPhI and Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University organized the workshop; YerPhI and the Armenian State Committee of Science sponsored the conference. Thirty scientists and students from the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Israel, Russia, and Arme-
nia attended. Discussions included the effects of cosmic radiation on lightning initiation, the emission of radio waves, and fluxes of subatomic particles from thunderclouds. Scientists analyzed and debated the results of experimental observations and computer models of these and other phenomena. The workshop participants agreed that it would be useful to compare the vast amount of experimental data collected by laboratories in Armenia, Japan, Slovakia and the USA under different conditions and with different instruments. Armenian physicists suggested that sensors developed by other groups be installed at Armenia’s Aragats high altitude research station where intense thunderstorms occur during spring and autumn. The Cosmic Ray Division of YerPhI has installed new electronic systems on Mt. Aragats, including electric field monitors and particle detectors. These instruments are synchronized with GPS systems to correlate the timing of events within a few tens of nanoseconds. On October 7, for the first time, TGE particle fluxes and lightning were captured on a millisecond time scale on the CRD particle detectors on Mt. Ara-
gats, allowing researchers and conference attendees to look at the fine details of thunderstorm activity. Young scientists and graduate students studying at Armenia’s Cosmic Ray Division conducted much of this research. Also these young scientists played a major role in organizing this conference. The presentation slides and discussion videos are available on the conference website,http://crd.yerphi.am/Conferences/ tepa2015/home. More details can be found in the supplemental information in the online version of this meeting report.
Artsakh Republic President Visits Rev Village In Askeran Region Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan visited the village of Rev in the Askeran region and met with representatives of the community on November 8. As “Armenpress” was informed by Central Information Department of the Office of the President og the Artsakh Republic, issues the village faces and ways of their solution were discussed during the meeting. President Sahakyan gave precise instructions to the heads of concerned bodies for proper solution of the set tasks.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 12, 2015
Spend Your Vacation Or Sabbatical In Armenia
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
Join Birthright Armenia's sister organization AVC, offering a 'Birthright' experience to all generations
By Hambersom Aghbashian
Meet Garo Avakian, 43, an avid cyclist who decided to not only volunteer in Armenia, but to cycle here all the way from London, 5219 km in almost seven weeks! Garo, who is originally from Canada, but has lived and worked in London for the past 20 years, had been thinking about taking a sabbatical for a while, with his sights set on Armenia -and the opportunity finally presented itself this year. He decided to volunteer because he knew that it would afford him a better immersion experience than being a simple tourist or vacationer. It would also allow him to make connections and explore diverse opportunities for the longer-term. Plus he now had the time to indulge his passion, cycling. Garo cycled more than 5219 km through nine countries to get to Yerevan from London.
"I thought that the best way to end my journey was to take up work as a volunteer in Armenia. I am currently volunteering for Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) teaching creative writing with English in a small village a few kilometers west of Yerevan. Once my work as a volunteer is complete, I hope to cycle back to London," says Garo.
Greek, Armenian And Russian Scientists Participate At International Scientific Conference In Greece Dedicated To Russian And Armenian Laography On October 30-November 1 the Democritus University (Komotini, Greece) organized the International Conference "Russian and Armenian Laography: Tradition and Modernity". Professor Manolis Sergis and Assistant Professor Lefteris Haratsidis (a Greek born and raised in Armenia) were in charge of the scientific work and candidate Dr. Garyfallia Theodoridou was in charge of the organizational work. During the conference, 34 papers were presented by 36 participant scientists. Four Armenian scientists participated at the Conference: Doctors Levon Abrahamian, Gayane Shagoyan and Aghasi Tatevosyan, members of the Institute of Archeology and Wthnography of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Dr Alla Ter-Sarkisyants, member of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Among the participants were to be found two Armenians from Greece: Mrs Hara Koseghian, Dr of Ancient Greek Language Teaching Science and Mr Joseph Kassesian, writer, secretary of the HellenicArmenian Studies. Hara Koseghian presented the paper "The presence and professional occupations of the Armenians at Nauplium, 1920-1960" and Joseph Kassesian presented the paper "Alterity and proximity, the Armenian heroes in the rubriques of the Greek Popular Periodicals, 1920-1960".
Sponsorships Needed For Anahit And Gohar Zhamharyan At Mer Hooys SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. Today we highlight sisters Anahit and Gohar Zhamharyan. Name: Facility: Gender: DOB:
Anahit Zhamharyan (left); Gohar Zhamharyan (right) Mer Hooys (MH) Female October 29, 2004; March 12, 2008
Health history and education Anahit and Gohar are healthy girls. Anahit is in 6th grade; Gohar in 2nd. Family history The father was an alcoholic and physically abused the girls and their mother. Anahit's and Gohar's mother now lives in a shelter, and the girls were moved to MH in October 2015. If you would like to sponsor Anahit and/or Gohar, please contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@soar-us.org or select them (under Mer Hooys) through our Sponsorship Enrollment page. Thank you in advance for your support!
87 - Ferhat Kentel Dr. Ferhat Kentel (born in Ankara in 1956) is a Turkish sociologist and a professor at Istanbul Sehir University College of Humanities and Social Sciences. After completing his BA degree in management in 1981 at Middle East Technical University, Turkey, and his MA, in Political Science and Public Administration in 1983, at University of Ankara, Turkey, he earned his Ph.D. degree in Sociology in 1989, from School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France. His Research Areas are Modernity, Everyday Life, New Social Movements, Identities, Islamic Movements and Ethnic Communities. Prof. Ferhat Kentel has a long list of publications including Armenians in Turkey (2009), Reconstructions (2008), Belgium Turkey (2008), Modern Citizenship, Islam and Daily Life (2008), Turkey and Armenia Communities (2006), Euro-Turks (2005), To Be Young in Turkey (2005), Les Balkans identité nationale et la crise de l'anglaise (2001), Recompositions du religieux en Turquie (1998), and many others. Sabrina Tavernise and Sebnem Arsu made an analysis in " The New York Times," on October 12, 2007, titled " Inside the Turkish Psyche: Traumatic Issues Trouble a Nation’s Sense of Its Identity ." Among the many intellectual mentioned in the analysis, Dr. Ferhat Kentel was quoted saying “The Turkish state and society both have traumatic pasts, and it’s not easy to face them,” prof. Kentel compared Turkey’s beginnings to a tenant who realizes that the house he has just rented is not new, but instead 'has all kinds of rubbish and dirt underneath. 'Would you shout it out loud at the risk of being shamed by your neighbors,' he asked or 'try to hide it and deal with it as you keep living in your only home?' He continued "The highly centralized Turkish state has chosen the latter. To do anything else would be to invite divisions and embolden independence-minded minorities, the thinking went. Textbooks talk little about the events that began in 1915, and they emphasize defensive action taken against Armenian rebels sympathetic to Russia, Turkey’s enemy at that time. The word genocide, as cold as it is, causes a deep reaction in the Turkish society.” Prof. Kentel added “Having been taught about its glorious and spotless past by the state rhetoric for decades, people feel that they could not have possibly done such a terrible thing.” (1) According to http://setasarmenian. blogspot.com, under the title “24 April, the anniversary of the 1915 events, will be remembered this year in Turkey, too.”, Taraf Newspaper of 20th April 2010 wrote “A group of intellectuals, among them Ali Bayramo!lu, Ferhat Kentel, Ne"e Düzel, Perihan Ma!den and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, for the first time in Turkey, will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915, under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group. The commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The following abstracts are from the text of the commemoration activity, “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, 1,5 to 2 million Armenians were living in these lands. We lost them. They are no longer available. They have not even graves. But the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster”, with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our pain”. (2) " Today Zaman", wrote on April 20, 2011, "Armenians who lost their lives in the Armenian displacement that took place in 1915, during the final days of the Ottoman Empire, will be commemorated through a variety of
events for a second time this year. This year’s commemoration ceremonies will be held in #stanbul’s Taksim Square, Ankara, #zmir, Diyarbakır and Bodrum. A statement with the headline, “This pain is ours,” has been opened up for signatures. More than 100 people including intellectuals, writers and journalists including Ahmet #nsel, Ali Bayramo!lu, Alper Görmü", Bekir Berat Özipek, Cafer Solgun, Ferhat Kentel, Gülten Kaya, Leyla #pekçi, Mehmet Bekaro!lu, Oral Çalı"lar, Orhan Miro!lu, Oya Baydar, $ebnem Korur Fincancı and Ümit Karda" have already signed the statement. Deputies from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and independent candidates supported by the party will be supporting the commemoration ceremony to be held in Diyarbakır." (3) In a joint press release by EGAM, AGBU and DurDe (Paris, April the 19th 2014), it was announced that " EGAM – The European Grassroots Antiracist Movement and the Armenian Diaspora Network – AGBU Europe are sending a delegation of European Civil Society leaders to attend the Commemorations of the genocide against the Armenians in Istanbul organized by their Turkish partners, DurDe! and the Human Rights Association – IHD from April 21st to 25th." This was a response to the call of EGAM partners in Turkey DürDe! (Say Stop to Racism!) and the Human Rights Association – IHD. The initiative was supported by numerous personalities (including Bernard Kouchner, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Charles Aznavour, Serge Klarsfeld, Dario Fo, Adam Michnik, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Ahmet Insel, Olivero Toscani, Jovan Divjak, etc.) and representatives of European civil society, who have signed an appeal head lined " Turks, Armenians and Europeans, let’s commemorate the Armenian genocide together in Turkey!" The appeal was also signed by a long listed notable international intellectuals, human rights activist, Philosopher, artists, politicians, writers. journalists, etc.. Prof. Ferhat Kentel was one of the signees. (4) According to “Today’s Zaman”, September 26, 2014, “A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include ‘open hatred and hostility’ towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks.. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said ‘The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students.” The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Prof. Ferhat Kentel was one of the many most respected Turkish intellectuals who signed it. (5) 1.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/1 2/world/europe/12genocide.html 2.http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com/2 010/04/good-thoughtful-and-ugly-fromturks-on.html 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/news241521-1915-tragedy-to-be-commemoratedfor-second-time-in-turkey.html 4.www.egam.eu/.../14.04.18-CP-EN-European-Delegation-to-Commemora 5-http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemn-antiarmenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.ht ml
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 12, 2015
5000 Year Old Armenian Ancestry As the genetic studies progress so does our understanding of Armenian ancestry increases
Bronze Age burial sight at Gegharot, Armenia One might wonder, wouldn’t it be interesting if we dug out ancient bones from the Armenian Highlands and compared it to see how and if they are related to modern Armenians? Well, that is exactly what a team of archaeologists and geneticists set out to investigate along with a bunch of other questions related to ancient DNA. DNA samples from ancient burial sights found all over the Republic of Armenia have been collected and send off to be tested by the University of Copenhagen. The data has now been collected and the results are soon to be published in the prestigious Nature journal, authored by 44 people from 13 different countries. The au-
thors of the study however have already lifted the vale on some of the findings affirming that the DNA from these ancient bones indeed matches with those of the modern Armenians. Referring to the international genetic study, the Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Biodiversity of the National Academy of Sciences Levon Yepiskoposyan has recently stated in an interview to the press that: “Modern Armenians are direct descendants of the people who lived in the territory of Armenia 5000 years ago.” Eight samples from ancient burial sights across Armenia, dated to the middle and the late Bronze Age as well as the Iron Age, have been collected and tested.
“The results of genetic studies have shown that the DNA samples of the Bronze Age individuals that have been found on the territory of Armenia have a genetic portrait that is almost indistinguishable from the genetic portrait of people living today in Armenia”– said Yepiskoposyan.
Remains at a Bronze Age burial at Gegharot Armenia He added that from these results we can safely conclude that modern Armenians indeed have very old roots in the Armenian Highlands. In this study, we were able to solve not only some of the the genetic, historical and archaeological questions, but also to some extent disprove the allegations that the Armenians are only living 200 years in the territory of Eastern Armenia. These findings again affirm that modern Armenians represent an ancient Near Eastern population, due to their genetic isolation in Armenian Highlands. As such Armenians can be regarded as a “living fossil”. To better understand the implications of these studies, I’ve been following several discussions on the internet about these recent findings. !
The Executive committee of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) will hold a fundraising telethon in late February 2016 to provide financial assistance to Syrian Armenians who are victims of the ravaging civil war. A special task force was formed and preliminary activities have started. The telethon will be broadcast in Southern California on cable TV channels. It will also be webcast worldwide on www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org. More details will be provided to our community in the days to come. Pre-telethon fund raising has already started and representatives of SARF will soon contact individuals and various organizations to secure their support. We are confident that once again our community will rise to the occasion and do its utmost to give generously and help our suffering people.
Unseen Armenia - Trchkan Falls
Armenian DNA Armenians became genetically isolated during the Late Bronze Age (about 3500 years before the present) and have not intermixed with populations from distant regions since then. Because Armenians are Late Bronze Age (LBA) genetic isolates, we, as a population are like a living fossil. When comparing the ancient DNA of individuals dug up in modern Armenia with those of Armenians, there isn’t much of a difference in the DNA. It essentially means that we represent a genetic continuum of at least 3500 years. What this means beyond just Armenians, as the article that will be out in the prestigious journal of Nature soon, is that we can compare modern European populations with modern Armenians, knowing that it’s the same as comparing the modern European population with ancient Near Easterners (as Armenians represent an essentially pure sample of the Late Bronze Age). We are closer to the basal populations that existed in the Near East, subsequently migrated toward Europe during the Bronze Age-Iron Age, than any other population in present Europe. Excavation at Shengavit Bronze Age burial sight in Armenia So if you compare ancient DNA found in Europe between the Neolithic to the Iron Age, you see huge shifts in populations as Near Easterners and others from the East settled and influenced the substructure of the European genome. These groups were present as populations in the Near East, having contributed to the early Highland group that then became genetically isolated and became the Armenians as we know it today. Think of us as frozen in time for at
SARF Will Hold Telethon In February
least 3500 years. Comparing us to modern European groups is like comparing the modern groups to 3500 year old Highland tribes. So imagine that you have various tribes in the Near East that coalesced to form Armenians. Let’s designate them with alphabetical letters. So assume that people from tribes A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, and J became genetically isolated during the Bronze Age and coalesced to form Armenians. A few groups of people from some of these tribes, say A-D, migrated to Tuscany and mixed with indigenous tribes M , N , O , P, Q forming modern Tuscans. We can now compare modern Tuscans with modern Armenians as though we were comparing modern Tuscans with ancient Armenians (the Near Eastern tribes from over 3500 years ago) and uncover the links between the two. By doing so, we can recover the fact that Armenians and Tuscans share A-D in their genome. We can then recover ancient DNA from Tuscany and determine when the A-D tribal migration took place. As we do this all over Europe, we find certain patterns. These patterns show that there were substantial population shifts in the genome of Europeans, particularly after the Neolithic, based on Near Eastern waves of migration. The groups that migrated from the Near East during the Mesolithic/Chalcolithic, were later replaced by Early Bronze Age groups, then Mid-Late Bronze Age, then Iron Age, etc. By looking at ancient DNA, and also comparing the admixture of modern populations with each other, we can make sense of how Europe was populated. !
By Hovsep Dagdigian The Trchkan waterfall is the highest waterfall in Armenia, located near the border of Shirak and Lori Marzes (provinces) on the Chichkhan river in NW Armenia. Water from the river drops 23 meters (about 70 feet) to a pool below. This is a popular site for the local people who are able to travel the mountainous and unpaved road to the falls. The waterfall is accessable from the village of Nalband, about a half hour or so drive from Spitak. Once off the main road and on to the dirt and rock road winding through the mountains, it took our small rented 4-wheel drive vehicle well over an hour to reach the hights 30-40 feet above the falls. On the way to the falls are patches of forest as well as hay fields in which hay had been harvested and stacked. It is obvious from the condition of the road and the slope of the fields that this hay must have been cut by hand rather than by large reaping machines which are found elsewhere in Armenia. There are no villages on this road although some villagers can be seen tending cattle which are grazing on the mountain fields. Others are in the fields tending their bee hives. From a convenient parking site above the falls, it is a short walk to the bottom of the falls, fording on foot a couple of streams. The streams are only 1-2 feet deep. When crossing them I took extreme care not to slip on the rocky stream bed, fearing my camera would get wet. One small car descended to the stream below and attempted to cross it, getting stuck in the stream. It took 4-5 people to push the car to the bank of the stream, wth significant damage to the car. Near the base of the falls people were bathing in the cool water, picknicking, eating khorovats, roasted chicken, fresh vegetables, and of course toasting each other with rounds of oghi. One group of men invited me to share with them their food and beverage. We talked a bit, sang a few patriotic songs, and then I took their picture. One man said even if he had a million dollars he
would not leave this place. Life may be tough here, but I think the good times like these friends were enjoying is probably not matched in many other places. Where the balance lies, I do not know. A few years ago the Armenian Ministry of Environmental Protection gave permission for the construction of a hydro-electric station here, violating its responsibility to protect this nature preserve. Young people camped out here for months, protesting the government’s failure to live up to its obligation to protect this site. Thanks to our impressive young Armenian activists, then Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan put an end to the planned hydro-electric station and granted full protection to the falls. Our young Armenians saved the falls from possible distruction. I am not aware of any tour agencies offring tours to Trchkan falls though perhaps there are some. Access to the falls requires a 4-wheel drive off road vehicle. Hertz in Armenia, as well as other car rental agencies, offer such vehicles. Some rental agencies, such as Hertz, require an international driver’s license (available from AAA in the U.S.) to drive their cars. The drive from Yerevan to Trchkan falls passes many other interesting sites to visit as well, including the monasteries at Mughni, Saghmosavank, and Hovhannavank. The Bash Aparan monument comemmorating the Armenian victory against the Turks in May 1918 (which led to the establishment of the first Armenian republic) is on the way. Also on the way is the village of Ushi which contains a couple of sites including the monastery of Soorp Sarkis. The monastery itself dates to the 11-12th C but the ancient remnants of a fort there date to the stone age. But it may be better to visit these sites, time permitting, on the way back in order to avoid driving at night in unfamiliar territory. If time does not permit, one can visit these sites another day. They are not far from Yerevan and are quite accessable. !
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NOR ØR% 12 NO|:MB:R 2015
MONOLOGUES <ar& h= 3-hn
Life) kama\ jh akama\ anz;ale piti endouniq! N;rkan k*aprinq% isk apagan ke patkani anonz% oronq ;rax me ounin iragor‘;li!
Of Hope And Faith
Fog;uoraphs ;u a\laphs% \o\si% fauatqi ou .a[a[ouj;an w;r=in apauhne y,marit shrn h!
Paradoxical Happiness
Bolor mardoz famar ard;øq no\n fma#\qn ouni ;r=ankoujiune! J;r;us ;r=anik h an% or k*iragor‘h ir ;raxn;re% j;r;us an xourk h ma[]h! Ard;øq katar;al wiyaki mh= ellale xanza®;#l h j;roujiunn;re! I@nc tarakar‘akan emb®noum xor kar;li ch w;rlou‘;l a®anz ;njaka\akan imazo[ouj;an!
The Mythology Of Heaven
:rkinqe dra#.tn h% ªsrbat;[inº Astou‘o\ ;u fr;,takn;rou% jh parxaphs mardka\in ;r;uaka\ouj;an ardiunq&&& Gr;jh bolor krønn;re ];®nawarouj;amb k*a®a=nord;n ir;nz f;t;uordn;re oro, apr;la];ui me% .ostanalow% \;t mafou% pa\manauor% ;r=ankab;r war]atroujiunn;r&&& Mijh asika ka,a®q ch#% kam^ t;sak me 'o.anakoujiun&&& ª:rkinqeº 'a\loun giut me ch#% kaxmak;rpoua‘ krønqn;rou ko[mh% xau;,takan asparhx me ch#% fauataz;aln;rou kam ko\r mitq;rou famar! A®anz tatams;lou farz kou tam& ªO#ur ke gtnoui ;rkinqe! O#w gaza‘ h fon ou w;radar]a‘^ ªirakanoujiuneº fa[ord;lou famar! O#w k*ouxh ;rjal an'or] wa\r me! ª:rkinqeº a®asp;l men h% qan jh^ .ostazoua‘ arqa\oujiune ibr;u ª;rkinqº &&&A\s m;na.øsoujiune fam;størhn ke 'o.anz;m ªAstou‘o\º% orphsxi xis ªx;r‘ pafhº ]an]razouzic ª;rkinqhnº% \au;rvørhn xis ªaqsor;lowº% orowf;t;u an]naphs ke fauatam ªAstou‘o\º me% cfauatalow ªkrønqºi kam ª;rkinqiº a®asp;lin&&&º!
The Sun
Ar;ue mijh k;anqi ou mafouan a[biure ch# ti;x;rqin&&& ou j;r;us al^ anor ambo[=akan arari#cn h&&&!
I Still Believe...
G;[;zkoujiune au;li yayancag;[ h katar;al axatouj;an mh=% incphs liajoq .ndouqe kam l®;l;a\n vpit me! Ou takauin% ke fauatam jh n;ro[amtoujiune fimn h mna\oun siro\ ou m;r l®ouj;an .a[a[ouj;an&&&!
Ti;x;rakan miak krønq me mijh au;li parxouj;an ou .a[a[ouj;an piti cm[h#r mardkoujiune&&& Ard;øq shre pitani% lauago\n krønqe ch#% .a[a[ouj;an mh= apr;lou famar! N;r;zhq ªtgitouj;ansº% or c;m ;[a‘ tipar mhke&&&!
"The Final Frontier"
Mafouan ga[a'are ke sarsh
mitqs ;u houjiuns% ou xis ouvaspa® ke dar]nh% dimagrau;lou famar ªw;r=in safmanaglou.e&&&º!
Astou‘o\% an‘anøji ;u am;nakaro[i mtapatk;re st;[‘oua‘ h mardoz ko[mh% ibr;u f;t;uanq wa.i ;u an‘anøji tgitouj;an!
Mitqn ou sirte n;rda,nak piti ellan kam gor‘;n% embo,.n;lou famar a\s ;rkragoundin wra\ kam ti;x;rqin mh= go\oujiun oun;zo[ m;‘ago\n xgazoume! Shre ibr;u ti;x;rakan srboujiun me% ªbnouj;anº nouhrn h! A®anz fog;kan ou `ixiqakan siro\% mardkoujiune incph#s piti w;raprhr dar;r! Shre .a[a[ouj;an orphs .orfrdani,% ou gor‘nakanørhn phtq ch# pat;raxmn;re =n=h&&& fauataliqn;rou famafa,touj;amb! :jh ør me% w;r=nakan m;knim a\s a,.arfhn% piti ouxhi m,tn=;nakan shre f;ts tanil% ;jh and;nakan k;anq me ka\&&&!
A[øj;l piti sorwim mia\n tayarin mh= siro\% or lou® h ,ouqi phs% ba\z 'a\loun ou psp[oun^ ast[;roun phs! Mi,t piti ;rax;m shre% anor n;ktare embo,.n;m% ;u ounkndr;m anor ]a\nn ou m;[;din&&&!
Mardka\in k;anqin t;uo[oujiune paf men h mia\n% aknjarj me anfounouj;an mh=! Mafe ard;øq ;rkar qo#un ch% anfasknali ba\z .a[a[ ;r;uo\j me% kam^ anw;r=anali% anvamanak ªW;r=in Safmaneº&&&!
To "You"
K;anqi mh= ga[tniqn;r c;m oun;za‘% a\l^ mia\n a'sosanq% f;t;uanq s.aln;rou% oronq k;anqis anbavan masn ;n! Ank;[‘ørhn .ostowanim% jh miak kariqs q;x oun;nal h% qou shrd% qou n;rka\oujiund% qou pof;makan a®inqno[ na\oua‘qd% oronq k;anqs ambo[=owin piti ;r=ankazn;n% a\sphs da®nalow k;anqis 'a®qe&&&!
I#nc h k;anqe ;jh oc kary ou fra,agor‘ ou[;uoroujin me% \au;rvouj;nhn go[zoua‘ paf me! :jh ke sir;nq k;anqe% embo,.n;nq xa\n a®anz tatanoumi! K;anqe ;rhke ch% ;u oc al^ an‘anøj apagan% a\l n;rka\ pafe% or k*enjana\! A®anz siro\ i#nc imast ouni k;anqe!
"Letter" To My Late Son
M;kn;lhd qsan tari ;tq% ;rb ogid ke w;rada®na\% ke 'or];m xrouz;l f;td% kam^ ;s in‘i& \ankar‘ a,.arfs ke 'o.oui% ke ns;mana\% ou ke xgam an,ø,a';li n;rka\oujiund! Saka\n pa\‘a®ag;[ ogid ke m.ijarh fogis! Qsan tari m;nakouj;an mh=% ;u annpatak ja'a®oumow me xgam an'o.arin;li koroustd% or an-
endoun;li h% ou ke 'or];m xsp;l xa\ro\js araricin dhm&&& ou takauin ;rb;q piti cmo®nam ou piti cn;r;m animast parapouj;an% or st;[‘oua‘ h bazaka\ouj;ambd im mnaz;al kary k;anqi enjazqin&&& ou saka\n qou cqna[ ogid ;u \i,atakd piti qandakoua‘ mna\ mitqis ou srtis mh= minc;u w;r=in ,ouncs! "or]a®kouj;an famar% jo\l tour es;l mnaq barow% q;x t;sn;lou famar møt ørhn&&&!
In Search Of "Value"
I#nc h arvhqe% entir \atkoujiune% ;jh oc momi lo\s me mjin k;anqi mh=% ou vamanake miak angin arvhqn h m;r k;anqi enjazqin! Gitnanq april k;anqe fryouanqow% liariun korowow% tartanqow!
Boundless Love...
Orqa#n ;rkar mard krna\ april a®anz siro\! :r=ankoujiune ke ka\ana\ ;raxn;r irakanazn;low% k;anqe dar]n;low au;li fiuj;[^ siro\ boze wa® paf;low&&&!
Midnight Thoughts
S;n;akis khs mjouj;an mh=% m;‘ yig ja';low% ke 'or];m n;rda,nak;l .a®n .of;rs% oronq ke tan=;n fogis ;rkar at;n&&& Ou paf me k*;r;uaka\;m% jh ou, ch vamanake ;rb famr;rn ou ko\r;re .øsin ou ls;n^ embo,.n;low ;rav,toujiune m;r bolorin phs&&& Krna\ na;u gal vamanake% ;rb as;[ow me kam d;[afatow da®nanq au;li ;rkarak;az% mardkoujiune a®a=nord;low ;raxa\in go\awiyaki&&& jh;u parxamtoujiun joui% saka\n \a®a=adhm gitoujiune karo[ h fra,qn;r gor‘;l&&& ou mardkoujiune piti gtnh mi=ozn;r .ousa';lou famar pat;raxmhn^ amrapnd;low .a[a[oujiune&&& j;r;us ªbanauorº xgazo[oujiun men h asika% ;u apagan angou,ak;li h&&& O#w gith&&&!
Tears Of Joy And Sorrow
Kou ganq lo\s a,.arf% m;rk% yicow ou lazow% bolorowin angi-
takiz galiq wa[ouan anna.at;s;li apaga\in! Jaualo[ vamanakin f;t% oura. jh t.our k;anqow% ke fasninq w;r=auorouj;an^ an.ousa';li ªMjouj;anº% mardka\in faskazo[ouj;nhn w;r ansafman .a[a[ouj;an! Ard% k;anqi pata®ike^ ‘nnd;an ou mafouan mi=;u% omanq k*anzn;n yo. oura.ouj;an mh=% isk ouri,n;r^ ‘anrab;®noua‘ t.rouj;amb% wa.ow&&& I@nc anardar k;anq&&&!
Homage To My Orphan Father
Orb før me xauake% ;u ant;[;ak na.afa\r;rous wra\ gor‘adroua‘ =ardin dar me a®a=% akama\ ke mrot;m ,norfali førs ko[mh patmoua‘ qani me tan=ali patk;rn;r% oronq ke po®jkan mankouj;ans \i,o[ouj;nhn! Partauoroua‘ ke xgam og;koc;lou orb førs k;anqe a\s m;na.øsouj;amb! Sir;li fa\r% jo\l tour \ou,;lou qou oqiid% jh ª'ojorike anza‘ gaza‘ h&&&º ;u jh Garoune piti ,o[a\ qou qa[zr \i,atakowd&&& |auit;nakan sirow^ qou miak xauakd!
Ou w;r=aphs% ardiakan banast;[‘ouj;amb ou w;rta®akan oyow% m;na.øsouj;anz a\s fatore fam;størhn ke jo[oum ibr;u ktak mardkouj;an&&&! :u a\sphs% fatori ;rka\nqin% ke to[anz;n ti;x;rqi anfounouj;an% bnouj;an go\n;rou% k;anqi imasti% fauatqi% \o\si% siro\ \orda®at x;[oumn;r% mi,t 'iliso'a\akan s;u;®oumn;row! Inqnatip ];uow ;u oyow% fay;li ;u emb®n;li m;knabanouj;amb n;rka\azoua‘ ;n f;[inakin aproumn;rn ou .of;re^ baxmako[mani ;rangauoroumn;row! Enj;rzo[e anwaran piti sirh f;[inak P;ry Colaq;ani møt;zoumn;re ar‘ar‘oua‘ niuj;roun! M;xi ke matouzoui \o\v \an]narar;li fator me% oroun m;k;nasoujiune axnouørhn katara‘ ;n Toqj& Ghorg ;u Tik& S;sil Q;,i,;ann;rn ou Prn& :nowq Palik;ane!
×ÇïÇÝ å³ñïùÁ ³ÝáÝó ï³Éáõ! ¶àвðÇ ³ÝÓݳϳ½ÙÁ »õ ïÝûñ¿ÝáõÃÇõÝÁ ³ëÏ¿ Ýáõ³½Á ã¿ñ Ïñݳñ Áݻɫ ³ïáñ ѳٳñ ³Ûë ï³ñáõ³Ý ѳٻñ·Ý»ñÁ Çõñ³Û³ïáõÏ »Ý« Çõñ³Û³ïáõÏ åÇïÇ ÁÉÉ³Ý »õ ³ÝÏñÏÝ»ÉÇ Ç٠ϳñÍÇùáíë« áñáíÑ»ï»õ áã Ù¿Ï ×Ç· ËݳۻóÇÝù« áñå¿ë½Ç Ù»ñ ³Û¹ Ïáõï³Ïáõ³Í 100 ï³ñÇÝ»ñáõ ½·³óáõÙÝ»ñÁ ¹ñë»õáñ»Ýù ¶àвðÇ Ñ³Ù»ñ·Ý»ñáí¦« Áë³õ ê»õ³Ï ê»ñáµ»³Ý! ²ñ¹³ñ»õ ÙdzÛÝ ÎÇÉÇÏÇáÛ Ã³·³õáñáõû³Ý í³Û»É ³Ûë Ññ³ßù ѳٻñ·Á« áñáõÝ áã ÙdzÛÝ Ñ³Ù»ñ·³ÛÇÝ Íñ³·ÇñÁ Û³ïáõÏ »õ ß³ï Ù³Ýñ³Ù³ëÝ ÁÝïñáõ³Í ¿« ³ÛÉ Ý³»õ ûùÝÇù ³éáõÙáí ³Ý »½³ÏÇ ¿ áõ ·»ñÛ³·»ó³Í« Çñ û·ï³·áñÍ³Í ³ñÑ»ëï³·Çï³Ï³Ý ÙÇçáóÝ»ñáíª Ó³ÛÝÇ« ÉáÛëÇ áõ ÝϳñÇ ³Ý½áõ·³Ï³Ý »õ Ý»ñ¹³ßÝ³Ï Ñݳñ³õáñáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáí áõ
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~OUJPOL FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 7-8-in ka\azan 2-rd ,r=ani na.aw;r=in mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªMikaº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 0-1 ªGan]asarº-ªBananzº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ª"iunikº^ 1-4 ª<irakº-ªAraratº^ 0-1
Ala,k;rt "iunik <irak Gan]asar Ararat Mika Bananz Oulis
Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& 13 8 4 1 25-12 28 13 8 2 3 28-9 26 13 6 3 4 15-14 21 13 5 6 2 16-14 21 13 6 3 4 12-12 21 13 4 1 8 10-15 13 13 1 7 5 12-19 10 13 0 2 11 6-29 2
A®a=noujiunoum dadar h minc;u No\;mb;ri 21-e! M;r j;rji na.ord famaroum \a\tn;l hinq% or :r;uani ªOuliseº ygnavami mh= h ;u jimiz ardhn f;®az;l ;n mi ,arq l;ghon;rn;r! |a\tni dar]au% or ªOuliseº møt apaga\oum karo[ h nor s;'akanathr oun;nal! ªOulisowº f;taqrqruoum h ªGan]asariº na.kin na.agaf Maqsim |akob;ane% ow n;rka\oums A.jala\i l;®nafarztazman kombinati s;'akanathrn h!
FF GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 4-in ka\azan FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akici ªGan]asar K&º-ª"iunikº^ 0-0 ;u ª<irakº-ªMikaº^ 0-1 patas.an fandipoumn;re! Qani or a®a=in .a[oum ªGan]asareº :r;uanoum \a[j;l hr 3-1 fa,ouow% apa a\n dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic! Gor‘o[ gauajakir ª"iunikeº dours mnaz \;taga\ pa\qariz! ªMikaº-ª<irakº a®a=in fandipoumn hl auartou;l hr 1-1 fa,ouow! A\spisow kisa;xra'akicoum ke fandipi ªGan]asar K&º-ªMikaº xo\ge!
YORYIØ P:TROS:ANI F:RJAKAN |A{JANAKE Milanoum ka\az;l h Glory 25 mrza,are!
M;namart;riz mhkoum Italian n;rka\azno[ fa\ b®nzqamartik Yoryiø P;tros;ane fandip;l hr Yory Yonsii f;t! 3 ®aountanoz martiz \;to\ mrzawarn;re mia]a\n \a[janake ,norf;l ;n P;tros;anin! N,;nq% or P;tros;ane famaruoum h a,.arfi ouv;[ago\n qiq-b®nzqamartikn;riz mhkn anka. qa,a\in kargiz!
GARIK BARS:{:ANE MRZA<ARI |A{JO{ Axat oyi emb,amarti FF fauaqakani andam Garik Bars;[;ane (57 qk&) dar];l h Soslan Andi;ui mi=axga\in mrza,ari \a[jo[! Garike ;xra'akicoum 5!4 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an h fas;l ta[stanzi Âoustam Kara.anowi nkatmamb! Ga®nik Mnazakan;ane (dar];al 57 qk&) dar];l h pronxh m;talakir! Fauaqakani mius andamn;r^ Go® Grigor;anin% Wolodia ~rangoul;anin% Dauij Sa`ar;anin ;u Walt;r Margar;anin mrzanaka\in t;[;r xba[;zn;l ci \a=o[ou;l!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Kirsan Il\oumvinowe No\;mb;ri 4-in vaman;l h :r;uan ;u fandip;l FF na.agaf% Fa\astani ,a.mati da,nouj;an na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani f;t! Il\oumvinowe Sargs;anin \a\tn;l h% or ,a.mati a,.arfi jagi famar \auaknordn;ri mrza,are oro,ou;l h anzkazn;l 2016-i Marti 10-30-e Moskoua\oum! Kaxmak;rpicn;ri ko[miz 8-rd j;kna‘ou h entrou;l L;uon Aron;ane! ~ID:-i% Agona\i ;u ÂD-i ,a.mati da,nouj;an gor‘enk;r h dar];l Samouhl Karap;t;ani ªTa,irº enk;roujiune! Mrza,ari mius 7 masnakizn;rn ;n& Fikarou Nakamouran ;u ~abianø Karouanan (2-n hl AMN)% S;rgh\ Kar\akine ;u P\otr Swidl;re (2-n hl ÂD)% Wi,wanajan Anande (Fndkastan) ;u W;s;lin Jo'alowe (Poulkaria)!
• |ounastani Falkidiki j;rak[xou Portø Karras qa[aqoum auartou;z a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum hin 91 ;rkrn;ri 8-18 tar;kan 344 patanin;r ;u a[=ikn;r! FF-n n;rka\azoua‘ hr 27 masnakizn;row (8 a[=ik ;u 19 patani)! Ambo[= a®a=nouj;an enjazqoum m;r masnakizn;riz 3-4-e ir;nz tariqa\in .mb;roum enjanoum hin mrza,ara\in a[iusakn;ri a®a=atarn;ri ,arqoum ;u \auaknoum hin m;tali! Saka\n w;r=in mrza'oul;roum mi 'oqr joulazrin t;mpe! Mia\n 16 tar;kann;ri pa\qaroum Fa\k Martiros;ane 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 8&5 miauor ;u arvanazau pronxh m;tali! Bauakanin bar]r ardiunq zo\z tou;zin 14 tar;kan t[an;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri .mb;roum fandhs ;ko[ <anj Sargs;ane ;u Ar'inh Grigor;ane! • Mak;donia\i ma\raqa[aq Skoplhoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i akoumba\in a®a=noujiunoum% t[amardkanz mrza,aroum \a[jo[ h dar];l ªSibirº jime% ori kaxmoum ;lo\j h oun;z;l L;uon Aron;ane! :rkrord famarow fandhs ;ko[ Aron;ane 7 mrza'ouliz masnakz;l h 5-in ;u ir bolor fandipoumn;rn auart;l h oc-oqi! Aron;ani jimakizn;rn ;n ;[;l Kramnike% Gri,couke (2-rn hl ÂD)% Li Caon ;u Wan :oun (2-rn hl Cinastan) ;u Anton Korobowe (Ouqrania)! Kananz mrza,aroum \a[jo[ h yanacou;l wrazakan ªNonaº jime! Lilij Mkrtc;ane ª:ougraº jimi kaxmoum (3-rd ta.taki wra\) arvanaz;l h pronxh m;tali! N,;nq% or fa\kakan jim;rn a\s a®a=nouj;ane c;n masnakz;l! • Bars;lonoum auartoua‘ w;z grosma\st;rn;ri mrza,aroum FF a.o\;an Karhn Grigor;ane w;r=in mrza'ouloum partou;z Asisin% isk mius fandipoumn;rn auart;low oc-oqi 2 miauorow Narsizo\i f;t bavan;z 5-6-rd t;[;re!
N.O. November 12, 2015, No. 44:N.O. Blank
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