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‘Blood On His Hands’: CIA Officials, Others Implicate Snowden Disclosures In Paris Attack
European Green Party Adopts Resolution On Armenian Genocide PanARMENIAN.Net - A resolution on the Armenian Genocide was adopted by a large majority at the 23rd European Green Party Council in Lyon, on Sunday, November 15. The text acknowledges that the Ottoman Empire perpetrated Genocide against the Armenian people. It also calls on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and work towards reconciliation with Armenia and its people. With this initiative the European Green Party calls upon all countries which have not yet done so to publicly recognize the Armenian Genocide. It underlines that doing so will positively impact the normalization of the relations between Turkey and Armenia and help prevent further crimes against humanity.
“You Are All Armenians:” Turkish Soldiers Burn Bodies Of Kurds The violence in Paris has prompted former and current CIA directors, and even a presidential candidate, to blame the inability to thwart attacks on “unauthorized disclosures” by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, despite admitting intelligence failures. “In the past several years, because of a number of unauthorized disclosures and a lot of handwringing over the government’s role in the effort to try to uncover these terrorists, there have been some policy and legal and other actions that are taken to make our ability collectively internationally to find these terrorists much more challenging…” CIA Director John Brennan told a reporter who asked how the Paris attack had happened when the world’s leading intelligence agencies “didn’t even catch a whiff of it as far as we’re to understand.” Brennan was speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on Monday. Andrew Kelly / Reuters
Russian Plane Crash: Egypt Kills 24 ISIS Militants 70km From Crash Site
The soldiers of the Turkish Army burnt the bodies of killed Kurds in Tondrak village of Turkey’s Van province, after which they danced on their incinerated bodies. On November 15, the local residents informed about the terrible news on clashes between the soldiers of the Turkish Armed Forces and the Kurdish rebels, the Kurdish DIHA agency reports. The village residents also said that the Turkish soldiers carried out retaliatory ac-
tions near the house, where the insurgents had hidden. The soldiers pumped bullets into the house, and burnt the bodies of 3 Kurds after killing them. The witnesses insisted that the Turkish soldiers danced on their incarcerated bodies afterwards. According to the source, the Turkish soldiers made the local population follow their actions, crying all the time: “You are all Armenians; We will show you!” news.am
Syrian Forces Win Back Two More Villages In Lattakia The Syrian Army and National Defense Forces (NDF), backed up by the Russian warplanes, regained two strategic villages in the Northeastern part of Lattakia province on Monday after inflicting heavy death toll on the militant groups. The militant position near the villages of al-Dughmishlyia and Beit Ayyash were heavily bombed by the Russian fighter jets and choppers since this morning, which pave the groups for the army and NDF to push back the terrorists and regain control over the villages. A large number of the militants were killed or wounded in the fighting areas and the terrorist groups retreat the remaining of
their forces to evade more casualties. Sources said earlier today that the Syrian Army and popular forces continued to push back the terrorist groups from the Northern parts of Lattakia and entered the strategic village of Deir Hanna. !
Nagorno Karabakh Cannot Be ‘Taken, Ceded Or Given’ – Armenian MP
Nagorno Karabakh is not in anyone’s pocket, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic \nnot be taken, ceded, given, or swapped, Armenian MP of the opposition ‘Heritage’ faction Tevan Poghosyan wrote on his Facebook page. Russian newspaper Kommersant wrote in the article “Shuttle Diplomacy to Be Conducted in Nagorno Karabakh” in connection with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Armenia that during the talks on a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, the following option is allegedly under discussion: the Armenians should return most of the occupied territories to Azerbaijani control. In this connection the MP also shared other observations regarding the latest events related to the Karabakh conflict. “Foreign ministers, ambassadors and mediators from various countries arrive in Armenia and leave it. They put forward some proposals, always based on the interests of their states. We should fulfill our interests. And this cannot be affected by the Constitution of Armenia currently in force, the draft constitutional amendments under discussion, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov, or U.S. Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick,” T. Poghosyan wrote.
Conan O’Brien speaks Armenian, visits Genocide Memorial
Donald Trump Would ‘Strongly Consider’ Closing Mosques In The US
Isis claimed it was behind the plane crash that killed all 224 people on board GETTY Egyptian security forces shot dead 24 Isis militants in central Sinai, 70 km from the crash site of the Russian passenger plane the group claimed it brought down, security sources have said. Security sources said they killed the militants as they hid inside a cave in a mountainous area and that they arrested eight of them.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris last week, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump said Monday that the United States must resume heavy surveillance of mosques. As president, Trump said, he would consider shutting down some mosques, The Washington Post reported. "I would hate to do it, but it's something that you're going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred - the absolute hatred - is coming from these areas," Trump said in an interview on "Morning Joe." This isn't the first time Trump has said he's willing to consider closing down mosques, which some critics say would be a violation of the country's religious freedom protections. During an interview with Fox Business in late October, Trump said he was unsure if he would close mosques, but said, "You’re going to have to certainly look at it.” Reuters
Conan O’Brien‘s “Conan in Armenia” episode of his TBS talk show has aired on Tuesday, Nov. 17th. In a new sneak peek of the episode released Monday, the host herds sheep, learns a new language and lands a role on an Armenian talk show. He also visits a memorial with his assistant, Sona Movsesian, who is of Armenian descent and has never visited the country. “I think it’s every boss’s responsibility to take their assistant back to their ancestral land,” Conan said when the episode was announced. “That’s why I’m going to make sure my next assistant was born in a fivestar resort in Tuscany.”
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 19, 2015
Again, “Handing Karabakh”? Since the existence of the third Republic of Armenia, there are rumors that “they are handing Karabakh.” Incidentally, those who inform this “news” in the last 25 years are talking with such a confidence as if they had seen the document, under which Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh are going to put their “traitor” signature underneath this document in the near future. “That’s it, everything is decided, it is handed and period,” they say. Mostly, the gossips are about the first president of Armenia, and the absurd gossip became a ground for a palace coup. But the rumors about “handing” are not stopped since then. Any event can be a ground for such allegations. For example, Russian foreign minister’s visit to Armenia. Indeed, what else could Lavrov come to Armenia if not agreeing on the document to “sell Karabakh”? Or, the constitutional amendments. It appears that the Constitution is amended for handing Karabakh. It’s true, the opposite side’s argument is equally absurd, we amend the Constitution for never handing Artsakh. Karabakh issue, in my opinion, in essence, has nothing to do the Constitution of Armenia nor with its amendment or non-amendment, nor with the domestic political fight. But the question is that various camps are trying to use this issue over 25 years. The authorities are saying, as long as it is a Karabakh issue, do not say anything bad about us. The opposition is saying, as long as the government wants to hand Karabakh, it should leave. I think it is time, to put it mildly, not to touch upon this issue at the simplistic level. It is ridiculous when a Russian or American expert’s, publicist’s or politician’s article is viewed as a document that should be signed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Such articles have similar “power of evidence” as much as my article. I have already had the chance to write that any opinion should be perceived as an opinion, with which one can agree or disagree, not more. And here’s my subjective opinion that it makes no sense to seriously negotiate with modern Azerbaijan on Karabakh settlement issue. If someone constantly attacks you and promises every other day to destroy you, so whether it is ready to negotiate with you. When it would be possible to reach an agreement with Azerbaijan on relieving the situation on the borders, only then it will be possible to speak about the rest. Or else, suppose it is written in an agreement, “Azerbaijan is committed to”, “Azerbaijan guarantees.” How many pennies will this piece of a paper cost? Talaat also guaranteed too much. Aram Abrahamyan
Talks On Handing Territories To Azerbaijan CSUN Signs MOU Coincides With Russian FM’s Visit - Ara Papyan With American University Of Armenia The recent visit of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Armenia became a reason of variant comments by Russian and Armenian mass media. Speaking to Nyut.am head of Modus Vivendi think tank Ara Papyan said that it is possible to judge about the outcome of the visit by the unofficial information from the Russian side. “I think the talks on handing few territories to Azerbaijan after the visit of the Russian minister at the demand of the Russian side was not accidental. Of course this information is unofficial and more probably it is an attempt to understand the moods – how Armenians will react. But such accidents happen rather seldom,” Papyan said. In his words, Karabakh should not be made in changing coin while trying to engage Azerbaijan into Eurasian Union. Papyan stressed that Russia is not much interested in Azerbaijan. Besides, Armenia will never agree to it.
From Artsakh Hello, dear compatriots. I am Tamara Grigoryan. I write to you from Artsakh, wonderful Karvachar. My husband and I are living here for already three years. Besides working with the children here, I consider it important to present Karvachar to the world. I consider it is important for our compatriots who live far from Artsakh to know about its daily achievements and problems, to know people, who live here, to know their joys and expectations. I am really happy to have an opportunity to present Karvachar also to our compatriots living in the USA. And I want to thank “Ararat” Foundation for this opportunity. I'll try by my articles make Karvachar dear to you. I'll be happy to answer to your questions about Karvachar. First article, which I present to you, is about sport-school in Karvachar. “Khachen” sports school located in Karvachar has 106 students. The sports school has groups both in Karvachar town and in the villages of Shahumyan region. Table tennis, athletics, soccer and freestyle wrestling group trainings are held in Karvachar. Aknaberd community has table tennis and volleyball groups, Yeghegnut community has judo group, athletics group acts in Nor Brajur community and Nor Verinshen community has volleyball group. Methodologist of the sports school Ellada Aghasyan informed us about this. Basketball group is formed in Aknaberd community for the first time this year. “We have a sports hall in this village and we've decided also to have a basketball team”, she said. Since the beginning of the academical year, the sports school hasn't participated in any competitions yet. Soon the sports school itself must organize some regional
competitions. Referring to the problems of the sports school, the head of “Khachen” Armen Asryan especially underlined: “We do not have enough equipment to hold complete trainings. Especially, we need balls for soccer and volley-ball, we need rackets for tennis. Of course, we get some equipment, but it soon becomes out of order and we are unable to use it any more. We also need wrestling mats and dumbbells”. Note, that the students of the sportschool have success especially in individual sports, such as judo and wrestling. They like also tennis and athletics. Nature of Karvachar also gives opportunity to develop winter sports, such as skiing. “Khachen” sports school was founded in 2004. Tamara Grigoryan, “Ararat” Foundation reporter
Our prayers, hearts and souls are with the French people: Armenian President An event was held today at the Mount Musa Memorial in Armavir Marz on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Mount Musa Heroic Battle. During the event, President Serzh Sargsyan delivered a speech in which he touched upon the Paris attacks. Serzh Sargsyan
Once Upon A Time, There Were Armenians In !zmit Fourth book of Hrant Dink Foundation’s oral history project “Sound of Silence”, which has been going on since 2011, “Armenians from !zmit Speaking” is published. The book consists of interviews with people who are descendents of Armenians from places like !zmit, Bahçecik, Adapazarı, Karamürsel and Geyve which were the parts of !zmit District of Ottoman Empire. In the book, there are 9 interviews that are compiled by Ferda Balancar, one of the coordinators of the project, and also “Deportations by !zmit Lieutenant Governor”
chapter of “Armenian Genocide” by historian Raymond Kevorkian and an epilogue by Aras Ergüne". Ergüne" is a research assistant in the Department of Philosophy of Kocaeli University and has been carrying a research that aims to reveal the cultural memory of Bardizag (Bahçeçik) since 2011, with Gülbin Kırano#lu and Erman Ohano#ulları. In the book, there is also a selection of song lyrics and tongue twisters. Selected from musicologist, conductor, songwriter and author Mihran Tumacan’s book “Hayreni Yerk u Pan” (Hometown Songs
and Oral Tradition of Armenians), these lyrics and tongue twisters belong to Armenians who lived in and around !zmit. 30 people (one from the US, 2 from Canada, 2 from Germany, 6 from Armenia and 19 from Turkey) were interviewed between January 2015 and August 2015. Nine of these interviews are included in the book and the families of five of them are from Bardizag, which means “small garden” in Armenian. The families of the rest of them are from Karamürsel, Arma", Adapazarı and !zmit.
Northridge, California – The presidents of California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and American University of Armenia (AUA) signed a memorandum of understanding to foster scholarly and educational collaborations. The memorandum enables faculty and student exchanges between the two institutions and encourages the development of joint teaching and research projects between CSUN and AUA faculty. “Given CSUN’s very strong relationships with the Armenia community, we are very proud of this partnership,” said CSUN President Dianne F. Harrison, who signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with AUA President Armen Der Kiureghian during an official ceremony on Friday, October 30, at the Northridge campus. Harrison noted that 8 percent of CSUN’s more than 41,500 students are of Armenian descent, as are more than 125 full- and parttime CSUN faculty and staff. “This first step is creating opportunities for CSUN students and faculty to study and learn together in Armenia with AUA students and faculty,” she said. “I am looking forward to see what opportunities future steps will bring.” Der Kiureghian agreed. “There are many, many different ways that our two universities can benefit, both for our students and faculty,” he said. “I am very pleased about the potential that this MOU offers us for collaboration and exchanges.”
St. James Armenian Church Celebrates 74th Annual Name Day On December 13
Los Angeles, CA – The parish of St. James Armenian Apostolic Church will be celebrating its 74th Annual Name Day and the Anniversary of the founding of the Parish in 1941 on December 13, 2015. Rev. Fr. Haroutioun Tachejian, Parish Priest states “We have come a long way and the Holiday Season gives us pause to reflect on the memories of our loved ones and to solemnly observe the Feast of St. James, the great Bishop of Nisibis, whose name we have adopted as our Patron Saint.” The Parish Council, Chaired by Hrant Adourian, together with Rev. Fr. Haroutrioun, are pleased to announce that His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy beginning at 9:30 a.m. In keeping with the church’s annual tradition, at 12 Noon His Eminence will conduct the Requiem Service and offer prayers for the souls of the many deceased parishioners and clergy . Following church services, a celebration banquet will be held in Gogian Hall at 12:30 p.m. A highlight of the banquet will be the presentation of the Hye Spirit Awards by His Eminence to Naomi Edison and Richard Kolligian in recognition of their commitment and years of devoted and unselfish service to their beloved church and its parishioners.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 19, 2015
Germany’s Policy With Respect To Armenian Genocide Remains Indecent
If the German Bundestag adopts a decision on condemning the Armenian Genocide, this will lead to two consequences: it will be a good moral slap in the face of Turkey and Berlin may take up certain obligations, Genocide recognition committee member in Germany, professor at Free University of Berlin and Armenian scholar Zhirayr Kocharyan said. He also expressed hope that Germany may once have powerful authorities who will acknowledge the Armenian Genocide But, according to him, the policy of Germany hasn’t changed at all since the Kaiser period and appears to be the same indecent policy. “Germany has been the ally of Turkey as early as from the period of the WWI. It took up the responsibility to equip the Turkish Army with new weapons. About 4 million Turks work in Germany and third and fourth generations of Turks greatly impact the foreign policy of the FRG,” Kocharyan said. In his words, the ties between the two countries are very
close. “No country will accept its guilt voluntarily. If it weren’t for the strong pressure from the side of the Jewish organizations, Germany wouldn’t have accepted its guilt in committing the Holocaust. I think if Armenia and other countries put pressure on Turkey, the same will happen in the issue of the Armenian Genocide. The time is working in our favor,” Kocharyan said. He also noted that unlike the period 20-30 years ago, currently there is no one in Germany who doesn’t know about the Armenian Genocide
President Sargsyan Signs Law Allowing Identity Card Holders to Vote Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan today signed a bill, passed by the parliament, which makes changes and amendments to the country’s electoral code. The new law allows citizens only holding an identity card to vote in the December 6 referendum on constitutional change. Prior to the law, only citizens holding a passport could vote.
Tekeyan Members Of Diaspora Visit Vahan Tekeyan Schools In Armenia
YEREVAN (Azg) — This year marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Sponsor a Teacher Program of the Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) of United States and Canada in Armenia and Karabagh. During the last 15 years, the project has raised more than $648,000 and reached out to 5,404 teachers and school workers in Armenia and Karabagh. Throughout this period, Maro Bedrosian, treasurer of the TCA Board of Directors of USA and Canada, has headed the project. Letters of thanks to sponsors and donors have been mailed providing the names of the teachers they have sponsored, visits to schools have been documented and photographed, and articles have been written in various newspapers, including Azg in Yerevan; Abaka in Montreal, Canada; the Armenian Observer and Nor Or in California; and the Armenian Mirror-Spectator in Boston, covering the delegations’ visits to the schools. Once a year, the names of all donors are published in the above newspapers. The Sponsor a Teacher Program began when the difficult economic situation of teachers working in Armenia’s schools after the collapse of the Soviet Union was brought to the attention of the TCA. The latter placed this issue on its agenda at its annual convention. It was reported that the
teachers working in Tekeyan schools were struggling financially and thus were often forced to emigrate. The convention collectively adopted a motion to launch Sponsor a Teacher in Armenia to initially reach out to the three schools named after Vahan Tekeyan. At that time, teachers in the schools of Armenia were among the most poorly paid professionals in the country. In 2000, a teacher’s annual salary was $120 and now, since the involvement of the Tekeyan Cultural Association, the government has increased their salaries so that they make anywhere from $200 to $250 a month. The TCA Board of Directors raises funds and delivers them to the teachers through special yearly visits. Former TCA Executive Secretary Kevork Marashlian in an interview with the newspaper Azg said: “When we started this program, the economic situation of teachers in Armenia was quite dire. And now it already has been 15 years that this philanthropic endeavor has been organized for the teachers and entire staff of the schools named after Vahan Tekeyan in Armenia and Artsakh.” The project is administered in Armenia by Gayane Muradian, Representative of the TCA of US and Canada in Armenia, who distributes the funds. !
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
88 - Esra Ozyurek By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr. Esra Özyürek is an Associate Professor and Chair for Contemporary Turkish Studies at the European Institute, London School of Economics. She received her BA in Sociology and Political Science at Bo!aziçi University, Istanbul and her MA and PhD in Anthropology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Before joining the LSE she taught at the Anthropology Department of University of California, San Diego. Dr. Özyürek a political anthropologist who seeks to understand how Islam, Christianity, secularism, and nationalism are dynamically positioned in relation to each other in Turkey and in Europe. For her research received funding from Fulbright Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German Academic Exchange, Institute for Turkish Studies. She was a resident fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. She is the recipient of Barkan Prize for best article in the field of Turkish Studies. Her research interests are Secularism, Islam, Christianity, nationalism, religious conversion, memory, Turkey, Germany. Her most recent book Being German, Becoming Muslim: Race, Religion and Conversion in the New Europe has been published by the Princeton University Press (2014). Her previous book Nostalgia for the Modern: State Secularism and Everyday Politics in Turkey has been published by Duke University Press (2007). She also is the editor of Politics of Public Memory in Turkey published by Syracuse University Press (2007) and Unuttuklari ve Hatirladiklariyla Turkiye’nin Toplumsal Hafizasi by "leti#im Yayinevi (2002). On January 5, 2009, Esra Özyürek wrote in "Los Angeles Times": Two hundred Turkish intellectuals last month launched an Internet signature campaign for an apology to Armenians for the 1915 massacres. "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Armenians were subjected to in 1915," the brief statement reads. "I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Within a month, more than 26,000 people signed on. Organizers of the "I apologize" campaign notably shied away from the word genocide, opting instead for "the Great Catastrophe," Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, quickly dismissed the apology movement." Esra Özyürek added "It wasn't until I enrolled in graduate school at the University of Michigan, one of the most important centers of Ottoman and Armenian studies in the United States, that I learned about the unacceptably sad end of the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire. (1) In his article -Florida Turks Complain: "Never a break…They started again!”(USA Armenian Life Magazine -January 9, 2009), Apo Jabarian wrote the following "On January 5, The Los Angeles Times featured a truthful opinion article by Esra Özyürek, an associate professor of anthropology at UC San Diego and the author of “Nostalgia for the Modern: State Secular-
ism and Everyday Politics in Turkey” and “Politics of Public Memory in Turkey.”He added what Prof. Özyürek concluded that " “Turks growing up today surely are better informed about the history of the land they inhabit. Even those who accept the nationalist line have to be aware of the sudden end of the centuries-long Armenian presence in Anatolia [Western Armenia and Cilicia – Ed]. Regardless of the terms they employ or the specific amount of responsibility they willingly shoulder, this next generation of Turks is already in a much better position to face the darkest aspect of their national history and develop a more responsible relationship to it.” (2) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Contemporary Turkish Studies organized a three-day public conference entitled "Encountering the Past in Turkey" on 11-12-13 May 2015 at LSE. A new interest in history emerged in a country that had erased its Ottoman past. The most traumatic aspects of Turkish history, especially those that were considered taboo, or simply denied. The Armenian Genocide, the Dersim and Maras massacres, the Wealth Tax, and expulsions of Greeks. At the face of an official policy of denial, increasing number of activists, artists, scholars, and citizens demand a deeper understanding and recognition of past atrocities in order to atone and seek justice. This conference explored how, why, under what conditions, and among which groups did willingness to confront the Armenian Genocide and other violent episodes, how to come to terms with the past as well as avoiding it? What are the implications of encountering the past for contemporary dynamics in Turkey? By doing so, it is hoped that the conference will contribute to promoting acts of reconciliation that have begun in Turkey. Dr.Esra Ozyurek, Ayse Gul Altinay, Bilgin Ayata, Marc David Baer, Alice von Bieberstein, Zerrin Ozlem Biner, Murat Celikkan, Ayda Erbal, Fatma Muge Gocek, Corry Guttstadt, Asl$ Igsiz, Armine Ishkanian, Sossie Kasbarian, Joanne Laycock, Leyla Neyzi, Marc Nichanian, Ceren Ozgul, Murat Paker, Ayse Parla, Hakan Seckinelgin, Serap Ruken Sengul and Max Silverman were among the distinguished speakers and moderators who participated to this conference. (3)
Thanks to Dr. Esra Özyürek for reviewing the draft copy of this article. ( H.A.) 1.http://www.latimes.com/la-oeozyurek5-2009jan05-story.html 2.http://www.turkishnews.com/en/c ontent/2009/01/24/florida-turks-usa-armenian-life-magazine-by-appo-jabarian/ 3.http://researchturkey.org/lse-public-conference-encountering-the-past-inturkey-11-12-13-may-2015/
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 19, 2015
How Prepared Are We? New York, Madrid, London - and now Paris: So far, Germany has been lucky. The highly charged migration debate is now about more than the question of whether or not we can handle the influx, DW's Volker Wagener writes. My God, how many IS fanatics are there already among the hundreds of thousands of migrants in Germany? Go on, admit it: You've thought that, too, even as paramedics and doctors in Paris fought to save the lives of seriously injured victims. It positively leaps out at you: connecting the Islamist murderers from the Paris attacks to the migrants pouring into Germany, especially from Syria. Didn't they find a Syrian passport at one of the crime scenes, whose owner had been registered in Greece on October 3 and recorded several more times along the Balkan route? Yes, that's absolutely true. It would, however, be foolish to make such a simplistic association between the shots fired in Paris and the refugees entering Ger-
many. Refugees as terrorists in disguise? Nonetheless, we always fear the next attack. Since the bloodbath in Germany's neighbor, "our refugee problem" has been relegated to a footnote, for the time being. Accommodation problems, costs - all trivial compared to the horrific idea that there are undetected terrorists among us, ready and determined to do anything. November 13 in Paris has brought German domestic politics more sharply into focus. More than ever, the question is: Should Angela Merkel change her policy on refugees? No, she should not! Not in essence, anyway. That's because anyone who is already
here and entitled to asylum cannot be sent back. But those who are still en route and seeking asylum do not necessarily have to settle in Germany. It's self-evident that the policy on refugees must be a European one, and that Germany can't be left to bear the burden alone. Germany is allowed to expect solidarity in this, just as France can rely on the solidarity of its partners in the fight against terrorism. Because just like those who lost their lives or their health on Friday, the refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are also victims of IS terrorism. There is, of course, a residual risk that there are indeed jihadis in disguise among those who have already arrived. But they don't need to take the refugee route in order to get to Europe. They can turn up any time, anywhere. Officials currently have 420 so-called "potential attackers" under surveillance in Germany; Europe-wide there are more than 3,500. There can never be 100 percent protection against these fanatics.
Invasion Of Iraq Led To Current Instability, The Worst Foreign Policy Blunder – Sanders At the Democratic presidential debates Bernie Sanders blamed US policy in the Middle East for creating instability in the region. Martin O’Malley joined the criticism, while Hillary Clinton had a hard time defending her vote supporting the Iraq invasion. The trio of Democrat presidential nomination contenders met for the second debate in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday. In the aftermath of the deadly attacks in Paris that claimed over 120 lives and injured over 300, the issue of the turmoil in the Middle East and the advancement of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) was the first topic up for debate. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders called the invasion of Iraq, “One of the worst foreign policy blunders in the modern history of the
Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Senator Bernie Sanders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Maryland GovernorMartin O'Malley (R) participate in the second official 2016 U.S. Democratic presidential candidates debate in Des Moines, Iowa, November 14, 2015 © Jim Young / Reuters
United States.” His criticism was targeted at the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who voted for the Iraq War, when she was a New York senator. “I don’t think any sensible person would disagree that the invasion of Iraq led to the massive instability we’re seeing right now,” Sanders said. Clinton hit back by referring to the “historical context,” behind the decision to invade. “The United States has unfortunately been victimized by terrorism going back decades,” she said, recalling the attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as 9/11. !
Turkey's Path To Dictatorship Armed with his Justice and Development Party's (AKP) stunning Nov. 1 election victory, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is revisiting his goal of replacing the country's parliamentary government with an executive presidency. Summary! Print Erdogan’s renewed ambitions to install an authoritarian presidential system in Turkey are raising concerns he might further restrict freedom of the press and open a path for a dictatorship. Author Orhan Kemal Cengiz Posted November 12, 2015 TranslatorSibel Utku Bila In the previous elections, held June 7, the rival Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) emphasized and berated Erdogan's intentions. “We won’t let you become an executive president!” was the main slogan the pro-Kurdish HDP used then. It was perhaps the most memorable slogan of the entire election campaign. The message was so influential that the HDP mustered 13.2% of the vote, backed by a remarkable number of voters who chose to support the party for the first time. Those people apparently were worried that an HDP failure to obtain the 10% national threshold would give the AKP a super-majority in parliament and allow it to change the constitution to install a presidential system. Erdogan has long argued that Turkey should abandon the parliamentary system in favor of a presidential one equipped with strong executive powers for the head
of state. Many fear that Erdogan's proposed presidential regime would mark the beginning of an irreversible path to dictatorship. The big losses the AKP suffered in the June 7 polls seemed to be linked to Erdogan’s portrayal of the vote as a sort of a plebiscite for a presidential system. AKP leaders must have come to the same conclusion, for they made no mention of the presidential system in the ensuing snap elections Nov. 1. Yet, the presidential system debate made a quick comeback to Turkey’s agenda after the AKP scored a sweeping victory Nov. 1, garnering 49.4% of the vote. AKP representatives immediately argued that the presidential system should be opened to discussion. On Nov. 4, Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, made the clearest statement so far that constitutional amendments introducing a presidential system could be put to a referendum. Such a move would require the support of at least 330 of the 550 parliament members, while the AKP has only 317 seats. HDP representatives, however, have signaled the party is open to talks on a presidential system, backpedaling from their June 7 slogan. This raises the prospect of negotiations and bargaining on a presidential system, linked to revived settlement talks with the Kurds, involving issues such as house arrest for jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, with the HDP playing a key role in the process. Yet, a bargaining link to a settlement of
the Kurdish problem does not mean the introduction of a presidential system would contribute to democracy in Turkey. A failed parliamentary process for a new constitution has already shown what the AKP has in mind. A draft constitution the party submitted to parliament in 2013 aimed to equip the president with powers and duties hardly seen elsewhere in the world. Under the AKP’s proposed presidential system, the head of state would have the power to issue executive and legislative decrees, which effectively would mean that both the executive and legislative powers would be concentrated in the president’s hands. Parliament would retain its legislative function, but the president would have veto power over the laws it passes. Moreover, parliament would need a three-fifths majority to override a veto and pass it for a second time. The president would appoint the ministers and half of the members of higher courts, and would have the power to dissolve parliament. Unlike other presidential systems, the one proposed by the AKP stipulates that presidential and parliamentary elections be held simultaneously.
Syria Crisis And Region: G20 Summit’s Decisions To Impact S. Caucasus, Armenia By Naira Hayrumyan ArmeniaNow correspondent Turkey’s Antalya is seeing a G20 summit on November 15-16 as part of which United States President Barack Obama has already met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Experts believe that the summit could decide the fate of a coalition against the Islamic State and ultimately the Syrian settlement, which will have a direct impact on the South Caucasus in general and Armenia in particular. Armenia is not part of any coalition against the terrorist group that calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), although at the level of statements it expresses support for the fight against terrorism. There are two forces fighting against ISIS – a coalition created by the United States, which includes more than 40 countries, and Russia. Moscow tries to involve Armenia in its coalition, in particular by offering to create a joint air defense system and using the airfields in Armenia. A few years ago, Armenia transferred to Russia the Erebuni military airport in Yerevan, as well as the airport in Stepanavan, which is still under reconstruction. But Moscow cannot yet use these airfields at its sole discretion in international operations. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is expected to pay a visit to Armenia in late November. An agreement on the joint air defense system is expected to be signed in the course of his visit. After that Armenia will automatically become an ally of Russia in the fight against terrorism, and, therefore, will face not only Islamic terrorism, but will also nominally oppose NATO and the West. (The United States and the United Kingdom recently declared Russia as their strategic adversary). After the November 13 coordinated terrorist attacks in the French capital of Paris experts expected some merger of the efforts of Russia and the Western anti-terrorist coalition. Moscow urged NATO to reconsider its strategy, in which Russia began to be viewed as one of the strategic adversaries. However, Putin did not express readiness to join the Western coalition. According to the information released by the White House, during their meeting in Antalya, Obama did not offer to Putin to combine the coalition, but instead advised that Russia strike ISIS and not the moderate opposition in Syria. Earlier, in Vienna, Austria, the foreign ministers of a number of influential states agreed on a plan to resolve the Syria crisis, which implies the establishment of a transitional government and elections within a year and a half under the auspices of the United Nations. No one can predict whether Syria will be able to preserve its territorial integrity during these 18 months. But analysts say that during this period the main acting forces will try to consolidate their positions in the region. In this regard, the South Caucasus may become a springboard for certain actions in the Middle East. In particular, there is a threat that Russia could use the agreement on joint air defense for the involvement of Armenia in its coalition. There is also a threat that Nagorno-Karabakh may be involved in it. The Days of Artsakh were held in Moscow on November 10-15 and the subject of Russia’s possible use of the newly renovated airport near Stepanakert in the fight against ISIS was addressed during the event.
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DAUIJ AUANHS:ANI VAMANAKAUOR TIT{OSE ÂD-i drø,i n;rqo\ fandhs ;ko[ fa\ b®nzqamartik Dauij Auanhs;ane Monaqo\oum nokaoutow partouj;an h matn;l w;n;xou;lazi Carli Nauaro\in! A\d \a[janaki ,norfiu Dauije nouay;l h kisami=in qa,a\in kargoum b®nzqamarti fama,.arfa\in kaxmak;rpouj;an (WBA) vamanakauor tit[ose! A\spisow Auanhs;ane dar]au WBA-i kanonauor a®a=nouj;an a.o\;ani tit[osi \auaknord A.o\;ani kocoume n;rka\oums patkanoum h am;rikazi Qij Jourmanin!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |ounastani Portø Karras qa[aqoum auartoua‘ a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=nou-
jiunoum Fndkastane wastak;l h 11 m;tal% oriz 5-e^ oski! ÂD-n ;u AMN-n wastak;l ;n 4-akan m;tal% ba\z oc mi oski! Irane% Poulkarian% Atrph\yane% G;rmanian% |ounastane ;u Wi;jname wastak;l ;n mhkakan oski! • Islandia\i Âh\klawik qa[aqoum m;knark;l h :uropa\i jima\in a®a=noujiune! T[amardkanz pa\qarin masnakzoum ;n 36% kananz pa\qarin^ 30 jim! FF t[amardkanz fauaqakane m;knarka\in 'ouloum 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Islandia\i% isk kananz fauaqakane% Hlina Danihl;ani \a[janaki ,norfiu% 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow^ Lajwia\in! :rkrord mrza'oule an\a=o[ hr m;r jim;ri famar! T[amardkanz fauaqakane 1&5-2&5 fa,ouow partou;z ~ransia\in% (Aron;ane partou;z Wa,ih Lagrauin) mius fandipoumn;rn auartou;zin oc-oqi ardiunqow% isk kananz fauaqakane 1-3 fa,ouow^ Âousastanin! Miak \a[janake m;r jimin b;r;z Maria Koursowan! :rrord mrza'ouloum FF t[amardkanz jime mrz;z Norw;gia\i% isk kananz jime^ Jourqia\i f;t! T[an;re \a[j;zin 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow% end oroum Aron;ane s;u;row \a[j;z a,.arfi a.o\;an Ka®ls;nin% isk S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane partou;z! A[=ikn;rn oc-oqi^ 2-2 .a[azin! Hlina Danihl;ane partou;z% isk Lilij Mkrtc;ane \a[j;z! Corrord mrza'ouloum ka\azau Fa\astan-Anglia t[amardkanz ;u kananz fauaqakann;ri fandipoume! T[amardik oc-oqi^ 2-2 .a[azin! Aron;ane ;u Grigor;ane partou;zin% isk Sargs;ane ;u M;lqoum;ane \a[j;zin! Kana\q \a[j;zin 3-1 fa,ouow! |a[janakn;r taran Mkrtc;an ;u Galo\;an Lilijn;re% isk ;rkou fandipoumn;rn auartou;zin oc-oqi! 5-rd mrza'oul t[amardik& Fa\astan-Italia^ 2-2% kana\q% Fa\astan-S;rpia^ 1-3! 5-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ FF t[amardik 11-rd t;[oumn ;n 6 miauorow% kana\q^ no\nphs 11-rd t;[oumn ;n 5 miauorow!
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