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N.O. November 26, 2015, No. 46:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% 26 NO|:MB:R 2015


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93-AM:AK 1922-2015


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:RK":{KOUA’ QA{AQAZI :U KISAU:R ANKA>OUJIUN |OWSH" M:LQON:AN |a=ordakan ;rkrord tarin ellalow h% or Libanan ir anka.ouj;an tar;dar]e ke tønh 22 No\;mb;r 2015-in a®anz fanrap;touj;an na.agafi me gor‘nakan n;rka\ouj;an! Ardar;u% Libanani na.agafakan ajo®e ja'our ke mna\ 18 amish i w;r% masnauorabar a\n ørhn ;rb 25 Ma\is 2014 jouakanin ir auartin fasau xørawar Mi,hl Soulh\mani pa,tønawarouj;an ,r=ane! A\s kazoujiune kamauor k;rpow ;u gitakzabar st;[‘oua‘ an,arvazoumn ou andamalou‘oujiunn h ;rkri gor‘adir i,.anouj;anz ;u qa[aqakan kargousarqin! A\s an,arvazoumi .øsoun ørinakn;re ke fandisanan libanan;an na.agafakan entrou-

j;an kapakzouj;amb .orfrdarani t;uaphs ]g]gouo[ ;u \;ta]gouo[ nist;re% ‘i‘a[;liouj;an safmann;roun fasno[ a[bafauaqman antan;li tagnapi w;riwa\roumn;re% ;u an,ou,t amhn ør kny®oto[ qa[aqakan k;anqi anoro,oujiunn;re! Ardar;u% an,arvazoum men h% or k*endgrkh libanan;an qa[aqakan k;anqi amhn marx;re% ou a®ij k*en‘a\h ;rkri qa[aqakan ªxaimºn;roun% oronq ;rkri bnakcouj;an mhk cncin tokose ke kaxm;n% axga\in k;anqe w;ra‘;lou anyarak ;u anyo®ni `oujpoli .a[i me! Incph#s a\s 'oqramasnoujiune ke \a=o[i amisn;rh i w;r libananzi qa[aqaziin ªkll;zn;lº a\s anfam ;u l;[i d;[e ;u inco#u libananzi qa[aqazin antarb;r

ke ];uana\ i t;s^ a\s kazouj;an! Libanani na.agafakan entroujiunn;rou tarørinakoujiunn;re noroujiun c;n dvba.tabar! :rkri anka.ouj;nhn i w;r amhn na.agafakan entroujiun a®au;l kam nouax ca'ow n;rqin ;u artaqin sakarkoujiunn;rou ardiunq ;[a‘ h! Libanan ir n;rqin ;rk';[koumn;roun patya®ow parart fo[ dar]a‘ h øtar ouv;rou mi=amtoujiunn;roun! Libananzi [;kawarn;re ou[[aki ;u anou[[aki k;rpow qa=al;r fandisaza‘ ;n a\s øtar mi=amtoujiunn;roun% orowf;t;u anonz ,norfiu anonq krza‘ ;n xørazn;l ;u amrazn;l ir;nz qa[aqakan axd;zouj;an olortn;re! F;t;ua#nqe! <ar& h= 14

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(Islamakan P;toujiune Internet - i Daroun) SARGIS |& MINAS:AN A\s \ødoua‘e am'o' famadroum men h% or ga[a'ar me kou ta\ cors fmout f;[inakn;rou ko[mh lo\s en‘a\oua‘ f;t;u;al fatorn;rhn qa[oua‘ gnafatoumn;rou masin&- Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger ("ISIS, The State of Terror", William McCants ("The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy and Doomsday Vision of The Islamic State"), Jason Burke ("The New Threat: The Past, Present and Future of Islamic History") ! Fos n;rka\azoua‘e a®noua‘ h M& Nafangn;rou Artaqin |arab;rouj;anz >orfourdi Foreign Affairs amsaj;rjhn (No\;mb;r-D;kt;mb;r 2015% prak jiu 94)! |ounis 2014-in% islam ‘a\ra\;[akan span;r ;u ir;nz xinakizn;re% anaknkali b;r;low iraq;an xørq;re ;rkrin fiusisa\in ,r=anin mh=% grau;zin Mousoul qa[aqe ir qariu[afanqow! Ankh i w;r anonq ar,au;zin dhpi farau^ grau;low Jiqrij qa[aqe! Apa tara‘ou;zan dhpi fiusis-ar;u;l;an Souria% ;u fiusis-ar;umt;an Iraq! Grau;al fo[amas;re ir;nz tara‘ouj;amb famaxør hin Anglio\ Miaz;al Jagauorouj;an! A\nouf;t;u% ISIS anouanakocoume 'o.ou;zau Islamakan P;touj;an% oroun p;te dar]au Apou Paqr hl-Pa[tatin% fastat;low >ali`a\oujiune% kam^ Astou‘o\ Jagauoroujiune a\s ;rkri wra\! :xiti fama\nqin patkano[ kin;rou ;u manoukn;rou strkatirouj;amb% ou g;rin;rou gl.atoumn;row% oronq f;®at;sili wra\ zouzadrou;zan% nman i,.anoujiun me ke s;rhr 18-rd darou Ouafapixmhn% incphs na;u^ siunni astoua‘abanouj;an ‘a\ra\;[akan armatn;rhn! Faka®ak islamakan tar;grouj;anz mh= karg me ‘a\ra\;[akan \atkani,n;rou f;t;uo[akanouj;an% n;rka\is% baza\a\t tarb;roujiunn;r kan ®axmawarouj;an ou gor‘arqin mh=! Minc al-Qaitan ,;,te dra‘ hr M& Nafangn;rou dhm kaxmak;rpoua‘ acqa®ou gor‘o[ouj;anz wra\% miavamanak oro, xspoua‘oujiun \a\tnab;r;low islam krønakizn;rou fandhp% Islamakan n;rka\ P;toujiune k;dronaza‘ h i,.anap;touj;an me fastatoumin wra\ Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=! A\s w;r=ine ke xatoro,oui na.kin ‘a\ra\;[akan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rhn enk;ra\in mitia\i imastakouj;amb% ou qaroxcakan a\laxan mi=oza®oumn;rou yartaragitouj;amb! :jh ‘a\ra\;[akan a\s ,arvoume ke ‘ragroui safmana'ak;l% apa^ 'yazn;lou famar% qa[aqaghtn;re wy®oro, y,grtouj;amb fasknalou ;n \arab;roujiunn;re% xatoro,;lou famar anz;ali armatakan ,arvoumn;rhn! Islamakan n;rka\ P;toujiune au;li wtangauor xargazoum me ouni ‘a\ra\;[akanouj;an% oroun .or armatn;re kou gan islamakan patmouj;nhn! <;,te droua‘ h enk;ra\in mitia\in [;kawarman% ;u anor \a\tnouj;nakan (apocalyptic) t;silqin wra\% or ;xakan ;r;uo\j h n;rka\ vamanakn;rou afab;kcakan .mbauoroumn;rou møt! Est ‘anøj f;[inakn;rou% Islamakan P;toujiune go\azakan (existential) wtang me ci n;rka\azn;r Ar;umoutqin famar& anor vafra\in andradar]e piti xgazoui masnauorabar islamakan a,.arfin mh=! Anika piti spa®na\ Ar;umoutqin^ fauaqakan maf;rou afab;kcouj;amb% ba\z au;li ªanfatakanº \ar]akoum-

n;rou fauanakanouj;amb! Anor npatakakht;re aniragor‘;li ;n! :rkirn;rou la\n da,nakzoujiun me ardhn fakadroua‘ h anor tara‘oumin! <;,te drou;lou h Islamakan P;toujiune safmana'ak;lou% qan jh^ xinouorakan w;r=nakan \a[janak me tan;lou anor wra\! Ar;umoutqe au;li fakak,®;lou h enk;ra\in mitian% ,arvoumin qaroxcoujiune ;u \a\tnouj;nakanoujiune chxoqazn;lou famar Internet-i wra\!

’N:AL QAOSI MH+ Est afab;kcakan masnaght gro[n;rou^ Jessica Stern-i ou J.M. Berger-i% ISIS-i ‘nounde% oro, ca'ow% anou[[aki ardiunqn h Ar;umoutqi mi=amtouj;an Iraqi mh=! 2004-in% Ousama Pen Lathn dvkamouj;amb ir ørfnoujiune touau \ordananzi yifatisj Apou Mousap hl-Xarqaouii% orphsxi Al-Qaita\i masnayiu[ me fastath Iraqi mh=! Est w;ro\i,;al f;[inakn;roun% ªXarqaouin afab;kic dar]a‘ auaxak men hr% or birt ou f;r]oua‘o[ gounauoroum me touau anfauatn;rou dhm Sourb Pat;raxmin (Yifatin)! Anika ke fauatar% jh bolor ,ii islamn;re phtq h spannouhin! Faka®ak Pen Lathni% anika ;rb;q .[yafaroujiun chr zouzab;r;r islam qa[aqazin;rou spanouj;an fandhp! Pen Lathne ;u ir øgnakane ke soska\in Xarqaouii m[a‘ ariunot pa\qarhn siunnin;rou ;u ,iin;rou mi=;u! Xarqaouii mafow% or pataf;zau am;rik;an ®mbako‘oumi me at;n% anor kaxmak;rpoujiune inqxinq w;rakoc;z ibr;u Iraqi Islamakan P;toujiun (ISIS)! :rb Iraqi siunni fama\nqe Al-Qaita\i ou ‘a\ra\;[akann;rou dhm dirqauorou;zau% a\s w;raxarjnoume ;u am;rik;an banakin grofe 2007-in tkarazouzin Iraqi Islamakan P;touj;an ga[a'are! A\soufand;r]% Iraqi ,ii warcap;t Nouri hl-Malaqii ,;,t;al a[andapa,toujiune% ;u am;rik;an banakin ;rkrhn f;®azoume% lauago\ns ,afagor‘ou;zau ISIS-i ko[mh! Sourio\ mh= qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin b®nkoume 2011-in% a®ije en‘a\;zin ISIS-in ja'anz;lou Souria\hn n;rs% ou da®nalou ISIS! Apa |ounis 2014-in% armatakan a\s ,arvoume ‘aual;zau dhpi fiusis-ar;umt;an Iraq% grau;low Mousoul qa[aqe% ;u \a\tarar;low .ali`a\oujiune! Islamakan P;touj;an ord;gra‘ krønakan fauataliqn;re% ou pativn;roun m;‘amasnoujiune no\nanman ;n Shoutakan Arabio\ mh= gor‘adroua‘% ‘a\ra\;[akan Ouafapisj wardap;touj;an ørhnqn;roun! :u a\nouf;t;u% ªsourb pat;raxmºn al (yifate) anfauatn;rou dhm ke ,[ja\ax;r‘oui w;ro\i,;al skxbounqn;rhn a®a=nordoua‘! Est McCants-i% ªAm;rik;an ar,aue Iraqhn n;rs% ou b®noujiune or f;t;u;zau% sr;zin siunni fanrouj;an a.orvakn;re% oronq a®a=nord;zin \a\tnouj;nakan m;knabanouj;anz a,.arfi me% or taknoura\ dar]a‘ hrº! .

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Los Any;lesi Iranafa\ Miouj;an 59-rd Tar;dar]i Tønakataroujiun


Dokt& Minas Goya\;an

Arm;lla <aqar;an

Naxik Goya\;an

Maria Qris;an

Silwa Qa=ik;an

Wafagn Qiu';l;an

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There Is No Agenda Item Of Returning Territories On The NKR Agenda A closed meeting was held between the RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan and the parliamentarians. Among other issues, the minister and the parliamentarians spoke about Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Armenia and the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. During the meeting, Minister Nalbandyan assured the parliamentarians that there is no likelihood of undesirable developments on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement. The main fears, let us note, are conditioned by the article published in the Russian “Kommersant” newspaper, which reads that during his visit to Yerevan, Lavrov has negotiated on concession of five regions to Azerbaijan, for which Azerbaijan is ready to join the Eurasian Economic Union, Nalbandyan has reiterated the statements of the RPA officials after the visit that no issue pertained to the return of the territories was discussed during this visit. In an interview with Aravot.am, NKR President’s spokesman David Babayan said that they have no concerns about the return of territories. All the rumors on this in Stepanakert are “mere speculations”, which “some forces are constantly trying to accomplish.” He does not see anything extraordinary in the closed meeting of the RA foreign minister and the parliamentarians. Furthermore, he thinks that such meetings and discussions are always helpful. “The item of returning the territories was not and is not on our agenda,” said our interlocutor.

Israel's President Rivlin Believes 1915 Was Genocide But Refrains From Official Statement Panorama.am earlier covered the conference titled Genocide: History and Memory – Marking one hundred years to the Armenian Genocide that was taking place in Israel from 02 to 04 Nov. Below are the interviews of Panorama.am correspondent in Israel with the conference participants (Prof. Marc Sherman, Prof. Elihu D Rchter, Dr. Israel Charny, Chairman of the conference Yair Auron and California Courier publisher Harut Sassounian) who met with the President of Israel Reuven Rivlin on the last day of the conference. They share their impressions from the meeting. President Rivlin is well known to have expressed his views on that the events of 1915 were Genocide. He advocated for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Israel while he was a Member of Parliament. However, after becoming the President he hasn’t made a statement on this

Anti-Armenian Spanish MP May Become PACE President Yerevan - The issue on the possible election of Pedro Agramunt, an antiArmenian MP from Spain, as a PACE President should be discussed after he is re-election as a Spanish parliament MP. Naira Karapetyan, member of the Armenian Delegation to PACE and the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP told the aforementioned to Armenian News – NEWS.am correspondent. Referring to the concerns of the Armenian delegation over the possible presidency of Pedro Agramunt, Karapetyan said: “Let’s see whether Pedro Argamunt is re-

War & Conflict: The Orphans Of ISIL The armed group's rampage across northern Iraq has left many children struggling to cope with the loss of their parents. Muntaha Ali's husband was killed by ISIL fighters in June 2014 Baharka camp, Erbil, Iraq - Thirteenyear-old Dunya can neither speak nor hear, but she has learned to narrate through sign language how her father was killed by fighters with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group. She points to her stomach, tracing the route of the bullet with her finger - in through the abdomen and out through the back. Then she touches her leg: A second bullet to his calf stopped her father in his tracks, and he crumpled to the floor. Dunya draws a moustache on her face using her thumb and index finger to indicate "Dad", explained her mother, Muntaha Ali. She believes her husband was killed in June 2014 because he was a Shabak, an ethnoreligious minority, most of

issue in this capacity. During the closed meeting with the participants of the conference President Rivlin referred to his previously voiced views and said that his position on this issue hasn’t changed. However he noted that he has to refrain from making an official statement on this issue for one political reason or another. Let us remind that in Israel the head of the state is the Prime Minister (currently Benjamin Netanjahu), not the President, and even if President Rivlin did make a statement this would not have amounted to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Israel but would be of a declarative nature. On the official level Israel continues to deny the Armenian Genocide. As to what extent Armenia needs the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the state of Israel is yet another question to be asked.

whom are Shia Muslims. Ali, a lively mother of four with an easy laugh, left her native Mosul a month after the murder of her husband and relocated with her children to northern Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region. "My children saw the killing. They were in shock," Ali told Al Jazeera. Her husband, Sulaiman Abbas, was a taxi driver from Mosul. Today, the family lives in a small porta-cabin in Erbil's Baharka camp, along with more than 4,000 other displaced Iraqis. Most of them fled Mosul following the rise of ISIL.

elected. Parliamentary elections will be held in Spain in December, and Valencia has also proposes Pedro Agramunt’s candidacy. Precise assessments can be made only after his re-election.” In the framework of PACE’s fall session, Pedro Agramunt was elected European People’s Party (EPP) candidate for the Presidency of the Assembly with 72 votes. It was exactly Aragamunt who was doing his best to include the term “Occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh” in the report on democratic institutions of Azerbaijan. !

Hrant Dink Murder Took Place Under Istanbul Police Surveillance Six police officers in civilian clothes had followed murderer Ogün Samast at the moment of Hrant Dink’s murder in Istanbul, Turkey, reported Milliyet daily of the country. The policemen had monitored Samast on the day of Dink’s killing, and six of them were seen in the security cameras on the streets and of the stores. The Istanbul Chief Prosecutor’s Office likewise had noted that there were special services’ officers on duty in the area at the moment of Dink’s murder, and they had his killing under surveillance. Hrant Dink was the founder and chief editor of Agos Armenian bilingual weekly of Istanbul, and he was shot dead on January 19, 2007 outside the office of his weekly.

Belgian Police Arrest 16 In Anti-Terror Raids Belgian police have made 16 arrests in anti-terror raids but suspected Paris attacks gunman Salah Abdeslam remains at large, the authorities have said. A total of 22 raids were carried out on Sunday across Brussels and Charleroi, Belgian prosecutor Eric van der Sypt told a news conference. Police fired two shots at a car during an operation in Molenbeek, injuring one suspect who was later arrested. More than 130 people died and some 350 were injured in the attacks in Paris. No weapons or explosives were found during the searches on Sunday, Mr van der Sypt said. Brussels will remain on the highest level of terror alert, Belgium's Prime Minister Charles Michel said. Universities, schools and the city's metro system will also remain shut.

Donald Trump Has Backtracked On The Suggested Idea Of A 'Muslim Database' The US appeared to finally think Donald Trump had crossed the line over the idea of registering all Muslims in the country in a database, and the presidential candidate has had to retract his comments. In an interview with Yahoo! News on Thursday, the Republican presidential candidate was asked what he meant when he called for increased surveillance in the wake of the Paris terror attacks last week. Trump told the reporter he remained open to the idea of registering US citizens who practice Islam in a database or require them to carry special identification papers: We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody has the feeling that security is going to rule. The comments and suggestion of a reli-

gion-filtered database drew criticism from all corners of the political spectrum. Other GOP candidates called the suggestion "abhorrent". In a televised interview on Thursday night Trump doubled down on the idea, saying he would “absolutely” implement the plan. When asked by a reporter how it differed from the forced registration of Jews in Nazi Germany, he replied: You tell me.


Florida Representatives Voted On The Bill To Pause The Syrian Refugee Program

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 26, 2015


By Florence Avakian

By Taniel Koushakjian

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 289-137 to adopt H.R. 4038, the American Security against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015, a bill that would pause the federal government’s current resettlement program for refugees from Syria and Iraq. The bill requires the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to perform background checks and sign off that each refugee "is not a threat to the security of the United States."

The current policy only requires the DHS to perform background checks and takes 18-24 months to complete. The additional security checks would prolong the current process. All refugees seeking resettlement in the U.S. are first registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and those eligible are reported to DHS to begin the process. The legislation comes on the heels of the November 13th terrorist attack in Paris, France that left 129 dead. At least one of the Paris attackers is known to have travelled from Syria to Europe through Greece, the route used by millions of migrants fleeing the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) in Syria and Iraq. The House vote is a rebuke to President Obama, who threatened on Wednesday to veto the legislation. The additional security measures are “unnecessary and impractical,” the White House said. “Given the lives at stake and the critical importance to our partners in the Middle East and Europe of American leadership in addressing the Syrian refugee crisis, if the president were presented with H.R. 4038, he would veto the bill.” 47 Democrats joined 242 Republicans, giving House lawmakers a veto-proof majority they hope will force the President’s hand on the issue. ARMENIAN AMERICANS REACT On Wednesday night, Florida Armenians launched an online poll, admittedly unscientific. At the time of this writing, the poll finds 51% of Armenian Americans in support of accepting 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees as currently planned. 36% of Armenian Americans oppose accepting refugees from Syria and Iraq, while 13% agree with the House measure and support a pause in the current resettlement program, according to the Florida Armenians poll. Available online at: http://bit.ly/1X3rxR5

Provocative Talk By Dr. Roberta Ervine At Zohrab Center

Las Vegas, Nevada: On Saturday, November 14, 2015, Armenians from Las Vegas and beyond gathered at Sunset Park for the unveiling and dedication of a monument that pays tribute to the 1.5 million Christian Armenians massacred during the 1915-1923 Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks. The monument project was erected by the initiative of the Armenian-American Cultural Society (AACS) of Las Vegas, with the participation of all Las Vegas Armenian churches and organizations, and by the approval of the Clark County Commission. In her opening remarks, Master of Ceremonies Mrs. Lenna Hovanessian described the AACS initiative and efforts to bring this project to fruition, which was originally conceived almost 10 years ago. She then invited His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, and His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy, for their invocation and message. The Archbishops

asked the guests to rise in observance of a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris a day earlier. Mr. Valery Mkrtumian, Deputy Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles, conveyed his message and congratulated the Armenian-American community of Las Vegas for their collective efforts in achieving this dream. Nevada state officials were present at the ceremony, Clark County Commissioner Mary Beth Scow, Congressman Dr. Joe Heck and Congresswoman Dina Titus, Nevada Assemblywoman Victoria Seaman and Christina Martinez who represented U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and provided a copy of the U.S. Congressional Record that was read by Senator Reid on the Senate floor on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial on April 23, 2015, which has become part of the U.S. Senate records. Senator Dean Heller, Congressman Cresent Hardy, and City of Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman were represented respectively by Stephen Sifuentes, Arianni Valencia and Gayle Anderson, all of whom presented letters of commendation. Nevada Consular Corps members were also invited and Honorary Consuls from the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden,

Lithuania, Romania, Monaco, and Chile were all in attendance. Clark County Commission Chair Steve Sisolak had commented earlier. “ Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas, Adroushan Andy Ar-

menian said, “Today the Armenian-American community in Las Vegas is donating this memorial monument at Sunset Park to the people of Southern Nevada so that new generations remember the tragic history in order not to repeat such terrible acts in the future." Additionally, all major Middle Eastern churches were represented by their respective clergy. Attending were the Lebanese Maronite Church, Coptic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church, Ethiopian Church, Antiochian Orthodox Church, in addition to the Armenian Apostolic and Armenian Evangelical Churches. At the conclusion of the official program, MC Lenna Hovanessian asked the clergy, dignitaries, and the public to follow the procession led by Homenetmen flag bearers to the monument site. Clark County Commissioner Scow, Congressman Dr. Joe Heck and Congresswoman Diana Titus accompanied Archbishops Derderian and Mardirossian and the AACS Board of Directors in unveiling the boulder that contained the memorial plaque which reads; Next the MC invited local organization representatives and key donors to unveil the 12 columns of the monument. The large veil was dropped, exposing the main portion of the monument to great applause. The third stage was the unveiling of the monument's center which contains the "Eternity Circle" sponsored by Mrs. MaryRose Simon. Archbishops Derderian and Mardirossian accompanied by Reverends Matarian and Kassabian then blessed the monument with the Lord’s Prayer. The ceremony concluded with carnations being placed at the "Eternity Circle" by ARS Shoushi Chapter Saturday School Students, Saturday School students from the Armenian Apostolic Church, dancers from the Armenian Dance Academy and Armenian Dance School, Homenetmen scouts, and members of ACYO. Thereafter the monument was open to the attending public to visit and pay tribute to the genocide victims.

Zohrab Information Center, NY The erotic love poem, Song of Songs was the subject of a fascinating and provocative lecture by Dr. Roberta Ervine, on Tuesday evening November 3. It was sponsored by the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (eastern). The Armenian scholar was introduced by the Zohrab Center Executive Director, the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, as “an unparalleled specialist of the Cilician period.” Dr. Ervine, he said, has studied for several years in Jerusalem with Archbishop Norayr Bogharian, late curator of manuscripts for Jerusalem’s St. James Monastery, and with the late Bishop Guregh Kapikian, Armenian Overseer of the Status Quo in the Holy Places. While there, she taught Armenian studies at both Jerusalem’s Holy Translators’ Academy, and the Hebrew University. Currently, she is Professor of Armenian Studies at St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, and concentrates on the history of the Armenians in Jerusalem, and medieval Armenian literature and spirituality. In her talk, Dr. Ervine presented her recent English translation from the Armenian of St. Gregory’s commentary in her new book, The Blessing of Blessings, and focused on how the monk from Nareg urges the reader to “rethink how we imagine God, love, sex, and the divine intimacy into which he invites his creatures.” It was the object of intrigue and intense study by the early church fathers East and West, she said, including the great 10th century Armenian mystic, St. Gregory of Narek.”

Job Announcement from

We are now seeking a new Executive Director, to be based in Armenia full-time. Interested parties should review the enclosed Job Announcement, and may submit inquiries/resumes to Hasmik Gevorgyan at Hasmik@tcf.am. Our long-time Executive Director, Antranig Kasbarian, will be taking on other responsibilities including an oversight position on the TF Board of Trustees.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 26, 2015

Join Birthright Armenia's Sister Organization AVC, Offering A 'Birthright' Experience To All Generations Where in the world could it be better for me to travel and serve than in Armenia?" says Stanley Boghossian, 68, about his decision to volunteer in Armenia. Stanley Boghossian, joined us from Berkeley, California. He was born in Fresno and, until the age of 15, he was raised in the Armenian community. A mechanical engineer by profession, Stanley describes his motivation thus: "As a retired person, I now have more time to do some of the things that I have wanted to do for a long time, including spending more time with the Armenian community, both here at home and in Armenia. I like the idea of travelling; travel in itself gives one an expanded view of life and of the world, and is valuable for that reason alone. But the ability to be in one place, not as a tourist, but as a participant in the life of the local people, is a much richer experience. Where in the world could it be better for me to travel and work than in Armenia? A volunteer situation is not only good for me, but also gives me a chance to give something to people in the land of my heritage." Stanley came to Armenia for one month, spending the first two weeks visiting the country as part of a small tour group, after which he volunteered for another two weeks through AVC. Although it was brief, Stanley got the full immersion experience by staying with one of our many caring host-families and joining the Armenian language classes offered to all volunteers. At American University of Armenia's Engineering department, where he served, his extensive experience and knowledge were highly prized and he felt useful and much appreciated. Says Stan, "I couldn't have asked for more". Birthright Armenia's sister organization Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC) offers immersion, non-tourist experiences similar to those offered by Birthright Armenia (BR) to anyone who is not BR-eligible; i.e. to individuals of all backgrounds and ethnicities from across the globe, age 21 and up. Service terms are as short as two weeks and up to one year. To date, AVC has placed over 600 volunteers from 40 countries. For more information, visit www.armenianvolunteer.org

Fresno Doctors In Kashatagh In October 2015, the Hayrenaser Organization organized a visit by a group of Fresno doctors to Kashatagh to provide free medical care to the inhabitants of the region and donate valuable medical equipment. Local journalist Arous Galstyan reported on the visit. That the problems of the Kashatagh region of Artsakh are at the center of attention of Stepan Sargsyan and Nelli Martirosyan, founders of the Hayrenaser Organization, is evident from their school reconstruction projects. Last September the Hayrenaser Organization reopened the completely reconstructed school of the Lernahovit village. This year the organization rebuilt and reopened the shool of the Vurgavan village. The school-building pro-

gram continues. However, the organization does not limit itself to school reconstruction. Our compatriots living in Fresno, USA, learned about Hayrenaser's projects through the internet. Dr. Garo Khatchikyan said that Stepan brought to their attention the dismal state of healthcare in Kashatagh. Following Stepan's advice, Dr. Garo Khatchikian (internal medicine), Dr. Vache Vasilyan (dentistry) and his wife Dr Karine Lepejyan-Vasilyan (pediatrics) visisteed Ishkhanadzor (in Kashatagh) to treat patients and deliver much needed medical equipment. Mr. Berj Apkarian, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Fresno, played a significant role in organizing the trip of a larger group of Fresno doctors to Armenia.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

89 - Altan Tan By Hambersom Aghbashian Altan Tan ( born on September 11, 1958 in Batman Turkey ) is a Kurdish politician, writer , and a member of the Turkish parliament. His father Bedii Tan was killed under torture in Diyarbakir Prison following the Military Coup of 12 September 1980 in Turkey. Altan Tan is a construction engineer; he completed his primary and secondary education in Diyarbakir in 1976, then graduated from Ankara State Engineering and Architecture Academy- Department of Civil Engineering in 1981. Following his military service (1982-1984), he became Deputy Mayor of Ankara Kecioren Municipality (1984-1985). He served at the Central Executive Committee of the Welfare Party (Refah Partisi) (1990-1991). In 1993, he was one of the founding members of the Great Change Party (Buyuk Degisim Partisi – BDP), which was founded under the leadership of Aydin Menderes. Tan was elected to BDP’s General Executive Board. However, he took a break from politics for sometime and returned to it in 2000. later he was a member of Peace and Democracy Party , and served at the Party's Parliamentary Council (2000-2002). Altan Tan was elected as a member to the Turkish parliament representing Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, and was a member of the recent Parliamentary Constitution Committee and a member of Inter-parliamentary Turkey-Angola Friendship Group. He wrote articles for New Ground, Democracy and Contract magazine, the New Agenda, New Dawn, Time, Ozgur Politika, and others. Altan Tan has published 3 books. In addition to Turkish, Tan speaks with moderately good level of Arabic, Kurdish and English. He is married and has six children. (1) According to www.armeniapedia.org, Oct 17 2011, in an interview with Aghos newspaper Altan Tan restated his words recently said in the international scientific conference in Artuklu University in Turkey, and insisted that "Kurds and Muslims also played a role in the 1915 Genocide implemented against Armenians. "Not all Kurds though took a sword. However, Kurds do have their serious share of blame in the Genocide," Altan also criticized the attitude of the Muslims in rejecting the Genocide, and had earlier stated that as a political figure he calls the 1915 events Genocide implemented against Armenians. No matter what the conditions were, those people were killed. The proof is the territory and the demographic situation. At that time 13 million people lived in Turkey and Armenians made 10% of the population. Currently the population is 75 million, while Armenians are only 40,000, MP had stated. (2) On May 22, 2015, Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Altan Tan reiterated in his speech that Genocide was committed against the Armenian people in 1915, News.am reports citing Turkish Arca news agency. The MP dwelled upon the pre-electoral developments in Turkey, condemning the continuous attacks against the Kurdish party, while addressing a press conference in Bursa. Responding to a journalist’s question on the massacres of the Circassians in 1864, Tan said: “Great tragedies took place in this region. On April 24, for instance, we speak of the Armenian Genocide. It will never be forgotten, and neither will the massacres in the Balkans

and Caucasus.” (3) "Hundreds Commemorate Genocide in Diyarbakir", this was Gulisor Akkum article on April26, 2014 in The Armenian Weekly where she wrote " Hundreds attended the commemoration of the Armenian and Assyrian genocides here in Diyarbakir on April 24, including Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Fırat Anlı and former mayor of Sur Municipality Abdullah Demirba!. The commemoration was jointly organized by the Diyarbakir Bar Association, the Diyarbakir branch of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (HRA), and the Gomidas Institute (GI). At noon, attendees gathered at the Monument of Common Conscience (Ortak Vicdan Anıtı), where pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) parliamentarian Altan Tan, GI’s Ara Sarafian, head of the Diyarbakir Bar Association Tahir Elçi, and HRA Diyarbakir member Raci Bilici delivered speeches. Altan Tan stated that the genocide committed in 1915 against Armenians and Assyrians is a dark blemish on the pages of history. Today, only through understanding one another can we defeat the oppressors, he noted. The Turkish Majlis simply repeat official and false theses concerning the Armenian genocide. At the same time the parliament sponsors and spreads the “academic” literature which denies the Genocide. Since 2007 a new element changed the former uniform atmosphere to a certain degree where representatives of the pro Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party started talking loudly about the Armenian genocide. The issue of the Armenian Genocide was rather actively discussed in the Majlis in 2009. After the “Armenologists” Yusuf Halacoglu, Sinan Ogan and Sayit Sertcelik (the only one who speaks Armenian) who deny the Armenian Genocide became deputies, Halacaoglu came forward with an initiative to establish anti-Armenian group, and the speaker of the Majlis Jemil Cicek expressed readiness to help him. (one of the “godfathers” and adherents of the well-known articles 301 of the Criminal Code for what he received “Jemil 301” nickname). The only exclusion was the oppositional Kurdish party – and the group were ready to include Kurd deputies: “if they say the truth”, i.e. if they also deny the Armenian genocide, but they were disappointed. Kurdish Peace and Democracy party deputy Altan Tan turned to the Armenian topic at a conference in Mardin and stated: “The Amenian Genocide took place in 1915. I use word genocide as a political figure and I want it to be fixed”. Later on in his interview to “Agos” in Istanbul, he went more deeply in the issue and proved the unsoundness of that policy grounded on the falsifications carried by the Turkish officials. (4)

1.http://ceftus.org/2014/07/07/altantan-mp/ 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /Altan_Tan 3.http://armeniangenocide100.org/en /kurdish-mp-genocide-was-perpetratedagainst-armenians-in-1915-2/ 4.http://www.noravank.am/eng/issues/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=616

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 26, 2015


Screening Of Orson Welles's "Touch Of Evil" Starring Akim Tamiroff Please watch the story of a family of 8 living in an abandoned house in the Togh village of Artsakh's Hadrut region - one of over 200 beneficiary families of Armenia Fund's International Thanksgiving Day Telethon to air on November 26 in the United States and across the globe. Ten years ago, the father of the household, Eric and mother, Gayane moved their family to the village from the town of Hadrut, where they lived in a tiny damp basement. There they lost their firstborn due to a respiratory disease caused by inadequate housing conditions, mold and lack of sunlight. The father, Eric, has a job and Gayane stays at home to take care of her 5 children with the help of their grandmother, Novella. Their youngest child, 4 month old Gor, has been frequenting hospitals and is currently at the intensive care unit of Yerevan's Arabkir hospital, where Gayane took him for treatment. This year's Telethon will raise funds to construct single family homes for families in Artsakh who have 5 children or more

and lack adequate housing. There is a total of 466 families who fit this criteria and 211 are known to live in unacceptable housing conditions. Every home that Armenia Fund will build will cost around $50,000. It will be fully furnished and will also include major household appliances. The homes will come with land plots of 10,000 sq. ft. of land each, where the families can grow their fruits and vegetables and keep livestock. Please go online and watch the video story and make a donation to help us build a new house for Eric's and Gayane's family of 8.

Armenian Church Turned Into Cardboard Warehouse In Turkey PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian church of Bayindir district in Turkey’s Izmir province has been turned into a warehouse after renovation, Ermenihaber.am reports citing Turkish Yeniasir news portal. According to the chief of ruling AK Party’s regional office in Bayindir, Ugur Demirezen, the regional authorities, with Republican People’s Party (CHP) member Ufuk Melsi as their head, have turned the church into a warehouse themselves. “Instead of opening a cultural center, they are using the church as a cardboard warehouse,” Demirezen noted, adding that the church, built in 1857, was turned into a cinema house after the proclamation of the republic.

Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of ORSON WELLES's classic 1958 film TOUCH OF EVIL starring Armenian actor AKIM TAMIROFF, introduced by MIKAEL SHARAFYAN on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas (Charlton Heston) begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan (Orson Welles). When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie (Janet Leigh), in jeopardy. AKIM TAMIROFF was an Armenian actor born in Tiflis in 1899. He trained at the Moscow Art Theatre drama school. In 1923, he arrived to the U.S. on a tour with a troupe of actors and decided to stay. Tamiroff has appeared in at least 80 American motion pictures in a career spanning thirty-seven years. In 1937, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in The General Died at Dawn with Gary Cooper. In 1944, he won the first ever Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting

Actor for his role as Pablo in For Whom the Bell Tolls with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman. He has had a long collaboration with director Orson Welles, including Mr Arkadin (1955), The Trial (1962) and Welles' unfinished version of Don Quixote, in which he played Sancho Panza. THE ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY is a monthly event that will meet on the first Friday of each month at Abril Bookstore. Lead by Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, the evenings will be composed predominantly of film screenings and discussions, with occasional lectures, workshops, classes, and other types of activities relating to film with an element of Armenian culture and/or involvement. The purpose of the film society is to bring together people of all backgrounds and expose them to the rich cinema of Armenia, as well as talented filmmakers with an Armenian background. Upcoming screenings include Gikor, Sideways, Ravished Armenia, A Piece of Sky, The River Ran Red... Also look forward to special lectures and presentations by filmmakers such as Erik Nazarian, Carla Garabedian, Roger Kupelian and many more. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abrilbooks.com / Armen Karaoghlanian, armenkaraoghlanian@yahoo.com

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MAFAXD HTOUAR ARXOUMAN:AN (1934-2015) Srti anfoun kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al ;[bør^ Htouar Arxouman;ani mafe% or pataf;zau No\;mb;r 13% 2015-in% Qorsiqa ("ila Qanal)i mh=! Sgakirn;rn ;n^ Qo\re^ Fa\koufi Arxouman;anTiratour;an :[ba\re^ Warouvan Arxouman;an

ZAUAKZAKAN Htouar Arxouman;ani mafouan t.our a®ijow% Thr ;u Tik& Warouvan ;u Sona Tiratour;ann;r ir;nz .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;n fangouz;ali faraxatn;roun ;u entan;kan bolor paragan;roun ou a\d a®ijow 100 tolar ke nouir;n ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin!

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\in m;[;dii me kataroumow! B;me ,q;[ørhn xardarou;r hr Ma\q Nafap;ti \[azqow^ S;xa\i ;r;q fasakauor nkarn;row% min^ ª:ritasard Fa\oufiiº ko[qe n;rka\azno[! Safikn;rou øvandakouj;amb% Ani Qiu';l;an b‘a.ndir manramasnouj;amb n;rka\azouz S;xa\i vamanaka,r=anhn^ polsafa\ t;sarann;r% oronz bazatroujiunn;re f;taqrqroujiun st;[‘;zin! N;rka\azoua‘ ;rkrord fatorn hr ª>ORTAKOUA’ K:ANQ:Rº iura\atouk ka®o\zow whpe! N;rka\azno[e% fratarakoua‘ fatorn;rou .mbagir Dokt& Minas Goya\;ann hr% or :rousa[hmhn \atkaphs Los Any;les ;ka‘ hr ir masnakzoujiune b;r;lou fandisouj;an! Goya\;an andradar]au S;xa f;[inakin fasarakakan mtafogoujiunn;roun% oronz \atouk k;rpow møt;za‘ hr f;[inake! Phtq h es;l% or xo\g fatorn;rn al am'o'% ba\z ambo[=akan drouatoumow n;rka\azou;zan ounkndir grashrn;roun! |a\tagirin ;rkrord srti .øsqow fandhs ;kau Manouk;an-T;miry;an warvarani fa\;rhn l;xoui ousouzcoufi Âoxalin Mato\;an% or no\n at;n ke n;rka\aznhr Polsafa\ Mioujiune! Mato\;an polsafa\ mi=awa\rin mh=

fasak a®a‘% møthn ‘anøj hr S;xa\i grakan wastakin% ou anor apra‘ ,r=apatin& Mato\;an bar]r gnafatakane erau am'o' k;rpow! |a\tagiri auartin b;m frauirou;zau Los Any;lesi møt Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an m,akouja\in ou fama\nqa\in kap;rou fiupatos Arm;lla <aqar;ane! Fiupatose kary andradar] me oun;zau S;xa\i faroust grakanouj;an ;u no\n at;n^ bar]r gnafat;z kaxmak;rpicn;rou a,.atanqe! |ouxoumna.a®n ,norfakalouj;an .øsqow fandhs ;kau Siran S;xa\i ordin^ Wafagn Qiu';l;ane% ;u orphs fratarakoua‘ fatorn;rou fowanauore^ .ndr;z iuraqanciur n;rka\hn% ørinak me w;rzn;l girqhn^ orphs \i,atak a\s fandisouj;an! };®narki 'akman a[øjqe katar;z Dokt& Thr Xauhn auag qafana\ Arxouman;an% or Anjiliasi ir ousano[akan tarin;roun ‘anøjaza‘ hr graght ou .mbagir Siran S;xa\in ;u oroun ]ga‘ tpauoroujiune tasnam;akn;row ke \i,ouhr! Gnafatanqi iskaphs arvani fraparaka\in n;rka\azoumin \a=ord;z yo. fiurasiroujiun me! Kl;nth\l

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NOR ØR% 26 NO|:MB:R 2015


:rk';[koua‘ qa[aqazi ;u kisau;r anka.oujiun! Ard;øq or;uh at;n axga\in patkan;lioujiun kam øtar ‘agoum oun;zo[ a\s paronn;rhn mhke fog era#‘ kam =anq ja'a#‘ h% stoug;lou jh i@nc h libananzi qa[aqazii qa[aqakan kamqi na.entroujiune! :rb kama\akan oro,oumn;rou ;u fimounqn;rou wra\ Libanani axga\in ;u qa[aqakan n;rkan ;u apagan k*oro,ouin a®anz libananzi qa[aqazii masnakzouj;an% bnakan h or libananzi qa[aqaziin møt ;rkri fasarakakan k;anqi nkatmamb antarb;roujiun me ‘a[ki ;u xargana\% orowf;t;u an 'or]ow gith or i xour ;n ir bo[oqn;re ;u oc oq arvhq k*en‘a\h anonz! Ousti tarørinak kazoujiun me st;[‘oua‘ h ;rkrhn n;rs! Libanani qa[aqaghtn;re mhk ko[m ir;nz ko[mnakal na.entroujiunn;row% isk libananzi qa[aqazin mius ko[m ir yakatagrapa,t famak;rpouj;amb! Ou asor anoune libanan;an n;rka\azouzcakan vo[owrdawaroujiun&&&!

Kazoujiune Ke B.i Libanani Apra‘ Baza®ik Pa\mann;rhn Kaska‘ cka\ jh mardik krnan es;l% or a\s kazoujiune ke b.i Libanani apra‘ baza®ik pa\mann;rhn! Anonq krnan na;u pnd;l% or or;uh ;xrakazouj;an fasn;lh a®a= kar;uor h fasknal ;u emb®n;l Libanani apra‘ qa[aqakan ;u fasarakakan baza®ik farz;rou bno\je ;u nrboujiunn;re% oronq patya® ke fandisanan øtar ouv;rou n;rqin k;anqhn n;rs oun;za‘ mi=amtouj;an ;u axd;zouj;an! Ibr;u 'astarkoujiun ke jou;n ;rkri n;rqin fakasoujiunn;re% ,r=ana\in tagnapn;re% pa[;stinzi ga[jakann;rou axga\in fo[atara‘qin wra\ xangoua‘a\in n;rka\ouj;an st;[‘a‘ jnyouke% isra\hl;an sadranqn;rn ou m;q;na\oujiunn;re% oronq axga\in miasnakanouj;an xargazoumn ou drs;uoroume k*arg;lak;n! F;t;uabar% a\s bard pa\mann;roun ;u kazouj;an mh= incph#s kar;li h bnakanon qa[aqakan k;anq me spas;l ;u aknkal;l ;rkrhn n;rs! Asonq bolore irau ;n ;u irakanouj;an ke famapatas.an;n! Ba\z .ndr;m esh*q jh incph#s kar;li h a\sphs april 73 tari ibr;u anka. p;toujiun a®anz kar;nal axga\in or;uh farz me lou‘;lou! Incph#s krna\ ;rkir me dimanal ;jh anlo\‘ mnaza‘ farz;re irarou wra\ bardouin vamanaki enjazqin! Ard;øq kar;li ch#r anzno[ tasnam;akn;roun farz;roun mhk masi lou‘oume apafow;l ou miavamanak =anq ja';l% or mnaz;al farz;re astiyanabar lou‘oumi \angin!

Ba\z irakanoujiune a\n h% or anzno[ 73 tarin;roun o*c mhk lou‘oum% o*c mhk ardiunq% o*c mhk gor‘nakan na.aqa\l a®noua‘ h ;rkire dhpi a®a= tan;lou famar! 73 tarin;rh i w;r akanat;s ;[a‘ ;nq no\n auatatirakan k;anqi ;u karg;rou masnaght qa[aqaghtn;rou st;[‘a‘ arou;stakan tagnapn;roun% anoro,oujiunn;roun% tarakar‘oujiunn;roun% Biuxandakan sin why;roun ou a\s bolorin f;t;uanqe^ tasnam;akn;rou enjazqin tarørinak 'or]oujiunn;rou ;njaka\ anka.oujiun! Ou m;nq ibr;u libananzi ke spas;nq farz;rou lou‘oumin orphsxi bnakanon k;a*nq me kar;nanq april% orphsxi kar;nanq qa[aqaziakan liirau irauounqn;row axga\in ;u fasarakakan k;anqi tnørinoumin masnakzi*l% orphsxi kar;nanq tasnam;akn;rh i w;r \arat;uo[ ;u ,arounakouo[ =latic anoro,ouj;an mjnolorthn 'rkouil! Ke spas;nq ou ke spas;nq yi,d a\nphs incphs fandisat;se ke spash irlantanzi gro[ Samouhl P;qhji ªSpas;low Koto\inº jat;ra.a[i ;r;uaka\akan f;rosi vamanoumin! A\d anf;j;j jat;ra.a[in mh= ;rkou dhmq;r% Wlatimir ;u Asdrakon% i xour ke spas;n Kotø anounow an]i me% or minc;u w;r= b;min wra\ c;r;uir! M;nq ibr;u libananzi qa[aqazi ke spas;nq m;r Koto\in% or dvba.tabar ci* gar! M;nq ibr;u libananzi qa[aqazi ke spas;nq lou‘oumn;rou% oronq krnan w;r= tal a\s 'oqrik ;rkire bavan bavan eno[ tarapa\man kazoujiunn;roun! M;nq ibr;u libananzi ke spas;nq% or ;rkri anka.oujiune ibr;u ga[a'arakan lizq ;u famoxoum cda®na\ m;na,norfe fatoua‘i me% or irmh tarb;r kar‘iq kam dirq oun;zo[n;re ankatar qa[aqazi ke nkath m;kn;low a\n s.al% ko\r ;u n;[mit famoxoumhn or mia\n ir;nq ;u ir;nz famakirn;re ke fandisanan iskakan ;u wau;rakan libananzin;re ;u mia\n ir;nq ke pa,tpan;n Libanani houjiune ;u ,af;re! Dvba.tabar a\s fiuandagin mta\noujiune tara‘oua‘ h a\vm libananzi qa[aqakan d;rakatarn;rou lriu ,arqin ;u .auin! :jh go\oujiun oun;zo[ fama\nqa\in ,af;re ;u anonz ,our= ;[o[ qa,q,ouqn;re anz;alin ke gounauorhin Libanani qa[aqakan dimagi‘i f;t kapoua‘ banakzoujiunn;re% a\vm a\s vamanakawrhp ªxaimºn;rou ;u auatathr;rou an]nakan ,af;re% na.asiroujiunn;re ;u anonz m,aka‘ arou;stakan xinakzoujiunn;rn ;n% or g;radas d;r ke .a[an libananzi qa[aqazii k;anqi tnørinoumin mh=% ou a\s ];uow ambo[=owin ke .;[ajiur;n vo[owrdawarakan fimounqn;rou ;u skxbounqn;rou kiraroume ;rkrhn n;rs% wiv;zn;low axga\in or;uh a®a=naf;rjouj;an qnnar-

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Û³ÛïáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáí »õ ÷ÇÉÇëá÷³Û³Ï³Ý Ëáñùáí ÏÁ µ³Ý³Ý ÇÙ Ùï³ÍáÕ³Ï³Ý »õ ³åñáõÙ³ÛÇÝ ß»ñï»ñë£ Þáõñç í³ÃëáõÝ ³ß˳ï³ÝùÝ»ñ »õ Ññ³ï³ñ³ÏáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñ£ ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍáõû³Ý ÏáÕùÇÝ ½µ³Õ³Í »Ù »õ ÏÁ ß³ñáõݳϻ٠½µ³ÕÇÉ Ý³»õ ÷³Ûï¿ ù³Ý¹³Ï³·áñÍáõû³Ùµ« Ýϳï»Éáí áñ µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍáõÃÇõÝÁ »õ ù³Ý¹³Ï³·áñÍáõÃÇõÝÁ« ÇÝÍÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ÏÁ ù³É»Ý ÝáÛÝ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñáõ ÑáõÝ¿Ý »õ Ï*³ñï³Û³Ûï»Ý ·ñ»Ã¿ ÙÇ»õÝáÛÝ Ùï³ÍáõÙÇ »õ ³åñáõÙÇ Ñá·»Û³ï³ÏÁ®£ Ø¿ÏÁ ÙÇõëÁ ³Ùkoumn ou ord;groume ;jh anonq .otor ke fam;matin ir;nz n;rka\azouza‘ kam f;tapnda‘ ,af;roun f;t! A\s ªxaimºn;rou knqa‘ vamanakauor xinakzoujiunn;re% ,ouka\akan sakarkoujiunn;re% oronq oc mhk ga[a'ara.øsakan møt;zoumi kam famoxoumi wra\ fimnoua‘ ;n% a®ij c;n tar% or vo[owrda\in kamqe ir arta\a\toujiune gtnh qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in farz;rou mh= ou a\d ];uow lou‘oum me gtnoui ;rkri farz;roun!

Libanane Ke Waya®;n A\s mardike anzno[ tasnam;akn;roun ir;nz warmounqow ;u warou;lak;rpow 'asta‘ ;n% or mtauorakan ;u warcakan g;tni wra\ ankaro[ [;kawarn;r ;n ;u parxaphs xout an]nakan ,af;r f;tapndo[ waya®akann;r ;n ba®in \o®;go\n imastow! Libanane ke waya®;n% ayourdi ke fan;n anw;r= ;u noranor .namakaln;rou fowanin ke 'nt®;n a\d ];uow \au;rvazn;lou famar libanan;an jat;rab;min wra\ ir;nz m;na,norf;al go\ouj;an pa\mann;re! Phtq h libananzin anka.azn;*l a\s mardozmh% axatagr;*l libananzin a\s cara,afn;rou yirann;rhn ;u apa w;*r= tal s;roundn;rou apagan g;rouj;an tano[ a\s m;natirouj;nhn! Libanane phtq h axatagr;l% ANKA>AZN:L fama\nqa\in bavanoumn;rou a®ja‘ wa.hn ;u kaska‘n;rhn% anonz 'o.arhn qa[aqakan k;anqi drs;uoroume ;u arta\a\toujiune dn;low a\s darou ogii famapatas.ano[ qa[aqakan fimnaqar;rou wra\% oronq vo[owrdawarakan bno\j ;u taro[oujiun ounin! Afa a*\n at;n h mia\n% or Libanane IRA*U anka.ouj;an ke tirana\ ou i wiyaki ke da®na\ qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in ‘ragirn;rou fiman wra\ famalibanan;an ,af;r f;tapnd;l% 'o.anak tourq talou korsoua‘ ankiuni me% 'oqrik ja[i me% ana®ik l;ran me gagajin apastana‘ ªxaimºi me na.entroujiunn;roun! ~ransazi 'iliso'a\% diuanaght ;u qa[aqaght Voxh` Mari Te M;jr gra‘ h! ªAmhn axg ir;n wa\;l ;u arvani ka®awarouj;amb me k*øvtouiº! Libanan arvani* h au;li ar-

µáÕç³óÝáÕ »õ ·»Õ»óϳóÝáÕ£ ػͳå¿ë µ³õ³ñ³ñáõ³Í »Ù£ лï³ùñùñ³Ï³Ý »ñ»õáÛà ¿ 㿱£ öáñÓ³Í »Ù ³Ûë áõÕÕáõû³Ùµ ݳ»õ »ë ÇÝù½ÇÝùë Ëáñ³å¿ë áõëáõÙݳëÇñ»É« í»ñÉáõÍ»É »õ Ùï³ÍáõÙÇ »õ ³ñáõ»ëïÇ Ù»Ïݳµ³ÝáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñ ϳï³ñ»É£ - ÞÝáñѳϳÉáõÃÇõÝ Ð³Ûñ î³×³ï« áñ ³Ûë ëù³Ýã»ÉÇ ³éÇÃÁ ÁÝͳۻóÇù »õ Ù»ñ Ëݹñ³ÝùÇÝ Áݹ³é³ç»óÇù£ Ú³çáÕáõÃÇõÝ ÏÁ Ù³ÕûÝù Ó»ñ ·ñ³Ï³Ý« ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý »õ »Ï»Õ»ó³Ï³Ý Ï»³ÝùÇ µáÉáñ Íñ³·ÇñÝ»ñÁ Çñ³Ï³Ý³óÝ»Éáõ ÁÝóóùÇÝ£ vanauor ka®awarouj;an me qan a\n inc% or ke partadroui ir;n tasnam;akn;rh i w;r! Libanani vo[owourde ir patmakan go\ouj;an bowandak enjazqin am;nhn dvouarin pa\mann;roun mh= krza‘ h kour‘q tal amhn t;saki dvouaroujiunn;rou% ;[a‘ h imastoun ir entroujiunn;roun mh=% krza‘ h ir;n dimakala‘ kazoujiunn;roun lou‘oumn;r gtn;l% ;u ,r=ana\in pafaranhn dours au;li la\na‘ir t;slakan me oun;nal ir gor‘ounhoujiune xargazn;lou ;u tara‘;lou famar! Incph#s ke patafi or a\s vo[owourde a\spisi ankaro[ [;kawarn;rou ];®qe g;ri ;[a‘ h ou ke mna\ takauin! Dvba.tabar% Libanani vo[owourde ir yakatagrapa,t antarb;rouj;an patya®ow asparhxe axat ]ga‘ h a\s ªxaimºn;roun ou a\s w;r=inn;re Libanani yakatagire ke tnørin;n a\nphs incphs or k*oux;n ;u ke zankan! At;ne ;ka*‘ h or libananzin th*r kangni ir yakatagrin ;u i*r ;rkrin% orphsxi w;r= gtn;n ir anounow katarouo[ .;[katakoujiunn;re! At;ne ;ka*‘ h or libananzi nor s;rounde .ortakh* fastatoua‘ a\s auatatirakan ;u auatap;takan fnabo\r ka®o\zn;re ;u karg;re ou ir;n gitakza\in karo[ouj;an ;u karo[akanouj;an wa\;l lou‘oumn;r gtnh ;u b;rh ir axga\in k;anqin! At;ne ;ka*‘ h or libananzi nor s;rounde k;rth nor Libanan me% oroun qa[aqakan ouv;re phtq counin øtar ouv;rou ªøgnouj;anº ir;nz ørakarge safman;lou ;u xargazn;lou famar! Libanan phtq couni manaua*nd a\n øtarn;roun% oronq ir;nz n;rqin farz;re ;u tarakar‘oujiunn;e libanan;an jat;rab;m ke 'o.adr;n% au;rn;r ke gor‘;n% fa,iun;r ke maqr;n ir;nz irakan ;u ;r;uaka\akan j,namin;roun f;t i gin^ Libanani xauakn;rou ar;an ginin! :u i w;r=o\ at;ne ;ka‘ h or a\s arg;lqn;rhn ];rbaxatoua‘ nor s;rounde k;rth Libanan me% or ke fauata\ t;slakan oun;zo[ axga\in ga[a'ara.øsouj;an me anka. ir andamn;rou fama\nqa\in ;u dauanakan patkan;liouj;nhn! Fiusjen

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<A>MATI FF FAUAQAKANE&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

M;nq ];x fa[ord;l ;nq minc;u 6-rd mrza'oule^ FF fauaqakann;ri ;lo\jn;ri ardiunqn;re! 6-rd mrza'ouloum t[amardkanz fauaqakane 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow \a[j;z G;rmania\i entranoun! Isk kananz fauaqakane no\n fa,ouow \a[j;l h Ispania\in! 7-rd mrza'ouloum t[an;re 3-1 fa,ouow \a[j;zin l;f;rin% isk a[=ikn;re oc-oqi^ 2-2 .a[azin atrph\yanzin;ri f;t! 8-rd mrza'ouloum t[an;re ÂD-i fauaqakani f;t ocoqi^ 2-2 .a[azin% isk a[=ikn;re 1&5-2&5 fa,ouow xi=;zin austriazin;rin! 9-rd mrza'ouloum m;r a[=ikn;re 3&5-0&5 fa,ouow \a[j;zin C;.ia\i fauaqakanin ;u 10 miauorow xba[;zrin 11-rd t;[e! A.o\;an dar]au ÂD-i fauaqakane^ 17 miauorow! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n Ouqranian^ 15 ;u Wrastane^ 14 miauor! A[=ikn;ri jimiz ,at an\a=o[ fandhs ;kau Hlina Danihl;ane% ow 9 .a[oum wastak;z mia\n 3 miauor! L& Mkrtc;ani ardiunqn h 9 .a[% 6 miauor% L& Galo\;an^ 8 .a[% 4 miauor% M& Koursowa^ 8 .a[% 5&5 miauor% S& Galo\;an^ 2 .a[% 0&5 miauor! T[amardkanz mrza,aroum 15 miauorow a.o\;an dar]au ÂD-i fauaqakane% 13 miauorow 'o. a.o\;an^ FF fauaqakane! No\nqan miauor ;n wastak;l na;u ~ransia\i ;u Foungaria\i fauaqakann;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row FF-n 2-rdn h% Foungarian^ 3-e% ~ransian^ 4-rde! A\s mrza,aroum FF entranou kaxmoum F& M;lqoum;ane am;naardiunauhtn hr^ 9 .a[% 6&5 miauor! Aron;ane^ 9 .a[% 6 miauor% G& Sargs;ane^ 8 .a[% 5&5% S& Mowsis;an^ 7 .a[% 3&5% K& Grigor;an^ 3 .a[% 1 miauor!

FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 21-22-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 2-rd ,r=ani w;r=in fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªAla,k;rtº-ª<irakº^ 2-0 ªAraratº-ªGan]asarº^ 2-2




ªBananzº-ªOulisº^ 5-1 ª"iunikº-ªMikaº^ 2-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ala,k;rt 14 9 4 1 25-12 31 "iunik 14 9 2 3 30-10 29 Gan]asar K& 14 5 7 2 18-16 22 Ararat 14 6 4 4 14-14 22 <irak 14 6 3 5 15-16 21 Mika 14 4 1 9 10-17 13 Bananz 14 2 7 5 17-20 13 Oulis 14 0 2 12 7-34 2


FF N:RKA|AZOUZICE ØLIMPIAKAN WARKANI<A|IN MRZA<ARI PRONXH M:TALAKIR Australia\oum auartoua‘ yiuto\i Oceania Open ølimpiakan warkani,a\in mrza,aroum pronxh m;tal h nouay;l FF n;rka\azouzic Vanna Stank;uice (52 qk&)! 27-am;a\ marxoufin 3-rd t;[i famar pa\qaroum \a[j;l h arvanjinoufi Ørizia Gonxal;sin au;li wa[ Stank;uice ølimpiakan mrza,ar;ri ,arqin dasouo[ African Open Port Louis 2015 n;rka\azouzcakan mrza,aroum dar];l hr \a[jo[!

:R:Q M:TAL :UROPA|I PATANIN:RI AÂA+NOUJIUNIZ Âousastani Anapa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ b®nzqamarti krts;r tariqi patanin;ri :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astane masnakzoum hr 12 b®nzqamartikow! M;r patanin;riz Arjour <afpax;ane (42 qk&) ;u Karhn St;'an;ane (59 qk&) dours ;n ;k;l ;xra'akic ;u nouay;l ar‘ajh m;tal% isk Sargis Sargs;ane (40 qk&) bauararou;l h pronxh m;talow!

No\;mb;ri 13-in 87 tar;kan fasakoum mafaz;l h iranafa\ anouani b®nzqamartik P;tros Naxarb;k;ane! Naxarb;k;ane ;[;l h Irani baxmaki a.o\;an% masnakz;l h 1952 j& F;lsinqii Ølimpiakan .a[;rin% ;[;l h a,.arfi siro[akan b®nzqamarti da,nouj;an 'o. na.agaf% Irani b®nzqamarti da,nouj;an patas.anatou% Irani fauaqakani marxic! Orphs mi=axga\in kargi mrzawar masnakz;l h 1968% 1976 jj& Ølimpiakan .a[;rin! Nran yanaco[ marxikn;ri ;u im ko[miz m;r .orin zauakzoujiunn;rn ;nq \a\tnoum fangouz;ali entan;kan paragan;rin! Nra pa\‘a® \i,atake mi,t wa® ke mna\ m;r srt;roum!

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