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N.O. December 3, 2015, No. 47:N.O. Blank


2:37 PM

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ÂOUSAKAN DA<NOUJIUN-JOURQIA "O>|ARAB:ROUJ:ANZ WATJARAZOUM SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Faka®ak or w;r=in tasnam;akin mi=-p;takan kap;re s;rtaza‘ hin ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u% xargazo[ a®;utouri ;u xbøsa,r=ikouj;an f;t;uanqow% n;rka\is% Jourqia-Âousastan 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re 'or]ouj;an lour= ,r=an me ke bolor;n! Ardar;u% ®ousakan Sou.o\-30 ødanau me% Souria\hn galow% anz;al Fokt;mb;r 3 ;u 5-in b®nabara‘ hr Jourqio\ farau-ar;u;l;an safmanagi‘e! Minc a\d% souriakan qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi skixbhn iw;r% Souria ou Jourqia% 'o.adar]abar% safmanaxanz ødanau;rou wra\ ke krakhin& jrqakan ødanau men al =a.=a.ou;zau a\d mi=ozin! Fokt;mb;rhn iw;r% Jourqia ir ødouvin frafanga‘ h war a®n;l safmane anzno[ or;uh ødanau! MAK-i S;pt;mb;r 28-i Endfanour Vo[owin% na.agaf Wlatimir "oujin \a\tarara‘ hr% jh Âousastan xinouorakan gor‘o[ouj;anz piti ];®narkh ISIS-i dhm Sourio\ mh=! Ardhn% ®ousakan Sou-30 ødanau;r t;[;ka\oua‘ ;n Jarjousi ou Lajaqio\ ødanauaka\ann;roun mh=% ourkh ke katar;n \aya.aki j®icqn;r% ®mbako‘;low ISIS-i \;nakht;r% ;u afab;kic a\laxan .mbakn;rou k;dronazoumn;r ou jira.n;r! A\s kazouj;amb% baza\a\toua‘ hr% jh .orazo[ tarb;roujiun me ka\ Jourqio\ ou Âousastani k;zoua‘qn;roun mi=;u^ souriakan tagnapin kapakzouj;amb! Sourio\ ka®awaroujiune ;u ir na.agafe^ Pa,ar Asate Jourqia ci nkat;r ibr;u ørinauor n;rka\azouzicn;re ir;nz ;rkrin! Na.agaf Hrto[an ke pndh na;u% jh Asate ;u ir i,.anoujiune d;r me oun;nalou c;n or;uh 'o.anzman ka®awarouj;an mh=! Jourqio\ a®a=arkow NAJØ-i mna\oun n;rka\azouzicn;re baza®ik vo[ow me goumar;zin Fokt;mb;r 4-in! Artakarg a\s famagoumare datapart;z Jourqio\ øda\in safmanin b®nabaroume% or miangama\n Hrto[ani ou Tauoutø[loui ko[mh nkatou;zau b®nararq NAJØ-i øda\in safmanin al nkatmamb! Bnakanabar qa[aqakan a\s laroua‘oujiune piti axdhr ;rkou ;rkirn;rou ouvaniuja\in gor‘a®nouj;anz wra\! Ardar;u% Âousastan bnakan kaxi gl.auor fa\ja\jicn h – khshn au;lin! Bnakan kaxi Jourqio\ mius fa\ja\jo[n;rn ;n Axrph\yane% Qajarn ou Aly;rian! A\sphs% 2014-in Jourqia 27&4 milia® .oranard m;jr bnakan kax n;ra‘a‘ h Âousia\hn! Jourqia ke n;ra‘h na;u qariu[in - 65 a® fariure ir endfanour spa®oumin! W;ro\i,;al bolor n;ra‘oumn;re ke katarouin% famapatas.an famakarg me st;[‘;low ;rkrhn n;rs! A\nphs% or kar;li ch mhk ørhn miuse xa\n qand;l w;ro\i,;al ]gtoua‘ouj;an patya®ow! Baz asti% ;rkou ;rkirn;re ];®narka‘ ;n ,inouj;ane M;rsin-Aqqou\ou ajomaka\anin% or 2023-in

piti kar;na\ artadr;l Jourqio\ endfanour ouvaniujin møt 10 a® fariure! W;ro\i,;al paragan;roun% ;jh gor‘akzoujiune .ndro\ a®arka\ da®na\ Âousio\ ko[mh% Hrto[an \a\tarara‘ h% jh a*\l a[biurn;rou piti dimh! Faka®ak tiro[ laroua‘ouj;an% ;rkou ;rkirn;rn al .of;mabar ke warouin% coux;low or 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re au;li watjaranan! Nman warqagi‘i me lauago\n ørinake zouzab;roua‘ h Pa[ Pat;raxmi ,r=anin% faka®ak or iuraqanciure andam hr mhke^ NAJØ-i% isk miuse^ War,auio\ Ou.tin! Go\at;uo[ tarakar‘oujiunn;re fauanakanørhn armatakan 'o'o.oujiun me piti ckr;n ;rkou ;rkirn;rou ªdraziakanº \arab;rouj;anz nkatmamb% 'o.adar]ørhn pat,ay kam ykoun warqagi‘ me ord;grou;low Moskoua\i ;u Anqara\i mh=! No\;mb;r 24-in% Âousakan Sou.o\-30 ødanau me wa® a®nou;zau Jourqio\ ko[mh% ir øda\in safmane qani me ;rkwa\rk;an b®nabaroua‘ ellalow% Sourio\ f;t fiusisa\in safmanag‘i ;rka\nqin! Ankarg;ln;row dours ;ka‘ ;rkou ødacoun;rhn mhke spannou;zau Sourio\ enddimadir xin;aln;rou ko[mh% isk ;rkrorde axatagrou;zau ou[[aji®n;row øgnouj;an 'oujazo[ souriazi ;u ®ous xinouorn;rou ko[mh! Na.agaf "oujin m;rv;z endounil øda\in safmanin anzoume% ambastan;low Jourqio\ ka®awarouj;an gor‘akzoujiune afab;kcakan .oumb;rou f;t! Anika 'o.adar]ouj;an koc cerau% a\l j;ladr;z ir axgakizn;roun dadr;zn;l xbøsa,r=ikoujiune dhpi Jourqia% i farkin tnt;sakan fakadar]ouj;an al dim;low! Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.arar Laurow =n=;z Jourqia ir a\z;loujiune! Moskoua\i jrqakan d;spanatan a®=;u zo\z;r t;[i oun;zan! Ke na.at;soui na;u au;li m;‘ tramaca'i f;®aka\ frji®n;r t;[auor;l Lajaqio\ ou Jarjousi .aris.n;roun ,our=e! Hrto[an ou Tauoutø[lou \a\tarar;zin% jh maglzoum piti ckataroui draziakan ir;nz 'o.\arab;rouj;anz mh=! NAJØ-i endfanour qartou[ar Jens Stoltenberg andorrouj;an koc ou[[;z! ~ransa\i na.agaf Folant j;ladr;z jrqø-souriakan safmanin 'akoume% ;u ISIS-i dhm fauaqakan gor‘akzouj;amb patvami=ozn;rou dim;l! Anika a®a=ark;z na;u fakaislam yakati me kaxmoujiune% jh;u nman kar;lioujiun me xgalaphs nouaxa‘ h ®ousakan ødanaui w;r=in mi=adhphn ;tq! >ist fauanakan h ®ousakan xinouorakan gor‘o[ouj;anz ;u øda\in ®mbako‘oumn;rou sastkazoume a\laxan yakatn;rou wra\% ;u \atkaphs^ oro, jira.n;rou nkatmamb! Âous-jrqakan 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re j;uako.a‘ ;n laroua‘ouj;an wtangauor ,r=an me% w;rapafouj;amb fand;r] anna.at;s;li xargazoumn;row!

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Bill Submitted To Russia To Be Treated Seriously If Russian-Turkey Treaty Be Reviewed As Well The fact that Just Russia has submitted bill on criminalization the denial of the Armenian Genocide is directly related with shooting down Russian jet by Turkey. Russia has adopted two documents relating to Armenia one is the statement of the three super powers on April 24, 1915, the other is the decree on Turkish Armenia with which the Armenian lands were handed as a gift to Turkey. The bill will be treated seriously if the official Moscow denounces the March 16, 1921 Russian-Turkish treaty. Whether the Russian State Duma will adopt the bill or not, it will be like in case of France. “On the last moment the votes will not be enough. No one in Turkey treats it seriously as the issue of March 16 1921 treaty is not being raised”.

Pope Francis: My Promise To Visit Armenia Is valid

Turkey Must Be Removed From NATO: US Army General Turkey’s recent sequence of actions necessitates its booting from NATO, says retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely. Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane over Syria has proven that the country is a liability to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and must be “ousted” from the Western military alliance, says a retired US Army General. The shooting down of a Russian aircraft near the Syrian border was in line with Ankara’s struggle to establish itself as a “dominant” power, retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely said Thursday. Vallely said Turkey must be removed from NATO because it poses a “big and important issue” in many ways for other members. “I think NATO, if they have any re-

solve, they would oust Turkey out of NATO because they are not cooperating against ISIL, they are not cooperating at all with some of the forces inside of Syria, and they want to see [Syrian President Bashar] Assad removed or replaced by another government,” the retired General told Rus-

Vladimir Putin Claims Turkey Shot Down Russian Jet To Protect Oil Trade With Isil Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will resign as Turkey's president if Russian claims are proved Vladimir Putin on Monday accused Turkey of secretly purchasing oil from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), and claimed that the decision to shoot down a Russian warplane last week was motivated by the desire to protect the flow of oil from the terrorist group. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president, denied the allegations and said he would resign if it could be proved that Turkey had bought oil from Isil. Turkey and Russia have been engaged in a bitter war of words since Turkey shot down a Russian jet near the Syrian border

on November 24. Mr Putin and Mr Erdogan traded accusations as they took their respective turns at the podium at the summit on climate change in Paris. "We have every reason to think that the decision to shoot down our plane was dictated by the desire to protect the oil supply lines to Turkish territory," said Mr Putin. "We have received additional information which unfortunately confirms that this oil, produced in areas controlled by Isil and other terrorist organisations, is transported on an industrial scale to Turkey."

“New Armenia” Launches Around-The-Clock Sit-In in Yerevan’s Liberty Square Pope Francis confirmed that he plans to visit Armenia next year. The Pontiff announced about the aforesaid after returning to Italy from his trip to Africa. The 79-year-old Pope is also planning to visit Mexico. “Besides, I promised to the three [Armenian] Patriarchs last year that I would visit Armenia,” Pope Francis added. “My promise is valid.”

YEREVAN. “New Armenia” Public Salvation Front struggling against the constitutional amendments in Armenia is launching around-the-clock sit-in in Yerevan’s Liberty Square. “Heritage” party leader Raffi Hovannisian

said the aforementioned by the end of his speech, noting that they will stay overnight in the Square in shifts. (photos) Another rally will be held tomorrow at 6:00 pm, which will again be followed by a march.

sia's RT. Vallely, who served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command, said Turkey’s “unilateral action” in downing the Russian jet was also a signal to NATO, meaning that despite being a member, they would not refrain from pursuing their own interests when necessary. “They have been that way for a long time; they are a part of it [NATO], but yet they are not,” he said. The former US Army commander further described Turkey as an internal threat to NATO, who “will only cooperate when they have to and they will get as much out of NATO as they can” in terms of weapons and tactics. !

US Deploys Special Forces To Boost Fight Against ISIS, Poised To Carry Out Unilateral Ops Into Syria

The US is set to deploy an expeditionary targeting force to help Iraq put additional pressure on Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL), Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. The Special Forces will be positioned to conduct unilateral operations into Syria. "These special operators will over time be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture ISIL leaders," Carter told the House Armed Services Committee in prepared remarks, using an abbreviation for Islamic State. "That creates a virtuous cycle of better intelligence, which generates more targets, more raids, and more momentum," he added. Reuters

US Urges Turkey And Russia To End Row Over Downed Plane

South Ossetia Mulls Armenian Genocide Recognition

US President Barack Obama has urged Turkey and Russia to reduce tensions, a week after Turkish jets shot down a Russian warplane. After talks with Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Paris, Mr Obama reaffirmed US support for "Turkey's right to defend itself and its airspace". But he stressed that Russia and Turkey should "de-escalate" their dispute. "We all have a common enemy," Mr Obama said, referring to the so-called Islamic State (IS) group. "I want to make sure that we focus on that threat," he said.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Recognition of the Armenian Genocide will be discussed in the South Ossetian parliament, Sputnik News reports. “We regret that South Ossetia has not yet recognized the Armenian Genocide,” speaker Anatoliy Bibilov said. “The issue being on the parliament's agenda, it is necessary to address the crime committed in the Ottoman Empire and condemn denialist policies,” said Bibilov. While world powers are guided by opportunistic interests in this matter, South Ossetia never questions the historical truth, he said. “Guided by the principles of historical justice and preservation of historical memory, it is important to acknowledge the atrocities and massacres, committed against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 3, 2015


Armenian Assembly Of America Features Author Robert Aram Kaloostian At Boston Holiday Reception

Arlington, MA - Earlier this month, the New England Regional Council of the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) hosted the Annual Holiday Reception featuring a book presentation and signing by Assembly board of trustees vice chairman and counselor Robert Aram Kaloosdian, author of "Tadem My Father's Village, Extinguished During the 1915 Armenian Genocide" at the Armenian Cultural Foundation. The program began with opening remarks by Assembly board member Lu Ann Ohanian who welcomed the audience to the event. Following Ohanian, Assembly board president Carolyn Mugar introduced Kaloosdian commending his tireless dedication and work on behalf of the Armenian people. Kaloosdian's work, which differs from other Armenian Genocide narratives, serves as a micro analysis of a specific village named Tadem. Kaloosdian's non-fiction book is about real people and events that occurred during the Armenian Genocide throughout the Armenian provinces of eastern Turkey. His work comprises a collective history of eyewitnesses told with extraordinary detail in order to preserve the memory of Tadem. This particular village may not have been in a war zone, but its disappearance stands as a testament that religious hatred and racial prejudice can be more destructive than weapons of war. "Originally I chose 'Day is Done,' as the title of the book, which invokes the lyrics of Taps performed at military funerals. At the very end of my writing I shared the title with my family, and my granddaughter turned to me and said 'but grandpa, it's not done.' She said 'for me you have made Tadem come alive and I will forever know Tadem.' She had a sort of reverse analysis and that was truly inspiring for me," Kaloosdian said during his presentation. Assembly board co-chairman Van Krikorian concluded the presentation by acknowledging members and supporters in the audience. He thanked them for their steadfast support and for helping the Assembly advocate on behalf of the Armenian American community. Following the presentation Kaloosdian generously provided and signed copies of his books for the guests.

AGBU London Chamber Orchestra Performs In A Remembrance Concert For The Centenary Of The Armenian Genocide Together for Armenia celebrates the survival of the Armenian people On November 7, 2015, the AGBU London Chamber Orchestra performed a remembrance concert in honor of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide at St. John Smith Square in London. The concert, titled Together for Armenia, was organized by AGBU London and brought together Armenian soloists under the baton of Brazilian conductor Gustavo Ubeda. The AGBU Chamber Orchestra in London was launched in 2014 by pianist Sarkis Zakarian, the orchestra’s artistic director. Zakarian, a pianist by training, is also a member of the AGBU London Executive Board. Since its founding, violinist Levon Chilingirian has been appointed patron of the orchestra and Ubeda serves as its main conductor. This international orchestra unites not only aspiring musicians of Armenian origin, but other instrumentalists from around the world. In the first section of the program,

young composer Kristina Arakelyan, a student at the Royal Academy of Music, performed her new composition for voice and piano entitled “Asum en” [They Say], dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide and inspired by a poem by Gevorg Emin. The song was performed by mezzo-soprano Anais Heghoyan. One of the highlights of the evening was the world premiere of “Epithaph, Dance and Hymn” by British violinist, pianist and composer Roland Roberts, written for violin and orchestra and inspired by Armenian spiritual and folk melodies. Young flautist Nairi Azezian from Helsinki also performed and chose a lesserknown piece by the Armenian-American composer Alan Hovhaness entitled “Elibris.” “When I was given the opportunity to

perform in London, I decided to choose a fresh piece, something that would be interesting to both an Armenian and non-Armenian public,” said Azezian. The last piece before intermission was an energetic composition for marimba and orchestra entitled “Dzon” [Homage]. This piece was written by Massachusetts-based composer Pasquale Tassone for percussionist Sylvie Zakarian. In the second half of the concert, pianist Sarkis Zakarian performed Beethoven’s “Piano Concerto Number 5.

AGBU NYSEC’s 8th Annual Performing Artists in Concert All proceeds from the concert to benefit AGBU Performing Arts initiatives worldwide The AGBU New York Special Events Committee’s (NYSEC) Performing Artists in Concert is fast approaching and tickets are available now. The 8th annual event will take place on Saturday, December 5 at 8:00 p.m. at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. This year’s concert, “Melodies of Hope,” in honor of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, will bring together young musicians from Armenia, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Macedonia, Portugal and United States to pay tribute to the fact that Armenian music and culture are alive and thriving in 2015. The musicians in this year’s ensemble include: Arpine Azatyan (violin), Sona Barseghyan (piano), Vasko Dukovski (duduk and clarinet), Luke Ratcliffe Khachaturian (piano), Artur Mouradian (violin and viola), Talin Nalbandian (mezzo-soprano), Astghik Poghosyan (violin and artistic director), Tamara Sevunts (actress and poet) and Amy Tcheupdjian (cello). Each musician participating in the concert has received an AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship, which has supported his or her training at some of the world’s most prestigious institutions. This year’s ensemble includes graduates from the Shanghai Music Conservatory, Monash

University of Melbourne, the Juilliard School and Cologne High Institute of Music. The evening’s program will feature a diverse array of Western classical and Armenian composers. Along with lesserknown pieces by Sharafyan and Saryan, guests will also be treated to more popular Western classical hits and rare performances of works by the 10th century Armenian poet and monk Grigor Naregatsi, including readings of his poetry and a poem by Daniel Varoujan. This year’s concert will conclude with Gomidas’ “Tsiternak” (swallow in Armenian and a symbol of hope and freedom), arranged by Yang Yi and the students of the Shanghai Music Conservatory for the concert’s ensemble of musicians as their gift and sign of respect to the centenary of the Armenian Geno-

cide. Tickets for the benefit concert are on sale now. Seats are available in the orchestra and front balcony for $65 and in the rear balcony for $35. To purchase tickets through Carnegie Hall, call CarnegieCharge at (212) 247-7800, visit www.carnegiehall.org, or call AGBU at (212) 319-6383. If you would like to make a contribution to AGBU NYSEC initiatives, please visit https://donate.agbu.org/agbunysec-initiatives. Donors who contribute $1,000 or more will be recognized in the Performing Artists in Concert booklet and will receive two complimentary concert tickets and two invitations for dinner with the evening’s performers following the concert. !

Objection To The Arrestment of Can Dündar and Erdem Gül

Istanbul Blast: Investigators Look Into Causes Live Updates

Lawyers of Can Dündar, the editor-inchief Cumhuriyet newspaper, and Erdem Gül, Cumhuriyet’s Ankara representative, objected the arrestment of two journalists. In the petition of objection that is presented to 7th Penal Court of Peace, it is stated: “We do our part by objecting the arrestment decision that contradicts our constiution, laws, the European Convention on Human Rights and the rulings of ECHR. The rest is up to you. It is your choice and responsibility.” Last Thursday, Can Dündar, the editorin-chief Cumhuriyet newspaper, and Erdem Gül, Cumhuriyet’s Ankara representative, were arrested because of their news reports about Turkey's intelligence agency's trucks loaded with guns.

An explosion near a subway station in the Bayrampasa district of Istanbul has reportedly left at least one person dead and five more injured. Conflicting reports suggest that it has been either a power transformer malfunction or a bomb. Istanbul blast: Investigators are looking into causes. Suspicion is that a hand-made bomb was the cause of the explosion in Istanbul, Do!an news agency has reported. However, this is yet to be confirmed. Since explosions in Ankara on October 10, when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in the middle of a crowd, Turkey has stepped up security to increase safety. The terror attack claimed the lives of 103 people, making it the deadliest in Turkey’s modern history.There were no casualties, but six were injured, AFP news agency suggests.

Karabakh President: State Increases Funding To Education President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR, or Artsakh), Bako Sahakyan, on Tuesday visited Artsakh State University and met with the students and faculty. In his remarks, the President noted that the NKR government pays special attention to education and science, and increases— on a yearly basis—the respective funding to successfully implement various projects, and this will further improve and develop the academic process, raise the level of education, and resolve existing matters. Sahakyan stressed that he considers such meetings a unique platform for holding expedient discussions, expressing different views, and introducing new proposals.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 3, 2015

Islam And Christian Genocides In Turkey By Serkan Engin

As some have said in the West, in fact, the Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides were “Christian genocides”. On the other side were Muslim Turks and Kurds. The basis in society and justification in conscience of these genocides were Islamic rules. Islam gives permission to all Muslims to kill and rape every non-Muslim, and also to grab all their money and properties. The de facto killers in these genocides were the predatory bands of the “Secret Organization” (In Turkish: Te!kilatı Mahsusa). The Turks and Kurds who killed their own non-Muslim neighbours, enslaved their women and little girls as sex slaves, and grabbed all their properties, had not had any awareness of “nationalism,” as did their commanders, the leaders of the Union and Progress Organization. So the Turks and Kurds who took part in the Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Nestorian and Pontian Greek genocides massacred innocent humans with pleasure, had not done all this for the benefit of “Turkish nationalism”. They were simple farmers, describing themselves as “Muslim”, but not as “Turkish” or “Kurdish”. The massacre order of the Union and Progress Organization leaders was a gift for the Turks who lived on as predators for two thousand years, and only can turned to agriculture and the breeding of livestock in

Anatolia. They considered it a gift because they got the chance to pillage their “rich” non-Muslim neighbours by the order of their government, and also they could take revenge upon non-Muslims who had, in their eyes, a great deal of money. Kurds, who were living in the same region for thousands of years and didn’t have ability, aptitude and historical experience except in the jobs of agriculture and the breeding of livestock, like their Turkish coreligionists, became happy too, because they would, along with the Turks, pillage the money and properties of the non-Muslims. Muslim Turks and Kurds pulled their non-Muslim neighbours to pieces with the appetite and wildness of hyenas without any mercy; moreover, they gloated over all of this. They grabbed all the houses and stores of the non-Muslims, and they enslaved the women of non-Muslims as sex slaves and also domestic slaves in their “harems” as their “booty,” as it is ordered in the rules of Islam. And they sold some of these women and girls at the slave bazaars for a bit of money. The perpetrators of this terrible period didn’t feel any self-reproach; on the contrary, they were very happy, because they became more worthy of Allah, the god of Islam. They became better Muslims with these disgusting massacres. So they came closer to the heaven of Islam, with its many houris (group sex) and open buffet bar (rivers of kevser wines).They were in peace because they were obeying the laws of their own god, Allah, and the government. They raped tiny girls and women, slaughtered innocent humans, burned children alive, and massacred millions of non-Muslims by the order of the “peace” religion Islam. Because their Allah was very merciless to the ones who disbelieved. SERKAN ENGIN (born in 1975 in Izmit, Turkey), is a socialist Laz-Turk poet and author. His poems and articles on poetry theory appear in more than fifty literary journals in Turkey and in many international literary journals all over the world. His political articles on Islam and also Armenian, Assyrian, Greek genocides have been published in many countries in many languages including Sweden, USA, Greece, India, France, Argentina, Netherland, Armenia, Indonesia and Finland.

As we gather with family and friends to give thanks this week, I wanted to take a moment to thank you. I can't thank you enough for your faith in me and your support for my campaign. Best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. Hope to see you soon. Warmly, Ardy Paid for by Ardy Kassakhian for State Assembly 2016 ID#1366018


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

90- Metin Arditi By Hambersom Aghbashian

Metin Arditi (born February 2, 1945 in Ankara, Turkey) is a French-speaking Swiss writer of Turkish origin. He left Turkey at an early age and after spending eleven years in a Swiss boarding school in Lausanne, he studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he earned a degree in physics and a postgraduate degree in nuclear engineering. He continued his studies at Stanford Business School, where he got an MBA. Metin Arditi is a citizen of Switzerland and Turkey and lives in Geneva, where he is involved in the cultural and artistic life, and was the Chairman of the "Orchestre de la Suisse Romande (O.S.R.)," from 2000 to 2013. Arditi is a member of the Strategic Council of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he taught physics, economics, management and creative writing. In 1988, he created the Arditi Foundation which awards fifteen annual prizes to graduates of the University of Geneva and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The Arditi Foundation has purchased and offered to the University of Geneva a landmark theater and Auditorium. Metin Arditi is also the founder of " The Instruments of Peace Foundation " and he is a member of the Foundation Board of the Music Conservatory of Geneva. In December 2012, he was appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, and in June 2014, UNESCO appointed him a Special Envoy. In September 2014, he created the Arditi Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue. Metin Arditi is a writer of intimacy. All his books deal with the same themes : the difficulty of parenthood, loneliness and exile. He has published a long list a books and received many literary awards. On November 2, 2015, at the initiative of Yerevan State University (YSU) International Cooperation Office, famous Swiss

writer Metin Arditi delivered a lecture headed “The style of the writer as a means to understand the interlocutor.” Mr Metin Arditi presented a project created last year. This project is aimed at the establishment of a dialogue between Jews and Arabs and the fiction literature was chosen as the best way for the communication. The reason for his interest to the subject, as he said, is that he was born into a Jewish family. And being born in Turkey, the relations between Armenia and Turkey are also in the center of his interest. Concerning the Armenian genocide, Mr. Arditi said “My mother was born and raised in the region, where Armenians and Jews lived together. My grandmother told me what had happened in 1915. When people ask me what happened then, I do not need to scroll through a history book: my family has told me everything, and the region where my mother was born, exists no more today” . (1) According to Turkey’s oppositional Cumhuriyet periodical, November 16, 2016 issue, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and writer Metin Arditi has addressed a letter to President of Turkey Recep Tayyib Erdogan, calling on him to normalize Turkey’s relations with Armenia. Metin Arditi’s letter has been posted in French and Turkish in L’Hebdo magazine, which is a Swiss magazine with the largest readership. The Goodwill Ambassador stresses the fact that the absence of diplomatic relations with Armenia, the closed borders, the suspended Protocols signed in Zurich and, most importantly, the denial of the Armenian Genocide are causing great harm to Turkey’s international reputation, and this is especially the reason why the doors to the European Union (EU) remain closed for Turkey. According to Aditi, Turkey can move towards normalization of relations by taking small steps, opening the borders, passing the Protocols, establishing a commission and waiting for the results of their studies, "But the most daring step that Turkey can take today is to recognize the genocide. That decision will bring you great glory and honor,” writes the Goodwill Ambassador.(2)

Thanks to Prof. Osheen Keshishian, (editor - The Armenian Observer), for adding writer Metin Arditi to his previously refereed and recommended list of Turkish intellectuals.(H.A.) 1.http://ysu.am/news/en/MetinArditi-was-received-at-YSU 2.www.cumhuriyet.com.tr

Number Of Arrestees In Case Into Yerevan Armed Gang Reaches 23 The sources of Armenian NewsNEWS.am have informed that the number of people arrested—in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan—on suspicion of plotting major crimes has reached 23. We have learned that all detained members of the respective armed gang have been placed under arrest. The decision on arresting two members of this gang was made on Monday, whereas the other 21 members were placed under arrest on November 27. On November 25, the National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia rendered ineffective, in Yerevan, a criminal gang that is suspected of plotting grave crimes. According to the NSS press service, they received an operative information, according to which Armenian citizen Artur Vardanyan

(born in 1981), who lived in Spain since 1997 and who temporarily resides in Armenia since 2015, had set up and led a criminal gang with the objective of committing serious crimes. To implement the aforementioned objective, the gang had unlawfully acquired a large quantity of weapons and ammunition, which were hidden in a house that was rented in Yerevan. During the NSS search that was conducted at the house—and jointly with the police—automatic rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, grenades, explosives and explosive devices, communications equipment, and several other types of ammunition were found, and all gang members were detained. A criminal case was launched into this incident, and a respective investigation is in progress. news.am

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 3, 2015


Armenia Peacekeeper Not Injured In Attack At UN Base In Mali The Armenian military officer, who is conducting a peacekeeping mission as part of the United Nations (UN) unit, was not injured in the militants’ attack on a UN base in Mali. The colleagues of this serviceman informed the above-said to Armenian NewsNEWS.am. “We spoke with him [over the phone] this morning,” they said. “He is continuing his service.” Reuters news agency reported that the UN said unknown attackers fired rockets at its peacekeeping base in Kidal in northern Mali on Saturday, killing three people inside. news.am

Azerbaijani Police Kills A Man Before His Kid’s Eyes In Nardaran In Nardaran district 25km off Baku in Azerbaijan the tensions between the local population and police forces continue. News about unprecedented violence against the civilians in the district at the hands of police and Special Forces are popping up in the internet occasionally. According to a video material published by Azerbaijani Meydan.tv, the relatives of those killed during the clashes on November 26 complain about the violence in Nardaran, addressing their complaints to the president Ilham Aliyev, among others. An eyewitness woman in Nardaran says in the video, that during the violent operation a police officer hit her child with the grip of the gun and then, before the eyes of the kid, killed his father.

IS Executes 3,500 In Syria Since Declaring 'Caliphate' The Islamic State group has executed more than 3,500 people in Syria, including nearly 2,000 civilians, since declaring its "caliphate" in June last year, a monitor said Sunday. In the last month alone IS executed 53 people -- including 35 civilians -- in areas it controls in Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The new figures from the Britain-based Observatory bring to 3,591 the number of people executed by IS in Syria since it declared its Islamic "caliphate" after seizing control of large parts of the country. The new toll includes 1,945 civilians, including 103 women and 77 children, with civilians defined as those who are not taking part in the fighting. Some were executed for alleged witchcraft, homosexuality and collaborating with the US-led coalition that has been bombarding IS in Syria since September 2014. Provided by AFP The Islamic State group comprises tens of thousands of fighters and carries out abductions, rapes, beheadings and stonings in the areas under its influence Members of Sunni Shaitat tribe account for around half of the civilians killed. IS killed 930 members of the clan in the northeastern Deir Ezzor province last year after they opposed the extremist Sunni Muslim group. The monitor also documented 247 IS executions of rival rebels and Kurdish fighters, as well as the executions of 975 members of regime forces. IS has also executed 415 of its own members it accused of crimes including spying, many of them captured as they were trying to desert the group, according to the Observatory, which relies on a network of activists, medical staff and fighters

on the ground. IS controls large swathes of Syria and neighbouring Iraq. In Syria, it controls areas in the Homs and Hama provinces in the centre, Deir Ezzor and Hassakeh in the northeast, as well as Raqa and Aleppo in the north. The jihadist group counts tens of thousands of fighters and carries out abductions, rapes, beheadings and stonings in the areas under its influenceaz. The United Nations has accused it of "crimes against humanity". More than 250,000 people have been killed and more than four million have fled the country since the Syrian conflict erupted in 2011.

Syria Air Strikes: Extra RAF Planes To Be Sent To Base As UK Prepares For War Against Isis The RAF is preparing to receive new jets at its base in Cyprus ready for the expected 'yes' vote in Parliament tomorrow Extra planes are expected to be sent to Cyprus as Britain prepares to go to war with Isis in Syria. The Defence Secretary will confirm the use of a second Airseeker Rivet Joint spy plane later today, ahead of MPs’ vote on whether to extend British military intervention tomorrow. The RAF’s fleet of aircraft stationed in Cyprus will double if David Cameron’s proposals are approved, and that two extra Tornado fighter jets and six Typhoons equipped with laser-guided missiles will make up the numbers.

Germany Could Send 1,200 Troops To Support Fight Against Isis Eight Tornados are already stationed at RAF Akrotiri, where they have been launching from for Operation Shader – the UK’s bombing mission against Isis in Iraq that started in September 2014. The Ministry of Defence has not confirmed reports that strikes against the terror group in Syria could start “within hours” of an anticipated vote of approval in the Commons tomorrow.

Aram Saroyan To Present Newly Released Detective Novel Glendale, CA – Award winning author ARAM SAROYAN will present his newly released detective novel, STILL NIGHT IN L.A. on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Reserved priority seating available by calling (818) 243-4112 or visiting http://www.itsmyseat.com/events/54715 8.html Still Night in L.A. begins when Michael Shepard, a detective with his own set of problems, is hired one morning by a fashionable young woman at her Hollywood apartment. Soon he’s embroiled in a murder investigation that may shed light on a nearly forgotten tragedy. A divorced father wondering how to set his son on a better course in life, the detective gets into deepening trouble as he negotiates a vivid panorama of the town’s modern-day beautiful and damned. Author Aram Saroyan harnesses the hardboiled styles of Chandler, Hammett, and Ross MacDonald into a contemporary tale of information age intrigue. The text is supplemented with cell phone photos taken by Saroyan in the same environs in which the story unfolds.

ARAM SAROYAN is an internationally known, award-winning poet, novelist, biographer, memoirist and playwright. His poetry has been widely anthologized and appears in many textbooks. Among the collections of his poetry are Aram Saroyan and Pages, and his largest collection, Day and Night: Bolinas Poems. Saroyan’s prose books include Genesis Angels: The Saga of Lew Welch and the Beat Generation; Last Rites, a book about the death of his father, William Saroyan; The Romantic, a novel that was a Los Angeles Times Book Review Critics’ Choice selection; a memoir, Friends in the World: The Education of a Writer; and the true crime Literary Guild selection Rancho Mirage: An American Tragedy of Manners, Madness and Murder. He is featured in the documentary film One Quick Move or I’m Gone: Jack Kerouac at Big Sur and his comments appear in the oral biographies George Being George: George Plimpton’s Life and Salinger. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, painter Gailyn Saroyan. Presented by Abril Bookstore. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abrilbooks.com

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N.O. December 3, 2015, No. 47:N.O. Blank


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tanqow k*ar]anagr;nq Fa\astani pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Sh\ran Øfan;ani pa[ariun w;rab;rmounqe^ Paqoui grg®ic krakozn;roun ;u anargaliz arta\a\toujiunn;roun dhm \andiman! W;ro\i,;al bolor nkatoumn;row endoun;li lou‘oum h m;xi famar% ;rb Fa\astani ka®awaroujiune ir ambo[= kar;lin k*enh m;r da,nakizn;roun ;u m;r axga\in ,af;re no\nazn;low! A\spisi a,.atanq me k*;njadrh lr=a.of f;t;uo[akanoujiun me% =analow or s.aln;r% j;razoumn;r ;u wtangauor mo®azoumn;r cpatafin! M;nq famoxoua‘ ;nq% or m;r na.agafe^ S;rv Sargs;an warv h a\s marxin mh= imastoun qa\l;r a®n;lou! A\s a®ijow c;nq aknark;r :uropakan Miouj;an% oroun [;kawarn;roun bari tramadroujiunn;rn ou ,®a\la‘ .ostoumn;re mi,t al irakananalou kar;lioujiun c;n n;rka\azn;r% parb;rabar \ousa.ab en;low m;x!

Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin m;x ;r=ankazn;lou cfaszouzin Galow Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agaf Paraq Øpama\i% phtq ch ca'axanz;l xinq gow;lou kam cgow;lou paragan;re! Anor bar;azakamoujiune^ m;xi fandhp anouranali h& m;r zaun a\n h or^ anor bari tramadroujiunn;re^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin m;x ;r=ankazn;lou cfaszouzin! :jh m;nq irauounq ouninq f;tapnd;lou m;r axga\in ,af;re% jiurimazabar a\d irauounqe xlanalou c;nq m;r da,nakizn;roun! Bnakanabar anonq al ir;nz g;rago\n ,af;re f;tapnd;l piti na.entr;n% ;jh no\nisk a\spisi gor‘;lak;rp me m;xi f;,t ci gar! Es;l k*oux;nq% or mi=axga\in qa[aqakan a,.arfin mh= amhn ban m;r ouxa‘in phs c*enjanar& a\dpisi m[]auan=a\in paragan;roun^ anfrav;,t h imastouj;amb møt;nal baza®ik kazouj;an% m;r da,nakize m;xmh cf;®azn;lou mtafogouj;amb! M;nq xgou,auor lauat;souj;amb ke møt;nanq Fa\astani :rrord Fanrap;touj;an a\vmou [;kawarouj;an k;zoua‘qin% xa\n t;sn;low bazoua‘ bowandak a,.arfin ;u srtanz ma[j;low% or anika a\sphs bazoua‘ mna\ andadar! Ardar;u% m;r a\vmou artaqin gor‘oz na.arare^ Hdouard Nalpant;an jr‘oua‘ diuanaght men h% or na.^ :giptosi a\n at;nouan bargauay ga[oujin% apa^ ~ransa\i ga[oujin møt ibr;u d;span arvanauoraphs pa,tønawar;lh ;tq% a\sør ke warh ir bar]r pa,tøne xma\l;li \a=o[ouj;amb! Fa\astan fasknaliørhn mas kaxma‘ h Fauaqakan Apafowouj;an Da,nagra\in Kaxmak;rpouj;an% xinouorakan marmin

me% ba[kaza‘ w;z na.kin .orfrda\in p;toujiunn;rh% fowanauorouj;amb Âousastani ;u oroun na.agafoujiune a\vm est kargi stan]na‘ h Fa\astane! A\d anm;rv;li andamakzoujiune ci n,anak;r% or :r;uan phtq h .orj acqow na\i Priuqshli mh= ir k;dronat;[in oun;zo[ :uropakan Miouj;an! Our;mn% imastoun qa[aqakanouj;amb^ m;r Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.araroujiune miavamanak bar;kamakan \arab;roujiunn;r ke m,akh ;rkouqin f;t% oronq ca'ow me dirqauoroua‘ ;n irarou dhm! No\nn h paragan Fiusisa\in Atlant;an Da,nagra\in Kaxmak;rpouj;an (NAJØ-in) fandhp% or :uropakan Miouj;an xinouorakan j;un h!

"oujin xhnq;r ke waya®h Atrph\yanin Bowandak a,.arfi bazoua‘ mnalou m;r qa[aqakanoujiune dvgofoujiun ci patya®;r Âousio\ na.agaf Wlatimir "oujini% or k*emb®nh fa\kakan dirqoro,oumin øgtapa,toujiune! Mnaz or na.agaf "oujin ir kargin^ milia®auor tolari norat;sak xhnq;r ke waya®h m;r j,namiin^ Atrph\yanin% orowf;t;u an kariqe xgaza‘ h a\d goumarin% ir tnt;sakan tagnapin b;®e j;j;uzn;lou pafan=ow! >andawa®oujiun ke patya®h m;xi t;sn;l jh^ takauin qsancors garounn;r bolora‘ m;r anka. ;u axat Fa\astani [;kawaroujiune diuanagitakan s;rt \arab;roujiunn;r ke m,akh f;®auor Cinastani f;t% arvananalow n;rka\ darous m;‘ago\n bnakcouj;amb a\s ;rkrin \argalir w;rab;roumin! Kaska‘ cka\ or diuanagitakan famapar'ak gor‘ounhoujiunn an‘a\ra‘ir h! Fiazoumow k*ar]anagr;nq fos m;r sir;li artaqin gor‘oz na.arar Nalpant;ani fska\akan a,.atanqe% xor an ke tani an;rkiu[ ;u anwaran% amhnour;q \a=o[ouj;amb psakou;low% oun;nalow ;u pafpan;low miavamanak Fa\astani imastoun na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani anpakas fowanauoroujiunn ou xørakzoujiune! C;nq krnar lou® anznil Fa\astanhn artaqa[jin& a\sør fa\aja'oume m;xi an;r;uaka\;liørhn au;li ke wnash% ke tkaraznh% ke mtafogh qan Atrph\yani ,arounakakan imastaxourk spa®naliqn;rn ou fa\fo\anqn;re! :u mi* mo®naq% or a\s to[;re gro[e Fa\astan c*aprir% s'iu®qafa\ h% f;t;uabar s.al ban me esa‘ piti cella\inq ;jh au;lznhinq jh^ fasknali h fa\r;niqhn f;®ou% fa\r;niqhn artaga[jin a®ja‘ \arayoun ta®apanqe nouax sastkouj;amb dimakala‘ ella\inq! Jh;u yi,d h a\n t;sakhte jh^ Fa\astani ka®awaroujiune pa,tønaphs ci krnar argil;l artaga[ja\in amhn t;sakht ou

,arvoum% ba\z ;u a\nphs ard;øq :r;uan amhn inc katar;laphs k*enh#% xa\n kas;zn;l kar;nalou famar! Jo[ Fa\astanhn o;uh mhke anmi=aphs ªa\oº cesh m;r a\s t;[in farzoumin% a\nouf;t;u .[yi .a\j coun;nalou mtafogouj;amb! Galow Arza.i a\vmou go\awiyakin% a\d al ,at;rou kar‘a‘in phs ba[]ali wiyaki mh= ch% baxmajiu patya®n;rou b;roumow xors git;nq ba\z c;nq oux;r krkn;l fos! M;r t;sakhte ke mna\ an'o'o.& ka®ca‘ mnal :uropa\i Apafowouj;an ou Famagor‘akzouj;an Kaxmak;rpouj;an Minski .mbakin% or ke wa\;lh mna\oun fowanauoroujiune Âousio\% ~ransa\i ;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;roun! A\s ;r;q bar;kam p;touj;anz n;rka\azouzicn;re% jh;u ,at lau k*emb®n;n jh Fa\asta*n irauounq ouni ;u oc jh Atrph\yane% ba\z mi=axga\in qa[aqakanouj;an antan;li baui[in mh= c;n artøn;r ir;nq xir;nq% ir;nz gitza‘ bolor y,martoujiunn;re bar]ra]a\n \a\tarar;lou! :u fa\;rs phtq h emb®na‘ ella\inq a\d 'a'ouk paragan!

:rb;*q t;[i ctal ax;ri ;u jourq spa®naliqn;roun M;r dirqauoroume Arza.i kny®ot farzin a®ncouj;amb oro, h& ;rb;*q t;[i ctal ax;ri ;u jourq spa®naliqn;roun& o*c mhk masnik fo[ Arza.hn% oc isk xa\n ,r=apato[ ;øje ,r=ann;rhn or;uh xi=oum ckatar;l ;rb;uizh! Arza.e i*skaphs fa\kakan fo[ h& an o*c mhk vamanak irauakanørhn Atrph\yani mas ch kaxma‘& hakan fimnakht% or caramtørhn gr;jh mi,t mo®azouj;an ke troui! :u Arza.i bnakcoujiune% or;uh fanraqouhi paraga\in% =a.=a.ic m;‘amasnouj;amb ir n;rka\ anka.ouj;an ke ka®ci! Inc ke w;rab;ri Arza.e Fa\astanhn pa,tønaphs yanczou;lou lour= farzin% m;r kar‘iqow atika takauin kan.afas h& a\d oro,oume an'o.arin;li \a[jaqart men h% xor apafow t;[ paf;lou h! Diuanagitakan xma\lag;[ a,.arfin mh=% or;uh ;rkir _ ;u a®au;l ;us Fa\astani phs norakaxm 'oqr p;toujiun me _ phtq h i wiyaki ella\ øgtagor‘;lou baxmajiu ;u baxmat;sak kar;lioujiunn;r! Asonz mh= a®a=in f;rjin ou,adroujiun ke grauh .ndro\ a®arka\ p;touj;an [;kawaroujiune! Qsanmhk;rord darous% au;li qan na.ord dar;roun% [;kawarn;re a®au;l kam nouax ca'ow irauasoujiun k*oun;nan øgtakar% _ ou minc;u isk ;rb paragan n;rka\ana\ ba.toro, angam%_ d;rakatarouj;an% bau;z or anonq ir;nz ;rkrin axga\in g;rago\n ,af;re t;sn;lou% ;rb;mn no\nisk gou,ak;lou pa\‘a®amtouj;amb ,arva‘ ellan! :u anfrav;,t h gitnal jh^ axgaka®o\z diuanagitouj;an fimnakan a,.atanqe haphs ,ar-

vo*um k*;njadrh ;u ke tkarana\ ;rb [;kawarn;r% o*r;uh patya®ow kam patrouakow% inqnam;kousazman mitoumn;rh ke tarouin% \aya. ir;nz f;t f;®azn;low ir;nz fowanauora‘ kaxmak;rpoujiune ;us! Hakane bazoui*ln h a,.arfin ;u no\nqan hakan ke da®na\ bazouil i*r vo[owourdin! A\sør Fa\astane i*r [;kawarn;roun a®a=nordouj;amb% ou[i[ yambou mh= h% bazou;low bowandak a,.arfin! Ke mna\ ir;n bazouil% au;li* bazouil ir vo[owourdin!

M;nq ouninq ;rkrord Fa\astan me Ardar;u ;rb vo[owourd k*es;nq% m;r paraga\in m;r aknarkoujiune mimia\n fa\r;nabnak bnakicn;roun c*;rjar! Inco#u! Orowf;t;u% m;nq au;lin ouninq& ouninq ;rkrord Fa\astan me% xor m;r ari ;ritasardn;roun ar;an ginow ];®q b;rinq ;u or Arza. ke kocoui& a\n al fanrap;toujiun men h% jh;u Fa\astanhn ,at au;li 'oqr h tara‘ouj;amb ou bnakcouj;amb% ba\z axga\in gitakzouj;amb ;u axga\in arvanapatououj;amb famaxør h ankaska‘! :u d;® au;li*n ka\& ka*nq m;nq s'iu®qafa\;rs% oronq jh;u jiuow g;raxanz ;nq Fa\astanhn ;u Arza.hn% ba\z m;nq anonzmh* h or ke stananq% amhn ør qic me au;li% m;r axga\in ogin% inqnayanacoume% axga\in gitakzoujiune% sir;low fa\ m,ako\jn ou ør est ørh \arayoun ja'ow ‘anøjanalow anor ;u w;r=aphs sir;low ou sorw;low fa\;rhn l;xoun% or a,.arfi katar;al l;xoun;rou kargin ir arvanauor ankornc;li t;[e ouni! Fa\astani imastoun [;kawarn;re phtq h ir;nz \arayoun ou,adrouj;an a®arka\ dar]n;n o*c mia\n Arza.i bnakcoujiune% a\l na;u bowandak s'iu®qafa\;rs! Inco#u famar& orowf;tr;u m;*nq al fa\ ;nq! Fa\astanhn f;®ou k*aprinq% ba\z Fa\astani f;t ;nq! M;r fa\r;niqi \a®a=dimouj;anz ou bargauayman =atagow ;nq% ;rb;mn al masnakiz ;nq% ;rb;mn al bavn;kiz ;nq! Jh;u f;®ou k*aprinq% ba\z Fa\astani ta®apaliz k;anqi sastkoujiune no\nouj;amb m;*nq al ke xganq! A\s tari% or w;r=analou wra\ h% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fariuram;akn hr! Arza.in f;t m;nq al masnakiz dar]anq anor% m;xmh omanq j;r;us fasknali ;u n;r;li ;rkcotouj;amb% ba\z fog ch& mi* mo®naq or dours cmnazinq% anthr cxgazinq m;nq xm;x% oroun famar =;rmørhn ,norfakal ;nq ;u ,norfakal ke mnanq m;r anxougakan :r;uanin! Afa jh inco*u fa\r;ni [;kawaroujiune phtq h au;li* bazoui ir ambo@[= vo[owourdin% 'o.adar] yanacman ;u 'o.adar] siro\ amrapndoumow! &&&:u orphsxi Fa\astan w;rapri!


N.O. December 3, 2015, No. 47:N.O. Blank


2:37 PM

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NOR ØR% 3 D:KT:MB:R 2015

FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 28-29-in ka\azan 3-rd ,r=ani a®a=in ;u a\s taroua\ w;r=in fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªOulisº^ 3-1 ª"iunikº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 0-0 ªBananzº-ªMikaº^ 1-1 ª<irakº-ªGan]asarº^ 2-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ala,k;rt 15 9 5 1 25-12 32 "iunik 15 9 3 3 30-10 30 Ararat 15 7 4 4 17-15 25 <irak 15 7 3 5 17-17 24 Gan]asar 15 5 7 3 19-18 22 Mika 15 4 2 9 12-18 14 Bananz 15 2 8 5 18-21 14 Oulis 15 0 2 13 8-37 2 |a=ord 16-rd mrza'oule ke ka\ana\ 2016-i Marti 5-6-in!

MHKAKAN AR’AJ :U PRONX Maroqqo\i Kasaplanqa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ sambo\i a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum hr na;u FF fauaqakane! Wana]orzi Tigran Kirakos;ane (52 qk&) ;xra'akicoum xi=;low [axa. sambistin nouay;z ar‘ajh% isk [araba[zi H®n;st Fa\rap;t;ane (57 qk&)^ pronxh m;tal! :us 5 marxik xba[;zrin 5-rd t;[e^ warkani,a\in miauorn;r b;r;low fauaqakanin! Fa\astan w;rada®nalouz \;to\ FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Wowa >o=o\;ani kar‘iqow a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum fa\ marxikn;riz \a=o[oujiune ;r;s hr j;q;l!

’ANRAMARTI A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM AMN-i Fiusjen qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ‘anramarti a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane% ore fandisanoum h na;u Âiø-2016-i warkani,a\in mrza,ar% Fa\astaniz masnakzoum hin 11



‘anrord (6 t[amard ;u 5 kin)! A®a=ine mrzafarjak dours ;kau Anna Gow;l;ane (52 qk&)% ow ;rkamarti 170 qk& (76+94) ardiunqow xba[;zr;z 28-rd t;[e! N,;nq% or 1-25-rd t;[;ri famar truoum h 25-1 warkani,a\in miauor! Wanik Au;tis;ane (69 qk&) ;rkamarti 317 qk& (140+177) ardiunqow 12-rdn hr% isk Ixap;lla :a\l;ane (58 qk&) ;rkamarti 201 qk& (89+112) ardiunqow^ 15-rdn hr! 17-am;a\ Sona Pø[os;ane (75 qk&) G& .mboum grau;l h 1-in t;[e! :rkamarti 217 qk& (97+120) endfanour .mboum grau;l h 21-rd t;[e! ’anr wnasoua‘qiz \;to\ a®a=in angam patas.anatou mrzafarjak dours ;ka‘ a,.arfi a.o\;an Naxik Audal;ane (69 qk&) ;rkamarti 230 qk& (105+125) ardiunqow 14rdn hr! A.o\;an h dar];l cinazi :anmh\ S\ane^ 263 qk& (120+143)! M;r \o\s;riz mhke Tigran Martiros;ane (77 qk&) ]a.o[ou;z ckaro[analow bar]razn;l 163 qk& ‘anra]o[e! A\d qa,oum fandhs ;ko[ 19-am;a\ Andranik Karap;t;ane ;rkamarti 363 qk& (167+196) ardiunqow 4-rdn hr% na an]nakan au;l qa,i patya®ow 3-rd t;[e xi=;z no\n ardiunqe zo\z toua‘ ;giptazi Mafmout Mofamhtin! Andranike pokoum warvoujiunoum arvanazau pronxh m;tali! A.o\;an f®cakou;z atrph\yanzi Niyad Âafimowe^ ;rkamarti 372 qk& ardiunqow! 18am;a\ Simon Martiros;ane (105 qk&) ;rkamarti 402 (186+216) ardiunqow grau;z 5-rd t;[e ;u pokoum warvoujiunoum arvanazau pronxh m;tali! A.o\;an f®cakou;z [axa.stanzi Al;qsandr Calcikowe^ 421 qk& (191+230)! A\s qa,a\in kargoum Dauij B;=an;ane (ÂD_iz) ;rkamarti 411 qk& (180+231) ardiunqow dar]au a,.arfi 'o.a.o\;an!

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Kananz +75 qk& qa,a\in kargoum F®i'simh >our,out;ane ;rkamarti 260 qk& (115+145) ardiunqow 14-rdn hr! A.o\;anoufin ÂD-i n;rka\azouzic Tatiana Ka,irinan hr ;rkamarti 333 qk& (148+185) ardiunqow! T[amardkanz g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum FF-n n;rka\azno[ Go® Minas;ane ;rkamarti 437 qk& (203+234) ardiunqow 4-rdn hr! Go®e pokoum warvoujiunoum tirazau 'oqr pronxh m;tali! A\s qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ Âoubhn Al;qsan;ani ardiunqn h 433 qk& (192+241) ;u 8-rd t;[! A.o\;an f®cakou;z Al;qsh\ Lowc;ue (ÂD)^ 475 qk& (211+264)% 2& La,a Tala.a]h (Wrastan)% 3& Maj S;m (Hsjonia)^ 438 qk& (190+248)! Lowc;ui froum warvoujiunoum 264 qk&e nor fama,.arfa\in mrzani, h!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Âh\kiawikoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i jima\in a®a=noujiunoum jima\iniz bazi m;taln;r h ,norfuoum na;u a®an]in .a[ata.takn;ri a®=;u fandhs ;ka‘ ;r;q lauago\n ,a.matistn;rin! Grosma\st;r Frand M;lqoum;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor% 4-rd .a[ata.taki wra\% arvanaz;l h oskh m;tali% L;uon Aron;ane% 1-in ta.taki wra\^ ar‘ajh% isk Gabrihl Sargs;ane% 2-rd ta.taki wra\^ pronxh m;tali! • Talasoum auartoua‘ T;.asi t;.nikakan famalsarani ~ID:-i baz mrza,aroum am;rikafa\ grosma\st;r Samouhl S;u;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6 miauor xba[;zr;l h 5-rd t;[e! Samouhle khs miauorow h ;t mnaz;l a®a=in 4 t;[;re bavana‘ mrzakizn;riz!

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