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FING<ABJI% 10 D:KT:MB:R 2015


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NOR ØR% 10 D:KT:MB:R 2015


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mar& 1915-i dhpq;rou yanacoume ibr;u Z;[aspanoujiun% ou norago\n 'or];r oronq ke mitin oyra\in \anzanq nkatouil^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ourazoumi paraga\in! |a\tnaphs% w;ro\i,;al ;rkou .orfrdaranakann;rou na.a];®noujiunn;re vamanakauor xougadipouj;an ardiunq c;n% ;u oc al anonq a®ncoua‘ ;n ardarouj;an kam baro\akanouj;an f;t! Bazoro, h% or w;ro\i,;al ;rkou qa[aqaghtn;roun ditauoroujiune patv;l h Jourqian^ øgtagor‘;low ªfa\kakan qarjºe ou Z;[aspanouj;an farze! A®a=in angame ch or \i,;al ;rkou patrouakn;re ke ,afagor‘ouin Jourqio\ dhm! A\sphs% jourq-fr;a\ wa[;mi bar;kamoujiunn;re watjarazan ª2008-9-i Kaxa\i pat;raxminº at;n% incphs na;u isra\hlazi qomanton;rou dhpi Kaxa ou[[ouo[ jrqakan naui (Mawi Marmara) dhpqhn (2010-in) ;tq% ;rb fr;a\ warcaghtn;r sksan .øsil ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumºi masin! A\s niuje no\nisk ar‘ar‘ou;zau Qn;shjin mh= (2011-in)! K*arvh \i,atak;l% jh a\s niuje k*ar‘ar‘oui na;u a\n .orfrdarann;roun mh=% oronq dhm ;n Jourqio\ mas kaxm;loun :uropakan Miouj;an! W;ro\i,;al bolor tou;aln;re ke zouzab;r;n% jh n;rka\is ªZ;[aspanouj;an farzeº patmakan whyi .ndir ch% ;u oc al^ ardarouj;an% a\l \armar gor‘iq men h Jourqian ,anjavi ;njark;lou% karg me xi=oumn;r ];®q ]g;lou% ;u kam patv;lou famar Jourqian! *** Prn& Jounyhl ibr tou;al k*a®nh% jh nman farz me .ndro\ a®arka\ ch% ;u jh Z;[aspanoujiun t;[i oun;za‘ ch fa\oz wra\! A\s m;knakhte ardhn jourq p;touj;an k;zoua‘qn isk h! A\s \ødoua‘ow% anika ke 'or]h ørinakn;row famox;*l enj;rzo[e% jh Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune kam anor yanacoume parxaphs ke ,afagor‘ouin ibr;u patrouak% jrqakan p;toujiune qnnadat;lou ;u warkab;k;lou% yn,;low^ xi=oumn;r ];®q ]g;lou famar! Na. ;u a®a=% anf;rq;li jrqakan wau;rajou[j;r kan^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an gor‘adroua‘ ellale fastato[% sks;al jrqakan ’;rako\thn% N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tounhn minc;u Xinouorakan At;ani wyi®n;rou gor‘adroujiune (1918-19)! Baz asti% 23 p;toujiunn;r zard yancza‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune! Isk qa[aqakan a,.arfin mh=% Z;[aspanouj;an kam a\l iro[oujiunn;rou orphs patrouak øgtagor‘oume enjazik mi=oza®oumn;r ;n! Jourqian ;u anor moun;tik Jounyhle irauounq ounin sarsa';lou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumhn% ou manauand anor f;t;uanqn;rhn^ fatouzoumhn ;u fo[atara‘qi korousthn! Z;[aspanouj;an xhnqe a\nqan axdou h% or k*øgtagor‘oui minc;u angam xa\n cyanczo[ ;rkirn;rou% incphs^ Isra\hli ko[mh! |ødoua‘agir Prn& J& Jounyhli yige vamanakawrhp 'or] men h% jrqakan p;touj;an oyra‘in ararqe ardarazn;lou famar! Axat jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an

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Donald Trump Urges Ban On Muslims Coming To US

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for a halt to Muslims entering the US, in the wake of the deadly California shootings.In a campaign statement, he said a "total and complete" shutdown should remain until the US authorities "can figure out" Muslim attitudes to the US. At a rally in South Carolina hours later, frontrunner Mr Trump repeated the pledge, to loud cheers. Criticism from the White House and other Republicans was swift.Mr Trump's comments were contrary to US values and its national security interests, a statement from the White House said. Republican Jeb Bush, also running for president, said the New York businessman was "unhinged". Mr Trump's statement was delivered as the US comes to terms with its deadliest terror attack since 9/11. Last week a Muslim couple, believed to have been radicalised, opened fire and killed 14 people at a health centre in San Bernardino.

Turkey’s Economy Risks Losing $9bn Over Russian Crisis

EU, Armenia Launch Negotiations For New Agreement The European Union and Armenia on Monday opened negotiations on a new overarching framework for the deepening of their bilateral relations. Negotiations in Brussels were launched by High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian. “We aim for a comprehensive frame-

Armenian Armed Forces Throwback Azerbaijani Commando Unit An Azerbaijani commando unit attempted to attack Armenian posts in the north-eastern section of the Line of Contact, at 4:30am, on Friday. The advance guard of the Defense Army of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) spotted the Azerbaijani commando unit and threw them back, causing losses. Regrettably, soldier Erik E.Grigoryan (born 1995) was killed in the encounter. An investigation into the border incident has been launched. Besides the attack,

the Azerbaijani side committed about 80 ceasefire violations, using arms of different calibers, including 60mm (197 missiles) 82mm (43 missiles) mortars, AGS-17 (14 shots) and RPG-7 (1 shot) grenade launchers, as well as a TR-107 multi-barrel rocket launcher system (4 shots). More than 650 shots were fired at the Armenian positions. The Azerbaijani side continues ceasefire violations, using mortars of different calibers. The NKR Defense Army is taking retaliatory measures.

Fire On Gunashli Oilfield In Azerbaijan, Searches Of 30 Missing Still Continue After a fire broke out on Gunashli oil platform in Azerbaijan on 4 December 2015, Friday, 33 people have been saved, one is dead and 30 are missing out of the 63 workers on the rig, APA news agency reports. According to the report, the fire was not put out and the searches for those missing gave no result as of the evening of 6 December 2015, Balamirza Alirahimov, the head engineer at the Azerbaijani production union Azneft, said. The operational headquarters created over the fire also confirmed the information. Trend agency reports that helicopters, ships and divers were engaged in the searches. A part of lifeboat and vests were found during the search operations. People, however, have not been found, Khalik Mammadov, SOCAR vice president, said, according to Trend.

Syria Slams US-Led Coalition Deadly Strike Tensions with Russia could cost Turkey’s economy $9bn in the worst case scenario of "zero relations", Turkish Deputy Prime Minister said on Monday, according to BusinessDay Live. Moscow has imposed a series of economic sanctions against Ankara after Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian jet on the Syrian border on November 24, sparking the biggest crisis between the two countries since the Cold War. "In the worst-case scenario, which is zero relations with Russia, we are talking about a loss of $9bn," Mehmet Simsek, the deputy prime minister in charge of the economy, told private NTV television.

work agreement covering political, economic and sectoral cooperation and taking into account Armenia's more recent commitments,” said Mogherini. FM Nalbandian, who headed the Armenian delegation at the opening session of the talks, said Armenia is “determined to further develop and strengthen comprehensive cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, taking into account our commitments within other integration formats.”

Damascus has labelled as an “act of aggression” the US-led coalition’s missile strike which killed three Syrian soldiers at an army base in the Deir ez Zor province. Downing of Russia’s Su-24 reveals Turkey’s real agenda in war on ISIS – Assad On top of the fatalities, 13 personnel were injured and a number of military vehicles were destroyed when warplanes fired nine missiles at the Saeqa military camp. The incident is the first of its kind since the coalition started to bomb Syrian territory more than a year ago, though the USled alliance continues to deny it carried out the airstrike. Reuters

63.35 % Of Armenians Vote For Constitutional Amendments

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia's Central Electoral Commission published the preliminary results of the referendum on constitutional amendments in Armenia. According to the data, 63.35 % of voters have cast ballot in favor of changes. 32.35% of people have voted against. Data from all 1997 polling stations have been summarized. 1 296 368 (50.51%) people have voted in the referendum.

New Electoral Code To Be Worked Out Following Constitutional Referendum Following the preliminary conclusion of the constitutional referendum results held on Sunday, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan hosted numerous officials, political and civil figures at the Presidential Palace. The President made a statement at the beginning of which he requested to observe a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the 1988 earthquake, Armenian President press-service reports. In his speech, Sargsyan said: “Yesterday, we together crossed over an important threshold which we were facing for the last two years. Wisdom, vision and light of faith dispelled the fog of uncertainty, suspicions and concern. Yesterday we chose to embark on the road of longlasting and sustainable development, and because of that the Armenian statehood today is moving into the next stage.

27 Years Pass Since Spitak Disastrous Earthquake Twenty-seven years have passed since the 1988 disastrous earthquake in Armenia’s Spitak. On Wednesday, December 7, 1988 at 11:41 local time the strong earthquake hit the Armenian cities. The cities of Spitak, Leninakan (Gyumri), and Kirovakan (Vanadzor) were greatly affected with large losses of life and devastating effects to buildings and other structures. A number of the smaller outlying villages away from the larger population centers were also severely affected. More than 25,000 people were killed, 500,000 remained without homes. The international aid was not late. Rescuers arrived to help find people and take them out of the ruins.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 10, 2015


Russia Using The ‘Armenian Card’ By Turgut Kerem Tuncel The news about the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkey near the TurkishSyrian border fell like a bomb on the global political agenda. Statements from top government officials of Turkey, Russia, and third countries came like beads on a string. While Turkish officials tried to wind down the tension and the U.N. and NATO made conciliatory declarations, enraged statements came from the Russian side. Political analysts exploring the incident from different angles appear on different media organs and heated debates go on in social media. Obscurity feeds anxiety and everybody asks ‘what is next?’ The answer is yet to be seen. Nonetheless, it appears that the downing of the Russian warplane will have consequences not only in the TurkishRussian bilateral relations, but also in the region. Immediately after the incident, Russia declared that it suspended military communication with Turkey. Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev stated that major Turkish-Russian economic projects might be cancelled. He threatened Turkish companies to outlaw their operations in Russia. Correspondingly, Russia announced that it would halt the import of white meat from Turkey by Dec. 1. Meanwhile, some Russian tour operators canceled reservations at Turkish holiday resorts. It seems that economic sanctions, which Russia frequently utilizes when conflicts erupt with other countries, will be Russia’s main counter measure. Given that Russia is one of the top trade partners of Turkey, Russian economic sanctions may very well hurt Turkey. Notably, Russian reaction has not been limited with economy-related threats. Moscow announced that one of the biggest air defense ships of the Russian navy will be deployed at the junction of Turkish and Syrian territorial waters. As the reports on the vandalizing of the Turkish embassy in Moscow by angry Russians and protests in other Russian cities confirm that the incident has agitated the Russian society as well, and Moscow’s retaliatory rhetoric and measures have the support of some sections of Russian society. In this tense political atmosphere, on Russiya-1 TV channel, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the former Russian Duma vice speaker and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), who is known as the “insane clown prince” of the Russian politics, said, “Armenians hate Turks and if we allow them to liberate their western territories, they will do it with pleasure.” He added that “Kurds are also waiting for our help. If we tell them that we recognize their independence, Eastern Anatolia will cease to exist as such. As you know there are already million Kurds and their capital is already known; it is Diyarbakir. As the result, we shall have independent Kurdistan and Great Armenia.” On the other hand, the leader of the Fair Russia Party,Sergey Mironov, submitted a bill “on responsibility for failure to acknowledge genocide of Armenians by Turkey in 1915.” Every cloud has a silver lining. Obviously, the downing of the Russian warplane may have detrimental consequences for Turkey, Russia, the Eurasian region, and the Middle East. Still, if we force ourselves to see the full side of the glass, Zhirinovsky’s statement and Mironov’s bill help to understand the nature of another complication that Turkey faces: namely, the campaign for the recognition of the 1915 events as genocide and recent attempts to criminalize the rejection of such characterization. Evidently, neither Zhirinovsky’s statement nor Mironov’s attempt is a temporal coincidence, nor are their motivations related to justice, morality or anything else. Manifestly, these two politicians seek to punish Turkey by utilizing the “Armenian card” and the “genocide issue.” This is not the first time that the “Armenian card” and the “genocide issue” have been used against Turkey. When the Turkish-Israeli long-time good relations deteriorated following the “2008-2009 Gaza War” and Israeli commandos’ raid on a Gazabound flotilla in 2010 (the Mavi Marmara incident), Israeli politicians began talking about the “recognition of the Armenian genocide” and discussions were held in the Knesset in 2011. It is also worth mentioning that it is mostly the parliaments of the countries that oppose Turkey’s accession to the EU that discuss resolutions on the 1915 events. These facts demonstrate that today the “genocide issue” is neither a matter of historical debate nor a question of justice. It is a handy political instrument to blackmail Turkey either to force her for certain concessions or to punish her. *Turgut Kerem Tuncel is a researcher at the Center for Eurasian Studies (AV!M) in Ankara.

Armenian astronomer has been awarded to NASA Lifetime Achievement Award Prof. Terzian, the David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, was awarded to NASA Lifetime Achievement Award. He is one of the prominent modern astronomers, known in the fields of physics of the interstellar medium, planetary nebulae, galaxies, radio astronomy, and others. He is one of the ArAS Co-Presidents and the Chairman of the Research Council of ANSEF.Yervant Terzian was born on February 9, 1939, in Alexandria, Egypt. His father was an Armenian and his mother, a Greek; hence, having ArmenianGreek origin, Terzian is considered both as a great Armenian and Greek astronomer. He finished the Kalousdian Armenian School in Cairo, then studied at the American University also in Cairo, and in 1960, he received the B.Sc. from the Physics/Mathematics Department of this University. Then he moved to the USA and in 1963 he received his M.Sc. and later on, in 1965, his Ph.D. degrees in Astronomy from the Indiana University.

AGBU Europe Presented Its Activities At The 7th Assembly Of The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum 4 December 2015, Brussels - AGBU Europe was represented at the 7th Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) held in Kyiv, Ukraine on November 19-21. On this occasion AGBU Europe representative Diana Hancaro presented the activities of the organisation. She also took part in the discussions of the working group on Economic Integration and Convergence with EU Policies. AGBU and the Armenian diaspora in general play an important role in the promotion of economic relations between the EU and Armenia. The Assembly brought together around 300 participants from civil society in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries under the heading “Moving Reforms Forward in Testing Times”. The EaP CSF was established in 2009 and is a unique multi-layered regional civil society platform. It aims to promote European integration, reforms and democratic transformations in the six Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Said Diana Hancaro: “The EaP CSF is able to influence EU institutions and national governments through its recommendations and statements. AGBU Europe can

7th Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, November 19-21, Kyiv, Ukraine. therefore benefit from its participation in the Forum’s activities. AGBU Europe can address common challenges through cooperation with other European organisations. It can also promote pan-Armenian projects at the Forum in the future.” The Assembly elected the members of the Civil Society Forum’s Steering Committee and adopted 9 resolutions on topics of common interest to several countries and on issues specific to individual Eastern Partnership countries. For example, a resolution was adopted on the constitutional reforms in Armenia. The next Assembly of the EaP CSF will be held in 2016. The Eastern Partnership is a policy initiative launched in May 2009 that aims to bring the EU’s six Eastern neighbours closer to the EU.

AGBU Holds Film Screening By Young Armenian Filmmakers At Lincoln Center On November 20, the AGBU Performing Arts Department and the AGBU Young Professionals of Greater New York (YPGNY) held a film screening entitled 6 Short Films at the Amphitheater at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center at Lincoln Center. The sold-out event featured films by six recipients of the AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship. The films included The Frame by Ophelia Harutyunyan, Adrift by Alik Barsoumian, They Were Afraid Of Us by Jesse Soursourian, After Water There Is Sand by Saro Varjabedian, Caregivers by Viktorya Aleksanyan and The Last Film by Martiros Vartanov. Ophelia Harutyunyan, a filmmaker based in New York and Armenia, presented a short film about acceptance and letting go: “Being born and raised in Armenia, I couldn’t even dream about studying at an institution like Columbia. Even when I got the acceptance letter, I still wasn’t sure I could find enough money to attend the school. The AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship helped me realize my dream and get where I am right now. It is a great pleasure to present one of the first films I made at Columbia at the great Lincoln Center.”

The screening was followed by a question and answer session moderated by actor John Joseph Gallagher, best known for his work in Meet the Parents, Darjeeling Limited and Law and Order. In his opening remarks, Gallagher commented on the essence of filmmaking: “You can never lose when you express the honesty of your heart. And if you spend your life expressing the honesty of your heart, it really doesn’t matter what Universal Studios thinks of you. It matters what you think of you. If you find that vision, and you live honestly inside that poetry, and do your best to share that with the world, you cannot lose.” The AGBU Performing Arts Department (PAD) introduces Armenian art to diverse audiences and connects young Armenian artists worldwide: “All these years we have been showcasing the musicians who have received the AGBU Performing Arts Fellowships in music, but we also have filmmakers who receive these same grants, so we decided we need to not only support, but promote their work in a non-Armenian venue,” said Hayk Arsenyan, director of the AGBU Performing Arts Department.

Turkish-Armenian Columnist Fined For ‘Insulting’ Ankara Mayor A local court in Ankara has fined Armenian-origin columnist Hayko Bagdat 1,160 Turkish Liras for “insulting” Ankara Mayor Melih Gokchek via his Twitter account, after Gokchek complained that he had used the words “Armenian” and “disgusting” to describe him. In his defense, Bagdat said Gokchek repeatedly asks his critics on social media whether they are “Armenian,” adding that the Ankara mayor is “disgusting” for using the term “Armenian” to describe people he dislikes. He demanded his acquittal and told the court that he did not deliberately intend to “insult” Gokchek.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 10, 2015

Archbishop Aykazian Asks HDP Co-Leader Demirtas About Armenian Genocide By Danielle Saroyan On December 3, during the Middle East Institute 6th Annual Conference on Turkey in Washington, D.C., Armenian Diocese Archbishop Vicken Aykazian asked Kurdish HDP Party Co-Leader Selahattin Demirtas about whether or not he sees Turkey acknowledging the Armenian Genocide. “More than one and a half million Armenians were massacred and this year is the 100th anniversary for the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. Two thousand seven hundred churches that are occupied and destroyed, only one was given back in your birth place, Diyarbakir,” Archbishop Aykazian said. “You, as a politician, what do you think the Turkish or when do you think the Turkish government is going to accept the Armenian Genocide?”

During his response, translated from Turkish to English, Demirtas said that there needs to be a discussion between the two countries on this issue. There have been measures in the past to normalize relations, such as a friendly soccer match between Armenia and Turkey, but it is time for Turkey to overcome hostility and confront it face to face. Later on, during the third panel titled “Turkey's Western Partnerships During Troubled Times,” Atlantic Council Vice President and Former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone congratulated the Middle East Institute for setting a healthy and helpful environment where an Armenian American can ask such a question about the Armenian Genocide and receive an honest response.

Toronto's Armenian Community Pulls Together To Help Resettle Refugees By SELENA ROSS A sunlit building with marble floors in northern Toronto is the headquarters for a quiet but massive resettlement effort that’s stretching the limits of the city’s small Armenian community. Willowdale, a suburb tucked just north of Highway 401, is the target destination for almost as many Syrian refugees as Toronto’s core. And almost all the 1,127 refugees going to Willowdale, according to federal documents, are attached to a single address: the Armenian Community Centre. With no public funding, its members are privately sponsoring more than a tenth of the refugees expected in the coming weeks, opening their spare rooms to usher fellow Armenians to safety and – almost as important – familiarity. Cont. on p. 10

Berkeley, CA - The Paros Foundation has successfully reached it goal of implementing 100 special projects in Armenia through its 100 for 100 Projects for Prosperity initiative with the launch of the Debi Arach Children's Center in Armenia's second largest city, Gyumri. The 100 for 100 effort was launched in the fall of 2011 to commemorate the centennial of the Armenian Genocide by implementing 100 educational, development, humanitarian and cultural projects in Armenia and Artsakh. "Helping address the many needs Armenia has through our project based model of philanthropy both made sense and offered sponsors around the world an opportunity to mark the centennial by making Armenia a better place," said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of the Paros Foundation. "I am so proud that our Debi Arach Children's Center marks the 100th project and culmination of our 100 for 100 initiative." Children who live in extreme poverty in Gyumri, often without proper guidance and supervision, are at risk of becoming so called "social orphans." They literally spend time in and out of Gyumri's orphanages. The Debi Arach Children's Center (Debi Arach means "moving forward" in Armenian) helps these socially vulnerable children. Using a holistic approach, the Center provides the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support to 130 students weekly, giving them an opportunity for a bright future by breaking the cycle of poverty for this community. The Center, which operates after school, provides counseling and group therapy with a psychologist on staff, homework help and tutoring for many of the subjects

the children learn in school including English, Armenian, Math and Art/Design. In addition computer classes, educational excursions and guest presenters provide exciting extracurricular learning opportunities for these children, free of charge, in a safe, warm and comfortable environment. Additionally, these children often suffer from malnutrition and related illnesses due to a lack of well-balanced meals. The Center provides each child with a nutritious meal every day, helping them receive the calories and/or nutrients they need. The Center also addresses a very important hygienic need by providing the children in attendance with supervised bathing facilities. The goal is to help hundreds of children develop a vision for a successful future, and to give them the skills they need to reach these goals. This project is impacting the lives of hundreds of socially vulnerable children by helping them gain the guidance and support they need in order to create greater future opportunities, and become successful individuals and good citizens. Proceeding into the future, the Debi Arach Children's Center aims to add a preschool program targeting children ages three to five. In addition, it hopes to expand its services by adding a vocational training center for children who do not intend on pursuing a college career. Funding is needed for both of these future possibilities. The Paros Foundation underwrote all administrative expenses so that 100% of contributions were allocated to this project. To help this effort or another project of the Paros Foundation's Projects for Prosperity, please visit www.parosfoundation.org


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

91 - Akın Birdal By Hambersom Aghbashian Akın Birdal (born 2 January 1948, Ni!de Province, Turkey) is a Turkish human rights activist and politician. He was a member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for the Democratic Society Party (DTP) (2007 to 2009) and the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) from 2009 to 2011. He is an honorary President of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD), having been its Chair from 1992 to 1998. He has published a number of essays and short stories. Birdal is an agricultural engineer by training, graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Department. He went on to do a master's degree in business at the University of Gazi. His academic career, begun in 1979, was cut short by the 1980 Turkish coup d'état. Birdal co-founded the Human Rights Association of Turkey in 1986, and became its Secretary-General. He was elected its Chairman in 1992. On 12 May 1998, Birdal barely survived an assassination attempt. The Turkish Revenge Brigade claimed responsibility. In 1999 he was sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment under Article 312 (of which he served 14 months). He was adopted as a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. In 2002 Birdal was one of the founders of the Socialist Democratic Party, becoming its chairman, but stepped down after becoming Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights. In July 2007, he stood as an independent candidate and entered the Turkish Parliament, representing Diyarbakır. He was awarded Jaime Brunet Prize for Human Rights (1999). On February 9, 2001, "www.wnd.com" posted its article "Turkey lashes out over genocide charges" where it was mentioned " The human rights activist, Akin Birdal, faces a possible sentence of six years in prison for the offense of ”openly insulting and vilifying Turkishness” during a panel discussion in Germany last year. According to the Anatolia news agency, the Turkish prosecutor quoted Birdal as having said: ”Everybody knows what was done to the Armenians. Turkey must apologize for what it did to the minorities.”(1) In "A Handy List of Turkish Turncoats", "www.tallarmeniantale.com", 'Akin Birdal, Writer, Honorary President of the Human Rights Association' is listed with many other Turkish intellectuals as turncoats for supporting the Armenian cause, recognizing the Armenian Genocide and criticizing the Turkish government and the officials as they never seem to comprehend the importance of self-criticism concerning their past, and for Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide.(2) According to a press release on March 2001, "The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) called on the U.S. State Department to protest the prosecution of a Turkish human rights activist on charges that he had called on Turkey to apologize for the Armenian Genocide. The activist, Akin Birdal, is the former president of the Istanbul-based Human Rights Association and Turkey's leading human rights advocate," it mentioned, and added "The Armenian Genocide-related charges currently against him carry a maximum prison sentence of six years. According to a March 1st Associated Press (AP) article, Birdal's lawyer Sedat Aslantas said earlier that his client had made remarks about Turkey's

treatment of minorities in general and not particularly the Armenians." The AP story also noted that "dozens of writers, journalists and intellectuals have been jailed under Turkish laws which limit freedom of speech."(3) In her article "They say 'incident'. To me it's genocide", (The Guardian- February 27, 2005), Nouritza Matossian mentioned the following concerning Orhan Pamuk's trial for his one sentence in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger as he mentioned that 'Thirty thousand Kurds and a million Armenians were killed in Turkey.' Matossian wrote "Akin Birdal, vice-president of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, emphasizes: 'No matter we have come to the 90th year of "incidents" Orhan Pamuk talked about, these will of course be discussed on domestic and international platforms. The aggressions carried out against Pamuk are those which have been carried out against thoughts. Pamuk is not alone.' Pamuk has cut the Gordian knot. He has become the hero of every right-thinking person in Turkey and every Armenian worldwide.(4) Edmond Y. Azadian wrote an article on March 20, 2014 in The Armenian MirrorSpectator under the title "From Talat to Erdogan- The Same Old Racist Genocidal Policy," the follwing are some abstracts: " On March 16, Erdogan gave an interview to the BBC threatening to expel “100,000 illegal migrant workers from Armenia. We close our eyes to their situation, but what am I going to do tomorrow? If necessary, I will tell them, ‘get out and go to your country.’ They are not my citizens; I am not obliged to keep them in our country." He added " Akin Birdal, representing the Peace and Democracy party in the parilament, has said that this blackmail raises the question whether we are returning to 1915."(5)

1.http://www.wnd.com/2001/02/8122/ 2.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/TURKISH-SCHOLARS.htm 3.http://www.atour.com/~aahgn/news/200 10305c.html 4.http://www.theguardian.com/world/2005 /feb/27/turkey.books 5.http://www.mirrorspectator.com/2010/03/ 24/from-talat-to-erdogan

Azerbaijan fires over 2,700 shots at Karabakh in one day Azerbaijan continues intensively violating the ceasefire with Karabakh. The adversary breached the truce along the Line of Contact between the KarabakhAzerbaijani opposing forces around 250 times, from Monday to early Tuesday morning. During this time Azerbaijan fired more than 2,700 shots at the Armenian military positions, and by way of rifle weaponry, mortars, grenade launchers, and a reactive rocket propelled howitzer (TR-107). But vanguard units of the NagornoKarabakh Republic Defense Army continue confidently conducting their military watch, and they take retaliatory actions to suppress this aggressive “activeness” by Azerbaijan.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 10, 2015


Petroglyph Samples In Karvachar Need To Be Under Consideration During the Azerbaijani rule, Soviet era, Azerbaijanis built a museum in Karvajar town, Artsakh. According to the rumours among the current inhabitants of the town, the museum was built on the ruins of Armenian Church in order to cover its traces forever. During the town's liberation, among other buildings, the museum also was demolished. Prehistoric petroglyph samples were found in the place of the museum which were brought by Azerbaijanis from Tsavalq Lake of the region and which were presented as examples of ancient Azerbaijani finds. After the liberation of the town, the samples of ancient culture are just there where they were found. We applied to Varsik Kafyan, the chief the Cultural and Youth Affairs Department of the regional administration of Shahumyan region to find out if there is any program for the petroglyph samples in coming future.

As V. Kafyan informed, today the department has no plans to study the samples or to protect them somehow. “But the department is interested in studying the historical-cultural monuments of our region. We would be pleased to have opportunity to organize a discussion on the samples and to listen to the opinion of professionals”, she underlined. We also applied to Sergey Shahverdyan, NKR deputy minister of economy with the same question. “Surely, we will study and describe the historical monuments, about which you are speaking now. We have a program and we study all the historical-cultural monuments in Artsakh. We will also reach the petroglyph samples in Karvachar”, Mr. Shahverdyan especially stated. Tamara Grigoryan Reporter of "Nor Or" Newspaper

Meet & Greet With ZULAL Armenian A Cappella trio Glendale, CA – Award winning Armenian a cappella trio visiting from New York, ZULAL will present their newly released album, SEVEN SPRINGS at a special VIP Meet & Greet event on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Reserved priority seating available by calling (818) 243-4112. ZULAL, the a cappella trio, takes Armenia’s village folk melodies and weaves intricate arrangements that pay tribute to the rural roots of the music while introducing a sophisticated lyricism and energy. Zulal’s singers, Teni Apelian, Yeraz Markarian and Anaïs Tekerian, have been singing together since 2002. The trio has performed in such esteemed venues as the Getty Museum, Berklee College of Music, Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall, The Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage and New York’s Symphony Space, along with performances for Cirque du Soleil and the Silk Road Project. Additionally, the trio has scored the film Stone Touch Time and has two critically acclaimed albums to its credit. The trio celebrates the trials and joys of old Armenian village life: girls cast fortunes by the moon’s light, morning smoke rises from the tonir, young brides weave golden threads through their hair as others spin wool into gossip. These images of the past come to life in Zulal’s arrangements, hearkening back to a simpler time, providing tokens of comfort in our increasingly complex, modern world. Presented by Abril Bookstore.

Turkish-Russian Tension Creates Quandary For Azerbaijan By Eldar Mamedov, EurasiaNet

Oxygen For Jihadists’: ISIS-Smuggled Oil Flows Through Turkey To Intl Markets Terrorist group Islamic State earns millions of dollars selling oil on the black market in Turkey, Iraqi MP and former national security adviser, Mowaffak al Rubaie told RT. He also revealed that wounded terrorists are being treated in Turkish hospitals. TrendsIslamic State, Syria-Turkey “In the last eight months ISIS has managed to sell ... $800 million dollars’ worth of oil on the black market of Turkey. This is Iraqi oil and Syrian oil, carried by trucks from Iraq, from Syria through the borders to Turkey and sold [at] less than 50 percent of the international oil price,” Mowaffak al Rubaie said in an interview with RT. “Now this either get consumed inside, the crude is refined on Turkish territory by the Turkish refineries, and sold in the Turkish market. Or it goes to Jihan and then in the pipelines from Jihan to the Mediterranean and sold to the international market.”

Rising Turkish-Russian tension is putting Azerbaijan in a bind. At a time when low energy prices are squeezing the Azerbaijani economy, officials in Baku need to keep ties strong with both Turkey and Russia to help maintain relative domestic stability. In the days after Turkish fighters shot down a Russian Su-24 jet on November 24, Turkey aggressively courted the support of Azerbaijan, Ankara’s closest Turkic cousin. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu visited Baku, and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declared that Ankara would “do everything possible to free the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh” – referring to Baku’s decades-long conflict with Armenia. If Turkish officials were hoping for a clear-cut declaration of solidarity from Azerbaijan, they were disappointed by Baku’s response. Top-level officials, including President Ilham Aliyev, received Cavusoglu in Baku warmly, but declined to take sides in the Turkish-Russian spat. The official Azerbaijani position is to regret the conflict between the country’s “two friends and neighbors” and extend a standing offer to mediate between Moscow and Ankara. Contrary to the official depiction of TurkishAzerbaijani relations as “one nation, two states,” Baku subtly distanced itself from Ankara. Azerbaijani public opinion overwhelm-

ingly sides with Turkey, but Aliyev’s administration has good economic and political reasons to tread carefully. Russia has multiple ways it can exert pressure on Azerbaijan, which, because of the economic downturn, may be more susceptible to social discontent than at any time in recent memory. Economically, there are around a million Azeri workers living and working in Russia. According to the Centre for Economic and Social Development, an independent thinktank in Baku, the remittances from Russia to Azerbaijan total about $3 billion annually. Any move, then, by Moscow to limit the ability of Azerbaijani citizens to work in Russia could have significant ramifications for Azerbaijan. Another economic lever available to the Kremlin is a possible ban of Azerbaijani food imports. When it comes to diplomacy, Russia wields considerable leverage in efforts to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Russia is a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group (along with the United States and France) and is tasked with the conflict resolution. At the same time, Armenia is Russia’s closest ally in the Caucasus, and Moscow maintains a military base in the Armenian town of Gyumri. Russia, if it chose to, could also stir up discontent within the Lezgin minority group, which is concentrated in northern Azerbaijan next to the Russian border.

Toronto's Armenian Community... Other people, especially those who haven’t lived as a minority, might be happy to settle wherever fate takes them. But when Armenians migrate, they tend to do it purposely and en masse, said Garen Keuhnelian, whose brother-in-law’s family arrived in Canada on Monday. “They want to keep the Armenians together,” Mr. Keuhnelian said. “Otherwise they would be scattered in other places and they would be lost.” The private sponsorships allow the community members to name specific Armenian families or persons, who then file their part of the refugee-resettlement application from Lebanon or Jordan, where the Christian minority community has been living since fleeing Syria. Toronto’s established Armenian community is about 10,000 families strong and mostly middle class. The new arrivals could add up

Cont. from p. 9

to much more than 1,127, said Apkar Mirakian, who is directing the settlement project for the community centre. There are already more than 1,300 approved sponsorship applications, he said. About 350 people have already arrived, with 1,000 expected, and applications are still pouring in for about 80 people a day. The pace of arrivals has picked up to the point that staff are sometimes only told in the morning that a family will arrive at the airport at night. Canada’s eased refugee rules have made the country an easy choice for many Armenians in the Middle East. Other than Armenia itself, Canada is the only place where they can easily move right now and also integrate into an existing cultural community, Mr. Mirakian said. “The Armenians in a refugee situation in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, this is where they’re looking,” he said.

N.O. December 10, 2015, No. 48:N.O. Blank


3:35 PM

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