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jrqakan gor‘o[ouj;an nkatmamb! Saka\n% a\s ør;roun% :uropan phtq ounhr Jourqio\^ ga[jakann;rou tagnapin kapakzouj;amb! F;t;uabar% ªqa[aqawarº dirqoro,oum me ke zouzab;rouhr Jourqio\ nkatmamb! Ødanaui a\s mi=adhpe ke patafhr a\npisi at;n me% ;rb ~ransa ke 'or]hr Islamakan P;touj;an dhm mh=t;[ b;r;l mi=axga\in da,nakzoujiun (coalition) me% n;ra®;al^ Âousastane ibr;u banali d;rakatar! A\s dhpqe ;ka‘ hr ambo[=ouj;amb 'o.;lou Anqara\i ou Moskoua\i mi=;u go\oujiun oun;zo[ bar;kamouj;an auandakan ;range% or at;n me ørinak;li ke nkatouhr% qa[aqakan tarakar‘oujiunn;re fakak,®;low^ tnt;sakan endar]ak ,af;rou siro\n! Jrqakan andamakzoujiune NAJØ-in krna\ arg;lako[ d;r .a[al% ba\z Moskouan ke joui anxi=o[ mnal% minc;u or Jourqia krh f;t;uanqe! Sksa‘ ;n xgazouil tnt;sakan wnasn;re! Jourqio\ fska\ ,af;re Âousio\ mh= k*øgtagor‘ouin Moskoua\i ko[mh% ibr;u gl.auor xhnq ªJourqian patv;lou famarº% no\nisk ;jh atika miavamanak sou[ piti axdhr ®ousakan tnt;souj;an wra\! Âousakan patvami=ozn;roun patya®ow% faxarauor jourq gor‘ararn;r mtafog ;n ir;nz kr;liq wnasn;roun famar! |stakørhn tagnapa‘ a\s dhpqin qa[aqakan ou tnt;sakan f;t;uanqn;rhn% Hrto[an akama\ ke 'or]h kakou[zn;l Moskouan a'sosanqi \a\tararoujiunn;row% 'o.-faskazo[ouj;amb m;[m;lou famar laroua‘oujiune ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u! Ke joui jh Âousakan Da,nouj;an axga\in fpartoujiune andarman;li k;rpow wirauoroua‘ h& "oujin ke pafan=h lman n;ro[amtoujiun% or ardhn m;rva‘ ;n katar;l Tauoutø[lou ;u Hrto[an! Klima\i kam mjnolorti apakanouj;an o[oqman famar% "arixi mh= ka\aza‘ famagoumari at;n% Hrto[ani katara‘ t;sakzouj;an a®a=arke m;rvoua‘ h "oujini ko[mh! Laroua‘oujiune au;li sra‘ h% ;rb anika \a\tarara‘ h% jh ®ousakan ødanaue wa® a®noua‘ h% pa,tpan;lou famar qariu[i matakararoume Islamakan P;touj;nhn! "oujin au;lzouza‘ h na;u% jh Jourqia ke qa=al;rh Islamakan P;toujiune% orphsxi anor qariu[e waya®h Jourqio\ wra\ow! Anqara n;zouk ke kangnhr miavamanak Fiusisa\in Kowkasi islam afab;kicn;roun! Ar;umt;an p;toujiunn;rou n;zouke Jourqio\ s'o';li h% saka\n \stakørhn k*aknkaloui% or Sourio\ farzow Anqara ir tarakar‘oujiunn;re farjh Ar;umoutqi f;t! A\s kapakzouj;amb% anika bolorowin nouax;zn;lou h ir øvandakoujiune Jourqio\ faraua\in safmann;rou ;rka\nqin% Asati i,.anouj;an dhm k®ouo[ xin;aln;rou% masnakz;low ISIS-i dhm endfanour pa\qarin! A\s a®ncouj;amb% anika faskazo[ouj;an galou h souriazi qiurt;rou% ;u anor T;moqraj Kousakzouj;an f;t% oronq ke k®ouin ISIS-in dhm% wa\;l;low Am;rika\i ;u ir da,nakizn;roun øvandakoujiune! Jourqia k*ambastanh anor Vo[owrdawar Kousakzoujiune ibr;u afab;kic .mbauoroum% ;u anor kap;roun famar^ Qiurtistani A,.atauor Kousakzouj;an f;t (PKK)! Fangst;an kocoua‘ jourq d;span Unal Cevikoz-i fama]a\n% Hrto[an ;u ir kousakzoujiune (AKP) ;rb;q c;n krnar Ar;umt;an a,.arfin mas kaxm;l% orowf;t;u haphs – famoxoumn;row ou krjouj;amb – c;n krnar Ar;umt;an arvhqn;r ord;gr;l! Lrazouzic k;rpow% ªNAJØ-i kam :uropakan Miouj;an arvhqn;re (values)% n;rfak ;n ir;nz armatakan ko[mnakizn;rou famoxoumn;roun kam fauataliqn;roun! Pa\mann;rou b;roumow h% or Hrto[an ou Tauoutø[lou Ar;umoutqi øgnouj;an dima‘ ;n! A\soufand;r]% anfauanakan h or a\d m;r];zoume mna\oun da®na\! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (ªHl-Monijerº% D;kt& 1% 2015)

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Ankara's Statements On Karabakh Are Destructive And Can Have No Continuation Tu r k e y ' s statements on NagornoKarabakh are destructive and can have no continuation, Alexand e r Lukashevich, Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE, said on the air of “Russia 24” channel, RIA Novosti reports. Earlier Ankara announced that it would do its best to return the Karabakh territories to Azerbaijan. “This position isn't supported by the OSCE. There is a strict understanding that the three co-chairs – Russia, France and U.S. – bear the main burden, as do the Minsk Group members themselves. By the way, Turkey is also included here. But the leading role is fixed, and it is acknowledged by the three co-chairs. That's why the attempts to defend one of the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are absolutely destructive and cannot have any continuation,” Lukashevich said, referring to the statements of the Turkish leadership.

US Hitting IS Harder Than Ever, Says Obama The US is hitting so-called Islamic State (IS) harder than ever, President Barack Obama has said. More air strikes were launched against the group in November than in any other month, he said in a Pentagon speech. In recent weeks, the US-led coalition has killed a number of its leaders and attacked the oil facilities it uses to finance its operations, he added. Mr Obama has been seeking to reassure the public following an attack in California that killed 14 people.

Anti-Muslim Attacks Occurring In Record Numbers Across US Crimes against Muslims and vandalism at mosques appear to have hit an all-time high in the wake of terrorist attacks in France and California. Mosques are struggling with security, as some have hired armed guards or asked the federal government for help. On Sunday, two mosques in Hawthorne, California became the latest in a string of anti-Muslim attacks that are on the rise since a radicalized Muslim couple killed 14 people and injured 21 more at a terrorist attack on a holiday party in San Bernardino.

Gun And Bomb Attack Threat That Closes Los Angeles Schools Is Likely A Hoax Los Angeles, Reuters - Los Angeles shut more than 1,000 public schools on Tuesday over a threatened attack with bombs and assault rifles, sending hundreds of thousands of students home as city leaders were criticized for overreacting to what federal officials later said was likely a hoax. The emailed threat, which authorities said was "routed through Germany" but likely originated locally, was made nearly two weeks after a married couple inspired by Islamic State killed 14 people and wounded 22 others at a county office building 60 miles (100 km) away in San Bernardino.

Azerbaijan Doesn’t Understand Human Language, Defense Minister Says Border tensions on the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia have come to a head, but Armenian troops keep the situation under control, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan said. On December 8, Azerbaijan used a tank for the first time since the 1994 ceasefire agreement to shell Karabakh positions amid ongoing border tensions. Ohanyan went on to blame Azerbaijan for the recent escalation, saying that Baku “doesn’t understand human language.” “The rival not only rejects investigative mechanisms but is also resisting international investigation, which can reveal the instigator and give a targeted assessment,” he said. “It’s time for international institutions to seriously consider such mechanisms.” The minister also noted that he had discussed the matter earlier during the day in a phone conversation with the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-

Office, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk. During the conversation, the parties discussed the current situation on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border and the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan. The Minister briefed the ambassador on Azerbaijan's provocations during the constitutional referendum in Armenia and the following days, as well as Armenia's retaliation. In this context, Ohanyan expressed concern over the rival's continuous destabilization of situation, stressing that Azerbaijan used 125-mm tank cannons, which may lead to further escalation. In view of keeping Azerbaijan within the logic of negotiation process, the minister also stressed the need for the OSCE Minsk Group’s targeted reaction. Ambassador Kasprzyk, in turn, expressed concern over the situation and pledged to take corresponding measures. Pan-Armenian.Net

Saudi Voters Elect 20 Women Candidates For The First Time Saudi voters elected 20 women for local government seats, according to results released to The Associated Press on Sunday, a day after women voted and ran in elections for the first time in the country's history. The women who won hail from vastly different parts of the country, ranging from Saudi Arabia's largest city to a small village near Islam's holiest site, Foxnews.com reported. The 20 female candidates represent just one percent of the roughly 2,100 municipal council seats up for grabs, but even limited gains are seen as a step forward for women who had previously been completely shut out of elections. Women are still not allowed to drive and are governed by guardianship laws that give men final say over aspects of their lives like marriage, travel and higher education.

Russia Warns Turkey Against Provocations Over Warship Incident PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia on Sunday, December 13, warned Turkey to stop staging what it called provocations against its forces in or near Syria after one of its warships fired warning shots at a Turkish vessel in the Aegean to avoid a collision, Reuters reports. The Russian Defense Ministry said one of its warships, the destroyer Smetlivy, had been forced to fire the warning shots on Sunday morning and that it had summoned the Turkish military attache over the incident. "The Turkish military diplomat was given a tough explanation about the potentially disastrous consequences from Ankara's reckless actions towards Russia's military contingent fighting against international terrorism in Syria," the Defense Ministry said in a statement. "In particular, our deep concerns about more Turkish provocations towards the Russian destroyer Smetlivy were conveyed."

US Congressmen Urge Their Government Not To Turn Blind Eye To Azerbaijan Aggression

US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) called on the US, Russian, and French mediators to press Azerbaijan to accept major safeguards against intensifying ceasefire violations in the Karabakh conflict zone while speaking at the 24th anniversary of the NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR) independence celebration on Capitol Hill. Rep. Ed Royce also said the US administration must not shy away from blaming Azerbaijan for deadly fighting along “the line of contact” around Karabakh. During the “Freedom and Democracy of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic” event on Capitol Hill, House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) expressed his concern with Azerbaijan’s aggressive and dangerous military provocations, as well as current U.S. policy. “I also raised my dismay that the response from the United States has been to draw a false equivalence between Azeri and Armenian behavior,” Rep. Schiff said. “As we pursue a peaceful settlement, we cannot ignore the bellicose rhetoric and provocative military actions by Azerbaijan. Our silence only emboldens them.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 17, 2015


CSUN’s Dr. Dianne Regional Re-Division: Developments In Philibosian Visits Armenia’s Neighborhood Herald Likely AUA To Discuss Transformations In Greater Middle East Over the past Collaboration Between weeks some events took place in the The Two Universities Yerevan - Dr. Dianne Philibosian, faculty member at California State Univ e r s i t y Northridge (CSUN) and former director of CSUN’s Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing, visited the American University of Armenia (AUA) from November 16-25. The goal of her trip, which she took with her colleague and husband, Tom Seifert, was to seek potential areas of collaboration between the two universities, as agreed to in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between AUA and CSUN in October. “It’s been a one-year process and it all came together beautifully,” Philibosian said, referring to a process of negotiations and discussions that culminated in the signing of the MoU and her trip to Armenia with the purpose of “putting CSUN people in contact with AUA people.” During her trip, during which Philibosian met with AUA directors, and heads of programs and departments to discuss their needs and possible areas of contribution, she discovered many potential areas of collaboration. “I am most appreciative for the generous outpouring of time, expertise and talent from the many faculty, administrators, and staff with whom we met. It was most gratifying to discover so many areas of potential collaboration between our two institutions; and I look forward to the follow-up with each one of you,” Philibosian wrote in a letter following her visit.

Armenia Becomes Parliamentary Republic A national referendum in Armenia held last Sunday has approved a constitutional amendment, the nation’s election commission confirmed after completing the counting of the ballots. According to the final protocol, 63 percent of voters, or about 825,000 people of the 2,560,000 registered voters, said yes to the amendment. It increases the presidential term from five years to seven and makes the office appointable by an electoral college rather than a general election.

countries surrounding Armenia that may signify the beginning of large regional transformations. The matter first of all concerns developments in Azerbaijani-Iranian relations and Turkey’s attempts to invade Iraq. Experts link the escalation in the relations between Turkey and Russia, which was clearly demonstrated after the Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian military aircraft at the Syrian border, with the upcoming changes in the Greater Middle East, which may occur as a result of the Syrian settlement. Turkey, Russia and Iran are trying to become parties to the future partition of the region, and they began to sort things out in advance. Under the cover of Russian-Turkish escalation Moscow has placed in Syria a military base, and Turkey is trying to establish a base in Iraq. Meanwhile, relations between Iran and Azerbaijan have sharply become strained. A Shia organization was neutralized in the village of Nardaran near Baku last week. Baku media reported that the organization was supported by Iran and intended to take power in Azerbaijan. Official Tehran has called this an attack on Shiites. Relations between the two countries strained to the limit. The likely partition of Syria and Iraq will lead to a revision of the international agreements, according to which 100 years ago the Ottoman Empire was divided. The scope of the agreements includes the South Caucasus, which was divided between Turkey and Russia by bilateral agreements. And experts do not rule out that the “fire” of the new division could spread to the South Caucasus as well. There is already a dividing line in this region, between Karabakh and Azerbaijan. It is no accidental that Baku via Turkey is trying to speed up the process of the Karabakh settlement and conclude with Armenia a binding treaty on the “greater re-division” of the region. The recent statement by the Heads of Delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group cochair states (the United States, Russia, France) issued on the sidelines of the OSCE

Karvachar Celebrates Artsakh Constitution Day

On December 10 Karvajar Culture and Youth Center organized an event dedicated to the Artsakh Constitution Day. During the event the announcer Karine Soghomonyan spoke about Artsakh Constitution, underlined it as the base for democratic state. She presented the main articles of the Constitution. “Artsakh Constitution was accepted in 2006 as a result of a national referendum”, she underlined. “It is the main law of our country and it provides the main rights and obligations of our citizens”, she continued. During the event the musicians of the Culture and Youth center presented national songs and the little dancers of the center danced national and modern dances. Tamara Grigoryan

Ministerial Council convinced Azerbaijan that the international community now prefers to maintain the status quo in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is with this that experts connect the change in Azerbaijan’s tactics in the Karabakh front. In Baku they have decided no longer to hide the fact that they fire at Armenian positions in Karabakh and shoot to kill. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry openly states that ‘as a result of shooting substantial damage has been inflicted on the enemy’s manpower.” Armenia has not changed its tactics and still speaks only about “punitive actions”. As a result the situation on the Karabakh frontlines remained tense throughout the week. It is hard to say when the new “re-division” of the Greater Middle East will take its final shape. But the fact that Germany, the United Kingdom and several other countries last week received permission from their parliaments for military action in Syria shows that the time is not far off. U.S. President Barack Obama has also asked Congress to authorize a military operation in Syria.

Naira Hayrumyan

Turkish And Armenian Musicians To Unite On Single Stage In Yerevan

“Melody for Harmony” initiative will unite the Armenian and Turkish musicians in Yerevan’s Hakob Paronyan Musical Comedy Theatre Monday. The musicians will participate in the program aimed at the rapprochement of the people through cultural ties. And on December 22, the same musicians will perform in Istanbul. In the framework of the intercultural initiative, the widely-known Armenian rock band “The Beautified Project”, Turkish Armenian singer Sibil Bektorosoglu and other famous Turkish musicians playing on national instruments will take to the stage.

NKR forces shoot down Azerbaijani drown The Nagorno-Karabakh Armed Forces have shot down Azerbaijani drown, Arshak Zakaryan, Facebook user who periodically publishes information about the Armenian retaliation operations wrote in his Facebook page. “The drone got on fire and fell in the Azerbaijani territory. The Azerbaijani forces thought it is an Armenian weapon and opened fire in its direction,” Artsakhpress writes, quoting Zakaryan..

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 17, 2015


R. Kupelian's Long-Awaited East Of Byzantium Sequel To Be Released At Abril Bookstore

Glendale, CA – Local author and artist ROGER KUPELIAN's long-awaited sequel in his EAST OF BYZANTIUM graphic novel series, WARRIOR SAINTS will be presented at a special book release eventn on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Reserved priority seating available by calling (818) 243-4112 or visiting http://www.itsmyseat.com WARRIOR SAINTS, the second volume of the East of Byzantium series created by Roger Kupelian and his team, picks up 150 years after where the first volume, WAR

GODS left off. Vartan Mamigonian and his followers battle superior odds, as the first Christian Kingdom of history becomes the first to fight to defend it. With lavishly painted art using his own technique of combining analog and digital techniques, Roger Kupelian has created a truly epic look at the world of the 3rd through 5th centuries as seen through the lives of men and women caught between the great superpowers of the day, Rome and Persia. ROGER KUPELIAN is no stranger to the warrior ethic in Armenian culture. Before embarking on an over 20 year long career as a Hollywood Visual Effects Artist (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Alice in Wonderland, Hugo, Space Jam), he was an embedded journalist on the front lines of the Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) war in the caucasus, where he filmed Dark Forest in the Mountains. Dark Forest is said to have inspired his desire to further tell this important story to the world. Kupelian will be signing both volumes of his graphic novel series as well as presenting a background story on the creation of the East of Byzantium universe. Presented by Abril Bookstore

V. Sukiasyan appointed head coach of national football team

Mariah Carey Set To Give A Concert In Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ararat football club managerVaruzhan Sukiasyan will head Armenian national team, the website of the country’s Football Federation (FFA) reports. The FAA held Thursday, December 10, an Executive Board meeting, with Sukiasyan presenting his plans concerning the national team’s future and answering the board members' questions afterwards. Sukiasyan is a former Armenian footballer, who has been coaching Ararat football club since April 28, 2015. In 1978-1987, he played for Kotayk.

PanARMENIAN.Net - American singer, songwriter, music producer, actress and philanthropist Mariah Carey will perform in Yerevan next year, Forpostart Production and Show Star CEO Zara Mkheyan told Novosti Armenia. "At present, negotiations with the singer are underway. The Yerevan concert is scheduled as part of her world tour, with the date of the performance to further be disclosed," Mkheyan said. Throughout her career, Carey has sold more than 200 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, she is the third-best-selling female artist in the United States, with 63.5 million certified albums.

Turkey And Azerbaijan Are Upset With Russia Azerbaijan President and Turkish Prime Minister made the decision to accelerate the work on the projected oil pipeline. How will Putin respond to this? In yesterday's presidential address to the Federal Assembly, Putin said that Turkey will be punished. Deployed in Armenia, the Russian air defense system covers 85 % of TURKISH airspace. Our sources in Moscow say that for greater security in the Armenian-Turkish border Russia had deployed the ultra-modern air defense system "Triumph" S-400 and EW " Krasuha -4 ", which took control of more than 85% of Turkish airspace . According to Russian experts, thanks to this system, Armenia is almost 100 % protected against possible air strikes by Turkey. Because Azerbaijan began to play with Turkey against Russia, Putin's response will be harsh and merciless. Perhaps the problem will be solved very soon in Karabakh .

Our sources tell us - " in response to the aggressive policy of Turkey, Russia intends to terminate the Agreement of Kars and Moscow, with the result that Turkey may lose up to 30 % of their territories " Treaty of Moscow (1921) - the RussianTurkish treaty of "friendship and brotherhood", signed on March 16, 1921 in Moscow between the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the agreement the Armenian Kars and Ardahan, Turkey withdrew. Mount Ararat also was given to the territory of Turkey. Under the agreement, which Russia is to renew every 25 years, and now is the time for the next signing of the Treaty, which Russia will not do. In which case, Turkey will have to return the vast territory back to Armenia. This hits the most sensitive spot of Turkey. Behind closed doors at a meeting of the Security Council after a downed Su-24, Putin ordered to prepare a response in the most merciless way, which is to terminate the Moscow Treaty. Translated from Russian

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

92 - Aslı Erdo!an By Hambersom Aghbashian Aslı Erdo!an (born 1967) is a prize-winning Turkish writer, human rights activist and former columnist for Radikal newspaper. Born in Istanbul, she graduated from Robert College in 1983 and the Computer Engineering Department of Bo!aziçi University in 1988. She worked at CERN* as a particle physicist from 1991 to 1993 and received an MS in physics from Bo!aziçi University. She began research for a PhD in physics in Rio de Janeiro before returning to Turkey to become a full-time writer in 1996. Her first story "The Final Farewell Note" won third prize in the 1990 Yunus Nadi Writing Competition. Her first novel, Kabuk Adam (Crust Man), was published in 1994 and was followed by" Mucizevi Mandarin" (Miraculous Mandarin) a series of interconnected short stories in 1996. Her short story Wooden Birds received first prize from Deutsche Welle radio in a 1997 competition and her second novel "Kirmizi Pelerinli Kent" (The City in Crimson Cloak), received numerous accolades abroad and has been published in English Language translation. Aslı Erdo!an was the Turkish representative of International PEN's** Writers in Prison Committee from 1998 to 2000. She is widely traveled and has an interest in anthropology and Native American culture. From December 2011 to May 2012, at the invitation of the Literaturhaus Zurich and the PWG Foundation, Erdo!an was Zurich's "writer in residence". (1) On Feb. 2, 2007, "www.icorn.org" wrote: " The Turkish writer Asli Erdogan was a friend of Hrant Dink and, deeply affected by his murder, she wrote to her friends, . . . today my name was listed on the death list because I sold Agos newspaper on the streets with a handful of intellectuals, but it is more important for my voice to be heard." ICORN also published Asli Erdogan's letter entitled " We left a deep, invisible mark behind us" where she wrote" ... It was a long, silent walk. Thousands and thousands of people were slowly walking, side by side, under an unexpected winter sun, a luminous sky, reminiscent of spring. A compact, homogeneous crowd was filling the avenues, the streets, the squares. There were blood-red carnations. Black signs spelling out the same message in three different languages.' We are all Hrant, we are all Armenians.' Hrant's face emerges above arms, above heads, an intact face, bearing no signs of aging, with his gentle, comforting smile... Thousands of people, in mourning, heartbroken, intently turned to that face with a sense of loss even deeper than if he had been one of them. (2) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. This is the complete, brief text of the apology: My conscience does not ac-

cept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them. Aslı Erdo!an was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology.(3) According to http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com, under the title "24 April, the anniversary of the 1915s events, will be remembered this year in Turkey, too.", Taraf Newspaper of 20th April 2010 wrote " A group of intellectuals as Ali Bayramo!lu, Ferhat Kentel, Ne"e Düzel, Perihan Ma!den, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, for the first time in Turkey, will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915, under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group. The commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The group will be dressing in black and carry photos of massacred Armenian intellectuals who were deported from that station." the following abstracts are from the text of the commemoration activity, “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, 1,5 to 2 million Armenians were living in these lands.... In April 24, 1915 it was started "to send them". We lost them. They are no longer available. They have not even graves. But the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster” , with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our pain". Aslı Erdo!an, was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the text. (4) Asli Erdogan was invited to YerevanArmenia to give readings from her work . She was chosen as the first Turkish writer to be invited by the Armenian Writers for a conference. (5)

*CERN: The name CERN is derived from the acronym for the French "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire", or European Council for Nuclear Research, a provisional body founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class fundamental physics research organization in Europe. Today, CERN is often referred to as the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. **PEN: PEN International promotes literature and freedom of expression. It is a forum where writers meet freely to discuss their work; it is also a voice speaking out for writers silenced in their own countries. 1.ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asl%C 4%B1_Erdo%C4%9Fan 2.http://www.icorn.org/articles.php?v ar=56 3.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great 4.http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com/ 2010/04/good-thoughtful-and-ugly-fromturks-on.html 5.http://aslierdogan.com/haberler.asp ?ssid=162

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 17, 2015


$115,000 Raised For Construction And Participation Of Second Armenian Rose Float In Pasadena Tournament Of Roses The theme of the float will be “Discover Armenia” 2016 DISCOVER ARMENIA ROSE FLOAT RIDERS Ellina Abovian

During a fundraising dinner on the night of December 6, the American Armenian Rose Float Association (AARFA) raised $115,000 toward the construction of the second Armenian rose float and its participation in the 127th Pasadena Tournament of Roses, which will be held on January 1, 2016. Close to 150 supporters attended the fundraising event, which was held at the Phoenix Decorating Company, in Pasadena, California. Throughout the evening, guests had the opportunity to take a first-hand look at the newest Armenian rose float, which is kept and being worked on inside the Rose Palace of the Phoenix Decorating Company. To date, the construction of the framework and architectural components of the float have been completed. The dry decoration of the float will be implemented in the next few weeks, and the culminating flower decorations will be carried out during the five days leading up to the Pasadena Tournament of Roses.

As he delivered his welcome remarks, the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, Glendale City Clerk Ardashes Kassakhian, underscored the importance of broad grassroots support for the realization of a largescale project such as the Armenian rose float. “Last year, the first-ever Armenian rose float was made possible by grassroots contributions while some 600 community volunteers worked tirelessly on the actual assembly of the float,” he said. “The level of enthusiasm among our community is even greater today, and we can’t thank our volunteers enough for contributing their talents, time, and energy to this wonderful project.” The first Armenian rose float, which carried the theme “Cradle of Civilization,” went on to earn the Pasadena Tournament of Roses’ prestigious President’s Award for “most effective floral use and presentation.” “On New Year’s Day, 2015, as the first Armenian rose float in history rolled down Colorado Boulevard, it promoted Armenian culture and identity in Los Angeles and

across the world,” AARFA President Stepan Partamian said as he addressed the guests. “The float was seen by about 700,000 spectators in Pasadena and a global audience of 1.5 billion in 115 countries. The forthcoming Tournament of Roses will be seen by an even greater number of people. I can’t imagine a better or more cost-effective conduit for familiarizing the world with Armenian civilization. Think about it: as a community, we’ll be spending a mere $300,000 on the second Armenian rose float, yet achieve the type of global exposure that would require millions of dollars.” Partamian said that since the theme of the upcoming Tournament of Roses is “Find your Adventure,” the newest Armenian rose float will be called “Discover Armenia.” Accordingly, the design of the float will encompass major Armenian landmarks as well as references to Armenian history — including the Sardarapat and Tsitsernakaberd memorials, the Tatev Monastery, Artsakh’s “We Are Our Mountains” monument, the Ughtasar Petroglyphs, the khachkar cemetery of Old Jugha, and the Urartian Sphinx, among others. Both the first and the newest Armenian rose floats were designed by AARFA Board member Johnny Kanounji. “By depicting the beauty and millennia-old culture of Armenia and Artsakh, the Armenian rose float will also help promote tourism in our homeland,” Partamian explained, and went on to announce the names of some of the celebrities who will ride on the upcoming Armenian rose float. They include Sona Movsesian, who was instrumental in encouraging Conan O’Brien to film a recent show in Armenia; KTLA reporter Ellina Abovian; and KTTV Channel 11 anchor Araksya Karapetyan. In the course of his remarks, Partamian announced a string of donations that were made by guests. They included Antranig Baghdassarian of Karoun Dairies, a major benefactor of the first Armenian rose float who once again contributed $50,000; and Dr. Albert Karamanoukian, Mark and Paulette Geragos, Flora Dunaians, and an anoymous donor, each of whom contributed $10,000. “This evening, like the work of the AARFA as a whole, represents the concept of ‘minimum expense and maximum return,’” Partamian said. “Thanks to in-kind donations, including the provision of this banquet space by the Phoenix Decorating Company, we were able to organize this event by spending only $15,000, and have already

raised $115,000, which will helps us significantly to cover the costs of the construction of the Armenian rose float and its participation in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses.”

An Emmy Award nominated Journalist and News Reporter for KTLA 5 news. Ellina grew up in Glendale California where most of her friends and family still reside. In 2011, she left Los Angeles to pursue her dream of working in news. After graduating from Cal State University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, she made her first move to San Luis Obispo to work for the local NBC affiliate station. Due to her hard work and determination, Abovian moved up the news market ranks quickly; from San Luis Obispo to Fresno to San Diego. In the summer of 2015, Abovian was offered the opportunity to join the KTLA 5 news team full time as a staff reporter. She currently resides in Toluca Lake with her husband.

Sona Movsesian

“I would also like to stress the importance of having repeat donors,” Partamian continued. “There’s a very good reason that benefactors such as Mr. Baghdassarian are once again supporting the Armenian rose float initiative: they see enormous value in a project that inspires and mobilizes the entire Armenian community while promoting Armenian identity and culture on an international scale.” This year, the AARFA has launched the Armenian Rose Float Ambassador Program, whereby volunteers can become city-specific ambassadors of the rose float to raise at least $3,000 from their respective communities. During the December 6 event, Partamian recognized the dedication and work of six ambassadors by presenting them with the first-ever AARFA Ambassadorship pins. The honored ambassadors were Garbis Der-Yeghiayan (representing La Verne, California), Carmen Libaridian (Hollywood Hills, California), Flora Dunaians (Pasadena, California – south of 210 Freeway), Margaret Mgrubian (Pasadena, California – north of 210 Freeway), Tony Melconian (La Crescenta, California), and Hratch Kozibeyokian (Shadow Hills, California). Currently the AARFA is seeking to enlist additional ambassadors to represent cities across the US. Those who are interested can email the association at info@aarfa.org. To date, the AARFA has raised $180,000 of the $300,000 needed for the construction of the second Armenian rose float and its participation in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. The AARFA, whose sole mission is to raise funds to be spent annually on the Armenian float, continues to accept donations and is seeking corporate sponsors to help fund the project. Tax-deductible contributions can be made securely through the AARFA site (at aarfa.org) or by mailing a check to: AARFA, P. O. Box 60005, Pasadena, CA 91116.

Born into a close-knit Armenian community in Montebello, CA and is a proud Angeleno. She graduated from USC with a degree in communication and immediately went on to work for NBC in their highly competitive and celebrated Page Program. Shortly after starting as a Page, Movsesian took a permanent position in the publicity department as the events and operations coordinator, working on events for such NBC hits as The Office, Heroes and Friday Night Lights. She then set her sights on working in production and eventually landed the current position she has now as the executive assistant for Conan O'Brien. Movsesian worked with O'Brien on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien and once his tenure as host ended, she accompanied him on the "Legally Prohibited from Being on Television Tour" and traveled to over 30 cities in North America. She still works for O'Brien and the two of them recently visited Armenia and filmed their adventures for a special that aired on TBS for O'Brien's talk show Conan.

Araksya Karapetyan Araksya anchors weekdays on Good Day LA, the FOX 11 10 a.m. news and the noon news. A native of Armenia, Karapetyan moved to the U.S. when she was seven years old. A devastating earthquake, a brewing conflict with Azerbaijan, and the demise of the Soviet Union all contributed to her family's decision to leave their homeland. She grew up in Palos Verdes Estates and returns to Los Angeles from KOIN-TV in Portland, OR, where she served as a general assignment reporter and fill-in host for the past two years. Prior to that, she was a reporter/anchor/producer at KIDK-TV in Idaho Falls, ID. Earlier in her career, Karapetyan held various news positions in California, such as reporter for government access cable television channel, Torrance CitiCABLE 3 in Torrance, CA. Karapetyan began her television career as an intern at KABC-TV in Los Angeles and KFI 640 AM radio in Burbank, CA. Araksya's interest in journalism sparked when she went back for a summer visit to Armenia. She decided to spend her time there not by being a tourist, but by actually exploring to see what everyday life was like for the majority. So she grabbed a camcorder and hit the streets. She interviewed people and visited places such as orphanages, psychiatric wards, schools, and homes for the elderly to fully understand the issues the newly democratic country was facing. Her excitement for telling stories was in full bloom by the time her visit was over. Araksya holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations and Broadcast Journalism from Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. "The best part about my job is how every day is different. I love working with all kinds of people and learning something new every single day. I can honestly say I walk away more enlightened at the end of the day. It's that ability to grow that makes this job one of a kind."

N.O. December 17, 2015, No. 49 A.:N.O. Blank


3:31 PM

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Spitak Tan Ka\qh=i Wra\ Ke Pafan=;n Jourqian Afab;kcakan :rki#r F®cak;l&&& <ar& h= 4-hn

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