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m;zin kar‘r ouvi ou ‘a\ra\;[ axga\nakan ou[;gi‘i! Jourqio\ mh= kopit .a.toumn;r ;[an irauounqi ;u axatouj;an! :rkrin fauasarak,®oujiune .a.ta‘ h% souriakan ;u iraq;an kazouj;anz al f;t;uanqow! Qrtakan ;u al;ui farz;re oc mia\n c;n lou‘oua‘^ bar;kargoujiunn;r n;rmou‘;low% a\l;u^ sra‘ ;n .trakan mi=oza®oumn;rou ibr;u f;t;uanq n;rka\ ka®awarouj;an ko[mh! :rkrin tnt;soujiune no\nisk touva‘ h m;‘aphs% ,oukan;rou koroustow ,r=anin mh=! Âousakan ødanauin war a®nou;lowe% drazi p;toujiunn;rou ;rkramasa\in pafan=atiroujiunn;re Jourqia\hn au;li* piti xøranan% Âousakan Da,nouj;an ;u Irani al xørawigow! Farz;re n;rka\is au;li kny®ota‘ ;n! Jourqio\ i,.anauorn;re ke .orfin% jh Jourqio\ wiyakoua‘ h a,.arfathr ;rkir me da®nal! Jourqia ke kar‘h% jh miak p;toujiunn h% or ,itak entroujiunn;r k*enh% da®nalou famar .øsq oun;zo[ ørhnsdir axg me fama,.arfa\in qa[aqakanouj;an mh=! A\s .øsq;rn ;n% or ke ls;nq na.agaf Hrto[ani ou warcap;t Tauoutø[loui fanra\in ;lo\jn;rou at;n! Au;lin& ;rkrin qa[aqakanouj;an mh= ]a.o[oujiunn;re ke w;ragrouin dauadrouj;anz ;u axgi j,namin;roun! W;rlou‘oum dhpq;rou ;u farz;rou% incphs na;u patas.anatououj;an stan]noum ckan% kam famaratououjiun ci trouir s.al qa[aqakanouj;anz famar! P;takan w;rlou‘aban me% or na.agafin ou warcap;tin k*enk;rana\ anonz pa,tønakan a\z;louj;anz at;n% \a\tarara‘ h% jh artaqin qa[aqakanouj;anz or;uh qnnadatoujiun famaxør h baza\a\t dauayanouj;an! Akn\a\t h% or jrqakan ka®awarouj;an mol;®and ga[a'ara.øsn;re k*oux;n i,.anoujiune safmana'ak;l islamisj qa[aqakanouj;amb& a\l entranqn;r nkatoua‘ ;n axga\in dauayanoujiun% inc or piti a®a=nordh noranor s.aln;rou! F;t;uabar% \;tadar]akan (irredentist) qa[aqakanouj;an me ord;groume% \anoun ;®andot ga[a'ara.øsouj;an% gor‘naphs ke wtangh axga\in ,af;re% miavamanak gl.azau;r patya®;low ;rkrin% or dimagrau;lou h fska\akan martafrauhrn;r! Cmo®nanq% or nman go\awiyak me piti .angarh 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re da,nakizn;rou f;t! O[=mtoujiune ke pafan=h nor ®axmawaroujiun ‘ragr;l% bar;lau;lou famar islamisj gor‘ounhoujiune artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an mh=! F;®auor h a®a\vm nman kar;lioujiun me Jourqio\ [;kawarn;roun ;u anonz armatakan ko[mnakizn;roun famar! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (ªToday's Zamanº% D;kt& 12% 2015)
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Rep. Adam Schiff Responds To Ambassador Baer’s Statement Regarding Turkey's Role In NKR Peace Process Washington D.C. - Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the following statement in response to statement by U.S. Ambassador to the OSCE endorsing Turkey as a constructive participant in Nagorno Karbakh peace talks facilitated by the Minsk Group: "I'm deeply troubled by the statement of the United States Ambassador to the OSCE suggesting that Turkey should play a role in the Minsk Group. Given Turkey's behavior and longstanding support for Baku, they cannot be considered -- in any way -- a neutral broker in what has become an increasingly intense conflict along the Line of Contact. Instead of stacking the table against Nagorno Karabakh, all nations should insist upon the deployment of monitoring technology along the border, a step that Armenia has readily agreed to but has been resisted by Azerbaijan, doubtless because it would demonstrate their unprovoked aggression."
Armenia and NKR Defense Ministries refute Azerbaijani misinformation:
“Armenian Side Suffered No Losses Last Night” The Armenian side had no wounded or dead servicemen as a result of armed clashes on the night of December 21 on the line of contact between the armed forces of Karabakh and Azerbaijan and on ArmeniaAzerbaijan state border, the spokesmen for Defense Ministries of Armenia and Karabakh, Artsrun Hovhannisyan and Senor Hasratyan, told Panorama.am. They thus refuted the misinformation spread by the Azerbaijani mass media. “The Armenian side suffered no losses, this is misinformation,” S. Hasratyan said. Artsrun Hovhannisyan said for his part that the information is a fabrication of Azerbaijan. “It is even funny to deny every time statements of Azerbaijani propaganda machine that lives in a reality of its own made-up stories,” he noted.
Sargsyan In Moscow: Armenia Assumes CSTO Chairmanship Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who is in the Russian Federation on a working visit, on Monday took part in the Moscow session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) where Armenia assumed rotating chairmanship of the organization.
Policy of Azerbaijan is aimed at conflict escalation Every time the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan apply small weapons of all calibers, mortars and artillery cannons against the Republic of Armenia, they fire at Astana, Dushanbe and Bishkek, Moscow and Minsk. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said the aforementioned, speaking at the CSTO Security Council session held in Moscow.
Armed Forces Of Azerbaijan Suffer Yet Another Loss Nurmammadzadeh Ibrahim Avaz oglu, a soldier of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, was killed on the line of contact of the Azerbaijani and Armenian troops ‘during armed clashes’ on 19 December, the Defence Ministry of Azerbaijan said in an official pressrelease, as reported by Trend agency. According to Oxu.az, the soldier was buried in a cemetery in the city Khudat in his native Khachmaz district. Nurmammadzadeh was conscripted for the military service in June 2015. The press service for the Defence Ministry of Azerbaijan also claims ‘two Armenian soldiers were killed in a response fire and four were wounded.’ However, the spokesperson for the Defence Army of the NKR, Senor Hasratyan, denied the information about losses of the Armenian side to Razm.info and said ‘this is yet another propagandistic and groundless false information.’
Mayor of Yerevan lights main Christmas tree of Armenia Yerevan. - The main Christmas tree has been lit up in the Republic Square in Yerevan. The tree was lit by Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan at 8:00 pm on Monday. The Mayor went on stage in the company of 12 children from each administrative region of Yerevan, and together they lit the tree. This was followed by fireworks and concert. At the same time, festive lighting in all the streets of the city was turned on. The festive events will end on January 13 by the program “My old and new New Year.”
Russian FM Plans To Meet Co-Leader Of Turkey’s Pro-Kurdish HDP Party
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is planning a meeting with the coleader of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtas this week, according to sources in the Foreign Ministry. “Such a meeting is planned,” a source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti. Earlier, Demirtas said that he would hold a meeting in Moscow with Lavrov on Thursday, Turkish media reported. The opposition leader said he wanted “to talk about the recent tension between Turkey and Russia” during the visit. “Many people, many businesspeople and students, are affected by this tension. Turkey does not take a step [to improve relations]. The president [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] has closed all doors. We are effective and we want to use our power,” he said. He added that HDP is seeking to “open a party office in Moscow."
Armenia President On Su-24 Incident: Any Support To Terrorism Is To Be Condemned Severely Moscow - The annihilation of the Russian Su-24 by the Turkish Armed Forces became a serious challenge thrown out to the efforts aimed at terrorism counteraction, normalization of conflict in Syria and restoration of peace in the region. Any support to terrorism is subject to the most severe condemnation. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said the aforementioned, speaking at the CSTO Security
‘Armenian Lobby’ Blamed For Proposed U.S. Sanctions On Azeri Officials
Council session held in Moscow today. “In the development of situation related to the downed Russian jet, we all witnessed the formation and enhancement of operative military and political blocs. The unconditional support provided to Turkey by NATO countries, including, for instance, Greece, obviously manifests that the principle “All for one and one for all” is an obligatory condition for the effectiveness of such organiza-
tions. Even in case Turkey’s actions contravened all the norms and principles of good neighborly relations, even in case it downed the jet, implementing the most important taks for the international community, namely fighting terrorism. And this means that the hostile action was carried out not only with regard to Russia; none of the NATO states called into question Turkey’s actions. We must learn lessons from this,” Sargsyan said.
Azerbaijan on Thursday blamed Armenian-American advocacy groups for legislation that would deny U.S. visas to senior Azerbaijani officials due to what a U.S. lawmaker has called Baku's “appalling human rights violations.” Chris Smith, the Republican chairman of the U.S. Congress’s Helsinki Commission, introduced the bill, and titled the Azerbaijan Democracy Act of 2015, in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. “The human rights situation has seriously deteriorated in Azerbaijan, causing damage to its relations with the United States and other countries, and has damaged its own society by imprisoning or exiling some of its best and brightest citizens," Smith told a commission hearing held in conjunction with the announcement of the bill. In a statement issued by the commission, the lawmaker said "the United States can no longer remain blind to the appalling human rights violations that are taking place in Azerbaijan." The legislation would deny entry to -and revoke current U.S visas held by -- individuals "in the senior leadership of the government of Azerbaijan," as well as members of their "immediate family." Individuals who derive "significant financial benefit" due to their ties to senior officials, as well as security, law enforcement, and judicial officials involved in "persecution or harassment" of journalists, activists, and opposition or religious groups would also face these sanctions. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the proposed sanctions. “Congressman Chris Smith has always been known for his pro-Armenian position and been under the influence of the Armenian lobby in the U.S.,” the ministry spokesman, Hikmet Hajiyev, told the APA news agency. Aliyev described “the Armenian lobby” as his nation’s number one enemy when his regime faced growing international scrutiny ahead of a Eurovision song contest held in Baku three years ago. The Azerbaijani government has since toughened its crackdown on dissent, jailing dozens of opposition members, civic activists and journalists.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 24, 2015
Glendale, CA - The Armenian American Museum unveiled its conceptual design at the Glendale City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2015. The Project Development Committee presented the developments of the first phase of the master planning process and shared the concept design for the new museum. “The concept for the museum
The Armenian American Museum concept designed by Alajajian Marcoosi Architects will include exhibitions space, resource center, a performing arts theater, and classrooms. The museum building will be surrounded by an outdoor plaza and peace garden on the City owned property next to the Glendale Civic Auditorium. The 1.7 acre property on the corner of Verdugo Road and Mountain Street will also serve as the location for a memorial to the victims
is rooted in creating a place of inspiration and hope for the community” stated the Museum Project Development Committee Chairman Berdj Karapetian. “We have submitted all of the requirements to the City of Glendale in our exclusive negotiating agreement and are now ready to proceed to securing the ground lease agreement, further developing our master plan, and organizing fundraising initiatives that will enable us to bring this project into fruition.”
of the Armenian Genocide. The Museum’s vision is a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity while speaking out against prejudice. Glendale City Mayor Ara Najarian applauded the work of the museum team following the design presentation by stating, “Just one year ago this was a dream for our community and I feel very excited to see things come to this
AMAA Calls For The Return Of The Total Grounds Of CAMP ARMEN
Paramus, NJ - On October 27, 2015 partial justice was realized in Turkey with the return of part of the grounds of “The Youth Home of Istanbul’s” CAMP ARMEN, a summer camp in the Tuzla District of Istanbul to its rightful owner, The Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedik Pasa. CAMP ARMEN was home to over 1,500 Armenian orphans, gathered from the depths of Anatolia and introduced to their faith and national origin by Hrant Guzelian. It was also where Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink and his wife Rakel met, grew up and were married. The Camp was being demolished. AMAA Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian recently wrote to Mr. Ahmet Davuto!lu, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey thanking him and the Turkish government for their role in the partial resolution of the seizure of CAMP ARMEN. Mr. Khanjian urged the Prime Minister to attain total justice with the return of the whole camp grounds, legally acquired and paid for by the Protestant Church and built by the sweat of its campers.
level. I know there will be some milestones ahead but have no doubt that you will work diligently to create a wonderful design plan that will put Glendale on the map nationwide.” Councilwoman Paula Devine relayed her support by highlighting the cross-cultural and educational component of the museum and invited selected architects Aram Alajajian and Sako Marcoosi to share their inspiration for the design. “The inspiration lays within the museum itself to serve the larger Glendale community and create a place for visitors to learn about Armenian culture while also hosting diverse traveling exhibits” commented Aram Alajajian. Councilmen Vartan Gharpetian and Zareh Sinanyan further noted the multi-functionality of the museum by echoing the educational opportunities it will bring to the community and the significance of building it adjacent to the Glendale Community College campus. The overarching support of the Glendale City Council was emphasized by Councilwoman Laura Freidman in stating, “You
have a very supportive Council and a great sense of passion from the community to make this happen. I am happy to learn that you have hired a local entity to bring this bold vision to Glendale.” The next stage for the Museum project will be to secure a Ground Lease Agreement with the City of Glendale and commission a master plan that will provide operation direction on programming, business strategy, facility development, and governance. The Museum will launch a wide-range of outreach programs in the coming months with City of Glendale government, businesses, homeowner associations, and community members to ensure collaboration, feedback, and community-driven opportunities to raise awareness about Armenian American Museum. The mission of the Armenian American Museum is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experiences. For more information about the Armenian American Museum please visit ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org or call (844) 586-4626
AMAA Presents "The Best Of Christmas" Holiday Concert
Paramus, NJ – Organized by Co-chairs Anita Buchakjian and Seta Nalbandian with the coordination of featured Soprano Solange Merdinian, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) presented “The Best of Christmas” Holiday Concert on December 4th, which was held at the Armenian Presbyterian Church in Paramus to ring in the Christmas season. In the beautifully decorated sanctuary, cherished Christmas carols, such as "Silent Night," "O Holy Night" and "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" were among a program which was filled with other classics, all of which were spectacularly performed by: Soprano Zovinar Aghavian, Soprano Anoosh Barclay, Tenor, Gregory Loshkajian, Soprano Solange Merdinian and Riko Higuma on piano. A highlight of the evening was the Sipan Armenian School Chorus singing some all-time favorites such as "Arachin Dzenoonte" (The First Noel), "Nor Dari" (New Year) and "Tzouyin Mechen" (Through the Snow.) The evening ended on a high note with everyone on their feet proclaiming “Joy to the World” in anticipation of celebrating the joy and beauty of Christ’s birth. The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) is a non-profit charitable organization which serves as the missionary arm of the Armenian Evangelical Churches worldwide. All donations received from this special Concert benefitted AMAA Christmas Joy Program. Since the early 1990s, the AMAA and the Evangelical Church of Armenia have been organizing Christmas Programs in Armenia and Karabagh to share God’s love and bring Christmas joy to thousands of children.
The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America's ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – WesternUSA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. !
Newly-Established Armenia Artsakh Fund To Continue Delivering Humanitarian Aid Glendale, CA - A new non-profit organization, Armenia Artsakh Fund (AAF), was established on December 1, 2015, in Glendale, California, to deliver large-scale humanitarian aid to the population of Armenia and Artsakh (Karabagh). Given the widespread poverty and unemployment in the two Armenian Republics, AAF's mission is to continue the laudable humanitarian efforts of the United Armenian Fund (UAF) which delivered $720 million of relief supplies to the homeland in the past 26 years. AAF is led by Harut Sassounian as president, and Nouritza Abujamra as Program Director who had held similar positions at the UAF which terminated its operations on November 30, 2015. AAF's Board of Directors consists of Vitali Grigoryants, Harut Sassounian, Stepan Martirosyan, Arsen Mikayelyan, and Nouritza Abujamra. Mr. Grigoriants, a prominent businessman, is AAF's chairman of the board, and its prime benefactor. He will provide the necessary financial resources to AAF to ensure that hospitals, clinics, schools, orphanages, and other charitable organizations in Armenia and Artsakh receive each year millions of dollars of humanitarian assistance, consisting of life-saving medicines, vaccines, medical equipment, infant formula, farming supplies, computers, winter clothing, shoes, toys, books, and many other goods. The AAF is located at 1101 N. Pacific Ave., #204, Glendale, CA 91202. Phone number: 818-241-8900; and fax: 818241-6900.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 24, 2015
The 12th Annual Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) Holiday Gala held on December 11th at New York City’s Cipriani 42nd Street raised over $3.7 million to fund the organization’s first SMART Center being launched in Armenia’s Lori region. COAF’s SMART initiative will engage villages with national and international experts in multiple locations synchronously to inspire and propel dialogue and learning. SMART will offer world-class programs from global influencers through interconnected virtual classrooms, meeting areas for student and youth clubs, an auditorium for performances and presentations, a library, and studios for language, arts and music. The sold-out event was emceed by actress Caroline Rhea and included inspiring music and speeches by talented youth from Armenia. The evening also featured performances by Tony Award-winner Christine Ebersole, Harvard University's acapella group The Harvard Callbacks, and a special performance by the Rakiem Walker Project. Clips of Conan O'Brien and Andrea Martin welcoming guests were shown during the program. Philanthropist and biotechnology entrepreneur Noubar Afeyan received this year’s Save a Generation Award for his continuous support for COAF and many other projects in Armenia.
Professor Richard Hovannisian Inducted Into Accademia Ambrosiana Milan - Professor Richard G. Hovannisian of UCLA, Chapman University, and the Shoah Foundation at USC has been inducted as a Fellow of the prestigious Accademia Ambrosiana of Milan, Italy. Nominated by the Great Chancellor of the Academy, Archbishop of Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola, for having distinguished himself in the field of Armenian and Oriental Studies, Hovannisian was inducted as a lifetime fellow of the 400 year-old Academy in formal ceremonies held in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana on the evening of November 9, 2015. His diploma was presented by Monsignor Franco Buzzi, president of the Academy. On November 10, Dr. Hovannisian delivered a memorable inaugural address on the significance of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide and the advances since 1915 in the historiography of the Mets Yeghern (Great Crime) and its significance in comparative perspective. Other
talks on Armenian subjects during the three-day assembly were given by invited scholars Marco Bias, Raymond Kevorkian, and Aldo Ferrari. Professor Levon Chookaszian of Yerevan State University also attended as an inductee of the Academy’s Classis Orientalis. Richard Hovannisian has authored and edited 30 books and nearly 100 articles and chapters on Armenian, Near Eastern, and Caucasian history and culture. He is a Guggenheim fellow, a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, and a recipient of numerous scholarly, ecclesiastic, civic, and professional awards. He is currently collaborating with the Shoah Foundation on the integration of Armenian survivor testimony into the Foundation’s permanent holdings, while also completing work on the Armenian translation of volumes 3 and 4 of his magnus opus, The Republic of Armenia.
The Family Tradition Continues! Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Plan Return to Israel for Saint's Baptism Just like big sister North West, Saint West will be baptized in Israel, according to a new report. Kim Kardashian, husband Kanye West, and their two kids are rumored to be making the trip in early 2016 and are gearing up for the special moment. “She wants to take Saint to Jerusalem to get baptized like they did with Nori,” a source tells to Us Weekly.The family of four will perform the ceremony at the Armenian St. James Cathedral, where they held North's baptism in April. In preparation for the trip, reports reveal that the 35-year-old star is planning to undertake a major weight loss regimen to get in shape for the ceremony. As a former In Touch report shows, the new
mom-of-two has already lost 17 pounds since giving birth to Saint West earlier this month. As Kardashian formerly revealed, this actually won't be the first time Saint is making the trip. Earlier this year, she said that she was, in fact, pregnant at the time of North's baptism, so the sweet moment will come full circle later in 2016 when they make the trip again. "Baptizing North in Jerusalem in an Armenian church with our new baby in my belly was so special," the brunette beauty wrote when she shared a photo of North's ceremony. Now, the custom rolls on!
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
93 - Roni Margulies By Hambersom Aghbashian Roni Margulies (born May 5, 1955 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish poet, author, translator and political activist resident in London. Margulies was born in Istanbul to a Jewish family. His maternal grandparents were Sephardic Jews from Izmir and his paternal grandparents were Ashkenazi Jews from Poland. Margulies attended the English- medium Robert College and moved to London in 1972 to study Economics. He has lived in London ever since, although he has spent an increasing amount of time in Istanbul in recent years. Margulies started writing poetry in 1991 and won the prestigious Yunus Nadi Poetry Award in 2002 with his book of poems, Saat Fark (Time Difference). He has published selected translations of the poetry of Ted Hughes, Philip Larkin, and Yehuda Amichai in Turkish. Margulies is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Workers' Party (DSIP) and translated Tony Cliff's State Capitalism in Russia into Turkish. In April 2015, Roni Margulies wrote an article "Century of Genocide" in " Socialist Review" where he expressed his opinion about the Armenian Genocide, and recalled the genocide and its gradual unveiling. The following is the abstracts: The Turkish president's attempts to detract attention from the centennial of the massacre of around 1.5 million Armenian looks set to fail. The Turkish victory at Gallipoli is celebrated every year on its anniversary, 18 March. This year Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that it would take place on 24 April, hoping to distract attention from another centenary. April 24, 1915 is considered to be the beginning of the Armenian genocide. It ended with up to 1.5 million people dead, and an ancient culture utterly destroyed in its homeland. Every Turkish government since the empire gave way to the republic in 1923 has denied the genocide. These days, the complete denial looks stupid, the official line tends to be to admit that many Armenians died, but to question the numbers and claim that people died on both sides .The taboo on even referring to the genocide is now broken. There has been a struggle within Turkey for some years to get official recognition of and an apology for the Armenian genocide. Erdogan’s attempt to distract attention from all this by bringing Gallipoli to the fore is unlikely to have much success, at home or abroad. (1) Europeans, Armenians and Turks joined together to commemorate the Armenian Genocide centennial , 1915-2015, in Turkey, under a campaign called "Remember 24 April 1915", which was released on April 6, 2015, and called on the intellectuals to sign the international call which states "On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, your support is crucial concerning the international call for the commemorations of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey from the 20- 25th of April. The European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM is leading a delegation in Istanbul, along with our Armenian European partner AGBU, and our Turkish partner Durde! and its activists who courageously organize these commemorations for 5 years now. Following these events, the delegation will go to Yerevan to commemorate, again
together." Among the long list of signees were, President of EGAM, President & Director of AGBU-Europe, Spokesperson of Durde!, President of IHD, Charles Aznavour, Bernard Kouchner, Ozutrk Turkdogan, Bernard Henri Lévy, Ara Toranian, Fethiye Çetin, Cengiz Aktar, Ahmet Insel, Aydın Engin, Ümit Kivanç, Ferhat Kentel, Yves Ternon, Ahmed Moawia,Taner Akçam, Dogan Akhanli, Yildiz Onen, Roni Margulies, Zeynep Tanbay, Ayse Demirbilek, Garo Kaprielyan, Ufuk Uras, and the list goes on. (2) According to "Today's Zaman" , October 10, 2014, the DurDe (Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism!) organized The “World War I and the Armenian Genocide” panel discussiona which was held on Thursday ,October 9, 2014, evening at the Cezayir Restaurant in the Taksim district of !stanbul. Historian and journalist Professor Ayhan Aktar from Bilgi University; activist, writer and member of the Armenian community in Turkey Tatyos Bebek and journalist and author Roni Margulies were the guest speakers. Journalist and writer Roni Margulies said that "the state has a history of committing organized massacres that is very well known and accepted. People talk about it within their circles and hear about it from their elders." Margulies argued that "a state apology is important, as it can change peoples' minds when official acknowledgement is made. If the state accepts a wrongdoing officially, peoples' approach to the issue changes, too. That may not bring the lost lives of history back, but may create a much better future,” Margulies added. (3) On November 6, 2012, the temporary exhibition titled “Armenian Genocide and Scandinavian Response” was opened in the Humanitarian Research Library which is a part of the Copenhagen Royal Library. The exhibition got wide response among the Danish society, but it aroused stormy rage of Turkish side, especially the Turkish Embassy in Denmark. The Turkish government demanded the Royal Library of Denmark to open “an alternative” exhibition about “So-Called Armenian Genocide” and the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed "to balance" the Armenian Genocide exhibition. A group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors–have signed an open letter to the Royal Library telling them that "By giving the Turkish government to present an “alternative exhibition,” you support their policy of suppression and intimidation. The support that you are extending to a regime that has made opposition to confronting history and denial of the truth a fundamental principle is equivalent to supporting a regime of apartheid. We want to remind you that your support constitutes an obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today. Roni Margulies was one of the intellectuals who signed the petition. (4) According to "http://armenpress.am", December 12, 2012, " After his visit to Diyarbakir, historical Tikranakert, columnist of Turkish 'Taraf' newspaper, Roni Margulies, wrote in his Twitter profile that the Turkish authorities will be compelled to answer for the Armenian Genocide, forced Cont. on p. 10
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 24, 2015
Ludovica And Dr. Agop Aintablian Make $4.5 Million Donation To ASLA $1.9 Million Pays Off Mortgage of Building in Glendale The Armenian Society of Los Angeles announced the acceptance of a $4.5 million donation from Mrs. Ludovica and Dr. Agop Aintablian, including $1.9 million to pay the balance of the mortgage owed on the Society’s five-year-old building in Glendale. According to the donors’ wishes, the balance of approximately $2.6 million will be held in an irrevocable charitable remainder trust for the life of Mrs. Ludovica Aintablian, and subsequently will be used by the ASLA to advance and support cultural, humanitarian and educational activities in the local Armenian community. In honour of the benefactors, the Armenian Society of Los Angeles has named the building of the Society “Ludovica and Agop Aintablian Center”. Joining in the official announcement at ASLA’s 59th anniversary ball in November were Arsen Danielian, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Tomik Alexanian, member of the Board of Trustees and COO; and Hovik Gabikian, President of the Executive Committee. “On behalf of the Armenian Society of Los Angeles, we express our deepest appreciation to Ludovica and Agop for their generosity and confidence in our organization,” Danielian said. “We take great pride in accepting this donation and will take exceptional care in carrying out their wishes. First and foremost, will be maintaining the long tradition of the Armenian Society of Los Angeles to
93 - Roni Margulies Cont. from p. 9 deportation, pain and sufferings. he added, 30,000 people used to live in Diyarbakir in 1980, 10,000 of the were Armenians , another 10,000 were Muslims and the rest other Christians and Jews. Now after 100 years everyone is Muslim . We shall force the Turkish authorities to give an account for the Genocide, deportation, pain and sufferings. I don't say the state will give an account, but we shall compel the state to give an account for that. (5) The "I Apologize Campaign" is an initiative that was launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, politicians, and professors that calls for an apology for what they considered as the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915", through a form of a signature campaign. That which is an expression used to avoid using "Armenian Genocide" and the consequences of using it. The stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them." The campaign was signed by 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as in direct reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society. Roni Margulies was one of the notable signatories. (6) 1.http://socialistreview.org.uk/401/centenary-genocide. 2.http://www.egam.eu/armenian-genocidesign-the-international-callremember24april1915/ 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_armenians-in-turkey-want-to-showthat-we-can-live-together_361272.html 4.http://www.genocide-museum.am /eng/19.12.12.php 5.http://armenpress.am/eng/news/702906/ 6.http://www.latimes.com/la-oe-ozyurek52009jan05-story.html
continue good relations with all segments of the Armenian community.” Prior to selecting the Armenian Society of Los Angeles, the couple conducted lengthy research “to find the most suitable organization which serves the needs of the local Armenian community, while also participating in programs that benefit families in Armenia.” Dr. Aintablian added, “We feel that the Armenian Society of Los Angeles is the best organization to accomplish both of these goals.” Established in 1956, The Armenian Society of Los Angeles, with more than 1,000 active members, is an independent and autonomous cultural and non-profit charitable organization, which does not pursue political or religious activities. The Society pursues cultural and charitable goals to preserve and develop the Armenian culture and relative traditions and promote good citizenship of the United States. Serving the Armenian people and Armenia being its main purpose, the Society also collaborates with institutions and establishments both in the U.S. and in Armenia. Among the numerous benevolent activities, the main functions of the Society include: a Saturday School with about 100 students ranging in age from 6 to 15; a choir with more than 85 members, headed by internationally renowned Maestro Mikael Avetisyan; folklore dance classes; a women’s chapter; youth and art chapters; an extensive Armenian library; and Save-a-Child Educational Fund in Armenia.
Eighth Annual AGBU NYSEC Concert Raises Over $50,000 For Performing Arts Initiatives Carnegie Hall concert, Melodies of Hope, commemorates 100 years of the Armenian Genocide On December 5, nine performers and hundreds of guests gathered at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall for this year’s AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC) Performing Artists in Concert. The evening of music, entitled Melodies of Hope, was in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide centenary, and raised over $50,000 for performing arts initiatives worldwide. The evening’s program featured musicians from Armenia, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Macedonia, Portugal and the United States, all of whom were first-time participants in the concert series. The performers were all recipients of AGBU Performing Arts scholarships, which have allowed them to study at prestigious institutions like the Cologne High Institute of Music, Mannes School of Music, Monash University of Melbourne, Manhattan School of Music and the Shanghai Music Conservatory. The performers composing this year’s international ensemble included: Arpine Azatyan (violin), Sona Barseghyan (piano), Vasko Dukovski (duduk and clarinet), Luke Ratcliffe Khachaturian (piano), Artur Mouradian (viola and violin), Talin Nalbandian, (mezzo-soprano), Astghik
Poghosyan (violin), Tamara Sevunts (actress and poet) and Amy Tcheupdjian (cello). After the concert, Sevunts reflected on the importance of bringing young Armenians together: “I cannot express how tremendous it was to be with artists of similar backgrounds from all over the world on such a prestigious stage. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity and excited even more for what is to come. I think there is a profound understanding in the community now, and among our youth, that the arts and the love and passion with which we give ourselves to them will help pave the progress of the Armenian community.” Poghosyan also served as the artistic director for the evening and opened the concert with an explanation of the significance of the gathering: “This year’s concert is particularly special, as it is in commemoration of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Towards the end of this significant year, we are here to mark this anniversary together, bringing positive spirit, music, and of course, hope, in the essence of all that unites us. Today, you will hear melodies of peace that each of us wishes for, melodies of pride that each of us carries out wherever we are in this world and melodies of hope that
will take us to a brighter future.” The concert was composed of an eclectic selection of Western classical and Armenian music. It was also the Carnegie Hall premiere of the 2015 Sayat Nova International Composition Competition winning piece, “Flowers of Golgotha,” by composer Hovik Sardaryan. In addition, the evening featured readings of poems by Grigor Narekatsi and Daniel Varoujan, pieces by Sharafyan, Shostakovich, Rachmaninov, Saryan and Beethoven, and an interpretation of the traditional Armenian folk song “Tsitsernak,” arranged especially for the evening’s performance by Yang Yi, a student at the Shanghai Music Conservatory, as a gift and symbol of respect in honor of the Armenian Genocide. Hayk Arsenyan, the director of the AGBU Performing Arts Department (PAD), commented on the special theme of the concert: “This year, we wanted to introduce the audience to our ancient musical tradition, from the medieval period all the way up to the contemporary, to show the continuity of our thriving culture and encourage Armenians around the world to keep creating.” !
Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno
Dr. G. Bournoutian To Speak On “Iran’s Mission Of Apology To Russia”
Dr. George Bournoutian, senior professor of Middle Eastern and East European history at Iona College of New York will present a lecture on “Iran’s Mission of Apology to Russia” at 7:30 PM on Thursday, January 28, 2016, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Rm. 191 on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program of Fresno State and the Armenian General Benevolent Union of Fresno. Following the murder of Griboedov, the Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary of Russia and the massacre of the entire Russian Legation, save one, by an angry mob, on February 11, 1829, in Tehran, the government of Iran dispatched a mission with an official apology from the Shah to Tsar Nicholas I. The mission, headed by Khosrow Mirza, the 16-year-old seventh son of Crown Prince Abbas Mirza, left Iran in early May and returned on February 27, 1830, after successfully accomplishing its task. Dr. Bournoutian will discuss the tenmonth activities of the mission, and its travels from Tabriz to Yerevan, Tiflis, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. One member of the Iranian mission kept a diary of the trip, and Bournoutian has made the first English translation, with annotations, of the diary. His book, From Tabriz to St. Petersburg: Iran’s Mission of Apology to Russia in 1829, was published in 2014. Dr. Bournoutian will discuss the importance of these archival materials and also discuss how this period in history ultimately leads to the formation of the first Armenian Republic in 1918. Dr. George Bournoutian received the first Ph.D. in Armenian History from UCLA in 1976. He has been called the foremost authority on Eastern Armenia from the 16th to the 19th centuries and is the author of 30 books and numerous articles. Professor Bournoutian’s The Concise History of the Armenian People, currently in its 6th edition, has sold over 20,000 copies and has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, and Armenian. A Japanese version is due soon and a Persian translation is due in late 2016. The lecture is free and open to the public. Parking will be available in Lots 5 and P6 with parking code 273601. For more information on the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 or go to its website at fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.
N.O. December 24, 2015, No. 49 B.:N.O. Blank
5:25 PM
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