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Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno) PA<TØNAJ:RJ MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:ROU ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN <R+ANI An ADL Publication >MBAGIR^
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ªØSMANZI SOULJANº HRTO{ANE N:{ ØR:R K*APRI SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Jourqio\ fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Hrto[ane baxm;r;s% maqiaw;lakan an]nauoroujiun men h! Patan;koujiune jr‘oua‘ h krønamol ;u axga\nakan krjouj;amb! Iskhnthr "a,a sou`i (anarat ou .orfrdauor m;knabanoujiune islamouj;an) fama\nqin andamn;rhn hr! Qa[aqap;takan ou .orfrdaranakan ,our= qsanam;a\ ir gor‘ounhouj;anz enjazqin% ,r=an me dar]a‘ h au;li a,.arfik ;u \o\v gor‘oun;a\% qarixma oun;zo[ [;kawar me% m;‘aphs satar;low ir ;rkrin \a®a=dimouj;an^ ,inararakan% tnt;sakan ou krjakan marx;rhn n;rs% bar]razn;low ir ;rkrin mi=axga\in warke! Ir warcap;touj;an w;r=in tarin;roun saka\n% ou na.agaf da®nalh ;tq% f;txf;th ke drs;uorouin b®natirakan ir i,.anap;toujiune% incphs na;u^ ir axga\namol ou 'anjouranakan f;®ankarn;re! ªØsmanzi souljanº makdirow pynoua‘% na.agaf Â;yh' Ja\\ip Hrto[ane ‘na‘ h Isjanpouli mh= 1954-in! 13 tar;kanin% ma\raqa[aqin 'o[ozn;roun mh= l;moni ø,arak ou simij ke ‘ grpani ‘ apafow;lou famar! Khs arf;stawarv `oujpolist hr (1969-82)! Na.akrjaranakan (Imam Fapipi dproz) ;u ;rkrordakan ousoume stanalh ;tq% ke mtnh Aqsara\i ªMarmaraº famalsarane% ourkh ,r=anauart k*ella\ A®;utrakan Warcagitouj;an tit[osow! 1974-in ke grh jatr;rgoujiun me^ ªMasqomiaºn% oroun b;madricn ou gl.auor d;rakatare inq ellalow% ke ]a[kh masonakanoujiune% fama\nawaroujiunn ou mowsisakanoujiune! Amousnaza‘ h ;u ouni cors xauakn;r^ ;rkou manc ;u ;rkou doustr;r! 1991-in ke gl.auorh islamisj Axga\in "rkouj;an Kousakzoujiune! 1994-98 ke gor‘h ibr;u Polso\ qa[aqap;t! 1998-in ke datapartoui 10 amsouan bantarkouj;an& 4 amis ;tq axat k*ar]akoui! 2001-in ke fimnh AKP Kousakzoujiune! 2003-hn 2014 ke warh ;rkrin warcap;toujiune% ~;jfoulla Kiulhni Y;maaj <arvoumin n;zouke wa\;l;low! Anika m;‘aphs ke satarh ;rkrin bargauayman% m;‘ qa[aqn;roun - \atkaphs^ Isjanpouli – ødi apakanoujiune (bnakan kaxi gor‘a‘ouj;amb) ou =ouri matakararoume (nor =ranzqn;row) bar;lau;low% nor kamour=n;r (50 fat)% axatou[in;r% ou famalsarann;r ka®ouzan;l talow! Mius ko[mh% saka\n% Hrto[an k*oun;na\ ir bazasakan ko[m;re! Ir mh= k*arjnnan gor, ga\li kirq;re! Axga\nakan Xia Khøqal'i (1876-1924) mhk banast;[‘ouj;nhn n;r,ncoua‘^ ;u anor f;t;uo[ouj;amb ke \a\tararh& ªMxkijn;re m;r xøranozn;rn ;n% gmbhjn;re^ m;r
sa[auartn;re% minarhn;re^ m;r souinn;re% ;u fauataz;aln;re^ m;r xinouorn;reº! 2011-in% 200-h au;li span;r (ªHrkhn;qonºi datawaroujiune) ou lragro[n;r ke bantarkouin% ;u a\laxan datapartouj;anz k*;njarkouin! Ibr;u bo[oq% banakin% nauatormin ;u ødouvin xørap;t;re fauaqakan fravarakan ke n;rka\azn;n! Asonq ke 'o.arinouin warcakargin nor n,anakoumn;row! Lrazouzic k;rpow% 2013 D;kt;mb;rin ke baza\a\toui ka®awarakan m;‘ ga\jak[oujiun me – 100 pilien tolari-% oroun masnakiz dar]a‘ ;n dafliyin ;r;q na.ararn;roun oronq ke fravarin – xauakn;re! 2014-in% b®nakali 'a®qow \['aza‘% Q;mal Ajajiurq anta®in mh=% apørini k;rpow ka®ouz;l kou ta\ Anqara\i spitak fska\akan palate% 1000 s;n;akn;row% ,®a\lørhn ‘a.s;low 615 milion tolar! Anika ir taro[ouj;amb ke g;raxanzh Oua,inkjeni Y;rmak Toune ou Moskoua\i Qr;mlin palate! Artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an ‘irhn n;rs% ke 'or]h øgtouil ªArabakan Garounºow Fiusisa\in A'rikhi ou Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= \a®a=aza‘ 'ojorikhn% ou Sourio\ mh=^ Jourqia-Shoutakan Arabia – Qajari ko[mh na.a];®noua‘ Sourio\ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmhn! ’ragire tapal;l h Pa,ar Asati i,.anoujiune% Qajari qariu[e fastatou;liq .o[owaka,arow anarg;l faszn;lou famar Jourqia! Isk a\s w;r=no\n faraua\in safmann;rou wra\ ke marxouin ou ke xinouin armatakan frosaka.oumb;r% oronq ke n;r.ouv;n Souria% øvandak;low enddimadrouj;an ;u Iraqi siunni xin;aln;rou apstambakan ,arvoumin! Shoutakan Arabian ou Qajare ke fa\ja\j;n xhnq;rn ou dramakan øvandakoujiune! W;ro\i,;al na.a];®nouj;anz ouvgnørhn ke dimadar]h ,ii Parskastane^ ir xinouorakan ou tnt;sakan øgnouj;amb! Miaz;al Nafangn;r ;u :uropa oro, f;®auorouj;nh ke dirqoro,ouin ISIS-i dhm% miavamanak øvandak;low souriakan enddimouj;an ouv;roun! Jourqia fimnakan s.ale ke gor‘h% ir ;rkrin øda\in mi=oze b®nabara‘ ®ousakan Sou-24 ødanau me war a®n;low! Bnakan h% Jourqia apauina‘ h NAJØ-i ir andamakzouj;an! Ar;umoutqe% skxbounqa\in k;zoua‘qow% k*ardaraznh ir da,nakize& ba\z mia\n a\dqan! Âous-jourq siralir% bar;kamakan ou tnt;sakan la\n \arab;roujiunn;re jaualglor ankoum k*ar]anagr;n! S;u ’owou ;u fiusis-ar;u;l;an Mi=;rkrakani mh= k*au;lnan ®ousakan nauatormi[in miauorn;re! Sourio\ mh= frji®aka\ann;re
k*ø vtouin f;®afas nor xhnq;row! Âmbako‘oumn;re ke sastkanan \atkaphs jiurqmhn xin;al .mbauoroumn;rou wra\% incphs na;u^ dhpi Jourqia ou[[ouo[ qariu[atar ka®q;rou dhm! A®anz wixa\i 'o.adar] ,r=apto\tn;re ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u ke dadrin! Tnt;sakan 'o.anakoumn;re k*a®ka.ouin kam nouaxago\nin k*i=n;n! Hrto[an .oraphs wrdowa‘ h! Ansalow ir anxousp% .a®nakic nkaragrin% D;kt;mb;r 3-in% 150 xinouorn;rou wa,t me% incphs na;u 25 xrafapat frasa\l;r k*ou[arkh% Mousouli fiusise gtnouo[ Pa,iqa\i xinouorakan ka\axørin% our ke gtnouhin ardhn \atouk marxoua‘ (special forces) 600 xinouorn;r! Tari me a®a=% qiurt [;kawar Paraxanii ;u iraq;an ka®awarouj;an artønouj;amb bazoua‘ a\s ka\ane npatakadroua‘ hr marx;lou qiurt ';,m;rkann;re% ISIS-i dhm k®ou;lou famar! Minc a\d% ,r=anin mh= kazoujiune bolorowin ,r=oua‘ hr ardhn% ®ousakan axdou mi=amtouj;amb Sourio\ mh=! Bou®n bo[oqn;r – m;‘ zo\z;row - \a®a=aza‘ ;n Iraqi mh=! Farze MAK_i Apafowouj;an >orfourdin 'o.anzoua‘ h% pafan=atirouj;amb Iraqi% oroun fo[amase apørhn n;r.ouvoumi ;njarkoua‘ hr! Ke pafan=oui jourq xinouorn;rou m;knoume% ou xørawarvouj;an \i,;al k;dronin 'akoume! M& Nafangn;rou ;u :uropakan Miouj;an patvami=ozn;re Âousastani fandhp ;rkara]goua‘ ;n^ Ouqranio\ farzow% ou qariu[i mi=axga\in sak;re ke ,arounak;n mnal xgali ankoumi mh=! Isk souriakan tagnape ,afab;r ke mna\ Ar;umoutqin famar! Qariu[i ou bnakan kaxi gin;rou avanoujiune ;rkara]gou;low% \atkaphs :uropakan Mioujiune tar;kan ,our= 350 pilien .na\o[oujiun k*ar]anagrh! A\nphs or% ga[jakann;re Jourqia paf;lou famar% Anqara\i \atkazou;liq 3 pilien ;ouron n,anak;li koroust me ch! Âousastann ou Jourqian piti touvhin tiro[ kazouj;amb! Jourqio\ axga\nakann;rou vo[owrdakan dhmqe% ªÂhisºe% ªOuxoun Atamºe kam^ ªOusjaºn% fakabno\j ou .ndra\aro\z%;s;li Hrto[ane ke mna\ dhm dimaz "oujini f;t! Ar;umoutqe% f;®at;souj;amb% fiulhakan ouvi kan.arg;lman ou[[ouj;amb fama]a\noujiun knqa‘ ellalow Irani f;t% ke 'or]h miavamanak% 'o.adar] faskazo[ouj;an gal Âousakan Da,nouj;an f;t^ Sourio\ tagnapin .a[a[ lou‘man famar!
THR :U TIK& |AKOB NAXAR:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2016-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me
NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
BARII :U CARI PA|QARE 2015 JOUAKANIN |OWSH" M:LQON:AN Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tønakan ør;re ir;nz ,hn mjnolortow soworabar anfatakan ;u fasarakakan marx;rhn n;rs w;ranorog \o\s;rou% lauat;souj;an ;u apaga\i m,akouo[ ‘ragirn;rou la\n a,.arf me ke banan m;r a®=;u! M;xmh iuraqanciure spas;liq me% aknkaliq me ouni ;u Nor Tarouan s;min a\spisi t;ncanqn;r ;u 'a'aqn;r a,.o\v w;rak;ndanazoumi fangrouanh me k*anznin! Saka\n% ;rb acq me ke n;t;nq anzno[ tarouan fama,.arfa\in ;u manaua*nd Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;rkirn;re znzo[ dhpq;roun ;u anonz f;t a®ncoua‘ afab;kcoujiunn;roun wra\% a®a=in f;rjin ,'ojoujiun patya®o[ ;u apa mtafogic kazouj;an me a®=;u ke gtn;nq m;nq xm;x! Ardar;u% lousa,o[ ;u lauat;s apaga\i me aknkaloujiunn;rou 'o.arhn% m;r houjiune ;u fangiste ke znzouin amhn ør \o®;t;soujiun patya®o[ dhpq;rou ;u iradar]oujiunn;rou ,arqi me f;t;uanqow! Inco#u a\sqan tagnap% b®nararqn;r% anm;[ xof;r ou m;r .a[a[ashr i[];roun ;u ba[]anqn;roun fakapatk;re fandisazo[ animanali ;u anendoun;li maf ou au;r m;r ,r=apathn n;rs! W;r=in tasn;rkou amisn;roun m;r \i,o[ouj;an mh= qandakou;zan a\spisi afauor dhpq;rou f;t;uanqn;re! W;r=nago\nn;rhn kar;li h jou;l Âousakan Da,nouj;an patkano[ yambordakan ødanaui akanafaroume :giptosi mh=% "arixi ;u San P;rnartino\i na.yirn;re% a®anz mo®nalou tarin;rh i w;r t;uo[ ;u ,arounakouo[ wa\ragoujiunn;re ;u ®axmakan yakatoumn;re arabakan a,.arfhn n;rs% Souria\hn minc;u Lipia ;u :mhn ;u oronz xof k*;rjan amhn ør anfamar jiuow anm;[ qa[aqazin;r! Ou m;nq a\s w;ro\i,;al dhp-
q;roun masnakiz ou wkan ;nq ørouan qsancors vam;roun krknouo[ lratouakan mi=ozn;rou ;u enk;ra\in famazanzi wra\ s'®ouo[ manramasnoujiunn;roun patya®ow! Isk a\s kazoujiune au;li fog;zounz bno\j ke xg;nou m;xi famar ibr;u fa\% ;rb m;xi axgakann;r ;u axgakizn;r ke gtnouin a\d anlou‘;li farz;rou ;u b®noujiunn;rou olortin mh= ibr;u anxør wkan;re% ou na;u xof;re! Xarmanalin fon h% or a\s endfanour taknouwra\ouj;anz mh= ar;umt;an a,.arfi ;rkirn;rhn ,at;r ibr;u mi=amto[ ;u mi=nord% datauor ;u ostikan d;r;r w;rzouza‘ ;n a\s ,r=ann;rhn n;rs ou ];®narka‘ ;n xinouorakan ‘aualo[ gor‘o[oujiunn;rou% our a\l;us \stak ch jh o#w h j,namin% ;u jh i#nc h f;tapndoua‘ npatake! Ba\z m;xi ke fauatazn;n jh ;[a‘e barii ;u cari pa\qar h% ardar pat;raxm men h% orou w;r=nakan ardiunqhn ka.oum ouni amhnous ;raxa‘ .a[a[oujiune ;u mardka\in qa[aqakrjouj;an apagan! Minc a\d ®oumb;re ke t;[an ou anm;[ entaniqn;r% kin;r ;u a\r;r% manoukn;r% ;ritasardn;r ou tar;zn;r xof k*;rjan ødhn ;ka‘ ibr;u jh faszhagroua‘ \ar]akoumn;rou! A\s .a®na,'oj kazouj;an mh= farz h saka\n% jh o#w ke n;rka\aznh barin ;u o#w ke n;rka\aznh care ;u inco#u a\s kam a\n ko[mi qaroxcakan t;[;katououj;an fauatq phtq h en‘a\;l kourørhn! ~ransazi 'iliso'a\ Plhx Basqal (1623-1662) 17-rd daroun patafo[ `ransakan ;u spanakan axga\nakan bno\j oun;zo[ pa\qari enjazqin ;rkoust;q 'o.anakouo[ ambastanoujiunn;roun ;u m;[adranqn;roun aknark;low
gra‘ h& ªBirhnian l;®na,[ja\i a\s ko[me endounoua‘ y,martoujiune safmanin mius ko[me ke nkatouiº (Vérité en deçà des Pyrénées, erreur au delà) Basqal a\s ];uow k*ouxhr fauast;l% jh kar‘oua‘ kam endounoua‘ y,martoujiun me bazar]ak ch* ;u jh anor enkaloume ;u ord;groume fasarakouj;an me ko[mh pa\manauoroua‘ h xa\n tara‘o[i ditauoroujiunn;rhn% ;u .ndro\ a®arka\ ;rkirn;rou% vo[owourdn;rou kam fasarakoujiunn;rou ord;gra‘ m,akouja\in ;u baro\akan arvhqn;rhn! Ou an,ou,t na;u f;tapndoua‘ ga[tni qa[aqakan npatakn;rhn! F;t;uabar% kar;li h f;t;uzn;l jh barii ;u cari emb®noume fasarakouj;an me møt ka.;al h a\n iro[ouj;nhn jh ko[m;rhn o#r mhke au;li tirakan ]a\n me ouni% kam i#ncpisi yartar ;u warv ];uow warka‘n;r \a®a= ke q,h ir jhxe pa,tpan;lou ;u fanroujiune famox;lou jh inq ke n;rka\aznh barin% isk dimazine cari marmnauoroujiunn h! Isk o#w h barin kam care Mi=in Ar;u;lqe znzo[ tagnapn;rou paraga\in! Barin a#\n h% or ka\s;rapa,touj;an ;u ga[oujararouj;an mafhn tasnam;akn;r ;tq takauin ourouakani nman ke ,r=aga\i a,.arfagrakan no\n tara‘qn;roun mh= ªqa[aqakrjouj;anº anounow vo[owrdawarouj;an ir faskazo[oujiune partadr;lou bnik tarr;roun ;u a\s ];uow anonz k;anqe tnørin;lou ir;n npasto[ tnt;sakan% qa[aqakan ;u enk;ra\in dro\jn;rou =atagowoumow a®anz nkati a®n;lou anonz axga\in na.asiroujiunn;re% t;ncanqn;re kam qa[aqakan ou[[oujiunn;re! Barin a#\n h% or ir ‘auala‘ qa[aqakan ;u ®axmagitakan
npatakn;roun ;u ‘ragirn;roun patya®ow ‘nound touau ‘a\ra\;[akan ouv;rou sa[mnauoroumin ;u xargazoumin% ou au;li qan \isoun tarin;rh i w;r m;rj a\d ouv;re ke gor‘a‘h ir npatakn;roun famar% m;rj drv;low anonz troua‘ .ostoumn;re ke 'or]h san]afar;l xanonq% ;rb anonq ke 'or];n inqnakam gor‘ounhouj;an l‘ouil! N;rka\ a\s .a®na,'oj kazouj;an f;t;uanqn;re% oronz m;nq akanat;s ke da®nanq Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=% parxaphs ,arounakoujiunn ;n anz;ali ka\s;rapa,takan ;u ga[oujararakan no\n ogihn drdoua‘ xinouorakan mi=amtoujiunn;roun% oronq tarb;r yamban;row ke 'or];n t;uakanazn;l a\n inc% or ir;nz a,.arfagrakan n;rka\ouj;amb chin krza‘ anz;alin iragor‘;l a\s ouv;re! Ou ir;nz mi=amtoujiunn;row andadar qaosa\in .a®naran me ke st;[‘;n m;r qjin tak% .a®naran me% xor ir;nq isk ankaro[ ;n ªkargiº b;r;lou! A\s paraga\in bnakan ch# f;t;uzn;l% or a\s øtaramout ªbarinº ‘noundn h t;[akan ªcarºin! Dvba.tabar a\s ;r;uo\je noroujiun ch Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= ;u fon apro[ vo[owourdn;roun famar! A\nphs ke joui jh mardka\in patmouj;an ‘noundi a®a=in ørhn isk Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;rkirn;rou% anz;al jh n;rka\% qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in kargousarq;re jira. fandisaza‘ ;n øtaramout ouv;rou ,afamht a.orvakn;roun! Iuraqanciur ka\sroujiun% or ;ka‘ ou anza‘ h patmouj;an mh=% na. ir acq;re \a®a‘ h Mi=in Ar;u;lqi wra\ ir ‘aualapa,takan fakoumn;roun axat marxada,t me gtn;lou famar ou tara‘;lou famar ir axd;zou<ar& h= 35
THR :U TIK& GHORG GRIGOR:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re ma[j;low or 2016 tarin ir;n f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin
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1988-i ªSow;takan Arou;stº amsagri 4-rd ;u 5-rd famarn;roun mh= ;rkara,ounc grqo\ki me ‘aualow lo\s ke t;snh Søs Sargs;ani Souria katara‘ a\z;louj;an \ou,agroujiune^ ª:jh
:[ba\rn;r :nq&&&º .oragirow% our i mi=i a\ loz manramasn nkaragroujiun me^ w;ron,;al ;rkou ør;rou masin! In‘i ke mnar l®;l Søsi gricin ;u anor sour acq;roun dimaz&&& A\sør% QAÂORD DAR anza‘ h a\d ;ran;li ør;rhn ;u Søs Sargs;an acq;re ke 'akh ;rjal mianalou m;r anmafn;roun&&& In‘i ke mnar% im kaxma‘ baxmajiu amsaj;rj;rhn prpt;l ;u endørinak;l fatoua‘n;r% oronq a®ncoua‘ hin im ;u m;r n;rka\ouj;ane! Cncin fpoumn;r katara‘ ;m parxaphs% ;rb Sargs;an ke .øs;znh s'iu®qafa\ me anor b;rane dn;low ar;u;lafa\;rhn dar]oua‘qn;r! K*oux;m na;u andrada®nal% or Søs Sargs;ani Q;sap a\z;louj;an at;n fa\kakan warvarann;re tønakan ar]akourdi ,r=ane k*anznhin! M;nq% Sourio\ a\s pa\mann;roun patya®au% øraj;rj;r c;nq stanar! Stor;u fatoua‘n;r Søs Sargs;ani ª:jh :[ba\rn;r :nq&&&º grouj;nhn oroun mh= enj;rzo[e piti gtnh (\ou,agrouj;nhn andin anza‘) fa\r;nasirakan anxougakan xgazoumn;r&&&! Lajaqia% D;kt& 2013
- ªFima :ouri Wardan;ane piti t;sn;nq% fima piti .øsi&&& A\vm M;taqsian piti artasanh ªMør };®q;reº&&& A\vm Dauij Fambar]oum;ann ou B;nour "a,a\;ane anor ‘a[ikn;r piti matouz;n&&& Ka®awaroujiune ke t;sn;#s% oura. ;n% ke ‘i‘a[;n&&& Vo[owourde ke fryoui&&& Âa`a\hl Wafan;ane&&& M;rinn;rn ;n&&& A,.arfe ke yancna\&&& M;r t[aqn ;n&&&º! Tikin Alise n;[anoum h! - |akob% mi* .angar;r% mardik jo[ na\in&&&! - H% jo[ na\in&&&! - Ort;[i#z q;x a\s qashje% |akob%- ;s ;m farznoum! - Ounim% mi qani `ilm al ounim% saka\n&&& fima hl Mi=;rkrakani a'in! }a\nas'iu®e c;nq lsoum% witihø-qashj cka\% `ilm;r c;nq t;snoum&&&! - M;xi amhn inc ke f;taqrqrh% no\nisk ;jh ªAraratiº .a[;re t;sagrhq% waya®qi fanhq% ke gn;nq&&& Fam;rgn;re% f;®at;sili n;rka\azoumn;re&&& Amhne inc or ke kataroui m;r ;rkroum&&&! A\o% s'iu®qafa\ amhn entaniqoum phtq h% or mi,t mi ktor Fa\r;niq lini% orowf;t;u&&& ªFa-
\astan cella\ ;s inco#u piti fa\ mnam&&&º! Ba\z incph#s an;nq% o#um dim;nq% incph#s famox;nq% or a\s a\sphs lini! or ªSow;takan Fa\astaneº% ªSow;takan Grakanoujiuneº% ªSow;takan Arou;steº vamanakin t;[ fasn;n% vamanakin ban as;n mardkanz! Ch# or no\nisk ;rhkoua\ lragire ci kardazuoum! Clou‘oua‘ farz;r ,at kan% kama\ jh akama\ koutakou;l ;n! Mhkn hl im kar‘iqow k;nsakan yakatagrakan farz h^ m;r ;rkou% tarb;r ou[[agroujiunn;re! Masnaght c;m% cgit;m ou c;m faskanoum% jh inco#u ;nq vamanakin fravarou;l dasakan ou[[agroujiuniz% ba\z fastat ou parx t;snoum ;m^ cariq h axgi famar! Ma,toze grow miauor;z^ vo[owrdin% m;nq no\n gr;row bavan;zinq&&& An=rp;te% andounde gnalow ;rkou khs;ri mi=;u m;‘anoum% .oranoum h! Ow oum ci xi=oum ;u ince ci xi=oum% cgit;m% saka\n banakan ;u tramabanakan h% or na.a];®no[e% a®au;l anfangstazo[e% farze lou‘o[e% andounde w;raz-
no[e^ m;nq lin;nq! Fa\r;niqe! :rkou ;r;.a\i thr |akob Miqa\hl;ane parx asaz (a\sinqn bolor ‘no[n;re) .ousa'oum ;n ;r;.a\in m;r grq;rin kap;l% qani or dprozoum% dasin a,ak;rtn;re ,'ojoum ;n% cgit;n o*r ];uow gr;n^ fi*n% jh# nor! W;r=aphs fine dar;row h stougoua‘% nore^ mi qani tasnam;ak! (&&&) Inciz h% |owfannhs Jouman;ani asa‘n;re f;nz jhkoux nra kar‘iqe nor ou[[agrouj;an masin bani t;[ c;nq dnoum! Nra .øsqn inco#u srboujiun ch m;x famar&&&! L;xouaban-ørhnsdir lin;le qic h% mi mardou kam .oumb me mardkanz patouamoloujiune datark ou sin ban;r ;n! Mi ambo[= vo[owrdi yakatagri farz h% go\at;u;lou .ndir! A\søroua\ l;xoua,inouj;an gor‘oum S'iu®qn hl ir bavine phtq h oun;na\&&&! - Mousa L;®e piti t;sn;#m paron Adam;an! - Farkau! :rjanq qani lo\s h ou ;jh ba.t ounis% ;jh m,ou, cella\&&&! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
XOFRAP AJJAR:AN :U ENTANIQ +;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun (~r;xnø)
Why Armenians Celebrate Christmas On January 6th
The Primate's Christmas Message O Blessed Child, like the awe-stricken shepherds, my eyes gaze upon Your divinity as You lay swaddled in the humble manger. As I attempt to contemplate the unfathomable mystery of Your Miraculous Birth, the vignettes of the year 2015 pass before my eyes. What a tumultuous journey, one which I compare to the rough road that Your parents embarked on from Nazareth to Bethlehem. O Infant Child, grace upon us the tranquility of Your innocence. I stare at the Magi from the East who kneel before Your redemptive presence. I cannot help but to recall the tribulations in the Middle and Near East. It is haunting to remember the bloodshed in Nigeria and Yemen at the beginning of the year. In my prayers, I remember the Egyptian Christian martyrs who were mercilessly beheaded. It is with pity and anguish that I reflect on the destruction of historical monuments in Iraq and Syria, which stood as modern-day remnants of ancient civilizations. O Infant Child, reconcile us with the good tidings. As I look upon Your freezing manger warmed by the breath of the sheep, I am reminded of the countless homeless refugees and those who passed away from natural disasters. My heart grieves for the families of the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. I remember and feel the torment of the loss of thousands of travelers who perished during air, marine, and other catastrophes in Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, France, Taiwan, Mali, Brazil, Ukraine and other countries. O Infant Child, console us. Internal strife, vicious wars, untamed animosity, and ruthless terror around the world, and especially in Africa and the Middle East, have smeared the year 2015 with blood. We still mourn the casualties of the recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino which claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people. O Infant Child,
grace upon us Your heavenly peace. Your Miraculous Birth is the source of a new life, from which true happiness derives - the New Wine which "gladdens hearts" (Psalm 104:15) and enlivens the days of the year. O Infant Child, blessed is Your Nativity! Through Your Incarnation, we encounter in our lives the immense love and the divine intervention of God, the Father. O Infant Child, we glorify Your love-filled divinity with spiritual hymns! For the mystery of Your Incarnation can only be comprehended in the context of Your infinite love and in the invitation for salvation extended to each of us. It is with a favorable response and with profound gratitude that we celebrate today Your Nativity and Theophany. May Your Birth be always blessed, Lord! By approaching You, entrusting You, following Your light, and fulfilling Your commandments with commitment and willingness, I strive to become an insignificant instrument in Your salvific mission. Prince of Peace, enlist us in Your army! Your Miraculous Birth is the symbol of a victorious life, one which is testified by the one and a half million newly canonized saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church. For we continue to live and believe, be hopeful and courageous in knowing that neither death nor the evil one could defeat us. The woes of the world shall not intimidate us, for through Your Nativity we find strength, hope, and renewal to continue to thrive. O Lord, bless us! Christ is Born and Revealed! Blessed is the Revelation of Christ, our Lord! Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Primate
"Armenian Christmas," as it is popularly called, is a culmination of celebrations of events related to Christ's Incarnation. Theophany or Epiphany (or Astvadz-ahaytnootyoon in Armenian) means "revelation of God," which is the central theme of the Christmas Season in the Armenian Church. During the "Armenian Christmas" season, the major events that are celebrated are the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem and His Baptism in the River Jordan. The day of this major feast in the Armenian Church is January 6th. A ceremony called “Blessing of Water” is conducted in the Armenian Church to commemorate Christ’s Baptism. It is frequently asked as to why Armenians do not celebrate Christmas on December 25th with the rest of the world. Obviously, the exact date of Christ's birth has not been historically established—it is neither recorded in the Gospels. However, historically, all Christian churches celebrated Christ's birth on January 6th until the fourth century. According to Roman Catholic sources, the date was changed from January 6th to December 25th in order to override a pagan feast dedicated to the birth of the Sun which was celebrated on December 25th. At the time Christians used to continue their observance of these pagan festivities. In order to undermine and subdue this pagan practice, the church hierarchy designated December 25th as the official date of Christmas and January 6th as the feast of Epiphany. However, Armenia was not effected by this change for the simple fact that there were no such pagan practices in Armenia, on that date, and the fact that the Armenian Church was not a satellite of the Roman Church. Thus, remaining faithful to the traditions of their forefathers, Armenians have continued to celebrate Christmas on January 6th until today. Hratch Tchilingirian
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
Armenian Studies Program California State University,
The Naghash Ensemble Of Armenia Launches Kickstarter Campaign
Inspiring The New Generation
“The Sound of Ancient Armenia reinvented for the 21st Century.” – Tigran Mansurian
The Naghash Ensemble of Armenia has launched a fundraising campaign for their second CD & Book, “Songs of Exile – Volume II”. The new recording combines the earthy spirituality of Armenian folk song with new classical music and the energy of rock and jazz. Featuring three brilliant female vocalists and some of Armenia’s finest instrumentalists on duduk, oud, dhol and piano, the ensemble plays new music based on sacred texts by the medieval Armenian mystic poet and priest, M’krtich Naghash. The music has been described as “unmistakably Armenian but out of this world “. – Armenisch-Deutsche Korrespondenz Composed by Armenian-American composer John Hodian, The Naghash Ensemble’s “Songs of Exile” is a profound meditation on man's relationship to God from the perspective of a monk forced to live in exile for many years: “The concept of living in exile is something that many Armenians can relate to. It’s been gratifying to see people from all over the world coming together to support our Kickstarter.” The new CD will be accompanied by a beautiful 52 page book in English, Armenian, German and French with extensive information on Naghash the poet, the group's history and translations of the poems. Kickstarter is the largest fundraising platform in the world and the new recording will be an important step as the ensemble begins to gather international attention. The Naghash Ensemble’s campaign can be found at: For High resolution photos go to: Find out more about The Naghash Ensemble: Wiebke Zolmanian 805 836-1967
Happy Holidays From The Society For Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) Supporting Our Orphaned Armenian Children As Christmas approaches and you prepare for holiday celebrations, we hope you will remember SOAR and the orphaned Armenian children that we support. Please reflect on the blessings in your own life while also being aware that the children SOAR supports are not as fortunate. Since 2005, SOAR has had a powerful impact on orphaned Armenians throughout the world. The services we provide, however, are completely reliant on charitable donations. That is why we ask you to support our important work during the holiday season. Donations can be made in honor of a loved one to spread a message of cheer and/or can be earmarked for an orphanage of your choice. All donations are tax deductible and can be remitted securely through our Online Donation System. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
I've thought long and hard about where I want Birthright Armenia to be in 10 years. I'm so proud of what we have accomplished in these first 10 years, enough so, that one could say what Birthright has become is now enough. But I can see us doing more, and not just in terms of volume. We are sponsoring 200 volunteers per year now, who arrive throughout the year and not just during the summer months, and from more countries than I ever envisioned we would capture a decade ago. And I am sure we will continue to grow in numbers and geographic reach. But beyond a high-quality program that is sponsoring hundreds of new participants a year, and a strong, viable alumni network that is already 38 countries strong, what else? New initiatives I envision us taking on within the next ten years include: 1. Offering specialization months when we encourage young professionals of a certain professional background, such as medicine or the arts, to come to Armenia at certain times when we have all the forums and excursions more oriented toward their area of expertise, offering more networking opportunities both locally and amongst themselves. 2. Having our language classes shifted from a classroom based format to an online platform, utilizing a classroom only for additional support. This will give our volunteers the maximum flexibility to move at their own pace, no matter when they start their program and no matter what their mother tongue. This will also allow alumni to continue progressing after completing their volunteerism. Since no such software app exists, we will have to build it. 3. I see Birthright Armenia having a few
programs of its own, ones that we either sponsor or run year round in Armenia. So as we have volunteers who are looking to do more, we can encourage them to invest their talent in a Birthright-sponsored program, be it an after school or community development program or a new enterprise incubator. 4. I see Birthright Armenia expanding beyond its offices, to a larger space where we can gather our growing number of volunteers, hold events for the benefit of the local community in Armenia, and also offer expanded housing for returning alumni transitioning into making Armenia their home. 5. I see an alumni base 3000+ strong, that is vibrant and professionally networked, whose linkages are creating opportunities to take on philanthropic projects of its own. I see the Hovnanian Foundation being an avenue our alumni can access to support them in these endeavors. 6. I see us offering our alumni unique trips and experiences around the world where Armenian communities exist or have existed, similar to our historic trip to Eastern Turkey this past summer. In short, I truly see our alumni program growing substantially to facilitate the most effective use of this vast network, to motivate the alumni community to stay engaged, and to offer them all the services and amenities we can to help them be all that they can be. HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS! Sincerely, Edele Hovnanian Founder
Inspirations From Birthright Armenia Messages keep flooding in from our alumni around the globe on the occasion of Birthright Armenia's 10th anniversary. Below is one we wanted to share with you from Harout Manougian in Toronto. My experience volunteering in Armenia truly changed the course of my life. I had gone to Armenian school when I was younger, but by the time I started university, my Armenian identity had taken a backseat in my life's priorities. Birthright Armenia reset that. I still remember first landing at a prerenovation Zvartnots, with dim lighting, armed Russian guards, and a scramble of taxi drivers swarming the arrivals area inside. e arrived at our apartment at some ungodly hour of the morning, when the street lights were turned off, and had trouble getting our suitcases up the stairs in the dark. I learned a lot from my Birthright experience. I went from not understanding a word of Eastern Armenian to being practically fluent and literate (though the taxi
drivers can still tell the difference!). We met with major business players, saw every corner of the country, and explored what the future might hold. The most valuable thing I gained, however, is the new friendships. It's a special kind of person that applies for this program, and bringing them all together makes for cool results. Cheers to the Birthright Armenia team for creating that magic! I also want to comment on how much Armenia has changed in 10 years. I was there when VivaCell launched and broke the mobile monopoly, when streets were not marked in Yerevan and traffic lights regularly malfunctioned, when you could eat out for under $2, when it was almost a crime to wear a seatbelt, before there was a cable car to Tatev, when Artsakh's front was peaceful, and when it was a novelty for someone to repatriate. It was two Birthright Armenia offices ago. I wonder what the next 10 years will bring. Harout Manougian (2005 alum), Toronto, Canada
Best-Selling Author Chris Bohjalian To Present His New Book The Guest Room At Fresno State Best-selling author Chris Bohjalian will speak about his new book The Guest Room at 7:00PM on Friday, January 8, 2016, in the Leon S. and Pete P. Peters Educational Center Auditorium (west end of the Save Mart Center) on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program of Fresno State
and the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society. Chris Bohjalian’s The Guest Room is a spellbinding tale of a party gone horribly wrong: two men lie dead in a suburban living room, two women are on the run from police, and a marriage is ripping apart at the seams. Bohjalian brilliantly – and chillingly – shows how life can change in an instant. “The Guest Room pulses quick as a page-turner, but its concerns run deep into the moral consequences following an eruption of violence in ordinary lives, ” says Charles Frazier, National Book Award winning author of Cold Mountain. Chris Bohjalian is the author of 15 novels, including the bestsellers Midwives and The Sandcastle Girls. His Sandcastle Girls (2012) is about the Armenian Genocide and its century-long denial by Turkey. The novel includes two stories in one: the story of Elizabeth Endicott and Armen Petrosian, lovers who meet in Syria during the genocide; and the story of Laura Petrosian, their granddaughter, who after a century tries to understand why they were so silent about their youth, while her suburban existence is quite different from the violent setting in which her grandparents fell in love. Bohjalian has authored ten New York Times bestsellers and his work has been translated into roughly 30 languages and three times have become movies. The lecture is free and open to the public. Parking will be available in lots adjacent to the Save Mart Center. Enter at Shaw and Woodrow Avenues. For more information on the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 or visit its website at
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) joined the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues in co-hosting the annual Nagorno Karabakh/Artsakh independence celebration on Capitol Hill, alongside the U.S. Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR), the Embassy of Armenia in the U.S., and the Armenian National Com-
well as regional and global challenges. Mirzoyan thanked the Assembly for its steadfast commitment to the people of Artsakh and for the Assembly's work in Karabakh and Armenia. On September 2, 2015, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Armenian Caucus Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Robert J. Dold (R-IL) wrote a letter con-
mittee of America. Tonight's event was in celebration of "Freedom and Democracy of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic," marking the 24th anniversary of independence. Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Robert Dold (R-IL) opened the program. He was joined by fellow Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) who gave remarks, and introduced keynote speaker NKR Foreign Minister Karen Mirzoyan. Also in attendance at the celebratory event was House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), as well as Reps. Judy Chu (D-CA), Katherine Clark (D-MA), Jim Costa (D-CA), and Dina Titus (D-NV). Armenia's Ambassador to the U.S. Tigran Sargsyan, NKR Representative to the U.S. Robert Avetisyan, U.S. OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Ambassador James Warlick, and former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, Westbrook (Maine) City Councilor Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, and many others attended the Capitol Hill celebration. Diocesan Legate of the Armenian Church of America Archbishop Vicken Aykazian and St. Mary Armenian Church of Washington, D.C. Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetian performed the invocation and benediction. During his 3-day trip to Washington, Mirzoyan met with U.S. government officials, Members of Congress, and Armenian American community leaders. Prior to the Capitol Hill event, Mirzoyan visited the Assembly headquarters to meet with Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. Mirzoyan and Ardouny discussed ways to strengthen the U.S.-Nagorno Karabakh bilateral relationship, critical U.S. assistance to Karabakh, updates on the increased Azerbaijan attacks along the line of contact, as
gratulating NKR President Bako Sahakyan and the people of Artsakh on their independence. The co-chairs noted that "the formation of the [Artsakh] republic in 1991 opened a path towards freedom and democracy, and your people continue to demonstrate their dedication to these universal values." In the letter, Reps. Pallone and Dold also expressed support to Artsakh's "efforts toward international recognition, and look forward to the day when it assumes its deserved place in the community of nations." As Members of Congress were set to gather on Capitol Hill to mark the freedom movement of Karabakh Armenians, Azerbaijan's military again launched attacks on Nagorno Karabakh, this time using heavy tank fire for the first time since the ceasefire was signed in 1994. U.S. Ambassador Warlick personally witnessed Azerbaijan's ceasefire violations on the frontline as the OSCE Minsk Group delegation came under fire when visiting the region in October. The annual Capitol Hill celebration is an opportunity for the U.S. and Nagorno Karabakh to reinforce their bilateral partnership. According to State Department coordinator for U.S. assistance to the former Soviet Union Alina Romanowski the U.S. will continue to finance humanitarian projects in Nagorno Karabakh as part of the annual economic assistance package appropriated by the U.S. Congress. At least $44.5 million in direct aid to Karabakh has been approved by Congress since 1998. The majority of the aid goes toward humanitarian efforts, demining operations, and the reconstruction of NKR's water distribution network. The Assembly has also worked towards demining initiatives in Karabakh in cooperation with HALO Trust and the Marshal Legacy Institute. !
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
94 - Ne!e Düzel By Hambersom Aghbashian Nese Duzel (born in Aydin-Turkey) is a Turkish writer and journalist, very well known for her interviews with outstanding intellectuals and political activists. Nese Duzel is a graduate of Izmir's Ege University and started to work in journalism in 1979 . She was a reporter and writer for Milliyet and Hurriyet newspapers and for Taraf. On 14 December 2012, she followed the founding editor-in-chief of daily "Taraf" Ahmet Altan, his assistant editor Yasemin Çongar, columnists Murat Belge, and stepped down from her post at the newspaper*. Taraf patron Ba!ar Arslan appointed the former managing editor Markar Esayan “temporarily” to take over its editorial chair. On February 1, 2013, Oral Çalı!lar was appointed as editor-in-Chief, but he also resigned and Nese Duzel became the new editor-in- chief . Nese Duzel published many books among them "Deleted to a desired memory Pursuit" (sells Books/2012), where she compiled her interviews, "Fearless History" (Alkim Publications/2011) and "Turkey's Hidden Face" (Communication Publications/2002). According to "Radikal newspaper, Istanbul, June 30, 2000," Nese Duzel interviewed Professor Halil Berktay, a historian of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Turkey, who has taught at Birmingham University (UK), Harvard, Middle East Technical University (Ankara), and Bogazici University (Istanbul), and currently is a member of the faculty at Sabanci University (Istanbul). Nese Duzel, through her questions about the Armenian genocide, the history of it, the reasons, the execution, the consequences and many other aspects, could reveal lot of facts concerning the Armenian Genocide, an issue which was a taboo in Turkey at that time, but professor Berktay explained, analyzed and unfolded the files of 1915 Armenian Genocide. (1) Ne!e Düzel interviewed late Hrant Dink ,(Radikal, 23 may 2005), where she reminded him asking in an interview before years "What happened to the civilization, the wealth, created by thousands of years old society, i.e. the Armenians? And asked him to whom did it go? Dink explained whom did it go and continued "....Because a law called 'Abounded Properties' was issued, a dead line was given to the Armenians. It was said 'let them come; we will give them their goods'. The goods of Armenians who didn't come within the prescribed period of time went to the Treasury." Hrant Dink was assassinated on January 19, 2007, and after 10 years from the interview , in 2015, Tanier Akcam and Umit Kurt published a book titled "The Spirit of the Laws: The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide", they said" We only cracked the door open slightly with the hope of making small contribution to the shock and transformation, which was awaited, predicted, and hoped for..." (2) The "I Apologize Campaign" is an initiative that was launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, politicians, and professors that calls for an apology for what they considered as the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915", through a form of a signature campaign. That which is an expression used to avoid using "Armenian Genocide" and the consequences of using it. The stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share,
I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them." The campaign was signed by 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as in direct reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society. Ne!e Düzel was one of the notable signatories. (3) Taraf Newspaper wrote on 20th April 2010 “A group of intellectuals, among them Ali Bayramo"lu, Ferhat Kentel, Ne!e Düzel, Perihan Ma"den and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, for the first time in Turkey, will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915, under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group. The commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The following abstracts are from the text of the commemoration activity, “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, 1,5 to 2 million Armenians were living in these lands…. In April 24, 1915 they started “to send them”. We lost them. They are no longer available. They have not even graves. But the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster”, with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our pain”. Ümit Kıvanç was one of the intellectuals who signed the text. (4)
* Daily Taraf, was the source of the many agenda-setting reports in recent Turkish history, and it also became the first Turkish partner of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, joining internationally known publications in signing a contract to publish the site’s leaked documents firsthand. The daily published a series of highly controversial stories that revealed the involvement of the Turkish military in daily political affairs. In his well-honed daily columns, Altan attacked Erdogan as a “hollow bully,” ready to adopt ultranationalist policies to further his own ambitions. The prime minister won a libel suit against Altan for calling him “arrogant, uninformed, and uninterested." 1. ws/20010105d.html 2. =os2dBAAAQBAJ&pg=PP5&lpg=PP5&dq =Nese+duzel+and+the+armenian+genocide 3. 4. 2010/04/good-thoughtful-and-ugly-fromturks-on.html
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
Agos’ Archive: ‘The Red Church’ And The Last Armenians In Derik By Uygar Gültekin
The Forgotten Genocide:
Why It Matters Today By Raymond Ibrahim April 24 marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian population may well have been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated genocide:
More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years [more than double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had occupied Anatolia, now known as “Turkey”] lost its homeland and was profoundly decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century. At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000…. Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide, eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic evidence, the reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors, denial of the Armenian Genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has gone on from 1915 to the present. Indeed, evidence has been overwhelming. U.S. Senate Resolution 359 from 1920 heard testimony that included evidence of “[m]utilation, violation, torture, and death [which] have left their haunting memories in a hundred beautiful Armenian valleys, and the traveler in that region is seldom free from the evidence of this most colossal crime of all the ages.” In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and thrown into a harem (which agrees with Islam’s rules of war). Unlike thousands of other Armenian girls who were discarded after being defiled, she managed to escape. In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 Christian girls crucified: “Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands, only their hair blown by the wind, covered their bodies.” Such scenes were portrayed in the 1919 documentary film Auction of Souls, some of which is based on Mardiganian's memoirs.
Today, in Agos’ archive, there is Surp Kevork Church known as “The Red Church”. Recently, its door was broken down by the security forces. In 2013, Agos published a story on this historical church and the last Armenians in Derik. The Red Church in Derik* Blacksmith Naif is one of the traces left of Armenians in the streets of Derik, where thousands of Armenians had been living until 1915. In Derik, everybody knows where his shop is located. They say, “Blacksmith Naif is the only one here.” Naif and his wife Yursali are the last Armenians in Derik. Naif is sitting with the neighboring shopkeepers in front of his smithy. His neighbors speak before him and say the same thing: “Blacksmith Naif is the only one here.” The loneliness of the famous Blacksmith Naif finds voice in these words again. Naif greets almost everyone in the street and we head to his home together. The key of the church is at home. “The neighbors have the key of the garden, but I don’t give the key of the church to anyone.” His wife Yursali Demirci welcomes us at home. She gives a break to her conversation with her neighbors. “There is no one left here. In the past, people were coming by from time to time, but now, no one comes.” It is obvious why people left
Derik. When we ask them why they haven’t left, they say: “We don’t have kids. And we are working here. We don’t need to leave.” She explains the significance of having children: “Children have to go to school. There is no school here. When their children grew up, people left for Istanbul.” Until 1915, there were 1084 Armenian schools within Turkey’s borders and now, there are only 16 schools and all of them are in Istanbul. After visiting their home, we head to the church. While we are passing through the narrow streets of Derik, Naif says, “Our people used to live here.” He has nothing to say on their leaving and he also thinks that most of them won’t return, but he feels disappointed because of not being visited once in a while. Surp Kevork Church resembles the houses in the street in terms of its architectural style. At the first glance, it looks like a house. Its garden is open. Görünen family, who live in the house across the church, is having a chat with their guests in the garden. They host their guests in church’s garden. Children play in the garden full of trees. Blacksmith Naif unlocks
the door of the church, as if it is his house. He repeats: “The neighbors have the key of the garden, but I don’t give the key of the church to anyone.” He protects the church like it is his own house. “I have this key for 15 years. It is not even a church; it is registered as a house. We bought it. At one time, they used it as a stable. It was in a forlorn condition when we bought it. They had never maintained it. We cleaned it with our neighbors; I feel grateful to them. There was a priest in Diyarbakir and he was coming by once in a while. We conducted religious ceremonies here. Now, there is no priest in Diyarbakir. Then, people started coming from Turkey. Once a year. In the past, a lot of people were coming, but now, fewer people come.” He points at the huge trees in the garden and says, “We planted all of them.” Then, he turns to the outer walls of the church and complains: “They plastered the stone walls. The top looks bad. I explained this
situation to the Patriarchate when they came from Istanbul. They told me to find someone for restoration. I found some people and calculated the expenses. I am still waiting for their response for restoration. It doesn’t cost much, but they haven’t responded yet.” We continue our conversation in the garden. Hatun Görünen is almost 70 years old. She is sitting with her children and guests. Her daughter points at Blacksmith Naif and says: “They are the only ones left here. There were a lot of people in the past. People were coming from the neighboring provinces for the ceremonies. Now, no one is left. We are Muslim, but this is a place of worship. It was in a really bad condition. We don’t have the heart to leave it like that.” The biggest concern of Blacksmith Naif, who is getting lonelier day by day, and his neighbors is the possibility that the church might be left to its fate after they are gone. !
105-Year-Old Armenian Man Recognizes His House In Western Armenia Witnesses of the Armenian Genocide recognized their houses 100 years later. These moments were captured by Diana Markosian, an Armenian-American photographer. In her exhibition held at New York University’s Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, one can see the excitement of the people, who are over 100, Huffington Post reports. On October 2014, Markosian began looking for Genocide witnesses. She found 10 survivors, but only three of them “still had memories predating the genocide”.
“In an attempt to retrieve pieces of their lost homelands, she brought back muralsized panels capturing potent landscapes from Turkey, and displayed them in the
Azerbaijan And Turkey Special Services Tried Preventing Genocide Yerevan - Azerbaijani and Turkish special services, with active involvement by the local community organizations, have made attempts at obstructing the holding of Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorations in several foreign countries. Chief of the National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia, Colonel General Gorik Hakobyan, stated the aforesaid at Friday’s special session devoted to the national security service officers’ day in Armenia. “[But] these intentions were exposed and prevented on time,” Hakobyan added. “And second, during the passing year, Azerbaijani armed units tried several times
places these survivors now live in Armenia,” the newspaper writes. When Movses Haneshyan, 105, looked at the photo of his childhood home, "he paused and started dancing towards this image." "A century later they are being confronted with their home, and they are recognizing it,” Markosian said When asked what she remembers from 1915, Yepraksia Gevorgyan said: "You're lucky you didn't see it." Mariam Sahakyan, 101, had only one request: "Go to my village and bring back soil for me to be buried in."
Araks Mansuryan: When I sing Komitas, people get emotional even though they don’t understand words
to aggravate the situation on the line of contact (…), all of which have failed. “The [Armenian] national security agencies (…) were able to perform their task by keeping our population away from the harmful activities of the adversary.” In the NSS chief’s words, however, the Azerbaijani special services’ inimical aspirations and attempts of provocative actions against Armenia do not stop in several other directions.
Operatic soprano Araks Mansuryan familiarizes foreigners with the history of Armenia through Armenian songs. The Armenian soprano currently teaches in the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Araks Mansuryan said in her interview with “Surprisingly when I sing Komitas or teach someone to sign his songs, people get emotional without understanding the meaning of the words. They always say that it is so sad. They feel this music, immediately understand it and start to like it.” Araks Mansuryan will travel to Japan on March 20-28, 2016 to participate in an event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
Armenia-Iran Railroad Is Failing By Nelly Babayan Armenia ousts from the Silk Road “Recently, the Ministry of Finance has become an institution giving real and realistic assessment within the authorities,” such an opinion was expressed by the Armenian National Congress (ANC) member and economist Vahagn Khachatryan in an interview with “Aravot”, referring to the Minister of Finance Gagik Khachatryan’s statement in an interview with one of the media on December 3 that “It would be an achievement for Armenia if next year the situation of 2015 is maintained.” Vahagn Khachatryan understands Finance Minister’s honest confession in a sense. The economist says that the honesty is due to the fact that the whole financial responsibility lies on the Ministry of Finance. “Everyone calls them, trouble them saying, give money, and they have to say, this money is no longer available. I am aware that during one of the debates with the members of the government, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan is trying to do the next good action at the expense of the state and instructed the Finance Minister to give an X amount for an X program. He was responded that there is no money. The Prime Minister was surprised and unexpected. He was told that there is no Prime Minister’s reserve fund, it’s over. These amounts are exhausted with everybody in Armenia, where there is a reserve fund, the National Assembly, presidential, it is over. Listening to their assessments, I understand that the situation has been much deteriorated, otherwise,
they would not tell that simply their opportunities have been eliminated.” Vahagn Khachatryan says the tax body of the megaMinistry, everyone knows, at least, the entrepreneurs know very well, work, so to speak, by taking advance payments from the enterprises. In other words, they compel businesses to pay taxes for the next months too. “The tax body is always working in the form of advance payments. We will soon see how much money they have collected in the form of advance payments, which means that they have collected money already on the account of the year 2016-2017. Given this situation that they are talking of keeping the situation of 2015 for the coming year, we should be pleased, I agree with Gagik Khachatryan.” ANC member assured that the RA authorities may also lose the most important resource: the opportunity of taking external debt. “It should be 5.8 billion dollars, even if there is a lender, we cannot take it. The time will come that the loan givers will think as we used to say, “Measure 1000 times and cut once” principle, in other words, they will think whether this country is worth giving money. Because the absolute size of the debt is not important, there is also a ratio, solvency, export-import difference, export size and so on.” Note that one of the loan givers, for example, Country Director of the Asian Development Bank Resident Mission, David Dole, assured “Aravot” that Armenia is a reliable borrower. Dole, in particular, said, “We all need to give heed
The Wedding Of An Armenian Guy And An Azeri Girl Kindled Passions
Turkey As A U.S. Partner
The video of the wedding of an Armenian guy Artyom and an Azerbaijani girl Leyla in Moscow has appeared on the Internet. It has become a subject for discussion in social networks, there are also numerous comments under the youtube link. For example, one comment poster demanded the author Alvin Akhmedov to remove the video as it censures the Azerbaijani people. According to the opinion by one of the comment posters, the newlyweds are free from any displays of racism. One of them “gloated” that their son will serve in the Artsakh army. In an interview with, singer Mro (Arsen Grigoryan), who often goes to the border to raise the spirit of the soldiers, said that he has not seen the video, but his opinion is definite, “It is a shame and unacceptable phenomenon. The marriage with a foreigner is totally unacceptable for me, not to speak about with an Azerbaijani. Especially, during these times that we need to become strong and more. The marriage with Azerbaijani, so to say in Armenian, is a “catastrophe”, a calamity. It cannot be said that he loved and married, there is no such thing in the world, we have no right to make this kind of move.” Gohar Hakobyan
to the level of the debt, the 50 percent of the GDP-foreign debt ratio is the level that requires a special attention. It is highly important to know how it will be changed in the future, and it is necessary to be very careful about what new projects are added to the national debt. Today, the RA national debt is not in the range to be a matter of serious concern. But we want to do everything so that it does not reach the alarming range”. In response to our citing, Vahagn Khachatryan said, “It is not so, it only seems.” To move Armenia’s economy from the standstill and to develop it, as a major project – Armenia-Iran railway, the RA authorities are long ago trying to convince that it is quite a realistic project. Incidentally, on 25 September 2015, the Minister of Economy Karen Chshmarityan, when presenting some details about the Prime Minister’s visit to China in an interview with the journalists assured that the Prime Minister of China had instructed relevant officials to coordinate the activities of Armenia-Iran railway project. “As for the financial component, a specific agreement will be reached with the Chinese after studying the feasibility and the profitability level of the project. The Chinese side is interested in the construction of the railway because the core focus of the project is to connect China with Europe.” In this respect, Vahagn Khachatryan also presented a remarkable fact of the RA government’s failure – Armenia ousts from the Silk Road. According to the economist, Armenia-Iran
railway, which was associated with the Silk Road, is unrealistic. Khachatryan said that yesterday the first train kicked off, which is China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-GeorgiaTurkey-Europe route. “To the point, 8 days instead of 40 days. In other words, this railway worked. The 40-billion fund, which will serve and which was to restore and ensure the Silk Road worked. And our 3 neighbors are involved in this project. And we, as a priority, as an importance, do not exist anymore. In addition, Georgia is building a huge port in the coastal city of Anaklia, Georgia, with the capital of Chinese, where big ships can enter. This means that the Amsterdam-China route, which lasts 40 days, can last 6-7 days. The Armenia-Iran railway is not geographically realistic, it is technically quite complicated. Do you know what it means to build a railway in Syunik where the roads are with the difference of 400 up to 2000 meters elevation? As the former foreign minister has said, Armenia-Iran railway project is the bluff of the century, and I agree.”
By Igor Muradyan The current U.S.-Turkish relations tend to deteriorate, and an active discussion is going on in the United States, and studies on reactions to Turkey’s one action or another are being carried out, primarily in the regions. The United States understands the risks of threats from Turkey’s side, at least in regard to the U.S. partners. Nevertheless, they are waiting and hope for changes in the Turkish domestic and foreign policy. Turkey cannot be considered as a strategic partner of the United States and the North Atlantic alliance, the country is trying to put forth new claims internationally which are not always in line with the U.S. interests. Turkey is trying to form around it a space of vital interests by way of confirming its economic and political leadership, which may pose threat to different states and the U.S. interests. Turkey is not hiding its interest in the weakening of the U.S. positions in different regions, including in the Black Sea and Caucasian region, as well as is considering plans of weakening the U.S. interests in Central Asia and the Near East. Turkey is not interested in a positive solution of problems of Iran and the Near East, as well as ensuring stability in Iran, continues to cause escalation in the Aegean Sea and Cyprus, is trying to exert influence in the Balkans, the Caucasian and
Central Asian countries, to implement a selective foreign policy, preferring countries with Muslim population, ignoring the interests of countries with Christian population. Turkey’s strategic plans include the possibility of facing the economic and political powers of Asia, including China and India, as well as formation of an economic union of Islamic states the leader of which it wants to be. Earlier Turkey relied on Russia for its policy on the Black Sea and the Caucasus, which may be considered an openly anti-American policy, thwarting the interests of the United States in these regions. The administration intends to make no efforts for containment of Turkey’s expansion in the regions in this stage to rule out considerable spending and hope that the countries of these regions will prefer counteraction to Turkey’s actions which may strengthen real threats. As threats strengthen and actualize, which may stem from Turkey in regard to the countries of these regions, the United States will take effective and radical actions with the support of these countries, give them sufficient help, irrespective of whether they are NATO members or have signed agreements on defense and security with the United States. The purpose of Turkish claims to the United States is in providing support and ap-
proval to its policy in terms of forming a large space as zones of its influence, which contradicts not only the principles of the U.S. policy and values but also the system of security which they are trying to create by way of so many efforts. Even the biggest skeptics in the U.S. administration and among analysts in regard to threats that may arise from Turkey have run out of arguments and cannot explain their positions. The Turkish lobby in the United States is first in such a sad situation because all the participants of the “Turkish discussion” feel how unsubstantial and weak the arguments in support of Turkey’s interests of proTurkish politicians and analysts are. Over a short period the government of Israel and its friends in Washington were able to put forth well-grounded arguments which the administration will have to take into account, and it tried its best to change its position on the claims of Israel. The U.S. administration and different groups of political strategists and analysts are
prone to agree to the idea on the necessity to list Turkey among significant countries in world politics, not to give it a role of a country equal to the European and Asian powers. However, everyone understands that the available resources at Turkey’s disposal allow it to conduct an autonomous game in big areas, put forth significant claims to their neighbors and great powers. The concerns of the administration rose as these claims are made not by the supporters of the secular model but the leaders of the Islamic political party, which is popular and capable of big political projects, enter into relations on key issues of international security with the biggest countries of Asia and the regions. The United States will undertake international leverages, such as the policy of the European Union, the Council of Europe and NATO, international financial organizations – the IMF, the World Bank and the EBRD – to contain possible threats emanating from the Turkish policy. !
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
Turkey Is Target Of Largest Cyberattack In Its History
In the past ten days, thousands of websites of state-run institutions and private companies in Turkey have become the target of unprecedented cyberattacks. The cyberattacks against all websites of the country’s state-run agencies have moved also on to the websites of banks and major commercial companies, reported Diken website of Turkey. As a result of these cyberattacks, the websites, mobile apps, and automated teller machines (ATMs) of several banks in Turkey were compromised. Even though Turkey had initially suspected Russia of being behind these cyberattacks—and in reprisal for Turkey’s recent downing of a Russian warplane—, the statement released by Anonymous, a loosely associated international network of activists and hacktivists, seems to have put an end this suspicion. Anonymous announced that Turkey buys oil from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group, and that is why they will carry out cyberattacks against this country. Armenia News -
Relations Between NATO, U.S. And Turkey Are Changing Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst In the result of Turkey’s ambitious policy and endless claims the United States and the leading European countries have gradually arrived at the conclusion that it is necessary to have a common policy of the West on Turkey. In this respect the United States is no longer proposing Turkey’s membership to the European Union. There are no controversies over this between the United States and the most prominent opponents of Turkey’s membership to the European Union. The United Kingdom is not insisting on this either. Turkey felt the U.S. position, which had an impact on the pessimistic moods in the Turkish community. If the United States is mostly worried by Turkey’s claims in the sphere of the regional problems, the Europeans are mostly worried about its relations with NATO. NATO-Turkey relations are increasingly considered as problematic, and apparently soon they will be considered as crisis relations. Turkey has given up on the policy of distance from NATO, is making claims to NATO, hoping for a new position in the alliance and the regional and global politics. During the NATO summit in Chicago Turkey actually thwarted the intentions to create a security system for the EU, based on NATO. This introduced elements of unequivocal and unhidden crisis in its relations with NATO, even without the other claims of
Turkey’s. Over the past few years the intelligence services of the European countries and the United States are carrying out activities aimed at clarifying and preventing Turkey’s political steps which could be indirectly intended to thwart the positions of NATO and the Western community on the whole. There are no doubts that the work will continue in the future. As a result, elaboration of proposals and review of information on activities of containment of Turkey’s ambitions, its expansion in regional directions are becoming increasingly difficult in the official circles of NATO because Turkey is a member of the alliance. Therefore, the political solutions, including in the defense sphere which are related to Turkey in one way or another are accepted by the leading countries of the Western community. The traditional thesis that Turkey is an important NATO member, and the United States and European countries need its services, is doubted. It is increasingly unclear how the alliance will continue to conduct a policy in the regions of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Near East under the challenges that occur in the result of Turkey’s claims. In case of any conflict in these regions Turkey either demands NATO’s help in terms of security when no special help is needed or makes claims, trying
Armenia Might Miss Its Last Chance By Naira Hayrumyan, Political Commentator The fire on Guneshli oil platform has not been extinguished yet. Fire has crawled into the oil wells and now the underground oil is burning. Azerbaijan is worried not only about millions burning in the fire and that oil may spill into the sea and cause an ecological disaster. This accident may put an end to the oil industry of Azerbaijan. The fire in Guneshli showed that the oil infrastructures in Azerbaijan are vulnerable not only due to oil prices but also physical security. It is not accidental that so far Azerbaijan has not officially announced the cause of the fire, whether it was an accident, the safety and security rules were violated or there was a terrorist attack. As the price of oil is dropping, countries like Azerbaijan and Russia are facing an economic disaster and the need to change the structure of their economies. Oil and gas have stopped being “prestigious” products. The climate change summit in Paris has announced the end of the oil century. The heads of almost all the countries of the world have agreed to cut CO2 emissions by 2020, which means cutting the oil and gas consumption. The countries exporting oil and gas are trying to sell what is still being produced. The star time of Azerbaijan is past.
In this respect, global discussions are underway as to what is coming to replace the oil era. Considering that the founders of Amazon and other internet startups have made most profits this year, the future is the combination of internet and distribution of goods. The world is going to build comfortable channels of communication, and the countries that will be part of these channels of communication may win. On Sunday the first train from China arrived in Georgia across Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Georgia can transport goods to Turkey or to Europe via the Black Sea. Armenia has been left out of the communication projects. This is happening in the result of the blockade by Azerbaijan and Turkey, as well as the policy of isolation of Armenia by Russia. By forcing Armenia to join the Eurasian Union Russia has succeeded in preventing Armenia from joining the free trade area with the EU via Georgia. Besides, Armenia cannot set up free economic relations with Iran. The transportation and communication interests of Armenia run into Russia’s wish not to lose its influence on the region. The global tendencies are changing, and Armenia which can be part of the geography of the global communications could miss this chance too.
to strengthen its regional positions despite NATO’s interests, its attempts to stabilize the situation. While the United States is still capable of containing Turkey, the European countries do not have such opportunities, they increasingly have to resort to the U.S. support in the solution of one issue or another when they are reviewed in NATO. Nevertheless, the leading European countries – France, Germany, Italy (in some cases, also the United Kingdom and Poland) have established the practice of joint comments on issues relating to Turkey’s claims and initiatives. While earlier Turkey’s regional ambitions mostly worried the United States, now the European countries are expressing their objections on Turkey’s attempts to gain new positions with the help of and relying on the support of the United States. In the result of the developments in Syria, France and to a certain extent Germany and the United Kingdom support the U.S. efforts to prevent Turkey’s attempts at strengthening its positions in the Near East. Turkey’s participation in the military operations in Syria is unacceptable for the European states. Otherwise, they would
have lost all the levers of influence on Arab States of the eastern part of the Mediterranean and Iraq. Turkey took part in all kinds of actions and operations of the United States and European partners in regard to Syria but these were restricted by separate actions, and NATO did not allow for the opportunity of Turkey’s participation in the military operation. Of course, Turkey could not afford to take these attempts without the participation of NATO. This means that Turkey is losing its significance as a partner to NATO and the United States which could play different roles in the Near East. In regard to Turkey the European states are facing the same objectives as the United States, i.e. keeping Turkey under control, at least until the West’s strategies are elaborated and become more specific. In this regard, the Western states hope that the new NATO policy envisaged by the recent decisions will lead to a more rational cooperation and will enable Turkey to do without regional and other claims.
Russia, Turkey Tensions Heating Up: Putin Surrounds Turkey With Military Presence Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin walks after inspecting a new Russian fighter jet after its test flight in Zhukovksy, outside Moscow, Russia. Putin, who is running to reclaim presidency in March 4 election, laid out his vision of military modernization in an article published Monday, Feb. 20, 2012 in the government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Vladimir Putin was dead serious when he warned Turkey that it would "regret more than once" shooting down a Russian fighter yet. Not only has the Russian president announced all kinds of sanctions against Turkey, but he's now also surrounding the Islamist-led country with his military. Putin has sent 14 helicopters to Erebuni air base in Armenia. Half of these helicopters are armored Mi-24 attack helicopters, while the other seven are Mi-8 model transport helicopters. Meanwhile, Putin has also sent a submarine called the Rostov-on-Don to the Mediterranean. Russia has a naval base there, and the Russian president is apparently looking to give it a major boost: the submarine is armed with Caliber cruise missiles. As if that doesn't make his aggressive intentions clear enough, Putin has also stepped up its presence at the Hmeymim air base outside Latakia in Syria. This air base is now home to 55 Russian fighter jets, "including SU-30 fighter jets and SU-24, 2U-
25 and SU-34 bombers along with seven Mi-24 and five Mi-8 helicopters." These jets are obviously weapons of aggression, not of defense. Putin says they'll be used against ISIS and other groups fighting against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, but their presence will undoubtedly make Turkey nervous, not in the least because Putin's also stepping up his military presence in other places in the region. And there's more: the air base is also fortified with Pantsir-S1, Buk-M2, S-200, Pechora2M and S-400 air defense batteries. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may wonder why Putin has taken the time to do so, since ISIS and Al Nusra aren't exactly known for having dozens of fighter jets and bombers they can use against Assad and Russia. Only one country in the region does: Turkey. The only question is now whether and if so how Turkey will respond to this obvious challenge to its hegemony in its own backyard.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 31, 2015
Erdogan’s Lies By Mikhail Leontyev Turkey’s role in the economic security of ISIS (also known as ISIL, DAESH), which has been for the first time officially acknowledged by President Putin, is well known to everyone in Turkey, and in America and in Europe, and now it is just visible to the naked eye from the cockpit of Russian bomber. However ("Odnako" means "however" a pun), Hello! "When creating the IS, they used revenues from oil exported from Iraq to Turkey through Turkish-Azerbaijani company Palmali Shipping & agency JSC, owned by Turkish billionaire Mubariz Gurbanoglu. In February 2015 the UN Security Council passed a resolution banning trade with IS, whence the Turkish government set up its own company headed by the son of Erdogan, BMZ Limited. It exports oil both through pipelines and through the freight. The most of oil was destined for subsequent transportation by sea to Israel, where the fake documents about its origin were produced, and then it was re-exported back to the EU. The lesser part of oil directly goes from Turkey to Ukraine, where Poroshenko accepts it -no questions asked, "- wrote the French journalist and political analyst Thierry Meyssan. "At the core of this war-profiteering lies the oil business with the Erdogan clan being the principal shareholder; and it is rather considerable- it consists of not only the son, daughter, but also the next of kin, brothers, friends, and many others. And the last campaign has, in fact, inflicted an enormous financial damage to the clan. Not to Turkey as a country proper, but directly to the clan Erdogan "- believes the veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia Lev Korolkov. Of course, the President of Turkey is a busy man and he does not know all "ins-andouts" of his family business. He is also not aware of the huge robbery, perpetrated by Turkish side, of Syrian artefacts that are smuggled to antique shops in Europe. He does not know how the Turks dismantled thousands of enterprises in Syria and it all was transported to Turkey ... It makes no sense to analyse the Syrian issue without admitting the obvious. That’s when Syria had a contract taken out on it: we know who ordered the murder of Syria, we know who funded it and the killing contract was picked up by Turkey. The so-called "refugee camps" had appeared in Turkey even before the refugees came. And the weapons and militants had flocked to Syria through Turkey before the civil war broke out, and that’s why the war has
started. The same Meyssan has been writing and speaking about it for years now. It was on the Turkish territory, according to Thierry Meyssan, NATO deployed headquarters of operations management. During the first war from February 2011 all the way up to the Geneva Conference in June 2012, NATO was facilitating the deployment of "Al-Qaeda" in Libya, through Turkey, for the formation of the Free Syrian Army. In two years, more than 200,000 mercenaries from all over the world have passed through Turkey to Syria to participate in Jihad. Turkish special services have developed a powerful system for the transfer of arms and money to sustain the war, which was paid for by Qatar and controlled by CIA ... In Turkey, Mr. Erdogan has created three training camps for "al-Qaeda": in Shanliurfa (on the Syrian border), Osmaniya (near the NATO military base in Incirlik) and in Karaman (near Istanbul) ... In May 2014 the Turkish Intelligence Services forwarded to ISIL ( aka DAESH, ISIS) Toyota pickup trucks and heavy weapons -all provided by Saudi Arabia. "Islamic State", which at that time was an organization of several hundred militants, in one month turned into a real army of tens of thousands of people and invaded Iraq. The miraculous appearance of "Islamic caliphate" in Iraq - out of nowhere- within few days in June 2014 would have been impossible without the help of Turkish security. "In the meantime, Turkey has started to send its special forces to Syria, and several commandos were captured by the Syrian army. However, they were able to organize in September 2013 an attack on the Christian town Ma’loula, which was of no strategic interest, but happened to be the most ancient Christian settlement. In addition, in March 2014, the Turkish troops entered the territory of Syria, accompanied by jihadists of "AlNusra Front" and "Army of Islam" and came to the Armenian town of Kassab with the aim of exterminating the inhabitants, whose ancestors escaped the genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks "- says Thierry Meyssan. The report by David Phillips from the peace program of the Institute for Human Rights at Columbia University, which was based solely on the reports of major Western and Turkish media outlets, provided numerous evidence linking Turkey with ISIS (ISIL, DAESH). In particular, there was provided the confirmation of the prosecutor’s office of the Turkish city of Adan about the supply of weapons to terrorist groups , under the guise of humanitarian aid, by the undercover agents of Turkish intelligence Services. There
was also presented the audio-recording, published by blogger Fuat Avni, in which Erdogan insisted on the participation of the Turkish army in the Syrian war, and demanded that the head of the Turkish intelligence Hakan Fidan provided an excuse to justify an attack on Syria. On the same feed entry Fidan says to senior Turkish officials, including the Prime Minister Davutoglu: "If necessary, I will send four men to Syria. I will make an excuse to go to war by launching eight rockets into Turkey. I will make it look like that they attacked the tomb of Sultan Suleiman." There are numerous testimonies of Turkey’s participation in the oil trade with ISIL, with reference to the "New York Times", Turkish television channels and Bundestag deputy from the party "green" Claudia Roth. It is argued that, for example, in Istanbul and Gaziantep there operate ISIL recruitment centres. For example, "Taqwa Haber", that is recruiting militants for ISIS in Germany and Turkey, has its registered office as the outstanding Fund "Ilim Yayma Vakfi" ,among the founders of which, there are Erdogan himself and Prime Minister Dovutoglu. Seymour Hersh claims in the "London Review of Books" that Turkey was involved in the use of sarin in Syria. Hersh quotes a former senior US intelligence officer: "We knew that inside the Turkish government there were those who believed that they could drive Assad into the wall by organising sarin attacks in Syria." At the outbreak of Arab Spring, that had been provoked and ardently supported by the Americans, it was Erdogan himself who became their candidate for the role of leader of the Islamic world. A NATO Turkey was to become an exemplary model of the winning Islamic democracy, a backbone of which had been chosen by Erdogan to become his beloved "Muslim Brotherhood." This mission fell to the country that had been well fertilised by Ottoman revanchism and this mission became Erdogan’s idee fixe. To achieve all that, Erdogan provoked a public break-up with Israel, his former chief ally, took an active part in the pogrom of Libyan Jamahiriya, its former second largest economic partner and actually organized the war against al-Assad, with whom he had had the most amicable relations. We knew all of that all the way along but we stuck with it because of the"bigger picture" mutual interests. And Erdogan persevered. He kept on carefully separating "chaff from the wheat". There are reasons to believe that our mutual American partners ran out of patience first, for they, pardon the tautology, cannot stand neither Erdogan nor Putin.
Russian President said: "We passed on in advance, in accordance with the agreement with the United States, all information on where our aircraft would be operating, which air corridors, where and when exactly. We believed that this was what the member of a coalition should do. Turkey is a member of the coalition, so we thought it should know that Russian air force was operating there". That is the crux of it. We do not know whether Turkish F-16 had been guided by American "AWACS" satellites and radars. One thing is clear - Americans has framed Erdogan. And, as usual, denied it all. That’s why Erdogan is squirming and foaming. That is all. It’s done - the fragile RussianTurkish alliance is broken. Erdogan has correctly calculated only one thing- the reaction of NATO chiefs - that they would not take the side of Putin against the country that has been the basis of NATO southern flank. He got all the rest wrong. As for us, we are in no hurry and our hands are now untied. It is worthwhile to listen to Fareed Zakaria, one of the ideologues of American policy in the Middle East: "Putin does not lack self-control. I do not think he would go too far with the response. However, I also believe that he is a man who forgets nothing. I believe that in some way he is going to take revenge" - he says. It is impossible to understand the story with Russian aircraft, and not only with the aircraft - all of Syrian game Erdogan has been playing can not be understood without taking into account the features of personality. Assad, who is not just well-acquainted with Erdogan - they were friends and their families used to go on holidays together - so he called Erdogan as a man who was extremely strong-willed, tough and infinitely stubborn. The final collapse of his Syrian adventure devastated him, and a financial blow to the pocket of his family completely has sent him insane. And you cannot build any kind of mutually beneficial relationship with a madman. However, goodbye! Translation Deimantas Steponavicius Source 1tv (Russia)
“Ararat” Armenian Brandy And Winston Churchill 29 October 2015 was a special day for Sotheby’s Auction House. Under the auspices and with the participation of Albert, the Crown Prince of Monaco, an auction was organised on the occasion of the 50th Death Anniversary of Winston Churchill. The main organisers of the event were Prince Albert of Monaco, the British Ambassador to Monaco and the former Prime Minister and current Ambassador of Armenia Dr. Armen Sarkissian. The entire proceeds of the auction was allocated to Prince Albert’s charities related to climatic changes. Items being auctioned were the drinks, cigars and menswear of renowned brands and others objects favoured by Churchill. During the auction the main attention was focused on the statue of Churchill by the well-
known sculptor Oscar Nemon and a decades old bottle of “Ararat” Armenian brandy with an interesting background history. Many years ago, this unique bottle of Armenian brandy was sold at an auction by Christy’s for more than GBP15, 000. According to the documents provided the bottle was filled from the same barrels from which for many years Stalin supplied Churchill with “Ararat” Armenian brandy. The exclusive bottle of brandy was donated to the auction by former Prime Minister and current Ambassador of Armenia Dr. Armen Sarkissian. Sotheby’s auction house was filled with many high class aristocrats. What happened at the auction next, surpassed everyone’s expectation; The 70 year old “Ararat” was sold for GBP 80,000, which is equal to USD 120,000!
The participants to the auction with amazement and admiration spoke about Armenia and the Armenians. Hopefully the unprecedented success of the Armenian brandy in misty Albion will help to promote the fame of “Ararat” brand. When and where did Churchill first drink the Armenian brandy? My wife Vivienne and I had the pleasure of enjoying the friendship of Winston Churchill’s daughter Sara for many years, starting from late 1960s. When for the first time she was invited to dinner, she noticed in our sitting room on the piano, a bottle of “Ararat” Armenian brandy. She looked at the bottle with amazement and said, “From 1945 until his death, my father used to drink this brandy.” Then Sara told us when and where did Churchill first drank the
“Ararat”. During the Yalta Conference In 1945 February, after the dinner Stalin asks Churchill if he wishes to have a drink? “I like a brandy with my cigar”, answers the British Prime Minister. The host offers Churchill “Ararat”, the best Armenian brandy. According to Sara, Churchill “falls in love” with “Ararat” Armenian brandy and asks Stalin; “Where can I purchase few bottles of this brandy? Stalin instructs the Soviet ambassador to the U. K to present Churchill with a case (12 bottles) of “Ararat” every month. “My father passed away, but we continued receiving every moth a case of “Ararat”. Many years later, someone realises that the Embassy has been sending
brandy to a “dead” Churchill for the past ten years! Unfortunately from that day on our source of the Armenian brandy dried up! By the way, added Sara, I used to enjoy “Ararat” as much as my father”. After the dinner only the empty bottle of ‘’Ararat’’ remained on the dining table! Assadour Guzelian London, December 2015
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+;rm gnafatoujiunn;r ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji patouarvan .mbagrouj;an Tik& ;u Tik& Jorgom "osjay;an
Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin
OLD MEN CLUB ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin ke ma[j;nq \arat;u korow ;u b;[oun gor‘ounhoujiun
Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an au;tab;r tøn;roun a®ijow% endoun;zhq m;r ,norfauoroujiunn;rn ou a®o[=ouj;an% ar;u,atouj;an% ;r=ankouj;an srtagin bar;ma[janqn;re
JMM K:DRONAKAN WARCOUJIUNE Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r andamakzoujiune% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun
j;an gøtin! Mijh a\spisi pa\mann;roun mh= kar;li h# xarmanal% or enddimadir pa\qar% m;rvo[akan dirq ;u inqnpa,tpano[akan m[oumn;r ke xarganan .ndro\ a®arka\ ;rkirn;rou vo[owourdn;roun ;u bnakcoujiunn;roun møt^ dimadr;lou a\s øtaramout o\v;rou n;r.ouvoumin kam n;rka\ouj;an! Ou a\s øtaramout o\v;re c;n waranir ir;nz enddimazo[ ouv;re ibr;u ªcarº pitakauor;lou orphsxi ardarazn;n ir;nz mi=amtoujiune kam ];r ;u apikar qa[aqakan na.a];®noujiunn;re! Parx ørinak me talou famar! Mijh :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi auartin no\ne cpataf;za#u Libanani% Sourio\ ;u Fiusisa\in A'rikhi arabakan ;rkirn;roun mh= ;rb t;[akan axga\in o\v;r ‘a®azan ~ransakan kam angliakan fogatarouj;an dhm anka.oujiun pafan=;lou famar! A\d ør;roun ªfogatarº o\v;re chi#n or ke \auaknhin a\d ;rkirn;rou axga\in o\v;re ibr;u ªcarº pitakauor;lou ;u inqxinqnin n;rka\azn;lou ibr;u ªbariº ardarazn;lou ir;nz anørhn xinouorakan ;u qa[aqakan n;rka\oujiune a\d ;rkirn;rhn n;rs! Kaska‘ cka\ jh ‘a\ra\;[akan ;u krønakan mol;®andouj;an pitakin tak gor‘o[ o\v;rou afab;kcakan b®nararqn;re anendoun;li ;n ;u .ist k;rpow datapart;li orowf;t;u anonz xof k*;rjan anm;[n;r ;u lou‘oum c;n b;r;r qa[aqakan farz;rou bazi wrhv.ndir ararqn;r qrqr;lh! Ardar;u% afab;kcoujiune ir isk gor‘;lak;rpi patya®w o∞c mhk at;n \a=o[a‘ h fasnil ir ®axmagitakan npatakn;roun% orowf;t;u ir isk gor‘ounhouj;an n;[ safmanoumn;roun mh= .;[doua‘ h i w;r=o\! Ardar;u orqa@n yi,d bnoro,oum me era‘ h ªTon Qi,ojºi f;[inak ;u spanazi n,anauor gro[ Mikhl Shrwandhs% or esa‘ h! ªWrhv.ndir ararqe ke patvh% ba\z ci =n=;r gor‘oua‘ s.aleº! A\s paraga\in gor‘oua‘ afab;kcoujiunn;re stou;ri mh= ke ]g;n Mi=in
Ar;u;lqi ;rkirn;rou bnakicn;roun ardarazi mtafogoujiunn;re ;u a®a=naf;rjoujiunn;re% ke .ajar;n mardka\in m,ako\ji fimq;re ;u 'oqramasnouj;an me datapart;li ‘a\ra\;[oujiunn;re ke tara‘;n m;‘amasnouj;an wra\ an.tir! "o.anak w;r= talou øtaramout otn]goujiunn;roun% ou[[aki jh anou[[aki mi=ozn;row patya® ke da®nan anonz t;uakanazman! Ou fima a\s krknouo[ 'ojorkot dhpq;rou axd;zouj;an tak kar;li# h ard;øq apaga\i nkatmamb \o®;t;souj;an ;u pa\‘a®at;souj;an mi=;u entroujiun me en;l! apaga\hn% \ousafati#l% axdoui#l ,r=apati m®a\l mjnolorthn jh w;ranorog lauat;souj;amb fauatal or amhnoun ;raxa‘ .a[a[oujiune i w;r=o\ t;[ piti gtnh Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;rkirn;rou ;u vo[owourdn;rou a®ør;a\hn n;rs! A\s paraga\in lauat;soujiune 'rkouj;an last men h% ba\z orphsxi an m;x a®a=nordh .a[a[ a';rou phtq ouni inqna,arv o\vi me! A\d inqna,arv ouve .a[a[ashr mardn h% anfate ;u a\dpisi anfatn;rh kaxmoua‘ la\n fasarakoujiune% or ibr;u ambo[=aza‘ marmin ou mioujiun enk;ra\in% qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan ardarouj;an yambow ke st;[‘h ou ke fastath t;[akan barin m;rv;low øtaramout ªqaroxicºn;rou pa\manakan ;u am;naxan pitakauoroumn;re% oronq orom ke zan;n Mi=in Ar;u;lqi vo[owourdn;rou k;anqin mh= ou patya® k*ellan nor j,namanqn;rou! Minc a\d& >a[a[ouji@un Mi=in Ar;u;lqin ta®apo[ vo[owourdn;roun! >a[a[ouji@un Falhpi ;u Sourio\ m;r axgakizn;roun! >a[a[ouji@un Arza.i vo[owourdin! >a[a[ouji@un i s'iu®s ;u i Fa\astan gtnouo[ m;r vo[owourdin! :u a\o* >a[a[ouji@un am;n;zoun!
Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®ijow% a\sou kou ganq srtagin ma[janqn;r n;rka\azn;lou ];xi% .mbagrakan kaxmi andamn;roun ;u j;rji a,.atakizn;roun! Ou,i ou,ow ke f;t;uinq ];r tara‘ a,.atanqin ;u ke fryouinq t;sn;low% or fa\ giri ou m,ako\ji nouiroua‘ouj;an nor =anqe ke ,arounakoui no\n .andow ;u ;®andow
вÔà𸲶ðàôÂÆôÜ ¶³ÉÇýáñÝdzÛÇ Ð³Û ¶ñáÕÝ»ñáõ ØÇáõÃÇõÝÁ ÏÁ ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñå¿ Ûáõß-»ñ»ÏáÛ ÝáõÇñáõ³Í ·ñáÕ æ³ÝÇb»Ï æ³ÝÇb»Ï»³ÝÇ (Îáß»óÇ) ÛÇß³ï³ÏÇÝ! ºñ»ÏáÝ ï»ÕÇ piti áõÝ»Ý³Û ÐÇÝ·ß³bÃÇ4 ö»ïñáõ³e 44 2016-Ç »ñ»ÏáÛ»³Ý ųÙÁ 6-8! гëó¿3 Casa Verdugo Lebrary, 1151 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA. 91202! ØáõïùÁ ³½³ï
Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun
Tik& Ar,akoufi Dauij;an
Fiusjen% 26 D;kt;mb;r 2015
THR :U TIK& MIFRAN QIUJN:R:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an
NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
ÂAK :RITASARDAKAN <ARVOUME +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
ÂAK ÂOUBHN F:R:AN AKOUMBI WARCOUJIUNE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
ÂAK G:RSAM AFARON:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
ÂAK MKRTIC AU:TIS:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
ÂAK HØVHN BABAX:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
ÂAK FA| IRAUANZ >ORFOURDE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
JMM ~RHXNO|I MASNAYIU{E +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu
Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Tik& Ma\ta Aljoun;an ;u xauakn;re Tigran ;u Ara
Thr ;u Tik& Ar'iar ;u F;rminh Yano\;an
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u Sourb ’nound% m;r bolor axgakann;roun ou bar;kamn;roun% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin
Thr ;u Tik& Artø ;u Arous;ak Gala\y;an
Thr ;u Tik& Au;tis Margar;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi tøn;roun a®ijow% lauago\n ma[janqn;r bolor bar;kamn;roun faraxatn;roun ;u axgakann;roun
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi tønakan ør;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq barør ;u \a=o[ tari me
Toqj& ;u Tik& Kirakos Minas;an
Thr ;u Tik& |akob Wardiwa®;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;m m;r axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re m;r axgakann;roun ;u enk;r-enk;roufin;roun
P;ryoufi Lonk
Thr ;u Tik& Wardghs Gourou;an
NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u Sourb ’nound% jo[ 2016-e a,.arfin b;rh .a[a[oujiun% isk fa\;roun miasnakanoujiun Thr ;u Tik& "anik Qh,i,;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bar;kamn;roun faraxatn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg Ja,y;an
Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun a®jiu% bar;ma[joujiunn;r ªNor Ørºin% ªNor Ørºi a,.atakizn;roun ;u ªNor Ørº enj;rzo[n;roun
Lauago\n ma[janqn;r Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Thr ;u Tik& Yory ;u |asmik Mantos;an
Toqj& ;u Tik& Arjø "olat;an
Nor Tarouan s;min a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun ke ma[j;nq m;r faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun a®ijow% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r faraxatn;re ;u bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low am;na\n bariq
Garl% Maria% Aliq ;u Ar;u Partaq;an
Toqj& ;u Tik& Wafh :agoup;an
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Ke ,norfauor;nq bolorin Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low \a=o[% a®o[= ;u .a[a[ tari
Thr ;u Tik& Âa``i Hqix;an
Thr ;u Tik& P;tros Ay;m;an
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin Andranik ;u L;na Gala\y;an
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
M;r bari ma[janqn;re^ Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Toqj& ;u Tik& L;uon Q;l;,;an
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Gaspar {axar;an Andranik A`ar;an
Andadroum b;[oun tarin;r
|ousanq galiq tarin ªNor Ørºe ir enj;rzo[n;roun gofazoum kou ta\ ir bari lour;row
Manouhl G\oxal;an Thr ;u Tik& Voxh` Tor;an
A\s tønakan ør;roun% ªNor Ørºin ke ma[j;m \a®a=dimoujiun ;u cenkrkil dvouaroujiunn;roun dhm Alis Maxman;an
Lauago\n ma[janqn;r ªNor Ørºi an]nakaxmin ;u fauatarim enj;rzo[n;roun Thr Wrjanhs A& Qfn\& ;u :rhzkin Anafit Gala\y;an
40 NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound bolor m;r axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Thr ;u Tik& Grigor Colaq;an
Thr ;u Tik& |aroujiun Caqar;an
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq ªNor Ørºi an]nakaxme% incphs na;u m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
<aqh Andrhas;an ~lora Mhnh,;an
Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin
Cka\ au;li lau a®ij me% or Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundin a®jiu m;r bar;ma[joujiunn;re en;nq% sirow% oura.oujiunn;row ;u vpitow
Thr ;u Tik& Aram Arxouman;an
Alis Pil;my;an
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Araqsi Aslan;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re m;r axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun
Thr ;u Tik& Galoust Bouroud
ò²ð²Î²Ü èàôê²êî²ÜÀ… <ar& h= 6-hn
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Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our family and friend, warm and joyous wishes for a happy holiday season Mr. and Mrs. John Jacqueline Motts
<norfauor Nor Tari :u Sourb ’nound Amanori ;u S& ’noundi tøn;roun a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;rn ou ,norfauoroujiunn;rn ;nq \a\tnoum m;r vo[owrdin% na.kin ;u m;rør;a\ marxikn;rin% marxa,.arfi n;rka\azouzicn;rin% marxashrn;rin% ma[j;low nranz \a=o[oujiunn;r% ;r=anik ;u bar;b;r tari! Marxakan h=i patas.anatou
Au;tis Ba\ram;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Toqj& |akob Kiulhqy;an
JMM LOS ANY:LESI MASNAYIU{E Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Los Any;lesi Masnayiu[i Warcoujiune ,norfauor;low ir fama\n andamakzouj;an Nor Tarin% ke ma[jh anor ;r=anik ;u bargauay vamanakn;r
42 NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
Ke ,norfauor;nq j;rjin 93-rd am;ake! Ke ma[j;nq an.a'an ;rj dhpi fariuram;ak
Thr ;u Tik& Sargis Minas;an
Tønakan ør;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;re ;u ke ma[j;nq ir;nz a®o[=oujiun ;u am;na\n bariq Thr ;u Tik& Misaq Pø[os;an
<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound% nor tarin ella\ \a=o[ak ;u .a[a[ tari me
};r Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde ke ,norfauor;nq% \a=o[ouj;an ma[janqn;row
Thr ;u Tik& Parg;u Famal;an
Thr ;u Tik& Naxarhj >otik;an
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq bolorin ;u ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankouj;an ;u .a[a[ouj;an tari me
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’noundi bar;ma[joujiunn;r ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan ;u warcakan kaxmin% zankalow .a[a[ oura. tari N;lli Margar;ans
Thr ;u Tik& Noupar Qiu';l;an
Ke ,norfauor;m ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxmi andamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u ke ma[j;m ouv ou korow% ,arounak;lou ir;nz a®aq;loujiune
};r Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde ke ,norfauor;nq% \a=o[ouj;an ma[janqn;row
M;linh Darbin;an
Frac Ay;m;an
GRAUOUA’ JOUAKAN Valentine's Day-i a®jiu <abaj ";trouar 13% 2016 Ke .ndroui c.aca];u;l
Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq ;u ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankouj;an ;u .a[a[ouj;an tari me bolorin Asatour Gou\oumy;an
JMM PH<KHØJIUR:AN K:DRONI >NAMAKAL MARMINE +;rmørhn Ke <norfauor;nq Fama\n Fa\ouj;an Nor Tarin ;u Sb& ’nounde
ARJOUR AL:QSAN:ANE 2015-I LAUAGO|N MARXIK% LAUAGO|NN:RI TASN:AKE |ounaf®omhakan (ff) oyi emb,amarti FF fauaqakani andam Ølimpiakan .a[;ri pronxh m;talakir% a,.arfi krknaki ;u :uropa\i ;®aki a.o\;an ARJOUR AL:QSAN:ANE yanacou;l h Fa\astani 2015 jouakani lauago\n marxik% fa[ordoum h FAØK-i pa,tønakan ka\qe! Marxakan lragro[n;ri fanrap;takan da,nouj;an farzman ardiunqn;row oro,ou;zin 2015 j& mrza,r=ani 10 lauago\n marxikn;re! 1& ARJOUR AL:QSAN:AN^ ff oyi emb,amart% 339 miauor! 2& MIFRAN |AROUJIUN:AN^ ff oyi emb,amart% 267! 3& |AROUJIUN M:RTIN:AN^ marmnamarxoujiun% 265! 4& TIGRAN MARTIROS:AN^ ‘anramart% 231! 5& ARJOUR JOWMAS:AN^ marmnamarxoujiun% 113! 6& ARMAN :R:M:AN^ j;qouantø^ 107! 7& TIGRAN KIRAKOS:AN^ sambø^ 106! 8& ARAM AUAG:AN^ b®nzqamart% 101! 9& ANDRANIK KARAP:T:AN^ ‘anramart% 99! 10& SMBAT MARGAR:AN^ ‘anramart^ 95! Marxakan lragro[n;re farzaj;rjikn;roum n,;l ;n na;u ;us 3 marxiki anoun& Arjour Dauj;an (marmnamarxoujiun% 81 miauor)% L;uon Aron;an (,a.mat% 35) ;u F;nri. M.ijar;an (`oujpol% 31 miauor)! Farzmane masnakz;l ;n marxakan j;man;row gro[ 34 lragro[! Lauago\n jim h yanacou;l FF ,a.mati t[amardkanz fauaqakane!
FA|ASTANI ~OUJPOLI 2015 J& LAUAGO|N MARXICN:RE :U ~OUJPOLISTN:RE FF ~D am'o';l h ªTaroua\ lauago\n marxicº anouanakargoum 2015 j& qouharkouj;an ardiunqn;re! Lauago\n marxic h yanacou;l FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u ªAraratiº gl.auor marxic WAROUVAN SOUQIAS:ANE^ 132 miauor% 2& :r;uani ªAla,k;rtiº gl.auor marxic ABRAFAM >A<MAN:ANE^ 123 miauor ;u 3& SARGIS |OWSH":ANE^ 72 miauor% :r;uani ª"iunikiº ;u FF fauaqakan na.kin vamanakauor gl.auor marxic! 2015-i lauago\n `oujpolist h yanacou;l F:NRI> M>IJAR:ANE^ 228 miauor! 2& FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u `ransakan ªDivoniº pa,tpan GAHL ANDON:ANE^ 46 miauor ;u 3& FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u [axa.akan ªAktobhiº kisapa,tpan MARKOS PIX:LIN^ 44 miauor!
FA|KAKAN MARXAKAN >YANKAR • :r;uani ªArarateº w;rsks;z marxoumn;re% oronq ke ,arounakou;n }orablouri marxafamaliroum minc;u D;kt;mb;ri 30-e! Ambo[=akan kaxmow ªArarateº ke sksi marxou;l |ounouari 4-iz! No\n amsin;snoua‘ h artasafman;an ousoumnamarxakan fauaq% orn am;na\n fauanakanouj;amb% ke ka\ana\ Socioum (ÂD)! |ounouari 16-in ;u 22-in ke ka\ana\ fandipoumn;r Giumrii ª<irakiº
f;t% isk ardhn ";trouari 14-in ªArarateº ke m;kni AMN (Gali`ornia) ort;[ minc;u ";trouari 24-e k*anzkazni 2-rd ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe!;snoua‘ h 3 stougo[akan fandipoumn;re! ";trouari 18-in ªArarateº ke .a[a\ ª~r;xnø ~ou;gøº% 20-in^ ªNiu :orq Kosmosiº ;rrord fandipoume;soua‘ h ";trouari 23-in% mrzakzi anoune d;®;us \a\tni ch! • 2016-i No\;mb;ri 10-15 Fa\astanoum ke ka\ana\ :uropa\i minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri 2016/2017 a.o\;anouj;an orakauorman a®a=in fangrouani 7-rd .mbi fandipoumn;re! >mboum endgrkoua‘ ;n Fa\astani% Xouiz;ria\i% Italia\i ;u Foungaria\i fauaqakann;re! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan 25-am;a\ Arax Øxbilise amousnaz;l h! Psakadrouj;an masin manramasn;r ci fa[orduoum! Asoua‘ h mia\n% or Araxi kno= anoune Nana h ;u ousano[oufi h! Fa[orduoum h na;u% or farsaniqe ka\az;l h Folanta\oum! • WTA-n taroua\ ‘ago[ ast[i \auaknordn;ri juoum endgrk;l h na;u Margarita Gaspar;anin (ÂD)! 21-am;a\ marxoufin 2015-in fama,.arfa\in dasakargman 217-rd t;[iz bar]raz;l h 58-rd t;[e! Na nouay;l h Paquoum ka\aza‘ WTA ,arqi mrza,ari \a[jo[i kocoume ;u ;r;q tit[os j;nisi mi=axga\in da,nouj;an mrza,aroum! • <ouhdia\i Borous qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ªOskh a[=ikn;rº anouanoume kro[ b®nzqamarti mi=axga\in mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 12 ;rkrn;ri 230 a[=ikn;r! FF-iz a\d mrza,arin masnakzoum hin A,.hn ;u Anna |owfannis;an qo\r;re! :rkousn hl g;raxanz fandhs ;kan ;u dar]an \a[jo[n;r% A,.hne^ 60 qk&% isk Annan 64 qk& qa,a\in kargoum! • Arjour Abrafami \a=ord mrzakize ke lini m;qsikazi >ilb;rtø Âamir;se% ow gl.auoroum h ir qa,a\in kargi warkani,a\in a[iusake ;u a®a\vm oc mi partoujiun couni! N,;nq na;u% or Arjour Abrafamin ,norfou;l h 2015 jouakani P;®lini a.o\;ani mrzanake! • G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ Karø Mourade ci karo[az;l da®nal arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti IBF warka‘ow kisa‘anr qa,a\in kargoum a,.arfi a.o\;ani partadir \auaknord! AMN-oum ka\aza‘ m;namartoum fa\ b®nzqamartike 5-rd ®aountoum nokaoutow partou;l h qoupazi 33-am;a\ Saliwan B;r;ra\in% ow partoujiun couni arf;stawarv ®ingoum! Sa 32-am;a\ Karo\i 31-rd m;namartn hr ;u 3-rd partoujiune! • Xagr;pi g;[asafqi mi=axga\in mrza,aroum Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ Jina Karap;t;an ;u Sa\mon S;n;kal xo\ge dar]au pronxh m;talakir! • S;da;ane (ÂD) nouay;l h Mos-
koua\oum anzkazoua‘ marmnamarxouj;an krknaki Ølimpiakan a.o\;an Mi.a\il Woronini gauaji \a[jo[i kocoume axat warvoujiunn;roum!
M:R ’ANRORDN:RE KARO{ :N DAÂNAL A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJ:AN PRONXH M:TALAKIR • Fiusjenoum anzkazoua‘ ‘anramarti a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an mi ,arq masnakizn;r doping øgtagor‘a‘ lin;lou famar orakaxrkou;l ;n! IWF mrzoumn;riz f;®azoua‘n;ri mh= ;n na;u Atrph\yane n;rka\azno[ Silwa Ang;lowan (48 qk&)% Wal;njin >ristowe (62 qk&)% Hlfan Aligoulixadhn (77 qk&)% incphs na;u Moltowan% Jourqm;nstane% ;u Fiusisa\in Qorhan% {axa.stane% P;la®ouse% Âousastane n;rka\azno[ ‘anrordn;r! Masnauoraphs doping h \a\tnab;rou;l 77 qk& qa,a\in Kwan Songi ou ®ous g;r‘anr qa,a\in Al;qsh\ Lowc;ui ørganixmoum! A\vm marxikn;re phtq h spas;n B& ardiunqn;ri patas.ann;rin! Dranz drakan lin;lou dhpqoum nranq k*orakaxrkou;n! Isk da n,anakoum h% or Andranik Karap;t;ane (77 qk&) ;u Go® Minas;ane (g;r‘anr qa,)% owq;r 4-rd t;[n hin grau;l ir;nz qa,a\in karg;roum ke da®nan a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakirn;r! Bazi a\d nranq pokoum warvoujiunoum ke da®nan 'oqr ar‘ajh% isk Andranike na;u froum warvouj;an pronxh m;talakir!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR P;la®ousi ma\raqa[aq Minskoum anzkazou;z ka\‘akna\in (bliz) ;u arag (®apid) ,a.mati :uropa\i a®a=noujiune! Ka\‘akna\in ,a.matoum% orin masnakzoum hin 554 ,a.matistn;r% FF-n n;rka\azno[ Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Frand M;lqoum;ane ;u Tigran L& P;tros;ane 16&5-akan miauorow no\n f;rjakanouj;amb dasauarou;zin mrza,ara\in a[iusaki 5-7-rd t;[;roum! A\s ];uoum a.o\;an dar]au atrph\yanzi Âaou` Mam;dowe! Arag ,a.matoum Frand M;lqoum;ane 9&5 miauorow dar];l h :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an 'o.a.o\;an ;u khs miauor h xi=;l :uropa\i a.o\;an dar]a‘ ®ous Iwan Popowin! FF mhk a\l n;rka\azouzic Tigran L& P;tros;ane wastak;l h 9 miauor ;u 7 a\l ,a.matistn;ri f;t bavan;l h 3-10-rd t;[;re% saka\n lrazouzic zouzani,n;row \a\tnou;l h 6-rd t;[oum S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane ;u Xauhn Andrhas;ane mrza,arn auart;l ;n 8&5-akan miauorow% Ghorg |aroujiun;ane^ 7&5% Dauij Ghorg;ane^ 5&5! Mrza,arn oun;z;l h 695 masnakiz!
THR :U TIK& SARGIS QA+IK:AN +;rmørhn ke ,norfauor;nq fama\n fa\ouj;an Nor Tarin ;u Sb& ’nounde
NOR ØR% 31 D:KT:MB:R 2015
FA|KAKAN BAR:GOR’AKAN ENDFANOUR MIOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANAKA|IN |AN}NAVO{OWE KE <NORFAUORH FAMA|N FA|OUJ:AN NOR TARIN :U S& ’NOUNDE MA{J:LOW OR 2016-E ELLA| BA>TAB:R TARI ME M;r bar;ma[joujiunn;re na;u F&B&E&M&-i Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i ,r=anin mh= gor‘o[ m;r bolor miauorn;roun