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"OUJINI OUVI ZOUZADROUJIUNE SOURIO| MH+ ANV:LA SJ:NJ fakak,i®in ,our= go\aza‘ fama]a\noujiunn hr (New Start)% incphs na;u^ Irani f;t fiulhakan fama]a\nagire (|oulis 13% 2015)% orou enjazqin "oujin kar;uor d;r .a[az! Gor‘akzouj;an a\l "ro`& Anv;la Sj;nj dasa.øs h Yoryjaoun ørinak men hr Âousio\ ko[mh% 2001-i a,nan% famalsaranin mh=! Miavamanak% waric-tnøfa\ja\joume xinouorakan t;[;kouj;anz% oronq rhnn h :uropa-asiakan% Âousakan ;u Ar;diurazouzin A`[anistani mh= Jalipani tau;l;an :uropa\i Ousoumnasirouj;anz K;dropaloume! A\nouf;t;u% incphs or Âousio\ na.kin nin! Anika artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an masartaqin gor‘oz na.arar Ikor Iwanow bazanaght h M& Nafangn;rou ;u :uropa\i 'o. \atr;z& ªOux;zinq go\azn;l fama.mboum me% incphs^ rab;rouj;anz^ Âousio\ ;u anor qa[a qakafaka-nazi Mioujiune& nman da,noujiun me fime nouj;an farz;row! piti kaxmhr fama,.arfa\in nor fasarakargi ’anøj& .mbagrouj;an meº! Aknarkoua‘ a\d ws;m npatakakhte anfasa2015-i w;r=auorouj;an% Âousakan Da,noujiune n;li mnaz! Ardar;u% M& Nafangn;r ;u Âousas®mbako‘oumn;rou ];®nark;z Sourio\ mh=% \a\tnatan dvouaroujiunn oun;zan gor‘naphs y,d;lou% Anv;la Sj;nj phs afab;kcakan .mbauoroumn;r faroua‘;lou jh o#r .mbauoroumn;re afab;kic nkatou;lou hin% famar! A\d na.a];®noujiune w;r=in ;rkou tas\atkaphs souriakan enddimadrouj;an paraga\in! nam;akn;rou ®ousakan m;‘ago\n mi=amtoujiunn h Mi=in Ar;u;lqi Famagor‘akzoujiune nouax \a=o[ ;[a‘ h Âousio\ drazi ;rkirmh=! Xinouorakan a\s ar,auanqe Sourio\ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxme n;rou ou NAJØ-i paraga\in! Pat;raxmn;re Wrastani ;u Ouqranio\ w;ra‘a‘ h 'o.anordakan fakamartouj;an (proxy war) Moskoua\i ;u mh=% ou >rimi J;rak[xiin kzoume lauago\ns ke bazatr;n Âousakan Oua,inkjeni mi=;u! Miavamanak% anika \a=o[a‘ h ou,adroujiune Da,nouj;an fakaxd;zoujiune% dours ]goua‘ ellalow :uropakan ,;[;zn;l Ouqranio\ taran=atoumi ®ousakan na.a];®nouj;nhn% anMiouj;an famakarghn! Da®nouj;an no\n xgazoume ke baza\a\th kar;li dar]n;low Qr;mlini m;kousazoume Ar;umoutqin ko[mh! A\nphs "oujini npatake% m;‘ p;toujiunn;rou mi=;u fastat;lou faskaor n;rka\is% Âousastani .øsqe k,i® ouni souriakan tagnapi zo[oujiun me% our Âousia oun;nar oro, k,i® me :uropa\i endfanour lou‘man mh=! apafowouj;an farzow! A\l .øsqow% "oujin f;tamout h% orphsxi Angam me ;us Am;rika anaknkali ;ka‘ h% inc or pataf;zau na;u na.kin >orfrda\in Miouj;an mas kaxmo[ p;toujiunn;rhn nor me Mart 2014-in% ;rb Âousia kz;z >rime% miavamanak n;zouk kangn;low ;us cmiana\ NAJØ-in! Ar;u;l;an Ouqranio\ enddimadirn;roun! Faka®ak tnt;sakan t;[atououj;an% bnakcouj;an nouaxoumin ou dramaglou.i artaga[jin% Âousia xarmanaliørhn zouzab;r;z artakarg ouv% oc mia\n ir ,r=a- "OUJINI NA>A}:ÂNOUJIUNE patin mh=% a\l^ ankh andin! Anor xinouorakan mi=amtoujiune Sou"oujini oro,oume xinouoraphs mi=amt;lou Sourio\ mh=% zouzani, ;n rio\ mh= endounou;lou h orphs Âousakan Da,nouj;an fama,.arfa\in anor mtafogoujiunn;roun^ ®ousakan ouvi ;u axd;zouj;an nkatmamb! d;rakataroujiune! Ard% farz ke droui jh inco#u Oua,inkjen danda[a‘ h emb®n;lou Anika Fokt;mb;rin \a\tarar;z% jh ªpiti xøraznh Sourio\ ®ousakan irakanouj;an fama,.arfa\in d;rakataroujiune! Ar- p;touj;an i,.anoujiunn;re% orphsxi afab;kicn;re tkar mnan! dar;u% 2007-in% Miuni.i Apafowouj;an >orfrdavo[owin% "oujin Anika mhkh au;li angamn;r datapart;z Am;rika\i en‘a\a‘ n;sour qnnadatouj;an ;njarka‘ hr am;rik;an qa[aqakanoujiune& zouke enddimadir ouv;rou% incphs^ 2011-i ªArabakan Garounºi emªM& Nafangn;re% \atkaphs% amhn ];uow anza‘ h ir axga\in saf- bostouj;anz at;n% ;u \atkaphs^ Lipio\ dhm NAJØ-i xinouorakan mann;reº! Baxmajiu angamn;r Âousastan ou.ta‘ h 'o.;l Am;ri- gor‘o[oujiunn;re% oronq tapal;zin Mouammar {axxa`in! "oujini ka\i ko[mh a®a=nordoua‘ fama,.arfa\in karge% orphsxi Ar;umout- acqow% .®owoujiunn;re Iraqi% Sourio\ ;u Fiusisa\in A'rikhi mh=% qe \argh ®ousakan ,af;re! Ørinaki famar% Øgostos 2008-in% kar- incphs na;u Islamakan P;touj;an (ISIS) kaxmauoroume% k*apayat;u pat;raxme Wrastani f;t baza\a\t;z Âousio\ kam;zo[ou- zouzan;n Ar;umoutqin ]a.o[oujiune% m;natirakan warcakarg;re jiune ouv gor‘a‘;lou% argil;lou famar or drazi ;rkirn;re Ar;u- tapal;low% xanonq 'o.arin;lou qa[aqakanouj;an! Wa.e a\n h% or moutqin møt;nan% kam^ w;rafastat;lou ir axd;zoujiune na.kin Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= st;[‘oua‘ qaose piti xøraznh islam ‘a\>orfrda\in Miouj;an safmann;roun wra\! Saka\n M& Nafangn;r ;u ra\;[oujiune Âousio\ (\atkaphs faraua\in) safmann;rou ;rka\nqin% ir da,nakizn;re j;rgnafata‘ ;n ®ousakan wy®akamoujiune w;ra- na.kin >orfrda\in Miouj;an drazi ;rkirn;roun% ou jhakanørhn^ t;souj;an ;njark;lou fama,.arfa\in famakarge% or partadroua‘ Âousastani mh=! Souriakan yatraka.a[e ke npatakadrh w;rakangn;lou ®ousah Âousio\ wra\% >orfrda\in Miouj;an ankoumhn iw;r! kan axd;zoujiune Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=! 2015-i ;rkrord kisoun% :giptosi% Isra\hli% |ordanani% Qouh\ji% Shoutakan Arabio\ ;u AraSTORAKA|OUJ:AN XGAZOUM bakan Hmiroujiunn;rou a®a=nordn;re a\z;l;zin Moskoua% ;u anonzmh


W;r=in 25 tarin;roun% Moskoua ;u Oua,inkjen \atkaphs gor‘akza‘ ;n% ;rb Âousastan xgaza‘ h% jh ir;n fandhp zouzab;roua‘ h fauasarh fauasar w;rab;roum! Anor lauago\n ørinake xhnq;rou

Axat jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an <ar& h= 20

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(out;liq)! A\sinqn ;rg;l% nouag;l sorwo[e i#nc piti pafh! Fauanabar anz;alin ba®e Conservatorio Musicale-;rav,takan paf;stanoz ;[a‘ h ;u vamanaki enjazqin musicale-;rav,takan mase x;[coua‘ ;u mnaza‘ Conservatorio! No\n paraga\in ;njarkoua‘ h ªoperaº kisat ba®e opera (it&)% øp;ra (fa\astan;an)% jatr;rgoujiun (fa\;rhn)! Opera ba®in imaste – gor‘% arar! Iskakan ambo[=akan ba®e opera teatrale h% or ke n,anakh jat;rakan gor‘! :jh c;m s.alir M.ijar;ann;re kam Italia ousana‘ ir;nz a,ak;rtn;re fa\azouza‘ ;n st;[‘;low jatr;rgoujiun ba®e% or au;li imastaliz h ;u ke famapatas.anh ;rg;low jat;ra.a[i! Jatron ba®n al \ouna-latina-;uropakan ba® h – fa\;re \ounarhnhn a®a‘ ;n theatron-hn ;u oc jh theatro latina-;uropakan ba®hn! <arounak;nq& Ballet (`r&% ang&% it&)% balh (fa\astan;an)% jat;rapar (fa\;rhn)! Ballet ba®in ba®azi imaste% 'oqr% kary% karyat;u par ke n,anakh% ba\z irakanouj;an mh= jat;ra.a[ h pari k;rparanqow% orow fa\;rhn yi,d imaste arta\a\to[ ba®e^ jat;rapare – au;li yi,d h! O#r l;xoui mh= gor‘a‘oua‘ ba®;re w;ron,;al gor‘o[oujiunn;rou iskakan imaste k*arta\a\t;n% parx h fa\;rhnine% saka\n Fa\astan a\s ba®;re jatr;rgoujiun kam jat;rapar kam ;rav,tanoz ba®;re c;n gor‘a‘;r% c;s git;r inco#u&&& øtar ba®;r ke gor‘a‘;n ;u p;toujiune% or fa\;rhn l;xouin pa,tpan phtq h kangni% ke l®h&&&! Ousti i#nc h m;r npatake! Axga\in miasnakanoujiun^ l;xouakan miasnakanouj;amb Fa\astan-Arza. ;u S'iu®qi mh= no\n famafa\kakan dasakan ou[[agrouj;amb ;u no\n maqraxtoua‘ ba®azanki gor‘a‘ouj;amb! F;t;uabar ];®narka‘ ;u ‘ragra‘ ;nq n;rq;u n,oua‘ a,.atanqn;rou% minc;u or Fa\astani i,.anauorn;re p;takanørhn ir;nq a\s qa\l;re irakanazn;n! A& Fa\;rhn l;xoun maqraxt;l øtar ba®;rh! B& W;rafastat;l M;srop;andasakan ou[[agroujiune! Fa\astani% Arza.i ;u S'iu®qi tara‘qin! G& Ar;umtafa\;rhni w;rabnak;zoume Fa\astani ;u Arza.i mh=! D& Oun;nal miasnakan fama<ar& h= 19

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Èáë ²Ý×»ÉÁë4 ÜáÛ1 2015


ARMENIAN AMERICAN MUSEUM LAUNCHES COMMUNITY FORUM SERIES Glendale, CA - The Armenian American Museum has released dates for upcoming community forums which will feature presentations on the Armenian American Museum, provide an update on the progress of the project, and offer opportunities for community members to engage in a Q&A session and provide feedback. The events will include private presentations to Glendale-based service organizations in addition to public forums. Residents are encouraged to attend the following meetings: Sunday, January 10, 2016 | 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church’s Raymond and Ani Kouyoumjian Hall 1510 East Mountain Street, Glendale, CA 91207 Monday, January 11, 2016 | 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Bethany Bible Presbyterian Church 3229 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208 Sunday, January 17, 2016 | 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church’s Raymond and Ani Kouyoumjian Hall 1510 East Mountain Street, Glendale, CA 91207

series follows its recent unveiling of the Museum concept design to the Glendale City Council in December 2015. Although the proposal establishing an Armenian American Museum in Glendale has been met with positive and constructive support, a number of residents from the neighborhoods next to the proposed site have expressed objections to building the Museum at the proposed site. For more information about the community forum series, please visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org /events/ Residents interested in hosting a presentation may further inquire by calling (844) 586-4626 or emailing Info@ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org

“We look forward to sharing the vision of the Armenian American Museum and engaging in an active dialogue with our community members” stated Outreach Director, Tigranna Zakaryan. “Our approach is to engage the community through diverse outreach initiatives extended toward service-oriented organizations, faith-based groups, neighboring homeowner groups and residents, and City institutions.” The Armenian American Museum’s community forum

The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Georgia wants money from Gazprom for gas transit to Armenia

Putin says Syria needs to start working on new constitution

Tbilisi wants to change the former agreements with Gazprom and get money for the transit of the Russian gas to Armenia via its territory instead of the ten percent received for the entire amount of gas. Georgian Deputy PM and Energy Minister Kakha Kaladze stated the aforementioned today, Vzglyad reports. “These negotiations are very important for Georgia,” Kaladze said. The Deputy PM called “insanity” all the suspicions of the opposition over the fact that Georgia is conceding Gazprom in the negotiations, which it regularly conducts on the territory of third countries.

PanARMENIAN.Net Russian President Vladimir Putin said Syria needs to start working on a new constitution as a first step to finding a political solution to its civil war, though he acknowledged the process was likely to be difficult, Reuters reports. Putin, who has thrown Russia's support behind Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with air strikes, also said in an interview with the German newspaper Bild that the crisis in relations between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran would complicate the search for peace in Syria.

The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) Telethon Press Conference WHAT:

The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) will host a press conference to relay details regarding the situation of the Syrian Christian Armenian community's situation and needs in war-torn Syria, and the Telethon SARF is organizing to aid that Christian minority. WHO: Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, Media Outlets. WHEN: Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Time: 11:00 am. WHERE: Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504 ABOUT: SARF was founded in 2012 to aid the suffering Syrian Christian Armenian community and provide them whit the essentials for daily survival in war-torn Syria. SARF is organizing a Telethon for this purpose on Sunday, February 21, 2016, the details of which will be provided in the Press Conference. For media RSVPs and additional information please contact (818) 646 1166 or office@sarftelethon.org

Russian Military Base In Armenia Receives Modern Drones A new batch of domestically-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has arrived for the Russian military base in Armenia, the press office of Russia’s Southern Military District said on Monday, TASS reports. “Modern domestically-made drones Takhion have entered service in the UAV unit of the Southern Military District’s military base located in the Republic of Armenia,” the press office said in a statement. The Russian military personnel will learn to operate new drones within a month at the Kamkhud and Alagyaz highmountainous training ranges. The Takhion UAV is designed for army reconnaissance day and night at a distance of up to 40 km. The drone can mount a video, photo or infrared camera. The UAV has a liftoff weight of about 25 kg and flight duration of up to 6 hours. Takhion drones are produced at the Urals-based Izhmash-UAV enterprise.

Armenia’s UN Amb. Elected President Of The Executive Board Of UNDP, UNFPA And UNOPS On 11 January, Armenia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan was elected President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP), UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Office for Project Service (UNOPS), the Organizations’ governing body, for a one-year term. The Executive Board is made up of representatives of Member States and is mandated by the UN General Assembly to provide inter-governmental support to and overall supervision of the activities of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS. The Board meets three times a year ensuring that the three Agencies remain responsive to the evolving needs of programmed countries.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 14, 2016


A Chartered Territory: An Option For Armenian Schools In America By Dr. Hosep Torossian The dire financial needs of Armenian schools in the US, and the ongoing strain felt by school administrators and board members to ensure the survival of our schools, prompted me to offer my thoughts about a possible solution for this crisis. The word crisis is not an exaggeration. Our schools struggle financially. Private schools, schools supported by various Armenian organizations rely on student tuition, benevolence, and relentless fundraising by support groups in order to balance their budgets. The fact that leaders of Armenian schools preoccupy themselves with permanent fundraising is a serious concern: How do we make up the budget deficit? What should the student tuition be? How many families will be able to afford the tuition? What is the projected enrollment? How will the economy impact our enrollment? What is the socioeconomic status of our families? Are teacher salaries adequate and at par with the market? Will we be able to afford to hire another teacher? Can we afford to add a new educational program? What is our cash flow projection? How reliable is that projection? Do we have a cash fund balance to cope with emergency situations and facility repairs? Will we be able to keep our doors open next year? Which benefactor’s door should we knock on next? As school principal, these questions would keep me awake at night. Traditional public schools spend, on average, $10,000 per student from kindergarten to 12th grade. Tuition of most private schools in America can easily hover between $20 and $40 thousand, excluding numerous fees for activities etc. Tuition fees in Armenian private schools may vary between $3,000 to $5,000 per student, with large discounts and accommodations given to needy families, or to families with multiple children. Given the disparity of per-pupil funding between traditional public schools and Armenian private schools, the first question that comes to mind is “How are we able to offer quality education with such few dollars?” Having been in the trenches as a school administrator for 17 years, I congratulate all schools which have provided and continue to provide high quality American education, indelibly intertwined with a proud Armenian curriculum. Many of my colleagues in these schools do a herculean job in preparing the next generation of Armenian community leaders, having immersed their students in the Armenian culture, language, religion, history and the arts. The readers of this article will very likely be those who believe in the mission and vision of our schools, and the paramount role they play in the preservation and the dissemination of our heritage. The collective pain felt by school closures must be addressed and remedied. Every Armenian school which has shut its doors has done so for financial reasons. Once a school’s student population falls below a critical mass, very likely due to the families’ inability or unwillingness to pay their tuition, the school finds itself in a vicious downward spiral, resulting in bare survival and eventual demise. The Charter Alternative Let me explain what they are, their advantages and perceived disadvantages as well as my personal thoughts based on my experiences and teachings. Charter schools are government funded public schools. Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers

from 1974 to 1997 was the founding father of the charter school movement. He was joined by Ray Budde, professor at University of Massachusetts. These pioneer reformers, fed up with the failing public school systems, added their powerful voices to the education reform movement which had begun decades earlier. Charter schools became the hot new idea in American education because they advocated choice and accountability. Before the enactment of charter school laws, a parent’s zip code dictated that the student must attend the neighborhood school, even when that school was failing miserably. Charter schools put an end to that misery and allowed parents to send their children to a charter school of their choice. Zip codes would no longer determine a student’s destiny. Charter schools have gained tremendous political and public support. The first State which adopted charter laws in 1991 was Minnesota. From a handful of schools of choice, the movement has shown tremendous growth. Today in the U.S. there are 2.9 million students being served by over 6700 charters schools across 42 states and the District of Columbia. The charter movement has achieved this enviable growth despite tremendous opposition from the traditional establishment, teacher unions and districts claiming that charters are stealing students and funds from them. The Center for Education Reform produces an annual report and a scorecard which ranks states according to their degree of charter school friendliness. This year Michigan scored an A and California scored a very respectable B. Again, these scores are based on state laws regarding operations, funding equity, number of charter schools allowed, etc. It is worth mentioning that as of February 2015, there were 307 charter schools in Michigan with an estimated 140,000 students and 1230 in California with nearly 581,000 students. California leads the nation in the number of charter schools and students attending charter schools (www.ccsa.org). I mentioned earlier that the national average spending per student is around $10,000. One must understand that there is huge disparity in spending between states, within states and within districts. The range can vary from $3700 per student in Utah to $18,000 in NY and NJ. Charter schools, on average receive approximately 78 cents to the dollar allocated to traditional public schools. In 2015, the AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian school received $7,200 per student for our 400 students, guaranteeing a revenue of $2.9 million. Additional grants and revenue streams brought our annual budget to $ 3.2 million. A Case Study Our school opened its doors in 1969 thanks to the vision and benevolence of Alex Manoogian. At its inception, our school had twenty students and 2 teachers. It grew over the next 25 years and at its peak as a private school had 25 teachers and 200 students. Although our school thrived and produced a generation of successful Armenian students, funding issues were severe. Alex Manoogian, with his princely benevolence, covered the school’s perpetual deficit of nearly half a million dollars a year. During these difficult years, the student population in the high school declined so much that the board of education decided to shut it down. Despite these difficult years, hundreds of students who graduated from our school undoubtedly owe their solid educational foundation to

the Manoogian family. Our benefactor, Alex Manoogian, understanding the dynamics and business of education, guided the school board of education to take advantage of the charter school movement in Michigan, and through the direction and authorization of Central Michigan University, our school received its charter contract in 1995, and became one of a handful charter schools in Michigan. The conversion to a charter school put us on a path of financial security. No longer did the school administration and board of education have to worry about securing teacher salaries. Parents did not have to worry about their tuition payments, and the school administration had more time to focus on curricular issues and academic programs. The average teacher salary at our school today is triple what it was during the pre-charter years, and at par with most charter teacher salaries in the state. Our school’s charter stipulates very clearly that we stay true to our mission and vision of preserving the Armenian culture, language and history through our educational programs. Every student attending the Manoogian School must take one hour of Armenian every day in every grade level. In addition, the school’s focus on the Armenian culture thrives with the dedication of five full-time teachers who direct a myriad of cultural programs. We also have four part-time teachers whose primary goal is to teach Armenian dance, music and the arts. We can confidently state that our Armenian educational program today is far stronger than its pre-charter years. One of the first questions I am asked from fellow Armenians is the teaching of religion. Charter schools are publicly funded schools and as such, must respect the rules of the nation. We do not teach religion at our school but since our history is so intertwined with our church traditions, that students learning Armenian history will inevitably understand the Armenian psyche. Most of our students who seek religious teachings attend Sunday schools offered by the Armenian churches in Michigan. There is also that narrow-minded question about non-Armenian students attending an Armenian school. Why is it that we are so afraid of disseminating our beautiful culture to non-Armenians? As a charter school, we are funded by public tax dollars and hence we ought to open our doors to any student, Armenian and Odar. Armenian students would experience ethnic diversity anyway if they enroll in public schools or other private schools. Non-Armenian students gladly comply with our curricular requirements, and upon graduation, not only have a deep appreciation of our rich culture and history, but also read, write and speak in varying competency levels depending upon their years at Manoogian. Our faculty has done a magnificent job in tackling this issue head on, as they developed a special curriculum, Armenian as a Second Language (ASL) offered to students whose mother tongue is other than Armenian. It is important to note that this group includes native American Armenians, Ukrainians, and recent immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. The financial security of our school has enabled us to bring countless technological and curricular advances. Our record student population of 400 is served by 45 faculty and staff. Our school is known for its safety, quality of education and school culture. Issues that plague traditional public schools are unheard of at our school. Grad-

Dr. Torossian is the high school principal at the AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School in Southfield, MI. He is also an adjunct professor at Central Michigan University, where he teaches Master’s level online courses in Charter School Leadership, School Business Administration, Strategic Planning and several other Education related courses. He can be reached at torossian@manoogian.org uation rates and college admittance rates are the envy of many schools. We enrich our curricula by offering Advance Placement classes, Dual Enrollment opportunities to our high achieving students, and a tremendous focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related activities. The state funding has enabled us to allocate more funds to technology and have equipped all our classrooms with the latest gadgets, thus incorporating curriculum with technology. In 2012 and 2013, the US News and World Report ranked our high school among the top 22 percent of the nation’s 26,400 public high schools, giving us a Bronze designation. Opportunities and Pitfalls Not all charter schools have been successful academically. Equally sad is the fact that hundreds of charter schools have been shut down due to financial mismanagement. There is a great deal of oversight and scrutiny of charter schools, especially on those who hire for-profit management companies to administer charter schools. There is no shortage of news articles and commentaries attacking these organizations that use charter schools as cash cows. Under FBI investigation is one the largest charter school organizations in the nation headed by a reclusive Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen who hides in rural Pennsylvania, but commands a powerful political organization in Turkey. As of 2013, there were 140 Gulen-associated charter schools in the U.S. The charter school movement is an outcome of educational reform efforts in this nation. Reformers want innovation and effectiveness. Reformers pursue freedom of choice in schools with freedom from bureaucracies that strangle innovation in large districts. Reformers are Republicans and Democrats. Reformers are all presidents beginning from Ronald Reagan, without exception. Reformers are state governors and city mayors. Reformers are major thinktanks, financial institutions on Wall Street, large corporations and philanthropic foundations such as The Gates Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation (Walmart) and numerous others such as the Bazos Family (Amazon), Hastings (Netflix) and Rupert Murdoch (News Corporation). These foundations have poured hundreds of millions of dollars to support the charter movement, Cont. on p.11

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 14, 2016

Armenian Language Program SOCIETY FOR ORPHANED ARMENIAN RELIEF (SOAR) 1060 First Avenue, Suite 400, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Office: 610.213.3452 Fax: 610.229.5168 Email: gyacoubian@soar-us.org Web: www.soar-us.org During the past decade, hundreds of children have been adopted from Armenia, some of which to non-Armenian parents and many who do not live in close proximity to an Armenian school or an Armenian Church. Given the importance of the Armenian language to these children's ethnic identity, SOAR's Armenian Language Program (ALP) was originally developed to provide elementary and intermediate Armenian instruction to children adopted from Armenia who are now living in the Diaspora. The Program offers live, virtual instruction, in both Eastern and Western Armenian, to anyone in the global community interested in gaining an appreciation for the Armenian language. All proceeds benefit SOAR's Orphan Transitional Program. Classes forming for our February to May session now! Please enroll at the Armenian Language Program. The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children and adults. Working with a loyal donor base and a trusted network of partners, SOAR distributes clothing, educational supplies, medicine, and other essential resources to orphaned Armenians throughout the world.

Tovmasyan Family Of Germany Seeks To “Armenianize” Its City Of Residence Albert Tovmasyan and his family, who live in Leer, Germany, are doing everything to give an Armenian spirit to this town. Tovmasyan is originally from Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, and he had come to Leer in 2001, with his brother. But these young men, who had come to Leer to conduct business, did not know that no Armenians were living in this German town. “You feel the longing for an Armenian even more in a foreign city,” Tovmasyan said. “For that reason, since 2013, I began to actively collaborate with the mayor of Leer, since I much wanted to place, at the central grove of the city, an Armenian crossstone devoted to the 100th anniversary of

Berkeley, CA - Thanks to a $30,000 donation from Mike and Patricia Starzer of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, children attending elementary school in the isolated border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur now attend classes in a newly renovated wing of their school. "This is the fourth project we have completed in this village," said Peter Abajian, Paros Foundation's Executive Director. "Three years ago, we began our work here by renovating the medical center. Then our efforts turned to the village's kindergarten that was renovated the following year. We also began implementing our Agribusiness on the Border project in this village; with six families receiving economic assistance to help grow their home-based businesses and improve the conditions for their families. We hope that this strategic approach to village development significantly improves the lives of these villagers." The village of Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur is an isolated border village in Armenia's northeast Tavush province. 1,380 residents are living under the constant threat of cross border sniper fire from Azerbaijan. The village school was damaged during the war with Azerbaijan. While portions of the school have been partially renovated, the wing housing the elementary school classrooms, was in need of a complete renovation to provide the children with a clean, safe and sanitary environment in which to learn. Work consisted of rebuilding classroom

the Armenian Genocide.” Even though the Tovmasyan are the only Armenian family living in Leer, over 4,000 Turks reside in this town. In Albert Tovmasyan’s words, they managed with great difficulty to place a cross-stone at the central grove because Turkey was constantly sending notes of protest to the Leer town hall, in an attempt to thwart their initiative. But we were able to place the cross-stone in October,” he added. “And now, we already have permission to place, in this grove, benches symbolizing the friendship of Leer and Yerevan. “At this point I have one objective. In three or four years, the park shall be called Armenian Grove.”

walls, heating system upgrades, installation of new restrooms including water supply and sewer lines, installation of classroom doors, new flooring, electrical fixtures, new whiteboards and new and renovated furniture. In total, five classrooms (grades one through five), two restrooms and a large corridor were reconstructed. In response to the generous donation from the Starzers, Jean-Marie and Lori Atamian have recently announced that in 2016 they will underwrite the renovation of the remaining wing of the school, housing the sixth through twelfth grade classrooms. This is the Atamian family's fourth project in this village. The final phase of the school reconstruction will be the kitchen and cafeteria, which are located in an adjacent building. We plan to secure pledges for this final phase this year. The Paros Foundation underwrote all administrative expenses so that 100% of contributions were allocated to this project. To help this effort or another project of the Paros Foundation’s Projects for Prosperity, please visit www.parosfoundation.org.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

96- Nedim !ener By Hambersom Aghbashian Nedim !ener (born 1966 in Germany) is a Turkish writer and journalist. He started working as a journalist at the "lkhaber newspaper. Later, he wrote for the Dünya newspaper, then joined Milliyet in 1994, and wrote for Milliyet and Posta newspapers. He has received a number of journalism awards. He is particularly known for his 2009 book on the assassination of Hrant Dink, "The Dink Murder and Intelligence Lies." In it he alleged that police officers responsible for the Ergenekon investigation were responsible for the murder. He is under indictment in the OdaTv case of the Ergenekon trials because, he believes, for revealing the responsibility of the police in Hrant Dink's case. The Turkish Journalists' Association has twice named !ener "Journalist of the year." In 1999, he was awarded the "Metin Goktepe Journalism Award". Also he has won "Pen Awards of Netherlands", and "Abdi "pekçi Award". and many other awards. In June 2010, !ener was named one of the "Vienna-based International Press Institute's World Press Freedom Heroes" and in 2013, he was awarded the "International Press Freedom Award" of the New Yorkbased "Committee to Protect Journalists." Some of his other published books are Baba Seni Neden Oraya Koydular? ("Father, Why Have They Put You There?", 2012), Kırmızı Cuma ("Red Friday", 2011), Türkiye'de Farklı Olmak ("On Being Different in Turkey", 2009), Hayırsever Terrorist ("The Charitable Terrorist, 2006), and many others. !ener was arrested in March 2011 and held in pre-trial detention for over a year. He was released in March 2012 pending trial. Nedim !ener, an investigative journalist with Turkey’s Posta newspaper, was honored with Press Freedom Award, a recognition for his work in the Turkish press against a myriad of odds and challenges that mar the profession in the country. The Committee to Protect Journalists’ 2013 International Press Freedom Awards were presented to Ecuador’s Janet Hinostroza, Egypt’s Bassem Youssef, Turkey’s Nedim !ener and Vietnam’s Nguyen Van Hai in a ceremony at New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel on Tuesday evening. !ener, who is

among the four foreign journalists that were honored with Press Freedom Awards for their work in the face of severe reprisals, including physical threats and imprisonment, dedicated his award to the memory of Hrant Dink, a journalist whose killing he blames on the Turkish intelligence service. Turkish journalist Nedim Sener faced three trials for his book about the assassination of Turkish-Armenian editor Hrant Dink. Reporters Without Borders issued a statement expressing its hope that Turkish courts would dismiss all three charges brought against the writer. If convicted, Sener faces a possible combined sentence of 32 years in prison. (1) On the 8th anniversary of Hrant Dink's murder, Prensa Armenia interviewed Nedim Sener on January 19, 2015. Nedim !ener, a Turkish journalist that investigated the large amount of evidence on the role of the police, close to the Gülen Movement, in preparing the ground for the murder of Hrant Dink. He spent a year at the high security prison in Silivri and is currently facing a possible sentence of 15 years in his trial. Answering a question "What did Hrant Dink represent for the Turkish society? Was he dangerous? Sener repleid "Hrant Dink was the peacemaker, the representative of peace for the Turkish society, but it was dangerous for the Turkish state. After founding the Agos newspaper, he was under close surveillance. He wanted to prove that discussions in Turkey about the Armenian Genocide were possible to make them in a language of peace and empathy, but he was not allowed. Instead of friendship, enmity and fear won. And about "Who was behind his murder?" He said: The intelligence service of the Police, the National Intelligence Organization and the Border Police are responsible for first-degree murder. Gülen community is also included. (2)

1.http://www.mirrorspectator.com/20 11/01/02/the-year-in-review-2010/ 2.http://www.prensaarmenia.com.ar/ 2015/01/in-turkey-you-can-be-brought-before.html

A Chartered Territory... Cont. from p.10 and with this kind of bipartisan, corporate and philanthropic support, the charter movement is here to stay. Armenian communities and organizations seeking financial relief from perpetual monetary problems plaguing their schools should consider the option of charter schools. These organizations ought to enter into a dialogue with their respective state boards of education to understand the roadmap leading to charter schools. Laws and regulations vary from state to state and from district to district. For example in Michigan, a private school can convert to a charter school without missing a step, as long as it complies with the massive amount of compliance requirements, which includes finding an authorizing university and complying with its requirements for authorization. In California, it is stipulated that a private school aspiring to become a

charter school close its doors for a year, comply with all educational, curricular, financial and facility requirements prior to being authorized as a charter school. It is my belief that Armenian charters not only put our schools on solid financial grounds, thus eliminating the thought of school closures, but open our doors to tens of thousands of Armenian students who have stayed away from them due their inability to pay tuition fees. We know that some Armenian parents will never consider sending their children to Armenian schools, even when offered to them on a silver platter. Whether in Michigan or in California or New York, we will not be able to influence these families. However, we can reach out to those who have a genuine desire to impart an Armenian education to their children but shy away from Armenian schools for financial reasons.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 14, 2016


Centennial Holy Silence We Are Still In The Year 2015 and We Are Still Honoring Our SANCTIFIED Martyrs By: Rachel Melikian Man's greatest ally is truth. We are in the year 2015 and April 24th's 11th hour has passed, but there is still time to seal the Centennial. Although we sanctified our martyrs, we have not offered any memorial feasts in their honor and before their sainthood. Let us march together for justice and vigilant silence. The Armenian Genocide almost wiped out our entire Armenian race. Let us march together for justice and a crime against civilization. There are no websites that honor our martyrs, nor are we able to overpower the enemy's propaganda; we must begin our support once more by restarting the human conscience. We must understand the correct way to truth. Let truth be spoken with voices for justice and let us join our voices with our martyrs to seal the Centennial Commemoration. After 100 years of marches, the world is still welcome to join in our vigilant silence. Let history's truth transform our martyr's perished lives into survivors for justice. We were orphaned with almost no Armenian trace; however, over the past century, Armenian survivors spread throughout the world and told their stories. We are all Armenians and we are all here in 2015 to continue honoring our sanctified martyrs and invite the world to join us. Greater Armenia has been blatantly stolen from us. Let the generation of survivors finally bury their ancestors in a proper burial. We mustn't speak, we must evacuate noise and order silence in order to hear these words of wisdom for they will grant peace over our land and martyrs. Our martyrs starved, endured the death marches,

and were denied water. The enemy mocked our starving martyrs with food just as they'd denied the thirsty Komitas Vartabed of water during his arrest in 1915. It is our time to honor them in a hunger strike!"#"$%&' and fast during the Holy Great Mets Bahk. Our martyrs' bravery must be our source of inspiration for they have granted our lineage and life. Although they were brutally tortured and massacred, our martyrs endured the enemy's crimes. 1.5 million Armenian perished during the first year of the Armenian Genocide and were held prisoners by the Turkish government. They now seek to hold the world prisoner. The evil beasts laugh at our faces... We must prove and report their crimes to world diplomats and across the continent in order to receive our sacred lands back. Although our martyrs are sanctified, how does our democracy suggest human rights when the rights of our martyrs aren't honored? We must delegate world powers to mark April 24th an annual liturgical and historical date. Our job is to end the enemy's beastly feast with truth. Turkey had the chance to admit their crimes and revere our martyrs on April 24th; in spite, Turkey had the audacity to invite world powers in joining their own beastly feasts on our Centennial Commemoration day. We must remain in holy silence of our martyrs for it is not the time to rend, nor to mourn. We are in the [2012-2023] Holy Vigil, so let us gather all Armenians from all four corners of the world in silence before God's presence, to pave the road towards pilgrim-

age in Echmiadzin, homage in Dzidzernagapert, and tribute in Sardarabad. It is only then our martyrs will receive homage. Our (2012-2015) Holy Year defense of our father's House led us to the (2015-2018) Holy year, and the (2014-2015-2023) Holy Vigil, to aid us in sealing the 2015 Centennial in victory with the first Holy Year. It is in this way we will gain understanding. We have always prayed to God for our daily breads and we may now sew our torn lands together again and consequently, the Tree of Life will grow in our terrestrial paradise once again. Let the century be sealed by the guidance of the trio children: Jesus, David of Sassoun, and the brave children who fought in the battle of Sardarabad in defense of our father's house. We have carefully prepared for the 2015 centennial and now we have reached the point where the Vigil passes us by with a blink of an eye. An entire century has passed without justice being served. Let the Holy Vigil be a silenced year, an invitation to a seven year-long Greater Holy Mets Bahk, until 2023, for justice to prelude our Holy Year in silence. Let the world join us annually in vigilant silence and, in honor of our brave sanctified martyrs, pray, preserve their relics, and embark on a grand memorial feast madagh- (")"*. Sealing the century with the Holy Year will sanctify all four corners of the world through prayer as all crossroads join in Armenia. Let us demand Wilsonian Armenia!

Rachel Melikian, Former GCC Woman of the Year

From Tallahassee To Yerevan: My First Trip To Armenia By Margaret Atayants FLArmenians Tallahassee Contributor It took me a while to sit down and write out all of the feelings and thoughts that I had gathered after my first trip to Armenia. I am blessed to be an Armenian that was born and raised in America, a country that allows me to have everything right at arm’s reach. Growing up, my parents never really talked about Armenia because they were born and raised in Baku, Azerbaijan and the only thing that really connected them to Armenia was the blood that flowed within their veins. As I grew older, the more I began to feel what it meant to be Armenian. I started reading and learning more about my culture. I befriended Armenians who grew up in the homeland and other families who came from Western Armenia, descendants of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. I read more; I watched more; I listened more; but never in my life did I imagine to see what I saw when I arrived in Mother Armenia. I had been planning my trip for three years, not really knowing how it would all play out. I imagined arriving at the airport, falling to my knees, crying and kissing the ground that my ancestors built. Instead, I arrived at the airport and a spirit that was greater than me took over and held me up stronger than I have ever felt in my life. It was an uplifting emotional experience. I retrieved my bags and as I approached the exit the sliding doors opened, and I smelled the heavy air. It filled my lungs and fed my soul. The ride from the airport was long and confusing. I thought that I would be riding into a city straight from the airport but I was riding through a ghetto of homes that were left unbuilt from after the fall of the Soviet Union. It’s amazing how after 24 years of independence some parts still look like it happened yesterday. When you arrive to Armenia, you’re stepping into the past. It’s a land that hasn’t been touched by the hands of modern men. Granted there are modernized buildings standing in Yerevan, but I never felt the air change. I was blessed to travel from the northern edges of Armenia in Alaverdi, down to the south where we rode over the mountains to Tatev Monastery. I had the privilege to smell and feel Lake Sevan. It was cold but delightful because I could hear the sounds of the Armenian duduk in the wind as it blew through my hair. I always knew that our people were hospitable and generous, kind with hearts and souls as wide as the ocean. But never did I imagine it to be so pure. I will never forget the moment I was in Garni and we walked by a woman sitting down at her stand, selling homemade jam and molasses made from pomegranates; apricots that drip with juices that tasted as sweet as honey. As I bit into the apricot I looked up into the sky to thank God for these people who were filling the emptiness that has been in

my soul for so long. As I looked away from the sky, my eyes slowly came down and stopped at the mulberry tree. As I child, I remember laying down a blanket and shaking the tree to collect the berries that I didn’t even understand at such a young age, why they tasted to good. Without thinking, I yelled out, “Tout!” (The Armenian word for mulberry), and the woman turned around and said to me, “Climb up my life, and pick the mulberries and eat them. This is my mulberry tree and I want to share with you.” So I did. I climbed up and as I was picking the berries off of the tree, they were melting into my hands, staining them black. Never in my life had I tasted something so delicious, something so sweet, and something so full of life. I had my camera in one hand and the mulberries in the other as I was climbing back down the stairs from the tree. I didn’t know what to do with my dirty hand and this is the moment that I would never forget. The woman whose tree I was eating from, saw that I was struggling, and told me to wait. She ran into her home to get a cup of water to wash my hands. Then a stranger grabbed my hand and washed it so gently that no matter how deep the stain it would be clean because this is what this woman had wished. A stranger? They were no strangers. They are my family. If Mother Armenia is calling you, go. Do not question her calls. She will pave the ground that you walk on. She will show you beauty that you cannot paint or write. She will pull your soul out of your body and with her majestic beauty and land show you what your own soul looks like. The whole country is filled with music and art, love and kindness, purity and faith, joy and sorrow. Go and understand why you love the way you love, why you cry the way you cry, why you care the way you care and why you breath the way you breath. Armenia changed my life like nothing else in this world ever had. Many people are poor; some people have nothing; some people are hungry; some people are waiting and praying, but they are the happiest to see you and love you and offer you all that they have. Today, when I listen to the duduk, images flash of the family I never knew I had in Armenia. Wait for me, my brothers and sisters. I will be back very soon to give you all that I have and more. Armenia, you have changed me and I will forever fall to my knees and love you. !

Debut Author Snapshot: Dawn Anahid MacKeen

Journalist Dawn Anahid MacKeen has chased down many a story for Salon, Newsday, and other outlets, but it was a kernel of family history that launched her most revelatory investigative journey. Although she grew up knowing that her grandfather, Stepan Miskjian, had survived the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide against terrifying odds, it wasn't until she read his translated personal journals that she understood the breadth of horror he had witnessed and the feats of endurance his survival had required. She knew she had to dig deeper. MacKeen spent ten years researching her grandfather's life and eventually retraced his death march herself through Turkey and Syria. The result is her first book, The Hundred-Year Walk: An Armenian Odyssey, which brings together her grandfather's story and her own, two narratives no longer divided by time and language. D a w n A n a h i d MacKeen: My mother always told me what happened to her father d u r i n g World War I. But I could never read his firsthand account because it was in Armenian. It wasn't until I was in my thirties and working as an investigative reporter in New York that a relative finally translated it into English. Reading it, I couldn't believe that the endangered protagonist was my own grandfather. He believed he survived to bear witness, since so many had died before his eyes and were never able to tell their own stories. It wasn't a choice for me. I had to give voice to the voiceless. I quit my magazine job and moved back to Los Angeles to begin the long process of bringing his story to life. Back in Los Angeles, we unearthed more of his notebooks. One had holes and fell apart each time we turned the page. It was devastating to read the unspeakable horrors he faced. It was all there in its raw, heartbreaking form. His journals were my road map to his life, but I still didn't know much about his town, his friends, or the landscape of his journey. So I began to read everything I could about the subject, including an old book about grandfather's hometown that was written by the surviving residents. Read Dawn Anahid MacKeen’s story https://www.goodreads.com/interviews/sh ow/1096.Dawn_Anahid_MacKeen?utm_me dium=email&utm_source=newsletter&ut m_campaign=2016-01&utm_content=mackeen

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trakanow&Baxmal;xou A,ak;rtn;r Xbøsanqi Enjazqin&- Bolor dprozn;roun xbøsanqn;re ka.ardakanørhn no\nanman ;n& gr;jh! Manoukn;roun artadra‘ baxmat;sak a[mouke^ tarb;r ]a\nastiyann;row% yi,d ;rgafandhsh me a®a= ]a\n;rou n;rda,nakouj;an fasn;lou npatakow fanoua‘ a[moukin nman h! A\s ka.ardakan a[mouke ke ls;m amhn a®auøt% ,abaje fing ør;rou enjazqin% ørakan 20 wa\rk;an! A\s a,ak;rtn;re ke fius;n ir;nz ;rkl;xou ]a\n;re^ fa\;rhnn ou angl;rhne% g;[;zik ;rkl;xou xoug;rgi me nman% Am;rika\i .yankarin nman% anspas;li xangin nman or bnau c∞auart;r m;r .øsakzoujiune! Omanq m;r warvaranin ]a\n;re manra,.arf ke koc;n% isk ;s g;raxanz oura.oujiun patya®o[ wiyak ke koc;m xa\n! Tnørhnouj;an t;sakhtow% m;r a,ak;rtn;roun ]a\n;re ar]anagr;low n;rka\azouza‘ k∞ellanq m;r fa\kakan warvarani k;anqin 'oqrago\n masnike! A\s xout 30 ;rkwa\rk;an b;rkrali a[mouke piti pafpanoui nman fambauauor ]a\nas'iu®i ar.iun;roun mh=% \a®a=ika\ s;roundn;roun ko[mhn øgtagor‘ou;lou famar! Ya'onakan fa\qoui nman% ;rb;mn lau ban;re 'oqrik ‘rarn;row k∞ellan! Fay;zhq a\z;l;l Los Any;lesi }a\n;rou ka\qh=e ls;lou famar m;r a,ak;rtn;roun fana‘ a[mouke ;u Prn& Mankr;anin .øsq;re!

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.at;l srbagric ªSow;takan Fa\astanº j;rjoum! Na angl;rhn l;xou hr dasauandoum oc mia\n istitoutoum% a\l;u angl;rhn ousouzman tarb;r .mb;roum ;u gitakan fastatoujiunn;roum (Biurakani Ast[aditakan% Akad;mia\i fa,ouo[akan k;ntronoum ;u a\lour)! 1978 jouakanin entan;øq t;[a'o.uoum h Los Any;les% a\st;[ a®a=in ørouaniz ir sir;li kno= f;t miasin a,.atoum ;n ;u ir;nz ;rkou arou xauakn;rin ousman ou[arkoum! Kary vamanak anz na krkin sksoum h angl;rhn l;xoui ousouzmane tarb;r fastatoujiunn;roum! Morise ir entaniqin nouiroua‘ an]nauoroujiun hr! Siroua‘ amousin hr ;u \argoua‘ fa\r! Na ir ;r;.an;ri a®a=in dastiarakn hr ;u .orfrdatoun! An m;‘ ,ouqow amousnaznoum h ir t[an;rin ;u m;‘ fryouanqow h ta‘oum Ast‘o\ toua‘ jo®nikn;rin! Na =anasirabar s;rmanoum h barin bolorin! Mowshse ounhr mi ,arq ‘ragirn;r% oronz ckaro[azau iragor‘;l ir mafow% ore t;[i oun;zau Nor Taroua\ gi,;re% jo[n;low ir bolor faraxatn;rin anas;li t.rouj;an mh=! Sgakir faraxat me

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NOR ØR% 14 |OUNOUAR 2016

FA|ASTANI ~OUJPOLI FAUAQAKANE 121-RD T:{OUM ~I~A-n fraparak;l h |ounouari dasakargman nor a[iusake! FF fauaqakane bar]raz;l h 2 astiyanow ;u a\vm xba[;znoum h 121-rd t;[e! Lauago\n tasn;ake a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& P;lyiqa^ 1494 miauor% 2& Arvanjin^ 1455% 3& Ispania^ 1370% 4& G;rmania^ 1347% 5& Cili^ 1269% 6& Praxil^ 1251% 7& "orjougalia^ 1219% 8& Qoloumpia^ 1211% 9& Anglia^ 1106% 10& Austria^ 1091! Na.kin >SFM fanrap;toujiunn;riz 24& Âousastan^ 895% 29& Ouqrania^ 842% 68& P;la®ous^ 514% 73& Ouxb;kstan^ 489% 90& Hsjonia^ 379% 102& Lajwia^ 338% 107& {r[exstan^ 324% 116& Atrph\yan^ 296% 117& Jourqm;nstan^ 294% 120& Wrastan^ 286% 121& Fa\astan^ 285% 127& Lijouania^ 274% 132& {axa.stan^ 266% 148& Tayikstan^ 196% 154& Moltowa^ 172!

FF FAUAQAKANE 2 ENK:RAKAN FANDIPOUM K*ANZKAZNI AMN-OUM 2016 j& Ma\isi w;r=in ;u |ounisi skxbin FF axga\in fauaqakane 2 enk;rakan fandipoum k*anzkazni AMN-oum! Fandipoumn;re ke kr;n bar;gor‘akan bno\j% \a\tnoum h F~D-i pa,tønakan ka\qe! • Imi=ia\loz FF axga\in fauaqakani `oujpolistn;r :oura Mowsis;ann ou Arax Øxbilise c;n m;kni ªSpartakiº ousoumnamarxakan fauaqin% ore sksou;lou h |ounouari 16-in^ AMH-oum! |i,;zn;nq% or Mowsis;ane a®a=arkn;r ouni MLS-iz% isk afa Øxblisi ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ ;n mi ,arq akoumbn;r Jourqia\iz% Folanta\iz ;u no\n MLS-iz!

AR:UMT:AN FA|ASTANI FAUAQAKANE PARTOU:L H MARSHLI ªØLIMPIKº :RKRORD JIMIN Ar;umt;an Fa\astani fauaqakann enk;rakan fandipoum h oun;z;l Marshli ªØlimpikiº ;rkrord jimi f;t ;u xi=;l h 3-2 fa-




,ouow! M;r jimi kaxmoum doubli f;[inak h dar];l Wafagn Militos;ane!

2015-I LAUAGO|N MARXIKN:RE :U JIM:RE Marxakan mamouli mi=axga\in enk;roujiune (AIPS) fraparak;l h ir warka‘ow taroua\ lauago\nn;rin! Farzmane masnakz;l ;n lragro[n;r 91 ;rkriz! Taroua\ lauago\n marxik 1& Oush\n Bolt (Yama\qa% j;j;u ajl;tika) – 804 2& Norwak +akowic (S;rpia% j;nis) – 774 3& Lionhl M;ssi (Arvanjin% `oujpol) – 380 Taroua\ lauago\n marxoufi 1& S;r;na Ouiliams (AMN% j;nis) – 664 2& G;nx;rh Diabara (:jowpia% j;j;u ajl;tika) – 362 3& Da`na S.ip;rs (Folanta% j;j;u ajl;tika) – 283 Taroua\ lauago\n jim 1& ªBars;lonaº (`oujpol) – 848 2& Nor X;landia\i fauaqakan (®;gbi) – 506 3& ªGold;n Sjh\jº (pasq;jpol) – 292

MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Katalonakan ªBars;lonanº patmouj;an mh= 3-rd angam dar]au `oujpoli a,.arfi akoumba\in a.o\;an! Ya'onia\oum ka\aza‘ ;xra'akicoum ªBars;lonanº 3-0 fa,ouow wstaf \a[janak h tar;l arvanjin;an ªÂiw;r "lh\jiº nkatmamb! Ispanazin;rn ounhin m;‘ a®au;loujiun! Kol;re .';zin M;ssin ;u Souar;se^ 2! Louis Souar;se dar]au a®a=in `oujpoliste% ore 5 kol .';z mhk akoumba\in a®a=noujiunoum!


omanq xinamj;rq gn;zin! Shoutakan Arabia .ostazau 10 milia® tolari n;rdroum katar;l% \atkaphs ;rkragor‘akan ‘ragirn;rou xargazman famar! Isra\hl ke na.entrh P& Asati i,.anoujiune% or spa®naliq me ch ;[a‘ ir;n famar% qani souriakan safmane fandart mnaza‘ h! Mius ko[mh% Qr;mlin ªsa®;zouza‘º h fakamartoujiune Ouqranio\ Tonpasi ,r=anin mh=% anz;al S;pt;mb;rhn iw;r xinadoul me \a®a=azn;low k®ouo[ ko[m;roun mi=;u! Baz asti% Ar;u;l;an Ouqranio\ mh=% enddimadirn;re \;ta]ga‘ ;n \a\tararoua‘ entroujiunn;re% a\n aknkalouj;amb or masnakiørhn ke w;razouin :uropakan Miouj;an ko[mh safmanoua‘ tnt;sakan patvami=ozn;re! 2015% No\;mb;r 13-i afab;kcakan ararqe "arixi mh=% krna\ 'o.a‘ ellal Oua,inkjeni fa,ouarkoumn;re% m[;low M& Nafangn;re Âousio\ f;t miaz;al pa\qar m[;lou famar (ISIS)-i dhm! Qsann;rou (G20) w;r=in gagaji fandipoumin (No\;mb;r 2015-in) Anjalio\ Jourqia – mh=% Øpama ou "oujin fama]a\n;zan jikounq kangnil xinadouli me Sourio\ mh=% diuanagitakan .o[owakow w;r= me dn;lou famar ;rkara]gouo[ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin!

IRAPA<T ELLAL ÂOUSIO| FANDHP N;rka\is% Øpama\i ;rkrord i,.anawarouj;an w;r=auorouj;an (2016 D;kt;mb;r)% ]gtoua‘oujiune% Âousio\ ou Sourio\ farz;roun f;t;uanqow% piti ,arounakh tirap;t;l ®ous-am;rik;an 'o.\arab;rouj;anz wra\! Lauago\ne xor kar;li h aknkal;l ªsa®a‘ fakamartouj;anº go\awiyakn h! Anika fauanakanørhn ,arounakh ir tnt;sakan ou qa[aqakan fam;st n;zouke Ouqranio\ ka®awarouj;an% or ke pa\qari tnt;sakan .angarman ;u apakanouj;an (\atkaphs^ ka,a®ak;rouj;an) dhm! Minc a\d% Moskoua\i ;u Oua,inkjeni mi=;u mna\oun martafrauhr me piti ella\ gor‘akzoujiune Sourio\ mh=% ISIS-i dhm pa\qar;lou famar! Yon Q;ri ke 'or]h Âousio\ ;u a\l d;rakatar ;rkirn;rou f;t%

Mrza,ari pronxh m;talakir dar]au Ya'onia\i a.o\;an ªSan`r;nch Firosimanº% ore 3-rd t;[i famar .a[oum 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z Asia\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i \a[jo[^ cinakan ªGouancvoou Hw;rgrandºin! • ~I~A_i na.agaf X;p Plat;rin ;u OU:~A-i na.agaf Mi,hl Platiniin 8 tarow xrk;l ;n `oujpoli f;t kapoua‘ zankaza‘ a,.atanq katar;louz% sra patya® h dar];l ~I~A-i hjika\i \an]navo[owi ;xrakazoujiune! Nranq m;[auor ;n yanacou;l 2011-in Platiniin 2 milion tolar anørinakan wyaroum katar;lou mh=! ~I~A-i hjika\i \an]navo[owe \a\tarar;l h% or Plat;re ;u Platinin cara,af;l ;n ir;nz pa,tønn;re! Oro,oume anmi=aphs ouvi mh= h mtnoum! Plat;rin ;u Platiniin na;u tougan;l ;n famapatas.anabar 40 ;u 54 faxarakan tolarow! • Matriti ªÂhaliº gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l anouani `oujpolist X;n;din Xidane% ow na.kinoum marxoum hr ªÂhaliº 2-rd kaxme! Jimi gl.auor marxic Âa`a\hl B;nit;se pa,tønank h arou;l!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ID:-i fraparaka‘ |ounouari 1-in warkani,a\in dasakargman zouzakoum L;uon Aron;ane 2792 miauorow xba[;znoum h 4-rd t;[e! Isk lauago\n ;®;ake kaxmoum ;n Ka®ls;ne^ 2844% Kramnike^ 2801 ;u Girin^ 2798! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n& 41& Gabrihl Sargs;ane^ 2702% 95& Wladimir |akob;ane^ 2656% 97& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane^ 2655! • FF a.o\;an grosma\st;r Karhn Grigor;ane dar];l h Ispania\oum anzkazoua‘ ªÂok;tas te Marº 'a®atøni mian]n;a\ \a[jo[! Na 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 7&5 miauor!

n;ra®;al^ Irane ou Shoutakan Arabian% w;r= me dn;l souriakan qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin! Ba\z ankh andin% fama]a\noujiun me lour= a®arkouj;an piti fandipi! No\nisk ;jh M& Nafangn;r \a=o[ mi=oze gtnh Âousio\ f;t gor‘akzouj;an Sourio\ mh=% apafowoujiun cka\ or "oujin Âousio\ xinouorakan n;rka\oujiune fastath a\l ,r=ani me mh=! Anika% w;r=in tarin;roun% ;rkou angam anaknkali b;rau Ar;umoutqe% ou takauin krna\ ouri, 'a®asiroujiunn;r oun;nal! Ørinaki famar% anika matnan,a‘ h% jh A`[anistani mh= kazoujiune ;jh au;li watjarana\% dito[i dirqin piti cmna\% orowf;t;u atika piti spa®na\ Âousastani ,r=aka\qin% ;u apaka\ounaznh K;dronakan Asian! Sow;takan Miouj;an 'louxoumhn ;tq% am;rikazi 4 na.agafn;r 'or]a‘ ;n ªw;ra,tk;lº \arab;roujiunn;re Âousastani f;t% gtn;lou famar anor f;t gor‘;lou au;li ardiunauht ];ue! Saka\n w;r=auorouj;an amhn 'or] ]a.o[a‘ h! M& Nafangn;r piti gor‘h ®ousakan n;rka*\ irakanouj;an f;t% ;u oc jh ir ba[]aza‘ ];uow! Anmi=akanørhn% Oua,inkjen aknkal;lou h ]gtoua‘oujiun ;u faka®akoujiun% ;u oc jh^ gor‘akzoujiun ®ous-am;rik;an 'o.\arab;rouj;anz mh=! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou \a=ord na.agafe gor‘akz;lou h Âousastani f;t a\n farz;roun ,our=% our fasarakaz npatakakht;r go\oujiun ounin! A\sphs% fiulhakan xhnq;rh f;®ou paf;l Fiusisa\in Qorhan ;u Irane% incphs na;u apafowakan farz;rou masin faskazo[ouj;an gal Fiusisa\in Sa®ouz;al Owkianosi ,r=anin mh=! Miangama\n% Am;rika \stakørhn safman;lou h ou pa,tpan;lou am;rik;an ,af;re! Gor‘akzoujiun fasarakaz npatakn;rou ,our= anka\oun ou .ousa'o[akan piti mnan% a\nqan at;n or Qr;mlin ke ,arounakh M& Nafangn;re patk;razn;l orphs ir gl.auor j,namin% or f;tamout h tkarazn;lou Âousastane! (<ar& 1) (Foreign Affairs% fator 95% jiu 1% |ounouar-";trouar 2016)

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