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N.O. January 21, 2016, No. 3:N.O. Blank


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L:ÂNA|IN {ARABA{I Y:NY:ROT FARZE SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Fama,.arfa\in qa[aqakanouj;an mh= a®a=na\in ;n m;‘ ;rkirn;rou manauand tnt;sakan ,af;re& \;to\ kou gan mnaz;al ,afagrg®oujiunn;re kam mtafogoujiunn;re! Skxbounqa\in m;knakht nkati a®nou;lou ;n na;u a\d p;touj;anz xga\oun safmann;re% kam^ axd;zouj;anz gøtin;re! Or;uh .a.toum w;ro\i,;al ;rkou tou;aln;roun% orqan al ykoun k;rpow% kam ;rkara]goua‘ tarin;rou enjazqin yartarørhn gor‘adroua‘ ella\% piti \angi ant;[itali enddimadrouj;an% i farkin^ pat;raxmakan ygnavami! L;®na\in {araba[i .ndra\aro\z farze mna\oun% ‘anr mtafogoujiun ke ,arounakh patya®;l Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an ;u a,.arfazriu fa\ouj;an! Faka®ak 21 tarouan xinadoulin% ke go\at;uh g;tnama‘ frako\t me% or krna\ or;uh at;n bozawa®il! Inqnapa,tpanouj;an w;z tarin;rou (1988-1994) ariunali maqa®oumhn% ou vo[owourdn;rou inqnoro,man an,r=;li irauounqi fiman wra\% ;u 1994 Ma\is 12-i xinadoulhn ;tq% ®amkap;takan bolor skxbounqn;rou gor‘adrouj;amb% k;anqi kocoua‘ Arza.i Fanrap;toujiune takauin ørinauor yanacoumi ch arvanaza‘ MAK-i kam anfat p;toujiunn;rou ko[mh! Anor a,.arfagrakan dirqe Faraua\in Kowkasi mh= xørauor grau me (pawn) dar]a‘ h! Axrph\yan ir qariu[i fanq;row% ou Jourqio\ Fanrap;touj;an n;zoukow% mi,t a®ka\‘ ke pafh ar;umt;an ir safmanagi‘e% tara‘qa\in ambo[=akanouj;an skxbounqi fiman wra\ pafan=;low Nakornø-{araba[in ir;n w;radar]ouile! Fa,oui a®n;low& 1& MAK-i annpast dirqoro,oumn;re 1993-in% Arza.;an Pat;raxmi enjazqin&- jiu 822 (April 30%)% jiu 853 (Fokt;mb;r)% jiu 884 (No\;mb;r 2) \ødoua‘n;row! 2& Matriti Fama]a\nagrin (No\;mb;r 29% 2007) mh= fo[a\in ambo[=akanouj;an skxbounqi øgtagor‘oume% axg;rou inqnoro,man irauounqe \;ta]g;low au;li ou, jouakani me! I dhps% \;ta]goua‘ irauounq me korsoua‘ dat h endfanraphs! Ke f;t;ui% jh ke ‘ragroui Arza.e paf;l Axrph\yani kaxmin mh=% grau;al ,r=ann;rou al w;radar]ow! 3& 2008-in% No\;mb;r 2-i Moskoua\i Fama]a\nagire no\nphs ke parounakh to[ataki ditauoroumn;r! I mh= a\loz ke na.at;soui nkati a®n;l MAK-i gl.auor >orfourdi jiu 62/243 ;u :uro.orfourdi >orfrdarani W;favo[owi jiu 1614 bana];u;re% oronq ke yancnan Axrph\yani tara‘qin ambo[=akanoujiune% pafan=;low miavamanak fa\kakan xørq;rou parpoume {araba[i \arakiz axrph\yanakan fo[;rhn! A\s ];uow% lman ant;soua‘ k*ella\ 1994-in :AFK-i Pouta';,ti gagajavo[owin oro,oume% or ke yancnar {araba[i Fanrap;toujiune% fakamartouj;an ibr;u ;rrord liirau ko[m! Fon k*aknarkoui na;u axrph\yanzi ga[jakann;rou w;radar]in% oroun irakanazoumhn ;tq fanraqouhi me ka\azoume animast ou vamanzoua‘ na.a];®noujiun ke da®na\! 4& F;lsinqii mh=% D;kt;mb;r 4-5% 2008-in% :AFK Minski >orfourdi nist;roun% ~ransa\i ko[mh j;qniq wau;rajou[je – storagroua‘ 52 ;rkirn;rou ko[mh – no\nphs ouni \o\v annpast xi=oumn;r fa\kakan ko[min famar! 5& Fama]a\nouj;an me galou famar% ;rk.øsoujiune w;rapafoua‘

h Fa\astanin ;u Axrph\yanin! :AFK-e 2009-in k*a®a=arkhr fangrouana\in lou‘oumn;r% oronq piti \anghin w;r=nakan go\awiyaki me kargadrouj;an! A\s tarb;rake irakanazn;le k*;njadrh mi=axga\in ouv;row pafpanoum a®vam;a\ go\awiyaki% inc or fauanakanørhn ;njaka\ h b;kanou;lou kam bar;'o.ou;lou% ;u oroun vamanake krna\ na;u ;rkara]gouil! W;r=nakan fama]a\noujiune a®a=in ørhn endgrk;lou h Arza.i de facto ;u de jure qa[aqakan ørinawiyake% i farkin% w;radar]n;low grau;al karg me ,r=ann;r! W;r=in tarin;roun% Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiune w;r=nakanaphs mas kaxm;lh (|ounouar 2% 2015-in)% ;tq :uro-Asiakan Tnt;sakan Miouj;an% Âousastani [;kawar an]nauoroujiunn;re% sks;al W& "oujinhn ;u Laurowhn% \aya.akiørhn k*a\z;l;n :r;uan! "o.adar]abar% Fa\astani p;takan patas.anatou dhmq;r a\z;loujiunn;r ke katar;n dhpi Moskoua! :u amhn fandipoumh ;tq% anoro, ou lakonakan \a\tararoujiunn;r ke katarouin Arza.i fakamartouj;an masin! Mius ko[mh% :AFK-i marmine baxmapatka‘ h ir vo[own;re% ;u ir andamn;roun tara‘a,r=an a\z;loujiunn;roun a®ijow ke kaxmak;rpouin fandipoumn;r ko[m;roun mi=;u! Karyat;u ;n Ali;ui ou Sargs;ani ;lo\jn;re \i,;al a®ijn;row! Anonz qoulisa\in a[øt kam sqø[oua‘ ar]agangn;re npastauor ardiunauoroumn;r c;n \ou,;r! Ke joui na;u% jh Qrkixistane ou manauand Qaxa.stane i npast Axrph\yani ko[mnoro,oumn;r k*oun;nan Nakornø_{araba[i yakatagrin farzow! J;r;us Âousakan Da,noujiune fauanabar k*aknkalh% or Axrph\yan miana\ :uro-Asiakan Miouj;an! Jh;u a\s mhke% mhkh au;li patya®n;row% qic fnarauor kar;lioujiun men h% saka\n irakananalou paraga\in% Âousastan krna\ stip;l fa\kakan ko[me lour= xi=oumn;r katar;lou% L;®na\in {araba[i karg me ,r=ann;re w;radar]n;low Axrph\yani! Gor‘nakan kam ouvi qa[aqakanouj;an (real politik) mh=% m;‘ throuj;anz fimnakan ,af;re a®a=naf;rj ke da®nan% i farkin otnako.;low 'oqr axg;rou a\laxan irauounqn;re! A\d partauoroujiunn;re krnan gal anou[[akiørhn% ,aqarapatoua‘% qø[arkoua‘% qa[aqakrjoua‘% jau,apatoua‘% kam^ diuanagitakan ou tnt;sakan a\laxan yn,oumn;row! Bar;ba.tabar% \o®;go\n a\d fangrouanin mh= c;nq gtnouir! Parxaphs% nman kar;liouj;anz afaxange fnc;zn;l h a\s \ødoua‘i mitq banin! Fa\r;ni i,.anoujiunn;re ;u fa\kakan ga[ja,.arfi famakarge n;rda,nak;lou ;n ir;nz gor‘akzoujiune% i farkin dimagrau;lou famar nmanørinak% annpast kazoujiunn;r! Fa\kakan banakin ardiakan xhnq;row spa®axinoumi ko[qin% no\nqan kar;uor h vo[owrda\in jikounqe! Angor‘ouj;an ;u anardarouj;an mh= gtnouo[ axgabnakcoujiun me ke dvouarana\ ir ambo[=akan xørakzoujiune b;r;lou i,.anouj;an ;u axga\in banakin! An\;ta]g;li vamanakn h st;[‘;lou kou® ou miaz;al yakat me fa\r;niqi ;u fa\aga[oujn;rou mh=! F;rosakan Arza.e amrakou® wafann h Fa\astani apafowouj;an! I

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NOR ØR% 21 |OUNOUAR 2016


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APAQINMAN MA{JANQ K*imananq% jh Enk;r >acik Yano\;an ;njarkoua‘ h sinousi (sinus) gor‘o[ouj;an me ;u a\vm toun w;rada®nalow kaxdourman ,r=an ke bolorh! <outa'o\j ;u katar;al apaqinoum ke ma[j;nq m;r sir;li Enk;ro=! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ÂAK G;rsam Afaron;an Akoumb ªNor Ørºi Warcoujiun


Fa\axgi "ro`;sore Entrou;l H "arixi Fanra\in Fiuandanozn;ri Bv,kakan |an]navo[owi Na.agaf

"ñáý»ëáñ ºÕdz-ÜáhÉ Î³ñ³å»ï;³ÝÁ |áõÝou³ñÇ 12-ÇÝ ÁÝïñou»É ¿ 0³ñǽ;³Ý ѳÝñ³ÛÇÝ ÑÇu³Ý¹³ÝáóÝ»ñÇ µÅßÏ³Ï³Ý \³ÝÓݳÅáÕáíÇ Ý³Ë³·³Ñ! ²Ûë \³ÝÓݳÅáÕáíÁ µÅßÏ³Ï³Ý ³ß˳ñÑáõÙ iõñ³ï»ë³Ï ËáñÑñ¹³ñ³Ý ¿! γñ³å»ï;³ÝÁ ³Û¹ å³ßï7ÝáõÙ Ïe ÷á˳ñÇÝÇ ÈáÛÇù ¶³÷ñáÝÇÝ« ár 4 ï³ñou³\ å³ßï7ݳí³ñáõÙÇó \»ïá\ ³ÛÉ;uë ãÇ ³é³ç³¹ñ»É Çñ ûÏݳÍáõÃiõÝÁ!

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APAQINMAN MA{JANQ Los Any;lesi Iraqafa\;rou Entan;kan Miouj;an at;nap;t^ >acik Yano\;an% |ounouar 8-in ;njarkou;zau sinousi (sinus) lour= gor‘o[ouj;an me! Oura. ;nq \a\tn;lou% or Miouj;an sir;li fimnadire ;u at;nap;t^ >acik Yano\;an a\vm toun w;rada®nalow% apaqinman ,r=an me ke bolorh faraxatn;roun fogatarouj;amb! Katar;al a®o[=oujiun m;r At;nap;tin! Iraqafa\;rou Entan;kan Mioujiun

ÂAK 27-rd Patgamauorakan Vo[ow Ma\is 25-29% 2016 :r;uan% Fa\astan

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:ra.tauor Phrphr;an ‘na‘ hr 1915 |ounouarin% Famitih (K;sario\ ,r=an)% fa\re Karap;t Phrphr;ane ‘anøj hr% orphs farzaqnnic datauor Øsman;an ,r=anin ou apa ijjifatakann;rou ,r=anin! Ba\z nafatak piti da®nar M;‘ :[;®ni vamanak% isk ma\re a\ri fa\ kin;rou f;t piti taragrouhr dhpi Thr Xør! Nora‘in Ar,auire% or korsnzouza‘ hr ir axgakann;re% ke \an]noui K;sario\ \o\n entaniqn;rhn mhkoun .namqin! 1920-in ma\re amhn wtang acqin a®a‘% ke \a=o[i w;rada®nal K;saria% our dvouaroujiunn;rou fandip;lh ;tq% k*oronh ;u ke gtnh ir ordin^ Ar,auire! :[;®ni ou \a=ordo[ tarin;roun% baxmafaxar ma\r;rou ba.tauore ke da®na\ Ar,auiri ma\re! Ma\rn ou 8-am;a\ ordin ;u ir ;rkou qo\r;re 1923-in Jalasi am;rik;an orbanozi mi=ozau ke t;[a'o.ouin Libanani Yiph\l qa[aqe% our ke t;[adrouin ªJ®cnoz Bo\nº orbanoze ,our= ;rkou tarouan famar! Før;[ba\re^ imanalow ir ;[bør xauakn;roun ªJ®cnoz Bo\nº gtnouile% kou ga\ Ar,auire w;rzn;lou ou ir f;t tan;lou Damaskos% ;rkou tarouan famar \aya.;lou t;[uo\n axga\in warvarane! 1927-in ke w;rada®na\ Ph\rouj mianalou ir møre% ou k*ousani :rousa[hmi Patriarqouj;an ;njaka\ Srb& N,an axga\in warvarane% apa |isous;an Fa\r;rou Srb& Grigor Lousauoric Y;marane% ‘anøjanalow `rans;rhn l;xouin! 1933-in taroua\ me famar ke \aya.h Ph\rouji ªArj h M;jihº arf;sti golhye! :[;®nhn yo[opra‘ ar;umtafa\ouj;an famar% Kiprose 1930-akan jouakann;roun% Mi=;rkrakani mh= orphs k[xi mas kaxm;low :uropa\i zamaqamasin% ardhn ounhr kaxmauorouo[ 'oqr fa\ fama\nq me% ir ;k;[;ziow ou axga\in warvaranow oun;zau ir j;makan famakarge! 1934-in% 19 tar;kan Ar,auire ir møre f;t kou ga\ Kiprosi Larnaqa ‘owa'n;a\ qa[aqe% our otq dn;lh ;tq k*oronh t;[uo\n miak axga\in warvarane% ke sksi dasauand;l g‘agrouj;an dasenjazq fa\ patanin;roun! Ousouzcakan asparhxe ke fandisana\ Ar,auiri fasarakakan k;anqi skixbe! |ama®ørhn ou inqna,.atouj;amb ke sorwi \ounarhn ;u angl;rhn% orowf;t;u k[xiin wra\ a\d l;xoun;re k*øgtagor‘ouhin! 1935-in k;anqi asparhx ke

n;toui orphs g‘agric^ Cyprus Inland Telecommunication Authority (CITA) enk;rouj;an! Kary vamanaki enjazqin an acqi ke xarnh ir a,.atasirouj;amb% ou patas.anatou pa,tønn;r ke wstafouin ir;n a,.atanqi mh=! 1943-in k;anqi ek;r k*entrh Anafit Mta‘oum;ane% kaxm;low ir;nz entan;kan bo\ne% anonq ke ba.tauorouin ;rkou doustr;row^ S;uan ;u Wanou,! Kiprosi ma\raqa[aq Nikosian% or dar]a‘ hr :[;®nhn yo[opra‘ ga[jakann;roun% incphs na;u \;taga\in% Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmi ;uropakan ;rkirn;rou anapafow da®naloun f;t;uanqow fa\kakan 'oqr ga[jøya. me! 1926-in M;lgon;an Krjakan Fastatoujiune ir d®n;re banalh ;tq% k[xii tara‘qin sksa‘ hr ‘aualil miouj;nakan ou fasarakakan ;®oux;® me! Ar,auir Phrphr;an ir fa\atro' t;nce ke \ag;znhr moutq gor‘;low Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ,arq;re% ou ir anw;rapaf masnakzoujiune b;r;low Bar;gor‘akani Nikosio\ Masnayiu[i a,.ouvazman! 1947-in Ar,auir orphs a®a=nord^ partakanoujiun ke stan]nh Kiprosi 'oqr fa\kakan ga[oujhn n;rs% satar;lou axgafauaqi ‘ragrin% or a®fasarak |ounastanhn ou Libananhn ir m;knarke piti stanar! Phrphr;an dar]a‘ hr a®a=nord dhmq me kiprafa\ ga[oujhn n;rs% orphs fama\nqi a®a=nord% an kary vamanaki mh= \argou;zau jh fa\ ;u jh \o\n ,r=anakn;rou ko[mh! Ir a,.atanqa\in ;®oux;®ow an ;rb;q chr xlanar qa=al;r;lou kaxmak;rpoume a,.atauorakan miouj;anz! 1956-in Phrphr;an ke kaxmak;rph Kiprosi a,.atauorakan S;ntiqan ou ke da®na\ anor endfanour qartou[are% our an enk;ra\in ardaroujiun k*oronh a,.atauor dasakargin famar! A\d pa,tønow tari me <ar& h= 14


Sharmazanov: Turkey Has Nothing To Do In Karabakh Conflict Settlement

Yerevan – Turkey does not and cannot have anything to do in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia, Eduard Sharmazanov, told the aforesaid to Armenian NewsNEWS.am, as he commented on the statement by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu!o"lu. “This statement once again demonstrates that Turkey, in violation of the international commitments it has assumed, continues to posit preconditions,” Sharmazanov noted. “This is unacceptable and reprehensible.” Çavu!o"lu had stated that ArmeniaTurkey relations cannot be normalized unless the Karabakh conflict is resolved.

Akhtamar Church To Be Allowed To Celebrate Mass More Often

A historic Armenian church in eastern Turkey may be permitted to celebrate Mass more often, according to Anadolu Agency. The Armenian Church of the Holy Cross on Lake Van’s Akhtamar Island currently must apply for permission to hold religious services. The Turkish government allowed Mass to be celebrated for the first time in 95 years there in 2010. According to the reports, the Turkish government plans to increase fundamental rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the country. Among these proposed measures are the renaming of certain towns and villages to their original names. Kurdish-language announcements could be introduced on flights to some regions.

Lifting Of Iran Sanctions Opens Great Opportunities For Armenia The lifting of international sanctions on Iran open serious opportunities for Armenia, provided our country is able to use those opportunities, Head of Modus Vivendi analytical center Ara Papyan said at a press conference today, noting that a well-though-out, consistent and continuous policy should be conducted for that purpose. Papyan reminded those present that about 400 Iranian companies and individuals have been removed from the U.S. sanction list, while 200 others still remain on the

list. Besides, many European international companies began reopening their representative offices in Tehran. Armenia should carry out intensive work, Papyan said. “Armenian Foreign Ministry should send our businessmen to meetings in Iran and negotiate with large Iranian companies. Armenian Foreign Ministry should assist with that process,” A. Papyan noted, adding that the role of Armenia will increase thanks to its geographical position since it continues to be the only convenient way to the West. !

New Armenian-Russian Deal Is Maturing The Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan has announced that the government has asked Russia to reduce the price of gas. He said they expect a positive answer, considering the strategic nature of relations with Russia. No details are reported but there is information that Armenia expects to have the price of gas lowered from 165 to 140 USD at the border. Russia supplies gas to Belarus at this price.

40th Anniversary Celebration Of A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian School Canoga Park, Los Angeles, January 5, 2016 - This year, the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s Manoogian-Demirdjian School in Canoga Park, California will complete its 40th school year, continuing a tradition of academic excellence as a leading educational institution with vibrant programming, remarkable accomplishments, and an ambitious development agenda. Our humble beginnings in 1976 at the Saint Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Van Nuys cultivated a community that fostered seeds of growth year after year through a vast array of incremental investments and achievements. These efforts helped A.G.B.U. ManoogianDemirdjian School transition to its current campus in Canoga Park where Armenian language and cultural studies complement a rigorous curriculum guided by California’s Common Core State Standards. From our nurturing pre-kindergarten to our dynamic high school with graduates entering the world’s finest colleges, generations of students have passed through our halls for decades thanks to the collaboration and consistency of dedicated faculty and staff, community leaders, loving families, and visionary benefactors and trustees. The 40th anniversary of A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian School also coincides with the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s 110th anniversary. We especially wish to recognize the contributions of the school’s Board of Trustees as well as its Chairman and A.G.B.U. VicePresident Mr. Sinan Sinanian for many decades of outstanding service. On this auspicious occasion, and for his exemplary services, His Holiness, Karekin II, Catholicos and Supreme Patriarch of All Armenians will bestow upon Mr. Sinanian the prestigious "St. Gregory the Illuminator" Medal of Honor. Our entire community and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) will celebrate the school’s role in the community, its exciting activities, and its ambitious aspirations for the future. This will culminate in a Banquet celebration to be held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, which will be attended, by numerous venerated guests and stakeholders including members of the A.G.B.U. Central Board of Directors and its President Mr. Berge Setrakian. We are certain that the community wholeheartedly will support the school as it continues to educate many worthy students. Further details will be provided in a future press release.

ISIS May ‘Turn Guns’ Against Israel, Jordan Amid Failures In Syria – IDF Chief Islamic State’s inability to sustain its territorial gains in Syria in light of the Russian Air Force’s offensive “raises the probability” that jihadists will shift their tactics to attack Israel and Jordan, the chief of the Israeli armed forces has warned. After the intervention of the Russian Air Force in Syria to help government forces recapture vast stretches of land from the terrorists, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) advances in the country have ceased, forcing the jihadists to look for new ways to terrorize the southern Syrian border with Israel and Jordan, Lieutenant-General Gadi Eizenkot said during a conference at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for International Security Studies (INSS).

Over 140 Terrorists Killed In Syria-Russia Coalition Attack In Idlib At least 144 Al-Nusra Front terrorists were killed in the heavy airstrikes and artillery fire of the Russian and Syrian armies in Idlib province on Sunday night, Fars News Agency reports. The Russian and Syrian fighter jets targeted hideouts of al-Nusra Front terrorist group in al-Arbaeen Mountains in Idlib, killing 124 militants and wounding tens of others. The al-Nusra Front members have released the names of those killed in the attacks on their social media pages. Also, 20 more al-Nusra terrorists were killed in the Syrian army’s artillery fire on militants’ positions in Kafar Sanjah village in Ma’rat al-Na’man region.

Armenia First President’s Illness Is Serious But Curable Yerevan – First President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who is also Founding Chairman of the opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC) Party, is ill, the problem is serious, but the illness is curable. Head of the ANC National Assembly Faction, Levon Zurabyan, stated the aforementioned at a press conference on Monday. In his words, the proper physicians are dealing with this matter. On January 13, Ter-Petrosyan traveled to the US for medical treatment.


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 21, 2016

Turkey And Azerbaijan Are Upset With Russia

Azerbaijan President and Turkish Prime Minister made the decision to accelerate the work on the projected oil pipeline. How will Putin respond to this? In presidential address to the Federal Assembly, Putin said that Turkey will be punished. Deployed in Armenia, the Russian air defense system covers 85 % of TURKISH airspace. Our sources in Moscow say that for greater security in the Armenian-Turkish border Russia had deployed the ultra-modern air defense system "Triumph" S-400 and EW " Krasuha -4 ", which took control of more than 85% of Turkish airspace . According to Russian experts, thanks to this system, Armenia is almost 100 % protected against possible air strikes by Turkey. Because Azerbaijan began to play with Turkey against Russia, Putin's response will be harsh and merciless. Perhaps the problem will be solved very soon in Karabakh . Our sources tell us - " in response to the aggressive policy of Turkey, Russia intends to terminate the Agreement of Kars and Moscow, with the result that Turkey may lose up to 30 % of their territories " Treaty of Moscow (1921) - the RussianTurkish treaty of "friendship and brotherhood", signed on March 16, 1921 in Moscow between the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the agreement the Armenian Kars and Ardahan, Turkey withdrew. Mount Ararat also was given to the territory of Turkey. Under the agreement, which Russia is to renew every 25 years, and now is the time for the next signing of the Treaty, which Russia will not do. In which case, Turkey will have to return the vast territory back to Armenia. This hits the most sensitive spot of Turkey. Behind closed doors at a meeting of the Security Council after a downed Su-24, Putin ordered to prepare a response in the most merciless way, which is to terminate the Moscow Treaty. Translated from Russian news.

Raymond Kevorkian: Genocide Recognition Phase Is Over, Time To Pursue Reparations your impressions and observation from the conference? - I was impressed by the blend of the old and the new generations of Turkish scholars that took part in this conference. I consider it very important that in Turkey a generation of young scholars is emerging, which having studied mostly in private universities of Turkey as well as in universities abroad has a more open approach towards the history of the Ottoman Empire, including that of 1915. Within five years each of these young people will be specialized in one particular topic which in one way or another refers to the Armenian Genocide. I also value the work of the Hrant Dink Foundation.

There is a consensus in scholarly community on the fact of the Armenian Genocide “The Armenian Genocide already has enough international recognition [there is also a consensus on this in the scholarly community]; now it is time to concentrate on the question of reparations”, said renowned French-Armenian historian, Professor at the University of Paris VIII, Saint-Denis Raymond Kevorkian in an exclusive interview with Nvard Chalikyan from Panorama.am. Dr. Kevorkian also emphasized the importance of Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, as he believes Turkey continues to pose a threat to Armenia as long as it hasn’t recognized this crime. Below is the complete interview. - Dr. Kevorkian, in 2015 a lot of work has been done towards raising awareness and recognition of the Armenian Genocide worldwide. What can you say about 2015 in France with this regard? - A lot of work has indeed been done this year, although without coordination. In France we made a big campaign of raising awareness on the Armenian Genocide and today there is no French person who wouldn’t know about this issue. We would jokingly say that the Turkish diplomats were in depression; and indeed when the Turkish ambassador to France made an attempt to speak on TV, it was apparent that he was psychologically defeated… Let’s not forget that the Armenians have been good and respected citizens of France for more than 90 years and we’ve always stood by the French people in difficult times; so we can say that today we are reaping what we’ve sown. - What do you think should be the next stage of the struggle for recognition/reparation of the Armenian Genocide as the continuation of the efforts undertaken in 2015? What further steps should be taken? What should be done in academia in particular? - It is important for us that Turkey recognizes the crime upon which the modern Republic of Turkey was founded, for until it does so it will continue to pose a threat for Armenia. Today the only card by which Armenia can exert pressure on Turkey is the Genocide issue, which is international, so we must pursue this and move forward with this, without fear. In the academy and the scholarly community the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is already an established fact. Only a couple of deniers are left in the US, who are paid by Turkey and whom no one takes seriously. In Leiden University of Holland, for instance, which is the best cen-

tre for Turkish studies today, no one disputes the Armenian Genocide. So there is a consensus on this in the academy, we only need to bring this consensus into the political field. The recognition phase is thus over, and we should now concentrate on the question of reparations. Our task now is also to educate the new generation of Armenian scholars and historians on this issue so that they meet highest scholarly standards and are able to have their say at the international level. In the current situation it is also imperative to engage in this all the professionals that we have outside Armenia. - Do you think we can succeed in gaining reparations from Turkey when Turkey refuses to recognize the Genocide, and the international community (in the face of the countries that have recognized it) does not have enough leverage or commitment to make Turkey pay reparations, at least now? - By a campaign for reparations I first of all mean legal processes, and law is a complicated thing. This will need thorough research, precise calculations and selection of professionals meeting international standards. Top notch lawyers will be needed who can make pressure on Turkey internationally. It will be a new struggle, which will require a lot of money and resources. Special Diaspora organizations and working groups must be formed specifically on the issue of reparations, which will coordinate the whole work; this can’t be left to random charity organizations. We must do our best for this – it is our job. - Dr. Kevorkian, you were recently present at the conference titled “A civilization destroyed” organized by Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul, Turkey, in which the question of wealth of non-Muslims (mostly Armenians) in the late Ottoman period was discussed. What are

- The Turks have announced that the Ottoman archives are open and that anyone, including Armenians, can come and study those. However, we know that studying these archives is not that easy in practice. What are the main obstacles to this? - It is easy to say that the Ottoman archives are open, but in practice for making use of these archives specialists in Ottoman Turkish and also to some extant in Arabic are required. It actually takes at least two or three years for one to be able to read and study these materials seriously. We need to establish a school for developing this branch of scholarly research. Besides, not everything is open in Ottoman archives; it is also possible that new materials will be added in the future. - Dr. Kevorkian, your book The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History, which makes extensive use of Nubarian Library archival materials, has been published in many languages (except Armenian unfortunately). Into Turkish language it has been translated by the most famous publishing house in Turkey – Iletisim Yayinlari. How was the book accepted in Turkey? - In some circles of the Turkish society there is a great interest in the topic of the Armenian Genocide and in this book in particular, too. The publisher was actually surprised at how quickly the book was sold. Now he is publishing the third edition of the book. Raymond Kevorkian has a PhD in history and is a Professor at the University of Paris VIII, Saint-Denis. Dr. Kevorkian is the author of a number of books on the Armenian Genocide, the most famous of them being “The Armenian Genocide, A Complete History”. He served as the director of Nubarian Library in Paris for many years. Interview by Nvard Chalikyan

Applications Now Being Accepted To The AGBU Musical Armenia Program Learn about an ancient musical tradition with a three-week program in Yerevan The May 16 deadline for the fifth annual AGBU Musical Armenia Program (MAP) is fast approaching and all musicians and music-lovers are encouraged to secure their spots. This year, the program will take place from July 11 to July 31, 2016. While living in Yerevan, participants attend master classes and specialized lectures, train and network with top musicians, perform at local venues and attend concerts and festivals. Through organized activities and country-wide tours, MAP participants

go beyond the classroom and concert hall to discover the sights and sounds that inspire them. In previous years, the program has welcomed participants from Armenia, Canada, Cyprus, France, Japan, Lebanon, Qatar, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States and Uruguay. “MAP has been an experience of a lifetime for me. I have been enlightened by Armenian music and been given a rare opportunity to uniquely expand my repertoire. Naturally, it has also exposed me to the incredible culture of Armenia

which will leave a profound impression on my spirit, mind and soul,” said Aramis Khorchidian, a young violinist from France and 2015 MAP participant. MAP participants take one-on-one lessons with renowned professors from the Komitas State Music Conservatory, attend 14 lectures on the history of Armenian music (medieval, spiritual, secular, minstrel, classical, Ottoman, Soviet, post-Soviet, contemporary, classical, khaz notation and jazz), tour Armenia’s ancient monasteries and museums, network with artists, audi-

tion and establish professional connections, meet peers from around the world and go to concerts, plays and exhibitions. Though MAP is one of the youngest AGBU programs, it has already established itself as an entry point to the professional world. Some alumni have made the decision to call Armenia their new home and continue their involvement with the program, while others were offered professional contracts in Armenia and Europe. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 21, 2016

An Unsung American Hero To Be Honored For Saving 250,000 People During The Armenian Genocide By Siranush Ghazanchyan Asa Kent Jennings was an American hero who saved 250,000 people during the Armenian Genocide. Despite his awe-inspiring life-saving deeds, his story has not been properly recognized, not only around the world, but also in the USA and in Armenia. The Board of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has resolved to pay tribute to his legacy in a series of activities that will be made public soon. Jennings was a small-town handicapped Minister originally from upstate New York. At the beginning of the 20th century he worked in the affluent city of Smyrna in Turkey, as a YMCA employee. In September 1922, the Turkish nationalist army entered the city with the intent of slaughtering all its Christian residents, mostly Armenians and Greek. A huge blaze erupted through the city on September 13, trapping scores of refugees in a narrow strip by the sea. Hundreds of thousands were doomed to die on the city s waterfront. Many of them were succumbing to plagues, hunger and thirst, under the Turkish siege. Aware of their plight, Jennings had set-up a first-aid station for pregnant women in an empty home on the waterfront. He then organized a fleet of ships with the help of the US Navy in an audacious and imaginative rescue plan. The Jennings evacuation removed 250,000 refugees from Smyrna and relocated them to the Greek Islands and the cities of Thessaloniki and Piraeus. This blitz operation took only 7 days, to meet a Turkish city amidst threats of deportation. His courage and shrewdness saved the lives of a quarter million innocent human beings from a terrible death. Asa Kent Jennings is a great American rescuer who went out of his way to save scores of Armenians and Greeks and his legacy needs to be divulged for the world to know that people like him were not indifferent to the plight of other human beings. His spirit of solidarity should be a beacon of hope and should teach us that one man can make a difference. The IRWF decision to commemorate the feats of Asa Jennings are in the framework of the NGO s research efforts aimed at discovering the brave women and men who reached-out to the Armenians in their suffering.

The AGBU Young Professionals, Northern California (YPNC) First Annual Comedy Show Launches Fundraising Campaign For SARF On November 20, AGBU YP Northern California hosted its first comedy night for a sold-out crowd of young professionals and friends in downtown Oakland. The event launched the group’s fundraising efforts to benefit the Syrian Armenian community. Featuring four renowned stand-up comics from the Bay Area and Los Angeles, attendees enjoyed sets by comics of Armenian and nonArmenian origin, all of whom volunteered their talents for the cause. Marked by surprises, including an impromptu stand-up set by event chair and YP Northern California co-marketing director Apik Zorian and a special performance by Los Angeles Armenian rapper Nazo Bravo, the evening was a great success and brought the community together in support of Syrian Armenian relief. “We were overwhelmed by the support and success of the comedy show. From the comedians who volunteered their time and skill to perform, to selling out in less than two weeks of announcing the date, to the generous amount of donations we were able to gather at the show, it was a spectacular night all around and we look forward to more such events in the near future,” said the event’s chair and co-marketing director Apik Zorian. Local non-Armenian comics Michael Brandon and Ben Feldman joined the cause, performing comedy routines and participating in the I Care I Can viral photo campaign. Later in the evening, making her first appearance in the Bay Area, Los Angeles based comic Mary Basmadjian entertained the crowd with references to what it is like to be Armenian in everyday situations. Capping off the evening was local Armenian comic Greg Asdourian, who performed sets

on a broad range of topics. During his set, Greg announced that all sales of his albums on iTunes during the week following the show would be donated to the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians. YP Northern California is now turning its attention to hosting the 16th annual AGBU SF Winter Gala on February 12-14, 2016 in San Francisco and the Bay Area wine country. The weekend will also raise funds for the AGBU Syrian Armenian relief efforts. For more information about AGBU-YPNC events and projects, and to donate please visit norcal.agbuyp.org. Visit www.agbusfwintergala.org for tickets and info on Winter Gala 2016. For additional questions, please email norcal@agbuyp.org.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

97 - Ertu!rul Kürkçü By Hambersom Aghbashian Ertu!rul Kürkçü (born 5 May1948 in Bursa-Turkey ) is a Turkish politician, socialist activist and the current Honorary President of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) as of 22 June 2014. He previously served as the chairman of the HDP between October 2013 and June 2014 alongside chairwoman Sebahat Tuncel. He was elected as an Independent Member of Parliament for Mersin in the 2011 general election. In 1972, Kürkçü was involved in an operation against two NATO technicians and was tried under Martial Law and sentenced to death, but an amnesty law in 1974 commuted his sentence to 30 years. He had spent 14 years in prison and after his release, he continued his political life in the Freedom and solidarity Part (ÖDP), then became a founding member of several smaller Socialist or Communist parties. In March 1997, Kürkçü was sentenced to 10 months in prison for translating a book named 'War and People: the Arms Trade in Turkey and the violation of Arms Laws' into Turkish. Following an appeal to the Eoropean Court of Human Rights, the Turkish government were ordered to pay "2,500 in damages. between 2002 and 2007, he wrote for the Political Gazette and for numerous political party publications. In Parliament, he was part of the Human Rights Investigation Committee and was also a writer for the online new site bianet. His selected works are "Following the Rebellion (#syanın #zinde), November 2013", and "Practical Minds and the Theory's Excitement (Prati!in Aklı Teorinin Heyecanı), May 2014." Ertu!rul Kürkçü was one of the 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals who, In December 2008, released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". The term "great catastrophe of 1915", was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide which was planned and executed by the Ottoman empire during WWI . The text of the apology was "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters.(1) According to "www.kurdishinfo.com", April 26, 2015, "On the occasion of the 98th year of the beginning of Medz Yegern, BDP deputy Ertu!rul Kürkçü spoke at the Euro-

pean Parliament," he said: "In Istanbul, on 24 April 1915, 240 Armenian opinion leaders, including parliamentary deputies were arrested under orders by the then ruling #ttihad ve Terakki Party government. Shortly the number of arrests reached (2345), of whom (761) lost their lives in Central Anatolia where they were deported without any legal prosecution and court decision.This was the prelude to the forcible deportation of Armenian subjects of the Empire to the deserts of Syria, under the irrelevant pretext of counter-insurgency measures and first world war necessities. The defenseless convoys of women, children and elderly ended up nowhere, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were annihilated, finally depriving Eastern Anatolia from one of its autochthonous peoples, leading to the devastation of dozens of cities and towns which lost their essential human resources, productive powers…I would like to express our condolences in the name of our group to the grandsons and granddaughters of the victims."(2) In May 7, 2015, under the headline "Ertugrul Kürkçü: HDP will become the third power", DIHA (www.diclehaber.com) wrote about ideas and thoughts expressed by Kürkçü in a parliamentary group meeting about different issues, among them Dersim issue and the Armenian Genocide. The source mentioned that "Kürkçü also talked about the killing of 70 thousand Alevi and Kurdish people people in Dersim in 1938 as part of a Turkification process, and said this mass killing deserves to be called a genocide according to the definition of the term. Kurkcu said it must be accepted as a genocide next to Armenian genocide and the state and the people at all levels must face the history truly in order to develop a common culture of living together. (3)

1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_ 2.http://www.kurdishinfo.com/kurkc u-armenian-genocide-is-heinous-crimeagainst-humanity 3.http://www.diclehaber.com/en/ne ws/content/view/400217?from=42516221 93

Nora Aharonian To Present New Book About Armenian Family Issues Glendale, CA – Meet NORA AHARONIAN, author of THE SONG OF MY HEART on TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. THE SONG OF MY HEART is an inspirational book about Armenian family issues. It is about five generations living together in harmony, who learn from one another and solve each other's problems. It embraces those who immigrated to the United States. Positive approaches are used to deal with family issues. Nobody is left alone. The book also shows how the community and schools have an effect on our children’s development. Book is available

in English and in Armenian. NORA AHARONIAN has worked in several secondary schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Prior to coming to America, she taught English as a foreign language in Armenia. Nora has worked as a mentor, a tutoring program coordinator, and has been a member of the school site council and a secondary school counselor. She has demonstrated the highest professional ethics and thorough knowledge of curriculum and methodology, as well as sensitivity towards her students, parents, and colleagues. Nora has a Master’s Degree in Bilingual Multicultural Education and Counseling and Guidance. Presented by Abril Bookstore.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 21, 2016


AUA And Scholae Mundi Armenia Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding; New Scholae Mundi Scholarships Will Allow UWC Students To Study At AUA Yerevan – On December 4, the American University of Armenia (AUA) and the Scholae Mundi Armenia Charity Foundation signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to “collaborate and work together by facilitating educational and culture exchange towards the internationalization of higher education in Armenia.” The MoU was signed between Veronika Zonabend, the co-founder of Scholae Mundi and chair of the Board of Governors of United World Colleges (UWC) Dilijan College, and Armen Der Kiureghian, the president of AUA. In signing the MoU, AUA and Scholae Mundi recognize “the importance of promoting AUA, its academic programs, and status as an US-accredited institution of higher education.” They also recognize “the importance of promoting Armenia internationally and UWC in Armenia.” “We should remember that all our educational initiatives in Armenia are meant for turning the country into an educational cluster, bringing together people of various nationalities who seek new out-of-the-box ideas and strive to change the world,” Zonabend said in summary of one of Scholae Mundi’s visions for Armenia. The MoU supports this vision and, in one of its terms, stipulates that the Charity Foundation would launch a scholarship program to support students of non-Armenian descent who studied at a college within the UWC network and who were admitted to AUA. Scholae Mundi will donate the difference in the cost of tuition fees at AUA for international students and citizens of Armenia for up to three international students for five years. The scholarship contenders will be selected by

AUA standard procedures. AUA, too, is deeply invested in Scholae Mundi’s efforts to diversify the educational scene in Armenia; it can only stand to benefit from such a development, in particular from the scholarship program, as the University is actively seeking to diversify its student body. “The American University of Armenia intends to increase the number of its international students. We believe a diverse student body enriches the educational experience of all students. We are grateful to Scholae Mundi Armenia in helping us achieve this goal by providing scholarships to UWC students. As a US-accredited university, AUA is a perfect destination for those students who are interested in gaining Western education in a culturally rich and safe country,” Der Kiureghian said. According to the MoU, the joint programs and collaboration would ultimately enhance the prestige of both institutions, as well as enhance and support “educational projects and initiatives, including study abroad initiatives, scholarships, trainings, guest lectures, workshops, et al.” Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values. Scholae Mundi Foundation promotes education of students at UWC Dilijan College and other educational establishments mainly by providing funds for capital development and scholarships.


The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) Announces a Community Rally To Aid The Armenian Community in War Torn Syria, Through The Upcoming SARF “SAVE A LIFE” Telethon on Sunday, February 21, 2016. The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund announces a community rally to raise awareness and aid the Armenian community that’s been victim of the devastating war in Syria. SARF has already organized a “SAVE A LIFE” Telethon for this purpose, on Sunday, February 21, 2016, 2:00 – 8:00 pm. The rally will take place on Sunday, January 24, 2016, right after the Sunday Services, at St. Peter Armenian Church; 17231 Sherman way, Van Nuys, CA 91406. For additional information, contact SARF at (818) 646 1166 or office@sarftelethon.org

Unseen Armenia – Ghargharavank By Hovsep Dagdigian

About 20 km (12 miles) north of Yerevan center is the town of Zoravan. On a hill on the outskirts of the town is the Dovri archaeological site, dating to the Bronze Age and the Urartian era. On this hill can be seen segments of stone walls from the bronze/iron age fortifications. On one side of the hill is a 19th C church. My driver and I emerged from the Dovri site to look for Zoravank, a 7th C church complex. Despite asking a number of the local inhabitants for directions, no one seemed to be aware of Zoravank. About to give up, and heading back towards Yerevan, we spotted a structure atop a hill in back of a large cemetery. We asked the attendant at the nearby gas station what was on top of the hill. He replied “Ghargharavank”. The dirt road alongside the cemetery, though not very steep, was quite bad, with a number of deep, mud-filled potholes. I suggested to the driver that we stop and I would walk the rest of the way, but my driver wanted to continue. As we approached the hilltop it became evident from photos I’d seen that this was Zoravank, the site we were searching for! The church, now in partial ruins, was built by Prince Grigor Mamikonian between 661 and 685 AD. Although appearing to be round, the church is actually hexagonal. Some stabilization of the church structure was done during the Soviet era, with reinforcing steel bars (rebar) protruding from the top of the church walls. As far as I know no restorations have been done since then. A hundred yards beyond the church are the remains of a funerary chapel. Around the church are remnants of khachkars and tombstones. A nicely cut inscription remains on the church wall. Finely cut stones scattered nearby indicate there was much more to Zoravank than currently remains.

The Mamikonians were Armenia’s “sparabeds”, the hereditary chiefs of Armenia’s military forces. Most notable among them was Vartan Mamikonian, who led the revolt against the Persians in defense of Armenian Christianity. Vartan died heroically in the battle of Avarayr in 451 AD, but his nephew Vahan Mamikonian (Kayl Vahan – “Wolf” Vahan) continued to lead the struggle for the preservation of Armenian Christianity. Though still part of the Persian Empire, the Treaty of Nuvarsag in 484 AD guaranteed Armenia’s religious freedom. As I descended from the hill towards our car there appeared two young men in their teens tending sheep near a stream. They were curious about my interest in Zoravank and asked if I was writing a book, where I was from, etc. They asked if I knew the origin of the name “Ghargharavank”. I didn’t. So they related the following story. As I did not completely understand all that they said, I recorded their comments on a small voice recorder and, on the way back, my taxi driver explained the story more thoroughly to me. The villagers were preparing for a holiday and were cooking large vats of harissa (a thick pasty meat stew which requires a lot of cooking). When the villagers were away from the harissa which was still cooking (probably overnight), snakes arrived and poisoned the harissa. The blackbirds (“gharghar” or “ghargar” in Armenian or in the village dialect) saw the evil actions of the snakes and dove into the harissa. In the morning the villagers returned and saw the disgusting sight of dead blackbirds in the harissa. They dumped the harissa on the ground. Dogs then came, ate the harissa, and died. The villagers realized that the blackbirds (ghargharner) saved their lives. Thereafter the monastery was called “ghargharavank”

N.O. January 21, 2016, No. 3:N.O. Blank


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N.O. January 21, 2016, No. 3:N.O. Blank


4:06 PM

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|A|TNI DAR}AN ~I~A-I 2015 J& DA"N:KIRN:RE Ziuri.oum auartou;z ~I~A-i gndak 2015º mrzanakaba,.oujiune!





ªOskh gndakeº \an]nou;z Arvanjini axga\in fauaqakani ;u ªBars;loniº \ar]akouo[ Lion;l M;ssiin% orn a\d patouin arvananoum h ardhn fing;rord angam! Kananz mh= lauago\n `oujpolist yanacou;z a,.arfi a.o\;anoufi AMN-i fauaqakani `oujpolist Karli Liordin! Lauago\n marxicn;r ;n yanacou;l Louis Hnrik;n^ ªBars;lonaº ;u +ill Hllise AMN-i kananz fauaqakan! 2015 j& a,.arfi .orfrdan,akan fauaqakane kaxm;zin& darpasapaf^ Manouhl No\;r% pa,tpann;r^ T\agou Silwa% Mars;lø% S;r.iø Âamos% Dani Alw;,% kisapa,tpann;r^ Andrhas In\;sta% Loukas Modric% "ol Pogba% \ar]akouo[n;r^ Nh\mar% Lion;l M;ssi% Kri,tanou Âonaldou! Taroua\ am;nag;[;zik koli f;[inakn h Ou;nd;r Liran!

FA| ARF:STAWARV BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RI |A{JANAKE • G;rmania\oum fandhs ;ko[ fa\ arf;stawarv b®nzqamartikn;r L;uon Farje (L;uon |akob;an) ;u Nohl G;uore (Nora\r Miqa\hl;an) \a[janakn;r ;n tar;l f;rjakan m;namart;roum! 27-am;a\ L;uon Farje warkani,a\in m;namartoum \a[j;l h Slowakian n;rka\azno[ Wladimir Idrainin! 25-am;a\ Nohl G;uore WBO International gøtin pa,tpan;l h \a[j;low 39-am;a\ ®ousastanzi Wal;ri Broudowin!

NOUARD AROUSTAM:ANE ÂIØ-2016-I MRZAWARN:RI ZOUZAKOUM |a\tni h dar];l% or Âiø dh Vanirh\oum anzkazou;liq emb,amarti mrza,are spasark;l wstafou;l h na;u ®ousastanabnak fa\ mrzawar Nouard Aroustam;anin!

ORAKAXRKOU:L :N MI >OUMB ’ANRAMARTIKN:R Est fakadopinka\in kargapafakan komithi oro,mamb mi .oumb ‘anramartikn;r% a\d juoum ÂD-i 7 ‘anrordn;r orakaxrkou;l ;n 4 tarow% oronz mh= ;n na;u fa\axgi ‘anrordn;r Karhn Martiros;ann ou Go® |ounan;ane% oronq FF ‘anramarti da,nouj;an f;t or;uh kap coun;n!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |ounouari 12-in m;knark;z Fa\astani t[amardkanz 76-rd ;u kananz 71-rd a®a=noujiunn;re! T[amardkanz mrza,arin ke masnakz;n 12 ,a.matistn;r& Tigran P;tros;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Arman "a,ik;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane% Xauhn Andrhas;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane% Manouhl P;tros;ane% L;uon Babou=;ane% Arman Miqa\hl;ane% Nora\r Joros;ane ;u FF gor‘o[ a.o\;an Karhn Grigor;ane! Kananz a®a=nouj;ane ke masnakz;n 10 ,a.matistoufin;r& Manh Adam;an% Sona Asatr;an% Arminh Baba\;an% Sousanna Gabo\;an% Narinh Gaspar;an% Maria Ghorg;an% Siranou, {oukas;an% Ar'inh Grigor;an% Anna Fa\rap;t;an% Anna Sargs;an! • <a.mati a,.arfi jagi famar \auaknordn;ri mrza,arn anzkazou;lou h Moskoua\oum Marti 10-30-e% orin masnakz;lou ;n a,.arfi 8 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;r! |auaknordn;rie minc;u 2016-i |ounouari 11-e phtq h fastathin ir;nz masnakzoujiune! |auaknordn;rn ;n& Anande% Girin% Nakamouran% Swidl;re% Kar\akine% Jo'alowe% Karouanan ;u Aron;ane!

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