ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. January 28, 2016, No. 4:N.O. Blank


3:46 PM

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Քաղաքական Կամք. Հայաստանի Ու Իրանի Ղեկավարները Քննարկել Են Համագործակցութեան Հեռանկարները Պատժամիջոցները Չեղարկելու Ֆոնին

ԵԽԽՎ-ի Վեհաժողովի Նախագահի Պաշտօնին Ընտրուած Է Փետրօ Ակրամունթ, Փոխնախագահներէն Մէկը Հերմինէ Նաղդալեան

Սթրազպուրկի մէջ սկսաւ Եւրոպական Խորհուրդի Խորհրդարանական Վեհաժողովի (ԵԽԽՎ) ձմեռնային նստաշրջանը, եւ օրակարգի հաստատման ժամանակ երկու նախագիծերը դուրս չմնացին շրջանառութենէ` թէեւ եղած էին նման առաջարկներ: Մինչեւ նստաշրջանը սկսի, Խորհրդարանական վեհաժողովի նախկին նախագահ Անն Պրասյորն իր մամլոյ ասուլիսին ընթացքին անդրադարձած էր բանաձեւերու նիւթերուն: Անոր համաձայն, բազմաթիւ առաջարկներ եղած են` այդ բանաձեւերու նախագիծերուն քննարկումները չկատարելու վերաբերեալ: «Հայաստանն ու Ատրպէյճանը Եւրոպական Խորհուրդի անդամ երկիրներ են, եւ մենք պէտք է լուծում գտնենք, որպէսզի մարդիկ խաղաղութեան մէջ ապրին: Այդ պատճառով պէտք է քրտնաջան աշխատինք, որովհետեւ մարդիկ կը տառապին այդ շրջանին մէջ: Անոնք Եւրոպական Խորհուրդի քաղաքացիներն են, անոնց իրաւունքները պէտք է պաշտպանուին, կը մնայ միայն գտնել միջոցը: Տագնապին լուծում մը պէտք է գտնուի: Իմ անձնական կարծիքն է, որ մենք պէտք չէ կացութիւնը ձգենք այնպէս, ինչպէս որ է», ըսած է Անն Պրասյորը: ԵԽԽՎ-ի վեհաժողովի նախագահի պաշտօնին ընտրուած է Փետրօ Ակրամունթ, որուն թեկնածութիւնը առաջարկուած է Եւրոպական Ժո<ar& h= 4

Հայաստանի և Իրանի նախագահներ Սերժ Սարգսեանը և Հասան Ռոհանին հեռախօսով քննարկել են երկկողմ փոխ գործակցութեան հեռանկարները` Իրանի նկատմամբ պատժամիջոցները վերացնելուց յետոյ: Զրուցակիցները համակարծիք են եղել, որ անհրաժեշտ կամքի դրսևորման պարագայում բանակցութիւնների արդիւնքում հնարաւոր է լուծումներ գտնել ցանկացած հարցում` նշւում է

Հայաստանի նախագահի մամուլի ծառայութեան մամուլի հաղորդագրութիւնում: Իրանի նախագահն ընդգծել է Հայաստանի հետ բարիդրացիական, սերտ գործընկերային յարաբերութիւնների ընդլայնման և խորացման ուղղութեամբ աշխոյժ աշխատանք իրականացնելու իր երկրի պատրաստակամութիւնը: Հեռախօսազրոյցի ընթացքում համաձայնեցուել են առաջիկայ հանդիպումների ծրագրերը:

Հալէպի Մէջ Ահրար Ալ-Շամի 23 Անդամներ Սպաննուած Են

Հալէպի մէջ Ահրար Ալ-Շամի զինեալերու կեդրոնատեղին թիրախաւորած պայթումի մը հետեւանքով սպաննուած են նուազագոյնը 23 անձ: Պայթումը կատարուած է ինքնասպանական գործողութեամբ մը, ուր ներխուժելէ ետք Հալէպի Ալ-Սուքքարի թաղամասին մէջ գտնուող շարժումին պատկանող անվտանգութեան կեդրոնի մուտքը, պայթեցուցած են հոն գտնուող քարիւղատար բեռնատար մը: Կը նշուի նաեւ, որ նոյն թա-

ղամասին մէջ «Ալ-Նուսրայի» կեդրոնատեղիներէն մէկը նոյնպէս զինեալներու կողմէ ենթարկուած է յարձակման:

Պերճ Սեդրակեանի Այցը՝ ՀԲԸՄ Հայաստանի Կեդրոնատեղին

Երեւան գտնուող ՀԲԸՄ-ի Նախագահ Պրն. Պերճ Սեդրակեան, ՀԲԸՄիութեան Կեդրոնական Վարչութեան անդամ Վազգէն Եագուպեանի ուղեկցութեամբ, այցելած է Երեւանի մէջ Մելիք Ադամեանի անուան փողոցին վրայ գործող նորաբաց ՀԲԸՄ Հայաստանի կեդրոնատեղին: Պերճ Սեդրակեան շրջելով կառոյցի մէջ գործող տարբեր կազմակերպութիւններու գրասենեակները, ողջունած է եւ մօտէն ծանօթացած անոնց վարած գործունէութիւններուն, որոնք ՀԲԸՄ-ի գործունէութեան նոյնանման մտածողութեամբ ու նախաձեռնութիւններով կ'աշխատին յանուն հայութեան եւ Հայաստանի հզօրացման: Նոյն օրը առաւօտեան Պրն.Պերճ Սեդրակեանն ու անոր ուղեկցող Վազգէն Եագուպեանը հանդիպում ունեցած էին ՀՀ սփիւռքի նախարար Տիկ. Հրանուշ Յակոբեանի հետ, ուր երկուստեք կարեւորած են յետագայ համագործակցութեան եւ համատեղ նոր ծրագիրներ իրականացնելու գաղափարը:

Առաջին Նախագահի Գրասենեակ. «Տէր Պետրոսեանը Վիրահատուել է Քաղցկեղի Համար»

Հայաստանի առաջին նախագահ Լևոն Տէր Պետրոսեանը ենթարկուել է աղիքային քաղցկեղի վիրահատութեան: Վիրահատութիւնը կատարուել է Յունուարի 15-ին ԱՄՆ-ի Կլենտէյլ քաղաքի Glendale Memorial հիւանդանոցում: Վիրահատութիւնը կատարել են յայտնի բժիշկներ՝ վիրաբոյժ, Տոքթ. Պետար Վուկասինը (Colorectal Surgery Institute) և ուռուցքաբան, Տոքթ. Գալուստ Եուքարը (Pacific Shore Medical Group): Յետ վիրահատական բուժումից յետոյ Տէր Պետրոսեանը ապաքինումը շարունակում է ազգականների տանը: Տէր Պետրոսեանն ու իր ընտանիքը խորին շնորհակալութիւն են յայտնում բուժող բժիշկներին, «Մեմորիալ» հիւանդանոցի տնօրէնութեան նախագահ Ճէք Այվիին, հոգաբարձուների խորհրդի անդամներին, բուժքոյրեր Նիլտային, Մա Անին, Էմիլիին, Քեթլինին, Այվիին, Նոնային, նրանց կողմից ցուցաբերուած փրոֆեսիոնալ բժշկական օգնութեան, յատուկ խնամքի և ջերմ մարդկային վերաբերմունքի համար:

Փութին. «Թուրքիոյ Դէմ ՌԴ Պատժամիջոցները Կ՛ընդլայնուին»

ՌԴ նախագահ Վլատիմիր Փութին յայտարարած է Թուրքիոյ դէմ նոր պատժամիջոցներու ընդլայնման մասին: «Մենք կ՛ընդլայնենք Թուրքիայի դէմ սահմանափակումները շինարարութեան ոլորտին մէջ, ուր այժմ կ՛աշխատի 300 թուրքական ընկերութիւն, 50 միլիառդ տոլարի պայմանագրերով»,- յայտարարած է ՌԴ նախագահը: Անոր խօսքով, պատժամիջոցներուն ընդլայնման շնորհիւ Ռուսաստանի մէջ կարող է ստեղծուիլ աւելի քան 87 հազար աշխատատեղի:

N.O. January 28, 2016, No. 4:N.O. Blank


3:46 PM

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NOR ØR% 28 |OUNOUAR 2016


Ս. Սարգսեան. «Հայաստանի ՀայՖրանսական Յարաբերութիւնները Վերընթաց Զարգացում Են Ունեցել»

Նախագահ Ս. Սարգսեանը ընդունել է Ֆրանսայի զարգացման և ֆրանկոֆոնիայի հարցերով պետքարտուղար Աննիկ Ժիրարդենին, որ նաև Ֆրանսայի Նախագահի անձնական ներկայացուցիչն է Ֆրանկոֆոնիայի միջազգային կազմակերպութիւնում: Զրուցակիցները երկուստեք գոհունակութեամբ են խօսել հայ-ֆրանսական առանձնաշնորհեալ յարաբերութիւնների, պատմամշակութային ամուր հիմքի վրայ խարսխուած հայ և ֆրանսացի ժողովուրդների դարաւոր բարեկամութեան մասին: Սերժ Սարգսեանն այդ առումով օրինաչափ է համարել, որ Հայաստանի անկախացումից յետոյ հայ-ֆրանսական միջպետական յարաբերութիւնները մշտապէս վերընթաց զարգացում են ունեցել՝ նկատելիօրէն աշխուժացել բարձրաստիճան քաղաքական երկխօսութիւնն ու միջխորհրդարանական կապերը, ընդլայնուել են տնտեսական համագործակցութիւնն ու իրաւապայմանագրային դաշտը, խորացել են մշակութային և գիտակրթական կապերը։

Ս. Սարգսեան. «Հայրենիքի Անվտանգութիւնը Երբեք Առուծախի Առարկայ Չենք Դարձրել»

ՀՀ նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսեանը Յունուարի 23-ին, Հայ Առաքելական Սուրբ եկեղեցու Արարատեան հայրապետական թեմի առաջնորդանիստ Սուրբ Սարգիս եկեղեցում մասնակցել է Սուրբ Սարգիս զօրավարի տօնին նուիրուած հանդիսաւոր միջոցառմանը, միջոցառման շրջանակներում կատարուել է պետական սահմանի առաջնագծում ծառայութեան ընթացքում առաւել աչքի ընկած երիտասարդ զինծառայողների օրհնութեան կարգ: Սահմանային գօտում մարտական հերթապահութիւն իրականացրած լաւագոյն ժամկէտային զինծառայողներից 25-ը Սուրբ Սարգիսի տօնի առիթով Արարատեան Հայրապետական Թեմի կողմից պարգեւատրուել են Ս. Սարգիս Զօրավարի խորհրդանշական զարդապատկերով ու տօնը խորհրդանշող յուշանուէրներով:


Յարգարժան Տիար Ռոպէր Հատտէճեան, Սփիւռքահայ բազմավաստակ գրագէտ եւ երկարամեայ խմբագրապետ «Նոր Մարմարա» օրաթերթի, Իսթանպուլ

Սիրելի աւագ գրչեղբայր, Այսօր, 26 Յունուար 2016-ին կը լրանայ Ձեր բազմավաստակ կեանքին 90-ամեակը: Ուրախութիւն է մեզի համար, որ այս պատմական հանգրուանը կը դիմաւորենք կենսուրախ եւ աշխոյժ երիտասարդական աւիւնով, լիացած 70-ամեայ գրական-ստեղծագործական եւ խմբագրական-հրապարակագրական հարուստ բերքով մը՝ իբրեւ հեղինակ բազմատասնեակ հատորներու, որ կը հանդիսանայ բացառիկ երեւոյթ մը սփիւռքահայ մեր կեանքին մէջ: Հայրենիքի եւ Սփիւռքի գրական - մշակութային տարածքին ընծայաբերած համազգային արժէք եւ բովանդակութիւն բովանդակող Ձեր անմնացորդ ստեղծագործական ոգին ու նուիրումը կը ծառայեն իբրեւ տիպար օրինակ մեր յետնորդ սերունդներուն, յատկապէս բոլոր անոնց՝ որոնք մտահոգուած են արեւմտահայերէնի դրական ճակատագիրով: Իբրեւ կրտսեր գրչեղբայր, սոյն շնորհաւորագիրիս հետ՝ կը մաղթեմ Ձեզի հոգեկան եւ ֆիզիքական անսպառ ուժ եւ կորով, որպէսզի նոյն ոգիով կարենաք շարունակել եւ աւարտին հասցնել տակաւին անկատար մնացած Ձեր ստեղծագործական երկերը,- կ՛ակնարկեմ «Առաստաղ» խոհա-փիլիսոփայական խորքով հարուստ երկհատոր երկին երրորդ անաւարտ հատորին-. իբրեւ գեղարուեստական ժամանակագրութիւնը մեր «երէկ»ին ու «այսօր»ին, որ արժանաւորապէս կը պահէ յաջող շարունակականութիւնը 100-ամեայ արուեստագէտ ու գեղապաշտ գրական ՍԵՐՈՒՆԴԻՆ: Յարգանք Արժանաւորին: Արամ Սեփեթճեան Անդամ Հայաստանի Գրողներու Միութեան եւ Լիբանանահայ Գրողներու Համախմբումին Պէյրութ- Լիբանան



ԱՄՆ-ի փոխ նախագահ Ճօ Պայտըն խիստ քննադատութեան ենթարկած է Թուրքիան։ Այս մասին, յայտնած է Yahoo News-ը: Ան Իսթանպուլի մէջ քաղաքացիական հասարակութեան ներկայացուցիչներու հետ հանդիպման ընթացքին մասնաւորապէս ըսած է, որ Թուրքիան չի կրնար խօսքի ազատութեան ճիշդ օրինակ սահմանել: Պայտըն այս ձեւով արձագանգած է Թուրքիոյ մէջ այն գիտնականներուն ձերբակալութեան, որոնք իշխանութիւններէն պահանջած էին չհալածել քիւրտերը: Աղբիւրը նկատած է, որ բացառիկ երեւոյթ է, երբ Ուաշինկթըն կը քննադատէ ՆԱԹՕ-ի մէջ իր գլխաւոր դաշնակիցներէն մէկը:

Ոգեկոչում Ինը Տարի Ետք Նոյն Կէտի Վրայ

19 Յունուար 2016, Երեքշաբթի օր, ժամը ճիշդ 15։05-ին Հրանդ Տինք յիշատակուեցաւ իր սպաննուած վայրին վրայ։ Բազմահազարներու մասնակցութեամբ կատարուած յիշատակման մասնակցած էին ՀՏՓ կուսակցութեան համանախագահ Սելահատտին Տէմիրթաշ, երեսփոխաններ՝ Կարօ Փայլան եւ Սապահաթ Թունճէլ, ՃՀՓ-ի անունով Սէլինա Տողան, Սէզկին Թանրըքուլու եւ Կամզէ Աքքուշ Իլկէզտի։ Ներկայ էին նաեւ Տիարպէքիրի Փաստաբաններու Կաճառի նախագահ, մօտ անցեալին սպաննուած Թահիր Էլչիի այրին Թիւրքան, եւ դուստրը Նազէնին Էլչի։ Յարգանքի տուրք մատուցելու փութացած էին նաեւ Պէրքին Էլվանի հայրը Սամի Էլվան, ԷՏՓ կուսակցութեան համանախագահ Ալփէր Թաշ, ՏԻՍՔ եւ ՔԷՍՔ արհմիութիւններու նախագահներ Քանի Պէքօ, Լամի Էօզկէն։ Այս տարի թէ վանկարկումներու եւ թէ վերտառութիւններուն մէջ ուշագրաւ էր Հրանդ Տինքի եւ Թահիր Էլչիի միասին յիշատակումը։ «Հրանդին հետ հայ, Թահիր Էլչիին հետ քիւրտ ենք» կը գրուէր այդ վերտառութիւններուն վրայ։

ԵԽԽՎ-ի Վեհաժողովի Նախագահի Պաշտօնին Ընտրուած Է Փետրօ Ակրամունթ, Փոխնախագահներէն Մէկը Հերմինէ Նաղդալեան ղովրդական Կուսակցութեան կուսակցական բաժինէն: Ակրամունթ Սպանիոյ ծերակոյտի անդամ է` Վալենսիայէն: Քաղաքական գործիչը ծանօթ է Ուքրանիոյ օգտին իր յայտարարութիւններով, ան նաեւ Խրիմի կցումի խիստ քննադատ է: Շատեր անոր ընտրութիւնը վիճելի կը նկատեն, որովհետեւ անոր անունը շրջանառութեան մէջ դրուած է Ատրպէյճանի կողմէ ԵԽԽՎ-ի անդամները կաշառելու վերաբերեալ լրագրական հետաքննութիւններուն մէջ: Միւս կողմէ, վեհաժողովի պաշտօնական կայքը կը տեղեկացնէ, որ տեղի ունեցած է նաեւ ԵԽԽՎ-ի փոխնախագահներու ընտրութիւնը: 20 փոխնախագահներէն մէկը ընտրուած է Հայաստանի Հանրապետութեան Ազգային Ժողովի փոխնախագահ Հերմինէ Նաղդալեան: <ar& h= 1-hn

ÂAK 27-rd Patgamauorakan Vo[ow Ma\is 25-29% 2016 :r;uan% Fa\astan

N.O. January 28, 2016, No. 4:N.O. Blank


3:46 PM

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ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA NAMES MIHRAN TOUMAJAN WESTERN REGION DIRECTOR Washington, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) welcomes Mihran Toumajan as the Assembly's Western Region Director effective immediately. Toumajan has been active with the Assembly since 1996, when he interned for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) as a participant in the Assembly's TerjenianThomas Summer Internship Program in Washington, D.C. Toumajan coordinated the internship program the following summer and has contributed to the Assembly's Public Affairs department. Toumajan rejoins the Assembly after spending 15 years as an executive in the telecommunications and enterprise software industries. "Mihran has been a member of the Assembly family for almost two decades and we are excited to officially welcome him to the team," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. A native of Armenia, Toumajan spent his formative years in Michigan where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in History from Wayne State University in Detroit. Toumajan became accustomed to political advocacy relatively early in life, having volunteered as a teenager for the election campaign of now retired congressman and former co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Joe Knollenberg (R-MI). Upon relocating to southern California in 2000, Toumajan continued his service to the Armenian American community and to the Armenian Apostolic Church, to which he was ordained a deacon in 2003 by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church. Toumajan is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the widely acclaimed Dilijan Chamber Music Series, a former Trustee of the Tekeyan Cultural Association Arshag Dickranian Armenian School, a twice-elected Diocesan delegate and thrice-elected member of the Parish Council of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church of Pasadena, and Chairman of St. Gregory's Consecration Committee in 2007. "It is a distinct honor to, once again, be a part of the Assembly team, contribute to the growth of the Assembly's grassroots network in the western United States, advocate for continued reaffirmation of and restorative justice for the Armenian Genocide, and encourage Armenian Americans to serve as a voice for the security and prosperity of our brothers and sisters in Armenia and Artsakh," Toumajan said.

Syria: Peace Talks To Start On Friday, UN Says Talks aimed at finding a political solution to the war in Syria are expected to start in Geneva on Friday and last six months, the UN has said. However, special envoy Staffan de Mistura admitted discussions over who should take part were continuing. The priorities were to bring about a broad ceasefire, stop so-called Islamic State (IS) and increase aid, he said. Mr de Mistura's announcement came as 23 people were reportedly killed in an attack on a rebel checkpoint in Aleppo. A suicide bomber driving a fuel lorry targeted a checkpoint run by the Islamist rebel group Ahrar al-Sham, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Russian Air Force strikes ISIS around Deir ez-Zor "The Syrian Army has regained control of large territories in Latakia province with support from the Russian Air Force, with terrorists now redeploying forces to eastern parts of the country, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday, citing Syrian opposition sources. Supported by Russian war planes, Syr-

ian government troops have been successful in defeating Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in Latakia province. In the past 24 hours, more than 92 square kilometers (35 square miles) of territories were regained from terrorist groups. The Syrian Army has regained control over 28 towns, including the strategically important town of Rabia in Latakia.

Bombing attack in Qamı!lo: 3 people killed "In Wusta neighborhood of Qamı!lo, an explosion occurred. There people were killed, 7 people were injured. At the evening hours, an explosion occurred near a restaurant, which was attacked by bombs before. It is informed that the explosion was caused by bombs that were placed on a motorcycle. The injured were transferred to Rehme Hospital in Qamı!lo. On December 30, 2015, Miami and Gabriel restaurants in Wusta neighborhood, which is densely populated by Christians, was attacked by bombs during Christmas dinner and 16 people were killed.

President Serzh Sargsyan Visits Armenian Nuclear Power Plant President Serzh Sargsyan visited the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant on January 23. As “Armenpress” was informed from the Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of Republic of Armenia President’s Staff, the President of the Republic toured in the

Plant, familiarized himself with the current works and the results of the last year economic production as well as with the progress of the first phase in the works aimed at the extension of the operation cycle of the second power generating unit.

UK Is Concerned By The Recent Escalation On The Front Line, British Embassy In Yerevan Says In connection with today's rally by "For the Sake of Law", the British Embassy in Yerevan has issued the following statement: “The UK Government position is to encourage progress in the OSCE Minsk Process and for the Council of Europe (or any of its constituent parts) to support these efforts. The UK is concerned by the recent escalation on the front line and urges the parties to make active use of the OSCE

Minsk Process to reach a peaceful settlement”. As was reported, ‘For the Sake of Law’ civic movement staged a protest today outside the British Embassy in Yerevan to condemn the policy of Britain and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as well as two anti-Armenian draft resolutions to be put to vote at the PACE winter session this year.

ARMENIAN BAR ASSOCIATION EMBARKS ON LEGAL MISSION TO GAIN RECOGNITION OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE ARTSAKH REPUBLIC UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW The Armenian Bar Association's 17 member Board of Governors has passed a resolution stating that an official policy of the organization is to help secure international recognition of the NagornoKarabakh Republic (Artsakh Republic) as an independent, sovereign state under international law. To emphasize the Armenian Bar Association's commitment to secure under international law the right of self- determination of the citizens of the Artsakh Republic, the Board passed a further resolution which for the first time in its twenty-six year history, amended its mission statement to read as follows: "A fundamental organizational purpose of the Armenian Bar Association is a commitment to take any and all steps permitted under international law to secure the recognition of the independence of the Artsakh Republic and to protect the right to self-de-

termination of the people of the Artsakh Republic as guaranteed under international law." The resolutions were initially proposed by Chairman Ex-officio Armen K. Hovanissian, Vice-Chair Saro K. Kerkonian, CoChairs of the Armenian Rights Watch Committee Garo B. Ghazarian and Karnig Kerkonian and past Chairman and long-standing Board of Governors member Edvin E. Minassian. On the occasion of the passage of the historic resolution, Armenian Bar Association chairman, Harry H. Dikranian, of Montreal, Canada, stated that "Every day, with the utmost courage and determination, Armenian men and women are putting their lives on the line to defend their right, guaranteed under international law, to exercise their self-determination. Today, the members of the Armenian Bar Association vow to stand shoulder-to-

shoulder with their brothers and sisters in Artsakh and offer their legal expertise to assist them in their just quest to seek international recognition of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Artsakh Republic. We encourage all Armenian organizations world-wide to join in this effort." The Armenian Bar Association is the largest organization of Armenian attorneys, judges, law professors and other legal professionals in the diaspora. Founded by Raffi Hovannisian in 1989, for the past 26 years, through the work of its various committees, the Association has sought to promote the development of the rule of law in Armenia, defend the rights of Armenians anywhere through its Armenian Rights Watch Committee and provided free legal assistance to Armenian communities through the work of the Pro Bono Committee. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 28, 2016


“I think it’s very critical that we become more risk-taking, openminded, and believe in our bright future”

You can change your life, you can change the lives around you and nothing can stop you if you believe you have the right idea and the right vision. Born in Yerevan in the late sixties, Ruben Vardanyan has worked his way up the corporate ladder, and now his list of life achievements is most likely longer than your grocery list. Globally, he is best known as CEO and controlling shareholder of Troika Dialog, one of the leading investment banks in the CIS (merged with Sberbank in 2012), but his extra-curricular activities include investments in many philanthropic projects focused on developing social change, many of which have taken place in Armenia. One of those activities is related to education, and in the last several years he has supported the construction of several educational facilities in Armenia, the most noteworthy being the international UWC Dilijan College. Ruben Vardanyan also cofounded IDeA Foundation, the organization behind "Wings of Tatev", the reversible cableway leading to Tatev Monastery. Over 5 years, the cableway has increased tourism in the region from 9,000 to 430,000 visitors, resulting in job creation and increased standards of living for the local communities.

Stapanian Hopes To Change Minds With Historical Novel On The Armenian Genocide

What Are You Doing This Summer

By Mike Jeknavorian,

SERVICE Armenia 2016 Applications Now Available

FLArmenians Lifestyle Contributor Fort Lauderdale, FL - The novel is called They Fell, and the title is appropriate. Drawing on Charles Aznavour’s “Ils Sont Tombes,” the author uses graphic imagery to convey the historically based horrors and is stretched over 35 character-experiences in the midst of the Armenian Genocide. Author Stephen Stapanian of Tampa, FL sets the story in the dying days of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. As it’s read, one is reminded that a story can allow a direct communion with another era, and ultimately, with the era’s deceased. In a response to questions submitted via email from FLArmenians.com, Mr. Stapanian says that the novel “represents a gift to the Armenian people globally, and to send a message to all of those who suffered . . . that !they were not alone as victims of genocide.” Stapanian says that he was originally inspired to write the novel after watching genocide-themed TV miniseries’ in the 1980s, such as Roots, Holocaust, and Shogun. Over time Stapanian worked on his approach and finally published They Fell on August 1, 2015. The novel uses a love-story conceit, along with excerpts of song lyrics and poems, to draw the reading into the larger context of Ottoman Armenian life in 1915. It was written to evoke a strong emotional response about the genocide, and, fundamentally, to elicit change, he says. But what change could he bring? The

Armenian Genocide is officially recognized by over 20 nations, such as Canada, France, Russia, Germany, Austria, Argentina, the Vatican, and others. At the same time, the Ottoman Empire’s successor, Turkey, refuses to accept it’s own history and continues a decades-long campaign of genocide denial. Historians mark the beginning of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 1915, when the Ottoman Turkish government rounded up over 200 Armenian academics, doctors, businessmen, and religious and community leaders in Constantinople. The lack of accountability or prosecution of the perpetrators makes recollection of the genocide sting that much more, for many, as it does Stapanian. Historians estimate that over one million Armenians were ethnically cleansed in a systematic campaign orchestrated by the Ottoman Turkish government in what is widely considered the first genocide in modern times. The majority of published works about the Armenian Genocide have been memoir or historical, whereas They Fell is fiction based on a historical event. But given that the novel is predicated on something as gruesome as genocide, should the public only expect to experience a limited amount of entertainment from it? Hopefully, readers will truly connect with the characters, and in so doing learn something from those who fell and perished in one of man’s darkest chapters.

Berkeley, CA - Applications are now available for The Paros Foundation's SERVICE Armenia 2016 Program. The Program will run from June 23 to July 24, 2016 and enables young people to travel and tour Armenia and Artsakh, while engaging in meaningful service projects benefiting Armenia and her people. "I am looking forward to a fun and successful SERVICE Armenia 2016 program this summer." Said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation. "It is quite exciting to see students from throughout the country develop friendships with one another while working on meaningful service projects in Armenia." Throughout the Program, participants will tour historic, religious and cultural sites in Armenia and Artsakh with experienced, English speaking staff and guides. Safe and well located accommodations and transportation combined with interesting cultural and educational activities will ensure all will have an engaging and memorable experience. The program is open to both Armenian and American young people (ages 17 to 23ish) wishing to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Knowledge of the Armenian language is not required. Join us and create a lifetime of great memories and friends. The deadline to submit the completed application is April 1, 2016. "Overall, this was the best month ever and I couldn't imagine my first experience in Armenia any other way. I made amazing memories with the best people, who I will carry out friendships with for a lifetime!" Said Nicole Sarkisian, SERVICE Armenia 2015 Participant. More information including photos, video and the application form can be found at www.parosfoundation.org. For more information, please contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061 or via peter@parosfoundation.org.

Panel At Northeastern To Consider Artsakh’s Past, Present, And Future Boston, Mass. - On Fri., Feb. 12, at 7 p.m., Dr. Anna Ohanyan, Richard B. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Stonehill College, will moderate a panel discussion entitled, “Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh): Past, Present, and Future,” at Northeastern University, McLeod Suites, Curry Student Center (4rd floor), 346 Huntington Ave. in Boston. Dr. Simon Payaslian, Charles K. and Elisabeth M. Kenosian Chair in Modern Armenian History and Literature at Boston University, will provide an historical introduction to the discussion. The program is organized by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) and is co-sponsored by the Northeastern Armenian Students Association. The challenges faced by NagornoKarabagh have their roots in the historical maneuverings of regional powers and in actions taken at both the birth and the

death of the Soviet Union. Today, more than two decades after the war with Azerbaijan that resulted in Karabagh’s precarious state of autonomy, its future remains uncertain. How should Karabagh deal with Azeri border aggression? Should it attempt to trade territories for peace and recognition from Azerbaijan? What are the most important ways for Diasporan Armenians to support Karabagh? What does its longterm future look like? Our panelists will explore these and other timely issues at this forum. The program is free and open to the public. There will be a reception and refreshments immediately following the program, as well as a question-and-answer session. Parking is available at Gainsborough Garage and other campus parking facilities. For more information about the panel discussion, contact NAASR at 617-4891610 or hq@naasr.org.

India, Armenia To Sign Farm Pact In February India and Armenia will sign an agreement on agriculture on February 19 when the Armenian Minister for Agriculture, Sergo Karapetyan, visits India, The Hindu reports. Last July, India had given the go-ahead for signing and ratification of an inter-governmental agreement between the two counties. “We are very interested in familiarising ourselves with the research and development potential of agriculture in India. We are also interested in the potential of your manufacturing and agriculture techniques. Traditionally we have been importing from Russia and Belarus. Now, our farmers are showing interest in Indian manufacturing,” Armen Martirosyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia, told The Hindu on Friday.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 28, 2016

Diasporas Of Europe Initiate Cooperation And Common Agenda In Education January 19, 2016, Brussels - On January 15-17 a seminar entitled “Education and Empowerment” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. This was the third seminar under the European project “A Europe of Diasporas”. This project aims to promote exchange, solidarity and common advocacy in a European context of rising tension and prejudice.

Djerassi, advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria and Deyan Kolev, Chairman of the Roma educational organization “Centre Amalipe”, explored the Bulgarian experience of providing education to children and young people who belong to diasporas. “Intercultural education, educating for tolerance are important not only for the mi-

Jewish, Roma, Armenian and Assyrian participants from around Europe discussed how education can better address the needs of diasporas. Among other ideas the participants agreed that schools should give an opportunity to children of diasporas to learn their heritage, including their language. They agreed to support inclusive education that also features the contribution of diasporas to European society and that youth movements and informal education should be developed. During a public conference entitled “United in Diversity: Educating Europe’s Diasporas” in Sofia University, Robert

norities, it’s important also for the entire societies. If you don’t invest in forming tolerance you don’t achieve sustainable growth in Bulgarian economy and society, also in European society,” said Deyan Kolev. In the course of the seminar the participants visited to AGBU chapter, Armenian community center and church and the Jewish community center in Sofia. The next milestone of the “Europe of Diasporas” project will be a conference in the European Parliament in May, where the proposals and results developed in the course of the project will be presented.

Sponsorship Needed For Armine Poghosyan At Mer Hooys SOAR's Sponsorship Program is the primary mechanism through which we provide support to specific orphaned Armenians. The entire donation benefits the individual you are sponsoring - no funds support the facilities or SOAR generally, and SOAR assumes the cost of all wiring fees. This week we highlight Armine Poghosyan, of Mer Hooys. Name: Armine Poghosyan Facility: Mer Hooys Gender: Female DOB: March 28, 1998 Siblings/Family history: Armine's mother abandoned Armine at Mari Izmirlyan Orphanage in 2000. She left Armenia and only occasionally communicated with Armine by telephone. Health history and current medical conditions: Armine is a healthy child, with a slight vision problem. Special interests, talents, hobbies, and future aspirations: Armine is an excellent student, modest, and very well-behaved. She attends carpet weaving group and wants to become a teacher. If you would like to sponsor Armine, please contact George S. Yacoubian, Jr., at gyacoubian@soar-us.org or select her (under Mer Hooys) through our Sponsorship Enrollment page. Thank you in advance for your support!

Prospects Of Syrian-Armenian Cultural Cooperation Discussed Syria’s Higher Education Minister Mohammad Amer al-Mardini discussed on Sunday with Armenian Ambassador in Damascus Arshak Poladian means to enhance scientific and research cooperation between Syria and Armenia, Syria Online reports. Both sides touched on the prospects of renewing the executive program on cultural cooperation between the two countries. The minister said it is important, given the deep historical ties binding the two countries, that cooperation be activated and mutual visits of scientific delegations to universities in Syria and Armenia be fur-

ther encouraged. He also called for increasing the number of scholarships and boosting student exchange program to enhance the scientific capabilities in the fields of applied sciences and Armenian language and literature. The need to renew the executive program on cultural cooperation was echoed by the Armenian Ambassador, who also stressed the necessity to promote cooperation with Syria, appreciating the cultural and humanitarian role of the Syrian people in supporting the Armenian people throughout history. !


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

98 - Gülten Kaya By Hambersom Aghbashian Gülten Kaya is a Turkish music producer and an actress well known for (Yusuf ile Kenan 1979), (Memnu meyva -1979) and (Aklin durur -1975). She is the widow of late Kurdish singer Ahmet Kaya ( born in 1957 in Malatya, Turkey - died in 2000 in his de facto exile in Paris). Gülten Kaya is a political activist and a member of "The Friends of Hrant Dink organization." Gülten Kaya was one of the main speakers during "The Friends of Hrant Dink organization" gathering to mark the seventh anniversary of the killing of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink on January 19, 2014, where tens of thousands gathered in Istanbul and marched from Taksim Square to Agos newspaper’s office building in the Pangalti neighborhood of Sisli. In her speech, Gülten Kaya, commemorated not only Dink, but also those who were killed during the Gezi Park Resistance last year. “We are here not only to remember Hrant, but also Ethem [Sarisülük], Abdullah [Cömert], Medeni [Yildirim], Ahmet [Atakan] and those who died in the Gezi protests,” Kaya said. “You have left mothers and fathers devoid of their children. Sons of this country were shot with treacherous bullets. How can we forget how many homes were broken?” she said. “What is your truth? This is 2014: You are carrying guns in your trucks instead of peace, democracy and human rights,” Kaya added, addressing Turkey’s security forces. (1) "Taraf" Newspaper wrote on 20th April 2010, " The anniversary of the 1915s events, this year will be remembered in Turkey, too. The commemoration organized by the "Say Stop!" Group. A group of intellectuals, for the first time in Turkey will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915. Under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group, the commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The text of the commemoration activity is as follows: “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, in these lands were living from 1,5 to 2 million Armenians. In Thrace, in the Aegean, in Adana, Malatya, Van, Kars ... Samatya, in Sisli, Galata ... Our neighborhood grocery men, our dressmakers, our jewelers, our carpenters, our shoemakers, our classmates, our teachers, our officers, our orderlies, our deputies, our historians, our composers ...They were our Friends. In April 24 1915 it was started "to send them". We lost them. They are no longer available. The vast majority are no more between us. They have not even graves. But, the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster” , with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our conscience. It is growing since 95 years. We are calling all the people of Turkey, who [the people] feel in their hearts this "Great Pain", to respectfully prostrate in front of the 1915s victims’ remembrance. In black dresses, silently.Lightening candles for their souls, bearing flowers .Because this pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. "(2) Gülten Kaya was one of the prominent in-

tellectuals who participated in the commemoration. “Today Zaman”, wrote on April 20, 2011, “Armenians who lost their lives in the Armenian displacement that took place in 1915, during the final days of the Ottoman Empire, will be commemorated through a variety of events for a second time this year. This year’s commemoration ceremonies will be held in !stanbul’s Taksim Square, Ankara, !zmir, Diyarbakır and Bodrum. A statement with the headline, “This pain is ours,” has been opened up for signatures. More than 100 people including intellectuals, writers and journalists including Ahmet !nsel, Ali Bayramo"lu, Alper Görmü#, Bekir Berat Özipek, Cafer Solgun, Ferhat Kentel, Gülten Kaya, Leyla !pekçi, Mehmet Bekaro"lu, Oral Çalı#lar, Orhan Miro"lu, Oya Baydar, $ebnem Korur Fincancı and Ümit Karda# have already signed the statement. Deputies from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and independent candidates supported by the party will be supporting the commemoration ceremony to be held in Diyarbak?r.” (3) In response to official statements that the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed “to balance” an Armenian Genocide exhibition by allowing the Turkish government to mount its own “alternative” exhibit, a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors–have signed an open letter to the Royal Library,where they said " It is incorrect to suggest that two different views of what happened in 1915 are possible. Over 1 million Ottoman-Armenian citizens were forced out of their homes and annihilated in furtherance of an intentional state policy. What exists today is nothing other than the blatant denial of this reality by the Turkish government." They added " Don’t Stand Against Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History!" Gülten Kaya (music producer) is one of the intellectuals who signed the petition. (4) According to "TodayZaman," September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf." Gülten Kaya was one of the intellectuals who signed the petition. (5)

1.www.mirrorspectator.com/pdf/0125 14.pdf 2.http://www.taraf.com.tr/haber/ 48851.htm 3.http://www.todayszaman.com/new s-241521-1915-tragedy-to-be-commemorated-for-second-time-in-turkey.html 4.http://armenianweekly.com/2012/1 2/18/turkish-citizens-sign-petitionagainst-denialist-exhibit-in-denmark/ 5.http://www.todayszaman.com/anas ayfa_group-of-intellectuals-condemn-antiarmenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.html

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 28, 2016


Armenian Soprano Anush Hovhannisyan With Philharmonia Orchestra And Chinese Pianist Lang Lang At Royal Festival Hall By Hasmik Harutunyan terludes with heart-warming folk tunes. The cast of Peer Gynt at Royal Festival Hall The two singing female parts were shared between Norwegian soprano Marita Sølberg in the role of Solveig and Armenian soprano Anush Hovhannisyan in the role of exotic Anitra, one of the foreign conquests of Peer Gynt. Her performance in the role of Anitra, a young and beautiful Moroccan girl enhanced the operatic sections, especially her joyful performance of Anitra’s dance. Dressed for the occasion in a traditional Armenian folk garment and head cover (rather than Arabian costume), Anush excelled not only by her vocal ability, velvety timbre of her voice, but also her enthralling acting skills. Anush Hovhannisyan convinced the critics and the public in equal manner that she was a truly multi-talented and all-around artist: exceptional vocalist and captivating actress. I caught up with Anush after the evening performance at Soutbank Centre to share her thoughts on the event.

Philharmonia Orchestra and Philharmonia Voices under the baton of renowned Norwegian conductor Salonen gave a recital dedicated to great Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843 –1907) at Royal Festival Hall in London on the 26th November 2016. Armenian soprano Anush Hovhannisyan performed in the role of Anitra in extracts from Peer Gynt by the composer. The Guardian reported that “Anush Hovhannisyan made a superbly impudent Anitra”. Meanwhile Richard Fairman of FT stated that “Marita Sølberg and Anush Hovhannisyan were the pure-voiced sopranos. Salonen and the Philharmonia Orchestra helped to conjure Grieg’s magic of the theatre”. This all-Grieg concert showcased a performance of Grieg's Piano Concerto in A-minor, that marked the start of Grieg’s dazzling career and fame throughout Europe. Legendary Chinese pianist Lang Lang performed masterfully Grieg’s only piano concerto, however the sound of this heroic concerto was somehow understated right from the beginning, which was good news for the performers after the interval, as Lang Lang could have easily outperformed any artist with his characteristic exuberance and virtuosity. In the second half of the evening Norwegian director Juha Hemanus had staged an original mixture of theatrical performance and operatic excerpts from Grieg’s Incidental Music inspired by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s drama Peer Gynt. English actor Sam Bond played the role of the anti-hero Peer Gynt - a wonderer, dreamer, womanizer and by conventional standards an utter failure. He is selfish, lethargic and self-centered, yet it is exactly how the great dramatist wanted to portray Peer Gynt: a real person. Charismatic young violinist Gjermund Larsen with his fiddle boosted the dramatic in-

Question: What are your feelings after performing in such an interesting project alongside world famous Lang Lang and the Philharmonia conductor Salonen? Anush Hovhannisyan: There has been a great atmosphere at the rehearsals. Everyone working on Peer Gynt was realizing that it is going to be a big shift of energy at the concert when we get to perform after Lang Lang. We worked twice as hard to provide the best experience for the audience. On the other hand, I was enjoying hugely working with Maestro Salonen for the first time. I had worked with the Philharmonia Orchestra earlier this year and was looking forward to meet the Maestro. It was a wonderful experience to share the

stage with such a fascinating artist. He managed to get a very special sound out from the orchestra and this is what excites me in classical music!" Q: 2015 has almost come to end, what were the highlights in the year for you as an artist and performer? AH: 2015 was a wonderful year, full of hard work and great results. I completed my young artist's contract at the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, and joined the Royal Opera House’s highly anticipated tour in Japan with star cast. I also made my Italian debut at the season opening production of Don Giovanni in Lyric Theatre of Trieste. Very grateful for the opportunities I got and all wonderful friends I found this year. " Q: You have won several prestigious international competitions in the past, how did they help you in your career so far? Are you planning any more competitions in the future? AH: The results of the competitions for me has been partly a payback for the hard work and preparation, partly a luck. Competitions are a good tool for young artists to expose themselves to the market. For me being in competitions is a chance to meet people and make contacts. I never hope for a prize because the decision depends on the subjective taste of a small group of people, however I am happy with the results so far. I am not very keen to take part in competitions because I never feel in competition with any other singer in the world. I have things to offer that are absolutely unique and it is the same for every other

singer in the competition. It is very tiring both physically and emotionally to be in a competition because of the atmosphere is highly artificial. However, I cannot underestimate the importance of the exposure at the early stages of musical career so I will make effort for couple of more times." Q: What are your projects for 2016 and beyond, what would you like to be performing and where? AH: I have a busy year coming up with lots of new repertoire to learn and prepare for the future projects. In the first half of the season I will be travelling and performing. After the Christmas I am working on recording of new CD projects. The news will follow soon." We would like to congratulate Anush Hovhannisyan once again for her musical achievements in 2015 and wish her utmost success in her conquest of opera stages worldwide with roles that she is passionate about. The news of her upcoming concerts will be available on her website: http://www.anushhovhannisyan.co.uk/


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Friday–Saturday, Feb 19–20, 10AM–6PM ASP Workshop. “Explorations in Translation Theory and Armenian Literature.” Organizer: Tamar Boyadjian, Assistant Professor of English and Medieval Literature, Michigan State University. 2609 International Institute, 1080 S. University. Wednesday, Mar 16, 6–7:30PM ASP Lecture. “Talking Popcorn and Accent Elimination: The Work of Nina Katchadourian.” Nina Katchadourian, Artist; Associate Professor, New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Helmut Stern Auditorium, University of Michigan Museum of Art, 525 S. State. Wednesday, Mar 23, 6–8PM Dr. Berj H. Haidostian Annual Distinguished Lecture. “Moving Armenian Performing Arts from the Archives to the International Scene.” Gerald Papasian, Manoogian Visiting Fellow and Artist in Residence. Amphitheater, Rackham Graduate School, 915 E. Washington. Friday-Saturday, Apr 22–23, 10AM–6PM Seventh Annual International Graduate Student Workshop. “Translating Armenians, Armenians Translated: Rethinking Methodologies for Armenian Studies.”


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Thursday, Feb 11, 6–7:30PM MWAS Lecture. “Beyond Orientalism: The Quest for Ottoman Vernacular Photography.” Edhem Eldem, Professor of History, Bo!aziçi University. 1022 S. Thayer Bldg, 202 S. Thayer.

Special Spe cial ttribute ribute ttoo all alll our supporters! su upporters!

Organizers: Ali Bolcakan and Etienne Charrière, both PhD candidates in the Department of Comparative Literature, U-M. 1644 International Institute, 1080 S. University.

N.O. January 28, 2016, No. 4:N.O. Blank


3:47 PM

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N.O. January 28, 2016, No. 4:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% 28 |OUNOUAR 2016

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF fauaqakani ;u [axa.akan ªAktorhiº kisapa,tpan Markos Pix;lin ir gor‘ounhoujiune ke ,arounaki Shoutakan Arabia\i ªAl Âa\hdº jimoum! • FF Fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane war]awyarow ir gor‘ounhoujiune ke ,arounaki MLS-i ªÂhal Solj Lh\qº jimoum! Gor‘arqe na.at;soua‘ h minc;u 2016-i D;kt;mb;ri 1-e! :ouran fandhs ke ga\ 14 famari famaxg;stow! • Isk ªSpartakiº mhk a\l fa\axgi .a[azo[^ FF axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise |ounouari 22-in bouvxnnoum h anz;l jourqakan ªB;,iqja,oumº! |i,;zn;nq% or Øxbilise war]awyarow fandhs h galou ispanakan ªÂa\ø Wal;kano\oumº! • ªMika\iº gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l ÂD-i axga\in fauaqakani na.kin .a[azo[ S;rgh\ :ourane% or khs taroua\ pa\managir h knq;l jimi f;t! • |ounouari 30-in Kiraki øre% vame 19!00-in Giumrii ª<irakeº Qarseni ªStubhub Centerº marxada,toum enk;rakan .a[oum ir ouv;re ke ca'i Los Any;lesi ªKalaqsiiº f;t! ª<irakeº 20 `oujpolistn;row vaman;l h AMN ;u fangrouan;l Kl;nth\li Filjen fiuranozoum! • FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Minskoum ka\aza‘ ªXargazman Gauaj-2016º mrza,aroum 0-3 fa,ouow partou;l h ÂD-i% 0-1 fa,ouow^ Isra\hli ;u 0-0 fa,ouow oc oqi h .a[az;l Lijouania\i f;t! 10-12-rd t;[;ri famar fa\ patanin;re mrz;zin Lajwia\i fauaqakani f;t ;u dar];al partou;zin 1-2 fa,ouow! W;r=in .a[oum m;r `oujpolistn;re 1-1 .a[azin Moltowa\i f;t ;u \;t.a[;a\ 11 m;jranoz faroua‘n;row \a[j;zin!




FF PASQ:JPOLI FAUAQAKANN:RI NOR GL>AUOR MARXICN:RE • FF Pasq;jpoli Da,noujiunoum (FPD) ka\az;l h na.agafouj;an f;rjakan niste% ori enjazqoum qnnarkou;l h FF fauaqakann;ri gl.auor marxicn;ri farze! FF t[amardkanz fauaqakani mi qani j;kna‘oun;riz% qouharkouj;an ardiunqoum gl.auor marxic h entrou;l 'or]a®ou masnaght Tigran G\okc;ane% or w;r=in tarin;rin a,.atoum h Libananoum! 50-am;a\ G\okc;ane n;rka\oums gl.auoroum h Libanani ;u Asia\i ouv;[ago\n akoumbn;riz mhke^ ªSav;seº! FPD-i na.agaf Frac;a\ Âostom;ane ,norfakaloujiun h \a\tn;l fauaqakani na.kin marxic Qarl Partaq;anin% or na.ord tarin;rin a,.ouvørhn a,.at;l h fa\axgi .a[azo[n;ri \a\t b;r;lou ou[[ouj;amb! |ounouari 22-in \a\tni dar]an FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;re% oronq 2016-i |oulisin Moltowa\oum masnakz;lou ;n :uropa\i 'oqr ;rkrn;ri a®a=nouj;ane! FF-i mrzakizn;rn ;n Moltowa\i% Andorra\i% Ouhlsi ;u Monaqo\i entranin;re! • FF t[an;ri minc;u 16 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane :uropa\i 2016-i a®a=nouj;ane ke masnakzi Wardan >acatr;ani gl.auorouj;amb% or n;rka\oums gl.auoroum h ªKrant Sporteº% ore w;r=in tarin;rin masnakzoum h patan;kan :urolika\in! I dhp% patan;kan fauaqakani korixe kaxmoum ;n a\d akoumbi .a[azo[n;re!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • K;anqi 78-rd taroum mafaz;l h Fa\astani baxmaki a.o\;an% fanra\a\t marxic Hdouard Mnazakan;ane! Na 1958-60% 1962 ;u 1967 jj& dar];l hr Fa\astani a.o\;an! >SFM fauaqakani kaxmoum dar];l hr ousano[akan .a[;ri a,.arfi krknaki a.o\;an! :rkar tarin;r fandisaz;l h Fa\astani kananz fauaqakani gl.auor marxice! Nra fanra\a\t san;riz ;n& Âa`a\hl Wafan;ane% Ar,ak P;tros;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane! • Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane dar];l h Praxili a.o\;an! Na 11 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 10 miauor% ckr;low oc mi partoujiun ;u 2-rd t;[e graua‘ Amorim Barbosa\in g;raxanz;l h 1 miauorow! Na 2-rd angam h f®cakuoum Praxili a.o\;an (a®a=ine^ 2012-in)! • Auartou;z Fa\astani kananz 71-rd a®a=noujiune! W;r=in mrza'ouloum FF nor a.o\;anoufi mi=axga\in warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane \a[j;low na.ord a®a=nouj;an a.o\;anoufi Sousanna Gabo\;anin% 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 8&5 miauor% a®a=in angam f®cakou;low FF a.o\;anoufi! :rkrord t;[e grau;z Anna Fa\rap;t;ane^ 6&5% 3-rd t;[e^ Sousanna Gabo\;ane^ 6 miauor! • Auartou;z na;u FF t[amardkanz 76-rd a®a=noujiune! A®a=in angam a.o\;an f®cakou;z Xauhn Andrhas;ane% or 11 fnarauoroujiuniz wastak;z 8 miauor% incphs na;u famalr;z FF fauaqakane! 7&5 miauorow ar‘ajh m;tali arvanazau Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% pronxh m;tali^ Arman "a,ik;ane! Arag ,a.mati a®a=noujiunoum 1-3-rd t;[;re grau;zin Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Tigran L& P;tros;ane ;u |owfannhs Gaboux;ane!

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