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Nor Or March 3, 2016, No. 9 _N.O. Blank 3/2/16 3:29 PM Page 1

Thursday, March 3, 2016 Vol. 94, # 9 è!ÙÏ!í!ñ "#!ï!Ï!$ Îáõë!Ïóáõû!$ "ñ»õÙï»!$ "Ù»ñÇÏ!ÛÇ ä!ßïû$!ûñÃ


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Nor Or March 3, 2016, No. 9 _N.O. Blank 3/2/16 3:29 PM Page 2


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!ÇÙ"áõ#Í 1922-Ç" (üñ»$"û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

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Nor Or March 3, 2016, No. 9 _N.O. Blank 3/2/16 3:29 PM Page 6


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Thursday, March 3, 2016 Vol. 94, # 9


Clinton And Trump Take Key Wins On Super Tuesday Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton took a series of big primary wins on Tuesday as the two presidential frontrunners looked increasingly likely to be facing off against one another in the race for the White House. Trump won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia, while Clinton won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, the favourite of the Republican establishment, won Minnesota. Republican Ted Cruz, a Texas senator, won his home state and neighbouring Oklahoma, bolstering his argument that he had the best chance to stop the controversial Trump. “Texas was a must-win state for Ted Cruz,” said FRANCE 24’s Washington correspondent, Philip Crowther. “If Trump had won Texas, the pressure on Cruz to exit the race would have been enormous. Instead, many looked to Rubio to give up his campaign, with some describing him as a 'dead man walking' after the crucial night of voting." Clinton, the former secretary of state, won enough states to take a big step towards wrapping up her nomination fight with rival Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist senator from Vermont. Sanders won his home state of Vermont, along with Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma, four of five states he was targeting for victory on Tuesday.

Rep. Schiff Commemorates 28th Anniversary Of Sumgait Pogroms Washington, DC – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) entered the following statement into the Congressional Record: “Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the pogrom against the Armenian residents of the town of Sumgait, Azerbaijan. On this day in 1988, and for three days following, Azerbaijani mobs assaulted and killed Armenians. When the violence finally subsided, hundreds of Armenian civilians had been brutally murdered and injured, women and young girls were raped, and victims were tortured and burned alive. Those that survived the carnage fled their homes and businesses, leaving behind everything they had in their

desperation. “The pogroms were not an accident. They were the culmination of years of vicious anti-Armenian propaganda, spread by the Azerbaijani authorities. The Azerbaijani authorities made little effort to punish those responsible, instead attempting to cover up the atrocities in Sumgait to this day, as well as denying the role of senior government officials in instigating the violence. Unsurprisingly, it was not the end of the violence, and was followed by additional attacks, including the 1990 pogrom in Baku. Cont. on p. 8

The California Democratic Party Made It Official And Endorsed Anthony Portantino For State Senate San Jose - On February 28 in San Jose, the California Democratic Party made it official and endorsed Anthony Portantino for State Senate. Only one candidate per office can garner the Democratic Party endorsement and in the 25th Senate District, it’s Anthony Portantino. The threshold for endorsement is set very high and in many open race elections no one meets the mark. That was not the case in the 25th where by virtue of receiving 70% support from local “in district” delegates, Anthony garnered the important and influential Party endorsement. “Many people said it couldn’t be done and that out of district interests were too influential to overcome but this vote clearly illustrates that there is nothing more important and stronger than local grassroots support. The wonderful residents of the 25th Senate District want to choose their next Senator and the results of this vote makes their statement. I am very thankful to the friends and activists who came out to vote for me and who made this happen,” commented Portantino.

The Democratic Party adds to and continues Anthony’s strong and unmatched run of support from local organizations leading up to the June Primary. #TeamPortantino has been endorsed by the following “in district” Democratic Clubs: the Bonita Democratic Council, the Claremont Democratic Club, the Canada Crescenta Democratic Club, the Democratic Club of the Pasadena Foothills, the East Area Progressive Democrats, the Foothill Community Democrats of Monrovia, the Helen Doherty Democratic Club, Southern California Armenian Democrats, the Glendale Democratic Club, the Los Angeles County Young Democrats and the West End Democratic Club. Anthony is as a Visiting Fellow at USC. He is the father of two great daughters, Sofia who completed her K-12 education in the district and Bella a middle school student. Ellen Portantino is currently serving as the PTA President for Bella’s middle school and is an executive at Warner Brothers.

Los Angeles Armenian-American Community Prepares To Commemorate 100+1 Years Of The Armenian Genocide With Community-Wide Rally For Justice. Event organizers expect a record turnout at this year's April 24th Armenian Genocide Rally for Justice at the LA Turkish Consulate at 1:00 PM Los Angeles, CA - Community Organizations join together once again to call for justice for Armenian Genocide. On Sunday, April 24, 2016, at 1:00 p.m., a community-wide RALLY FOR JUSTICE will be held in front of the Turkish Consulate at 6300 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles to commemorate the 100+1 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide as we continue to fight for a just resolution and against denial of this still unpunished crime against humanity. All leading religious, political, youth, and advocacy organizations of our community have come together once again after last year’s unprecedented Centennial March for Justice to organize the 2016 Rally for Justice. Strengthened by our unity, we call upon all segments of our community to join the Armenian Genocide Committee in making our collective voice heard as one Nation for one Cause. Although traffic will be lighter this year on Sunday, bus transportation will be provided from churches, schools and community centers throughout Southern California. Pick up/Drop off locations will be announced soon. Rally for Justice t-shirts are on sale at Jons Marketplace locations in Glendale, Hollywood and Valley Village and are also available online at Amazon.com and Ebay.com. Proceeds from all sales will go entirely toward funding the Rally for Justice. Please purchase and start wearing your t-shirts now and help us spread the word. Mark your calendars. Further details will be forthcoming. In Solidarity, ARMENIAN GENOCIDE COMMITTEE Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church Armenian Catholic Church of North America Armenian Evangelical Union of North America Armenian Revolutionary Federation Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Social Democrat Hunchak Party Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District Armenian Relief Society – Western USA Armenian Youth Federation Armenian Assembly of America Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region Armenian Council of America Armenian Rights Council Armenian Bar Association Organization of Istanbul Armenians

Ardy Kassakhian Wins Majority Of Caucus Votes At Democratic Convention Glendale, CA – Ardy Kassakhian won 55.5% of the votes cast in San Jose over the weekend during the California Democratic Party Convention’s Assembly District 43 Caucus. Outpacing his nearest opponent by 17 points, Kassakhian emerged as the clear favorite of local Democratic leaders and activists. The vote comes on the heels of a major endorsement by the Glendale Democratic Club, whose membership voted in an overwhelming majority – 75% – to back Ardy Kassakhian’s candidacy. Kassakhian is the only candidate who has been endorsed by

regional Democratic Clubs, including Democrats for Neighborhood Action, the East Area Progressive Democrats, the Hubert H. Humphrey Democratic Club, and the Southern California Armenian Democrats. The results of the Convention’s Assembly District 43 Caucus were as follows: Ardy Kassakhian: 55.5% Laura Friedman: 38.5% Andrew Blumenfeld: 0% Dennis Bullock: 0% Rajiv Dalal: 0% No Endorsement: 6%


Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 3, 2016

GenEd At CA History Teachers Conference The Genocide Education Project (GenEd) will present two teacher training workshops and an exhibit booth at the 2016 California Council for the Social Studies Conference (CCSS), March 4-6, in Costa Mesa, CA. Social Studies educators from across California will converge at the Hilton Orange County to hear from education experts and receive training and teaching materials for K-12 social studies classes. CCSS is the largest state professional social studies education organization for teachers, administrators, and curriculum specialists in California. Its annual conference attracts up to 1000 attendees. GenEd will meet educators at its exhibit booth, offer a variety of educational materials, and present two conference breakout sessions.

Rep. Schiff... Cont. from p.7 “The Sumgait massacre and the subsequent attacks on ethnic Armenians, resulted in the virtual disappearance of a once thriving population of 450,000 Armenians living in Azerbaijan, and culminating in the war launched against the people of Nagorno Karabakh. That war resulted in thousands dead on both sides and created over one million refugees in both Armenia and Azerbaijan. “Time has not healed the wounds of those murdered in the pogroms in Sumgait, Kirovabad, and Baku. To the contrary, hatred of Armenians is celebrated in in Azerbaijan, a situation most vividly exemplified by the case of Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani army captain who savagely murdered an Armenian army lieutenant, Gurgen Margaryan with an axe while he slept. The two were participating in a NATO Partnership for Peace exercise at the time in Hungary. In 2012, Safarov was sent home to Azerbaijan, purportedly to serve out the remainder of his sentence. Instead, he was pardoned, promoted, and paraded through the streets of Baku as a returning hero. “The assault on ethnic Armenian civilians in Sumgait helped touch off what would become a direct conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karbakh. And today, Azerbaijan’s dangerous behavior on the Line of Contact threatens peace and stability in the region. Artillery and sniper fire across the Line of Contact has become a fact of daily life for civilians in the Nagorno Karbakh Republic, causing numerous casualties. I have urged the OSCE Minsk Group to deescalate the situation by ending a policy that equates unprovoked attacks by the Azerbaijan with the defensive responses of Karbakh and Armenian troops, and by pressuring Azerbaijan to accept the installation of technological monitoring devices along the border. The anniversary of Sumgait is a reminder of the consequences when aggression and hatred is allowed to grow unchecked. “Mr. Speaker, this April we will mark the 101st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, an event the Turkish government, Azerbaijan's closest ally, goes to great lengths to deny. We must not let such crimes against humanity go unrecognized, whether they occurred yesterday or 28 years ago or 100 years ago. Today, let us pause to remember the victims of the atrocities of the Sumgait pogroms. Mr. Speaker, it is our moral obligation to condemn crimes of hatred and to remember the victims, in hope that history will not be repeated.”

Armenian Assembly Of America Annual Members Meeting To Feature Photojournalist Scout Tufankjian Washington, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) is pleased to announce that highly acclaimed photojournalist Scout Tufankjian will join the program of the Assembly’s Annual Members Meeting weekend which is taking place in Boca Raton, FL, from March 11 to 13, 2016. The Assembly’s Annual Members Meeting weekend will conclude on Sunday, March 13 with a book presentation by Scout Tufankjian at 1:00 PM at St. David Armenian Church. Tufankjian will present her book entitled There is Only the Earth: Images from the Armenian Diaspora Project. Released in April 2015, her book is the culmination of six years spent documenting Armenian communities in over 20 countries. The book presentation is free and open to the public, but online registration is required. Although best known for her work documenting the Barack Obama campaigns, Armenian American photographer Scout Tufankjian has spent the bulk of her career working in the Middle East, including four years working in the Gaza Strip and extensive time in Egypt documenting the Egyptian Revolution and its aftermath. Her book on the 2007-2008 Obama campaign, Yes We Can: Barack Obama's History-Making Presidential Campaign was

From Peace to Hit-Piece: Turkey’s New Lobbying Strategy Against Armenian Americans By Taniel Koushakjian Armenian Agenda Editor

published in December of 2008 and was a New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestseller, selling out its first run of 55,000 copies a month before its release date. In the summer of 2012, she returned to the campaign trail as a photographer for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. While working for Obama for America, an image that she took of the President and the First Lady hugging in Iowa became the most retweeted and the most liked photograph in Facebook's history.

Armenian Assembly Terjenian-Thomas Internship Alumnus Michael Agbabian Honored With A 2016 Writers Guild Award By Mihran Toumajan Armenian Agenda Western Region Bureau Chief Los Angeles, CA – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) congratulates and salutes Assembly Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program alum-

leagues Alex Chauvin, Ann Slichter, Dwight D. Smith, and Grant Taylor earned the recognition as writers for the television comedy series and game show on the NBC

Media, an entertainment company specializing in the production of non-scripted television programs. Before starting their company in 2008, Agbabian and Smith

nus and distinguished entertainment industry producer, Michael Agbabian, who was the recent recipient of the 2016 Writers Guild Award in the category of “Quiz and Audience Participation.” The 2016 Writers Guild Award West Coast Ceremony took place at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 13, 2016. The ceremony was hosted by actor Patton Oswalt. Agbabian and col-

network, Hollywood Game Night, hosted by awardwinning actress Jane Lynch. Hollywood Game Night earned nominations in its category along with the ABC network’s long-running Jeopardy! game show. As Executive Producer of Hollywood Game Night, Agbabian has produced 31 episodes between 2013 and 2015. Agbabian and business partner Dwight D. Smith are co-owners and co-presidents of Mission Control

produced programming for a wide range of television networks including NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, Oxygen, Bravo, MTV, Lifetime, and for national syndication. Agbabian is a Los Angeles native and graduate of the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Agbabian participated in the Assembly’s Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program in 1990. He is the son of Assembly Fellow Trustees, Dr. Mihran and Elizabeth Agbabian.

On February 22, Turkish Institute of Progress (TIP) retained Mercury Public Affairs, LLC to lobby on its behalf in Washington, D.C. According to the filing, Mercury will lobby specifically on “Turkish-US relations.” Two days later, Mercury’s Vice Chairman, Adam Ereli, a former U.S. Ambassador and Deputy Spokesperson at the State Department, penned a hit-piece on Armenia entitled “Putin’s Newest Satellite State,” on Forbes’ opinion page. However, Forbes neglected to mention the fact that Ereli’s firm is under contract with TIP. It appears that either the Turkish lobby planted this story with the full knowledge and support of Forbes, or that Mercury’s connection with Forbes was used as a pawn in the Turkish lobby’s anti-Armenian campaign. TIP, a New York based Turkish lobby group, is the latest player trying to prop up Turkey by putting down Armenian Americans. Instead of outright opposing Armenian Genocide recognition efforts by American human rights activists, the Turkish lobby’s genocide denial strategy shifted its approach on the issue during the centennial anniversary. TIP’s other hired public relations firm, Levick, tried to get a counter genocide resolution introduced that “focused on the next 100 years” by Rep. Curt Clawson (R-FL), who had been recruited to introduce the bill by Clawson’s predecessor, Congressman Connie Mack (R-FL), now a lobbyist for Levick. A pushback from Clawson’s own constituency thwarted TIP’s efforts, and the resolution, H. Res. 226, was instead introduced by Rep. Jeff Sessions (R-TX). The bill currently has two cosponsors. The Turkish lobby’s strategy of genocide denial - cloaked as peace has now turned to attacking the Armenia, in order to mask Azerbaijan’s $4 billion dollar arms purchases from Russia, not to mention Azerbaijan’s gross abuse of human rights, corruption scandals, jailing of journalists, and drift away from democracy and towards authoritarian rule. Mr. Ereli’s anti-Armenian hitpiece in Forbes should be appended, as the New York Times did, so that its readership is fully aware of his firm’s financial benefit from the published story. Their readers deserve no less. *UPDATE: As of 4:00 PM on 2/26/16, Forbes corrected Ereli’s byline, stating he is “the vice chairman of Mercury, a public affairs and strategy firm whose clients include the Turkish Institute for Progress.”

Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 3, 2016

City Officials Propose Locating Armenian American Museum In Glendale’s Arts And Entertainment District Glendale, CA – On Thursday, February 25, Glendale City Councilman Zareh Sinanyan and City Manager Scott Ochoa formally presented to the Armenian American Museum’s Governing Board the option of building the Museum in Glendale’s Arts and Entertainment District across from the Central Library. The Armenian American Museum’s Governing Board agreed to consider the option of placing the Museum on the proposed 1.4 acres property on Colorado Street and consult with Armenian American community organizations and representatives regarding the new site. The Armenian American Museum is conducting environmental and economic studies to determine the feasibility of building the Museum on City owned property across from Glendale Community College. In April 2015, the City and the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee (AGCC) of Western USA executed an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement to develop the terms of a ground lease of the site proposed for an Armenian American Museum. The AGCC in August 2015 delegated the authority and responsibility for building the proposed museum to 9 Armenian community organizations and institutions. The Governing Board of the Armenian American Museum was established and the work on developing a concept plan and concept design continued. By December of last year, the Governing Board unveiled a concept design at the City Council meeting and expanded community outreach efforts to inform the public and solicit feedback on the proposal. “We are very pleased by the outpouring of support for the Museum and look forward to engaging the City’s Armenian as well as non-Armenian stakeholders in the process of building a world class Museum,” remarked Armenian American Museum Governing Board Co-Chair His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. “The feedback indicates that there is

greater support for locating the Museum in downtown Glendale. Residents who support the Museum have urged the City Council to identify property in the central part of the City where most of the arts and entertainment facilities are located,” added Governing Board Co-Chair His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian. “The City owned property in downtown Glendale was not an available option in 2014,” remarked the Armenian American Museum executive committee chairman Berdj Karapetian, who has been spearheading the Museum project since its inception 2 years ago. Karapetian further added that AGCC considered building the Museum in the central part of the City or its Arts and Entertainment District but could not identify an appropriate location in 2014 when it initiated the discussion for a ground lease with City officials. The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org


Amulsar: Even “Responsible” Mining Is Destructive By Dr. Anahid Shirinian-Orlando Lydian International Limited Company, registered in an offshore zone, presented a document entitled “Amulsar Project, November 2014 to Armenians in the Diaspora. This document is superficial, misleading and incomplete. This is what thinks Anahit Shirinian-Orlando, an environmental scientist-engineer living in Los Angeles, who says No to mining at Amulsar. There is a complete absence of any hydrological study. For example, there is no assessment of how the mining operation will affect the quantity and quality of the water of Vorotan River, of Arpa River, all the small streams on the slopes, as well as the Spandarian Reservoir. In particular, I found the claim on page 9, “zero discharge into environment” to be completely misleading. For one thing, the explosions at the mine will cause earthquake tremors in the surrounding villages, such that the houses will shake, and immense clouds of dust from these explosions, as well as from rock crushing operations, (containing toxic heavy metals, such as Arsenic, Cadmium, radioactive Uranium, and many other heavy metals), will fill the air and the lungs of the inhabitants, as well as settle on pastures, on streams, on all surfaces,

poisoning and killing slowly every living organism. (Just look a little further, at Kajaran mine, and see how these explosions are affecting the health and lives (shortening the life spans) of the locals. Heap-leach pad technology is nothing new. The pad’s integrity fails in time (cracks, etc.) and the cyanide leachate contaminates the ground below and around the pad, thus, the groundwater and/or nearby streams become contaminated with cyanides and heavy metals (no one can guarantee that the 3mm geomembrane layer placed at the bottom of the platform will not erase after a few decades). Besides, the heap itself is subject to landslides. Amulsar mountain formation has a water tunnel running along on one side and a gas pipeline on the other, both will be compromised by earthquake tremors from mine explosions. Reading the document, it is not clear how much tax Lydian will pay to the local government, as well as to the central government. For

example, Lydian should pay royalties to the government of Armenia, as well as taxes and waste dumping fees. Furthermore, it is not clear how much money will be allocated to reclamation after the mining ends. Since reclamation is a capital-intensive operation, there should be guarantees to the government that it will be performed at the end. One such guarantee will be to deposit the capital allocated for reclamation in a separate account to be used only for land reclamation after the mining is over. I can write more comments on the document. I just wish to remind Lydian, that many members of the village communities of Gendevaz and Jermuk are strongly opposed to mining. Also, there are profitable alternatives to digging for gold and silver, such as constructing a cheese producing factory and exporting delicious cheeses from the pastures and grasslands of Amulsar. It is the hope of people living in Armenia, as well as all Armenians, that instead of mining, investors will shift their interest to non-destructive enterprises, because even “responsible” mining is destructive (even though it’s less destructive compared to previous methods).

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

103 - Ahmet Türk By Hambersom Aghbashian Ahmet Türk (born 2 July 1942 in Derik, Mardin Province, Turkey) is a Turkish politician of Kurdish descent . He was the chairman of the former pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) in Turkey and was a member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ( Turkish parliament) . On December 11, 2009, the Constitutional Court of Turkey voted to ban the DTP, accusing it of connection with PKK.Türk was expelled from the Grand National Assembly, and 36 other party members were banned from joining any political party for five years. In 2014, Ahmet Türk was elected as the new mayor of his hometown Mardin in the local polls. On February 4, 2013, "Marmara newspaper", published in Turkey, wrote "An influential Kurdish leader in Turkey, in an interview published on Sunday, acknowledged the Kurds’ role in the Armenian Genocide and apologized to the Armenians on behalf of the Kurdish people. Turkish parliament member and the vice-president of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Congress Ahmet Turk said that in 1915 the Kurdish people had a large role in the torture and massacre of Armenians, Assyrians and Yezidis and, he as a

Kurd, apologized to the Armenian people on behalf of all Kurds. In the interview, Turk urged Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to follow suit and recognize the Genocide. He explained that the Kurdish population was used to commit the crimes against Armenians in 1915. “We, as Kurds, say that we did commit these crimes, but we committed them against our will,” added Turk. “The Turkish government, instead of denying it, must also apologize… There is a need for fundamental change here,” said Turk. (1) Under the head line "Kurds and the Armenian Genocide", Deniz Serinci wrote on April 23, 2014, " Last year Ahmed Turk, a Kurdish politician in Turkey, declared that the Kurds have their share of “guilt in the genocide, too," and apologized to the Armenians. "Our fathers and grandfathers were used against Assyrians and Yezidis, as well as against Armenians. They persecuted these people; their hands are stained with blood. We as the descendants apologize,” Turk said. (2) On Apr 12, 2010, Ahmed Turk, was attacked by racist Turks in Samsun - Turkey, in front of the court house and dozens of corrupted Turkish police officers. Accord-

ing to "Hurriyet" Daily News, July 27, 2010, " The man who punched Kurdish politician Ahmet Türk in Samsun has been sentenced to serve 11 months and 20 days in prison, a punishment that was subsequently reduced to a court fine of 7,000 Turkish Liras.Türk’s attacker, !smail Çelik, appeared at a hearing Tuesday that was held under stepped-up security, with 80 police officers present. The hearing lasted 10 minutes. The 27-year-old waiter attacked the former leader of the now-closed Democratic Society Party (DTP), on April 12, breaking his nose. Moments before the attack, Türk had been speaking to press members in front of the courthouse in Samsun. Despite the reduced sentence, Çelik said he was not satisfied by the verdict. (3) According to Demokrathaber.net, January 5, 2016, criminal case was initiated against Ahmet Turk, a Kurdish politician who recognized the Armenian Genocide, on the basis of being "A member of a terrorist organization" and for "Realizing propaganda of terrorist organization". Turk is facing 7 years and six month to 18 years imprisonment in case if he found guilty. Ahmet Turk acknowledged the Kurds' role

in the Armenian genocide and apologized to the Armenians on behalf of the Kurdish propel. (4)

1.http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1a 4_1360120162 2.http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/turkey/23042014 3.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /default.aspx?pageid=438&n=puncher-ofahmet-turk-fined-by-court-2010-07-27 4.http://www.demokrathaber.net/me dya/ahmet-turk-ten-star-in-hendek-haberine-yalanlama-kurgu-gercekdisih60176.html

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10 Thursday« March 3, 2016 Author Dawn Anahid MacKeen To Present New Book On Her Grandfather's Story Of Survival Glendale, CA – Awardwinning journalist DAWN ANAHID MacKEEN will present her newly released book, THE HUNDRED YEAR WALK: An Armenian Odyssey on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. The Hundred-Year Walk is an epic tale of one man’s courage in the face of genocide and his granddaughter’s quest to tell his story. The book alternates between Stepan’s saga and another journey that takes place a century later, after his family discovers his long-lost journals. Reading this rare firsthand account, his granddaughter Dawn MacKeen finds herself first drawn into the colorful bazaars before the war and then into the horrors Stepan later endured. Inspired to retrace his steps, she sets out alone to Turkey and Syria, shadowing her resourceful, resilient grandfather across a landscape still rife with tension. With his journals guiding her, she grows ever closer to the man she barely knew as a child. Their shared story is a testament to family, to home, and to the power of the human spirit to transcend the barriers of religion, ethnicity, and even time itself. DAWN ANAHID MacKEEN is an award-winning journalist who spent nearly a decade on her grandfather's story. Previously, she covered health and social issues for Salon, SmartMoney, and Newsday, where her investigative series on assisted living facilities' poor care helped prompt legislative reform. Her work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Elle, the Sunday Times Magazine (London), the Los Angeles Times, and elsewhere. She lives in Southern California.

Press Release The Knights of Vartan are pleased to announce its first annual Men of the Year banquet to be held on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at Pardini’s Banquet Hall in Fresno . This year the Knights of Vartan, in conjunction with the Daughters of Vartan, are honoring two outstanding leaders in the Armenian community. Richard Hagopian will be recognized for his contributions to Armenian culture through art and music. Mr. Hagopian is a master oud player, and is considered the finest in the world. Also being honored is Dr. Sergio La Porta for his contributions to Armenian culture through education and scholarship. Dr. La Porta is a professor of Armenian Studies at CSU Fresno and, among other accomplishments, spearheaded Fresno ’s Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee. The social hour will begin at 6:30pm, followed by a fine meal, and dessert, at 7:30pm. Pianist Kevin Memley will entertain diners, followed by more lively entertainment by DJ Diko Chekian. For tickets and more information, including sponsorships, please contact Dr. Dennis or Rita Shamlian at (559) 438-4646.

A.G.B.U. VATCHE & TAMAR MANOUKIAN HIGH SCHOOL Tenth Anniversary Gala Pasadena, CA - This year, the Armenian General Benevelont Union's Vatche & Tamar Manoukian High School in Pasadena, California will complete its 10th school year, continuing a strong tradition of maintaining academic excellence through a comprehensive academic program, planned with the goal of developing fundamental scholastic skills, analytical and critical thinking, study skills and self-confidence in students to pursue college, career and life objectives. The school strives to foster student inquiry, creativity, and true love of learning in a supportive and caring school environment. Our humble beginnings in 2006 planted the seeds of growth that has blossomed into a school that is steadfastly committed to cultivating the potential of each studentscholar in an inclusive and collaborative setting which promotes academic excellence, cultural appreciation, and ethical conduct. The four-year program graduates students who are creative as well as critical thinkers, effective communicators, lifelong learners, and capable leaders, intellectually and socially equipped to meet the challenges of the future.The school is committed to immersing our students in rigorous, standards-based college-preparatory curricula in a nurturing and supportive environment, fully preparing students for

higher education and subsequent professional achievement. We instill in our students a deep and lasting appreciation for their Armenian identity, while informing our students about the fundamental ideals and outstanding accomplishments of Armenian General Benevolent Union (A.G.B.U.), which will empower them to promote and preserve Armenian culture and heritage both locally and globally. We inspire our students to become informed, responsible, and socially conscious Armenian-Americans who embrace cultural diversity and make significant leadership contributions to humanity.The school believes that emphasis on high academic expectations, ethical and social responsibility, caring for one’s physical well-being, and respect for our resources and environment will prepare well-rounded and successful

community members in the future. Our dynamic program has lead our alumni to become scholars among the world's most prestigious higher institutions of learning thanks to the continuous partnership and collaboration of the dedicated visionary founders, benefactors, board, community leaders, loving families, the faculty and staff, and our beloved scholars. We especially wish to recognize the contributions of the school's founding principal, Mr. Hagop Hagopian for his commitment and dedicated service to establishing the roots of the school and his ongoing support. Our entire community and the 10th Anniversary Gala Committee will celebrate the school's role in the community, its rigorous academic curriculum, stellar extracurricular, technological, and visual and performing arts programs, and its exciting aspirations for the future. This will culminate in a Gala celebration to be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at the Palladio Banquet Hall, where all stakeholders will be attending to celebrate our collective achievements and look forward to what future decades will bring. We are confident that the community will wholeheartedly support the school as it has through the last decade as it continues on its mission and vision to prepare future generations of worthy scholars and leaders in the diaspora.

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