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Nor Or March 10, 2016, No. 10_N.O. Blank 3/9/16 6:53 PM Page 1

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Thursday, March 10, 2016 Vol. 94, # 10


GEORGIA STATE SENATE RECOGNIZES ARMENIAN GENOCIDE Washington, D.C. – The Georgia State Senate adopted SR 991, a resolution “Recognizing the month of April, 2016, as Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month” in Georgia, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). The resolution states that “when coining the term ‘genocide,’ Raphael Lemkin was moved to investigate the forced assimilation, deportation, and near eradication of the Armenian population and other Christian communities, beginning in April, 1915, prompting Adolf Hitler to remark in 1939, ‘Who after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?’” “It was an honor to meet and join with members of the Georgia State Senate today in recognizing April as Genocide Awareness month,” stated Dr. Vahan Kassabian, Armenian Assembly Georgia State Chair, who was present at the capitol to witness the bill’s passage. “The resolution had bipartisan support and we will continue our efforts to broaden genocide recognition and human rights education in our school curriculum,” Kassabian said. The resolution goes on to reference the Holocaust of European Jews during World War II, as well as the genocides in Cambo-

dia, Bosnia, Iraq, Rwanda, Sudan, and the current brutality of the Islamic State (aka ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) in Syria and Iraq as outstanding examples. The bill recognizes the “contributions of the Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide” of which the Assembly is a member, as well as Am Yisrael Chai, Eternal-Life Hemshech of Holocaust Survivors, the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Atlanta, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Atlanta Regional Office, and AJC's ACCESS Atlanta. "The Assembly appreciates the work of the Georgia State Senate, particularly Senators Parent, Shafer, Unterman, McKoon, Orrock, and Jones, as well as our state chair Dr. Vahan Kassabian," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "These antigenocide activists in Georgia and across the U.S. are playing a major role in advancing human rights education and we look forward to the day when all 50 states incorporate the teaching of the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide in our schools," Ardouny said. !

Big Night For Trump, Democrats Split Even with a limited number of states in play, it was an exciting Tuesday night. On the Republican side, Donald Trump posted comfortable double-digit wins in Mississippi and Michigan, while Ted Cruz earned another victory in Idaho. The Democratic side saw one blowout (Hillary Clinton in Mississippi) and one narrow upset victory

(Bernie Sanders in Michigan).The big loser of the Tuesday night was Marco Rubio, projected to fall below delegate thresholds in Mississippi, Michigan and Idaho. Mr Trump, a businessman with no experience of elected office, leads the polls in Florida, from where he delivered his victory speech on Tuesday night.

Los Angeles City Council Approves DWP Rate Proposal: 'An Investment In The Future' LOS ANGELES - This week, the City Council voted to approve LADWP's proposal to modestly increase utility rates in order to invest in the future of LA's water and energy infrastructure. After months of community hearings, informational meetings and more than 80 presentations across Los Angeles, the DWP recommended a five-year rate-change plan for residential customers who will see, on average, a three percent annual increase to their monthly bills. The plan won support from the DWP Commission, the Ratepayer Advocate, Mayor Eric Garcetti and numerous business and stakeholder groups. The plan will put more than $1 billion toward replacing a badly aging water system and improve LA's power grid. The plan will also increase system reliability, create jobs, protect LA from drought, help the city

meet its clean energy goals, improve customer service and boost programs that save ratepayers' money on their bills. Valley residents received a dramatic wake up call on the need for infrastructure investment seven years ago when the intersection of Coldwater Canyon Avenue and Ventura Boulevard exploded. A 62-inch water main, which was one of the city's main sources of drinking water, blew up, flooding the intersection and destroying nearby homes and businesses. The water main behind the chaos was a 100-year-old pipeline originally laid in 1914 by William Mullholand, the father of LA's water supply infrastructure. Councilmember Krekorian, whose district was devastated by the event, expressed his support for the rate proposal. !

101st Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide At Montebello Armenian Martyrs Monument To Be Held On April 23 In this 101st year of the Armenian Genocide, plans are in place for the Armenian community of Southern California to gather on April 23, 2016, at 1:00 pm, at the Montebello Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument to remember and demand justice for the 1,500,000 martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. Traditionally, the memorial event in Montebello has taken place on April 24th, the day Armenians world-wide formally commemorate the horrific tragedy. This year, the event will take place on April 23rd, because the community-wide “Rally for Justice” event in front of the Turkish Consulate will be held on April 24th. The ceremony at the Montebello Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument will feature a full program which includes political messages and a religious service officiated by all religious denominations of the Armenian community and cultural presentations to honor the memory of those lost. The United Armenian Council of Los Angeles (UACLA) which is comprised of close to 50 Armenian religious, political, compatriotic, and other active community associations is the organizer of the commemorative event. The UACLA is also organizing other events dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. More details about these events will be presented to the general public through subsequent press releases of the UACLA and at the UACLA website www.uacla.com. The UACLA is also active throughout the year by organizing educational events about the Armenian Genocide. The Montebello Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument is located at Bicknell Park, 910 Via San Clemente, Montebello, CA, 90640. The UACLA invites all community members to attend the commemorative event at the Montebello Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument on April 23rd. The United Council also calls upon everyone to take part in great numbers in all 101st anniversary commemorative events.

United Armenian Council For The Commemoration Of The Armenian Genocide Los Angeles – March 2016

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan Dead At 94 NBC News, March 6, 2016. Nancy Reagan, one of the most high-profile and influential first ladies of the 20th century, has died. She was 94. The cause of death was congestive heart failure, according to her rep Joanne Drake, a spokeswoman with the Reagan Library. "Mrs. Reagan will be buried at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, next to her husband, Ronald Wilson Reagan, who died on June 5, 2004," Drake wrote in a statement. "Prior to the funeral service, there will be an opportunity for members of the public to pay their respects at the Library." "It is a very sad day," former Ronald Reagan Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein told NBC News. "Every time she was in the room, he was better, and every time he was in the room she was better. She brought a sense of class and dignity and elegance that everybody admired." Her step-son Michael Reagan posted on

Facebook: "She is once again with the man she loved. God Bless. "Reagan was also a Girl Scout and named honorary president of the Girl Scouts as first lady. The Girl Scouts of America said in a statement that Reagan would be remembered for her "courage, confidence and character."


Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 10, 2016

SARF’s “Save A Life” Telethon Has Been A Big Success Donations Summed Up To $1.2 Million On February 21, 2016, and as anticipated, SARF’s “Save a Life” Telethon took place in Los Angeles, at HORIZON Armenian TV Studios, and was broadcast by HORIZON TV, PanArmenian TV, USArmenia TV, and ARTN/SHANT TV Stations. In addition, the Telethon was also broadcast live streaming on the web. Throughout the duration of the “Save a Life” Telethon from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, all the Armenian Church denominations leaders, as well as the leaders and representatives of civic, political, cultural, educational, charity, compatriotic and professional organizations and tens of thousands of individuals and families expressed their support to their brethren in Syria and donated generously to aid them and alleviate their pain and suffering caused by the unparalleled brutalities of the war. For over six hours civic and religious leaders, elected officials, students, performing artists and TV hosts enriched the content and the program of the Telethon, encouraged the donor public and inspired hope to the victimized Armenians in Syria. At the end, SARF Executive members, Telethon Committee members along with over 120 volunteers’ team were anxiously awaiting for the final amount that would appear on the tote board. The unprecedented Telethon result was: $1,204,840 which, to everybody’s joy, was even a little beyond the initial dollar amount goal set by SARF. SARF expresses its warm thanks and deep gratitude to all collective and individual donors, and salutes their generosity and humanitarian stance. They were the real heroes who made this Telethon a huge success.

Metal Mining and Armenia by

Alen Amirkhanian, Director AUA Center for Responsible Mining (via video conferencing from Yerevan) Organized by AESA/Green Armenia and Armenia Tree Project Thursday, March 17, 2016, 7:30pm

Location Parsons.jpg 100 W. Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91124 Space is limited. Please RSVP by e-mail to Areg.gharabegian@parsons.com

The lecture is free and open to the public with validated parking

AMAA Child And Orphan Care Committee Luncheon And Children’s Fashion Show Saturday, March 12, 2016, Beverly Hills Hotel

The AMAA Child and Orphan Care Luncheon and Fashion Show is right around the corner! We are celebrating 25 years of Children helping Children and it is going to be an absolutely spectacular afternoon at the world renowned Beverly Hills Hotel! The show, featuring exclusive fashions from Bloomingdale's, is in its final stages of preparation. The models are excited and ready to walk the runway to our guests’ delight. The luncheon chairs, Christine Zenjiryan, Melody Petrossian and Christina Jabarian are working away feverishly, placing the finishing touches on the luncheon details. The silent auction committee, led by Nicole Nishanian, has procured some of the most beautiful items and adventurous experiences! We cannot wait for our guests to start the bidding…We are certain that the reception room will be buzzing anxiously with our guests racing to place the winning sticker on the bid sheets.. Good luck to all! And once again, we are so very excited and thankful for our exclusive gift bags donated by Jessica Vartoughian and many other vendors who have each graciously come forward with exclusive items for our guests. We cannot wait to see our attendees’ reactions at all the goodies on their individual chairs! And did we mention the very special

entertainment specifically prepared by our children with you in mind?? And … the nostalgic finale we have in our back pocket? Yes! It will be a fantastic event.. one not to miss. Remember, in 2015, your generous donations have helped to facilitate the sponsorship of 2,000 children, support 6 kindergartens in Armenia and Karabagh, summer and day camp experiences for 4,850 children and youth, provide Christmas programs at 42 locations, assisting needy families with relief packages and provide medical and dental care to over 6,000 children. This is in 2015 alone! Remarkable! Imagine if you multiply by 25 years --- the amount of support is phenomenal and it has all come from our guests, our supporters and our donors! The children are so very grateful for all that you have done for them, and continue to do. Let’s celebrate our 25th Anniversary together! Let’s blow out the candles in unison and continue to be part of an event that can change the lives of so many children far away by distance, but so very close in our hearts. For reservations or further information, please contact Arsine Phillips at (213) 5094337 or Lori Muncherian at (310) 936-4758. Ticket donations are $100.00. But please hurry…. Space is very limited!

Merdinian School To Dedicate The New Bezjian Family Building In 1982, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America jointly founded the Armenian Evangelical Schools of California, Inc. In 1986, a generous donation from Charlotte and Elise Merdinian sisters enabled the School to acquire its present campus in Sherman Oaks, CA and the School was renamed the Charlotte & Elise Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School. In 2012, Mr. Albert and Mrs. Terry Bezjian made a generous donation of one million dollars to the School for the purpose of replacing an old, one story building on campus with a new, two story building to meet the ongoing needs of the School. The new building will house the library, science lab, art room, five classrooms, and an office for the athletic coach and boys’ changing room. It is targeted for completion in May 2016. The dedication of the Bezjian Family Building will take place during the School’s 34th Anniversary Banquet scheduled to be

held on Sunday, May 15 on the School's premises. AMAA Board members and supporters of Merdinian School are urged to attend this gala event for an enjoyable evening, good food and fellowship.

Commemoration Of Armenian Genocide At Tufts To Feature Lecture By Marc Mamigonian Tufts University, the Darakjian-Jafarian Chair in Armenian History, the Department of History, the Armenian Club at Tufts University, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will sponsor the Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide at Tufts on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. The Tufts event will feature a lecture by Marc A. Mamigonian, Director of Academic Affairs at NAASR, entitled “Scholarship and the Armenian Genocide: The State of the Art and the State of Denial.” The evening will be hosted by Ina Baghdiantz McCabe, Professor of History and Darakjian-Jafarian Chair of Armenian History at Tufts University. The commemoration and lecture will take place in Goddard Chapel on Tufts’ Medford, MA, campus. A reception will follow in the Coolidge Room in nearby Ballou Hall. The past two decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in the quantity and quality of scholar-ship on the Armenian Genocide, with a significant number of important works of documentation and interpretation. The development of ever-increasingly compelling scholarly works has been paralleled by the evolution of traditional strategies of denial practiced since World War I and advanced during the Cold War era. While scholars have moved beyond simplistic questions of whether or not what occurred was a genocide, like tobacco industry lobbyists of the 1950s or today’s so-called global warming skeptics, apologists for the “Turkish position” labor to construct denialism as a legitimate intellectual position within a historical debate through the publication of ostensibly scholarly publica-tions and presentations. Such manufactured controversy is a time-tested and often effective method of means of generating academic credibility. This lecture will offer an overview of the current state of the art in Armenian Genocide scholar-ship as well briefly survey the development of Armenian Genocide denial and focus on more recent refinements and the penetration of denial into American academia, with an emphasis on the funda-mental challenges of denialism, debate, and the quest for intellectual integrity. Marc A. Mamigonian has served as NAASR’s Director of Academic Affairs since 2009, having from 1998 to 2008 acted as the organization’s Director of Programs and Publications. An alumnus of the University of New Hampshire (BA, 1990) and Tufts University (MA, 1992), Mamigonian is the editor of the book The Armenians of New England and the Journal of Armenian Studies, and is the co-author of annotated editions of James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses published by Alma Classics in the United Kingdom. His most recent publication, “Academic Denial of the Armenian Genocide in American Scholarship: Denialism as Manufactured Controversy,” appeared in the journal Genocide Studies International in 2015. More information about the lecture is available by calling 617-489-1610, e-mailing hq@naasr.org, or writing to NAASR, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02478; or by contacting Prof. McCabe at ina.mccabe@tufts.edu.

Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 10, 2016

Ararat-Eskijian Museum, And Armenian Rug Society Present Two Illustrative Lectures By Dr. Ronald Marchese University Of Minnesota Duluth Friday March 11th at 7:30 PM “Treasures of Faith: Reflections on Armenian Society and Culture” at Ararat-Eskijian Museum/Sheen Chapel 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, Calif 91345. By the beginning of the 20th century, Ottoman Armenians constituted a significant part of the population of Constantinople. The Armenians had developed a vibrant artistic tradition in music, art (painting and metal work), and in literature. The contributions of the Armenians shed light on their own concept of identity and place within the Ottoman Empire. Saturday March 12, 2016, 7:00 PM “Splendor and Pageantry: Textile Treasures from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul” at Lark Turpanjian Hall, 543 Arden Ave, Glendale CA 91203. In Splendor and Pageantry Dr. Marchese will represent the first-ever in-depth examination of the Armenian textiles housed in the treasury of the Armenian Patriarchate in Istanbul, Turkey. The collection features artifacts dating back some 300 years and includes embroidered liturgical vestments, altar curtains, copes and miters gathered from the churches that served the Armenian community. On Saturday March 12 select samples and traditional Armenian hand woven textiles and embroideries will be on exhibit. Admission is free and open to the public for additional information please contact ararat-eskijian-museum@netzero.net tell # (747)_500 7585 or Hratch Kozibeyokian (818) 799-1701.


Armenian Studies Program To Hold Two-Day International Conference “Empire, Politics, And War: The Armenian Genocide Within The Context Of The Ottoman Empire” The Armenian Studies Program is holding a major international conference on “Empire, Politics, and War: The Armenian Genocide within the Context of the Ottoman Empire” to be held on Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19, 2016. The Conference will bring an international group of scholars to explore new facets of the Armenian Genocide. The Conference is co-sponsored by the Society for Armenian Studies, the College of Arts & Humanities of California State University, Fresno, with the support of the Thomas A. Kouymjian Family Foundation, the Leon S. Peters Foundation, and the M. Victoria Kazan Fund for Armenian Studies. Conference organizers Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Armenian Studies Program Coordinator, and Ümit Kurt, Kazan Visiting Scholar at Fresno State, expect the Conference to attract great interest among both scholars and the public. On Friday, March 18, the Conference will begin at 7:30PM with welcoming addresses from Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval, Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities and Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program. Dr. Stephan Astourian, Director

of the Armenian Studies Program at the University of California, Berkeley, will follow with a keynote address “Armenian Genocide Studies: Development as a Field, Historiographical Appraisal, and the Road Ahead.” The Conference will take place on Friday, March 18, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. An hors d’oeuvres reception will take place from 6:30 to 7:30PM in the University Business Center Gallery, just prior to the Conference. Following the keynote address, three panelists will address various aspects of the Armenian Genocide: Varak Ketsamanian (University of Chicago-Center for Middle Eastern Studies) “The Hunchakian Party and the Assassination Attempts against Maksudzade Simon Efendi and

Khoren Ashekian”; Anna Aleksanyan (Clark University, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center) “From Adana to Bolis: Zabel Yesayan’s Letters to Tigran Yesayan in 1909”and Dr. Yektan Turkyilmaz (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin) “War and Genocide: Rethinking WWI and the Path to the Armenian Catastrophe.” The Conference will reconvene at 10:30AM on Saturday, March 19, with a session chaired by Dr. Sergio La Porta, Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies at Fresno State. The session will take place in the Whitten Room of the Fresno State Smittcamp Alumni House (Matoian Way on the Fresno State campus-enter at Shaw and Maple) and will be divided into two parts. Part I will feature presentations by Ya!ar Tolga Cora (University of Chicago) “An Armenian Officer in the Ot-

toman Army during the Genocide: Memoirs of Kalusd Surmenian” and Dr. Khatchig Mouradian (Clark University) “Concentration Camps during the Armenian Genocide: Power, Collaboration, and Resistance.” Following a coffee break the Conference will conclude with two more papers by Ümit Kurt (Clark University) “Survival Struggles of Aintab Deportees in Salamiyya: Testimonial Accounts of Genocide Survivors Krikor Bogharian and Der Nerses Tavukjian” and Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian (Armenian Studies Program, California State University, Fresno) “A Survivor’s Memoir: Siranoosh My Child.” All sessions and the reception are free and open to the public. On Friday, March 18, free parking is available in Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center and on Saturday, March 19, free parking is available in Lots P1 and P2 near the Smittcamp Alumni House (enter at Maple and Shaw and enter the first parking area to the right). For more information about the Conference please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

104 - Fehim Ta!tekin By Hambersom Aghbashian Fehim Ta!tekin ( born in 1972 in Oltu , district of Erzurum Province , Turkey) is a Turkish journalist. After graduating from Istanbul University- Faculty of Political Sciences, he joined the master's program in international relations branch of the Institute of Islamic Countries at Marmara University but didn't not finish it. He is a columnist at the Turkish newspaper Radikal, based in Istanbul, and the host of a weekly program called "SINIRSIZ" on IMC TV. He is an analyst specializing in Turkish foreign policy, and Caucasus, Middle East and EU affairs. He participates in Hurriyet international analysis site as senior correspondent, and contributes to Al-Monitor's Turkey Pulse as a columnist. He is the author of “Suriye: Yıkıl Git, Diren Kal” and was the founding editor of Agency Caucasus. In an article posted on April 22, 2014, Fehim Ta!tekin wrote "Turkey wants to reconcile with the Armenians without taking any real step to appease them, marking the 99th anniversary of 1915 as that of the 'Armenian atrocities', signaling its denial policy is growing even tougher ahead of the centenary of the massacres." He added "It took ages for a small group of Turkish intellectuals and politicians to utter the words 'Armenian genocide' in a country where the 1915 chapter of history books was headed the 'Armenians’ atrocities.' A

newly published book '1965: 50 years before 2015, 50 years after 1915' by Aris Nalci and Serdar Korucu , provides a striking account of Turkey’s attitude on the 'genocide' throughout the years. (1) On April 14, 2015, and under the title "AKP's stance on Armenians worries Christians", Fe.him Ta!tekin wrote in Al MONITOR: " Early in its rule, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government raised expectations that Turkey was willing to face its past. But now, as the 100th anniversary of Armenian genocide approaches, the government, let alone facing up to the past, has indulged in a frenzy of casting shadows on the genocide observances and moved Turkey’s traditional Gallipoli celebrations, normally held March 18, to April 22-24." Then quoting Turkish journalist Serdar Korucu he mentioned that "Armenians, because of their painful past, are fluttering like pigeons. History has taught Armenians that on this soil steps forward may easily be followed by steps backward. At the beginning of the 20th century, Armenians were the most ardent supporters of the revolutionary Committee of Union and Progress [CUP]. They paid for it with the Adana massacre of 1909 engineered by partisans of the sultan. Six years later Armenians became the targets of the CUP genocide. Armenians lived through

similar steps backward in the 2000s also. Although there have been some positive steps in restoring properties of religious foundations, there are many issues that shake Armenian confidence, such as the claims that the forces that attacked Kassab were supported by Ankara, the targeting of the ancient church of Deir ez-Zor by the [Islamic State] said to be supported by Turkey and changing the date of the Gallipoli observances to overshadow the Armenian genocide anniversary.” (2) Under the head line "The revival of Turkey’s 'lynching' culture", Fehim Ta!tekin wrote on September 22, 2015: "Turkey’s past century has seen a series of pogroms and mob violence in which the state apparatus directly took part, acted as an instigator or conductor, or simply looked the other way. The 1915 Armenian genocide, the 1914-15 massacres that wiped Syriacs off this geographic area, the 1937-38 massacres of 13,000 Alevi Zazas in Dersim and the deportation of 12,000 others could be seen as planned actions of the state. But the 1934 pogroms in Thrace, which prompted the exodus of up to 15,000 Jews; the Sept. 6-7, 1955, Istanbul pogroms, which saw Greek, Jewish and Armenian properties ransacked; the 1978-80 massacres of Alevis in Maras, Sivas and Corum; and the 1993 torching of a hotel in Sivas in which 37

Alevi intellectuals perished are engraved in memory as the terrible deeds of frenzied mobs." (3)

1.http://www.shoah.org.uk/2014/12/ 27/turkeys-armenian-syndrome/ 2 . h t t p : / / w w w. a l - m o n i t o r. c o m / pulse/en/originals/2015/04/turkey-armenia-film-of-anguish-rewinds-to-beginning.html 3 . h t t p : / / w w w. a l - m o n i t o r. c o m / pulse/originals/2015/09/turkey-revivalof-lynching-culture-against-kurds.html

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10 Thursday« March 10, 2016 It's Time To Kick Erdogan's Turkey Out Of NATO By Stanley Weiss Founding Chairman, Business Executives for National Security It has always been a matter of historical curiosity that one of the American diplomats who was deeply involved in the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was named Achilles. As the head of the State Department's Office of Western European Affairs after World War II and the eventual U.S. Vice Deputy of the North Atlantic Council, Theodore Achilles played a lead role in drafting the treaty that was designed to deter an expansionist Soviet Union from engaging in an armed attack on Western Europe. With 11 European nations joining the U.S. as founding members in 1949, the alliance quickly grew to include two other countries - Greece and Turkey - by 1952 and today encompasses 28 members. It's a reflection of how difficult it was to imagine that any member of the organization would betray the rest of the alliance that to this day, NATO has no formal mechanism to remove a member in bad standing or to even define what would constitute "bad standing." Yet, nearly three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO members still make the same solemn vow to one another, known as Article 5, that they made in 1949: that an attack against any member state will be considered an attack against all member states, and will draw an immediate and mutual response. For nearly seven decades, this combination of factors has been the potential Achilles heel of NATO: that one day, its members would be called to defend the actions of a rogue member who no longer shares the values of the alliance but whose behavior puts its "allies" in danger while creating a nightmare scenario for the global order. After 67 years, that day has arrived: Turkey, which for half a century was a stalwart ally in the Middle East while proving that a Muslim-majority nation could be both secular and democratic, has moved so far away from its NATO allies that it is widely acknowledged to be defiantly supporting the Islamic State in Syria in its war against the West. Since Islamist strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to power in 2003, Turkey has taken a harshly authoritarian turn, embracing Islamic terrorists of every stripe while picking fights it can't finish across the region - including an escalating war with 25 million ISIS-battling Kurds and a cold war turning hot with Russia, whose plane it rashly shot down in November. With those fights coming home to roost - as bombs explode in its cities and with enemies at its borders - Turkish leaders are now demanding unconditional NATO support, with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declaring on Saturday that he expects "our U.S. ally to support Turkey with no ifs or buts." But it's too little, too late. NATO shouldn't come to Turkey's defense - instead, it should begin proceedings immediately to determine if the lengthy and growing list of Turkish transgressions against the West, including its support for Islamic terrorists, have merit. And if they do - and they most certainly do - the Alliance's supreme decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council, should formally oust Turkey from NATO for good before its belligerence and continual aggression drags the international community into World War III. This is an action that is long overdue. As I argued five years ago, "Erdogan, who is Islamist to the core, who once famously declared that "the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the faithful our soldiers"-

-seems to see himself as the Islamic leader of a post-Arab-Spring Muslim world." He has spent the past 13 years dismantling every part of Turkish society that made it secular and democratic, remodeling the country, as Caroline Glick of the Center for Security Policy once wrote, "into a hybrid of Putinist autocracy and Iranian theocracy." Last fall, he even went so far as to praise the executive powers once granted to Adolph Hitler.

Under Erdogan's leadership, our NATO ally has arrested more journalists than China, jailed thousands of students for the crime of free speech, and replaced secular schools with Islamic-focused madrassas. He has publicly flaunted his support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood while accusing long-time ally Israel of "crimes against humanity," violated an arms ban to Gaza, bought an air defense system (and nearly missiles) from the Chinese in defiance of NATO, and denied America the use of its own air base to conduct strikes during the Iraqi War and later against Islamic terrorists in Syria. As Western allies fought to help repel Islamic State fighters in the town of Kobani in Western Syria two years ago, Turkish tanks sat quietly just across the border. In fact, there is strong evidence (compiled by Columbia University) that Turkey has been "tacitly fueling the ISIS war machine." There is evidence to show that Turkey, as Near East Outlook recently put it, allowed "jihadists from around the world to swarm into Syria by crossing through Turkey's territory;" that Turkey, as journalist Ted Galen Carpenter writes, "has allowed ISIS to ship oil from northern Syria into Turkey for sale on the global market;" that Erdogan's own son has collaborated with ISIS to sell that oil, which is "the lifeblood of the death-dealing Islamic State"; and that supply trucks have been allowed to pass freely across Turkey in route to ISIS fighters. There is also "evidence of more direct assistance," as Forbes puts it, "providing equipment, passports, training, medical care, and perhaps more to Islamic radicals;" and that Erdogan's government, according to a former U.S. Ambassador, worked directly with the al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusrah Front. While Ankara pretends to take military action against ISIS, with its obsessive view of the Kurds, it has engaged in a relentless series of artillery strikes against the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) that are routing ISIS troops in northern Syria. The Kurds are the largest ethnic group on earth without a homeland - 25 million Sunni Muslims who live at the combined corners where Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey meet. Turkey has waged a bloody, three-decade civil war against its 14 million Kurds - known as the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK - claiming more than 40,000 lives. The most recent peace process failed when Turkey again targeted the PKK,

plunging the southeast of the country back into war while increasingly worrying Erdogan that Syrian and Turkish Kurds will join forces just across Turkey's border. The Kurds, like the Turks, are sometimes seen through the lens of who they used to be, and not who they are now. In 1997, Turkey convinced the U.S. to put the PKK on its list of terrorist organizations, and Erdogan claims Syria's Kurds are guilty by association. But in fact, the YPG has worked so closely with the U.S. against Islamic terrorists that the Washington Post recently referred to its members as "U.S. proxy forces." The Kurds - whether in Syria, Iraq, or Turkey - are, by all accounts, the fiercest and most courageous fighters on the ground in the war against the Islamic State in both Iraq and Syria. What's more, the group represents a powerful alternative to the apocalyptic vision of Islamic jihadists, embodying what has been described as "a level of gender equality, a respect for secularism and minorities, and a modern, moderate, and ecumenical conception of Islam that are, to say the least, rare in the region." The Turkish government has tried to lay blame for recent bombings in Ankara at the feet of the YPG in an attempt to sway the U.S. to oppose the Kurds. An exasperated Erdogan railed about the loyalties of

the West, accused the U.S. of creating a "sea of blood" in the region by supporting the Kurds, and issued an ultimatum: he demanded that the time had come for America to choose between Turkey and the Kurds. I couldn't agree more: the time has come for the U.S. to choose the Kurds over Erdogan's Turkey. Critics argue that the Kurds are unwilling to take the fight to ISIS beyond their borders, but this actually presents the U.S. with an opportunity. In exchange for fighting ISIS throughout the region, an international coalition can offer the Kurds their own state. A Kurdish state would become a critical regional ally for the US and play an invaluable role in filling the power vacuum that has emerged in the Middle East. With the help of the U.S., a Kurdish state could also help to accommodate Syrian refugees that have overwhelmed immigration systems in Turkey and Europe. In the long term, it would serve as a valuable regional partner to stabilize the region, and it would set a strong example of successful democracy. In other words, Kurdistan could play the role that Turkey used to play. It's been said that the difference between being Achilles and almost being Achilles is the difference between living and dying. NATO can do without an Achilles heel: It's time to kick Turkey out for good. Stanley Weiss, a global mining executive and founder of Washington-based Business Executives for National Security, has been widely published on domestic and international issues for three decades. “Huffington Post”, February 23, 2016 !

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Special Spe cial ttribute ribute ttoo all all our supporters! su pporters!

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