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Nor Or March 24, 2016, No. 12 _N.O. Blank 3/23/16 4:12 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 12, Thursday, March 24, 2016

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Nor Or March 24, 2016, No. 12 _N.O. Blank 3/23/16 4:12 PM Page 6


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NOR OR ENG. March 24_Layout 1 3/23/16 7:04 AM Page 1

Thursday, March 24, 2016 Vol. 94, # 12


$3.2 Million Raised In Support Of The AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund For Syrian Armenians

Obama: Time To Bury ‘Last Remnants Of Cold War In Americas' President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged Cubans to look to the future with hope, casting his historic visit to the communist nation as a moment to “bury the last remnants of the Cold War in the Americas.” “Havana is only 90 miles from Florida, but to get here we had to travel a great distance, Obama said during his address at Havana’s Grand Theater. Despite the enthusiasm in both the U.S. and Cuba about the new relationship between the former foes, Obama acknowledged the deep differences that persist, including on human rights and democracy. With Cuban President looking on from a balcony, he called for citizens to be able to “speak their minds without fear” and pick their leaders in free and fair elections.

The president was cheered enthusiastically when he reiterated his call for the U.S. Congress to lift the economic embargo on Cuba, calling it an “outdated burden on the Cuban people”. The embargo is loathed on the island. During a joint appearance with Obama on Monday, Castro called it “the most important obstacle” to Cuba’s economic growth. Obama’s last day in Cuba was shadowed by the horrific attacks in Brussels, where scores of people were killed in explosions at the airport and a metro station. The president opened his remarks by vowing to do “whatever is necessary” to support Belgium. - President Obama and the first family arrived in Argentina early Wednesday for a two-day historic visit.

Brussels: Suspect In Terror Attack Still On The Run After twin attacks in the Belgian capital killed at least 34 people on Tuesday, investigators are scrambling to gather details of the plot. Here’s what we know. At 9am: killing 14 people and injuring more than 100. According to local governor, Lodewijk De Witte, “three bombs were brought inside” the airport, but one “did not go off”. The third bomb was found and neutralized. The airport cancelled all flights through Wednesday. 9am: A second attack struck the metro station in Maelbeek, home to the European Union, the European Commission and the NATO headquarters. Some 20 people were killed and more than 100 injured and only began to partially normalize in the late afternoon. Shortly after the attacks the Belgian police launched a manhunt, appealing for information regarding a man pictured on CCTV footage with two other men believed to be the assailants. The trio are seen pushing trolleys loaded with bags, and importantly, two of the men are wearing one glove each, leading the authorities to be-

lieve they were obscuring detonators. Belgium’s federal prosecutor, Frédéric Van Leeuw, announced that the two gloved men “probably committed a suicide attack” and had most likely been killed in the attacks. The bombs were thought to be hidden in their suitcases. The third man, wearing a jacket, light-colored shirt, glasses and a black hat, was “actively being sought,” Van Leeuw said. Police were going “door-to-door in various places across the country,” searching for suspects or others believed to be planning attacks, Van Leeuw said. The interior minister said 600 additional police were deployed. The Islamic State (IS) group claimed responsibility for the terror attacks, which are the bloodiest Brussels has ever seen. The FBI and New York police said Tuesday they are sending detectives to investigate the attacks because US citizens are among the casualties. Several Americans were injured, including a Mormon missionary. !

Rep. Schiff Condemns Genocide In Syria and Iraq Schiff: “We Must Speak the Truth About all Genocide” Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “The official determination by Secretary Kerry that ISIS’s actions against religious and ethnic minorities in Syria and Iraq qualify as a genocide is an important recognition of the true character of ISIS's acts of mass horror. The terrorist organization's genocidal ambitions are all to evident in their campaign of murder, rape, and forced conversions -- actions which have cost the lives of tens of thousands of Yezidis, Christians, and Muslims, and forced many more

to flee their homes. We have a moral obligation, as well as a legal one under the Genocide Convention, to work with our international partners to put an end to their genocidal campaign and to see that the perpetrators face the justice they deserve. “I am also reminded once again that our commitment to stand against genocide is hollow if it does not extend to a willingness to speak the truth about all genocides, and I hope that this is the year the President acknowledges the 1915-1923 Genocide against the Armenians – some of the very survivors of which are again imperiled by genocide.” !

The past six months have brought an unprecedented wave of support for Syrian Armenians on the part of the global AGBU community. Since 2012, AGBU has raised $3.2 million in support of the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians living both in Syria and restarting their lives abroad. Donations have helped distribute food and aid; provide medical services and equipment; offer educational and children’s programs; and deliver displacement support. Thanks to the generosity of AGBU members and friends, emergency aid has been provided to more than 3,000 families in Syria, including food packages of cereal, cooking oil, dry meat, eggs, milk and baby formula; close to 400 patients have been treated and more than 50 major medical procedures performed for wounded Armenians; tuition reimbursement scholarships have been given to close to 400 Syrian Armenian students studying in Armenia and full scholarships offered to Syrian Armenian students studying at AGBU schools in Lebanon and Montreal. Cont. on page 10

White House Hopefuls Trump And Clinton 'Win Arizona Primaries' Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton won their parties’ respective primaries in Arizona state, US networks projected Tuesday, bringing the two frontrunners closer to facing off against each other in the battle for the White House. Fox and NBC projected Trump and Clinton the winners in the southwestern state, which will award all of its 58 Republican delegates to Trump, and the majority of its 75 Democratic delegates to Clinton. Arizona, one of three western states to

hold contests Tuesday, is a winner-take-all state for the GOP, while the Democratic Party awards delegates proportionally. - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz picked up a win in Utah, nearly countering Trump’s gains, and also won the endorsement of a former rival, ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, bolstering his bid to be the party’s chief alternative to Trump. Trump now has 739 delegates, compared to Cruz’s 465. Kasich is a distant third, with just 143 delegates. A candidate needs 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination.

Sarkozy: ‘No Place for Turkey In EU, Russia More European’ The prospect of Turkey joining the European Union makes no sense, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview with iTele TV channel. “Turkey is in Asia Minor. It’s a great country, a great civilization, but it is also a bridge between Asia and Europe. There is no place for it, this is something I have always said and it makes a lot of sense. Don’t get me wrong: I have nothing against Turks, we need them, they are our NATO allies,” Nicolas Sarkozy said. He added, however, that “when we start explaining to our schoolchildren that Turkey is Europe, then we’ll have to add

that European borders run across Syria. This just makes no sense.”The EU is a union of European states. Even geographically Turkey is only partly in Europe, Sarkozy pointed out. “I don’t think that historically, culturally and economically Turkey can be considered a 100-percent European country,” he added. He also said that anyone who says that Turkey is a European country wants the end of the EU. “Speaking of Turkey joining the European Union, let me tell you that Russia is way more European than Turkey,” Nicolas Sarkozy noted.

Zoryan Institute Hosts Powerful Conference On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples The International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) held a conference in partnership with The McGill University Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism on March 8-9. This conference was titled, "From Truth to Reconciliation: Towards a Just Future for the Indigenous Peoples of Canada" examined the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation

Commission and the possible ways to implement its findings. The Institute is happy to announce that we have had many media outlets that have covered this conference, including a radio interview with Northern Native Broadcasting featuring Greg Sarkissian. Attached below are links to access a selection of these articles online. !

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Only Armenian/Assyrian in Congress applauds House Genocide resolution By Barbara Hollingsworth Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), the only Member of Congress of Assyrian and Armenian descent, applauded the unanimous approval of a resolution declaring that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is committing genocide against Christians, Yezidis and other religious minorities, calling its passage “a seminal moment” for the House of Representatives. “The U.S. House of Representatives sent a message around the world by declaring the atrocities being committed against ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and Syria is an act of genocide. "This is a seminal moment for the House to have taken up the resolution and passed it unanimously,” Eshoo, a founding member and co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East, said in a statement to CNSNews.com. “The passage of this resolution is deeply meaningful to me as the only Member of Congress of Assyrian and Armenian descent. This genocide is a repeat of what my family endured. My grandparents were being persecuted and hunted down in the Middle East because they were Christians. “I pray for the day that there will be peace in the region so that these ancient faith communities will be safe in their ancestral homeland. The stability and the cultural identity of the Middle East depend on this,” Eshoo said. The State Department is required by law to present a report to Congress on Thursday that determines whether the ongoing atrocities committed by ISIS meet the legal definition of genocide as defined by the U.N. Convention on Genocide, which the United States and other countries signed in 1948. In a video released on April 23, 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Rep. Eshoo said that her own family members were victims of a “systematic and deliberate annihilation” of Christians in the Middle East. “One hundred years ago, the world bore witness to the systematic and deliberate annihilation of one and a half million Armenians and other minorities by the Ottoman Empire. Men, women and children were killed, shot, beaten, tortured, starved, raped and death-marched, amongst them members of my own family,” Eshoo said. “Why? Because they were Armenians and they were Christians.”

Gov. Michael Dukakis endorses A. Kassakhian for Assembly Ardy Kassakhian today announced that former Democratic Presidential nominee Michael Dukakis has endorsed his campaign for Assembly District 43. Holding the distinction as the longest-serving Governor in Massachusetts history, Dukakis currently serves as a visiting professor in the Department of Public Policy at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. “Ardy Kassakhian takes his job seriously and has done it well. He knows how to bring people together and build consensus around important issues. He is intelligent, thoughtful and strongly committed to public service, and I expect that he will be a great member of the California State Assembly,” stated Gov. Dukakis.

INNOVATE ARMENIA – Where Heritage Meets Innovation INNOVATE ARMENIA – where Heritage meets Innovation – will be held on the USC main campus, on Saturday, April 2, from 10 am to 6 pm. INNOVATE ARMENIA is a signature program of the University of Southern California Institute of Armenian Studies. “INNOVATE ARMENIA is a great convener – it brings together those who know and those who care, to drive a new kind of conversation about the Armenian world,” explained Salpi Ghazarian, director of the Institute of Armenian Studies. The INNOVATE ARMENIA focus this year is two-fold: IDENTITY and DIGITAL HUMANITIES. The theme of 21st century identity will be covered with fast-paced talks by nearly two dozen scholars and practitioners who will discuss global hybrid identities, post-genocide identity issues for Armenians and Turks, and the Armenian identity past and future. These will take place in the USC Bovard Auditorium beginning at 10.30 am. Outdoors, adjacent to the music stage, there will be 20 individuals or organizations from around the world who have taken the arts, literature and culture into the digital sphere, displaying their work. “We are calling them Digital Humanists.

These are individuals who use technology to promote and share Armenian language, literature, art, cultural heritage digitally via various new and innovative platforms,” Ghazarian said. They will each present their work and interact with the public all day. In addition, each will present a short TED-style talk in USC’s Taper Auditorium, throughout the day, to discuss their vision and the platforms they have created for public use. “Armenians, more than other cultures or nations, recognize the impact of cultural destruction because they lost their libraries and their schools in 1915, and were scattered everywhere. Digitization is a miraculous way to get this culture back and to make it accessible to anyone, anywhere,” said Mikael Nichanian, a historian at France’s National Library, the Bibliotheque Nationale. Nichanian, who recently published Detruire les Armeniens, Histoire d’un Genocide, was among the first to embark on digitization of Armenian texts at

haybook.wordpress.com. “We believe the Institute has a huge role to play in making scholarship available and accessible so that educators, leaders, policymakers – in the communities or in the Republic of Armenia – benefit from the research and analysis of the academic community,” Ghazarian said. “In 2015, INNOVATE ARMENIA was launched featuring innovative organizations from Armenia. And that large-scale introduction of diaspora to Armenia had impact on both. We expect the same will happen this year with the Digital Humanists and the technology and humanities experts in the community.” The nearly 2,000 people who attended INNOVATE ARMENIA in 2015 also enjoyed a full day’s concert on the outdoor music stage. This year, too, several new artists, rarely heard in the US, will perform throughout the day from 10 am to 6 pm. And alongside these stages, a unique photo exhibition entitled SUM OF US, will feature photographers from Yerevan, New York, and Los Angeles, each of whom has captured a slice of Armenian identity. Admission is free and parking is easily available on campus. Innovative fusion food will be part of the all-day event.

reading all kinds of In Meg Ryan’s dithings, and I got to rectorial debut, she dithis book, and it’s rected and starred in a about so many film called Ithaca, things…there was so based on Armenian By Danielle Saroyan, Armenian Agenda Associate Editor many great ideas inAmerican William side of it,” she said in Saroyan’s novel titled an interview with Deadline. The Human Comedy. This year at the The film Ithaca was initially reSonoma International Film Festival leased on October 23, 2015, starring (SIFF) in Northern California, Meg Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Sam Shepard, Ryan will be honored with a Sonoma and Jack Quaid. The Human Comedy Salute Award at a tribute event on had previously been made into a film Thursday, March 31. The event will in 1943 with actor Mickey Rooney. That begin with a screening of Ithaca at 3:30 year, Saroyan won the Academy Award PM. for Best Story for this film. Based on Pulitzer Prize-winning Ithaca will be featured at SIFF, author William Saroyan’s 1943 novel, which kicks off on March 30 and runs Ithaca centers around the fictional through April 4. In the 19th year of town of Ithaca, California during SIFF, nearly 200 filmmakers from World War II. It is a story about 14around the world are expected to atyear-old Homer Macauley, who is desiblings and his mother. tend. The film festival will feature more termined to be the best and fastest bicycle Ryan was inspired to film this movie than 90 hand-selected films including intelegraph messenger anyone has ever seen. when she read The Human Comedy while dependent features, documentaries, world His older brother has gone to war, leaving going through her divorce with Dennis cinema, and short films. The Festival is Homer to look after his widowed mother, Quaid, when her son Jack – who is also cast dedicated to promoting independent film, his older sister, and his 4-year-old brother. in the movie – was 8. “I kept thinking, supporting filmmakers around the world The Human Comedy is based on Saroyan’s ‘How do you become a man? I mean is he and inspiring film lovers. personal life, growing up in Fresno with his going to be all right?’ And I remember

Meg Ryan’s Film Based On William Saroyan Novel Featured at Festival

HMADS Gala Dinner Dance: The Tradition Of Celebration Continues… When Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) first opened its welcoming doors to the Armenian community as “Hye Bardez” in 1967, little did its founders realize the impact it would have on generations to follow. For nearly 50 years, HMADS has upheld a tradition of excellence in elementary education while inspiring a love and appreciation for Armenian heritage, language and culture. Surpassing the mandated New York State education standards, HMADS cultivates in its students a love of learning, a thirst for knowledge, a spirit of unity, and strength of character. Several years post-graduation, many of the alumni maintain a strong desire and responsibility to give back to the school, either monetarily or through service.

They distinguish themselves with academic and professional honors, and as active and respected members of the Armenian community. It brings the school community great pride and joy to witness the return of many older alumni to HMADS as parents and members of the PTO, School Board, and Friends fundraising committee. This ensures the school’s legacy will carry on for years to come. The preservation of HMADS and its mission is the main goal of a dedicated group of supporters known as “Friends of HMADS”. The Friends committee has coordinated and promoted fundraising activities since 1994, with extraordinary support from the greater Armenian community. Time and time again, this un-

wavering generosity has amazed us, allowing HMADS to maintain its high academic standards, while keeping the tuition affordable for families. Chaired by school board treasurer Hovannes Malikyan, the Friends committee meets frequently to plan social and cultural programs and events, including the most anticipated one of the year: the annual Gala Dinner Dance. This year’s Gala will be held on Saturday, May 21st at the elegant North Hills Country Club located in Manhasset, NY. This most significant fundraiser for the school is a truly elegant affair bringing together a vast group of HMADS supporters and friends. The evening’s festivities will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a lavish cocktail hour, fol-

lowed by a sumptuous multicourse dinner served at 9 p.m. Talented international singer Harout Bedrossian and his band from Toronto will provide the evening’s entertainment. Please join us for an evening that is sure to be memorable. Your contribution to the commemorative booklet, as well as your $130 admission donation, will greatly assist HMADS in continuing its mission of educating the next generation of Armenian-Americans. For further information on the Gala Dinner Dance and how you can be part of this organization, please call the school office at (718) 225- 4826, Nayda Voskerijian at (516) 603-2809, Siran Saroyan at (718) 224-0121, or Siragan Varolian at (718) 631-7131.

ARPI ARUKIAN Class of 1992

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Anthony Slide To Present Oldest Genocide Film, Ravished Armenia Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of RAVISHED ARMENIA, with a special lecture by film historian, ANTHONY SLIDE and book signing reception on FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. Reception to follow. In 1918, Oscar Apfel directed the silent film Ravished Armenia for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which became the first genocide film ever made. Ravished Armenia is based on the autobiographical book by Arshaluys (Aurora) Mardiganian, who also plays the lead role in the film. The film depicts the 1915 Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire from the point of view of Armenian survivor Mardiganian. Only 24 minutes of the original 90 minute film currently exists. The rest has been lost. ANTHONY SLIDE has authored more than seventy books on the history of popu-

lar entertainment and is noted for his pioneering and groundbreaking efforts to document lesserknown areas of film history. THE ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY is a monthly event that meets on the first Friday of each month at Abril Bookstore. Lead by Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, the evenings will be composed predominantly of film screenings and discussions, with occasional lectures, workshops, classes, and other types of activities relating to film with an element of Armenian culture and/or involvement. The purpose of the film society is to bring together people of all backgrounds and expose them to the rich cinema of Armenia, as well as talented filmmakers with an Armenian background. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abrilbooks.com / Armen Karaoghlanian, armenkaraoghlanian@yahoo.com

Lucine Kasbarian: Author, Writer, Illustrator... As a teen, Lucine submitted a cartoon she drew to the New Jersey newspaper, The Bergen Record, as a social commentary. After high school, Lucine was accepted into New York University and lived in Greenwich Village. In college, Lucine served as president of the NYU Armenian Club, and, as a graduation gift from her parents, worked in Kessab, Syria, with the Land & Culture Organization (LCO) to rebuild Armenian monuments. After college, Lucine worked for book publishers, promoting books and publicizing authors, and as a writer and editor for a number of magazines in New York City. During summers, Lucine led LCO vol-

unteer groups to renovate monuments in Armenia. After several trips there and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lucine wrote her first book, Armenia: A Rugged Land, an Enduring People (Dillon Press/Simon & Schuster.) Since then, Lucine has devoted her time to promoting books, writing, making art, and caring for her family. Publishing her new book, The Greedy Sparrow: An Armenian Tale (Marshall Cavendish), allowed her to honor her ancestors by retelling a fable that had been passed down in her family for generations. Lucine and her husband, fellow Armenian-American writer, David B. Boyajian, live and work in Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

106 - Lale Mansur By Hambersom Aghbashian Lale Mansur (born 1956 in Istanbul- Turkey) is a Turkish famous actress . Her brother is the well know musician and singe Sanar Yurdatapan, and her husband is the well known musician Cem Mansur. Lale Mansur started her artistic career life at Istanbul State Opera, where she served for many years as a prima ballerina. In 1992 she acted in a documentary film for BBC, then she acted in 'Travelers Dream ' which was directed by Atif Yilmaz. Lale Mansour acted in many other films including ' Conversely World ', 1993, 'American' in 1995,' Cemil 'in 1997, etc.. She was awarded "Best Actress award" in the 15th Ankara International Film Festival, for her film "Encounters" , and in the 29th Antalya Film Festival , for her film "Travelers Dream" 1992, also in the 7th Sadri familiar Awards , for her "She Loves Me" 2002. Lale Mansur played more than 30 films and series.

Lale Mansour is one of the Turkish intellectuals who, in December 2008, signed an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The following is the brief text of the apology: “ My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them.The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well.(1) On 24April 2010, and under the title "Victims of the Armenian Genocide to be commemorated in Istanbul square, " www.panorama.am wrote: "According to CNN Turk, April 24, Commemoration Day of innocent

victims of the Armenian Genocide, will be marked in Taksim square of Istanbul, Turkey. Intellectuals are expected to get together to condemn the 1915 tragedy. According to the source, over 60 political figures, scientists, writers, artists are due to participate in the event. The initiation is held under “This is Our Pain. This is a Mourning for All of Us” slogan. According to the source, Turkish intellectuals Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoglu, Baskin Oran, Ipek Calislar, Lale Mansur and others have signed the address to inform about the event. (2) Under the title "Sisters and brothers in Humanity, we will commemorate, together and in Turkey, the Armenian genocide," EUJS ( European Union of Jewish Students), has released an announcement on 22.4.2013. The following are some abstracts, " It has been 98 years since, following a premeditated plan with a me-

thodic implementation, one million and a half Armenians were massacred in the Ottoman Empire. Today in Turkey, the mere enunciation of this historical fact still provokes ferocious opposition, sometimes even physical threats, and genocide denial serves as an encouragement to racism and hate against Armenians and other minorities. Some want to make believe that acknowledging the reality of the Armenian Genocide is an attack on all Turkish people and on “Turkishness”, whereas it is an attack on genocide denial and a step towards justice and democracy." The announcement continues giving more details and at the end it says "In solidarity, for justice and democracy, for the respect of the victims and their descendents, we will commemorate together the Armenian Genocide this April 24th, in Turkey, or support these who will do so." The Press release was signed by a long

list of intellectuals from different countries including Turkey. Lale Mansur was one of the signees. (3)

1.http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28 240840/ns/world_newseurope/t/turks-apologize-armenianmassacres/#.VuTvxeZ-NnQ 2.http://www.panorama.am/en/ne ws/2010/04/24/stambul-genocide/1118298 3-www.eujs.org/news/press-releases/commemoration-armenian

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10 Thursday« March 24, 2016 AGBU Community Worldwide Comes Together For Syrian Relief $3.2 Million Raised In Support Of The AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund For Syrian Armenians Cont. from page 7 At the heart of the AGBU relief efforts is the #ICareICan campaign, which has encouraged the idea that even the smallest initiative can make a big difference. “These types of grassroots campaigns are not only essential to raising funds, but also to helping raise awareness of AGBU’s relief efforts in support of the tens of thousands of Armenians impacted by the devastation in Syria. We’re so grateful to see that the #ICareICan campaign has galvanized people of all ages and sparked countless acts of kindness and generosity,” said Karen Papazian, Director of Development and Outreach at the AGBU Central Office. The #ICareICan campaign, begun on AGBU’s social media platforms, has galvanized AGBU members and chapters worldwide to do their part in contributing to the fund in their own ways. All participants in the campaign are asked to take a picture holding a sign that reads #ICareICan and post it on their personal Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram pages with a message explaining what they have done for the cause. Pledges have ranged from donating money normally spent on coffee to organizing a community fundraising event. The spirit of giving embodied in the #ICareICan campaign led AGBU chapters to hold fundraising events that bring the community together in support of the cause. One example is AGBU Sofia’s November 28th charity ball at the Sheraton Sofia Balkan Hotel. The event, all the proceeds of which went to the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians, was attended by many notable guests, including Vice Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Hristo Angelichin; Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Bulgaria Arsen Shoyan; Ambassador of Syria to Bulgaria Nadra Sayaf; and many AGBU Sofia supporters. The evening raised money by auctioning the paintings of Bulgarian Armenian artists, including those of the late Edmond Demirdjian, Onnik Karanfilian, Luisa Medzikian and Arshak Nersisyan, and selling the jewelry of Jacklin Hugasyan. AGBU schools have also taken the #ICareICan message to heart. In the fall of 2015, the AGBU Alex Manoogian School’s program to welcome Syrian Armenian refugees received unprecedented coverage in Canadian and international media. The school is one of the few in Quebec to have a hands-on program to integrate Syrian Armenian refugee children and devise an educational model to help them succeed academically through training in French and English alongside their native Armenian. The media attention from France24, Radio-Canada, Journal de Montréal, Radio de Québec, Journal de Québec, Huffington Post, and Journal Métro led many non-Armenians to donate their time and money to help the program’s mission, which was lauded, mostly notably, by Quebec’s Minister of Education in the provincial National Assembly. “Our classes are filled with Syrian children who are suffering from post-traumatic stress. But that hasn’t prevented many among them from later becoming the first in their class. The best remedy for their pain is education,” said Principal Sébastien Stasse. The AGBU community has also shown its creativity in organizing events for Syrian relief. On November 21, the AGBU Central Office in New York held a spinathon. Thirty-three spinners joined the event and

appealed to their friends and family to sponsor them to participate in a spin class at a downtown gym. Together they raised more than $75,000. The New York spinners were joined by counterparts in Los Angeles and Montreal. The New York spinathon inspired YP London to organize two events in February, donating all the proceeds to the Syrian relief. New York spinner Maral Jebejian, who individually raised $15,550, knows firsthand the desperate need for support to the Armenians of Syria: “When the opportunity presented itself to help Syrian Armenians, my reaction was immediate and visceral. I already knew the seriousness of the situation in Syria, not only through reading the news, but through a personal connection to the country. My uncle lost his home, was wounded by shrapnel fire and only escaped death by chance. My cousin was faced with the impossible decision to

Garabed Nalbandian, was a refugee orphan and a Syrian Muslim family took him in at a point in his long and difficult journey. I felt finally able to do something for others through my jewelry business,” said Nalbandian. Luba Libarikian of the handmade baby accessories company Born on Bowery, the Homeland Development Initiative of Berd Bears, Aghasi Aghabalyan of the design boutique Gugoco, and Joseph Basralian, author of Mr Baboomian’s Van, also generously donated their proceeds to the AGBU Emergency Humanitarian Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians through the AGBU Bookstore. Other members have held luncheons or celebrations and encouraged the guests to donate to the cause. In December, Nora Janoyan Balikian in San Diego held a holiday brunch with #ICareICan as its theme. In lieu of gifts, Balikian asked her friends to donate to the fund and collected $11,000.

Nora Janoyan Balikian in San Diego held a holiday brunch with #ICareICan as its theme. leave her family and her dying mother behind in an attempt to save herself and her future. My husband’s cousin, whose son is in the army, also faces the uncertainty of what will become of his son. And these are just the tragic stories I know about personally. I’m certain that there are thousands more. It is absolutely necessary for those of us who are more fortunate to reach out and help. I had the support of my friends and my family who cheered me on, and it felt great to be able to help and give back in some way.” Since November, similar events have been planned by AGBU members around the world. Many AGBU members have used their expertise to raise money for relief efforts. Nancy Nalbandian, a jewelry designer who donated the money she earned selling her jewelry at a Christmas bazaar, drew on her own past as motivation: “My father, Leon

“Considering how blessed we all are, and thinking about making a difference in the lives of Syrian children, I decided to join the #ICareICan campaign and ask my friends to help me raise funds for this worthy and important cause,” said Balikian. On February 10, artist and hair stylist Vartan Geudelekian held a fundraising event, Art at Vartali, at his salon in New York. The cocktail reception, attended by members of the Armenian community as well as many members the wider New York community, served as the site for the opening night of Vartali’s abstract art exhibit. The sale of his paintings, of which all the proceeds were donated, raised $20,000 for the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians. The relief efforts have also helped Syrian Armenians restart their lives abroad. On January 27, the AGBU Young Profes-

sionals of Toronto (YP Toronto) organized a job fair for over 200 Syrian Armenian refugees at the AGBU Centre in Toronto. Canada has been in the spotlight with the resettlement of over 20,000 refugees from Syria, among them many Armenians. The Armenian community in Canada, most in Toronto and Montreal, has quickly mobilized resources to sponsor hundreds of Armenian families. Sponsorship of refugees entails commitments from temporary housing to providing basic assistance with paperwork, job search and a range of settlement issues. YP Toronto was quick in identifying the resources it could make available to Syrian Armenians already in Canada. Utilizing its professional networks and in cooperation with a number of Toronto-based organizations, YP Toronto helped organize the first in a series of job fairs, which attracted a number of potential agencies and employers. These initiatives were designed not only to connect prospective jobseekers with employers but also to create an intimate, informal space where refugees, through small onsite workshops, can receive practical advice on resumes, cover letters and the effective use of professional networking sites. Ancillary services, such as banking advice and opening new accounts, are also provided. Many other worthy fundraisers have been and continue to be organized around the world and every amount collected has a direct and positive impact. $100 pays for a family’s electricity bill for four months; $350 buys winter coats for ten children; $900 feeds fifteen families of four for two weeks; $2,700 supplies clean drinking water to ten families for six months; $6,000 provides milk to 20 children for a year; $8,000 covers tuition costs for one student at the AGBU school in Montreal; and $12,000 funds scholarships for ten students continuing their university education in Armenia. “The single most important way people can help out,” says Nerses Nersoyan, chairman of the AGBU Syria District, “is by making a financial donation, as it is difficult to bring any other items or resources into Aleppo or any other city because of the ongoing war. All of the donations will be used in the best way possible to help those most in need.” AGBU encourages all members and friends to do their part to ease the suffering of Syrian Armenians by organizing fundraising events, such as brunches, walka-thons, online campaign or spinathons. Email us at giving@agbu.org and AGBU will help with the logistics.

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Nor Or March 24, 2016, No. 12 _N.O. Blank 3/23/16 4:12 PM Page 11

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Nor Or March 24, 2016, No. 12 _N.O. Blank 3/23/16 4:12 PM Page 12

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16 !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 24 Ø#ñï 2016

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