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Nor Or March 31, 2016, No. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/30/16 5:55 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 13, Thursday, March 31, 2016

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Nor Or March 31, 2016, No. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/30/16 5:55 PM Page 2


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Thursday, March 31, 2016 Vol. 94, # 13


Armenian President Visits Old North Church And Armenian Heritage Park in Massachusetts News.am - President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who is on a working visit to the U.S., is continuing his meetings in Massachusetts. The President is scheduled to meet with the Armenian organizations which have significant role and influence in the state, as well as representatives of the Armenian community and state authorities known for their pro-Armenian activity and other friends of Armenian people. The President visited the Old North Church in Boston, where a Holy Liturgy was served by the church pastor Rev. Stephen T. Ayres and Armenian clergymen. Back in the 18th century, this very church gave an opportunity to the Armenians refugees to the U.S. to serve a liturgy within its building. The church built in the northern part of Boston in 1723 is considered the oldest church building of the city. By his visit to the Old North Church which had a significant influence on the

State Of Hawaii Recognizes Independence Of Nagorno Karabakh Republic The Hawaii State Legislature adopted a resolution on Tuesday recognizing the Independence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. HR 167 titled Honoring and Recognizing the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic resolves that the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eight Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, recognizes the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and encourages the international community to recognize Karabakh as a free, independent and sovereign democracy.

American Revolution, the Armenian President aimed to pay tribute to one of the symbols of the U.S. independence and appreciate the kind treatment of this church and, generally, the Anglican Church towards the Armenians. Thereafter Sargsyan visited the Armenian Heritage Park, which was founded in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and other genocides following it. The park also aims to honor the great contributions of the American-Armenians and other migrant communities. The Armenian President toured the Armenian Heritage Park. He also visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex, where

he laid a wreath and paid tribute to the Armenian Genocide victims. During his tour, Sargsyan was accompanied by Massachusetts ex-Governor Deval Patrick, who greatly contributed to the opening of the park, Boston Municipality representatives, Coordinator of the Armenian Genocide Centennial events James Kalustian, member of the executive committee of “Armenian Heritage”Foundation which implemented the construction of the park, Sheriff of Middlesex County Peter Koutoujian, as well as other representatives of the Armenian community. By the end of the tour, the Armenian President also paid tribute by the Holocaust memorial.

Glendale City Council Proposes Moving Armenian American Museum to Downtown Glendale’s Arts and Entertainment District

Glendale, CA - On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Glendale City Council voted to authorize City Manager Scott Ochoa to enter an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with the Armenian American Museum to locate the developing project in downtown Glendale’s Arts and Entertainment District across from the Central Library The Armenian American Museum had been exploring the feasibility of building the Museum on City owned property across from Glendale Community College until late February 2016 when the Glendale City Council directed Councilmember Zareh Sinanyan and City Manager Scott Ochoa to formally present the new poten-

tial site to the Armenian American Museum Governing Board. The Museum’s Governing Board held several meetings with Armenian American community organizations and representatives to consider the proposed location. It was concluded that the proposed 1.3 acres property in the heart of downtown Glendale near the corner of Colorado Street and Brand Boulevard would be an exciting and prominent location for the Museum. This location will enable the Armenian American Museum to realize its vision of a cultural campus that enriches the entire community. During the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, City Manager Scott Ochoa presented the City of Glendale’s vision for how downtown Glendale would be the best home for the Armenian American Museum and create a partnership between the City and the Museum. Cont. on p.10

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 31, 2016

AGBU HYE GEEN’S AND YOUNG CIRCLE’S GROUNDBREAKING 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE By SONA ZEITLIAN On March 5,th, AGBU Hye Geen and AGBU Hye Geen’s Young Circle, held a landmark conference on the topic of “Armenian Youth and Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities.” The conference, held at Woodbury University in Burbank, featured presentations by distinguished professionals, who addressed a large audience gathered at the Fletcher Jones auditorium. The conference featured the participation of Armenian-American university students who represented nine Armenian Students’ Associations (ASA) of area colleges and universities. The conference showcased the careful planning and efficient teamwork of members of Hye Geen, Young Circle and members of the area ASAs.

cion, resentment and regret, not to waste time and energy in fighting conditions that cannot be changed, not to indulge in selfpity, and above all, to get involved in civic engagement while pursuing the goal you have marked for yourself.” Ms. Petrossian warned that “in the newer, immigrant Armenian community, there is a mentality that in order to land a high-paying job immediately, one can be satisfied with just a high school education. But as college education is underestimated, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities for success. On the other hand, to reassure the success of students in their chosen fields, their autonomy, mastery and the development of emotional intelligence cannot be overlooked. It is also essential to sustain First Row L to R: Ms. Nellie Titizian-Kazman, Ms. Alice Petrossian, Dr. Mary A. Papazian, Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan, Ms. Hasmik Kyureghyan, Mr. Michael Matossian and Dr. Albert K. Karnig

Dr. Mary A. Papazian and Mrs. Sona Zeitlian The day’s agenda featured insightful presentations by speakers and a question and answer session moderated by the students themselves. For the occasion, the Conference Committee of AGBU Hye Geen and Young Circle had also prepared a booklet which featured the biographies and pictures of the speakers, an overview of AGBU Hye Geen’s and Young Circle’s previous conferences, an address by Sona Yacoubian, Founder and Chairperson of AGBU Hye Geen, dedication pages in memory of exceptional educators, and finally an announcement for the inaugural Summer 2016 Youth Internship initiative launched by AGBU Hye Geen for local high school students for a 4-week summer placement in their field of study in the Los Angeles area. After opening remarks by Mihran Toumajan of AGBU Young Circle, AGBU Western District Chair Talin Yacoubian, Esq., delivered a welcoming address. She underlined the dedication of the venerable organization to education by establishing schools throughout the diaspora, then the University of Armenia, and centers of technological innovation, always with a vision for the promotion and advancement of the nation. Setting the pattern of having a student presenter for each speaker, the keynote, Dr. Mary A. Papazian speaker was introduced by Garnik Michael Potikian, Vice-President of Woodbury Armenian Students’ Association Executive Board. Currently President of Southern Connecticut State University and, from July 1, 2016 appointed president of San Jose State University, Dr. Mary A. Papazian’s topic was “Pathways to Professional and Cultural Success in Higher Education.” Tracing her own education from Ferrahian School to UCLA to pursue her passion for English literature, Dr. Papazian discussed the core humanist traditions of civic engagement. Then came the realization of rapidly evolving changes “spread-

ing cutting-edge technologies to every corner of the country – and indeed the world and beginning to make innovations, once consigned to the realm of science fiction, a reality for millions of Americans.” Dr. Papazian explained that the global marketplace has created the need to prepare for “global lives”, competing for jobs at home and abroad.” Then she shared with her rapt listeners, “My advice to you during the course of your college career is: travel, see the world, learn how others live; it will bring you a whole new perspective that will only benefit your future life and career.” Dr. Papazian reminded students of the increasing importance of foreign-language proficiency and an expanded knowledge of economics, history and geography. She recommended a liberal arts education that develops critical thinking, communications skills, ethical judgment, integrity, intercultural knowledge and “the capacity for continued new learning, all in demand in today’s marketplace.” The keynote speaker concluded, “As the economy becomes more technologybased, the need and amount of education will rise. My final message to you is… never take for granted the opportunity to think, the privilege to serve, and the opportunity to make a contribution, wherever you may be.” The second speaker was Dr. Albert K. Karnig, President Emeritus of California State University, San Bernardino, who was introduced by Lori Pridjian, Vice-President of the University of Southern California’s Armenian Students’ Association Executive Board. Dr. Karnig’s topic was “Educational Strategies to Counter the Challenges of Global Competitiveness and Global Innovation.” He first focused on global competition and the swift pace of technological change, posing challenges for students in pursuit of higher education, career opportunities and well-paying jobs. The new economy should be based on educational flexibility, he argued, whereas previously a high school diploma was enough to find a decent job. He also noted that, since 1982, more women have been attending universities and graduating with the intention of continuing their education and becoming competitive in the job market. Citing humorous anecdotes from his long experience, Dr. Karnig underlined the need to empower our youth and develop the next generation of leaders with university degrees, insuring skills and success. He further advised assessment tests to focus on

career choices. “These choices must engender excitement and commitment with passion. It is also useful to seek internship programs geared toward high school graduating classes, to get involved in community activism and to anchor oneself by becoming a mentor.” The third speaker, Dr. Nelly TitizianKazman, senior Executive Director of La Verne University’s San Fernando Valley campus, was introduced by Michael Matossian, Chair of All-Armenian Students’ Associations. Dr. Kazman’s topic was “Higher Education as a Doorway to Opportunities for Armenian American Leadership.” She began by affirming that, “to survive and succeed in today’s fast-paced globalized world, one must learn to adapt quickly to constantly changing environments.” She explained that the major shift in today’s economy, from manufacturing jobs to knowledge-based technical skills has prompted employers to look for innovative thinking, teamwork readiness, oral and written communications aptitude and cultural competence, to re-invent oneself and stay current in the scheme of global development. Dr. Kazman advised the students of the new world order to find their passion and the motivation to realize “their vision,” to identify their strengths and talents, creating values which differentiate them from others and develop leadership skills. This, in turn, she stated, can be achieved by building “a personal capital of self-reliance and confidence and a social capital based on fostering relationships through collaborative efforts.” The short lunch break became an opportunity for the students to interact with the distinguished educators, to network and establish relations with fellow members of other Armenian Students’ Associations. The afternoon sessions started with Ms. Alice Petrossian, Past President of the Association of California School Administrators. She was introduced by Edit Martirosyan, a sophomore from Glendale Community College. Ms. Petrossian’s topic was “Nurturing the Pursuit of Higher Education Among Armenian Students.” Citing contributing factors to success in higher education, Ms. Petrossian referred to the roles of parents and the extended family in sustaining motivation, in encouraging their children to exceed testing and later college preparatory benchmarks. “The characteristics of success are the refusal to live in the past, to discard suspi-

Ms. Lori Prichian, Ms. Maro Tutelian and Mrs. Nelli Yacoubian

an innovative and creative environment at all times.” She concluded by affirming, ”Our goal today is to advocate, to be a role model, a mentor to the next generation so that our community can continue to flourish.” The second speaker of the afternoon was Ms. Hasmik Kyureghyan, lead specialist of the Department of Teacher Training and Development at the National Program for Educational Excellence in Armenia and development coordinator at Ayb School. She was introduced by Morris Sarafian, who is a UCLA senior and political activism director of the University’s Armenian Students’ Association. Ms. Kyureghyan’s topic was “the Ten-Year Experience of Ayb Educational Foundation, a new Learning Culture in Armenia and Beyond.” Ms. Kyureghyan stated that ten years ago, Ayb Educational Foundation was established by a group of eight friends, with the intention of integrating various stakeholders into a high quality educational environment. This was achieved by “launching state-of-the-art science labs, introducing top international contests and building 21st century schools across Armenia.” The Foundation also mapped out the National Program for Educational Excellence, a grand project of collaboration involving “the government of Armenia, Cambridge University and University College, London.” In Armenia, Ayb Foundation’s master classes have inspired the youth to have confidence in their potential and aim high through participation in nationwide mathematics, linguistics, science and robotics contests. With 20,000 trained teachers, it has elevated the profession into a “dream job,” wherein the country’s best educational traditions are merged with contemporary learning technologies.


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Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 31, 2016


Mr. Mihran Toumajan with ASA students With the help of a video clip, the speaker demonstrated the Foundation’s plans for constructing new schools and “developing an internationally recognized high school platform.” Their Araratian Baccalaureate is a diploma in high demand, and 51 graduates are enrolled in the world’s 28 top universities. It is also highly valued by the national curriculum it has promoted. The last speaker was Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan, a specialist of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a Masters and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and currently teaching at the American University in Armenia and directing its Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center. He was introduced by Lilia Kavarian, a senior at California State University, Los Angeles. Dr. Mkrtchyan’s topic was “Accelerating Entrepreneurship in Armenia.” Referring to the main challenges of a well-defined national strategy for higher education in Armenia, the speaker underlined, “an outdated approach to learning, insufficient resources for human capital development, low level of general managerial staff, a shortage of professionals, and a lack of leaders with long-time vision.” He said he is concerned about the high level of unemployment, which affects the drive to emigrate and seek employment opportunities abroad. Dr. Mkrtchyan expressed confidence that education can still become an advantage for Armenia with “lifelong education as a new teaching and learning paradigm, provided research universities can be created with innovative technological labs, when teaching becomes a prominent profession with appropriate levels of compen-

sation and when professionals repatriate, transforming the brain drain into brain circulation.” Discussing the University of Armeniaaffiliated Entrepreneurship Center, the speaker recommended “academic and critical thinking, the creation of hands-on learning opportunities, and fostering of hardware development capabilities for the students. Lecture series, seminars and workshops, as well as mentoring services and student-faculty networks are to be en-

Mr. M. Toumajan and Dr. A. Mkrtchyan couraged.” The conference concluded with a question and answer session with the speakers, which was moderated with great efficiency by the students representing the participating ASAs. The questions were focused on the necessity for changes in our approach to education and the strategies for the creation of new opportunities in the global marketplace. AGBU Hye Geen’s and Young Circle’s 10th Annual Conference energized the students and reinforced the value of teamwork. Guided by the distinguished professionals and the commitment of the organizers, students and audience members alike were inspired to get involved in their community and pursue their passions confidently.

Tenor Gegham Grigoryan Passed Away Aged 65 World-famous tenor Gegham Grigoryan graduated from Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory, the class of People’s Artist of Armenia professor Sergei Danielyan. Grigorian made his first appearance on the big stage in 1971 at age 20, in 1972 he went to West Berlin to appear with solo concerts. In 1975 he made his debut at the National Theater of Opera and Ballet of Armenia. In 1978 he took part in the competition of the School of Art in Milan at the theater La Scalaand was one of the four lucky winners who were invited to qualify for this school. Since 1989, at the invitation of Valery Gergiev he performed at the Mariinsky Theater as the lead singer. Gegham Grigoryan was the art director of National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

107 -Turgut Tarhanlı By Hambersom Aghbashian Turgut Tarhanlı (born in 1956 in Istanbul - Turkey) is a Turkish professor of International law. He graduated from Istanbul University - Faculty of Law in 1979, and earned his Ph.D. degree in Public Law from the same University in 1990 . In 1996 was awarded the title of Associate Professor of Public Law at Istanbul University Faculty of Law and was appointed to the staff. Since the 1999-2000 academic year he moved to Bilgi University, where he became a professor of International law in 2002 and remains there as a faculty member in the same area, and as a lecturer and Head of the Human Rights Research Center serves. His Research interests are, International law, human rights law, the relationship between international law and domestic law, protection through international mechanisms of human rights procedures, international treaties law, human rights activism, international peace and security law, the legal regime of transit and transportation through the straits.Tarhanli has published many books in Turkish and English, also has published studies as articles in newspaper and has book reviews.

According to www.bianet.org ,on Dec.26,2006, A number of leading Turkish intellectuals have launched a new civil disobedience action declaring themselves accomplices of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink whose last prosecution in a series launched by Turkish courts was based on opinions he expressed in an interview with the Reuters news agency. Among those who originally signed the “301 times No! No Limits on Freedom of Thought” campaign, are Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin, Prof. Dr. Gülay Toksöz, Prof. Dr. Kadir Erdin, Prof. Dr. Turgut Tarhanlı, Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran, Doç. Dr. Mithat Sancar, journalist and writer !eyhmus Diken, journalists Sinan Kara, Adnan Gerger, Bahattin Arı, authors Nihat Ziyalan and Ay"e Günaysu and musician and free speech activist !anar Yurdatapan. Many other prominent academics, writers, journalists, and human rights activists have signed onto the campaign. Hrant Dink was assassinated in Istanbul on January 19, 2007 in front of the offices of Agos newspaper which he founded. (1) The Danish Royal Library has, together with the Armenian embassy, held an exhi-

bition on “The Armenian genocide and the Scandinavian reaction” though due to protests from the Turkish embassy, the library has agreed to hold an “alternative exhibition” in response to the Armenian Genocide exhibition. This decision has caused widespread debate and 37 Turkish intellectuals, including Fikret Adanır (professor of history), Taner Akçam (professor of history), Ayhan Aktar (professor of sociology), Cengiz Aktar (professor of political science), Cengiz Algan (The DurDe civic initiative), Ahmet Altan (Chief Editor Taraf Newspaper), Murat Belge (professor of litterature), Halil Berktay (professor of history), Fatma Müge Göçek (professor of sociology), Nilüfer Göle (professor of sociology), Turgut Tarhanlı (professor of international law), Ufuk Uras (Former MP), have in an open letter in Denmark’s leading daily Berlingske called on the library’s director to reconsider his decision. In their

view, the Turkish government has followed a policy of denial for more than 90 years, culminating in the murder of Hrant Dink in 2007. To allow the Turkish government to arrange an alternative exhibition will only support this policy. Don’t Stand Before Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History! The mentioned. They added, Over one million Ottoman Armenian citizens were forced out of their homes and annihilated in furtherance of an intentional state policy. What exists today is nothing other than the blatant denial of this reality by the Turkish government. (2) 1.http://www.bianet.org/english/politics/90480-retrospective-on-trials-againsthrant-dink 2.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /Default.aspx?pageID=238&nID=37144& NewsCatID=396

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10 Thursday« March 31, 2016 Glendale City Council Proposes... Cont. from p.7 Councilmember Vartan Gharpetian noted the synergy the proposed site would create between the Armenian American Museum and neighboring Central Library, Museum of Neon Arts, and The Americana at Brand. “This will be a landmark,” he remarked. “It will put Glendale on the map. It will bring more tourists and visitors to the area.” Councilmember Paula Devine commended the Museum’s leadership and committee members on their progress and expressed her support for bringing the Museum to downtown. She added, “I feel this is a great location for everybody.” Councilmember Zareh Sinanyan shared his vision for the Arts and Entertainment District and the integral role the Museum can play in the future of downtown Glendale. “I think the future is great and I think the Museum is going to be a large contributing factor,” he added. Mayor Ara Najarian expressed his support for building the Armenian American Museum in downtown Glendale, calling it a “win-win for the community” and a “huge asset for the City.” Mayor Najarian and fellow Councilmembers present voted in favor of the proposal, initiating the first

steps toward locating the Armenian American Museum in the heart of downtown Glendale. “The community outreach process required by the City allowed us to find common grounds with other stakeholders and search for a better solution,” remarked the Armenian American Museum Executive Development Committee Chairman Berdj Karapetian, who has been spearheading the Museum project since its inception 2 years ago. “We are confident that the collaboration we have seen on this project with our neighbors and City government will continue and our collective efforts will enrich Glendale with a new cultural and educational venue,” added Karapetian. The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice

Stepan W. Baghdassarian Announces Candidacy to Run for Los Angeles County Superior Judge Los Angeles attorney and entrepreneur Stepan Baghdassarian announced he will be a candidate for Judge- Los Angeles County Superior Court Office No 60. He is running for the position currently held by Judge James Kaddo. “After being in private practice all of my career, this is my opportunity to give back to the County and people of Los Angeles.” Campaign Kickoff Event was held on Tuesday March 22nd at Green Corner Cafe! 604 W. Glenoaks Blvd. Glendale, CA 91202. Election day is Tuesday June 7, 2016. You can learn more about Stepan Baghdassarian by visiting www.baghdassarianforjudge.com. For event or press inquires, contact Suzy Hogtanyan (818) 439-8841 Stepan W. Baghdassarian had immigrated to Los Angeles with his family in 1976 from Lebanon. Eight years later, he graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. HethenmovedontoLawSchoolat Whittier College where he earned his Juris Doctorate. For a period of time while attending law school, Stepan clerked for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office For 18 years, Stepan W. Baghdassarian practiced Litigation, Immigration, Transactional and Corporate Law in his private practice with offices in Los Angeles and in Sa!o Paulo, Brazil. In March of 2016, Stepan announced his candidacy to run for Los Angeles County Superior Judge Office No. 60. “I’m extremely grateful for the opportunities that have crossed my path. Now is my time to dedicate mycommitmenttopublicservice. AsLosAngeles County’s next elected judge, I can fulfill my aspirations of giving back to this great county a nd its community.” - Stepan W. Baghdassarian


On a bright sunny day with red and white themed decorations, Falafel Arax® celebrated grand opening of its new restaurant located at 625 E. Colorado Street in Glendale, California. “We are excited to announce the expansion of Falafel Arax® restaurants with our new look and expanded menu with many healthy options to initially serve Southern California with plans to expand nationwide,” explained Gerard V. Kassabian, Esq., President of Falafel Arax, Inc., which is the recently formed expansion company. LA Weekly wrote in a recent article entitled “Falafel Arax Gets a Slick Makeover in Its New Glendale Location,” describing the fresh and soft modern look and feel of the new restaurant with the signature red and white theme. The grand opening guests enjoyed the world famous Falafel Arax® falafel as well as other delicious Mediterranean foods available on the newly expanded food menu containing traditional and contemporary Mediterranean foods, which can be viewed online at www.FalafelAraxUSA. com. The tantalizing offerings were stylishly arranged and displayed by Gourmet 47 Catering including a charming tahini fountain for the falafels on a stick. The guests were entertained by live musical entertainment by the jazz trio String Harmonies. Among the esteemed guests in attendance at the grand opening celebration included H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church – Western Prelacy, Rev. Ardag Demirjian, Hon. Kevin De Leon, California State Senator, Hon. Ara Najarian, Glendale City Mayor, Hon. Zareh

Sinanyan, Glendale City Council Member, Hon. Ardy Kassakhian, Glendale City Clerk, Hon. Harry Leon, Crescenta Valley Town Council Member, Ms. Baydsar Thomasian, Deputy District Director for Senator De Leon, Ms. Pattyl A. Kasparian, Member of Commission on Judicial Performance, Ms. Judee Kendall, President of Glendale Chamber of Commerce, and Ms. Tagouhi Sogomonyan, Program Director of Glendale Chamber of Commerce. Falafel Arax® offers a selection of dining options with ample seating for 34 guests on nine tables with snow white tops, two of which are in cozy booths. A clean stainless steel counter top with the signature red and white stripes underneath welcomes guests to the digital menu displays that show mouthwatering images of menu items for in-house dining or take-out. The uniformed staff greet the customers with a

the Falafel Arax® kitchen with an eye for perfection. “My team and I pride ourselves with fresh foods prepared daily using top quality ingredients from local vendors and, most importantly, we never take shortcuts on quality or execution,” explained Chef Daniel who hand selects all ingredients to ensure everything tastes and looks as it should. The Falafel Arax® signature menu items are Falafel, Shawerma Beef and Chicken, Chicken Rotisserie, Soujouk (Spicy Sausage), Hummus, Mutabbal, Fattoush Salad, Tabboule and other Mediterranean favorites. “We designed a menu that includes all-time Mediterranean favorites in our expanded menu that satisfies all types of diets. In addition, we are currently experimenting with other classic items including traditional breakfast items that will soon appear on our menu,” ex-

smile and accept orders on modern cash registers with cutting edge technology that accept credit cards and email receipts. The dining room is bright and fresh with one wall decorated with the signature red and white theme and another wall with natural wood that is soothing and comfortable for guests to enjoy a meal with contemporary background music. A display case beside the soda fountain offers hats, t-shirts and other apparel for sale with the distinctive new Falafel Arax® logo. Executive Chef Daniel Hobeika leads

plained Shant Avakian, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Falafel Arax, Inc. The newly expanded Falafel Arax® menu contains many fresh and healthy items available at the Glendale location and all upcoming new locations including the new Arax Pink Sauce™, a tangy and garlicky sauce that is a perfect accompaniment to the Chicken Shawerma French Press sandwich with french fries. Prior to moving the USA, Mr. Ardaches Ohannessian was trained by his relatives who established the world famous Falafel

Arax in Bourj Hammoud since 1949. During the civil war in Lebanon, the Ohannessian family fled the region and settled in Los Angeles where they established a sister company in 1980 introducing the Falafel Arax® culinary tradition to the USA at its first location in Little Armenia in the heart of Hollywood, California catering to the multi-ethnic city with their traditional and top quality Mediterranean cuisine, namely Falafel, Shawarma, Soujouk and other specialties using only the freshest products and high quality ingredients. Falafel Arax® has always been highly regarded with a mass following across North America, Middle East and beyond. When the Ohannessians decided it was the right time to expand Falafel Arax®, they teamed up with Gerard V. Kassabian, Esq., an accomplished attorney and real estate investor, as President and Chief Executive Officer, and Shant Avakian, Vice President of Sevan Bakery Inc., as its Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, to form the expansion team. With the help of Robert J. Sutcliffe, Esq., a highly regarded business and restaurant attorney who has handled numerous casual and high end restaurant deals in the metropolitan Los Angeles area, the expansion team will identify new Falafel Arax® locations to offer its culinary treasures. The Ohannessian family remains actively involved in the expansion project to ensure all new restaurants maintain the level of quality that its guests always expect. Open seven days a week with extended hours, Falafel Arax® is located in the heart of Glendale at 625 E. Colorado Street, Glendale, California 91205. Take-out and delivery are available by calling (818) 696-2303 or visiting www.FalafelAraxUSA.com. The restaurant is open for Lunch and Dinner on Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Major credit cards are accepted. Find us on social media and Yelp. Also, like us on Facebook to receive updates and specials. For more information, please contact Falafel Arax® at +1(818)696-2303 (Glendale, California location) or visitwww.FalafelAraxUSA. com.

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