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Vol. 94, # 14, Thursday, April 7, 2016

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Thursday, April 7, 2016 Vol. 94, # 14


STATEMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE NAGORNO KARABAKH REPUBLIC In the early hours of April 2, Azerbaijan has initiated an unprecedented and explosive escalation of tension along the line of contact between the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic with the use of heavy armor, artillery and combat aircraft. Azerbaijani armed forces shelled by artillery not only advanced positions of the NKR Defense Army, but also the civilian settlements that resulted in casualties, including among the civilian population. Such an escalation of tension by Azerbaijan is fraught with unexpected consequences. In this situation, the NKR Defense Army is taking all necessary measures to force Azerbaijan to cease hostilities. Azerbaijan bears full responsibility for possible consequences, a country which once again has initiated irresponsible and senseless adventurism. We urge the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-office publicly and strongly condemn Azerbaijan for the systematic escalation of the situation, violation of peace and stability in the region.

US Election 2016: Cruz wins Wisconsin in blow to Trump Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has decisively won the Wisconsin primary, complicating front-runner Donald Trump's path to the nomination. In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders scored a strong victory over Hillary Clinton in the Midwestern state. Mr Trump leads the Republican race, but could fall short of the number of delegates needed to secure the party's nomination. Mr Trump's rivals have pinned their

hopes on a contested convention. At a contested convention, party leaders, not voters, would choose the nominee. On the Democratic side, Wisconsin adds to a recent spate of wins by the Sanders campaign, giving the Vermont senator a boost before key races in New York and Pennsylvania. Mr Sanders won nearly every county in the state except Milwaukee, but as delegates are awarded proportionally he will not gain a significant advantage over Mrs Clinton.

An urgent message to world leaders The ADLP (Armenian Democratic Liberal Party) strongly condemns the armed insurgency perpetrated by Azerbaijan and its collaborators, on the Armenian enclave of Norgorno-Karabagh; a deliberate & blatant provocation that could lead to unprecedented hostilities. We issue our deepest condolences to the families who have suffered and sacrificed with their lives. We demand that the Azerbaijan Government recognize that Nogorno-Karabagh is and continues to be adeclared Independent country for its peace-loving population. Over the past 25 years Nogorno-Karabagh and its mainly Armenian Christian populace have been living in fear, defending themselves and their belongings against unprecedented encroachment and bullying from oil-rich Azerbaijan and its Muslim collaborators. This must end now. The ADLP calls upon the Russian & American governments to immediately issue appropriate support for Nogorno-Karabagh, and we demand that the United Nations take immediate action to stop these unwarranted and unfair insurgencies before they escalate further. 100 years ago the British, American and the French failed the Armenians by allowing the Genocide of 1.5 million Armenians to take place at the hands of the Ottoman –Turks; and in view of the cowardly tactics of the Azerbaijan Regime and their collaborators, we beseech world leaders to take strong action now before it’s too late yet again. On behalf of The ADLP Board of Directors Michael Kharabian Eugene Karadjian Secretary Chairman April 2, 2015 The Armenian Rights Council of America (ARCA) strongly condemns the warmongering rhetoric of Azerbaijan’s leadership that has been the case throughout the whole period of confrontation that actually led to the worst ever aggravation of the situation currently in Nagorno-Karabakh. Over the past several months ARCA constantly raised its concern and alarm over a disturbing increase in Azeri violations of the ceasefire along the Line of Contact with Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, last night the Azerbaijani armed forces unleashed fullscale military action along the entire Contact Line, this time targeting not only the Armenian Defense forces, but also innocent civilian population. This can’t be described other than large-scale military aggression causing heavy casualties on both sides. We urge President Obama to undertake immediate necessary measures to curb Azerbaijan’s militant policy and to bring the aggressor to order. Respectfully, Raffi Balian, MD Chairman, Armenian Rights Council of America

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 7, 2016

COMMUNITY INVITED TO THE “ARMENIA: AN OPEN WOUND” EXHIBITION OPENING CEREMONY AT BRAND LIBRARY & ART CENTER Glendale, CA - The City of Glendale Library, Arts, & Culture department recently announced their partnership with the Armenian American Museum to present “Armenia: An Open Wound,” an exhibition curated by the Museo Memoria y Tolerancia [Museum of Memory and Tolerance] in Mexico City. The community is invited to the inaugural Opening Ceremony on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 PM at the Brand Library & Art Center. The Opening Ceremony will be the public’s first opportunity to experience this eclectic exhibition which shares the intricate history, rich culture, and moving stories of the Armenian people. A diverse slate of complimentary programs will be held at the Brand Library on a weekly basis following the exhibition’s debut. All events are free and open to the public. Thursday, April 21, 2016 | 7 PM “Global Realities, Local Perspectives: Examining the International Refugee Crisis through Community-Based Action” Leading refugee rights professionals discuss themes highlighting international humanitarian assistance and local community-based action while shedding light on our collective capacity to increase tolerance, cultural diversity, and community empowerment. Saturday, April 30, 2016 | 1 PM “Commemoration as Public Art” A discussion panel hosted by City of Glendale Arts & Culture commissioner

AGBU Strongly Condemns On April 1, Azerbaijani forces launched a large-scale offensive against the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh that resulted in a number of casualties. The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) strongly condemns the attack on the part of Azerbaijani forces and calls upon the international community to unambiguously condemn this latest indiscriminate and irresponsible attack. AGBU urges international mediators with the OSCE Minsk Group to take concrete steps to not only condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this latest violation, but also to implement more effective actions to prevent further escalation and to ensure the government of Azerbaijan strictly adheres to the ceasefire. AGBU joins all Armenians around the world, and more specifically the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, in these difficult times, and shares their grievance and pain in the loss of life of the valiant soldiers and innocent civilian victims in recent days at the hands of the Azeri aggressor. We stand in solidarity with the people of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and the Armenian Armed Forces in their struggle to safeguard our homeland. The organization calls upon all nations, international institutions, humanitarian and peace-building organizations to make their voices heard in protest and condemnation of these attacks that risk not only to disrupt regional, but also international, peace and security.

Ara Oshagan, featuring local artists and examining the role of permanent public art as a form of commemoration. Thursday, May 5, 2016 | 7 PM "Latino Americans: Empire of Dreams (1880-1942)" An exclusive screening of the PBS documentary series followed by a discussion on Latin American immigration to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries lead by guest lecturer, Jorge N. Leal, M.A. Friday, May 13, 2016 | 7 PM “Journey to the Homeland” Director Nora Hovsepian shares the story of her pilgrimage back to the land her grandparents forcefully fled in 1915. The screening will proceed with a panel discussion highlighting the creation of the film. Saturday, May 14, 2016 | 1 PM “Armenia: An Open Wound, Conversation with the Curator” Director of Academic Inquiry and Curator, Dr. Carlos Antaramian, discusses the creation of “Armenia: An Open Wound”, its impact on raising awareness about the Armenian story in Mexico, and his current research on Armenians in Latin America. Thursday, May 19, 2016 | 7 PM "Armenian Heritage: A Virtual Pilgrimage" A presentation by internationally renowned TUMO Center for Creative

Technologies and leading preservation non-profit CyArk about their collaborative project to digitally preserve Armenia’s cultural heritage using state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology. Thursday, May 26, 2016 | 7 PM “Curator in the Spotlight: Illuminating the Armenian Middle Ages” Senior Curator of Manuscripts at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Dr. Elizabeth Morrison, invites viewers to discover the fascinating world of Medieval Armenian manuscript illumination and the career of the most celebrated Armenian artist of the Middle Ages, T’oros Roslin. Thursday, June 2, 2016 | 7 PM “Preserving the Past, Building the Future: the Role of Museums in a Changing World” Representatives from Los Angeles area museums examine the unique challenges they face in their cultural, social, and political roles as venues for historical preservation and modern-day innovated practices. The exhibit will be on view at the Brand Library Art Galleries between April 16 and June 11, 2016 during the library’s regular hours: Tuesday and Thursday 128pm, Wednesday 12-6pm, and Friday and Saturday, 10am-5pm. Brand Library & Art Center is located at 1601 West Mountain Street, Glendale, California, 91201. All events at Brand Library & Art Center are free and open to the public.

For more information about the “Armenia: An Open Wound” exhibition and featured programs, please visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org/events or contact the Brand Library: (818) 548-2051 The mission of the Armenian American Museum is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. *** The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Armenia Fund elects new president LOS ANGELES—Armenia Fund, Inc., the U.S. Western Region affiliate of Hayastan All Armenian Fund announced that its Corporate Board unanimously elected Maria Mehranian as the organization’s new Chairperson. Mehranian succeeds Mr. Antranik Baghdassarian, who completed his tenure in early 2016. “Mr. Baghdassarian’s strong belief in attracting a larger public participation through educating the Armenian Diaspora on Armenia’s successes as well as the challenges facing our Homeland, introduction of new projects benefitting residents of Armenia and Artsakh who are faced with economic hardship proved successful and resulted in a serious increase both in the number of donors and collected funds. We thank Mr. Baghdassarian for his years of dedicated service to Armenia Fund as well as for his very generous support of the organization.” – said Ara Vardanyan, Executive Director of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. Newly elected President, Mehranian is the Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer for Cordoba Corporation, a full service civil engineering, construction management, and program management firm specializing in transportation, education and facilities as well as water and energy. Cordoba is headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in San Francisco, Santa Ana, and San Diego, California. For over twenty years, Mehranian has dedicated her career to building Cordoba into one of the top engineering consulting firms in the nation also leading it into in-

ternational markets by heading multimillion dollar planning projects. Having been appointed by California Governor Jerry Brown, Mehranian has been serving on the Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board since 2008, chairing it in 2012 and 2013. Mehranian served as President of Armenia Fund, Inc. also in 2004-2008, establishing the Executive Office of the organization and laying the cornerstones for growth. For her extraordinary contribution to furthering Armenia Fund’s mission in the United States Mrs. Mehranian was recognized with a Special Commendation by the President of Armenia, Robert Kocharian in 2007. Ms. Mehranian is also the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. “I thank Antranik Baghdassarian for his hard work and commitment to the cause of strengthening Armenia’s independent statehood and I welcome Mrs. Mehranian’s election as the new Chair of Armenia Fund U.S. Western Region, an affiliate of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund – an organization that has a crucial importance for Armenia’s and Artsakh’s development. Building upon the successes of the recent years, Mrs. Mehranian steps in also as a Special Envoy to deepen the cooperation between the two U.S. affiliates of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund that has been discussed during the previous year, develop the strategic roadmap and an operational network of the solidified nationwide operation, elevating the organization to a new level,” said Grigor Hovhannissian, the newly ap-

pointed Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United States. “I am honored and humbled by the Corporate Board’s unanimous vote of confidence. I always believed that a big part of Armenia Fund’s mission is to bring together the Armenian Diaspora’s best and the brightest around Armenia and Artsakh. As Armenia’s challenges change, so does Armenia Fund. More and more of the heavy infrastructure is being built by the government, allowing Armenia Fund to concentrate more on development projects. This takes not only financial resources, but also the know-how of many Armenian Americans who hold a unique and priceless knowledge, so desperately needed for ensuring Armenia’s long term development and competitiveness in the global marketplace.” – said Maria Mehranian.

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United Kingdom's leading human rights attorney and author Geoffrey Robertson in L.A. Los Angeles - On Wednesday, April 20, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) will host a presentation by the United Kingdom's leading human rights attorney and author Geoffrey Robertson QC about his book titled An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians? Robertson's book proves beyond reasonable doubt that the horrific events in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 constitute the crime against humanity that is today known as genocide. He explains how democracies can deal with genocide denial without infringing on free speech. His writings are a major contribution to understanding and preventing these crimes. An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians? was awarded the prize for "Best Polemic" at the Political Book Awards 2015 in London. Robertson has had a distinguished career as a trial counsel, human rights advocate, and United Nations (UN) judge. He has appeared in many celebrated Old Bailey trials; acted for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times in cases brought against journalists in British Commonwealth countries; argued many death sentence appeals at the Privy Council; defended Salman Rushdie, Mike Tyson, rap group N.W.A, and Julian Assange; prosecuted Hastings Banda; and represented Human Rights Watch in the proceedings against Chilean General Augusto Pinochet. He served as the first president of the UN War Crimes Court in Sierra Leone and as a 'distinguished jurist' member of the UN's Internal Justice Council (2008-12). He has authored landmark decisions on the limits of amnesties, the illegality of recruiting child soldiers, and the legal protections for war correspondents and human rights monitors. In 2011, he was awarded the New York Bar Association prize for Achievement

in International Law and Affairs. Known for his representation of the Republic of Armenia as a third party, Robertson was an attorney in the Perincek v. Switzerland Armenian Genocide denial case with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), alongside Amal Alamuddin Clooney. Robertson is founder and co-head of Doughty Street Chambers, Europe's largest human rights practice. He held the office of Recorder (part-time judge) for many years in London, where he is a Master of the Middle Temple and visiting professor in human rights at Queen Mary College, the New College of the Humanities, and the University of Buckingham and Regents University. His books include Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice, a textbook on the development of human rights law; The Tyrannicide Brief, the story of how Cromwell's lawyers mounted the trial of Charles I; an acclaimed memoir, The Justice Game; Mullahs Without Mercy: Human Rights and Nuclear Weapons; along with An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers The Armenians? This special book presentation will take place at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City, CA, beginning with cocktails at 7:00 PM and dinner at 7:30 PM. An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians? books will be available at the event and sold by Abril Book Store. A book signing will take place after the presentation. To RSVP, contact Armenian Assembly of America Western Region Manager Aline Maksoudian by phone (626-577-0025) or email (aline@aaainc.org) by April 14, 2016. Tickets are available for purchase for $75 per person. Table purchase is available and includes 10 seats. Seating is limited and RSVP is required. !

Suciyan to present her new book about the Armenians in modern Turkey Glendale, CA – Visiting professor from Munich, TALIN SUCIYAN will present her new book, THE ARMENIANS IN MODERN TURKEY: Post-Genocide Society, Politics and History on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author and book will be introduced by MANUK AVEDIKYAN.

THE ARMENIANS IN MODERN TURKEY explores the life experienced by Turkey's Armenian communities as Turkey's great modernisation project of the 20th century gathered pace. TALIN SUCIYAN was born and raised in Istanbul. She is an Assistant Professor of Turkish Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Institute for Near and Middle Eastern Studies.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

108 - Gültan Kı!anak By Hambersom Aghbashian Gültan Kı!anak (born 15 June 1961,Elazig, Turkey) is a Tuekish politician of Kurdish descent and a member of pro Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) . At the age 19, while she was still a college student, she was arrested and put in prison for two years as a political activist after the September 12, 1980 coup in Turkey, where she spent two years. In 1982, she was freed and continued at Ege University, Faculty of Communication, Journalism and Public Relations Department, Izmir. After graduation she worked as a journalist for various newspapers, and was a Project Consultant and Municipal Coordinator for many projects in Diyarbaker. Gültan Kı!anak stood successfully as an independent candidate in the 2007 parliamentary elections in Turkey. During the campaign she was quoted as saying "This election is important because Turkey is at the crossroads. Either it is going to opt for developing democratic alternatives or will bring the oppressive policies back on to the agenda." At the beginning of 2009 it was reported that she had prepared a bill to enable the Kurdish language to be used in the public space. Gültan Kı!anak is a former co-chair of the Peace and Democracy Party and a member of the 23rd and 24th Grand National Assembly of Turkey (parliament) . In

2014 she was the first female elected as a mayor of Diyarbaker. She is married with one child. Hundreds gathered to commemorate the Armenian Genocide in Diyarbakir on April 24, 2015. The commemoration began with a march from Mardinkapı Street to the Surp Sarkis Armenian Church, where the co-chair of the leading pro-Kurdish party, Selehattin Demirta!; Diyarbakir Mayor Gültan Kı!anak; chair of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Tahir Elçi;* chair of the Human Rights Association Diyarbakir chapter, Raci Bilici; and director of the Gomidas Institute, Ara Sarafian participated and addressed the public. Speaking in Armenian, Sarafian noted that as the Turkish state’s denial continues, Kurds have taken meaningful steps in the right direction. Demirta! challenged those who question the Armenian Genocide. Kı!anak noted that Armenians chose the forget-me-not flower as a symbol of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, and said, “We will never forget it, and we are ready any time to stand with you in your pain.” Elçi, in turn, called on Turkey and the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide.Bilici demanded an apology and reparations for the Armenian Genocide from the Turkish state. (1) On 24 April 2015, The Armenian Geno-

cide was publicly commemorated in Diyarbakir. The commemoration organizers were Diyarbakir Bar Association, Turkish Human Rights Association (Diyarbakir) and Gomidas Institute (London). Tahir Elçi (Head, Diyarbakir Bar Association), Raci Bilici (Head, IHD), Ara Sarafian (Gomidas Institute), Gültan Kı!anak (Greater Diyarbakir City Co-Mayor), Selahattin Demirta! (Member of Turkish Parliament and Co-Chair of HDP) and Selma Irmak (CoChair, DTK), spoke on this occasion. The venue was next to the symbolic ruins of Surp Sarkis, where around 800 people including Ahmet Tan (Member of Turkish Parliament), the co-mayors of Sur Municipality (Diyarbakir), as well as members of the press commemorated the Armenian Genocide. The meeting was powerful in terms of its content and symbolism, and the event attracted good press attention. (2) * Tahir Elçi (1966 – (November 28, 2015) was a Kurdish lawyer and the chairman of Diyarbakir Bar Association. He was murdered in the Sur district of Diyarbakir in the southeastern region of Turkey on 28 November 2015. He was shot once in the head while giving a press statement at the "Four-legged Minaret" mosque, calling for an end to violence. Elçi was detained

several times and received death threats after saying the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) should not be regarded as a terrorist organization. In October 2015, Elçi was detained by Turkish authorities on charges of disseminating "terrorist propaganda" on behalf of the PKK. Turkish sources reported that Elçi died in a shootout. However, the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) called the shooting a "planned assassination," and protests erupted in Turkey after Elçi's killing. Elçi's brother Ahmet Elçi was quoted as saying that his brother was "murdered by the state." 1!http://armenianweekly.com/2015/05/01/a rmenian-genocide-commemorated-in-diyarbakir/ 2!http://www.gomidas.org/projects-andstudies/show/18

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10 Thursday« April 7, 2016 Phoenicia Restaurant receives 5 Star and Golden Bacchus Awards from So Cal Restaurant Writers Association On March 21, Phoenicia Restaurant was honored with special awards from the prestigious Southern California Restaurant Writers Association during their 42nd annual Awards Ceremony at the Center Club in Costa Mesa where over 200 restaurant writers and restaurateurs attended. This year Phoenicia Restaurant received highest honors, earning the coveted Five Star award as being among the best dining houses in Southern California, and the Golden Bacchus Wine Award. The awards are presented annually based on scores for food, service, ambiance and beverages from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border. The association was formed in 1975 as a California nonprofit corporation that seeks to improve the quality of the restaurant industry in this region. To further this objective, the organization bestows awards upon restaurants and individuals whose standards of quality and service have been found to be of special merit. Proceeds from the dinner are for the Doris Crandall Scholarship Fund which annually provides scholarships to students attending community college culinary art courses.

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“Armenia,%My%Love”%(«)!Û!ëï!",%ÇÙ ë¿ñ»)%/ÇÉÙÁ%åÇïÇ%óáõó!+ñáõÇ%ÎÉ»"ï¿ÛÉÇ, ö!ë!ïÇ"!ÛÇ%»õ%ÜáñÃ%)áÉÇíáõïÇ%Ù¿ç

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X)'(1A.)* 5 "B1K"(* MGN B*('L".* @3'K B-">*( LAQ, \8-P";, %O-*) 15-*( O*1* 7,87"/-,8* “Armenia, My Love” («T"."B1"(, *L BA-») +*)L0i 1915-* ]'K"BO"(,8;'"( 101--/ 1"-')*7*( '8 %O-*) 24-* BE"1$(*( ("C,-/,K $-'-,8(: MGN B-">0 60 E1(,8* 128 North Maryland Avenue-* M-"., X)'(1A.), ,- ,8(* >".'-,M P("6,8"2 "L'("L'2 >"L".(30 4*"7'") 5">"(E('-,8 LAQ: X"F,.70, *- E'K"1'B*), VIP @3'K$-A( "B1K"N"-/ NP$B"B-">('-,M, &"@"B-">('-,M '8 ".)"N"( B(,8(/* 6A1'-,M ("'8 60 E,>"7(A >"(/*B"1'B('-,8( 3*L30: “Armenia, My Love” +*)L0 %O-*) 15-*( O*1* 7,87"/-,8* ("'8 Laemmle Playhouse 7 B*('L".*( LAQ, ,-,8( >"B7A( A 673 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, *(#OAB ("'8 Laemmle NoHo 7 B*('L".* LAQ, ,-,8( >"B7A( Ai 5240 Lankershim Boulevard, North Hollywood. `-'3@"P;*, %O-*) 14-*(, +*)L* "B1K'-,8( L"B("67,8;'"LP L'6("-60 1'K* O*1* ,8('(". <"B"1*(".* B-">*( LAQ, ,-,8( 0(;"73*( O*1* 0))". >"-7-O"1"BC"(* O"> L0: p*@/ U"L"("6*( >-"O"-"6 *Q"2, NE"7"6"(,8;'"LP N'K,8( ".B +*)L0, L'N M'-">"B,8 60 /"-R(A ".( B"-B"I')* O"-"E"('-,8(, N,-B /*L"E-"8"2 '( "8')* 3"( L*)*,( >"@,8,K, 1915* ]'K"BO"(,8;'"( N,> >".'-0: o*)L* P"NL"1"K"(/ P'L"/-*#( ,8 O"1L,8;*8(0 E-,K( A F,8L"("7*-"L'-*6"7* Diana Angelson0 (Dracula. The Impaler, The Second Coming of Christ), ,- ("'8 E)C"8,- /'-"B"(('-A( LA6( A: o*)L0 60 ;"8")* 1915-*( [,8-3*" "O-,K >". 0(1"(*3* L0 @,8-Q, ,-,8( '-"N('-( ,8 "O"E"( .*@"1"6 60 /"F("( >"LP"8"8,>".-"L'-*6"7* "-,8'B1"EA1* "#3'-,8( LAQ, ,- 6Y"O-* *- C,-1"6,8"2 L"(6,8;*8(0: « “Armenia, My Love”0 60 7,87"/-A *- >".-'(*3A( M".-"E$-A( "-L"1"C*) 'K"2 >". U,K,M,8-/*( /*L"E-"8"2 P*-1 *-"6"(,8;*8(('-0», 6Y0BA :(&0)B,(, '8 *(3 >"-6"/-,8"2 NE"7"2 A "-1"/-'),8 ".B +*)L0, 0(/"F"Q'),M *P"NL";*8 >". P"-'6"L('-,8 C(/-"(3*(, 6*B'),M ".B ,8U'K O"1L,8;*8(0 *-'(7 >'1: «\-,M>'1'8, 6Y"8')7(A :(&0)B,(, 'B

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