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Vol. 94, # 16, Thursday, April 21, 2016

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$#)?2#92->% 4 .2-0).,2-1>)+ )/A ?)=8+$ 73C)-2#3)+ )#+)72-3 3)#A.)+, .2=3$,…» (Takvim-i vekayi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Thursday, April 21, 2016 Vol. 94, # 16


The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an pissed off by reference to Armenian Genocide in European Parliament report The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an again got exasperated by the European Parliament report on Turkey. At the meeting with village heads, Erdo!an referred to the aforementioned report, naming it wrong and distorted, Milliyet reports. The Turkish President was concerned about the fact that the report also referred to the Armenian Genocide, as well as Cyprus and Kurdish issues. He insisted that the freedom of the press in Turkey had been wrongly presented in the document. Moreover, Erdo!an noted that they sent the report back, not finding any connection between it and the reality. The European Parliament report on Turkey included harsh criticism regarding the human rights violations in Turkey, restrictions of freedom of speech and press, as well as the Kurdish issue.

Newspaper: Karabakh issue is becoming Western tool to squeeze out Russia resources Yerevan – Armenia and NagornoKarabakh have entered a new “conspirological” phase in the process of settling the Karabakh conflict, according to Zhamanak daily newspaper. “At this point starts the third phase, where it is apparent that a positional battle has begun between the West and Russia, first for the sponsor, so to speak, of the negotiation process. It is noticeable that the West is showing a somewhat restrained posture. “It is possible that the West is waiting for the diplomatic failure of Russia. “It is possible that the West is convinced Russia has no resource to advance its plans,

[and] therefore you should leave it to aimlessly waste the existing resources. “That is, the Karabakh issue actually becomes one of the chains of Western tactics, already being used for two years, to squeeze out the resources of Russia. Of course, first of all, Russia itself at its own will because it is apparent that after Azerbaijan’s offensive [on Nagorno-Karabakh], Russia has gone on the diplomatic offensive. “On the other hand, Moscow has nothing else to do, since otherwise, it will have to reconcile with the gradual reduction of [its] influence in the Caucasus,” Zhamanak wrote.

Sanders has no clear path to victory after his loss in New York New York - Sen. Bernie Sanders fell short in New York’s Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday as he was defeated by his rival, Hillary Clinton. Though the final tally on Clinton’s margin of victory is still out, it was clearly decisive. Even a narrow win for the former secretary of state in the delegate-rich state would have gone a long way toward blocking Sanders’ path to the Democratic nomination. Clinton spoke to supporters at a hotel in Times Square shortly after the results were announced. She thanked the voters in New York, where she lives and served as a senator from 2001 until 2009. “Today, you proved once again there’s no place like home!” she said.

Trump trounces in New York primary, pushes toward 1,237 New York - Donald Trump easily won New York’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday, a significant home-state victory that is likely to give new momentum to the GOP frontrunner’s campaign after weeks of turmoil. “It’s just incredible,” Trump declared, as he spoke inside the atrium of Trump Tower in Manhattan surrounded by his family and at least 100 cheering friends and supporters. “We’re gonna end at a very high level, and get a lot more delegates than anybody projected, even in their wildest imagination.” Though the results were still being tallied, Trump appeared to be in a strong position to win close to the 95 delegates at stake Tuesday, expanding the real estate mogul’s already sizable delegate lead over his closest rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. But it was unclear if Trump’s home state win will be enough to stave off a contested Republican convention this summer.

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28 Thursday« April 21, 2016 Hundreds Attend "Armenia: An Open Wound" Exhibition Opening Ceremony at Brand Library & Art Center GLENDALE - On Saturday, April 16, hundreds of public officials, dignitaries, clergy, and community members gathered for the "Armenia: An Open Wound" Exhibition Opening Ceremony at Brand Library & Art Center in the City of Glendale. The Opening Ceremony was the public’s first opportunity to experience the moving exhibition on the history and culture of the Armenian people. The event began with formal remarks by Zaven Kazazian on behalf of the Armenian American Museum, welcoming the capacity crowd to the Brand Library. Primate Hovnan Derderian and Prelate Moushegh Mardirossian, Co-Chairs of the Armenian American Museum Governing Board, opened the program with a prayer and shared their vision for the future of the Armenian American Museum in the heart of Downtown Glendale. “I express my special appreciation and gratitude to the Armenian American Museum executive committee chaired by Mr. Berdj Karapetian for their diligent work, and especially acknowledge the presence of Mrs. Sonia Arakelian who has been instrumental in the creation of this exhibition” stated Primate Derderian. “Every Armenian, young and old must visit the exhibition and bring along a non-Armenian friend to share with them not only the harsh lessons

of our history, but above all to learn about the resilience of our nation.” Prelate Mardirossian expressed the importance of continuous commemoration for the 1915 Armenian Genocide and the important role the “Armenia: An Open Wound” exhibition plays in achieving this objective. “Although one hundred and one years have passed since the Armenian Genocide, we will continue to commemorate because we are inheritors of the history that has made us who we are today” stated Prelate Mardirossian. “We commend the hard work and diligence of all those involved in the realization of this beautiful tribute to our rich history and heritage, and for their initiative in making the story of the Armenian people available to the general public.” Mayor Paula Devine thanked the organizers for bringing the exhibition to the City of Glendale in light of its international debut and reaffirmed her support for the development of the Armenian American Museum. “We are a very proud and diverse community and we are excited to be a part of an exhibition that educates and advocates for awareness of the Armenian culture” stated Devine. Director of the City of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Department, also recognized the dedication and commitment of the Brand Library staff who

California State Legislature Honors Armenian Genocide Victims on 101st Anniversary SACRAMENTO - A delegation of the Armenian Council of America (ACA) participated in the annual Armenian Genocide Advocacy Day sponsored by the California Armenian Legislative Caucus on April 18 at the State Capitol, marking the 101st year of commemorating the Armenian Genocide. Following a press conference in the morning with members of the Armenian Caucus, H.E. Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America conducted a requiem prayer ceremony on the State Assembly floor. He payed homage to the 1.5 million Armenians who perished during the Genocide and discussed the situation in Nagorno Karabagh condemning the acts of violence against the peaceful Armenian people in Artsakh by the Azeri dictatorship. He proclaimed that one day, Artsakh will be a free and sovereign state. Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (DSherman Oaks) invited Assemblymember Katcho Achajian (R-San Luis Obispo) to in-

troduce Assembly Joint Resolution 34 (AJR 34) which designates the year of 2016 as “State of California Year of Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915–1923 and April 24, 2016, as “State of California Day of Commemoration of the 101st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915–1923.” AJR 34 calls upon the President of the United States and Congress to formally and consistently reaffirm the historical truth that the atrocities committed against the Armenian people constituted genocide. Assemblymember Achadjian described the plight of the Armenian people and said that our history exemplifies resilience. Achadjian noted that AJR 34 honors the memory of those lost during the Genocide and reaffirms our commitment to our brothers and sisters in Armenia. Celebrating the importance of Armenian Americans in the U.S. through their achievements, Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) expressed his pride for representing a large Armenian Ameri-

played an integral role in the exhibition project. The “Armenia: An O p e n Wound” exhibition was inaugurated in Mexico City at the M u s e o Memoria y To l e r a n c i a [Museum of Memory & To l e r a n c e ] during the Armenian Genocide centenary. Exhibition curator and spokesperson on behalf of the museum, Sonia Arakelian, passionately reflected on her personal family story which inspired her to produce an exhibition which educates, commemorates, and calls for justice. “This exhibition combines diverse sources such as original documents, survivor testimonies, artifacts, and private collections in order raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide, commemorate the lives of victims, and continue to mobilize until the promise of ‘Never Again’ becomes a global reality,” stated Arakelian. “The Museo Memoria y Tolerancia thanks the partnership of the City of Glendale and Armenian American Museum for bringing this exhibition to the forefront of your community.” The City of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture Department partnered with the Armenian American Museum to present “Armenia: An Open Wound,” an exhibition curated by the Museo Memoria y Tolerancia [Museum of Memory and Tolerance] in Mexico City. The exhibit will be on view at the Brand Library & Art Center until June 11, 2016 during the library’s regular hours: Tuesday and Thursday 12-8pm, Wednesday 12-6pm, and Friday and Saturday, 10am-5pm. Brand Library & Art Center is located at 1601 West Mountain Street, Glendale, California, 91201. can constituency. “I stand in solidarity with the Armenian community,” added Holden. Assemblymember Cristina Garcia (DBell Gardens) spoke about Armenian women who were subjugated to shame and ridicule as they were robbed of their dignity by Turks who owned them as property after the Genocide. She emphasized that it is our duty to bring to light this often forgotten issue in Armenian history. Sharing a personal Genocide survival story about his wife’s family who originated in Van, migrated to Russia and later settled in Iran, Assemblymember Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) urged that all textbooks in California include material discussing the Genocide. He also advocated for AB2650 which urges Calpers to divest from Turkey. He added that Armenians have not only survived, but they have thrived. Assemblymember Gatto (D-Los Angeles) whose district represents the largest Armenian American constituency in the U.S. stated that it is a privilege to serve in the Armenian Caucus. He urged those in attendance to continue telling the stories of the survivors who are no longer with us. “The survivors have died, but the truth has

A diverse slate of complimentary programs will be held on a weekly basis. All events are free and open to the public. Visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org or call the Brand Library at (818) 548-2051 for the complete schedule of upcoming programs. The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

not died,” added Gatto. AJR passed unanimously 76-0 on the State Assembly floor. Following the passage of AJR 34 on the Assembly floor, the Resolution was introduced in the State Senate by State Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de Leon (DLos Angeles), where he emphasized the importance of proper recognition of the Genocide not only in the United States and other countries, but the need for the current Turkish government to stop the campaign of denial in order to prevent future atrocities that may occur in other parts of the world. The Resolution passed the California Senate floor with a vote of 37-0. Subsequently Senator de Leon introduced deputy Consul-General of Armenia Valeri Mkrtumyan who expressed the Republic of Armenia’s gratitude for the State of California. The State Capitol had on display educational posters and materials on Armenian Americans in politics who have served in the past and are present, including information about early Armenian American immigrants who settled in California's San Joaquin Valley making it one of the richest agricultural regions in the nation.

Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 14, 2016

President Berge Setrakian's Message on the 110th Anniversary of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Today, as we pay tribute to the 110th anniversary of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), we remain strongly committed to its mission, ever mindful of the heavy responsibility we bear in addressing the numerous and extraordinary challenges facing our people. This year, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the independent republics of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). We also commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide which heralds the beginning of a new era for our flourishing nation’s struggle for justice and retribution. With bright prospects for the future, our nation is enjoying many notable individual achievements, affluence and international recognition. Yet, at the same time, we are confronted with many serious imperatives in our homeland and the diaspora which mandate the need for consolidating our resources and strengthening our resolve. At this juncture, we realistically assess our nation’s efforts, particularly over the past 25 years, with its achievements, successes as well as its short-comings. In view of the many opportunities offered by the new realities in the diasporas, we expand our mission, adopt corresponding organizational structures and cultivate new partnerships. At this time, we consider our main challenges to be: - The ramifications of regional instability in the Middle East, the latest manifestation of which is the ongoing brutal armed struggle in Syria which continues to dismantle our traditional diasporan communities in close proximity to our homeland. Faced with this reality, we continue our sustained efforts to organize humanitarian assistance and to support our fellow Armenians in need. - The escalation of hostilities – in both intensity and frequency – on the part of Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh endangers the safety of our people in Armenia and Artsakh. We cannot afford to be complacent and must remain vigilant in the face of this grave threat. We must provide support and assistance to strengthen the defenses of our homeland, rally to raise awareness and make our voices heard within the international diplomatic circles in support of peace and security for our homeland. We cannot afford the loss of our territory or independence. We remain committed to join forces with all people and organizations of good will to build a prosperous country in our homeland.

- Our diasporan communities around the world are faced with the imperative of joining forces and preserving their identity. Traditional organizations have become less effective due to the proliferation of our Eastern and Western diasporas and generational change. The new professional and entrepreneurial youth, defines its identity through its local and competitive professional environment and is gradually drifting away from its Armenian identity. While continuing our current initiatives for preserving our cultural heritage, our new programs are directed toward our younger generation, to rekindle their innate sense of national identity by engaging them in national and community initiatives as well as various social and economic development projects in Armenia. To this end, we will be highlighting and promoting success stories that inspire national pride. -- We strongly believe that the Armenian Apostolic Church should be strengthened, particularly in providing spiritual support and guidance to our youth. Throughout our history and today, the Armenian Church, ever present and active, has been the one prominent institution with an active presence both within and outside of our homeland, which can play a guiding role in all our communities. We shall continue our close and historic efforts to assist the Church in its spiritual and national mission. The underlying principal of “One Nation One People" is a core maxim of our organization, because it unites our diasporas, Armenia, Artsakh and the Church, defines our priorities and responsibilities, and reveals our potential. We are proud of the illustrious achievements of AGBU’s history and impact. We are committed to the ideals of the “General Union” as envisioned by our founders and are pursuing the path they set forth. We continue to promote professionalism in our operations and have forged partnerships with enterprising leaders who have initiated numerous projects that aim to develop Armenia and Artsakh and energize the potential of our diasporas. On this momentous occasion, we call on our youth, all factions of our nation, our benefactors and membership to join us in our course, to help us honor this landmark occasion in a spirit of unity and pursue our mission with honor and added resolve.

Berge Setrakian President April 14, 2016

Yerevan to host Global Forum against genocide The Global Forum Against the Crime of Genocide will be convened in Yerevan. Suren Manukyan, Deputy Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, stated about the aforementioned at a press conference on Monday. In his words, this is a very important event because Armenia has declared itself a country that fights against all genocides. “We [i.e. Armenians] are the pioneers of the battle for non-recurrence of genocides,” Manukyan stressed. “The forum, which will be held in Armenia once every two years, can become a permanent format that will assemble many famous politicians and scholars of the world.” He added, however, that the Aurora Prize awards ceremony, which will take place in Yerevan on Sunday, April 24, 2016—the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide— definitely will have great publicity, too. “These two events are the logical continuation of the road last year,” Suren Manukyan continued. “Last year, we tried to prove that we stand not as a victim people, but a fighting people. This fight is divided into two fronts: The humanitarian—we help all other peoples—, and juridical—we call for the punishment of the criminals and the prevention of the crime of genocide.”


PRESIDENT SERZH SARGSYAN’S CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE TO AGBU PRESIDENT BERGE SETRAKIAN ON THE OCCASION OF THE 110TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNION Dear Mr. Setrakian, I cordially congratulate you and the Armenian General Benevolent Union on the occasion of its 110th anniversary. This organization, which has a glorious past, remaining true to the principles of its founders, is really worthy of admiration. In its over one hundred years of existence, the individuals united over noble ideas have always carried out activities that promote and honor all that is Armenian, helping to withstand challenges facing our nation at different times, in various corners of the world. Throughout its entire existence, the AGBU has been and remains a pillar of preservation of the Armenian identity. This is vividly testified to by the programs that have been and continue to be implemented by the AGBU in Armenia, the diaspora, and Artsakh. We celebrate this jubilee encountering new and complex challenges: events unfolding in the fatherland and in the diaspora have put us face to face with new problems. The recent Azerbaijani aggression is proof that we may not relax and that the only true way to thwart encroachments against the security of our nation is in our

unity and unanimity. The AGBU has always been guided by this perception. Distinguished Mr. Setrakian, I am confident that the Union headed by you will continue to unswervingly implement new patriotic programs aimed at the realization of our all-national issues. I once again congratulate you and the entire Armenian nation on this momentous anniversary. Let this jubilee become an emblematic sign of transpiring kindness, warmness, and peace for all branches of the Armenian General Benevolent Union and the entire Armenian nation. I wish you and all members of the Union productive work and endless vigor for the benefit of the bright future of the Armenian nation and for the glory of our fatherland.

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30 Thursday« April 21, 2016

Armenian Identity By Dr. Ellie Andreassian Ethnic Identity is an important part of a human being’s overall identity. In different times and different circumstances, ethnic identity may be ignored or it may be preserved and enhanced by developing ethnic awareness and ethnic pride in the youth of an ethnic community. Erik H. Erikson, in his study of “Eight Stages of Man”, explains the importance of each period of life in the formation of man’s ego (whole) identity, and that each period is gradual integration of all identifications. According to him, the ego identity is the sum of one’s understandings of his uniqueness and appropriate childhood experiences. Ethnic awareness is one identification that could accompany the development of the ego identity in all stages (childhood to old age). Thus the early exposure to these experiences –home, family, language, food, music, traditions and other experiences at home may have strong impact on the young generation’s ethnic (Armenian) identity development. Since one’s ethnic affiliation is one of many components of man’s ego identity, belonging to the ethnic group and its culture is very important for existence and survival in any society. Researchers point out objective and subjective aspects for the concept of ethnic identity. - Objective definitions of ethnic identity are overt features of the ethnic group - cultural characteristics, language, customs, traditions, geological distinctiveness, understanding culture, and identification with their ancestors and communities. These characteristics are subject to change, even to extinct. - Subjective definitions of ethnic identity are a process by which individuals identify themselves as being different from others and identified different by others. These definitions are based on self-concept, feelings, understanding and internalizing beliefs and culture, and identification with their communities and ancestors. Subjective definitions are used more to define ethnicity in multiethnic societies such as the United States, where immigrants, confronted by the reality of the dominant culture try to preserve their belief in their common descent and ethnicity. These definitions of ethnic identity enlighten us about one important point; we must take into consideration both, objective and subjective criteria of the phenomenon when defining our Armenian ethnic Identity. Research on Persistent Identity Systems(E. Spicer) indicates that many different ethnic groups have survived over long periods of time among other cultures, having undergone different religious, political and economic pressures. The findings of the research assert that participation in three areas is necessary for the persistence of ethnic identity systems: - believing in their history, knowing their culture, sharing religious and moral values in inter-ethnic interactions; - communicating through language to create unity within the identity system viewing the language as a powerful means for preserving the ethnic identity, attachment to the motherland and to

their own people; - participating in social and political activities of the ethnic group in order to preserve the identity system in the face of the oppositional situations in pluralistic societies. Armenian people are very sensitive to the issue of their identity. During their turbulent history, they often had to face losing everything; their land and their togetherness as a nation. One can cite instances such as the struggle against Persians to keep their Christianity and human rights intact, the Turkish massacres of 1895-1896 in western Armenia and the deportations of Armenians, up to the Genocide at the dawn of the twentieth century. Such historical key events triggered Armenian mass immigration and formation of the Diaspora in the United States and the world. These devastating circumstances made Armenians more possessive about their primordial ties and preservation of their Armenian identity. Spicer’s theory could explain the preservation of our Armenian identity in the United States. Armenians form strong communities with their churches, day schools, Saturday and Sunday schools, community centers, philanthropic organizations, cultural and political associations. Therefore, we can participate in more than one of the areas that Spicer identifies; communicating through mother tongue, sharing of the same moral values, Christian belief and culture, and participating in political, social and philanthropic organizations for achieving our objectives and goals in the Diaspora. There are other factors contributing to the preservation and maintenance of our Armenian identity; - Visitation to the motherland and communication with the Armenians - Armenian immigration; it is a major factor in the revitalization of Armenian identity in the Diaspora. It creates situations for the rise of feelings and need for ethnic identification in second and third generation Armenians abroad. -The advancement of technology that crosses the barriers between our Motherland and the Armenian Diaspora around the world. - The Armenian pride. The Armenian pride is the heritage of each and every Armenian. It is the savoring remembrance of our past and more importantly, it is the promise of our future. Finally, a person does not belong to an ethnic group by choice. He is born into it and is related to it through emotional and symbolic ties, the Armenian Identity our birth right and we need to keep it safe. Let us never say “Desnenk ter vorkan bidi timnanak”, We are here to stay and to perpetuat as Armenians.

Identity Questionnaire (the questionnaire is for the Armenian youth) I consider myself Armenian, Because: •I feel good about my Armenian cultural background. •I feel strong sense of belonging to my own Armenian ethnic group. •I have pride in my ethnic group and its accomplishments. •I understand what my Armenian ethnicity means to me, and I know how to relate to my own and other ethnic groups. •I often talk to other people about my Armenian background. •I research to learn about my own ethnic group, its history, culture, traditions and customs. •I am a Christian, I go to Armenian Church every Sunday and I pray in Armenian. •I would like to marry an Armenian. •I speak Armenian. •I have distinctive Armenian features—a beaky nose and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. •I am active in organizations, community and political life of my Armenian ethnic group. •I participate in the cultural life of my community-- I do volunteer work. •I do research to find out about my own ethnic group’s beliefs, history, traditions and customs. •I am Armenian and enjoy being

Karabakh MOD: Armenian soldier fell from Azerbaijan shooting Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Defense Army serviceman Gevorg Gevorgyan (born in 1996) sustained a fatal gunshot wound, on Tuesday at around 9:50am. He was mortally wounded at the protection area of a Defense Army unit, and as a result of a shot fired by the Azerbaijani armed forces. An investigation is underway to find out the details of this incident, informed the NKR Ministry of Defense (MOD).

Russia’s minister of Foreing Affairs Lavrov to visit Armenia At the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will pay an official visit to Armenia, on Thursday and Friday. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia informed Armenian NewsNEWS.am that President Serzh Sargsyan will receive Lavrov. On Friday, the Armenian and Russian FMs will conduct talks and hold a joint news conference. Within the framework of his official trip, Sergei Lavrov will also visit the Armenian Genocide Memorial in capital city Yerevan, and pay tribute to the victims of this tragedy.

around people from ethnic groups other than my own. •I do not speak Armenian, but participate in the Armenian cultural life, attend church, go to various gatherings, and I have Armenian friends. •I am Christian ,with strong Armenian values. I speak Armenian and I and have strong attachments to my community and my homeland. •I am Christian, I speak Armenian, but I don’t know anything about my history and culture. •I know who I am, I have a clear sense of my Armenian ethnic background and what it means to me, I present myself to others with confidence and pride and try to learn about their culture.. •My last name ends with “ian” and I eat dolma, pilaf, and Khorovadz. •I do not speak Armenian, but I am Christian, I participate in the Armenian cultural life. I am a member of Armenian political and cultural organizations, attend various functions, and have Armenian friends. *** Please find the statement(s) that describes your Armenian identity. Can you consider yourself Armenian with only one statement? — If --Yes, why? If --No, why? Think, please. Write your own understanding of the Armenian identity and share with us. From “An International Journal of Theory and research” The questionnaire is modified by Dr. E.A.

Karabakh issue is becoming Western tool to squeeze out Russia resources

Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh have entered a new “conspirological” phase in the process of settling the Karabakh conflict, according to Zhamanak daily newspaper. “At this point starts the third phase, where it is apparent that a positional battle has begun between the West and Russia, first for the sponsor, so to speak, of the negotiation process. It is noticeable that the West is showing a somewhat restrained posture. “It is possible that the West is waiting for the diplomatic failure of Russia. “It is possible that the West is convinced Russia has no resource to advance its plans, [and] therefore you should leave it to aimlessly waste the existing resources. “That is, the Karabakh issue actually becomes one of the chains of Western tactics, already being used for two years, to squeeze out the resources of Russia. Of course, first of all, Russia itself at its own will because it is apparent that after Azerbaijan’s offensive [on Nagorno-Karabakh], Russia has gone on the diplomatic offensive. “On the other hand, Moscow has nothing else to do, since otherwise, it will have to reconcile with the gradual reduction of [its] influence in the Caucasus,” Zhamanak wrote.

Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 14, 2016


From Musa Dagh to Masada How Franz Werfel’s novel about the Armenian Genocide inspired the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and the Zionist resistance By Stefan Ihrig A crowded hotel lobby in Breslau in late 1932. People waited there to see “the man of the hour,” Adolf Hitler. Hitler was touring Germany in his final bid for power. One of the spectators in the Breslau Hotel lobby was Franz Werfel. Werfel was disconcerted by seeing Hitler in person. When asked by his wife what his first personal impression of the Nazi leader had been, Werfel had reluctantly admitted, “Unfortunately, not so bad.” And this only made his current project all the more urgent: to warn Germany against Hitler. Werfel was a German writer, born in Prague to a Jewish family. His most successful novel , The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, is a literary monument to the Armenians and their fate in the Armenian Genocide that took place during World War I. It follows the fate of Armenian communities in southern Turkey who fled to the high mountains around Moses Mountain (Musa Dagh), from where they fought the advancing Ottoman army. They knew the fate that awaited them in the Ottoman Empire: genocide. They held out for 40 days (in Werfel’s version; in reality it was 53 days) and were eventually rescued by French and British warships, just as ammunition and food supplies were running out, and were then evacuated to Port Said, Egypt. This lengthy novel, often published in two volumes, is a story of murder, desolation, and suffering, but it is also one of hope. Looking back it almost seems far-fetched to point out the intricate connection of this novel with the Third Reich and the coming Holocaust. This is partly also because until now we knew too little about the interconnectedness of Jewish and Armenian history within German history—and about the role of the Armenian Genocide in the pre-history of the Shoah. A focus on the singular horrors of the Shoah, combined with Turkish denialism, has led to an impression—transported by the numerous histories of the times—of an immense distance in space and time between the two genocides. But for people like Werfel it did not feel distant; it felt all too close. In late 1932, he was rushing to finish his Armenian novel, which he intended as a grand warning to Germany of what Hitler would accomplish. Werfel said about the book that the Armenians were his “stand-in Jews.” He assumed that his readers would understand the parallels between the Young Turk dictatorship and the Nazi dictatorship, and between the Turks’ anti-Armenianism and the Nazis’ anti-Semitism—and so would see the genocide of the Armenians as something that could be in store for German Jews. While it is a common assumption that Germans did not and could not know in 1932/1933 that Hitler’s rise to power could mean genocide, Werfel (and other of his German contemporaries) felt quite differently. Werfel started writing in 1932. In the same year, he gave his first readings from his unfinished manuscript—which is why he was in Breslau when he saw Hitler in the lobby. Hitler was there to rally Germany behind him and his ideas for the country, while Werfel was there to read from his book to warn Germany against Hitler and his ideas. That evening, he had read the chapter of his book in which, in the midst of the genocide, the German champion of the Armenians, the pastor Johannes Lepsius, meets Enver Pasha, the Ottoman minister of war, to intervene on behalf of the Armenians and to stop the genocide in progress. Werfel was writing against Hitler, and against the clock; and he lost both contests. Hitler was appointed chancellor in early 1933, merely a few weeks after the two men crossed paths in Breslau. In May 1933,

overeager Nazis (students, Nazi storm troopers, librarians, and others) piled up books of “un-German” authors and set them ablaze to celebrate the victory of a “new spirit.” This signaled many things, one among them, of course, that the ideas represented by the authors and by these books were no longer welcome in Germany. Werfel’s books were among those burned. And his grand warning against Hitler, his Forty Days, was still not even finished, let alone published. It seemed improbable if not impossible that his Armenian novel would ever reach its German target audience. *** Franz Werfel’s Forty Days is indeed a powerful warning—against genocide, against extreme racial policies and stereotypes, but especially a warning against Hitler and the Nazis. But why would a German(-language) author use the Armenian Genocide to warn Germany of Hitler and the Nazis? How could he think this was an effective narrative and use of his time? Long forgotten by history, a large and consequential genocide debate took place in Germany after the country’s defeat in World War I. For four years, German (printed) public opinion grappled with what had happened to the Armenians during the war, when Germany had been a close ally of the Ottoman Empire. Germany had many military men serving in top positions in Ottoman territory during the war and had served as something of an enabler of Ottoman violence against the Armenians since the 1890s. In 1919 the German Foreign Office published a collection of documents on the Armenian Genocide, providing all the gory details of Armenian suffering and death. The collection was meant to exonerate Germany in the eyes of the world against wartime allegations that had made it appear as if Germany had instigated the Armenian Genocide. While the term “genocide” was not yet coined, the publication kickstarted a very public debate on the extent, intent, ramifications, and motivations of this “murder” or “annihilation of a people.” The assassination of Talât Pasha—former Ottoman Minister of the Interior and Grand Vizier— in Berlin in 1921 further revitalized this debate, which continued in Germany until the Treaty of Lausanne (establishing modern Turkey) was signed in 1923. But this forgotten genocide debate was but one piece of historical background to Werfel’s grand warning. The other crucial explanation for why Werfel thought the Armenians could serve as his “stand-in Jews” was the German tradition of perceiving the Armenians as the (true) “Jews of the Orient.” From the 1890s (the massacres under Abdul Hamid II) onward, the German public had grown accustomed not only to excusing violence against the Armenians on grounds of foreign policy interest and realpolitik, but also due to perceptions of racial difference: The Armenians were never much discussed as fellow Christians, but rather as a seditious, treacherous, and parasitic race apart. German anti-Armenianism, which took form in the 1890s, reads like a carbon-copy of the modern, racially based anti-Semitism that also became important in these years. For four decades before Werfel wrote his Armenian Genocide novel the Armenians had been seen by newspaper commentators, diplomats, and writers of popular racial handbooks as either equivalent to or “worse” than Jews. Given this background, it made sense for Werfel to assume that Germans would understand his warning. And indeed one short review from the winter of 1932 of one of Werfel’s evening lectures centered on the dramatic effect Werfel employed—it had

seemed to the reviewer as though Lepsius were not talking to Enver Pasha, but to the audience, to Germany, instead. Yet as a warning to Germans against the dangers of Hitler and Nazism, Werfel’s Armenian novel was almost entirely ineffective. When, surprisingly, the Forty Days was published toward the end of 1933, only a few German readers had the chance to buy the book before it was banned and the remaining copies were seized. One of the very few people inside the Third Reich who would manage to get a copy and read it was a young German “Flakhelfer” (anti-aircraft helper), Karl H. Schlesier, who had been an adolescent in Germany during the Third Reich. He recalls in his memoir that for his 17th birthday he received Werfel’s Forty Days as a present from his parents—his one and only present! It had been difficult to get, he knew, as Werfel’s books had been burned and outlawed. His mother had obtained it from a librarian who had been told to remove Werfel’s books from the shelves but who had secretly kept them rather than destroying them. Werfel’s readers, it turned out, were not Germans, but Jews. His novel would come to play a significant role in Jewish life and identity in Europe and Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s, one that rivals the effect of written accounts of the Shoah itself. Israeli historian Yair Auron, who has worked extensively on the impact of the novel, points out that “the reader of this extraordinary novel will find it difficult to believe that the book was written before the Holocaust.” Werfel’s book was translated into Hebrew as early as 1934. In an early review from the Yishuv (the Jewish community in Palestine) Dov Kimchi wrote extensively of the forthcoming book, based on excerpts published abroad. He wrote, among other things, that “we Hebrew readers … read into this book on the Armenians our very own tragedy.” A year later, in 1934, another review, by R. Seligmann in The Young Worker (Ha-Poel Ha-Tzair), expressed similar sentiments, observing, “The book is very interesting for the educated reader in general, but the Jewish reader will find it of special interest. The fate of this Armenian tribe recalls, in several important details, the fate of the people of Israel, and not surprisingly the Jewish reader will discover several familiar motifs, so well known to him from the life and history of his people.” In 1936, Moshe Beilinson wrote a more critical review. He was irritated by the fact that a Jew would erect such a monument to the suffering of another people. But he, at least partially, understood Werfel’s intentions: “This is no more than a shell, for in truth this is a Jewish book, not only because it was written by a Jew, but in a less abstract sense, simpler and more concrete, the author speaks of us, of our fate, of our struggle.”

Later, during WWII, the book took on an even more immediate resonance in Palestine. Erwin Rommel’s famed Africa Corps seemed unstoppable, and the Yishuv feared a possible Nazi invasion. One of the ideas discussed for Jewish resistance was to concentrate all Jewish forces in Palestine on Mount Carmel, and from there to fight and hold out against the armies of the Third Reich. The plan had many names: “Northern Program,” “Carmel Plan,” “Masada Plan”—and also “Musa Dagh Plan.” As they planned to defend themselves on one mountain, the story of the Armenians holding out on another mountain not far away served as a direct inspiration. Yair Auron relates how Meir Batz, one of the founders of the Jewish self-defense militias, Haganah and Palmach, was asked at this time if he had read The Forty Days. “When he replied that he had, he was told, ‘We want to turn Mount Carmel into the Musa Dagh of the Palestinian Jewry.’ ” The same evening, on a patrol, Batz thought to himself, “I imagined to myself the Jewish Musa Dagh which was to ensure the future of the Yishuv, and guarantee its honor.” Beyond the Yishuv, the Forty Days became a direct part of the history of the Shoah, as the Jews in the Nazi-imposed ghettos in Eastern Europe devoured Werfel’s story of resistance, hope, and salvation. Before the war began, the book had already been translated into Polish and Yiddish— and we have a whole series of testimonies from ghettos all over Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe showing how its distribution and influence only grew after the war began. One such testimony comes from Marcel ReichRanicki, by far the most famous German literary critic of recent decades. He related, of his time as an inmate of the Warsaw Ghetto, that the book “enjoyed unexpected success in the ghetto, being passed from hand to hand.” More detailed testimony comes from William Mishell, who described life in the Kovno Ghetto, in Lithuania, in 1942: [We] were attending most of the concerts and reading books [in the ghetto]. One of the books was The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, by Franz Werfel, which made an indelible impression upon us. The bloody, ruthless massacre of over a million Armenians by the Turks in 1915, in full view of an entire world, reminded us of our fate. The Armenians were starved to death, shot, drowned, tortured to exhaustion, and left in the desert to die of sunstroke and dehydration. We compared their fate with ours, the indifference of the world to their plight, and the complete abandonment of the poor people into the hands of a barbarous, tyrannical regime. Our analysis of the book indicated that if the world did not come to the rescue of the Armenians, who were Christian after all, how could we, Jews, expect help? No doubt Hitler knew all about these massacres and the criminal neglect by the free world, and was convinced that he could proceed with impunity against the helpless Jews. For the Sosnowiec Ghetto Inka Wajsbort recalls how the book was read by her and other adolescent members of the Hashomer Hatzair: “The book passed from hand to hand. … It completely captivated me. For four full days I was engrossed in the book and could not tear myself away. … I myself was at Musa Dagh; I was under siege. I was one of the Armenians doomed to death. If I lifted my eyes from the book, it was only to hear the cry—Mama, how could this be? The world knew and kept silent. It could not be that children in other countries at the same time went to school, women adorned themselves, men went about their business, as if

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32 Thursday« April 21, 2016 Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

110 - Sabahat Tuncel By Hambersom Aghbashian

Zeynep Tanbay, Sabahat Tuncel, Sırrı Süreyya Önder Sebahat Tuncel (born 5 July 1975 in Yazihan, Malatya-Turkey) is a Turkish politician of Kurdish descent. She is women’s rights advocate, former nurse and member of the Turkish parliament. Sebahat Tuncel studied Cartography and Land Surveying in Mersin University and began her political career through the Women’s Branch of People’s Democracy Party (HADEP)* in 1998. She has also worked with international organizations including UNDP and Amnesty International. Tuncel went on trial for membership of PKK in 2006, accused of making frequent trips to PKK camps in northern Iraq, and was subsequently imprisoned. She ran for the parliamentary elections from prison and after winning a seat in Istanbul with 93,000 votes, was released from custody in July 2007. She was the youngest woman to serve in the Turkish parliament and the first person in Turkish history to be elected to parliament from prison. Sebahat Tuncel served as the Chairwomen of Peoples' Democratic Party -Turkey, from October 27, 2013 to June 22, 2014, and she is the female honorary president of the party since June 22, 2014- incumbent, where the male honorary president is Ertugrul Kurkcu. On February 13, 2015, "armeniangenocide100.org" wrote: According to prominent Turkish writer, publisher and human

rights activist Ragip Zarakolu, MP Sebahat Tuncel of Turkey’s Peoples' Democratic Party introduced a draft resolution to Turkey’s parliament, calling for recognition the Armenian Genocide and declaration of April 24 a day of mourning. According to Sebahat’s motion, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan should apologize to Armenians at a historical site, and the most appropriate place is the historical staircase of Haydarpasa terminal, from where Armenian intellectuals were transported by railroad trains and driven into exile and death. (1) According to "thecaliforniacourier. com", December 4, 2014, "A Turkish Parliamentarian submitted a proposal to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, seeking condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, a series of atrocities, and other acts of state terrorism. In this document, Sebahat Tuncel, member of pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), requests that President Erdogan acknowledge and apologize in Parliament for the Armenian Genocide, massacres of Dersim, Marash, Sivas, and Chorum, mass hangings after the Sept. 12, 1980 military coup, and other Crimes Against Humanity resulting from state terror. The proposed resolution also demands that the Turkish President visit one of the sites of the mass killings, repeat his apol-

ogy in public, and declare April 24 to be an official Day of Mourning. Within a year, the Parliament is to form a Truth Commission and make public all documents in state archives regarding these crimes. Moreover, moral and material restitution should be provided to descendants of the victims. It is expected that the Turkish Parliament would reject consideration of this proposal. Tuncel must be aware that she is running the risk of having her parliamentary immunity lifted and being prosecuted for bringing up banned subjects under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. (2) Peoples’ Democratic Congress of Turkey (HDK) issued a statement addressed to the Turkish state on December 9 on the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. According to" Demokrathaber.net", the statement signed by HDK Co-spokespersons Sebahat Tuncel and Ertu!rul Kürkçü calls on Turkey to face its own history and apologize for committing the Armenian Genocide. On April 24, 1915 the Armenian nation, one of the oldest inhabitants of those territories, was deprived of their motherland. “After 100 years Turkey continues to deny the genocide”. "We call on Turkey to end denying the Armenian and Assyrian genocides, apologize for those universal crimes committed against the Ottoman nations whose political successor is modern Turkey”, reads the statement. (3) According to "www.todayszaman. com ", April 24, 2012, Turks and TurkishArmenians gathered in "stanbul's central square on April 24, the day Armenians commemorate the anniversary of the genocide in 1915. A sit-down strike organized by the Say No to Racism and Nationalism initiative in Taksim Square was attended by a group of public figures, including wife of murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, Rakel Dink; Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) "stanbul deputies Sırrı Süreyya Önder and Sebahat Tuncel; former Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) head Ufuk Uras;

PROF. RICHARD HOVANNISIAN SPEAKS AT CLEVELAND HUMANITIES FESTIVAL AND CLEVELAND FEDERAL BUILDING Cleveland - Richard Hovannisian, Professor Emeritus at UCLA, Chancellor’s Fellow at Chapman University, and Adjunct Professor of History at the University of Southern California as a consultant for the Shoah Foundation, was in Cleveland in April 4-6 for back-to-back events relating to remembrance of and learning from the Armenian Genocide. At Case Western Reserve University, Hovannisian was a key speaker at the inaugural Cleveland Humanities Festival organized by the University’s Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities. Prof. Peter E. Knox, the new Director for the Center, selected “Remembering War” as this year’s theme for the Festival. Dr. Hovannisian’s topic was “Under Cover of War: The Armenian Genocide and Its Continuing Ramifications.” The capacity audience of over 200 people was captivated as they learned about the relationship of the Armenian Genocide to World War I and its relationship to the Holocaust one generation later and continuing crimes

against humanity. The Q & A that followed included brisk discussions and possible international measures to deal with the scourge. A reception of Armenian pastries ended the event. On April 5, Richard Hovannisian was invited to speak at the Federal Building in Cleveland to connect the Armenian Genocide and its lessons with the Holocaust and massive civil rights violations in its annual Holocaust Remembrance Observation program. Mr. John Luckas, Chief of Staff, for Finance and Accounting Service, Department of Defense opened the program. Ms. Dzaghig Poundardjian, a Department of Defense employee and Chair of the Holocaust Remembrance Committee, introduced the speaker after sharing her own personal family’s past and current impact of the continuing turmoil in Syria today. Dr. Hovannisian delivered a powerful message on the theme of “Learning through Acts of Courage.” Several hundred employees in Cleveland, and remote connections, listened as the speaker integrated

the experience of the Armenian Genocide into the daily lives of students and the public today. Cleveland Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee’s Ara Bagdasarian and Kevan Asadorian initiated conversations with Case Western Reserve University to include Dr. Hovannisian in this important inaugural Cleveland Humanities Festival on April 4. Ms. Dzaghig Pounardjian invited Dr. Hovannisian and organized the April 5 talk at the Federal Building. Richard and Vartiter Hovannisian were guests of honor at a reception at the Armenian Church of St. Gregory of Narek on the evening of April 5. Ara Bagdasarian and Father Hratch Sargsyan welcomed the couple and reflected on the importance of the recent programs relating to the Armenian Genocide, before presenting Hovannisian with a beautiful commemorative plaque. The church’s chorale group enriched the evening prior to enjoyable reception. !

Sabahat Tuncel journalists Oral Çalı#lar, Hüseyin Hatemi and Hilal Kaplan as well as other intellectuals. Protesters laid carnations in front of a banner that said, “This pain belongs to all of us.” Uras told reporters that Turkey will face its history and “shared pain” in building a 21st century democracy. He added that people from all walks of life were present at the sit-in protest. (4)

* People’s Democracy Party (Turkish: Halkın Demokrasi Partisi, HADEP) was a Kurdish nasionalist political party in Turkey. It was founded in May 1994 by lawyer Murat Bozlak. The party distinguished itself from the PKK. At the party congress in June 1996 masked men dropped theTurkish flag and raised the PKK flag. As a result of this, all HADEP members were arrested. The party survived the 1999 closure case but was banned by the Constitutional Court on 13 March 2003 on the grounds that it allegedly supported the PKK. It was succeeded by the Democratic Peoples' Party (DEHAP). In 2010, party's dissolution was unanimously found by European Court of Human Rights to be contrary to Article 11 (freedom of association) of the European Counvention of Human Rights. 1.http://armeniangenocide100.org/en/ra gip-zarakolu-sabahat-tuncel-genocide/ 2.http://www.thecaliforniacourier.com 3.http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5c8_1 449627068&comments=1 4.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_turks-armenians-silentlycommemorate-1915-events_278524.html

Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 14, 2016

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA CONFIRMS BOARD SLATE AT ANNUAL MEETING Washington, D.C. - The Armenian of Assembly of America's (Assembly) convened its annual Trustees meeting in Boca Raton, Florida last month. The Trustees confirmed the Board slate presented by the Board of Trustees Nominating Committee, which consisted of Lisa Kalustian along with Assembly Secretary Oscar Tatosian and Board Member and Life Trustee Lu Ann Ohanian, was confirmed. Co-Chairmen Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian, Assistant Secretary Lisa Kalustian, and Talin Yacoubian were elected to a fouryear Board term. The Assembly's Board of Trustees include Anthony Barsamian (MA), Co-Chairman; Van Krikorian (NY), Co-Chairman; Hirair Hovnanian (NJ), Chairman Emeritus; Carolyn Mugar (MA), President; Robert A. Kaloosdian (MA), Vice Chairman and Counselor; Edele Hovnanian (NJ), Vice President; Bianka Kadian-Dodov (NY), Treasurer; Oscar Tatosian (IL), Secretary; Lisa Kalustian (CA), Assistant Secretary; Aram Gavoor (DC); Alex Karapetian (NY); Raffi Kassarjian (CA and Armenia); Lu Ann Ohanian (MA); Toros Sahakian (NJ); Joyce Stein (CA); Annie Totah (MD); and Talin Yacoubian (CA). Mark Momjian (PA) will continue to serve as Solicitor. Their biogra-

phies are available here. The Assembly is pleased to welcome Talin Yacoubian as the newest member of the Assembly's Board of Trustees. Yacoubian has been actively involved in the Armenian American community in Southern California for many years. She has been a long-time member of the Assembly's Southern California Regional Council. She was appointed as the Chairwoman of AGBU Western District in 2015 and served as the co-chair of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemorative Committee responsible for planning and organizing the "March for Justice" where 160,000 people turned out in Los Angeles last April. Yacoubian also serves on the boards of AGBU Hye Geen and Armenia Fund. "Talin's skill as a leading advocate, both professionally and within the Armenian community, will greatly enhance our Board of Trustees," said Assembly Co-Chairmen Barsamian and Krikorian. "We would like to thank out-going Board Member Rachel Kaprielian for her dedication to the Assembly's work and congratulate Rachel on her recent appointment as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Regional Director for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,

George Clooney to Present Million Dollar Humanitarian Prize in Yerevan

The Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity was created in the memory of the Armenian Genocide. George Clooney will present a $1 million prize for those people who intervene to preserve lives and advance humanitarian causes in the midst of crises. Clooney — who will travel to Armenian capital Yerevan next month to hand out the award, accompanied by his wife, prominent British-Lebanese human rights lawyer Amal Clooney — is a co-chair of the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity. The $100,000 main prize will be

awarded to one of four finalists chosen for their courage in saving lives in the face of human hatred. He or she will then select an organization to receive a $1 million grant. Clooney, known for his Not on Our Watch project to eliminate genocide — and a highly publicized visit to Sudan in 2014 — has teamed up with 100 Lives, an initiative set up by Armenian businessmen and philanthropists Vartan Gregorian, Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan to commemorate those who helped people during the Armenian Genocide that began in

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and Vermont," Assembly Co-Chairmen Barsamian and Krikorian added. Yacoubian received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Pomona College and her Juris Doctorate from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Yacoubian is a partner and founding member of Yacoubian & Powell, LLP and was recently appointed to serve as a Civil Service Commissioner for the City of Glendale. "I am very proud of the good work that the Armenian Assembly of America has been doing, especially in Washington for the last 44 years," Yacoubian said. "I look forward to working with the Assembly's dedicated board, staff, and membership," she added. 1915 and to "continue in their spirit by supporting people and organizations that keep the legacy of gratitude alive." Amal Clooney is separately involved as patron of a scholarship in her name that will send one female student from Lebanon each year to an international baccalaureate program at UWC Dilijan, a college in Armenia. The Yerevan visit includes a global forum on genocide, The Aurora Dialogues and a tour of the Armenia Genocide Museum. It will end with the prize award ceremony on Sunday April 24. The four finalists for the prize are an orphanage founder in the central African state of Burundi who stood up against a bloodthirsty mob; the only doctor serving 500,000 people in Sudan's Nuba Mountains; a Pakistani champion for indentured laborers; and a Roman Catholic priest who saved more than 1,000 Muslims from fatal persecution in the Central African Republic. Clooney will be joined by other members of the prize selection committee that include Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel; former Irish president and former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson and former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans.

Peter Balakian Wins Pulitzer Prize for Poetry New York, N.Y. (A.W.) - Author Peter Balakian won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Ozone Journal. The winners and finalists were revealed Monday at 3 p.m. during a live-streamed broadcast from Columbia University in New York. This year marked the 100th anniversary of the Pulitzers.

Peter Balakian “In poetry, for a collection of poems that bear witness to the old losses and tragedies that lie beneath a global age of danger and uncertainty, the prize goes to Ozone Journal by Peter Balakian,” announced Mike Pride, the administrator of

the Pulitzer Prizes. Balakian’s Ozone Journal (poems) was published by the University of Chicago Press. The long poem in Balakian’s new book is a sequel to his acclaimed “ATrain/Ziggurat/Elegy” (2010). While excavating the remains of Armenian Genocide survivors in the Syrian desert with a TV crew, the persona navigates his own memory of New York City in a decade (the 1980’s) of crisis—as AIDS and climate change make a context for his personal struggles and his pursuit of meaning in the face of loss and catastrophe. Whether his poems explore Native American villages of New Mexico, the slums of Nairobi, or the Armenian-Turkish borderland, Balakian’s


poems continue to engage the harshness and beauty of contemporary life in a language that is layered, sensual, elliptical, and defined by wired phrases and shifting tempos. Ozone Journal creates inventive lyrical insight in a global age of danger and uncertainty. Balakian is the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities at Colgate University. He is the author of seven books of poems and four prose works, including The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response, a New York Times best-seller, and Black Dog of Fate, a memoir and winner of the PEN/Albrand Prize. !

nothing had happened.” In the Vilna Ghetto, also in Lithuania, the book had a similar impact, as remembered, fittingly, by two librarians. One, Dina Abramowicz, wrote that it was one of the most popular books in the ghetto library, and she explained why: “The idea of a total annihilation of a racial group, the method of destruction, the helplessness of the victims, and the futility of diplomatic rescue efforts—this presented such an astonishing similarity to our situation that we read the book with a shudder, perceiving it almost as a prophetic vision, revealing for us our inevitable fate.” But not all chose to understand Werfel’s story in such pessimistic ways. For many Jews it was an empowering story of hope and resistance against seemingly impossible odds. Abramowicz’s colleague at the library Rachel Margolis, later a partisan fighter, wrote, “Works in greatest demand were those describing something similar to our lives at the time, for instance, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, by Franz Werfel about the persecution and the massacre of the Armenians in Turkey in 1915. People signed up on the waiting list for that book.” When the Bia!ystok Ghetto underground debated what to do, three options were considered: revolt, rescue, or escape to and resistance in the forests. Herschel Rosenthal pleaded: “Our fate is sealed. We are therefore left with only one possibility: organizing collective resistance in the ghetto at any price; to view the ghetto as our ‘Musa Dagh,’ and to add a chapter of honor to the history of Jewish Bia!ystok and of our movement.” Similarly, Yair Auron relates an anecdote about Yitzhak Zuckerman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw uprising, as told afterward by one of his colleagues: “When he wanted to enlighten us he said that it was impossible to understand the Warsaw Ghetto uprising without reading Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.” Even after the war, the book continued to instill a sense of urgency, heroism, and hope. Yossi Harel, the man who, with the ship Exodus, would bring over 20,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors through the British blockade of Palestine after WWII, was also captivated by Werfel’s tale. As his biographer Yoram Kaniuk has put it, “As very young men, Yossi and his friends read The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, a book by Franz Werfel about the Armenian revolt in the mountains of Anatolia. They found in this book a moral code. Hidden within it, the book contained pain and bravery, loyalty and isolation, and it won the hearts of the young Palestine Jews.” Apparently, when he left on his trip to save and bring Holocaust survivors to Palestine, he packed only a few things to eat and “three items for ‘ideological fortification’—a Bible, the poems of Hannah Senesh and Nathan Alterman, and Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.” Sailing along the shore from Palestine, Harel would stand on deck and look out for the peaks of Musa Dagh in the night, while reflecting on his role in the saga of Jewish survival. After the Holocaust Werfel’s novel receded into the background of the world’s consciousness; it became, perhaps again, more of an Armenian story. But like Beilinson wrote in 1936, it was also a Jewish book. That its role as a prescient warning against Hitler and as an inspiration to the Jews who fought him has been forgotten is partly due to how we remember and contextualize the Holocaust as well as to the success of Turkish denialism, which together have reinforced the ahistorical impression of a large distance in time and space between the Armenian Genocide and the Shoah. A hundred years later, it is time for a more integrated reading of the two great tragedies of the 20th century.

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34 Thursday« April 21, 2016 Lena Nalbandian 20 University of California Santa Barbara

The Armenian Genocide and Us

Armine Hovsepian 19 Vasteras, Sweden

April has come again to mark another year in the history of post Armenian Genocide. Thinking of the Armenian Genocide, many questions with no answers keep rising about the influence of Genocide on the Armenians. Bells start ringing in my ears and tragic sceneries start playing in my mind. 101 years after the Armenian Genocide that took the lives of 1.5 million Armenians a few questions are asked; Is the Armenian Nation still struggling with the lingering impact of this tragedy? Which stages of post genocide are we, the Armenians, going through? Restitution? Healing? Reconciliation? The vision is still unclear. Being scattered all over the world, does not complete the puzzle, leaving the picture with holes and misleading the impressions. We are still seeking international recognition, so where does reconciliation, healing, or other things lie? Stuck between political conflicts, “our wounds are open” and are still bleeding; accordingly, we should be a dead nation by now. However, even though there are difficult obstacles, our country and the Diaspora are still living and extending the life of the Armenian nation. It is essential to evaluate ourselves and realize which stage we are. What are we doing and what do we want? What did we learn and how are we seeing our future. Therefore, I asked for opinions from several Armenian friends who responded to my question with their point of view. Maybe by reading this you will find some answers or discover some weaknesses or strengths. My question was: “What comes into your mind, when you think of the Armenian Genocide?” “With the question of identity in mind, it is important to recognize that the Armenian Genocide is the greatest contributing factor to my roots. However, growing up, I had often asked myself why it is so important that we fight for the acceptance of the genocide. What would happen after the genocide was recognized? Recently, I have come to learn how foolish I was to ask that question. I believe this transformation occurred in me once I started attending university, in which the lack of Armenians gave me a greater appreciation for my heritage and our struggle. Multiple people have asked me what an Armenian is or what country Armenians come from. This put a lot into perspective for me, as there are people out there who know nothing of my rich heritage and language, or the injustice and crimes committed against my people. It is quite disappointing to think that there is a majority of people who are uneducated about this major historical atrocity that is so significant to our lives. It is however important to note that though our history may seem dark, depressing, and dreary, it is still our story, and it deserves the acknowledgement in the world. Without recognition of these past struggles and injustices, how will there be hope for a better future?”

Natalie Berberian 28 University of Southern California

“As a second generation Armenian living in the United States, the Armenian genocide is a tragic event in history that I have learned about through books, media, and countless heart wrenching stories told by my elderly family members. The Armenian Genocide represents not only the anguish and struggles of the Armenian people, but is a portrayal of multiple generations that continue to display endless strength and perseverance in the face of ad-

versity. Although the genocide occurred over 100 years ago, it is something that is permanently etched into my mind. I feel empowered to stand next to my Armenian brothers and sisters, as the passion and strength of my ancestors run through my blood. I am reminded everyday of the courage my great-great grandparents displayed as they were massacred in the name of their country, as well as the hope and strength of my grandparents, Ghevont and Armine Berberian, as they left their home in search of a better life. With no knowledge of the English language and no more than ten dollars to their name, they sailed across the world in 1957 with a baby in their arms and hope in their hearts. It was their Armenian passion and strength that held them together as they built an Armenian family in the United States. Two generations later and I am living in America, knowing how to speak, read, and write in my mother language. Rather than continue to be disheartened by the prospects of not gaining formal recognition or retrieving land that is rightfully ours, I use this passion and love for my Armenian culture to educate the Armenian youth each day. As a teacher at an Armenian school, I stand proud knowing that no matter where we are in the world, we continue to cultivate our Armenian roots.”

we must also be proud of the perseverance of our nation. The Armenian Genocide is nothing but proof that with faith and hope, we the Armenians can overcome all kinds of difficulties and when needed, we will rebuild our country and revive our nation.” “Meghety listed the most important turning points in our history and geographic significance of the Armenian land, and states that our land had been continuously the battle field surrounded by enemies as if we were a thorn in their eyes.” “Moreover, the Genocide is nothing but a lesson that teaches us how to be alert with the threatening dangers by our neighbor countries. The pledge of our freedom lies in our unity. According to Raffi, our famous renaissance writer: “No one will help us for free. It will take ten to give one.” This should echo in our minds, especially nowadays, when innocent people in Artsakh are being persecuted. Many people insist that the Armenian Genocide weakened us.”

Anna Shanazari 21 University of California Los Angeles

Meghety Manoyan 17 AGBU V. & T. Manoogian High School

“Although it happened 101 years ago, the Armenian Genocide’s influences are clear. I can see how the Armenian nation is scattered all over the world, and faces the dangers of cultural assimilation. I see the old map of Western Armenia and dream about our occupied ancient treasures. I keep thinking of the painful testimonies of the Genocide survivors. Of course, we have to respect the memory of the victims, but

“From a young age, I have always heard of the tragic days in the early 20th century when our intellectuals were slaughtered, men were driven away from their families, and women and children were tortured or taken captive. It is unbelievable and devastating to me that we live in a world in which many still do not recognize the Armenian Genocide, ignoring the loss of a million and a half innocent human beings, as if it was not important enough. Our incessant fight for recognition is not because we are bitter and hateful people, but rather survivors who want to bring to light the tragic incident in order to spread awareness and regain our belief that such things cannot go unnoticed.”

“When I hear about the slaughtering of the Armenians 101 years ago, I get angry and upset with the Turks. My people died, and my motherland, destroyed by the Ottoman Empire. Thinking of the Armenian Genocide, causes pain. The incidents happening in the Middle East nowadays are nothing but a repetition of what happened in 1915. These incidents wouldn’t happen if justice and recognition of the Armenian Genocide were fulfilled. Turkey is still accountable for supporting recognition. In order to ensure that such actions never happen again, the international society should be holding the violators accountable and make sure to restore the dignity of victims by commemorating or alleviating their suffering.” *** I was able to get a perspective from an American friend, who preferred to be anonymous. “How the genocide has meant to me, is in how people—Armenians and the international community alike—can come together and remember, acknowledge, and take action. When we understand the genocide as genocide, we have the means to talk about it, remember it, and work together so that individual experiences can be part of a collective way of knowing. I did not grow up knowing about the genocide. It has been a great honor to learn about it through the lives and community of my friends and family. I have been struggling with the fact that so much of what I’ve been thinking about genocide has been how it provides the space to begin to understand something that might be otherwise unknowable by any one individual. It’s a political thing, or a social thing, which doesn’t come off very well at this time of the year, which is a time for remembrance, not political speeches. ” Today, Armenians in the Diaspora are facing challenges embodied in the loss of land, identity, language, and belonging. Also, Armenians in the motherland are facing political conflict, economical trouble, and war. However, most importantly, after all, Armenians exist and have their say all over the world. Hope, strength, perseverance, survival, action, pain and justice are common factors mentioned in the several opinions above. The international society must recognize the Armenian Genocide, because humanity is endangered with injustice toward the heritage of a nation and lack of hope and safety in the world. The value of the Armenian identity should be emphasized and preserved as equal to other identities. History repeats itself. After 101 years, Armenians are still facing the same intolerance. Meanwhile, history became the source of our strength and perseverance making us proud to be descendants of Genocide survivors.


Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 14, 2016

Rally for Justice

Press Release April 24, 2016

LOS ANGELES—The Armenian Genocide Committee announced the addition of twenty-six coalition partners for the upcoming Rally for Justice on April 24, 2016, in commemoration of the 100+1 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the calls for recognition and accountability on the part of the Government of Turkey. The coalition partners, which include non-profit, civil rights, unions, labor, community based and student organizations affirmed their commitment to the global demand for justice for the Armenian Genocide, and advancing the call for accountability on the part of the Turkish government in acknowledging their crimes against the Armenian people. “Recognition of the Armenian Genocide has never solely been an Armenian issue, but one that belongs to all guarantors of truth and justice. Our partners’ commitment to standing in solidarity with the Armenian community demonstrates the power of grassroots partnerships and coalition-building.” said Raffi Kassabian, Esq., on behalf of the Armenian Genocide Committee. “Human rights violations against Armenian and other minorities by the Turkish government continue today and require immediate intervention by and call for accountability by the international community,” added Kassabian. The historic “March for Justice” in April 2015 witnessed 166,000 people participate in the largest such gathering in Los Angeles history. This year, the Rally for Justice will include members from neighboring communities in Southern California, increasing the scope and depth of the impact that grassroots activism has had on bringing the Armenian Genocide to the forefront of global human rights issues. The Rally for Justice will take place on Sunday, April 24th at 1:00 pm at the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles. The statement of support and list of partner organizations is below. For over a century, the government of Turkey has refused to heed worldwide calls by dozens of governments, world leaders, non-governmental organizations, and even Turkish intellectuals to accept responsibility for the Armenian Genocide of 1915 in which over 1.5 million defenseless Armenian men, women and children in the Ottoman Empire were systematically massacred in a premeditated campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Armenian People, who were the first nation to accept Christianity in 301 A.D., were deliberately disenfranchised from their ancestral homeland of 4,000 years, and their cultural and reli-


gious monuments were defaced and destroyed in an attempt to erase proof of their existence. The 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide reaffirms the global demand for justice by Armenians worldwide and by all people of good will to acknowledge this Crime Against Humanity and to call for accountability from the government of Turkey to make appropriate moral, financial and territorial restitution, as mandated by the fundamental norms of international law and civilized society. The signatories below stand in solidarity with the Armenian People in their quest for a just resolution to this unpunished crime of genocide.

AGBU Satamian Theatre Group, in collaboration with the Armenian Christian Outreach of Paz Naz, is proud to present a Community Symphonic Concert entitled “Triumph of the Human Spirit.” The Armenian Nation commemorated the centennial of the Genocide with great solemnity and dignity. Although we will continue the struggle for the ultimate recognition of the Genocide and reparations by the Turkish government, it is also vital to celebrate the renaissance of the Armenian Spirit. It is our obligation to make our young generation proud, not only of our glorious past, but also the promising future. This symphonic community concert will be conducted by Maestro Arto Tchiftchian, who comes to us from Bulgaria, where he served as conductor of Rousse State Opera for 8 years. He also founded and conducted Plovdiv Youth Symphony Orchestra, which had regular concerts in Bulgaria and successful tours in Germany and France. First part of the program will include overtures and arias by Beethoven, Verdi and Tchouhajian. The second part will be the glorious 7th symphony of Beethoven. It will take place on Sunday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m., at the Paz Naz Sanctuary, First Church of the Nazarene in Pasadena, at 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, California 91107. Tickets are priced at $50, $40 and $30. For tickets, please call the AGBU Office (626) 794-7942, Mary Agulian (626) 351-2562, Berj Bookstore (818) 244-3830 or ITSMYSEAT.COM

AF3IRM National (Association of Filipinas and Feminists Fighting Imperialism Re-feudalization & Marginalization) American Hellenic Council All-Armenian Student Association Assyrian-American Association of Southern California Assyrian Universal Alliance- Americas Chapter Center for Asian-Americans United for Self-Empowerment Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking Iraqi Transnational Collective Jakara Movement Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles Chapter Jewish World Watch Kurdish American Education Society Kurdish Community of Southern California Kurdish Human Rights Advocacy Group Kurdish National Congress of North America Loyola Law School Armenian Law Students Association Pepperdine University School of Law Armenian Law Students Association Rojava Solidarity Committee of Los Angeles SEIU RN 121 Southwest Asian North Afrikan (SWANA)- Los Angeles Chapter UNA Pasadena United Staffworkers (USW) United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) University of California Los Angeles Armenian Law Students Association University of Southern California Armenian Law Students Association University of California Berkeley Armenian Law Students Association

AGBU AYA Glendale-Pasadena Chapter

The Sports’ Committee Breakfast

On Sunday April 3rd, members of the AGBU Pasadena community gathered for the Annual Sports Committee Breakfast. Over 400 people attended the event including Athletes, Scouts, friends and

family. Among those in attendance were the AGBUWDC Chair Talin YacoubianBabikian, the WDC Board, as well as, the Pasadena and Valley Chapter Chairs and Board members. The open buffet was filled with delicious food, including “Soujouk & Havgeet” and “Mammounyeh.” Children were entertained with carnival style games and prizes were distributed while guests were honored and raffles were drawn during the main event. As an annual tradition, this year the Sports

Committee honored two AGBU members, for their continuous support for both programs (Scouts & Athletics). Silva Nazaretian, former WDC Member, was honored as well as Varant Tabakian,!former Scout, basketball player & Coach for AGBU. The Breakfast Fundraiser symbolized the true spirit of the AGBU family where the

Athletics Committee, Scouts, and volunteers teamed up to take on various tasks to create a delightful atmosphere for the event. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Athletics Committee as well as AGBU Pasadena Scout’s upcoming trip to Armenia this summer. !

Üáñ úñ

36 Thursday« April 21, 2016

Shushi Dance Ensemble’s Performance In Glendale, California By Kevork Keushkerian It was an afternoon of sheer ecstasy when 49 dancers took to the stage for more than two hours on Sunday, April 10, 2016, at the John Wayne Performing Arts Center of Glendale High School. The Armenian folk dances were accompanied by vocal renditions by famous artists from Armenia, New York and Los Angeles. The theme was appropriately chosen to be “Remember 1915 and Rise!!!” on this 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The dance and song performance was organized by Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Glendale-Pasadena Chapter and was held under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, the Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. This was the fifth stop of Shushi Dance Ensemble’s triumphant tour last year, which included performances in Moscow, Yerevan, Stepanakert and New York City. Shushi Dance Ensemble was founded in 1992, under the auspices of New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral. In 1995, the ensemble adopted the name Shushi, on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the liberation of that ancient capital city in Artsakh. Seta Paskalian-Kantardjian is the dynamic Artistic Director and Choreographer of Shushi Dance Ensemble. Under her visionary leadership, the group has flourished and grown to 110 dancers of all ages, who have sacrificed many precious hours daily, to bring this Dance Ensemble to its current professional level. Andranik Mouradian is the famed Musical Director of the group. In 2010, Shushi Dance Ensemble made a historic trip across the Middle East, performing in Amman, Jordan, Beirut, Lebanon, and the Syrian cities of Damascus and Aleppo. The performance in Aleppo

was especially significant as it took place with spectacular fireworks in the ancient citadel of the city for 4000 spectators. Just two years later in 2012, Shushi Dance Ensemble toured South America to perform to packed audiences in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay. The Glendale performance on April 10, 2016, aside from being a song and dance exhibition of the highest caliber, was a show of determination as vocalists like Artsakh born Andre, who had just come from Stepanakert a day before, and Armenia born Leyla Saribekyan, who had just come from Yerevan three days ago, both expressed their solidarity with the heroic fighters on the Artsakh border with Azerbaijan and called for unity on all fronts to defeat the enemy. This is a day of celebration, they added, to evoke the Armenian spirit to confront any obstacle in the path of victory. Other vocalists participating in the performance were Hasmik Mekhanejian and Anahit Zakaryan from New York City, as well as Salbi Mailyan, Armen Hovhannisyan, and Ruben Telunts from Los Angeles. Especially impressive were the final two songs, Kilikia and Hayastan, with the par-

ticipation of all the vocalist and Shushi dancers, which marked the highlight of the evening. The famed, multi-talented composer Ara Gevorgyan, who had just come from Yerevan three days ago, was the Guest of Honor that afternoon. The singers and dancers mesmerized the 1300 spectators with their dazzling performances, which resulted in an extended standing ovation from the audience. The 34 dances and songs were augmented with a background video presentation of pictures, appropriately depicting the theme of the song or the dance in progress, so the members of the audience would relate to the story behind that specific item performed. During the curtain call, Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and the Guest of Honor Ara Gevorgyan were invited to the stage to express their thoughts. Archbishop Derderian called the evening performance a volcanic explosion of songs and dances, which made all of us proud of our rich cultural heritage. He called upon Seta Paskalian-Kantardjian, the Artistic Director and Choreographer, to continue her important work of instilling the Armenian spirit in the minds and souls of the young gener-

ations of Armenians in this remote part of our Diaspora. Composer Ara Gevorgyan, who had enrolled into the army reserve force to fight in Artsakh and was rejected, due to the vast number of volunteers, stressed the call for unity by his colleagues and expressed his pleasant surprise to see four of his nephews among the guest dancers of the evening. He was later presented with a plaque of appreciation from the Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Glendale-Pasadena Chapter. Seta Paskalian-Kantardjian was also presented with a certificate of commendation from Ara Najarian, the former Mayor and current Councilmember of the City of Glendale. It was in recognition of her passion and dedication in promoting the Armenian culture through talented performing arts. Following the performance, the dancers and the artists were invited for a cast party by the organizing committee, which took place at Tekeyan Cultural Association’s Beshgeturian Center in Altadena. The sponsors of the event were also invited. Kevork Keushkerian introduced the members of the organizing committee, whose hard work and dedication was greatly appreciated. After food was served, the dancing not only resumed but took to new heights by the guest dancers, as there were no restraints to impress the audience. It was both impromptu and informal, but excited everyone in attendance. Hats off to them and good luck for their future endeavors!!!

Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 14, 2016


Üáñ úñ

38 Thursday« April 21, 2016

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 21 $åñÇÉ 2016

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