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Vol. 94, # 18, Thursday, May 5, 2016

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Thursday, May 5, 2016 Vol. 94, # 1 8


US State Of West Virginia Recognizes Armenian Genocide West Virginia became the 44th state to recognize the Armenian Genocide with Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s proclamation declaring April 2016 as “Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month” in the Mountain State. Citing the murder over 1.5 million Armenians and one million Greeks and Assyrians from 1915-1923, and the ongoing genocide against Christians, Yezidis and other minorities in the Middle East, Governor Tomblin’s proclamation notes that “recognizing and consistently remembering the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, and all cases of past and ongoing genocide, we help protect historic memory, ensure that similar atrocities do not occur again, and remain vigilant against hatred, persecution and tyranny.”

Local Armenian community members Hamparsum Kasparyan, Nancy Tolliver and Amy Tolliver played an integral role in working with state officials in support of the proclamation. “In 1915, my grandfather, Hamparsum, a prosperous wheat broker in Ankara, Turkey, was pulled from his home in the middle of the night, and beheaded. The same happened to many of the more educated and prosperous Armenians in Turkey at the time,” explained Kasparyan. “My grandfather was a kind and very generous man. During a drought he opened his silos and fed 40 towns of people. I am hoping that this West Virginia proclamation recognizing the Armenian Genocide, will in some way assure that others do not go through the same horrible events.”

Indiana landslide Knocks Cruz Out Of Race Donald Trump scored a landslide victory in Indiana’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday, dealing a knockout blow to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who abruptly ended his campaign, making the real estate mogul turned insurgent candidate the party’s likely nominee this November. Just one other Republican remained in the race: Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whose advisers said he would continue to campaign. But with Kasich mathematically eliminated from amassing a majority of delegates, Trump claimed the mantle of the party’s presumptive nominee — a position endorsed by Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, who formally called on the party to unite behind

Trump. “It’s been an unbelievable day and evening and year,” Trump told reporters at an election night event at Trump Tower. “I didn’t expect this.” The usually rambunctious candidate was relatively low key, as he pointedly thanked Cruz — a fierce rival whom he had trashed just hours before as a “wacko” who “can’t function under pressure.” But after Cruz exited the race, Trump omitted his usual nickname, “Lyin’ Ted,” and instead praised the Texas senator as a “tough competitor” who has an “amazing future” ahead of him. “I don’t know if he likes me or doesn’t like me, but he is one hell of a competitor,” Trump said.

Armenia Government To Discuss Bill On Karabakh Republic Recognition

YEREVAN. – The Government of Armenia will consider the bill On Recognizing the Republic of Artsakh; i.e. Nagorno-

Karabakh. The proposal is put on the agenda of Thursday’s Cabinet meeting. The Armenian government’s conclusion on this draft law states that the government conditions the adoption of this bill on the results of the Armenia-Artsakh discussions, and considering the future developments, including the external factors. Shavarsh Kocharyan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, will present a supplementary report during the National Assembly debates on this bill.

Aleppo Under Heavy And Indiscriminate Shelling Fighting has once again intensified in Aleppo in recent days after the fragile ceasefire that had held for the past few weeks has apparently fallen apart. This renewed violence in Syria comes at a time when the heroic people of Artsakh are standing strong and tall against the cowardly attacks by Azerbaijan. Sources from inside Aleppo have reported indiscriminate shelling of civilian neighborhoods throughout most of the city, with over 30 civilians killed in the past 24-48 hours and another 60 people killed over the weekend in Aleppo, according to Reuters. Among the victims are Syrian-Armenians. “The shells are everywhere, there are dead people on the ground, and they’re washing the blood from the streets,” said one resident, quoted by the Guardian. We wish to remind all those who have supported SARF’s efforts throughout the past four years, and lately during the SARF Telethon, that we should all remain vigilant and continue our coordinated effort in raising the needed funds to support those who are enduring the daily hardships of a brutal and bloody war. Although geographically apart, our people in Aleppo and in Artsakh know well that the entire Armenian nation stands by their side in their struggles for as long as it takes. We wish to thank our donors for their continued support and call on all those who wish to contribute towards this cause, to donate by mailing a check to SARF: P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209 or by donating online at www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org. SARF Executive Committee April 28, 2016


Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 5, 2016

110th Anniversary of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Marquee Speaker Ruben Vardanyan Member, AGBU Central Board of Directors

Los Angeles, California – On May 1, over 900 people attended the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s 110th Anniversary celebration at The Reef in downtown Los Angeles. The evening opened with The History of Humanitarianism, a timeline highlighting AGBU’s accomplishments, through numerous displays of artifacts and photographs dating back to 1906 until the present. The event also showcased the art and talents of both student and professional artists and was highlighted by the evening’s marquee speaker, entrepreneur, philanthropist and member of the AGBU Central Board of Directors, Ruben Vardanyan. In attendance were His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, representative of Archbishop Mushegh Srpazan, Father Karekin Bedourian, AGBU Central Board member Sinan Sinanian, community leaders, elected officials from Los Angeles, Glendale, and Burbank as well as AGBU WDC, Chapter and Committee current and former chairs,

members, and guests. Musical selections were performed to commemorate the evening by renowned musicians, Razmik Mansourian, Hayk Arsenyan, Armen Ksajikian, as well as up-andcoming musicians Alene Aroustamian, Audree Melekyan, and Nanor Der-Bedrossian. AGBU Western District Chair Talin V. Yacoubian, Esq., gave the opening remarks that emphasized that the AGBU Western District will focus on collaborating and taking risks in order to move forward with increased ferocity and strength. “The future of the AGBU Western District will be about collaboration… we will work with our youth, we will teach them, and we will learn from them.” Yacoubian stated that the mélange of talents on display that evening was only the beginning of AGBU’s plans to collaborate with the youth, with other communities, and with Armenia. Vardanyan’s message, delivered during a conversation with Ms. Yacoubian, strongly resonated with the audience.

When Vardanyan was asked why he chose to join AGBU, he responded “AGBU always played a very important role in keeping the identity of the (Armenian) nation in different parts of the world.” Vardanyan also discussed the social impact of investments in Armenia and highlighted the connectivity between Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, and the diaspora. He stressed that pride is a strong motivator and encouraged the diaspora to take risks, develop self-sustaining projects, and strive for excellence. “It’s amazing what AGBU has achieved in the last 110 years and its legacy definitely needs to be used in the future (Vardanyan).” Broadcast live on YouTube, the event reached thousands across the globe and was made possible due to the generosity of Drs. Avo and Ara Tavitian. AGBU intends to publish commentary and feedback received from its chapters around the world in the weeks to come. For more information on the AGBU Western District, please visit www.agbuwesterndistrict.org.

Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 5, 2016


Genocide Remembrance - Montebello, April 23rd, 2016 Mrs. Silva Katchiguian’s speech April is a dark month in the modern history of the world. It leaves a black scab….encrusted not only in the hearts of Armenian people, but humankind as whole. It was 1915, April that the Ottoman government began rounding up and murdering Armenian politicians, businessmen, and intellectuals, leading to the extermination of one and a half million. It is a dark month because since then, during a span of 101 years, whilst 10s of genocides have occurred, the month of April has brought the perpetration of the Holocaust, and genocides of Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, Syria, namely the cities of Kessab and Aleppo with the highest concentration of Armenians, and lastly It is April 2016 and Karabagh is seeing some its bloodiest days with Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey’s unrelenting attacks on Armenian positions both in Armenia and Artsakh that reveal with horrific repetition of savagery and butchery, heads chopped and knifed of Armenian soldiers shown off with pride by Azeris. How does this differ from the modus operandi of ISIS? We stand here today, in the very month of April, once again reiterating that there is only one formula to prevent genocides and that is to condemn with consequences the horrendous pages of the history of humankind and recognize the massacres of 1915 as the Armenian Genocide. The International Association of Genocide Scholars very clearly states: “To deny its factual and moral reality as genocide is to engage in propaganda and efforts to absolve the perpetrator, blame the victims and erase the ethical meaning of this history.” It is truly regrettable that President Obama has again succumbed to the denialist mentality, contributing to the complicity to erase the ethical meaning of a Genocide by lacking the courage to call the Medz Yeghern of April 1915 what it is…tseghaspanoutun….a GENOCIDE, that obliterated 1.5 million lives. We cannot be intimidated by the perpetrator, The Turkish Government, Turkish army or the Turkish institutes of state who try to prevent us from honoring the memory of those million and a half Christians who were treated with the savagery of slaughter. We have the courage to demand

an end to the impunity enjoyed by Turkey. We have the courage to demand that Turkey face its history by recognizing the Armenian Genocide; stop the fabrication of fallacies, the distortion of truth and attempts at changing archives of historical

same time, an inalienable individual and collective right. It is our moral duty and right to commemorate the eradication of the early 20th century Armenian intellectuals, inhumane sufferings endured by the hundreds of thousands, loss of material

ADLP-Ramgavar party Central Committee and Western District representatives with congressman Adam Schiff and former US ambassador to Armenia John Evans facts recorded through eyewitness accounts. We have the courage to speak the truth. The truth is, 101 years later, Turkish behavior and policy has not changed. The conspiracy of the Turks, this time backing the Azeris against ethnic Armenians peacefully living in Artsakh has become clear following the intensive bombing of Karabakh. With gross violations of International Human Rights laws and the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, this is a flagrant manifestation of inhumanity toward ethnic Armenians. It is time, now, more than ever for us to remain united, in Armenia, in Artsakh and in the Diaspora. We must proceed full throttle, for the prosecution of our sacred Cause, leading our people not just to remember, but to demand, as one Nation. Crimes against humanity cannot go unrecognized and unpunished. Restitution is absolute. For us Armenians, as with any group that has suffered persecution, remembrance is a moral obligation, and, at the

and spiritual heritage accumulated by our people throughout millennia, and the sanctity of canonized one and a half million of our families. Oh Yes, “We remember and demand.” We demand full compensation…for the countless lives lost, for land and properties, cultural monuments, churches, monasteries, schools and all that belong to our cultural heritage. We demand. The Armenian Genocide Centennial of last year became a new milestone in the international fight against crimes of genocide: countries around the world, international organizations, states within the United States, His Holiness Pope Francis, all recognized the Armenian Genocide, as the first of the 20th Century; Today, we share our gratitude to the cities, counties and whole communities, represented here by many of you. We thank all those who stand by our side, all those who wish to be by our side. We thank the global civil society and press representatives who have been voicing the importance of the Armenian Genocide

recognition. Recognition is the only way to peel the dark scab from the hearts of Armenians and humankind and to prevent such wounds from forming scabs ever again. Today, together we remember; united, we become yet stronger. We are 101 times stronger, 101 times more credible, with 101 times more allies who speak the truth with integrity than a Turkish government that denies the truth. Today, let our prayers echo through our hearts and souls and rise to greet the 1.5 million saints. But, tomorrow…Tomorrow, we Rally for Justice. Clench our fists. Drown the voices of opposition with our demand for reparation of injustices. Condemn the escalation of military violence in Nagorno Karabagh Republic of Artsakh. Advocate for the rights of the people of our historical Armenian lands. The call to action of the Armenians to remove the dark scab left on their hearts for their nation, their religion, their freedom… their right to self-determination is not just Armenian any more. To remove the black scab of April from our hearts is a call to all humanity. And In this calling, you are all Armenians. Together demand: Recognition, Compensation, Restitution, and a free and independent Artsakh. GETSE HAY JOGHOVOURTE. GETSE HEROSAGAN YEV ANGAKH ARTSAKHE. GETSE AZAD YEV MIATSYAL HAYASDANE.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

112 - Aksin Somel By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr. Aksin Somel completed his undergraduate education at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Dept. of International Relations in1983. He earned his MA degree from Bo!aziçi University, Dept. of History in 1987 and his Ph.D. degree from Bamberg University -Germany, (Turkology, History and Sociology) in 1993. He served at Bo!aziçi University (19851988); Freiburg University -Germany (19881991) and Bilkent University (1993-2002). Since (2002- present)he is Assistant Professor at Sabancı University. His areas of interest are: 19th century Ottoman education; Ottoman bureaucracy during the reform era; relationship between central authority and peripheral populations of the Balkans, east Anatolia and the Arab lands; nationalist movements in the Balkans; 19th century Ottoman political thought; Ottoman women during the age of reforms. Dr. Aksin Somel is the author and the co-author of a long list of publications, including "Osmanlı'da E!itimin Modernle"mesi

(1839-1908): islamla"ma, otokrasi ve disiplin," April 2015, "Osmanlı #mparatorlu!u ansiklopedisi, #stanbul: Alfa Yayıncılık," July 2014, "The A to Z of the Ottoman Empire " March 23, 2010 and many others. Dr. Aksin Somel is a corresponding member of the Turkish Historical Association (Türk Tarih Kurumu) and the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA). On September 24-25, 2005, a conference entitled "Ottoman Armenians During the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and Democracy" was held at Bilgi University in Istanbul. The selfavowed goal of the conference was to call into question the official Turkish account of events. The participants discussed the plight of the Armenians in the final days of the Ottoman Empire, a politically correct way in Turkey of saying the Armenian Genocide. It was the first time this subject was ever discussed so openly in Turkey. Dr. Aksin Somel of Sabanci University was one

of the organizers. (1) From Nov. 11-13, 2011, Diyarbakir hosted a groundbreaking workshop on the social and economic history of the city and its surrounding areas from 1838 to 1938, tackling head-on the fate of the region’s vibrant Christian minorities. The workshop, organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation and the city’s metropolitan municipality. Diyarbakir Mayor Osman Baydemir, delivered the opening speech . Among many powerful statements he mentioned that Diyarbakir, was the third most economically vibrant city in the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century, but was relegated to the 66th position in the decades that followed because of the destruction of its Armenian and Assyrian population. He added , “This city, belongs to Armenians and Assyrians as much as it belongs to Kurds.” Speakers at the workshop included genocide scholars and Ottoman historians from Europe, North America, and Turkey. belongs to Armenians and Assyrians as much as it be-

longs to Kurds.” Professor Aksin Somel was one of the main participants. (2)

1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /Conference:_Ottoman_Armenians_During_the_Decline_of_the_Empire 2.http://armenianweekly.com/2011/1 1/13/diyarbakir/


Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 5, 2016

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“Latino Americans: Empire of Dreams” to be Hosted by Armenian American Museum at the Brand Library & Art Center Glendale - The Armenian American Museum and the Brand Library & Art Center have released a robust slate of community events ranging from discussion panels to film screening which will compliment their current exhibition “Armenia: An Open Wound” currently in view until June 11, 2016. On Thursday, May 5, 2016, at 7 PM, a collaborative event titled “Latino Americans: Empire of Dreams (1880-1942)” will be hosted at the Brand Library & Art Center in partnership with the California State University, Northridge (CSUN) History Department and the American Library Association. The event will screen footage from the PBS documentary series “Latino Americans” and feature an engaging discussion with scholar Jorge N. Leal on behalf of the CSUN History Department. Leal will discuss cultural enrichment as a byproduct of Latin American immigration to the United States, and the dynamic connections between Los Angeles’ diverse immigrant communities. Opening remarks will be given by special guest, Mundo Max’s anchorwoman and renowned journalist Palmira Perez. Jorge N. Leal is an urban and cultural historian whose research focuses on the historical trajectory of transnational Latina/o and multi-racial urban communities in Southern California in the last third of the twentieth-century. Leal is a former journalist who covered the culture and politics beats for publications in Southern California, Mexico, and Spain. Leal holds a Master in History from CSUN and is a Ph.D candidate of the History Department at UC San Diego. Currently Leal teaches courses

on urban history at CSUN and highlights the intersections of race and culture in the Americas for the Chicana/o Studies Department at California State University, Los Angeles. This program is one in a series taking place in conjunction with “Armenia: An Open Wound” an exhibition presented by The City of Glendale and the Library, Arts & Culture Department in partnership with the Armenian American Museum and curated by the Museo Memoria y Tolerancia [Museum of Memory & Tolerance] in Mexico City. The exhibit will be on view at the Brand Library Art Galleries between April 16 and June 11, 2016 during the library’s regular hours: Tuesday and Thursday 128pm, Wednesday 12-6pm, and Friday and Saturday, 10am-5pm. All events are free and open to the public. For more information about the “Armenia: An Open Wound” exhibition and featured programs, please visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org or contact the Brand Library: (818) 548-2051

Once Wasn't Enough! Join Birthright Armenia's sister organization AVC, offering a 'Birthright' experience to all generations Before leaving Armenia in January 2014, Connie Koumjian assured us that she would practice her Armenian as much as possible and that her return would be very soon! As promised, Connie is back in Armenia; she has returned to volunteer again, this time for 6 months! Connie is one of our scores of inspiring Professional Corps alumni. Born and raised in New Jersey, Connie lived in New York City for over 30 years. A social worker for most of her life, she has worked with some of the most challenging populations throughout the USA and in Mexico. During her first experience with AVC, Connie served for 10 months at Real World Real People (RWRP), a non-governmental organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV and their families; she also spent part of each week helping at a soup-kitchen and a center for the elderly. She found her experience in Armenia personally fulfilling and she says gave her a strong connection to her "homeland". Service being her life now, she had a strong desire to again contribute to her nation as much as possible. "I have many skills and so much experience; I feel I can offer needed expertise," says Connie. This time around, she is volunteering at Prkutyun NGO, working with youth and young adults with disabilities, and in Etchmiadzin

assisting the Armenian sisters in their charitable work. Connie has enthusiastically resumed Armenian language classes and is pursuing her passion of miniature painting under the guidance of one of the talented miniature painters from the Matenadaran. She is the fourth AVC volunteer to return for a second volunteering stint in the past year alone. Their motivation? To con-

tinue to explore opportunities and to forge deeper links to Armenia. Birthright Armenia's sister organization Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC) offers immersion, non-tourist experiences similar to those offered by Birthright Armenia (BR) to anyone who is not BR-eligible; i.e. to individuals of all backgrounds and ethnicities from across the globe, age 21 and up. Service terms are as short as two weeks and up to one year. To date, AVC has placed over 600 volunteers from 40 countries. For more information, visit www.armenianvolunteer.org

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