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Vol. 94, # 19, Thursday, May 12, 2016

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Üáñ úñ !Ç#·ß"µÃÇ« 12 Ø!ÛÇë 2016

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Thursday, May 12, 2016 Vol. 94, # 1 9


There Is No Pressure Over Recognition of Karabakh by Armenia

Armenia President Visits Yerablur Military Cemetery Yerevan. – President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Monday visited Yerablur military cemetery on the Victory and Peace Day to honor memory of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for Armenia’s independence. The Armenian leader was accompanied by defense minister and military officials.

Yerevan. - There is no foreign pressure on Armenia regarding the recognition of Artsakh. Secretary of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Gagik Melikyan told Armenian News – NEWS.am, referring to the comments that the recognition of Artsakh was withdrawn from the agenda of Armenian authorities under Russia’s pressure. “There is no pressure on the recognition of Artsakh. It was announced that this issue will be discussed in case Azerbaijan relaunches large-scale military actions against the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/ Artsakh),”the MP said. Referring to the opinion of some politicians that it is high time to recognize independence of Artsakh, Gagik Melikyan said: “Those politicians make logical or illogical conclusions based on the information at their disposal. And we are speaking based on the information at our disposal and discussions, as well as foreign and domestic incentives. The government conclusion also

AGBU President Berge Setrakian Named 2016 Armenian Church Member of the Year On April 28, AGBU President Berge Setrakian was honored by the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern) as the 2016 Armenian Church Member of the Year. The award was given as part of the 114th Annual Assembly and Clergy Conference at the Saint Gregory of Narek Armenian Church in Cleveland, Ohio. In attendance were hundreds of Armenian Church clergymen and lay leaders from the 44 parishes of the Eastern Diocese and its 18 mission parishes. The Assembly’s gala banquet was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, who presented the award to Mr. Setrakian: “Berge is truly a man of international standing—a leader of our community not only in the United States, but around the world—known for his advice and for his judgment…And I personally have been blessed to have benefitted from Mr. Setrakian’s generous and thoughtful vision. Our friendship goes back many years. I recall our meeting in Geneva when I was a student in Rome and it is always illuminating to speak with Berge on issues [relating to] our Church, our community and the prospect for our nation…Berge Setrakian always speaks to the heart of the Church with confidence, openness and honesty. His remarkable leadership in the AGBU…mark[s] him as an example of the Armenian Church Member of this year and any year.” Mr. Setrakian accepted his award by emphasizing his philosophy on Armenian community involvement. “Serving the Armenian community is a privilege, an honor, and above all, a calling. All of you here in

this room know this first hand. It is not a sacrifice. It is a spiritual reward. We put the needs of our nation and others before ours, and we always keep the preservation of our heritage above all else. It is our duty to do so even though many within the community at large could not understand it.” The gala also honored Professor Taner Akçam with the 2016 Friend of the Armenians Award. Professor Akçam is the Robert Aram, Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University and has written extensively on the Armenian Genocide in English, French, German and Turkish. Mr. Setrakian closed his speech to a riveting audience with inspiring words about the role of religion in Armenian identity: “We must continue working together, and as one common people we must make concerted effort in preserving our faith and promoting our Christian and national values. Let’s find ways to reengage and inspire our youth. Let’s show our ancestors that we, too, fight for our Church so that we can ensure its prosperity for generations to come. For without our Church, Armenia would be little more than a barren mountainous land in the Caucasus and we, in the diaspora would be a people without spirit.”

includes the precise idea that the recognition issue will be discussed depending on the developments between NKR and Armenia. This depends on the situational changes, military actions and foreign incentives.” Asked what will happen if Armenia recognizes Artsakh at this stage, the MP noted that Armenia stands for talks and not war. “We have clarified that we are for peace and talks. We have announced three preconditions for the resumption thereof, which will be followed by further proposals on what will underlie the talks according to priority. As mentioned earlier, the priority issue is the recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan, which should be followed by the international process of NKR recognition.” According to Melikyan, the work on signing an agreement on mutual military assistance between Armenia and Arstakh is underway. !

EU Representative Condemns Atrocities in Karabakh News.am. – All atrocities need to be condemned, and those who are guilty need to face trial, EU special representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, Mr. Herbert Salber, told the media Tuesday in Yerevan. Asked on why he wasa evading to visit Nagorno-Karabakh, he said that he actually would like to, but principles of cooperative security, with which he stays in line, imply that there must be an agreement in place to make this happen. Asked about violence of Azerbaijani armed forces against elderly civilians in Karabakh, he answered: “On this we have accusations from several sides. It is very difficult for us as the European Union, and also for other international organizations, to make an assessment on this. There’s one thing that is clear. We condemn all these atrocities that were committed. We would very much welcome if there were possibilities for investigations, in order to punish those who are guilty”.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 12, 2016

Times Square, New York - April 24, 2016 Armenian Genocide Commemorations Persevere Into A New Century: Fight for Recognition Prevails By Taleen Babayan The centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year reinvigorated worldwide efforts to not only commemorate the massacres of 1.5 million lost lives but a renewed effort to seek recognition and justice. Entering a new century of commemorations, thousands gathered in one of the most illustrious landmarks in the world – Times Square, New York, on Sunday, April 24, 2016, to pay homage to those killed in 1915 and to show the perpetrators and the world at large that the legacy of those who perished during the Armenian Genocide continues to live on.

Descendants of survivors flanked every corner of Times Square, holding high the flags of Armenia and Artsakh, memorializing their ancestors and showing ongoing support for their homeland. The full and seamless program, planned and executed by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan for the past 31 years, once again drew Armenians from the East Coast to the center of New York City, displaying their dedication to the memory of the martyrs while calling for justice. Elected officials, who show steadfast support for Armenian Genocide recognition in the U.S. year after year, were in attendance and affirmed their commitment to the Armenian people, including Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), who insisted that, “genocide is genocide and it cannot be called anything else.” “We are commemorating more than a century of silence,” said Menendez, who has continuously sponsored resolutions in Senate that recognize the Armenian Genocide as a crime against humanity. Menendez spoke of Turkey’s distortion of history and the government’s relentless denial, vowing to “set the record straight.” “There is no other word for it,” said Menendez, who as chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee worked hard to pass Resolution 410, demanding that the U.S. acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. “We must fully commit ourselves to the fundamental truth that what happened between 1915-1923 was a blatant act of genocide and recognition must come from Turkey and our country as well.” The founder of Congressional Caucus of Armenian Issues, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) spoke of the importance of continuing to commemorate the Armenian Genocide, especially in the wake of the recent hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh. He urged the U.S. to cut off military assistance to Azerbaijan and demanded that Aliyev come to the peace table in order for Artsakh to join Armenia or become an independent entity. Pallone noted that almost every state in the U.S. has recognized the Armenian Genocide and it is through continued demonstrations that progress will be made. “It is important that you, as members of the Armenian Diaspora, stand strong,” he said, before adding, “Artzakh is Armenia.” Remembering the victims of the Armenian Genocide, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) acknowledged that many people in

the audience had family members who were massacred in the Armenian Genocide. “It galls the survivors and it galls those who lost loved ones to see people denying their suffering,” said Schumer. “I stand with you in labeling the atrocities against the Armenian people as genocide.” Schumer said it was important to remember the stories and commemorate with a collective spirit because the “deniers cannot kill the truth and will never kill the truth.” Reflecting on his friendship with the late Sam Azadian, the founder of the Armenian Genocide Times Square Commemoration, Schumer said he attends every year “because it’s my own sacred duty to speak out against the terrors of the past and against those who cannot speak of it themselves.” A native of Turkey, academic Ümit Kurt, who specializes his research in the confiscation of Armenian properties during the Armenian Genocide, spoke of Turkey’s denialism and the “extreme violence and mass annihilation that befell on Armenians.” Kurt conveyed the questions he has asked the Turkish state, to which he has not yet received responses, particularly in regards to why the archives in Turkey are closed for research. “Turkey continues its 101 year policy of lies and denial with great arrogance and determination and continues this policy with new techniques and methods,” said Kurt, a PhD candidate in the Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Clark University, under the supervision of distinguished Turkish historian and academic Taner Akcam. “Turkey has internalized deceitful policy that lies have turned into truth and truth has turned into the regime.” On behalf of Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, Gina Martinez, Deputy Commissioner for Regional Affairs and Federal Programs. issued a proclamation declaring April 24, 2016, as Armenian Remembrance Day in the state of New York. Dr. Pamela Steiner, the great-granddaughter of Henry Morgenthau, former U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide, said her great-grandfather promoted American-style democracy to the Ottomans, who thought would heed his advice. “Ambassador Morgenthau spoke frequently of his admiration of Armenians as a remarkably able and industrious people,” said Dr. Steiner, a Fellow at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Steiner also spoke of healing and the “monumental collective trauma of genocide.” “The importance of healing includes how it informs efforts for democratizing, ending of genocide denial, acknowledgement of what happened by Turkey, accompanied by apology and payment of reparations, and correction of history teaching.” Best known for her work documenting the Barack Obama campaigns, photojournalist Scout Tufankjian spent 6 years chronicling Armenian communities in over 20 countries for her book, There Is Only One Earth: Images from the Armenian Diaspora Project.

Tufankjian said she wanted to explore the ideaof being one people so she went on a search to figure out what connected the Armenians a century after the genocide. She found that “the past is reflected within us” and “all of our kids, whether young kids in India or kids in Lebanon, or these kids right here, all share the spirit of the survivors.” “Even though it must have seemed unimaginable to those who lived thru horrors of 1915, here we are,” said Tufankjian. “Look around, we are still strong and we are still one people.” The daughter of Holocaust survivors, Dr. Joan Rivetz, who serves as the NJ Civil Rights Commissioner and the Associate Director of the NJ Commission on Holocaust Education, said it was instrumental that the Armenian Genocide be included in official school curriculum. “It is vital we do education outreach on the genocide, especially with our youth since they will carry the responsibility of remembering into the future when many of us will no longer have a voice,” said Dr. Rivetz. She spoke of the significance of commemorating the genocide in order to keep the truth alive and show respect to those who perished. “Armenians and Jews of the Diaspora and those yet to come must continue in solidarity to remember the truth undeniable fact of the dark parts of our parallel histories,” said Dr. Rivetz. The musical portion of the program highlighted the rich Armenian culture offered by legendary musician Onnik Dinkjian and Grammy-nominated artist Sebu Simonian. Performing with his son, internationally renowned oud player and composer, Dinkjian sang “Anoush Tzaynut” (Your Sweet Voice) dedicated to Armenian mothers, as well as a traditional folk song from Dikranagerd, where his family is from. “The atrocities continue today in Dikranagerd,” said Ara Dinkjian. “This Dikranagerd folk song demonstrates not only how we as Armenians have survived but how this unique Armenian dialect is so complex and rich.” Dinkjian’s final song, the moving “Herosner,” was dedicated to all of the Armenian heroes. Closing out the program, Simonian, who traveled from Los Angeles to perform at the Times Square commemoration, bridged the past and present, singing his first song, “Dzirani Dzar” (The Apricot Tree), which was written by Gomidas over 100 years ago. “Gomidas was one of the many Armenian intellectuals gathered on April 24, 1915 and sent into the dessert to be tortured and killed,” said Simonian. Although Gomidas survived, he spent the rest of his life in an asylum in France, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. His second song, a cover of John Lennon’s powerful ballad, “Imagine” inspired hope for a world that will one day be filled with peace. Simonian performed his number one hit and fan favorite, “Safe and Sound,” concluding a fulfilling afternoon of remembrance and a revived commitment to Armenian Genocide recognition. Knights of Vartan Grand Commander

Steve Kradjian and Daughters of Vartan Grand Matron Sona Manuelian delivered remarks. Dr. Rachel Goshgarian, Professor of History at Lafayette College and Armen McOmber Esq., New Jersey attorney, ably served as MCs for the program. Remarks by sponsoring organizations were made by Steven Mesrobian, Chair of ANCA Eastern Board, Toros Sahakian, Armenian Assembly of America, Natalie Gabrielian, AGBU, Taleen Babayan, ADLRamgavar, Chris Parnagian, Armenian Bar Association and Zaven Khanjian, Armenian Missionary Association of America. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of Armenian Church of America (Eastern), gave the invocation and Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, Dean of St. Vartan Cathedral, representing Archbishop Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), offered the benediction. Other clergy in attendance included Nurhan Becidiyan, representing Bishop Mikael Anthony Mouradian, Exarch of Roman Catholic Armenian Eparchy of America and Canada, Rev. Haig Kherlopian, pastor of the Armen-

ian Evangelical Church in New York and Very Rev. Karekin Hambartsumian, Dean of Etchmiadzin’s Gevorkyan Seminary. The winners of this year’s Knights of Vartan Essay Contest were announced at the program: Megan Haase, 1st place, Victoria Chu, 2nd place, and Asken Kazaryan, 3rd place. The Shnorhali Choir, under the direction of Vagharshak Ohanyan sang the national anthems of the United States and Armenia, as well as “God Bless America.” The Armenian Radio Hour of New Jersey, led by director Vartan Abdo, streamed the event live in video format worldwide, reaching more than 50,000 people, with the assistance of his dedicated volunteer staff. The 101st Armenian Genocide Commemoration in Times Square was organized by the MidAtlantic chapters of the Knights and Daughters of Vartan and the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee (Eastern Region). Co-sponsors included the Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Armenian Assembly of America, the Armenian National Committee of America, the ADLRamgavars, and the Armenian Council of America. Participating organizations included the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), Prelacy of the Armenian Church, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Presbyterian Church, the Armenian Evangelical Church, the Armenian Catholic Eparchy for U.S. and Canada and numerous Armenian youth organizations, including the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America, the Armenian Network of America, the Armenian Youth Federation, Homenetmen Scouts, Hamazkayin Cultural Association, Tekeyan Cultural Association, Noyan Tapan of Brooklyn, Armenian Students Association, Akh’tamar Dance Ensemble NJ, NY Armenian Old Age Home, AGBU Young Professionals, Armenian Youth Talent Association, tri-state Armenian college and university clubs.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 12, 2016


Turkish Consulate, Los Angeles - April 24, 2016 On Behalf of the Armenian Community - Tamar Poladian’s (Esq.) Message

Over the course of the last 101 years, the world has undergone dramatic changes. War, genocide, political unrest, and economic upheaval have cast a dark shadow on the future of humankind’s global existence, leaving scars worldwide. Here, in the United States, we received just such a scar when our world changed on September 11, 2001 at the hands of zealots. But, rather than learning from past mistakes and vowing never to repeat them, man has continued his inhumanity to man, and still engages in unspeakable crimes. At a time when Christians are once again being held up to slaughter by zealots who are blind to their own criminality and evil, the civilized world can and must recognize genocide. “Evil”, by its insidious nature will hold hostage all that stands in its way. The defenseless are destroyed. Goodness, decency and faith are challenged. When “evil” speaks, its voice threatens out of one side of its mouth and spits denials out of the other. “Evil” will always be able to claim that the victims deserved it or that there was no option except evil doing. But “evil” is the voice of barbarians and sociopaths, spoken with the language of the guilty. For Armenians worldwide, “evil” has been represented by continued indifference and denial of the 20th Century’s first and most heinous Genocide and the resultant ongoing battle to bury that Genocide on the

back pages of history. It has been this same indifference and continued denial that has allowed the government of Azerbaijan to recently engage in the most serious violations of its 1994 ceasefire with Karabagh. It is this same indifference and continued denial that has resulted in the deaths of so many during just the last 24 days in Karabagh - including elderly civilians and innocent children with atrocities reminiscent of those committed during the Genocide. And why not? After all the Azeris have made no secret of their strong bond with Turkey, openly stating that they are “one nation with two states”. It has been this same indifference and continued denial that has allowed the government of Turkey to act with such brazen impunity to fabricate fallacies, to destroy historical archives, to support Azerbaijan in its aggressions against the Armenians; and to blame the Armenians once again for all the conflicts in the Caucuses. Thankfully, we stand here today as a testament to our forefathers’ heroic will to survive. To them, we owe our existence as a people and as a nation. There is a genocide survivor in each of us. While we have grown up with tales of horror and sadness, we have lived because of courage, love, and undying hope. Every day for the past 101 years we have looked deep within our souls, and reached deep into our collective memories to hold steadfast to our iden-

tity… the true meaning of being Armenian. We have survived and Turkey has failed! Many tears have been shed since 1915 tears of sorrow, tears of pain, tears of remembrance and yes, tears of survival. As Armenians, we have recognized “evil”, we have known it and have lived it in its many incarnations for the past 101 years. As Americans, we recognize “evil” whenever and wherever we see the trampling of man’s unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The United States of America has openly condemned the atrocities committed by ISIS as “genocide”. The time has come for the United States of America to recognize the atrocities committed by the Turks against the Armenians as Genocide. Last year, millions of Armenians worldwide, including more than one-sixth of a million people in Los Angeles alone, gathered together and raised their collective voice as they marched to honor the last 100 years. Today, we stand here in front of the Turkish Consulate and together we speak with that same voice. Whether in English or Armenian; the words may be different but the message is exactly the same: “We Remember and Demand!” We demand the United States of America stop turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the crimes against humanity taking place today as a result of its long standing silence. We demand the United States of America recognize the Armenian Genocide as a government sponsored genocide. We demand the United States of America stop all aid to Azerbaijan. We demand that Turkey stop its policy of denial and take responsibility for the Armenian Genocide as the state succeeding the Ottoman regime in accordance with the International Law Commission of the United Nations. We demand acceptance of the events that took place between 1915 and 1923 as historical truths. We demand payment of reparations and full compensation for all that we have lost, 1.5 million in lost lives, billions of dol-

lars in properties and priceless cultural and religious monuments. We demand the return of our historical Armenian lands located in Eastern Turkey to us, the Armenian People their rightful owners. We demand safety, liberty, and self-determination for the Armenians in Artsakh. We demand Justice be served! Today, the Turks are flying a banner that says “Get real”. To them we say, we have reality and the truth on our side. WE ARE ARMENIANS! WE SHALL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT! WE WILL LAUGH – TOGETHER! WE WILL SING – WITH ONE VOICE! WE WILL PRAY – WITH ONE SOUL! WE WILL STAND STRONG, AND PROUD, SHOULDER TO SHOULDER IN UNITY WITH OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMENIA, IN ARTSAKH, AND ACROSS THE GLOBE! MOVING FORWARD, WE WILL SURVIVE! AND TURKEY WILL FAIL! MY ANCESTORS SURVIVED GENOCIDE. MY HUSBAND’S ANCESTORS SURVIVED FAMINE. OUR CHILDREN ARE ARMENIANS AND FOR AS LONG AS ONE ARMENIAN PARENT HAS EVEN ONE BREATH WITHIN THEM, AND AS LONG AS ONE ARMENIAN CHILD LIVES THIS STORY WILL BE TOLD. OUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD AND OUR VOICE …. WILL…. LIVE ON…. FOREVER! Thank you.

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

113 - Mensur Akgün By Hambersom Aghbashian Professor Mensur Akgün is a Turkish political analyst, civil society activist and a columnist for Turkish daily Star. He is also a professor at Istanbul Kültür University. After finishing his bachelor studies at the Middle Eastern Technical University- Ankara, in 1981, he received his master's degree from the University of OsloNorway, in 1987, then earned his PhD from the Bosphorus University- Istanbul, in 1992. Prof. Akgün has published a couple of own monographs and co-authored books. He has traveled extensively and participated in various international conferences as a speaker representing both academia and civil society. Together with his colleague Sylvia Tiryaki, Prof. Akgün founded the Global Political Trends Center, an Istanbul based research institution, which is operating under the auspices of Istanbul Kültür University. He has also been the Director of the Foreign Policy Program at the Turkish Economic and Social Studies

Foundation (TESEV) and the editor of the News Perspectives Quarterly (NPQ-Türkiye). Prof. Mensur Akgün teaches courses on international relations and Turkish foreign policy at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of Istanbul Kültür University where he also holds position of chair of the Department of International Relations. His geographic areas of interest include the Middle East, Cyprus, Turkey and Armenia. He Published and co-authored many books, including "Possible Scenarios in Cyprus: Assuming There is No Solution- 2012" , "The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East -2012. (Co-author)", "Ending the Isolation of Turkish Cypriots in Insight Turkey- 2010. (Co-author), " Turks Are Now Puzzling over the EU's Back-Handed Compliment- 2010" and many others. On June 8, 2011, "http:// www.arminfo.info" wrote, " The paths towards recognition of the Armenian Genocide of the early

20th century opened in Turkey long ago, Mensur Akgun, Director of Global Political Trends Center (GPOT) told Armenian journalists in Istanbul. He added, in Turkey they will finally put up with the fact of the Armenian Genocide only after normalization of relations with Armenia. He said that the relations with Armenia are important and necessary for Turkey not only from the viewpoint of the foreign political agenda, but also for internal processes. In this context, Akgun came out for public contribution to the given process both in Armenia and Turkey."For our part, jointly with the Yerevan Press Club we try to move this process forward by combined efforts," Akgun said." (1) "Repairfuture.net", published on March 1, 2014, an interview with Prof.Mensur Akgün, the Director of the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT), research institution of Istanbul Kültür University, where he said that the major obstacle to the convergence of Turkey to Armenia is the nature

of Ankara-Azerbaijan relations. While Armenia is getting closer to Russia, Azerbaijan is getting closer to the West. And about the relations between Turkey and Armenian he said They are literally in a refrigerator. Two protocols were signed in 2009, but since then, relations are in the refrigerator. The official discourse in Turkey blames the reference to genocide made by the verdict of the Armenian Constitutional Court. But in reality, the problem is exactly the nature of TurkeyAzerbaijan relations. Presumably, Turkey has underestimated the reaction of Azerbaijan. And as an answer to the question "Is it truly Azerbaijan who shackles Turkey?" he said: It is essentially Azerbaijan. Sometimes, it is mentioned that the genocide question in Armenia or Armenian Diaspora or the reference to it in the preamble of the Constitution of Armenia is important, but this is totally wrong. Answering a question "Why Turkey is so dependent to Azerbaijan?" he said: The rea-

son is primarily economic, but also political. Turkey defines itself with an ethnic and national identity. It sees Azerbaijan as a part of this ethnic identity. In addition, it considers Azerbaijan as the entrance door to Central Asia. Turkey has begun to face with its past and begun to know and see that its past is perhaps not so bright as they say, and there were crimes that can be qualified as genocide. If there will be no reaction coming from outside, in my opinion, the natural result of this process would be asking for forgiveness made by the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic Cont. on p.10

NOR OR ENG. May 12:Layout 1 5/10/16 9:55 PM Page 4


Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 12, 2016

Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Cheltenham, PA - April 24, 2016 Armenian Genocide Commemoration On Sunday, April 24th, 2016 hundreds gathered at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church in Cheltenham, PA to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. The program sponsored by the Armenian InterCommunal Committee of Philadelphia celebrated the theme “Together for Armenia” and featured world renowned pianist !ahan Arzruni. !ahan Arzruni captivated the audience with his beautiful selection of pieces by Kristapor Kara-Mourza, Komitas, Aram Khatchadourian, Arno Babadjanian and Alan Hovhannes. Spectators traveled with Arzruni through a recent history of Armenian composers and their works. As his fingers brushed the keys they meditated on times gone by, the saga of the Armenian people. Before playing selections from each of the famous composers, Arzruni shared anecdotes about their lives allowing the journey to feel complete. Each composer’s musical genius permeated the room as Arzruni revived their compositions. “Shoror of Moush” by Komitas captured the essence of Armenian folk music allowing the audience to revel in the daily life of the Armenian villager. All were mesmerized by Arno Babadjanian’s Elegy (after Sayat Nova) and were delighted by the “Potpourri on Armenian Songs” by Kristapor Kara-Mourza. “Yenovk” by Alan Hovhaness was equally entertaining and enchanting. It was however with Arzruni’s finale of Aram Khatchaturian’s “Toccata” that the fortitude and resilience of the Armenian people was symbolized. Each stroke of the keys, each chord that was played echoed the struggle and survival of the Armenian people. !ahan Arzruni is not only revered as a recitalist and chamber music partner but, he has also received recognition and acclaim as a composer, ethnomusicologist, teacher, lecturer, writer, broadcast person-

ality and impressionist. He has appeared on numerous broadcasts with Johnny Carson, Mike Douglas and has performed as well with Victor Borge. In 1996 he received an encyclical and Sts. Sahag and Mesrob medallion from His Holiness Karekin I. This year he was awarded the Movses Khorenatsi Presidential Medal for promoting cultural ties between Armenia and the Diaspora. The Philadelphia Armenian community was truly honored to have Mr. Arzruni share in the commemoration of the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. A small part of the program was dedicated to the youth of our community. The audience was thrilled to enjoy a vocal performance by the students of the Armenian Sisters Academy (Radnor, PA). Guided by the principal Sr. Emma Moussayan, their Armenian teacher Mrs. Tamar Panosian and under the direction of their music teacher, Karinné Andonian, the students delighted spectators with “Dzidzernagin Poynuh” by Gh. Aghayian and Parsegh Ganachian and “Soorperoo Atchker” by Martin Aharonyan. Hearing the beautiful voices of the students of the Armenian Sisters Academy singing Armenian songs was a wonderful reminder that the Philadelphia community is fortunate to have such an in-

credible institution in their midst. These students are reminders that our history is our foundation, our culture and language keeps us unified. The Armenian Sisters Academy stands as a beacon, developing mind, body and spirit of generations of Armenian youth. And, as it forges ahead vigorously, it cultivates the next generation of leaders for the Armenian nation. The Philadelphia Armenian community celebrates a unique attribute. The Inter-Communal Committee consists of representatives from the five area churches, their clergy and the Armenian Sisters Academy. Throughout the year this committee plans three events for the Philadelphia area that bring the entire community together to celebrate Cultural Month and Vartanantz and to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. When the entire community is encouraged to unify their efforts wonderful things are accomplished. “Together for Armenia” featuring !ahan Arzruni is an example of such an occasion. In appreciation of Mr. Arzruni’s performance the committee will make a donation to the Vanadzor Old Age Home in Armenia. This home is sponsored by the Arzruni family, providing care to over 40 individuals. The Armenian Inter-Communal Committee was honored to host this superb event and was thrilled to showcase !ahan Arzruni’s phenomenal talents. The audience truly enjoyed a wonderful program and the committee thanks Mr. Arzruni for his riveting performance, reminding all those present about the musical giants the Armenian people have produced. Indeed, on Sunday, April 24th music soothed the soul of the Philadelphia Armenian Community. Arpy Minasian Vice-Chair, Armenian Inter-Communal Committee of Philadelphia

113 - Mensur Akgün Cont. from p. 9 or any other government official, as we have seen about Dersim. A monument can be built.* (2) In an interview with Prof. Mensur Akgün in Istanbul, Vahe Sarukhanyan asked him "Who should resolve the Armenian Genocide issue –political leaders or historians?" Akgün said: “The issue isn’t connected to historians. The Turkish side has numerous documents attesting to the fact that there was no premeditation. The Armenian side has just as many documents to the contrary. But if the historians can reach some general consensus, their conclusions can be presented to the politicians. Then, there is a good chance that the matter will go to arbitration. If the Genocide was carried out by specific individuals in specific location in Turkey, the Turks would be obliged to recognize it. But, of course, there would be political, juridical and historical elements involved." (3)

* Although Prof. Mensur Akgün shows good intentions, the Turkish government and officials are going in the opposite direction. On April 2011, Turkey-Armenia friendship symbol was demolished. A 30m-high statue - depicting two human figures facing each other - was erected on a mountain in Kars, near the Armenian border. Local authorities commissioned it several years ago to symbolize an end to decades of enmity and suspicion between Turks and Armenians. It was demolished before completion of the installation after, then prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdo!an, described it as a "freak".(H.A.) 1.http://www.arminfo.info/english/ politics/article/08-06-2011/03-16-00 2.http://repairfuture.net/index.php/en/geno cide-standpoint-of-turkey 3.http://hetq.am/eng/print/765/

Glendale Unified School District Genocide Commemoration - April 20th, 2016 Ara Mandjikian’s Speech, President of Armenian Club at Crescenta Valley High School Our program this evening is different from what you might have expected. I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate the significance of this shift in perspective. As we all know with any mass murder, it is not the average person who is killed first. The first people that the Ottoman Turks targeted were our best and our brightest, our intellects and artists, our leaders. My sister once asked my father, “When we look at a deportation photograph, why were there only say three soldiers ordering a whole group of Armenians, and why didn’t they simply fight them and overtake a few soldiers as a group?” My father responded that it was because our leaders were killed first, that the average Armenian didn’t have guidance or a plan to overtake the soldiers. Maybe that wasn’t the only factor why they didn’t rebel, but I’m sure it was an important one. Now, today’s program, the way I’ve envisioned, is called celebrating life. On the remembrance day of our greatest tragedy we should respect and rightfully mourn the deaths of those who tragically perished in the atrocities of 1915. But, also on this day, we should come to emulate those who have contributed to society, a society whose government still exercises silence towards recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Those Armenians that despite hearing stories of their ancestor’s greatest struggle, or perhaps living it themselves, still mustered the

strength to pursue a life’s passion, and to make the world a better place for it. Now, I also want to dismiss the notion that this assembly simply demonstrates our success in the world. That isn’t the point. If I wanted to do that, I would write an essay about it and email it to everyone. But, today I want to instead provide a premise to my peers in school, whether they are just entering Rosemont, or graduating from Hoover, Clark or GHS. We have a silent contract. The moment we take our first breath, to the moment we breathe our last, we have a duty. We cannot be content with average; we cannot substitute self-improvement with complacency. Culturally, we are instilled the values of creativity, hard work, innovativeness, good citizenship, studiousness, common sense, and so on. If we didn’t, I would not be so humbled to mention all of these great contributors to society. But, I have to be honest, I don’t know if all of my fellow Armenian students realize their potential. I think it is time we raise the bar. But let me talk more about this contract, you see, my great-grandmother Anna was a survivor of the Armenian genocide and

I’m sure everyone here has someone like that, a survivor, in their family. She was uprooted from her home in Kessab and marched through the Syrian Desert to Jordan. Now, I can’t imagine the physical toll and the emotional scarring she must’ve endured through that time. In comparison, I am blessed with a loving home, good friends, the fact that I can come up here and speak to all of you is something I never would have imagined. But, none of this would ever have happened if my great-grandmother, didn’t make it. I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have these friends, I wouldn’t have this family, nothing. So when my great-grandmother decided that she was going to fight the odds, that was the moment I was truly born. I cannot do her justice in just one day. I exist because of her, one day of remembrance?! She fulfilled her end of the contract, she went through the pain and the suffering so I can exist, and let me tell you her suffering didn’t last a day or a month, but years, her life itself if you count the trauma of surviving the Genocide. So now I have a duty to make my life the best one, one where I am happy, one where I can achieve and reach and succeed,

one that when it ends, I can go to her in heaven and say that she didn’t endure in vain. And I challenge all of my peers to think in these terms. To look at our life as a blessing that not only God granted to us, but as a fortune that was earned by our predecessors. When we have so many Armenian Americans that are paradigms to society, and we have an obligation to serve those who came before us, there is one option only, and that is to become the best people we can be. In school, at home, on the field, in the office, it doesn’t matter. We have no excuse. There is no reason why we cannot be personifications of those values I mentioned earlier not only because they will make us happier as individuals, not only because it is the right thing to do for our family and our friends and to make them proud, but because we can and because we owe it to those that scarified their lives for us. We need leaders, and although today’s program is centered around those that have led and contributed to their fields, it isn’t so much about them anymore as it is about every student here, to live up to the expectation that isn’t set before them but that is set by them, voluntarily, to become the best people we can be in order to make our own lives, the lives of people around us, and of those around the world better, even when we are met with the most heinous of adversaries. Thank you.

Nor Or, May 12, 2016, No. 19 _N.O. Blank 5/11/16 4:45 PM Page 7

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